#line of action had some really cool hand refs
ghostgiving · 1 year
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conversations with a crisis line
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fatphobiabusters · 3 years
So I have a question about how weight gain/loss works and I can't find any studies that don't seem reductionist or oversimplifying.
So, I assume you guys and I both agree: weight gain and loss is way more complex than calories in - calories out. It HAS to be. For instance, I was underweight until I started taking certain medications which made me gain upwards of 70lbs in the span of a few years. My diet and activity levels have not changed. My mom eats worse than I do (legit she sometimes only eats sugary cereals and ice cream some days, I try to only eat whole grains in contrast because I like their taste better and they're more nutritious) and she's not nearly as fat as I am. I also exercised a lot for a good year or two and while I gained plenty of muscle weight my total amount of body fat didn't change.
Meanwhile a friend of mine is chronically underweight and we eat very similarly and have the same activity levels, and he actively LOSES weight if he doesn't eat upwards of 2000+ calories a day.
I know that's anecdotal evidence, but I hear very similar stories from many people and simplifying weight down to just calories seems like it's missing a whole big picture somewhere. The body obviously has some very complex systems in place regarding the storage of body fat and when it chooses to use it vs keep it.
Seeing as you guys are skeptical of reductionist science when it comes to body fat and weight, I was wondering if you had any studies or research on hand about how weight gain and loss actually works. It seems like a fascinating topic ripe for plenty of research and experiments regarding the biological pathways of how energy is stored and used, and why it uses fat stores sometimes and not others, and why it differs so greatly between people! It feels like if it were any other field people would be pouring grants and work into figuring out this really cool mystery but because it's about fat people nobody wants to bother.
So, we have posted a lot about this.
I recommend spending some time on @bigfatscience, since this is their actual area of expertise.
I’m also interested in this in a sciency way, but as a fat person I worry about ppl focusing too much on this and not on radical fat acceptance. It shouldn’t matter if someone is fat because they choose to eat a lot and do no exercise. That’s their right as a human.
I posted this graph [cw: o word] a while back. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start in thinking about weight systematically and in a more complex way.
-Mod Siarl
last time the embedded link didn’t work so I’m just putting it here in case that happens again.
I’m going to throw my tuppence-haypenny in here. Mod Siarl already gave an excellent answer, I just have my spleen to vent also 😎 engage RANT:
The calories-in/calories-out thing bugs me a LOT because it’s so simple for people to throw out, and takes FOREVER to debunk. It’s like a Gish-gallop debating tactic: make the other side look daft by casually dropping it into a discussion and watch the other side have to faff about with a big answer.
I don’t know if this comes up much in US education, but there’s an old adage:
“Physics can’t explain how a bumblebee is able to fly.”
It’s patent nonsense. Of course Physics can explain it. The problem is mis-stated: Physics, as taught to 15 year olds, is too simplistic to explain how a bumblebee is able to fly.
Physics, as taught to post-16 year olds and in higher education, is perfectly able to explain it.
Calories is EXACTLY like that, IMO.
“Just expand more calories than you take in and you’ll lose weight. SIMPLE.”
It’s an oversimplification of biological process that, yes as stated is technically correct but it bears no resemblance to reality. It’s mis-stated.
When you restrict calories, your body will react. The reaction varies on person, circumstance, metabolism, genetics and societal conditioning. It may include, but is not limited to:
‘Starvation’ mode: your body chemistry adapts to lower calorific intake and preps for a famine. Fat is one of the last things to go, because it’s your body’s last line of defence against starving to death. (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/starvation-mode#metabolism)
Depression/mental health. Not only are you depriving yourself of something that may make you happy (tasty food you like), you’re interfering with the societal use of food (social eating, with all its positive connotations for interaction), changing your body chemistry AND setting yourself up with a “I can’t have X otherwise I’m a bad person” mentality. (https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/general-health/dieting-mental-health.html - refs at bottom)
Decreased activity. Fewer calories == less energy. Body stays the same shape (https://www.livestrong.com/article/454212-fatigue-while-on-a-calorie-restricted-diet/).
Reduction in muscles. Fat’s your last line of defence against starving (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/calorie-restriction-risks#TOC_TITLE_HDR_7).
Fat loss. Yep, it might happen 🤷‍♀️ depends on all the factors above.
Weight gain. Guess what happens when the calorie counting ends? Your body tries to get back to its previous weight ASAP (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smart-people-don-t-diet/201501/5-lies-the-diet-industry).
Yes, there are also studies that show calorie restriction makes you smarter, live longer, able to jump tall buildings in a single bound and blah blah blah, all of which rely on self-reporting from subjects (which is laughably unreliable), small sample sizes (womp womp) and significant differences in the baseline stats of the participants (eg this gushing report https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/caloric-restriction-intelligence/ which buries these huge methodological faults in the ‘further questions’ section. FFS.)
Why the disparity? Why is slim evidence given SO much credence rather than correctly being interpreted as ‘hm, interesting. More research needed’?
Being fat is just taken as fact to be a problem. Any study showing otherwise is immediately analysed until someone can explain that the study was flawed (see the obesity paradox for this in action - what if we just discount any thin person with cancer? Job done. Now fatties look bad again. And there was much rejoicing.)
The reverse is true for any study on calorie restriction: any methodological flaws are buried in the footnotes, because it fits the narrative.
Whether being fat is healthy or not doesn’t matter. Your body, and changing it, take a long time and concerted effort for slow changes. You’re under no obligations to any of that and deserve to be allowed to live in peace with respect. Maybe you like being fat. Maybe you like your lifestyle. Maybe there are factors more important in your life than your weight. Maybe you accept you will die at the end regardless, so to an extent your just choosing between cancer, heart disease or Alzheimers (sorry for being flippant - that’s a big topic right there).
(Why is this ‘the narrative’? If I had to guess, I’d follow the money: public health is expensive, so any excuse to turn it into a problem of will power/individual deviancy is embraced by people who want their taxes lower rather than paying for healthcare for the masses.)
So yes. Calories-in/calories-out is twaddle is the take-away from my TED talk/rant 🤣
NOTE: I’m not a biologist, nutritionist, doctor or anything else. Always go to the study source, check the methodology, check the conclusions (which regularly get utterly misquoted when reported) and make up your own mind. Don’t take what I say as fact, because I might be completely backwards.
-- Mod K
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mimi-cee-hq · 4 years
Yahaba’s Type - Yahaba x Reader (Part 2 of 2)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Although Y/n was known as the clown friend, she wasn’t very comfortable around Yahaba. But that started to change when she saw him awkwardly practising his tosses by himself.
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Match-up Request:
Hi I’m here for a match up request~ I’m tall (about 1.80) with blonde middle length hair & light brown eyes I’m a bit plump (usually thin but lately I’ve put on some weight) & sometimes I get self conscious about it 😬 been playing volleyball for 10 years as a middle blocker & my team’s ace ☺️ I also enjoy drawing a lot whenever I have free time Im THAT clown friend who gets really happy whenever people laugh with my jokes & I try to cheer people up that way whenever I see someone being down -🦋
So I found out that actually can save my answers as drafts (but only in the app??). *shrugs* Still learning how to use Tumblr.
Yahaba’s Type - Yahaba x Reader
Words: 2,066
Yahaba took a glance at the second floor before their practice match had started. As they warmed up for the match, he felt like his serves and sets were on point today. He was glad that his setting practice with Y/n had paid off. Chiaki and Y/n decided to watch their game today when Chiaki heard about it. She wanted to know what kind of teammates Kyotani had and wondered how they treated him. Y/n came along as well, which was probably the first time she had ever watched their games. But there were times when he wondered if she should have come.
The match started off with Yahaba’s serve. After bouncing the ball a couple of times, he threw the ball in front of him and ran up to it for his jump serve. But as it hit the top of the net, he held his breath until the volleyball had fallen onto the opponent’s side of the court. He let out a sigh of relief. But that didn’t last long because he heard Y/n shouting at the top of her lungs. “Kya~~! You’re so cool, Yahaba!”
Yahaba quickly turned his head up to her direction to see her laughing her head off. He got a bit annoyed at her since he knew she was just messing around. She wouldn’t have been impressed by his jump serve because she knew how to do one as well. Also, getting a point from a net serve already wasn’t very cool in itself. She was probably just mimicking Oikawa’s fan girls that he had told her about. Now he regretted ever telling her about them.
He gave her a smirk just before his next serve. He made sure she was still watching him. His next serve was a powerful one that he aimed at the other team’s spike-haired libero. When the libero missed his serve, he gave Y/n a smug grin. In response, she gave him a thumbs up and smiled.
“Well someone is showing off again,” said Kindaichi. Yahaba straightened up, remembering that he was in the middle of a match.
“What did you expect?” commented Kunimi. “He’s always been like that.”
As Yahaba got the ball back and walked back to the serving line, Y/n yelled out, “You’d better not miss your next serve!” She then said with a laugh, “Otherwise I’ll expose all of your secrets!”
Yahaba flinched at the thought. He didn’t want his team to know how much he had been practising outside of their usual practices.
“Since when have they been close?” Watari asked Kyotani. He just shrugged in response.
Yahaba didn’t expect them to notice that they were more comfortable with each other now. But with how Y/n was treating him, he shouldn’t have been surprised. The two of them had unintentionally continued to practise with each other for the past few months. He wasn’t planning on continuing their practices together, but he saw how much he had improved because of them.
When their opponents were able to get their first point, Seijoh got ready to receive their serve and attack. But when Yahaba set the ball to Kyotani, it was too high for him to reach. Luckily, Kunimi was somehow able to cover for him, even though it gave the other team a chance ball.
The next few times Yahaba tried to set, he kept on messing up. His fingers felt stiff. He didn’t know what was wrong because he had felt great during the warm up. Yahaba started to feel frustrated because he knew he was failing his team and they needed him. He was now their starting setter and captain. How were they supposed to beat Karasuno the next time around if he was already screwing up this match? He started to wonder if all of the extra practice with Y/n was useless.
Suddenly, he heard Y/n yell out a cheer. “Go, go, let’s go, let’s go, Dateko!”
The court was silent as they stared at the second floor to where Y/n stood. The Seijoh players were the first to break the silence with their laughter.
“What the heck is wrong with her?” said Kindaichi while he laughed hard enough for tears to come out of his eyes.
“Not only is she not cheering for us, but we’re not even playing against Dateko!” added Watari as he held his stomach while laughing.
Yahaba covered his laughter with his mouth. He also found it hilarious but he was equally embarrassed by her. She must have noticed that he was starting to panic. The rest of the team was doing well except for him
As the rest of the court continued to laugh, Y/n justified her actions by saying that their cheer was catchy. She even sang along when her own team played a match against them. She thought it was a lot better than their school’s cheer.
Yahaba then saw the referee remove the whistle from her mouth and turned to Y/n. “Y/n! If you disrupt this match again, you’ll be kicked out and you’ll have to run a hundred laps around the school during next practice!”
Y/n stood up straight and replied, “Yes, ma'am!” She pretended to zip her mouth to show that she had understood.
“I forgot that we got the girls’ team’s coach as the ref,” Kindaichi mentioned to Kunimi.
“If she’s the team’s captain, it must be pretty chaotic with her there,” added Kunimi.
Yahaba felt a bit of second-hand embarrassment from what Y/n just did. But because of her joke, he was able to calm down.
He realized how cold his fingers were. As he breathed on his hands, he remembered when he had jammed his fingers at the community center. Y/n had taken his hands and worried over them. He remembered how soft and warm her hands had been. So even though Yahaba had been trying to warm up his hands, he felt his cheeks heat up instead.
After the practice match had ended, Yahaba walked off the court and grabbed his water bottle for a drink. Y/n walked down from the second floor and the tall middle blocker from the other team approached her.
“We should go to the udon place that’s nearby,” stated the intimidating guy with a large build.
“Oh,” said Y/n with a nervous smile. “I’m not really interested.”
“But it’s really good!” he continued to insist.
Yahaba walked up to the guy who was pestering Y/n and tried to stare him down even though he was more than two meters tall. “She said she’s not interested,” Yahaba sternly told him. It’s not like he hadn’t dealt with troublesome people before. He didn’t want Y/n to deal with him by herself.
“What are you doing?” asked Y/n as she raised an eyebrow. “He’s a friend from junior high.” She continued to explain that a group of them were planning a reunion. She had said she wasn’t interested because she didn’t really like udon. She was more of a rice person.
“Ugh, this is so embarrassing,” Yahaba thought to himself.
“Sorry Hyakuzawa,” Y/n apologized with a smile. Kindaichi and Kunimi snickered at Yahaba for trying to be cool. He just told them to shut up.
As Yahaba walked away from the scene, Kyotani leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. “So what happened to having a type?” he asked with a smirk. He still held a grudge against him after all these months.
“Ugh, I don’t have one, okay?” Yahaba responded in frustration.
After another night at the community center, Y/n plopped on her bed out of exhaustion. Her mom scolded her to at least take a shower. She did what she was told and got ready for bed. She checked her phone and saw a couple of texts from Yahaba.
Yahaba: Did you get home okay?
Yahaba: Since you’re not replying, I’ll just go sleep now. Night.
There was also another text that had appeared about an hour later.
Yahaba: I hope you dream of me
Y/n especially blushed at the last one. She didn’t remember him being a flirt. She knew there was no way he meant that. But a silly grin still formed on her mouth as she tried to lay on her bed to sleep. Unfortunately, it turned out that she was right. The next morning she saw one more text from him.
Yababa: I’m sorry! My sister texted that! Ignore that last one!
She knew that she should have known better. She sighed. It was harder to get over her growing crush on him.
She took a second look at the texts. She realized that he must have been exhausted for his sister to have the opportunity to use his phone. She wondered if they should cut down on their practices together.
Later at school, Y/n asked Chiaki if she was still free to come over for some home karaoke. She replied that she was.
“Can I come?” asked Kyotani.
Y/n had to blink a few times before she excitedly asked, “You want to sing?! Are you serious?!”
“No, I want to watch Chiaki sing.” Kyotani replied.
“Well that makes a lot more sense,” she laughed.
“Did you want to come?” Kyotani asked Yahaba.
“Why would I want to come?” asked Yahaba.
“You should come too! It’ll be fun!” said Y/n.
Kyotani didn’t really care was his response would be so he started to walk away with Chiaki. But Yahaba decided to tag along anyway.
When they arrived at Y/n’s house, her dad greeted Yabaha. But he flinched when Kyotani realized that he had been going to the community center.
“I guess your secret is out,” laughed Y/n. Since Kyotani knew her dad as well, he nodded to greet him.
The four of them sat in the living room. Kyotani and Chiaki sat on the large couch and Yahaba took the other end. Y/n set up the karaoke machine.
Chiaki sang a ballad beautifully. Y/n belted out a different song and sung badly on purpose. “Yay! I got a 68!” cheered Y/n. Her best friend found the whole thing hilarious like usual. Yahaba wondered why he came in the first place.
When Chiaki started to whistle to one of the songs, Y/n tried to whistle too. She couldn’t whistle at all. But she was being stubborn and kept trying anyway.
“You look stupid,” said Yahaba. “You’re getting your spit everywhere.” In response, she purposely got closer to him to tease him some more. “Ugh! Stop doing that!”
But Y/n still didn’t stop. It was kind of fun annoying him and the other two found it hilarious. Yahaba didn’t know how to make her stop. So he kissed her.
Y/n froze. She didn’t understand what had just happened. Yahaba smirked at her. But then his attempt to look cool failed him and his face became just as red as hers.
“W- What was that?!” Y/n freaked out. “Why would you do that?!” She tried to cover her blush with her hands. “You should only do that to someone you like!”
Yahaba looked away as he replied, “So it’s fine then.” He hid his face with his hands when Y/n realized that he admitted to liking her.
“B- But,” she continued to panic, “I’m not even your type.”
“I don’t have a type anymore,” he replied. “It’s just you.”
For once, Y/n was silent. She was trying to process the whole thing. She never expected Yahaba to like her back. She then smiled at the thought that he liked her enough for his type to be irrelevant over these past few months.
She took the seat beside him and inched a bit closer. The two still couldn’t make eye contact with each other. They both tried to steal a glance from each other, but when their eyes met, they quickly turned away again. Kyotani and Chiaki just stared at their awkwardness.
“Yahaba,” Y/n’s dad said in a deep voice. Y/n and Yahaba both flinched, not realizing that her dad was there. “I was wondering when you’d finally say something,” he said with a smirk.
Extras that didn’t fit in the story:
Since Yahaba likes ikura don and Y/n likes rice dishes, they eat it all the time on dates.
Kyotani is actually pretty observant since he was conscious of his old teammates talking behind his back. But because he’s stubborn, reckless and just does his own thing anyway, it doesn’t really show through.
Chiaki is the cunning, protective type that looks innocent, but only Kyotani and Y/n know that.
I wanted Y/n to be the daughter of the guy from the community center who watched the Seijoh vs Karasuno match. But if she was, Y/n would have a (last) name. lol.
I hope you liked it! I actually had a hard time getting “clown funny” down. Other types of funny come more naturally to me (like sarcastic, teasing, and punny.) So I got some ideas from the webtoon Odd Girl Out with Mirae as a character model.
I also had a working name for Y/n because I write better that way. I might also post on fanfiction.net with the working name because they technically don’t allow reader-inserts. But I might not do it because it’s more work. lol. I actually initially started posting stories on FFN.
Check out my other stories too. :) I’m hoping to build a collection of them with all of the requests.
[Part 1] [Part 2]
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have you seen the finale
hi friend 
I have seen the final and holy pyjama lama 
I have some thoughts.
things i liked
1- Alex!!!
I loved her suit the black and blue, nice ( it ties in well with the superAlex look) also until further notice i will be calling her ‘Blue Bird’ (although i do agree it looks nightwing ish, I just love dick grayson to much to “take the name” from him) i also like that it goes well with Nia’s white and blue. 
so in future line ups its bule and white (nia) black and blue (alex) blue and red (kara) black and red (J’onn/Megan) , so that’s cool that they have team colours mixed between them. it also make brainy stand out with his purple which is a mix of red and blue so i found all of that really neat.
another thing I adored in this ep was that Alex wanted Kara to see her in the suit first and alone (behind the curtain) it was such a nice sister moment (that i have been missing this season) and its Alex ‘returning the favour’ as being the first to know about Kara. so it was a moment that was so sweet i actually had to pause for a second cause it was just to perfect.
and everything with her and Kelly was so cool and fun
2- Nia using her dream powers, god i have missed them, and her ‘day dreaming’ was nice to see again. She was also bad ass this ep.
3- Megan!! i did not know how much i missed her until she came back. i don’t know why she showed up out of the blue but i love her to much to care (if i had to guess it was to have another strong fighter character’ so that Melissa could stay away from action scenes without the team being under powered) 
the way she talked to Nia was so sweet and nice, big space mom energy. 
and the way she talked about J’onn was nice to, talking about both of their flaws and mistakes they made (lying about being a white martian and J’onn’s reaction) so it was nice to have that acknowledged. plus she was just seamless character into this group like she has been there all season so that was great.  
4- J’onn the gossip space dad loves to chat about his girls and that is just a nice touch to his character (and his relationship with Megan)
5- and this might be a hot take but i like how Kara treated and talked to Lena in the ep, not cruel or unfair but with honesty and a bit reserved, when she went off at Lena i literally yelled “finally”. when she said something along the lines of ‘i made one mistake and then you spent all this time to hurt me in every single way’ that felt so good to hear like FUCKING YES
6- Brainy’s ( for the sake of time Meghan’s brainy is being called M-brainy)
i love and hated this part of the ep. like brainy pushing through all the pain to get the job done was soooo good and heart breaking. M-brainy was perfect to bring back for this (and a nice surprise). You could feel the sibling love between them.
the amount of pain he was willing to suffer and then Nia talking about not trusting him after his changes is so painful (in a good way).
when he said ‘i don’t want to die alone’ in the bar is such a tender moment that i could watch it a hundred times and it will still hit the same way. 
and when they held hands and had the ‘will you stay with me’ ‘until the very end’
(side note: 1-good call back ref, 2- i love that they used James line and not lily/snape’s ‘always’ i love alan rickan but snape’s character is super dice-y, plus James line always hits me in a way that i can only describe as a ‘Tolkening’ way, like gentle love that could warm a whole kingdom, kind of deal, just listen to billy boyd’s ‘the last goodbye’ that’s the feeling i’m talking about)
Lex coming in and taking the bottle is so hurtful and terrible and my heart hurts at that scene. (Lex is a bitch)  
Brainy, who’s character is built on compassion and love for others (despite outward appearances) is alone at what he thinks is the end, and no one knows what he did to protect them and is gone with out a goodbye or a even a fond ‘final memory’ of him for them to hold on to.   
he just goes into the night quietly thinking its what he deserves, it is honestly one of the reasons i love his character (comic or otherwise) is that quiet side to him, he is arrogant, smart-mouthed even insensitive but when things effect him quietly and deeply. and it is in the quiet where he shows love, even if no one understands it or even sees it. (i love him)     
(they better save him or i will burn this whole fandom to the ground.)
Ok now on to the things that bugged me
1- Lex is a bitch (Jon is killing it though) 
I hate, hate, hate that he ‘planed’ for brainy to bottle them and then take it from him like for fuck sake can someone anyone get this guy bitch-slap please 
like I was fine with him ‘winning the day’ but I wanted him to be surprised or at least bested in SOME WAY like damn no one is that good 
and brainy IS SMARTER THEN HIM!!!
it was fine for like the first half of the season (first of the second half? whatever) but to not have a SINGLE THING go wrong for him is just bullshit 
let him underestimate brainy, let people one up him but not in a way that will completely stop him but in a way that he has to rethink how he moves forward.
the perfectness of Lex is getting annoying now. (which ironically is the most common complaint about the superfam in general)
2- (Might be another hot take) Kara just forgave Lena at the end 
like what? really she does one day of probation and that’s that. after a whole season months and mouths of backstabbing and betrayal and TRYING to kill Kara and then having the nerve to BLAME her for it.
“look what you’ve done”  to Kara and not ‘look what I’ve done for you’
I’m not saying she should not have a redemption I just think it needed to be like more earned then literally just making a suit and standing in the way of like one not so good assassin.
i think Kara should have been more of ‘I can’t forgive you yet, but i want us to work towards it, if your willing.’
cause that “you proved yourself at every turn, I was not ready to forgive you yet but i am now”
like WTF,  
i am legitimately horrified by how quick that was. like work towards it, that is all i ask.    
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cyanogastra · 5 years
drowning in the depths of you (don’t save me)
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | Read on: AO3
Chapter 4: Another One Can’t Hurt
A certain character appears for the first time in the story. He Tian gives Guan Shan a surprise visit the night after the incident.
The aroma of green tea leaves permeates the air. He Tian taps his foot slowly, watching as the water vapor escapes from the mouth of his teacup. The tendrils rise all the way up to the vast expanse of the high ceiling.
Across him, Jian Yi takes a small sip of his tea, holding it with delicate fingers. He looks at He Tian with doe eyes, near transparent white orbs that would have looked disconcerting to any other man.
Small light footsteps resound through the high arcs of the manse. He Tian turns his head to the sound and sees a graying old dwarf walk towards the sala, coming to a stop as he hefts a tray of biscuits on top of the coffee table. He Tian nods at him to show his gratitude.
“So…I heard your dad is close to dying?” The man across him blurts out, tone inquisitive as if he was asking a mundane question. He Tian shrugs in response.
“Young master, please do not be so blunt.” The old man replies as he arranges the cutlery, tone strict albeit roughened with age. Jian Yi huffs, not taking the reprimand. He Tian gives the elder a curt smile.
“Thank you sir. If only Jian Yi could find it in himself to learn a few wise things from you.” He replies, shooting Jian Yi a teasing glance. The other man sticks his tongue out in kind. The old man gives Jian Yi a reproaching look before leaving, shaking his head in exasperation.
Jian Yi huffs, tossing his head to the side with a flip of his hair. “What happens now?” He says after a sip, trying to go back to the issue at hand.
“Cheng-ge wants me to go back to Shenzhen.” He Tian replies, reaching out to wrap a hand around the teacup. He brings it to his lips, keeping his eyes on the other man to see him raising an eyebrow.
“Oh really now?" Jian Yi replies in a tilted tone. "When do you plan to leave?” He continues, to which He Tian just shakes his head.
Jian Yi sighs. “Of course. You never listen to him.”
He then uses the moment to rearrange his position on the recliner, body shimmying as he let his legs dangle over the chair’s arm. He Tian watches him, amused. The tea in Jian Yi's cup sloshes over the edge and almost spills over his hand.
"How are you doing right now?" Jian Yi asks him. He Tian chuckles humorlessly.
"You know the answer to that."
Jian Yi nods with a hum. Long years spent with each other has granted him the knowledge about the true nature of the He family, and of the relationship between the father and his sons.
“Where’s your knight?” He Tian questions, shifting the topic. The other man’s lips curl up in an instant.
“Xixi is in med-school right now.” Jian Yi replies with a smile, facing He Tian with excited eyes. “He's been burying his nose in his books lately. So much that it’s been a while since I’ve seen him...” He trails off somberly with pouted lips.
“Hey now, you’re making me jealous." He downs the rest of his tea before continuing. "The media is saying we’re engaged to each other, you know.” He says, smirking, as he put his cup back on the table, the china clinking as it made contact with the hardwood.
Jian Yi’s face contorts at his words, cringing exaggeratedly.
"Uuugh! Why did you have to say that!" Jian Yi groans, running a hand over his face. He Tian laughs at him.
“So gross! I don’t even—why would I want to be with a cruel man like you?” He continues, the tone of his voice rising in indignance. He Tian rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything in return. He leans back into the recliner instead.
Cruel, huh?  The word doesn't prick at him, but it sends his mind spiralling back to yesterday’s event. He remembers the scalding rush of anger as he laid his eyes on the men who attacked Guan Shan. Dark, heavy promises had settled within his veins then, a promise to protect, and a promise to hurt if need be.
Still, nothing could fully distract him from replaying the split second of glimpse of Guan Shan’s seemingly inhuman body. He knows he shouldn’t jump into conclusions, but that doesn’t mean he should just forget.
And if his eyes did not lie to him, it meant that last night's attack wasn't just a simple run-in with thugs. It was, very likely, a failed kidnapping attempt.
Conflicted emotions bloom in his chest, suddenly feeling uncertain with himself and his course of action.
If I ask him, would he push me away? He thinks to himself, for once tasting the bitter pang of doubt.
“Earth to He Tian? Hello? You seem to be in deep thought out there.” Jian Yi calls him. He Tian blinks back at him.
“I can feel your uneasiness all the way from here you know.” Jian Yi continues, one finger twirling a strand of his pale hair. "Something bothering you?"
Those all-seeing white eyes observe him closely. He Tian breathes out a slow exhale. He knows he can’t fully hide anything from Jian Yi, the fae could easily tell his emotions just by feeling the thrums of his heart.
Once, there was a time when he had been wary of the other man’s natural ability. It was only through years and years of trust did he finally grow to take comfort in it.
“Nothing much. It’s just that I met someone new, that’s all.” He replies, pouring himself more tea. A half-truth that rolls easily off his tongue.  
Jian Yi jolts, eyes widening as he scrambled to face He Tian, mouth opening to let out an undignified sound that contrasted greatly with his otherwise elegant beauty.
“Excuse me, what did you say? Who?” Jian Yi asks urgently, leaning forward. His chair makes a shrill noise as it scratches the floor.
He Tian brings the cup to his lips, sipping slowly. Jian Yi wails at him to spill.
Guan Shan wakes up from a dreamless sleep.
He feels around for his phone, eyes squinting as the glare from the display illuminated his face. The time reads ’11:12 PM’.
He sits up with a groan, his body aching from post-sleep. He feels the burn of his parched throat as he swallows.
He steps out of his bedroom, phone in hand, and finds that his mother had already retired for the night. Inside the ref he sees the dinner she prepared just a few hours prior. He reheats the casserole on the stove for a few minutes and eats up unceremoniously.
When he has sated his hunger, he goes to the bath to wash up. He’s midway through brushing his teeth when he hears his phone ring on the dining table.
Brows furrowed, he checks the caller ID. He’s unsurprised to see the name that flashes through the screen. He answers the phone with a flick of his finger, toothbrush still stuck inside his mouth.
“ ‘vat’s zup?” He says to the man on the other side of the call. He Tian lets out a laugh.
“Say what, Red?” The other man replies just as Guan Shan moves to the sink to wash his mouth.
“Why did you call?” Guan Shan says clearly this time, pressing his phone back to his ear.  
“I wanted to check on you.”
The reply takes him off guard. Guan Shan takes a moment to answer, leaning his head back to one of the kitchen cabinets.
“I’m alright. You didn’t have to check on me.” He tells him, to which He Tian replies with a low hum. Guan Shan knows the other man doubts his answer. For some reason, he feels embarrassed at the concern.
I'm not a weak a little thing...
The line is quiet for several moments. He waits patiently, cradling the phone close to his ear as he waits for He Tian to speak.
“I know it’s already midnight, but can you come out for a bit?”
Guan Shan lets out a ‘huh?’ in confusion. He hears a sharp intake of breath at the other end.
Wait, don’t tell me...
“I’m parked outside.”
He almost drops his phone in surprise. “Huh? What? Are you serious?” Guan Shan asks back, incredulous, drawing his phone back from his ear for a moment to check at the time. At this fucking hour…
“It won’t take too long.”
Guan Shan blinks, once, twice, before sighing, running a hand over his hair. He looks down at what he's wearing, five-year old jersey shorts and a faded shirt, before he tells himself to ‘fuck it’.
The metal creaks under his weight as he descends down the flight of stairs. Oddly, the uneasy feeling in his gut rises with every step he takes. The cool night air pricks at his skin, as if to increase the sudden nervousness he felt.
He Tian’s car was parked right next to the apartment complex. He taps on the window once, ducking to peer into the tinted glass. He Tian gestures at him to enter.
He slips in without a word. Beside him, under the dim lighting of the lamp post adjacent to the car, He Tian flashes his signature smirk.
He notices that He Tian was dressed down to black shirt and gray sweatpants. A stark contrast from the usual three-piece he wears—no silver watch to blink at him from He Tian’s wrist, no expensive musk of a perfume whose name he cannot bother to pronounce.
Guan Shan pauses, not accustomed to the sight. He's so used to seeing He Tian dressed up, he almost thought he slept in expensive suits as well.
The current He Tian is much more preferable, Guan Shan admits to himself.
“I wanted to see you.” He Tian tells him, hand coming to rest on Guan Shan’s elbow. The warmth of his touch spreads on his skin.
“It’s the dead of the night, asshole.” Guan Shan replies with a glare, not making a move to remove He Tian's hand. The other man breathes out a chuckle, his free hand reaching up to mess at his fringe.
“Yeah, sorry. I don’t really have an excuse.” He Tian tilts his head at him, his smile looking a little sheepish. Guan Shan huffs.
He inhales deeply, bracing himself for what he has to say. He breaks his gaze away from He Tian, redirecting his eyes to his lap. “I’m fine. I’m really grateful for what you did yesterday.” There was no need to expound on what he meant. “I meant what I said, I’m indebted to you.”
A few seconds pass by, the car’s engine purring softly somewhere behind them. Guan Shan wrings his hands together in anxiety.
“You don’t have to worry about it. I’d help you again and again if I could.” He Tian replies, voice soft. At that moment he meant to say more, a want, a need, rather, to protect Guan Shan to the best of his ability.
Guan Shan chews at his lip, butterflies settling within as he took in He Tian’s words. Gratitude was not enough to describe what he felt,
Trust. He supposes he can give the other man just that. Months of relentless pursuit, teasing but not once overstepping his boundaries, genuine words and actions, seeking and courting him with unwavering dedication. And when he had needed him most, he had been there.
Guan Shan wants to, chooses to believe in He Tian.
He Tian’s arm reaches up to curl around his shoulder. The action brings them closer, and briefly Guan Shan feels his face heat up. He Tian runs a thumb on the bruise at his neck, his  touch gentle as to not exert pressure. Guan Shan is suddenly stricken with self-consciousness. He attempts to cover the bruises with his hand, although He Tian gently pushes it away.
“It’s fine, it will disappear in a few days.” He says, a weak attempt to quell the other man’s worrying gaze. The furrow between He Tian's brows doesn't let up.
“What happened, exactly?” He Tian says suddenly. Guan Shan flinches, not because of the suddenness of the question, but because it was the question that he was dreading to answer.
He inhales and exhales once, preparing for the next lie. “Nothing. They were trying to mug me or something.” He desperately hopes that was enough.
Another one can’t hurt.
He observes He Tian’s reaction, waiting for any sign of disbelief or confusion. The other man’s eyes were downcast, expression unreadable as he contemplated on what to say. He Tian doesn’t reply in what feels like a long time.
“It’s not nothing, Red. Things could have gotten worse.”
Guan Shan nods, swallowing hard. He was right in many ways he doesn't know. Still, he feels immense relief at the fact that he was alright at the moment, sitting beside He Tian outside of his home, the light of the sun still waiting for him at the dawn.
They stay in the same position for a while. He Tian reaches in his pocket and pulls out a pack—‘Sobranie Black Russian’ Guan Shan reads. He’s never seen that one in convenience stores. He relinquishes his hold around Guan Shan and offers him a stick, to which Guan Shan accepts after a beat’s consideration.
He Tian rolls the windows down as they light up the cigarettes. Guan Shan sucks in slowly, relief flooding in  through his system along with the bitter coolness of nicotine. He doesn’t do this often, in fact, he can count the number of packs he has bought using both hands.
“Our date got ruined, you know.” He Tian says after an exhale, white clouds of carbon dancing just outside the car window.
Guan Shan raises an eyebrow and gives the other man a blithering glare. He Tian smiles back coyly in return.
“What? I was looking forward to it. Don’t tell me you weren’t.” He Tian teases back with a wink. Guan Shan rolls his eyes and places the cig back between his lips.
“So…ready for take two?” He Tian presses on, expectant. Guan Shan doesn’t answer right away, letting the menthol wash over him as he exhaled. He Tian uses that moment to reach for his hand, fingers intertwining with Guan Shan’s bony ones. He gives him a slight squeeze.
A promise. A reassurance.
Guan Shan shrugs. “Sure, whatever.” He says as nonchalantly as he could. He Tian beams, showing off a dimpled smile.
The sight pulls up a small grin at the corner of his lips.
"Don't get so happy about it." He tells the other man, squeezing his hand just as He Tian did.
"Hmm? What do you mean, Red?" He Tian replies, eyes still curled like half-moons.
"You're like an excited dog."
He Tian's expression morphs into a questioning one, one eyebrow curling upwards. Guan Shan really can't help it, he finds it to be...cute.
He shakes his head with a small smile.
Outside the car windows, a gentle breeze sweeps over, blowing the traces of smoke away. The obsidian night sky hangs above them, their figures illuminated only by the dim glow of a lamp post.
Like this, Guan Shan felt at peace for the first time since yesterday's night.
Reblog please! Leave your comments either through here or on ao3!! You can also send me messages for discourse, and whatever *chu*
*pounds gavel* He Tian has dimples. Fight me. I have smoked exactly once and it wasn't even legit. Maybe I should start smoking? For research purposes? Lol.
"Guan Shan nods, swallowing hard. He was right in many ways he doesn't know." Unreliable narrator here. Of course Guan Shan doesnt know that He Tian knows some stuff.
I'm so sorry I'm so late. I got swamped by org work and shit. I'll try to work on the next update right away, but I can't guarantee an immediate upload. Also, what do you guys think about the current situation in HK?
October 23, revision of fourth chapter. Had to work on the narrative structure of the first part since it felt awkward when I read it. Hope the story flows better now.
July 8, 2020. Revised some stuff. Uploading a new chapter because my metaphysical self held my physical self at gunpoint.
Chapter 5
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erenaeoth · 5 years
MK11 Thoughts
absolutely rammed with spoilers, under the cut.
Cool stuff:
subs and scorp being not assholes to each other
Bi-Han calling Kuai little brother
shao kahn's response when d'vorah says she killed mileena. (”I will kill u”)
the shaolin monks game refs
how pissed off Johnny is with his younger obnoxious self
Kano getting a full crotch punch
Also the fact that Johnny has no jokes for Kano, only full on anger
Scorpion coming out of his house with little bells ringing to see what all the fuss is about
spelling the Kolliseum with a K even in the subtitles
how sexy sheeva looks
the number of times people stop Shao Kahn from executing Kotal Kahn
the sheer number of clothed women with powerful roles in this story. especially Kotal handing the throne to Kitana, I was hoping thats where this was going.
People having heart to hearts that end with an unexpected monstrosity entering stage left.
Raiden exitting every scene in the most dramatic way possible.
People hiding important shit in underground castles underneath their overground castles.
the beautiful face graphics but terrible water animations
Bi-Han's new multiple shadow clone jutsu
Bi-Han claiming he doesn't lose, even though I'm pretty sure he's lost every canonical fight he's fought as Noob Saibot.
Bi-Han implying that he wants his death re-written and erased from history (implying he wants to be Subs again?)
D'vorah's creepy backwards bug walk.
Hanzo being generally adorable.
The cool Armageddon refs and pyramid.
I like merged Raiden-Liu Kang. and his awesome white tattoos.
t-rex running across the scene
NRS promised us this wouldn't be another MK rewrite, but uh. They've kinda got another blank slate and we're left with no sense of any consequences to anyone’s actions.
Also - the only Lin Kuei story we got was a rewrite of what happened in the MKX comics. What was the point of bringing back Frost and Bi-Han if they served no importance in the story and had no real confrontation with Kuai Liang. Real disappointed by that, even if they did some nice (non-canonical) endings for them (Bi-Han really? u so dramatic. Kuai's was beautiful though. uh sonya’s was so cringy. Kitana’s was neat).
So yeah, game seems cool. I mean, I’ve been getting by with 2 lines of Subs bros dialogue and now I’ve got a few more lines to play with. But ugh tbh I’m mostly disappointed. Lots of cool development for some characters (although how much of it remains given that we have no idea what the next timeline will be), but I’m a big fan of the Lin Kuei and all their stories suffered in this game - given that they handed us so many cool Lin Kuei characters back, it would have been nice to see some real story with them.
We do get some neat lore from the dialogues at least:
Kuai and Bi-Han’s grandfather was called Sub-Zero
Kuai recognising his reflection as his Grandfather, implying he new him in life
Smoke is still in Netherrealm
Frost wanting Bi-Han as Grandmaster then deciding against it pretty quick
first name basis Bi-Han and Hanzo oof
also some classic Bi-Han wit creeping back in there
(drama goth queen saying he’s not lonely because the darkness is his friend)
confirmed distinction between wraith and revenant
also how come everyone in the world knows Bi-Han’s true name now? Did anyone notice him being called Noob Saibot in game? I think the emphasis on his real name might be an effort to send the pun name into the background.
Sektor is A-OK with women joining the Lin Kuei as long as they renounce all humanity and become a killer robot like him
Frost has good puns and I should update my text blog to reflect her great humour.
I’m glad what I could glean of Bi-Han’s character from the other games is consistent with all his MK11 dialogues. Lots of this is about him sorry I havn’t seen him in 8 years and I’ve written too much about him in the mean time.
Anyway, I still have the rest of the dialogues and some of the endings to watch, but there’s my initial thoughts.
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franeridart · 6 years
Do you care for any of the dekusquad?
I care for most if not all hero-related characters in bnha! But if with care you mean if any dekusquad member is between my favorite characters/if I care enough about any of them to draw them more than once every blue moon, then my Todoroki tag might tip you off, there lol
Anon said:Will you ever draw Bakukamikiri again? I rlly loved how you did them!!
Thank you!!! And I think I will, though I don’t have any project to do so in the near future, sorry!
Anon said:Soo KyouHaba day (6/16) is coming up and was wondering if you could do some seijoh next gen stuff. Yahaba is often forgot about a and Kyoutani isn’t really included in a lot of Aoba Johsai stuff. Feel free to not do anything just suggesting something
Aw sorry anon but I don’t have the time to do day-themed stuff right now! KyoHaba is currently the hq ship I’m most likely to draw for, though, since they’re the only ones I’m still reading fics for! So I don’t think any will come around 6/16, but I don’t exclude I might draw them anyway in the near future! :D
Anon said:Omg your taking part in a zine!! I’m so excited! And it’s a BakuSquad one too! Ik I’m definitely going to be buying it when pre-orders open up!
I’m taking part in TWO zines, actually!! Both the @takemyhandzine and the @sixthwheelzine !!!!! I’ll be making comics for both, and if you do decide to buy either I really hope you’ll like them!!!!
Anon said:whats a zine?
In general, a zine is an amatorially published magazine! Specifically tho here we’re talking about fanzines, so magazines put together and published by fans for other fans! The ones I’m taking part in are both about kiribaku, and will include both fanart (fancomics included) and fanfics! Depending on how much you wish to spend on it, you can also buy a bundle with fanmade merch too, and the Sixth Wheel zine is gonna have a pdf version too, in case you’d prefer to buy it like that! They’re super cool projects I’m insanely happy I got invited to take part in!!!!
Anon said:Your art style is so pretty and I love to see your amazing bnha drawing on my dash
There is literally no way I could ever stop being into d gray man ever and I’m also still following hq’s manga, yes! I dunno if and when I’ll draw for either fandom next, tho, sorry! ;^;
Anon said:Everytime you draw kiribaku I gain 1 life,,,,, tysm I love ur art SM ur such an inspiration,,,💖💖💖
Oh my g o d s thank you so much ;^;
Anon said:Your Kiridragon is the cutest, I love him and want Katsuki to protect him forever. Thank you for sharing that last story with us!!! (Ps. Can we expect more Kiridragon adventures in the future? *puppy eyes*)
Thank you for liking him!!!!!! And if you’re talking about the fantasy AU in general, I’ll 100% for sure draw more for it! If you’re talking about them as kids tho I can’t say for sure - I definitely want to, tho, right now!! ;^;
Anon said:As a suggestion, could you maybe do Kiri*Deku, whether it be romantic, platonic, or misinterpreted by Bakugou and he takes Kirishima because that’s his sunshine boy thank you very much, get your own
Aw anon sorry but krdk is…………. really not my thing, so I don’t take suggestions for it ;-; I might end up doodling them in the future anyway since I have in the past, but that’s only gonna be if I find an idea I really really really wanna draw, I’m sorry
Anon said:Just wanted to say that I love your art and I just went through a majority of your blog. But I noticed you used to draw erasermic but haven’t recently and I was wondering if you still ship it??? It’s okay if you don’t or if you just haven’t gotten the inspiration recently, I’m just curious. Anyways, keep doing what you do and being amazing
Thank youuuu!!!!! And I’ve actually always drawn erasermic super sporadically! They’re one of my main ships in the fandom honestly, but since they’re sorta hard to draw for me I rarely end up drawing them? I do still love them with all my heart tho! You can expect to see more of them in the future, for sure ;u;
Anon said:I came for my kiribaku fix (it HAD to be him I’m dying all over again) but. God ur art always blows me tf away ur so good and skilled and ur improvement in like… everything inspires me SO much so bless u and I hope u have a WONDERFUL day
I’m so glad I can inspire anyone, oh my g o o o o o o d ;O; thank you so so much!!!!
Anon said:Wow your dragon kiribaku art is so cute! Will there be a sequel!
Not for the immediately after, for now! Since Horikoshi is yet to give me the official design for Kiri’s mom //sob - but as I said up there I do want to draw more with them as kids in the fantasy AU, so maybe, yeah!!!
Anon said:I absolutely love EVERY SINGLE facial expression that Bakugou makes in your Fantasy Babies comic strip. He’s such an unapologetic little shit.
THANK YOU!!!!! I was mostly trying to convey the fact that he’s too young to think about the consequences of his actions before doing stuff like calling the rage of a dragon mom upon his city l m a o glad you liked him!!! :D
Anon said:The way you draw the baby bois has me weak 💖💕❤️💗💞💓💝 That baby dragon Kiri 💯💯💯💖💖💖😊😊😊
Thank you so muuuuuucccchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:EYYYYY! Love your art, the newest comic made me laugh so hard that I almost chocked to death :D (Jk, I just couldn’t breathe normally) God bless youuuuuuuuuu
I’m SUPER HAPPY it made you laugh!!!!!! heck!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;^;
Anon said:You content makes my heart go doki doki doki doki doki
THANK!!!! YOU!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:the way you draw wings is so cool, i love it. your art is just amazing in ggeneral to be honest, like akjdjkhdlkdl
AAAAHHHHHHHH I’M HAPPY YOU LIKE THEM I have so much fun drawing them, honestly!!!
Anon said:I love the fact that mina and kiri are cannonically childhood friends (middle school counts as childhood right??) Like I love their friendship so much and they both deserve the world.
Real, they’re adorable and I wish Horikoshi would actually have them interact a bit more in the manga, since as for now their scenes together are pretty much non-existent aside from their backstory ;^;
Anon said:You with your beautiful beautiful art and Chonideno with her beautiful beautiful writing about Kiri and Bakugou makes my heart so happy and warm and just… Thank you for existing and love Kiribaku! I don’t know, your art makes me so happy
Ohhhhhhhhhhh boy what an honor to be put at the same level as mag ;^; I love her and her writing so much, honestly !!!!!! thank you so so much for the compliment, anon!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Kirishima braiding his hair while he talks is both adorable and relatable. Thank you for that.
I’m!!!! mostly happy you caught it hahahaha thank you !!!!!!
Anon said:Hey. You seem insecure but your art is great. What kind of color scheme do you see for Hawks?
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I honestly don’t like thinking about stuff I think Hori will give me in canon soon enough? But out of instincts I mostly imagined him in shades of brown, I think - typical birds of prey and/or aviator colors, you know!
Anon said:I love ur drawings but i also love reading ur tag. They re so funny sometimes
lmao that’s good too!! As long as I can make people enjoy a couple of moments of their time I don’t really mind how I do it hahaha
Anon said:your art is beautiful anfndfnd
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello fran, just wanted to say i’ve been here for a long long time (since the h/q times :‘o) and today i was thinking about some of your old art and if you remember, you had a soulmates au for b/n/h/a that was super good and i really loved so i wanted to tell you!! You as an artist have such an impact on me and that au is my fave of yours!! ;0; have the nicest day ever!! -soulmates anon (4 future ref!!!)
OH MAN I’m so happy to hear you still remember that one?? It was such a fun experiment to play around with, I’m glad you liked it this much!!!! Thank you for telling me omg !!!!! ;^;
Anon said:Hi, so where did you go to watch Haikyuu (I’m assuming probably Crunchyroll but ya never know) and where might I find the dubbed version?
Aw anon sorry I don’t watch the dubbed version! Since I’m Italian, I don’t really have much use for the English dubs haha I’m pretty sure you can find it on kissanime, tho!
Anon said:could you briefly go through the process of making and completing one of your comics? I wanted to start some short bnha comics but idk where to start, thank you!
Sorry this took me an age to answer - I have answered this question a while back, I think it might be in my art tips tag! But to go through it fast, my process is something like
find a line or an exchange I want to deliver, or a topic I want discussed (usually happens randomly as I’m doing other things)
spend a million years just staring at a wall or at my ceiling or anything else as I build a whole scene in my mind to have the lines or topic take the form of an actual comic (might take two minutes, might take a month)
draw a rough sketch of the whole comic - I do this with all panels (and pages, when I separate a comic in pages) on the same canvas, so that I can look at the whole scene all together and get a good sense of the general flow of the storytelling. This process includes cutting panels, moving panels around, reshaping panels, trying different poses and angles for the same panels to find the right one, writing and deleting and re-writing lines till I’m sure the wording is what I’m going for*
line the panels - I mean the actual panels, the straight lines delimitating the panel, I line them all first and put them on a separate layer
line the people!! All the characters in every panel are lined in this stage
line the backgrounds! In case there are backgrounds and the comic is meant to stay in black and white, if not then color the backgrounds! (I always start coloring from the backgrounds cause they’re the boring parts and if I leave them for last I never do them ever #rip)
in case of black and white comics, we fill in flat, gray-scale colors at this point (or, as I’ve lately started doing, I only put down shadows and leave it at that). If it’s in colors, we color the people!
Write down the dialogue!! *at this point we change a lot of the dialogue again because enough time has passed since I sketched it that I changed my mind on everything, don’t be like me
you’re done!
All of it is done on one single canvas, unless it’s a comic with separate paneled pages in which case they’re all done on their own canvas but still drawn all together. That’s about it, hope it was at least a little bit useful!
Anon said:Hi! I just wanted to thank you for your art, especially your KiriBaku. I was exactly in the same situation than Bakugou in the post tagged “bakugou being blunt about his feelings” (except we are 2 girls) , so I used it to confess to her. She said yes! X3
OH MY GOD I’m so super happy to hear that!!!!! Congrats on your gf, anon!!!!!! *throws hearts at u*
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ticknart · 6 years
Second Summer: Battle
It was just before noon and the sun was high as four members of Blue Team walked through the forested part of the paintball course. They walked in a diamond formation: Wendy center front, Dipper to her left, Thompson to her right and Grenda behind. Tambry, the fifth member, had been left back at base to guard their flag. As they left, she pulled herself up and into the tree the flag had been tied to.
Dipper thought that it would have been smarter to leave Thompson or Grenda guarding the flag than Tambry. Tambry was small and could hide behind a tree or some brush. Thompson, on the other hand, was a big guy and would be hard to miss when shot at. Grenda was at least six inches shorter than Wendy, but she had broad shoulders and her body rippled with muscle. There was no way either could hide in any setting. Putting a tank in front was a smart move in DD&MoreD, not so much in paintball, though. But Wendy insisted and she appointed herself team captain and Tambry, Thompson, and Grenda didn't argue with her. The only thing Dipper could hope for was that Thompson and Grenda could keep moving silently so he wasn't taken out before they could make their final approach on the Team McAwsome's flag.
Just before the edge of the woods, where the waist high grassy plants started, Wendy held up her hand and stopped. Thompson stopped, dropped to one knee, braced his paintball gun against his shoulder, and scanned the clearing ahead. Grenda scanned the trees around them. Wendy knelt down and waved Dipper over.
"Time for a plan," she said as he knelt down beside her.
Dipper nodded.
"Thompson. Grenda," she hissed, turning to the other members of the team. "Get over here."
Wendy took off the blue and white pine tree cap she wore and ran her fingers through her luxurious auburn hair. Dipper knew that time moved at a constant pace, but he saw her in slow motion and when she turned to him and gave a toothy smile, time froze.
Grenda cleared her throat and touched his shoulder. Time snapped back into place. Thompson settled next to them and asked, "What's the plan?"
Wendy brushed the ground in front of her clear and drew an oval in the dirt. She drew shapes in the oval as she said, "It's been a while since we've played."
Earlier in the summer, Dipper learned that Wendy and her friends had played paintball nearly every week since school started in the fall. They went to the course1, rented guns and gear then spent a few hours blasting away. Sometimes they played three-on-three, rotating the roster each time. Sometimes they all played together against another team. But with summer came parents insisting on jobs, visits from out of town family, or going on family vacations. This was the first time they played this summer and might be the only time.
"I've been thinking about the games we played during school," she said. "Robbie likes to put the flag somewhere where he can keep everything contained. Some place easy to defend. Somewhere that'll force us to go in one at a time. The easiest place to defend is here." She pointed the stick at a square near the top of the oval. "The Shed2."
"What's The Shed?" asked Dipper.
"It's four walls, a door, and a couple of windows," said Thompson. "It's usually a good place to catch your breath and regroup."
"Do you think it's where Robbie would put the flag?" asked Wendy.
"Absolutely," said Thompson. "He's wanted to before, but we always stopped him because it seemed unsportsmanlike."
"Maybe Nate and Lee stopped him again," said Wendy.
"Not with Mabel there," Dipper said.
"That girl loves to win," said Grenda.
Dipper nodded, "She does."
"Okay," said Wendy, placing a leaf in the square, "there's where the flag is. He's gonna want at least one person the--"
Thompson brought his gun to his shoulder and scanned the field in front of them. "False alarm," he said, lowering his gun.
"Lee and Nate," said Wendy to Dipper and Grenda, "like to stick together. Lee's fast, but doesn't really aim before he shoots. Nate's not as fast, but he's a decent shot when he's on the move."
"He's not so great when he's standing still, though," said Thompson.
"Neither are you," said Wendy, playfully punching him in the arm.
"But I make a great mobile shield," he said, grinning.
Wendy grinned back before saying, "So, Nate and Lee will probably be together scouting around for us." She dropped two pebbles into the oval and drew a circular arrow away from them. "Robbie, on the other hand, likes to hide and wait for people to come to him. I bet he'll be waiting in the Shed."
"Probably," said Thompson as Wendy dropped a pebble in the square.
She looked at Dipper and Grenda and asked, "What do you two think Mabel and Candy will do?"
"Mabel's too unpredict--," Dipper said, but was interrupted by Grenda.
"Candy's a crack shot."
Dippers jaw dropped. Before today, he couldn't have imagined Candy holding a gun, let alone being good with one. Of all the people invited to play, she was the only one he thought would say no. She was so shy and seemed too gentle for a game with guns. Even fake guns. He supposed that he didn't know Mabel's friends very well, even though they had come on the tourist trap trip last summer.
"What do you mean she's a crack shot?" asked Wendy.
"I mean that she always hits the target, even if she misses the bullseye," Grenda said.
Thompson and Wendy looked unconvinced.
"Guys," said Grenda, "I'm serious. I've been to the shooting range with her and her parents a few times. When she steps up to the line, the whole place goes quiet. Everyone watches her. She once shot a hole through a quarter at 75 yards. Dead center. I was there. The place shook because everyone cheered so loud. If she wasn't so shy, she would win trap shooting competitions. She could be a modern day Annie Oakley."
Everything Grenda said sounded impressive to Dipper, but he wasn't sure how much of that was true. Shooting traps? How would you shoot a trap? What did they do, set up a bear trap and try to set it off with a bullet? Traps were supposed to shoot at you, not the other way around.
"Assuming that's all true," said Wendy, carefully.
"It is true," Grenda said, looking flushed.
"Okay, then where do you think she'd be?"
"If she has a say, she'd be on the highest point she can get to with the clearest view."
"That's probably on top of The Shed," said Thompson.
Wendy drew a small rectangle overlapping The Shed and dropped a pebble in it. "What about Mabel?" she asked, looking at Dipper.
"There's no way to know," he said. "She's too unpredictable. She hears a plan. She agrees to the plan. She starts following the plan. When she gets bored or frustrated she makes things interesting again by doing whatever she thinks is the most fun."
"She's not--" Grenda started to say before she paused and said, "yeah, that sounds like her."
"The only kind of gun she's ever shot is a squirt gun, though," Dipper said. "So I don't think she'll be a very good shot."
Dipper had at least shot BB guns with scouts. He knew how to aim properly. Of course, shooting BB guns at a scout day camp, having all the time you need to aim before carefully squeezing the trigger, was probably a lot different from shooting a paintball gun on the run. At day camp they taught him to slow his breathing and take his time. He didn't think that advice carried over into real combat.
Dropping a fifth pebble into the oval and drawing squiggly lines around it, Wendy said, "I guess that's something." She frowned at the map on the ground.
"What's the plan, boss?" asked Thompson, again.
"We split up," she said. "Two pairs. We go in opposite directions." She drew two arrows near the base of the oval, one curving to the left and the other to the right. "We stick to the tree line and meet on the other side of the clearing."
"Won't that put us awfully close to the Shed?" asked Grenda.
"Once the Shed's in view, go back into the trees. Try to stay out of sight. Okay?" Everyone nodded and Wendy continued, "Dipper and Grenda, you go that way." She pointed to the right. "Me and Thompson'll go that way. Remember, this is a scout, so keep your eyes and ears open and sharp, but if you get the chance, take 'em out."
Everyone stood.
Thompson brought his paintball gun up to his shoulder, ready for action. Wendy kept hers at her side, but Dipper could tell that she would be ready for action in a fraction of a second. She was like a tiger, calm and cool before pouncing for the kill.
"Good luck," said Wendy, "and give 'em hell."
Dipper watched as the pair headed out. He wondered why he couldn't have been paired with Wendy. Yes, he was inexperienced, but that meant he'd try harder. He'd do whatever she wanted-- no, needed him to do.
While playing paintball, of course.
"Come on," Grenda said, in her rough and husky voice. "We should get moving."
He turned around to follow Grenda, wondering if he had done something wrong. What could he have done to make Wendy choose Thompson over him. Life would be a lot easier if people had thought balloons hanging over their heads3, like in his dad's old comics. If he could, then he'd always understand the whys and then make new choices the next time. Better choices.
"You like her," said Grenda in a singsong voice.
"What?! Who?"
"Of course, she's, like, one of my best friends."
"No, you LIKE her like her."
Dipper blushed. Was he that obvious?
"You don't need to worry about it," she said. "I think I'm the only one who noticed."
"Yeah, thanks," he said, sighing, "I'm supposed to be over her, you know?"
"Really? Why?"
"Last summer we sat down and had a talk. She told me that she liked me but..." He really didn't want to talk about that. "You know? And I sort of let her think that my crush on her went away."
Grenda rolled her eyes and said, "She never believed you."
"Of course she did. She would have said something."
"After your talk, did you ever watch her from a distance and then turn away because you thought you might have been looking too long?"
He didn't answer.
"Did you ever laugh a little too hard and too long at one of her jokes?"
He refused to answer.
"Did you ever babble away at her because--"
"That's not fair," he said, looking at her. "I babble when I'm nervous. I do it around everyone."
She looked down at him, digging though his eyes and into his soul, and asked, "Did you ever 'accidentally' touch her and let your hand linger before jerking it away?"
Dipper stopped walking and said, "I am such an idiot."
"Well, you are a boy," she said, laughing.
"What have I done? What's going to happen?"
Grenda put her giant, but gentle, hand on his shoulder and sighed. "You didn't do anything. Nothings going to change. If she didn't like you, she'd just pretend you didn't exist. You wouldn't be out here playing paintball."
"I guess."
"Well, I know," she said.
"What do you like about her? You don't like her just because she's pretty, right?"
He thought for a bit and said, "I mean, she's beautiful and that's the first thing I knew about her, but it doesn't matter anymore, you know?"
Grenda's eyes were big and wet as she looked at him.
"Wendy has this way of looking at the world. She sees it all. She knows how serious things can be, but she still finds things that are funny or fun. She can climb a pine tree using only her belt and use the top of the tree to catapult herself to another. If something goes wrong, she's the first to face it and the last to run because she makes sure everyone else is safe first. She makes a platform on a roof become the most special place in the world. She looks at me and doesn't see just some noodly armed little kid. She never treated me like a little kid. She sees me," he said, tapping his chest.
Grenda, sniffling, wrapped him in her huge, comforting arms and said, "It's like a tragic love story. The only thing keeping you apart is the love you have for each other4."
"If you say so," he said into her shoulder.
She let him go and they walked along together in silence. Dipper looked around him, but he wasn't paying attention. He thought about Wendy and himself. Was their friendship any different now that it was before he knew that she knew? Him knowing that she knew that he still had a crush on her shouldn't change anything with her, if he didn't act weirder than usual, because she didn't know that he knew that she knew. What would she do, though, if she knew that he knew that she knew? He felt like screaming. There was no answer unless he talked to her and if he talked to her not only would she know he knows, but he'd also confirm his crush to her. There was no way he wouldn't come out of this feeling like he was four years old again.
To move his brain away from the spiral into the dark abyss he asked, "How are things with that, uh, prince?"
"He's a prince in my heart, but in reality he's only a baron."
"Okay, baron then. Are you still together?"
"We sure are. He wouldn't know what to do without me and if any girl hits on him, he shows them my picture and they back off." She flexed her muscles.
"Isn't the long distance thing hard?"
"Sure, sometimes, but we Flusprech5 almost every night. He flew me and my family over to Austria for Christmas and then he came to visit us here at Easter. Plus," she said with a mischievous grin, "he knows I'm a playa." She waggled her eyebrows at him and when his face turned bright red she laughed. "Dipper, you're too easy."
"And it hasn't helped my love life at all," he said.
She laughed harder.
Suddenly, paintballs flew out of the grass at them. One hit Dipper in the arm -- It hurt! -- but bounced off without breaking. The rest missed.
Mabel popped up from below the grass line, shouted "DIE MUPPET SCUM!" and fired wildly again.
Dipper and Grenda had their guns up and fired back. Everyone missed. BB guns hadn't prepared Dipper to fire a paintball gun. Not at all.
At the pause in gunfire, Mabel said, "Well, good-bye." and took off running. Grenda and Dipper glanced at each other then chased after her. Grenda, with her longer legs and the fact that she actually exercised, unlike Dipper, pulled ahead of of him and gained on Mabel. As she brought her gun up to fire, Grenda fell, disappearing below the weeds.
"Are you okay," Dipper said, as he approached.
"Gopher hole," she said. "I'm fine. Keep going and get her. I'll catch up."
He didn't answer as he sped by her.
"You’ll never take me alive, copper!" he heard Mabel cry out. Then she laughed: a horrible, witchy cackle.
He was going to get her.
In front of them, he could see The Shed. He had to get to her before she got inside. He pushed himself harder as they approached the little building. He raised his gun. His finger rested on the trigger, ready to squeeze. She was his.
Six paintballs exploded at Dippers feet.
He skidded to a stop and dropped down to try and hide in the grass. Mabel ran into The Shed. He wanted to let out an angry shout, but that would only give her reason to start teasing him so he made a mistake. With his gun raised, he scanned the area in front of the little building. The barrel of a gun hung out the window near the doorway. He could see it, but was pretty sure that the person holding the gun couldn't see him. Was it Mabel, or was someone in there with her?
The Shed was exactly as Thompson had described it: four walls, a door, and a couple of windows. He didn't talk about how it was covered in all colors of paint, though. Briefly, Dipper wondered if he could shoot paint balls at a canvass and sell it as art. If he could, it would be a good way to make lots of money.
"That was just a warning shot," Candy called down from the roof. He saw the bright orange tip of her paint ball gun hanging over the edge and the oversized goggles covering her eyes. "I don't want to hurt you, Dipper," she said.
"Why?" he called back up to her.
"I thought you could join us." She got up on her knees, raised the goggles up to her forehead, and re-aimed her gun at him. "Join the winning side and be with me." That last word hung in the air before she added, "And your sister and the others."
"Shut up and shoot him already!" Robbie hollered. He was the one in the window. "We don't need him on our team!"
Candy ignored him and said, "You have a choice, Dipper. What will it be?"
"I won't betray my team!" he called back and shot at her.
He heard a clunk as she dropped back onto the roof.
"That was your last mistake!" She fired.
Time slowed as he dropped to his belly. Time slowed without Wendy being near. He liked slow time better when Wendy was around. If only because he wasn't being shot at.
A large shape charged between him and the incoming paintballs.
"Grenda! Nooooo!" Candy shouted. "What have I done!?"
Candy was back on her knees. Dipper rose back onto his knees. He aimed, pulled the trigger several times, and fired at her. Three blue splatters appeared on her chest plate. She dropped her gun onto the roof.
"Grenda?" he said, rolling her onto her back. "Why did you do that?"
She was covered in a dozen red splatters. How had Candy hit her so many times so quickly?
"I had to," she said. "You need to be with your lady love."
"Go," she said, pushing him away from her, "run to your lady love. Be with her. Protect each other."
Dipper stood and started to run, in a wide arc, around The Shed.
"And don't be angry with me," Grenda called out to him, "because I'm going to tell Candy everything you told me once she's off the roof."
He briefly turned around and fired at the now sitting Grenda. He was too frustrated to hit anywhere near her, but he did add some paint to The Shed. It needed a little more blue on that side.
As he approached the tree line, he slowed and whipped his whole body around, gun stock in his shoulder. He wanted to make sure he could get a few shots off if Mabel or Robbie had followed. He didn't see anyone, but continued to walk backward.
After he was a few yards into the trees, he relaxed a little. He had to keep going. Now that Grenda was taken out, he needed to find Thompson and Wendy. If he couldn't find them, he'd head back to the blue flag and wait with Tambry for the eminent attack.
A short walk later, he saw Wendy coming toward him. Her back faced the tree line.
"Wendy," he called to her.
She spun around and fired several shots before she recognized him. Fortunately, he had just walked behind a tree or he would have been covered in blue paint.
He peeked out from behind the tree and caught her eye.
"Dipper," she said, running his direction. "I'm so sorry. I'm a little jumpy."
"What happened?" he asked. "Where's Thompson?"
"Thompson's gone, man. Lee got him in the back. Lee was really angry, too. I guess he didn't like seeing Nate get brought down in a hail of paint balls. I took out Lee after that. Is Grenda with you?"
"No," he said, removing his hat and placing it over his heart, "she took a shot for me. Came out of nowhere and got splattered. It was a good death, for a warrior."
Wendy pulled her cap off and placed it over her heart and said, "Thompson, too. May they reap all the rewards among the honored dead in Valhalla6."
"I don't know," said Dipper settling his hat back on his head, "all the Pitt Cola lights were flashing on the machine. It might be out of drinks."
"What did you learn on your scout?"
He stood at attention and said, "Mabel ambushed us and we chased her to The Shed. Candy sniped at me from the roof, but after she accidentally shot Grenda, I got her."
"Robbie?" she asked, pacing in front of him.
"He was in there with Mabel. He complained about how Candy was playing the game."
"So, they're both waiting for us to attack."
"Robbie's probably in there, but I don't know about Mabel. She could be looking for us, or she could be headed for our flag."
"Is there anyway we can tell if she's with Robbie?"
"I have an idea that might work, but we'll have to get close."
"Good. If she's going for the flag, Tambry will take her down. Let's go."
On this side of the clearing The Shed could be seen easily. They were far enough that they couldn't be hit if shot at through the window, but close enough that someone standing inside the gloomy building could clearly see Wendy and Dipper. They were also close enough that they would be heard if they shouted.
Dipper cupped his hands around his mouth and cried out, "Mabel! I spoke with Waddles earlier today! He said he didn't love you anymore! He wants to live with Abuelita because she has better and more sparkly make-up!"
A body tried to dive out the window, but got snagged, either on her sweater or by Robbie. It didn't matter, though, she wasn't going any farther.
"You take that back!" yelled Mabel, still struggling to get out. "Waddles does to love me! He'd never leave me just because I have less make-up!"
"Looks like she's in there," said Wendy.
"Sure does," said Dipper. "What's the plan?"
"You run to the left side," she said, pointing, "and I'll go right. Keep out of sight and close to the wall. We'll meet at the door."
"Go," said Wendy and the both started running.
Mabel wasn't hanging out the window anymore, but as he approached The Shed he heard bangs and thumps.
"Stop struggling," he heard Robbie say.
"I gotta get out of here and get that monkey nugget eating brother of mine."
"I can get you free if you just. Stop! STRUGGLING!"
Dipper slid around the corner and crept under the window on his side of the building. There were more thumps and bangs. One of the guns went off.
Dipper approached the next corner and eased himself around it. He saw Wendy slide around hers. They both moved silently until they stood next to the doorway.
Wendy grinned at him from across the way and whispered, "You didn't see Lefors in there did you?"
It was from the movie they'd watched together last night. One of the rare ones that was so good it was good.
"Look, kid," said Robbie, "why don't you take a look out the window, see if they're still there and I'll get you free."
"Lefors?" asked Dipper. "No, why?"
"For a moment there," she said, "I thought we were in trouble."
She raised three fingers and ticked them down. Three... Two... One...
On no fingers, they rose, turned toward the entrance, and started firing as they stepped through the doorway together.
Most Excellent Scandinavian Paintball Experience is the paintball course just outside of Gravity Falls. It was founded by an extended family of immigrant from Mexico who claimed that they wanted to "smash the stereotype" by opening something other than a food truck that sells Americanized Mexican food.
In a statement, overheard at Gravity Falls High School, one of the children from the family said, "Truth is that my parents and aunts and uncles suck ass at cooking anything that doesn't come in a box with a packet of sauce." ↩︎
The Shed is actually named Abu Ghraib, but many patrons of Most Excellent Scandinavian Paintball Experience find the name insensitive and refuse to use it. The owners of Most Excellent Scandinavian Paintball Experience refuse to take the name off of the official map. Civilian veterans' support groups occasionally picket. ↩︎
While not strictly people, the mumarian lemurs, discovered by Stanford and Stanley Pines in the Aleutian Islands on their second trip of exploration and named after the lost continent of Mu, do project their thoughts in balloon-like bubbles above their heads. These projections are often simple, static images expressing desires or emotions. Occasionally, there is motion in these images.
At this time, no hypothesis has been formed for why some images depict motion. Mating had just begun at the time of the Pines's arrival. After only 36 hours on the island, even Stanley Pines became too uncomfortable to observe any longer. ↩︎
"The only thing keeping them apart is the love they have for each other" is the tagline for an after school special, titled "Hungry for Love" and produced in the mid 1970s, that still runs on Gravity Falls's local access channel once a month. The special warns of the dangers of illegal drug use by drawing a connection from the use of illegal drugs to cannibalism. In the special, the lead characters fall in love, but individually decide that they must keep themselves away from the other because of the fear that the extreme need to devour human flesh would be stronger than their love. The special ends with the two having quit drugs and sitting in class staring hungrily at each other.
"Hungry for Love" is considered to be one of the most successful of the after school specials because when crime statistics were reviewed six weeks after it aired there were no reports of drug related cannibalism. ↩︎
Flusprech is an Austrian video chat application. The defining feature of this app is the algorithm that detects small talk and immediately drops the chat. People from most nations who have used Flusprech have a difficult time adjusting to this feature. The majority of the German population have strongly embraced the app, praising effectiveness of the algorithm, even though it reinforces a strongly believed German stereotype. ↩︎
Valhalla: Snack, Bar, and Grill is the snack bar at Most Excellent Scandinavian Paintball Experience. On weekends it serves a wide variety of best authentic Scandinavian sausages Minnesota produces, with mashed potatoes, which come from flakes in a box. On non-holiday weekdays the selection is limited to leftover cold sausages or sandwiches made on the premises. Few who eat the sandwiches have returned to play paintball again. ↩︎
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imaginewithme · 6 years
Some Doubts
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- The Losers Club is fed up seeing Bill and Y/N hide their feelings for one another so they decided to do something about it. -
A/N : I do jump between Bill’s and Y/N’s perspectives so I hope its not confusing. ( Unedited - will proof read later* )
Word Count : 2228
Part 1  Part 2 Part 4
“Jump, dude!”
“You jump!”
“Do you know how much bacteria could be in that water…”
“Oh my god, Eddie…”
Bill felt his friends lightly, shove his shoulders as they tried to urge one another to be the first one to leap off the cliff. Glancing behind them, he caught you and Beverly watching. The two girls watched the boys with confused expressions on their faces, wondering what the hell they were doing over there. Your eyes went down the line, going from Stan all the way to…Bill. Your eyes met for a brief moment before Bill looked away, his cheeks growing a light shade of pink. Turning back, Bill edged closer to the cliff, noting the distance between where he stood to the water’s surface. It wasn’t too far he tried to convince himself. Wanting to look brave and impress Y/N, Bill closed his eyes and took a deep breathe but when he opened his eyes again , all his courage disappeared. Exhaling, he stepped back in line with the other boys, dishearted by his own cowardliness.
“What do you think is taking them so long?” You and Beverly stood back near the bikes, observing the boys try to goat each other into jumping.
You were folding Bill’s flannel over one of silver’s handle bars when you looked back up to catch Bill’s gaze. It lasted no more than a few seconds before you both looked away. You opting to smooth over an invisible crease on the sleeve of your dress. You deliberately turned your face away from Beverly to hide a small smile, hoping that she didn’t see that little exchange.
“I don’t know, Bev. Its almost like they’re scared!” Once you recovered, you decided to tease the boys a little bit. Raising your voice loud enough for them to hear the last sentence that left your mouth. You waited for their reactions as you set your bag down next to silver.
You weren’t surprised to see Richie whip around to be the first one to speak up while Bill and the others decided to pretend to not have heard you.
“I’d like to see you do it if you’re not scared, Scarface!” He barks at you, the sudden turn of his head making his glasses shift off center a little.
“Watch me, Four Eyes!” You tuned back to Beverly and smiled. The rush of rising to the challenge and irritation of your horrible nickname coursing through your veins. The girl smiled back at you, quick to understand what you were thinking. Bunching up the hem of your dress in your hands, you pulled the fabric over your head and revealed your bathing suit underneath. You grabbed hold of Beverly’s hand and threw your dress on silver before charging towards the cliff. The two of you ran past the boys and leaped off the edge, screaming your lungs out as you dive towards the water.
“Pussies!” You managed to shout out, somewhere during moment.
“Somewhere on your way down, you let go of Beverly’s hand before the water enveloped around you. Thousands of tiny bubbles surrounding you as you were submerged. Swimming to the surface,  you gasped for air the moment your head broke the water. Holding your hand over your eyes to block the sun, you looked back up and smiled, amused with what you saw.
“Hurry up, you sissies!” Beverly taunted from somewhere to the side of you, clearly finding their shocked expressions just as funny as you did.
Relaxing your body and closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to aimlessly float on your back, waiting for them to grow a pair.
“Did they just do that…” Bed said in disbelief.
“Y-yeah.” Bill muttered in reply, his eyes glued on you as you enjoyed the water. The way the water seemed to shimmer around her made his heart thump.
Unbeknownst to him, Richie noticed the look on Bill’s face ad gently nudged Stan with his elbow. The action brought his attention to their friend. Acknowledging Bill’s gaze, Stan then nudged Eddie and Eddie repeated that action to Ben. Although Ben have been a little confused about what exactly was happening and distracted by one of the two girls below them, all four of them nodded. They all knew what they were supposed to do.
“Come on guys! Are we going to let two girls show us up?” Richie said, a little riled up by the girls’ taunts. He rolled his eyes when he heard a soft yes from Eddie before slapping Bill on the back, pushing his friend over the edge. Said friend had a quick moment to glare at him before gravity took care of the rest. One by one the rest of them jumped in after him.
Surfacing, Bill quickly looked around for Richie. He was going to drown that arcade rat for pushing him in. Scanning around, Bill turned his head and was immediately greeted by a splash of water hitting his face.  A soft chorus of laughter ran in his ears as he swiped the excess liquid off his face. Opening his eyes, they landed on you suspiciously looking away in the other direction. Bill scoffed before splashing water back at you.
Whipping around, you fired back at Bill. “That was uncalled for, Bill Denbrough! I was minding my own business when you viciously attacked me. What did I do for this kind of treatment?” You swam closer to him and gently pushed him back with your index finger.
“Oh p-please Y/N. Y-you’re not f-fooling anyone.” Bill hit you back and started a water fight between you two before you decided to submerge yourself underneath the water. Stretching you’re your leg, you gently pushed Bill away from you with the tip of your foot. You didn’t expect him to grab your ankle and pull you closer to him. Surprised, you surfaced and placed your hands on his shoulders to push him away.
“Bill!” You squealed, trying your best not to focus on how close the two of you were.
“What’s t-the matter, Y/N? S-something wrong?” In between his words, Bill would push small waves towards your face while a small smile grew. He watched you laugh and try to push him away.
“Pah-please…Bill! Stop! I give!” Trying your best not to catch too much water in your mouth, you struggled to surrender. “Uncle!” You shouted before sinking a little too much into the water for your liking. You made a move to push away from Bill to float on your own but he stopped you.
“You a-alright there, Y/N?” Bill carefully placed his hands on your hip and lifted you up a little.
Lost for words, you pressed your lips together, nervous about what was happening. You knew that it didn’t probably hold any meaning other just him not wanting to see you drown but you couldn’t seem to calm your young teenage heart from racing. You could feel the heat creeping on to your cheeks as you looked down at the water in between the two of you.
“Hey!” The sudden yell made you and Bill jump. Catching both of your attentions, the two of you tore away from each other to see who was calling to you. You pulled away from him and drift a good distance away before looking over to see who it was. It was Beverly.
“We’re going to play chicken!” She motioned for you to come over with a smile on her face.
“We’ll be right over!” You called back before turning back Bill. You have to play it cool, you told yourself. It’d be embarrassing if he knew how big of a crush you had on him. Calming your heart, you smiled at him before nodding in your friends’ directions. “You coming, Bill?”
Bill was mesmerized. Struggling to get the words out of his mouth, Bill couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of you. You were practically glowing. The sunlight was reflecting off the water on to you making you shimmer with the warm light. You looked so angelic. If he wasn’t so focused on you, he would have been seriously considered with how fast his heart was beating.
“Bill?” You called out for him, a little concerned as to why he hasn’t responded.
The sound of your voice seemed to have brought him back to reality and he quickly nodded him head. He wasn’t spacing out. “Y-yeah! Comin!”
That was weird, you thought but nonetheless you nodded and began to swim over to your friends.
“Finally!” Richie sighed. “Bout time you got over there. Well since you two took so long, we already decided on the teams. Its me and my man, Stan here, Bev and Ben, and Y/N and Bill. Leaving our lovable germaphobe to ref because he doesn’t want to swallow any water or some shit like that.” Richie jabbed his thumb in Eddie’s direction with an eye roll.
You glared at Richie, he paired you with Bill? He caught your look and smirked, knowingly. You glared even harder, fucker..
“Hey! Do you know what could be in this wat-!”
“You wanna find out, Eddie?” Richie made a small splash towards Eddie with a mischievous smile on his face. “Cause it’d be a real sham-“
“Yeah it’d be a real shame if that happened.” You waited for the perfect moment to splash some water into Richie’s mouth while he was talking before pushing him into the water. “Don’t bully Eddie, Four Eyes.”
“Oh thank god, Y/N. I thought he was really going to do it!” Eddie sighed relieved.
Rinsing from the water with his hair covering his face like a swamp creature, Richie pointed his finger at you. “You’re going down!”
“Bring it!” The moment those words left your mouth, you instantly regretted it. Swallowing your embarrassment, you turned towards Bill and held your fist up with determination. “Let’s kick his ass, Bill!”
Laughing, Bill nodded his head and the game begun.
Richie’s plan was working. Everything was going smoothly. He finally got you and Bill together. Looking at Stan and Beverly, he nodded his head.
“Step 2.” He muttered under his breathe and the game begun. Richie and Stand were the first pair to face off with Ben and Beverly, leaving you and Bill to wait your turn. Richie assured you that it wasn’t going to take that long because Beverly and Ben were going to lose. Trying to keep your eyes on the two pairs, you pretended like being on Bill’s shoulders didn’t bother you. It wasn’t embarrassing to be perched on your crush’s shoulders. Your heart totally wasn’t about to burst through your chest, it wasn’t beating really fast at all. You gently lifted your hand from where its place on top of Bill’s head and held it against your heart, wishing it wouldn’t contradict your thoughts. You really didn’t need it to be doing this right now.
Flicking your eyes down for a quick second, you checked to make sure you weren’t crushing Bill underneath your weight. The last thing you wanted was to make him uncomfortable while you sat on his shoulders.
“Bill..?” You whispered, feeling a little self-conscious.
“Y-yes, Y/N?” He would have missed you calling him, had it not been for the slight shift he felt on his shoulders. Looking up, he caught the worried expression and frown on your face. “A-are you o-ok, Y/N?”
Bill went through a mental check list to make sure he wasn’t doing anything to make you uncomfortable or overstep the boundaries.
Ok, both hands on an appropriate spot on your knees…And they weren’t sweaty in the sightest. Head hunched over a bit and away from your chest….Bill felt his cheeks warm up a little from the thought but he quickly shook it out of his head. It was inappropriate. Anyway…his grip on you was solid so there was no chance of you fall back. He only now noticed how soft you were, so much more different from how rough he was and the others. Bill allowed himself to drift away with his thoughts, not noticing how you were talking to him.
“Bill?” You waited for his response to whether he was ok with you sitting on his shoulders but he didn’t seem to be paying attention. Taking a peek at his face, it looked like he was spacing out but his eyes seemed to be staring at Beverly. Following his gaze, you watching the other girls struggle and laugh against Richie and Stan with Ben holding her up. Eddie was already on the shore, probably rummaging for his first aid kit.
Your heart dropped and you could feel the tears collecting in your eyes. Wanting to go home, you were too keen on watching your childhood crush pine after another girl. You meant, why wouldn’t he like Beverly? She was everything you wanted to be.
Smart. Gorgeous…Confident.
She was practically everything you weren’t. With your self-esteem having taken a big hit, you involuntarily reached up to touch your scar.
The second time you called his name, Bill didn’t even notice that he had wandered off with his own thoughts. Ripping himself away from them, he craned his neck up to look at you. The first thing his eyes caught were how your frown seemed to have deepened and now you were tracing your scar with your fingers.
- To Be Continued -
What did you guys think? Please let me know~! There’ll be one more part c; 
Tags  @sabrinaginting @potterhead236 @luvspnandphan @trashyemonerd @bellasett @horsiesandstuff@brighter-thanthe-sky @1dmaniac123-blog @muneo-ah @lilgabiwella @flyingbluecar@cosmicupoftea @fearless2tobeme @newtandthediamonds @quackson-klaxon @mermaid-marti @emrysaaryn @rhubarberous @twinsofia @little-miss-poltergeist @ MIZA-SPINS-DAT-PIZZA @ NEGANSGRIMES @slythergirlimagines @shadowmaiden1618 @orginalnieambitnie @itsluzymeh @official-maddibrown @speakfandom @miathefangirlwriter 
Forever Tags  @a-little-bit-obsessed @shyestofhearts @iseethemonsters @gladerwitchfromdistrictgotham
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
College Football 2020 Season Week 8 TV Watch Em Ups: worst case scenario colored glasses
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We all should have realized the end was nigh when Wisconsin finally showed up for the season sporting an honest to god four star QB that they had recruited out of high school.
It’s Halloween, there’s a super full extra bloody moon or some such shit, Trevor Lawrence has COVID, the Dodgers won the World Series and Tuesday is election day. All of these things seem foreboding. Oh! And there’s also an asteroid that might hit us on Monday!
Let’s see how many games I write up before the impending doom takes me out this week.
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Saturday, October 31
Matchup                                                         Time (ET)           TV/Mobile
16 Kansas State at West Virginia                 12:00pm              ESPN2
College football is always nonsense but this year is extra nonsensical. Both of these teams kind of suck but one of them is ranked #16. K-State is favored in Morgantown and that just seems iffy.
5 Georgia at Kentucky                                   12:00pm              SECN
We are all shocked that Kentucky isn’t actually any good. Of course they’ll feature in some upset updates this week but that’s just because Kirby Smart sucks.
Purdue at Illinois                                             12:00pm                BTN
The way things are going this could be your last chance to see Rondale Moore as a Purdue Boilermakers so that’s something to watch for.
20 Coastal Carolina at Georgia State            12:00pm             ESPNU
I told you last week that there aren’t ten good teams this year and look at this shit.
Michigan State at 13 Michigan                       12:00pm                FOX
Michigan is favored by 21.5 against a bad Michigan State team. If that’s not the set up for a great punchline, I don’t know what is.
23 Iowa State at Kansas                                  12:00pm                 FS1
How do you even get a 50.5-point line listed? That’s setting aside the oddity of being a 50.5-point home underdog. And all of this is setting aside the near certainty that upwards of 50% of the kids in this game have already tested positive for COVID and just weren’t ever notified because that might make them stop playing football. I’m sure there are kids like that all over the TV landscape today, I just have a gut feeling that these two programs would be among the worst offenders.
Wake Forest at Syracuse                                 12:00pm                ACCN 
ACC football, it’s still crappy!
Boston College at 1 Clemson                           12:00pm                  ABC
With Trevor Lawrence up on the shelf this is your first chance to see DJ Uigaleilei actually running the offense. The little bit I saw of him a few weeks ago didn’t inspire my imagination but he is huge and supposedly has quite the strong arm.
UTSA at Florida Atlantic                                    12:00pm               Stadium
The nation’s leading rusher plays for UTSA and his name is Sincere McCormick. I assume he’s actually a time-traveling cowboy.
Temple at Tulane                                                12:00pm                  ESPN+
Two of my favorite flavors of trash. I might not turn on the TV today, though.
Memphis at 7 Cincinnati                                    12:00pm                  ESPN
Part of the reason I’m not sure about my watch ‘em up consumption today is that Miami is off, part is that I won’t be at home most of the day, and part is that I’m afeared Little Ohio State is going to just thump the hell out of our beloved Memphis Tigers. If I check my phone and see this game is close in the third quarter I may feel compelled to check in on it.
UCF at Houston                                                  2:00pm                    ESPN+
For some reason I was thinking Dana Holgorsen had coached Josh Heupel at Oklahoma but Holgo was actually at Texas Tech with Mike Leach after Leach was at Oklahoma. Oh, well. This poison looks sweet to me.
Rice at Southern Miss                                        3:00pm                    ESPN3
My interest in this post is really starting to wane.
Troy at Arkansas State                                       3:00pm                    ESPN3 
In a non-pandemic year I’d love this game.
Abilene Christian at Mercer                               3:00pm                    ESPN3 
This game should be played in the middle of the night with no crowd and maybe no refs or coaches.
Western Colorado at Stephen F. Austin            3:00pm                     ESPN3
This is a 
17 Indiana at Rutgers                                         3:30pm                          FS1
This stupid year. If Rutgers pulls a second straight upset and Sparty somehow beats Michigan, the Rutgers Hauers will probably be ranked next week.
Northwestern at Iowa                                         3:30pm                       ESPN 
Iowa, as per usual, has like five guys on their team that will be NFL starters and still aren’t worth watching.
LSU at Auburn                                                     3:30pm                         CBS
It’s LSU and Auburn! Expect this one to go off the rails early and often.
UAB at Louisiana Tech                                       3:30pm                        Stadium
Good weird football but it’s on Stadium so I can’t recommend it.
4 Notre Dame at Georgia Tech                          3:30pm                          ABC 
The priest that was at the ACB Super Spreader luncheon is the school president of Notre Dame, right? He probably gave COVID to Trevor Lawrence to give his Fighting Satans a chance in hell against Clemson. What’s that you say? Notre Dame isn’t playing Clemson this week? Of course they aren’t. Notre Dame has this weekend off.
TCU at Baylor                                                      3:30pm                       ESPN2
I just threw my hands up and sighed. I don’t know how to type that feeling other than to describe the physical actions. You know what I mean.
Appalachian State at ULM                                  4:00pm                      ESPNU 
I don’t really know.
Virginia Tech at Louisville                                    4:00pm                    ACCN
These were supposed to be “good” ACC teams this year. They are not good teams but either one or both could still turn out to be good in ACC terms.
Texas at 6 Oklahoma State                                 4:00pm                       FOX 
Oklahoma State is fools gold in the rankings but that very fast Canadian kid is still fun to watch.
Mississippi at Vanderbilt                                     4:00pm                    SECN
There is nothing fun or interesting about this game.
Missouri Western at Central Arkansas              4:00pm                   ESPN3
These schools are both junior colleges.
25 Boise State at Air Force                                   6:00pm                 CBSSN
I don’t care what you lot say, Boise State football is a net good for the sport and I like it when they’re ranked.
New Mexico at San Jose State                             7:00pm                  FS1
This game probably shouldn’t be played at all but it definitely shouldn’t kick off at 4pm local time.
Mississippi State at 2 Alabama                            7:00pm               ESPN
Bama is going to be on cruise control for the rest of the regular season but that doesn’t mean they won’t win a few games by 50+.
Charlotte at Duke                                                  7:00pm            RSN/ESPN3 
Hooray Charlotte, I guess.
Navy at 22 SMU                                                     7:30pm                 ESPN2
I’m really not enjoying Navy’s reliance on throwing the ball this year.
Arkansas at 8 Texas A&M                                     7:30pm                  SECN
Again I say pig sooie.
3 Ohio State at 18 Penn State                              7:30pm                   ABC
There are only a few times where it is generally OK to root for the Buckeyes and playing Penn State is always one of those times.
Missouri at 10 Florida                                          7:30pm                  SECN 
I can’t remember if the Gators are wearing cool throwback uniforms this week or if they already did that last week. Somehow my mind is really rejecting this game in particular and I’m not really sure why.
Louisiana at Texas State                                     8:00pm                 ESPNU
This sucks.
15 North Carolina at Virginia                               8:00pm                  ACCN
Wa-hoo-wa imho.
24 Oklahoma at Texas Tech                                8:00pm                   FOX
FOX ads for this week really made it seem like Oklahoma and Oklahoma State were going to play each other but that is very much not the case.
San Diego State at Utah State                           9:30pm                CBSSN 
Huge throbbing boner at the thought of this game.
WKU at 11 BYU                                                    10:15pm               ESPN
BYU seems to be legitimately good for the first time in a while. I like that for nostalgia’s sake even though I have always hated BYU.
Nevada at UNLV                                                   10:30pm                 FS1 
I think UNLV plays in the Raiders stadium now but they might not yet. I don’t remember. I’d rather this game was still played in UNLV’s shitty old stadium over in Henderson.
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9 Wisconsin at Nebraska                  Canceled
North Texas at UTEP                         Postponed
0 notes
placetobenation · 6 years
*** Scott & JT’s Vintage Vault Refresh reviews are a chronological look back at WWE PPV and TV history that began with a review of WrestleMania I. The PICs have revisited these events and refreshed all of their fun facts that provide insight into the match, competitors and state of the company as well as their overviews of the match action and opinions and thoughts on the outcomes. In addition, Jeff Jarvis assists in compiling historical information and the Fun Facts in each of the reviews. Also, be sure to leave feedback on the reviews at our Facebook page. Enjoy! ***
Monday Night Raw #127
September 18, 1995 (Taped August 28, 1995) Canton Civic Center Canton, OH Announcers: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler
Monday Night War Report: WCW Monday Nitro this week takes place one night after WCW’s Fall Brawl PPV, emanating from Freedom Hall in Johnson City, TN. The results were as followed: 1) Marcus Alexander Bagwell & Scotty Riggs defeated WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat (w/ Sister Sherri) to win the Tag Titles (4:40); 2) Paul Orndorff pinned Johnny B. Badd (6:40); 3) Ric Flair defeated Brian Pillman via submission (5:24). Raw would rebound after last week’s loss to squeak out a win this week, 2.5 to 2.4.
Head-to-Head Ratings Scorecard: Nitro 1 – Raw 1
1) The 1-2-3 Kid defeats Razor Ramon after a Dean Douglas top rope splash at 7:08
Fun Fact: Last week, 1-2-3 Kid interfered in Razor Ramon’s match and accidentally hit Razor as he came off the top rope trying to hit Davey Boy Smith. After the match, the two argued with each other. Kid said nobody took him seriously when he first beat Razor in 1993, and he challenged Razor to another match, which Razor accepted for this week.
Scott: We open with a rematch long overdue. Back in May 1993, Razor Ramon was a heel and the 1-2-3 Kid was a plucky jobber. Kid pulled off the upset and now two and a half years later they are both babyfaces and friends. I just realized as Vince McHaon said it that this Sunday is IYH #3. Then I recalled we lost two weeks of shows because of the US Open on USA Network. Jerry Lawler is fully in the Kid’s corner during this match, which tells me that a Kid heel turn may be in the offing somewhere down the line. The match is back and forth and when we went to commercial Kid had Razor in a sleeper until Razor recovered and got out of it. Both men are down and with the Canton crowd on their feet, Razor starts to really lay into Kid with some strikes as Vince says Razor actually isn’t going full steam because they are friends. At one point, Razor is in the ring on his back as the Kid is outside with the referee. Down the ramp comes Dean Douglas, who hits a splash on Razor, then escapes. The Kid crawls into the ring, drapes his arm over the fallen Razor and gets the three count. The Bad Guy is now more determined than ever to get the evil teacher. Grade: *1/2
JT: We waltz into week two of the new fall season, still in Canton, with a big night of action ahead of us. This is a very special Thursday night episode of Raw and Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler have the call as usual and welcome us right into our very interesting opening match, which features two close friends going to battle after a skirmish a week ago. Of course, there is tons of history between 1-2-3 Kid and Razor Ramon and most of it has been woven into the very fabric of Raw. Kid chugs out first, looking to remind everyone that he isn’t just some lucky kid. Ramon saunters to the ring next and Vince hypes up his big match with Dean Douglas at IYH3. Kid jumps Ramon as he gets in the ring and quickly sends him back to the floor to gain his bearings. Razor charges back in and Kid outquicks him until the Bad Guy catches him on a cross body and then sends him flying with a big fallaway slam off the middle rope. Ramon keeps overpowering and hammering away at Kid as we get more IYH3 talk. King wonders if Kid has aligned himself with Douglas at all but Vince thinks he just wants respect from his friend and mentor. Ramon starts to work the arm and then crushes Kid with a hard uranage for two. Kid starts to mount a comeback and clocks Ramon with a spin kick for one. He follows up by jumping on Ramon’s back and hooking a sleeper, hanging on to the hold through a break. Ramon broke the hold and turned up the heat, burying Kid in the corner with a clothesline. Vince thinks Razor is holding back on his friend here and things start to get dicey when the ref gets wiped out during a collision. With everyone down, Douglas showed up and hit a big splash off the top rope on the Bad Guy before sneaking away. Kid and the ref both recovered and Kid would cover the prone Ramon for the upset win. The crowd was in shock at that one. I really enjoyed that match as it was well structured and hard hitting, especially during Ramon’s heat segment. It isn’t a shock that these guys have great chemistry but it is always fun to watch it play out. I liked the finish too as Kid gets his win but the IYH3 match gets a big heat boost. Grade: **
*** We go backstage, where a sweaty Dean Douglas is in his classroom. He gives 1-2-3 Kid a “D” for “dumb” and Razor Ramon an “E” for “elevate”, which is trying to do by taking on the Dean. He also gives him self an “A” and says Ramon will get an “N” on Sunday as it will be a no brainer who will win that match. ***
2) Tatanka & Kama defeat Savio Vega & Bob Holly when Kama pins Holly with a powerslam at 5:47
Scott: Interesting little tag team match here as two Corporate members face the Puerto Rican legend and the race car driver. This is rare for the WWF to have such a short amount of time to promote a PPV, even more so that this show was on a Thursday so that means only three days until IYH. The discussion on commentary centers around Henry Godwinn, who’s now on a mission to slop the entire Corporation, who at this point is nothing more than a bunch of glorified mid-card guys. This match is pretty good though as both teams are going back and forth until Kama recovers from a missile dropkick to reverse a cross body into a powerslam for the victory. Kama (and the Corporation) gets the much needed win. Sid faces Henry Godwinn on Sunday, a far cry from title matches with Diesel. Grade: *
JT: We head right back to the ring as Ted DiBiase leads out the very stale team of Tatanka and Kama for a battle with Savio Vega and Bob Holly. We head back to Superstars, where Henry Godwinn slopped DiBiase in advance of his match with Psycho Sid. Lawler reminds us that Vega is battling Waylon Mercy this Sunday and doesn’t think that match will go very well. Tatanka and Savio open things up and the Caribbean Legend gets off to a hot start, working over both men before sending Kama careening to the floor. Things reset as Holly and Kama tag in and we get a rather sloppy exchange between the two. Holly started to work the arm and then tagged in Savio but Kama caught him with a right hand. Tatanka tagged in and then bailed outside as Savio was picking up steam. We get some good heel work as Tatanka heads across the floor and trips up Holly, which allowed Kama to nail Savio from behind. The Million Dollar boys snuck in some double teams as Holly argued with the ref, gaining full control of the proceedings. Kama and Tatanka would dominate Vega for a minute or so until Savio and Tatanka collided heads, wiping both men out. Both would recover and make tags, with Holly coming in hot and landing the first shot, rattling the big man. Holly followed with a missile dropkick for two and then things broke down. Holly came flying off the top rope with a cross body but Kama caught him and awkwardly slammed him down for the win. This was a sloppy mess from bell to bell, especially when Kama and Holly were in there as they just didn’t mesh at all. Tatanka feels like a relic at this point and this whole match felt pretty aimless overall. Not much going on here. Grade: 1/2*
*** Razor Ramon is backstage and vows to take out Dean Douglas this Sunday night. ***
3) Jean-Pierre Lafitte defeated Brian Walsh with a somersault cannonball at 3:18
Scott: While this squash is going on, Vince is on the phone with Bret Hart, who will be facing Lafitte on Sunday in Saginaw. This all stems from Lafitte stealing glasses from kids and taking Bret’s jacket on Superstars. Wow this PPV is being totally rush booked with matches being slapped together at random. Lafitte wins, and is ready for the Hitman Sunday. Grade: DUD
JT: We go right back to the ring as Jean-Pierre Lafitte stalks to the ring, toting along Bret Hart’s jacket. Vince recaps the history between the pirate and the Hitman as Brian Walsh actually lands a couple of shots in. As Lafitte takes over, Bret Hart calls in from the set of Lonesome Dove. Hart makes some pirate jokes and then takes Lafitte to task for how he treats the young fans. Lafitte batters Walsh as Hart says the pirate will go down for all the stealing he has been doing of late. Hart hangs up and Lafitte finishes Walsh with a nice somersault cannonball. Lafitte has been sure and steady since debuting but finally gets his breakthrough chance on Sunday. Grade: DUD
*** Vince McMahon narrates through the history between King Mabel and Diesel to show the rise of Men on a Mission. ***
4) Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeat Men on a Mission in a non-title match when Hart pinned Mo after a Yokozuna legdrop at 9:30
Scott: Finally, we have two heel tag teams brawling it out here, but no titles are on the line so why would the fans care who wins the match? Just because Vince wants to see Yoko & Mabel in the ring together? Who cares? We already know that Owen can wrestle circles around Mo, so all in all this match could be an utter slog. It is cool to see the last two KOTR winners in the ring together. Owen & Yoko seems to be coming off as the babyface team in terms of structure, as they are the ones getting double teamed behind the referee’s back. Probably because even though he’s a heel, Owen Hart is a popular wrestler with the fans. Then again, Mo is getting double teamed a few minutes later. So maybe it’s just four cheating jerks trying to out “jerk” each other. The crowd is a bit timid until Yoko & Mabel start slugging it out. Yoko is heavier but Mabel is taller. Owen ends up pinning Mo after interference from Yokozuna. The match was frighteningly fun. Grade: **
JT: We head back to the ring for our final match of the evening as our Tag Team Champions make their way out, flanked by Mr. Fuji and Jim Cornette as always. Men on a Mission are already in the ring and Vince ensures us the ring has been reinforced here tonight. This is a pretty interesting match on paper, with both teams quite disliked by the fans and also due to the physical constitution of each unit. We get the showdown between Mabel and Yoko and then each time gathers and sets themselves. We open with Owen and Mo and they trade some offense, with both looking fairly crisp in their attacks. Mo snaps off a nice powerslam and then tags Mabel, who just spikes Owen to the mat by his hair and then kicks away. Owen would dodge an avalanche in the corner and then hammer away until the King shoved him back hard to the mat. The crowd certainly seems to be backing the champs here as Vince gives a final sell for IYH3 this weekend. Mo and Mabel take turns tagging in and out and putting a beating on Owen as we find out Diesel’s back is still dinged up from SummerSlam. Owen would block a sloppy Mo sunset flip attempt for two and then chuck Mo over the top to the floor, allowing him to finally tag Yoko. Yoko power walked into the ring and beckoned Mabel, but that just allowed Owen to batter Mo on the floor. That was a great heel spot right there. Owen shoved Mo back in and Yoko went right to work, viciously beating him down as the crowd buzzed a bit. After a break, Owen and Mo both went for a spin kick and whiffed, careening hard to the mat. They would both tag and Yoko and Mabel met in the center of the ring like two bulls colliding as the crowd popped. Mabel won the battle and actually worked over both champs before tagging Mo right back in. After a double clothesline by MOM, Mo peppered some shots until Owen kicked him in the back to kill his momentum. Yoko clotheslined Mo down and Owen hit a missile dropkick for a close near fall. Owen followed with a neckbreaker but Mo came back with a superplex for two. Things broke down with all four brawling but Mabel would get knocked to the floor, allowing Owen to trip up Mo and Yoko to drop the leg to give the champs the win. This was much better than it had any right to be with a much quicker pace than I expected. Mo was sloppy in spots as usual but he hung right with Owen throughout and the back-and-forth structure kept it moving. The Mabel/Yoko spots were also well done and the crowd pop for the big collision was a cool moment. I definitely enjoyed this more than I expected to heading in, so kudos there. The champs now move on to an incredibly high stakes match on Sunday. Grade **
*** Diesel and Shawn Michaels are backstage and talk all about their big Triple Header match on Sunday night at In Your House #3. Vince McMahon then gets in the ring to talk to Jim Cornette, Yokozuna and Owen Hart and they also give their thoughts on the Triple Header match. ***
Final Analysis:
Scott: With not much time to promote a PPV on Raw, this show did seem very rushed. The first match and the last match were entertaining enough but the announcing is the important thing here because the guys are trying to promote this PPV that had no real build on Monday nights because of the time off the show had to endure. Diesel’s title reign is really starting to fatigue but here he siphons off the hotter Shawn Michaels. Razor and The Kid are on a collision course down the line. A decent show and we are off to Saginaw! Final Grade: C+
JT: This was a tidy little go home edition of Raw and I have been enjoying the refreshed product since the new fall season launched. The graphics, the flow, the feel and just the overall look needed a change and we got it. They are pretty much embracing that they are taped some weeks now, including showing clips of what is to come throughout the night and it seems to be working for now. The roster is also fluctuating a bit, which is helping to keep things fresher too. We had two solid matches bookending the show and plenty of final hype for In Your House, which looks to be a decent enough show on paper. The main event here was pretty fun and was the best Mabel has looked since his big push began. And honestly I think that shows he is best used as a tag wrestler that can dominate in spurts. If he had a better partner, they could have had something more there. That said, all the gold is on the line this Sunday night, we will see if we have new champions in place next week on Raw. Until then… Final Grade: B-
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melyaliz · 6 years
When Fools Rush in
Summary: After his disappearance trying to prove Bruce wasn’t dead Tim finally comes back and ends up at Faith’s window.
Pairing: Tim Drake x OC
Notes: Had a bad day so needed some Tim and Faith fluff.
Inspired that came from these panels.  
He had done some stuff and maybe crossed some lines. He knew that but hearing it from Stephanie didn’t make it any easier.
He had planned to just go home, sleep off the night's events but found himself there.
At her apartment.
Well, technically it was her sister’s apartment but same thing.
Faith was stretching by the window, Guardian, her dog, laying on the bed watching. The large dog’s tail lazily wagging as she watched her master. That pure loyalty that Tim couldn’t help but be reminded of something he had seen in the eyes of the young human many times before.
The brunette that took his attention was as graceful as always, focused and calm. He knew this was how she helped clear her mind and relieve any stress she might have. He knew all the moves, all the songs she would choose. He couldn't help but smile knowing each move before she did it. Seeing it over and over when she was trying to work out a problem she couldn’t seem to fix.
He had missed her.
Maybe this was why he had lost his way. Maybe it had started when he has pushed her away.
His Guardian Angel.
Slowly she stopped and turned, her eyes looking right at him. Those beautiful hazel eyes seeing more than they let on. Slowly she walked toward the window and opened it then went back to stretching. Her invitation in, on his terms.
Part of him didn’t want to go in. Part of his didn’t want to face her.
But all of him had missed her.
“Hi” he whispered coming through the window his eyes downcast unable to truly look at her, to meet her gaze. She turned to him studying him for a moment. He didn’t need to look up to know. Her eyes would be soft but piercing. As if reading his very soul. Trying to understand, trying to put together the puzzle she was struggling with. He knew she was trying to think of the right way to help but wasn’t sure.
“Hi” she whispered back
“Look Faith… I… “
She hugged him, pulled him in so tightly that he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “I’m so glad you’re back,” she said, her head buried in his chest. “I missed you.”
He hugged her back. Knowing that he didn’t deserve this. Didn't deserve her love. But craving it, wanting it, longing for it.
For weeks he felt like he had been fighting everyone on his decisions. Even himself. He felt like as he looked in the mirror he was justifying everything he was doing yet nothing seemed right.
But with a simple hug, he realized what he was craving.
"I... I just wish you had told me you were going through this." Faith mumbled looking away for a moment, "I hate the idea that you felt alone." true honesty pouring from her. The idea she couldn't be by his side truly cutting her on the inside out.
Tim couldn't help but smile. This was why. Why he hadn't told her.
Stephanie would -and had- fought him, screamed a million (probably true) reasons why he was wrong. She did this because she needed to be a true hero. She had started to prove something, maybe to herself, maybe to the world or maybe to her father. She needed to prove that she was a good person. For Stephanie it was about what was right, seeing people stray, like her father, was the reason she continued to do what she did. To prove that there was good.
Then there was the girl in front of him.
Faith didn't do this for power, for vigilantism. Hell, she wasn't even in it to prove anyone anything. She was in it for the people.
It was for the man who owned the drugstore that was in the crossfires of a gang war. It was for the young cop in over his head in the worst part of the city. It was for the little girl who called her Guardian Angel after she had brought back her mom's purse. It was for Gigi the young mutant that just never felt like she quite fit in.
It was for him.
And he knew it.
If he had asked Faith would have dove head first into hell. It didn't matter what the mission was or what it was about if he asked she was there.
There was that old saying "If your friends jumped off a bridge would you?" For Faith, it would have been a strong resounding "when."
And Tim couldn’t do that. He couldn’t knowingly bring Faith down with him. No matter how willingly she was.
Angels belonged in heaven, not in the hell he had endured.
“I just have to do this,” Tim said pulling away slowly closing down those walls. Protecting her. Keeping her safe. “And I need to do it alone. But…” he paused giving her hand a squeeze, trying to reassure her. Let her know he was ok. Lie her her through his actions. “I wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine it’s you…”
“Look, I have to go. There is a lead I need to follow up on.” he quickly cut her off, hoping to keep this pain minimal. Maybe not kick her in the stomach like he had done to Stephanie. Yet the look on her face said he had hit her harder with his words. He had to run before he had second thoughts. Before he pulled her down the rabbit hole with him.
Turning he reached out for the window ready to jump out. Back into the depths of a black city of despair.
“I just… I” she let out a growl frustrated with herself. He could hear it in her voice. Had heard it a million times when she knew the wrong answer to something but nothing else seemed to make sense. “I love you!”
He froze, his body suddenly chilled as if someone had poured cold water over him. Waking him from a dream. Snapping him back to reality. Slowly he turned to see her standing there, arms open eyes hard with frustration.
“I know that’s not how you are supposed to say something like that. You are supposed to wait and play it cool. But that’s how I feel.” she struggled to find the right words. It was too late to back out now. (Not that she wanted to) She needed to take the leap of faith. That push forward. No more holding back. She had already lost him once, what else was there to lose?
“This isn’t some trick to keep you here but… I love you ok! I probably always have I don’t know.” She sighed running her fingers through her dark hair looking down for a moment. “I get it if you need space or whatever but… I want you to know that there are… I love you and I want to help and I feel helpless and I am just talking about myself and not how you feel. I want to know what you are feeling…” she was starting to ramble something she rarely did, being more of the one-liner kind of girl. He couldn’t help but laugh before taking a few steps forward before reaching out and pulling her to him.
His kiss was strong and all-consuming. Dangerous and almost naughty. As if he knew what he was doing was wrong, a bit of the forbidden fruit. Against everything, he had promised himself only moments earlier. 
Yet, here he was, with her throwing caution to the wind. There wasn’t much else he could do really.
Tim knew he was lying to himself. He couldn’t keep his angel from diving into hell because she was going to rush in like fools do.
Tagging: @royslittleharper @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules @jayne-writes @memento-scribet @christmascass
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humelevel · 7 years
wicdiv #32 post
this is fine. i’m alright with the events that are unfolding currently. 
big spoilers and all of that 
ok but honestly the first page is really fucking funny and good. emphasizing how persephone’s in this rut she can’t get out of by reusing panels but also using those panels to accentuate the punchline. really good. 
i’m sure you all already know this but woden is a slimy little man who i do not like 
dio thinking of the other norns after cass sort of restates that he’s already (mostly) gotten over the fact that he’s not a person she’s going to love 
god that “i can save everyone” page is good. really great movement
“the red shoes” is a kate bush ref. 
i always knew sakhmet wouldn’t give a fuck about persephone killing ananke if they’d just told her! 
i think persephone and sakhmet getting a tender moment before things go haywire emphasizes that there was some care for each other there. i think persephone really did love her; sakhmet is different, in that i think she cared, but she was also operating on such a different moral code of predator/prey that she was still willing to throw it away if persephone demonstrated that was needed. 
persephone’s statements here are also, i think, her at least attempting to be at her best- her justifications feel real, but they also feel kind of forced. i think she’s saying what she wants to be true, what she’d like to perform in her actions, but doesn’t always- particularly in her statement about who deserves to be hurt. she says you shouldn’t hurt someone who doesn’t want it, but she does that all the time, even in this issue with cass! i think that’s how she wants things to be, not how they really are. 
the coloring effects in the entire dio sequence are so great- especially the fizzy, electronic effect to emphasize woden’s presence and taking his powers. matt wilson is a godly being who we don’t deserve 
the 1234 bit works doubly because it’s a callback to dio’s debut issue, but also because it’s a heartbeat and we know dio has heart issues. 
“maybe i was wrong.” :( i love him and i already miss him 
one of the sad parts of dio’s death here to me is that woden’s line about it being an “astounding act of altruistic yet futile heroism” is...kind of correct? dio doesn’t even stop woden, woden runs off. dio did all that for basically nothing! 
it’s also kind of horrifying that people were calling for an encore when he was pretty much already gone, and that he was operating that way (”one more time”) in order to do that for people. 
the other thing that strikes me about dio’s death is that it’s kind of a soft one; we get the valkyries as the maenads, but they don’t even beat him up that much (or tear him apart) before he collapses. and he’s not even 100% dead, technically. it’s basically giving him the gentlest send-off possible while still mostly killing him. 
cass not being affected by woden using dio’s powers because she’s a critic who can see that he’s plagiarizing is amazing.
“it’s not as if that was what i was trying to do, cass.” then what were you trying to do?? why did you need an army??? where did you go??? god i hate the slime man 
morrigan refusing to come help because it’s at persephone’s apartment is to some extent amusingly petty until you grasp the consequences. maybe she could have helped things settle down safely! maybe persephone could have gotten away to cass and dio! maybe minerva wouldn’t have had to kill sakhmet! and morrigan didn’t go because she has a grudge! someone pointed out to me that mini might be rightfully pissed at her for this.
on a side note, at the end of this issue the wheel looks parallel, so i would not be shocked if morrigan and baphomet go next to continue that, and i would not be shocked if reacting to recent events- especially dio dying just after he tried to help baph- brings them back into the plot next arc. 
i’m so happy sakhmet got that “pussy-whipped” line in before she died, i’m 99% sure kieron was saving that on a doc somewhere 
i already talked about sakhmet and persephone’s relationship dynamic before to the point where it really covers the scene before sakhmet dies too, but the panel where persephone can’t make herself kill sakhmet and looks like she’s about to cry is honestly really sad. she really felt something deeply for sakhmet. 
persephone’s face looks like it has two matching red streaks on it from sakhmet’s hands and it’s a really cool image/detail. 
when will minerva be safe and have a stable life. never i guess. it’ll be good to see her as a more major player in the last year of the book (presumably) but we also already know she’s getting into alcohol so i don’t expect it to be fun. 
this entire cass/persephone argument kills me but it’s also brilliant writing in what’s not said- this entire conversation would not be happening if cass’ best friend and persephone’s girlfriend hadn’t just died. i think cass takes the excuse to be angry at her with the fact that persephone didn’t get dio to the hospital as an excuse, although i think she also knows that persephone was fighting sakhmet and couldn’t, but she’s too emotional to act better. and persephone feels the same way, so she goes ahead and continues the argument, and it gets more and more awful until persephone says that line about dio, which is, uh, jesus? i think they’re both going at each other with the first thing that comes to mind, and they don’t really feel any deep hatred for each other- just frustration. and in their current states that’s enough to rip into each other. 
i also wouldn’t be shocked if persephone blames herself for spending so much time with sakhmet and not realizing she could be a killer, and if cass blames herself for not stopping dio from doing the party and not noticing woden was up to something. so. there’s that. 
anyway, uh. time to meet pink woden?? i hope?? 
if we meet pink woden i hope they kill standard woden and take his place. please remove him from this comic. i do not like him. thanks. 
i was wrong about it being fine. it is not fine and i am sad. thank you for reading
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years
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Welcome back all you cool cats and kittens, to the Pain Train known as Auburn Football Theater 2020, where I go back and watch an Auburn football win from the past that most people have forgotten about…it has a special place in your heart for the wrong reasons. This week’s selection is the latter for me. Growing up in south central Georgia, I really didn’t have a lot of friends that were Auburn people so it was concentrated in my home. Dad and I were the big Auburn fans and would live and die with recruiting, games and the Football Review show each week to see how the Tigers would look. I can remember watching the first half of this game and then being told that I had to go to bed (for church I guess) and that dad would put the score on my bed post so I didn’t miss anything. To my surprise, Auburn won, without scoring a point from when I stopped watching. Following the 1990 victory over #5 FSU, there is a noticeable jump in most peoples collection of Auburn related games to the 93 and 94 seasons. That’s mainly because after the 1990 football season, Auburn only won two televised games. TWO. One is from the 1992 season against LSU and the other is this week’s pick. This week we travel to the 40 Acres of Austin Texas, where the Horns are waiting. This is the 1991 clash between #13 Auburn and Texas.
Coming in to the ball game, Texas had opened the season ranked 13th, and traveled to Starkville to take on Mississippi State. Needless to say that was not a fruitful venture as the offense sputtered to just 2 field goals and State was able to pound out 13 points in a 13-6 Texas loss. The good news for the Horns was that they had a week off right after that opening ball club to get read for Auburn. Speaking of the Tigers, they were undefeated on the year with good wins at home against Georgia Southern and Ole Miss. They had moved up from 17 to 13 after those two wins and looked to take their show on the road and improve on offense. The defense was classic Pat Dye good so there was no real worry there.
The bourbon choice today is Noah’s Mill. If you haven’t tried it, it’s a winner.
So, I am not gonna lie, I have sorta been looking forward to this one. Even though the game is rough, it has my all time favorite crew calling the action.
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And you can’t have Ron and Mike without Adrien roaming the side lines
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*Pours some out for AK, we miss ya buddy*
Alright so Auburn takes the ball first and Thomas Bailey starts things off right getting the Tigers out to the 39 yard line and the offense went to work, every play gained yardage and less than a minute in, the Tigers drew first blood.
So that didn’t take long as the Tigers went through a very good Texas defense like a hot knife through butter.
Texas would look to answer, taking it from their 21 and would get a first down before a big 3rd play to extend the drive.
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DID YOU SEE THE HIT ON THE QB?! If you didn’t, watch again. If you enjoy old Auburn defense like I do, just settle in.
So a punt would fall that and again Thomas Bailey would get Auburn in excellent field position, at the Auburn 46. The Tigers gained a few yards and would need a 3rd down conversion to keep the drive alive.
Even with the ref playing an excellent screen, Hall can’t bring it in and Auburn has to punt. The good news is that Texas is still going with a power run game which…yeah, that doesn’t work and a 3 and out followed. Bailey again would have an excellent return, this time getting it to the Texas 43 yard line. Auburn would march it down but have to settle for a Field Goal attempt.
Yeah, that’s what they call penetration and its not good if the defense is doing that to you.
So Texas finally gets it in good field position, at their own 47. They begin to move the ball a little bit and get it into Auburn territory before the Horns are faced with a big 3rd down.
That, my friends, is a large man and he can be as big as he wants coach.
That sets up a chance for Texas to get on the board.
Or not. So we are still stuck at 7-0 Auburn on top.
Auburn took over at the 20 and was able to work it to about midfield before needing to punt and the Horns would get it back at their own 24 before going to the air.
Ron took the words right out of my mouth. It was almost as if he owed Barlow a favor and this was the payoff. So, Auburn is up 14-0 and things seem really good. The two teams would exchange possessions and the Horns would start the following drive from the 30. Following a first down, they would need to pick up another 3rd down conversion to keep the drive alive.
Look at young Fred Smith! Who knew that in 3 years he would have a monster Pick 6 again LSU. The Tigers would take over from their own 16 and would gain a quick 9 yards in 2 plays and just needed a yard to keep the drive going.
Ugh…so that penetration thing is an issue on offense now.
Texas would notice that their offense was doing just as much as they were two weeks ago against State and sub in their backup quarterback who is an option style QB as they started their drive from the 44. Auburn is caught a little off guard by this and Texas motors down the field until they finally hit pay dirt.
And just like that, Texas has scored their first TD of the season…just 6 quarters in to the season. So that cuts the Auburn lead to 14-7 as we are late in the 2nd quarter. Auburn would look to answer and would start their next drive from the 26 and would get it moved down into Texas territory but would end up stalling out to try a field goal.
Ugh… The Horns would then take that momentum and drive down with a whole second left to try and cut a bit more into that Auburn lead.
Well, he did get the ball off the ground at least. So at the half, Auburn leads 14-7.
To start the second half, Texas picked up exactly where they left off, moving the ball from their 34 down to the Auburn 22 before disaster struck.
So another bail out from Texas and the offense went to work. I think I can count on one hand how many trick plays on offense Auburn ran under Pat Dye…GET THE TAPES OUT FOLKS!
What a fantastic play and it was executed perfectly. The bad news…
The next play was the opposite. Auburn’s best drive since the very first one of the game gets squashed thanks to a fluke helmet hit. Following the turnover, both teams would trade possessions and the Horns would take over at the 39 before the Auburn defense would take charge.
Give Saxton credit, he tried his hardest to get that ball off but the defense would have none of it. Texas would end up punting to Auburn and the Tigers would get it at their 13 where they would promptly go 3 and out and would shank a 14 yard punt that would give it to Texas at the Auburn 31 yard line. How oh how would Auburn get out of this one??
Well that will do it. The Texas offense again thinks an Auburn defender is a Texas receiver and Auburn is back in business at the 3. Stan would lead the boys out to the 25 where a 22 yard punt would follow and the Horns would again be in good field position at the Auburn 42. I ask again…how would Auburn wiggle off the hook this time??
You guessed it! The Auburn defense rises up once again. Once again, the two teams would trade possessions and Auburn would take over from the Texas 34 following another stellar return from Bailey. Auburn would inch it down and give Von Wyle another shot at a field goal.
Sometimes, it just isn’t your night bud. Texas would get it from the 31 and go right to the air.
Ok, we almost had a tie game there if not or that last gasp tackle. Auburn’s defense would tighten up and put Texas into a 3rd down predicament.
I combined both just so you could see, Saxton (the Texas QB) is definitely out for the rest of the game after banging his head off of that turf. Wow that was nasty. So Texas gets the 3 and its 14-10 with around 5 minutes to go.
Auburn would get it from their 31 and would have a very nice drive, milking the clock and getting it down to the Texas 24 yard line before going for it on 4th down to not risk a blocked FG. So the Horns get it with just over a minute to go from their own 24. Texas gets a first down but can’t do anything else and turns it over on downs. Auburn would get it back with 8 seconds left and take a knee to bring this one home.
Following this offensive spectacle, Texas would somehow beat #6 Oklahoma two games later, which was definitely the high point of their year. They would end up 5-6 on the year and that would wrap up David McWilliams 5 years in Austin and would make way for John Mackovic. Not to be out done, this was the high point of the season for Auburn as they would be handed their first loss of the season the very next week against Tennessee and then the following week Southern Miss would take down the Tigers. Auburn would finish the year at 5-6 and miss a bowl game for the first time since 1981 under Pat Dye.
Well, that’s it for this edition of the Auburn Football Theater. There are only two games left and man…that won’t be fun. For me that it, I hope its fun for you.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/5/11/21253937/auburn-football-theater-2020-3-91-texas
0 notes
nobodys-pearls · 7 years
Hit on Me Chapter 3
A Kimax AU about pro fighting and amateur flirting ;)
Read of [AO3]
Kim was acting weirdly, and Max couldn’t seem to pinpoint what exactly was wrong with him. As they headed down the stairs to meet the two guests – which he assumed were going to be their future coworkers in some shape or form – Kim felt the need to clear his throat every few seconds, and he even tripped over his feet on their way out of The Booth.
Max was beginning to wonder if he was sick, or maybe he was having seasonal allergies? It wasn’t uncommon for people to develop throat problems during these months, since the pollen could be oppressive, but he couldn’t imagine what kind of malady could make someone so naturally athletic suddenly so clumsy. It was odd, and nothing in Max’s arsenal of information could figure it out.
Therefore, he reasoned that he should table the quandary for now until new data could be collected. Satisfied with that conclusion, he adjusted his glasses and walked up to meet the two new faces, Adela only a few feet in front of him and Kim lagging behind.
“I’m glad that you two were able to make it.” Adela said with a warm smile, coming to stand next to the two visitors, who by this point had left the ring to stand on the ground floor near the reporters’ table.
“No big deal.” The young man said with a shrug, tapping his fingers against his thigh to a silent rhythm.
“Yeah, we wanted to meet the new recruits anyway.” The young woman said with a smile, her glasses flashing. Max squirmed a bit under her gaze – it was almost like she could see all of his secrets. Not that he had secrets of course, or rather, he didn’t have more than the average person. He read somewhere that most people usually have about 1-2 secrets at any given time, sometimes without realizing that they were concealing something.
He began to wonder if he had some big secret and didn’t realize it. He supposed the fact that he was gay could be considered a secret, but it wasn’t like he wasn’t open to telling people. He’d just told two of his coworkers a few minutes ago.
Then his mind drifted back to Kim – he noticed that his thoughts had a habit of doing that lately. He glanced over and saw that Kim looked better than he did on the way down here – maybe the change in air improved his condition? Now he was giving their two coworkers his usual wide smile and walking up to them with an outstretched hand, saying, “I’m Le Chien Kim, but you can call me Kim.” He winked at both of them.
The woman rolled her eyes and smirked as she shook his hand – she didn’t look impressed. “I’m Alya Cesaire. I’ll be reporting from the ground. I also interview the athletes afterwards.” She declared with a flip of her hair. Then she glanced at the man beside her.
“I’m Nino Lahiffe, I’m the head ref, so I make sure that no one like, dies.” He said with a shrug, shaking Kim’s hand as well.
“He also makes our set lists.” Adela added with a smile, and Nino rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. However, Max could see the pride in his eyes. Then he realized that it was his turn to introduce himself.
“I’m Max Kanté, Kim’s partner.” He said simply, shaking their hands.
“Partner, as in we’re both going to be working in The Booth together.” Kim explained, a slight blush rising from his neck. “Not like, in the other way. You know, he’s not my partner.” Kim added, becoming more flustered with each word.
Max turned to face him. “Yes, I think that is quite obvious given the context of our meeting, Kim.” Max pointed out, giving him a puzzled look. Maybe he was more sick than he initially thought.
Then he heard Alya stifle a snicker behind her hand, her eyes flashing with amusement. “I have a good feeling about working with you two.” She said. “I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.”
Then the doors behind them opened and two new people walked inside. One was wearing what Max could only label as being a completely black costume. The young man also had a mask around his eyes and a messy mop of blond hair. Next to the disguised stranger was a young woman with a high ponytail, striking blue eyes, and a stance that told Max that he should keep his distance.
“Oh geez, this is awkward.” The young man said, rubbing the back of his neck. The woman, however, seemed unbothered and walked right up to Adela, ignoring everyone else.
“We have the ring booked for the next hour.” The woman declared, sparing a glance Max’s way. He could easily pick up on her distain as she looked down on him.
“Of course. I was just showing the new sports casters around.” Adela said with the upmost poise. “Actually, is there any chance they can watch you two warm up? It’ll be good for them to get a taste of what they’ll be seeing this season.”
“Anything for my fans.” The young man declared, walking up to Adela to stand beside his companion. “How about it, Chloe?”
“Apologies,” Max said, clearing his throat. All eyes were on him. “Well, it’s just I cannot possibly be a fan of yours, since I have no idea who you are. Are you new to the league?” He asked innocently. He watched as the costumed man before him immediately deflated. Then he heard Kim snort.
“My partner’s got a point.” Kim said. “I’ve been working here for a while, and I have no clue who you are, or why you’re wearing a mask. Is this a new publicity stunt?” He asked, looking at Adela.
“This is my newest trainee.” The blonde woman, Chloe, stated, crossing her arms. Then Max realized who she was – Chloe Bourgeios, one of the leading PFL trainers. Alix would always complain about her – apparently they had a record of butting heads. But at this point Max assumed that his best friend butted heads with everyone. It was simply a part of her charm, or at least that’s what she would tell him.
“That still doesn’t really explain the black getup.” Kim pointed out politely. “It is super cool though.” He added, giving the fighter a thumbs up.
“I’m glad you like it.” The blond man said, giving him a wink.
Chloe rolled her eyes. “For reasons I am not at liberty to disclose, he has elected to keep his identity a secret to everyone but myself.”
“There’s nothing in the rule book against it.” Adela added. “And it’s not bad advertising either. Picture it: Who is the Man Behind the Fists?” She said, reaching out her arms as if she was gesturing to some large headline.
Max understood what she was saying. People were naturally drawn in by mystery, so it would probably increase profits.
“In fact, there is actually one more new fighter that has decided to keep their identity concealed.” Adela said. The costumed man perked up at that.
“I guess I have a copycat.” He mused aloud with a grin. Max could tell that he was interested in meeting this person.
“So what do we call you?” Alya inquired, putting a hand on her hip.
“Chat Noir, at your service.” He said, giving her a bow. She scoffed. Nino kept tapping his thigh to an unknown beat.
“So are we going to get to see you in action?” Nino asked after a moment, looking at Chat Noir.
Chat Noir glanced at Chloe, who gave him a small nod. Then he lifted himself up into the ring, Chloe right behind him.
“I don’t want to dazzle too much right now, I got to save it for the first match, but I can show you guys some of my moves.” Chat Noir said with some bravado. Max could tell that he was flexing a little.
“Get a load of this guy.” Kim said, moving to stand next to Max. Max only scoffed as they both faced towards the ring.
“What?” Kim asked, turning to look at Max.
“Come on, he sounds just like you. You even have the same grin.” Max pointed out, glancing at Kim.
Kim pouted and crossed his arms. “Wow, thanks.”
Max’s gaze softened and he put a hand on Kim’s arm. He was startled for a moment by how firm it was, but then he swallowed and said, “I didn’t mean it as an insult. Confidence is a good thing.”
Kim glanced down at Max’s hand, and then looked back up. “Thanks.” His said softly, his eyes a little wider than they were before.
Max moved his hand away and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Yes, humans are very social creatures, so the ability to navigate and even dominate a crowd of people can be very advantageous. Confidence is an efficient tool that can be used to achieve that goal, so, in conclusion, it is a beneficial characteristic to have.”
Kim squinted his eyes in thought as he turned to look back at the ring. “Uh, right.”
“I think you fried his brain.” Alya whispered to Max, trying to hide the amusement behind her hand.
Max rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. “Yeah, computers are easy. People are, not so easy.” He admitted quietly.
“I feel that.” Nino said as he moved next to Alya. He held out his fist and after a moment of confusion Max tapped it with his own.
“Okay, let’s do this!” Chat Noir declared, adjusting his fingerless gloves and moving to get into a proper fighting stance. Chloe was only a few feet away from him, her knees bent and her arms poised to strike. Max analyzed the image before him.
“It looks like most of his weight is on his right foot and his torso is slightly turned, so he’ll probably start with a right hook. That is what 73% of fighters tend to do first. However, his line of sight doesn’t show him looking at her face, but rather he’s glancing at her legs.” Max muttered under his breath. Then it clicked.
“He’s going to feign a punch and then try to sweep her off her feet with his leg.” Max declared.
“Ready, and fight!” Adela declared from outside of the ring. Chat Noir lifted his right arm like he was about to strike, and Chloe raised her arms to block out of reflex, but then he dropped down with lightening fast speed and swung his leg to hit her feet. Chloe saw this and jumped out of the way just in time, but it was close. He almost got her.
“How did you know?” Kim asked as the fight continued on. Max realized that he was talking to him.
“What do you mean?” Max said, looking at Kim.
“You knew he was going to fake and then go for the sweep instead, how?”
Max shrugged and looked away, a little embarrassed. “Probability I guess. It’s what made the most sense with the data I could perceive.”
“Don’t downplay it man! That was awesome!” Kim declared, his eyes bright. Max felt his face getting warmer. Those gray eyes again. And that smile. Everything about Kim was so inexplicably bright. He didn’t understand it.
“Th-thank you.” Max stuttered out. Then he looked back at the ring and saw Chat Noir go in for an uppercut, only to be swept off his feet by Chloe’s leg.
“You used my move against me!” Chat protested on the ground, lifting himself up with his elbows.
A small smile tugged at the corner of Chloe’s mouth and she bent over her trainee. “You always have to be prepared for someone to use your moves against you in a fight. It’s not about being original; it’s about being the last one standing.” Then she held out her hand. “You’re getting better though; you’ll be ready for the real fights soon. And you’re going to win.” Max saw a gleam of pride in her eyes.
Chat grinned and accepted her hand. With her help he got back on his feet. “All thanks to you, Chlo.”
“That was great. We haven’t had raw, young talent like this in a while.” Adela said. She sounded impressed, and Max couldn’t help but agree with her. This guy was a natural, he had a feeling that he’d be seeing a lot of him in the ring.
“That was super cool bro, I look forward to sharing the ring with you.” Nino said, tipping his hat.
“Just make sure to save some energy for the post-fight interviews, I’m sure the fans will want to get to know you.” Alya said, looking up from her phone to give him a wink. She looked like she was typing out some notes.
“I know that I’m supposed to be biased, but I’ll be rooting for you. You’re awesome!” Kim declared, pumping his fists. Chat gave him a wide grin. Yeah, those two were a lot alike, Max mused.
“Well one of us will have to do our job and not show favoritism,” Max said, glancing at Kim.“But you are an excellent fighter. You have a very unique style. It’s exciting to watch.”
Chat rubbed the back of his neck and looked at his shoes. “Wow, thanks guys. I’m looking forward to the season.”
“Keep your head up, you’re going to have to get used to all eyes on you when you step into this ring.” Chloe said sternly, but Max could tell there was a hint of affection in her eyes.
Chat stood up straighter. “Right.” He said, nodding his head.
“Okay, we will leave you two to train. Good luck and I look forward to seeing you two in the coming weeks.” Adela said, clapping her hands together. Then she turned to Alya and Nino. “Thanks again for stopping by, I’ll see you two tomorrow to talk logistics?”
“Of course.” Alya said. Nino simply nodded his head in affirmation.
“Perfect.” Adela said with a smile. Then she faced Max and Kim. “I have to stay here a little longer to do some paperwork, but you’re both free to go. I hope this visit was beneficial.” She directed the last statement at Max.
“Yes, very. I’m looking forward to working with you all.” Max said, adjusting his glasses.
Adela gave him one last smile, and Chat Noir even gave them a wave before Kim and Max headed for the exit door.
“So what’d you think? It’s an awesome place to work right?” Kim said, bouncing a little with each step. They went through the doors and Max felt the cool breeze on his face. It was almost dark.
“It’s a dream come true.” Max answered honestly, looking out into the street with a small smile.
“Hey,” Kim said softly after a moment, fidgeting with his hands. Max could sense a sudden tenseness in his shoulders. “Would you maybe want to get dinner together?”
Max’s eyes widened. That’s not what he was expecting. “Right now?”
“It’s okay if you can’t I just thought –”
“That’s a great idea.” Max interrupted.
Kim snapped his head to look at him. “You think?”
“Of course. It would only make sense for the two of us to become more comfortable with each other now, so that our teamwork is at optimum efficiency once the season starts.”
Kim looked at him for a moment and then looked at his shoes, letting out a small laugh. “Exactly. You read my mind.” He said, but Max could sense a hint of disappointment.
“I have a good feeling about this. About us.” Max said quickly, hoping that he was saying the right thing. He never knew if he was saying the right things, only when they were facts or statistics. Everything else was uncertain. And yet he was starting to realize that he usually liked the uncertain things more.
Kim looked up at him in surprise, and then a warm smile spread across his face. “You are scarily good at predictions.” He pointed out. “So you must be right about his one too.”
“So did you have a place in mind?” Max asked.
“For what?”
“Oh, right.” Kim said, kicking a pebble down the street. Then he looked back at Max and grinned. “Follow me.”
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Notes taken during Super Bowl XL
This is an ABC broadcast. Al Michaels on play by play. John Madden on color.
Seahawks to receive the opening kickoff.
Unremarkable kickoff return, out to the Seattle 18.
First play, Hasselbeck to Darrell Jackson for around 6 yards.
ABC can't even get through the offensive player introductions between plays. First two plays are complete passes to Jackson, then Shaun Alexander runs for 8. Seahawks looking good very early.
Another completion to Jackson. 3 of the first 4 plays are to Jackson. Madden says as long as CB Ike Taylor keeps giving him that kind of cushion, the Seahawks will throw 6-7 yard outs all night.
ABC's graphics style for player introductions is a clear reference to old-school automobile lettering. This game is being played in Detroit.
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Third and 9 near midfield, Clark Haggans sacks Matt Hasselbeck. There's a flag on the play, but it's holding on the offense. Tom Rouen will punt. He boots it into the end zone.
Michaels: Of the 45 active Steelers tonight, none has ever played in the Super Bowl.
Cutaway: Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu's dad Mosi. Played in the Super Bowl 20 years ago.
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Steelers do nothing with the ball and punt.
Michaels: Only 108 footballs tonight. Madden: They'll change the ball on every play, to get all these balls in play. Hasselbeck says other quarterbacks have warned him that the ball is always slick in the Super Bowl because of all the changes.
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Hasselbeck scrambles for nearly 10 yards. He's not the most mobile quarterback, particularly in comparison to Roethlisberger.
Oh, hey, there's another pass to Darrell Jackson. His fourth catch and we aren't even halfway through the first quarter.
Third and 6, a quick completion to Jackson. Would be his fifth catch of the game but it's called back on a holding penalty.
3rd and 16, Steelers go to a 2-3-6 defense and Hasselbeck hits DB Ike Taylor in the numbers with a pass downfield. Taylor doesn't catch it and Rouen will punt again. And he'll punt it into the end zone again.
Steelers go three and out. Seahawks using six defensive backs, causing problems for Roethlisberger. Madden says both teams look tight.
2nd and 6, quick slant to Darrell Jackson. His fifth catch, ties Andre Reed's record for most catches in the first quarter of a Super Bowl.
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Hasselbeck buys time, scrambles, looks upfield, and hits Jackson in the end zone. Would have been his sixth (or seventh) catch of the game, but he's flagged for offensive pass interference. A bit of a ticky-tack call but there was a push, however light it was. He did it right in front of an official.
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This is a push-off. I wish it weren’t, but it is.
Darrell Jackson has all four of Seattle's first downs as we approach the end of the first quarter.
Madden: Seahawks don't feel like they can run inside. They want to run outside, but the Steelers' containment, speed, and pursuit is excellent.
Third down, Hasselbeck lofts it deep for D.J. Hackett. Hackett tips it and nearly catches the ball as hit lands on his back. He does not, so Josh Brown comes on to kick a 47-yard field goal. 3-0 Seahawks.
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Madden: Lofa Tatupu reminds me a lot of Mike Singletary. That seems...excessive.
Roethlisberger goes deep for Hines Ward. Flag is thrown, but it's picked up. The officials thought it was a helmet-first hit, but decided it was not.
Steelers go three and out. They'll punt as the second quarter begins. Seattle 3, Pittsburgh 0 after one quarter.
Madden: Pittsburgh has three possessions, three threes-and-out, Roethlisberger is 1-for-5.
Great punt return from Peter Warrick (!) into Steeler territory, but it's called back. Holding on the receiving team.
Sideline reporter Suzy Kolber: Seahawks told Matt Hasselbeck not to think very much out there. Just call the plays that are sent in. It's how they're dealing with the complex Steeler defense.
Madden: I've never seen a quarterback in a Super Bowl as cool as Hasselbeck or Roethlisberger.
Seahawks convert on 3rd and 5 with a completion to Jurevicius. They're near midfield.
3rd and 2, Hasselbeck downfield to TE Jerramy Stevens. He's popped just after catching it. Ruled an incomplete pass, but it was close. Easily could have been ruled a fumble. He had taken three steps before he was hit.
Rouen punts...into the end zone. Again. 
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ABC graphic: Three teams have gone without a first down in the first quarter of a Super Bowl: Colts (V), Patriots (XX), Steelers (XL).
This is the fourth Steelers drive, fourth time it's started at their own 20.
Jerome Bettis is in the game! He grew up here in Detroit. Might be playing his final game.
Shortly after Bettis is tackled, Al Michaels says something about Tubbs and I spend a second thinking that's a mean thing to call Jerome Bettis before I realize Tubbs is the name of a Seattle defensive player.
Hey, a first down! Nice catch from Antwaan Randle-El. Next play, an end-around to Ward for 17 yards. Michaels, thankfully, doesn't call it a reverse because it isn't one. It's just an end around with some counter action on the offensive line.
Roethlisberger goes deep for Randle El, it's underthrown and picked off. Not ideal, but it's about like a punt. They gained yardage and gave the ball to the other team.
Madden: Steelers don't look like they have a plan. Are they trying to throw on first down? Get a running game going? You can't see what they're doing. At least you can sort of see what the Seahawks want to do.
3rd and 3, Hasselbeck completes a pass to Mack Strong for about two and a half. They'll measure it but I can't imagine he got it. He did not. He's about two chain links short. Madden and Michaels agree you have to punt here. If you go and don't get a first down, you give the Steelers the ball, field position, and momentum.
They punt. It's not a touchback this time. Randle El with a nice return, dives, lands on his head, and is injured. Doesn't look serious. Steelers have it at their own 41.
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Michaels: This is a very pro-Steelers crowd. It's supposed to be a neutral site, but it's as neutral as Lake Placid in 1980 when the USA played the USSR in hockey.
Roethlisberger with a heads-up shovel pass to Hines Ward, who picks up a first down into Seahawks territory.
Steelers beginning to move the ball now. Roethlisberger to Cedric Wilson down the seam of a Cover 3 defense. 20 yards, down to the Seattle 22.
Next play, deep pass hits Ward in the hands and falls incomplete. Ward might not have been able to get his feet down, even if he had made the catch.
Michaels says the Super Bowl referee used to be a high school ref, worked a game at which Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren was an assistant coach. Small world.
3rd and 28 after an offensive interference and a sack. Roethlisberger with an incredible play. Scrambles, nearly crosses the line of scrimmage, stops, looks downfield, and hits Hines Ward at the 3. Unbelievable.
Bettis stuffed on first and second down runs up the middle. We're at the two-minute warning with the Steelers inside the 5 on third down.
Third down, Roethlisberger runs left, dives, and just barely gets to the line. Side judge couldn't decide what to call, eventually says touchdown. This is almost certainly going to be reviewed. I think it's close enough that they won't be able to overturn it, but we shall see.
Yep, call on the field stands. 7-3 Steelers, 1:55 left in the half. I think they got this one right.
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It’s pretty blurry, but the ball is in Roethlisberger’s right hand and it looks like it’s just barely above the goal line. Touchdown.
Hey, it's former Oregon Duck Maurice Morris. Nice kickoff return again, called back by a holding flag again. Maurice was a beast as a Duck.
Halftime: Live performance by the Rolling Stones.
Seahawks in a two-minute drill. Take notes, Eagles. Quick completion to Jurevicius, then another to Shaun Alexander. They've reached midfield with 1:13 left on the clock.
First down to Bobby Engram to the Steelers' 40. Next play is deep to Jackson, who makes a really nice catch but is just barely out of bounds. Very close. Just an exciting incomplete pass.
Wow, the Seahawks burn a bunch of time as Hasselbeck calls an audible. Eventually the Steelers call timeout for some reason. Weird. 0:13 left, 3rd and 6, just on the fringes of field goal range.
Deep to Jackson again. Incomplete and out of bounds again. 4th down. Do they attempt a field goal? They do. Here's Josh Brown for a 54-yard attempt. Nope. Wide right. 0:02 left in the half. Michaels and Madden are baffled by that sequence from the Seahawks. So am I.
Roethlisberger downs it to end the first half. 7-3 Steelers.
Bill Cowher: Ben's gotta settle down and we've gotta get the run game going. If we do that, we'll be okay.
Mike Holmgren: The guys upstairs were telling me the ball didn't cross the line on the touchdown. That's not the question he was asked, but it's what we get from Holmgren.
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Brown and Bubbly dot com?
Madden: If Seattle would go to an uptempo pace and maybe stop running sweeps, they'd be better off. Not sure what Pittsburgh's plan is. At some point, this game will be in Ben Roethlisberger's hands.
ABC reporter Suzy Kolber: At the end of the first half, Holmgren called a play and Hasselbeck audibled. So Holmgren called another play and Hasselbeck audibled again. Then the Steelers called a timeout.
Kolber: Holmgren told his guys at halftime that they're almost there and they need to settle down.
Michele Tafoya: Cowher says they need to convert on third downs and can't keep committing penalties.
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Steelers receive the kick to start the second half. Average return, out to the 25.
Second play of the half, handoff to Willie Parker and he. is. gone. 75 yards for a touchdown. That was quick - Steelers up 14-3, 22 seconds into the second half.
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Parker had six carries for 11 yards before that play.
That 75 yard run is the longest rushing play in the history of the Super Bowl. Previous record: Marcus Allen, 74 yards in Super Bowl XVIII.
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Third and 4 for the Seahawks on the ensuing drive, Hasselbeck audibles to a handoff to fullback Mack Strong. It crosses up the defense and gets a first down.
Next play, NFL MVP Shaun Alexander takes the handoff left and rips off a chunk of yardage. 21 yards.
Third and 5, Hasselbeck throws deep right to Jackson, who doesn't even look for the ball. Seahawks will settle for a 50 yard field goal attempt. Wide left, Steelers get the ball at their own 40. Big miss.
Oh, man, great catch by Hines Ward. Throw is low, he catches the back end of the ball and gets to the Seattle 45.
Third down, Roethlisberger reads blitz and flips it to Hines Ward for a first down.
Big run for Bettis to the 10. Then another play to Bettis for 3 more.
Michaels: I'm not sure Bettis knows whether he's going to retire after this game.
Madden: Bettis says he's not sure he can practice every day anymore. Needs to talk to Cowher about expectations.
Awful, awful throw by Roethlisberger on third down inside the 10. Picked off by Kelly Herndon, who returns it for about 80 yards to the Steelers' 20. Huge turning point in the game.
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Second down throw hits Bobby Engram, bounces into Jerramy Stevens, and falls incomplete.
Third down, Stevens is wide open in the end zone and Hasselbeck sees him. 16 yard touchdown. 14-10 Steelers.
That interception return, 76 yards, was the longest in Super Bowl history.
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Madden: That passing play on third down was very un-Cowher like. You'd expect him to run and be okay with kicking a field goal to go up 17-3.
Steelers don't do anything with the ball and punt. Seahawks take over around their own 28.
Third and 15, Hasselbeck checks it to a dump pass to Strong who can't convert the first down. Tom Rouen to punt. Steelers get it at their 36.
Steelers go three and out and will punt. Less than 3:00 left in the third quarter.
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Do you have a mustache? No? Well, you’re not allowed to coach in this game.
Great punt. Seahawks start inside their own three yard line.
Kolber: Hasselbeck talked to each of his receivers during that Steelers drive, looking at photos of Steeler defenses, trying to find holes.
Seahawks are using bootlegs on this drive, looking to gain yardage short and wide.
The third quarter ends with the Seahawks out near midfield, slowly but steadily moving the ball on short passes and an occasional run.
The drive continues. A pass to Engram, then a run to Alexander. They're inside the Pittsburgh 25.
Now Hasselbeck down the middle to Stevens at the 1. Nope. Holding, offense. Big penalty. Madden watches a replay and doesn't see a hold. Next play is a sack. Seahawks all the way back to the 34. 2nd and 25.
Third and 18, Hasselbeck throws to...somebody, I guess, but it's right to DB Ike Taylor. Looks like maybe it was supposed to go to Darrell Jackson. Taylor picks it off and gets out to the Steeler 30 or so.
This is not a good throw.
Pittsburgh runs a run/pass reverse option to wide receiver Antwaan Randle El, who throws a perfect pass to Hines Ward heading into the end zone. Touchdown. 21-10 Steelers. Randle El was a star quarterback in college at Indiana, so it's not a surprise he was able to put a pass on the button.
Tafoya: I was told before the game that if there were going to be a gadget play, it was going to be that reverse run/pass option to Randle El.
Tafoya: Steelers bench was down before the Taylor interception, but they're up and excited now.
First play of the Seahawks drive, Hasselbeck scrambles , runs, and fumbles as he falls after a 20 yard gain. The Steelers recover, the whistle never blew. This is going to be reviewed. He might have been touched on the way down.
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He was touched on the way down.
Replay shows he was clearly touched by a defender (Larry Foote) as he was falling. That should be a reversal. Yep, it is. Seahawks retain possession.
Completion to Jurevicius gets the Seahawks out to midfield. 7:30 left in regulation.
Seahawks backup QB Seneca Wallace comes in as a wide receiver, but it's just as a decoy. 3rd and 8, Hasselbeck is sacked on a corner blitz. Rouen will punt...into the end zone, as has become his routine.
Steelers just killing time here. Run to Bettis, run to Bettis, dump pass to Randle El, run to Bettis. Clock below 4:00, Pittsburgh up 11 points.
Third and 3, bootleg to Roethlisberger, who just barely picks up the first down. They'll measure, but he got it. Madden says it was a broken play.
Seahawks burn their final timeout with 3:04 left. Steelers still have the ball, still bleeding clock.
Steelers are stopped on a 3rd and 8 run. They'll punt after the two-minute warning. Seattle needs 11 points in 120 seconds with zero timeouts.
Gardocki punts it into the end zone.That burned nine seconds. 1:51 left on the clock, still 21-10.
Completion to Stevens short over the middle, clock rolling, 1:30 and counting...
Completion to Jurevicius deep over the middle, clock rolling, 1:05...
Incomplete pass. 1:00 left.
Madden and Michaels talking about intentionally cutting this drive short, kicking a field goal on like second down, and going for an onside kick. This seems crazy to me.
Incomplete pass. 0:52.
Incomplete pass. 0:47. 4th and 10 now.
Michaels: Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren nearly quit over the offseason, told the owner he might not be the guy for this job. Owner disagreed.
Completion to Engram at the 26. Ball spiked. 0:34 left.
Incomplete pass. 0:27. Madden says they have to kick the field goal here. I guess maybe that makes sense to me, though the offense is on the field for third down.
Swing pass to Stevens, doesn't get out of bounds, it's 4th and 8 with the clock rolling. They can't spike it and don't have a play ready. Tick...tick...tick.... 0:10....
Incomplete pass on fourth down. Steelers get the ball. Game over.
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Madden: Seahawks were a mess on their final drive of the first half and their final drive of the second half.
Cowher family celebrating on the sideline.
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I guess hugging your wife and daughters is a good way to avoid the Gatorade bucket.
Roethlisberger downs it. Game over. Final score: 21-10.
Michaels: Steelers were 7-5, then ran the table the rest of the way including the playoffs.
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Mr. Rooney, celebrating.
Cowher crying tears of joy, quietly taking in the scene.
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0 notes