#like… no one in the crows is straight? isn’t Kaz (if not inej as well) confirmed as being on the ace spectrum?
aphroditestummyrolls · 8 months
People who call Helnik a “straight” relationship are dancing dangerously close to my block list…
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midnight-rain-fics · 1 year
All of the girls you loved before
{Fandom: Grishaverse}
{Pairing: Jesper x reader (platonic)} {Jesper x Wylan}
Summary: Reader is an old fling of Jesper’s and joins the crows on a job. Wylan is not amused as the reader and Jesper flirt and his mean side makes an appearance. Just fluff. That’s it.
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“Every dead-end street led you straight to me
Now you're all I need, I'm so thankful for
All of the girls you loved before
But I love you more”
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• From the moment you joined the crows on their latest heist, you could tell that Jesper’s boyfriend, Wylan was not your biggest fan
• You hadn’t really been on jobs for some time, what with you trying to be a better person
• For her
•because she deserved that and much more
• partaking in criminal activity wasn’t the benchmark for being a good person but Kaz was a friend and the pay was just too good to pass up
• Seeing Jesper, one of your old friends was just the cherry on top
• Jesper and you had been friends and then something more before you two broke up and you fell in love with someone else
• “well, well, well, if it isn’t the infamous Y/N L/N” Jesper had smirked as he swung an arm around your shoulder
• “looking good, Fahey”
• and that comment had probably been when Wylan first started glaring at you, his eyes narrowed as you and Jesper joked around until you both got reprimanded by Kaz.
• It turns out Wylan tended to be quite mean when he was jealous, something that had surprised the rest of the crows
• “You talk quite a lot, did anyone ever tell you that?”
• “I don’t think now is the time to joke”
• You had found his jealousy amusing and Jesper seemed to share the thought as he looked at Wylan with heart eyes
• Kaz had paired you, Jesper and Wylan together to search the merchant’s study while he and Inej stole the dekappel from his living room.
• “my fantasy threesome” Jesper had smirked, “of people to work with” he hastily added as Wylan’s glare turned from you to him.
• You leaned down as you rummaged through the drawer of the merchant’s table, looking for anything valuable.
• “isn’t this so much fun?” Jesper asked aloud as he looked at himself in the mirror and posed with his guns.
• “just like old times, Jes” You smirked inwardly as you heard Wylan huff in annoyance.
• You made a victorious noise as you finally found something of value and pulled a pearl necklace out of the drawer, “look at this beauty”
• “you like pearls?” Wylan asked, his eyes trained on you judgmentally, “I think they are quite tacky”
• Jesper let out a disbelieving chuckle as he looked at his boyfriend
• You looked at Wylan with a raised eyebrow, amusement clear in your eyes, “I am more of an emerald person but Linnea adores pearls”
• “Linnea?”
• A small smile broke out on your lips as you touched the pearls of the necklace, “Linnea Opjer, my girlfriend”
• “Oh”
• “yes, Oh”
• safe to say, Wylan felt quite embarrassed by his previous behavior. Jesper chose that moment to join the conversation, “and how is she nowadays?”
• You chuckled fondly, thinking of your girlfriend as you clutched the pearl necklace in your hand “still smart as a whip and pretty as these pearls”
• “which are not tacky, by the way, at all” Wylan said hurriedly as you pocketed the necklace.
• “good to know” you smiled at him. You hoped Linnea liked the necklace. Maybe one day you’ll get her a pearl ring too, asking her to be yours, forever. But for now, the necklace would suffice.
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A/N: Did I intentionally make Linnea, Nikolai’s half sister, reader’s girlfriend? Yes, yes I did. I could totally write some headcanons for her if y’all want. She’s Nikolai’s half sister, which means she’s already iconic.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 6 months
Daughter of the Rain and Snow
Concept: Around ten years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, 25-year-old Captain Inej Ghafa frees Maya Olsen from a pleasure house in Ketterdam. Maya is looking for revenge against the man who put her in her position, a man who she knows nothing about except his name: Kaz Brekker.
Tags: @wraith--2 @lunarthecorvus @just2bubbly @real-fragments7 @ethereal-maia @cartoon-clifford @origami-butterfly
Content Warnings: in more general terms I want to remind people to be aware of the nature of Kaz and Inej's experiences and relationship since even if I'm not directly addressing these things they tend to be implicit in any writing about them, but specifically to this chapter there's ptsd references, discussion about drowning, threats, violence, and there isn’t any child death taking place but it is talked about so I wanted to mention that just to make sure I’m being clear
Chapter 15 - Kaz
“What are the chances of being arrested if I murder a member of the Merchant Council in broad daylight?” Kaz snarled as he limped into the Crow Club.
He was finally going to give Ethan this Saints-forsaken financial record. Part of him was hoping the boy was guilty after all, so he’d have an excuse to kill someone. Annika looked up from her table and snorted a short laugh.
“For anyone else pretty high. For you? Depends on the Council member,”
“Meaning it depends on whether Jesper would shoot you before the Stadwatch got there,”
“Like Jesper could take me,”
She laughed again. Kaz didn’t have time for that. He flung two bags of coins into her lap and marched on past as he said:
“One for you. One for Rotty. Keep the tables busy,”
Annika’s mock salute was the last thing he saw from the corner of his eye as he headed straight for the back room.
Ethan sat, alone, behind his desk, head half buried in the books until Kaz hit his cane against the doorframe to summon some attention. Ethan flinched and threw his head up, and upon seeing Kaz found himself somewhere between relieved and even more anxious. He closed the book in front of him with slightly trembling fingers.
“Kaz, you - I don’t-”
Kaz dropped the record into front of Ethan, open on the Olsen transaction. He took in Ethan’s twitchy manner and dishevelled appearance with a slow study if the boy, who was now leaning over and blinking several times to read the words.
“When did you last sleep?”
“Wh- I don’t- I was waiting for you,”
Ghezen, the kid hadn’t left the room since Kaz told him he’d be back with the ledger.
“It’s been 30 hours,”
“You said you didn’t know how long you’d be,”
“Well you’re useless to me like this. Go back to the Slat and get some sleep, we’ll talk about this tomorrow,”
Ethan left in a haze and Kaz shook his head as he took a chair and pulled the most recent books towards him. Something was telling him the last 2 days of adding were going to need redoing, and besides it gave him a good opportunity to read through the recent ledgers for any discrepancies. This wasn’t as good a distraction as talking to Ethan would have been, but it was something. Kaz thought of Inej pulling away from him in their little house, dark eyes burning like a fire half- hidden by the black silhouette of the moon. He flexed his fingers in his gloves.
“What was the alternative?”
She was right, in a way, he thought. What would their little piece of the world look like if he had taken the energy he gave to the Dregs and put it into them? A marriage that didn’t rely on letters left from the beyond, safety, security, maybe family. And where would that leave him? Following Inej around Ravka, replacing the fear of the ship with the fear of her falling from the swings? Watching her teach their children the high wire whilst he imagined them falling, saw their little bodies splayed across the concrete? Or would he still be left waiting for her ship to return, tucking the children in every night whilst they asked when their mother would come home and he had no answer to give them? Always passive, always outside, watching her life through a lens whilst he couldn’t find where he fit into it.
She would have her ship, and he would have his city.
Even now that had to be the way it was. He had watched her try to be part of his world for years and known she wasn’t happy, he couldn’t ask her to sacrifice that again. But he didn’t know if he had the strength to sacrifice his world for hers instead.
And now this.
Kaz didn’t want to blame Inej for being angry with him, but she’d read the Saintsforsaken ledger hadn’t she? She knew he’d done nothing to this girl or her father that justified her placing blame on him. Something itched at him in the corners of his mind her shut out. You didn’t want to blame Jordie. Of course he didn’t. But it seemed all a more clean cut affair with Maya’s father, didn’t it?
No matter how Maya felt though, surely Inej could see?
She reminds me of you.
Kaz had no hope of focusing on these stupid ledgers. The numbers swam from line to line, like they were taunting him with the one thing he was supposed to be able to do. This, at least he was supposed to still be good at. A glance, an acknowledgment, and the numbers should have been stored in his mind. The filing cabinets in there scrolling over a decade of records that he could call upon at will. But now he was straining to concentrate, and his mind was filled with nothing but Inej and her dark, burning eyes. Flinching away from his touch. Drowning in the harbour. Thirty hours. When had he last slept? He didn’t want to. The dream came too fresh, too often. That oil black hair spilling around her, floating in the water. Limbs drooping, borne aloft by the waves, fingers in his turning to taut and bloated flesh. He couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t reach her. He was falling from the wire without a net.
He shoved the books away and hurried out, ignoring Pim trying to get his attention as they passed each other near the stairs. He went into his office and slammed the door shut, feeling the shake of his gloved fingers on the lock. He was stronger than this. This wasn’t supposed to happen anymore.
And if it did? He wasn’t supposed to be alone.
He slid down the door and sat on the floor in cold, shivering silence, his bad leg stretched out in front of him. He had to get her, had to explain to her, had to - what? What did he even want to say?
He would move the earth for her. He would kill, had killed, for her. He would die for her. And it didn’t mean anything, because even now he didn’t show it. Because even now, he refused to torture himself with the idea of their future. Their happiness, together. In Kerch, in Ravka, they could move to the permafrost in Fjerda for all he cared. He would carve a life for her in the face of a mountain, if that was what she wanted. But it felt like an infection. It was worming its way through him, and if he didn’t quash it there was every change it might destroy him. Destroy them both. All he was so desperate to give her was impossible to say, because saying it out loud made it real. It made it something that could be lost.
Kaz didn’t know how long he’d sat there before he managed to slowly pull himself back up, weight first in the door handle and then against his cane. There were no lights on in the room. He let the door swing on its hinges as he left, to walk back to the Slat. To force himself to sleep; to let the dream wash over him so he could fight it like he’d fought everyone and everything else.
And so it was as the door swung and the lights remained off, as Kaz limped away in stoic silence and the street lamps began to glow, that no-one noticed the hand reach up from beneath the desk and leave a neat, sealed letter next to the inkwell.
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theogony · 8 months
The Jesper Fahey Foolproof guide to getting your friends to fall in love™
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written for the grishaverse big bang 2023 (@grishaversebigbang)! Pleasure to work on a lighthearted fic for a change of pace ^^ thank you sm to yaalni (@bloodyrakshasi ) for betaing the fic, and please go check the absolutely stunning works of accompanying artists :)
@intrgalartic (link to art here) @bubble--berry (link to art here) @jmie-draws (link to art here) @mitraavrs (link to art here)
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"Wait, no, that’s it. That’s perfect,” Jesper says, and everyone turns to look at him. “What if we use like - what’s the term - reverse psychology?” Jesper pauses, for additional appropriate gravitas (as though everyone in the table isn’t already looking at him with varying degrees of shock, horror, or scheming.)
“What if we still say it straight - but to the opposite person - tell Inej that Kaz likes him and Kaz that Inej likes him,” he finishes, triumphant.
The table quiets down, before interrupting into a series of loud whispers borderlining on shouts, before quieting down again as everyone mulls over the idea.
All in all, Jesper thinks, it’s a pretty promising reaction.
When even the imminent departure of Inej cannot prompt either her or Kaz to confront their feelings and cross the invisible line the two of them have been toeing for entirely too long, Jesper and the rest of their friends decide to take matters into their own hands with the help of PowerPoint transitions, nosy partners, and perhaps the entirety of Ketterdam University.
Alternatively, the faked into dating AU, wherein Jesper learns that perhaps he's not as good a matchmaker as he thought he was.
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read part of it under the cut! / ao3 link
The hallways part like a sea before them, whispers following them as the 6 (well 7 really, but no one's terrified of Wylan even with the rest of them surrounding him) skulking figures stalk down the hallway, leaving behind the principal's ajar door in their wake. 
All in all, it's a pretty normal day for Kaz Brekker and the crows, really. 
"You'd think we'd robbed the school ourselves at the rate the students are avoiding us." 
Jesper laughs merrily, throwing a friendly arm over Inej's shoulder.
"Relax, Nej. Besides, it's not like you're going to be here in this shithole much longer anyway!"
Inej lets out a tinkling laugh, lips momentarily turning up at brief levity - before she purses them again, turning around to address the rest of them.
"Alright, enough moping around about inevitable change - don't think I've noticed some people in particular practically avoiding me since the trip was announced."
Though the rest of their group tries their level best (which is to say, not at all) to hide their snickers - it's pretty obvious who the message is directed at. After all, there's only one person whom Inej would never bother to hesitate to call out so publicly - only one person whom Inej would never forget to look out for. 
To his own credit, Kaz looks away non committedly, before hefting his bag slightly higher. 
"If you forget to collect your dance shoes from the studio, I don't even think I'd be able to stop Baghra from keeping you here."
Imej hums before walking next to him.
"Fair enough. But you know that I'd stay if you asked me to."
A tension fills between the two of them, filled with unspoken possibilities. 
"I think I'd eventually learn how to handle my accounts on my own, thanks." 
The both of them shrug, turning away from each other, though the tense look on both of their faces tells a very different story.
The fact of the matter is this - no matter how much Inej wishes, Kaz wouldn't dare take away everything Inej has worked for - even if that meant depriving them of something that both of them wanted so badly.
Eventually, Inej shakes herself and joins Kaz, currently facing forward, an impenetrable stone wall of emotion. Together, they tentatively begin talking again about a topic that's too quiet for the rest of them to hear and enclose themselves in a bubble of their own - disappearing into the winding hallways.
read the rest here!
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genuinehc · 1 year
Challenge: @mediwhumpmay 2023 Fandom: Six of Crows Modern AU Prompt: Day 8: No Pain Relief Tags/Warnings: hurt/comfort, medical whump, emotional whump, Modern AU, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa
Inej would punch Kaz if he wasn’t so pathetic. 
He’s propped up in a hospital bed, right leg swathed in bandages and a complex web of tubes, drains, and other things that Inej can’t immediately identify. He’s connected to a monitor that he’s trying to disentangle himself from, but his normally clever fingers grasp uselessly at the lines. The perpetual dark circles under his eyes have their own bags and his hair is a right mess. 
She makes a tutting noise under her breath, the same one she makes when she’s chiding the roof crows to stop jostling each other when she’s feeding them, and Kaz immediately stops trying to free himself. One pale, scarred hand falls to his belly, the other to his side. 
“Well?” she prompts. 
Kaz frowns, dark brows knitting together. He winces, draws a shallow breath, then clearly forces a deeper one. For a moment, Inej wonders if he’s lost the question, but then he purses his lips and meets Inej’s eyes. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in Ravka?” he asks peevishly.
The desire to do violence rises again, no matter how pathetic he is. Inej drops into the visitor chair beside his bed. “Aren’t you supposed to stop keeping important things secret from me?”  
He looks away and it’s a sign of how much pain he must be in that he shows how close that blow landed. 
Inej closes her eyes, takes a breath. “Yes, I’m supposed to be in Ravka. But I’m not, because you’re here, in hospital. Our positions were reversed not that long ago-” She touches the scar under her shirt, the one that still aches, that pulled when she was climbing through the window. 
“That’s different. That was-” his breath hitches and a fine sheen of sweat appears on his brow. “That was different.” 
He doesn’t so much turn his head as allow it to loll towards her, supported by the pillow. His heartbeat, betrayed by the monitors, is speeding up and Inej worries for a moment whether she’s overstepped. 
“I did that to you. I hurt you. And now I’m doing this to me. I didn’t tell you because this is mine to carry alone,” he says, rock salt rasp turning to gravel. 
Inej gapes at him, a thousand competing thoughts clamoring to get out. 
Are you kidding me?
Who in the saints’ names do you think you are?
Did you learn nothing from the lengthy talk we had after I had been stabbed about the importance of finding our own paths, but knowing that we can rely on each other? 
Why do I love you? 
Do you actually love me? If you do, why would you do this?
How are you getting home from hospital? Don’t they usually require someone to come pick you up and give, like, medication instructions to that person while you’re on the heavy drugs?
And then an awful, horrible thought occurs to her. She sits up straight. 
“You are asking for and receiving pain meds, aren’t you?” she asks and knows the answer as soon as his eyes slide away. The sweaty brow, the hitches in his breath, and the particularly mulish look he gets when he’s hurting a lot. 
“I don’t need them,” he mumbles.
Inej launches from her seat to search one side of his bed and then the other for the self-medication button, pulling on a pair of exam gloves she finds in a box near the bed. When she eventually locates the device marked PCA, she lifts Kaz’s hand and maneuvers the button under his finger. 
“You’re only hurting yourself. If you’re in pain, it will take longer to heal-” 
He half snarls and she tries a different tack. “I hate seeing you like this-”
“Then you shouldn’t have come!” 
Inej puts a gloved hand on his shoulder. “I thought we always came for each other. Isn’t that what we do? Always keep fighting?” 
“You left-” he whispers.
Inej forces herself to stay where she is. “You know why I had to,” she murmurs. “But I always come back. Right? That’s what we agreed to. You don’t close me out, and I come back.”
Kaz is silent for a long moment. “I didn’t want you to see me like this,” he mutters at last and Inej has to stifle a bitter laugh.
“It’s too late now; I’m here and I’ve seen you. Take the meds, Kaz. Do it for you, do it for me, do it for the Crows - I don’t care. But don’t keep hurting yourself. Martyr isn’t a good look on you.”
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kate1028 · 2 years
Another scenario I created with my friend: The crows on a hiking day/ field trip:
Kaz: is the one who runs ahead, is annoyed by everyone, is just there because Inej wanted him to be, no trust him to carry the backpacks because he would just hang them into some tree or eat everything which is inside
Inej: kind of the mum of the group, tried to tell Kaz to slow down and tells the others to hurry up, will probably walk inbetween Kaz and the others to not loose anyone
Jesper: well he just takes every new path he finds interesting, even if it’s straight through the forest, because he finds it interesting, kind of the hyperactive child who always runs off
Wylan: is probably arguing with Kuwei about something, tries to keep is boyfriend on the road, everyone is annoyed because he and Kuwei just can’t stop arguing (Jespers comments aren’t helping there either), isn’t allowed to carry the backpack either, this would probably end in a food throwing fight with Kuwei, tries to enjoy the time with his family and boyfriend
Matthias: probably just enjoys this, walks with Nina, they kind of have their couple moment, sometimes remember the time they were in Fjerda wandering around, caries the backpack (he’s the only one trustworthy, besides Nina), knows where they need to go to get to their destination
Nina: just enjoys the time she can spend with her boyfriend, carries the other backpack (again the only trustworthy enough), also remembers the time back in Fjerda, sometimes adds something to Matthias navigation
Kuwei: no one really knows who brought him along, probably Kaz, argues with Wylan, is also not allowed to carry the backpack because of the potential risk of food throwing fights, is annoyed in general because he’s kind of the left out one
In the end Kaz would be way too earlier at their destination and pretty annoyed as same as the others because certain people just couldn’t stop arguing. But at all everyone enjoyed it to spend time with each other even if it was a complete mess, even some part of Kaz liked it (even though he would never admit it)
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flying-elliska · 3 years
tidbits from the webinar with Leigh Bardugo :
- With her writing, she wants to show there isn’t one kind of strong female character, that there are lots of different ways to be badass, among men as well. You don’t have to be super tough or a brooding dickhead. She wants to show fantasy doesn’t have to belong to one type of hero (white able bodied straight guy). She mentioned jk*r and seeing the heartbreak among her readers and thought she never wanted to be a part of causing that. Ppl talk about diversity as an artificial construct but it’s just...how the world is, and it’s how you tell a better story. When they announced they were casting a half-Asian Alina ppl were like  ‘why don’t you want her to look Russian’ and she was like ??? “have you ever looked at Russia on a map ?”. And borders are porous, there isn’t a firm line/wall in reality, and in the world of the series, in the border town near Shu Han Alina comes from, people are doing business with each other, falling in love across the border...it’s just what naturally happens.
- The Crows in this first season of Shadow and Bone are not the same as when we meet them in Six of Crows, they’re not quite as badass yet. We are getting some of the backstory that is in the books but not all of it, they wanted to keep some for next season (hopefully)
- You cannot write about thugs and thieves without being aware of the social/economic/political dynamics that created them
- When writing a book, she often starts in one place and ends in another, with Six of Crows she started wanting to do a fun blockbuster-y fantasy heist romp and then Kaz Brekker was ‘riding his brother’s corpse to freedom’ lmao
- Advice for writers : research can be dangerous, it’s easy to get lost and stay away from the draft. for shadow and bone she gave herself two months to really get lost in research, look into folklore, old cookbooks, to really get into the vivid details.
- Writing short stories is a really good way to better your writing
- To get somewhere you have to be bad at things. The bad days when you’re in a process are a good sign, because you are trying to do something bigger than you’ve ever done before. She had to learn to sit with the discomfort of not being good when she started writing.
- Writing process : beat sheet with main elements > zero draft, in which there is still discovery left about the characters. Everybody’s process is different, the key is to finding yr own. The process of writing a novel is so long, you have to be in love and stay in love with that idea, remind yourself what made you excited about it in the first place, and wait for the moment where you fall back in love with it. If you get haunted by another idea that won’t go away you can wonder what appeals to you about it and you can put it in your current project.
- The greatest gift you can give yourself is to finish a draft. When you’re stuck, go for a walk and talk to yourself (you can put in earphones to not look crazy lmao). Or shift POV. As a writer a critical voice is often what blocks you. You need to remind yourself that the first draft is going to be bad and you have to let it be, you’re telling the story to yourself, it’s fine to have placeholders and go back.
- When you’re a young writer the important thing is that you keep being in love with writing, there is no expiration date on your talent. When you’re in prep school mode, you’re told your value is in being young and brilliant, at some point you’re not the youngest one in the room anymore, you’re no longer the wunderkind, but that’s not where your value is. You still have a story to tell.
- She says she is a mix of Kaz (because she uses a cane, she’s a planner and she keeps a grudge for a long time) and Nina, or at least Nina is who she would like to be, the best part of her.
- She likes writing about women who get their revenge.
- Ketterdam treats people as commodities and expendable, it’s the protestant work ethic taken to extremes, and so ppl like Kaz and Inej are going to have the experiences they had. She didn’t want to do misery tourism, it was very important to approach these with caution and do a lot of research. She found it important to donate to organizations linked to things she has written about, so like against trafficking when she was writing Inej’s backstory. Writing those backstories were some of the most harrowing stuff she ever wrote as a writer. The scene with Kaz and Inej and the bandages was probably the hardest scene she’s ever written, she wanted to be respectful of what those two characters had been through, she’s written a lot of versions of that scene. It’s fun to talk about ships but she doesn’t want trauma to be ‘healed by love’, it wouldn’t feel respectful, the journey towards healing is a slow one, you backslide, etc.
- She struggled a lot writing Crooked Kingdom, she was kind of in a burnout, and wondered afterwards if it even was good. Importance of the drive to get better so you don’t stay static.
- She loooves a slow burn and had to put the brakes on the show writers several times lol when it came to kissing and such.
- Her fave episode of the show is episode 7
- She likes giving the names of her friends to characters bc they supported her so much during the writing process
- The first books are generally the easiest to write because you can throw your ideas at the wall and see what sticks, you can kind of do what you want, and after that in following books you have a lot more threads to pick up.
- Pet peeve : people talking about how this character didn’t “deserve” this : in her experience the people who deserve to go don’t and often the loving kind ones are those who lose, she’s experienced a lot of loss in her life, and she’s not going to write a book about war and danger without being honest about how these things go, it would feel disingenuous. She’s not going to stop killing people (lol).
- One fan talked about how she felt really helped by Nina being a curvy girl who is presented as charming and confident and very lovable. Leigh talks about how she’s been a lot of different sizes, she heard there was a famous author saying disparaging things about her weight and disability behind her back, she was like that’s not even original, and actually fuck being ashamed of that, she wants the culture to change and wants to participate in that. She wants it to be known that she is a very successful, adored fat woman with a partner who helps her up stairs, she also wants fans to know that they’re so much more than their appearance. (that moment was so badass, it reminded me of Kaz giving advice to Wylan about his disability)
- Our culture is garbage and you’re at war everyday with the people who want to make you feel bad about yourself so you buy things. Find people who make you feel strong and amazing, who don’t just tolerate you but who think you’re the best.
Anyway this was a really cool moment honestly, it made me even more of a fan.
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thechaoticrow · 2 years
the crows while ill
kaz: acts like he’s fine because being ill gives him flashbacks to jordie, later complains until inej babies him, “inej i’m dyinb” “it’s a cold, you’re not dyinb!”, works until he passes out when inej isn’t around, tries to conduct a business meeting with tissues up his nose (no-one takes him seriously)
inej: also overworks herself because she feels guilty for resting, but eventually gives in and holes up in her room, nina brings her lucozade and gossip from the crow club, kaz avoids her but then she’ll find a care package outside her door at night with a note saying ‘get better soon, Wraith’, puts up with it p well until 4 or so days in, then it’s “someone take me out. to a hospital or with a sniper, i’m not fussy”
jesper: dramatic when ill, “i’m never taking my nasal faculties for granted again”, accidentally infects half the Slat because he refuses to stay in one room and miss out on the action, “wylan, hold me” *swoons dramatically*, emotional support milo ftw, calls kaz his brother while feverish and kaz has to turn away so jesper doesn’t see him tear up
wylan: “i’m fine” (he is not fine), is very used to not being taken care of and holes up in his room naturally out of sight, but jesper keeps him company (refuses to leave) and brings milo with him, jesper and wylan play betting games, casually reveals more childhood trauma, inej comes in to feed them gossip from time to time, *sadly plays flute*
nina: “matthias i’m dying”, dramatic as hell, tries to make herself better with her powers, fails, is a blanket burrito for a week straight and only comes out for snacks (when matthias refuses to keep bringing them to her), gets someone to print out a photo of her face so she can wear it as a mask “so no-one is deprived of my natural beauty while i’m ill”
matthias: “fjerdans do NOT get ill” *collapses*, is basically a wet cat while he’s ill, grumps™️, secretly wants nina to baby him, he starts taking away business when he falls asleep (obviously feverish) in the crow club and none of them have the strength to lift him or the heart to wake him up, so in the end they just put a cover over his head and call him a lamp
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
my favorite quotes from crooked kingdom compiled into one list (feel free to add on!)
**absolute favorites will be bolded
“I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.”
“Wait,” he said. The burn of his voice was rougher than usual. “Is my tie straight?”
“Is that—?" asked Wylan. "Scheming face?" said Jesper. Matthias nodded. "Definitely.”
“You think he won’t?” Inej taunted. She could feel the heat in her cheek from where his hand had struck her, could see the mallet still resting in the guard’s hand. Van Eck had given her fear and she was happy to return it to him. “Vile, ruthless, amoral. Isn’t that why you hired Kaz in the first place? Because he does the things that no one else dares? Go on, Van Eck. Break my legs and see what happens. Dare him.”
“Would you?" asked Wylan, his chin jutting forward. "Trust someone with that knowledge, with a secret that could destroy you?" Yes, thought Kaz without hesitation. There's one person I would trust. One person I know who would never use my weaknesses against me.”
“But Ketterdam had taught Inej well. If you couldn't beat the odds, you changed the game.”
Inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. “That’s the laugh,” he murmured, but she was already setting off down the quay, her feet barely touching the ground.”
“You’re stupid about a lot of things, Wylan, but you are not stupid. And if I ever hear you call yourself a moron again, I’m going to tell Matthias you tried to kiss Nina. With tongue.” Wylan wiped his nose on his sleeve. “He’ll never believe it.” “Then I’ll tell Nina you tried to kiss Matthias. With tongue.”
“Wylan gestured to the guards. “Is it safe to leave them, you know–” “Alive? I’m not big on killing unconscious men.” “We could wake them up.”
“Jes, I've thought about this-" "Thought of me? Late at night? What was I wearing?" "I've thought about your powers," Wylan said, cheeks flushing pinker.”
“You’re our chemist, Wylan,” said Nina hopefully. “What do you think?” Wylan shrugged. “Maybe. Not all poisons have an antidote.” Jesper snorted. “That’s why we call him Wylan Van Sunshine.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard those words leave your lips,” said Nina. “Say it again, nice and slow.”
“Don’t worry, Da. People point guns at each other all the time in Ketterdam. It’s basically a handshake.” “Is that true?” his father asked as the scholar grudgingly moved aside and they shoved the heavy desk in front of the door. “Absolutely,” said Wylan.
“Wylan," Jesper said, looking into the wide blue sky of his eyes, "I really hope we don't die.”
“But they were his first friends, his only friends, and Wylan knew that even if he'd had his pick of a thousand companions, these would have been the people he chose.”
“This was the kiss he'd been waiting for. It was a gunshot. It was prairie fire. It was the spin of Makker's Wheel. Jesper felt the pounding of his heart - or was it Wylan's? - like a stampede in his chest.”
“Nina might not be able to put you back, you know. Not without another dose of parem. You could be stuck like this.” “Why does it matter?” “I don’t know!” Jesper said angrily. “Maybe I liked your stupid face.”
“Isn’t that how things are done around here?” asked Wylan. “We all tell Kaz we’re fine and then do something stupid?” “Are we that predictable?” said Inej. Wylan and Matthias said in unison, “Yes.”
“Kuwei turned to Jesper. “You should visit me in Ravka. We could learn to use our powers together.” “How about I push you into the cnanal and we see if you know how to swim?” Wylan said with a very passable imitation of Kaz’s glare.”
“Crows remember human faces. They remember the people who feed them, who are kind to them. And the people who wrong them too. They don’t forget. They tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for.”
“In the space of a breath, Kaz had shoved Wylan against the tomb wall with his forearm, the crow head of his cane wedged beneath Wylan's jaw. "Tell me my business again." Wylan swallowed, parted his lips. "Do it," said Kaz. "And I'll cut the tongue from your head and feed it to the first stray cat I can find.”
“They were twin souls, soldiers destined to fight for different sides, to find each other and lose each other too quickly. She would not keep him here. Not like this.”
“What is wrong with him?" Nina grumbled as they went back to the sitting room to drill Colm on his cover story. "Same thing that's always wrong with him," said Jesper. "He's Kaz Brekker.”
“Why do you guys say that, anyway? No mourners, no funerals? Why not just say good luck or be safe?” “We like to keep our expectations low.”
She rested her head on his shoulder. “You're better than waffles, Matthias.”
She reached for Kaz’s sleeve. She was going to fall. He had his arm around her, holding her up. Her mind split. Half of her was aware of his bare fingers on her sleeve, his dilated pupils, the brace of his body around hers. The other half was still trying to understand what she was seeing.”
“You’re not weak because you can’t read. You’re weak because you’re afraid of people seeing your weakness. You’re letting shame decide who you are.”
“We’ll fight our way out together,” Inej whispered. Nina glanced from Inej to Kaz and saw they both wore the same expression. Nina knew that look. It came after the shipwreck, when the tide moved against you and the sky had gone dark. It was the first sight of land, the hope of shelter and even salvation that might await you on a distant shore.”
“He wasn't sure he could. But if she could speak those words into the echo of this room, he could damn well try.”
“I just raised the dead. Do you really want to argue with me?” Inej cocked her head to one side. “Jesper Llewellyn Fahey?” “Shut up,” said Jesper. “It’s a family name.” Inej made a solemn bow. “Whatever you say, Llewellyn.”
“Do you know what Van Eck’s problem is?” “No honor?” said Matthias. “Rotten parenting skills?” said Nina. “Receding hairline?” offered Jesper.
“To his left, he heard Inej laugh behind her mask. He'd never heard her laugh like that, giddy and wild.”
She could feel the press of Kaz’s fingers against her skin, feel the bird’s-wing brush of his mouth against her neck, see his dilated eyes. Two of the deadliest people the Barrel had to offer and they could barely touch each other without both of them keeling over. But they’d tried. He’d tried. Maybe they could try again.
“I've taken knives, bullets, and too many punches to count, all for a little piece of this town," said Kaz. "This is the city I bled for. And if Ketterdam has taught me anything, it's that you can always bleed a little more.”
“Inej cleared her throat. “You do look a bit …” “Enchanting,” said Matthias. Nina was about to snap that she didn’t appreciate the sarcasm when she saw the expression on his face. He looked like someone had just given him a tuba full of puppies.
“She felt his knuckles slide against hers. Then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. A tremor moved through him. Slowly, he let their fingers entwine. For a long while, they stood there, hands clasped, looking out at the gray expanse of the sea.”
“If you ever cared about me at all, don’t follow me.”
She followed him anyway. If you ever cared about me at all. Inej actually snorted as she vaulted over a chimney. It was offensive. She’d had numerous chances to be free of Kaz, and she’d never taken them.
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parkersbliss · 3 years
Fourteen | K. Brekker
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pairing: kaz brekker x female reader
warnings: blood, death, angst, torture(?), crooked kingdom spoilers
wc; 2.5K
synopsis: some things are better left unsaid. you learned that the hard way.
prompts: 003: I’ll never love you 010: I just want the pain to stop 017: “Just tell me that you love me! Please…”
a/n: I uh… sorry in advance? I just read a heartbreaking story before this so now there’s this
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt List
Decisions, decisions.
They weren’t easy to make, but they had to be.
It was one or nothing.
Make a choice, or you get neither.
Perhaps, not making a choice is better in this case, but you already know what the decision is.
It’s clear in your mind, and though you don’t want it to be, you’re not naive.
The world was cruel. It didn’t care for mercy.
Mercy was a luxury in Ketterdam. It was a luxury no one could afford.
Most things were unaffordable in Ketterdam, but you stayed anyway. You could leave, could’ve. Past tense. It was too late now.
And yet, you didn’t.
You stayed for the boy in the coat with a troubled past. You stayed for the hope.
Of course, you paid the price now. Mercy was expensive enough, but hope… hope simply didn’t exist. Surviving Ketterdam was a matter of kill or be killed, which is not an exaggeration. Knives are at your throat every day, and if you don’t make the choice to grab them and put them in the enemy's eyes, then you don’t survive to see the next blood bath.
For some people, that might be a relief, but others had unfinished business. The people in Ketterdam were driven by two things: money and revenge.
Both sweet and hard to retrieve, but to some, it was worth it. Every casualty was worth it if it meant getting what they wanted.
“Be ruthless, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do.”
Even now, you could still hear his voice in your head. At the time, it was good advice. You hadn’t expected it to be used against you.
“You should have no attachment to anything, and especially anyone. You have to be willing to let them go.”
That should’ve been the first sign. You had regarded his words with a grain of salt. You didn’t realize the meaning behind them because you thought he could learn to grow out of it. He didn’t really mean that.
Everyone says things they don’t mean in an attempt to seem stronger.
Everyone was lying.
Lies, lies, lies.
Oh, how everyone lied.
Just like how Kaz lied. He did that a lot, but never in a way that would hurt any of his crows. At least, you had thought.
“It’s a simple plan,” Kaz said, laying out the blueprints on the table. “Jesper, you will come in from this entrance, Inej and (Y/N), the roof, and I will come through the back.”
It was just the three of you.
Matthias… you didn’t speak of him. It was too sensitive of a topic. Well, it had been for Nina, at least, but then she left to return home to Ravka.
And there wasn’t a need to not speak of it, but you had all gotten used to it. Some things were better left unsaid.
Wylan was out on business, though he didn’t speak of what. Inej was often gone to traversing the seas. When she returned home, Kaz always planned the biggest heists. She was the best one here.
Jesper was still Jesper, young as ever, but that’s the plus of being Grisha. Most days, he was with Wylan, salvaging what time they had left.
Though it was plenty.
Which left you with Kaz a lot of the time. It wasn’t a bad thing, but spending too much time with someone is dangerous.
But you were drawn to him like that of a moth to the flame. Maybe it was an effort to try and fix his broken parts because you couldn’t fix your own.
You would learn soon enough Kaz didn’t want to be fixed. There was only one person that could do that.
It wasn’t you.
It never would be.
“What about the guards?” Jesper inquired, leaning against the polished wood.
“Two shots is all you’ll need. He doesn’t keep it heavily guarded,” Kaz replied.
“What if there are more?” You asked. “I doubt Black doesn’t have a few personal.”
Kaz glances at you, raising an eyebrow. “There won’t be more,” he spat. “Don’t question me.”
You wince at his tone, mumbling a sorry under your breath and letting your gaze slide to your boots.
“Jesper takes out the guards, I’ll take out any extra, and Inej and (Y/N) will head straight for the safe room. Then, Jesper will stand guard while I keep Black at bay with a deal he can’t refuse. Inej will pull the fire alarm, and then we run.”
“Will we have enough time between here and the exit?” Inej asked, using her finger to trace the space between the safe room and the central doorway. “I don’t think it’ll work, Kaz. You won’t have enough time.”
Kaz doesn’t lash out at her. His eyes linger on her face, drawing all the features he already knows in his mind. He’d memorized them before she left so that he could see her in his dreams. He did not want to forget her.
“You’re right,” He said softly, like a hushed whisper between them. An intimate moment that you shouldn’t be a witness to. “Is there a window nearby?”
“There’s one here.”
“Can you get out that way?”
You don’t bother to call him out when he only asks Inej when it’s the two of you that need to escape.
“Then I’ll count in my head. You have exactly 130 seconds to get in and out.”
Kaz nods, satisfied, and rolls up the blueprints and tucks them under his arm. “Be here at midnight, sharp. I’m looking at you, Jesper.”
The said boy winks, “Wouldn’t miss it, boss.”
“You would,” Inej quipped.
“Well, guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Fine. Midnight sharp.”
Kaz exits the room after that, Inej trailing after him and Jesper swings his revolvers around, instantly drawn to a gambling crowd.
That would occupy him until midnight.
You stand at the empty table, feeling just that. It was lonely.
What used to be six felt more like three, someday two. If you were lucky, four.
“Kaz,” You muttered. “When was the last time you slept?”
He shrugs. “Am I supposed to keep track?”
He exhales, gripping his desk before meeting your eyes. His face softens. “I don’t know.”
He holds a hand up. “I know, I know. Coffee isn’t sufficient enough to keep me awake.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “If you know, why do you still do it?”
“It’s addictive,” he hums.
“Addiction is bad.”
“Is it?” Kaz inquired, grabbing a stack of Kruge off his desk and flipping through it. “Addiction drives us all. It’s the root of every being.”
“So what?” You snorted. “Your addiction is coffee?”
Kaz falls back into his leather seat. “Greed is my addiction. I supposed coffee as well. What’s yours?”
“You,” You breathe out. The answer had slipped from your lips with such ease. You didn't even notice.
Kaz freezes, his pen staggers in the middle of a signature.
“To be like you,” You add for good measure.
“That’s impossible.”
“So is living off coffee.”
“Then it seems we are both at an impasse.”
“It would seem so.”
Kaz’s gaze lingers on you, making your heart pound madly in your chest. “Then let’s come to an agreement.”
“What do you propose?”
“I will attempt to get a good night’s sleep if you try to be yourself.” He sticks his hand out for you to shake. You grab it, making sure it’s quick, but when you try to pull back, Kaz grips it and pulls you towards him.
“And for the record, you are my addiction as well.”
“To be more like you.”
He lets go after that, and you’re unsure if he’s mocking you or if he’s serious.
“Have a goodnight, (Y/N).”
“You too, Kaz.”
Jesper isn’t late. He makes it on time. Courtesy of Kaz grabbing the collar of his shirt and dragging him away from the gambler’s table.
“Do we need to review?” Kaz asked.
You all shake your heads.
“Good because I wasn’t going to.”
Kaz turns sharply on his heels and walks into the Ketterdam night. It’s no different from the day, in fact, the night is more lively. It was better for thieves and mischief. The shadows were in their favor here. The people part for the basted of the barrel; it’s common knowledge to them. They don’t think twice about it; they just move.
It makes for a quick walk to the Mercher’s house.
Jesper takes the front, Kaz the back, and Inej throws you a rope to get onto the roof. Her footsteps are silent as she looks for a way in. She finds a latch on one of the windows and calls you over.
You were always better at picking locks than her. She was better on her feet, and though Kaz tried to teach her, he had gotten fair luckier with you.
In a few clicks, the latch pops open and Inej dives in. You wait for her to clear it before dropping in. You’re not as stealthy as the wraith.
Inej was one of a kind.
You land with a soft thump, both of you waiting five seconds before making any kind of movement. Inej cracks open the door, a stream of light filling the room.
It’s empty. There's nothing except cold, bare walls and a plush rug in the center.
It doesn’t appear to be in use.
Oddly enough, it looks like it’s waiting for someone or something.
Inej taps your shoulder, using your head to gesture to the hallway. You follow after her, staying pressed up against the walls just in case.
But there’s no one; the house is eerily quiet. There are no servants, no guards, and no wife or children. You didn’t know much about Black, other than the fact that he was a wealthy merchant. He mostly kept to himself. Sometimes you’d see him at The Crow Club. He was a cold and calculated man, every move he made was planned out ten in advance.
You could tell by the way he played his cards.
“It should be right about here,” Inej said, opening the door.
At the same thing you can hear Kaz’s voice, slight panic evident. “What did you-,”
As you open the door, your legs are being kicked in, and you drop to the floor next to Inej. Two guards from behind you are quick to bound your hands together as you both push against them.
Black tuts, laughing at the fear on Kaz’s face.
Poor Jesper was knocked out on the floor at his feet.
“Did you really think you could outsmart me?” Black asked, “The power is getting to your head.”
Kaz doesn’t say anything, but his nostrils flare in anger.
“Take them,” Black dismissed, clearly speaking to the guards. “Put… Brekker in a room with the girl, not the Suli one. And put the Zemeni boy and her together.”
The guards nod, roughly seizing you all. Inej shouts in protest, trying to hit them, but she’s unsuccessful.
Kaz grunts when they lay his hands on him, but he obeys because he knows it’ll be worse if he doesn’t. They throw you and Kaz into the room you dropped into earlier. They put you back to back, and you know it’s for Kaz because he hisses every time your hand's brush.
You try not to move as much as possible because it pains you each time you hear it.
Black strolls in a moment later, leaning against the door. He wears a satisfied smirk when you and Kaz glare at him.
“What?” Kaz said with a snarl.
Black holds a knife between two fingers, spinning it. “Confess something. Your deepest, darkest secret, and maybe you’ll make it out with all your limbs. The Suli girl was quick to do so, and naturally, I’m curious what you two have to offer.”
“What did she say?” Kaz asked.
“Well, maybe if yours is just as good, I’ll tell you.”
“What if it’s not interesting?”
Black pretends to think about it for a moment before throwing the knife at you. You scream when it lands itself in your leg.
Kaz flinches, hard, screwing his eyes shut.
“That,” Black taunts. “So, confession time.”
When neither of you says anything, he grabs another knife. It’s only then that you notice their Inej’s. He had at least twelve more.
“I-,” Kaz starts, but he chokes on his words. They never make it out of his mouth and Black raises his dagger.
“I’m in love with Kaz,” You blurt.
The said boy stiffens against you.
Black lowers his dagger. “Now that is juicy.”
“I’ve been in love with him since we were fourteen," You whisper, letting your head fall. It was good to get it off your chest, but you'd prefer to not have a knife sticking out of you when doing so.
“Brekker?” Black inquired. “Reply?”
Kaz doesn’t say anything.
Black rolls his eyes, tossing another knife at you, and a muffled sob leaves your lips.
“I’ll keep going.”
“Kaz, say something, pl-”
Another one, this time your stomach. You cry out, thankful that at least they’re keeping the blood from rushing out.
“These things are so fun,” Black said. “Where ever did she get them?”
More knives are thrown your way each minute Kaz doesn’t say anything. You feel like a pin doll, except alive and with knives sticking out of you.
Many knives because Kaz couldn’t open his damn mouth.
“I just want the pain to stop,” You sob, unknowingly letting your head fall on his shoulder. You’re exhausted, your body is exhausted as it fights the intrusion. It’s a losing battle. “Kaz, please.”
“I can’t.”
“Just tell me that you love me, please!” You’re begging at this point. You just want to hear those words, even when you know they aren’t true. You knew they weren’t true the moment the third knife landed itself.
“Give the girl what she wants, Brekker. Or the other one gets it.”
“I’ll never love you,” Kaz said, milliseconds after Black had threatened Inej. Somehow, that hurts more than the fourteen knives sticking out of you.
“Don’t touch her,” Kaz shouts when Black backs out of the room.
“You love her, don’t you?”
Black smiles. “Well, today is your lucky day. That was her confession as well. Since you two are so cute together, I’ll let you leave. All limbs intact.”
“What?” Kaz asked.
Black walks over to you, grabbing the knife from your stomach and pulling it out roughly as you cry.
“Oh yes,” He said, “You two - three - I forgot about the Zemeni boy,” He cuts Kaz’s ties. He’s quick to be on his feet and away from the contact.
“You can leave, you can live out the rest of your lives happily.”
Blood rushes from your open wound. He had nicked an artery when drawing it out. You were somehow thankful for that because at least death came quicker.
It came in fourteen agonizing seconds.
It came knowing that Kaz never loved you. He never cared. And he would sacrifice anything and anyone for Inej.
You were just the first.
Addiction will kill you. You just proved it right.
“My bad,” Black apologizes. “You and the Suli girl can love each other for as long as the saints may deem, but just know, you made that choice.”
“I didn’t choose anything.”
“You did, Brekker. I’ll leave the guilty conscience to you, Dirtyhands.”
The name stings Kaz more than it usually did.
“You chose Inej,” Black said simply. “And you’ll pay the price. And do send me an invite to the wedding.”
Black is gone before Kaz can do anything, and when he looks to you.
You’re already dead.
And he wonders what the lasts words you heard were.
If it was up to him, he would’ve said: I love you too.
— END —
🏷 Kaz taglist: @kaqua
want to be added? click here!
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pink-surftable · 3 years
Initials (Pt. 5) | Kaz Brekker
kaz brekker x fem!reader
ps: english is not my first language so if there are some gramatical mistakes i would love if you pointed them out so i can improve.
omg here it is!!!! the last chapter!! once again thank you to everyone who likes and coments i love you so much <3 what a journey it has been lol
warnings: i think kaz is very soft in this one but fuck it we all need soft kaz once in a while.
part 4
summary: after a mission goes wrong kaz does everything in his power to save you.
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You saw Kaz jumping right into action trying to get you out of your restraints while Inej was desperately trying to hold down Pekka. Y/N felt a wave of relief washing over her.
Her friends were there. Her family.
“Well, well, well it was quite the party in here” Jesper said firing at everything in sight while Nina was using her powers and Matthias ran out to help Y/N “Go with Inej” He shouted at Kaz. He didn’t want to leave you but he knew Matthias could protect you better than he could. He looked at you and as you nodded he picked up his cane and headed straight for Pekka Rollins.
Looking out, Kaz saw he ran off to the streets “Fucking bastard” he thought. But there wasn’t time to go after him. Bullets were firing everywhere and Inej and Y/N were hurt they needed to get out.
Matthias helped you get free, dropping his coat on your shoulders “Take this, you’ll need it” He said noting the state of your clothes. You thanked him “You’ll probably need this too” he added, giving you one of your knives. “Come on, we need to get out of here”
Alarms were ringing and you could see guards running to where you guys were through the windows.
“As much as I’m enjoying this it’s time to go” Jesper shouted over the noise grabbing everyone's attention. Him and Nina started clearing the way while you and Matthias ran after them. The druskelle carrying almost your entire body weight as you leaned into him for support “Kaz come on! Let’s go!” You screamed at him. He was fighting a few guards with a visible rage on his features.
Making your way through the hallways was not an easy task. Guards were firing from everywhere when you heard another explosion. You saw Jesper laugh running towards the sound where you found Wylan. His hair was a mess as he hugged Jesper.
Finally on the streets of Ketterdam you looked around. Seeing all your friends there, alive, free gave you an immense amount of relief.
Shots could still be heard so you had to keep running but you were too tired you didn’t know if you could make it.
Kaz looked into your eyes. He could already sense what was going through your mind when your knees gave out, your back colliding with the concrete.
Matthias looked at you then at Kaz, like asking for permission. When he nodded, the fjerdan picked you up in his arms and started running towards the Slat with everyone else.
Kaz hated it. He hated that he couldn’t help. He hated that he couldn’t give you his coat. He hated that he couldn’t pick you up in his arms. Instead he had to stand and watch another man do what he so dearly wished to do.
Arriving to the Slat was like arriving to heaven.
As soon as you guys got there Nina started working her magic on both you and Inej. You knew the amount of effort was draining her but she refused to stop.
Once you both were stable an air of relief filled the place.
Inej went straight to her room to rest.
Kaz told you to go to his room.
Lying down in Kaz’s bed he took a seat next to you on a chair.
“Hey, look at me” you tried to catch his attention “Hey i’m alright. I’m okay. We got out. We’re okay” you desperately wanted to touch him. To reach and grab his hands. To tell him how much you loved him. But Kaz wouldn’t meet your eyes his eyes were trained on something else.
The bright red marks on your skin. His intials.
“Stop that I know what you’re thinking, this isn’t your fault”
“Yes it is. And I hate it. I hate that this happened to you. I hate that I couldn’t come to your rescue sooner. I hate the way that bastard touched you. I hate that I wish that I could push you away. I hate that I’m selfish and even though it’s a constant risk I don’t want you to go anywhere. I hate that I want you to stay with me. I hate that you make me weak. I hate how you make me not hate” Kaz said looking firmly into your eyes. That confession was much more than what you ever expected.
The vulnerability of it all made you weak. Weak cause you thought that confession was beyond anything Kaz Brekker had ever felt. Beyond anything he would ever say.
You smiled. The most honest and happy smile that man had ever seen and you swore you saw the faintes blush on his cheeks but he would never confess to that.
“You make me not hate too” You said almost laughing.
The days passed and Kaz Brekker could not stop the giddy feeling he got any time he looked at you.
The Crows couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The Bastard of the Barrel looking at a girl, his girl, like a 10 year old with a crush.
Obviously the teasing was never ending. Kaz secretly loved it.
Sitting in Kaz’s office was your new routine.
He would be at his desk, papers everywhere and you would sit by the window talking to him or reading.
“I got you something” He said, standing in the doorway with a little box in his hands.
“What? What is it?” You asked with the excitement of a child which made Kaz grin.
The boy opened the box showing a beautiful gold necklace with a little heart charm engraved in it you saw his initials: K.B
“I wanted you to remember my name, not by your scars, but by something beautiful just like you” He said waiting for your reaction.
“I love it. I love you” You said with glossy eyes and a dopey smile.
“May I?” Kaz said taking off his gloves and pulling out the chain.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to” What he was doing was more than enough you didn’t want him to feel like he needed to do more.
“I want to”
You turned around and he slowly grabbed your hair and pulled it to the side. Clipping the necklace on you felt the lightest touch of his lips on your neck.
“I love you too”
taglist: @heavenlymidnight @06072543 @thefandomplace @aleksanderwh0r3 @kykymyeon @rika90 @otterly-fey @cc13723things @starxqt @purplewcrld @thecraziestcrayon @montsepliego @madeofsilkandsteel @benbarnes-supremacy @maryosprinkle @subjecta13-thefangirl @maybe-potato
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draggingthedregs · 3 years
Hello! I love your writing so much! Can you write some kanej with Kaz being protective of Inej? If not that’s completely fine :) thank u!
a/n: okay so I always really struggle with “protective Kaz” things because I feel like he knows that she can most definitely take care of herself and he respects her for that. So this is what I came up with to try and meet in the middle. There’s that scene in Six of Crows where Kaz sends Inej to get rid of Rojakke (is that how you spell it? Idk he was in one scene, his name is not the point) and then when they’re back in his office that night he asks like “Did he put up a fight?” and she says “Nothing I couldn’t handle” and he says “Not what I asked” so thats where the idea for this came from, thank you bye. 
word count: 2634
There was something about the floor of the Crow Club that set Kaz at ease.
Its endless cacophony of coins bouncing from table to floor, the spinning of Makkers Wheel, the laughter floating onto the street, and, his personal favorite, the flipping that only accompanied a deck of cards. Somedays he thought he’d be content to shuffle at a table forever.
It was then that Inej pushed through the entryway, shaking off the rain that rarely ceased to pour over the crowded city. She pulled her hood down, her inky hair braided into a long rope laying against her shoulder. Kaz traced every inch of her, as he often did when she entered a room: the slope of her nose, the smile she flashed to the greetings shouted in her direction, the knives strapped to her hips. He tried to ignore the voice in the back of his head that reminded him he’d also be content to be with her forever.
There were times he hated the things that he would notice, hated how his brain slipped past the innocent intention of watching to a sinister place of touch and consequence. He flipped the thoughts over in his head, studying them from every angle like he would a card trick, trying to mold them into different pictures. But the images froze in place anyway; the feel of her skin against his burned like fire, even in an illusion.
Most of all, he hated that he couldn’t force these delusions into reality, couldn’t touch her how he wanted, couldn’t force the bile down and only feel Inej’s warmth.  
As she approached him, nodding to the private game rooms at the back of the club, giving him a clear view of her, he saw that something was amiss. Scarlet bloomed through her vest and onto her sleeve, trailing down to her thigh. He followed her, shutting the heavy door behind them and turning its complex series of locks. She’s upright. That’s all you should care about. 
“The Exchange was crawling with Stadwatch. Security must be tight since the incident.” 
“Did they see you?”
Inej practically scoffed, leaning her weight against the wooden table. “No. But I’m sure they’ll find someone who fits their bill. You know as well as I do, the council will want this quieted soon.”
Kaz nodded. Two weeks ago, the Exchange had been robbed, and though it was never publicly released, Kaz knew exactly what was stolen. After all, he had all the stocks and shipment papers locked in his safe as they spoke. 
Roeder had been the one to pull off the job originally, this being one of the few things Kaz had required a spider for while she was busy at sea. He had done a mediocre job, but he was sloppy with locks and leaving the place as he’d found it. Going back to the scene of the crime seemed too risky a gamble but when Inej returned, she knew she could scrape it. And Kaz wasn’t going to start doubting the Wraith’s abilities now. 
He flipped through the file she handed him. To anyone else, it may have looked useless, just pages and pages of numbers and times, scratchy handwritten tables filled with nonsense. But to him, and to a mercher with half a whit, this was key to investing. With the talleys and dates in hand, he would know what shipments to bank on and where to place his shares for the next few months. 
“As always, the Wraith pulls through.”
Inej nodded and pulled her hood up once more. “You’re welcome.”
Kaz gave her another once over, slower than intended. “What happened?” He blurted, his voice sounding like a low growl in his throat.  
Inej looked down at herself, brows knitted, studying the blood on her trousers. “Bullet or two from a guard just shooting at shadows.” With her brief summary of events, she took her weight off the table, readying herself for the journey back into the wet.
Kaz felt a sinking in his chest at the thought of her walking away from him, even if it was just to her apartment, and he hated himself for it. Now especially with her covered in blood, he couldn’t stomach the thought of her leaving. Without meaning to, he had taken himself back to before she had left.
It had been Inej’s last night before heading to sea when they had tried to pretend they were normal, that there wasn’t still so much between them. Kaz sat next to her on his bed, bad leg out in front of him, avoiding her gaze. 
“We don’t have to do this at all.”
But he did. Kaz had to prove that he had come further than this. I can best this… 
When she set sail the next morning, the feeling of failure settled deep within him, right beside the feeling that this time, he may never get her back from the sea. 
Now, he couldn’t help but stop her. “Inej-” he began. 
She turned, her hand resting on the doors heavy handle.
He made up the steps between them to stand beside her. Kaz forced himself to give any semblance of explanation, knowing that he’d promised to give her what she deserved and knowing that he was currently failing. “Let me walk with you.”
Inej nodded, dropping her hand as Kaz unlocked the door and opened it for her. He felt awkward, and quite frankly stupid; opening it as if she was some pretty girl that couldn’t handle the difference between whether to push or pull. She strided through anyway and he followed, silently cursing himself and hoping the grimace on his face looked normal for his temperament. Once they’d made it to the street, she slowed to walk beside him. 
At first, neither of them spoke. Then, in her gentle and hushed tone, perhaps to avoid his inevitable questions about her evening, “Am I getting a personal escort through the Barrel?”
Kaz needn’t look down to feel the smile in her voice. “Is that what you’d prefer to call it?”
“It isn’t exactly an evening stroll down the canal, is it?”
“I suppose not.” He cringed at the sound of his own rasp, smashing against the lift of her voice like waves against stone. Though from what he could tell, she didn’t do the same. Inej only shrugged, tugging her hood forward against the drizzle. 
“I only meant that I should feel lucky to get the King of the Barrel to myself for the night.”
Kaz thought he might keel over. “I am a busy man, but I still find time to survey my kingdom.”
Inej only rolled her eyes and kept her gaze straight forward. A moment of silence nestled between them, leaving only the sound off the East Stave hanging in the air. After fighting with himself for what seemed like far too long, his gaze settled atop her.
Kaz swallowed hard, “Did you miss Ketterdam?” Did you miss me? 
She considered his question, and to him, the silence stretched through the air like a rubber band about to break. 
“I did. More than I thought I would.” Inej finally relented. Her voice had drifted to a somber place, a quiet stillness replacing the humor she’d had minutes before. 
They had turned down a back alley, the darkness consuming them in sore contrast to the dazzling lights of the Stave. Their footsteps echoed in a syncopated rhythm, his awkward gait and cane paired with her near-soundless steps. 
Maybe it was the high of having her back, walking next to him through Ketterdam as they’d done so many times before, but he hadn’t realized the direction they’d been walking. They approached the Slat, its crooked frame jutting out from the foundation at a welcoming tilt. He glanced down to Inej once more, watching as she took in the building, trying to see it through her eyes, as he wished to see much of the world. 
“Is the Captain afraid of her old nest?”
If he had intended it as a jab, she didn’t take it as such. Inej shook her head once, “It just feels like home…” 
She moved before he did, taking a deep breath of the stale air inside as she stepped through the threshold. There was movement, as there always was, but the Slat was quiet this time of night and Kaz was thankful. It meant that, selfishly, he could keep Inej upstairs and to himself for as long as he could come up with things to talk about. Perhaps they’d even sit on his bed and she would allow him to make up for the last time they’d found themselves there. 
Kaz marveled at her as she took the creaky stairs ahead of him, the steps creaking beneath his weight after seemingly not registering her. His eyes once again wandered to the blood stains that covered her. He felt a hair-pin trigger go off in his chest and suddenly, there was anger. 
Stop that. She isn’t yours to save. 
Inej waited for him to open the door, sidestepping as they both now stood on the landing. If Kaz hadn’t just been studying her, he might have missed her change in demeanor and the way she shifted her weight to the wall behind her.  
Kaz attempted to even his tone. “How bad are they?” 
His voice sounded like stones grinding against one another, “The bullet wounds.”
She shrugged but he could see the stress of the evening in her features. Her limbs seemed heavy and her eyelids fought to open with every blink. With a shove, Kaz unlocked his office door, forcing the warped wood open and, without hesitation, Inej followed him in, taking in the room as she clicked the locks back into place.
He leaned his cane against the makeshift desk and shucked his gloves off as he approached the cabinet beneath his wash basin, digging through its drawers for gauze and shears. Behind him, he heard the familiar creak of his window opening. The smell of rain against the cobblestones wafted toward him. 
“Your window seat has felt neglected. Your crows too.”
“Does that mean you stopped feeding them while I was gone?”
No. They reminded me of you. I couldn’t let another piece of you go. “They’re scavengers. I’m sure they managed.”
It was then that Kaz turned to see her standing by his bed. Inej looked up, her cheeks flushing red like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been. He only walked over, setting the bandages on the thin mattress. “So I don’t have to find a heartrender for you.”
“They really aren’t that bad-”
“You’ve bled through your clothes. They’re bad enough.”
Inej cleared her throat as she began removing layers of knives and clothes. Kaz’s eyes roved over her, the pounding in his chest growing louder. He hated it. 
 Her arms and shoulders were covered in fresh scars, some of them still red and scabbed, and the bruises on her ribs were still deep purple. 
“Slavers don’t give up their cargo easily.” Inej’s voice came out with caution, as if she was waiting to see his reaction. 
His gaze met hers, voice carving into the air like a rusted blade. “Where are they all now?”
A sense of pride cracked through him as a rare smile settled on his lips. Kaz nodded. “Good.” 
She picked up a strip of bandage, wrapping it around the bullet wound on her bicep, silence filling the space between them. Inej didn’t need to look up to feel the weight of his eyes on her. A flush crept to the tops of her ears. “I didn’t want you to see.”
It was rare for Kaz Brekker to be confused and yet, here he was. 
“I thought you might kill someone. Or start to doubt that I could handle myself.”
“I could never doubt you. Only a fool would.” It was only after he said it that he realized it had been aloud. 
Inej tied off the bandage then glanced down to the blood on her pants.  
“I can-”
“No.” She said, finally making eye contact with him again. “Stay.”
For his sake and hers, Kaz turned his head to avoid staring as she shimmied out of the bloodied fabric. 
She sat on the edge of the bed and poked around for any bullet fragments, the muscles in her thigh tensing, the dried blood on her skin looking black. Inej was just as strong as ever; all her limbs built of corded muscle coated in the lithe grace of an acrobat, just as he remembered. Despite his better judgement, Kaz took a long look at her. 
It’s shame that eats men whole. He could feel it gnawing at him as he attempted to push away the image of her bare thighs against his sheets. 
“Kaz, can you-?” She nodded to the scissors, her hands stuck at an awkward angle around her leg, the apprehension on her face clear. 
He picked them up and took a deep breath before sitting down beside her. When he leaned over, he was careful not to touch her. Her breath stirred the hair on the back of his neck. One turn of his head and their lips would have been inches apart. This reminded him far too much of the hotel washroom; he only hoped it would end better. 
Kaz cut the bandage gently, taking the end from her and tying it, his knuckles grazing against her skin. Panic hit him before anything else, afraid he had overstepped. It took him a moment to realize there was no revulsion roiling through him. 
“It’s alright… Thank you.”
He nodded, grabbing what was left of the bandages and the shears and placing them on top of his dresser. Then he opened one of his drawers, rummaging through the mess of clothes until he found what he had been looking for. 
Kaz handed her a pair of cotton sleep trousers. “I can’t imagine yours are salvageable.”
Inej smiled, sliding them over her legs. They were huge on her. And though they hadn’t discussed her sleeping arrangements for the evening, it appeared she would be staying there. 
He sat back down, staring at his bare hands; the hands that had just graced her without trouble or hesitation. She reached over, threading her fingers through his, and studied him, watching for the shift. But it never came. 
“Will you lay with me?”
At that, he looked up. 
In front of him was a girl who deserved so much more than Dirtyhands. A girl who made the sea cower and made the sun look dull. A girl who could have done anything she wished in life with ease and grace. And yet- she was sat in his bed, holding his hand, and patiently waiting for the semblances of affection he could provide. 
Kaz felt himself nod. 
She pushed herself back until she was against the wooden headboard. They both moved slowly, carefully placing their limbs so there was no overlap. 
Then, he was laying beside her; both of their heads turned to study each other.
“Thank you.” Inej’s voice nearly a whisper. 
The minutes stretched into hours, and Kaz lay listening to her breathing. I will have you without armor. 
Well after twelve bells, the cadence of sleep seemed to grab hold of him, weighing heavy on his body. As his eyes drifted shut, he hoped that there would be more nights like this: nights with Inej close by his side and stillness in his mind. 
He reached for her hand in the dark and promised he would not let go come morning. He would never let go of her again. 
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Shadow & Bone, The Crows & everyone's complaints
So now that I'm on my 2nd watch of the show, I wanna speak on certain things about the Crows in the show, which have made many people mad and some of which I didn't like either..but which I can still see as tying up with the canon.
⚠ Spoilers for both the Books & Show ⚠
Here we go:
• Kaz accepting the 1M Kruge job
Now ofc we all remember the book Kaz who bargained with a Mercher and raised his prize to 30M. But Leigh, Eric & the Crows Cast has been pointing out since day one that these aren't the same people we know from what we've read. This is a sort of prequel to those characters and just them figuring out their dynamic with each other.
Remember, the book opens with Inej saying Kaz is a feared man in the Barrel without hesitation, she introduces herself as the Wraith who can't be stopped even by gravity on certain days and Jesper as the amazing sharpshooter and charmer.
Now as a new reader, I found that chapter sort of funny because how are you claiming all this without showing me their process of becoming these formidable people? But as I read through, the thought that inded these are 6 dangerous outcasts, settled in my mind.
But before that 30M job, they must've had many smaller conquests too right? Ones which slowly built-up their experience, confidence and relationships.
Since this is a prequel, consider this as another day in their Barrel life, as them going on another of their regular jobs. And just think of this as a learning experience for Kaz. That its the dangers that they got into travelling to a different country that made Kaz learn his and his crew's worth. And prepared him for the negotiations he did with Jan Van Eck in SoC.
• Kaz brought to his knees by Pekka
While Kaz being bested by two mere lackies of Pekka was kinda annoying to me as well, why do we believe that Pekka can't harm him or the others? PEKKA ROLLINS WAS THE BARREL KING BEFORE KAZ.
Remember on the Ferolind when Oomen tells them he was ordered by Pekka Rollins to take down the Dregs? They all were shocked and somewhat worried. And it was brought up later on when Jesper said they were going against Pekka Rollins and Wylan explains for Matthias sake how Pekka is not to be messed with.
It was only Kaz who wasn't concerned at all, who consoles Jesper by saying Pekka is just another Barrel Boss.
And what were we even expecting Kaz to do when Pekka brought him to his knees? Didn't Kaz express in the books enough how a simple beating won't make it up. He promised to take his revenge in small steps— building up his gang, stealing customers from Pekka's clubs, etc. BRICK BY BRICK.
So Kaz can be brought down to his knees too. And Pekka can easily do it if he wishes so. But no one wants outright Gang Wars; Pekka because he is far more experienced and knows when and where to put pressure or when to let go of a job. He even advices Kaz to forget Inej and drop the idea of going against a Mercher in SoC last chapter, because it is a foolish thing to do.
And Kaz wouldn't want gang wars because he knows the Dregs aren't big enough to face the whole of Dime Lions. Besides he already plans to bring down Pekka brick by brick.
But no one threatens Kaz Brekker, so consider this "on his knees" scene as a set up and another reason for Kaz to strike back and pay back tenfold.
It will also serve as an amazing parallel if we get to see him make Pekka beg on his knees.
• Kaz and Inej are too obvious
Are they? Haven't they always been like that when in each other's company or when around the other Crows? So of course they're expressing alot in front of Jesper.
But note that there are was no incident in the show where Kaz expressed his slowly developing feelings in front of his enemies, namely Pekka. In fact all Kanej moments happen only between them or in Jesper's presence. So there's nothing wrong with that.
Are they too obvious? No. As I said before and as we all know Kaz and Inej ALWAYS share deep conversations whenever together even in books— "i will have you without armor", "i would come for you", etc.
So show Kaz telling Inej "no saints have watched over me like you.." was not much different from their canon alone conversations.
Have they shown too much already? NOT AT ALL.
We only saw Kaz putting the Crow Club on collateral but his reason behind it wasn't shown at all.
We only saw Inej kill a man to protect Kaz. We don't know why she chose to kill for him. You can't immediately translate that to love. It can very well be considered her trying to pay back because he saved her from the Menagerie.
Remember in Crooked Kingdom Chapter 4, Inej says: "their lives had been a series of rescues ever since, a string of debts that they never tallied as they saved each other again and again."
So consider these moments as their endless back and forth of saving each other.
*Another thing to note in the show is when Inej gave her knives to Kaz. She says: "as a friend once said".
She has started considering Kaz a "friend" and she knows he feels the same way even though he won't say it. They're only starting to open up and give way to friendship. And not just Kanej, Jesper too.
People can care for and have each other's backs without it having a romantic aspect. The show gave the viewers a peek at what Kanej are willing to do for each other and showed that there's obviously sparks flying but no clear motto. We still didn't see Kanej's first encounter at the Menagerie or Kaz staring at Inej sitting on his window. These are just small moments to set up the ship.
• The Crows only there for comic relief
NO. I don't agree to this at all.
I'm gonna go back to SoC Duology. Now we know both the books have a sort of a dark setting. But both of these books also had hilarious moments.
Right in Chapter 2 of SoC, Jesper joking about spelling with his bullets and Kaz joining in on the joke. There's also the "this whole shoot me thing is starting to worry me". Inej & Kaz's banter about "greed is your god".
Almost every chapter had atleast one moment that was either comical or to lighten the mood or just straight up banter between the Crows. And all those moments were all always entagled with serious ones.
The show did exactly the same. We were given their crime life because they were after all, on a job to capture and sell off a person. But the show lightened it by adding the Crows banter and certain comical moments. And for the finishing touches, they sprinkled in some vulnerability.
• Kaz not being ruthless enough
What the fuck is wrong with us all wanting a sinister man being ruthless? 😂
There's not much I can say about this but that even in books, Kaz isn't always ruthless.
He is mostly giving out orders and scheming schemes. But in those rare moments in the book when we get to see Dirtyhands, we are given a view into some really intense moments.
When Kaz dislocates a man's arm in the Ice Court Prison, he himself admits it that he didn't do it as much to make himself look intimidating to the other criminals but more to remind himself that he can do it, that he isn't some helpless man.
The only such thing we got in the show was the brief scene between Kaz and that Inferni where he had that scary look on his face as he crushed that inferni's arm and slammed his face.
But maybe it was a good moment to set him up for more violence in the coming seasons. *crosses fingers*
• The Crows not stealing from Alina
Okay whilst Inej wouldn't do it, Jesper may only consider, Kaz would definitely do it!
Remember Kaz kazually conversing with Van Eck and Pekka but also stealing their stuff in those moments with his slight of hands?
Yeah, the showrunners had a perfect chance at the end to do it but they missed it 😐
This is probably the one thing that I'm unable to settle with 🤧
So..that's it!
I don't want everyone to agree with me but I hope everyone can be a little less aggressive and more kind to the show. It was still amazing, if not a proper adaptation then at least good as a standalone show. And the showrunners already did say "high budget fanfiction"
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a-aexotic · 3 years
I loved your modern!harry potter headcannons! can I have modern!six of crows? maybe college or high school au?
btw your headcannons give me life
hi babe! i'm doing high school headcannons! (i'm only doing kaz, inej, and jesper! if you guys want a part 2 with nina, wylan and matthias!)
warnings: mention of school shootings, mentions of crying, mention of broken noses.
- kaz
kaz is 1000% that weird quiet kid everyone thinks is going to one day going to shoot up the school <3
but he would never, he's actually really nice
well nice to you if he likes to you
if he doesn't like you, he will ignore you + give you his signature kaz glare
he has a flip phone 100000% and he does flex it
"yeah sorry i don't have social media, i have a flip phone" *smiles*
"nah bruv i have a flip phone"
he ends up getting a smart phone after jesper kept making fun of him
nina and jesper made kaz get tiktok
he was traumatized
"who tf is charli damelio and why is she dancing to megan thee stallion?"
has a one-sided beef with bryce hall
yes he did have a phase where he was obsessed with tiktokroom on instagram
- jesper
class clown but people actually find him funny and nice
he is that kid in middle school who mixed the food with milk and called it "humor"
his parents got him airpods when they first came out and he thought he was the shit
loves loves marvel
after avengers endgame came out he spoiled it
like he told everyone what happened
matthias was pissed
during quarantine his "faze" was anime,,, but still is,,, so i guess it isn't a faze??
when he watched aot he cried on the fifth episode (yes i'm projecting what actually happened w me on jesper :/)
he made a couple thirst tiktoks and it got like 1000 likes and 10k followers
he thought he was the shit until inej set him straight
- inej
pretty girl™
she's your hype girl in the bathroom when you're feeling insecure
in gym, when the guys would say "girls can't play __ sport"
she would kick the ball in their face and break their nose "accidently"
she watched fairy tail w jesper during quarantine
she was def on harry potter tiktok for a good second
but left as soon as she realized t*m was transphobic
she's the girl who would help you cheat during school
she def has an editing account on instagram
her edits are so good??
she got a cat during quarantine and we were all jealous :/
made a tiktok account as "joke" but it became her personality for a good six months
dyed her hair once in quarantine and regretted it <3
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Kaz Brekker x fem! reader - Crows Part 2
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(Gif not mine)
A/n: So I deceided that this would fit better as a headcanon or else it would be wayyyyyy too long...
All rights go to leigh bardugo and you!
- So after what had happened
- You guys didn't really want to tell the group
- And Kaz still had to heal
- So you guys decided you just wouldn't tell them but slowly let them figure it out
- It was a fucking mess
- The first clue for them is that your the only person Kaz really let in
- So when you a didn't come down right away after visiting Kaz
- They were a bit sus
- But you guys didn't do anything! Just laid together not touching and (accidentally) fell asleep
- When you guys came down the next day
- You with your very sleep driven sate and you looked very sleepy. Your hair was a mess and you still had your clothes on from yesterday
- And Kaz looking sharp as ever was leaning on you coming down the stairs
- Nina immediately asked what happened
- Kaz was #confusedboi
- you on the other hand...
- Got it right away glared at her and said "No, and I didn't know you were stalking me now."
- She shut up pretty fast
- After that Kaz still isn't quite healed all the way but he still has to do some work
- And you told him he couldn't do anything drastic till he was healed
- So you go on a girls date with Nina and Inej it had been like two weeks
- And ya'll are just wondering around Ketterdam being the amazing goddess's that you are
- And you go to the coffee shop
- You get two coffee's
- One's like your favorite because it was girls day you thought it would be good to treat yourself
- And the other is straight black
- Literally just caffeine in it
- More caffeine than coffee beans
- And they kinda just look at you and ask if your pulling a all nighter or something
- And you being oblivious just shrugs your shoulders and says it's for Kaz
- Their like wtf?
- When did this happen
- But you don't mention anything else on the subject
- So they drop it
- And you kinda left to go drop the coffee off to give it to your boyfriend
- The next time you were basically on a murdering date with Kaz
- He's all healed and to go celebrate you guys decided to murder the people who hurt Kaz
- The people who hurt Kaz were also toke a visit to Ketterdam! Yay!
- You find these bastards
- And your so mad
- Your bashing their heads in, torturing them
- Kaz tries to stop you...
- But he realize's he really can't when he doesn't have any help
- And he thinks it's really hot
- So he just gives up
- For some odd reason Matthias is walking with Wylan and Jesper
- And they walk by and they see you
- By some miracle they can recognize the men
- And Kaz looks at them like 'for fucks shakes help me, also I'm your boss so you have to do as I say'
- So they come help Kaz pull you off
- You killed them the men before they could pull you off
- You were a fucking beast!
- After you guys somehow ended up at Wylan's and Jesper's to wash all the blood off
- They realize they didn't even get a scratch on you and are terrified for life
- but you kinda just collapse in Kaz's arms for a couple of minutes while they go grab the stuff
- And Kaz's arms immediately go around you and somehow his gloves are off?
- Like they didn't even see him take them off!
- The hell?!
- But they are all semi-scared for their lives
- So they don't say a damn thing
- The last time everyone is in the crow club
- Not getting ready for a heist surprisingly
- Just hanging around
- And you come down
- With Kaz's cane!!!
- Their all like WTF!
- And there is blood on it
- and all over you
- but you just shrug and sit down and hand Kaz the cane
- "Thanks for letting me kill that guy, he was pissing me off"
- Kaz's face is a tomato
- And he just gets up
- And leaves
- and your just like okay mr.grumpy pants, whatever
- But now they think you guys like each but you just aren't together yet
- Oh shit indeed
- So this time they find out
- Your on a mission
- You and Kaz had an argument before hand
- But were fighting effortlessly in sync no one was getting to you - you guys were saints ect.
- But then you weren't
- This guy somehow got Kaz
- You curse him under your breath for getting caught/hurt more then you!
- So you know your going to go on a rampage if they dare hurt mr brekker
- So you whistle and everyone looks at you like your crazy
- But then an ARMY of crows just come flying towards them
- They eyes be gone!
- And the crows beat them
- The guy who had Kaz is just on the ground crying because he's being pulled apart like meat
- And Kaz just looks at you with that bewildered expression on his face
- He had seen you do stuff with the crows but NOTHING like this
- So you give him a crazy smile
- And he pulls you into a kiss
- And the crows kinda just spiral around you into the air while you guys kiss
- And holy shit it was epic!
- And after you guys pull away
- Your friends are all just standing their mouths gaping open
- Until Jesper finally speaks
- "Well I guess we don't have to get them together anymore."
- Let's just say you, Nina and Inej had a girls night that night
- And got all the details from you
- You are officially called the Crow queen after your little stun with the crows
- Of course Kaz is the Crow king
- And that is how everyone found out you and Kaz were dating!
A/n: I'm legit going to use some of these things from this headcanon for some fics like holy fuck!
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter Ten
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter Ten
The Crows quickly navigated the palace halls, trying to get to Jesper at the meeting point as quickly as they could. He was supposed to be waiting outside the escape route, standing watch, overlooking the carriages, which was their escape plan, and Elham was praying he was ok and waiting for them so she could get as far away from the Little Palace as possible.
She was cursing herself the whole way, punishing herself for not getting Alina away from the Darkling. She didn't have much time to ponder how colossally they had failed, or how pissed Kaz was going to be for her not telling him that she was an Inferni, although he would have plenty of time to sulk on the way home, because he had finally led them outside, spotting Jesper.
They trudged over to him, Kaz now very obviously limping, and Elham looked even more worried than Jesper did.
"Wow, Elham. I've never seen you in a dress. Interesting."
She sent a glare his way, and he immediately reeled back.
What happened, you ok?"
Inej's face lit up. "She's real, Jesper. She made the light sing."
Kaz grumbled next to Elham. "We lost her."
Jesper chuckled, turning towards the carriage, a smile on his face, his voice full of amusement.
"Did we?"
Kaz squinted his eyes, before speaking. "Well, we don't know where she is."
Jesper was still chuckling. "Don't we?"
Elham froze, before catching up to Jesper, spinning him around by his jacket.
"What can I do for you, love?"
"Jesper, very much not the time for you to be joking. What do you mean?"
"Just ask."
"Jesper!" Elham let a flame pool in her palm, and Jesper immediately gasped, taking a step back.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."
Kaz stepped up as they began climbing into the carriage. "We don't have time for this, just get in, and you can give us all a very well deserved explanation."
His tone was menacing, and Elham sunk into her seat she had taken next to Inej.
"Do we have a fix on where the target is?"
Jesper glanced towards the back of the carriage, before smiling, snapping the reigns. The carriage jolted forward, and they began making their way off the palace grounds.
It had been a few minutes of riding in silence, and the air was thick with tension. Elham pretended not to notice Inej's glances toward her hands she had clenched in her lap. Jesper kept glancing over his shoulder at her, but she wouldn't meet his eyes.
Kaz hadn't turned around once, eyes set straight ahead.
Jesper finally broke the silence. "So...do you want to tell me what the hell that was?"
Elham took a deep breath, willing herself not to cry. Through clenched teeth, she spoke. "I'm an Inferni."
"Well that's obvious, love. I think we all gathered that. Why the hell didn't any of us know? And why show us now?"
Elham thought back to the orphanage she grew up in, to being tested and taken to the Little Palace. Meeting Nina, training with Baghra, finding out about the Darkling. Escaping and coming to Ketterdam. Going through a year of pain, meeting Kaz and becoming part of the Dregs, then the Crows, part of a family.
Kaz still hadn't turned around, but she knew he was listening. Inej had turned to face her, contently listening.
"Ok, ok, alright. You all know I'm an orphan, I grew up in Karamzin until I was 10 or so. I don't know who my parents are, what happened to them, or why they didn't want me, I just know I was born in Novyi Zem and I was taken to the orphanage, and I lived there till the Grisha came to test the new children. They tested me, and took me to the Little Palace to become part of the Second Army, to start training."
Jesper turned around slightly, eyeing her. "You're telling me you lived here, and didn't wanna tell us any vital information to get us inside?"
"I didn't want you to know, ok! It wasn't exactly the best time of my life here."
"Why not?" Elham felt a tear roll down her cheek, and quickly wiped it away. "I'm an Inferni, but I'm not like the rest of them. They have to use something to create a spark, they can't just summon it like I can. The problem is, it's unpredictable. I never got a hold on it, so they would rarely let me use it in training. I had to learn physical combat skills instead, which did actually come in handy in the Barrel."
Inej had grabbed Elham's hand now, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Kaz had slightly turned in her direction.
"Anyways, everyone thought I was a freak, people were scared of me, they didn't want to be around me. Besides Nina."
Kaz fully turned around towards her at that, and you could almost detect a tone of hurt in his voice. What else hadn't she told him? "Really? You know Nina?"
"Knew. I haven't seen her since I was 13. She was one of my only friends in the Little Palace, and even then, I hardly saw her. Etherealki don't interact much with Corporalki, each type of Grisha generally sticks to their own order. Nina left before me though, she was quite skilled, and the Second Army needed new soldiers. I wasn't anywhere near ready, so I was left alone. Baghra took a liking to me, and made me her personal project."
Inej quipped up. "Who's Baghra?"
Elham's lips turned to a frown. "The Darkling's mother."
"What? Isn't the Darkling like a hundred years old?"
"Yes. And so is she. He just plays her off as an older mentor that had joined when he first came into service for the King. Which wasn't in the past hundred years, by the way."
Jesper sounded exasperated. "What does that mean?"
Elham almost laughed, and she would have if there wasn't a pit in her stomach and she felt like she could burst into tears at any moment.
"The Darkling, and the Black Heretic...they're the same person. He's been faking his death every few hundred years and coming into the service of a new King, now he serves the Lantsov line. I'm sure he was alive when the first Lantsov became King, he's that old, and so is Baghra."
Inej gasped, her face going pale. "The Black Heretic, the one who created the Fold...the Darkling did that?"
Kaz finally spoke up. "How the hell could you possibly know all of this? I find it hard to believe someone decided to tell all of this to a 13 year old girl."
Elham narrowed her eyes at him. "They didn't have a choice. Baghra had to tell me, it was the only way she could get me to leave."
Jesper was pinching the bridge of his nose. "Saints, Elham, alright, I'm gonna need you to explain a little bit better than that."
Elham nodded, sitting up straighter. "As I said earlier, Baghra started watching over me. She didn't like the idea of a Grisha not being able to defend themself. So she made me choose a weapon, and master it. She had me running drills, practicing sun up to sun down. Saints, I've never been as tired as I was training with her."
Elham chuckled, but it was pained, and her smile didn't meet her eyes. "She taught me some ways to try and control my powers, but I would never be as good with them as I was with a sword, and I think she knew that, so she let me master it before she started training me with my powers. We would practice away from the other Grisha, she didn't want me distracted. One day, the Darkling sat in on my training."
She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. "He never told me why he was there, and Baghra lied and said he just liked to check in on the training sessions every once in a while. It's awful to say, but Saints, I would have done anything to have people look at me like he did when he watched me use my powers. He didn't look at me like I was some freak of nature, he saw my potential. I was so naive, I should have known."
Kaz was intently staring at Elham, watching the emotions change in her face. "Know what?"
"That he wanted to use me. My powers are different, I can summon them whenever I want, and the more I used them, the stronger I got. I could blaze down a whole forest if I wanted to and not even break a sweat. He made sure Baghra was teaching me to control them, and then he started taking me to training sessions himself, asking me questions."
Kaz's jaw was clenched. "Like what?"
"Like if I was scared of his powers. Or if I was sick of people looking down on me. When I started getting a grip on my powers, he took me from training out into the forest to practice more. And then...he--"
Elham choked down a cry, rubbing her hand down her face. "He wanted to see if he could use my powers with his. He had me create a flame, and he would twist darkness into it, making the flame grow. He could pull the flame towards him, moving it without me having to. Saints only know what I could have done with an amplifier."
"What's an amplifier?"
"An object that a Grisha can use to enhance their power. The Darkling is one himself, he was by far the best method to me controlling my powers."
Inej squeezed Elham's hand again. "I don't understand, why'd he take such interest in you?"
Elham couldn't stop the tears from falling this time. "He wanted to use my powers and his in the Fold. He wanted to light the whole thing up. It would have been a mountain of fire and darkness. He never wanted to destroy the fold, he wanted to make it a weapon." She chuckled darkly. "I didn't want to believe Baghra when she told me. I was just beginning to feel like I belonged, and it felt like she was ripping that away from me. I'm not completely heartless, though, I never would have let him use me like that. I have no love for Ravka, but I could never add to his incessant need for destruction and power. I escaped, and never thought about coming back."
Jesper laid a hand on her knee. "I'm sorry you had to come back."
She gave him a small smile. "It's alright. I think I needed to. I needed to face this, I needed to face him. Besides, I had to at least try and get Alina out. When you all went into the palace, and I had to try and find another way in, I took the trail I used to escape. It led right to Baghra's hut, she's the one who helped me get inside the palace. I had to see if what everyone was saying was true, if the Sun Summoner was real, so I went to her."
Elham was actually smiling now, and Kaz's shoulders eased at the sight of it. "You know, she was the one who gave me the sword. The one I had all those years in Ketterdam."
The smile faded. "The one Pekka Rollins broke. I had almost forgotten about that."
Kaz watched her face fall, and despite himself, his heart clenched at the sight. She continued.
"Baghra told me that I needed to get Alina out, and I promised her I would. That kind of power in the hands of the Darkling, it would be catastrophic...oh, Saints!"
"Baghra! If Alina escaped, the Darkling is going to find out who let her go, who told her about him. He's ruthless, he'd kill his own mother. If anything happens to her..."
Elham trailed off, unable to speak. Despite not knowing the right thing to say, Kaz couldn't bear to watch her in pain, and watch her sit there suffering. He hesitated then spoke.
"You know, she is the Darkling's mother. She's survived all of these years before him, I'm sure she'll long outlive him. If she's anything like how you talk about her, she has nothing to worry about."
Elham sniffed, nodding at him gratefully. "So...now you all know, I guess. About me, and everything. Surprise?"
Inej let out a laugh, and Jesper was grinning. "Hey, El...want to know another surprise?"
She eagerly nodded, directing her attention to him. He glanced around at the Crows, leaning in. "The Sun Summoner? She may or not be in the back of the carriage in the trunk. Allegedly, of course."
There was silence for a few moments, and nobody moved, stunned. Elham just stared at Jesper, who was grinning like a fool. Kaz relaxed against his seat, his lips curled into the smallest grin.
"Well. Maybe there are Saints after all."
A/N - hi guys, i'm really excited to get into the stuff i've had planned since before starting this story, i've got a lot of elham and kaz content coming, hope y'all are ready for it all. let me know what you thought, feel free to reach out, and thank you for the support!
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