#like?? i've been using this site for literally more than a decade now and have hopped to so many blogs since then
gotchibam · 8 months
FINALLY sideblogs can reply now!!!!!
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pluckyredhead · 8 months
hi! i'm new to comics and i got in through reading your fics and wayne family adventures. i've since started reading more of the mainstream verse and i realized that most comic fans consider wfa to be totally fanon. you're one of the few i saw that disagrees. would you mind elaborating a lil on why? i'm too new to really form an opinion either way but i'd like to know your's!
(also yes i really did stalk your blog back years worth of posts i'm sorry! 😭😭)
Aw I love this! Welcome!
So I think it's really important to be clear on definitions here:
Canon means it's part of an official text. It's literally in a comic (or book or movie or other property) published or licensed by DC.
Fanon means it's made up by fans. That doesn't mean bad or good, it just means that it comes from fandom and is not part of the official text.
Wayne Family Adventures is an official licensed comic by DC, so by definition, it cannot be fanon. That doesn't mean everyone has to like it, but it's not a fan comic. It's an official DC product. It's not fanon.
Now, WFA isn't part of the main DCU canon. It takes place in a separate universe. The Jason in Batman #138 and the Jason in WFA are not the same and they are having very different experiences. (And I'm sure the Jason in WFA would be grateful if he knew.)
But that's no different than a comic that takes place in an alternate universe, like Dark Knights of Steel or DCeased, or a movie like Blue Beetle or a show like My Adventures with Superman. They all take place in their own universes, but all of those universes are canon. None of them are fanon.
What I think most people mean when they say WFA is fanon is that WFA draws on tropes and characterizations that are popular in fandom. Which...yes, absolutely. This is on purpose, and honestly, it pisses me off when people complain about it. (Not you, anon! Your question was lovely, you just triggered my unskippable cut scene of dialogue. Sorry lol.)
Wayne Family Adventures is probably the single best idea DC has had in the 20 years I've been reading comics. (The second best was the kids and YA graphic novel lines.)
I just checked, and WFA has 1.3 MILLION subscribers. That's more than every floppy comic starring Batman sells in a month, combined. It's more than literally any superhero comic has sold in decades - in this century! The combined strips have over A HUNDRED MILLION VIEWS. That is bonkerstown. That is a readership like DC hasn't seen since the 1970s. That is unparalleled success, and it's introducing characters like Kate Kane and Duke Thomas to a whole new audience.
Now, WFA was clearly designed to appeal to Batfans who were active on social media and fanfic sites like AO3 and Wattpad, and Webtoon readers. The readership of Webtoon is mostly young and female. Fandom as a whole is mostly female. The writer of WFA is female.
And maybe I'm not being fair here, but when I see people dismiss WFA as "just fanon," I always catch a whiff of "It's not a real Batman comic. It's a girl comic for girls."
I have spent the past 20 years begging DC (and Marvel, DC is not alone in this) to see women as a viable audience - as their largest potential growth audience! I have watched in dumbfounded frustration as they ignored the juggernaut success of Raina Telgemeier and Ngozi Ukazu and Alice Oseman running rings around the NY Times bestseller list and counted a 50k shipment here and there as a resounding triumph. I have literally seen them throw out survey responses from women because "those women had an agenda." (This is a true story. 2011 was rough, y'all.)
And all of a sudden, they gave us a comic actually catering to women and young people and fandom, and they put it on the most popular, current, modern platform for comics availably - and it's brilliant. It's smart and funny and stunningly drawn and every episode makes clever, inventive use of the scrolling format. They FINALLY gave us a girl comic for girls, and it's a masterpiece.
And yes, it riffs on fanon concepts. It also has its roots firmly in mainstream DCU canon. It references deep cuts. CRC Payne and StarBite know their shit. Jason Todd being a bookworm may be a fanon staple, but he does plenty of reading - including Jane Austen - in the 100% canon mainstream DCU comics.
It's not going to be for everything, because nothing is. It's completely fine if you don't like WFA. No one has to read it or enjoy it. If you're into Batman for the darkness and the crime and the ongoing plotlines and the angst, WFA won't be for you, and that's totally fine!
But to finally, finally be valued as a reader by DC, to have them do something smart and innovative and so, so well executed, and have the exact people they made it for dismiss it out of hand because Bruce has a "World's Okayest Dad" mug or whatever? Yeah, that chafes.
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the reason people are using "queer is a slur" argument is because literal corporations are now calling us queer and im not fucking okay with that. those are FAGS calling me a DYKE in solidarity, that is completely different than a CORPORATION calling me a QUEER because it's the new term they think is okay.
look. i don't know who you are, nor do i really care atm. my neighborhood is currently sensory hell. please keep that in mind.
now, this is a...not incorrect, but definitely incomplete and ahistorical view. "queer is a slur" is overwhelmingly being pushed by radfems, and those who got their 'queer history 101' from radfems.
and they have definitely been pushing that queer is a slur 1000% of the time, not just in xyz circumstance.
what you're okay with is your personal boundary. you get to set that. You get to decide if youre okay with this or that term. but you do not get to call people's entire identity and community a slur, just because you do not personally use it. You get to be not-okay with things; you don't get to say what the general community is okay with I'm good with queer. I prefer queer. It kinda gives me cringe to hear "LGBT" from some awkward newscaster. I'm not going to say you shouldn't use LGBT, or prefer it, but I don't.
we have been a queer community, queer history, queer studies, queer liberation, for several generations. Longer than i've been alive. Please factor that in: it's not "the new term [corporations] think is okay"--it was an established means of referring to us, for decades, and many of the old fogeys at the top went thru diversity training prior to "LGBT".
i am sorry you were triggered by this, anon. but that is not why people are claiming queer is a slur, nor would it justify that (truly odious) discourse. i don't know who you are, anon. I don't know if this was sent in good faith. but if it was, i recommend following ppl like @prismatic-bell, @vaspider, @star-anise, and @queeranarchism. There's many more fantastic queer adults who can and do discuss queer history on this site, but those four tend to be involved in most discussions and/or reblog them once they're done. get yourself some adults and borrow their perspective, ffs they're a good source
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greetings-humans · 2 months
DC: the very basics
@athenov trust me there are a lot of dc comics and a lot of reading lists but the list i tagged you on seems to be pretty basic and decent afaik! i trust @lornahs's lists a lot!
now, originally this was just for athenov but tbh it ended up so long that it might as well be a generic intro to dc post! it's very basic and slightly oriented to damian wayne (the character that I'm trying to get athenov into)
so, I usually crossreference multiple reading lists to get somewhere, so try crossreferencing that damian wayne one with this. as a general rule of thumb, tumblr usually knows better, but sites like the one linked aren't too bad.
another thing: dc works in phases. every few decades they have an event they call "crisis" (i. e. crisis on infinite earths, infinite crisis, flashpoint, etc, etc) and after that, they essentially reboot most or all of dc.
they might recreate character's back stories, they might change them depending on the author's preferences, they also tend to disregard events from before the crisis. this is a double edged sword. yes they can disregard stupid plotlines. but they have also historically ignored character development, character relationships, etc.
they have literally transplanted one character (Roy Harper) from X dude's close friend to Y dude's best friend, with no reason whatsoever other than not wanting to debute someone new. and mind you in the process of that, Roy lost so much character development!!! and naturally this happened during the new 52 ugh
anyways-- these reboots have specific names that we use to know what period of DC comics we're talking about. a pretty detailed explanation is here.
for brevity, I'll give you the very basics here and a more in-depth explanation below the cut.
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age & Bronze Age (1956-1985)
Modern Age (1986-2011) (very good, imo) (damian intro was here!)
New 52 (2011-2016) (bad!!! this fucked over more than just roy!)
Rebirth (2016-2018) (better but only sometimes)
DC Infinite Frontier (2021-2023)
Dawn of DC (2023-today)
essentially, you just run away from n52 and you'll be good. also dc wiki is your friend. feel free to ask me if you have any questions tho!! (and this stands not just for athenov! i consider myself relatively new to dc comics cause I've only been into comics for two or three years, after all, and some people are much more obsessed than I am. but I'll def try to help any of the new fans out as much as i can! even if that just means pointing you to another person that can answer your question)
so about the more detailed version of those periods!
we've got golden age, silver age, bronze age. these are old. golden age started during the 1940s. bronze age ended in 1985. I tend to not read anything before 1985 because they're all over the place usually. the themes are also weird cause the comics are old.
then crisis on infinite earths happened and rebooted everything to make things less ambiguous. (until this crisis, if you didn't like the way, say, superman handled things in this issue, you'd just ignore that and go against it and it'd be passed on like a superman from another earth than the other superman. the multiverse was very useful for dc of golden-silver-bronze era. continuity was a hit or miss, at best)
then we have modern age until 2011. this era is the one I usually operate on! many of my favorite characters got some very good runs during this time. damian wayne also debuted in this era with batman #655, which was issued in 2006, according to google.
anyways stan the modern age!
and now things get weird again. the problem with crisis on infinite earths is that it solved some problems but also created new ones. some other crisis events happened to try to fix them but it didn't exactly work out and then we got flashpoint to reboot dc again.
the next reboot is called "new 52" because dc canceled everything and started 52 new titles that could theoretically easily introduce people to these characters. unfortunately, they butchered a lot of characters during this arc, narratively and a esthetically. my own favs have suffered from the new 52. generally, it's not a good era for dc. it was only around for like 5ish years (2011-2016) before DC had to do another crisis and reboot so that tells you how bad things were. (considering the fact that modern age lasted 25 years, this is just sad yknow)
the new era is called rebirth (2016-2018). they basically picked up the stories from modern age and ignored new 52 for the most part, which is iconic. there was another brief era after this to clear up some confusions and restore some memories from modern age that the new 52 had disregarded but all in all things are decent, especially compared to the new 52. admittedly, I haven't read a lot of stuff from after modern age, so take this with a grain of salt.
a few other things happened, like infinite frontier. I don't know anything about it tbh. something weird happened with time and space. this era is a big crisis event essentially, from what i can tell? do we even count it as an era? idfk. I'd say no but the site I linked waayyy above considered it an era so I'll do the same so as to not confuse anyone.
and then there's the dawn of dc, which started like last year or sth, so I got nothing for you about it.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I've been hearing some deeply worrying things about 4 surveillance/censorship bills: https:// www.badinternetbills .com/
From what I've been able to gather online, these bills (the Kids Online Safety Act, EARN IT Act, STOP CSAM Act and RESTRICT Act) all proclaims to be about protecting children online, but the evidence I've seen from various articles highlights that they all share the same serious flaws of being too overly broad and vague, with various stipulations and elements that would actually not only fail to protect children, but also outright lead to incredibly invasive censorship.
There's even been an explicit admission from far right wing groups like the Heritage Foundation and the Family Research Council that they actively plan to use the first bill (and likely the others) to silence LGBT media online.
They outright stated as such here:
https:// www.heritage.org /gender/commentary/how-big-tech-turns-kids-trans
https:// twitter.com /ButNotTheCity/status/1661560827164471296
The first two are supported by a religious fundamentalist group who used to go by Morality in Media.
And the first three bills have massive bipartisan support, with EARN IT and STOP CSAM already on the calendar to be heard in the Senate, and significant celebrity support for the first bill.
IIRC, SESTA/FOSTA also had similar results akin to KOSA, and that turned out to be a disaster.
...I can't help but be extremely worried, because any reaction to these bills has been lukewarm and lacking, with barely any significant pushback.
Basically yeah, this is what I mean when I say that regulating social media is currently almost impossible in a useful and productive way. Both left and right will talk about "protecting children online," which in my opinion is a bullshit metric anyway because it's a) so wildly unspecific and b) usually means OH NO A CHILD MIGHT SEE TITTIES moral panic, rather than actually addressing the violent extremist/far right/Nazi/other types of terrorist content that is far more of a threat. The right wing wants to use it to demonize LGBTQ content, because that's their goal with literally everything right now. The left is caught between a rock and a hard place where they want to regulate and/or punish Big Tech for all that casual democracy-destroying-for-profit that they've been doing, but haven't figured out how to apply that effectively, get it passed, or otherwise achieve the desired results. So they end up signing onto these vague "Protect The Children" acts which are extremely vulnerable to being manipulated by bad actors (and are often deliberately designed by said bad actors in the first place) to look like they're addressing the problem. Which they're not. They're not getting at the tech oligarchs who actually control these platforms, they're not putting in meaningful safeguards, they're just thinking that requiring individuals to submit age verification for porn sites or whatever is somehow going to fix this. Which. It will not.
The good news here is that every few years there's a lot of alarm about some bill that's going to Break The Internet As We Know It, and while we obviously need to pay attention to those and keep abreast of what's going on, that has not actually happened yet and even fucking nightmare-city SCOTUS recently declined to dismantle or otherwise significantly overhaul Section 230, which would have opened the door to all kinds of micromanaging/policing/bad-faith lawsuits from people who scream about "Free Speech!!!" and then want to destroy it for everyone who is not them. So yes, obviously, continue to exercise your rights, contact your representatives, make sure people know what is at stake etc -- but there are good people working on this, such as the Wikipedia foundation and others, who have been battling literal DECADES of attacks on the open web and have been in this fight for the long haul. They'll be in it for this one too, so if you're exceptionally worried, I would advise you to look into foundations/organizations working on this. They have a whole lot of structure and experience, I'm sure they would welcome volunteers, and you can join the effort that's already underway, rather than trying to reinvent the wheel and build an opposition movement from scratch. So yeah.
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dollsonmain · 2 months
So I've been with Pinecone Research for literal decades and they've changed a few times.
First it was you'd get an email for a survey, do that survey, and get $5 received as a check in the mail after every survey with a second $5 check arriving with an item to try, and a third $5 check for doing the follow-up survey.
Then they started asking people to request checks now and then instead of sending them for every survey, and that was fine.
Then they dropped it to $3/survey by check on request, no extra for trialing items, but another $3 for the follow-up.
Then $3/survey but it's not checks anymore, now it's points and you can cash out your points into a check pretty easily because it's easy to find that option in the points redemption shop.
Then $3/survey as points and it got really difficult to find that cash out/request a check option.
Then they'll send an email invite and you may or may not get to do a survey depending on your demographics, which they already know but no longer pre-screen for surveys like they used to, $3/survey in points but now if you want money you have to give them your bank account data for direct transfer (hahahaha.... no), or get an EGC, which are difficult to find in the redemption catalogue and limited by which places you can use them, or buy one of their "prizes" for way more than it would cost to get the Amazon EGC and buy the item on Amazon, and they'd email you a redemption code for one EGC of the exact value you cashed out.
Now it's all of that but instead of emailing the redemption code for an EGC that exactly matched the amount you cashed out, you have to go to a third party website and go through a lot of steps to redeem one code at a time at fixed increments so if I wait and redeem $50 in Amazon EGC, for example, I have to go through that whole process 5 times for 5 x $10 EGC. And they don't email you at all, you have to go dig through your order history to find the links to do this.
I did a pre-screening survey just now which kicked me out because I didn't meet the criteria they were looking for, and I've noticed before that they ALWAYS send you to a different site, now, to do surveys. There are a few different sites they'll send you to, and the surveys are always in Pinecone's format.
But it made me wonder how much per survey are those other sites paying Pinceone, vs how much Pinecone is now paying survey takers?
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uncaught-coolfish · 11 months
"to anyone who says that an entire decade of will they-won’t theying a queer ship while the company running the show was free of any censorship and knew it should be “the standard” of representation like please you have to be joking genuinely I’m not kidding. you are literally asking for the opposite of what you want you are asking to step backwards"
Thank you for saying what I've been thinking for days now. Like, don't compare the destiel situation to bmblby. They and their contexts are nothing alike. You're just admitting you don't understand the creation and logic behind the media you're watching. The reason people celebrated destiel's canon is because the creators had to fight tooth and nail to get that greenlighted. RT just decided to draw out BY because...??? (we know why) when they literally didn't have to, and they still couldn't use those ten years to make the execution of the ship compelling (the idea of it is pretty good). RT has no excuse. Sure, celebrate a wlw ship going canon because we deserve more wlw, but that's just it: we deserve better, and they were strung along by people amused by their chase rather than someone who actually cares and/or fought to get it.
Dest literally even barely got “confirmed” (re: Super hell lol) but even then at least it gave us our site’s best news outlet. Bees on the other hand…. /j
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
So I have no idea what the Tumblr joke is about shoelaces, that's being used in the merch store. I've been on here since 2010 and I never encountered whatever that is, ever. I also never heard the word "superwholock" until just the last couple of years, when I started to notice jokes about certain posts and memes being "so 2012" or whatever, and then I figured out through context clues that there was lots of annoying-sounding stuff that I remained blissfully unaware of because this place used to be a lot smaller and you could genuinely Curate Your Online Experience, which feels impossible now because the site is so bloated that you're never more than a couple of degrees' separation from whatever trendy shit you absolutely hate...but that wasn't my point. My point is, is the shoelaces joke for EVERYONE? Was it so popular that even the literal-kids who use Tumblr now know what it is? I'm asking whether Tumblr is creating merchandise that is specifically aimed at users who have been here for more than a decade (and then only some of those kinds of users, not me or my mutuals obviously!). If the answer is yes, then my followup question would be, are the decade-plus holdouts a humongous cohort of current users? Like, big enough that it's worth manufacturing shit just to sell to them exclusively? What's the thinking there?
I've been here for a truly shameful number of years, and I still don't get a lot of what goes on in this place.
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quoththemaiden · 11 months
I saw your tags in the poll comments and I had to jump into your ask box. If you want to reply to comments, don't be afraid to do it! People love nothing more than to interact with the author. People comment to express their love for your work, and I can promise nothing make them more happy than to have a reply from the author!!! It's a "my comment had been seen and made them happy, yeah!" feeling.
My tags, for context:
Tumblr media
This poll is wild to me. Tumblr's interpretation of fanfic etiquette seems completely backwards from my internet upbringing.
Back on ff.net, where the number of reviews wasn't even a sortable field, it was still uncool for authors to respond to the reviews. Every fic would end with "Please R&R!!!" but actually interacting with reviewers was the kind of thing you were supposed to grow out of as you went from a socially clueless young teen to a socially competent older teen. Saying "That's exactly what I was going for!" or "Oooh just wait, you'll love it!" or "I'm so glad you liked it!" was really just patting yourself on the back for being awesome, and saying "No, you don't get it--" was too defensive. (Putting "I've been blown away by the response to this fic" in an A/N is sufficiently self-effacing if used sparingly, though.)
On AO3, looking at the comment section of a fic and seeing that an author has responded to every comment with "Thanks!!" or "❤️" feels similarly desperate to me--
--and not just cringey, but also vaguely unethical because it's artificially doubling the number of comments on a site that does allow sorting by comments. Like, let your fic stand on its own merits instead of trying to game the system with fake reviews.
But on Tumblr, there's those AO3 etiquette posts going around saying "kudos are for if you finish reading a fic; comments are for if you enjoyed it." And that just feels backwards. Shouldn't kudos be for if you enjoyed the fic enough that you think it should be boosted in the rankings so more people read it? Comments, on the other hand, are mandatory on every fic you read unless you can't find even a single good thing to say about it. (And you're still obligated to rack your brain a bit to see if you can at least pull out a "Wow, that was an interesting premise!" or "I really love this trope so thanks for writing this!" or "This was such a fun line!" and just try not to be too obvious about damning with faint praise.)
I've had authors respond to say, "Hey, sorry I haven't responded to your comments yet, but I've been reading them" and I'm always like... my dude, that's not how this economy works. You write fics and I leave comments. You don't have to write fics and respond to comments. Take a load off.
Obviously if I say something particularly insightful it's nice to hear the author's thoughts back, and I've had some cool conversations about their inspirations... and the friend I talk to literally every single day is someone where we both loved each other's fics 20 years ago and we got started talking because of it... so it's not like I think it's never okay to respond to a reviewer.
(And, frankly, a lot of my comments are a couple paragraphs long or I'm leaving a dozen comments in a short timespan, so it hasn't usually felt weird when authors do respond to me to comment on some highlights.)
It's just absolutely baffling to look at that poll and see that 88% of authors do or think they should respond to comments, so I'm clearly in the vast, vast minority.
It's absolutely, mind-bogglingly wild. And since it's purely a cultural thing, being in the minority means I'm wrong, and I need to come to grips with that. Like, I'm going to need to actively, consciously work on flipping my judgement-o-meter from "responding to comments is inappropriately clingy and must be actively avoided" to "responding to comments is good and expected" because the former is a social norm I internalized decades ago and now I need to go through the active work of completely flipping what's rude and what's polite -- which is a thing that happens all the time as we get older, of course, but it was a shock to encounter it here.
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fearofahumanplanet · 2 years
Updated Intro
My Cluster B-exclusive 18+ Discord server can be found here!
Yeah, so my first intro was Bad and I've gotten so much more involved on this site than I thought I would - so it's time to wipe time and do it all again!
Hello, I'm Jane Doe (not my real name - you'd be amazed how many people think so, but really, it's not). I'm a writer and a mouthy sufferer of several personality disorders, and both of these things have kind of become the focus of this blog (bc I can't help but vent in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping).
General Taglist: @aohendo, @athenswrites, @impaledlotus, @bardic-tales, @carefulpyro, @marinesocks, @writingpotato07, @hey-its-quill
This blog contains NSFW (18+) content - I don't really impose any limits on my writing, and it is and has always been an outlet for my trauma! You have been warned.
Now that we're through with that...
A Little About Me
I am twenty-one years old & Irish-American, I use she/her & it/its pronouns, I am hella LGBT, and I am a loud & proud anarcho-communist
We are a system that suffer from a combination of severe symptoms from all Cluster B personality disorders, but most severely borderline personality disorder (BPD), antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Outside of those I also suffer from dependent personality disorder (DPD), bulimia nervosa + ARFID, chronic insomnia, major depressive disorder, agoraphobia, CPTSD, and am autistic, & with this blog I have decided to make it everyone else's problem :P
I am open to DMs, asks, & tag games at all times! But I may take a bit to get back to you
If you'd like to beta read or just read any of my WIPs, let me know! I usually share PDFs when at least a couple drafts are finished
I have been studying English for about as long as I've lived and writing for about eight years, and I'd like to think I've become pretty damn good at these things. I love beta reading and helping to edit other people's works, so if you have a WIP and you'd like some help, feel free to contact me (ESPECIALLY if it fits snugly into my interests).
Outside of writing, I have a deep love for horror movies & games, video games (especially first-person shooters & roguelikes), HEMA, reading (of course), punk & metal music, snakes & dogs, psychology & philosophy, and staying awake long enough to make inadvised chaotic decisions without a worry. Recommend me music of any kind, please!
I have also devoted almost a decade of my life to studying mythology, theology, history & culture all around the world - I find these things endlessly fascinating, brilliant, and inspiring, and I am always eager to find out more about foreign cultures! If you need any help regarding mythology/theology (basically anything there) or specific parts of history (ask!) feel free to message or ask me!
Stuff Regarding My Writing
I am an all-around speculative/weird fiction writer, though I am willing to try literally anything if the idea intrigues me enough. That being said, almost all of my work returns to horror eventually, as it is my beloved and my most faithful muse. Besides horror, some of my other favorite genres to write include dark fantasy, urban fantasy, historical fiction, noir, & cyberpunk.
My writing style itself is a mix of a more casual style with more complex words & obscure references mixed in. My work tends to be quite bleak & dark in content, as it started as a coping mechanism for my trauma, but I don't believe in grimdark stories and I work to make sure there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, however dim. There is also, very frequently, stylized and detailed gore & elaborate, over-the-top action in my work.
My writing takes a very psychological, character-driven bent at all times - I feel no shame in having simpler plots so that I can focus on the mindsets of traumatized and fucked-up people. Mental health is a primary focus in all of my writing, and I tend to feature antiheroes or legitimate villains as protagonists.
Black-and-white morals are a thing of fiction in my work - with the rarest of exceptions, I strive to discard "good and evil" as constructs entirely and write human beings instead.
I usually write female protagonists and/or protagonists of marginalized & underrepresented groups. Everything I write will have some LGBT people somewhere, it's a guarantee.
Thanks to my areas of study, I also write a lot about mythology & theology - good luck finding a single project of mine that doesn't sneak in a reference to some god somewhere, if not straight up including them. I also really enjoy ancient literature and will frequently incorporate references or quotes from older epics. Drinking game: Take one shot every time I reference Dante's Inferno in something (don't actually do this for your own safety)
While my settings & stories tend to be very fantastical, I always seek to ground them in reality as much as I can and give them a grittier feel - combat in my stuff is a lot less cartoony and a lot more focused on broken bones and bloody bodies. I also write HEAVILY about real-world politics with an explicitly leftist anarchist view, so if that's not something you're prepared to deal with, I'd advise you turn around now.
My Current WIPs...
Karma Killer (full post here) - Slasher, Psychological Horror. In the fictional mountain town of Lake Leer, Colorado, a bullied teen named Kora Lynch is driven to suicide, only to be saved by a wrathful goddess and given a kabuki mask and the ability to know anyone's sins with a mere glance. Indebted to her new lord, Kora takes up the name of "Karma" and begins tormenting the people who drove her to die - only to start losing herself and her ideals with every bloody body she leaves behind her.
The Serpents They Stone (full post here) - Mythological Urban Fantasy, Cyberpunk. In an alternate version of our world where gods lived alongside humankind and brought them to a new level of technological prosperity, the dreaded World Serpent Jörmungandr reveals herself to have survived Ragnarok while rescuing her villainous old flame, the Phantom Queen Badb. Quickly finding herself pursued by the entire world for the prophecy that promises she will end the world, Jörmungandr dedicates herself to saving Badb from the "Black Pharaoh" that enslaves her - even as Badb is forcibly driven to remain sinister and create chaos.
Miasma (full post here) - Historical Dark Fantasy. Based on the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland & the later Black Death, the island of Ériu is besieged by the foreign Anglii and their High King is killed. His daughter, Hail, dies with him, but she is resurrected by the serpent goddess Corchen with one objective - to kill King Godric across the ocean, no matter the cost. Her mission soon intertwines with that of a mysterious plague doctor's, who seeks to stop an oncoming plague - one that could spell the end of all life.
Short Story Masterlist
D.N.R. (Character study about BPD) (full story here)
Ghost (Dungeon-punk horror) (full story here)
rusted from the rain. (Folk horror) (full story here)
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kaleidiope · 9 months
Well friends, as a good few of you most likely know, I don't like giving out info that could be used to trace me As I know of folks IRL who're on this site and I don't wish them to know of my existence here. But, I wanna talk about somethin'!! I don't talk much about stuff I like besides vocal synth stuff - for similar reasons as stated above - but for the sake of this story: I'm a large fan of a YouTuber called GoodTimesWithScar! Also, for about a decade, I've wanted to go to a gaming expo called 'Pax', that expo is actually the reason as to why a character of mine is called Pax, because I've dreamed of going there for the literal majority of my life Now I could ramble more, as to why I've always wanted to go, why it means so much to me, why it's taken me so long to go, and why I love Scar as much as I do; the short answer to most of that, is my health. I've dealt with mystery symptoms for about nine years. SO, I woke up one day to find Scar was going to be a guest on a panel I've always wanted to see! Child's play is the biggest part of Pax that I care most about! The stars aligned for me this year, and I was allowed to go and see the panel!! I didn't get to go for the full four days, but I got to go and see the panel! But most importantly, I got to see Scar! I got to say hi and told him I loved the panel! But that's not all I met up with a friend I've known online for five years (which was great!!!!) and when we got to say hi, he started showing fanart I've been working on! I started a draw-every-active-hermit challenge for myself last year and have only been posting them in my discord server - I have four hermits left to draw - and Scar saw the ones I completed!! And he complemented them!! I'm on cloud nine!! I can't!! Literally can't! He's so nice, and I really wish I got to say something more than what I did!! But I was so nervous, I know he's just a human like me, but situations like that are so surreal!!
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unluckyxse7en · 11 months
Ok so. Long unnecessary rant incoming, just for the sake of ranting and to no one's interest but - I'm gonna be honest. I'm legitimately making plans to leave Tumblr long term, like I'm unfollowing more tags and blogs with each update, and already planning out How or Why I will or won't use tumblr once some of these updates take place.
And here's the thing. I've been parked on this site for Years. I've been a Committed user for nearly a decade, unshaken by Plenty of bad updates. If anything I probably look like that "I can excuse x but draw the line at y (you can excuse x???)" Meme to some.
But this is a final straw because Tumblr's stripping everything that made it stand out and unique, which means I'll leave because I can't excuse x AND y. Y took away the Only thing keeping me going in this case.
And here's why I feel like this is significant - I'm a very archive-oriented person.
I don't just delete things. I don't just ditch things once I'm committed to them. I love to be able to preserve moments in time with trinkets and files and Tumblr has been perfect for that for so long. For archiving art and posts I love even when the blog they came from was deleted or deactivated. Time capsules I could catalogue and fondly look back on. I expanded my tagging systems at my own detriment just so that others could find similar solace in my blog, if they so chose. It was little, but important to me. It felt like a meaningful thing.
But I've hit the point where I'm about ready to just. give up on archiving here.
I'm going to slowly unfollow more people - mostly to avoid new things put on my dash. No more 'doomscrolling', no more new things to add to my long list of stuff to properly 'archive'.
I'm going to start clearing out my likes - by reblogging in honor of the OP in some cases, unliking bc I won't be coming back in others.
I'm probably even going to delete several of my side blogs which. If you knew how many I have and how hard it's been to justify deleting any of them to myself, you'd understand the gravity of this statement.
And - I'm gonna be blunt.
I don't even have anywhere in mind to go.
This isn't me ditching for a better site. I don't think there even is one, for me.
I'm literally leaving just to leave. I have no other options. I am not gonna let that stop me. If I'm going to end up with zero online presence other than Maybe on Discord servers, so be it.
That's essentially where I'm at right now.
So mutuals, if I unfollow, this is just part of the process. It's gradual, I still have posts to reblog or queue up so you'll see me in your notes for a while I'm sure. But basically I'll be pulling away from this site bit by bit going forward I think, unless Tumblr does some hard turnarounds they won't.
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ardeawritten · 2 years
My boss just added a job to my plate that I have been staunchly avoiding for the six years I've worked here because it deals with some financial stuff and I don't like doing that. There's a lot of "just let that slide, it's how we do things" out here, but I can't operate like that unless I get the whole backstory and also decide I agree with the internal logic. And there's a mess in the middle of this. My boss might be learning why you don't give an INTP a job unless you want the job deconstructed down to its base facts and then each fact reviewed for accuracy.
The long and short of it...
Partner company's employees: Life is more expensive for us because your company has a monopoly on housing and inflates our rent and we can't afford to live here
Everyone at my work: This partner company is lying to their employees and jacks their rent to make money off them
Partner's employees: Our bosses said they're just transferring your cost direct to us and your company is charging them extra
Everyone at my work: We are literally not charging them rent. Their company uses our real estate for free and it's an open secret that they are scalping their employees
Me, an INTP: Since it's suddenly my (unwanted) job to tell you all how much life costs and keep track of the bills, I want the TRUTH RIGHT NOW PLEASE
Either a) we're telling lies about them (we are charging them rent but no one outside of like one person off-site knows this) or b) partner company is lying to their employees and also being incredibly unethical (we are not charging them rent but they claim we are as cover to overcharge their people) or c) partner company is being scammed out of a few thousand dollars a month but doesn't realize it and just assumes it's a legit cost for renting (everyone is wrong about everything and the truth will save everyone a lot of money)
But there's some Large Personalities involved and I am now needing to wait until they are all back from vacation to have a chat and sort this out. Much as I'd love to just dig into this and start making phone calls. I am not supposed to Offend people in authority by Asking Questions. I value accuracy of information much higher than someone else's pride but since that's already on my performance review as "things to work on" I probably shouldn't push it with this.
I did not want the local book-keeping job added to my existing job but if I'm going to do this job I'm going to do it all the way even if it means digging up some buried BS rent drama that's been quietly sitting ignored for a decade. I'm really done with my partner co-workers blaming my boss for their higher cost of living while all my co-workers insinuate their boss is a scammer. And apparently no one else has dug into it. In the ten years this has been going on.
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regenderate · 2 years
AO3 doesn't house 'every random thing' people submit. AO3 is a fannish-transformative work archive. Too many people think of AO3 as a sort of library when its more like a bank or vault for a specific purpose.
For specific content.
Fannish-transformative content. That could encompass RPF, meta, character-based fanfiction, universe-based original fiction, transcriptions, podfics, ect.
Does fannish-transformative content include a large scope? Yes. But its not AO3 is just shrugging its shoulders and saying yeah sure, whatever, post it here. I've literally had works removed because I added the alternative universe (fandom) the fic is based in as a fandom by mistake and not an additional tag, thus making it incorrectly a 'crossover' work.
I came across sort of harsh in my first message, for which I'm wholly apologising, but I'm exhausted and angered by two decades' worth of people looking at AO3 with biased tunnel vision.
AO3 is not a social site. AO3 is not a community site. AO3 is not like Wattpad or Tumblr. The literal purpose of AO3 is to archive content. We're frankly lucky it has the comment functions that it does. Think of AO3 like a massive harddrive, but online. Its Google Drive for fanfiction. That's it.
People have such an un-true perspective on AO3 that it causes constant harm. People demanding functions like private messages, group communities, more social aspects. Demanding censorship and certain community approaches and goals and restrictions.
It. Won't. Happen. Simply because that's not what AO3 is for. Its the same reason why there'll never be censorship, or 'safe spaces' or segregated areas on the site.
Its up to the users, specifically, to craft there work in a manner that telegraphs the intent. Use the tags. Use the author notes. Delete sexualising comments. My actual best advice? Create a Discord server where you can monitor the users accessing it. Craft your community there and use AO3 for what its intended for; hosting.
i've been on ao3 for almost nine years i know what it is. why has fandom culture normalized abuse porn.
like the problem isn't so much the specific rules of ao3 (i mean i disagree with the philosophy i guess but that's also a result of the culture) but with a culture that is actively hostile to traumatized and marginalized people. and don't try to tell me it isn't because there are countless firsthand accounts of how alienating and hostile and uncomfortable fandom can be.
when i wrote my first post i was thinking of a friend's fic, which features a disabled character. my friend got comments on their completely sfw fic assuming it was sexual. some people were mad at them for fetishizing disability and some were into it and both responses were wildly inappropriate for the story. why have we created a culture where it's more normal to sexualize and fetishize disability than to write about it? that culture is actively hostile to disabled people. as a disabled person who frequently writes about disability this makes me feel unsafe. deleting the comments still means you have to read and see them and know that this is how your work is being interpreted. and you can telegraph your intent all you want but that won't give readers critical thinking skills!! like!! sorry don't blame the writer of a sfw fic for the people who automatically sexualize everything.
i also like... never asked for messaging or any other social media feature. yes i'm thrilled to be able to block users but i never asked for that either. but like ao3 does serve a social purpose no matter how much it pretends it doesn't? like? yeah it's an ~archive~ but its main practical use right now is not historical. you can already leave comments on works that go directly to the author-- compared to other sites framing the feedback function as reviews. that has been true as long as ao3 has existed. i don't want it to be a social media and in fact i wish it were less of one.
it is also truly bold of you to assume that i don't already curate my experience. i have my own small communities. i literally do have a discord server and we have an ao3 collection just for our works. i have a fic blog for the express purpose of hosting my fics somewhere that isn't ao3. i have been in fandom for ten years now. and i can understand the purpose and function of ao3 and still disagree with it. you're coming off as really condescending here.
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daemosghost · 2 years
As someone who'd been unsupervised on the internet since the age of 3, it genuinely bothers me how this trend of adults just letting their kids go unsupervised on the internet just continues to happen.
For me as a child, things were already harder back then because most people around the world were still very tech illiterate when it came to computers, the internet, and the dangers that come with it. But even now where there's moderation on most apps and sites and the safe search function unlike then, it's still dangerous, honestly probably even more so than it was before, yet I've seen several times now children aged 5 and up with Twitter, Instagram and even reddit accounts, and people for nearly a decade now using their kids to gain attention and internet and not caring for the dangers.
Three times now I've encountered whole children on Twitter, these kids were around 8-13 years old and I guess they didn't do internet safety videos where they live because those kids had not only their whole age in bio, but also as their whole ass name and where they live and some even with what school they went to somewhere on their accounts and it's like why? Why is nobody watching what you do? And I get that you're literally a child but you should know the dangers behind at least telling strangers online where you live.
As a kid i learned internet safety and the dangers that come with strangers online asking for A/S/L, I just was like "whatever" for the most part and sometimes lied about my age. I used to hang out on anime sites that had chatrooms, I ended up, at the age of 8, making an account on Chatango though I lied about my age. I ended up being harassed and made fun of in the chatroom because most of the people there realized I was a child and also I broke their bot(that at the time for a bit I thought was an actual person) twice and they were perplexed by that. Then one day I decided to make another account but with my actual age, which was still 8 at the time, instantly people that were grown adults started messaging me, only one of which that expressed worry and that I should delete the account immediately, I didn't simply because I was told not to. Two encounters I remember was some creep in his 50s with his micro as his profile picture trying to coerce me into telling him I "liked what I saw", the other supposedly a white woman in her early 20s coetcing me into explicitly roleplaying with her. During that, I got caught by a family member who told my grandmother, instead of voicing concern of being preyed on by adults on the internet, they both were more worried about me being gay and nothing else, after that my view of them and most other adults became negative. It shouldnt have taken something bad to happen for me to realize just how dangerous the internet was for kids, hell I shouldn't have even been unsupervised in the first place or rather online at all.
I genuinely think that kids shouldn't be allowed on the internet whatsoever until around 14, while yes, nowadays there is actual moderation for almost every site, that doesn't mean moderation can work fast enough. Social media moderators literally get PTSD from the shit they have to comb through everyday every hour or so, they literally cannot keep up with all the messed up shit uploaded or the users that are self proclaimed pedophiles. It seems the pedo problem across all social media platforms have just gotten worse and like they've actively stopped trying to get rid of them unless people have big accounts and order users to go mass report. It's even more so dangerous on TikTok, especially with that 'favorite' feature that allows users to save videos to go back and watch later. People have started to notice that videos with children, especially young children often have way too many favorites especially depending on what the child is wearing or eating in the video, it's heinous and many of the creeps leave disturbing comments on such videos.
Then there's the porn issue, kids literally can't search up their favorite cartoon and characters without porn or vore showing up, viewing this can be incredibly upsetting for these kids to see. The people that make r34 of cartoon characters literally deliberately put the name of the show or character instead of tagging it in a way that it isn't easy for anyone to accidently see. On Twitter whenever I click on cartoons that trend, it literally does not take me long whatsoever to end up seeing porn of characters or the child characters from the shows and on Google youre most likely to come across foot stuff and vote then the porn, and bing? Bing is genuinely much worse, sometimes it will show you genuinely distressing, genuinely disturbing, or literally illegal things in the images or the "recommended" which I ended up being distressed from when I was fairly young.
It's literally traumatizing to be a young, unsupervised child on the internet and those of us who were unsupervised shouldn't have had to deal with all that, children shouldnt have to deal with that now, nor in the future
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donutloverxo · 3 years
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Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs and welcome and much appreciated. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+. Please🙏🙏
Based on a request. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
Summary - Your pussy is sore so Curtis uses your mouth.
Warnings - explicit sexual content (m/f) , age gap (reader is in her early twenties, Curtis is 34), innocent/naive reader, dub con, oral (m receiving), soft dark!Curtis, au, porn without plot.
Pairing - Curtis Everett x reader
Word count - 2k
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You were jerked away when you heard the knob to your room on the snowpiercer rattling, and then being closed as his footsteps followed.
You didn't remember a lot before the train, you were just a kid when the old world came to an end. 
You saw glimpses of grass and sunlight in your dreams, you weren't sure if they were dreams or just fragments of your imagination. 
But even in your wildest dreams, you didn't imagine a bed this soft and a room this big. Big enough to fit the bed and two dressers and a large mirror. It was decadent and all you could wish for and more. 
So it should make you happy to be here. In a comfortable bed like a princess. Shouldn't it? 
It didn't. You wanted to enjoy this time while it lasted, but your gut told you that you were temporary. Just here to warm the leaders bed. 
"Curtis…" your face heating up as he studied you, his powder blue eyes twinkling in the dim light, getting rid of his coat and cap. Goosbumps erupted all over your body as you held your soft comforter upto your chest,to give you some sense of modesty and dignity even if Curtis had taken it all from you and made you a woman just weeks ago. 
You used fantasy to escape your grim reality quite often. It's easier to dream of a Prince Charming riding on a white horse to save you then to accept reality for what it is that you would've been stuck working in the greenhouse for the rest of your life… all alone. 
"How many times do I have to tell you?" he hissed, tearing the comforter away from you, holding onto your wrists to reveal your beautiful breasts to him. "You're mine now. You can't hide from me."
"I'm sorry…" you hung your head in shame, and so you wouldn't be caught peeking a glance at Curtis pulling his shirt over his head, followed by him unbuckling his belt. 
He was… beautiful. You never knew anyone could be so handsome. His shoulders wide, a light scattering of hair all over his torso, multiple scars on his body. But they only, strangely, made him more appealing to you. 
He climbed on top of the mattress, nudging your knees apart and situating himself between them. He growled as he looked at your bare sex, using two of his fingers to part your lips as you hissed in pain. 
"It's… I'm… sore," you explained when he looked up at you. 
He nodded back to you, pushing barely an inch of his forefinger inside you, he didn't want to hurt you. Your pussy was clearly swollen and overworked. If he gave into his urges he would be sure to cause you pain, and even worse, lose what little trust you have in him. 
He had suffered enough to last him seven lifetimes. He already knew he was going to hell for all that he had done. It wasn't like he could doom himself anymore by forcing you to be with him. And he deserved you. After all that he had gone through. You were his light at the end of one long and shitty tunnel. 
He pulled his hand away when he looked at your face, pinched in pain. Instead settling on fondling your breast as he thought about how to take care of his erection. 
He had taken your body four times the previous night, which was why you slept the day away. How he managed to go out and get stuff done, and be the leader was beyond you. 
"You like what you see, princess?" He taunted you when he caught you staring at his hard cock. 
The little pet name was initially what he used to mock you and how shy and delicate and innocent you were, but now he had come to cherish you. He wanted to protect you as if you were his sweet little scared princess and he was your brave knight. 
You immediately averted your eyes and started sputtering nonsense, your brain froze and you literally didn't know how to answer him. And Curtis had made it very clear that when he asked you a question you were to give him a proper, clear and honest answer. Or face grave consequences. 
"Um, yes?" Which was the truth. You had seen a few male genitals in your life, they were all… not very appealing. But it was different with Curtis. His was beautiful and intimidating at the same time. 
"Then how about," putting his leg over yours, he crawled to the top of the bed, kneeling before you with his hard, pulsating length was right in front of your face. "You make me happy."
"Oh…" you simply stared. Your friend had told you that you were 'one lucky bitch' to have a man like Curtis who spends hours pleasuring you with his mouth, his fingers, and his manhood, but never forced you to return the favor. You didn't even know how you would go about doing that. 
You had explored your own body before. Partly because of your curiosity and partly for some relief. But Curtis touched you in a way no one else could, he made you climax harder than you ever had before, you were pretty sure you passed out once from the sheer intensity of it. 
But… how does one go about doing the same with a man's special place? 
"Hm," you looked at his slit, it looked somewhat similar to your bud, you held onto his length, putting your thumb over his tip where the pearly liquid oozed out of--with which he often loved painting your whole body with, or pump you full of it and just watch it seep out of you. 
You realised how bold you were, that you should seek his permission before touching him there, you looked up to see him pleased with your actions so you decided to keep going.
You lightly pressed your thumb on his slit, making him hiss, you whipped your head up and pulled your hand away. 
"Sorry…" you sniffed, your vision becoming blurry as your eyes teared up, "I've never.. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry…" you sobbed. 
"Stop," he said softly, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
You really were such a scared little lamb. Years of pent up frustration, where he had to make do with just his hand, didn't help making you feel safe with him either. But what the hell was he supposed to do when he had such a beautiful woman next to him as he slept? 
"Just listen to me. Can you do that?" he asked, cupping your jaw as you meekly nodded. "Open your mouth as wide as you can," he told you, pulling on your bottom lip with his thumb. 
Oh. It made sense. He puts his mouth on you so you should be able to do so on him as well. You opened your mouth with an 'ah', panicking just a bit when he put his hand around your throat, but he hushed you and asked you to relax. Since your body, mind and soul really did belong to him now, you immediately calmed down, knowing that he won't hurt you. Not too much anyway. 
He pushed his length in your mouth. The taste wasn't at all what you expected. Not that you were sure what it would be like anyway. It tasted creamy and salty at the same time. You coughed and sputtered around him, your spit trailing down your chin. You thought that the mess would make him angry but then you recalled how much he enjoys the mess he makes of you. 
He stopped when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat on his palm, "Good girl," he cooed, stroking your need. "Look up here," he ordered as you looked at him through your big doe eyes, "Keep looking at me okay?"
You didn't know if you were expected to give a verbal answer, because you couldn't… Not with a mouthful of Curtis. So you nodded the best you could. 
"Hands on your thighs," he said as you put your hands on your bare thighs with the palms up. "Right now just sit there… just like that," he rasped as he pulled his hips back before bucking them forward, "And look pretty. Fuck… that mouth of yours… and it's all mine to do whatever I want with…"
He was making love to your mouth, just as he did between your legs. 
You did as you were told, sitting and taking his assault on your mouth and throat. His ejaculate, your tears and your saliva drooling all over your lap. He was making love to your mouth, just as he did between your legs. 
You could feel slick running down the side of your leg, not wanting to ruin the pristine white sheets and to create some much needed friction you closed your legs together. 
He stopped his hips, the tip of his cock still in your mouth as he saw you squirming. "Touch yourself." He said. 
Your eyes widened as you realised what he meant. You couldn't risk pulling him out of your mouth to protest. You were too embarrassed to do that in front of him as well. 
"That's an order," he growled as he fucked in to your warm mouth, making you choke around him, pushing him closer to his release. 
A shaky hand made its way to your core, past your pubic hair and between your thighs. You tried to emulate how Curtis touched you. 
First he touched your thighs and kissed them all over. Then your ass and then he'd tease around your lips, torturing you for what would feel like forever before touching you where you most needed him. 
You gathered your intimate juices, spreading them around your vulva before rolling your pearl between your fingers, moaning around his length. 
"That's it, princess… come on, come with me," he groaned, slowly fucking into your mouth, holding off his release so he could watch you fall apart as he came in your mouth, one hand tangled up in your hair and another pinching and twisting your nipples. 
Soon you were whimpering, you tried to tell him that you were close. Thankfully he seemed to understand as he picked up the pace. Fucking into your mouth till you could feel streaks of his release on the back of your throat. 
You held onto his thigh so you could sit upright as your orgasm washed over you. Your nails digging into his skin as you screamed around his length. 
"Swallow it all," he commanded as you gulped down all that you could. 
You took in some much needed oxygen as he pulled his softening cock out of your mouth, your chest heaving as he laid down beside you and pulled you into his body.
He thought you'd want to sleep after. Since you were so swollen and tired. He'd have to take it easy on you from now on. Maybe use your mouth every now and then to give your pussy a rest. 
But then… 
Were you grinding against his cock? 
He propped your chin up so he could look at your face, the most innocent look on it. 
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Um… are you done?" you asked, tracing a scar on his chest. 
"You want something, princess?" he asked, pinching your buttock as you yelped. 
"I was thinking… we could make love? It doesn't feel right not to. You know?"
"Right, of course, princess. Since you asked so nicely." He smirked as he climbed on top of you. 
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Taglist -
Permanent: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @thehumanistsdiary @navybrat817 @la-cey @captainsdolly @bluemusickid @zaddychris @the-wayward-robot @aikeia @kidney9-9 @notyourtypicalrose @selfcarecap @miraclesoflove @saiyanprincessswanie @gotnofucks @efferuse @americasass91 @coffeebooksandfandom @chrissquares @drabblewithfrannybarnes @sweeterthanthis @cloudystevie @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @tenaciousperfectionunknown @labella420 @golden-ariess @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @starbooty
Chris Evans characters: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @angrythingstarlight @goldenfightergir @dangerouslovefanfic @melchills-j @xserenax-13
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