#like yeah yeah okay i'm 22 (23 soon) not 25 but still
witchwhaat · 1 year
not me joining chan's live just as someone commented smth like "hey i'm 25 and i still haven't found my path and it's kinda weighting me down sometimes" 👁👄👁
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Royal Pain Part 28
Hello! This is the last chapter before the epilogue. I'm so grateful for everyone who's still reading this little big story. Longest thing I've ever written. It caps out at nearly 60k words. I want to thank the people who have been reading this since day one and all the people that joined us for the ride along the way.
I love reading your comments and theories. I especially loved reading the freak outs over cliffhangers and the abuse I piled on our poor boys. But I am a sucker for happy endings.
Also a little treat for @goodolefashionedloverboi who wanted this way back in part 21.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10 Pt 11 Pt 12 Pt 13 Pt 14 Pt 15 Pt 16 Pt 17 Pt 18 Pt 19 Pt 20 Pt 21 Meta Pt 22 Pt 23 Pt 24  Pt 25 Pt 26 Pt 27
“Steve!” Robin called out. “Your boyfriend is here!”
Steve came running out of the back room. His grin nearly split his face in two.
He lifted Eddie up and spun him around. Eddie laughed out loud.
“Put me down, you menace!” Eddie said between gasps of giggles.
Steve gently put him down. And then kissed him right in front of Robin.
Who promptly fake gagged.
“Shush you,” Steve said. “You should be grateful I didn’t let him keep me in bed this morning.”
Robin gasped. “Betrayal! And in front of my coffee no less!” She covered her coffee with her hands as if to shield it from the scene in front of her.
Eddie laughed. “Sorry there Birdie, it was a very near thing. I had to be bribed!”
She shook her head. “Go on, get! Before you ruin my coffee with your sugary sweetness.”
Steve and Eddie just smiled and walked back to Steve’s room, hands in each other’s back pockets.
Once they got to the room, Eddie was all over Steve. Hands tangled in his hair, lips on that perfect mouth. Gripping the back of Eddie’s shirt was all he could do to keep upright.
“Baby,” Eddie whined when they finally broke apart. “I missed you so much. I promise to never leave you like that again.”
Steve nuzzled their noses together and sighed happily. “I know, Eds. I missed you too.”
Eddie stepped back to take off his shirt and Steve scanned over the expanse of his chest.
Eddie caught the look and grinned. “No new tattoos, sweetheart. I don’t trust anyone else but you.”
Steve blushed. “That’s nice to hear, beautiful. But I was just ogling my boyfriend.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, okay that’s fair.” He walked over the chair and straddled it, resting his head on his folded arms.
“Let’s get this bad boy done, shall we?” Steve sighed happily.
“Sure thing, darlin’,” Eddie murmured. “Can’t wait.”
Steve started up his gun and got to work. All the while they chatted about the lighter stuff of the last three weeks. Eddie caught up on all the shop gossip.
“Honestly,” Steve said, “if Robin doesn’t pick soon, she’s going to be in the world’s most awkward polycule.”
Eddie laughed. “She’ll figure it out. But I guess Birdie really has a thing for redheads.”
Steve chuckled too. “Oh, yeah. Pretty much always had. Except once with Nancy back in high school. But that was more a ‘everyone had a crush on Nancy’ thing then a specific crush.”
Eddie hummed. “You said you had a thing for curly haired smart people with soulful eyes. You were talking about me too, right?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Oh yeah. I’m not a subtle person when it comes to my crushes. Pretty much everyone figures it out before I do. Except in your case. I’ve had a crush on you since high school.”
“Me too, Stevie.”
“It’s about time we got our heads out of our asses, then.”
Eddie murmured his agreement and they settled into a comfortable silence.
Robin was still going to kick Eddie’s ass for making Steve sad for two weeks, but after hearing it from him how much he hated touring and how much he missed Steve, she forgave him for the most part. He sounded like he had been more miserable than Steve and that was honestly saying something.
So she went to Corroded Coffin’s return concert at the Nightmare Holes and cheered loudly for them.
She also knew she had to chose between Chrissy and Vickie soon otherwise they were going to have a cat fight.
But Robin didn’t want to chose. She liked the attention from both girls plus it would be super awkward if she chose Vickie and Chrissy stayed at the shop. But it would also be awkward working with Vickie at the front desk if she picked Chrissy.
It was a mess.
But then a lightbulb dawned over her head. Maybe she didn’t have to chose.
She spoke to them on their way to the club and ended up dancing with both of them all night.
Steve waved at the rest of the band as Eddie dragged him to his car, eager to get back to Steve’s apartment.
Steve laughed as Eddie shoved him into the passenger seat of his own car and got in the driver’s seat.
“Someone’s in a hurry there,” Steve teased.
“Stevie darling,” Eddie said. “I am vibrating out of my skin here with anticipation and if I don’t see that tattoo of yours soon, I’m might go absolutely feral. Do you understand?”
He laughed. “Yeah, baby, I hear you.”
Eddie breathed out and drove to the apartment. They walked up the stairs and once the door was closed behind they were all over each other. Hands and mouths all over as they tumbled onto the sofa.
Shirts were the first to fly, Steve careful with Eddie’s still healing tattoo.
“Baby,” Eddie whined. “Is your tattoo healed?”
Steve wiggled underneath him. “For the most part, it’s been about two weeks.”
Eddie let out another whine. “This won’t hurt you?”
Steve shook his head. “The scab is already gone. I heal fast.”
Eddie undid Steve’s jeans and slid them down his legs. He looked up at Steve for permission for the final layer of clothes to be removed. Steve nodded and lifted his hips for Eddie to slide off his underwear.
Eddie gasped when he saw it.
His thumb gently rubbed over the tattoo. It wasn’t very large, about the size of a half dollar. It was a simple heart with bat wings and a little crown.
“Baby, is this us?” he asked, breathless.
Steve nodded. “Yeah, do you like it?”
“I love it, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “And when my back is done, I am going to get it done on me, too.”
Steve’s eyes glistened with happy tears. “Okay, yeah. Suddenly I need that.”
Eddie kissed him deeply. “Me, too. I need you so much.”
They got Eddie’s pants and underwear off and Steve moaned at the long, graceful lines of his boyfriend’s lean body.
“Fuck, Eds,” Steve murmured. “I can’t wait to taste you.”
Eddie threw his head back and moaned. They had to be careful with Eddie’s still healing back, but they managed to make do and had a great time.
Once they had cleaned up and dressed, Steve began making dinner.
“So how did your meeting with Murray Bauman go?” he asked as he fried up the chicken for fajitas.
“It went great,” Eddie said. “Cec is still going to bring the contract to one of his law professors to make sure he didn’t miss any hidden bullshit, but yeah. It seems like Corroded Coffin is going to make an EP.”
Steve hummed. “And that different than a full record, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, nodding. “It’s about five songs. But it’s what most new artists get. The record company doesn’t want to spend a boat load of money on an LP only for the band to not go anywhere.”
“That makes sense,” Steve murmured. “And you guys are going to keep working at the Nightmare Holes?”
Eddie nodded again. “Yeah, and if the record hits big, we can renegotiate our contract with Rick to get more money each week.”
“That’s great,” Steve said with a smile.
“And you and your genius schedule is going to work out great,” Eddie said with an answering grin. “They’ll even send a car for us every time, too.”
“Wow,” Steve said. “That’s awesome. Looks like I’m going have a rockstar boyfriend.”
“A perfect compliment to my tattoo artist boyfriend.”
Steve came over to where Eddie was seated at the table to kiss him. “Perfect indeed.”
They had dinner and sat down to watch a movie. They curled up on the sofa and just enjoyed each other’s company. Like they had so many times before.
Other than the sex, they were still Eddie and Steve. They still enjoyed the same movies, food, and music that they did before they got together.
They were just finally on the same page.
Once the movie was over, Eddie pulled out his guitar.
“You ready for this, baby?” he asked as Steve turned to face him on the couch.
Eddie played the first song he wrote on the road, the one that made Jeff and the others cry.
Tears streamed down Steve’s cheeks, too. “I’m sorry you were so lonely, Eds. I’m glad you’re home now.”
“Me too, sweetheart,” he murmured. “But I think you’ll like this one more.”
And he play the most beautiful, heart-stoppingly romantic song Steve had ever heard and it was for him. About them. And he was crying for a completely different reason now.
“Sunshine,” Steve said through his tears. “That was amazing. They both were. Thank you for sharing them with me.”
Eddie kissed him fiercely over the guitar. “Just you wait, Stevie. You’re going to get a life time of sappy love songs.”
“And I’ll cherish every single one.”
They got ready for bed and snuggled up together, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
The next morning led to morning sex, showers, and breakfast, never too far apart.
They were getting ready for a walk in the park when they got to witness a Robin Buckley walk of shame.
She opened the door and jumped when she saw them. “Shit!”
Eddie and Steve shared a glance.
“And what time do you call this, young lady,” Eddie teased.
Robin blushed all the way to her roots. She pulled out her phone. “Uh...11:13am?”
Eddie cackled as Steve grinned.
“And which lovely lady did you go home with last night?” Steve asked.
Robin’s blush deepened. “Both?”
Eddie and Steve glanced at each other again.
“You want to repeat that?” Eddie asked.
She shrugged. “I couldn’t decide. And Chrissy had hit on Vickie before, which lead to us talking to Vickie and once it was made clear that it wasn’t just a one time threesome she decided she was down for poly relationship.”
Eddie and Steve both held up their fists for her to bump and she fist bumped them both at the same time.
“You go girl!” Eddie crowed.
“Hell, yeah, Robs,” Steve said. “That’s awesome!”
“Where are you two love birds going?” Robin asked.
“Just for a walk in the park.”
“Have fun.”
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@bookworm0690 @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @aizawa-emma @yikes-a-bee @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @archermightbegay @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @oldwitcheshat @nightmareglitter @tinyplanet95 @novelnovella @jonesn4coffee @slowandsteddie @awkwardgravity1 @steaddie-on
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scarletlizzard · 3 months
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So apparently I hit 500 followers? Thank you to everyone who follows and has interacted with my fics!! 🥳
I thought this would be fun to celebrate? I have a list of random dialogue that y'all could pick from to send me. Ranges from everywhere to fluff, angst, NSFW, etc. And I'll write a little short something for it!
Feel free to pick a number or few to send or you could be specific with who you want or a specific trope or plot. Anything!
Thank y'all so much, made my whole day 💕
104 Dialogue Prompts
1. "Admit it... you're in love with me."
2. "We could get arrested for this."
3. "I thought you were dead."
4. "I've missed this."
5. "You could've died."
6. "Who did this to you?"
7. "I know, I know, I'm sorry... it'll be over soon, I promise."
8. "Come back to bed."
9. "How long has it been since you slept?"
10. "Tell me where you are, I'll come get you."
11. "I still love you."
12. "Such a good girl."
13. "Open your mouth for me, baby."
14. "We have to make this quick."
15. "Beg for it."
16. "Mommy?"
17. "You're in love with them. Aren't you?"
18. "It was you? This whole time?"
19. "You know, just cause you're older don't think for one second I'm not in charge."
20. "Smile at me like that again, I'll fall in love with you."
21. "... is that a trick question?"
22. "Don't just stand there, say something."
23. "Say that again, I dare you."
24. "Fuck you." "Right now?"
25. "I'm joking! Unless..."
26. "You take me so well."
27. "What do you mean I'm dead? I'm standing right here."
28. "Please, I'm begging you. Just hear me out."
29. "Oh fuck... I'm in love with (x)." "You're just now realizing that?"
30. "What if you didn't go? What if you stayed?"
31. "You like it rough, don't you, slut?"
32. "Flowers?"
33. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."
34. "Fuck, marry, kill..."
35. "Truth or dare?"
36. "Since when did you ever care about me?"
37. "You think I wanted this to happen? You think I wanted to fall in love with you?"
38. "May I have this dance?"
39. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but..."
40. "I'm done! I am done waiting for you."
41. "It's okay, you're okay, I'm here. I've got you."
42. "Touch her again and see what happens."
43. "Is that a hickey?"
44. "I'm fine, it's just a bruise..."
45. "I'm going to fucking kill them."
46. "Are you sure about this?"
47. "Why are you all sweaty?"
48. "You left! You left and you didn't even think to look back. What was I supposed to do?"
49. "Well... this is awkward."
50. "You know I've been flirting with you this whole time right?"
51. "They'll never love you the way I did."
52. "If you're trying to make me jealous, it's working."
53. "Wanna bet?"
54. "Just say that you want me and I'm yours."
55. "I'm going to ruin you for anyone else."
56. "Wait you've never kissed a girl?"
57. "Where did all this attitude come from, princess?"
58. "Take my hand."
59. "Can I have your number?"
60. "You're an idiot." "Well yes, you'll have to be more specific."
61. "Quick! Pretend to be my girlfriend?"
62. "Run away with me."
63. "Are you going to be a good girl for mommy?"
64. "That collar looks so good on your pretty neck."
65. "Too bad, you're going to take every last fucking inch of me."
66. "Do you ever think before speaking?"
67. "Count them for me."
68. "You snore."
69. "Let's try that position." (I know, I know)
70. "Bullshit! You're telling me you just don't blush?" "Nope, never."
71. "Just tell her how you feel." "I'd rather get shot again."
72. "Oh my god are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, I've been stabbed before."
73. "Daddy?"
74. "Can't we go back to how things used to be?"
75. "Save a horse ride a cowgirl, amiright?"
76. "I like you. A lot."
77. "Is that the best you can do?"
78. "I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me."
79. "Please, pull the trigger."
80. "I'm not drunk enough for this."
81. "You can't run away from this forever."
82. "I know you're having nightmares again."
83. "Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?"
84. "Stop looking at me like that."
85. "Somebody's cranky." "Somebody needs to shut the fuck up."
86. "Get on your knees."
87. "How stupid do you think I am? Don't answer that."
88. "I can't sleep."
89. "Just relax, let me make you feel good."
90. "Close the door."
91. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
92. "I've wanted this for so long."
93. "You can do better than that. Beg for it."
94. "Controlling? Oh I'll show you controlling."
95. "You drive me fucking crazy!"
96. "Nobody needs to know."
97. "Take another step and you'll be dead before you open your fucking mouth again."
98. "Do they always look like that?" "Just when (x) is around."
99. "I made you a playlist."
100. "I know you said you would die for me but I didn't think you meant that literally!"
101. "Is that... blood?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Oh I'm fine it's not mine."
102. "Why are you always looking at me like that?" "Like what?"
103. "Hero? Please. You heroes have to win every time. But being the villain? I only have to win once."
104. "You've changed." "You haven't."
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nightghoul381 · 1 month
Ellis Twilight Main Route Walkthrough ~ Chapter Choices
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Since it's taking me a while to get the translations done and posted, I figured I could at least give you all the walkthrough choices! (If you happen to know the values of any of the questions I may have missed please let me know so I can get those added!)
Chapter 1:
as always, all answers are +4 +4
Chapter 2:
Are you a wizard?
Did you use tools?
Amazing! +4 +4
Chapter 3:
I was thinking about you, Ellis.
How did you know? +4 +4
It's not a hit.
Chapter 4:
That's what it is! +2 +4
I'm glad. +4 +4
That's not it… +4 +2
Chapter 5:
Today is a litte… +2 +4
…to go. +4 +4
Let me think a little. +4 +2
Chapter 6:
…Thank you +4 +2
I have to protect myself +2 +4
Please be careful too, Ellis +4 +4
Chapter 7:
We're just going out together +2 +4
After all, is this a date? +4 +2
It's not a date. +4 +4
Chapter 8:
What do you mean? +4 +2
Thank you… +2 +4
Work with me? +4 +4
Chapter 9:
Nothing +4 +4
I'm looking forward to the meal +2 +4
I'm so excited +4 +2
Chapter 10:
Isn't there another way?
Ellis… +4 +4
I have to see it through as fairy tale master
Chapter 11:
Won't Jude get mad at you? +2 +4
Really? +4 +2
Aren't I bothering you? +4 +4
Chapter 12:
I feel like I can't +4 +4
Isn't it a little… early? +2 +4
This would be my first time going to your room, right? +4 +2
Chapter 13:
Thank you +4 +4
I don't want to be a hinderance
Will you protect me?
Chapter 14:
Ellis, are you hurt?
Let's stay like this for a while
I'm alright. +4 +4
Chapter 15:
Whatever makes me happy? +4 +4
More than that? +2 +4
Everything? +4 +2
Chapter 16.
I should have tried to find out sooner +4 +4
Did it look like that?
I don't know him the most
Chapter 17:
I got the clue
I got a little closer +4 +4
It's still to come.
Chapter 18:
I wanted to talk about it now. +4 +4
Actually, it wasn't work.
Chapter 19:
Step back +4 +4
I can't move +4 +2
Hug +2 +4
Chapter 20:
Because you came to help me +4 +4
Because I couldn't do anything +2 +4
Because I love you +4 +2
Blind Love Ending
Chapter 21:
You can do whatever you like, Ellis +4 +2
You're too sweet.
Go see Roger.
Chapter 22:
I'm sorry I'm late
Thank you for waiting +4 +4
Chapter 23:
I need to get better soon +4 +4
I want to now.
I'll do it once the wound has healed
Chapter 24:
I'm gonna get killed
What should we do Ellis?
Aahh--!!! +4 +4
Chapter 25:
It's not a dream +4 +2
How happy is that?
Are you going to be happier?
Mad Love Ending
Chapter 21:
I could have touched your heart, Ellis +4 +4
We could have been lovers
I was ready to be killed
Chapter 22:
Feign ignorance
Stare at Ellis +4 +4
Get red
Chapter 23:
Don't lie
You're kind, aren't you?
Are you at a loss for an answer now? +4 +4
Chapter 24:
It's okay because this is the second time I've injured my foot
Will you stay by my side? + 4 +4
Can I be nice to you again?
Chapter 25:
You're so kind after all.
Am I the only one who felt lonely? +2 +4
…You're right.
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not-a-space-alien · 3 months
Savage Sunset Choose Your Own Adventure 28
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27
Story masterpost
Series is for 18+ audiences only!
All entries in the CYOA
The last entry had two optioins tie, so I tried to use them both in a way that made sense!
Suggest Felix feed Valen some more.
"Oh..." Felix says. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Yeah, you're probably still hungry."
Valen's face is a mask of barely suppressed desperation. "I would like that. I would love that. Only if you want to."
"Here, buddy."
"Only if you want to."
Felix holds his hand out to Valen, who squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm sorry. Is it really okay?"
"Yes, it's okay," Felix says. "Go ahead."
In contrast to how Valen had bitten you, his hands on Felix are feather-light, as though afraid permission will be revoked. He gently scrapes Felix's forearm and takes delicate sips of blood.
You watch with a bit of bitterness. Come on, it would have been fine if he'd done that to you, instead of acting like a wild animal.
Valen licks Felix's wound close as soon as he's finished, then looks up at you nervously. "Is everything all right?"
Interrogate Valen--why was he here in the first place?
Valen looks fearful as soon as you start asking him about his motives. "I-I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have been over here, I-I really thought nothing bad would happen. I-I wasn't here to hurt anyone, not a single soul, I promise." He averts his eyes, face red. "I know this sounds ridiculous, but, but I was here...collecting mushrooms. They don't grow on the northern side of the border."
Tag list <3
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stephaniedola · 5 months
oldass ask meme that i have been answering at different periods over the course of 15ish years
feel free to ignore but im posting it so i can find it again later
1.This survey gets a little personal; can you handle it? I sure hope so by now.
2. If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be? withnocrown–– I'm sure that's its actual last name, right?
3. Were you happy when you woke up today? I woke up a lil achey and queasy but then I rolled over and listened to a voice memo from my friend and his GF and they were cute and asking me over for dinner sometime so now I'm happy
4. When were you on the phone last? And with who? Ummm I think it was my friend Evan asking me if I could pick him up at the mall on the 26th, but I was going the wrong way
5. What are you excited for? New Year's Eve! And my birthday (the 1st) I guess but mostly NYE.
6. What were you doing yesterday? Errands + resting + recovering from earth shattering sex (12 year old me would be so shocked to read how far I've come)
7. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you! My friend in aforementioned voice memo
8. What's the last thing you put in your mouth? Water.
9. Have a best friend? Yup, he's my platonic husband. He's also pretty much always been my answer to this question :3
10. Are you scared to fall in love? I have spent the last few years building up an immunity to love powder.
11. Do you think teenagers can be in love? Honestly, yes, but I feel like it's extreeeeemely unlikely that teen relationships actually last. But they do sometimes!
12. Last person you wanted to punch in the face? God, I can't even recall. How did I get through 3 different family Christmasses without wanting to punch anybody?
13. What time is it right this second? 05:09
14. What do you want right now? More tgirl dick
15. Who was the last person you took a picture with? My mommy <3
16. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused? Single, aromantic, poly, and for the first time not at all confused. Also, let the record show my original answer to this question in 2010 was: "Taken! O_o Don't ask! :/"
17. When was the last time you cried? Uhhh within the last week I think? but idk when
18. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? That's a fantastic question! Yes and no
19. Do you find it hard to trust others? Extremely
20. How fast does your mind change? To quote 12-year-old me, "Fast. :3"
21. I bet you miss somebody right now. Every day.
22. Can you honestly say you're okay right now? Yeah, I can.
23. Why do you think so many people cheat? Because love is cursed by monogamy
24. Tell me what's on your mind? Kinky t4t sex
25. What are you looking forward to in the next three months? NYE, my birthday, catching up with people in the new year, my senior year of university.
26. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing? I'm gonna choose the asshole answer to this question which is, um, I'm intersex 🙄 but strictly speaking, yes, obviously I have
27. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend? Yesterday
28. When is your next road trip? Honestly? Ideally within the month to Montreal. More realistically over the spring or summer (Bro I'm screaming I've also been reading along with my 2017 answers and I had written "No idea honestly. Hopefully soon-ish to Montreal." I have not changed at all)
29. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to? Anything is a strong term.
30. How's your heart? Still beating.
31. Have you ever felt like you weren't important? Yes, but not any more. (Keeping this answer as long as I believe it)
32. Do you think somebody's in love with you? Oh, for sure, baby~!
33. What are you planning on doing after this? Getting ready to go to my cousin's surprise birthday party and then stay with family for a couple days.
34. Next time you will kiss someone? Nonzero chance it is on NYE.
35. Have you told anybody you loved them today? Yes <3 Always
36. Who do you not get along with? Really, only people who actively disrespect the people I love.
37. What does your 3rd recent text say? "ahh yeah how could i forget ov"
38. What are you wearing right now? Nothing, darling~
39. You're locked in a room with the person you last kissed, how is it? I imagine we would engage in similar sexual escapades to the last time we kissed
40. When's the last time you had a grilled cheese? A couple weeks ago
41. What's your favorite boy and girl name right now? Feminine: Meredith Masculine: Lewis Neuter: Avery
42. How did you feel when you woke up? "Queasy and achey"
43. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? Nah, I'm popular
44. Do you crack your knuckles? It's one of the few joints I don't crack tbh.
45. What were you doing yesterday at midnight? YESTERDAY at midnight or TODAY at midnight? The answer to both is sleeping.
46. What are your LEGAL initials? All I shall say is that it spells the name of an animal.
47. Who's the first B in your contacts? Some dude in Florida named Bailey
48. When was the last time you laughed really hard? I think it must have been on the 22nd with my friend we had a lot of fun and were stoned as hell so
49. Your number 1 top friend walks out of your life, do you go after them? Been there, done that, and I would.
50. Explain your last awkward moment? I feel like I said something awkward to my cousin that I thought his current gf had said but it was actually his ex fsajgkhls
51. Are you afraid of the dark? More and more every year
52. Do you have good vision? Yea, particularly in the dark actually lol
53. Have you ever tripped someone? Yes and he sucked and it was hilarious and I regret nothing.
54. Have you ever slapped someone? Yea
55. Are you Irish? Like 50%
56. Do you use chap stick? Mmmhm
57. Do you have any scars? Soooo many. Newest one is growing on my finger.
58. Is there someone you will never forgive? Never? Surely not
59. Are you dating the person you last held hands with? God no they're insane
60. Name the last person to text you. Prinxë
61. Would you marry someone 8 years older than you? I would barely even marry my husband aside from for legal maneuvering
62. Can you go in public looking like you do? I would get arrested so no
63. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with a A? Yeah,,,, my hot TA last semester
64. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Da middle
65. What's the first thing you'll do on your wedding day? Cry and be like why did I spend so much money on a wedding
66. Do you fall for people easily? P much on sight yea
67. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days? Yeeeees
68. Do you miss the way things used to be? Of course. Who doesn't?
69. Song you're thinking of right now? Talk – Coldplay
70. Want someone back in your life? Yep. So bad. Soooososososo bad. If he texted me it would make my day in a heartbeat. I also want her back, but I'd like to think if she texted me I wouldn't respond.
71. Will tomorrow be better than today? It's n ew years eve baby I sure hope so
72. What's the color of the shirt you are wearing? Beige flesh
73. Who was the first friend that you had? Lindsey
74. Does it bother you when someone lies to you? Yes I cannot decipher your neurotypical nonsense
75. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status? There are, yeah, but it's a pretty damn select few
76. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced? I have bipolar disorder
77. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you? Everyone all the time
78. What do you wear when you sleep? Same thing I'm wearing right now
79. Are you obsessed with something right now? SEX
80. The first person you loved is? Terry
81. Something terrible happened with you? My stepdad died slowly of dementia, so
82. You are locked up with someone you love, what happens? Again, the deranged sex
83. If you could wish something, what would it be? For more deranged sex. Ideally in Montreal.
84. Ever forced someone to do something? Like it's hard?
85. When you are alone, what do you think about? SEX
86. How was your first kiss? Romantic and sweet. We're still friends.
87. What's your favorite music genre? Alt rock, that'll never change
88. Are you going to tag people to do this? Me in the future
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robinisademon · 2 years
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I posted 3,553 times in 2022
That's 2,022 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
3,542 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,060 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#mcr - 858 posts
#g - 705 posts
#art - 469 posts
#ofmd - 256 posts
#sandman - 87 posts
#q - 63 posts
#esc22 - 37 posts
#green dress tm art ref time - 35 posts
#jellycat - 34 posts
#les mis - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but however i have been seeing the trend in university lately that when youre ill the teachers sometimes still exoect you to follow class-
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Blackbeard in art nouveau style, sad edition.
Background inspired by Mucha's "Fox-Land Jamaica Rum" (1897)
Flowers are wild rose, sweet pea, and butterfly weed. All badly drawn at 3 AM.
plus heres a horrendously coloured one! it's muddy and includes really shit bucket fill! enjoy!
See the full post
73 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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quick lil draw,, im hfhsfjsfhjakfajkd so not sorry
(based on "Fruit" by Mucha, 1897)
85 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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okay okay this is still a Sketch so dont scream at me i know the face is like a smiley and the arms are different lengths but shhhhhh. the vision is coming together
EDIT this now has a finished version
138 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
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Just gonna drop this here...
it's a silly little powerpoint with some outfit images on the slides, sorted by date. not complete, dont come for my throat. working on it though!
Edit 23/09: Completed all shows up to today. Would love feedback on any potential mistakes.
Edit 24/09: it's temporarily down bc onedrive is a bitch. hopefully will be fixed soon! more info on this in the comments of this post.
Edit 25/09: Microsoft. is a fucking. twat. Theyve blocked my account, probably because my powerpoint is seen as spam. Apparently on of their spam policies is "Don’t send content to people you don’t know or to many people at the same time" which is dumb because why do we have a fucking share function then? YeAh pLs sHaRe iT bUT LikE dOnt sHare it ToO mUCh. Bastards. cant have anything fun.
Anyway. I cant get my account back (well, i could but i dont want to give them my phone number), which means its time for the next plan:
Ill replace the link to the powerpoint with a link to a google drive, and I'll upload new versions of the powerpoint on there. Sadly all previous reblogs will keep the wrong link so i really hope they will see this message. Ill also put it in the comment section to make that a little more likely. I might also make a brand new post, additionally to this one.
Sorry for all the inconveniences and i hope we can share a little joy in a new way. fingers crossed.
317 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Alright. I'm just gonna quit painting and post this before I go insane. You can scream at me now.
Background design and colours heavily based on "La Dame aux camélias", Mucha (1896).
Flowers in the background are lily (yellow), honeysuckle (really badly drawn), and thyme (didnt even bother to draw the shape right).
Pose based on "Médéé", Mucha (1898), especially the arms hands and knife situation.
Character is from Our Flag Means Death (2022). Obviously.
1,172 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dearly · 3 years
Pete Wentz (6:39:20 PM): Hey Ryan Ross (6:39:39 PM): hey Pete Wentz (6:40:09 PM): Is this the guy fro poanic at the disco Ryan Ross (6:40:23 PM): yeah im ryan, is this pete? Pete Wentz (6:41:12 PM): Yeah Ryan Ross (6:41:18 PM): hey man Pete Wentz (6:42:37 PM): How arer you Ryan Ross (6:43:17 PM): im not bad, working on a paper for english. hows everything with the new record? Pete Wentz (6:44:37 PM): Going really well Pete Wentz (6:45:04 PM): How's everything wiht your band are those just remixes Ryan Ross (6:46:01 PM): awesome, yeah we only did those on my laptop because we cant get into a studio yet. but we still have alot of those parts live and full band Pete Wentz (6:46:25 PM): Does it have samples like that Pete Wentz (6:46:42 PM): How many people are in the band.... Are you guys all in hicghschool Ryan Ross (6:47:20 PM): do you mean do we use a sampler? our drummer uses a drum sampler which we put some of the stuff on, and he plays some of it Ryan Ross (6:47:43 PM): im in college. im 18 the other three of them are 17 and in high school Pete Wentz (6:48:26 PM): Like of the pure volume site songs what would not be part of your live show Ryan Ross (6:50:18 PM): well right now the synth stuff because we need a keyboard player. we are trying out a few guys soon though. and some of the drum parts are different. Pete Wentz (6:50:48 PM): I absolutely love the stuff Ryan Ross (6:52:16 PM): but we have two guitar players one sings and i play lead. its kind of hard to describe it. we are a rock band but about half of a song will be dance-ish or sort of 80s sounding Ryan Ross (6:52:28 PM): really? wow thanks alot man Ryan Ross (6:53:12 PM): it really is a huge compliment coming from you Ryan Ross (6:53:35 PM): i was actually really suprised you listened to it Ryan Ross (6:53:40 PM): i didnt expect you to see it Pete Wentz (6:54:00 PM): Is there some pics of you guys anywhere Ryan Ross (6:55:10 PM): no, we are taking them pretty soon for the website, its just not done yet. i have some just of me on livejournal. but thats wierd haha Pete Wentz (6:56:09 PM): Yeah fuck get some to me Pete Wentz (6:56:19 PM): I think I may come see you in californaia Ryan Ross (6:56:44 PM): really? Ryan Ross (6:57:08 PM): that would be awesome Pete Wentz (6:57:46 PM): I've been listeneing to those songs nonstop. Is the band a side thing or is it gonna be fulltime? Ryan Ross (6:58:20 PM): no its full time Ryan Ross (6:59:24 PM): well aside from school. which sucks Ryan Ross (6:59:32 PM): but we want to do this Pete Wentz (7:00:00 PM): When are those kids out of school Ryan Ross (7:00:26 PM): the drummer and bass player are graduating early. so like january and other guitarist/singer graduates in the spring Pete Wentz (7:01:16 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:01:23 PM): Do you know about my label Ryan Ross (7:01:46 PM): yeah i think i saw something a while ago on a journal entry, is gym class heroes the only band on it right now? Pete Wentz (7:03:10 PM): Yeah. I signed the academy. But they are fbr strictly gym class and I am looking for another Pete Wentz (7:03:33 PM): The cool thing about it is I just met with waner and they want both of the bands and to give me an imprint Ryan Ross (7:03:55 PM): oh cool i like the academy alot, oh i see yea i was going to ask you about that Pete Wentz (7:04:03 PM): Which pretty much means a lot more money to promote cool artists Pete Wentz (7:04:14 PM): You guys plays out a lot? Ryan Ross (7:04:39 PM): thats awesome man. actually no we just kind of started this thing up a few months ago, the show in victorville is going to be our first one Pete Wentz (7:05:51 PM): Really Pete Wentz (7:05:56 PM): Interesting Pete Wentz (7:06:11 PM): How much do you guys practice Ryan Ross (7:06:45 PM): we've been trying to figure out the best way to do this stuff live, and we've been having a hard time on figuring out how to make it sound good. depending on the place we might not be able to use all the electronic stuff that we want to do which sucks but alot of venues, at least here might have a hard time setting us up. we practice at
least 4 times a week so like. between 24-30 hours a week Pete Wentz (7:07:09 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:07:21 PM): I am gonna come to the show Ryan Ross (7:08:13 PM): we wish we could more often. but school is getting in the way. and it sucks cause parents think its a waste of time playing music and want me to focus on school. im sure you know how that is. Ryan Ross (7:08:23 PM): thanks alot man really Pete Wentz (7:08:55 PM): I do Pete Wentz (7:09:05 PM): What are peoples reactions to it Ryan Ross (7:10:04 PM): some good some bad. everyone is so into post hardcore stuff these days that some kids just brush it off. which is fine but then some kids like it cause its a little different i guess Pete Wentz (7:11:30 PM): Can that kid sing live? Ryan Ross (7:12:54 PM): yeah, he's been taking voice lessons for a little bit so thats starting to help him Pete Wentz (7:13:19 PM): Is he on? I mean on here he sounds awesome Ryan Ross (7:14:21 PM): yeah he's on pitch, we recorded that stuff with like a 100 dollar vocal mic. the only effects we used was pretty much reverb on the main parts. Pete Wentz (7:14:42 PM): Yeah sounds good kind of like patrick Pete Wentz (7:14:47 PM): I like it Ryan Ross (7:16:57 PM): yeah thats the only thing we get that alot. and thats just how the kid sings. we like your band but we dont want to sound like you guys, or be compared to fob all the time you know? but yeah he is aware that kids say he sounds like patrick so he's just trying different vocal stuff sometimes. Pete Wentz (7:19:06 PM): Here's the thing if I show you guys interest a lot of crappy labels are gonna come and do the same and I don't want a huge mess out there. I mean how interested are you guys in going fulltime when you can Pete Wentz (7:19:19 PM): Yeah you'll get eh patrock thing but how many people. Sound like hime Ryan Ross (7:19:47 PM): so you really think we've got potential then? Pete Wentz (7:19:54 PM): I do Ryan Ross (7:20:05 PM): i've wanted to play in a band for my job ever since i started high school at least. Ryan Ross (7:20:07 PM): we all want to do this Ryan Ross (7:21:05 PM): its like i cant put enough dedication into anything exept playing guitar and writing Pete Wentz (7:23:01 PM): I'm with you Ryan Ross (7:24:05 PM): but yeah. i cant see myself doing anything else but playing in a band, cause every job i've ever had ive hated it Pete Wentz (7:24:57 PM): You don't have a picture of the band Ryan Ross (7:25:44 PM): no, but if you need it i could have my buddy take some tomorrow at practice Pete Wentz (7:26:58 PM): That would be rad Ryan Ross (7:27:37 PM): okay we'll take some Ryan Ross (7:28:08 PM): are you online much? Pete Wentz (7:33:12 PM): Sometimes Ryan Ross (7:33:35 PM): okay, i was just wondering if this was your email incase you arent on i'll just send them Pete Wentz (7:34:17 PM): Yeah send it here for sure Ryan Ross (7:34:36 PM): okay Ryan Ross (7:34:55 PM): dude this better not be a joke, it better be you Pete Wentz (7:35:12 PM): It is Pete Wentz (7:35:34 PM): But there are a lot of fakers out there Ryan Ross (7:35:55 PM): okay. yeah i know someone has shown me like fake journals of you and stuff. thats creepy Ryan Ross (7:36:10 PM): thats why i asked if it was you for sure Pete Wentz (7:36:32 PM): This guy who is iming me is your manager Ryan Ross (7:37:03 PM): is it xxxtoughffxxx ? Pete Wentz (7:37:22 PM): Yeah Ryan Ross (7:37:38 PM): i dont know if he's our manager. he's our friend, he's been helping us out with a website, merch and the show in victorville Ryan Ross (7:38:35 PM): he's starting a company up and he wants to help us out Pete Wentz (7:43:04 PM): Ah I got t Pete Wentz (7:43:32 PM): It Pete Wentz (7:43:37 PM): You guys are awesome and if its what I think it is I want ti to be thenext academy Ryan Ross (7:44:58 PM): wow thanks alot. i hope you like the stuff live, its not completely different but it is different. i mean the singing is the same and all that. Pete Wentz (7:47:46 PM): cool Pete Wentz (7:48:06 PM): You guys look good. The chicks gonna be swooning? Ryan Ross (7:48:38 PM): once we get
a keyboard player who can do all of the sampling we want to do it will be alot better too. its like we know how we want to sound, but just finding the right way to do it i guess is what we are working on. Ryan Ross (7:48:40 PM): hahaha Ryan Ross (7:48:51 PM): i dont know man, we look alright i guess Ryan Ross (7:48:57 PM): we look young Pete Wentz (7:49:42 PM): Youngs not abd at all Pete Wentz (7:49:47 PM): How does the singiner look Ryan Ross (7:50:05 PM): dead sexy. Ryan Ross (7:50:41 PM): he's no pete wentz. but still Pete Wentz (7:51:42 PM): Hahaha Pete Wentz (7:51:54 PM): Goddamn as long as he looks cool.singing Pete Wentz (7:52:14 PM): For sure send me pics and all how many songs you guys have? Ryan Ross (7:52:39 PM): haha Ryan Ross (7:53:00 PM): kk Ryan Ross (7:53:54 PM): we've only got 4 right now, its been tough to write since school started and everyone's busier. and those are the first 4 songs we've written as a band. at the show we'll play those and a cover of new order maybe. or depeche mode. we dont know yet Pete Wentz (7:56:08 PM): Nice Pete Wentz (7:56:21 PM): I gotta run Pete Wentz (7:56:32 PM): But ill hit you on here later Pete Wentz (7:56:38 PM): Send me those pics and write the hits Ryan Ross (7:56:43 PM): okay dude. good talking to you Pete Wentz (7:56:43 PM): Peaaaaaace Ryan Ross (7:56:44 PM): hahaha Ryan Ross (7:56:47 PM): later man Pete Wentz is away from the computer as of 7:56:51 PM. Auto response from Pete Wentz: Igot99problems Pete Wentz is back at the computer as of 10:05:48 PM. Pete Wentz is away from the computer as of 10:06:23 PM.
137 notes · View notes
casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 6
[Season 4; Season 5] Man, this season... an emotional rollercoaster
Episode 3:
Cas admits he and Dean "share a more profound bond." (15:35) uuuhmm okay
"You think I came because you called?" (16:31) cut to "I always come when you call" later on in E21
"When a claim is laid on a living sould, it leaves a mark, a brand." ... like a handprint maybe? (22:33) Cas basically called dibs on Dean and admits it
Dean, I get it, Cas looks hot when he fights, but you don't have to look at him like this (24:42)
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The amount of eye-fucking in this scene (25:56) almost 30 seconds (of Dean checking out Cas) of Old married coupleTM moments. Dean is worried about Cas dying again by the hands of an archangel. He just got attacked and wants to go out. But Cas has to go save the universe from a holy war. Basically a wife asking her soldier husband not to leave for the war.
[(26:28-26:30) Dean was totally looking at the BOOTY]
NOW FOR THE JUICY STUFF: Cas and Balthazar obviously had a history. More than brothers or war buddies. We could parallel them to Dean and Lisa: both old flames coming back after a long time and all.
Also, Balthazar can sense something is going on between Cas and Dean. It's so clear he can (35:26). ICWAW, we would assume Balthazar was an ex, getting jealous over Cas' new love interest
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Episode 6:
"You asked me to be here, and I came", OH what about the whole 'I don't come because you call' thing? (13:40)
How domestic is this moment. Cas pouring Dean a drink, trying to comfort him (14:03). He hates seeing Dean like this, and hates even more the fact he can't do anything about it
Cas knows Dean is hurt enough already, and doesn't want to get him involved with a war that's not his to fight (14:20), but still wants to help
Episode 7:
Second time Cas starts stripping in front of Dean and he just stares (2:32)
Look, all I'm saying is... they really don't have to stand THAT CLOSE to each other (4:07)
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Episode 9:
[Not a destiel moment but Dean struggling to say the words "gay guy" is too fucking funny to me (33:45)]
Episode 10:
Dean, will you not check out the angel in front of your brother, please? (11:54)
Dean is visibly uncomfortable at Cas watching porn practically NEXT to him, and having a BONER practically next to him. Understandable, but still... kinda gay (15:58) Look at Dean's face, my God (16:07)
[I'm screaming Dean looks like he's wondering what it'd be like to kiss Cas (25:29)]
"CAS?!" (26:23) the way Dean gets progressively more worried about Cas fading/being taken away and shit, kills me
[Cas is so fucking confused as to why Dean would suggest he'd let him have an hour alone with Meg (39:25), either that or he's embarrassed he might've actually wanted to. Meg and Castiel were cute together]
"If there's anything we can do-" "There isn't. I wish circumstances were different. *stares at Dean with puppy eyes* Much of the time, I'd rather be here." (39:46)
Also, Dean stares at Cas for 15 seconds, but averts his eyes when saying "We're your friends"? (40:01) Denial? Something's off. ICWAW, this would indicate tension, unspoken feelings
Just... the way Dean looks at Cas, and when he flies away (40:17) HIS EYES
Episode 11:
Balth jokingly calls Cas Sam's 'boyfriend', and Sam reacts normally, letting it fly over his head. When later in episode 17, Balth calls Cas "the angel in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you", Dean gets pissy. Just like later in 10x5. Touchy much? (13:48)
Balth admits he doesn't like Dean, and that "screwing him would delight me", but calls the one brother who threatened to crisp his wings, a "capable young man" (14:46). Jealous much? ICWAW we would read some sort of romantic rivalry between those two.
Episode 14:
This face... where have I seen this face before?
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Oh yes, here
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Dean looks at Lisa, the so called "love of his life", the same way he looks at Cas. Fuck my life
Episode 15:
"Cas" (Misha) starts stripping and Dean... stares... again (9:23)
"Well, Cas... now that you have your sword, try not to die by it." (39:53) Is it a saying? Or a reference to Dean being Michael's Sword? As in "He is gonna be the death of you"? And Balth looks at Cas THAT WAY?! (40:01) You can't tell me there was nothing between these two. Kill me now
Fucking stop being an old bitching married coupleTM already (40:25) you are hurting me
Episode 17:
Balth 'jokes' about Cas being in love with Dean (18:48) ICWAW we would read this as an ex being petty about the new love interest and teasing said love interest about it
Wow, jealous much, Dean? Again, ICWAW, this would totally be seen as jealousy for your crush's ex (27:30). And Dean, you're staring at Cas' lips again (27:37)
[Sam: "So, you killed 50,000 people for us?" Cas: *looks at Dean* "... No, I didn't... They were never born." (37:49) This is so stupid, but... sure, Cas... sure. That's what you ment.]
Cas makes a small speech about fighting for freedom, choosing your fate and all, while looking at Dean (38:55). OKAY SUBTEXT!!!
[As soon as Dean mentions boobs, Cas is gone (39:36) LOL]
Episode 19:
"It's not like Cas lives in my ass. The dude's busy. [...] Cas, get out of my ass!!!" "I was never in... your-" (4:28) and then they stare... Were you having unholy thoughts guys?
"Without your power you're basically just a baby in a trench coat" #MARRIED (10:38), "My friend is very sick." "I have a, uh... painful burning sensation." OH COME ON!!! (11:22)
"You know who whines? Babies. *pats Castiel*" (14:28) I'm sorry, pats him wHERE??!!
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Dean saves Cas again (19:38)
The way Cas says "Dean, Dean!" (23:09)... I'm so fucking weak, and look at those EYES! (23:41) kill me now
"The kid... The little kid, he's one of them." "... Unbelievable." "Yeah, I know, Cas. You told me, all right?" (37:48) #MARRIED
Sam and Bobby immediately think Cas might be betraying them (39:31), while Dean won't even immagine the possibility. "This is Cas we're talking about!" (39:52)
Episode 20:
Even tho Dean can sense something is off with Cas, he won't bring himself to admit it. And the eye-car-sex. That. (4:44-4:53)
"You're distracted. [...] Is that all you're holding, huh? See... the stench of that Impala's all over your overcoat, angel." (6:20) this has such sexual undertones. ICWAW, it would be MENT as having sexual undertones. Also Crowley ships it
Dean protects Cas even tho clear evidence is there, and even feels bad about lying to him (12:06). And Cas feels oh so bad about Dean trying to be loyal to him, even when he was starting to suspect (13:18)
Dean still refuses to acknowledge the possibility of Cas' betrayal (19:56). His speech about Cas... I'm weak. "He broke ranks, gone to the mat, cut and bleeding for us, so many frigging times. This is Cas!" (20:10). ICWAW, this would be read as Dean having feelings for Cas, and as those feelings were getting in the way of his best judgment
Cas goes against the King of Hell to save the boys... but Dean first (21:48), and Dean defendes him against Bobby and Sam, apologizing for doubting about him. Cas hates having to break their trust
The look on Dean's face as he realizes Cas had been lying the whole time... BROKEN (23:35-23:49)
Cas doesn't want Dean to have to sacrifice more than he already had for him (25:19), and when Crowley shows up, Cas' first instinct is to look back at Dean protectively (25:30), and does that again before following Crowley (26:17)
Cas wants Dean to be happy, stay retired, even tho he was so longingly looking at him moments earlier (29:09)
"You gotta look at me, man. [...] Look me in the eye and tell me you're not working with Crowley." (32:38) the absolute desperation in both Dean and Cas, how HURT they look. THEIR EYES! Dean looks devastated
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"I did it to protect you, I did it to protect all of you!" (33:09) one of the many "you, all of you" no-homo saves Cas pulls while talking to/about Dean
"I had no choice!" "No, you had a choice... You just made the wrong one." (34:21) how fucking hurt Dean looks. "Where were you when I needed to hear it?" THE EYES
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"I was there... Where were you? *flashback to Cas looking back at Dean*" I'M DEAD
"It's not too late. Damn it, Cas. We can fix this!" "Run. You have to run, now. RUN!" (35:33) and they do, but Dean looks back at Cas, and the way they look at each other... STOP (35:47-35:52) ICWAW, this whole scene would seem like someone trying to save their loved one, and OH boy, that stare exchange would seem either a silent confession or a reminder of their feelings for the other
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Cas visits Dean in the night, even tho they clearly don't trust him and don't want him there, and Dean leaves it be (38:06), and even apologizes for having to angel-proof the house against him
#MARRIED (38:28), "I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you." (38:35) ICWAW... do I even need to point this out?
"Next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest thing I have to family..." the look on Cas' face as Dean says this (39:15) "... that you are like a brother to me." did Cas' eyes just get more glossy? Poor baby. Also, ICWAW, by the way they interact, this statement would feel wrong on so many levels
"You're just a man. I'm an angel." ... why does it feel like Cas is telling that to himself more than to Dean? (39:43) "I'm sorry, Dean." (39:55) Kill me
Cas questions his decisions, asks God for guidance, the moment he understood he hurt Dean. He doesn't want to hurt Dean, but will do what he has to do to if it means he will be safe
Episode 21:
[Not a destiel moment, but "fragile masculinity" much, Dean? (4:20) "I was too busy having sex with women." (why do you feel the need to specify 'women'?)]
This Dean-Balth bickering has such current-former love interest fight vibes (8:52). Come on, ICWAW, this would totally be the case
Here's another Cas/Lisa parallel: how Dean acts here, looking for Ben and Lisa (13:11), and how he acts in S8 while looking for Castiel ("WHERE'S THE ANGEL!?")
Cas saves Dean again (21:46). "I didn't ask for your help." "Well, regardless. You're welcome." #MARRIED
They are both on the verge of tears... "I thought you said that we were like family." (22:22) They hate this situation. They hate not being like always, close, friendly, family
"Dean... I do everything that you ask... I always come when you call. And I am your friend." (22:39) the way he says 'Dean' and how his voice trembles. Dean is basically almost crying now (23:45)
"Dean, I said I'm sorry and I ment it." "Thank you... I wish this changed anything..." "I know.. So do I." (37:45)
[Alright. I do believe Dean really grew to love Lisa during that year they spent together, but I don't buy the "I always loved you, ever since that one hook up on that one weekend we knew each other for" shit. Dean wanted to give a try to the whole 'apple pie life' he'd promised Sam, with a good woman he knew Dean had feelings for.
If he grew to love Lisa over a couple of years after 1 hook up, I'm sure he could do the same thing for Cas after over a decade (he for sure would have already If Cas Were A Woman)]
Episode 22:
["You've always got little old me." "Yes... I'll always have you." (30:26) These two... Come on, they HAD to be ex lovers!]
"We were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times (Cas did actually, twice). So if that means anything to you... Please... I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam... Don't make me lose you too." (39:55) ICWAW, this would be seen as a straight up CONFESSION
The hurtful look on Dean's face when Cas says "You're not my family, Dean.", and the terror when he thought for a second that Sam might have killed him (40:39)
["You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord... or I shall destroy you." ... okay, Cas, honey, I get you are tired of waiting, but this is not the right way to get a confession out of Dean (41:20)]
[Season 7>>]
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simpstar123 · 4 years
✨Prompt List✨
I'm currently on a break, but have not lost my love for writing. Hope to be back soon 💖
1.) "I can't stop thinking about you."
2.) "You're still the same person I fell in love with."
3.) "Why would you prank me with something like that?"
4.) "There's no way in hell I'm doing that."
5.) "I don't know how someone can even be that stupid."
6.) "What do you mean maybe? It was a yes or no question."
7.) "Give me my phone!"
8.) "You're never going to let that go, are you?"
9.) "You're the one that labelled this as 'just fun'. I don't owe you shit."
10.) "Forget it, you're not even worth it."
11.) "Say that one more time and you're done."
12.) "I'm no one's property."
13.) "I have a kid?"
14.) "How could you hide something like that from me?"
15.) "I panicked, okay?"
16.) "I can't believe I'm sitting in a mall jail with you of all people."
17.) "Now you wanna talk? Well fuck you."
18.) "How did this happen?"
19.) "Just one drink."
20.) "Let's see if you can keep up."
21.) "There's the door, feel free to get the fuck out!"
22.) "Listen to me, okay? We're getting out of here together."
23.) "This is so stupid."
24.) "And yet you're still here."
25.) "We have nothing to talk about."
26.) "Are you going to tell him?"
27.) "It's better off this way."
28.) "I can do whatever I want. We're not dating, remember?"
29.) "Relax, it's just me."
30.) "You moved on and so did I."
31.) "How do you always convince me to do the stupidest shit?"
32.) "How are you so stupid and so hot at the same time?"
33.) "Call 999!"
34.) "This is the last time I'm letting you in my house."
35.) "It was an accident."
36.) "I think I love you."
37.) "I can't keep doing this."
38.) "I'm not gonna be here when she breaks your heart."
39.) "Just one more night."
40.) "Yeah, I don't do relationships."
41.) "Did I ever actually mean something to you?"
42.) "I'm starting to think I'm actually going to hell."
43.) "I can't believe you sometimes."
44.) "A cup of coffee would be nice."
45.) "Do I love you? Yes. Do I like you? That's still up for debate."
46.) "You didn't have to do all this."
47.) "You're lucky you're cute."
48.) "I wish I never met you."
49.) "Need some help?"
50.) "If you think I don't like you, you're dumber than I thought."
51.) "There's nothing to be scared of, I'm right here."
52.) "If I kissed you right now, what would you do?"
53.) "You aren't nearly as smart as you think you are."
54.) "You wanna bet?"
55.) "It's okay, we'll figure it out."
56.) "You're stuck with me whether you like it or not."
57.) "Want me to hold your hand?"
58.) "Stay close, please."
59.) "I think I'm going to puke."
60.) "Please don't cry."
61.) "I had nothing to do with that."
62.) "[Name]? I must be hallucinating."
63.) "I need you more than you need me."
64.) "If you really wanted to help you would leave."
65.) "You're not actually considering this, are you?"
66.) "Look me in the eyes and say that again."
67.) "I don't believe you."
68.) "I told myself I wouldn't kiss you tonight."
69.) "Why are you avoiding me?"
70.) "I think you've had too much to drink."
71.) "I wish I could hate you, but I don't."
72.) "Are you flirting with me?"
73.) "Don't look at me like that."
74.) "I think we both know that we aren't just friends."
75.) "Trust me, you are so much better than my ex."
76.) "Will you hold my hand?"
77.) "Don't say that."
78.) "We can't just keep pretending that it didn't happen."
79.) "I'm not jealous."
80.) "Don't ask me."
81.) "I might have had a few shots."
82.) "Just admit that I'm right."
83.) "How long have you been standing there?"
84.) "You're the only one I want."
85.) "Do you know how to knock?"
86.) "You weren't supposed to hear that."
87.) "Is that my shirt?"
88.) "Why do you like him and not me?"
89.) "Is this even legal?"
90.) "You know what, I'm not even gonna ask."
91.) "What is that?"
92.) "It's three in the morning! Where were you?"
93.) "Do it. I dare you."
94.) "I'll kill him if he hurts you."
95.) "Don't even think about it."
96.) "You've got to be kidding me."
97.) "Is this for a video?"
98.) "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."
99.) "Your ex is a total dickhead."
100.) "How do we always end up together?"
Choose up to three prompts per request
Get specific if you want (i.e. who says the quote to who, something that happens before/after it's said, where they are when it's said, etc.)
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I'm gonna do it. I'll take all the history asks for 500, Alex!
OKAy. I may have to reblog and do an add-on, because I will almost certainly go over the 250 paragraph limit. ALSO NICE JEOPARDY REFERNCE. Okay, ready? Go.
1: Historical role model?
We could all stand to be more like Julie D'Aubigny.
2: Favorite underrated historical figure?
See above.
3: Funniest historical kerfuffle?
In 1774 Boston's Committee of Safety (John and Samuel Adams as well as Joseph Warren and PaulRevere were on it) was made up almost entirely of patriots, except for one man: Daniel Leonard. They couldn't decide anything important with him around so they would have a fake meeting and then be like OKAY IT'S AUGUST WE'RE HOT AND TIRED, LET'S GO HOME, and then after he'd left they'd lock themselves in a room and have their REAL, TREASONOUS MEETING. Reading about this is objectively one of the funniest things I have ever heard. It's literally the beack house episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where they have a fake party for Captain Holt.
4: Favorite conspiracy theory revolving around history?
Whatever the fuck the real story of the X FIles was (I've watched the whole thing multiple times and I still don't know what exactly what the point was. DOn't get me wrong I love it. It just makes no sense.)
5: Favorite political scandal to examine?
The XYZ Affair because I was there for it all and it's...a lot
6: Opinion on the presidential assassinations and their impact on America?
I answered this in depth last time I got that question and you can read my response here.
7: Which time period would you like to live in?
Either take me back to the revolution or put me in Victorian England (BARRING MEDICAL NONSENSE AND SOCIAL BARRIERS)
6 (again?!): Favorite historical fiction book?
See the assassination link!
8: Favorite tv show based on historical events, but not really faithful to real life?
Top choices are Outlander, TURN: Washington's Spies, Black Sails, and Ripper Street.
9: Favorite musical based on history?
*sarcasm* Definitely NOT Hamilton whaaaaaaat why would you even assume that?! Ahem. Also Les Mis is cool I guess.
10: Favorite movie based on history?
Wonder Woman!!!
11: Favorite biography?
The Swamp Fox by John Oller
12: If you could prevent one tragedy, which would you choose?
The Trump Administration.
13: Fun fact?
MLK and Anne Frank were born in the same year.
14: Favorite female monarch?
Cleopatra or Mary Queen of Scots.
15: Favorite war leader?
I'm biased but George Washington.
16: Favorite controversial leader?
Winston Churchill
17: Favorite feminist pioneer?
J U L I E D ' A U B I G N Y. Also Mary Read and ANne Bonney my queer pirate gals
18: Which president, in your opinion, was the best speaker?
No contest, Abraham Lincoln.
19: If you would travel back in time and kill anyone, who would it be?
Listen I’m not a fan of these questions when people are like “I’d kill Hitler” etc. bc butterfly effect, BUT The British officer who shot John Laurens can CATCH THESE MF HANDS
20: Opinion on each of the founding fathers?
Oh boy. This is an interesting question at this point in time because I am currently grappling with the fact that the people I worked with did not really believe in equality for all, and the system we built was designed to reflect this. However, it is a system that I believed in and put my everything towards so I have many conflicted feelings toward it rn. Anyway here's the low-down on the major ones. GEORGE WASHINGTON: Good guy, needed to loosen up and not be a slaveholder. JOHN ADAMS: old stinky man. Called me mushroom excrement once. Put him back in the swamp from whence he came. THOMAS JEFFERSON: Rapist. Slaveholder. Really stuffy. Founded an entire political party for People Who Don't Like Hamilton. Fuck him foreverrrr. JAMES MADISON: Friendly with me but betrayed me when Jefferson came back from France. 2/10, cute but do not trust him with your secrets or coffee order. JAMES MONROE: A teenager during the war and I barely ever saw him after that but he was fine ig. ALEXANDER HAMILTON: that me! Made mistakes but all around a cool(tm) guy. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: fresh funky and really funny. Cooler than you'd expect an old man with gout to be.
21: Which leader do you think would make the best spouse?
No leaders are good spouses bc superiority complex.
22: Most pointless war in your opinion?
All. But King Phillip's War was especially whack.
23: John Wilkes Booth - crazy or crazy with a cause?
I mean of course he had a cause, but it was a bad one and having a cause doesn't make him less crazy. He was...really yikes.
24: Why do you think Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK and did he act alone?
Most certainly did not act alone. But I feel based on timeline of events and maps of the area that either he was paid off either by our own government or the Soviets, or one of the two set him up as a patsy. Then Jack Ruby was paid to cover up the tracks.
25: Opinion on assassinations of leaders in general?
Same as killing anyone else, I guess, murder is bad, and I don't think that's really the route that should be taken to remove dangerous parties from power. But in some cases it may be the only way of removing them, and, well, that is what it is.
26: Do you think we're going to repeat history because we haven't learned from it?
Always. It is constantly happening. There is nothing new.
27: Have you ever been teased for being a history nerd?
hahahahahahahahaha yeah. Ever since first grade.
28: Which historical figure do you think has been subject to the most fictionalization and elevated to a godlike status nowadays?
Due to the musical, Alexander Hamilton (me.) People need to realize that I wasn't perfect but also not evil. Just human.
29: Rant about your favorite topic?
See the other part of my Lincoln Assassination rant here
30: Favorite kids/teens history books?
The Dear America series and the Liberty's Kids novelizations are WHERE ITS AT.
31: How was your interest in history started?
I don't even know exactly when or how anymore. My mom's a book nerd and an archaeology/anthropology major, so I grew up in a house chock full of books, including history books. I've loved it ever since I could read, honestly.
32: Do you know a history professor?
I do not!
33: How did your favorite history teacher structure their class?
I was homeschooled so it was my mom. She made sure we covered every period, but other than that just let me pick out what interested me and what I wanted to read and explore. She read a ton of big historical books right alongside me and we'd discuss as we read. We still do this!
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fatghostboi · 4 years
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Day 1: uhh so my scales are fucked I think but cw: 143.4 (I think it's mainly water weight lmao) and I wanna be 100lbs maybe 90lbs
Day 2: 5'3, I would wanna be a bit taller maybe at least 5'5 or 5'6 hhh
Day 3:
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I want their legs. My legs have always been so big and I'm jealous. I don't want my legs to look femme fuck.
Day 4: the clothes I do like on me won't fit, or I'll have more curves. I know ill look more curvy, but I can hide that more I think. Or I'll just gain it all again fuck
Day 5: I want to lose weight to be good enough, for people to look at me and think I finally look good or even that maybe I did have a problem when they all turned me down. To look masculine enough and to have masculine features. To finally be good looking rather than the fat trans friend who looks too femme because of their fucking baby face with chub.
Day 6: I do and it's usually because I'm in a destructive headspace. I try not to often but yeah I do.
Day 7: no they don't. Mums never noticed, and the one time she did she took me to the doctors for depression thinking nothing of the food, then goes ahead and tells me I'm not depressed that I just get down sometimes when all the signs are there lmao.
Day 8: walk. My disabled ass cannot really work out and really shouldn't walk as much as i do when I do but my Ed can't help it, I love seeing the numbers on my watch go up and up.
Day 9: yes all the time. As a kid I was obese and overweight and I used to get called so many things. One thing that stuck with me was obese monkey. Good Times. Oh and the fact my ex said I run over my dog with my tree trunk legs... Ya know a few days after my dog just got killed but sure.
Day 10: probably my social life. I've lost my social life due to physical and mental illness. Everyone wants to go out and eat and I just don't want to. But also cooking. I miss cooking good meals rather than looking at meals as just calories I shouldn't consume.
Day 11: I don't have a favourite oops they're more on Instagram
Day 12: egg, egg whites, rice, toast, wheetabix, porridge, veggie sausages, chicken nuggets sometimes, a shit ton of veg like the amount of brocoli I consume lmao. Snacks wise sometimes the odd biscuit, usually carrots, houmous or just nothing.
Day 13: mainly unhealthy but sometimed I try to do it healthily and get no results so I get pissed.
Day 14: 100-90 lbs and I honestly don't know. I've failed so far but I fucking want to so bad. My first big goal is getting down to 120lbs so
Day 15: I'm not but I try to be. I would definitely consider being vegetarian as going vegan would probably affect my chronic illness worse due to the lack of vitamins I would get. I'm very picky with food but I do love to eat vegan food when i can.
Day 16: I was about like 10 lmao
Day 17: I mean not diagnosed but probably lmao
Day 18: chocolate and noodles. I can't help myself i still eat them. The noodles I have are 269 cals per a packet and that's why I eat those ones gah
Day 19: about an hour ago? I had 2 biscuits with my coffee so I didn't binge today lmao
Day 20: AIT starts off easy, gets harder down the line. Never completed the whole thing but I have lost loads of weight from it before. Except this time? Idk like my body shows I have but scales say nah
Day 21: ew. So naturally I have very big hips, that's not fat that's bone sadly, so in men's jeans I'm a 30waist in females I'm a size 10. Mens tops I'm a M if I want it baggy or it's a tight fit cause S makes me feel gross in tight fit. But if I want it to look decent I'm a S and I would fit into an XS if my shoulders weren't so broad but I'm not complaining on that lmao
Day 22: 122lbs. I gained this time around because of the medication I was put on, I really want to be off it because I also don't wanna get pregnant. But it's also causing issues so I may be put on a different one soon I hope
Day 23: yes and no. All the trans guys that pass are usually very skinny so I thought I need to be to pass
Day 24: ugh. I can understand if someone is pro Ana to themseleves because uh that's an eating disorder lmao, but if you want to encourage others to starve themselves and be unhealthy? You're fucked up.
Day 25: I have a lot. I can't remember my first experience because it was so long ago but I have the odd memories of purging in fast food places after I was taken out to eat.
Day 26: being good enough and passing
Day 27: I'm okay being around it cause I usually have good self control, I like baking a lot too, and I'll usually eat one or two then leave it.
28: yess. So hoodies will look great on me
29: everything's beautiful on everyone else except for on me so.
30: I'm 17, trans, and a wreck. Also my stats are the same cause I did this in one day lmao
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mtvswatches · 5 years
Crazy Ex Girlfriend 4x10 I Can Work With You
Stray thoughts
1) It’s amazing but the show actually accomplished it – I dig the new theme song. I’m actually singing along.
2) I repeat: Other Rebecca needs help.
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3) Okay…
REBECCA: You're weird around her. It's like you can barely even look at her, because she reminds you of a very traumatic time in your life where you made some rash decisions and contributed to the existence of another person and maybe didn't fully think it through.
Even though this is incredibly introspective and it makes sense, it wasn’t the explanation I was expecting to get from Rebecca. Accepting to be Daryl’s baby’s surrogate mother was a rash decision, yes. And even though it rubbed me the wrong way how she showed no interest in the baby, it made sense, it was consistent with her behavior. She made the decision to carry the baby without giving it much thought. Likewise, she wasn’t giving the baby much thought.
I actually chalked it up to Rebecca being a self-centered dick. She might be making improvements as regards her mental health and introspection, but she’s still utterly self-centered and a dick.
4) I loved the Jersey Shore reference!
REBECCA: Snooki has a baby. She has two babies.
DARRYL: And look at what a great job she's doing with Lorenzo and Giovanna.
Yes, I love Jersey Shore. Occasionally, I love crap.
5) Shouldn’t Greg and his dad be attending different help groups? It kind of defeats the whole “anonymous” purpose…
But I like how we got to see Greg’s sponsor again and see how seriously Greg takes his advice.
6) I keep relating to Paula so much…
PAULA: Second, that is how I wanted to celebrate my birthday With you and some room-temp California rolls. It was perfect. No one stared at me and no one sang "Happy Birthday," so it was a big win.
I loathe celebrating my birthday.
7) It’s kind of a shocker that Mrs H sucks at charades, isn’t it?
8) Me, everytime Josh speaks:
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9) Also, me:
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Replace “Beverly Hills” with any TV show I binge-watch.
10) I relate to Rebecca so much because I’m so not a baby person either. I had a very similar experience the first time babysitting one of my best friend’s babies. I just don’t know what to do with babies. They are so fragile and unpredictable, an enigma. Toddlers and kids, that’s a whole other thing. Once I can actually communicate with them, they love me.
11) Oh, the game night is Paula’s graduation party! I can understand her not wanting to make a big deal out of it. I didn’t celebrate my graduation either! But I agree with Paula’s husband, though. Rebecca would’ve totally gone to the game night if she had known it was Paula’s graduation party.
12) The game sounds boring af, though. I think they wasted a great opportunity to come up with a nonsensical game that only the characters in the show understand and whose rules are super vague for the audience, a la “True American” from New Girl.
13) I really love it when Nathaniel violently claims he’s nice.
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14) Valencia is going to mop the floor with Hector, isn’t she? Will learn why she is so mean to him, though?
15) I laughed so hard at this…
JOSH: Um, what happened to Marvin Gaye?
PAULA: Oh, his dad murdered him. Anyway…
JOSH: As an adult?
NATHANIEL: No, Josh, as a baby. Marvin Gaye was murdered as a baby. All the music that he made that you love, he made as a baby.
JOSH: Whoa.
16) “You left West Covina just to get away from me.” Again, this is a bit self-centered. Yes, Rebecca definitely played a huge part in Greg deciding to leave West Covina, but he also did it for very personal reasons related to his own desires, ambitions and mental health. What’s more, I just don’t understand how Rebecca doesn’t realize that in spite of all the crazy shit she’s done, her coming to West Covina put in motion a chain of events that affected everyone’s lives in a positive way. All of the characters are at a better place than they were before Rebecca arrived in town, Greg included! So yeah, she might be a whirlwind who usually fucks things up, but she’s served as the catalyst for everyone’s self-improvement as well.
17) Ummmmmmmm
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In the words of Joshua Felix Chan…
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I did not see that coming. I was expecting the writers to rekindle this relationship, but I didn’t see them getting involved so soon after meeting again? Like, there’s so much stuff they still have to work through, plus they have to get reacquainted with one another? Both of them have changed so much! Are they into the actual person in front of them or are they holding onto the idea of the person they used to be who made them feel a certain way?
Let’s just hope this is going in an interesting direction… (but I don’t know if “Settle for Me” playing in the background right before they kissed is a good omen…)
18) I really enjoyed this number…
And I really loved how their parents were playing the instruments and looked bitterly disappointed once they finished hahaha!
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Yeah, something feels weird. So, listen. You know me I'm usually the first person to impulsively throw myself into any really romantic moment, but I think I got to just take a beat and deal with the fact that right before you so sweetly kissed me, I was in the middle of a shame spiral. Which isn't just a me thing. That's a thing that happens with my disorder, BPD. Um, and basically, it's what you saw. I can spiral out about things, in this case oh, my fear that everyone hates me and that I'm a contagious plague in the form of a woman, even though intellectually I know that I'm not.
I really like what they’ve been doing this season with Rebecca’s disorder and the way she handles it. The fact that she got a diagnosis and she’s being treated doesn’t mean that she’s magically cured, so she’s bound to make some mistakes again and to act out because of her disorder. The difference now is that she understands where those impulses and crises come from and she’s better equipped to deal with them properly instead of continuing spiraling.
20) Oh, they’re still going at it…
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And this shot reminds me of “Oh My God I think I Like You.”
21) Let me just say that I’m so fucking happy that Paula finally got her dream that made her feel like she deserves a dream, okay?
22) Ha!
No one here is a mind reader, except maybe Valencia. She's into that occult stuff.
Jokes aside, he makes a great point. You can’t fault people for not acting the way you expect them to if you haven’t communicated it properly, you know?
23) I actually enjoyed their bonding? Yes, I am surprised.
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24) I liked how Hector and Valencia were able to bury the hatchet, but honestly, I was hoping for Valencia’s reason to bully Hector to be a bit juicier than “I hate you because everyone likes you.”
25) Girl really has no boundaries, she just had sex on Darryl’s carpet while babysitting his daughter…
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26) Oh damn, they cut that Greg and Rebecca song too short! I was super digging it!
27) Oh, Nathaniel, you’re a softie…
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29) Oh, lord, they did a “Hello, nice to meet you” reprise with the baby and I DIED! It’s the sweetest thing ever!!!
Hello, nice to meet you, we share chromosomes
Hello, nice to meet you, you're kind of… me
So, since you're both the future and kind of a mirror
I'll tell you right now that life doesn't get clearer
All I can say is have fun in the gray
Well, anyway
It's nice to meet you.
Not gonna lie, I teared up a little…
30) What a wholesome moment…
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31) Poor Nathaniel…
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32) Oh, wow, for a second there, I was afraid Rebecca was going to say “Greg makes me feel like glitter was exploding inside of me”…
It feels different, Paula. It's different this time. Greg makes me feel like I'm… like I'm okay because he's so much more okay now, you know? And like maybe we could be the best versions of ourselves if we're together.
33) Oh, Nathaniel 💔💔💔
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34) I think Rebecca might have jinxed it by saying that she enjoys the Beverly Hills drama... some drama is headed to West Covina...
35)  Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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killerqueenjoy · 5 years
99 Question Tag
okay okay I know i got tagged to do this like a month ago on my main blog by @santonicababy iM SORRY LIN ILY BUT THIS WAS SO DAMN LONG
I sleep in the room where everybodies closets are and they all gotta be closed goddamn do you know how spooky it is to even have one open during the night
my parents do, but alas I don't use them in case they have silicones or sulphates in them because I got a whole lotta curls to protect
if this refers to the sheet protecting the mattress, then my answer is in because how the fuck would you be able to sleep with that moving around???
heck yeah, but for random shit
nee my parents are fancy fuckers who use the coupons on their phone (our local supermarket has a damn app skskksksk)
a bear because its one giant son of a bitch and not millions of tiny motherfuckers and also I've never been stung by a bee and intend to keep it that way because majority of my family seem to be allergic
nope! I have a couple beauty spots on my hands and face but thats kinda it
not really but if I've been told to smile then its 200% dead inside
i find many things annoying
only when i go up and down stairs, but i also try to make sure i step with each foot equally (if that makes sense) and i step on only certain colour tiles when im bored
the real question is have i ever been in the woods? both answers are no
refer to question 12
14)ummmm idk what this question is meant to be curse you Lin
nope, the idea weirds me out
none, this week and in general
one person and a long yet smol doggo size
Eddie from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has been stuck in my head for the whole week so yeah i guess that
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but yeah, anyone can wear anything they want to wear (although a suit made out of meat might not be wise)
dudeeeee scooby doo and tom and jerry are my jam I watch them on the regular (among other things)
uhhm idkkkkk I tend to repress bad movies sksksk
idk shove it in the closet ig at least it will be hidden behind my sexuality
I usually only drink before or after but ig water??? cooldrink if I'm in a restaurant
depends on the nug
How dare you assume i only have one favourite
tbh it depends cos i love pizza and pasta and stuff but then i cannot live with my granny's curries ksksmks
borhap, sing street, rhps, the natm movies, the harry potter movies, any mcu movies
ahhahahahahahha bold of you to assume anyone wants to do that
nope but I was a catrobat which is basically my preschools acrobatics team that was actually really terrible
nahh m8
this week for a transactional task at school (It was in Afrikaans and I got a C skskskks)
omg no
not old enough to drive!
my parents never have for as long as i can remember
cheese because I am actually John Deacon
school nights its 11pm otherwise i dont have one lol
we dont celebrate that here but i rly want to it seems fun!
Ram, which is really cool because im an Aries, so I'm sheep squared
English, Afrikaans (at a basic highschool level), I could speak very vERY basic isiZulu when I was younger but I'm not sure about now, I know a bit of French and Telugu, and I'm gonna start learning Hindi soon!!
i didn't play much with legos and i have no idea what the second one is rip
to an extent
I kept reading Leno as Lenin ffs
I watch them occasionally with my granny, but I don't keep up with them very well (Kasamh Se is my shit tho)
no, im afraid of falling in general tho
My dad and I bop frequently to Never Gonna Give You Up in the car, and also classic bollywood songs (we have even learnt the choreography for some)
i perform
well theres not exactly much space
not sure
most are but thats why i like them
we don't celebrate because we're not Christian (we still eat a lot and exchange presents tho), but it can get stressful if we have to visit extended family, mostly because my extended family loves to insult everything about me so thats great!
not i good sir
never had one, it doesnt appeal to me
a vet
i am a ghost
not that i remember
yes, I take a multi vitamin, a vitamin D pill because I'm vitamin D deficient, and im not sure if this is a vitamin or not but i take evening primrose oil so that im not outwardly a bitch due to pms
i wear slipper socks, because my doggo got jealous of my doggie slippers and murdered them in cold blood
i have one and rarely use it because i forget it exists
a random shirt and pants, though ive been known to kick pants off (ive been doing that since birth), occasionally i manage to get the matching pj set
ive unfortunately never been to a concert before
ive never seen any of these stores in my country
i own neither
Peanuts because thats my doggos name!
no sorry
i went to a bhangra class for about a year, and we performed for our parents at the end of that year (i was in one of the few groups that didnt have to dance in lehengas thank goodness)
probably something creative, but I don't mind as long as they're happy with what they're doing and its not harming others!
never entered one, having to spell out loud makes me anxious
i think so
i wish
my granny burns incense while I'm at school because my mom and i both get really sick when its just been lit and the smell is strong. Going to the temple is a damn nightmare because of it
no, too busy fangirling
oof a long list
Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Waterparks, Frank Iero and the Future Violents (ffs fronk stop changin the name), Panic! at the Disco...to name a few
refer to question 63
sugar cookies
i wouldn't drown, but im no professional either
im doing it right now
I've only ever been to Hindi,Tamil and Telugu weddings and lemme tell you 90% of the time bands flop at those weddings because they can't sing the classics without failing miserably, so DJs are generally better. However, in that case, if a band can perform those songs, then I'd prefer a band ig
yep, a couple of reading contests
nope, not planning on it
dont like olives rip
i can knit!
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in fact, my friends and i are so cool that we're in our schools knitting club (which besides myself, @grandfunnyemopainter and @imjustabruh , only has 2 other members)
lounge or study/library
i guess, its not on my goal list tho
currently in highschool, and in love with the borhap cast, sebastian stan, stephanie beatriz and band members (theres more but yeah)
nope, i have only two ways to deal, be a total pushover or a total bitch
kind of undecided, but i do want more pets
Dark Blue
my dog, shes been ignoring me for about four hours now because I stayed at school for an extra hour (for knitting club!)
@softspaceboibrian @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @im-inlovewithmycar do it cowards
4 notes · View notes
713-4th-ward-g · 6 years
1 - 70 😏
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i didn’t always have a good relationship with them. i am just now getting alright with them but im still kind of distant from them.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? my mom
03: Do you regret anything? i dont regret much just small things i did as a kid.
04: Are you insecure? not really
05: What is your relationship status? complicated
06: How do you want to die? in my sleep overdosing on lean 
07: What did you last eat? i ate chicken 
08: Played any sports? i played basketball
09: Do you bite your nails? i used too bite my nails a lot as a kid but now i only do it when I'm anxious.
10: When was your last physical fight? shit with my dad about what 6 months ago
11: Do you like someone? lol, keeping this a secret
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? i have stayed up for 3 days before but i as soon as i closed my eyes i was knocked the fucc out ahahaha.
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? just them folks ina badge an undercovers.
14: Do you miss someone? i miss my tio carlos and tio luiz.
15: Have any pets? i have one old dog and im planning on adopting another dog soon
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? im feeling quite empty right now like a void of nothingness lmao. im feeling idk how im feeling hahaha.
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? nope i haven’t
18: Are you scared of spiders? i hate spiders if i see them im like ohhhhh shit but then i try to kill them but if they can jump im running outt the room.
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i wouldn’t go back in time but if i did it wouldnt be past the 70s. 
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? its been a long time lmao. maybe a year or like 6 months
21: What are your plans for this weekend? i dont plan anything i just let things pop up if nothing pops up then i jus chill at home.
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? i want 4 kids hahaha my wife finna be getting nutted in every year hahaha.
23: Do you have piercings? How many? i have 0 
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i was good at math and social studies.
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? just my dead loved ones. 
26: What are you craving right now? im cravin some affection and some love lmaooo
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah lmao i think i have but she got back with me after it.
28: Have you ever been cheated on? i have never cheated but i have been cheated on.
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? i have and it is the worst feeling ever seeing yo girl cry
30: What’s irritating you right now? no comment
31: Does somebody love you? if they do they need to stand up 
32: What is your favourite color? blue, black, or gold
33: Do you have trust issues? extreme trust issues 
34: Who/what was your last dream about? someone leaving me
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my family at my tio carlos death bed. or in front of my two friends.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? not really only if it is reasonable
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?: can you really forgive if you dont forget? but if i had to say its definitely forgive 
38: Is this year the best year of your life? not even close to it
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? i was 13 years old.
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? lmao, hell no. only as a baby
51: Favourite food? wings and pizza
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? sometimes things happen for no reason at all
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? i was on ps4 playing video games while on chat wit my best friend david.
54: Is cheating ever okay? its never okay 
55: Are you mean? at times i can be really mean
56: How many people have you fist fought? im not sure a good handful or more
57: Do you believe in true love? if its real hopefully she finds me 
58: Favourite weather? cold weather
59: Do you like the snow? im from houston we dont get that here often so yes i do even if it is disgustin and never should land on ones tongue
60: Do you wanna get married? i lowkey do but idk.
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? i love it when a girl calls me babe idk why.
62: What makes you happy? playing basketball, good jokes, and playing video games.
63: Would you change your name? nah im named after two people they would be pissed lol but for real i wouldnt
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? not really 
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? if my home girl like likes me and im single i would be like wassup if im not single ima have too cutt her off or tell her that im taken and her feelings are going to have to take a back seat
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? i dont really have any home girls but my homegirl Jessica and I be havin hella funny talks. she a fool i swear.
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i dont talk to my homegirls as much anymore they got they lives and i got mines. i haven’t talked to them in months.
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i haven’t had a deep conversation in years.
69: Do you believe in soulmates? sometimes to be honest
70: Is there anyone you would die for? i would die for my nieces, nephews, and my mom 
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ilkkijangege · 4 years
Chad Chronicles is on hold while we work from home.
I'll keep updating this post if anything does happen to us.
Basically, I was telling Jacqui how J*ck told me I should join Tinder, use it during work to find out of he is there and if we would match. But Jacqui was like "what if you don't see him there but his friends see you??" So I was like "Then good na he's not on it 😂 as if he's ever talked about me to his friends 😂"
Then, nearly an hour later, I looked at my "Friends You May Know" on FB (there's a rumor that that is a list of people who's viewed your profile) then I saw that one of his friends are on it!!! I was shook, if the algorithm theory is right, then his friend was stalking me which means he has talked about me to his friends. LOL AYAN NANAMAN OVERTHINKING BES EH 😂
Then Jacqui told me how she asked her bf: if you offer a lift to a girl, does that mean he's interested? Her bf said yes but I shouldn't overthink and wait for another big sign.
Anyways, my Mandalorian plan is still going ahead. 😂
Well, we didn't really talk online, he welcomed one of the guy on our team because he just got his access sorted today but I did not get the same treatment yesterday 😭
It's G tho 😂 Seems like he really is super smart because I looked into one of his chats and he used the word "futile". I'm just....wow big word 😂
Lol anyways, we're out for the weekend, Disney+ comes out on Tuesday, will try to binge it as soon I can so I can message him by Thursday or something 😂 really hope our conversation can flow naturally. Like I will just say "oh I've finished it and I am now obsessed with Baby Yoda or I can see why you are obsessed with Baby Yoda, he is adorable!" Then hopefully he can be like "What did you think of it?" Etc etc and we live happily ever after. CHOS.
Swear everyone is telling me to either text him or to keep my feet on the ground and let the connection grow.
I REALLY DO NOT KNOW. He keeps doing all these things to me and I am always overthinking it. My friends have told me not to but it is sooo hard. They told me to wait for other signs.
I really want to take a risk and tell him but I really do not want to ruin our new found friendship. I mean I really hope he's just waiting to make more signs because he doesn't think it's time yet or something but I just don't want to give give give and not have anything in return. Haaaay Lord, please help me!
This morning, I told my mom about the fact that he drove me home. At first, I couldn't tell her immediately, I was just staring at her the whole time and she asked "Anong kailangan mo sakin?" I said "nothing." "Bakit naka tingin ka sakin?" Then finally, I said, "Wala lang, may update lang ako sayo." Then she was like "ano may date ka???" I replied, "No update!!! Hinatid nya ako kila tita nung last time kaming pumasok.." and she was just like "ayie, hinahatid ka na ha." Then she told me, "yan dapat, cool ka lang. Pero tapusin mo muna.." She didn't complete her sentence but I knew she was talking about my FE1s but then she was probably thinking that I am nearly 25 and she should let me be. Hahaha. Then she asks "nag offer ba xa?" Sabi ko oo 😂
Then she asks me if he texts me and I told her no, we only talk in work. Then she replied, "ganun talaga" 😂 hay mother, if she had asked more details, I would have told her how I am getting mixed signals from him kaya di ko tlga sure kung gusto nya din ako 😂 but she didn't, so let's leave that for another time. 😂
Lord, pleaseee I trust you. If he doesn't reach out to me, ako na tlga mag rereach out. Need to binge The Mandalorian asap.
He keeps reading my messages on our GC immediately but does not with other people
Happened again at 16;09 ANO BA HUHU
No sign of Chad life anywhere, he was pretty much quiet today, not reading/replying to messages etc
I took a risk and messaged him. It took me a whileeeeee but I just took the plunge.
Basically, I asked him how he was and how working from home has been coming along. It took him like 6 mins to reply, which was fine, we were in work so understandable.
He told me he is relaxed but about to get boring. He asked me ‘how about you?’ So I sent him this quite long response how I’ve been relaxed working in my jammies and binged watch Mandalorian, bummed about 2 eps so illegally streamed the rest. Told him that I am now also obsessed with Baby Yoda (he laughed react to this). Then he said how it was dumb for Disney not to release everything at once. (Was upset he didnt ask me what I thought of the show)
Then I told him if Netflix can do it, so can they. But he said people would just sign up for trial, watch it then cancel. Thennnn he asked if I liked it. I said yes except for Ch.6′s characters. He said he thinks you were not meant to like them.
Then I asked him if he thinks Fennec Shand is still alive. He was like which one was HE again? So I told him correction she* (laugh emoji) then explained her character. He was like ‘Oh yeaaahhh. Then boba fett was supposedly the one who found her” I replied ‘yup that’s the theory but I feel like she was pretty much lifeless already and maybe just a teaser for boba fett then?'
Then nearly 3 hours later, I go check our workplace chat and he seenzoned me. Okur. He read the message at 20.27. He better reply tomorrow or I’ll take it a sign that he really just isn’t interested in me.
On a side note, he went on lunch at 6pm, came back at around 7ish but didn't change his Status xD it's either he forgot or na distract na sya sakin CHOS sige laaaangg.
I swear I hope we can talk more tho. Since he seenzoned me, I will not message him again cos I don't want to look eager/desperate so yeah. Byeeeeee.
I know you get notifications that "Bianca messaged..." Does your heart flutter when my name appears? STOP OVERTHINKING BIANCA.
Ayan nnmn tayo sa seenzone eh 14:55. Ano ba?
I had a dream that he messaged me. He asked me how I was and for some reason, he told me to go to Google Music because they were having a sale and that I should make a track for him. (Like what?)
Also dreamt that he took me home again. When we got to our house, he told me we needed to talk. I think he confessed.
Ay ayoko na.
Why do I keep dreaming about him? I dreamt that he messaged me on FB, really long paragraphs of him confessing his feelings.
Oh and I also paid for a tarot reading of how he really sees me. I mean idk if it's real but there are feelings there but there may be a third party but the reader could not 100% confirm it. It is highly probable, he's a single man who could totally date around. The reading also mention how he finds me attractive and sees a long term energy with me. It also says how he may not be ready for a serious romantic relationship but he can see it progressing down the line. But honestly, I do not see him as someone who longs for sex, yknow? I am nearly sure that he could still be a virgin but the fact that he frequented Krystle in college, makes me question it. I mean, he is a white male, it is something I am not super pressed about.
I've just been thinking, if I were to get with a Filipino guy, is there anyone out there who has never had a girlfriend or who has even dated anyone?
Chad really gives me the vibe of never having a girlfriend before but I really see him as not looking for anything at the moment to focus on his dream job.
Okay, why did I have a dream that he proposed to me??
I think we argued over something and then a few days later, he proposed. Wtf.
From what I remember, he only proposed in his car. lol
So we had a team call today. He has not been working since like Thursday last week because he could not get his VPN to work.
But dang. I heard his voice after 3 weeks. He sounds the same as in real life but his American accent is more prominent 😂
Then our TL said we might still be working from home for the next 3-4 months and I'm just like. HUHUHU.
Will I be over you by then?
Had a dream we were back in the office and we were having banters again like nothing has changed.
I think he also messaged me on Facebook one of these isolation days...
I swear I know it was probably unintentional for him to ghost me like that.
So I've been searching his Gamer tag on Google, even before I decided to let go of him and there is this one file I keep noticing, it is League of Legends and it seems his password is Yugioh246 😂 it is actually hilarious 😂 I didn't know he is that big of a nerd. I don't see it as a bad thing because I like nerds and I am drawn to them but I hope he is not an incel because that is a major turn off.
Yes, I am not wishing for us to be together anymore but I really hope he finds the woman of his dreams. He deserves to have someone who will understand him for who he is.
Another thing, how do I listen to songs without thinking of him?? It is getting frustrating. I used to listen to these songs without thinking of him and now all I do is associate these songs to him. Nakakainis.
Why do you keep reading my messages then stop reading others' after mine??
Argh why did I dream of him again?
We were back in the office daw and I sat in a different computer because I was avoiding him as in. For some reason, the coat rack was behind him so when it was home time, I grabbed my coat as fast as I could so he would not talk to me. He was slouched in his seat and looked really tired. His hair was long like mid length sufer dude hair, he was not wearing his hat. But then he saw me and called me and said "Bianca, I'll give you a ride home." I replied, gaga naman ate nyo, "If it's not raining, I can walk but if it is, I'll take the bus." He replied, "What time is your bus?" I replied, "In an hour." He replied, "Okay, if it's raining, I'll wait for you here, let me know." Then I grabbed my stuff from my locker, I went out the office and it was raining. I went back into the office and told him that it was raining. So he got up from his seat and we walked to his car. On the way, I noticed he looked really tired and his eyes were red so I asked him, "Did you not sleep?" His reply was: "Yeah I came to work with no sleep." So we just walked to his car and he opened the door for me. He even adjusted my seat.
Then for some weird reason, we ended up in Dolphins Barn, like the flats and around Tesco. Then there were billboards for Book of Mormons and he saw it he said or read "What about the Mormons?" Then I was confused at first so he pointed at the ads for the Book of Mormons. Then I told him: "Oh I really wanna see that! I heard it's meant to be one of the best Broadway shows." He then tells me he is not a big play fan but there is something he likes. I asked him but he saw another Book of Mormons billboard and pointed to it. Then we reached Reilly's Ave and idk why but my whole family and our old neighbors were all outside. Bsta ang weird talaga na he dropped me off in our old house. Dreams are weird.
So I just thanked him and watched him leave.
Aish why did I dream of you again???
Had another dream about him. Just why oh why? What are these dreams trying to tell me? I haven't been thinking about him seriously so idk.
Basically in this dream, we were all back in the office. So we got a few newbies who joined our team. And management/TL thought it was a good idea to blend the newbies with the senior agents so there was a complete seat change again. Chad and the guy beside him moved to my old area, as in Chad moved to my old seat. While I was stayed in my current seat. Of course I felt sad that I won't be able to see him face to face as often anymore and that I felt like our friendship will drift apart again.
Basta ano baaa I don't understand this. Do I still have feelings for him deep down?
Oh and he read my message on the group chat again. 10:18am. I mean ok he's been active on the UKI chat today so here's me overthinking again.
Another day, another Chad dream.
So in this dream, I was in Tesco with my mom or Aldi, anyways a supermarket.
I wanted to make Tacos so I was at the spice aisle, looking for a taco spice mix. Then out of nowhere, he pops up and sees me. Says hello and asked how I was etc, while I was grabbing the taco spice mix.
Then I told him goodbye but I still kept seeing him everywhere in the store even though I purposely was avoiding him.
It is honestly annoying. 😭
I just wanna move on.
Been a while since my last dream but I dreamt that he drove me home, yet again, but I only remember the part where we entered Cherrywood and then I just got out of the car and don't even remember saying thanks. I stood at the front door, until he left.
Arghhh he read my messages again on the office chat almost instantly at 2.37pm 😩😩😩😩 Whereas our own team's chat has been active all day, yet he has not read the messages on there since yesterday morning!!
Were you expecting that I messaged you or something??? CMON IF YOU WANNA TALK TO ME JUST MESSAGE ME. I already messaged you first, it's your turn.
Ugh I hate overthinking this!!
Also, 26th of April marked the 1st month since we last talked. Hmmmm have I fully moved on? I really don't think I have but I am just trying to live my life. Why must you be an introvert Chad, we'll be waiting for each other forever.
Hmmmm... Beginning to think he actually has 3 siblings contrary to the fact that I thought he said there are 3 of them in the family, him being the eldest, followed by his sister then his younger brother.
If it is his brother that I saw on FB then it makes sense now because remember when he gave out chocolates for Christmas? I heard him say "my brother's work had them on sale" or something along the lines. And the other brother I was aware of was only a kid. This person I saw matches the bill, from Chicago and went to the same secondary school as him. (AND LOOKS LIKE HIM!!! We may be the same age or a year younger because he graduated secondary school in 2014) [yup he is older than me by 6 months and just like his older brother, he is also very much into Star Wars and video games. But he seems more social than his bro. Haha xa na lang date ko 😂 Chad 2.0 chosss Chad introduce me to your bro para di tayo awkward sa work 😂 They are actually only 10 months apart, I wonder if they are close.]
Hmmmmm why am I such a stalker 😂
(7.6 update: nah saw his bro's IG and he seems like a fckboi, his DP is a mirror selfie of him shirtless, showing off his v line abs 😂)
It's been a while. As of yesterday, he is fully back to work. We had a team meeting on Monday and he was on it. He said they gave him a laptop to work on. I had myself on mute so I was just listening to him. Yes I wanted to join in on the convo but I needed to stop myself. I need to distance myself until I fully move on from him.
Anyways, today, a case was assigned to me at around 8.30 in the morning. I didn't action it because the office was going mad with chats so I said I was gonna action it when I had a chance later on.
Then I noticed that it disappeared from my queue. I went to my closed cases and I saw that he had actioned it. I mean, I am not saying that he did it on his own free will, our TL may have asked him to go through our team's response received internal queue. Which is aight but this case was not originally mine, but one of his office broskis, na mean? So it's either he did not read the email thread at all or he just decided to close it in MY name. I mean he had to type my name and I wonder if he felt something. CHOSSSSSS 😂
But I'm telling you guys, ever since he got access again, my heart started fluttering again just like when I was still crushing on him, before I moved in front of him and he started giving me all these attention that made me fall in love with him.
I have been trying to move on. I even wrote a 7 page journal entry about my feelings. I've been super distracting myself by watching Kim Possible and staying away from sappy romantic shows 😂
I need more time to heal but it will be okay!
Update 14/5:
I got another case from the same broski, which he actioned yesterday and closed it under his broski's name but he closed the other one on mine.
Ugh why am I overthinking this again!!!
Chad please go away from my feelings 😩
Today, I helped him out with one of his cases.
He said 'thanks!' whereas the past few days, he's only been replying to people on our team with 'ty!'.
Made me overthink again but I was just being ridiculous 😂 'ty' tapos today sakin 'thanks', special ako chos 😂 honestly wasn't that bothered but okay! Stop giving me special treatment please 😂 don't treat me differently from others if you don't feel the same way because it's unhealthy for me 😂
Helped him again with another one and he said 'thanks!' again urgh. Swear tho, I was hesitating a bit when I was helping him. My heart was thumping again like it did before we started getting comfortable with each other 😭😭😭
Exactly 2 months since I saw him and when he dropped me home.
Oh Chad. Will I ever be over you.
Helped him with another case because no one was helping him so I was just being nice.
Bianca don't be marupok pls. You've been making progress. Don't relapse now.
Another day of helping him out....
Basically he asked our group chat for help, no one replied for like 5 minutes so I said I'll help him.
Then he private messaged me about the case. He told me there were a lot and said "ahah". I should have joked around but I didn't or even asked him how he was 😭
But after I helped him, this was his reply:
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Huhuhu parang ang happy nya na may tumulong sa kanya. Chad naman, don't do this to me! I am trying to move on 😭
Haaaayy... Reading my messages again as soon as I post them. Chad Chad Chad ....
He legit have not read messages on our office GC since 10.30 this morning. I messaged a few times around 3pm and he kept reading them. Ano ba kasi Chad.
Don't be scared of rejection, I know I may not be showing real signs but I am an awkward turtle, just talk to me.
As usual no one was helping him again so I private messaged him and asked if anyone was helping yet.
His response:
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Hahaha cute 😂 so I told him 'give me the deets, I'll send it up'.
He said 'ty!!', gave me the deets.
Then when I completed it, this was his reply:
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Hahaha naloka na xa, double a. Choss. I replied with "anytime 😊" 😂 para konti landi to let him know na I am here to help anytime HAHAHAHAHAHAHA chos
So I've been hesitating about posting this but about 2 days ago? I had a dream about him again. It wasn't just him in it but the dream mostly centered about him and I.
Basically, we there was a party in the office and for some reason, I was getting ready at my desk as in curling my hair (so weird 😂😂😂).
Then Chad decided to go out of the computer area, probs was on a break or something. Then my team decided it was a good idea to hide his baby yoda plushie so I hid it in my locker and when he came back, he kept looking for it and we were just laughing at him. 😂
That was it haha.
But you guys, I've been diligently praying for my vocation and I've been getting signs about marriage etc. What if he's the one? God, please give me more signs.
So it's been a while. I've been helping him here and there over the last few weeks.
Today's response was "awesome, thanks!"
And that made me kilig inside. 😂
I am awesome, chos! 😂
Just saw the July Schedule and he is taking 2 weeks holidays 😂
Lol fam watchu gonna do? 😂
Tara let's go on a date chos 😂
I miss him ☹️ But I've been good with not thinking about him a lot but I just really can't wait to be able to ask him out in person hahaayyyy
Hmmmm I also suddenly wondered if he still has the card I gave him for Christmas. That was a cute card, €4 din un ha hahaha
Yo wassup.
I had a dream, so we were back in the office. We were on the weekend shift and for some reason, I decided I was staying back for a bit more so he left before me.
Basically, from this dream, it seems that we were on minimal speaking terms. So like as he was leaving, at the computer area door, he said bye to me and idk why, I asked him to have dessert with me on Monday 😂 it was weird 😂
Okur, I had a dream that he dropped me off again in Cherrywood, like just out of nowhere. Like all I remember was that we were walking to his car together.
He even opened my door and carried my bag and walked me to the front door. Haaayyy....
So today, I was overthinking again.
Basically there was a post in work where an SME asked him to tag his team. He tagged me first over his broskis and that made me quite overthink again. Like the way he tagged our team was not as if it was alphabetical order. So why did he tag me first?
Hahah ako ung unang pumasok sa isip nya
Huhuhu ayoko naaaaa
So he is on his 2 weeks PTO from tomorrow.
Haaaaayyyyy miss ko na xa, bakit ba kasi ako ganito. Pero as long as he has not said that he is not interested in me, may chance pa rin tlga kami eh.
Wag lang tlaga xang umalis ng company and it will be grand.
Been a while since this was updated, nothing's been happening between us so there is nothing to report. But anyways, lately I've been having (r-rated) fantasies about him 😂 argh I just want to be with him 😂
He's also started playing Fall Guys on the PS4, we have something in common na chos 😂
Also, there's an SME position in work and I have a feeling he might apply huhu if he gets it, he'll be level 12 and I won't be able to date him 😭😂
Honestly still think may something sila ng QA namin huhuhu
So I told MF on the 14th of August about everything that has happened, like how I was getting mixed signals that made me overthink alot to me messaging him twice and being left on read, also how I plan on asking him out when we get to the office. (Also how he dropped me home.)
I told her how it's been very hard for me in the last 5 months, trying to move on from someone I don't even talk to. She was very understanding and told me that she also has not talked to Chad since WFH, as she was also left on read. She said he may not be the texty type because he's quite shy.
I was honestly shook. I thought they talk, even on our workplace chat because they are close in work. Cause I asked her if it was even a good idea for me to ask him out or if she knows if he's seeing someone because I don't want to intrude. I told her I want to take a risk with him but a part of me fears rejection.
She asked me if I ever thought about asking him out for coffee since things are opening up. I told her, yes but I don't think we are in that level where I could just ask him randomly.
So her plan is to build up a rapport with him again and find out the goss. I really hope she can build something up with him and that if ever, this time, there will be progress.
Until I know I have a chance with him, I can't move on. If he's seeing someone, then okay at least I'll know where I stand.
I'll let you know if there's progress.
So today, I helped him out with a case.
One of the internal tools was not working for him so he asked for help. I was the first to reply so I told him to send me the details and I'll do it.
When I did it for him, he said 'Perfect thank you!' and I just replied, "No worries 😊" landi landi with that emoji 😂 Wish we kinda had a conversation going though 😭 Wish I asked him how he was but it wasn't appropriate okay 😂
Haaayy can't wait to find out if he's dating anyone or when I'll see him again so I can ask him out. HAAAAAYYYYSSSS.
So yesterday, I asked our group chat for help on a case. I didn't really expect that he would be the one to respond but he did and that was cute. Awww. ❤️
Looool I wish I could've thanked him personally but other people started helping me out so yeah. But for a brief moment, I was kilig haha
Really wanna ask him out already! But cases are rising again and I don't want him to use Covid as an excuse so I'll wait again until cases have slowed down.
So today, I had a video call with MF. She told me that she got a new job 😭 meaning, she won't be able to be my wingwoman now 😭
I am happy for her but this cuts down all my chances with Chad 😭
But she did talk to Chad and he applied to the SME role apparently, I think he may have already been interviewed but he didn't hear back from them yet.
MF also said that we should meet up for a coffee date "with Bianca" and he said we should hahaha cmon MF make this a reality please so I can talk to him 😭
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