#like they show up a lot in asl fics
lewiscarrolatemybrain · 3 months
If Whitebeard had lived I like to think he and Luffy would have that Shanks and Marco thing where every time they interacted Whitebeard would ask Luffy to be his son and Luffy would giggle and stick out his tongue like the brat he is and go “No! Nope! No way!” And all the rumors would be about something stupid like how Whitebeard has been bitterly insulted by Straw Hat Luffy and it’s only a matter of time until the Straw Hats are assimilated or destroyed, meanwhile Luffy finally settles on “You aren’t my dad but I’ll call you Uncle!” And all the Whitebeards collectively tear up
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kizzer55555 · 4 days
Silent Phantom
Ok, here’s a dead silent fic idea (dead silent is Cass x Danny right?). Anyways, in this, Danny is mute. Either his accident (and lynchinburg scars) traveled up to his neck, permanently injuring his vocal cords so he can’t speak or I get into ghost lore where Danny is considered a type of banshee so while he can speak, his voice is literally his wail and causes a lot of damage. This happens in both human and ghost form. If I go this route, then the wail will not drain Danny of energy as much as it does in the show but it will be so destructive that Danny can’t use it without hurting others so it’s a last resort. Anyways, Danny can’t speak. The justice league hear about this new hero going around and helping people, stoping natural disasters, and defeating these other strange creatures (ghost have started appearing out of just amity thanks to the natural portals) and the justice league try to make contact however, Danny can’t talk to them. He can’t shout at them over fights or even respond to their questions in normal conversations. So most of the time he just leaves or stands there in awkward silence before turning invisible and leaving. The justice league think he’s rude and that he’s just ignoring them. But Cass sees how Phantom reacts and how he doesn’t seem to speak at all. Like, not even crying out in pain when he’s hit. So one day, she sees him and goes up to him and just starts signing ASL. Phantom lights up and he gets super excited and starts frantically signing back. He comes right up to Cass with a bright grin asking questions, asking where she learned sign, about the justice league, all kinds of things and they have an actual conversation. For the first time, it was like Phantom was acting like a kid. The justice league eventually learns why Phantom had been ‘ignoring’ them and Phantom bonds with Cass and they start teaming up. They also learn why Phantom can’t speak. (I kinda like the banshee idea).
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aww-canon-no · 1 year
Steddie Fic- 9 Stops
9 Stops
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rated: Everyone (but with kissing)
Deaf Eddie, newly deaf Steve, meet cute, modern fic, no upside down
Summary:  And holy shit this might be his chance because…Yeah.  Yep.
Steve is kissing him.  It’s warm and better than he imagined, and it’s really, really scary because Eddie has never liked someone so much in his entire life and God, if he wakes up and this is a dream he’s going to fucking lose it.
Note: You have all been so nice?  Im crying?  This fandom is so soft.  Posting one more Tumblr one-shot tonight.  This time with kissing.I gave you Deaf Steve so now have Deaf Eddie/deaf Steve (big D little d, not an innuendo)
Word Count: 2400
The train is quiet.  In a literal sort of way, everything is quiet for Eddie Munson who was born deaf and remained deaf despite all the praying and laying hands and shit that adults were always doing at his parents’ church when he was little.
That was before CPS got involved and Wayne stepped in and made things better.
But in a more metaphorical way, the train is quiet because—what most people don’t understand—the Deaf community is loud.  And he means that in every way it’s possible to mean that.  Everything is turned up to max volume so they can feel it.  When they get together it’s big gestures and faces all twisted up in expression and wagging tongues and stomping feet and…it’s a lot.
It ain’t your momma’s sweet little interpreter at Sunday Service kind of deaf.
He doesn’t regret the job working at the center, but he takes the train home instead of carpooling with the other guys because it’s going to get loud again when he meets up with the rest of Corroded Coffin for band practice.  They met at school when Eddie was finally allowed to leave the nonsense of mainstream education he couldn’t actually understand behind him.
Garret wanted to call the band something like Deaf Devils which Eddie flat out refused because he will not—under pain of death or torture—ever be obvious or predictable.
Also why he takes the train.
At least, why he used to.
Now he takes the train because he takes the train.  The Hair, Eddie’s been calling him.  It’s a sign name that Steve Harrington doesn’t actually know about since he doesn’t interact with Eddie.  Eddie doesn’t do intake or adult shit.  He mostly works with newly deafened teens, or teens that have come from hearing homes and are finally allowed to get more involved in the Deaf community.
They call it socializing but it ’s mostly a way for Eddie to be able to run the most badass DnD campaigns known to man and get paid for it.  It’s maybe the sweetest job he’s ever had and there’s no chance in hell he’s ever giving it up.
But he noticed Steve when he showed up—looking like a scared, lost little lamb the way they all do when their world has been flipped upside down.  And Eddie does feel sympathy for him.  Steve looks like the kind of guy Eddie hate. The kind of jock that liked to push Eddie into trash cans and lockers because—surprising absolutely no one—Deaf school had preppy jock assholes too.
So Eddie mostly avoids Steve and his polo shirts and his annoyingly glorious hair for a really long time.  And he definitely doesn’t get soft on the inside whenever he sees the look of frustration on Steve’s face when he comes out of the ASL level one class.
Eddie remembers it pretty well, but not well enough to relate.  He also never lost a sense so he’s not quite sure what Steve’s going through.  
But he’s not a monster.  He feels.
He feels too much sometimes.
He kind of wants to tell Steve that it gets not just a little better, but so fucking much better.  That it’s a big deal that Steve came to the center because most people his age just get some metal and magnets slapped inside their skulls and hope for the best and move on without realizing they don’t actually have to choose between one or the other.
They don’t have to lose one to gain.
Or something poetic like that.
He needs to write that down.  It sounds like it could be a pretty decent song lyric.
Anyway, Eddie used to take the two o’clock train, but now he pushed it to three because that’s when Steve shows up at the station with his head down and his hearing aids off and his fingers all twisting in his lap like he’s trying to quietly practice everything he learned that day.  Eddie notices the shaking, and he notices the dark bags under Steve’s eyes.
Steve doesn’t notice him though.  He’s not quite there yet.  At that place where sight replaces sound naturally, and he starts noticing everything around him without waiting to hear it.  
He can’t help but keep his eyes on Steve, even squashed between two dudes—one of whom is eating legit an actual to-go box full of fettuccini alfredo.
And of course that happens to be the moment Steve finally looks up and sees him.  After six weeks, Steve finally notices.
His lips twitch.  Eddie braces himself because he expects Steve to be maybe angry.  It’s obvious Steve recognizes him.
Then Steve raises a hand—a small and subtle thing.  ‘Hi.’
Eddie snorts.  ‘Hi.’
Steve goes on a face journey which Eddie reads like one of his favorite novels and in spite of himself, he smiles wider.
‘You think this guy would freak out of I took a bite of his food?’ Eddie chances.
There’s no way in hell Steve’s that far along in his lessons, but he watches as Steve’s lips curve around a couple of the words he knows.
‘Don’t understand.  Sorry,’ Steve finally signs, back—still subtle like he doesn’t want to be noticed.  Then he yawns, the kind that Eddie knows probably cracks his jaw.
He stands up without realizing it and moves across to sit beside his not-friend.  He sticks out his fist and they knock knuckles—a fairly safe greeting.
Steve sighs.  ‘Sorry,’ he signs again.
‘I know,’ Eddie tells him.  ‘Give it time.’
Steve must have learned that one from his teacher saying it over and over to his students.  It’s not your average ASL class.  It’s not hearing people trying to get a credit, or start a new job or something.  It’s all people in Steve’s shoes trying to learn how to communicate again without making their brain feel like it’s full of static electricity.
‘You’re tired,’ Eddie signs.
Steve nods, then remembers to respond with a fist.  ‘Yes’
Eddie laughs and shakes his head.  ‘What’s your stop?’  He signs it slowly and fingerspells some so Steve will understand.  Train-STATION, yours, which?
Steve licks his lips, then lifts a hand, pinky touching his thumb.  ‘Sixth AVE.’
Eddie nods decidedly, then shuffles so close their thighs touch.  Steve startles, but Eddie just reaches over and tugs Steve’s head until it falls against him.  ‘Sleep,’ he tells him.  They have nineteen stops to go—and that’s nine past Eddie’s.  But he’s done worse things than ride the train all evening.
Steve stiffens like he’s going to put up a fight for a second, and then his body relaxes.  He’s asleep before stop four.  He’s snoring so loud that Eddie can feel it rumbling against his side by stop seven.
By stop sixteen Eddie hates himself for what he has to do.
At stop eighteen he gently prods Steve who wakes up with a jolt and stares around like he doesn’t know where he is.  Their gazes lock, then his shoulders sag.
‘Thank you,’ he signs.  His fingers are nice.  Lovely, in fact, the way they tip from his chin.  Watching him blossom into the language will be a real treat.
If Eddie’s invited in.
Train naps become a thing.
Eddie meets him at the entrance to the station, and Steve tells him one or two facts about his day with his growing vocabulary—and he probably picks up some colorful commentary and slang—and some of Eddie’s home-grown home-signs which is alright by him.  Just…hopefully he doesn’t get yelled at in class for using them.
Because then Eddie will get yelled at later. Scott Clarke will definitely know where they came from.  But it’s kind of hard to care because Steve scrunches up his face when he’s processing something new.
And Eddie’s halfway in love and he’s not interested at all in pumping the brakes, even if Steve seems pretty goddamn straight and will only break Eddie’s heart in the end.
It’s twelve weeks now and Steve’s starting to look better.  A little more rested.
It’s a Tuesday the first time Steve doesn’t fall asleep, but he also doesn’t put space between them, either.  He stares at his hands for a while, then he looks up at Eddie.
‘I,’ he starts.  ‘Went deaf overnight.’
That…’sss a surprise.  That’s not super common to just randomly go deaf.  At least, not in someone as young as Steve who can’t be more than twenty-five.  Not that Eddie hasn’t seen stranger things, but still.
He can tell Steve’s not done with his story.
‘Dr told me I had three tumors and I would go deaf eventually,’ he signs it Deaf-future-later like he’s not sure which one is right and Eddie just lets him have it.  His brain’s interpreting it juuuust fine.  ‘I was sad, but okay.’
Eddie nods.  That-that.
Steve smiles and bites his lip before letting it go and it’s all spit-slick and shiny and Eddie wants to taste it so badly.  ‘I fell,’ he signs.
Eddie clarifies that he means he physically fell.
Steve touches the back of his head.  ‘Nineteen STITCHES.  CONCUSSION.’
Eddie winces.  He’s has his fair share of head injuries from mosh pits and other stupid shit, but those were injuries he all-but chose to have.  Steve looks devastated.
‘Dizzy,’ he signs.  ‘VERTIGO.’
Eddie shows him the sign for that and Steve copies it.
‘I couldn’t walk.  Tried everything.  Fail.’
Eddie winces again.  ‘Sorry.’
Steve shrugs.  ‘They removed tumors.  Hearing was gone.’
Eddie tries to think about what life might be like if he just woke up one day and lost a sense.  And okay it would be different since he was already Deaf but he still gets it.  As best as he can, anyway.
He sighs and turns, cupping Steve’s cheek.  Steve leans into the touch like he’s starved for it, and God knows Eddie is, so he’s not in a hurry to pull back.  He grazes his thumb under Steve’s eye.  ‘Sleeping better?’
Steve laughs.  Eddie has some—what the doctors call residual hearing which seems a little ridiculous since Eddie was born this way, but whatever.  It’s enough to hear—just barely—the rumble of Steve’s laugh over the faint noise of the train.  Mostly he feels it against his hand though.
‘Yeah.  Better,’ he repeats.
Eddie sighs, but before he can mourn the loss of their routine, Steve shuffles closer and lays his head down.  Eddie knows he doesn’t sleep, but this is good too.
For the first time in six months, Eddie doesn’t come to his ASL class.  And it’s not like Eddie’s waiting…
Which is a lie.  He’s definitely waiting.
The kids give him epic and endless shit for being distracted—to the point he gives up and lets Mike start his own campaign while he paces the room and feels all kind of itchy all over and he hates it.  He hates it so much.
The kids all go home eventually and Eddie gets on the train at three and he stares at the empty seat that Steve should be in and it feels like there’s a sudden canyon or maybe a dark hole that leads into some alternate dimension that stole these moments away from him.
His stop comes and he almost doesn’t get off until he remembers he doesn’t need to wait nine stops past, and nine stops back.  His knees are kind of shaky as he brushes past people and feels the silence kind of profoundly for the first time in maybe ever.
And then the world rearranges.
Steve’s there, leaning against the wall near the stairs with his arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face that’s both terrifying and really, really beautiful.  Eddie feels like he might choke on his own tongue as he stumbles to a halt.
Eddie stares at Steve’s hand thinking maybe he’s got the wrong sign.
Then he does it again.  ‘Nine.’
Eddie looks behind him, then at Steve again.
‘Your stop is before mine.’
Eddie flushes.  Hard.  So hard he gets a little dizzy.  ‘Yes.’
Steve swallows hard.  ‘Why?’
Eddie flops his arms and his whole body kind of moves with it, and he wants to pace and be loud with his body but they’re in public.  Like, hearing public.  Someone will definitely call the cops and tell them he’s on drugs, especially since he tends to vocalize a little loudly when he’s uncomfortable and it unsettles hearing people’s delicate little ears.
He takes a breath.  ‘You were tired.’
Steve blinks at him kind of incredulously.  ‘I was tired,’ he repeats.  His face doesn’t give Eddie any indication that it’s a question but…
Maybe it is?
‘You were tired,’ he repeats.
Steve pushes away from the wall.  Stalks a step closer.  Then suddenly his hand is on Eddie’s cheek bare and warm and soft, and he mirrors that gesture, swiping a thumb under Eddie’s eye.  ‘Where is your shoulder?’
‘My—’ Eddie starts.  Stops.  His hand hovers in the air.  His shoulder.  His own Eddie?  ‘I don’t need one.’
‘Bullshit,’ Steve shoots back at him.  It’s an older, more archaic sign he definitely got from Scott, but it hits the mark.
Eddie sighs and shrugs again.  ‘You were tired,’ he just repeats.  He needs Steve to get it.
And oh.  Maybe he does, because he’s pushing in closer again and his hand has fallen to the back of Eddie’s neck and there’s absolutely no signing space between them now.  Steve’s lips move like maybe he’s talking to himself—probably a habit he’ll never totally lose, but Eddie likes it.  He likes the way Steve’s lips dance and he wants to feel them.
And holy shit this might be his chance because…
Yeah.  Yep.
Steve is kissing him.  It’s warm and better than he imagined, and it’s really, really scary because Eddie has never liked someone so much in his entire life and God, if he wakes up and this is a dream he’s going to fucking lose it.
But when it ends, Steve is still warm, and still perfect, and still touching him.
‘Nine stops,’ Steve manages to sign.
Eddie laughs.  ‘Eighteen, if you count the ones on the way back.’
He feels Steve’s groan as he rolls his eyes, then he grins as Steve surges back in to kiss him.
Kiss him.
Kiss him.
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 4 months
peace - m. murdock
Tumblr media
a/n: hi guys! missed you. desperately wanted to write more hoh!reader, so i did it. this can be read on it's own, OR it can be read as a part two to my fic, 'the lakes', which you can read here! feedback always appreciated! <3 warnings: so much damn fluff, suggestive behaviors, like literally tooth rotting fluff! mentions of some abelism but nothing actually happens it's just sort of mentioned. matt hates buffalo chicken pizza, the cold hurts readers ears, also a lot of kissin' and tinnitus because of course there is. word count: 3.0k summary: tinnitus, buffalo chicken pizza, and objections. what more can you ask for from matt murdock? paring: matt murdock x hoh!reader now playing: peace - taylor swift "the devils in the details/but you got a friend in me/would be enough if i could never give you peace?"
There are things that no one teaches you about dating.  
There are things that no one teaches you about dating Matt Murdock, a blind man.
There are things that no one teaches you about dating Matt Murdock, a blind man, who has super senses and is also a vigilante.
There are things that no one teaches you about dating Matt Murdock, a blind man, who has super senses and is also a vigilante… while also being deaf.
As you lost your hearing, you knew dating would be difficult. That was never a secret. Your first girlfriend after you started wearing hearing aids once hid them from you as a punishment after an argument. Safe to say that relationship didn’t last long.
One time, you went on a date with a guy who asked in the middle of your dinner, ‘Could you please take off your headphones? It’s cool that they’re Bluetooth but it’s really rude.’ You did not make it to dessert.
Then there was the time that your ex-boyfriend thought you were talking about him in ASL to your mom in front of him. You broke up with him soon after.
And Matt has experienced his fair share of ableism in dating too—Women who thought they could get away with stealing from him because he was blind, or that thought that he just had to have a service dog, and he’d be so cute with one.
So, when you started dating each other, things were obviously different. You weren’t sure how, but the idea of dating another person with a disability never occurred to you. Maybe it was because of how often you found people playing oppression Olympics, a classic game of ‘who has it worse?’ a game you had no interest in playing.
And the struggles you and Matt have in your relationship are never ones represented in rom-coms or in romantic novels. Dating any blind man would have been hardly represented but Matt, with his charm and heightened senses, was completely uncharted waters. And yet, you dive in headfirst.
One of the most romantic things Matt does for you within the first six months of your relationship happens on a cold February day. Winter in New York isn’t over until at least March, so you walk home from work, arm in arm. You decide to stop in for Thai food but decide to stand outside in favor of in the crowded restaurant where Matt would be hearing too many things and you wouldn’t be hearing nearly enough.
But he notices, as he often does, how you squirm in discomfort, waiting for time to pass. Though you do not show it in your face, he hears it in the way you breath deeply to try and relax through whatever it is that’s bothering you. He notices the grip on his arm tightening, even just a bit.
“What’s wrong, bee?” You’re never getting over your fondness for the nickname. But you stay quiet for a second, because you know he can tell if you’re lying.
“My ears hurt.” You hate saying it, because you feel like it’s all you do—yap about your ears and how much they hurt. They hurt from talking on the phone and holding it up to your ear for so long. They hurt from being in loud environments like parties and bars. But dear god, do they hurt right now. And you know exactly why.
“Oh, is it too loud? We could move to a different spot,” he says softly but you shake your head.
“Uh.. No. It’s cold. The cold is bothering my ears.” You explain, and he just nods. But before he can respond, you continue, “They’re in pain when it’s cold and earmuffs don’t do anything except block out sound and I can’t hear anyways, negating the point of my hearing aids.” You’ve tried earmuffs time and time again. And usually, you’d just wear a beanie or something, but you forgot yours.
So, Matt thinks for a moment, before tucking his cane under his arm, before lifting his hands to come up to your face. The heel of his hand comes up to rest against your cheeks while the length of his fingers gently cup around your ears. He’s not pressing down, making it harder to hear, but your ears are immediately warmer. Matt’s hands—and well, everything, are naturally very warm and the leather gloves he has on makes it even more so.
Your face flushes, as you lean into his touch. What a man you have found yourself. You stay like this for a little while, until your food is ready. Your face turns and you plant a gentle kiss to the palm of his hand.
As you leave the restaurant after grabbing your food, you want to say one more thing. Just quickly.
“Thanks for helping, by the way.. I’m sorry I constantly complain about my ears.” You tell him, and he just gets this goofy grin on his face.
“At least you’re not blind. That would suck.” He links his arm with yours. You just laugh, leaning against him.
“Shut up,” and at this request, he scoffs.
“You love listening to me talk, it’s one of your favorite things ever!” he defends.
You just grin because your boyfriend can tell when you’re lying. And you know anything other than telling him that what he said was true would be the biggest lie you ever told.
It’s not all sunshine and rainbows with Matt, though.
Okay, maybe that’s sort of dramatic. Neither of you are particularly violent nor angry, but one time you get really heated.
Your time working with Nelson, Murdock & Page is wonderful, and because it’s just the four of you, often, you wind up getting lunch together. Someone runs out, grabs food, and you all sit in the conference room, talk and eat.
But today, you barely made it to lunch.
“Where do you guys wanna eat today?” Foggy asks, leaning against your doorway. He knows Matt can hear him from wherever, but you need him to be in the room to be able to decode what he’s saying. Karen leans against the desk in the main part of the office.
“Pizza?” You shrug, and Matt calls from his office,
“Sounds good!”
“Great. What do you guys want?” He asks.
“I’m really in the mood for buffalo chicken pizza, I dunno why.” You shrug. Matt’s footsteps echo through the office, before he’s in your doorway as well.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
You gaze at him, perplexed.
“Uh… I want buffalo chicken pizza?”
“Honey, You cannot be serious.”
“What is your problem, Matthew?” You laugh, but he looks disgusted.
“You are a New York native! How can you enjoy something as blasphemous as wanting buffalo chicken pizza?” He asks, and Foggy just laughs.
“Dude, no way. You can’t be discriminatory towards pizza.” Then, Karen speaks up.
“No, you can’t. Not technically. But I most definitely am. Buffalo chicken pizza ruins the point of pizza!”
Then, you go to defend yourself.
“The point of Pizza is to enjoy it! And I enjoy buffalo chicken pizza!”
“Well, you’re enjoying pizza wrong!”
“You can’t enjoy pizza incorrectly!”
At this point, Foggy is just giggling, “I can’t breathe,” He wheezes.
Now, you stand and leave your desk, going into the main part of the office.
“Where are you going?” Matt asks.
“I don’t need to be berated about my pizza preferences in my own office by my own boyfriend!”
“I have a valid excuse; I can taste all the ingredients of buffalo chicken pizza and it’s disgusting!”
“It’s not my fault you’re a freak with crazy senses!”
Matt gasps, “Bee, you wound me!”
“Do not use that nickname with me, Matthew!” You tell him, “That’s a low blow!”
“Why, just because I think your pizza choices are awful doesn’t mean I don’t still love you, Sweetheart! Your pizza preference is just inexcusable, and I think you need to accept that—”
“You know what?”
Your hands come up to your ears, quickly turning your hearing aids off and taking them off, putting it on a nearby desk.
Though you cannot hear, Foggy and Karen’s face tells you that they are dying of laughter, and Matt has this offended look on his face when he realizes he no longer hears the familiar buzzing of your hearing aids.
This is how you spend your day. You sit at your desk, hungry, as your boyfriend yaps by your doorway. You know he’s asking you to put your hearing aids in or telling you that your pizza request is dumb, you can just sort of make out what he’s saying by the movement of his lips.
But you do not budge, and by the time it’s time to go back to his apartment, you simply slip on your coat and wait for him to meet you by the door. He has given up trying to talk to you, for the most part. But the silent treatment is killing him. Even when you get to his apartment, he’s left speechless as you silently retreat into his bedroom, stealing some clothes and going to lay down.
Honestly, though? The worst part isn’t the silent treatment or ignoring him, but it’s the fact that he knows your ears ring even worse when you walk through the city without your hearing aids on. He knows you’re in pain. It’s killing him because you’re trying not to show it, but he can tell you’re clenching your jaw and burying your head beneath his pillow. You’re trying to rely on the softness of his sheets and the faint smell of him lingering between the sheets.
So, he devises a plan. And every minute he waits for the plan to be carried out is torture because he knows you’re too stubborn to forfeit your opinion on buffalo chicken pizza. When he is finally able to give you an apology you truly deserve, he grabs your hearing aids off the coffee table and crawls into bed behind you. You feel the bed dip but don’t say anything.
He plants a soft kiss to your hand, beginning to trail kisses up your arm and shoulder. He kisses your neck, and then jaw. You glance back over to him, seeing the hearing aids in his hand. You take them from him and put them on, before turning them on. He grins at the familiar humming they create at a frequency that will not bother you.
“Still mad at me, bee?” He asks, kissing your shoulder again. You shrug.
“Mad is a strong word, but yes.”
“Let me make it up to you?”
“Fine, but only because you’re cute.” He likes this answer. He takes your hand and pulls you off the bed, taking you to the kitchen. And you smell.. Pizza. There’s a box from your favorite place, and you step away from him to open the box. It’s a half plain pie and a half buffalo chicken pie. Because no matter how much he disagrees with you, he just wants you to talk to him and not be in so much pain for the sake of winning an argument.
You turn your head and place a soft kiss to his cheek. He tilts his head and places a soft kiss to your lips.
“Am I forgiven, bee?”
“I think so, Matty.” You hum.
He grins and kisses you again, thrilled to sense your more relaxed posture now.
Another challenge of your relationship comes from being lawyers. Mostly since you’re both ridiculously stubborn. You have a fun game you like to play out of it, though.
This one time you play, you’re laying with him on his couch, listening to music when you start yapping.
“I think I might style my hair a different way,” you tell him, but he just shrugs and plays with your hair.
“I think you look gorgeous either way.”
You furrow your brows for a second, and his face splits into a grin since he knows what’s coming.
“Objection,” you start, “You’re blind, you have no actual way of telling if I’m conventionally attractive.”
He considers this for a second.
“Overruled,” He determines, “Beauty is subjective, and in my opinion, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever known.” Your face flushes.
“Objection,” You start again, and he groans, knowing you won’t let it go, “You don’t need to flirt with me, I already want you.”
“Overruled,” He counters again, quicker this time, “I like flirting with you, and it keeps the spark alive. Plus, I like making you blush.”
You raise an eyebrow, and he knows what’s coming next.
“Objection,” You hum, “How could you possibly know I’m blushing?”
He simply moves his hands from your hair and rests them against your cheeks, before deciding.
There’s another time that you’re at Josie’s, and you want to talk to Karen about a surprise you’re planning for his birthday, but he’s sitting right there, so you start signing. And he knows you’re signing by the way your hands smack, and the air moves through your fingers.
“Objection,” He groans, “I can’t understand what you’re talking about!”
“Mm, Overruled,” You determine, “There are some things I’m allowed to keep from you, but you have super senses and can tell when I’m lying and can hear me from a long distance away. Signing is the only way to have things be confidential.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“Okay, objection—You aren’t supposed to keep secrets from your partner.”
“Overruled.” You tell him. “One, that’s something people say about wedded spouses, ask me to marry you, get a marriage certificate and show me a nice ring then we’ll talk,” He blushes at that, “Two, you have an unhealthy idea of relationships from past relationships. You’re in therapy for a reason.”
Matt nods.
“Okay, okay.” He sighs, “That’s fair.” You grin at this.
“See? Was it so hard to let me win, Counselor?”
He raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, it was, Counselor.” He tells you, but you just giggle, because you love being a lawyer and you love your boyfriend.
But this last time is your favorite.
You spent the night drinking at Marci and Foggy’s, but there was this tension between you and Matt, and you can hardly wait to get home. So at some point, you make a half assed excuse, mumbling something about how your hearing aid batteries are low, but whatever it was that you told them as an excuse, you don’t really care.
Because now you’re on your bed, Matt pressed against you as he kisses down your neck. His teeth graze against your skin, and you gasp when he bites down, leaving a large mark on your neck.
Then, Matt, horny and a little tipsy, goes,
“Objection, I thought I told you to be quiet.” He continues to kiss your neck, jumping from side to side, leaving marks here and there.
“Overruled, I’m deaf, I can’t tell how loud I’m being,” You hum, your fingers lacing into his hair. He hums and kisses your collarbone before he speaks again.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Matt—”
He shushes you softly before kissing you.
“Ssh… It’s listening time, sweetheart,” Okay, that was hot, “Objection,” He starts again, “You can be quiet for me, I know you can. I know you can follow orders, baby.” He then kisses your neck again.
“Overruled,” You start, tugging on his hair a bit. “You decided to play our game while knowing I’m at your mercy. It’s an abuse of power.”
“An abuse of—” he half scoffs, half chuckles. “You know what, Sweetheart?”
“What, Matty?”
“Objection. Be quiet or I’ll stop.”
Damn. An ultimatum. You knew that in situations like these, Matt’s willpower is stronger than yours.
“There we go, bee, was that so hard?”
The real best part of dating Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer with super senses while being deaf?
It starts on a warm sunny Sunday morning. You’re laying in bed, the sun peeking through its curtains. You’re laying on your stomach, face smooshed against pillows as he stretches out beside you. In another life, your dear boyfriend was a cat.
You don’t have your hearing aids in yet. It’s too early. Plus, you’re just enjoying the look of Matt basking in the warmth of the light. He’s gorgeous, your boy.
You lean forward and gently kiss the corner of his eyes, squeezed shut as he stretches. He stops when he feels your lips against his skin, smiling softly. He says good morning, but you can’t really hear him, so you just take his hand and press a kiss to his skin there too.
He returns the favor later, as you’re pouring your coffee. He presses a soft kiss to your ear, and you grin, resting your body against his He presses another kiss to your other ear. It’s something small, but it thrills you.
Matt is gentle with you in a way that you’re not used to. It’s not the sort of gentleness that comes with most people, where they’re afraid of breaking you because of your being deaf, but it’s a gentleness that comes despite it.
You enjoy bathing in his affection, especially because he is just so willing to give it to you and while it should be something you’re used to, you’re not. But you’re getting there. Matt makes sure of it.
The pair of you just seem to find the darkest cracks and crevices of the other, and you love those parts dearly.
You begin to kiss the corner of his eyes more often, and it quickly replaces his jaw as your favorite place to kiss. And your ears, despite how much pain and suffering they provide to you, Matt is a big fan of just kissing them.
So, when he leans forward and kisses your ears, you lean over to him and kiss the corners of his eyes. The way he squeezes his eyes shut at the affection is pretty adorable. It’s always awful when he must slip on those red glasses that hide those pretty eyes.
“Objection,” you groan.
He places a soft kiss to the top of your ear.
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crystaltoa · 1 month
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My take on the Turaga Nui, from Shauni's (@legend-as-old-as-time) WIP fic set in Rags' (@magicalgirlmascot ) KNPS AU. Snippets of the fic here and here.
In which the Turaga form a fusion in order to defeat the Rahi Nui, but their past experience with the Hordika venom results in the Turaga Nui taking on a somewhat ...unexpected form. After the battle, the Toa Mata catch up with them. Pictured here is Lewa having the appropriate reaction to finding out his six mentors have turned into some kind of weird dragon-chimera-kaiju thing.
Some design notes under the cut:
The Turaga Nui's form combines traits from the forms the Metru had as Toa Hordika, known in this universe as the Kini Nui werebeasts. So, this was my take on them individually here:
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(The Metru's human forms can be seen here) I hope it's fairly self explanatory which features come from which werebeast, but a few other fun design notes...
So, in KNPS, the Toa Kaita look a lot like the Steven Universe fusions, with extra eyes and limbs. The Turaga Nui follows a similar logic but on a more bestial body layout.
The top two arms are the most humanoid, as TN signs in ASL as well as speaking aloud whenever it is practical to do so (i.e. when there is not a Toa of Air attached to their neck). The next two pairs of limbs can function either as arms or forelegs, so the digits are more paw-like.
The wings are obviously based on a snowy owl and come from Nuju's werebeast form. Male snowy owls typically have lighter coloured plumage while females have prominent black bars on their feathers. Nuju in particular would probably have been almost completely white as a werebeast given he's an ice Toa and has white hair in human form. The Turaga Nui, however, is composed of five men and one woman, so I gave them a small amount of barring on the tips of one wing while the other is plain white. (The bars also help tie it back to the badger stripes on their face from a design standpoint)
The Kaita have metallic gold or silver skin, I suggested black and white patterns for TN's colour scheme to make them visibly nonhuman but also distinct from the Kaita.
Shauni felt that there should be more accents of each element's colours, however, so we decided on the "black" scales actually having an iridescent sheen to them.
I'd already been planning to give TN spots similar to that of a newt, but didn't realise until I started doing it that white spots on black combined with the iridescent colours gives the impression of a night sky/galaxy pattern.
I had previously suggested the name "Tien" to Shauni (Turaga Nui = T.N. Said aloud it phonetically sounds like "Tien"). Turns out Shauni had the exact same thought. Furthermore, it's a name in several cultures, various meanings include "heavenly being", "celestial" and "sky" (An etymologically related name is the Chinese "Tianlong", which means "Celestial Dragon")
So, accidentally coming up with a name that means "celestial" and then accidentally making them look like a living galaxy was a fun coincidence.
Also, apparently one of Rags' favourite DBZ characters was named Tien, so that was a plus for her!
The tail has owl feathers but is structurally more similar to the tail of an aquatic newt.
The eyes are based on the Turaga's animal forms but the colours come from their eye-glow. The three eyes visible in the image are Vakama's (green), Matau's (red), and Onewa's (blue)
As previous;y mentioned, photographs of jumping ferrets helped in drawing the dragon's limbs . I also ended up referencing hairless cats to get a handle on what the paws would look like with no fur.
I did do a version that shows the full body pose, which I quite liked, but felt that the cropped composition above was better to show the character details given tumblr's scrolling format
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maybeimamuppet · 2 months
Do you have any autistic/ADHD headcanons for Cady? (Love your fics by the way :333)
(thank you dear!)
usual disclaimer these are based on her musical self and are mostly from a list i made like three years ago anyway yeeha
-literally my first bullet point in her characterization list is just “autistic”
-she’s the kind of person who’s like “at 1:47 pm on Tuesday, May 7, 2022 you said this in these exact words” and also like “i have not eaten or peed in seven hours” at the same time (idk if may 7 2022 was a tuesday i just made smth up lol)
-she has the kälteen bars on her at all times bc she forgets meals so often but she also constantly reminds her friends to take their meds and stuff when they forget
-she’s not actually a savant in math, she just likes rules
-for much the same reason she’s also a polyglot
-she studies languages from books and the people she grew up exposed to and is at least bordering on fluent in seven languages
-she was mute until she was six
-because of this she knows asl
-she uses it whenever she has nonverbal times and teachers her friends basics and like how to fingerspell and stuff so they can use it too
-she can speak backwards because she got bored learning how to read and taught herself to do it both ways. she can flip any word or phrase around in her head
-she’s really good at impressions bc she copycats to learn most of how to socialize and stuff so she’s very quick to pick up intonations and vocal tone and stuff like that
-she’s very sensitive to noise and to touch
-she prefers broadway music (which damian loves) bc they use enough diction to override her auditory processing issues
-she doesn’t like to be touched softly because it’s too tickly and she also just hates being tickled
-but she loves to be snuggled by her loved ones and one of her love languages is touch
-she loves soft clothes (like janis and damian’s jackets) and will steal them if she gets the slightest opportunity
-she loves to stim with her hair which is why it’s so long. and also other people’s and especially janis’ because it’s different colors and very soft
-she also loves when other people play with her hair
-she hyperfixates HARD on the lion king, especially the musical, when janis and damian show it to her and blows all her money on merch and stuff lol
-she’s shockingly organized but her handwriting is terrible
-her friends get her chewy necklaces and stim toys for like every birthday and holiday so she has them all on a rotation to be fair
-she is blunt as all hell and honest to a fault
-she loves when janis paints and draws on her for that good good sensory input
-she goes barefoot whenever she can for also sensory input but she always wears socks inside
-she hates when people whisper and also when people fake crying
-she stims a lot by singing and humming and most of the time she doesn’t notice but (insert preferred partner here) doesn’t mention it bc they love it
-she adores disney movies and cartoons 
-she hates crowds of people
-she had daily meltdowns as a plastic bc the texture of the clothes was so overwhelming for her sensorily
-she drops shit all the goddamn time and is incredibly clumsy
-she hates eye contact
-she does not understand fashion rules at all but gretchen gives her a crash course and that helps
-she hates surprises for the most part and is v into her routine
-she will tell her africa stories to someone on the sidewalk if they’ll listen to her
-she loves being off the ground. carried around, table time, riding in shopping carts. favorites.
-she has really weird medical knowledge
-she actually prefers to write or sign than speak out loud but she speaks anyway bc it’s faster and everyone can understand that
-she doesn’t easily pick up on sarcasm or figures of speech unless it’s v obvious/intuitive but janis teaches her so she’s got it down within a year of their friendship
-she constantly forgets what things are named and invents new ones. and also is constantly stumbling over her words and inventing new curse words
-she hates english class the most bc there’s so many exceptions to all the rules
-idk if this is an adhd or autism thing lol but she talks in her sleep
-she also can and will sleep anywhere but sometimes she pretends she can’t so she gets cuddles
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astridellejo · 2 months
I discovered the thing that got me to actually start reading fanfic.
Because I can't use my voice anymore, I'm learning sign language. So sometimes I do searches on Tumblr for ASL. It was there that I saw some headcanons about deaf Steve Harrington, and it made perfect sense to me.
I mean, I'm already on board with Steddie and Ronance. (Side note, I think Nancy has partial hearing loss and permanent tinnitus in her left ear from that time the meat flayer attacked her in the hospital. But that's a different story.) There was something about deaf Steve that I felt gave him this industrial strength emotional vulnerability which would allow Eddie to step in and sweep him off his feet.
I was also drawn to the visual of Steve looking at Eddie's lips as he talked to try and understand what he was saying. I'm sure Steve was thinking "Eddie's got a really nice mouth." Then being confused by that thought. Then considering, "Robin likes girls. Do I like guys? Maybe? But I mean not just guys, because girls are hot too. But I've been striking out with them a lot recently. Is there a reason for that? Is this the reason for that?" Then realizing he was thinking all this stuff and he completely missed what Eddie said. (And Eddie definitely picked up on this.)
With the sounds of the world now muffled, Steve starts spending a lot more time in his own head contemplating how the events of the past few years have fundamentally altered his life. And while there are many people he can commiserate with, there's one person in particular he connected with the most. To his surprise, it was Eddie.
Anyway, I'm not trying to turn this into a fic of my own. Just jotting down some thoughts during my umpteenth viewing of Stranger Things and how I'm really jonesing for some overt queerness in the show someday.
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tangledinink · 8 months
Love love love your human au of the turtles!! I've had a burning question for a while though:
What do the boys assume about their relation to Splinter? I doubt they wouldn't notice the fairly obvious fact that there does need to be two biological parents for reproduction, and that they don't really look like their dad, despite having no memories before him to suggest adoption. There's no way they didn't know he was kidnapped and held captive for seven years because when you're a celebrity that sort of thing isn't hard to find. Combining these facts, I know what conclusions I would've come to. Granted, I'm not exactly the golden representation of your average child, but at the very least Donnie would've definitely wondered.
So... What's their conclusion about the situation??
Ah, thank you! And this is actually a topic I explain way more in the I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? fic! But basically, the boys, for a majority of their lives, believe that their dad is their biological father and that their biological mother, who they do not know the identity of, was abusive in some way (leading to both their father's disappearance from the public and to eventually taking sole custody of them and them moving to New York,) and/or abandoned them-- but they've never really discussed it. Here's an excerpt from the fic on the topic, conveniently from Donnie's perspective:
"Donnie frowned a bit, shrugging. He was loath to admit it, but Leo did have a point. Their Dad hated to talk about himself or his past outside of trivia about his acting career. Donnie had tried to ask him about their extended family once, and he totally shut down. He wouldn't even tell them what his parents' names were. And the four of them had always tried to respect that. I mean... they knew it was all really complicated. I mean, jesus, he had basically been kidnapped and presumed dead for, like, twelve years. That had to be traumatic, right?
Most of what Donnie knew, factually, about their move to New York, he had gotten from old magazine articles and talk show segments that he found online later in life. He knew what all the reports and stuff said, sure, about the abusive ex, (their mom, he thought dimly in the back of his mind, whose face he couldn't even remember,) the going into hiding, the forced isolation. But none of them had ever talked about it. He had been really little back then, so he couldn't really remember very much. His memories were more general feelings or ideas rather than actual events. He remembered playing pretend games with his brothers more than anything. He used to think that that was odd, because he had never been much of a 'pretend' kid growing up, but his therapist noted that it was common for small children to use fantasy or make-believe to 'escape' from bad situations or explain away trauma. So he supposed maybe that was it.
He remembered it being dark most of the time. And he remembered his feet being cold a lot. There was this sound that he heard in his head a lot when he thought of it, but he had no idea what it was. Shhhh shhhhh.
... But that was about it. He and his brothers, in turn, didn't really talk about it amongst each other either, or with other people. It just felt... weird. Or wrong, somehow, he supposed? Whatever."
(... And, just for fun, another small excerpt from a one-shot sidefic I did from April's mom's perspective, back when the boys were still itty bitty...)
"She had, at one point, tried to convince the boys that they could just call her “Carol,” but when she had pitched it to the group, April had gasped loudly in offense and said that that was too weird, and if anything, they should just call her ‘mom.’ And then Mikey had declared that they didn’t have a mom. And then Raph had argued that they did have a mom, she was just dead. And then Leo had refuted that they did have a mom, and she wasn’t dead, she just didn’t love any of them. And then Donnie had signed something in ASL, too quick for her to quite catch, and Leo had nodded and quickly corrected himself, clarifying that their mom was probably alive and also existed, but she didn’t love any of them and also wanted their father to die."
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anna1306 · 2 years
Do you think you can right a poly!lost boys x gn reader who's deaf? Not a lot of deaf representation and I would love to see a fic. Love your work <3
I know very little about that theme, I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, but I really hope you will enjoy this c:
Poly!Lost boys x Deaf Reader
Not gonna argue about that. That's something new for the boys.
They are used to loud and obnoxious people on the Boardwalk, who doesn't know what personal space is. Who goes out for fun, music and noise.
And there is you. Sitting in the middle of the noise without any care in the world, looking at people. You were in the centre of loud music, yet you didn't even wince when something screechy was screaming in your ears.
Paul tried to sneak up on you. But his scream at you from behind didn't work. He was getting anxious and impatient. Bending over, he looked right into your face, making you finally shiver and look at him strangely.
"Why the hell didn't you get scared?" He asked you angrily. You furrowed you brows and took... A notebook? He watched angrily, as you scribbled something in it. When you raised the page he felt dumb.
"I am deaf, can you talk slower?"
Now it all made sense. You were deaf, that's why you didn't wince from music and didn't hear his scream. Paul sighed, sitting near you. He tried to speak slower and face you so you could read his lips, but it was a challenge for him. He was too restless, too fast. So in the end...
"Tell them I am sorry that I tried to scare them, they can't read my lips." He literally dragged you to the boys. Marko laughed at you dumbfounded expression. David observed the situation from the side, while Dwayne was the quickest to understand the context.
He knew sign language a bit, so he signed "He is sorry." And pointed to Paul. You giggled, scribbling in your notebook.
"He could write it himself."
"He's dumb." Dwayne signed back, and you laughed. However hard Paul tried to pry out what he told you, Dwayne never did answer him.
They kinda adopted you to the group. Whenever they saw you at the Boardwalk, they were near you, helping you or showing you something. It was hard for them to communicate with someone who doesn't hear them, but they managed. Paul still couldn't speak slow enough for you to understand, so he always went to Dwayne. David just lied about his words.
And if we are being honest, it's easier for them with their secret. When you start hanging around them, you can't hear talks about blood, hunting and everything else. Well, if you don't look at them.
David probably the most easy-going with this. He loves quietness after living with the boys for so long. He doesn't care about your disability, it is unique for him. Even in his years he hasn't seen much of it. Plus, David can perfectly talk slowly. And while he doesn't know the sign language, in his book it's even better. You watch him so attentively and closely... Yes, he enjoys it a lot.
Dwayne is the easiest one in terms of communication. He can sign a bit, he speaks little, but slowly. And when he wants to speak to you, he always alerts you, so you could see his face. He is the one the boys are going to for the advice or for some lesson in ASL. He learned only some of it, but when he gets closer with you, he resumes his lessons. This way is even better for him. He doesn't like to talk around people and now he can just sign if he wants to without getting much attention or getting understood by others.
Paul is often frustrated. More with himself than with you, but still he is tensed up most of the times. He can't learn this ASL for the sake of his life and speaking slowly... No, he just can't do that. He has too much thoughts to talk in a calm manner. One time, when he got especially anxious about that, you just pushed yourself into him and pressed your face into his chest. You liked the vibrations of his voice in his chest, so in the end you finally found the way to calm him down. And he was eager to hug you. No matter if you hear him or not.
Marko is the only one who prefers to communicate with you in writing. He constantly drawing in your notebook, wasting your pens, pencils and paper. You collect all of his art at your house. He even crafted your notebook and upgrading it. He liked to scare you with jumping at you, but with time you learned how to guess it.
If anyone talks shit about you or giving you hard time. Even if it is slight disrespect, they are onto it. No one dares to do that. Even if you don't hear them, they do. And Paul is just tugging you to cafe, while the others "explain" grave mistake of your offenders.
They are wondering what you would be, when they turn you. Would you hear anything? Or just be very sensitive? Still they are very cautious about the truth and keep it hidden as long as they can, so they won't scare you away.
They are supportive, each in his own way. But they learn how to properly communicate with you. Because they are deeply in love with you and that means you are with them forever. Even if you don't hear that for now.
The Lost Boys Taglist: @minafromasgard @starmullet @iloveslasher @twistedharper @ichorixm @promptsforstuff @collieflower215 @henhouse-horrors @smenny @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth @lazuli-leenabride @panickinanakin1 @thatonedeadbride
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callsign-peach · 1 year
request(s): A fic where ur maverick’s daughter and roosters best friend and Jake tries to hit on you but fails? + Can I request something where Jake is dating someone deaf? I don’t see a lot of representation and I feel like there should be more! Thx!
warnings: i'm not deaf, so there will most likely be inaccuracies, but i did take asl in high school and have kept in contact w/ some Deaf classmates
a/n: sign language is in italics, written out in english rather than asl format ---- Bradley waited for Pete to finish with the newest class of Top Gun students, knee bouncing as he sat in one of the empty seats.
"What's got your panties in a bunch?"
Bradley rolled his eyes at his wingman, and Jake narrowed his eyes. "This the same reason why Maverick cancelled training for tomorrow?"
At the mention of his name, the Captain walked into the room, flight suit tied around his waist. "What did I do?"
"Rooster's gonna bounce a hole into the floor, all I asked is if it was the same reason you're letting the new guys off the hook tomorrow?"
Pete nodded, grabbing his eyes. "It is. Come on, kid. We're gonna be late."
Bradley waisted no time, hopping up and following his godfather out of the room.
Jake stared at the two retreating men. "See you tomorrow, I guess!"
Hours later, the go-to drinking hole near base was filing up as usual.
"What's on tap tonight, Penny my dear?" Jake asked, sauntering into The Hard Deck.
The older woman looked up from where she was drying glasses, soft smile on her face. "Same as usual, Jake."
The aviator thought for a moment, before ordering his usual. "Hey, do you know why Rooster was all anxious today? Could barely keep up with the drills."
"I do, yes."
"Oh no, not getting an answer out of me that easily. They'll tell you when they want you to know. Now," Penny nodded over to Javy near the dartboard, "I think you're needed over by the back."
Jake huffed, taking his pint and going over to his best friend. "Hey, you ready to lose?"
The two men played a couple rounds of darts before the rest of the Dagger squad arrived, the group starting their usual game of pool.
"There he is!" Mickey cheered, thankful Bradley had shown up. "Finally, someone who can rival Phoenix at pool."
Bradley snorted, taking the cue from his friend's hand. "How many games you lose, Fanboy?"
"Too many." The shorter aviator frowned, going to the bar to grab another round.
Jake was distracted, eyeing up the woman who had walked into the bar a few moments after his friend. "I'll be right back."
No one seemed to hear him, so he nodded his head and dipped from the group, going to introduce himself to the mystery woman.
"Can I get you a drink?" He asked.
No response, not even a pity smile.
Jake sighed, wracking his mind to figure out if he had seen this woman on base, with another aviator or sailor, anything to explain her lack of response.
"Okay, no drink, anything on the food menu you like?" Jake asked, presuming the woman wasn't into drinking.
Still no response, so he nodded to himself and made the walk of shame back to his friends, who had since noticed his disappearance.
"She give you the cold shoulder?" Rueben asked, laughing at his friend.
Bradley had a smirk on his lips as he brought his beer bottle to his lips. "Nice one, Bagman."
"Like you could do any better, Bradshaw." Jake shot back, finishing off his beer.
"I'm sure I could, but not with her."
"Why?" Mickey asked, always ready for gossip among the aviators.
Bradley was silent for a moment. "That's Mav's daughter, closest thing to a sister I have. So," Bradley set his bottle on the table. "I'd rather go through Coffin Corner again than ask her out."
"Maverick has a daughter? Since when?" Mickey voiced the question everyone but Bradley was thinking.
"Since her mom dumped her at Mav's place when she was three." Bradley's voice lacked emotion. "I'll never forget when he first showed up with her, thought my mom was going to lose her mind right then and there."
Not knowing how to change the topic subtly, Bob was the first one to speak up, asking if anyone wanted to rack the balls for a new game. --- Tying his flight suit around his waist, Jake started walking over to the hangar where he knew Pete would be, hoping to get advice on some improvements for his next module for the Ensigns.
He stopped when he saw the man standing in front of his own plane, hands moving rapidly.
"Oh." Jake mumbled softly, wishing he had been anywhere else, not about to break up what appeared to be an argument.
Pete turned his head when he heard Jake accidentally kick an abandoned wrench. "Hangman?"
"Could I talk to you for a second, Mav? If you have time, no rush." Jake spoke quickly, eyes dancing between the two, noticing the similarities of father and daughter.
"Yeah, yeah, just-" Pete signed something to his daughter, who huffed and stormed away, eyes catching Jake's for a brief moment.
"What's up?" Pete asked, wiping his hands on the rag in his pocket, some oil sticking to his knuckles.
"I was going over the plan that you said we could use for the new guys, and I noticed some stuff was different than what Admiral Kane wants them to know."
Pete stared at the young aviator. "Is there a reason why you came to me rather than just going to ask Kane?"
Not having a good reply, Jake opened his mouth before clamping it shut.
"That was my daughter." Pete explained, nodding to the open hangar doors.
"Yeah, Bradshaw mentioned it the other night. I didn't know you had a daughter."
"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Hangman." Pete spoke, voice clipped. "Just- for the plans, put in whatever Kane wants to add. That's what I do."
Jake nodded, thanking his superior. "Thanks, Mav." --- You watched as Bradley thanked the barista, taking the two cups from him and walking back over to the table you had claimed when you walked in.
"A coffee for you." Bradley said, setting one cup down on the table, taking a long sip from the other.
Who's the blonde guy you fly with? You asked, wasting no time with small talk. You had known the man across from you for almost your entire life, you knew he was always going to say he was doing fine.
Bradley coughed on the coffee, setting down his cup. Why?
I asked first. Who is he?
"No one you need to concern yourself with." Bradley spoke as he signed, a habit of his. "His callsign's Hangman. He's known for leaving his wingman."
The callsign was familiar to you, your dad having mentioned him after the uranium mission. He's the one who saved you and Dad. Why do you hate him?
"I don't hate him, but I don't particularly like him, either." Bradley took another swig from his drink. "Again, why do you want to know who he is?"
Shrugging, you brought the coffee to your lips. Curiosity.
Bradley knew you well enough to guess where the conversation was heading. "He's going to break your heart, he's not one to settle down."
Doesn't hurt to ask. Will he be at the bar?
"Yes, why?" Bradley asked, not liking where this conversation was going.
You're going to introduce me, I want to know the guy who saved the lives of the two most important people in my life.
"Fine, but not just to him. That'll be too weird. You can meet everyone." Bradley wagered, smiling when you relented to his ask. --- Bradley chewed on his lip as he waited for your Lyft to drop you off outside the bar.
Both he and Pete had offered to drive you over to the bar, but they both had to be on-base all day, and you had spent the day in San Diego, so a ride-share made the most sense.
“Hey, Rooster, why don’t you get a beer, she’ll text you when she’s here.” Pete joined his godson outside.
“I’m good.”
“Bradley.” Pete looked at the younger aviator. “She can handle herself, has been for a while now.”
Growing up, Bradley had been your guardian angel, so-to-speak. He was in the grade above you, and was a force to be feared when the kids at school made fun of you.
“She still like ciders?” Bradley asked, standing from where he was hunched, leaning on the railing.
“Oh yes, first thing she asked for after you dropped us off.”
Bradley laughed, going in to order two hard ciders.
You smiled at the driver as you got out of the car, making sure you had your phone and purse before closing the door.
You had texted Bradley that you were in front, but assuming he was with his friends, you didn’t wait for him to greet you.
Pulling the door open, you were met with the smell of stale alcohol and multiple colognes, creating a unique smell you hadn’t realized you missed.
Penny smiled from the bar, nodding her head over to the corner where you noticed Bradley’s distinct Hawaiian shirt.
Sending her a smile, you made your way over, moseying around a few khaki-clad men and women.
Bradley spun around when he felt a tap on his shoulder, face breaking out into a wide smile.
“Hey, you made it!” He greeted you, handing you the hard cider that he had gotten a few minutes ago.
Having noticed the newcomer, the dagger squad all paused their game of pool, wanting to meet you.
“Everyone, this is Mav’s daughter,” Bradley introduced you, before pointing to each member and signing as he spoke.
It’s nice to finally put faces to the names my dad has been praising for a while. You signed, Bradley interpreting for you.
“I thought Rooster was pulling our legs when he said Mav had a kid, honestly.” Mickey said, smiling at you.
Jake had been silent during the introductions, choosing to watch as you reacted to each callsign, eyebrow raising when Bob was mentioned.
He noticed the twinkle in your eye, and how you had a scar poking above your eyebrow. He noticed that you were wearing some cut-off shorts and a loose top, the go-to for the hot San Diego summers.
“-is Hangman, but you already knew that.”
Jake was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his name, smiling at you. “It’s nice to see you again. Hopefully all’s well with your dad?”
Bradley signed Jake’s words, and you snorted.
“He’s just an old man who doesn’t know his head from- no, I’m not going to interpret that. Oh my God.” Bradley groaned. “It was a mistake introducing you to everyone.”
You slapped his shoulder, though you had a smile on your face.
The dagger squad had accepted you with open arms, and Mickey wasted no time telling you the dirt on the rest of the squad, Bradley having even learned a thing or two.
Over the following days, Jake had learned more about you from his flights with Bradley. “Can I ask you something personal?”
“If I say no, are you going to ask me anyway?” Bradley asked, squinting as he looked over at his wingman as the two went over the post-flight checklist.
The answer stunned Bradley, who was honestly expecting the opposite. “Ask away.”
Jake paused, gnawing on his lip. “Is Y/N seeing anyone?”
Bradley looked up from where he was scribbling the time they finished flying. “Why?”
Shrugging, Jake toyed with the dog tags, a nervous habit he had developed during the uranium mission training. “Curiosity.”
Bradley chuckled at the answer, remembering when you had replied the same the other day when he asked why you wanted to know about Jake.
“No. She’s not seeing anyone.”
Jake smiled, wiping a speck of dirt off his helmet.
“I know it’s hard for you, but try not to do anything stupid. She’s been though enough, getting played doesn’t have to be on that list.”
Days later, you were sitting at the cafe you and Bradley often met at, though this time you were nose-deep in potential employers.
A sudden shift on the table made you jump, heart racing. Looking up, you let out a breath when you saw Jake.
“Sorry, sorry!” He said, fist moving in a circle around his chest.
Stunned, you pointed to him and rose an eyebrow. You sign?
Jake blanched, sitting in the seat across from you. “Clearly not enough.”
You laughed, pulling your phone out of your purse and opening the Notes app.
Do you know sign language? You signed sorry.
Jake looked at you as you passed the phone over, eyes falling to the screen.
“I don’t, not enough to hold a conversation.” Jake spoke, thankful Bradley had mentioned that you could get by reading lips, so long as the person didn’t speak too fast or too slow.
“But I’m learning. I’d really like to get to know you, and what better way than learning a new language?”
You smiled, grabbing your phone.
No one has ever done that before. Thank you, Jake. What do you know now?
Jake smiled, rambling off the various words and phrases he had memorized, smile growing as you nodded for encouragement and helped fix the positioning for certain words.
You’ll be a pro in no time, it took Dad weeks to learn this stuff!
Laughing, the two of you spent hours talking, getting to know each other, before you two were nicely kicked out of the cafe so they could close.
“It was nice getting to talk to you, can we do this again?” Jake asked, not wanting the night to end.
I’d love that. You signed, mouthing the words as you did.
The two of you set a night each week to meet up, and before anyone knew it, the two of you were inseparable, finishing each other’s sentences.
a/n: do i get the award for not knowing how to finish anything? Because I think I do!!
send requests
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
Hello TMBS fandom. This is a request for a little help with some of my fic writing from any extraordinary education fans.
So I write mostly for the show, but am at the point where I want to start writing and referencing “show versions” for some of the book characters, and the one I’m working on right now is Violet Hopefield. Sadly, I have not read extraordinary education, and was hoping to get some character details.
I do want to preface this by saying that my intention is to write the character in a way that follows the plot lines I’ve set up, so while I won’t be writing an exact copy of the character, I do want an idea of what she’s like. Think the differences between book and show Noland and Canonball or even book Curtain and show Curtain. Are they the same? No. But you see the book character they are based on in them, while acknowledging that this is a slightly different story and a different version of them, while still enjoying both the show and book versions of the characters.
Head canons or popular head canons are appreciated, but I'm mainly looking for what's canon so if something is "canon to you" based on how the character acts, I'll consider it, but please specify what's canon and what's not.
With that in mind, here's a rundown of what I know and what I'd like to know. I'll start with Violet, but I might include a few things for John too (and I'll have some questions about a few other book characters eventually, but I'll stick with them for now).
Violet Hopefield:
The biggest gripe I think people might have with the way I'd write her is her age. Apparently in the books, the ages are Nicholas (9), John (12), Violet (14). The fandom wikipedia stuff I found only said that Violet had an 8th grade education and didn't list her age, so in a book series about genius kids, I just imagined her being younger than John, around Nicholas' age. Obviously this was a mistake, and given that show Nicholas is 12, that bumps the ages at which he meets them to Nicholas (12), John (15), Violet (17). My question is, if I made her character younger, like...around Nicholas' age, would that completely destroy the character? I know this is a big ask, but please, it's for plot purposes, and you'll be grateful later. I just want to know if it's a situation where "yes the characters are technically different ages, but at the end of the day, they're all just friends hanging out and who the oldest is doesn't really matter" vs. "Violet is the older mature one of the group. This is one of, if not her main defining character trait and changing it completely changes the character." If it's option two, I might still make Violet younger, while being very careful to make her a younger but mature child, like what they did with show Constance where she's not a toddler anymore, but she makes up for it by being extremely violent and fighting falcons (or what they did with the twin's ages, and Number Two and Rhonda's ages, etc.)
I know Violet is deaf, and Nicholas learns sign language to talk to her, but she's extremely good at reading lips. Her disability would for sure be part of the fic, and I've already read tips on and thought about ways I can incorporate this (at the risk of finding false info on ASL signs, I plan on writing when signing occurs, but won't make an attempt to write out the exact hand motions unless I can verify that what I'm describing is factually correct). Her ability to read lips is interesting, and I'm not sure how it's done in the books or whether it's done accurately (It is estimated that only 30% to 40% of speech sounds can be lip-read even under the best conditions and extra information is usually required to understand what is being said. That's from google, but I've heard that stat a lot). I plan to stay true to the books in this regard, but will be highlighting the fact that this is unusual and extremely impressive on Violet's part. How will I be doing that? That's a spoiler so unfortunately, I can't share, but I do have that covered. If there are any descriptions of sign language or aspects of deaf culture included in the books that are also important to include in fic, please let me know (I am also aware that her mother is also deaf, more on her later).
I know she's an artist. Not sure what she likes to draw (people? nature?) or what style she uses (painting? sculpting? sketches?), but if there's info on that, I'll take it. I also know she had an interest in going to art school (the whole Nicholas thing isn't an issues anymore since he's adopted by the Glenn's), so I will have her doing art competitions and stuff like that.
And that's a summation of everything I know about her. Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance (though that's subject to change, the show certainly changed that a lot for some characters, but I'd like to know what I can use), any defining beliefs or principles she lives by or revolves her life around, the top adjectives you think describe her, character quirks (e.g., Kate's bucket), and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of her character.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "she would NOT say/do that OR she would not say/do that without very special circumstances. For example, book Curtain would never adopt a child. In the show, he does, and most of us are fine with that, because they explain and clearly show the differences between the show and book characters. In another example, they made show Benedict a more flawed or maybe a better word is relatable mentor. And most of us were fine with that too, again, because they showed us how he arrived at that point. However, if they made Mr. Benedict a mean or unpleasant person, that would totally rip apart his character, regardless of the justification you gave for it. Obviously, what falls into the "would never" and "under the right conditions" categories is subject to debate, so I'll use my best judgment, but would still appreciate a starter list to go off.
Finally, anything else you think is relevant about Violet or her relationships with other characters is appreciated.
John Cole:
I know John Cole is Violet's brother, and he is adopted. I understand this happens in the books and that Nicholas and John are in an orphanage together, but since this is a show version of the character, this will actually happen before Nicholas meets them, but John Cole is still adopted. What I don't know are the circumstances of his adoption. Did the Hopefield's adopt him because he was friends with Violet? Is that why they wanted to adopt Nicholas too? How did the Hopefield's meet him? Do we know anything about John's bio family and culture that differs from the Hopefield's?
I've seen a lot about John Cole and farms. And a post about he and his wife having a farm. Does he actually have a wife in canon? Do the Hopefield's have a farm? Or does John just have "farmer vibes"? Is getting a city job something John would do or did he declare himself to have a deep seated hatred of the big city?
I know John calls Nicholas "Nick" on at least one occasion. Is this what John normally calls him? Do the Hopefield's and Violet call Nicholas "Nick" too, or is this just a "John thing"?
Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance, any defining beliefs or principles John lives by or revolves his life around, the top adjectives you think describe him, character quirks, and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of John's character.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "he would NOT say/do that OR he would not say/do that without very special circumstances as discussed above.
Any of course, anything else you think is relevant about John Cole or his relationships with other characters is appreciated.
The Hopefields:
I know Mrs. Hopefield is also deaf. Can she read lips too? Is Mr. Hopefield also deaf?
What are the Hopefield's occupations? I read something about them being miners and poor, not sure if that's accurate.
Why are they interested in adopting? Have they always been interested in adopting? Why did they want to adopt John?
Are there any important aspects to the Hopefield's culture or family philosophy? For example, if the Hopefield's are, say, Jewish or immigrants, or some sort of culture is mentioned, I would like to know so I can represent that properly and not accidently write it out of the story.
Are there any other members of the Hopefield family besides the parents, Violet, and John? Any beloved pets?
Other details that are appreciated are physical appearance, any defining beliefs or principles they live by or revolve their lives around, the top adjectives you think describe them, character quirks, and if possible, some snippets of dialogue from the books that give a good impression of their characters.
I'd also like to know if there is anything that falls under the "they would NOT say/do that OR they would not say/do that without very special circumstances as discussed above.
Any of course, anything else you think is relevant about the Hopefields or their relationships with other characters is appreciated.
Thanks guys! Feel free to add to the post, DM, or drop by my ask box.
And yes, eventually with enough time, I might like to read extraordinary education someday, but I'd likely write this fic first, so I want to get some accurate info. Plot spoilers are fine, that won't deter me from reading it.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Oh, what’s this? Does my persona have something new in her hands?
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Ah yes, she has my followers. And how many do we have?
Over 50?!?!?!?! What the fu-
So yes I gained over 50 followers (now it’s over 60 since I woke up) which some might think that’s too little to celebrate. But if you put them all in one room I sure would panic from that so i say that is a big amount. Tbh I’m shocked because I only meant to drop some Rain fics since I wasn’t seeing enough and just dip. But we can all see that it has become more than that and now I write fics. I knew it would happen one of these days and it has. So as a little celebration I will show you some of my recent art because I did say I do that in my pinned post. Alright, let’s go!
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Phen my dear
The story behind this is that I made a post on Reddit and it got a bunch of upvotes which was a shock. I basically asked why he stands so weird and everyone yelled that he serves cunt. Someone drew it out for me as well which is where I even thought of the quote. So I quickly drew him up cause i couldn’t stop thinking about it and yeah. And if you saw this on Reddit that means you also found my Reddit account. Not so fun fact I had a dream where I wrote a fanfic about him and people were eating it up. I fear it may come true with the things I’ve seen.
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Are you a fox or a fairy
Let me admit I’m not the greatest artist. The corner picture was a trial run to see how I wanted her to look. Basically this was me making my Tumblr into a person (does that make sense). I don’t like the hair that much maybe a split would do better. I’m also not the best with backgrounds. But she is still cute, don’t have a true name for her tho.
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False God
I take a writing class and this was part of my short story. The teeth are supposed to look fucked up like that which someone said grossed them out when they critiqued it lol. I know the mouth is a bit wonky but what can ya do. What’s done is done. Also I got distracted while working on him that I forgot to go to my asl class 💀.
And yeah that’s about it. Not much but it’s because I’ve only gained motivation recently. Hope when summer hits I can do some more.
Once again thank you everyone for following, liking and reposting, even taking time to comment. This might go unnoticed since I am only known as of now for doing MK fanfics which is fine. I just thought I would share some stuff. Like I said I’m not the greatest artist (it’s not the program there is someone else on here who is a master in my eyes).
Just so y’all know I have about two and half weeks left of this semester. Maybe in the summer time I will be quicker with popping this out (I act like i haven’t been posting everyday). I do plan to slow down a little because I think it’s a lot for me. When I’m writing fanfics in my dreams that means I need to step away. I don’t want to burn myself out too early especially since part of my major is writing. Hopefully no one jumps me for wanting to slow down if I ever do. I’m a people pleaser I will literally walk on hot sand so y’all can wear my flip flops.
But yeah, I have nothing else to really say. I hope no one unfollows me because I posted art but that might be my anxiety trying to scare me into not posting this. Adiós!
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lenny-rambles · 2 months
About nothing in particular, a bit of Zolu in general, and some fics here and there
Holy smokes, I've had a week. In between exams, my cat getting lost, more exams and work I haven't got the time to actually ramble about anything, which is pretty sad (to me).
This doesn't mean to suggest I didn't read anything at all. Oh no, you'd be greatly mistaken to assume that's the case. I devoured a lot of fics this week, in an attempt to release stress because my house was also inhospitable for some days. So, I decided to read and re-read some fics, because that's how I deal with my problems (that is to say, I don't).
It's very interesting to see how their relationship's been depicted through the years! Like, one of my favorite tags for them is "Devotion" (because that's SO them), and the tag's got 60 works, barely. And it was first used in 2019, for a romance fic. That's barely any time at all in OP time! I don't know why though, maybe everyone knew it but struggled to put it into words (like them). As in, everyone would assume right out of the bat that that's their dynamic. Or maybe not! You can never know with fandoms, the fact that Agenda Piece exists still surprises me.
Also, I've grown the habit of reading through an author's works rather than just searching with tags. Like, if there's a fic I really liked I'll go into their profile and read more. And almost every time they have more! It's always a thrill when they have like old works, it comes to show how much they've improved, and how their characterization also evolves with them!
One of my favorite examples of this, that I discovered this week, is the series Fantastic Idiots And Where To Find Them.
Title: Fantastic Idiots and Where To Find Them (series)
Author: Mir4le
Relevant Tags: magic school AU, ASL brothers (my beloved), Law, Zoro, first person POV, on going, maybe there are ships maybe not
Now, disclaimer from me. No one here's endorsing the terf's work as in "go read her stories, they are good", because they aren't. And giving her money in anyway is terrible (in my humble opinion), she poses a lot of terrible ideas for both Trans and Feminism Activism. I hate the woman, and her story is not even that good. She holds A LOT of unethical and incorrect social theories (like eugenics, ew) in her books, AND REFUSES to reconsider or anything. She thrives in the attention she gets from that, I'm sure. Sadly, nostalgia is a bitch, and her books where probably the first I read entirely in english, and through piracy, so I still have some sort of appreciation for them, as terrible works of fiction as they are.
The good news is that the setting is so unbelievably generic that you could say "generic witch society" and that would do just fine, so that's what I'm doing. It's a generic witch society boarding school AU. Ah, the thing. The fic's written in first person POV (sighs), so if that's no your cup of tea you should stay away. The narration improves, the POV never stops being first person. I'm not exactly a fan of first person POV, but I was looking for fic with Law in them, so I picked it up.
Now, the first few chapters where... an experience. They were the author's first work, and you could tell. I don't mean anything mean with that, it's just Difficult to pin the POV for me, so I struggled a bit. Nevertheless, the prompt was interesting enough to keep me going, even if I kinda rushed through some stuff (sorry). It was also noticeable how much the author liked the characters, and the story, even early on, so that also kept me going. Rarely a story loved that much doesn't improve on quality, both because the strive to be better for the story and all the practice they get by putting it out in the first place. So congrats and thank you to the author for your work, it paid off.
Now, another thing about the fic, I'm not exactly what you'd describe a Law fan. I like his story, it was OP most angsty backstory for a while in my opinion (before Kuma, oh Kuma), so that just drew me in. Sadly, it didn't get me like I wanted to. Maybe it's because I binged the anime in an unholy amount of time (another day I'll talk about that) but by the time we got the why of Law, I just wanted Dressrosa to be done. So while I appreciate his character, the anime just made me want to get over with it. All of that to say that I usually avoid fics with Law, because I just don't like him that much. But I stayed. For the potential this had.
And my staying paid off!!!! It was awesome to see another take on ASL, and adding Law to the mix, not through Luffy, but Ace and Sabo was Not something I was expecting! It is also one of the key factors as to why the fic is so entertaining, you keep trying to imagine how the relationships in canon will translate to the setting. I got a lot of them wrong, it keeps you guessing, I love it. The way it shows Law involuntarily warming up to Ace and Sabo is so good. It feels a lot like something 11 y/o Law would write in his diary, it's cute.
Plot-wise it isn't that strong in the first installment (even the author said so), so you are really looking out for character interactions rather than worldbuilding. So it delivers on that, a bit chopped here and there, but by the time you get to the final chapters (there are like, 5) it's way more dynamic.
Ah, I've run out of juice, all right speedrun.
The whole thing, plot and narration improves a lot. Getting to a point in the most recent chapters where I can say that the author nailed down at least Zoro's and Ace's POV to the t, I can't say for Law though, not my area of expertise.
Surprising to no one, I like the Zoro POV chapters best, because we get Strawhat crew, and Luffy and Zoro, and I really like them.
I like the professors and classes they teach they teach. Who is which head of house and all that, nice, very in character.
Whitebeard's kids are a thing here, and I love it, they are fantastic.
Oh, Robin in particular has a lot going for her in the fic, you should also stay for her, if you are a fellow Robin fan.
The shenanigans are AU typical, that's not bad at all, I like how much emphasis they give to pranks and all.
CORAZON IS ALIVE AND WELL, more beautiful things.
Idk, I wish I could tell you more but I kinda read the whole thing for the experience and enjoyed it a lot. Even if it's unfinished.
Oh well, I guess that's it.
Also, "When All the Embers Die" also updated, as well as the other Zoro fic from the same author. And "Treasures for your Treasure (The Pearls Pale in Your Eyes)" ALSO updated, a Zoro update (thanks author) to say the least. I might say some things, I might not, probably I will, once I'm out of this hell hole called midterms.
Anyways, if you read this far thank you very much. Please read the fics mentioned above, even if it's for the experience, they are wonderful stories.
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enid-rhees · 9 months
hiiii i was wondering if you could write some cute gf headcanons for kelly x fem!reader :D luv ur fics sm !!
hi !! i could totally do this. i love kelly so bad . hope you enjoy !! 🫶🏻 tysm for requesting!
warnings: slight nsfw [MINORS DNI] (kelly is canonically in her 20s)
a/n: hope you all enjoy! i just added a few more characters to my TWD writing list! if you have any requests for them, read pinned for rules beforehand! 🫶🏻
Kelly Dating Fem!Reader Headcannons
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when i say i had a love at first sight moment with Kelly i mean it
i was ENTRANCED by this girl
but let’s get into it shall we
you were living at Hilltop when this new group was suddenly brought back
you wanted to keep your guard up and not give into these people so easily
but Kelly immediately caught your eye
there was something about her that just entranced you
both of you were very weary of each other simply because you were complete strangers to the other
but Kelly talked to you first
you learned from her that she was partly deaf, while her sister Connie was completely deaf
you immediately started to learn ASL for them if you didn’t already know it
you kinda did anything just to have the excuse to talk to Kelly
it took about 2 months for you two to get together
she kissed you first
her group was hesitant at first about her getting into a relationship with you
but you proved to them that you were good for Kelly
you even spent hours communicating with Connie and told her yourself how much you love Kelly and how you’ll do anything to keep her safe
Connie really likes you
you and Kelly are so cute :((
you’re never apart from each other
Kelly is very protective over you
especially during fights or on runs
she tends you pull you behind her when it gets intense
make out sessions with Kelly are . wow
she’ll pull you on her lap with your legs on either side of hers and you two can just make out in that position for hours
Kelly is 100% more dominant than you in bed
she likes taking control
will teasingly call you a pillow princess but it’s kinda true so
after your first time you two realized you couldn’t get enough of each other
cue you and Kelly sneaking away from the others during any possible moment just to have each other for a few minutes
kelly is stubborn but she knows to listen to you
you’ve snuck out of hilltop a few times to wander around the woods with each other
you don’t get a lot of alone time , so you try to make the best of when you finally are
she loves you so much and is not afraid to show it at all
you are her girlfriend and everyone needs to know that
deeply kisses you in front of others shamelessly
there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for you
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Pudding Punishment
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings / Tags: 4 x 14 Coda, 4 x 14 "Tongues Out", dom / sub vibes, bottom carlos reyes, teasing, bondage, bondage by rope, use of sex toys, orgasm control, hand jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, m x m smut, m x m sex, bottom carlos reyes
Summary: Carlos faces some fun consequences to stealing the pudding.
Author's Note: I started to write this before the episode even came on and I think that's funny. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! It took me a little longer to write because I was trying something new, which was a lot. Hope you enjoy it!
thank you to @meditating-honey-badger for being amazing and betaing this for me.
My other season 4 fics
“And you know what? It was delicious.”
Carlos’ words played on repeat in TK’s mind the entire fucking day after he left the firehouse shortly after Paul called him out for eating his pudding.
It wasn’t what he said, but the way he had said it
The way his voice pitched lower when he said “It was delicious,” like he was telling TK how good he looks spread out on their bed, did things to him. It wasn’t fair for Carlos to use that voice in public like it doesn’t fuck TK up five ways to Sunday when he uses it. TK knows that Carlos did it on purpose. He doesn’t have any proof but he knows he did.
It's the voice that made TK half hard after Carlos left - Nancy and Paul teasing him about it - and is the reason, well one of them, TK decided that Carlos needs to be taught a lesson. He can’t just steal pudding and use that voice without any kind of consequences.
Thankfully, TK gets home before that day because it gives him time to plan, not that he needs much time because he already knows what he’s going to do to Carlos when he gets home. But it’s still fun to think about it, and if TK takes the edge off and takes pictures to show Carlos later - that’s his business.
When Carlos finally walks into the loft later that evening, TK has planted himself by the kitchen counter. He’s leaning against it casually, wearing gray sweatpants and an open plaid shirt, his hair wet. After having fun earlier in the evening, he showered so that he would be nice and clean when Carlos got home.
“So, the pudding,” TK says as soon as Carlos slips off his shoes and tosses the keys into the dish.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @cowlos-reyes @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r3r @sanjuwriteswrites
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seductive-snail · 5 months
“when you’re dead already you’re free” PLEASE
hehehehheheeee, remember the jegulily au?
Anyways so it’s the 20s, James is a drag queen and him and Sirius do shows at a speakeasy, prohibition has gone into effect so alcohol is illegal, this romping lots of illegal activities to start up and all that.
James has always trusted Sirius and Sirius did James, and they always knew that they’d be safe with one another. Sirius was certain he was safe.
Until one day the life he thought he’d left behind comes calling back for him. Well it’s not so much a call as it is a mandatory summons, in which the option is comply or watch ur best friend disappear for ever.
Cuz in this household we stan James Potter getting held hostage.
James soon realizes a lot of stuff he honestly should’ve known, his heart is too pure, too trusting, and with the world he’s about to get sucked into, people like that do not last long.
It’s sex, its drugs, its crime, its et cetera. And its the roaring 20s so yk everyone’s gonna be looking sexy asl
So I haven’t written in a while so here’s the crumbs i can offer:
James chuckled, “well technically, Sirius is the star. Either way, I don’t do much, he’s the real one. He lives for the scene, that one.”
He didn’t miss the way Marlene rolled her eyes, as they stepped back inside. He watched her button up her shirt, trying to fix her face to look indifferent.
James knew Marlene had her reservations about Sirius. He’d first wondered if it was jealousy, Sirius and him had been close for a while, and they’d suddenly began to live together when Sirius claimed his home “no longer had a need for his presence.”
James could’ve asked about it, should’ve in Marlene’s book. But he cared about him, loved him to death. So when he turned up at their usual spot, shaking and rambling out of his mind, he didn’t ask questions. Only took him home and let him stay with him. It’d been like that ever since.
Marlene didn’t trust him.
I could ramble endlessly about this fic istg if i dont write it it might kill me
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