#like the level of trust it takes to commit yourself for LIFE to another person!! is a lot!! thats why the Church takes it so seriously
sanctity-in-sexuality · 10 months
I know prenups are not usually a thing in Catholic marriages but I was wondering if there are exceptions. In the case of needing a civil divorce while still acknowledging the marriage does still exist, I don’t want what is essentially the states prenup to determine the state of my finances. Additionally I have money designated for other family members that I don’t want anyone I marry to have access too (money for housing and healthcare when their legal guardians pass away). This is the one thing holding me back from marriage I saw my friend live her destroyed when her husband divorced her for a younger women and he ended up with a good chunk of the money she came into the marriage with. I don’t want that.
This is unfortunately beyond my realm of knowledge. I suspect that most prenups are not allowed because they would undermine the vows of marriage (the promise of your entire self to another person) by adding conditions, thereby rendering the marriage invalid. It's essentially saying, "I vow to become one with you until death...but if it doesn't work out, here's my conditions: ...."
There might be some exceptions, like if one or both spouses have children from a previous marriage and want to settle inheritance issues with a pre-nup to prevent future confusion. That would not violate vows since it isn't hedging against a future divorce.
If you have money that you would like to save for certain family members, a pre-nup might be considered acceptable for the same reasons as the above example. If not, you can enter it into a trust (essentially a third-party institution acts as legal guardian of the funds, paying out to the beneficiaries at the appointed age/date/etc).
At the end of the day, if you do not wholly trust your future spouse not to (maybe, someday, potentially) ruin you financially in twenty years, then you should not marry them.
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tarotwitchy · 2 years
{pick-a-card readings}
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Pile 1 → Pile 2
Pile 3 → Pile 4
🔞 Minors DNI with this post! 🔞
I am back with another PAC, sweethearts! And this time, we'll be doing an 18+ NSFW Channeled Message from your Future Spouse.
Also, I just want to thank every single person who followed, liked/reblogged, and interacted with this blog. I am so thankful for all of you. This shout-out goes out especially to those who purchased my paid readings. Your continued support and trust in my readings have really alleviated my lack of funds, and you guys have no idea how much difference it made in my life. Thank you so, so much to all of you! 💛
♥️ If you are interested in getting a personalized tarot reading, check out my Paid Reading Services!
Pile 1
Death • 9 of Cups • 4 of Cups • 5 of Wands • Ace of Cups • 7 of Pentacles
— "I want to kiss your luscious lips so badly, it's the only thing you'll think of for days."
— "I know you're very independent and content with yourself. But give me a chance, and let me in."
— "We'll be making love and fucking for hours, I'll be sure to make you soak the sheets with our mixed fluids."
— "I want to drink your cum from the source. So... please make sure you cum a lot for me."
— "If you'd let me, I'll put in the work and eat you out/suck you until you're shaking and breathless. You'll be seeing stars by the time I'm through with you. And by then, we're only just starting."
— "I'm sorry to admit... but making you mad and riled up turns me on so damn much. I love seeing you angry because it summons this animalistic side to you, and sex becomes mind-blowing with you."
— "I can't believe I found someone with the same kinks and fantasies that I have. I love exploring them with you. I'm ecstatic seeing your eyes roll behind your head when we do things that most people could only dream of doing."
— "Your body is a canvas of our lust. I love painting you with my cum, and I feel loved when you do the same to me."
— "Seeing you sprawled on the bed, naked, satiated, and panting with breathlessness makes me want to ravage you all over again until both of us pass out."
This person truly loves seeing you fucked out, as they say. The type of sex you'll be having with your Future Spouse is truly life-changing. You'll feel touched inside and out, no area of your body and soul left unturned. And so, if you're not ready for this kind of loving, you most likely not meet your Future Spouse just yet. There needs to be a certain level of mental, emotional, and most of all, physical preparation to deal with the sexual energies they'll demonstrate unto you.
Notable kinks they might have: Water sports (lots and lots of squirting and even golden showers), Cum play (they love seeing both of yours and theirs mixed together), Leaving marks where people can see the proof of your lovemaking (Hickeys, restraint marks, etc.), Marathon sex (or going for an extra round even though you're both exhausted), Lots and lots of Oral sex (even in between moments of penetration, they might go down again and again).
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Pile 2
Judgment • Page of Pentacles • The Hierophant • 6 of Wands • 9 of Swords • Temperance
— "You don't have to worry about a thing. I'll take care of you."
— "I'm not going to leave you, ever. You can relax your anxieties when you're with me."
— "I want to stay inside you for as long as you'd allow me to." (Male-presenting partner)
— "I want you to be merged with me, and feel the heat of you forever. I'm so hungry for your touch."
— "Please don't hide your body from me. You're very beautiful."
— "I'll go slow until you tell me otherwise. Tell me how fast and hard you want me to go."
— "I know I sound traditional... but I want to marry you first. I want this union to signify our lifelong commitment."
— "I won't waste a drop of cum, we'll surely get pregnant from this."
— "I want your scent to be ingrained in my mind, our lovemaking is the only thing in my mind wherever I am."
— "When I come home, I want to get a taste of you immediately. I've been so thirsty for you all day long."
Your Future Spouse is definitely a traditionalist. If you're someone who is quite freaky in bed, this pile may not be for you because this person is really keen on vanilla sex, lots of smooches, cuddling while having sex, and very emotionally intimate stuff. They're the type to shower your face with kisses mid-thrust, will probably want you to cross your ankles around their hips for maximum closeness. This is the type of spouse who loves to have cute pillow talk after lovemaking, while mapping your back with light finger caresses.
Notable kinks they might have: I don't see much "kinks" here, but they may have a thing with maintaining eye contact all throughout sex, probably also wants to muffle your moans with their mouth, and perhaps, wanting to "get to know your body" even if neither of you are really horny. It's like... they want to know which parts of your body turn you on, and so they'll probably going to be like, "hey, I want to explore your body. Let's take our clothes off, and let's check each other out." And yes, it will turn sexual very fast.
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Pile 3
Knight of Swords • 2 of Pentacles • 6 of Wands • King of Pentacles • 10 of Swords • Ace of Pentacles
— "You're safe with me. We can explore each other as much and as lewd as you'd like."
— "We can take turns eating and sucking each other off. There's no rush right now, baby."
— "I'll sit back, and I want you to have your way with me. Ride me to your heart's desire, my love."
— "You're tired? Lay down, and surrender your pleasure to me. Just hold on and don't take your eyes off of me. You got that?"
— "I absolutely love fondling your pussy/dick. Feeling your wetness/hardness reminds me that it's all mine."
— "We are not done until we pass out, and your pussy/cock can't cum no more. Get it?"
— "You look so beautiful in that lingerie, baby girl. I can't wait to get you out of it." (For women-presenting people)
— "Tell me I'm the best lover you've ever been with. I'll make sure you'll never think of another after I had my way with you."
— "Cum in my mouth, baby. That's it, give it all to me. I want all of it. You're so fucking delicious, I can't get enough."
— "Seeing you shaking while cumming makes me cum harder and faster. I want to take all of you."
Your Future Spouse is definitely a switch! I know not a lot of people wants to be with a switch but your FS really knows how to match your mood. If you want to be dominated, they can be a "pleasure dom." They know exactly how to take care of you. Your pleasure is theirs, no problem. But if you're in a mood to be the one who calls the shots, they're more than happy to acquiesce to your desire to have your way with them. They're also open-minded to novel ideas of spicing up the bedroom activities, so keep that in mind to have variation from time to time.
Notable kinks they might have: Mutual Oral Sex, FemDom, Pleasure Dom (on their part), Prolonged Orgasms, Blindfolding (they want you to trust them giving you pleasure, and being under their mercy), Rigging and being rigged, Unusual sex positions, and lots of cum drinking.
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Pile 4
The Fool • Queen of Wands • 5 of Cups • King of Pentacles • 4 of Cups • 7 of Wands
— "I know you want to sexually explore with me but please be patient with me. I've been hurt before, but I'm slowly opening up to you."
— "You're the only person I trust to be sexual with. I love you very much, I just want you to know that."
— "I love making out with you, the feeling of your hot tongue doing a sensual dance with mine makes me want to go all the way with you."
— "We won't do anything we're not ready for. I promise to be patient and gentle with you, as I hope you'd be with me as well."
— "I want to ride you slowly, feeling your hot and flushed body glide with mine as we share each other's pleasure."
— "Hold me tight, baby. I don't want to be parted from you right now. You feel so tight around me/you feel so big inside me."
— "I love burying my face on your neck. It's my safe space. Your smell is intoxicating, and I want to have you forever."
— "I love staying inside of you (male-presenting); I love when you stay inside of me after we both came at the same time (female-presenting)."
— "I'll kiss all of the spots you deem are ugly, for they're all beautiful to me because they're a part of you."
For some of you, either one of you or both of you are virgins. Perhaps, your Future Spouse is inexperienced because they haven't slept with a lot of people prior to meeting you. But that doesn't mean they don't know what to do; they just need practice, time, and more guidance. On the other hand, {TW!} they might have experienced sexual traumas in the past. And this is why they're afraid to completely open up immediately. Please be patient with them because they will be loyal to you nonetheless. So, give them time to get comfortable with the idea of sharing their body with you.
Notable kinks they might have: I don't really see any "kinks," but I know they put Safety and Comfort at the top of the list. They're also big on Aftercare, and would love to spoil you and be spoiled in return. Once they feel more confident exploring with you, I can see the use of Sex Toys that both of you can use on one another (such as vibrators, feathers, dildos, fuzzy handcuffs that can be easily removed, etc.)
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wordsofmra · 10 months
Do we have to spend time inside our mind to find the deviant that hides inside?
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Original picture @wordsofmra
I was well into adulthood before I realised I had a deviant hiding inside of me. I thought I knew who I was sexually, what my wants and desires were, but with hindsight, I had no idea. I was trying to live up to some false bravado, not wanting to trail behind my peers and not allowing myself the time to discover who I was on, what I'd call, a primal level.
Is that all it would have taken, spending some time getting to know the deviant that lays dormant inside me? Is it already there, just waiting? Or is it something that develops and can be moulded? 
And ultimately, does everybody have one and if they do, do they know their true deviant?
In my humble opinion, I feel everybody has one. An inner desire that is often never even realised and I think it’s something like the old Native American tale of the two wolves, it needs to be fed in order to grow. As I said before, I was well into adulthood before I truly knew myself, my inner self. When I was first sexually active, I was surrounded by older peers, and I felt the pressure to not be left behind. As they say, hindsight is 20/20 and it’s definitely clearer to see now, that was a mistake. Instead of spending time getting to know myself, I was rushing into fumbling my way through other people and this came at a cost, even much later in my life. But one of the biggest costs, one of the biggest sacrifices was at the expense of my deviant.
Perhaps I should take this time to explain what I mean by deviant. The dictionary definition states that deviant as a noun refers to ‘a deviant person or thing.’ “Killers, deviants, and those whose actions are beyond most comprehension.” As an adjective it describes ‘departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behaviour.’ “Deviant behaviour.” It’s the latter where my meaning of deviant derives but I don’t feel the standards are unusual or unacceptable. I don’t agree that the term deviant needs to come from a place of negativity, in fact, the complete opposite. If you can truly be yourself, your inner-most self, how can that be anything but positive?
I’m also fully aware that “deviant” can be used in a more criminal sense, and I am in no way condoning any criminal activities, sexual or not. When I say deviant, I’m referring to your inner most sexual wants, needs and deepest desires. What really drives you wild? What’s the underlining theme in your fantasies? What do you crave when you close your eyes? This is what I mean and for the most part, everybody’s deviant can be gratified without needing to commit any crimes.
I think another reason it’s usually used in a negative sense is because of the taboo that still surrounds sex and sexual themes. Even though it’s around almost every corner, on some bus-stop advert, or in the palm of your other hand and it’s getting more and more graphic, a lot of people still freak out when you mention something like a butt plug. In my experience, this is from more of a social reaction rather than a true reaction of what they really mean or dare to wonder. All it takes is for one brave person to confidently say “a butt plug doesn’t feel too bad” and a conversation can begin. Often with at least one other person in the group agreeing. But it’s the initial reaction toward the words of a deviant manner that I intend to change, allow people the opportunity to answer truthfully in the first instance, instead of saying what they think they should say. Everybody has a deviant but if you’re not even willing to talk about it, how are you ever going to find someone to explore it with…...and that is the best part.
As well as it being the best part, it’s also quite an important one as well. Trust and acceptance are usually the walls or cages that are put up to hide and protect our deviants so finding someone who accepts you for who you are and who you can truly trust is vital in most cases. In order to get to this point however, you first need to know what it is that’s hiding inside of you, and this is where I think the majority of people go wrong. Either by not allowing themselves the time to discover it or by assuming they already know. To those of you who are lucky enough to already know your true selves, through self-exploration or exploring with a trusted partner, I applaud you but also wonder if perhaps your deviant could grow more? 
As for where our deviants come from, that is a good question. For myself looking back, there was always an element of it in my sexual journey but predominantly when I was on my own instead of with a partner. I can’t recall any defining moment from which it manifested so for as long as I can remember, it’s always being there. I don’t think it was completely set in stone from the outset, I think it’s being able to grow and be moulded by external and internal sources. It can develop, evolve even, into something beyond what your false bravado could have ever even imagined. At least that’s in my experience! I can now say that I do know my true deviant but I’m not entirely sure it’s finished growing, especially when someone else’s deviant compliments it so perfectly, but that’s an article for another time.
I suppose to answer the question in the title; yes, we do need spend time inside our minds to truly find the deviant that hides inside, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be leaving you little bread crumbs along the way.
So, what does this mean for you? It means it’s ok to be you. It’s ok to talk about what really turns you on and if anyone thinks it’s unusual, maybe they’re the ones who are unacceptable…...or perhaps they’re just reacting in the way they think they should. Either way, don’t let that stop you exploring and growing.
Awaken and embrace your inner deviant and start gratifying the desires you both crave.
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iorekbyrinson · 1 year
lalo salamanca headcanons
He's a black-hearted asshole. It's an important core aspect of his character and it can't be ignored.
He has a dead sibling. My HC is a dead sister who got married and then her husband killed her. Death lives cheek by jowl in the Salamanca family. There's a reason for those empty spaces.
He wasn't born with severe antisocial tendencies, and a naturally extroverted personality made him more open to experiences than some of his more rigid relatives. The rot set in to the idealism early, maybe 7 or 8 years old. I actually see the twins grappling with suppressing their feelings more than Lalo - he's the perfect adaptable boy-Prince that adapts to suit the family, and never really took the time to build anything under that veneer. He takes information in purely to benefit himself or benefit his family. The emotionality and empathy has been stripped away. This is a DARK character.
One of the roles he's tried on that he's put a little more into is the benefactor role to the peasants that live on/or near his estate, in fact most of the underlings associated with the Salamanca holdings. It reinforces to Lalo a sense of benevolence, which at its core is still basically transactional. The people under him have no choice to do what they do. It's the performance of helping them out that makes Lalo feel good about himself.
He was absolutely going to murder Kim when Jimmy left. That whole speech about the people the assassins killed at his hacienda reeked of a tit-for-tat situation. He no longer trusted Jimmy at all so he had no further utility to him as a lawyer. He was going to kill Jimmy's wife as punishment for that, torture the truth out of Jimmy when he returned from the laundrette, and then kill him.
Lalo's blue shoes tie into what I mentioned about him having an attachment to being seen as perfect/a benefactor/on the "right" side of things. Blue = personal law in BCS. Lalo never does anything that doesn't benefit himself or his family, so he always sees himself as following the correct path. He feels 100% justified in his sabotage mission against Gus, and then in the atrocities he commits in attempting to come back and bring him up in front of Eladio. He would actually feel morally angry at the implication any of that wasn't right - you protect yourself and you protect your family. In his eyes, he's bringing a liar and a traitor to justice, a snake who is attempting to bring down their cartel from the inside. In that respect, Lalo has a parallel with the most unlikeliest of BCS characters - Chuck McGill.
The insomnia is the barest of brush strokes that imply Lalo's possible ambivalence about the life he was born into. Gilligould have notoriously not given the characters of colour much contextual depth at all outside of roles that serve the cartel story, and Lalo is no exception, but I still think it was the barest of indicators of another story being played out there. Like Howard Hamlin dissuaded early on from putting up his own shingle and making an identity for himself outside of what his father expected of him, Lalo, neck deep in the lifetime role of cartel Prince, may have felt the twingings of his own destiny being held away from him. TDalton's comments about Lalo believing he could die at any point has an interesting, nihilistic extension here - so why bother?
He's a Hufflepuff. His people, his group, and himself above all. Duty, discipline, and "fairness" - all Puff traits. His contempt for Slytherin Gus is for Gus's refusal to accept his position and bend the knee - he sees Gus's strident individualism as selfish, in comparison to his own lifelong commitment to his family and the cartel. On the positive side, he can do a surface level cohesion with groups, some performative actions of good on behalf of the group(s) he identifies with, and skilfully takes Nacho and sends him up to the boss. There's a reason old ladies seem to adore Lalo - he, in an entirely selfish sense, works within the group.
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dbgdbw · 2 years
탑에 갇힌 왕 (1)
Tower-Bound King (1)
It looked as though a typhoon had just swept through. 
There wasn’t a single person that had managed to escape unscathed. The same went for those with the flight Skills. Because the broadcasting equipment had been thoroughly secured beforehand, things had turned out well in the end, but the feed might’ve been cut otherwise.
“Ahjussi, you got a good look at the way I clearly won, right?”
Yerimie said, flying over to us once she was back on the ground.
“Yes, you were spectacular! You avoided using your Skill on purpose?”
The latter part, I asked in a lowered voice. Quickly picking up on the cue, Yerimie nodded her head. 
“If I’d used that, too, it would’ve been over too easily. It seemed like a waste, when I had both the seaside, and an S-rank Hunter as an opponent.”
Yerimie returned in a similarly lowered voice. Then again, there really wouldn’t be very many opportunities where she could practice her Skills as much as she wanted against another S-ranked Hunter. And on a perfectly tailored stage to go all-out, like this. There were oceanic environments inside Dungeons as well, but nowadays, the Dungeons… really didn’t seem stable enough for that. Since, if another error occurred, a high-rank monster might pop out right after your mana reached rock-bottom. 
“Master of Water-nim, congrats on your win!”
Moon Hyuna said teasingly, and Yerimie burst into giggles. She—as well as Sung Hyunjae, who had approached with her—were soaked through. Myungwoo and Noah were in a similar state. It was a good thing that the weather was on the hotter side, at least, since if it had been late fall or so, then colds… wouldn’t have affected anyone but me. Since everyone else was inordinately hardy.
Just then, from over there, Gakuto’s bellowing voice could be heard. When I turned my head to look, wondering what was happening, Gakuto was kneeling in front of mister Lion King. The Lion King was soaked too, huh. Maybe it’d been swept away by the water, because his beard was nowhere to be seen. 
“This Iwahata Gakuto, for the sin of having betrayed Shishio-nim’s trust! Will make amends with my life!” 
The fuck. Like anyone would be crazy enough to kill a precious S-rank Hunter over a matter as slight as this. They may have been foreigners, but the esteem of S-rank Hunters was indisputable. 
“Iwahata Gakuto.”
Mister Lion King spoke solemnly. It was like I was watching a play. 
“Winning or losing is of little consequence; such things can happen on the battlefield(1). Have I not proclaimed, that even if you were to lose your comrades and be forced to use a gate stone—so long as your life is preserved, the Dungeon can be attacked once more. For as long as you hold breath, an opportunity to redeem oneself from disgrace will be granted. As it is thus, commit the span of time you would grieve your defeat, to reproving and honing yourself instead.” 
“My thanks! Shishio-nim!”
Gakuto shouted, his head shoved nearly level with the ground. It’s, he wasn’t wrong, but it did make me prickle with goosebumps. Saying that being able to return alive was more important, mister Lion King definitely did seem like an improvement over the Japanese government, though. 
Seeing the Amaterasu guild members around me make deeply moved expressions, I wanted to quietly take my leave. Or was it that I should clap, or something.
“...let’s return quickly and wash up.”
Because it was seawater, it was a bit objectionable. In any case, it felt as though I’d spent at least half of every day submerged in water since I’d landed in Japan.
After returning to our lodgings and showering, I checked on the ambiance of the broadcasts airing in both countries. Korea still seemed to be in a celebratory mood. Along with re-run clips of the fight, they were showing the citizens’ reactions as well.
[ Yes! That, right there, is the scene! The Izu peninsula, being swept away with just one gesture from Hunter Bak Yerim! Now this is what you would call an appearance befitting of one who holds the title of ‘Master of Water’! ]
[ Woah-oh-hoh, no matter how many times I see it, only exclamations of awe come out! How extreme~ly cathartic! ]
‘It seems like Yerimie’ll be busy for a while.’
All sorts of requests would probably pile up. The PR team at Haeyeon were likely trying to put out the fires on their phone lines at the moment. It might be troublesome, but if you handled these sorts of situations well for a brief bit, they returned dividends on investments. 
On the other hand, the Japanese broadcasts were playing up a different angle following the defeat. Several times, they emphasized how the match being set near the sea had been too big of a disadvantage, and noted that the Black Forest Dungeon’s monsters were fairly low in value without a rearing Skill, which made for a non-significant loss.
[ That the first international S-rank Hunter match took place owing to Japan’s leadership, and opened on Japanese ground, is a meaningful outcome in itself. ] 
[ Yes, yes. I do opine that Amaterasu Guild’s influence and ability were clearly demonstrated, as a result. ]
Ah, of course. Please do enjoy at least this small moment, while it lasts. Since it’ll become a funeral hall once word of the stamina potion gets out. If only because I was curious about what kind of justification they’d have to use for their mental gymnastics, I’d have to catch the Japanese broadcasts. 
“Hunter Han Yoohyun-nim, Director Han-nim.”
While we were in the living room, eating tea cakes and watching TV with Peace squeezed alongside us, an Amaterasu guild member came calling. 
“Shishio-nim would like to speak with you, regarding the care of the Black Bull Forest Dungeon.”
Since it was still being considered a Dungeon that was none too big of a loss, it didn’t seem like he’d be trying to renege on things now, so was it because of the Items. The loss of the Thunderbird’s Attire would be several times more regrettable than the Dungeon’s. When I made to enter my room to change my clothes, the guild member informed me that it would be fine to show up casually.
With Yoohyunie, we set off after the Amaterasu guild member. The location we were escorted to was a building attached to one side, like an in-law suite. Sitting on the spacious drawing room sofa was Shishio, and another man I’d never seen before.
“I am Sato Kiyoshi.” 
He introduced himself as the Amaterasu Guild Leader’s advisor. He looked very young, to be acting in the capacity of a counselor. Only about his early forties, or so? Though the ones who worked in Hunter guilds tended to be on the younger side, since it was better to have someone who was well informed on Dungeon-related matters, with additional raid experience if you could help it. 
“First, I will congratulate you on Hunter Bak Yerim’s victory. It was a clean loss on our part. Hunter Bak Yerim’s ability is most outstanding indeed.”
Shishio said, spreading his hands.
“The Dungeon, I will hand off without regrets as well. The issue lies with the Thunderbird’s Attire.”
“The original intent was to announce it was given as a gift to Haeyeon in a conciliatory gesture, following the transfer of the slime Dungeon after Hunter Iwahata Gakuto’s win.”
Kiyoshi said. They would’ve collected the slime Dungeon while making a show over it, and perhaps would’ve used it as leverage to try and pressure us about the matters related to the horned flame lion Dungeon. Since we gifted you a piece of SS-rank gear, despite winning the slime Dungeon in a fair-and-square match, surely you should fork over at least a horned flame lion baby as a goodwill gesture, was probably how they would’ve come out. 
But we’d won. And since we’d already received the Attire, with the illicit agreement having drawn its conclusion, we could simply wash our hands of everything. But then, it’d become a bit bothersome to openly make use of the Attire. Since many people were already aware that the Thunderbird’s Attire had been in the Amaterasu Guild’s possession, if they were to start coming out with something like what’s your relationship with Japan, that would become troublesome. 
‘In the end, having the Amaterasu Guild clearly announce that it was gifted to us would be the better option.’
Having to fork over the Dungeon, as well as a piece of SS-rank gear. This would really make him seem like a pushover, but.
“Since things have turned out this way, why not simply present it as a commemorative gift? Amaterasu is the top guild of Japan, you claimed. You would be announcing to the world just how much you can afford, how deep your pockets can go. It may have been labeled a Korea versus Japan matchup, but as the first officially broadcasted S-rank Hunter match, the world over will be watching to see how things turn out. Then, the day the Haeyeon Guild Leader sets foot back in Korea, he’ll appear with the Thunderbird’s Attire draped across his shoulders and reveal that the Amaterasu Guild Leader had gone to the extent of gifting an SS-rank piece of equipment. Not even S-rank, but SS-rank, just like that, an incredible generosity that knows no bounds!”
He was an incredible pushover.
Shishio made a contemplative expression. That’s right, you re-ally enjoy putting on a production, don’t you. 
“To think that he would be this generous, it’s naturally befitting of the Lion King! Would not the boldness of presenting an additional gift, despite having lost the Dungeon in battle, indeed be a gesture reminiscent of ones made by heroes of ancient times. Rather than becoming grieved at having to give one thing away, you instead graciously offer yet another—that kind of magnanimous, benevolent heart would be something the populace could truly revere.”
I’d just tossed out anything that might stick, but the Lion King was smiling in a pleased fashion. It was nice that he was so simple. 
“Of course, I possess a great deal of generosity and wealth both. This meeting certainly wasn’t called just because we feel regretful about having to give up a piece of SS-rank equipment!”
“But of course. I assumed that would be the case.”
“But to hand over an SS-rank piece of equipment, without any sort of recompense……”
That Kiyoshi guy tactlessly interjected. He might’ve just been doing his job, but both myself and Shishio wore faces that indicated he’d ruined the mood. Even so, Kiyoshi determinedly forged ahead.
“At the very least, that is to say, even if as an unofficial exchange, a remuneration of some kind should be in order… wouldn’t you say.”
You have it rough too, huh. Well, since if we came on too strong here, even the theatrics-loving mister Lion King might start to feel adverse to it.
“Ah, well, receiving too many things for free would leave us feeling somewhat troubled. Haeyeon’s Guild Leader-nim.”
I turned to Yoohyunie, who was sitting beside me, and spoke.
“How would you feel about extending an offer for priority in the first choice of a new baby horned flame lion, in repayment for the favor that the Amaterasu Guild Leader has shown us.”
“Priori, ty?” 
Looking to me, Yoohyunie awkwardly stumbled through the formal language(3). It was fine if you lowered your speech, though.
“Yes. To be precise, the right to be the first to negotiate. There are an immeasurable number of guilds in the world who would covet a young S-rank magical beast, and the battle over it is sure to be fierce. In fact, as Amaterasu’s Guild Leader does not possess a fire-type Skill, without sufficient rationale, the likelihood that he will be pushed out of the runnings is fairly high. Therefore, the offer of priority would not be found lacking as recompense.”
When I asked him how he felt about it, still looking stiff, Yoohyunie nodded his head.
“It should be, as Director Han-nim’s said.”
Though it’d be fine for you to just speak informally, like that Lion King guy. At any rate, with Haeyeon’s Guild Leader-nim in agreement, I turned to face forward again. 
“As a bonus, even from us at the rearing facility, I will provide priority in caregiving as well. You’ve certainly heard of the way all the foreign guilds have lined up out the door by now, correct? Since Amaterasu Guild is lavishing us with so much, well, it makes me want to help out in this and that sort of way as well, I suppose. The capriciousness of a human heart, really.”
See, we’re being very considerate towards you. Of course, we’d make sure to collect everything we were due, and it basically amounted to putting on a charade. When a baby horned flame lion would appear—if one would even appear—was uncertain to begin with. 
Despite all that, Shishio wore an extremely satisfied expression. Beside him, apparently quicker on the uptake with better noonchi(3), Kiyoshi had a deeply shadowed face. 
“Then it’s decided! It will be thus! In fact, we’ll make the announcement straight away!”
That was even better.
“We were hoping to enter the Black Ox’s Forest Dungeon right away tomorrow for inspection, would that be possible?”
Shishio easily agreed to order the arrangements be made. However, he cautioned that a proper raid might not be possible, as not long had passed since it’d finished being reset. 
If you went in too quickly after a Dungeon reset, occasionally a boss monster would fail to appear, rendering the raid impossible. An exit Gate would appear once all the regular monsters were eliminated, but the raid instance would fail to complete. Therefore, in order to avoid expending unnecessary manpower, Dungeons that were A-rank or so would be given a grace period of a week after reset before another raid would be conducted.
After sorting out the mundane details, we reemerged outside. Returning to the guest room, I spoke to Yoohyunie in a lowered voice. 
“After we get back from the Dungeon, you can do as you want. Since he said he’d announce the Attire’s status as a gift immediately, there’s nothing to be worried about.”
“Even then, we’d still be fighting right after we’ve received the gift—will it be alright?”
“We just need to do a good job of baiting mister Lion King into biting. He’s not exactly the type to shy away. And we can always hold it privately. This place has a lot of islands, right? We can just use a deserted island that seems abandoned enough. Instead of being given priority to negotiate for a baby horned flame lion, frame it as certainty in the choice, for the bait. Yeah, let’s say that we felt too badly about just accepting the Attire, and suggest a light bout between the two of you with that as the reward, in recompense.”
Answering, Yoohyunie smiled. He seemed to be looking forward to it already, from his expression. What would we be able to get this time. Was there an S-rank weapon. Or something like an S-rank overcoat that would fit Yerimie.
“Be careful, going and coming back.”
Myungwoo said, holding both Chirpie and Velare. It had been decided that, apart from Myungwoo, the rest of our company would be going into the A-rank Dungeon, the Black Ox’s Forest, together. At first, we’d been planning to leave at least one or two people with Myungwoo at the hotel; but Myungwoo had turned it down, saying that it would actually become a hindrance to have others with him in case of an emergency. 
Something about it being unlikely that he would come to harm, and that being alone put him more at ease, since he could escape to the Forge at any time. Since dividing our team in two meant that the Japanese S-rank Hunters would outnumber us, moving together really was the better option.
“Be careful of Velare’s poison. Then, I’ll be leaving them in your care.”
“There are antidotes included among the poison-resistance equipment, so don’t worry.” 
Saying that, since poison was weak to fire, he could call on Ismoire for help in a pinch, Myungwoo lifted his arm to show Velare wrapped around his wrist. Chirpie let out a cheep, and lifted one of its wings as well.
The Black Ox’s Forest Dungeon was about a three hours’ distance away from Tokyo by helicopter. Escorted by an Amaterasu guild member, we entered the Dungeon building. 
“Please be careful while we’re separated in the forest halfway. You for sure, Yoohyunie, and Sung Hyunjae-ssi, you cannot use your Skill as well. Since everything might burn up with one slip.”
“Got it.”
“I shall bear that in mind.”
The Dungeon raid itself didn’t look like it would take long. How many S-rank Hunters did we even have. Even a fly probably couldn’t have approached my vicinity, but I still set Eunhae to about A-rank level before stepping inside the Gate. 
Along with a thick, earthy scent, a forest spread out in front of my eyes. Just when, as though telling me to ride, Peace had sized up and nosed his way to my side.
The space distorted. Before I could even react, my surroundings shifted as though everything around me was melting away, and my vision went dark. 
‘What is this!’
Taken aback and without knowing what to do, I fumbled around the area around me for a moment, before my sight cleared up again. What came into view wasn’t a dense forest, but a vast, empty, room-like space. 
There, everyone except for me, including Peace, were sprawled unconscious on the floor. For a moment, my heart dropped. The fear resistance message popped up in front of my eyes.
I half-ran, half-stumbled over and all but fell next to my dongsaeng. Thankfully, he was still breathing. His heart was still beating. 
“Yoohyun-ah, are you alright? Try to wake up!”
It didn’t seem like anything was wrong with his body, in particular. He just seemed like he was sleeping, but he didn’t show any signs of waking. After thoroughly checking over his condition another time, I checked on the other people as well. Yerimie, Noah, Moon Hyuna, and Peace—they all seemed like they’d just fallen asleep. Their coloring was unchanged, and they were breathing well enough too. 
And Sung Hyunjae, too. 
“...how unfamiliar.”
Seeing him stretched out in sleep felt awkward. He was actually unconscious, right?
“Look here, Seseung’s Guild Leader-nim.”
I furtively tapped the side of his face, but he didn’t so much as twitch. He really was irritatingly good looking. Even when I pinched his cheek and pulled on it, he didn’t move at all.
“Oi, Hyunjae-ssi, Hyunjae hyung, Hyunjae-yah, Hyunjae bastard.” 
It really did look like he was out cold. Now, what should I do. Should I at least try using a potion, or should I just wait for them to wake up. While I was contemplating. 
A youthful, unfamiliar voice rang out.
(1) 병가지상사(兵家之常事)
(2) 이즈 반도(伊豆半島)
(3) v much a situation where yh is trying his best to be on good behavior in front of hyung, so he’s reading the 눈치 of the situation/yj’s state (emotional+body language) to take cues on what he *thinks* he should be doing. 
“우선권을, 요?”
유현이가 내 눈치를 살피며 어설프게 경어를 썼다. 
in this context, ‘내 눈치를 살피며’ means that yh is carefully choosing his words while watching how yj reacts to see if he’s chosen ‘correctly,’ (and awkwardly attempting to use honorifics simultaneously (‘-며 어설프게 경어를 썼다’), which is why the ‘-yo’ is hastily tacked on at the end). yh is also being v passive in this scene, letting yj take the lead in negotiations, though ostensibly the negotiation is over haeyeon’s resources.
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(4)  경어 敬語 → honorifics, bc yh is switching from intimate informal language to polite formal while replying, in deference to the ‘lead’ he thought yj was taking when yj addressed yh ‘formally’ as haeyeon’s guild leader. considering yh’s been speaking informally the whole time he’s been in japan until now, def stands out as something he’s doing intentionally, for brownie points. that’s why yj notes that ‘[yh] doesn’t have to do that,’ bc yh does have the social status to continue to talk informally with yj in this ‘casual enough’ setting (like shishio is doing), even if yj is speaking ‘up’ to him in public (but prob equally bc he believes yh shouldn’t have to talk to him formally, period). otherwise, typically yj → yh (해라체), yh → yj (해체), which is what they immediately swap back to once outside the room
+ch title is ‘탑에 갇힌 왕’ →  ‘[The] King Locked(Trapped) In [A] Tower’; i actually needed it to be ‘five words(syllables)’ for reasons that will be revealed soon, but ultimately it’s meant to be read as a moniker, hence the decision to ultimately use ‘tower-bound king.’ just know that’s the reason when the ‘five words’ part comes up, since it is meant to correspond w the ch titles for the arc
room dialogue: 
yj → shishio, polite formal; → yh, polite formal; → kiyoshi, polite informal
yh → yj, polite formal
kiyoshi → polite formal
shishio → 하게체 (neutral, medium formality; way of speaking used only among older generation, though his sentence structures differ from shj’s due to differences in speaking pattern), 해라체 (informal casual)
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Aang: Hey guys. Zuko and I are gonna need Appa for a while. If anyone wants to come with us, by all means hop on.
Katara: Why? What’s going on.
Aang: Vaatu has Azula. We’re going to get her back.
Katara: You two are still trying to save her? Still trying to fix her? Even after everything she’s done?
Aang: First of all, I don’t like the term ‘fixing,’ she’s a person, not a wind-up toy. Secondly, what are we supposed to do? Just let her suffer and die?
Katara: (shrugs)
Aang: You don’t have to come along, ya know. We all know how much you don’t like her.
Katara: And why do you think that is? She took over Ba sing se, it was her idea to sentence the entire earth kingdom to suffer the same fate as the air nomads, she shot you and Zuko, she tried to shoot me, she attacked Suki, and held a bunch of kids hostage. She’s dangerous and insane. She had plenty of chances to change and rejected them.
Zuko: I won’t let her commit any more war crimes, but I won’t turn my back on her either. I owe her too much.
Katara: I get that she’s your sister, she helped save your life and overturned your banishment, Zuko, but she tried to kill you and corrupt you afterwards and has become viciously psychotic. (To Aang) Don’t you get it? She almost killed you! Another fire nation monster almost took someone else I care about the most away from me! I swore to myself I wasn’t gonna let that happen! Not again!
Aang: This isn’t like with your mom or with your dad, Katara.
Katara scoffed.
Aang: Your mom dying, Vaatu killing your dad, none of that was your fault. Don’t ever tell me that I don’t understand!
Katara: I’m sorry I dismissed your tragedy before. I just don’t get how you can be so easily forgiving. I once told you that I will never forgive Yon Rha, regardless, if Hama killed him or not. As for Vaatu, he’s proven to be the worst of the worst, I, personally, wanna do a lot more than just kill him. I want him to suffer as badly as possible, for everything that he’s done. And he’s going to. But I thought what I said about the southern raiders would teach you something.
Aang: Teach me what?
Katara: That some people don’t deserve to be forgiven. You don’t owe people who hurt you any forgiveness.
Aang: Look, I’m sorry I was demanding and forceful about forgiveness before. I realize that I wanted you to forgive for my sake rather than for your own. But forgiveness is not about deserve, it doesn’t make you weak, it doesn’t make you a doormat. You can still set up boundaries, you can still be concerned for your own safety. Yes, it is hard, but trust me, it’s worth it. Once the threat level of your enemies is neutralized than that’s the moment where it’s recommended to forgive them, not for them but for yourself, if you don’t then they take power over you. Forgive them for your OWN sake.
Katara: You think rescuing her will reduce her threat level and it’ll persuade her to be on our side? Even when she’s good enough of a liar to fool even Toph? You found out that the air nomad philosophy was flawed and sometimes hypocritical. You’ve broken your no kill rule many times and you’ve never even noticed but learned to be ok with it. I bet that means you understand that some people deserve to die.
Aang: Are you saying I should kill her when I get the chance? I don’t need to kill her. I’ve said before, ever since I reopened all my chakras, Azula and I have become more connected than ever. I can see past her lies better than Toph can. Yes, I’ve broken the oath, as did the other monks in a desperate attempt to survive, even when that meant going against their own lessons. It all still haunts me, but it shows that things aren’t as clear cut as I used to believe, and a certain amount of inner darkness is needed for internal balance. My culture’s a part of me but it doesn’t define me, and as the avatar, I’m required to embrace all ideologies, even some completely opposite of my own, I don’t need to trade one for the other.
Zuko: Can we hurry this along? Azula still needs us.
Aang: Clocks ticking guys, anyone who wants to come needs to head on Appa now.
Sokka: We’ll likely run into Vaatu again. You’re gonna need all the help you can get.
Sokka, Suki, Toph, Mai, Ty Lee, Aang and Zuko hopped on Appa. Zuko saw Katara standing there.
Zuko: Katara, please.
Katara clutched his fists, sighed and climbed aboard.
Aang: Yip-Yip.
Appa than launched off.
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story-told · 2 years
Okay, I watched Unforgotten Night on @lutawolf and @iffervescent 's recommendations. Congratulations, ladies. You've reasserted your sadomasochist credentials 😒😖 (still love you with all my heart 💓💓💓)
The show is based on a terrible god awful D/s dynamic premise, with Kamol as the high octane mafioso-Dom (which he failed to portray, with astonishing yet depressing consistency) and Kim as our weepy uwu sub (heaven help this poor boy, he has the emotional intelligence of a bath sponge and the self preservation of a kitty on catnip)
I'm not going to go over the plot and my review of it, partly because there is none. But mostly because it's already been covered by the lovely Luta and iffy in their posts here and here. However, since the plot is BDSM-centric, I thought it appropriate to cover certain red flag practices as portrayed in the show.
No prior scene discussions: Do anything to me ??
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To anyone new to the community who might be reading- always, always discuss the acts you're going to engage in and the details of the scene itself beforehand. Sort out your triggers, set your limits, declare your preferences and most importantly set a safeword/safe action (even if your partner is half-heartedly tickling you with a nine tails). If you're uncomfortable, stop it right there. It doesn't matter if you're a Dom or sub.
The lack of aftercare: Listen up, my fellow Doms on here. You do not skip aftercare. I don't care how tired you are or how unsatisfactory the experience was- you fucking look after your partner once the scene is over. They're bound to be emotionally fragile and sometimes even physically shaky after such an intense experience. Make sure you and your partner are hydrated, your sugar levels are stable and you're both (or all, if there are multiple partners involved) in close contact as you discuss the scene and debrief one another.
Personal safety check: Okay listen, when you're entering a D/s arrangement- whether long-term or temporary; you make sure your partner is a safe person and will ensure your scene is safe, sane and consensual. Ask around, or if you can't, then take the time to get to know them outside of a D/s setting- the right sort of person will be happy to do that with you. And for your first time, make sure at least 3 of your most trusted loved ones know where you are and whom you're with. And I cannot stress this enough but DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GO HOME WITH AN UNKNOWN PERSON Dom or sub for a wild night of BDSM. You're going to be extremely vulnerable and you need to protect yourself.
Emotional vulnerability and cool down time: Ok, so you've just had a break-up and you feel like you need some *spice* in your life. You think to yourself, why not try out a kinky one-night stand? And sure, go ahead. I'd be the last person to judge you. But ask yourself, have you recovered enough emotionally to put yourself through such an intense experience? One that requires you to be so open and vulnerable? Give yourself time to heal and come back to equilibrium before you engage in Kink. Especially if you want to try out Domming/subbing- that way everyone is safe and has a good time.
Education: A panic-fuelled post fuck Google sesh does not informed consent make. Read up and research the community and what goes into a D/s dynamic. Study the acts and compare your preferences and limits accordingly. It doesn't matter if you're serious about committing to it or not. If you're thinking about it, you will research thoroughly. That's the rule.
Lastly, make sure that your foray into Kink is coming from a place of confidence and curiosity, and that it's not a result of pressure or desperation/emotional volatility.
Love you guys! Remember to be smart and practice safety, sanity and ENTHUSIASTIC consent-driven BDSM.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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April 🌻 2023 Monthly - Scorpio
Whole of your energy: Queen of Cups
You have many bitches Scorpio 😆 Joke, joke…but really, three Queens are here, you’re the King, at least traditionally idc about actual genders, and there is a 3 and secrets connected to your Lovers, there are definitely multiple people in your life. I don’t know if they know about each other. And I don’t see any commitment or 3 Swords, so you could just be playing the field and aren’t sure who to commit to, if any of them. Queen of Cups is the whole of your energy, one of these people, and they come up as your divine match. Or another water sign. Queen of Wands is here too as someone you may not talk to much or completely trust, one of you may not be completely honest with the other one (probably about options), but you find that person very attractive. They could stalk you, or you stalk them. They may also be directly connected to this Queen of Cups too, I don’t know your situation, but it feels like you’re navigating a minefield. For some, this is a lgbt read and the King exists solely to describe “your soulmate”, with you being Queen of Cups, and them being moot 🙃 Unknown. Out there existing somewhere.
What’s going on in April:
Knight of Swords:
You’re being very clear about holding back from anything too serious. You could have abandonment issues, or you could have to leave another situation. Some of you are waiting to save up some money or pay off debts on your own before even considering taking a relationship to any level other than casual. If you’ve just left one, you want a break before getting into another. I don’t get a sense of you playing people, they’re just around. They like you. Or you like them, and some of them may not even know, you know your story.
9 Wands:
It’s very difficult to create something new right now, you’re not feeling the “magic” 🌈, you’re feeling 9 Wands 💥. PAIN. Being cautious. Feeling wounded. Building up a whole wall around your heart to protect it due to the last time you let someone into it. Spending a lot of time alone to question your life, your past, your future, everything that went wrong, every mistake you ever made. You know, that’s when all the bitches come knocking… No I will not stop. I can see you’re deeply wounded, but people want to scoop you up like “you’re mine”, at least let it go to your head a little. You can be cautious and you’re also desirable, feel good about that. You have options, and if you weren’t a stand up person demanding your alone time, you could play all sorts of Lovers games and mind games, ghosting & one night stands. But you’re not doing any of that, you’re nailing boards across your window to keep people out. Reggie shows this being for the best, you intuitively know what you’re doing is right.
8 Cups:
This is leaving behind 8 Cups with the inner knowing there’s more out there for you, 9 Cups, which clarifies this card. You’re getting real with yourself, what it it that you don’t have, maybe have *never* had, that you deeply desire and maybe always have. You want a completely fresh start with a brand new person that ticks your 9th box, whatever that is for you, your wish fulfillment. That’s when you tell yourself you’ll take the leap and try again. So these people here don’t fulfill you or what you want long term, fair enough.
Ace of Cups:
This is a brand new beginning in love, and it follows a very difficult and possibly shocking ending. Which is why you need this Hermit time to get your emotions in order. There are many questions, many sleepless nights, many weighing of decisions and reevaluations of life choices. In your meditation was Moana, who I LOVE 🥰 but I digress, it was the part where she finds the ships and bangs the drum…all mysterious like. Like that scene, you’re learning more about yourself. It may have taken pain to do that, and I hate to say you’ll be much better for it, but that seems to be where Spirit is going with this. Necessary lessons lead you necessary directions. You need dreamy manifestation time, alone, to learn yourself and build your dreams, or dream person, relationship, life.
The High Priestess:
This is you being completely silent and secretive, maybe about several options you have, not because you’re sneaky in intention exactly, but because none of them have lasting potential and they’re moot to you. But you’re nice, so you keep quiet and wait for your true soulmate to appear. If there are three options, then the one that dominates the reading is the one most on your mind, and that could be because you intuitively know they ARE the one for you. But two others gotta go. By the end of the month, you’re still waiting, either for a specific person that you know exists, or just hope they do. Royal Purple Brick shows something isn’t as scary as it looks, if they do exist and you’re being all stalkery like, silent and intense. Like Scorpios do. If you’re scared, start with “hi”. 9999 could mean something for you here, or you could see a lot of 9’s during important moments in your life, on license plates, clocks, receipts, or at whatever you do during the day. Big hugs for you Scorpio 🤗
As I was cleaning up the reading, three additional color cards fell out. Pink from Pinkton, Wolf of White Light & Geranium. You are more than you think you are, get in touch with your guides and your intuition, you’re heading for something brand new. A bigger & more authentic pot, for you to grow to new heights in. It is a positive message ❤️
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Taurus, Virgo, Aries & all water signs
Oracles: ✨
80. Go Deeper
- Expressing the deeper meanings in life, while staying attuned to childlike wonder, is at the heart of all great art.
50. Sacred Space
- Use beautiful art, music, and creativity of all kinds to put you into a sacred space.
16. Dream
- Connect to your intuitive dream world of metaphors and symbols.
12 Truth 🦅
The eagle proudly surveys its domain from such a high perch that all pertaining to this situation are revealed. The shadows hide nothing from your keen vision. Once you can remove yourself from the muck that lower vibrations keep you in, you can attain a viewpoint that enables you to see the truth of the matter. This card advises you to search for the truth of the situation, regardless of the emotions it brings up. Are you or someone connected to you unconsciously suppressing the truth? Hiding from the truth can only intensify the lesson later on.
We enter into April as:
Reggie Rust 🚫
“This path is obstructed. Re-route.”
Reggie Rust shows up because you need to reconsider your present situation. He prevented danger to the boys, and in doing so made their uncle wealthy. So remember that he is there to help you. Reggie only blocks the path, not the goal. You are at an impasse. If Reggie Rust has appeared, do not wait any longer for your situation to change. Whatever you force will reach a dead end. Things will not turn out the way you think they should. Attempting to push forward will prove futile. The wall is solid, and your will may be the only thing preventing you from surrendering. Reggie protects us from our “will”, which is not always the best for us. This is an impasse. However, there is no need to despair. Reggie serves an important purpose for us. He reminds us that our path is guided, and while we may wish to forge the road ahead on a particular route, it may be laden with poisonous flowers. Reggie serves to protect us. Be grateful he is here, for you are being protected.
What is to be learned in April:
Royal Purple Brick 🧱
“She resists what she clings to.”
The fear of stepping out, of being abused, has grown so great that you no longer need a wall of fear to prevent you from living - a simple brick will do. Which of course symbolizes that what frightens you is much smaller than you imagine. What we resist, we cannot heal. Royal Purple Brick appears when we are resisting something, and may indicate a loss of faith. This is a sign of fear holding you back in some way and preventing you from moving forward. If you are experiencing pain, holding on tighter will only worsen the situation. Fear may also indicate you’re trying to save yourself from a path that will not serve you! Are you following your true passion? Is it divinely guided?
This can also indicate presently using your energy in a self-defeating way. Use your courage to let go of control and allow Spirit to come in and heal you. The promise of Royal Purple Brick is freedom after surrender. In letting go you may feel some discomfort, but you’ll also allow healing in. The fear of something is always greater than the actual event. This time period will be a life changing experience for you. Accept mystery. Release the brick and be free.
Purple may be a lucky color 💜
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purple-hole · 4 months
03/02/2024 || Bourg la Reine
This is a letter for my future self, ideally 30 years young me :
Hey love ! How are you doing ? Let me tell you a bit about me, i know it might hurt you, but it's important to hear me so you accept it.
I am doing quite well. The rhythm of my life has been hectic so far. And i feel like i am running all the time. That's why today i decided to say stop and look after myself and yours.
On a personal level, a lot of positive changes have been made. I am aware of my traumas and my weaknesses, and I'm working on it. I have been seeing a therapist for more than a year and a half now, we have talked about emotions, how to express them, and how important it is to say no to other, create a clear limit whenever i feel it and say my opinion with no fear. We talked about fear, getting angry, and having non-violent communication. We did "thérapie des schémas" and it helped me understand some of my behaviours and try to accept it. On the other hand, i started doing theatre with my baby every Thursday. I learned a lot during these 2 months, especially to build strong self-esteem and to express my thoughts and emotions without fear. I look at it as another type of therapy. I am really proud of myself to where i am now. I hope that you're still looking after your mental health and that you're still challenging it for a better version.
On a relationship level, I have been committed to our relationship since May 2023. I went to Tunisia and met his lovely family in July 2024. They were very welcoming and warming. I built a different type of successful relationship with each member of his family. He came to Lebanon with me in December 2023. I was happy to see my two worlds combining and trying to merge into one. We moved in together last weekend, last weekend of January 2023. And here we are working on our future together and making our own family full of love and peace. I hope that you'll always find this secure feeling in this relationship and that you're giving him your best. He is an amazing person, never forget that whatever happens.
On a professional level, I have been working in UMS for 2 years and 4 months now. I learned a lot about the company, my work, and the life of an employee. This experience made me have a clear and sincere opinion about this kind of job. It's a NO. I feel like it's sucking my whole energy, it's killing me slowly. It's like i have no more control over my life, not even my goals. It's a prison without me noticing it. But the good news is that i am aware of it more than ever. Here, we are working on breaking it with my partner. We're trying to build our own project together, taking a lot of risks and enjoying the process. I hope that you have already reached that point and that you're looking after new special goals free from society and more dependent on nature.
On a health level, i have reached my weight goal, which is 57kg. Actually, it's not that important to me. However, i am doing more yoga for all kinds of situations. Sometimes, i go for a run. I do swimming once per week. And i'm looking for a climbing partner to start again.
Enough talking about myself. That was my short story as of today. I would like to remind you to always enjoy life, especially details in your daily tasks. Problems are always here. Try not to look at them as problems, but as lessons. Dont stop learning. I hope that by the you have already accepted to be loved and that you're giving your love to the fullest. I hope that you're free from all fears. I hope that you are a better version of me. I am proud of me, i am proud of you wherever you are, whoever you are. Accept me so you can love yourself even more. I trust you. Keep taking care of your self, your mental and physical health, and your lovely partner.
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femdomliterature · 7 months
FemLit 0146 - BDSM: The Warning
FemLit 0146 - BDSM: The Warning
When I first started researching BDSM and D/s, every single source I ran across came with a laundry list of warnings attached. There are blurbs on consent, safety, differentiating healthy relationships from abusive ones, gaslighting, identifying faux-Dominants/submissives, how to meet people, how to vet them, aftercare, safewords, health risks. There was one warning, however, that was never really mentioned that I think is probably one to lead with. I think it came in dabs or dashes – and I see it come up every once in a while…
But let me just officially state the biggest warning that was never explicitly stated:
D/s is mounds of painful, gut-wrenching, vulnerable, hurt-like-hell work. And the best part? It never stops being painful, gut-wrenching, vulnerable, hurt-like-hell work (if you’re doing it right).  
This doesn’t mean it won’t simultaneously be the most purposeful, wonderful, beautiful, soul-fulfilling, worthwhile work ever done.
It will require a level of commitment, openness, vulnerability, and willingness that feels impossible until you’re standing knee deep in the muck with no where else to go.
And no one warns you.
I just wish someone lead with that first. It’s going to require you to reach deep within yourself and open up to places and spaces you’ve run away from in the past. It’s going to ask you to take every fear, weakness, and demon you struggle with and place it on display in an intimate dance that you don’t know the steps to and you have no idea where it is going and when it will end. Further, you have to lean into it; you have to stand toe to toe with every insecurity and hope you don’t break. As wonderful as it may be, it’s not just about spankings, sex, bondage, and “do as you I say.” It’s not about the kinky fuckery. It’s about summoning strength from deep within your soul that you didn’t know existed. It’s about following through on things you’ve always been scared to do. It’s about doing when you really don’t want to or are too tired. It’s about trusting another person and putting your life in their hands. It’s about growth. It’s going to push you. It’s going to challenge you. It’s going to hurt (and sometimes not even the fun kind).
And that’s just the beginning… You have to keep going. It doesn’t stop. Ongoing, every day, every moment you have to make the conscious decision to turn towards each other. You have to maintain, you have to grow, you have to tend and nurture. It has a life of its own. It’s a living, breathing being. It doesn’t ever stop. You can’t just “step away” from it if you get bored or “don’t feel like it.”
And despite all this, I wouldn’t choose any other way… even if someone had warned me.
As a Domme I say to submissives, heed words well and and remember them every time you want to say no or feel like you can’t do it or take another step.
To all dominants, including myself, I recommend that you deeply consider these words and what it implies about the dominant to whom this commitment is made. I would hazard that most of us, and I include myself, do not live up to and therefore may not deserve such trust and devotion. If this is the case, then get to work on yourself and when the going gets hard remember why you are doing it.
I would further add, that the original poster is correct about all that BDSM might require of you. But please keep in mind that you don’t start at the very deepest level. Like learning to swim you start at the shallow end of the pool and you try it out and you see what you like and gradually you find your level. If you are truly committed to experiencing all that BDSM can offer, then yes, that warning is appropriate. But please do not be dissuaded from exploring BDSM simply because what you might eventually have to do. If it’s what you need you will find that level and when you get there you will be ready to do it.
Truer words have never been said. Oh, how my life has been transformed by kink. It's given me the highest highs and shaken me to my deepest foundation. An intense ride, for sure, but still one I don't regret getting on. Riders beware!
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mentalhealthmantra · 9 months
4 Mindfulness Techniques Psychiatrists Recommend for Anxiety
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Anxiety is a common mental health issue that can be difficult to manage. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your anxiety, mindfulness techniques may help. Mindfulness involves being aware of the present moment and accepting it without judgment or reacting emotionally. Psychiatrists in Bhopal recommend the following four mindfulness techniques as part of an effective treatment plan for managing anxiety:
1) Meditate: Meditation is one of the most popular forms of mindfulness practice and has been proven to reduce symptoms related to stress and anxiety. Taking time out each day (even just 10 minutes) can help clear your mind, relax your body, and provide clarity on how best to approach situations that are causing you distress or worry.
2) Practice deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing helps activate our parasympathetic nervous system which triggers relaxation in our bodies by slowing down heart rate and reducing blood pressure levels – both physical signs associated with anxiousness or panic attacks! Take a few moments throughout the day (or whenever feeling stressed/anxious), focusing on taking slow breaths through your nose while counting up from 1-5 before exhaling slowly through pursed lips back down again from 5-1 – repeat this cycle several times until feeling calmer/more relaxed within yourself physically & mentally!
3) Try progressive muscle relaxation (PMR): Progressive Muscle Relaxation is another great technique recommended by psychiatrists in Bhopal; PMR works by tensing then relaxing different parts of our body starting at head level all the way down towards feet area - this helps us become more aware where tension might be stored up inside ourselves so we can consciously release it away over time thus helping us feel less anxious overall too! This exercise should take around 20 minutes total so make sure there's enough space available during practice if possible - find somewhere comfortable like lying flat on a floor mat with eyes closed whilst listening to either guided audio recording instructions OR simply following along written script instead... whichever works better personally speaking ;) 
4) Use visualization strategies: Visualization strategies involve creating positive imagery within one’s own mind such as imagining one walking through a peaceful garden full of blooming flowers etc. This type of mindful exercise encourages healthy thought patterns which eventually lead to improved mood states when practiced regularly over prolonged periods, weeks, months, even years, depending upon individual circumstances involved here too! It's important though not to get frustrated if things don't seem to work straightaway because ‘practice makes perfect after all ;-)
Also Read: Anxiety Treatment in Bhopal
About the Author:
Dr. Vaibhav Dubey is a compassionate psychiatrist dedicated to improving mental well-being. With extensive experience in diagnosing and treating various mental health disorders, he offers personalized care and evidence-based therapies. Dr. Dubey fosters a supportive and non-judgmental environment, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and achieve mental resilience. His commitment to mental health advocacy and a patient-centric approach has made him a trusted expert in the field. Whether it's anxiety, depression, or other concerns, Dr. Dubey is here to guide his patients towards a healthier, happier life.
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glucotrustusa · 1 year
Glucotrust: Empowering Your Health Journey with Natural Blood Sugar Support
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge. Our hectic schedules, coupled with the prevalence of processed foods, have contributed to a rise in health concerns such as diabetes and obesity. However, with the revolutionary product, Glucotrust, achieving optimal health is now within reach. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of Glucotrust and guide you on where to buy it, including options like Amazon and Walmart.
The Power of Glucotrust:
Glucotrust is a groundbreaking supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels and overall well-being. Packed with natural ingredients, Glucotrust provides essential nutrients and antioxidants that can help your body regulate glucose metabolism effectively. By incorporating Glucotrust into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps towards managing your blood sugar levels and promoting a healthier lifestyle.
Get Glucotrust for a Healthier You:
If you're ready to take control of your health and experience the transformative benefits of Glucotrust, there are several ways to obtain this remarkable product. One convenient option is to visit the official Glucotrust website, where you can learn more about the supplement and place your order directly. The website provides detailed information on the ingredients, usage instructions, and the science behind Glucotrust, empowering you to make an informed decision.
Another popular platform to purchase Glucotrust is Amazon. As one of the largest online marketplaces, Amazon offers the convenience of quick delivery straight to your doorstep. Simply search for "Amazon Glucotrust" on the Amazon website, select the product that suits your needs, and proceed to checkout. With thousands of satisfied customers leaving positive reviews, you can trust that Glucotrust is the real deal.
For those who prefer shopping at physical stores, Walmart also stocks Glucotrust. With numerous locations nationwide, Glucotrust At Walmart provides accessibility and affordability for customers. Visit your nearest Walmart store and head to the supplements section to find Glucotrust on the shelves. With the option to consult knowledgeable staff and make an informed decision in person, Walmart offers a personalized shopping experience.
Why Choose Glucotrust?
Glucotrust stands out among other supplements on the market due to its unique blend of natural ingredients and its commitment to quality. Each ingredient is carefully selected for its proven benefits in supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Glucotrust is manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities following strict quality control standards, ensuring that you receive a premium product that delivers results.
Furthermore, Glucotrust offers a holistic approach to health, addressing the underlying factors that contribute to blood sugar imbalances. By targeting multiple aspects of your well-being, Glucotrust At Walmart provides comprehensive support for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, promoting energy levels, and supporting a healthy weight.
Incorporating Glucotrust into your daily routine can be a game-changer on your journey to optimal health. With its natural ingredients and proven benefits, Glucotrust empowers you to take control of your blood sugar levels and overall well-being. Whether you choose to purchase Glucotrust from the official website, Amazon, or Walmart, you're making a choice that prioritizes your health.
Don't let the hustle and bustle of modern life compromise your well-being any longer. Get Glucotrust today and unlock the path to a healthier future. Remember, it's never too late to invest in yourself and prioritize your health. Your body will thank you for it!
Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult your healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or making changes to your health regimen.
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Split Decision Or A Decision To Split?
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Today’s Advice Highlights:
Can a relationship sustain differing political views?
What happens when there’s no middle ground?
Why political views do not equal personal values – not entirely, anyway
Dear Dr. Deb,
Used to be I could talk politics with people closest to me without both sides getting heated. I don’t know how this happened, but it’s a different world now. It seems like expressing political beliefs almost always devolves into a fight.
My partner and I have been together for three years. We’re both seriously committed and, I had hoped, in it for the long haul. But my hope ends where our political beliefs split.
I’m embarrassed to admit that sometimes when my partner expresses her views, I feel sick to my stomach. We end up in ugly shouting matches. I end up wondering if we should continue to work on it or go our separate ways.
I know there’s still some love and respect between us, but I don’t know how to navigate our political differences.
I see and hear that this seems to be happening to more and more couples, so I know I’m not alone in this struggle. What’s missing is helpful advice about how to resolve this.
Dr. Deb, please let me know if there’s another option other than throwing in the towel. What am I missing here?
Sincerely, Mr. Bitter Half
Dear Mr. Bitter,
You and your partner are facing a very challenging question: Can two people with divisive political views ever fit together?
This is an urgent and complicated issue, and there really isn’t a definitive answer. Each couple must come to the resolution on their own terms.
But here’s the biggest question you might want to ask yourself:  Should political beliefs be the primary and dominating focus in choosing a life partner?  In other words, if two people love each other, should their politics really matter?
I think it’s quite common for people to want to choose a partner whose political views align with theirs. My patients have told me that on dating apps, for example, you can state your ideologies on your profile and, in some cases, use it to filter out people who don’t match with your values and beliefs.
Let’s face it, how one feels about politics is more than just table talk. Political views can influence everything from how children are raised, how money is spent, to the kinds of friends one chooses.
The bright side is that there are many more factors than politics that contribute to the longevity and success of a relationship. In order for you and your partner to build a strong relationship and successfully tackle life’s road blocks, your core values must align to a significant extent.
Think about how you got this far in the relationship. Are you fulfilling each other’s emotional needs? Are your values, deep down, compatible? Is there a strong level of trust between you? Do you share interests? Is there sexual satisfaction? Most importantly, are you both ready to take care of each other through all the major life events you have yet to encounter?
Quality relationships are built on a healthy fusion of differences. Any attempt to make your partner ‘just like you’ will doom the relationship. I’ve seen it happen many times. You each have your own maps of the world, which, by the way, are right for you both as individuals. Try using your political differences as an opportunity to learn more about each other rather than pull you apart.
Navigating your political differences comes down to how well the two of you communicate. When discussing politics, I suggest you disagree with respect, approach your girlfriend with curiosity, listen without interruptions, and accept that life isn’t black and white.
Mr. Bitter, your heart wants what it wants, and in your case, it may want someone with a political outlook different than yours. I don’t see this as irreconcilable. It will simply come down to recognizing if the relationship is worth fighting for.
Finally, two very important things to remember in the process:  Don’t drink and talk politics.  And whatever you do, keep politics out of the bedroom.
Sincerely, Dr. Deb
Do you have a burning question – Your comments in response to a column are welcome. ​I will do my best to answer as many of your questions as I can.
Click here to send your question.
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Is All Sin The Same?
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Is one sin more severe than another or are they all the same?  That is a good question. Some say one is greater than another while others say sin is sin. God being holy, hates sin. He would rather that we avoid it and keep our eyes on Him. During the time of Moses God told the Israelites the following. Set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the Lord your God. Keep all my decrees by putting them into practice, for I am the Lord who makes you holy. Leviticus 20:7-8 What do we know about sin? First and foremost, all sin is detestable to the Lord and all sin is punishable. Are there levels of sin or are they all the same? Let’s take a closer look. In Leviticus, various sins received different levels of punishment. If a person committed murder one would think their punishment would be more severe than a lesser offense. But look at this. Anyone who dishonors father or mother must be put to death. Such a person is guilty of a capital offense. Leviticus 20:9 So those who committed a capital offense, God wanted to be punished by death. Those sins mainly consisted of sexual sins and the sacrificing to and worshiping of other gods. But the death penalty went beyond sexual immorality and spiritual prostitution. When God gave the nation of Israel His commandments He expected them to be followed. Even this one; You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day must be a Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day dedicated to the Lord. Anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death. Exodus 31:15
Not All Sin was Treated the Same
Leviticus 18 contains a list of detestable sins. God removed the inhabitants of the promised land because of their detestable acts. He warned the Israelites from doing those same acts. Whoever commits any of these detestable sins will be cut off from the community of Israel. Leviticus 18:29 Punishments for other sins could mean the removal of a person from the community. It could be until sundown or up to several days. In other words, not all sin was treated the same. Today, however, Jesus replaced or should I say, fulfilled the Old Testament law. The Apostle Paul told how that law benefits us. The law was our guardian until Christ came; it protected us until we could be made right with God through faith. Galatians 3:24 The King James Version uses the word “schoolmaster.” One of the most important things we can learn from this schoolmaster is how seriously God takes the matter of sin. It also teaches us that the law can only tell us how to act. It can’t give us a relationship with God. This same law contains no forgiveness, it only reminded them of their sin. And we’ve all sinned. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24 God gave us that promise and we can take it into eternity. Yes, we are still sinners and yes we will still sin. But when we trust in the Lord, He frees us from the PENALTY of sin.
Trust in the Lord
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Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6 That verse means we must live for the Lord and seek His guidance daily. When living for God, we need not be concerned if all sin is the same. Instead, we turn our sights on living a righteous life. Our focus also turns from sin to faith and hope, and from self to Christ our Redeemer. Because He is the source of our trust in God Through Christ you have come to trust in God. And you have placed your faith and hope in God because he raised Christ from the dead and gave him great glory. 1 Peter 1:21 Our verse for today says to set yourselves apart to be holy. What does it mean to be holy? It means to set yourself apart to God. Peter told us what that looks like. You are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
Is Sin and the Penalty of Sin the Same?
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As long as we live in our present bodies sin abides within us. Jesus, however, died and rose again to cleanse us of all our unrighteousness. He asks that we live for Him and obey His Word. Those who enter eternity without Christ will suffer the Penalty of sin. Too many people think their good lives and good works will get them into heaven. But it won’t! Jesus is the only way in. Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. John 14:6 Jesus became the only sacrifice that could cleanse any of us from our sin. Accept what He did on the cross so your sins will be cleansed and your name will be written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Is all sin the same? It really doesn’t matter. You see, the last word on the subject is written toward the end of the Book of Revelation. And it all comes down to whether your name is in the book or not. Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and  dishonesty — but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Revelation 21:27 Lord, we know that we all sin. But we also know that is not the same as the penalty of sin. Thank you for saving us from that penalty through the blood of Jesus.
Make a Commitment Today
If you don’t know Christ as your Savior, please don’t go into eternity without Him. Take the time right now to ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life. Then commit yourself to live your life for the Lord.  If you just prayed and asked Jesus into your heart (life), email me so I can be praying for you. robin@mac4320 Check out these related posts about sin. - What's The Best Way To Seek Forgiveness Of Sin? - When Someone Unintentionally Sins, What Happens? - How Does My Sin Affect Other People? - It's Important To Know How Sinful We Are - Will God Forgive Me If I Keep Sinning - How To Be Free From The Slavery Of Sin - Punishment from God Because of Sin - The Consequence of Sin - Confess Your Sins To One Another Read the full article
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Watch "[환콘43] 환단고기 북콘서트 천부경과 홍익인간 1부" on YouTube
Antarctica my daughter of non-related descent said she had one one wish because looks like he's going to be all right and rest of all you guys that are talking to him today will be benefiting through the process her DNA sequence are squid based from North Korea she had to grow fingers to type on the keyboard and encode some of the DNA on there you won't be able to share anything with or anything
I know you want to maintain your criminal activities and you know that if you get enlightened you'll be less prone to do it or convert right I get the fact that it's some of you it's still hunters and gatherers mentality because you're around 10 KBC which is with saber tooth type of you know atmosphere I guess no the way or around so do you understand that when you don't want to get in one at least listen to so that you're descendants can you're not going to create this Criminal Enterprise of your byproducts in offsprings to continue to maintain this non-threatening withholds because nothing but cheap shots for you guys I saw you guys last night all day there are no airplanes you were just using sound to get people connected on the chip level so if you assume that everyone gets checked at United States bankrupt the government US military come after you enroll you because rolling 200 million years it's just a night job for them the pilot so CT and other locations like Vegas and stuff like that are all based on Oblivion the robot AI and that was the one who attacked Japan yesterday and Olivia is similar location or if not friends with olivian which is a AI or Olivia is a mixed diluted Sith from you Heights shower place the red hair who was at Mill Creek which I saw her at the coffee shop and then went all the way back here of something descendants with her egg I believe so you have some sit there but predominantly you have to let him get enlightened or you will have pockets of Darkness within your family and you'll be continue to get shunned and will not be accepted by Society because you are not a civilized being. So you decide which way you want to go for you and your descendants potentially ancestors it just varies on the level that you are at I wouldn't take this away because this is the worst thing that you could possibly commit to on another person you're essentially trespassing on their souls for not to evolve you may think all these things don't exist for them but I just want you to know one person one spiritual being had One Last Wish and that last wish is very strong I'm just convenient message so Don't Kill the Messenger and don't try to actively kill me on a daily basis or weekly basis or monthly basis the landscape of our relationship and dynamics of it has changed whether you like it or not you yourself are coming to these epiphanies and realizing that there's more to life than what you're doing and you seek to understand that and for you to capitalize on it their new works coming up the pipeline and despite the fact that you may be the adult that's an adult body that's a kid and you may be the youngest person that that will be working on these projects but from the Wall Street and investment banker perspective they just love sharing all these information and tactics if you can really do it if you can promise that you're not going to kill them and try to overtake their families and such then they'll be more prone to help in you so that trust and relationship has to be built I mean they're not going to look at you and say all this is a criminal do I need to do this but it's a young kid a young child that needs help from the community because your perspective that you should think rather than you think you're doing a burden you have an anomaly it's not a disadvantage it's a Time anomaly you're sped up for various reasons and it is a bit unfair so that's why she used her last wish Antarctica so say thank you and 4 f o u doing this for us and if they really want to be excluded to Enlightenment cycle then they can because of robots even though she said that you're human you'll still want to consider yourself
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alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself 👩🏻‍🎓 in April 2023: Scorpio
The Hierophant - 5 Swords - Page of Pentacles & The Star
Regarding: Knight of Cups
Either you’re acting selfishly in love, or your person is and you’re meeting them at their level. There is petty tit for tat energy all over this reading, competition, one-upping each other, both of you are “right” and don’t care that you’re stabbing each other in the back in order to prove it. The Hierophant shows you being in a committed relationship with this person, and heartbreak at home over defensive behaviors and arguments. There is some outside factor that’s probably caused this, and now it’s gone too far. The advice being shown is for you to get advice from your friends, be there for your other loved ones, and apologize to your person. Knight of Cups is loving action that you’re only taking for yourself, you’re being told to quit, and share 6 Pentacles, equal give and take with your person. Could be money, there are finance cards here, but most of all it’s LOVE. Romance. Being grateful and loving towards them. Maybe being the one to talk sense into them. There is a passionate new beginning for you with them, with 10 Cups, and healing, whatever is going on isn’t the end of this connection. Roadrunner says to keep your sense of humor, which could mean a lot of this is petty and unnecessary. You love each other.
Animal Oracle: You have two
Meerkat 🏜
“Get support from a trusted group of like-minded friends.”
The people in your life would love to offer their support to you; your job is only to receive it and sometimes ask for it. Those whom you feel closest to and trust are the individuals you can rely on to be there for you, especially when you really need it. Sure, you’ve been burned or disappointed at one time or another when you’ve trusted someone and were let down or betrayed, everyone has experienced this. So now you may be afraid to let others in and count on them for support, or something similar may happen. Those memories, consciously or subconsciously, will not only filter out any chance of being disappointed or hurt, but will also serve to keep others who are trustworthy at a distance too. Look under the filter and listen to what your instinct says about a particular individual. Do you find them trustworthy? Take a chance and let yourself receive love and support.
Roadrunner 🏜
“Keep your sense of humor, and don’t take things so seriously.”
It’s so tempting to view life in all of its many manifestations, permutations, and variations as as something to be taken quite seriously, yet this is the exact opposite of what you need to do right now. No matter what the situation, look for the humor in it. It may take time to find something, but if you look for it with this attitude in mind, you begin to see the absurdities and ironies inherent in whatever shows up in life, even in the seemingly darkest circumstances. Maintaining a healthy sense of humor about most experiences causes you to be lighter in spirit, to smile unabashedly, and to appreciate life that much more. Turn your frown upside and do what makes you laugh! Of course there are times that require a more serious demeanor. Tragedies or traumatic situations don’t call for cheerfulness or humor. However, these instances are temporary and like all things, will soon pass. Other than these kinds of situations, life’s oddities and absurdities abound. See the humor in the situation, and have a good laugh!
Artist Oracle: GILBERT & GEORGE
- Be the art you wish to see in the world.
- Your work should not be selfish.
- Dress the part.
- Encourage Your Loved Ones
- Practice Daily Gratitude
Microphone 🎤 on Meerkat is showing you have friends that have wise input you should be listening to, this charm is like “say it LOUDER”, encouraging whatever you’re being told by the people you love. Their friends too, they may have a role in helping you both see the best in the other person, or explain something in a way that makes you both feel more understood.
Saturn 🪐 on 5 Swords shows discipline, limitations, consequences, maturity, and karmic lessons. Wheel of Fortune being here is a similar message. Outside people may have caused these issues initially, or competition, an argument over who is “right”. Wherever it started, the consequences of this has turned into a karmic experience. There’s a vibe here of “what you sow, you shall reap.” So it’s a lesson, not a death sentence. You two may have incompatible Saturn placements, be Saturn ruled, or these could play a role in synastry somehow.
Alice 🐇 on Page of Pentacles could be a child, if you two share one, or they see things from a more whimsical perspective and may not understand what’s the deal with you. Fairy is showing to encourage them being this way, if that’s the case. Otherwise this is an apology over childish behavior, the tit for tat arguing, because really you just love this person, so who is even winning here?
Fairy 🧚🏾 on Encouraging Loved Ones is about accessing your inner child, playfulness, mischief, possibly through the eyes of a child or your own (that makes it easier for adults anyway, being around a kid). Nurture your inner optimist, lover, and go play with your friends, family, person or whoever else. Life is too short 💚
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