#like sorry besties they are THE ship of the season. done and decided
sexynetra · 4 months
Why am I just now seeing this for the first time what the fuck I am foaming at the mouth
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hermywolf · 2 years
I have actually bit the bullet and binged the boys, and i have to say: 1) Frenchie is deancoded which is probably at least part of why he's amazing and 2) i didn't originally see what you meant about butcher/hughie but my friend i have seen the light
oh my god mika i'm so glad. please send me a dm if you wanna talk about it i have so much to say about this show
okay 1) HE IS people would argue all the time about who was deancoded, with the general consensus being butcher, and like. i see where they're coming from, especially with the entire lenny thing that's so much like sam its insane, but honestly i mean. frenchie and dean are both devoted loyal depressed bisexuals who won't take anything but their found family seriously and are always cracking jokes, have daddy issues and a dark past and lost their moms and homes as kids like. ITS RIGHT THERE GUYS frenchie is literally deancoded.
2) i totally get that, i was on the fence with hughie/butcher for the longest time. i knew their relationship (with annie/hughie and frenchie/kimiko being second and third) was my favorite in the show, but i just couldn't decide if i shipped them or if it was more of a platonic thing. but then 2x06 happened, with hughie getting injured and annie and butcher's reactions, and that was the moment i just went "oh yeah okay. okay then"
obviously kripke then proceeded to pull the 'nooo its brotherly love!' thing again but like. we've been there, done that, kripke, we all remember spn trying to make destiel 'brotherly'. anyway. yeah it took me almost two full seasons to decide i shipped them but now im obsessed with them beyond reason its insane. its that kind of ship you don't really want to see happen in the show, even though you ship it - like, i do want hughie to end up with annie, im not expecting him and butcher to ever be a thing in the show, and i don't really want them to be, but that doesnt stop me from being insane about them and reading a ton of fics about them lmao
anyway glad you've seen it bestie. sorry for the emotional damage its likely to have given you though
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (August 7th-September 13th)
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Ladybug and Chat Noir will be asked to participate in judging a competition that Marinette and Adrien are both a part of. Ladybug will want to vote for herself as Marinette, but Tikki will tell her(once detransformed and while she is snacking) that she can’t because then people will know that Marinette is Ladybug. Chat Noir, meanwhile, will freely vote for Adrien with no repercussions or drawbacks, and Adrien will end up winning the competition. Marinette will admit that she was “so silly” to even think of voting for herself, especially since “Adrien needs the award more so that I do” despite being rich, white, male, and “perfect”(oh, I’m sorry, “purrfect”!), since all of Marinette’s legitimate problems of anxiety, dyspraxia, and the like get thrown out the window because the writers’ perfect sunshine boy incel stand-in has a “saaad home life!”, and Marinette needs to give him pity and put his feelings above his rather than wish for her own success. Cuz Girl Power.
tbh, given the leaks script, I’d reverse that and saying that Adrien voted for LadyNoir as Couple of the Year.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Marinette and Adrien will reveal their identities, and Marinette actually WILL be disappointed that the boy who goofed off in fights and didn’t take no for an answer is none other than her perfect modeling celebrity crush. However, rather than this being a point towards Adrien needing to learn how to improve himself and accept Marinette’s feelings, this scene is used to make HER look bad(because of course it is) and she is blamed for expecting Adrien to be perfect(despite being encouraged and told to see him as such), and told that she should be happy that Chat was hitting on her even when she didn’t like it or it got in the way of battle plans, likely by Alya, because it was her true love under the mask all along. Eventually she “learns her lesson”(ick) and comes to accept Adrichat for who he is, warts and all. Bonus if she has a flashback to when Chat said “if you saw me without my mask you wouldn’t be able to resist me” as she realizes that he was right.
Didn’t Need Burrow? More like “Didn’t Need to Think About This”
i hate it
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Luka will be Chat Blanc "2.0"
But Luka doesn’t have Chat-level favoritism going so Bunnyx won’t be there to defend him from consequences.
Anonymous asked:
We will have Ladybug!Alya in Marinette's akumatization episode. Obviously everyone would think that she is "better" than "old" Ladybug. (Bonus points if Ladybug!Alya don't "alienate" Chat Noir, mostly by catering to his whims)
Oh, of course! No one will miss the “old” Ladybug.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Bob Roth is akumatized into Rip Off, a supervillain with power to copy anything he sees (including powers of heroes)
Okay but that’s genius.
(I know we already had it in “Miraculer” but I like this more.)
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Now that Luka knows their identities, he will push the Love Square in a romantic manner. Stans would be totally fine with this because it doesn't interfere with their endgame :)
Well, obviously!
I’m just waiting for them to basically say that the secret identities don’t matter and, because they like one side, also means they like the other side.
Because forget nuance, am I right?
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: In the end, (after Adrienette gets together) Narrator reveals himself (herself?) as Alya with words "that's how I helped my bestie [Marinette] get a relationship with love of her life [Adrien]" or something similar.
wait, Alya, are you filming a Ladybug biography
why did you include all the humilation
That explains her making herself look good though.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Luka will finally reveal that he knows Heroes' secret identities... to Alya, who obviously decide to hide from Marinette that Luka knows her identity (Bonus Points if reason provided by Alya why she is doing this is utterly ridiculous)
I guess Luka would have to realize that Alya knows. Bonus if he tells her Chat’s identity too so love square shipping can commence.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Knitting Fairy" will be name of Marinette's akumatized form.
Can you say “reused design”? I certainly can, we’re used to it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow:
Luka keeping his knowledge about the identities (esp. Ladybug’s) will somehow blow up in a way for the writers to paint him in a bad light, probably ending with Marinette not trusting him. (As well as no hint of irony that Adrien did the same thing for completely selfish reasons in Chat Blanc).
MiraculousMX: Platonic soulmates!
us: Source??
Anonymous asked:
DNB: If LS gets reversed, Adrien complains about Marinette having other friends. Not just being friends with Luka or any other guys, but friends PERIOD, showing the same jealousy/desire for his 'love interest' to be isolated as Chat Noir. These MASSIVE RED FLAGS are treated as Just More Innocent Sadrien Things, because he's sOoOoOo Sad and SoOoOoO Lonely~
Oh god, now I had an awful thought that this is where Adrien getting jealous of Luka, and Luka feels bad/”knows what’s best” so he either ditches Marinette/finds an excuse to leave or makes sure that Adrien gets his time with her.
Because it’s the love square so it’s “important” that Marinette spend time with Adrien.
Anonymous asked:
Dnb: assuming the Senti-Adrien theory is true, in the season finale, Viperion joins the fight, stops SM from using the ladybug an cat miraculi by going back in time only to use them by himself, wishing for Adrien to be a real boy (and love Marinette). Of course Luka needs to give something in exchange, worst case scenario, his life.
That got really dark.
Though tbh with how much they push Luka and Marinette around, one of them will probably have to give up something huge for Adrien (they both already sacrificed their relationship, so--).
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Chat Noir joins Shadow Moth then he is treated by both Gabriel and Heroes as his greatest asset, even through he is still complete joke that is defeated by rest of Heroes faster than Mr Pigeon in "Timetagger". (Bonus points if Heroes defeat him by "Backhand Offhand", Offscreen or he is defeated by "Friendly Fire" from Akuma of the Week due to his own stupidity)
tbh I could probably do more sad math with “how often Chat Noir/Cataclysm is useless,” bonus if it’s put up against characters/Ladybug stroking his ego.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien's fears concerning Ladybug are made more explicit through a nightmare/vision (possibly akuma-induced) of Ladybug calling him unreliable/saying she doesn't need him anymore because she has partners she can actually COUNT on. Naturally, this is treated as Pure Sadrien Hours rather than a fair critique. Bonus if he ditches/forces her to beg for his assistance AGAIN to soothe his poor bruised baby ego.
*“Malediktator” flashbacks, but Adrien instead of Chloe*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir skips out on a fight/akuma attack for some spiteful, selfish reason or another. Ladybug handles it without him, either completely through her own skill or with help from Rena/other heroes. Adrien then angsts about 'not being needed', with Marinette's 'Mistake of the Day' being that she didn't cater to his pity party due to being too busy DOING HER DAMNED JOB.
me seeing that one leaked script where they talk about how Chat/Cataclysm would make things easier: *sigh*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Plagg will encourage Adrien to act even more selfishly, skipping more battles and being even brattier. This is so his stans can blame Plagg for being 'a bad influence' on their perfect angel, even when it's clear the two of them are on the same wavelength. Oooh, he's twisting his rubber arm; how AWFUL--! Adrien would NEVER do all these Awful Things he's already done if he didn't have Plagg~! What a bad kitty~!
“rubber arm” jdfkgjndfjgfg
tbh Plagg already is super laidback and doesn’t really like transforming/complains about going into battle, so this isn’t much of a stretch.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: "Gabriel Agreste" or other episodes will reveal that Gabriel flew many, if not ALL of the same Red Flags his son displays on a regular basis. The narrative treats this as though this makes Gabriel more 'sweet, sad and sympathetic' rather than illustrating that both of them are dangerously entitled and generally awful.
This sounded really intriguing as a sort of “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” thing until that last sentence kicked in.
That’s damn accurate to what they’d do too, ugh.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Plagg is the one that discovers that Gabriel is Hawk/Shadowmoth, but is forcibly sworn to silence by Adrien. Bonus if Adrien somehow gives this command without learning what Plagg is trying to tell him -- i.e. he get irritated and orders Plagg to shut up in a way that bars him from EVER saying what he was attempting to say -- so that Adrien's stans can claim it was all a big misunderstanding and blame Plagg entirely for it. Or Marinette. Somehow.
Oh oh oh!
Alternatively, Adrien silences Plagg without realizing that he has that kind of power (like saying, “you can’t tell anyone!” and we see the magic hit Plagg’s mouth), so the fandom can say, “HE DOESN’T KNOOOW THAT HE DID IT.”
Anonymous asked:
dntb: Luka is gonna be villianised in some way for not telling Marinette he knows the identities of both of them
Meanwhile, Alya, slipping the bouncer her free pass.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: After one of the kwamis ​​makes one snickering comment too many, Marinette snaps and tells them all to shut up (with obvious outcome). Narrative obviously equals it to scene between Gabriel and Noroo from "Sandboy" (Bonus Points if Narrative deems Marinette worse than Gabriel, because "Gabriel forbid Noroo from talking as joke")
oh my goooooood
Marinette: *snaps because she’s stressed out*
the fandom: SHE SO MEAN!!! ;o;
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Adrien's reveal as Sentimonster just for additional souce of "sad points" for him
this DNB: i am inevitable
mystic-lionroar asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The writers' Status-Quo allergy kicks in when someone very pointedly implies Chloe, Lila and/or Gabriel work for Hawk Moth with how many Akumas they tend to cause... only to get reminded point blank that "Hawk Moth is the sole one responsible for this mess, no one else". Cue two episodes later, both the characters and the writers' memories of this scene are erased. What erased it? ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯Why, Marinette can be held responsible for this one, of course! (Me: (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻)
“Crocoduel” also basically already blamed Marinette for two akumatizations so at this point we’re just waiting.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: To further cement the whole 'destined to be' shlock, after the shock of the eventual reveal wears off, we get a call back to how frequently Chat Noir told Ladybug that they were meant for each other and that she 'was the only one who didn't see it'. Marinette agrees that she was silly and foolish for not recognizing it sooner, parroting Adrien's bullshit in order to further cement the notion that she's HAPPILY accepting her 'fate' to be nothing more than his personal prize.
You can’t see it but I have my head in my hands in grief.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien's gross sense of entitlement towards Ladybug will become even more explicit, with him angrily ranting about how he DESERVES to 'get the girl'. No matter how awful and nasty he gets, the narrative continues to treat him as though he's 100% right to be pissed off at her for DARING to have agency or thinking she has a say in things. As clearly, the biggest mistake Marinette has ever made is thinking she gets to have Opinions or make her own decisions. G-girl power...?
Marinette needing to be constantly told what’s best for her by other people and it’s okay because she needs to accept+follow all opinions.
end me
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The double standard between Adrien and other characters will be more noticeable. Adrien will still be put on a pedestal.
Because no one will notice Adrien if they didn’t put him on a metaphorical and physical pedastal.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Foxy Cat and CaraBug
omg Fox Adrien.is one of the worst hero choices I’ve ever heard fjdgjfjdglfkdg
I could at least see why Marinette thought that Adrien fit the snake since the narrative gushes for him so hard.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: As a result of being written by a straight white male writing team, the show starts to use Marinette’s girliness against her. From her love of pink being mocked to the kwamis admitting(in the spirit of another DNB) that they don’t respect Marinette because she’s “too girly”, to her fashion designing being treated as a cutesy but ultimately fickle pastime(in the spirit that all teenage girls’ interests are treated), the show absolutely throws Girl Power out the window in favor of giving Marinette absolute hell for daring to present herself in a traditionally feminine way, treating her femininity as the butt of a joke that no one is laughing at. Bonus points of someone says(or even outright tells her to her face) that she’s “such a girl”, as if that’s supposed to be an insult. Alternatively, this happens to Rose instead of Marinette, as she’s just as girly if not more so than her, or it happens to both of them(regardless of whether or not it’s at the same time).
I mean, honestly, yeah.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Things other characters did that were bad will be retconned into things that Marinette did instead, or will otherwise be retconned into being her fault, no matter how improbable or contradictory. Meanwhile, bad things characters did to Marinette or good things characters did FOR Marinette will be retconned into nonexistence.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Simultaneous Akumatization of Manon, Chris, Ella and Etta, obviously when they are babysat by Marinette, because otherwise ML Writers wouldn't be able to paint it as Marinette's fault
oh god
please no
I mean, not even just to blame Marinette for it, but I can’t even stand these kids when they’re on their own, MUCH LESS TOGETHER.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Adrien gets akumatized, then it would be just Chat Blanc with shoulder pads and crown
Is this a reference to my Miracle Queen post?
Because yes.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: In Hack-San Chat Noir will pull a Sentibubler and refuse to listen to Alya with the Ladybug Miraculous as he doesn't have a brain unless he can progress the not so progressive four-sided Hellfire, which is actually still the best-case-scenario. I mean he could just not come at all, since he's only there to flirt with and seduce Ladybug with unfunny jokes.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien causes problems because of Alyabug.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Alya will immediately have access to things like the creation of charms despite how long it took for Marinette to be able to do that.
If she doesn’t, did they literally just give Alya the ladybug miraculous because they knew that Markov wouldn’t have a way of hiding the amulet on him and they didn’t feel like putting it on his model???
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Alya’s Ladybug name is “Coccinelle” aka “Ladybug” in French. Or something equally lazy such as The Red Spotted One or the Scarlett Beetle. Even if it sounds cool at first glance, it will ultimately boil down to a plain and obvious name, because apparently EVERY superhero’s name has to so blatantly relate to the animal their Miraculous is based off of. For some reason. Somehow. -_-
fhkgjfdkgdfg okay but “The Red Spotted One” made me laugh.
Anonymous asked:
Hack-San DNB’s:
• Chat Noir will be upset that Ladybug trusted her miraculous to someone else.
• There will be a comment on how Alya was a just as good, if not better Ladybug than Marinette.
• Alya’s performance as LB will be used as another instance to show Marinette made the ‘right choice’ telling her her identity.
• Using the Horse to teleport back instead giving the earrings to Alya will not be mentioned as an option.
• Scene of Adrichat being sad about ‘feeling replaced’.
Especially on that “comment that Alya is just as good, if not better,” one, it probably won’t even be used as a reassurance for Marinette like, “oh, that’s good to know that I’m not the only one who can be Ladybug,” it’ll just be praise for Alya.
Anonymous asked:
Hack-San DNB: Chat Noir gets angry with LB for not telling him she was leaving & she has to apologize for it.
(Despite making sure there was a backup Ladybug to protect Paris, unlike Chat in the NY special who left the city completely unprotected).
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Dearest Family" (episode where both of Marinette's parents are akumatized) will be about Marinette learning "true value" of Chat Noir
Either that or incorporating Adrien into the family.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Psycomedian will be blatant Joker rip-off
You can just say “all akuma in the season will either be rip-offs of themselves or past akuma,” it’s okay. :P
Anonymous asked:
Another DNB for Hack-San, since we see Jagged Stone in the trailer, so if they show it..:
The “most precious possession” of Jagged’s will be Fang and not, y’know, either of his children.
I missed that trailer.
Honestly there could be some funny moments with the concept, but if Jagged is the only joke made about it then yes, I will be very bitter.
Alternatively, Jagged picks his guitar instead.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: In the Alyabug episode, Alya will either be Practically Perfect In Every Way™, or will royally screw up in a way that will somehow lead to Marinette. Either way, Cat Noir will flirt with the new Ladybug, or pull a Sentibubbler. Or both. There may or may not be a comment about how Alyabug's costume is so much better than Marinette's despite being a fashion designer.
dkfgkjdfgjf I adore how this whole thing is just, “there’s so many ways it could go wrong!”
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chrispaulcolfer · 3 years
What do you think of Kurt’s relationship with:
any other friendship with girl? Brittany or Tina?
Oh boy. Okay.
Rachel: hate it. Hate the way it transitioned to sudden besties out of no where. Hate how it turned Kurt into her cheerleader 90% of the time while she took the 10% to reciprocate (Swan Song for example, that was a good pep talk from her to him). Hate how when he's not with New Directions, she's happy to help him try for a solo because he's her "only competition". Yet, when he tries for leading man material at McKinley, she too laughs in his face. When he gets the NYADA letter and she doesn't, she turns his excitement into her pity party. When he wins Midnight Madness, she turns it into "I guess I'm not talented enough and won't audition for anything". I hate how when she ditches him for fake friends who bad mouth him, she doesn't see that as a red flag to ditch them, until they vote for him and not her. I hate how she manipulates Elliott into claiming Kurt kicked her out when it was her own damn choice, and disowns Kurt when he didn't automatically take her side by playing referee for her outlandish claims against Santana. I hate "my best gay", it isn't cute, it isn't quirky, it's stupid and Kurt Hummel does deserve a better best friend who doesn't just use him to hoist themselves up. I'm glad Colfer called it the fuck out in his episode, even if it was magically fine at the end again just because she showed up to his Peter Pan show - shocker. I hate how she destroyed him being the actual student president by cheating, but that's fine because she owns up to it I guess? Like they still had to claim the cheerleader the winner who did nothing all year, when they could've had Kurt who would actually have done something good, but aT LeAsT sHe WaS HoNeSt right?????? I mean she is the one who also decided to run against him for a hot minute too, but SHE DROPPED OUT GUISE. BFF'S. It would've been so much better if they both went to New York, and then agreed to be roommates because it would be cheaper and we see them expand into actual friendship from there. Kurt doesn't need to stay relevant as a character just by being Rachel's best friend on the fact they both are into Broadway. THAT is the stereotype. Because remember, he's gay and she has two gay dads, so meant to be in each other's lives. Also ew having Rachel as a surrogate, what the fuck. No. Keep that controlling person away from any child of Kurt and Blaine's, that'll just cause more problems.
Mercedes: Maybe it's Colfer and Riley's friendship chemistry showing on screen, but I love and will forever love this friendship. I love that Kurt can admit he's wrong with her! ON HIS OWN! No sob story, no passive aggressiveness, no call out. Him realizing encouraging her to lose the weight was wrong? Growth. No, it isn't a perfect friendship, but it didn't start out of no where either. Kurt being dumb with trying to set her up with dates so he didn't feel bad in befriending Blaine. Mercedes letting her religious blinders encourage Kurt to go to church with her - but at least she approaches this conversation honestly, she doesn't sugar coat it from her point of view, which is good. They're both honest with one another. They're in each other's corners. Kurt Hummel heart eyeing every time she performs is the best. And it's dumb that it got pushed to the back for season 3 and onward. It should've grown from high schooler kids to young adults like a fine wine, instead of getting overlooked. There was potential of Mercedes being the surrogate, or even just another egg donor! But you know, some people needed to be zeroed in on and characters had to be tied to that characters hip, and Mercedes wasn't it.
Santana: Can you imagine how great (or terrible) this could've been if Kurt remained on the Cheerios? We can dream! But what we got in S4&S5 was great. Nice bantering, a mutual respect and understanding becoming a thing over time. They made pacts! They swore to each other about things off screen! She and him would've made a dangerous duo in New York if Rachel never moved back into the loft. She could've encouraged him to loosen up more, he would've helped her unlock a more vulnerable side of emotions when it came to catching feelings! Would've loved to see them bonding more like they did with the boyfriend arms watching TV! We were robbed, and s6 destroyed it all together, so. I wish we could've seen them on double dates, with Dani and Blaine. I wish we could've seen her trying to hook him up with guys in season 4! But no, two Slytherin's teaming up is too dangerous I guess. Fuck you glee.
Brittany: In the first season, it's nice to see that Brittany was the popular girl but still showing up to Kurt's house and dancing with him. It's because of her he joins the football team, briefly, and we get to see him kick ass at it and make a win for the Titans for the first time in however long! That's a big deal. I'm glad that she also approaches him in his "straight" phase and offers to help. And I'm glad she encourages Santana to go support Kurt during Prom Queen. BUT ANYTHING AFTER THAT, is null and void. Because she suddenly becomes this overly stupid child who only wants things done her way. When she offers to help him with his running for class president, she only focuses on him being gay and that's it - because it makes him a unicorn? It's a homophobic school, you really think shoving it in the bullies faces won't get him laughed out of a win? And he ditches the idea last minute anyway, so why bother going with that twist anyway? And when he gives her the rundown on what he wants to do, she ignores him and does it her way. When he gets mad, all of a sudden it's poor Brittany, she was just trying to help, Kurt's a meanie face. And when he (stupidly) accepts her idea for the campaign posters, she's like "oh by the way, I'm running against you now sorry I didn't tell you lol". And the bullshit of season 6 of her telling him that he needs to get over Blaine, then magically wants them to be in her and Santana's wedding? No. Keep her as far away from Kurt as possible after season 2.
Tina: Remember when Kurt fake dates her first? Wouldn't that have been an interesting play throughout that episode? Seeing Burt ask about Tina, Kurt bringing Tina over for dinner, Kurt and Tina discussing this new beard-ship for his dad, and then when he comes out, she would've been so happy for him? WE WERE ROBBED, YET AGAIN. We see them being friends throughout the seasons, but there isn't any growth with it. We don't really see her and Kurt doing things outside of school again. We see her help him for his NYADA audition as Christine (which he replaces her for Rachel, big shock, fuck you). We see him defending her against the jock bullies in the hallway. We see them walking to glee club together. But there's still nothing expanded on so it just falls flat. Clearly she and Kurt talk still after he graduates, as they both enjoy gossip. But what else?! We don't know! It had potential for friendship outside of school and outside of just gossiping! But alas.
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 years
My 2020 in dramaland pt 1/4
I’m doing this at the start of december but I’m scheduling it to be posted on Christmas Eve, because that way I can say to everyone Happy holidays! Anyway, these are the Korean dramas I watched this year (listed in the order I saw them, NOT including my favorite dramas, those will have its own post!)
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Love Alarm (2019): I don’t think I need to say what this was about lol if you haven’t seen it, chances are, you’ve heard of it. This is like all those Netflix shows I binge in one day, hate them but still can’t help but want to know what happens next and immediately need a season 2. Btw, this drama has the type of love triangle that I tolerate the most: the men who like the girl are also BFFs and never actually turn against each other, or at least suffer because they don’t really want to hurt the other. Bros before hoes! Kinda.
OTP: Jojo&SunOh. Hate that I love them tbh. But it’s mostly all thanks to him. To me, KimSoHyun’s chemistry with SongKang is the best chemistry she’s ever had with any of her co-stars. Well, maybe it’s a tie with Jisoo. Sorry Jang DongYoon. 
Thing I enjoyed the most: Knowing there’s a second season coming. I NEED CLOSURE! Dramas should never have seasons, it’s cruel.
Do I recommend it? Uhm... Yes. But beware of old tropes like Noble Idiocy super idiotic, a FL that never speaks her mind and a whole lot of nonsense angst and pining. Hey, your average kdrama basically.
Crash Landing on You: You know she actually did crash land on him. Twice. I loved that they were so doomed, it was awesome. A forbidden and beautiful romance, they were all in for each other. He was handsome and cute I mean is HyunBin! but she was my favorite: brave, sassy, bold and a CEO. I hated when they shoot her. A pity they can only be happy in Switzerland, but I liked that about their ending. (I made a sort of review of the finale here)
OTP: Awesome chemistry, have you heard about all those dating rumors? But my favorite couple was actually the second lol. I will never forgive this drama for NOT giving them a happy ending. WTF? And that’s why it’s not in my fave’s list.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Apart from the love stories? North Korean soldiers from Captain Ri’s team. Bless them.
Do I recommend it? Oh, is there someone who hasn’t seen it? For real, go watch it. It’s a romcom for the ages. Lots of nonsense and cliches. Loved it, just *one* little flaw. ALBERTOOOO!
Witch’s Court (2018): A law drama. I never watch these types of dramas. Only did it because I had a crush on Yoon HyunMin at the time, my sister made me watch it (she also had a crush on him) and I thought there was going to be way more romance. Heavy subjects, a great mom’s love and a lot of prosecutor bs.
OTP: They were cute. Wish I’d seen more of them though.
Thing I enjoyed the most:  Yoon HyunMin. But the FL was awesome in her own right.
Do I recommend it? If you like law/criminal dramas and barely a hint of romance, this one is great. And justice is served at the end.
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Hospital Playlist: It was an adorable, peaceful and relaxing watch, not what you’d expect from a hospital themed drama. Very healing (no pun intended lol). And I loved the songs they played! The weird thing is that I kept forgetting about it, and that’s why it took me so long to finish it. 
OTP: I do have one, but not the one everyone ships: Dr Yang SeokHyung and his resident played by one awesome Ahn EunJin. She confessed, he turned her down gently, Buuu!!!. Waiting patiently for S2 and HOPE their love story develops more. Dramas shouldn’t have second seasons!
Thing I enjoyed the most: The friendship of the five besties duh
Do I recommend it? Awww but of course! if you liked the Reply Series and slice of life dramas, you will like this one. Only 12 eps but they were as long as a movie lol
WHY (minidrama) 2019: Two good friends trying to cheer up their bff who just got dumped (without any explanation hence driving him slowly into a mental breakdown and an identity crisis) by going on a Jeju vacation. In the guesthouse they’re staying, they encounter two awesome, chill and fun noonas. What you’ll see here: a moving story about heartbreak and letting go, bromance and noona romance.
OTP: While most of the time the lead was in deep heartbreak thanks to his awful ex, there was a subtle romance developing while he was healing. At the end, there’s a time jump and he’s totally in the right state of mind to completely be with her and give love another try. Lovely ending.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Jung GunJoo! AKA Dohwa from Extraordinary You!!!
Do I recommend it? Of course! It’s an adorable watch. And it only takes like 2 hours of your time, maybe less, I don’t recall. Here, you can watch it on YouTube. Also, not really a fan don’t hate me lol but there’s Hwang In Yeob as the bff of the lead. And he has a very meaningful role.
Where Your Eyes Linger (minidrama): First Korean BL drama I’ve ever watched and I’m so glad that it was a wonderful first. Given the amount of time and resources I was expecting a lot less from this but they all did a very good job. Beyond my expectations, really. Wonderful acting and such an angsty friends to lovers romance that was delightfully done. I don’t usually give out scores to dramas but omg 10/10!
Thing I enjoyed the most: Oh, everything!
Do I recommend it? Like BL dramas and want to see more of them in kdramaland? Then YES YES YES. A thousand times YES! The reason why it’s not on my favorites’ list is because I wish it was longer.
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It’s Okay to not be Okay: It had been so long since I’ve seen a KSH drama. Since his alien days lol Plus, my sister is a huge fan. Horniest kdrama of the year, for sure. Which is hilarious since the message of the whole thing was more about family. From the first episode I was waiting for the OTP to have a steamy makeout and have sex HAHAHA You know, they actually delivered, so I was happy. My review about the ending HERE
OTP: Queen MoonYoung and her horny but super restrained caretaker, KangTae. Love them.
Thing I enjoyed the most: All hail Queen Ko MoonYoung! And the best hyung, SangTae.
Do I recommend it? Yeah. Let’s be serious for a moment lmao it was a healing drama and the ending was beautiful. A few things here and there didn’t make sense though. The mom’s comeback was crazy, but meh, what are dramas without crazy? lol I guess this is not on my favorite’s list because I wasn’t as obsessed as I wish I’d been.
Was it Love?: Mamma mia, here we go again, my my, I should have resist ya! it was ALL right there but the writer didn’t have the guts to do the story right. It COULD’VE BEEN Mamma Mia, but all the potential went to waste. THE POTENTIAL!! You want to know who the dad of her daughter is? The only dude she ever slept with, her only ex! Big surprise. The writer! There, saved you the trouble. My rant on the ending here
OTP: Well, it wasn’t the leads, that’s for sure. It’s the second leads (or was he the third lead and she the second?)who ended up together, or at least it was hinted at. The female lead had way more chemistry with the one dude she was never romantically linked to, which is hilarious to me. Ugh so much wasted potential...
Thing I enjoyed the most: Gangster dude and his son! Bless them.
Do I recommend it? Jesus, NO. DON’T. Watch Mamma Mia with Meryl Streep, instead. That’s gold and it’s what they wanted to try to do for a moment here. Still wondering how I managed to finish this...
Record of Youth: Another drama I can’t believe I actually finished. A handsome model transitioning into an actor and becoming the main provider for the family that never fully supported him and had to pay for the debt of the dad that always belittled his dreams. Underdeveloped characters, a female lead that was outshined by CAMEOS of other women(in her 1 minute scene, KimHyeYoon had more chemistry with PBG), plots that went nowhere and a terrible pairing that had very little chemistry. A ranting about the finale and my wasted time, HERE
OTP: who? Ah, yeah, I guess there sort of was one... The photographer friend and the sister of the jealous friend. Their ending was ambiguous.
Thing I enjoyed the most: PBG, he carried this mess on his back.
Do I recommend it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. Please, don’t watch it.
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Private Lives: An orphan who was recluted to become a spy and works for a conglomerate that holds the power to decide the next president of Korea AND a con woman who wants revenge because her dad got sent to jail. They meet and fall in love and it’s the cutest thing ever but on their wedding day he misteriously disappears and... that’s it. Everything that happens after that makes zero sense. By the end I was more interested in the second leads.
OTP: TWO (but mostly the second couple) and the reason why I finished this drama at all.
Thing I enjoyed the most: Second leads. BokGi and Eduardo (yeah, I know that wasn’t his real name). I’d watch a drama of those two. Even if it was by the same writer.
Do I recommend it? Well... not really. LOL If you’re interested to know more about it, read my “recaps” of each episode HERE or read about the last ep here. You’ll understand about the same as if you were to actually watch it, but you will not waste your time. I hope? LOL
Start Up: A grandma with good intentions, a FL that lost it all as a kid, letters that weren’t really that genuine, a rich, cocky and petty jerk who wasn’t the ML (I mean by definition he had everything to be the male lead lol) and the actual ML (a genius who suffers from the biggest case of Impostor Syndrome I’ve ever seen). No one except for the FL mostly is honest. A time jump that was there just for the sake of angst and not quite done right. Also, making a business with your friends involves a whole lot of nonsense and drama. And a “love triangle” that drove the fandom to madness. And wait, the sister was the second female lead? She was more secondary than the secondary characters. This drama is seriously not what it seems at first lol
OTP: DalMi&DoSan. Adorable. The oly reason I finished this. From the moment they announced the cast and learned who the leads were, I knew I was gonna ship them. And that’s how I never get SLS lol
Thing I enjoyed the most: The answer to that question is HERE
Do I recommend it? Honestly, yeah. Just turn off your brain and never discuss it on social media. Binge it and move on with life. Not the best drama, but tbh not the worst. Well it is the worst by the writer lol Wow it sounds like I hated it, but it’s just that the fanwars really got to me haha and it’s all so recent, but I actually did love the love story and the grandma was a treasure.
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artemis099 · 3 years
Writer’s Tag
Thank you @gottaread2 for tagging me in this. I’m sorry it took so long for me to respond but I appreciate you and thank you for thinking of me!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 Word Count?
What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Crystal Clearing
Smooth As Champagne
Seeing the Other Side
Do you respond to comments?
Definitely!! I love discussing my works and any feedback people take the time to leave. I’m always overjoyed when I see the care people take to leave a note and I want to make sure they know that I really appreciate that they cared enough to say anything.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It’s difficult to say because I’ve done a few more openended stories that had bleaker outlooks but without taking into the canonical happenings of season five of Gotham then I suppose the worst one would be Mockery of a Friend.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Bleeding Love is probably the happiest. The angst in it isn’t due to conflict between the characters s much as a characters conflict amongst themselves which allowed for a sweeter resolution not tainted by past betrayal or layers of hurt leading to that point.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I have written a few crossovers and have a few more in mind if I write them down but currently the craziest one I have is likely Residential Hazard. Artemis Fowl meets Resident Evil Seven and nobody has a fun time.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully not. Everyone who drops by has been super kind and amazing.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Funnily enough my first two stories did include smut but I found that I really didn’t like writing it and I had to force myself to create the scenes in them so I no longer write them because I just find it to be a struggle that I don’t have to put myself through if I don’t want to.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge and hopefully it’ll never happen.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No I haven’t but I would be honored if anyone ever decided they would like to.
Have you ever co-written a story before?
Not currently but I am interested in doing so and open to the idea.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
This is a difficult question because my all time favorite ship only lasts until I move onto a different source of media then it changes to whoever I latch onto for that work. I will say that my all time favorite type of ship is friends to lovers like Ethan and Benny from MBAV. I think it’s really sweet when they go from besties that already kind of seem like they’re in a relationship to oh yeah, we pretty much already date might as well make it official.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My WIP is actually a series. I started a Gotham College AU where Edward met Oswald but it was a year or two ago and I don’t think I’m ever actually going to finish it. I started it with no idea of where to even go with it and I have no clue on what would even happen next.
What are your writing strengths?
I think my strengths lie in creating a plot and a storyline to follow. As is, I typically have the story planned out in my head before I write it down on paper. That way I won’t be tempted to abandon it or give up.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Rushing my ending is definitely a problem I suffer from. Once I get near the end I just want to have the story written down and be done with that. I have to take extra care to try and make sure I don’t just throw something together in some form of conclusion and call it done. There have been a couple where that’s also definitely what I did and I’m not sure if it’s noticeable or not when some reads it.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Mad respect to the people who are willing to do that but it makes me too nervous to try. I only know one language and I don’t want to butcher a different one by trying and then it end up being a horrible mess so I only stick to English.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
HunterxHunter was the first fandom I wrote for.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
That is a tough question. There are certainly some stories that I like better than others but to try and pick a favorite is a monstrous task. At the end of the day though I suppose my favorite is The End of the Line. It just flowed when I tried to write it and I thought it was a neat idea. It also was how I meet @weeinterpreter and that is certainly something I’m glad is happened.
Tagging: Absolutely anyone that sees this and wants to play.
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rennyforpresident · 4 years
Renny’s BBSim: First Boots Week 4
Welcome back to Biiiiiiiig Brother!
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@ashleaevans @bathroom-sand @kaysarswhore @kayysarridha @kelleekim @lahallucinations @maxdoesbb @misshoh @music-obsessednerd @nerdphobic @nomwastaken @pawn2393 @phylisisley @remember-caltoru @rennyforpresident @shaolinbynature
Previously, a house flip shook up the game. @nomwastaken took a shot at @ashleaevans to try and solidify his side of the house as the majority, but after some intense strategy and an earth-shaking speech, the house changed it’s mind, and voted out @kayysarridha, the season’s eternal nominee, instead.
Immediately after the vote, @nomwastaken, @misshoh, and @kaysarswhore meet up in the bathroom to aggressively whisper
@nomwastaken: “One of you needs to win this HOH. We can’t trust anyone in our alliances now because there were only four votes to keep @kayysarridha.”
@kaysarswhore: “You’re telling me?! I’m the one who’s public enemy number 1 now. These people better watch their fucking backs. My money’s on @remember-caltoru being the traitor and the Block Destroyers staying faithful”
The narrator from above: “The Block Destroyers, were not in fact, all staying faithful”
Before the HOH, all of the alliances had separate meetings at different times throughout the house. Miraculously, no blow ups happened, and every alliance remains in tact
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But how long can that possibly last? With the HOH competition in the air, everything is uncertain.
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This one looks like it’s gonna hurt! And some people can’t take the heat right away!
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@ashleaevans, who is arguably in the most vulnerable position, drops first!
@ashleaevans in the DR: “*violent sobbing* I just lost my grip! I only lasted 8 minutes! I can’t believe I look so stupid”
The other four don’t last much longer, with @lahallucinations dropping out after 26 minutes
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The other four have a bad go of it as well.
@misshoh in the DR: “I feel so useless to my alliance! I can’t win shit. All I do is throw pizza rolls, lose at comps, eat hot chip, and lie!”
At the 55 minute mark, three remain
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It’s @kaysarswhore against the Dynamic Duo. Will @kaysarswhore secure her safety and flip the house again? Or will @shaolinbynature and @phylisisley secure safety for themselves and take the power back from the bigger alliances?
At the 1 hour and 10 minute mark, @shaolinbynature is really starting to feel it
@shaolinbynature to @phylisisley: “Do you got this? I can’t keep going, I’m sorry”
@phylisisley, loudly: “I could be here ALL DAY. I’m perfect up here”
Hearing that her ally is solid, @shaolinbynature drops
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The competition is STIFF. The two of them hang on for a solid 2 hours and 24 minutes. Neither of them talk the entire time. Suddenly:
@phylisisley: “If you keep me and one other person safe, I’ll drop.”
@kaysarswhore, desperate for a win, shakes her head violently. 
@phylisisley: “Promise?”
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Taking it as a yes, @phylisisley makes the call.
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@kaysarswhore! You have secured your safety for the week and earned the right to nominate two of your fellow houseguests for eviction!
The house is both stunned and disappointed when they see @phylisisley fall. @kaysarswhore, on the other hand, runs over to @nomwastaken and @misshoh and screams and shouts about their alliance’s win. @nerdphobic and @pawn2393 join in too, even though we ALL know where @pawn2393‘s vote went.
Later on that night, @phylisisley talks with @kaysarswhore in the HOH room.
@phylisisley: “So about our deal. As long as myself and @shaolinbynature stay off the block, I don’t care what you do.”
@kaysarswhore: “That sounds solid to me. I wasn’t targeting the two of you regardless, and I’m grateful you gave me this gift this week.” 
@kaysarswhore in the DR: “Thanks for giving me this info @phylisisley! Now I know exactly who your number 1 is *cackling*”
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At the nomination ceremony, @kaysarswhore walks out wearing the HOH robe to make her nominations, ready to show these people who’s really in charge. She stands and makes her decision
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@kaysarswhore: “I have decided to nominate you @music-obsessednerd and you @shaolinbynature. @music-obsessednerd, you know that I think you’re human garbage. You don’t deserve to be here, and I wish you hadn’t walked through those doors this season. @shaolinbynature, you are quickly becoming the biggest threat in this house. I know who you’re aligned with, and I know that if I had not won, my ass would be on that block. I’m cool with either of you going home. And if one of you manages to save yourself from the block, @ashleaevans, I hope you know your place in this house: at the bottom. This nomination ceremony is adjourned.”
Immediately after the ceremony, while people are hugging the nominees, @music-obsessednerd stands up and says, “Just because I’m the only one who’s not afraid to call you out on your shit doesn’t mean I don’t deserve to be here!”
@ashleaevans: “No! I’m not afraid either! She needs to go! Get the f*ck out of here!”
@kaysarswhore, knowing she’s safe this week and has her allies with her,she remains unbothered, returns the key box to the storage room, and heads upstairs, refusing to talk to either nominee.
Later though, @phylisisley heads to the DR
@phylisisley in the DR: “ @kaysarswhore is DEAD. She promised me that @shaolinbynature would be safe, so at the end of the day? She’s made a shit ton of enemies today. Her ship is as good as sunk.”
This veto is gonna be INSANE
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@kaysarswhore draws @nomwastaken and does a little happy dance. @music-obsessednerd draws Houseguest’s Choice and chooses @rennyforpresident to play! The two are close, and @rennyforpresident will definitely use it if he wins. Lastly, @shaolinbynature is visibly disappointed when she draws @misshoh to compete. She knows there’s not a shot in hell she’ll use it on her.
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I screamed out loud when the sim gave me this comp I love it here
This one is gonna require some muscle! Something some of these contestants don’t have! Both of them getting stuck in the honey, these two finish last with zero bears
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With a total of 1 bear retrieved
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@kaysarswhore just couldn’t get into the swing of things, and fell behind too early.
In third place, with 3 bears retrieved
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It all comes down to @shaolinbynature and @misshoh. Will @misshoh pull out her first win of the season? Or will @shaolinbynature come through and pull herself off the block? The winner is...
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@misshoh! You have won the Golden Power of Veto!
The two nominees feel hopeless, and at the veto ceremony, @misshoh stands and makes her decision.
@misshoh: “This is Week 4. At this point, it makes no sense for me to go back on my word and change up the house that I intentionally tried to set up. Sorry about it, but...
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The nominees are locked in, and chaos is allowed to ensue.
The next day, now trying to change their rebrand from “I’m sorry about the pizza rolls” to “I’m just a big goofball!”, @misshoh makes a split decision to bring some laughter to the house
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People are shocked at the public nudity, but laugh their asses off at the sight! They only call @misshoh “The Streak” for the rest of the week
On a more serious note, a few hours later, @phylisisley, @ashleaevans, and @shaolinbynature were all sitting inside when @lahallucinations walked in to drop a bomb
@lahallucinations: “A plane just flew over the backyard and it had a banner that said “@phylisisley is a LIAR. Get her OUT””
Shocked, @phylisisley left to the backyard to see everyone talking about it. She broke down, wondering what she possibly could have done so wrong as to have America hate her like this.
@phylisisley: “Of all the people in the house, I’M the liar? No fucking way”
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Arisa: “Hello again houseguests! This week, we have our little problem under control, so I wanna know how you’re all doing! @music-obsessednerd, what is the mood in the house this week?”
@music-obsessednerd: “Tense is an understatement! *house laughter* These people are absolutely nuts, and the way we’re playing the game right now is messy, but we’re all having fun! At least I am!”
Arisa: “Good! We love to have fun here! @kelleekim, how was life as a Have-Not this week?”
@kelleekim: “It was awful! The only thing I enjoyed was the slop pancakes that @music-obsessednerd made. WHAT a COOK!”
Arisa: “We love a little creativity! Well, let’s sour that positive note with a negative one; it’s time for an eviction. But first, the two nominees have one last chance to sway votes.”
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@music-obsessednerd: “You guys know me, and I’m anything but a liar. I keep it real all of the time, and that’s why you know who my only target is. If I stay, I’m working with you as long as your name isn’t @kaysarswhore. Otherwise, we’re good! Vote for me, and I hope we get to play this game together longer!”
@shaolinbynature: “This has been an INSANE ride so far, and I desperately need it to continue. I have wanted my second chance at BB for so long, and for it to be gone so soon would break my heart. I hope you all vote to keep me, and together we can shake this house up next week!”
Arisa: “Folks, it’s time to vote.”
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@ashleaevans and @kelleekim both love @music-obsessednerd, but they think they have a better shot at beating the alliances with @shaolinbynature on their side. @lahallucinations, however, thinks otherwise
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The Block Destroyers, yet again, are a mess. @misshoh and @nomwastaken decide to split their votes, knowing they’ll be able to pull off the same messy framing they pulled last week. @nerdphobic, thinking his alliance is strong, votes out @shaolinbynature.
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@remember-caltoru, knowing The Fearsome Four won’t last much longer, votes to evict @music-obsessednerd in the hopes that @shaolinbynature can pull out more wins. @rennyforpresident refuses to vote out his bestie, and evicts @shaolinbynature
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Of course @phylisisley isn’t gonna break her final2 deal with @shaolinbynature. That means that it’s 5-4, and @music-obsessednerd needs @pawn2393 to secure a tie and bank her hopes on @kaysarswhore. Will he work with his fellow Block Destroyers? Or will he flip on them yet again?
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@pawn2393 flips yet again. Could this be the week he defects from the alliance?
Arisa: “When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest, they will have one minute to gather their belongings, say their goodbyes, and exit the Big Brother house.”
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Arisa: “Come on out, @music-obsessednerd!”
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Arisa: “What happened!? @music-obsessednerd, you went from being the first HOH to being out of the house so early!”
@music-obsessednerd: “I got ripped off! @kaysarswhore came in guns blazing and fired right at me. I hope these people can actually band together next week to take her down! Lord knows I would have done it if I had the chance.”
Arisa: “How do you think the game would have played out if @shaolinbynature had won that HOH?”
@music-obsessednerd: “Well I can guarantee I wouldn’t be sitting here! *audience laughter*. These people weren’t afraid to play, but none of them could win comps. If they don’t take her out before jury, they’re fools.”
Arisa: “So we know what they have to do to make it far, but who do you think actually can?”
@music-obsessednerd​: “Well my BFF in the house was @rennyforpresident​, so I’m rooting for him all the way. @lahallucinations​ also has a hell of a game, and I think if she continues to fly under the radar, she’ll be standing there in the end for sure.”
Arisa: “Well, it’s been lovely having you with us!
Only one more boot before jury begins! Who will make it and get that fat jury bonus check? Find out next time. For now, from outside the Big Brother house, I’m Arisa Cox, and remember, someone is aaaaaaaaaalways watching!”
@music-obsessednerd​ i am SO SORRY this is the second time you’ve left pre-jury I hate it here (but u beat your last placement by a week! lol)
As for the rest of you, this sim is JUST getting started, get ready for a ROLLER COASTER
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Supergirl season 5 episode 7
Ok, this one hit me right in the feels! How very dare they do this and tug at my heart strings!
First off Lena just sat casually waiting for Levaithan to come, she really doesn't care about herself much anymore does she?
Hmmm.... is a it just me or is Hope being way more concerned than an AI should be? I have an inkling Eve is manifesting her way through. Hope sounded way to anxious and human when asking Lena not to provoke Levaithan and the dangers of them.
What the heck was that presentation even about?
Ok NO Kara and Jonn! Malefic was a child who was locked up foe beinf different by his own father, banished to what is essentially Hell, abandoned by his brother, who then decided it was a fab idea to erase his very existence from everyone including himself! Malefic didn't deserve to be once again banished to the phantom zone regardless of what he did. 'To dangerous to be kept contained on Earth?' So let's send him back to hell? Yeah Kara and Jonn can f**k off with that.
Finally! A bit more about Levaithan and creepy granny being told off! "She is a Luthor' even Levaithan lackies recognise Lena's talents!
Ok, so Levaithan has been around since the dinosaurs, from what I gather they try to 'fix humanity every now and then. Is this different to Lena's plan to stop humans harming eachother? Or Myriad and Astra, or even the DEO and Kara taking it upon themselves to deal threats? Kara does take on a lot authority and makes decisions on behalf of Earth, usually without consulting Earth. Seems to me everyone has their own ideas on how to 'fix' or 'deal' with potential issues, they just don't go about it the same way.
🤣 snowflake generation "does that mean they melt?" Yes Rama Khan that's pretty much EXACTLY what it means, one wrong word and they melt into a puddle crying 'offended'.
So I'm thinking Blondie is going to team up with Lena since they seem to have the same idea, they don't want brute force.
That trial of Lena's and her being saved happened far to quickly. Also NO WAY did Kara get there that fast!
Aww Brainy! 'Earth Benders' 🤣
Aww I miss Brainy and Lena together.
Sooo.... Supergirl just debunked Christianity and Noahs arc 😅 subtle lol
Why is Kara shocked that someone could be thousands if years old? I mean unless someone kills her SHE is going to be thousands of years old.
Lena is being so OBVIOUS right now I feel like slapping Kara because 'for God's sake Kara!! Lena isn't OK and that is not how she usually acts! Yes i know the dynamic has changed before you all yell at me, BUT there's a difference between not being OK and blatantly lying! Katie is so obvious 😅 it's like watching Morganas evil smirk everytime someone turns away from her.
I said it the other day and I'll say it again! It's SICK that Superman and Supergirl keep dangerous world destroying weapons as trophies of their 'victories'. Those things should be destroyed!! 'We keep things there that can harm us' Because why would we destroy those things? Sure that won't come back and bite us in the ....Ohhhhh.
Why is Lena acting like she doesnt know what the fortress is? Lena YOU WERE THERE!! you stood there, yelling at your mother for shutting the portal and leaving Supergirl on the Daxamite ship! Ugh!
Lena's obviousness is obvious!
"A Luthor in the fortress of Solitude" 😂😂 Lena is trolling herself and Kara at the same time!
Oh... Jonn you remembered MURDERING Manchester Black? Glad you remembered!
Ok Myrnn is awesome! But also sucks for how he treated Mal!
Why is Jonn, or Kara etc forgiven for all things by the audience and the characters? What Jonn did to Mal was horrific, his murder of Manchester was horrific but he gets to have a chat with dad and all is forgiven!
Finally!! An explosion actually caused some issues!
Hahaha even a concust Alex wakes up with perfect hair 😂
Yeah the CGI in this episode kinda sucks!
Lena is trolling Kara so much! And Kara is starting to remember the bullshit she did to Lena!! Oh...Yeah you're right, I was an awful ass who lied to you constantly and even made you freak out thinking I was dead while you had frantically tried to save my life and I was in zero danger. Oh..... That wasn't nice was it? I see it now!
Lena 'we are far beyond those boys and their sticks and stones, let's me and you go and grab the most dangerous weapons possible!' 🤝
Hahaha myrnn playing the pro noun game!
Nawww Kelly and Alex are cute.
Oh Lena's voice is cracking, she can barely hold it together. She is broken!
Kara had taken to long to realise or even remember all the crap she put Lena through, now Lena is making her realise it all and she is awkward as hell.
Oh come on! Lena sees tech she's only heard of before and instantly knows how to use it? This is almost as bad her knowing how to pilot the legion ship!
Ok Kara is an irresponsible dumb ass! Bestie or not WHY is she letting Lena use tech here? Even Alex or Brainy watches at the DEO when she's there, not out of mistrust but supervision!
I need Malefic to meet with Myrnn the way Jonn does!
This situation with Mal reminds me of when disabled kids were shut away and people acted like the didn't exist, you know? Rather than actually trying to DO something!
😂😂 Lex's 'many human hair wigs'
Ok, I'm going to say it again!! Why the F**KITY F**K does Kara STILL have Myriad?!! 'Oh if there's one thing I could destroy it would be that' then f**king destroy it Kara!! Launch it into a bloody volcano! Don't keep it!! This is how heart broken Luthors are able to steal stuff, because Kara Zor El, YOU and Kal El are DUMB ASSES!! no I will not take that back! This is stupid!! It's like the writers knew they were going to need Myriad again and thought 'let's just have Kara not destroy it, because I mean why would she have done that to something so dangerous and that she felt ashamed of her family for making and she made that abundantly clear in season one?' 😑😑
I love Brainy!!
So is blonde ladies tech perhaps actually Obsiden Tech?
I swear to RAO there was an ice sculpture arm chair in that fight!
Again, CGI of this episode is awful!
'I am the Earth! I was able to manipulate the fortress to throw it at you when i arrived, but now i can't?
Ok, did Kara just low key say 'OK boomer' by calling Rama Khan 'welcome to Krypton old man'?? 😅😅
Lena is bad ass!
Oh, here it comes! My heart is broken! Finally the ball.has dropped on Kara, sorry it's about freaking time!! Oh Kara STOP you DID use her, stop denying it now you're both last that!
Oh!! Take that haters! Kara just admitted she thought she killed Lex!!
Lena is so traumatised, she's not even looking at Kara when talking about holding the gun. She hasn't processed this at all, she is destroyed! She's saying all the things that Kara DID do to her, constantly telling her betrayal hurts her and Kara carried on.
Oh she's screaming! She can't hold it together anymore! She hasn't processed this at all. I don't think this is all hate for Kara, it's late for herself and what she did, and she needs someone to hate, a person to blame! She isn't holding it together anymore.
Yeah haters I'm sorry, but Kara did treat Lena like a villain more than once.
Did Lena even say Kara's name at a this episode? All I heard was Supergirl.
Kara is broken, Lena is broken. Kara did wrong to Lena and now Lena is doing wrong to Kara.
I'm sorry but Jonns sudden patching things up with Mal is a bit much for me. Glossed over!
But Mal and Jonn is paralleling Lena and Kara. One betrayed and broke the other, then the other turned the tables. If only Lena could look into Kara's mind. Seriously though, if Mal can get over what Jonn did which was HORRIFIC I have hope for our Lena!
Sooo... in conclusion, good episode, everything other than Kara and Lena felt quick and forced though. I'm glad they have Kara finally realising that a few words and tears doesn't fix your awful behaviour. Yes I know I'm harsh on Kara but it was Kara who did those horrible things to Lena under the guise of 'protecting her' and by her own words 'being selfish so she could keep her' Lena didn't deserve any of what happened and she just spelt it out to Kara.
I think Lena is truly broken, she couldn't keep it together at all.
I feel bad for both of them to be honest, Kara because she's going to be broken to and has lost Lena and Lena because she's broken and had lost Kara.
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neekpie · 5 years
The plot line of every Hallmark movie...
Type one: Highschool Crush
Pretty Girl returns to hometown after living in NYC or LA or something for business
Pretty Girl runs into her old highschool love interest
They flirt and stuff blah blah but Pretty Girl is strict and plans on going back to LA or NYC for work
They fall in love, and HS Love Boy loosens Pretty Girl uo, while Pretty Girl teaches Love Boy to be a little more serious at times
Pretty girl decides to stay in hometown last minute to stay with Love Boy
Type Two: Single Parent
It’s Christmas! Which means this random single dad with an annoying daughter lives in a random aesthetically pleasing town!
And of course, Sweet Woman is single and stumbles upon this town, needing a place to stay. She meets Single Dad and Annoying Daughter, and they invite her into their humble abode for as long as she needs! How convenient!
Little girl immediately ships her dad and this random woman, and thinks of Sweet Woman as like a mother.
Sweet Woman and Single Dad get closer and fall in love, but sadly Sweet Woman has to go home right before Christmas!
Single Dad and Annoying Daughter are sad she’s gone. It doesn’t feel the same without Sweet Woman!
But luckily for them, Sweet Woman surprises them and comes back on Christmas Day! Yayyy and then they kiss in the last 2 minutes of the movie.
Type Three: The Grinch
Aw, man! Abnoxious Blonde is OBSESSED with the Christmas season! But she meets Grumpy Dude, and he hates Christmas. Bummer!
She continues to pester to boy dude and constantly asks why he doesn’t like Christmas. He’s annoyed with her (I mean, so are all the viewers tbh)
He eventually loosens up around her a bit, but Grumpy Dude still doesn’t like Christmas.
One day they hang out at the night in the snow (that doesn’t fall quite realistically), and Abnoxious Blonde keeps talking about good ol’ Christmas.
Grumpy Dude finally tells Abnoxious Blonde his big secret why he doesn’t like Christmas... His mom DIED on Christmas when he was a kid and he was devastated!
She’s soooo sorry for him, and then other crap happens and they kiss and are all of a sudden the cutest Christmas couple ever!
Type Four: The Gay One
Just kidding. That has never happened. Haha, you thought!
Type Five: Prince or Billianaire
Random Lady stumbles upon a gentleman whom she instantly loves. She doesn’t know he’s a billianaire/prince though! And he can’t tell her now, he likes having a friend that doesn’t treat him different because of his status.
They fall in love, big surprise. But one day prince/rich boi gets a phone call from his father, and his secret is rEvEaLeD! Random Lady is SHOOK!
She can’t believe it! How didn’t she know? She can’t be with him anymore.
Her super supportive Pinterest bestie thinks otherwise. They meet in a cute coffee shop and talk over tea, and bestie convinces Random Lady to go get her man!
Random Lady does so, and they end up together! Aw, how sweet.
Type Five: Competition!
These two are business rivals. But he’s a total flirt. She can’t stand him.
Fancy Pants Gal likes to do things old fashioned. She likes to get work done, but Dude Bro is always ruining things for her. They probably are both fighting over what to do with a property or a garden or something like that.
Fancy Pants wants to win this property because she believes in the tradition and meaning of it. Dude Bro just needs to do it cuz he’s getting paid.
There’s tension, that’s for sure. They flirt and he tries to loosen her up, but she is not having it.
Eventually, they become frenemies. When it comes to the point where someone has to win the property, Dude Guy wins, and Fancy Pants tries to convince him to not ruin this property for the poor town who wants to keep it.
He gives in. They kiss. The town is happy. That’s it.
Feel free to add more! Every movie usually has like the same plot line and it’s fun to make fun of.
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
SYTYCD Tour Recap
Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. Like any good recap, this will be lengthy so it is going after the break.
First things first, we bought these tickets a few months ago for Abs, me, and 2 of my coworkers.  One coworker has since left the company but was still going to go until about noon yesterday when she was informed she had to work mandatory overtime at her new job leaving me with Abs and my coworker I’ll refer to as A.  Let’s just say I had my hands full with those two.  All day long A was walking around the office making grabby hands because she said she needed to warm up for grabbing Slavik.  This is the same coworker who wants to go to DWTS with me and wonders if Artem will let her rub his abs.  Coincidentally, this is the person who killed my dream that one day Abs would become a reasonable adult.  I had high hopes that she would be sane during the bus meets........
 Pre Show......We went for a quick dinner at Panera where A laid out her plans to Abs and swore Abs to secrecy so that she wouldn’t warn anyone that she was planning to squeeze some cheeks.  We got to the theater about 6:15ish for a 7:30 show.  We parked and found the buses and sat on the benches watching for dancers.  We did see Cole, JayJay, Lauren, and Chelsea but it was too close to show time for them to come over so they all shouted hello and said they’d see us after. 
Showtime.......We got inside the theater, bought Abs her shirt, and climbed Mt Everest to get to our seats.  Then we laughed at our my ability to find the most hysterically amazing nosebleed seats.  But hey, me and A were like “Sorry, Abs, cheap seats for the win!”  They were actually FABULOUS seats we saw everything and no one got altitude sickness.
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 Intermission.....Abs and A were still talking about Slavik (I wish I could have snuck a picture of A’s face when he danced his solo.  It was hysterical.  The thirst is real).  While they were going on I looked down and saw security and the police and we all cracked up.  We were texting the rest of the office in the group chat and they were all placing bets on which one of us would be arrested and who was gonna have to bail us out.  I am sure this isn’t as funny to you guys but we were crying laughing after Abs and A’s conversation.
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 Post Show Bus Shenanigans......OMG Y’all!  OMG!  This was the best bus experience!  Aside from the drizzly rain which we hid from in a doorway outside of the bus.  There were only about 15-20 of us out there and everyone came out to see us.  We were standing with 2 ladies in ballgowns and the sweetest family with the cutest daughter.  The one lady was obsessed with Lauren.  Like “name your car after her and get a vanity plate with her name and season number on it” type obsessed.  She was intense...and really really tall. 
First out was Cole and Slavik.  They came over after stashing their things on the bus and Cole immediately looks at the crowd and yells “Who’s gonna give me a hug?  I need a hug!”  Abs came to his aid right away.  Abs released Cole from her grips and Cole looked at me and was like “OMG!  It’s Katie!  You’re a superfan!  Thank you for always supporting me!”  The Ballgowns jaws dropped and they were like “OMG!”  He gave me a huge hug and thanked us for coming out and started asking  the adorably sparkly little girl next to me about her favorite dances while he stood there with his arm slung over my shoulders.  I never got a picture with Abs and Cole....whoops.  He ended up walking by us about 5 or 6 times stopping for hugs each time. 
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While I was talking to Cole I was oblivious as to the horror happening behind us.  I turned around and saw this......
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Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. The Ballgowns were talking to Slavik and Abs and A were cackling.  I said “Oh God, what did you do?!?!”  Apparently A got two juicy handfuls of Slavik.    However, he was SUPER nice and laughed as well.  Abs pitched her ship name and he was all about some Javik. It is of note that lots of people wanted autographs and The Ballgowns had a sharpie.  Cole kept coming back to borrow it because Slavik wasn’t coming back in our direction....not without security at least.
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 Next out were Cyrus and Lauren....The Ballgowns were EXCITED!  Cyrus came over to us first and he’s so nice!   He had his fanny pack…who decided these things needed a come back.  They should be exiled from making decisions ever again. He did the robot with Lil Miss next to us and it was the cutest thing.  After we talked to Cyrus we turned around and The Ballgowns were showing Lauren the pictures of the car.  Lauren mentioned that Faith the Merch Lady had told her that they would be waiting for her.  She was very pleased to meet her superfans as well. 
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  Abs made her dance pose.  It was super cute.  
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Then came Darius and JayJay.  I freakin love me some them!  They were both FULL of energy and so fun.  Abs and JayJay are new besties and JayJay says we’re twinsies because of the mustard yellow tops we were wearing.  FYI….Darius absolutely owns the stage and even prettier in person. JayJay pulled a Cole and had to stop and hug his new bff every time he walked by. 
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 Genessy came next and made her way very quickly down the line.  I’m not sure if she didn’t feel well or was tired or just doesn’t like crowds but she basically just took a quick selfie and moved on.  She was out and in in about 5 min.  She did stop to hear Abs Javik pitch and said she’d run it by Slavik…..they created a monster and it’s hysterical.  She’s so damn proud of her ridiculous ship name.  
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Then came Evan.  He went pretty quickly through also but talked a bit with the sparkly cutie next to us because she taps.  I have still never figured out why he doesn’t dance in Juice and lost my nerve to ask him. Dude can tap like a dream though! The only thing that bothered me was that his taps were dubbed in the audio, which is strictly logistical because duh they have to, and he was slightly off both times and that kind of thing annoys the shit out of me.  It was like when the sound and the lips don’t match on the tv.  It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  It also made me feel a little bad for him as a performer because I know that dancers/singers/anyone really switch it up here and there and he won’t ever be able to.  Man that man’s feet can move.
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Hannahlei, Jensen, and Magda all came out together and honestly, I initially felt a little overwhelmed because OMG they’re all right there!  All the girls Abs and I wanted to meet!  However, we most definitely did get to meet with each of them.
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Abs was VERY excited to report that she’s taller than Hannahlei.  It’s the little things in life when you’re a short person. 
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And Jensen....who is every bit as exuberant in person as she is on TV.  Pure sweetness and energy.
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And then the queen herself.....Magda!  She went to The Ballgowns and the adorable girl next to me while we were taking pics with the other two.  Once they walked away she did the cutest scream/squeal and fangirled while I almost passed out because HOLY CRAP!  It’s Magda!  Her stage presence is absolute fire and she is just the sweetest in person.  We talked and hugged and talked and hugged. 
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Me and my idiot fan self is all “I’m KatieAmazeballs” and she laughed and said “I know exactly who you are!  I’m so glad to finally meet you!”  Y’all.....Y’ALL!  Night was freakin made!
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After Magda and I talked (she was the only one still out there because the massive crowd of 20ish had pretty much dispersed) Abs and A had figured out we only had Chelsea left.  Abs asked if Madga would go get her.  She said she’d go find her but that she may not come out because she hadn’t been feeling the best earlier.  She went to the bus, got up on the first step, and yelled “Yo, Chelsea!!!!!  Get out there and meet your fans!”  Out came a very perky Chelsea who apologized that she was stuffing her face with pizza in the bus instead of meeting fans.  She asked if we had any questions about tour life and Abs wanted to know how bus life worked.  She explained the lay out of the bunks and Abs said she couldn’t do it because she’d roll out.  I said I couldn’t because I’m ridiculously claustrophobic and she said there’s actually more room than it looks and that it doesn’t bother her claustrophobia at all.  Then Abs asked if anyone snores.  Chelsea said she doesn’t know because once she hits her bed she falls asleep pretty fast so she’s never noticed....but outed JayJay as a sleep talker.  Abs is truly his kindred spirit. 
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(Peep the security photo bomb.....lol)
Now that we were done, we made Abs stand here for this picture because pre show she was ahead of us and was super grossed out by the “male toilet” right out there in the open. 
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We came around the corner and died laughing because apparently my kid has never seen a pay phone before.  Then she picked it up and immediately freaked out because “IT’S RINGING!!!!!”  That was the moment I realized she’d never heard a dial tone before.  Kids these days.  Lol.  We were still laughing on and opening car doors when we heard this CRUNCH that sounded like someone crumpled about 6 water bottles at once.  We jerk around and some dude had his car on top of the damn yellow pole.  Then we speculated the whole way back to the office (where A’s car was) about how he was gonna play that one off to the insurance company.  Now to today.  It is overcast and dreary and A and I are so tired but everyone at work is much relieved that we both made it out without handcuffs.
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gothamiteneko · 6 years
So, again, i'm coming out from my silent self, cuz Gotham did it again. This show gives me so much feels, i can't hold them anymore, so here we go...
Let's start:
+ Riddler's instructions to Martin #Perfection
+ Also, Martin's sweater... Martin's drawings... Martin 💖
+ That torpedo through the window, lol, nice touch
+ "Uncle penguin" 💜 (is his son #MartinCobblepot, but still)
+ "Let's get ice cream" #Dead
+ Harvey again with Jim, yay! Fav detectives team ftw
+ "The skinner" ... I wonder what kind of "history" she had with Harvey (that old lady seems really dangerous)
+ Knuckle sandwich, OMG...the guard's satisfaction face when Ozzy guessed the riddle that fast 😂 ... poor Oswald.
+ Headhunter is alive... Zsasz bestie :,)
+ Harvey unintentionally saving Ozzy in Arkham
+ Ed being the extra bicon villain we love, while saving his boyfriend Ozzy from Arkham 😂👌💚💜 (seriously, i didn't know how much i missed him until now)
+ Selina is feeling bad for what she's done, but mostly cuz of Ivy... Selina is great and i loved watching her fight with her whip side by side with Bruce (love this ship)
+ Confirmed, Ed was the one who gave Oswald HIS clothes and gloves *happy dance*
+ The hat.... The chat they had on the street! Ed just happily started telling Ozzy about Zsasz love for disco, OMG, like if nothing bad had happened between them before, just le casual chat between best friends any day of the week... OMG 💜💚
+ Lee knowing about The Riddler and his plans and being not even a bit surprised or scared... she is so badass and surely she knows how to deal with the rogues like a pro.
+ The whole scene in Butch/Grundy's den... epic... how extra is Riddler, lol, i just loved that...Butch has a surprise!... Ed's shocked face though, i just can't.
+ Ozzy being emotional and impatient again, my bb birb, i totally understand his reluctance to trust anyone now, so he's resigned to go all alone.
+ Le casual encounter between Jim/Harvey/Oswald, lol, it was great and funny too. Also Jim trying to calm down Ozzy was cute ("i don't believe you" aw)... And that "thank you" and shakehand made me smile... Harvey, you are so mean my dear (still love you) but i guess that was fortunate for Os, if Zsasz and Headhunter would find him before the detective duo, he could have been dead instead... Ozzy is such a lucky birb.
•Headhunter: Hey Penguin, remember me? :D
•Oswald: Oh god nooo D:
•Headhunter: 😕☹️ :| :(
+ Lee saving Ozzy..."Lee!"... Love it
+ What's happening Babs??? you doesn't look good... Butch is a clever guy again.. and still loves Tabby (cute... Drew [Powell] was right, "Creep" by Radiohead is his song).... Ed being tied, gagged, dragged through the floor... and still being sassy (laughing... and don't forget his beloved hat)... Ahem... that... Is kinda hot
+ Mr. Freeze! hi Victor! I missed him 💙 he is so cool... in more than one way ["don't care" omg xD]... Lol, so they finally stayed with Ed's original backup plan (bonus: love Os and Vic interaction #Freezewald... sorry, I can't help myself, i like this)
+ Ouch, Ed was so brave (bloody brave)... Riddler just showing how badass he can be... so impressive (even The Dentist himself admited it)... never underestimate him again, you fools (fear The Riddler, yeah!)
+ Zsasz... He is who he is and i still love the guy
+ Mr. Penn and his... therapy... i just can't, it is so funny and really akward... for everyone
+ Poor Os, realizing he's surrounded by Falcone's people like, even under the rocks, just like a very bad joke (next time follow Harvey's advice darling)
+ The assault in the spa, OMG, epic. Poor Jim, i'm glad he's ok, he regained my heart after this episode (i like Jim very much, but he was being a douche with everyone)
+ Love Lee, such a badass woman (that's a way to give a shot!)... And i like how she and Jim are linked for better or worse... Just like happens with Ed and Ozzy.....
+ Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot... these two... THESE TWO #Feels... i'm so happy right now cuz everything that happened between them in this episode (sorry, i'm being repetitive but i can't help myself right now):
- Ed rescuing Martin, because of course Os asked him for it, before his own rescue #Important
- Ed helping Ozzy to escape from Arkham the only way he knows #RiddlerStyle
- The casual bff talk on street and with Lee (just like the old good times)
- Ed firmly refusing to betray Oswald, no matter what (parallels: Oswald emotional pain / Ed's physical pain)
- Os giving up his passionate revenge against Sofia, just to save Ed's life #Important (just like S3 all over again, but better, cuz he really was in danger this time... Ozzy's concerned face and that lil moan when he is deciding what to do, ohmygod)
- Ed realizing that Oswald put his (Ed) security before Os' own interests, giving Ed a lesson of what is more important for Oswald, proving Ed that he was wrong about Ozzy.
- Ozzy telling Ed that he really trusted him (also with that face he did, omg)
- Ed finally accepting Ozzy's apologize and giving up the cat-mouse game they had since that tragic moment on S3 we all know.
- "I have a strong desire to never ever see this peer again"... *epic relief sigh* "I agree"
- The BG music along this scene, omg 💚💜 #ManlyTearsOfJoy
If all of that doesn't mean that Oswald Cobblepot still loves Edward Nygma and visceversa, then i don't know what it means #NygmobblepotIsCanon #Fact
So, conclusions (if you are still here with me, my Nygmob shipper heart gives you all the love it has):
- Things went so exciting! not a single quiet moment
- Sofia receiving what she deserved* so,
- Justice for everyone, finally!
- I wanted Oswald or Jim to kill Sofia but i'm totally ok with how things went (so much better than i expected indeed)
*She was really mean with others beyond "Gotham standards", just the way Galavan did, so she had to pay, even his dad knew it.
- As i read somewhere else, this was a very kind episode with Ozzy (considering how he was treated before on this season) and that makes me happy. Let's count how many "let's help Oswald Cobblepot" we had:
1. By Harvey Bullock, in Arkham, from Zsasz and Headhunter (indirectly)
2. By Ed "Riddler" Nygma, in Arkham (directly)
3. By Jim Gordon and Harvey, on the street (indirectly)
4. By Lee Thompkins, on the street (directly)
5. By Victor Fries, with his revenge against Sofia (indirectly)
6. By Ed "Riddler" Nygma (directly/,indirectly) by not betraying him with Sofia
7. By The Dentist (indirectly/directly) confessing where Sofia's henchmen took Ed
8. By Ed "Riddler" Nygma... Just cuz he deserves another mention (he saved Martin, that counts... And Oswald, indirectly, from Jerome -you know what i mean-).
- About Nygmobblepot? Feels restored 💚💜 (thank you Gotham, at least some peace after all this pain you put us through, for a very long time)
So... This episode was perfect from the beginning to the very last second and now, i'll cry with joy until the next thursday, cuz my feels are that much.
*Becomes a silent cat once more*
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
Welcome back to Let me watch TV 4 U? The blog where I watch TV for YOU! Last night was the season 7 finale of Game of Thrones. What happened? LET’S FIND OUT! Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned. You’ve also been warned that you are about to be #SHOOKETH. 
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Again, I was fully #shook the entire second half of this ep. But the first half was less shocking, so let’s get that out of the way first, shall we?
We open on Greyworm and the rest of the Unsullied army…
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And they are in #formation on the lawn of King’s Landing. Jaime and Bronn watch from a tower and discuss dicks and basically conclude that dicks make the world go ‘round which is A. GARBAGE and B. WELCOME TO THE SEASON OF THE KWEENS. Also Bronn oversees the Lannister army’s production of “pitch” which I’m assuming is like tar (I know this from Into the Woods, thanks Sondheim!). What is this pitch for? IDK it’s never mentioned again! During their dick-discussion, the Dothraki forces ride up on their horses through the Unsullied formation and J and B are, frankly, spooked.
While the Unsullied and Dothraki approach by land, the big wigs ride in by sea. We’ve got Tyrion, Previously-Traumatized-Theon (PTT), Sleevey, Bae, No-Knuckles (NK), Stoney, and Missi on deck. Down below, the Hound checks to make sure the ice zombie they obtained last week is still zombie-ing. As they approach, Theon’s Uncle Crazy-Pants (UCP) has his whole fleet of ships guarding King’s Landing. We check in quickly with Queen Pixie Cut (QPC) who is reminding her zombie-bodyguard, The Mountain, to kill everyone please.
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As we approach the GoT-Model-UN, Bronn strolls up with Ladyknight and her squire, Pod on one side and are met by Tyrion and the rest of #TeamKhaleesi at a fork in the road. Pod and Tyrion and Bronn all used to be besties, so it’s kind of weird for them to be meeting like this, but OH WELL we’ve got ice zombies to discuss! The Hound and Ladyknight reunite which is cute because last time they met she left him for dead. They both chat about how they are proud that their little Arya has grown up to be a skilled assassin.
They approach the Courtyard by Marriott presents, the DRAGONPIT space that QPC has rented for their Model-UN conference, which is actually a giant pit where the Targaryens used to keep their dragons. It looks like one of those stadiums that was shoddily-built for the Olympics 25 years ago but has not been touched since. #TeamKhaleesi and #TeamBae all take their seats and then QPC and co. roll up with Uncle Crazy Pants. We get a reminder that the Mountain and the Hound (who are brothers) do NOT like each other. QPC is like, umm… Where’s Khaleesi? And then in the least surprising entrance ever Khaleesi flies in on Dragon #1 with Dragon #2 in tow and is like, what? Am I late?
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Uncle Crazy Pants has to remind us all that he’s crazy and rather than let the grown-ups chat, he yells at his nephew PTT and is like, hey, I still have your sister, remember? Tyrion tries to steer the convo back to Model-UN business but then UCP goes on a rant about how he hates dwarves until QPC is finally like shut all the way up, UCP. Tyrion and Bae co-present the case for their country in this model-UN, Khaleesi-ville. There’s a lot of back and forth but T makes a very good point when he says there’s “no conversation that will erase the last 50 years.”
Their presentation concludes with a real-life-3D-representation of the threat to their country, an ice zombie fresh from beyond the wall! The Hound sets him loose and he comes right for QPC’s face. She looks truly horrified while her “Maester” (who is into human experiments and keeping dead people alive unnaturally) is kinda turned on? Bae shows us that the 2 things that can destroy the ice zombie are fire and dragonglass, thus completing his presentation. Good job, Bae, A+ and extra points for visuals!
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UCP is not having this and is like, can ice zombies swim? Bae’s like, naw dawg they cannot. So UCP is like k, BAI and peaces out. He and his people live on an island so they’re safe from ice zombies as long as they stay put. Since Khaleesi recently purchased an island-condo, he advises her to do the same. QPC agrees to a truce with #teamKhaleesi on the condition that Bae heads back to Winterfell and not “choose a side” between Khaleesi and QPC. It seems like a good deal but Bae is like sorry I already chose a side I’m #teamKhaleesi til I die (again). QPC is like k, kewl, bai and her whole crew leaves without deciding on their model-UN resolution. Ladyknight appeals to her old pal Jaime to have some common sense but he is too #inlurve with his sister to listen.
Everyone left at the Courtyard by Marriott is like Bae couldn’t you just have told a little lie to QPC? And he’s like naw, not a liar. Can’t do it. Tyrion is like ok well I’ll go talk to my sis, she’ll probs kill me but, it’s been a fun life! Meanwhile, Khaleesi and Bae get a little heart-to-heart where she AGAIN mentions that she can’t have children and he’s like well who said that? And she’s like oh this witch doctor lady who killed my first husband. And Bae is like, she wasn’t even a licensed medical professional, what does she know!?
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Tyrion and Jaime have a quick moment of brotherly love before T goes to see QPC. T is like, ok sis, just kill me. Your giant zombie-bodyguard is here just give the order and have me killed. And then she doesn’t kill him. Instead, she declines his glass of wine because she is #drinkingfortwo now, that’s right, she preggers (or at least she claims to be). Somehow, telling Tyrion about her pregnancy leads her to change her mind so she returns to the Courtyard by Marriott to tell the crew that she will have her armies march North to face the “great war” of the ice zombies. Huzzah! Our mission is complete. OR IS IT?
Let’s pop into Winterfell, shall we?
Sansa finds out that Bae #boweddown to Khaleesi via a very informative letter and discusses this with Littlefinger. LF is like well, I guess Bae is a traitor now so maybe you should be in charge? And she’s like hmmm… but my sister is acting weird. And then he tries to tell her that her sis wants to kill her to become the “Lady of Winterfell” and take power. She’s like, well… I guess I better do something about that. A few scenes later, Sansa is busy looking out at the winter-y landscape and tells a guard to have her sister, Arya, brought to the Great Hall.
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In the Great Hall, Arya walks into a room filled with judgy-looking dudes in pointy hats and is like, did I miss something? And Sansa is like well… there is a traitor in our midst. And Arya is like, oh really, bitch? We gonna go there? And Sansa is like yep, you’re accused of treason, murder, and conspiring to kill your leader……… LITTLEFINGER!
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LF tries to talk his way out of this one but it turns out the sisters have been plotting against him all along and there’s nothing he can say that can combat that. Plus Bran is there and he can see the past so he offers some helpfully incriminating testimony against Littlefinger. LF is down on his knees begging Sansa for his life and she’s like #boibye, do it sis. And Arya cuts his throat! And then he is dead-o as dead as any dead thing that ever died. I truly cheered out loud at this scene. Like, I should have seen it coming but I didn’t. Thank you, GoT, for not only killing off a main character, but one we all wanted to see die anyway! Later, we get a scene where Arya and Sansa fully make up and are friends again, TG!
Back to #teamKhaleesi...
they’re debating travel plans to head North. Stoney is like, Khaleesi you should take the dragon express, but Bae is like no, sail on a boat wit me. And Khaleesi is FEELING BAE so she’s like sorry, Stoney, gotta get that D. Then we have a sweet scene where Bae and PTT resolve their past differences and PTT is like wow you are one good dude, Bae.
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Inspired by this convo, PTT heads to the boats to ask the small crew of his sister’s sailor-guys to sail with him to save his sis from UCP. The main sailor dude is like NOPE, you heard UCP, we’re heading to an island! PTT is like NOT TODAY, SATAN, and he starts fighting the main sailor dude. After taking several punches and getting back up again (that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call tub-thumping (thanks Kimmy Schmidt), when you get back down but you get up again), PTT is hit hard in the groin by the main sailor dude but jokes on him cuz PTT is like a Ken-Doll down there! PTT uses this momentum to wipe out sailor dude and after beating him up, rallies the troops to go save his sister! Good job, PTT!
Back in King’s Landing…
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Jaime is ordering the Lannister forces to head up North to fight the ice zombies when QPC walks in and is like lol wut? Jaime’s like just doing what we agreed to do at the Model UN conference! QPC is like, oh that’s sweet, you thought I was serious? I’m not gonna make a truce with Khaleesi! I’m gonna move in as soon as her troops head North! And Jaime is like how? We don’t have an army! And she’s like oh remember when UCP said he was going to leave and head back to the Iron Islands- psych!- he’s heading to the other side of the world to bring the “Golden Company” (a huge army of soldiers for hire that QPC bought with all that Tyrell gold) back here.
Jaime is NOT PLEASED because A. he wants them to keep their word and B. he’s like if these ice zombies win we’re all f$%-ed and C. QPC kept him in the dark about all of this. He’s like I know you murdered thousands of innocent people in a church and you’ve been 100% evil for the past 5 seasons, but this is the LAST STRAW. And he goes to leave and she’s nobody walks away from me and her zombie-knight is there. And Jaime is like ok, kill me. Which is cuckoo because this is the second time in this episode where QPC is faced with a brother saying “ok, have your zombie knight kill me then” and each time she doesn’t do it.
So Jaime storms off and it seems like he is finally dunzo with his twin sis/lover and is headed...North? IDK? As he is leaving King’s Landing, though, SNOW STARTS TO FALL whoa #winteriscoming #vintagenedstark #amiright ladies?
Let’s check in on Winterfell again!
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Sam arrives with Gilly and bb Sam and comes to see the artist formerly known as Bran Stark aka The 3-eyed Raven. Bran tells Sam he is the 3-eyed Raven now and Sam’s like….k? And Bran is like I need to see Bae to tell him about his parents. Bran is being a real know-it-all which is I guess his gig now and he’s like he’s not Jon Snow, he’s Jon Sand, he was a bastard born in Dorne (Dornish bastards have the last name Sand instead of Snow cuz of the climate) to Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. And Sam is like HOLD THE PHONE I just remembered that Gilly read aloud from this old dude’s diary that Lyanna and Rhaegar were legally married and he got offish divorced from his first wife!
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And then Bran goes back in time and watches the marriage and is like yep it happened and meanwhile he’s narrating all of this, Khaleesi and Bae are on a ship headed North when he knocks on her door late at night. She lets him in and then before we even get to witness their first kiss they are #doingit that’s right straight up boning and fully nude. It is very hawt but also we are confirming that she is his aunt at the same time. And Tyrion, meanwhile, watched Bae go into Khaleesi’s room and is feeling some kinda way about it?!?
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I’m too verklempt to describe the sensuality of these 2 beautiful people in the nude so let’s cut to our last scene. Gingerbae and Eyepatch are still at Eastwatch when GB spots a bunch of ice zombies walking up to the wall. He’s like oh snap they are very close now we better get our shit together. And then ICE ZOMBIE DRAGON flies up, with the Night King on his back and BURNS DOWN A HUGE SECTION OF THE ICE WALL WITH HIS FIRE/ICE BREATH!?!?!?! GB and Eyepatch seem to be ok but now, we have for the first time ever, a bajillion ice zombies who’ve successfully crossed into the realm of the living and are really, definitely coming for all of us. END OF EPISODE.
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Phew thanks so much for reading! Sorry bout my technical difficulties. I’ll see you next season!
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
6) a flip of the dime. The nasty parts were always there, but he concealed/controlled them. Maybe bc said parts wouldn't exactly make him endearing to others? Anyhow, your interpretation makes him quite the interesting antagonist/villain, so I'm rolling with it, lol. /// There was another thing that was bugging me about S2: the baby's name. Obviously, Serena chose Nic(h)ole as a "fuck you" to Fred. But June in the finale? Of course, she stuck to it for Nick's sake, but also bc she recognized
7) Serena’s selfless (well, if you can call it that) act. Thoughts on this? /// As for your older responses, I forgot to describe what an epiphany it was for me to realize the significance of Serena’s use of the word “rape” for the first time. The anger I felt after 2x10 blinded me to the VERY OBVIOUS connection between her realization in 2x10 and her outburst in 2x11. (Silly me!) Imagine how much more intense that fight would have been if they included the marital rape. I remember a writer
8) that June didn’t kill Serena, bc she actually felt sorry for her in that episode. (Ngl, June’s kindness baffles me at times.) I knew that she wasn’t gonna do it of course, but it was 50/50 whether I wanted her to shoot them or not. /// Something I have not addressed so far is how lukewarm I found their explanation for June getting away with all the shit she does. Well, she’s no Janine (who loses an eye) or Emily (who gets mutilated), but still. Like you said, Serena and Fred might get away
9) get away with a lot more bc of their privilege, but June? Hm. // I’ll start quoting later (or maaaybe tomorrow).
I always thought that was a really weird sort of thing for June to do. And it seems to be entirely because of Serena? Like, it was Holly, Holly, Holly. Even when she was talking to Nick. Then she has the exchange with Serena, and suddenly she adopts Serena’s supreme dickmove of a babyname? 
And I LIKED Holly. It meant something. Nichole (I HATE THAT SPELLING SFM LMAO) means nothing to June? Can you imagine the convo: 
“Mommy, why am I called Nichole?”
“Well, baby, you see, your Daddy’s name is Nick, so the lady that stole you decided to name you after him to eternally piss off her husband who she clearly hates and wanted him to be reminded that he’s impotent every time he looks at you.”
Like, on the one hand, Serena is fucking brilliant and it just shows the extent of her hatred for Fred. But then it’s kinda shitty to use a child as a pawn in that.
Then again, maybe there’s another reason Serena chose that name? I know there’s like a whole history about St. Nicholas and his role as a patron saint of childless couples, or something. (I can’t recall exactly rn). And there was something about St. Nicolette and babies. (Which is where the names Nicole and Collette come from.) Something like she raised a dead baby back to life. So, I guess, at a stretch perhaps that was her inspiration? I doubt it, knowing Serena. LOL.
It’s really curious June’s decision though. Despite EVERYTHING Serena’s done, June just wipes it clean and names her fucking baby after Serena’s choice? Maybe she was trying to retain the memory of Nick for Nichole? I dunno. And not only that, but she seemed 100% genuine when she said that farewell blessing and held Serena’s hand (again). 
I dunno, June’s own preoccupation with Serena is something I don’t truly understand but she clearly thinks there’s some odd connection or something. It’s funny cos I was reading a review about S2 and June’s choices in the finale, and her constant support of Serena despite ALL the reasons not to, and lemme see if I can find it… 
 Nah. I can’t. Anyway, it was something about how we all know June’s going back for Hannah, but this writer thought June was also going back for Serena.
I’m not convinced about that tbh, but I can see the argument cos June is strangely protective and compassionate towards Serena considering. I just have a sinking feeling that the show is gonna play that “Oops, Serena is evil again!! SHE WAY MAD JUNE GIVE BABBY AWAY trolololol!!!!” and make her despicable in order to get Nicole back. If that is the case, I’m gonna roll my eyes right outta my head. I have no issue with Serena having regrets, tbh. I think that’s pretty understandable and expected. But having Serena go hogwild with abuse and using Fred’s power to get back at June or something is just going to fucking piss me off cos like, c’mon my dudes, been there, done that. Over and over already. It’s the 3rd season and either you’re gonna put this bitch on a mild redemption arc or you’re gonna make her a full-on villain. Make up your minds. The will-she, won’t-she thing is old by now.
I dunno that was a random OT rant.
Also, TRUTH! Serena’s use of the word “rape” was important. Like, part of me is like DUH how did you JUST figure that out?! And, honestly I feel like the marital rape is sort of necessary for Serena’s epiphany to get recognised. I think, Serena is just wilfully ignorant enough to not truly consider the Ceremony rape. I honestly do not think she totally understood what she was suggesting with the 2x10 rape. (Serena really does lack forethought for like…all of her actions. That’s sorta her whole problem.) I think she thought it would be just like a sort of unsanctioned ceremony. But by the end she did seem to recognise what it truly was. And having her raped by Fred in the previous episode would have really helped with that. (Then again, it’s really hard to understand how a woman who was just raped turns around and basically suggests it. And this person is supposed to be not Satan. A pure evil woman sure. But Serena’s not meant to be that.)
I think Yvonne’s delivery of the line was interesting too. Part of it was like, “HOly shit it was rape” and part of it was like, “ha! you’re a monster!! you did that!” Like she had no culpability in it. I want to know if Serena has realised that ALL ceremonies are RAPE yet. I wonder if she’s got there. I’m not totally convinced she has. But… I dunno.
Oh! I hadn’t read that about June’s reasoning! That’s interesting. I mean, it fits with June overall but it’s a very odd thing. Like, to be holding a gun trained on the couple that literally held you down and raped you not 24 hours earlier… and feel SORRY for the woman (whereas the general population’s consensus is that Serena is even worse than Fred for doing that to another woman)? I went and watched it after reading your message I didn’t really see that on June’s face. (But that’s really neither here nor there since editing, directing, etc. all differs from what the writers/showrunners had in mind and those are the guys doing the interviews!)  I take that back! I watched it again and I can deffo see that if that’s what they were going for. Totally missed it and likely wouldn’t have picked up on it if not for this convo.
That said, I totally see June reasoning it out that way. For some strange reason, whether it’s Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, June seems to have a blindspot/softspot for Serena and she seems to have unlimited Get Out Of Jail Free cards for her. Like, c’mon, she literally held her down to be brutally raped, and at this point it seems like Serena could murder June and June’s ghost would just be like, “Hey youuuuu, wanna be my bestie in overthrowing the patriarchy?” (Okay, I’m not at all complaining cos I love their dynamic and I ship them soooooo… lol. On a personal level, it works very well for me and my crackshippy fantasies. I choose to believe June honestly sees something nobody else does and believes in Serena’s capacity for redemption–WHICH IS INSANE. But hey. I love it.)
So, for June to feel sorry for Serena, even after everything really does fit when you think about it. And also when you think about book!June’s attitude towards true power being in forgiveness.
I remember sitting around watching the ep the first time and thinking “I don’t want June to shoot them and be a killer” but also, “WHY ISN’T SHE SHOOTING THE FUCKING PLACE UP! DOES SHE NOT WANT TO ESCAPE????” And I was sitting there with the wifey and she was like, “She can’t. What if she misses? Then you’ve got 2 incredibly angry people chasing you.” And I was like… “Uh. Reload? Shoot them as they’re coming up the stairs.”
Because I have never fired a gun in my life so to me it seems really easy lmao. But to me, I didn’t even care about her shooting Serena but I did have an inkling she didn’t want to shoot Serena with the amount she paused. That would have been a perfect shot with teh type of ammo to take out –or at least injure– two people at once. I was like, “You gotta kill Fred and Serena is pretty useless then. It’s not like they have mobile phones! You can then choose to leave Serena to die there lol, or hostage her. And steal the car. You could get pretty far since nobody knows that Fred/Serena are even there.” To me, rationally, it didnt’ make sense not to shoot them. But… emotionally, obvs, I knew she wouldn’t cos a)the series would like… end rather abruptly lol, and b) that’s just not June.
AND yeah, June getting away with all her bullshit is insane in comparison. Janine literally lost an eye for backtalking once at the Red Centre! June has, well, done so much more and just kind skates away from ALL serious punishment. (Well, living with Fred and Serena is a pretty awful punishment in general.) And, sure part of it was cos she was preggers but … how Aunt Lydia/Fred/Serena/TPTB trust this crazy Handmaid not to KEEP breaking the rules is insane. I feel like nobody would trust her to just be a docile little thing after running away for 92 days. Not even Pervy Freddo. Despite all his creeptastic fetishes, he’d be like, “OMG she is way too high maintenance. i just don’t have the patience. give me that baby so i can shut my annoying wife up and then get me another more docile babyslave to play Scrabble and shave!” The plot armour is strong in this one!
Anyway! I got a bit carried away there…
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