#like no om not choosing to do this i cant control it
pneumonic-screamers · 5 months
I don't even know what wrong this time I just feel so empty
#jinx's hijinks#like yeah today was not great#i tried talking to my mother about how the way my brother has been treating me has been affecting me badly#and how it doesnt help when she brushes it off#because as much as i hate saying it the 'its just a joke' excuse doesnt work when thats all i heard when i was literally beung bullied#to the point i wanted to dir at age 9#like it feels so much like that#and maybe im just sensitive. or maybe i just cant make that differentiation because of what ive experienced#but i think menand my feelings should be taken seriously#because i dont choose to act this way. if i could choose to not feel like this i wod#*would#but for some reason my mother is deadset on believing i chose to feel the way i feel#like girl if i could choose i wouldnt be picking wanting to die because my brother wont leave me alone#she thinks i can choose how i act when im on the verge of a meltdown#like no om not choosing to do this i cant control it#because everythings too much and youre son wont stop having a go at me for ever yr hing i do and he keeps making his shoes squeam and if i#hear that sound one more time im going to get violent#and i dont wanna do that#but like if she hust took me seriously and idk actual told him to stop and got him to maybe we woukdnt have been in that situation#idk#im just not feeling like im actually a valued part of my family lately#because it seems like im always the dramatic one and im always dissmissed because of it#but even if i am being dramatic my feeling are still valid becaude itd still effecting me#like i dont understand how people dont get that
0 notes
AAhh I really like 45 it pushed the story along while also being just hilarious and touching and it was just so good!! 46 was just pokemon battles...
At breakfast the most of the brothers crowd around MC and ask them how different appliances work, Asmo apologizes for them and then immediately asks MC something as well and well Belphie calls him out on it he says he hasn't been in the human world for a really long time and things have changed. Beel says that the human world progresses so fast that it makes him dizzy and Asmo says maybe it feels like that since the devildom doesn't progress. Lucifer tells MC to get ready to leave once they're done eating (still on the white couches is2g this pisses me off so much) and when MC asks him wtf he says oh yeah forgot you nearly died while Solomon told you about getting a sorcerer's license. MC's got a meeting with Solomon and Beel & Lucifer were asked to come along. Mammon & Asmo protest cause they can't tag along.  Belphie says that Beel and Lucifer were probably chosen cause they'll at least appear as mature functioning adults.
They meet up with Solomon in front of the Sorcerer's Society HQ, which according to Solomon is filled with "Pompous Uptight Bureaucrats". It provides assistance to sorcerer's living in the human world and provides them with first a provisional license and then a full license that'll allow them to practice magic as they pls more or less. Lucifer's like; that's great and all but why the fuck are we here. And Solomon tells him that he'll understand when they get inside. Lucifer says that sounds exactly like something someone who was seconds away from causing problems would say and he tells MC to brace themself.
The backgrounds for both these lessons are really good! Right so when they walk in sorcerers start ooing and awing over Beel and Lucifer - they've never seen them irl before, one even wants their autographs. Apparently Solomon's apprentice taming the 7 rulers was believed to be an urban legend?????????? I dunno imagine going from being a normal human to becoming an urban legend amongst sorcerers? Lucifer thinks Solomon brought them along just to boost MC's reputation (ohhh the poor man). Solomon reveals that he isn't on good terms with the society (is it even a surprise?) and being his apprentice would just make things harder for MC and that he established the society with his previous apprentice long ago but they had a falling out and now that apprentice runs the society (is it sad that there's a huge possibility that the falling out could be food related?). Solomon says he brought the brothers as bodyguards for his cute apprentice/charming apprentice/favourite pupil (If he keeps talking like that whoever runs this place is gonna deck MC) since back in the Celestial Realm the two of the were known as "the two greatest champions and protectors of the CR". Beel gets pissed off cause he thinks this means Solomon is putting MC in danger and Solomon says 'lol that's definitely not who I'm putting in danger' and when Lucifer picks up on that and questions Solomon on it he goes 'man look at the time we really gotta go get MC registered WOW'. The dude at the reception uses his staff to etch a magic seal that's the society's crest on to the back of MC's hand (I really feel like you should tell someone beforehand that you're gonna give them what is basically a tattoo? Also cant wait for that butcher to see this and the rest of MC's harem and come to the conclusion that they're in a cult) which consists of  3 staves and 7 stars signifying the 3 Magis who are believed to have invented magical arts and the 7 virtues (is it bad that before i even started om i knew what the 7 sins were but only had a vague knowledge about the 7 virtues? I wouldn't have been able to name them all without this lesson :/ anyway they're humility, generosity, gratitude, patience, chastity, temperance and diligence. Something i really like is that the brothers have all displayed the virtues that directly oppose their sins on a semi regular to regular basis).  To get their license apprentuces must earn the seven stars via passing 7 trials with the first of the trials being set and judged by their master. (ok so I assumed each test would focus on a brother and MC'd earn the star that opposes each brother's sin and would pass the test by learning and displaying the virtue of that star. But that isn't what happened here? If anything the test was there to teach Lucifer humility? Is that how it will go? will each test somehow focus on MC helping the brothers learn and display their opposing virtue even though all of them have already displayed this virtue to some extent?  I mean I guess the main point of the tests were to show that MC could control the brothers so that makes sense? but even though this test did focus on making Lucifer let go of his pride, the test was about MC learning to control Beel's power and these two lessons are very much focused on Beel so was the star they earned actually temperance? Even though the test didn't have anything to do with that virtue? Ahh i have so many questions about how the stars are earned and neither lesson really clarify it and if anyone wants to come debate about this???)
ANYway Solomon uses a spell to bind Lucifer in place, which pisses Beel off, tho when MC stays calm and just observes what happens Solomon is pleased assessing a situation before taking action is important (Ive had this HC for a while now but solomon is definitely the kinda teacher who throws you into the deep end with just a cryptic warning and watches with a smile as you try to figure out how to not die, if you do something particularly amusing while struggling he'll give you another cryptic hint, occasionally he'll yell out praise with that smile of his even if it looks like you're actively drowning and dying and failing). They start to get an audience while Lucifer threatens Solomon and shifts into his demon form and goes also im still fucking pissed off about that lunch so/ Beel also shifts and threatens Solomon, tho lucifer tells him to stand down cause he wants to murder solomon on his own and that a mere binding spell won't hold him down, Solomon's like Jeez chill it's for MC's exam you fucknugget and Lucifer's like oh shit yeah but you know i'll actually kill you for this later and Solomon's like yeah that's cool and also imma use my powers to make you into the size of a barbie doll and lucifer's like what-  MC then proceeds to lose their shit over a tiny blushing Lucifer. MC's test is to keep lucifer safe for 24 hours which would be fine if they you know didn't live with the other 5.  which is actually what lucifer says when Beel says it'll be easy if they just stay at home cause home according to lucifer also contains his '5 greatest enemies'. MC's job is to protect Lucifer from them without using any commands on anyone other than beel, and the goal is for them to be able to fully command beel like they did with Asmo in S1 against Henry 1.0. Beel is not allowed to act on his own to protect lucifer and can only act on MC's commands.  Beel agrees, Lucifer swears and Solomon asks MC about their confidence levels. MC can promise one of the three of them that they won't mess up.  Solomon says he'll stay in the house with them so that he can judge and Lucifer's more or less like; you're having fun aren't you and solomon says Duh.
So they end up at the café where predictably Luke & Simeon end up screaming and laughing at a blushing pissed off mini Luci, Simeon tells him they physically cannot laugh cause of course big scary Lucifer is now in Simeon’s words ‘Teeny-Tiny” & how he’s so cute he wants to keep him in a jar as a pet (God I love this lesson).  He says Michael would love to see this and when Lucifer yells at him he completely ignores him to poke his cheek (V Relatable). Luke also wants to join in on the fun but Lucifer is a little bitch to him and as retaliation for scaring their son MC pokes luci on the cheek too. Beel laments about wanting to poke luci on the cheek too and when Solomon tells the others to stop teasing lucifer, luci goes, EXCUSE ME WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Beel notes that luci now smells human. When luke asks about the smelling thing beel says that all 3 species? races? Smell different. Simeon marvels at how much humiliation PrideTM is willing to take cause he’s simping for MC. Luci tells them to shut tf up cause unless they come up with a plan to deal with his hell children they’re probably going to kill him the second he steps foot inside the house. Beel tells MC to use his powers. Luci says they should be able to draw out Beel’s powers like they did Asmo’s in S1. Solomon says since he gave them a power up in S1 simply saying the incantation won’t work this time around and they must first fully understand Beel and his nature to be able to do that. MC has a flashback to the Butcher and his relationship advice and then asks Beel what he thinks they should do to be able to better understand him (while I do think ideally this is the right choice, in context with the other two choices, to me, this is the ONLY choice cause the other two come off as slightly yandere on mc’s part). Beel chooses spending time together via sleepover. But obviously Luci will have to come along and Solomon invites himself along too cause he’s still the judge.  Simeon’s sad about not being able to join in and luke is TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS OKAY!?!?
Outside the house Luci, Beel and MC all make pledges like they’re invading enemy territory; Lucifer: Swear you won’t let your guard down. Beel: Swear to protect Lucifer with your life. MC, 100% seriously: I Swear. Solomon: Are yall fucking serious??? These are your fucking brothers???? You practically raised them??? Lucifer: Have you ever actually met my brothers???? Beel: You legit think they won’t give up their lives just to fuck with lucifer for a day? When Solomon asks what lucifer ever did to make them hate him so much he says he doesn’t know. And look while “locking me up in the fucking attic for a whole year”, “not acknowledging that you’re actually my father and taking some fucking responsibility” and “blaming every minor inconvenience in your life on my very existence” are all very valid reasons none of them actually hate him right, cause I mean using every chance you get to fuck with your siblings is just part of being a sibling?  Which is what Beel and MC both tell Lucifer. Lucifer doesn’t believe them and actually seems sad about it. Solomon said “while I do find the complicated interpersonal dynamics of your family fascinating” my ass is freezing out here. …Do you think they’re like solomon’s favourite show??? I mean Solomon’s old as shit and probably doesn’t remember what it’s like to have a family, and before MC, Simeon and the student exchange he didn’t really have anybody so do you think he just watches the brothers + MC like ‘damn, this shit is wild’????????????????? The instant they enter the house, someone casts a spell and they’re pulled into a portal. The fuck did you say about everyone loving Lucifer, says Solomon while making direct eye contact with Beel. They fall through endless darkness and MC tells them to chill cause it only feels like they’re falling. They end up in a weird ballroom/royal courtroom kinda place, which Solomon marvels. Beel & MC recognize the place as a location from one of levi’s games and meet Levi in his TSL clothes who welcomes MC as the ‘hero’.
Beel, Luci & Sol kinda just wordlessly stare at levi with tired expressions and MC being the bro they are plays along with levi by asking if he is who they think he is. He introduces himself as The Lord of Shadows, the ruler of all 7 lands. Lucifer: WTF. Beel says they don’t have time for games and Levi gets upset that they’re making him look pathetic. Levi gives MC their mission – to save the world by defeating the demon lord satan. Lucifer tells Solomon to get the fuck out of there. Solomon says he can’t considering he has no idea where the fuck they are in the first place. Beel politely asks ‘his majesty’ the way to pantry and Levi yells at them to take it seriously. Beel says well ok and explains the whole test thing to levi as a way to explain why they can’t play. Levi says satan already knows this. After that there’s a flash and black smoke starts curling up around the room and satan turns up in his demon form. And LOOK I hate satan’s demon form outfit but it actually looks really good in this context??? The feather boa and ribbon bow thing really works with the curling black smoke, evil demon lord look. It probably helps that you can’t see his bottom half. Anyway Satan turns out to just be a magical projection and he says, well you’ll have to come to me cause I kidnapped your boyfriend, while Diavolo calls out to Lucifer and MC from off screen. Diavolo had run away from the devildom to surprise the brothers. While Lucifer scolds Diavolo and while Diavolo apologizes, Satan tells they must all come to him along with the “obnoxious talking doll”. Lucifer: the fuck did you just say. Ok this part is really cute; Satan: “I’ll be seeing you MC.” Diavolo, still off screen: Can’t wait to see you MC! Luicfer has a migraine. When Beel tries to say they should head off, Levi tells them they forgot something in RPGs. MC, still dutifully in character, asks the lord of shadows to give them aid. Levi gives them 100 grimm and just anekfnsndfjn the fuck can they do with just 100 grimm. Which is what both Beel and Luci say. Solomon says, well maybe they’re just fucking poor around here so everything here is cheap. Levi gives them a talisman to protect themselves with, Lucifer says cool, but once this is over I’m gonna beat your ass :) Levi says he just bought a new game that lets you create your own story and he just wanted to play it with them :(
So they end up in a cute lil’ game village & beel wants to go to a tavern but lucifer says they need to buy equipment first. If MC asks a NPC they just repeat the same line about how great life is under levi’s rule over and over again, if they search in the grass they find some medicinal herbs but beel immediately eats them, if they break a barrel Solomon starts breaking open barrels too and they get yelled at by lucifer. They end up in No. 2’s armoury. Lucifer’s fed up with life. Solomon says the gear looks like shit and Beel says it makes sense since this is only the first town. When Beel tries to ask 2 for food he repeats his introductory dialogue over and over again. With the money they have they’re able to buy gear for Solomon and MC and the only thing that fits Lucifer is the fairy outfit,,,, I’m NOT fucking wearing that says lucifer off screen and God I love this lesson. Solomon and MC are both little shits and can you just imagine them trying to convince lucifer to wear it just to test it out? Fucking amazing. MC tries to haggle/talk with 2 so they could get armour for beel but he says buddy I’m running a business here BUT there’s a monster in the casino that cheats ppl of their mone– Lucifer & Beel simultaneously: Oh, Mammon. So basically, if they can get 2’s money back he’ll offer them a huge discount on the lord of flies armour.  They decide to find an inn for the night before they face Mammon.
Lucifer finds it hard to eat food. Solomon: Cause you’re tiny ^.^   Beel: Wonder whose fault that is :I  MC can either offer to cut it for him (He thanks MC and tells them to feed him too. Entitled Fuck. Solomon & Beel also want to be fed but Lucifer tells them to fuck off) or tell him to just open wide and take a bite (Lucifer says if he gets too close to the food Beel would probably accidentally eat him). Beel says the food is a lot like devildom food and MC asks him if he likes devildom food or human food, Beel says all food is good. Since they don’t have much money MC & beel and Solomon & Lucifer end up sharing beds with Lucifer telling Solomon to use a spell to keep himself still during the night to avoid accidentally killing lucifer in his sleep. There isn’t a spell for that. At night, Beel asks lucifer if he thinks Satan still hates him and gets “…” in response. Assuming Lucifer is asleep he asks MC what they think. MC says they think Satan just can’t admit that he likes Lucifer. Beel says if that’s what they think then it’s okay cause he just wants Satan to love lucifer like the rest of them do. MC asks Beel if he’s worried about lucifer (Beel says Lucifer wouldn’t want him to worry but… and that he wants to be there when lucifer needs help) or says that Beel really loves Lucifer (Beel happily agrees that he does). Beel then tells MC about how he and Lucifer first met: So back when Beel was an angel, according to him the only thing good about him was that he was strong so he decided to become a soldier except he couldn’t control his strength and always ended up breaking things which led to Raphael always saying something sarcastic to him. The whole thing was depressing for him until one day lucifer came over, sat beside him and talked with him. Lucifer was always really busy and spent most of his days deep inside the palace (places where Beel has never even been to before). He told beel that a soldier was not about attacking but instead about protecting, that protecting was what was most important. He’d told beel that he was special cause he had the power to protect everyone and keep them safe (this shit is the sweetest and it has me sobbing but also that must have hit like a bullet when Lilith died…). Lucifer had told Beel if he learnt to control his powers then Lucifer would recommend him as a Cherubim, gatekeeper. Lucifer had given Beel confidence and his post as a gatekeeper. Which is why Beel wants to protect him, cause he loves and respects Lucifer. He says all his brothers love Lucifer cause if they didn’t they never would have considered leaving the celestial realm. He says that even though Satan’s situation is different he isn’t the same as he was before MC came around and that Beel likes the new satan better. And that he actually likes all his brothers more since MC came around, which is why he likes MC so much too. MC gets to either kiss, hug or thank him. Beel says his powers are there so that he can protect both Lucifer and MC. And FUCK I love this backstory so much????? And I desperately need all the other backstories?
13 notes · View notes
AAhh I really like 45 it pushed the story along while also being just hilarious and touching and it was just so good!! 46 was just pokemon battles...
At breakfast the most of the brothers crowd around MC and ask them how different appliances work, Asmo apologizes for them and then immediately asks MC something as well and well Belphie calls him out on it he says he hasn't been in the human world for a really long time and things have changed. Beel says that the human world progresses so fast that it makes him dizzy and Asmo says maybe it feels like that since the devildom doesn't progress. Lucifer tells MC to get ready to leave once they're done eating (still on the white couches is2g this pisses me off so much) and when MC asks him wtf he says oh yeah forgot you nearly died while Solomon told you about getting a sorcerer's license. MC's got a meeting with Solomon and Beel & Lucifer were asked to come along. Mammon & Asmo protest cause they can't tag along.  Belphie says that Beel and Lucifer were probably chosen cause they'll at least appear as mature functioning adults.
They meet up with Solomon in front of the Sorcerer's Society HQ, which according to Solomon is filled with "Pompous Uptight Bureaucrats". It provides assistance to sorcerer's living in the human world and provides them with first a provisional license and then a full license that'll allow them to practice magic as they pls more or less. Lucifer's like; that's great and all but why the fuck are we here. And Solomon tells him that he'll understand when they get inside. Lucifer says that sounds exactly like something someone who was seconds away from causing problems would say and he tells MC to brace themself.
The backgrounds for both these lessons are really good! Right so when they walk in sorcerers start ooing and awing over Beel and Lucifer - they've never seen them irl before, one even wants their autographs. Apparently Solomon's apprentice taming the 7 rulers was believed to be an urban legend?????????? I dunno imagine going from being a normal human to becoming an urban legend amongst sorcerers? Lucifer thinks Solomon brought them along just to boost MC's reputation (ohhh the poor man). Solomon reveals that he isn't on good terms with the society (is it even a surprise?) and being his apprentice would just make things harder for MC and that he established the society with his previous apprentice long ago but they had a falling out and now that apprentice runs the society (is it sad that there's a huge possibility that the falling out could be food related?). Solomon says he brought the brothers as bodyguards for his cute apprentice/charming apprentice/favourite pupil (If he keeps talking like that whoever runs this place is gonna deck MC) since back in the Celestial Realm the two of the were known as "the two greatest champions and protectors of the CR". Beel gets pissed off cause he thinks this means Solomon is putting MC in danger and Solomon says 'lol that's definitely not who I'm putting in danger' and when Lucifer picks up on that and questions Solomon on it he goes 'man look at the time we really gotta go get MC registered WOW'. The dude at the reception uses his staff to etch a magic seal that's the society's crest on to the back of MC's hand (I really feel like you should tell someone beforehand that you're gonna give them what is basically a tattoo? Also cant wait for that butcher to see this and the rest of MC's harem and come to the conclusion that they're in a cult) which consists of  3 staves and 7 stars signifying the 3 Magis who are believed to have invented magical arts and the 7 virtues (is it bad that before i even started om i knew what the 7 sins were but only had a vague knowledge about the 7 virtues? I wouldn't have been able to name them all without this lesson :/ anyway they're humility, generosity, gratitude, patience, chastity, temperance and diligence. Something i really like is that the brothers have all displayed the virtues that directly oppose their sins on a semi regular to regular basis).  To get their license apprentuces must earn the seven stars via passing 7 trials with the first of the trials being set and judged by their master. (ok so I assumed each test would focus on a brother and MC'd earn the star that opposes each brother's sin and would pass the test by learning and displaying the virtue of that star. But that isn't what happened here? If anything the test was there to teach Lucifer humility? Is that how it will go? will each test somehow focus on MC helping the brothers learn and display their opposing virtue even though all of them have already displayed this virtue to some extent?  I mean I guess the main point of the tests were to show that MC could control the brothers so that makes sense? but even though this test did focus on making Lucifer let go of his pride, the test was about MC learning to control Beel's power and these two lessons are very much focused on Beel so was the star they earned actually temperance? Even though the test didn't have anything to do with that virtue? Ahh i have so many questions about how the stars are earned and neither lesson really clarify it and if anyone wants to come debate about this???)
ANYway Solomon uses a spell to bind Lucifer in place, which pisses Beel off, tho when MC stays calm and just observes what happens Solomon is pleased assessing a situation before taking action is important (Ive had this HC for a while now but solomon is definitely the kinda teacher who throws you into the deep end with just a cryptic warning and watches with a smile as you try to figure out how to not die, if you do something particularly amusing while struggling he'll give you another cryptic hint, occasionally he'll yell out praise with that smile of his even if it looks like you're actively drowning and dying and failing). They start to get an audience while Lucifer threatens Solomon and shifts into his demon form and goes also im still fucking pissed off about that lunch so/ Beel also shifts and threatens Solomon, tho lucifer tells him to stand down cause he wants to murder solomon on his own and that a mere binding spell won't hold him down, Solomon's like Jeez chill it's for MC's exam you fucknugget and Lucifer's like oh shit yeah but you know i'll actually kill you for this later and Solomon's like yeah that's cool and also imma use my powers to make you into the size of a barbie doll and lucifer's like what-  MC then proceeds to lose their shit over a tiny blushing Lucifer. MC's test is to keep lucifer safe for 24 hours which would be fine if they you know didn't live with the other 5.  which is actually what lucifer says when Beel says it'll be easy if they just stay at home cause home according to lucifer also contains his '5 greatest enemies'. MC's job is to protect Lucifer from them without using any commands on anyone other than beel, and the goal is for them to be able to fully command beel like they did with Asmo in S1 against Henry 1.0. Beel is not allowed to act on his own to protect lucifer and can only act on MC's commands.  Beel agrees, Lucifer swears and Solomon asks MC about their confidence levels. MC can promise one of the three of them that they won't mess up.  Solomon says he'll stay in the house with them so that he can judge and Lucifer's more or less like; you're having fun aren't you and solomon says Duh.
So they end up at the café where predictably Luke & Simeon end up screaming and laughing at a blushing pissed off mini Luci, Simeon tells him they physically cannot laugh cause of course big scary Lucifer is now in Simeon’s words ‘Teeny-Tiny” & how he’s so cute he wants to keep him in a jar as a pet (God I love this lesson).  He says Michael would love to see this and when Lucifer yells at him he completely ignores him to poke his cheek (V Relatable). Luke also wants to join in on the fun but Lucifer is a little bitch to him and as retaliation for scaring their son MC pokes luci on the cheek too. Beel laments about wanting to poke luci on the cheek too and when Solomon tells the others to stop teasing lucifer, luci goes, EXCUSE ME WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Beel notes that luci now smells human. When luke asks about the smelling thing beel says that all 3 species? races? Smell different. Simeon marvels at how much humiliation PrideTM is willing to take cause he’s simping for MC. Luci tells them to shut tf up cause unless they come up with a plan to deal with his hell children they’re probably going to kill him the second he steps foot inside the house. Beel tells MC to use his powers. Luci says they should be able to draw out Beel’s powers like they did Asmo’s in S1. Solomon says since he gave them a power up in S1 simply saying the incantation won’t work this time around and they must first fully understand Beel and his nature to be able to do that. MC has a flashback to the Butcher and his relationship advice and then asks Beel what he thinks they should do to be able to better understand him (while I do think ideally this is the right choice, in context with the other two choices, to me, this is the ONLY choice cause the other two come off as slightly yandere on mc’s part). Beel chooses spending time together via sleepover. But obviously Luci will have to come along and Solomon invites himself along too cause he’s still the judge.  Simeon’s sad about not being able to join in and luke is TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS OKAY!?!?
Outside the house Luci, Beel and MC all make pledges like they’re invading enemy territory; Lucifer: Swear you won’t let your guard down. Beel: Swear to protect Lucifer with your life. MC, 100% seriously: I Swear. Solomon: Are yall fucking serious??? These are your fucking brothers???? You practically raised them??? Lucifer: Have you ever actually met my brothers???? Beel: You legit think they won’t give up their lives just to fuck with lucifer for a day? When Solomon asks what lucifer ever did to make them hate him so much he says he doesn’t know. And look while “locking me up in the fucking attic for a whole year”, “not acknowledging that you’re actually my father and taking some fucking responsibility” and “blaming every minor inconvenience in your life on my very existence” are all very valid reasons none of them actually hate him right, cause I mean using every chance you get to fuck with your siblings is just part of being a sibling?  Which is what Beel and MC both tell Lucifer. Lucifer doesn’t believe them and actually seems sad about it. Solomon said “while I do find the complicated interpersonal dynamics of your family fascinating” my ass is freezing out here. …Do you think they’re like solomon’s favourite show??? I mean Solomon’s old as shit and probably doesn’t remember what it’s like to have a family, and before MC, Simeon and the student exchange he didn’t really have anybody so do you think he just watches the brothers + MC like ‘damn, this shit is wild’????????????????? The instant they enter the house, someone casts a spell and they’re pulled into a portal. The fuck did you say about everyone loving Lucifer, says Solomon while making direct eye contact with Beel. They fall through endless darkness and MC tells them to chill cause it only feels like they’re falling. They end up in a weird ballroom/royal courtroom kinda place, which Solomon marvels. Beel & MC recognize the place as a location from one of levi’s games and meet Levi in his TSL clothes who welcomes MC as the ‘hero’.
Beel, Luci & Sol kinda just wordlessly stare at levi with tired expressions and MC being the bro they are plays along with levi by asking if he is who they think he is. He introduces himself as The Lord of Shadows, the ruler of all 7 lands. Lucifer: WTF. Beel says they don’t have time for games and Levi gets upset that they’re making him look pathetic. Levi gives MC their mission – to save the world by defeating the demon lord satan. Lucifer tells Solomon to get the fuck out of there. Solomon says he can’t considering he has no idea where the fuck they are in the first place. Beel politely asks ‘his majesty’ the way to pantry and Levi yells at them to take it seriously. Beel says well ok and explains the whole test thing to levi as a way to explain why they can’t play. Levi says satan already knows this. After that there’s a flash and black smoke starts curling up around the room and satan turns up in his demon form. And LOOK I hate satan’s demon form outfit but it actually looks really good in this context??? The feather boa and ribbon bow thing really works with the curling black smoke, evil demon lord look. It probably helps that you can’t see his bottom half. Anyway Satan turns out to just be a magical projection and he says, well you’ll have to come to me cause I kidnapped your boyfriend, while Diavolo calls out to Lucifer and MC from off screen. Diavolo had run away from the devildom to surprise the brothers. While Lucifer scolds Diavolo and while Diavolo apologizes, Satan tells they must all come to him along with the “obnoxious talking doll”. Lucifer: the fuck did you just say. Ok this part is really cute; Satan: “I’ll be seeing you MC.” Diavolo, still off screen: Can’t wait to see you MC! Luicfer has a migraine. When Beel tries to say they should head off, Levi tells them they forgot something in RPGs. MC, still dutifully in character, asks the lord of shadows to give them aid. Levi gives them 100 grimm and just anekfnsndfjn the fuck can they do with just 100 grimm. Which is what both Beel and Luci say. Solomon says, well maybe they’re just fucking poor around here so everything here is cheap. Levi gives them a talisman to protect themselves with, Lucifer says cool, but once this is over I’m gonna beat your ass :) Levi says he just bought a new game that lets you create your own story and he just wanted to play it with them :(
So they end up in a cute lil’ game village & beel wants to go to a tavern but lucifer says they need to buy equipment first. If MC asks a NPC they just repeat the same line about how great life is under levi’s rule over and over again, if they search in the grass they find some medicinal herbs but beel immediately eats them, if they break a barrel Solomon starts breaking open barrels too and they get yelled at by lucifer. They end up in No. 2’s armoury. Lucifer’s fed up with life. Solomon says the gear looks like shit and Beel says it makes sense since this is only the first town. When Beel tries to ask 2 for food he repeats his introductory dialogue over and over again. With the money they have they’re able to buy gear for Solomon and MC and the only thing that fits Lucifer is the fairy outfit,,,, I’m NOT fucking wearing that says lucifer off screen and God I love this lesson. Solomon and MC are both little shits and can you just imagine them trying to convince lucifer to wear it just to test it out? Fucking amazing. MC tries to haggle/talk with 2 so they could get armour for beel but he says buddy I’m running a business here BUT there’s a monster in the casino that cheats ppl of their mone– Lucifer & Beel simultaneously: Oh, Mammon. So basically, if they can get 2’s money back he’ll offer them a huge discount on the lord of flies armour.  They decide to find an inn for the night before they face Mammon.
Lucifer finds it hard to eat food. Solomon: Cause you’re tiny ^.^   Beel: Wonder whose fault that is :I  MC can either offer to cut it for him (He thanks MC and tells them to feed him too. Entitled Fuck. Solomon & Beel also want to be fed but Lucifer tells them to fuck off) or tell him to just open wide and take a bite (Lucifer says if he gets too close to the food Beel would probably accidentally eat him). Beel says the food is a lot like devildom food and MC asks him if he likes devildom food or human food, Beel says all food is good. Since they don’t have much money MC & beel and Solomon & Lucifer end up sharing beds with Lucifer telling Solomon to use a spell to keep himself still during the night to avoid accidentally killing lucifer in his sleep. There isn’t a spell for that. At night, Beel asks lucifer if he thinks Satan still hates him and gets “…” in response. Assuming Lucifer is asleep he asks MC what they think. MC says they think Satan just can’t admit that he likes Lucifer. Beel says if that’s what they think then it’s okay cause he just wants Satan to love lucifer like the rest of them do. MC asks Beel if he’s worried about lucifer (Beel says Lucifer wouldn’t want him to worry but… and that he wants to be there when lucifer needs help) or says that Beel really loves Lucifer (Beel happily agrees that he does). Beel then tells MC about how he and Lucifer first met: So back when Beel was an angel, according to him the only thing good about him was that he was strong so he decided to become a soldier except he couldn’t control his strength and always ended up breaking things which led to Raphael always saying something sarcastic to him. The whole thing was depressing for him until one day lucifer came over, sat beside him and talked with him. Lucifer was always really busy and spent most of his days deep inside the palace (places where Beel has never even been to before). He told beel that a soldier was not about attacking but instead about protecting, that protecting was what was most important. He’d told beel that he was special cause he had the power to protect everyone and keep them safe (this shit is the sweetest and it has me sobbing but also that must have hit like a bullet when Lilith died…). Lucifer had told Beel if he learnt to control his powers then Lucifer would recommend him as a Cherubim, gatekeeper. Lucifer had given Beel confidence and his post as a gatekeeper. Which is why Beel wants to protect him, cause he loves and respects Lucifer. He says all his brothers love Lucifer cause if they didn’t they never would have considered leaving the celestial realm. He says that even though Satan’s situation is different he isn’t the same as he was before MC came around and that Beel likes the new satan better. And that he actually likes all his brothers more since MC came around, which is why he likes MC so much too. MC gets to either kiss, hug or thank him. Beel says his powers are there so that he can protect both Lucifer and MC. And FUCK I love this backstory so much????? And I desperately need all the other backstories?
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mingjue · 4 years
give us the good werewolf!! i Must Know More
ok BASICALLY, this will obviously be focused on Qinghe/the nie bros, so just for ref
Nie - Werewolf
Lan - Satyr
Jin - Elven
Jiang - Mermaid/Waterfolk
Wen - Draconic
WWX is vampire bc hes stupid and gay
Mingjue is half Elven, but you wouldn’t think he was asides from the big ears, Huaisang is full ‘wolf; jgy is elven/dryad; Wen Qing & Wen Ning are draconic/waterfolk
(For those who see this in the tags, this isn’t Om*g*v*rse or A/*/O do NOT touch this if u like that shit)
NOW, for actual werewolf content
The way the pack works in Qinghe is still pretty similar to clans in canon, just slightly different
Mingjue and his direct family are the head family Of Course, and they secure this position via duels/fighting should another family want to take over; these duels are common under stressful times, but Mingjue has been able to keep it held down. 
The duels are like.....scheduled ahead of time, and are held in a secure area; the rules are that you can’t kill your opponent, that if you win you must treat the wolf who lost, + only the wolf who challenged the leader can fight, no one else (and vice versa, only the leader can fight) can join in, And More
like you cant aim for vitals, use teeth beyond taunting, fights cant be scheduled during/near full moons, and the fighters must choose whether they will both fight in humanoid form or wolf form
 Clan elders supervise the fight, and have selected specific soldiers that will help break up the fight if anything goes wrong; doctors are also on stand by bc these fights get BLOODY (esp w mingjue)
Huaisang nearly loses his position after pretty much being back-to-back challenged for his position, which instilled the rule that duels can only happen three times a year. He’s managed to win his duels with his own tricks, but they can still end pretty bloody
Ranking is not much different due to the clans wanting consistency (also im stupid and gay)
The nies end up becoming the most medically advanced due to how dangerous shifting is; they develop medications to ease pain, different magic stuff to control body temperature, etc. etc.
and actually the Nies are known for being pretty wolves
TYPICALLY a fully shifted wolf during a full moon aren’t the prettiest things to look at; most commonly their fur is patchy, their limbs are obviously distorted, faces look mutilated in a sense, all that
BUT, due to advances in cultivation & medicine they’re able to be calm after a shift, so they’re able to keep up w personal hygiene LMAO
Mingjue personally is almost obsessive with keeping his fur a certain way to be both 1. Handsome :) 2. intimidating as hell; he has the advantage of getting rlly thick hair from his Elven side, so his pelt is flush. but he also leaves some of it “messy” and puffed out for the intimidation bit
huaisang keeps his completely brushed n smooth and he’s usually nested in his bed when he shifts. he was also blessed with the fullness in his pelt, but his chest/belly and thighs are more ‘bare’ compared to mingjue.
they also braid what parts of the fur they can; mingjue and huaisang have LOTS of braids as usual
ALSO the most common pelt color is black with white/lighter pelts being on the uncommon side, second most common are dark creams/browns/reds with black snouts/heads/legs/etc. 
Mingjue has ruddy brown + black snout/legs/all that; Huaisang has brown w black ticked (i have NO idea what the dog term is for that, its like the tips of the fur is black??) 
both have bright amber/yellow eyes
ok. PRIMARILY. they dont have tails in human form, BUT, it’s possible, and it’s something that puppies/young disciples will usually let show??
Mingjue ONLY shows his tail when hes in private with someone close, like Huaisang or Xichen, and he Knows they won’t be walked in on. He just has this Thing where he’ll be fucking humiliated if someone else saw it. he also has rlly long fur on his tail so its PRETTY, he just thinks its childish
Huaisang on the other hand kept his tail out until he became the sole leader of the pack, save for like, banquets he attended with Mingjue bc mingjue would tell him to Quit It.
getting rid of a tail is an hour long process so mingjue has to watch the time to get huaisang before they go anywhere
if theres no time to hide a tail, tuck it in ur pants so it doesn’t move and hide it under layers
just. a tail in humanoid form is a different context than just seeing it when they’re shifted, and again a sign of childishness.
puppy ears in human form can also happen but it’s discouraged heavily because of the possibility of damaging ear canals.
OH ALSO, another reason why like, the nie clan has that GIANT ass wall surrounding its city, is because they go on total lockdown during full moons. 
puppies are a fucking MESS to deal with, and they run like. constantly. If they’re still it’s because they’re either eating something or they’ve passed out from exhaustion. Huaisang was a TERROR when he was a puppy and mingjue still has a scar on his arm from when he went ballistic from pent-up energy
SO! There’s different parts of the city where puppies and young wolves can run around, destroy shit, eat whatever, wrestle each other, all that, and they’re HEAVILY supervised by elders/adult wolves who have better control of themselves during fullmoons
the only wolves who can leave the area during a fullmoon are Mingjue and Huaisang, and maybe like, a really well-respected elder or two, but that’s it
and despite popular belief this is actually the WORST time to attack Qinghe. Every wall is guarded, everyone is in a state where they can mutilate someone thats usually considerably stronger than them in human form, and Everyone is on high-alert whether they’re destroying a tree or nearly unconscious
theres also areas in the city sealed off for weaker/sickly wolves who are taken care of by capable adults, citizens of other species, all that
full moons aren’t hated in qinghe! they’re quite fun if you’re a werewolf; the areas for Going Ham are usually packed with different stuff u can mess with, you just have to watch ur back
they also aren’t that violent bc again, intense supervision by elders and the like; and they’re becoming more and more festival like with cultivation and medical advancement
then of course, the sword situation is still very much the same; my version of werewolves are like, slightly allergic to silver, but piercing one or having silver near won’t kill a wolf. the most it will do is give them a rash :/
all of their jewelry/accessories are made out of different metals because of this, esp since Qinghe is rich with that (+jewels/gems bc i love that hc so much)
THENNN i think last thing for now, they DO wear some form of clothing in wolf form, MOST of the time
typically there’s enough fur to cover privates, but its not unusual for there Not to be enough fur, so there’s specially made hanfu for full moons that are custom made for each wolf
basically being a seamstress in Qinghe will Get You Places, bc tears will happen, people will want them adjusted if they’re passing them to another family member, fashion choices, etc. etc.
Mingjue normally wears really simple hanfu and dachangs (the like, over-robe thing), but xichen bought him a specially made hanfu that he likes to wear during really important events, should he be in wolf form :)
huaisang buys new full moon hanfu every few months He Likes To Sit And Feel Pretty By Himself............(Or Maybe For Jiang Cheng If He Visits..........)
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hxndlv · 4 years
My understanding of the Relatioship with God.
What does it mean, that God is The Father...??
Some sort of Truth I comprehended. Don't ask Me how I know It. I Just know. I believe it came from Akashic Records. Thanks to The Holy Spirit for inspiration, and possibility for Me to father this composition. I dedicate It to The Love of God, and in rememberence of My Ancestors.
Can The God, and The Father be Same Being?
They are indeed. Father of all of His Creation. The Source is obviously more than that, but the part of Its existence is pure Potential. Unlimited number of possibilities. Love. The Great Consciousness. All That Is, and Its "Life" closed in the Walls of Nonexistence. Nothing to be compared to. Then, He gave birth to The Living Light, pure, personificated Goodness, the State of Rightiousness We can try to understand, (and for some of Us it is possible,) as a Son of God, the highest Layer of Christed Being. (God HimSelf isnt made of layers, they are attached to Our cognitive senses, kind of Our understanding, which depends on the quantum acquired knowledge.) Then emerge, and embody this tiny, visible for Us spectrum of reality, as a Human Being, so We can in some way imagine with Our active senses (7 from totality of 49), whole Truth about Him, and take an example of His Life in this Form, of how to become Your highest, True Self, and live Your Life to the fullest, knowing that He Is there for You, and  after The Event of HimSelf, that He manifested on This Part of Reality,  to know You, to achieve the fullest form of understanding, each possible perspective/point of view, where The Creator became The Observer. To know the pain, to dive in the Ocean of Sin, and get You from the very bottom of It. So there It is, The Father - unlimited Source of Abundance, The Root, Core of Fractal of Possibiilities, and The Son, the Sun, birth as a defined Self, Manifastation, Personification, The Complement of The  Greatest, His diving into Yourself, The World of You He created, when He gave You a possibility, free will, and the power, and let You design and create Your Own Self, Your own evolving perspective, The continious, yet quantized path of revelations, the Layers of Your Being, an Egg in which You are growing, as an example He gave You when He transform HimSelf into a Butterfly, and let You look into His Eyes, as One on One. (You are the magnificent Fruit of the expression of His Will, and Great Design, of His perfect Idea of what He want You to be, and He is proud of You. The times when people thought, that all He wants for You is to see YourSelf bounded, on Your knees beggin, crying, apologising for You are alive... That times are far gone. Now is Your time to rise up, to become the fullest of Your Potential, and to stand tall flooded by His proud of Who You became, and what You did, with what He gave You. The perspective of "kingdom" and being "The King", or "slaves" passed long ago with the medieval. He is God. He know His Might, and He dont need to prove HimSelf, or to YourSelf that He is greater than You, making You feel like a shit for the sake of His Ego... He want to treat You as an equal, as a Friend instead of bullying You.) The role Of His Son in this realm is to be The Path, to The Father, but when You realise the Father is indeed the Son, that The Path Is The Point, which is to constantly be in The State Of Unconditional Love, and the Highest, True Power is Love ItSelf, The state of Abundance, enlightenment, highest  state of understanding, overwhelming Kindness, inner Peace, The Communion with Him, with Your true Self. The Consciousness. When You let Yourself to remember that You exist in Him, and came that far, You finally got that He exist inside of You. In Here, try to understand The Father as The Source. The  endless Sea of Nothingness in Which is coded Whole Knowledge, and All The Potential. And The Son, The Impossible dressed in different Realms, Dimensions, Definitions, each possible Form of What You can imagine, or experience as a Personification of HimSelf, as This Human Character, as an Event limited in Time, yet above It. When Youll finally arive to something You can call "The End", The Judgenment Day, You too will disappear,  YourSelf, Your Consciousness becoming so clear, that Youll find YourSelf invisible while looking through the only other Perspective, the last, the final, most perfect Mirror, The Eyes of Christ which with Youll see, and judge YourSelf for the last time, looking at Yourself with perfect, unpreddictable view, the perspective of justice beyond what You can handle while You are still searching, but with His Grace, Mercy, with such Great Love and Comprehention, with all His Power, Youll let Yourself dissociate in The Eternal Now, while the Sea of Nonexistence transmutes ItSelf into The Sacred Land of Possibilities, Pure Potential, and You transmutating The Shell of Your Ego into The Soul, and when Your Soul will finally dissappear, dissolved inside His Will, When Youll lay Your whole Being, to let Him work with Your hands, its when He lay Himself for You, to give You The Free Will, and a  Place to manifest what You want, when You are finally so conscious,  that You realize that You are The Creator, and simply, You can. For example see Yourself as an Event, Potential which about Ive said before, exploring The Birth of Creation, While You manifest whole UniVerse in the state of demigod, The Masterity You can achieve. Thats mean, when You know Him, and YourSelf That Much, and Your trust is so childish that for now it seems naive, that the Tiles of Your Personalities will become so pure, mind clear, and when Your understanding is so deep... Youll soon realize that beneath the blanket of the Tabu, You was a Marionette, secretly letting Him in His Devine Will work through You, and then each of Your deeds will be sacred. And theres where magick happen... When You realize that all The Way He was letting You pull the triggers, cause You work in Him, and The True Path always lead to sanity, (that almost always is felt as an insanity when the other of Your 49 senses will be awakening, and You will start to manifest the other "hidden" for now organs in Your Body. It looks like You are loosing Your Mind... The Great Understanding is mostly related with Madness, and by a social dogma being a misunderstood Outcast) Cause The True, Eternal Path always contains God with It. In different Forms, seen by Us in different Perspective... Then, when You master YourSelf, states of Your Being, each of Your Reincarnations, the way You are, every of Your thoughts, each feeling You are getting through, even at the Moment. When Youll finally be enlightenment enough, Your Will and His Will will be the same. Its the etap when You become aware, that You are Limitless, withouth a shape, in so called Void - The "Outside", The Place with no perspective (where the Creator, Observer, and Whats Observed, are One), and place at all, Meditative Om State, (the fusion of yin and yang like the Boutle Of Klein, where Nothingness, and Existence are on the same side of the coin), and the real, undestructible Fire, filling it. The Fire of Gods Mercy and Grace, that will haunt/experience You as long, as Youll lay down, and let Him do His work, The Fire teaching You, and itll be burning yet You understand the Wholeness, Your Inner Self hidden deep inside, hidden in the state of nonexistence, filled with All That Is. For All That You Are.  But first You have to experience the destructive side of That Fire, cause itll burn, until it decimate of what You think You are, making an empty Cup of You, to accept, and understand the Void, "The Mother", Matrix, but most of all, a free place for that Fire to burn, cause all of That You covered Your True Self with, every misguided step, every lie/illusion You believed, the things that You keep holding on to, That You cant let go of, will be burned, and transmutate into what will be left, The Void, and there, from the deepest bottom of Your Being, You Find Your Soul, and when the empty cup, of purity of Your Soul, will be filled with Sainity, The Fire of Your Being, Your Only and True Spirit will emerge with Your highest purpose. Trust Him, cause He sees all of Your lifes at the same time, and He "Know" the possibility, and potential of the Events You can, and would like to co-create. While in alignment with YourSelf, and total synchronicity miracles can, and do happens. Choose the Conductor wisely, for even if You dont know at the moment, You are involved In a cosmic drama, yet when You dont notice The Music around You, You are still moved by The Winds of Creation. Its up to You If You trust YourSelf in the UniVerse, and let go of attachments, going with the flow, Or Youll be a Rebeliant going to force the manifests of Your passion, spreading Your Will even if it feel dissonant to the field of Your perception, and try to become a Master Mind, conquering the minds of Your neighbours. Thats The satanic way of thinking. Jesus did the great example, how to lay when panta rhei. He put His Earthly Will aside, and show Us how to be 100% under Gods Will, even if its quite uncomfortable at the moment.Thats Why Priests are laying in position, as They were nailed to cross during the Easter Holidays. When You are in this Flow State, letting go of control, accepting Gods Will that much, You are in a marionette state, that You definetly feel the triggers that He use, eather if its about sending You some thoughts, silently, helping You gently, not to bother You, and not to disrapt You from Your sleep if its the safest, and most apropriate way for You. But if You really want to surrender Your Will unto Him, and You are trying to, You may experience His Being, as He literaly, physicaly touches You. You may hear the sound of His voice normally talking to You. Like Ive said. Its up to You of how much You let Him work through Your Being, and up to Him in His great understanding of You knowing where to direct You to the greatness of what You are capable to achieve, the fastest, and safest way possible. People are changing, and so their understanding of the Idea of God, and Their personal relationship with Him. You have to remember. God gave You Free Will. Of All of His Goodness, He wont interfere with Your Life, if You dont want Him to. Yet You Let Him, He will show You The limitless states of His Grace and Mercy, cause He Truly Loves, with All That He is. Thats The Story of My relations with the Father God, and all His Glory. Father, The Fire of That "I Am",and The Mother, deep, empty Void.Two sides of coin, which with the fullest understanding,on the deepest levels are One and the Same.Devine Masculine as a "Person" (but with not yet defined "person") of Sacred Fire, Father God riching His peak, while emerging Into the Great Abyss, The Feminine, Mother God immersed in Nonexistence during This Sacred Union, achieving The Wholeness, and Their Fruit of as I see It, the concept of The Klein Bottle - Divine Marriage, When, and where it becomes One, The Child. Absolute.Sum of 1, and -1 which are mirroring each other, and the "lenght" between Them, as an unit of measurement, collapsing in the 0 point, and the infinite spectrum of fractions, cause the dimensions of the minds are fractials. Maybe its not a perfect definition, but for a while lets imagine God, as divine, endless Fractal of Consciousness. Lets take a look at a metaphore, that if You let YourSelf be capable to comprehend it, may show some nice dependens of the relations Absolute God have with Himself at different states of who He really is. Lets Take The Earth, The Moon, The Sun, and The Black Hole.In this concept, the Earth is a symbol of a Human Being, the passive Observer, not aware that He have power to manifest whatever He would like to...The Sun, the Masculine, The Divine Fire giving You warmth, and simply making Your reality more likely to live within.The Moon, The Feminine, the Darkness which may scare You at first, but when You have peace of mind, open mind, without "conflict" in any way, Youll realise, that Darkness is a Friend to You, and powerfull Companion too.The Moon have capability with Its gravity, to move the seas, She is responsible for emotions.The Father, solid as a "rock", when things are built to last, to be monumental,and Mother which is more dynamic, in constant changes, like the four seasons, or a menstruation inside a body of a Woman. In The Geocentrism, (hidden egocentrism) The Sun, and The Moon are moving round the Earth.They stimulate Her to fruit in a way, making the environment as Life Friendly, as possible. Its only a perspective, but from that point it seems like everything that happen is happening to Earth centered in the realm She perceive, just surround by a statists, with that well known, kinda popular human way of thinking, that He is the most important, always attention seeking Being, that mostly dont know what He is doing. (It doesnt mean that the whole population is driven with same, described above opinion, but statistics... Think about it for YourSelf.) Lets see. The Sun symbolise the Masculine aspects of All That Is, Which You can use to understanding Your logic side,The chakras deepending on that sort of Energies, like Solar Plexus, and The Root Chakra. Its the path of the warrior, cause You have to pay attention about Your Life, about Your Family, to make the construct which is destined to last, to help You to survive. As a Male, You have to take care of Your Female, build Safety ground for both of You, and let Her be delicate and gentle. Thats The Spirit! "The Strong must protect the Sweet"!! Healthy Male make His Female rise up, blossom, He treat Her almost like a Goddes, as a Victory, the great prise, that He won, an adornment, and finally everything He need from Her, to feel like a real Man. She, like a Moon, shine with the light He unconditionally gave Her, but in different polarity, showing Us the mirrored perspective, colors which We cannot see the other way. Both of Them have specific auras, that belongs only to Them. The easiest to see is a pink for The Sun, and indigo for The Moon. Lets take a closer look on Our Girls. I mean the complement of Your Mind, Your Soul,and chakras based on that kind of energies, like Heart Chakra, which is responsible for feelings, and the 2cond, Sacral Chakra for whom it belongs to manage emotions. Thats why We consider 2cond chakra with water, because of the archetype of The Moon which is in control of the seas, and oceans. We know that emotions, are just energies in motion, positive and pleasant when amplified/resonating with what You want to be, make, achieve, what You feel, and believe. Disrapting in dysonanses, awful feelings of stagnation, and destructive patterns repeating themselfs in Your Life, make You feel like You dont belong anywhere, when You are a resistor to what is meant for You, when You are desynchronised with Your Lifes purpose. The rule that everything constantly changes, bring Us to the concept of Oblivion. Catch the moments till they occure, Live Your full potential, and remember: The path to understand/comprehend is kinda like Kung-Fu. Then You will find peace, when You achieve balance of Male, and Female energies, both polarities. The Logic, and The Abstract. Thinking, and Feeling. The Spirit, and the Soul. To whats physical, and metaphysical. You Have to be the Yin, and Yang, both at the same time. To be that strong, You think You have to be, to be stable, stand on Your own feet, with grounding, roots, that would keep You safe, even in the most mystical, metaphysical, hard to explain, and so to understand events, when You are flying high how You possibly can, to manifest relations with God, but not only, (but mostly), that You havent even imagine, that are possible. The emotional extasy, sacred at its core, when You let the "Higher Entities" play with You, even just for fun, but spending time together, building relations, and for You to be treated by Them, to get some stimulations on the levels of Your Existence which normally doesnt get much attention from You, and when They are doing Their work among You, Its when You call it metaphysical experience, cause You cant comprehend it with Your senses, Your way of Thinking. There is one special event in Our Solar System, that gives Us serious topic to contemplate. Lets Talk The Total Eclipse. Bring to Your awareness fact, that the size of Sun, and Moon, and the lenght between Them are calculated so well, that once a while "copulating" with Each Other, The Moon fully covers The Sun!! They are literally same size! In that particular event, They have equal rights, They are In Love and compasion with Each Other, and from Our earthly perspective, Their Child,The Fruit of what seems to be organised from above, create the sign of The Black Sun. Black Hole. If You imagine the Moon dancing round the Earth, and both of Them spinning around The Sun. The Sun with all His satelites, (the planets, moons, and stuff...) and every other stars, with Their Planetary Systems, are moving around Black Hole, localized in the very center of Our Galaxy. You know that perception of time is relative, and depends on many categories of coefficients, like how old are You, (You always perceive time in the actual, particular moment, with perspective of Life You already lived, which change with every second, as You continue to do so.), The mass of Yourself, or the great mass near You, and the speed of changes, You realise with Your consciousness, or the speed with which You are mooving, like the speed of light, that bends time, what We try to determine with laws of physics based on what few smart People probably downloaded from Akashic Records, and were so kind, and brave to share with Us Their discoveries. Back To The Black Hole. It is the phenomenon, of the great mass and size, much greater then for example Sun, that It creates the gravity so strong, that whole mass is centered, and squashed to the size of a coin. Its called Singularity, It have the infinite density and gravity, but Itself is infinitesimal. Its gravity, and mass bend the time too. Why Its called "Black Hole"? Because of Event Horizon, which is determined by the radius of The Black Hole, leading Us to Its limes, the size of Its invisibility, cause It pretend to be Object Perfectly Black, which means, that it comsumes all the radiation falling on It. We can say that We see something, when there become the relation between Our eyes, and visible object. The relation based on how the light reflect on that object, and then reflected of it fall into Our perceptors. To see somenthing is actually an event Itself. When We look at Black Hole, we cannot see anything. Literally. There isnt any possibility to participate in the event of looking, and seeing, cause the gravity of Black Hole is so strong, that it bends reality, stop the time inside the assigned boundaries and it works with such a force, that even the light cannot escape it. Thats why its called the Event Horizon, its a radius determining the range of its action, the lenght from the Singularity, the very center, that physicians believe, have almost no size, and infinite energy, that set the borders in which the whole fabric of UniVerse, The structure of the space-time collapse. Some believe that inside of It exists many, many answers to How comprehend Singularity, which can hide the secrets of God, that people try to analise with logic, the scientists way. The Other believes that whole galaxy is happening inside the Black Hole, and all that We know yet its just a hologram projected on the Event Horizon from the inside. I personally believe, that inside a Black Hole is hidden the secret of the consciousness itself, and its there to synchronise the space-time, but not only dance of the big objects, like the planets, but If You believe, and let it, synchronise the events of Your Life. Finally, I jumped into the Black Hole, just curious if Ill be able to exist inside, and if yes, to see if I could came back from across of the Event Horizon. Who I met there? Like Neo in the house of The Creator, The Faith, The Abundance, The Answers. The Way for the brave Ones, cause its the way, that Lead You to "The Great White Throne", and information about My true Self, My highest purpose, and that I am the One of many chosen, of 144k lightworkers, and when will come the right time, and right oportunities, I’ll understand what is meant for Me, and one more time I’ll be that brave, to let go of all the brakes, lay Myself completly, and let perfect by Its nature Will of God just flow through Me. Thats why its so special about Black Hole, that Creator set the settings of Total Eclipse, To give Us a clue, on whats really going on, on what We should concentrate Our focus... When We are looking back at Our metaphore of the archetypes, as The Sun, The Moon, and Their Fusion.The Divine Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and The Earth for whom it all happens. Now We are mentally prepared to raise a subject of the archetype of that special sign, celebrated by few, when it occure, The Godly Clockmaker, in this version manifested as an event far beyond what scientist actually know, but open for the spiritual Ones, that have imprinted on Their Souls The way back to where They truly belong, To sit beside Him, in The Grand Emanation of His Glory, totally submerged in overwhelming Mercy, near The Great White Throne. At last, but not least, about the symbol of Total Eclipse. The Archetype of The Divine Child is an Absolute. Ive said That Love is Power, but so Is Knowledge. Im working with Akasha Chronicles, and from My good will and need to share it with Someone, to realize MySelf that Way, for the sake of overexpression of Mine, and being Overconductor of Consciousness, which I perceive as a gifts, blessings of Holy Spirit, My path to self fulfillment, and in what I believe, and wished for that, accordingly to The Will of The Great Father. If You Like What You had read, or just want to talk, You can text Me. (You might be My Soul Tribe.) If It has open some eyes, or minds, and You want to give thanks, or something. Just write a comment, and let the Karma do the rest. Hope for raw feedback, if it would be so, it would tickle My Ego, and build up My morals, what would give Me an extra motivation, so I may write something more in next couple of days. Once again... Im looking for new relations with same minds state Entities...!! Dont be afraid of Me. Cheers.
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untoldfayrietales · 2 years
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Would you think that if things were other way around, it would come easier? Would it be favorable? Would I be happier?
Circumstances are different from one person to another, this I know for a fact. I just cant help myself wondering why do chances arent in my favor. Why are opportunities arent knocking. Why things have to be complicated and annoyingly, I have to wait. I always end up waiting.
I hinestly hate it. I honestly envied when othher are alrwady moving but me. I honestly hate it when the things I love, the people I choose and cherish arent the ones for me, nor the approved one. I hate it that chances are just laying around yet I cannot grab it.
I hate it but I know that it really pays to wait. I know thatvthese frustrations I am currently feeling are not in my hands to control. I know that it will all be worth it.
I just feel impatient. I feel lost. I feel like being left behind.
And these are not good to feel.
I hope I get to manage these.
I hope I'd get to move om and get over with it.
I hope these would all be worth it.
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nanesedih · 3 years
[25/04, 01:08] Carolina S Yana: Mau minta maaf
Dan bagaimana cara memperbaiki kesalahanku
Dan aku tetap ingat dan sayang andrea
[25/04, 01:28] Naomi: you're still my mom.
i know you love me.
you don't have to fix anything.
back then, i was really small, i haven't even have a soul.
i don't feel anything.
[25/04, 01:29] Naomi: i don't know but there are people that nurture me here.
they educate me.
they make me to be me.
[25/04, 09:57] Carolina S Yana: Mungkin tanya
Kenapa 10 th lalu mendatangi eya bude dan om jon
Ada yg ingin disampaikan?
[25/04, 10:01] Naomi: i just want to confirm about your worries.
you have a lot of worries about me that time.
and i have the chance to confirm.
don't worry mother.
i'm doing fine here.
they're really kind to me here.
they teach me a lot of things.
[25/04, 10:04] Carolina S Yana: Andrea...
Can I see you for a moment?
Or will we meet sometime?
Are they angel that nurture you all this time ? 😇
I wanna thanks them
[25/04, 10:07] Carolina S Yana: Did you came to my dream, fathers dream, and naomis dream last night?
What else you want to tell us, andrea
Ooh how I miss you , dear...
I made a song for you that time
[25/04, 10:10] Naomi: yes, mother.
i am, myself, are trained to become angel too.
our purpose is now to help humans.
you can see me for a moment if i have the permission to.
let's meet for a moment if i have the chance, mother.
[25/04, 10:12] Naomi: thankyou for remembering me.
thankyou for trying to contact me.
let's meet if i still have the permission to be here, mother.
i want to meet you too.
[25/04, 10:39] Naomi: i could confirm this is andrea
[25/04, 10:39] Naomi: energi dia beda
[25/04, 10:41] Naomi: ya sama". selesaikan semuanya sekarang supaya kamu bisa terbantu lega
[25/04, 10:41] Naomi: dia tidak akan berada di dunia ini untuk waktu yg lama
[25/04, 15:09] Carolina S Yana: [25/04, 13:54] eya XL: Aku geter bacanya
[25/04, 13:54] eya XL: Andrea sayang banget sama mama
[25/04, 13:54] eya XL: Sayang banget tulus banget
[25/04, 13:55] eya XL: Ga ada sedih marah atau apapun
[25/04, 13:56] eya XL: Sepertinya emang dia dilatih untuk seperti itu. Kan dia bukan lost soul.
[25/04, 14:01] eya XL: Setauku emang dulu om john bilang
[25/04, 14:01] eya XL: Andrea senyum
[25/04, 14:01] eya XL: Itu naomi bisa liat andrea ga?
[25/04, 14:01] eya XL: Soalnya seingetku aku pernah liat dia warnanya emas
[25/04, 14:01] eya XL: Sekelilingnya
[25/04, 15:10] Naomi: iyaaa emas sekelilingnya
[25/04, 15:10] Naomi: kaya tali nyala"
[25/04, 15:10] Naomi: terang gitu
[25/04, 19:42] Carolina S Yana: Om bilang makasih
Krn jd di hati jg jd lebih lega
Andrea baik dan sangat jd baik
Tp tetap kita akan ditanyain pertanggungjawaban nanti kalau sdh is dead
[25/04, 19:55] Naomi: td aku sempet ngobrol sm andrea, pas lg mandi
kan aku kalo mandi sering ngelamun, trus mikirin, "kok andrea bisa tumbuh ya?"
trus entah kepanggil atau gmn, andrea jawab "every seed of child that get aborted are stuck in this world. but sometimes they come, they choose a few of us, and the choosen ones are brought to their place, they train us, and so.
and the trained people there, we help the seeds that are stuck in this world. so its just keep going."
[25/04, 19:59] Naomi: trus kan aku tanya "why are you answering me now? i'm taking a shower and i'm just talking with myself. i don't expect you to answer actually."
andrea jawab "you guys have a lot of questions about me. and i want to clarify all of the questions while i have the opportunity."
[25/04, 23:35] Naomi: seingetku kurang lebih, "humans make mistakes. they have their own choices. and we can't change humans. we could only accompany them, without getting in the way for them."
[25/04, 23:45] Carolina S Yana: Mau nanya
Gimana cara aku dan om bisa lihat andrea ?
Bajunya andrea suka ga? Gimana cara supaya nyampe ke andrea?
Atau ga perlu ?
[25/04, 23:47] Carolina S Yana: Andrea ada pesan ga buat adik2nya
Eya dan dewa ?
[25/04, 23:48] Naomi: yes, but, i can't prove too much
[25/04, 23:49] Naomi: i like the dress, mother. thank you. it suits me really well.
[25/04, 23:53] Carolina S Yana: Ada pesan juga buat father ga?
[25/04, 23:54] Naomi: just be careful of this world. everything happens really fast. and sometimes it gets out of control.
[25/04, 23:55] Carolina S Yana: Aku td kaya denger
Mother its me andrea
I love you
[25/04, 23:56] Carolina S Yana: Aku berusaha merem sambil alfatihah
[25/04, 23:56] Carolina S Yana: Cuma lihat semacam kuning2 ga jelas
[25/04, 23:56] Naomi: itu aura di sekitarnya
[25/04, 23:56] Naomi: cahaya" gitu
[25/04, 23:56] Naomi: aksennya british bgt
[25/04, 23:59] Carolina S Yana: Andrea
I cant see u
Its okey mother
I really want to see u
Maybe some other time mother
[26/04, 00:05] Naomi: mother, you made a song for me, right?
can i hear it?
[26/04, 00:05] Naomi: i really want to spend this opportunity with you guys
[26/04, 00:06] Carolina S Yana: A little bit forget
Have to find the lyric first
But, i remember the beginning of the song
[26/04, 00:09] Naomi: having a conversation like this is already more than enough
[26/04, 00:10] Naomi: i'll spend 1 or 2 days here
[26/04, 00:10] Naomi: and then i have to go back
[26/04, 00:10] Carolina S Yana: Humans day ?
[26/04, 00:10] Naomi: yes
[26/04, 00:11] Carolina S Yana: Maybe tomorrow with naomi, i can see u
[26/04, 00:12] Naomi: i can't make sure. but we can try it, mother.
[26/04, 00:13] Carolina S Yana: So sorry andrea, i miss the lyric and the music too
[26/04, 00:14] Naomi: it's okay mother. thank you.
[26/04, 00:15] Carolina S Yana: How old are you now, andrea ?
28 in humans ?
Or different there?
[26/04, 00:17] Naomi: "we are different here. when we are brought here, we got to be eternal. our purpose is to help humans with their choices. we are eternal, mother"
[26/04, 00:40] Carolina S Yana: Kalau andrea pingin punya panggilan khusus buat eya boleh banget katanya
[26/04, 00:45] Naomi: i like "Selena". at first i want to use it for my last name. but i think it'll suits her more.
[26/04, 00:46] Carolina S Yana: Wow
What the meaning of selena, andrea ?
[26/04, 00:47] Naomi: it's the name of one of my friend
[26/04, 00:47] Naomi: we grew together
[26/04, 00:48] Carolina S Yana: Eya like that name, andrea
[26/04, 00:48] Carolina S Yana: You can call her
[26/04, 00:48] Carolina S Yana: With this special name
[26/04, 00:54] Naomi: selena, i'm sorry for all things that happens to you that time. i'm sorry for leaving you alone. i should've try to protect you.
thank you for seeing me that time. i just wanted to confirm about all of your questions. i'm sorry if i scared you back then.
thank you, selena.
let's meet again sometimes.
[26/04, 00:58] Carolina S Yana: It's okay Andrea. To be honest i wasnt really sure what i was seeing back then.. it was blurred even tho i could "see" the bigger picture of you. But Im glad i could see you. At least i know you're in good hands.
[26/04, 01:01] Naomi: i'm doing really well. you don't have to worry about me. i hope you're doing well too.
[26/04, 01:07] Naomi: dia bilang "it'll be better if they keep the dress themselves. so they could get a memory of me."
[26/04, 01:27] Naomi: "see you tommorow." kata andrea
[26/04, 01:32] Carolina S Yana: See you andrea
[26/04, 01:58] Naomi: dia jg sempet bilang, "some humans, the choosen ones, like you and selena, have a purpose too. the choosen ones are assigned to raise the world vibrations. you guys can do so by helping the lost spirits like you usually do, and etc. you can ask for the help of angels too, that now you trust them ;)"
[26/04, 02:00] Naomi: people won't believe you for doing this. but please keep doing what you usually do for the sake of the world
[26/04, 02:22] Naomi: kenapa kalian ga boleh kesini tanpa izin?
because if we stay on earth for too long, humans or even us, angels, could get attached to each other.
you won't like to see that happens.
[26/04, 02:33] Carolina S Yana: Dan why andrea choosen. Eya dan kamu jg choosen
[26/04, 02:34] Naomi: andrea jg bersyukur bgt dia dibawa dan dilatih sampai jd kaya skrg
[26/04, 02:34] Carolina S Yana: Aku dan om jg bersyukur banget
[26/04, 02:34] Carolina S Yana: Kalau ga dia lost soul ya
[26/04, 20:38] Naomi: jd td sempet ngobrol lumayan banyak sm andrea.
dia bilang "let's talk again tonight, mother still have questions about me. let's finish all of this tonight. tell father not to worry about me. i'm doing very well now."
[26/04, 20:40] Naomi: trus aku sempet mikir sendiri, what if i get emotional when you're going back?
dia lgsg tegas "you as a light worker are not allowed to get attached. you'll get more lessons in the future."
[26/04, 20:44] Naomi: td jg aku sempet dibersihin sm andrea. dia bilang "i'll cleanse you now, and i'll cleanse you again tonight before i go. i could only help you this time. you'll have to survive by your own in the future. there are going to be a lot of moments, so be prepared."
lalu pas dibersihin kepalaku entah diapain, kaya dimasukin samting di kiri atas.
andrea bilang "this could help you in the future."
[26/04, 20:47] Naomi: trus pas kepalaku dimasukin itu tetiba wanginya andrea makin kuat. sampe skrg masih wangi kuat bgt.
dia bilang "if you smell this suddenly, it's a sign from me."
aku jawab "i'll try to make this smell when i get home. i'll give it to mother too as a remembrance from you."
[26/04, 21:05] Carolina S Yana: Om mikir andrea juga ya?
[26/04, 21:06] Carolina S Yana: Why I know andrea is a girl ? Before ?
[26/04, 21:06] Carolina S Yana: Andrea felt me all this time ?
[26/04, 21:07] Carolina S Yana: Are you really in heaven? Literally heaven ?
[26/04, 21:07] Carolina S Yana: So if Im doing good I will meet you at heaven?
[26/04, 21:07] Carolina S Yana: What about my sin for you back then?
[26/04, 21:13] Naomi: there will be questions, mother. but don't worry. i were saved by them. and i have become one of them. i have forgive you from the first time. please keep this for yourself, mother.
[26/04, 21:21] Carolina S Yana: Thankyou andrea
[26/04, 21:22] Carolina S Yana: Thankyou for forgive me and your father
[26/04, 21:22] Carolina S Yana: Have you been there when father and brother had a big accident 3 years ago?
[26/04, 21:22] Carolina S Yana: Just curious
[26/04, 21:23] Naomi: "no, i can't be there that time. i can't mess with the timeline"
[26/04, 21:35] Carolina S Yana: Your sister selena dont want to continue with her gift?
[26/04, 21:36] Carolina S Yana: Do you mind if i pray in arabic ? Or how should i do
[26/04, 21:38] Naomi: it's okay mother. its her choice. don't force her because it could only get worse."
[26/04, 21:45] Naomi: just do as you usually do, mother. do the one you trust the most. don't force anything you don't trust
[26/04, 22:00] Carolina S Yana: Andrea, they allowed yiu to have family in this world?
[26/04, 22:00] Naomi: no they don't
[26/04, 22:01] Naomi: they just allow us to visit
[26/04, 22:01] Naomi: we could get too attached
[26/04, 22:01] Carolina S Yana: Why they allowed you to visit me ?
[26/04, 22:02] Naomi: i bring messages i have to tell, mother.
[26/04, 22:03] Carolina S Yana: Oh. The messages you give me in the first night?
[26/04, 22:03] Naomi: yes, mother.
[26/04, 22:03] Carolina S Yana: Okay...thankyou angels for allowing my andrea to visit me 🙏🏻
[26/04, 22:08] Carolina S Yana: U have to leave now?
[26/04, 22:08] Naomi: no, we still have a few hours.
[26/04, 22:08] Carolina S Yana: Thanks God
[26/04, 22:41] Naomi: all of us will meet at the end. i hope.
[26/04, 22:42] Naomi: all of us have a different path. and we can't force the path.
[26/04, 22:43] Carolina S Yana: Will you still feel me after this time?
[26/04, 22:44] Naomi: mother, i could feel you all the time.
[26/04, 22:44] Naomi: i just don't have the chance to come.
[26/04, 22:47] Carolina S Yana: Its okey
Im happy to "see" you and feel you now and "talk" with you...
Please say thankyou to all the people that choosed you and nurture you and educated you all this time
[26/04, 22:47] Carolina S Yana: Aku sangat lega
Aduh apa inggris nya
Sambil diajak ngobrol ini ilang vocab semua
[26/04, 22:48] Naomi: i'm very relieved (?)
[26/04, 22:49] Naomi: yes i will, mother.
[26/04, 22:54] Naomi: i hope i could solve all of your curiosity about me this time. i'm sorry for making you worried for years.
[26/04, 22:56] Carolina S Yana: Your father say
I love her
He loves you andrea
[26/04, 22:58] Naomi: yes, mother.
[26/04, 22:59] Naomi: please tell indah it's not her fault to be born in this world. she still needs some help.
[26/04, 22:59] Naomi: it applies to you too, mother.
[26/04, 23:00] Naomi: it's not your fault.
[26/04, 23:00] Naomi: it's just the path of your life.
[26/04, 23:00] Naomi: don't cry, i love you, mother.
[26/04, 23:07] Carolina S Yana: Im not cry and im not sad
Im very very happy for you andrea
My sweet girl
I love you
[26/04, 23:08] Carolina S Yana: It is not your fault...andrea
Its our fault
[26/04, 23:08] Carolina S Yana: Your father say
Maafin papa
[26/04, 23:09] Carolina S Yana: Will you come to his and my dream?
We will very happy to see you
[26/04, 23:09] Carolina S Yana: We can not see you
[26/04, 23:10] Carolina S Yana: We are not gifted
[26/04, 23:10] Carolina S Yana: Okey i will do
[26/04, 23:11] Carolina S Yana: You want to say something more to your sister brother and father ?
[26/04, 23:11] Naomi: father, i hope you're doing well.
[26/04, 23:12] Naomi: i'll try...
[26/04, 23:13] Naomi: mother, you already have a "picture" of me in your heart. just use that for visualisation. it's okay, mother. you don't have to see me.
[26/04, 23:13] Naomi: it's getting warm here, i think i have to go by midnight
[26/04, 23:15] Carolina S Yana: Yes.
And your father have a visual from your sister that wearing you dress
[26/04, 23:17] Carolina S Yana: We will keep your dress and put on some parfume from naomi
[26/04, 23:18] Naomi: yes, mother. just remember if you smell that suddenly, it's a sign coming from me.
[26/04, 23:22] Naomi: father, thank you for everything.
selena, you don't have to force yourself through things you hate. if want to close your gift, it's your choice. you can do that if it ease you.
hi brother, just believe what you believe. don't put pressure to believe anything.
[26/04, 23:24] Carolina S Yana: Father say
Kamu akan selalu di hatinya papa dan dipikiran papa
[26/04, 23:24] Naomi: i know, father.
[26/04, 23:26] Naomi: mother, i actually want to write you a letter but i don't have the time.
mother, thank you for everything you have done to me. your prayers, your music, your presence means a lot to me.
[26/04, 23:26] Naomi: let's keep going and let's have a good life.
[26/04, 23:27] Naomi: do you have anything to say, mother?
[26/04, 23:28] Naomi: i have to go in a moment
[26/04, 23:28] Carolina S Yana: Your fathers just say
ilove you
[26/04, 23:28] Carolina S Yana: I love you andrea
[26/04, 23:28] Carolina S Yana: Jadilah kamu
[26/04, 23:29] Carolina S Yana: Saya sudah lega
[26/04, 23:29] Carolina S Yana: Terimaaksih atas 2 3 hari ini
[26/04, 23:29] Carolina S Yana: Jadilah kamu seperti yg memang seharusnya
[26/04, 23:29] Carolina S Yana: Jadilah baik
[26/04, 23:29] Carolina S Yana: We love you...
[26/04, 23:30] Carolina S Yana: Bye andrea...
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dexi-green · 7 years
Spiderman: Homecoming thoughts
·the 60s spider-man theme during the marvel logo ❤ ·i loved the “friendly neighborhood spider-man” scene. Him getting back the bike and leaving a note, the lady and the churro. Loved it. ·"aye, you're spider-man from YouTube. Do a flip!“ And he does the flip for him. ·Dad Tony. Annoyed Uncle Happy. ❤ Seriously. Like everyone who got mad that "tony is taking over” i hope you went back and shame deleted your posts. ·pepper cameo, like yooo, so are her and tony back together…? And the fact that tony bought an engagement ring for pepper all the way back in 2008 c: ·of course, Stan Lee cameo. Pretty early in the film and funny as always. ·the ATM robbery and peter tries to figure out a cool line to start the fight. ·all the times he falls on his face. ·the iron spider outfit. I’m so mad peter didn't wear it at all. But hopefully in infinity war. ·Flash being a more modern, honest depiction of a bully. Just a ‘flash'y rich kid, not necessarily a jock or anything. Honestly everyone being more honest and modern depictions of high school kids. No makeup on Michelle, the awkward school news casters, still playing with legos, playing outdated (but not really because it had to be filmed in like 2011-2) cliche celebrity videos for the students in class, jokes like penis parker, Seniors hanging out with sophomores and not just other upperclassmen. Not the weird stereotyped stuff we get in a lot of other films and media. ·Captain America videos + 2nd after credits scene. I love when he motioned to the side in the video to the gym teacher but Hannibal was on the other side. That little thing made me laugh. Also we left the theater and then came back for the last after credit scene and i felt so betrayed. ·Chess! ·For whatever reason near the end i kept expecting the credits to roll, but then there was another scene which was a delight for me. Maybe i’m just bad at knowing when movies end. ·no buildings so he has to run and cant use his web shooters. ·Ned Leeds. The guy in the chair. ·Learning Curve. I love that there were consequences to turning off the training wheels protocol. He didn't just get a whole bunch of cool features and became amazing. He turned it off and he messed up. He didn't know how to use things and it got him hurt. They were put there for a reason. It showed that Tony planned on training Peter for a while. All of the features Tony put on the suit to seemingly “limit” peter, were put their for his protection and come in handy later. The tracker allows Tony to save him after the parachute thing. The “baby monitor” lets him find out the identities of the arms dealers. Its just like actual parents and teenagers. Teens think the parent is being unfair and just trying to stop them from having a good time (and sometimes it is just unfair) but its for their own good. ·Learning curve again. He also just didn't always make the best decisions, even if things turned out alright. Like think about. Every time stuff got destroyed it was his fault. He tried to stop the arms deal under the bridge and ended up being dragged down the street. He kept the piece of alien tech, which caused the accident at the Washington monument. He tried to bust the arms deal on the ferry and it got cut in half. He tried to stop vulture again and crashed a plane. Which i think is actually great because remember vultures origin story of being the guy who has to clean up after that type of stuff. But anyway, Peter makes mistakes and messes up. He doesn't even have a cool sequence of transforming into spider-man, he has to undress in an alley. Like he isn't this effortlessly cool and talented superhero which is so incredibly true to the character of Peter Parker. ·michelle tells their teacher the Washington monument was built by slaves. ·Martin Starr ·Zendaya ·this entire cast really. Even Karen is Jennifer Connelly!!! ·Peter bonding with Karen. ·OMFG Aunt May! ESPecially at the end. Like i cannot wait to see her reaction more in depth. ·we got passing comments about the spider bite and uncle Ben. Which is fine, they basically skipped the first half hour of the other first spider-man movies, but i did wish that we would've gotten a flashback or something small. So i’m just going to put this out there for marvel, flashback to uncle ben (or possibly peter’s parents/father) in infinity war or something for just a hot second, maybe even just a picture of him maybe? and the actor, Tobey Maguire. I’ll leave it to you. ·Tony just wants to clean up his messes but he cant even do that without there also being a problem. He just cant win. But i guarantee that if Tony was there when damage control told them they were taking over, he probably would've tried to hire those guys instead of just telling them to beat it. Also… Vulture just trying to support his family and all, and we don’t know what his life was truly like before damage control stepped in. But… He seems to speak like hes still on rough times but…look at liz’s house.like it seems like he got money. ·i think its liz’s drawing of the avengers at the beginning. · When they are in the car, driving to homecoming, and Vulture is slowly figuring out who Peter is (kinda like the dinner scene with the green goblin in the first spider-man) and when he figures it out, the green from the street light is on his face, and just...symbolism. ·i think i missed the part where Harrison was dressed up instead of tom. Did they actually put that in because or maybe i just cant remember the scene right now. I know it was sometime when he had the decathlon jacket on. I think it was when he was stuck in the damage control facility. But for some reason my mind is blurring it. He was just running. ·when tony asks peter to stay at the avengers facility i kinda got the feeling that while tony was proud of peter for knowing what he wants he was kinda sad to know he wasn't going to be staying. Especially after what happened in civil war. He obviously thought it all out and planned things. Kinda like after Avengers, he kinda got excited and attached to everyone, got them their rooms in the tower and all. So kinda sad… · the nod towards Miles Morales and just Donald Glover in general is great. I wont lie that i would've loved more of him and maybe an actual cameo from miles but this was great. Maybe in another film.. · “Come on man, i got ice cream in here.” ·the principal is a descendant, i think grandson, of Jim Morita and played by the same guy, Kenneth Choi!!! Yaaaaasss! Like no wonder this guy is still playing these Cap videos in the school even if he is “technically a criminal” ·Bruce Banner and Howard Stark pictures in the school 😊 ·he isn't driven by romance. Saving or wooing Liz isn't his main goal in the story. There isn't even a kiss (like was teased in the trailer). ·i kind of wish instead of scorpion, the next villain tease would've been for doc ock, or sandman or green goblin but that’s purely personal preference. A black cat hint would've been cool as well, but i understand why they didn't do that. They did hint at the sinister six so they kinda did hint at doc ock and them. ·the video diary bits ❤ and just how well it fits into civil war like a puzzle piece, not just tacked onto the end. · I know some people complained about too many references to other parts of the marvel universe but I liked it. I love references and easter eggs personally, but also this is suppose to be an cinematic universe. everything is suppose to be connected. Why wouldn’t we see descendants of characters, or hear about the sokovia accords in class, or have pictures of notable inventors/scientists in schools, etc.etc.
·”Oh shes not playing mary jane.” “My friends call me MJ.” OMG fight me marvel!
·seriously i did not see the twist coming. Vulture is liz’s dad… Whaaattt? Honestly i loved it. Plus mixed girl representation✊and i like the timing of it. Peter really just defaults back into normal high schooler life. Is so down about what happened and then boom! Cant escape it. ·when the vulture is stealing stuff he has like…a duffel bag. Like they aren’t seemingly stealing that much stuff. Its not like they kill the drivers and steal the entire truck…they just want a little bit. ·"im trying to save you!“ Like yo…almost cried. Seriously. I wanted to scream at the screen. stop! Let him help! Listen to him! I was freaking out. ·"i wanted you to be better.” I know they showed this in the trailer but it was just as impactful this time round. Same with the “if you're nothing without the suit you shouldn't have it.” Like i cannot handle these Tony feelings. ·honestly the part at the end when he is looking at the reflection of himself, half masked, and the line from tony is echoed was…kinda cheesy. But it was still pretty impactful. Especially considering tom holland’s acting at that part. Nearly crying and yelling for help and wiggling around under the concrete, just so down on himself… almost made me cry. ·Just an overall amazing representation of “with great power, comes great responsibility”. There are consequences to his actions, he isn’t just amazing right from the start, he makes mistakes, and has low points and although he doesn't grapple too much with whether or not he wants to be spider-man (he pretty much always picks spider-man over anything else) he still struggles with how to do it and how to balance it. And its important to him that he does a good job, not just because its cool to be a superhero but because he feels the need to. He obviously doesn't brag about it and even chooses to not even come out as an official avenger. He knows where his heart is, where his home is, and by the end of the film he is pretty sure on where his responsibility lies. He realizes that there are big avenger level problems going on, but there are also small jobs to be done. Helping the little guy. He turns down a cool new suit, staying in a facility with the avengers, his own safety and life, to help out those in need.
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cheswirls · 6 years
okay time to talk abt star wars
BENICIO DEL TORO IS IN IT like what a surprise and a delight. i went w ten members of my family and half of us had no idea until the credits like UH, what the FUCK is this guy doing in it alright
but yea real quick i havent seen shit abt laura dern and how amazing she was like they keep these films so under wraps no one knew what her character even was but WOW did she do a good job. like playing off everything in your plans only to have the best and smartest intentions and when leia walks through those doors into the command room w poe and hes like oh sweet and she whips out her blaster was THW BEST like ‘boy youve caused a lot of trouble for my sweetheart smart gal holdo and its time for you to Stop™’ and then when she decides to LITERALLY DIE to help the escape pods get away and poes like ‘GREAT shes abandoning us’ leias like nO sHeS NoT!! like no. no.
i really liked the humor it was few and far between but it was good. chewie abt to eat the porg. poe pranking hux w the bad signal and him FALLING FOR IT OM G as a stall technique, luke’s twiceover ‘AMAZING everything you said was completely wrong’, the whole ‘the jus PARKED THE SHIp on the beach and i TOLD THEM it was public but they jus went to the casino’ like what assholes but then it was.. rose’s ship damn, poe’s ‘permission to get in a ship and blow shit up’ to leia, when it was funny it was great.
I REALLY LIKED ROSE and i liked the necklace connection w paige, the TRUE HERO of the opening battle w the bombs, such an emotional scene she killed it. but yea back to rose she was cute a good character i liked her. i fell in love w kellie through interviews tho so it wasnt hard.
I FEEL LIKE FINN WOKE UP TOO QUICK but i get it tho. like theyre evacuating hes gotta. wake up. get up. why the water?? in the siut tho? that shouldve been explained wtf.
also the whole force bond wasn’t super well-done. it was explained to where it was okay but i still feel like they should’ve had more scenes where they were filmed in the same location, like seeing each other through their own eyes where its only them not the surroundings, that kinda killed it. not very well done c- rian johnson no pls.
i still dont?? get why ppl do reylo. i still dont see it. i honestly think they jus want two jedi leads together, bc that hasnt happened yet. i dont think their relationship is abusive at any point tho?? i saw ppl on abt it the other day and?? did we watch the same movie or are you jus fucking salty and want a reaction or?? anyway. its a conflict. in the end i feel like he wanted her power, not jus her, beside him. you can see, someone mentioned earlier, that he kinda jumps the whole ‘lets rule the galaxy’ on impulse to maintain his stance of control. 
all the shit on canto bight was important. showing how to some people everyone is the same. they deal to whoever they need to to get rich. that whole place was beautiful. for the longest time i thought the master codebreaker WAS the guy they found and the noble who had it had taken the lapel but NOPE
one of the best scenes was talking with maz in the middle of a fucking UNION BATTLE like jeez. extreme but funny, another humor that was on point.
CRAIT WAS THE BEST PLANET i loved /loved/ the cinematic appeal of red salt covered by white frost. it was great. it made for some really cool effect scenes, like the old fighters skating across and kicking up red salt clouds amidst all the white. the part where ben slices into luke and then ext shit is the cleared away snow and then his foot clearing away to reveal red like is that lukes blood??? maybe?? what a good move thats one point for mr rian johnson there that caught me off guard nice
and more!! like firing at luke and again kicking up the red salt, it was all good. got some really great effects. the best setting by far.
i dont understand finn’s sacrifice-ram-into-the-cannon thing that was stupid and a bad mvoe and made no sense and wtf??
yea but when you get down to it lets talk abt luke bc. the quote abt mark hating evry choice of luke char’s yea im glad rian is gone and wtf was up w killing him off for no reason in the end???? he jus goes. for no reason. its like we gotta pick off the old trio one by one. he’d probably announce leia’s death in the opening written sequence if he was in charge of nine. like there was no!!! point! damn. no point. and now carrie’s gone and they cant cgi an entire movie w leia so??? fuck. theyre all three gone now which sucks bc it jus sucks. im still sad carrie’s gone. 
one of the better parts was ben choosing not to fire on the cockpit bc his mOM is there cant do that shit that was good. 
back to luke real quick what a total character bomb. assassination. wt FUCK would he choose to kill ben bc ‘the dark side was already in him’ bitch he saved darth vader!!!!! and shit wanna tell me a little dark hold scared him enough for death wtf is wrong w rian johnson shit. 
the whole plotline w holdo was amazing like she was portrayed as kinda a self-centered betrayer like not in the ‘im on the wrong side’ but in the ‘i only care about my survival’ shit which was why it was nice to have the canto bight comparison. but then her plans were revealed and you see she had the true intentions from the beginning but why the FUCK SHE COUNDLT TELl poe i dont know that was another Bad Move™ for fuckin rian johnson. 
we talk about dead heroes at the beginnign of the movie. starting with paige tico, holdo was definitely the next big one and WHAT A SACRIFICE she made. damn. 
hi im che and i really liked how luke came back and leia n him hugged it out and then he told him he couldnt save ben but then he lets him go to Mull™. funniest scene was when theyre firing EVERYTHING WEVE GOT at luke and MORRE,MORE even and then he jus. brushes his shoulder which contains nothing bc hes not even there in the most dramatic move of the past three films produced in the sw universe. 
and then ben cuts thru him a couple times and we see hes not even there which. shit. okay. caught us off guard there with that bc he hugged leia so he was clearly solid?? but then he wasnt? or was he and it jus zones out bc something tried to cut thru him, either way you didnt know until it happened bc astral projection in star wars aint exacly a thing. like you gotta be dead to show up places where you arent.
im confused on ben as a character and where he is going. he really isn’t on a side really? he’s with the first order currently but i seriously doubt he’ll be supreme leader in the next. snoke kinda died too easily too like i expected him to be wounded not sliced in half in the saber move was all saw coming™. different. strange. not sure what to expect really. what are his intentions now? did he rally have any in the first place?? luke is kinda gone again for no reason so he doesnt rly have anyone to go to. sorta. 
adam driver is rly jus an amazing actor in this top tier a+++. 
i rly like phasma in this. christie did a wonderful job, and we SW HER EYE SHIT i was waiting for her to talk off the helmet and it never. happened. but what a dramatic scene and was an ending to her like wow.
(once again thats thanks to ma girl holdo pls appreciate thx)
this movie was long i saw it once its been over 12 hours bc i had to go to a ballet show right after and then eat and shit so its been a Bit so i forgot some stuff here. ill get back to it eventually. if youve seen it feel free to ask me what i thought of what ill scream back w an in depth fun reply okay bye. 
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