#like i think estp is correct but
theemissuniverse · 8 months
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A/N : Before y’all try to correct me - got this information from the personality database app so if you wanna tell me I’m wrong then blame the app. Also don’t take it THAT seriously. It’s just for fun. I will do a female version after this. Also please LIKE THIS TF UP. THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG AND I DID CHARACTERS I HATE/DONT CARE ABOUT SO IT COULD BE FAIR PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME. Also, also do not say I picked favorites because unfortunately this is my personality and the characters that I wanted when I ran it through the system DID NOT match close to 100% so yeah
WARNINGS : none I think
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First, what is an INTP individual?
INTP’s are logical and analytical "Logician" who prioritize knowledge and understanding. They are known for their interest in stripping away superficial details to get to the underlying principles of a system or idea. They may be seen as absent-minded professors who are highly intelligent and enjoy developing and organizing their subjective understandings into consistent systems. They are flexible and tolerant, but may become rigid when their beliefs are challenged.
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Your compalability/relationship with all the MK 1 Characters
Baraka [ ENFJ - protagonist ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Playmate
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Educational
In a relationship, Baraka will give you anything you desire. He is always willing to do anything you ask for to please you. He wants you to be well taken care of. He wants to see you at your best even though most days he feels at his lowest. Baraka does fear that one day you might leave him for someone he feels as though is more worthy. So, he’ll always try to give you everything you have ever wanted. Your communication is always an understanding between the two of you. The two of you get each other.
Baraka is actually playful with you despite how serious he can be. He feels comfortable with you. Like he can be himself. He doesn’t have to hide who he is when he is with you. Everything just feels right. Sometimes the two of you don’t share the same goals but that’s okay. You two are different and Baraka understands that.
Bi-Han [ ENTJ - commander ]
Chemistry : 99%
Relationship Type : Soulmate
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Rational
In a relationship, Bi-Han will try his best to be gentle with you despite his nature. You are his peace. The coldness to his ice. There is no better person to calm him down other than you. He is grumpy with everyone. It’s always him versus the world. That’s not the case with you. It’s always you and him. Together. Bi-Han feels like he can trust you and trust is an absolute big thing with him. If he cannot trust you then he mind as well treat you like everyone else. His communication is always calm considering how cold he can be. He is willing to talk through whatever problem the two of you face. Even though some days he doesn’t feel like it.
Bi-Han has a sense of obsessiveness over you. He feels like he needs you twenty four seven but he will never show it. He’s still a little hasty on showing affection but trust that he feels it. He wants to show you but sometimes it’s hard given how he is as a person. It has nothing to do with you, it’s him. Bi-Han will always try with you. Sometimes he can get a little pissy with you but you know how to handle him so it never gets blown out of proportion. The two of you are the best when you are together.
General Shao [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Shao will lead, guide, and protect. He will make sure you are alright. Make sure that no obstacles stand in your way. He will always make sure you are making the right decisions. He wants what’s best for you. He will protect you with his life. Nobody will dare threaten his queen. Nobody. Shao feels that you are his very weakness. (And to him this man has no weaknesses.) Sometimes he hates it. He hates the way you make him feel.
Shao will make people bow to you. Will make people worship the ground you walk on. He will not stand for anyone to treat you horribly. Unfortunately, the communication in your relationship is undoubtedly horrid. Shao does not know how to speak to you or confess his feelings which leads into fights. At the end of the day, Shao will always make sure you are safe.
Geras [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Geras will show you nothing but kindness and compassion. You are not kind to yourself. He knows this. He will show you how to treat yourself. He will show you what you truly deserve. He will not back down even when it gets hard. He will stand by your side and help you experience the feeling.
It is not just yourself but to other people you have a hard time expressing your compassion to. Not to worry, Geras will help you. He will show you how to be kind, gentle, and caring to others. When you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Geras will always be there for everything. Even if your communication can be a little off, he will still show you the way.
Johnny Cage [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Johnny’s ultimate goal is to make you laugh. He doesn’t care what the situation is. If you’re upset or if you’re happy as can be. He will always try to make you feel better. He can’t stand when you’re sad. He can’t stand when something bothers you so he likes to take away everything that makes you feel bad about yourself with laughter.
Unfortunately, sometimes Johnny claims you are too serious for him and you claim he is too childish for you. Sometimes the communication isn’t really there but Johnny is willing to put aside all that because he loves you. Johnny loves showering you with gifts and telling you how “hot” you are. You’re perfect to him. His little movie star.
Havik [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Havik’s more chaotic nature ceases when he is with you. It is always an interesting experience being with him but you don’t mind it. He gets to show you his way and you will show him yours. Two different worlds colliding may be overwhelming but Havik will be grateful for the experience.
Havik wants to show you what life is all about. He wants to show you adventure. He wants you to experience his world and his thinking. He wants you to understand him because he feels like nobody really does. As long as you let him, he will love you like he’s never loved anybody before.
Kenshi Takahashi [ INTJ - architect ]
Chemistry : 98%
Relationship Type : Twinflame
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Kenshi will always be there for you no matter what. Kenshi will be the one that will never go away. Even if you are at your lowest. Even when everything feels pointless. Even if you two fight. There is no driving Kenshi away. The two of you will figure it out. He’s determined on that. He will die on the hill every time. The two of you are so similar that you click every time you are around.
Every time he kisses you, it’s like fireworks. You are more to him than a girlfriend. You are his best friend. Someone that is deeply sewed into his soul. He will never run away from the feeling he has when he’s with you. Never will back down. He accepts who you are completely. With all your faults and all your hardships. You are a hard person to love but not to Kenshi. To Kenshi, you are the only one he can love.
Kuai Liang [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Kuai Liang always wants the best for you. He will do anything if it means it is for your best interest. Protecting you is something he does not take lightly. With everything in his being, Kuai Liang will protect you. He will make sure you are fine emotionally and physically.
It will always be you. Nobody else. Some people may find this rather annoying by Kuai Liang but he doesn’t care. Protecting you is all that matters to him. He can’t stand when he sees you upset. He’ll break down with you when he sees this. He’ll always try to comfort you as best as he can.
Kung Lao [ ENFP - campaigner ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Coach
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Kung Lao wants nothing more than to make you feel good about yourself. He knows it’s hard for you. You are not in tune with yourself but he will help with that. Kung Lao makes you feel beautiful every time he’s with you. He makes you feel special. He will make you feel like you are the only one that matters to him. Like you are the only one that is important.
The communication you two have is always filled with passion and great emotion. Kung Lao will never talk bad about you. Even if he is mad at you. He knows you. He knows you cannot handle the harsh words because he knows you believe all the negative things you think of yourself or other people have said about you. He will not stand for it.
Liu Kang [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Liu Kang will try to protect your peace. You are an over thinker and tend to always believe that everything will turn to worse. He’ll always try to take away any stress that is on your shoulders. One thing he does hate is your guy’s communication. Sometimes you are not comfortable with talking about your feelings and Liu Kang absolutely cannot stand it. He understands giving you your space but not speaking to him when you feel down or something is wrong drives him crazy. Liu Kang’s wit always charms you and makes you laugh because he’s not over the top with it.
Liu Kang is always patient with you. Especially with your strong emotions. You are emotionally reactive with everything but it is something he can handle. Sometimes when it become far too much, he’ll hold you in his arms and whisper how much he loves you. He’ll make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. He truly wants you to feel loved with every fiber in his being. Because you don’t like to talk about your feelings, he is always analyzing your body language and your speech to see if you are alright. If he deems you are not, expect a long talk of how much he loves you.
Raiden [ INFJ - advocate ]
Chemistry : 91%
Relationship Type : Advisor
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Raiden will try and be the man you want him to be. He’ll be the man you always thought of in your head. He’ll make your dream man a reality. Raiden will always try to guide you to the right choices in life. He wants you to succeed. Your communication is always interesting. It is neither bad or good. Your goals are a little ways from each other but Raiden will always support you. No matter what.
When you feel like a mess, Raiden is there whispering in your ear how much he loves you. How important you are. He will make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. He wants you to see yourself how he sees you. He looks to you like you are his prize possession. Like you are his world. There’s no amount of anything that can change the way Raiden feels about you. Nothing in the world.
Rain [ INFP - mediator ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Supporter
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Rain shows you nothing but respect and support. He is your number one support system. In everything, he will help you succeed. Respect is another thing he does not take lightly. You are his goddess, his queen. He will treat you like he needs to worship the ground you walk on.
He’ll always support your ideas and beliefs. Even though most of the time he does not agree with them. In the slightest. He knows that supporting you is more important than him trying to push his ideas and or beliefs onto you. Your needs matter and he understands this. Rain will also allow you to call him by his first name. You are one of the only people to have this privilege so know that Rain means well.
Reiko [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Reiko sees that there is more to life than himself when he is with you. He is a very selfish individual. Not when it comes to you though. He’s learning to put his significant other before him. He has to in order for the relationship to work. Otherwise the relationship is doomed as you can also be quite a selfish individual.
Reiko will try to give you gifts because he is not familiar with any other way of showing his affection. The two of you will have to teach each other how to love one another. It’s a rocky start but Reiko will get the hang of it. The relationship means so much more to him than you could ever realize.
Shang Tsung [ ENTP - debater ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Preceptor
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Shang Tsung will put your needs above all. This is strange for the sorcerer as he is used to being selfish. It is not something he is familiar with but he can’t help himself. The more you’re around him the more he has this sense of urgency to try and give you the world.
Shang Tsung will always make sure you are well taken care of before going off doing his business. One thing about him is you will need to support his plans. Whatever they be, he needs someone by his side. Your goals usually align with each other and are smart. Your conversations are usually filled with great emotion and it’s something he can’t pull away from.
Syzoth [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Syzoth wants you to feel like he is your home. He knows how it feels to be unwanted. He wants to shield you from that feeling. Nothing in the world matters more to him than you feeling safe. He cannot have you feeling down or feeling unsure. You need to be indefinitely secured.
He does not play any games. Syzoth will always try to advise you on what to do but will make it very clear that he is not trying to control the shape of your destiny. Whatever you desire, he is pleased with. He just doesn’t want you to regret anything or live in the past. Syzoth will make sure you feel safe in the beauty that is you.
Tomas [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Tomas will always be there when you break. He will always be there when you cry. He will always be there when you can’t find it in yourself to stand on your two feet. He is the glue to your soul. Tomas believes you are capable of doing anything but he knows that’s just something that’s hard for you to believe.
He’ll try to comfort you. To hold you. To kiss you. Sometimes it may not be something that’s physical that you need. Maybe it’s something that’s mental and Tomas will try his best to help you in that department. Seeing you break makes him break and he cannot live with himself knowing that if he didn’t try to help you, you would get worse.
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if you’re an INTP then your soulmate is ENTJ
That means your perfect match for a soulmate is
Your perfect match for a best friend is
Here are runner ups that you could end up with (romantically)
(in order of best all the way down)
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INTPs are typically non smokers.
INTPs typically use dark humor.
INTPs usually are atheists.
INTPs are usually emotionally reactive people.
INTPs typically don’t consider themselves smart.
INTPs typically wear glasses.
INTPs usually don’t fear death.
INTPs usually watch horror movies.
INTPs typically have low self-worth.
INTPs are usually short tempered.
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sanguinesky-if · 3 months
if u know about mbti, what are the ROs mbti?
Yes, I know about MBTI, but I'm not sure if I can give you a definitive answer since, in my opinion, it's very easy to define the personality type inaccurately, and I also can't say that some characters 100% fit the description and maybe even have mixed types (like most people).
Taking that into account, roughly the list looks like this:
Again, I don't think this is a correct and accurate list, although I'm confident in T and S.
Thanks for the question!
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romanticvampiric · 8 months
୨ Some data or curiosities about Bloody Kisses~! ♡
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Note: Hi❕I wanted to do this so that more people can learn a little more about my selfship and so we can interact a little more about it❕ I don't know much about these things and I'm not an expert speaking english as well, so it would help me a lot if you correct my mistakes when speaking so that I don't make them in the future. If you are interested in knowing more, you can consult my second account (@lovebatty) to know more. ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯🩷
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Sfw version!
୨ Their first ship name was Ryato, also called Heartberry and Bloody Kisses (💗🍓). There are also variations of it in different alternate universes.
୨ Their anniversary is in February 5th❕
୨ Their love began in 2015, so, they have been together for 8 years even though it is a different time than in the story. ♡
୨ Romantic is mexican, his dream was to dedicate himself to cinema or literature, but he ended up choosing journalism. He is an exchange student who decided to go to Japan for the intriguing ‘Haunted House’ that he initially wanted to investigate, there he accidentally met Ayato.
୨ They share engagement bracelets and rings; the first ones made by Romi and the second ones bought by Ayato.
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୨ Romi is ISFJ & Ayato ESTP, which is considered an ideal couple within the MBTI. 🩷
୨ Romantic is a diligent student. He normally tends to help Ayato with his tasks and team projects ( they are always a pair ); explaining to him in the best way possible, because Romi cares a lot about him and doesn't want Ayato to recycle the year.
୨ Ayato did not realize that Romantic was carrying a rosary until ‘Dark 10’ of Haunted Dark Bridal, which initially made him think that he was religious ( specifically Catholic ), but as Romantic already said, he considers himself a semi-agnostic.
୨ Ayato knows that Romi is a trans boy and supports him ( in his own way ), even giving him another binder on his birthday❕ \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/ 🏳️‍⚧️
୨ Although he doesn't say it openly all the time, Romi is not entirely against giving his blood to Ayato to drink whenever he needs it.
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୨ The first time Romantic admitted to developing some attachment to Ayato was in ‘Dark 16’ of Haunted Dark Bridal, where he began to see him as good company.
୨ Although Ayato doesn't want to hurt Romantic, he loves to see him cry; calling him a ‘Crybaby’ because of how sensitive he is.
୨ Ayato belongs to the high school basketball team and Romi belongs to the chemistry club ( which he joined because it's not his strong subject, he wants to improve ).
୨ Romantic had never cooked takoyaki before, he had to get the recipe and perfect himself on it to please Ayato's whims. ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠∧⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠:⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
୨ Ayato likes Romantic to comb his hair with his fingers. 🧚🏻‍♀️
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୨ According to Ayato, the nickname “Chibimushi” ( Little Bug ) was born as a shameless mockery based on his first impression of Romantic, that is, that he was as 'small' and fragile as a bug. On the other hand, “Romi” emerged improvised after his first date as an alternative title since he was his current partner. He rarely calls Romantic by his name. ♡
୨ Curiously, in line with the previous information, Romantic is not short❕In fact, they are only a couple of centimeters apart with Ayato being the taller of the two.
୨ Romantic writes poems to Ayato since he found out that he wrote between classes.
୨ Since they were dating, they slept together in the same bed constantly❕ Usually in Romi's bed since the iron maiden is too narrow for the two of them. 💏🏻 ♡
୨ In an after story, Ayato found a white kitten in the school garden, quickly becoming fond of it and showing the kitten to Romantic. Ayato wanted to take him to the mansion without permission, but Romi suggested asking Reiji instead, and in the end they were able to keep the kitten they named “Copito”. ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ
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୨ It is quite clear that Romantic suffers from poor anxiety and depressive symptoms. A topic that Ayato was not aware of until he found out for himself in ecstasy's prologue in Haunted Dark Bridal ; at first Ayato did not understand it, however, upon hearing both Reiji's explanation and Romantic's own, he did whatever he could to help ( in his own way, surely ). 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 🩷 ♡
୨ Romantic and Ayato have quite similar traumas. For the same reason, Ayato tends to go to him whenever he feels that he has lost control of the situation, he has shown him that he can understand him and gives good advice to Ayato of which some reflect despite saying otherwise.
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Transformers Robot Husband Poll: MBTI Types
A few of you have seen me mention this special interest of mine, but the rest of you are new. Hello, and welcome. I’d like to talk about our Round Three* contenders in light of personality typology, specifically the MBTI theory based on Jungian typology.
(*Why 3 instead of 4? Because I’d planned to post this yesterday and already had those characters listed.)
Yes, I’m aware this is classified as a pseudoscience. Yes, I put a questionable amount of stock in it. Now you see why I’d get along with Drift so well. 😛 This post is for fun, so please don’t take it as seriously as I am unless you’re genuinely curious. The main goal of this post is to present some interesting observations related to the correlation between who are most desirable fictional husbands and their MBTI types. That’s it. A TL;DR is at the end for the Blurrs among you. Anyway, here we go:
While I’m sure most of you have at least heard of MBTI, you should know that it’s not just the four-letter dichotomies: I vs. E, T vs. F, etc. I won’t bore you with the details; I just want you to be aware that mainstream culture has watered down the theory to a four-letter code when there’s far more complexity beneath the surface. Cognitive functions, function axes, etc.
Without further ado, here are the contenders from Round Three (the versions I know best) and what I think each one’s most likely type is:
Cyclonus - ISTJ (IDW)
Whirl - ESTP (IDW)
Misfire - ENTP (IDW)
Ratchet - ISTJ (IDW, TFP, TFA)
Heatwave - ESTJ (Rescue Bots)
Knockout - ESTP (TFP)
Drift - INFP or INFJ (IDW) / ISTJ (RiD15)
Breakdown - ISFP (TFP)
Shockwave - INTJ (IDW, Cyberverse) / INTP (TFP)
Skids - ENTP (IDW)
Soundwave - ISTJ (TFP, IDW, G1) / ISTP (Cyberverse)
Starscream - ENTP (TFP, IDW, G1)
Wheeljack - ISTP (TFP) / ENTP (Cyberverse)
Blaster* - ESFP (G1)
Perceptor - INTP (IDW, Cyberverse, G1)
Jazz* - ESFP or ENFP (G1, RiD15)
Skyfire* - INFJ? (G1)
Tarantulas - ENTP (IDW)
Thundercracker* - ENTP? (G1)
Brainstorm - ENTP (IDW)
Swindle - ENTP (TFA)
*I just skimmed their TFwiki page and guessed.
Bold text means I’m certain of my conclusion.
“What does all of it mean though?”
Well, it tells me that the fandom really loves their xNTPs and xSTJs. You may have no idea what that means on a detailed level, and that’s fine. The short version is that people either love down-to-earth guys who are dependable and know how to get stuff done or the funny guys who have a nerdy, creative, or rebellious streak. This is obvious just from looking at the results and tags, but it’s interesting to me that the overall trends can also be seen through the lens of MBTI.
Now, for the fun part: I’m expecting the semifinal contenders to be Cyclonus, Knockout, Soundwave, and Jazz. Their respective types are ISTJ, ESTP, ISTJ, and ESFP (or ENFP). Once again, opposing temperaments. (i.e. ISxJ vs. ESxP)
Furthermore, the projected finalists are Cyclonus and Soundwave—both of whom are ISTJs. The conclusion is that, despite the appeal of the xNxP guys, ISTJ characters are more likely than any other type to be seen as good husband material, which lines up perfectly with the general stereotypes associated with ISTJs.
TL;DR - The majority of the fandom agrees that ISTJ characters are peak (stereotypical) husband material, and a deeper look at the type would reveal that they are absolutely correct.
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Since I got into MBTI a few months ago, I've been trying to type every single person I know - real or imaginary. There are quite a few people out there like me who like typing TV characters, but there have been very few sources out there that talk about the MBTI of the 2015 Thunderbirds Are Go series. So I thought I'd discuss my thoughts on a few more controversial (main) characters on TAG. Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts, and may not be 100% aligned with the theories. This is all in good fun.
Disclaimer: as Gordon and Alan's types are quite straightforward and widely accepted, I will not be discussing them.
Most commonly accepted types:
Virgil: ISFP
John: INTP
Gordon: ESFP
Alan: ISFJ
The Hood: INTJ
Not confirmed:
Starting off with Scotty. People (myself included) call him the Commander, ie. ENTJ according to the 16 Personalities website. I've done the test myself on his behalf (self-righteous me haha) and the results are quite conclusive: ENTJ. This is quite accurate, given his decisive demeanour in the field which corresponds with dominant Te. That's why I think ESTJ wouldn't be too far off either.
As for ESTP, they're known to be very spontaneous (and frankly, crazy...no offence intended!) The main reason people get this idea is because of certain episodes (High Strung) that suggest Scott was something of a 'thrill junkie' as a younger person. However, the episode also suggests he is not proud of his past and is not like that anymore (or at least tries not to be). So my conclusion is that he has grown into his role as head of IR, which requires an ENTJ personality, while suppressing the extraverted sensing which is dominant in an ESTP.
Next up, Virgil. Virg's known to be the family artist, and ISFPs are the stereotypical artists. In that sense, ISFP is pretty correct - but Virgil doesn't exactly strike me as (and I'm making a big generalisation here) a crybaby. So what are the alternatives? First, I'd agree he's mostly an introvert, though he sometimes does give off a more E energy. Next, I'd say that he could he either intuitive or sensing, and he seems like the kind of guy to come up with a plan at the scene. So I'd go so far as to say he could be an INTP. Conclusion: ISFP/INTP.
Now with Johnny, most people can agree that he's INTP. I once read somewhere that he's INFP, however, which I thought was interesting - INFPs have the stereotype of being ignored all the time, which relates to John's situation of being the guy stuck on the lonely space station and the middle child. But it doesn't feel as if he has dominant Fi, so I agree with the opinion that he's INTP. INTPs are stereotypically nerdy, and although John isn't a complete dork, he is shown to be afraid of crowds (and in general, people!) particularly in episodes such as The Man From TB5. So INTP is fair.
Kayo is an interesting case. I have found literally zero consensus on the net on Kayo's MBTI, so I have just gone ahead and typed her as ISTP/INTJ.
Kayo is, how shall we say it, very cool. Even aloof, like an ISTP, the typical lone wolf or cool guy. ISTPs also tend to have good street smarts, being very versatile quick learners. That is what makes them good candidates for being spies, or in Kayo's case, covert ops. She's formidable because of her skills, quick thinking and determination in protecting her ideals (her insisting that IR get involved in the 'bad guy catching business') - dominant Ti.
Some people also think she's an INTJ for obvious reasons. In Legacy, she reveals she has all sorts of contingency plans for Tracy Island, and even her uncle, the great mastermind, fell into her trap. That sort of scheming is very INTJ. It's probably an influence of her having the Hood as her uncle.
You could argue that Kayo is completely INTJ, and I'd say that's possible as well. The reason I've put ISTP is that some of the things she does are a bit too physical and real-world, things that typical INTJs would die from. Of course, she could be an Fi and Se developed INTJ. It depends on how you look at it.
Now finally...our favourite villain, Hoodie Guy. INTJ, the mastermind. No one can deny that the Hood is the ultimate criminal mastermind, with his scheming plots and evil smirk (!) However, there are some qualities he has that aren't exactly INTJ, which is why I'd argue that he's an INTJ/ENTJ hybrid.
First, he's very impatient. We see this in a lot of episodes, and in Signals Part 2 he even admits he was short-sighted (and therefore impatient) to have tried to commandeer a Thunderbird. That's quite unlike an INTJ, who must be patient in waiting for their plots to unfold over time. The Hood is almost too rash to be an INTJ.
Secondly, INTJs are known for being cold and calculated, and although the Hood is that, he's also very personal. And by personal I mean he gets very hung up on personal vendettas, namely the one against Jeff Tracy. INTJs don't usually put the focus on people - unless the person is merely an obstacle in the way of them getting what they want. They do not act on impulse - dominant Ni ensures that. ENTJs, however, can be 'personal'. They have vendettas, and they will use dominant Te to act even if it's not exactly wise.
Finally, he's too famous. INTJs do not thrust themselves into the spotlight as the Hood did even in the first episode - that is way too not subtle for INTJs, who work from the shadows and get what they want without anyone being the wiser. ENTJs, on the other hand, are known and feared by the world. Sound familiar?
Of course, the many cliffhangers we get informing us the Hood has gotten exactly what he planned tells us he's still an INTJ - but not entirely. Things like personality typing are never black and white, and no one is completely 100% one type or another.
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Hey again!
Thanks alot for clear up my doubts related to my type, I've been juggling between the 16 for a long time.
A few follow-ups I wanted to provide:
1. I am not adverse to being alone at such moments, but it is generally more fun and enjoyable when you have someone at your side.
2. I myself am not sure about my mom's type, given I've been unable to type myself, but I'm fairly sure that she is a high fe user mainly because she is really nice to everyone. The type to go and meet the neighbours, introduce herself and help them if they ever need to be helped. She's willing to help anyone, even people she only vaguely knows.
3. I am inept at crafts and art but will participate in them if pushed eg. if my friend wants to paint with me. I will be hesitant at first and try to get her mind onto something I think we both can enjoy, but I have made some museum-worthy "masterpieces" due to her insistence.
4. During any argument, disagreement, discussion or debate I will lay out all the evidence I have supporting my opinion for the opposer to see. They can question them and I will do the same with the evidence and reasoning they provide. If they are unable to defend their opinion, I will consider my opinion correct but if I'm not able to defend my opinion I will revise it with what I learned in the discussion.
I tend to only voice my opinions on topics which I have formed an opinion on, by reading about them from all points of view available, unless the other person is being an idiot and unwilling to participate in civil and impartial discussion.
5. Back-up planning in the sense of if X fails I will do Y. If X does indeed fail in reality, I will most probably completely ignore Y and proceed to Z, which I hadn't thought about initially.
6. If I am invested in a project or task, I will be more process focused. What is the best way to proceed? What is the best way to present this? Where can I get the perfect data for the task? How can I fill all the information I can find into this project and make it look good?
If I do not want to do it, it is hastily clobbered together with paragraphs taken straight from wikipedia.
And I think that's all I missed or glossed over in the previous ask.
Hope this clarifies things.
Thanks! The specific thing I was curious about was argument style, and this to me sounds more like Ti; I think the desire to see all perspectives and a belief in impartiality as a possibility comes from there, which would make you an ESTP.
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goblin-spider · 5 months
Why do people type characters so wrong on pdb... 👁️👁️ The spiderverse characters are being typed by people who have only seen the movies or have done n o deep diving into each characters lore or motivations. You're telling me you think the spot is an intp?? No. He's an infp. Miguel in the movie may be an xstj but in the comics I've read about him so far, he's very intj. Typing noir as an istp is a crime. Dudes so clearly an infj in the comics and movie. Patrick is very isxp in the comics, although I lean more towards istp personally. Peter b is very infp. Like very. I mean he could be an intp but I think he's a feeler. I think Hobies typing is probably correct. Estp does fit him. I don't agree that spiderverse MJ is an infj. I don't know her type but I don't think it's infj. Gwen's an isfp imo. Not an istp.
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ay-chuu · 1 year
just saw your matchups! if i could have one for obey me please? i’m a capricorn, love writing, hiking, and reading, and my favorite movie is the last unicorn. i like indie rock and indie pop and hate people who walk slow in my school hallway, dangerous drivers, and the feeling of wet socks (hopefully this is enough lol)
I really try hard too not doing that but you literally are perfect for him... 😭😭
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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I remember you told me that you're ESTJ! I think Mammon is a healthy ESTP so you are as compatible as possible. Not to mention the compatibility of Virgo and Capricorn lmao, you both have some stable thoughts about your life and that includes each other!
Mammon loves your hobbies and passion, but still sometimes asks you to spend more time with him because he is more important than what you write, human! >:( Still, I can see that you go hiking and camping a lot together because you love the silence and sweet stares you experience when you are together.
I can see that sometimes the only thing that will go wrong in your relationship is his irresponsibility, it makes you sad and angry. Of course you love your boyfriend but sometimes he can really go over the top. However, when Mammon sees your sadness and anger, he corrects his actions. This subject is already a sensitive point. -
Some moments I dream of for you two: Giggling while making marshmellows on the campfire together, buying you an expensive antique pen or tablet pen for your writings <3 Peaceful conversations when you're alone and escaping the secret party together and going to your favorite place :3
Hope you'll love it!
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mbti-notes · 2 years
I'm an infp ennea 4 (f26) who has trouble meeting people i can connect with. after a while in a friendship i realise we are very different and i dont feel connected to them and never really develop deep feelings for them. it's been like this my whole life. i've only had one friend i truly felt was like me and she was an infp. i've had friends who were istp, entp, intp, esfp, istj, isfj, estp but none of them really 'hit the spot'.. i just feel frustrated and lonely.. any insight on this?
It sounds like this problem arises from maladaptive thinking, specifically, applying the wrong beliefs and values. Here are some questions for reflection:
1) How do you define a "good friend" or "good friendship"? It seems you define a good friend as someone who's exactly like you? Is that a reasonable standard to use? Since everyone out there is an individual, your way of making friends is potentially quite harmful, because you essentially refuse to recognize and appreciate what makes people unique (=Fi fail). How can you connect with people when you don't really see them, let alone appreciate them?
2) Do you understand what the word "relationship" means? A healthy relationship should be a two-way street. However, your attitude seems to be that you only "feel" for people insofar as you can get something from them (such as validation of your identity), with the implication being that you will emotionally discard them as soon as they don't give you what you want. This is egocentrism. How can you form a healthy two-way relationship when you're primarily preoccupied with getting and taking?
3) You claim to be N, so are you capable of visualizing and realizing potential? You look out into the world seeking similarity to yourself, which implies that you have little to no interest in anything that doesn't relate to you, e.g., anything new, different, or unknown. Lack of intellectual curiosity means not being able to see potential, let alone explore it.
Healthy relationships require work. Different people need different things from relationships, and that gap needs to be bridged. Two people have to put out effort to get to know each other and see the potential of expanding oneself through the other, thereby growing together. Are you willing to expand yourself to meet someone else halfway? If you have a very fixed idea of who you are and it makes you blind to your potential for growth and/or uncompromising in your dealings with others, it is a sign of auxiliary development problems (see the Type Dev Guide).
4) Are you in touch with reality? Ns should always have this question in the back of their mind. The fact of the matter is that you can't be BFFs with everyone. Not everyone is "relationship ready". If you hit it off with someone, great, take the relationship as far as it can go. If you don't hit it off with someone, oh well, simply move on to the next opportunity. Where you're going wrong is believing that this is a "bad" thing, something to be frustrated or upset over. Getting mad at reality is basically choosing to throw your energy away, which means having less energy for taking advantage of new possibilities.
You can increase your chances of meeting like-minded people by thinking more systematically about where people like you tend to congregate and targeting those spaces. However, if the reason you don't hit it off with people is actually because of problems #1-3 above, then you've created the problem and the onus is on you to i) correct your faulty beliefs, and ii) improve your relationship skills (see the book recs on the resources page). In short, this means you're the one who isn't "relationship ready", and you'll keep missing out on good opportunities.
5) Are you certain of being INFP? The typical healthy INFP is quite curious and empathetic. They are very willing to engage with people, get to know them well, and genuinely appreciate what makes them special. Because of their ability to see and validate what is good in others, others can't help but like them back and give them the same in return - this creates a strong foundation for the relationship to grow. If this doesn't describe you, you ought to figure out why.
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arabellatreaty · 6 months
Nakahara Chuuya<3
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Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Ability: For The Tainted Sorrow
Occupation: Port Mafia Executive
Birthday: 29th April
Height: 160cm (5'3feet)
Weight: 60kgs (132pounds)
1. His wealth
Chuuya is very rich. This is estimated by his occupation and the fact that he is a wine collector. He cannot handle his liquor very well but his bank balance certainly can. There are two instances where he celebrates by opening lavishly over-priced wines. The first was a 1989 Petrus ($3,200) and the second, a 1964 Romanée-Conti ($20,000).
2. His fashion
Chuuya's outfits aren't changed often throughout the anime but the one's we see him in are the most fashionable among all characters. His signature pieces include hats, gloves and his choker. He is said to love hats because the one he always wears was an entry gift from Arthur Rimbaud, a man who tried to kill him before he joined the Port Mafia.
3. His relationship with Dazai Osamu
Chuuya and Dazai first met when they were fifteen when Chuuya was part of a different organization, The Sheep. They were never on good terms together but paired together by Ougai Mori. Both were Port Mafia Executives and together, called Double Black(Soukoku) or Twin Dark. They once wiped out an entire enemy organization over night and were since, the most feared among all of Port Mafia.
4. His many different names
At the start of his life, Chuuya was the God of Calamity, Arahabaki, who changed to human form when sealed. After he joined The Sheep, he was considered the most powerful and hence named the King of Sheep, a title he disliked. Later, he was called Double Black or Twin Dark along with Dazai.
5. His ability
Chuuya's ability, For The Tainted Sorrow, allows him to manipulate gravity, but the true form of his ability is much more fearful. Known as Corruption, his true form allows him to throw compressed masses of gravity. But it also comes with a great downside, once activated, he cannot stop unless he passes out of exhaustion. The only way to neutralize his ability is Dazai's ability, No Longer Human. It is considered the strongest ability in all of BSD.
6. His MBTI personality
Chuuya is an ESTP (Extroverted Sensing Intuitive Perceiving). According to this, he is charming, witty and knows how to make things happen, which proves correct with what we've seen so far.
7. His zodiac sign
Chuuya is a Taurus. This being said, he is a patient, stubborn, dependable, determined, sensual and materialistic individual. His is supposedly compatible with Virgos and Capricorns but Soukoku proves that him and a certain Gemini make the perfect team;)
8. His ideal woman
Chuuya likes a girly girl with a sense of fashion, willing to be protected by him. If she is an heiress of a winery, that would be extravagant. I also personally think he would want someone shorter than him.
9. His insecurity
Chuuya's biggest and probably only insecurity is his short height. One of his popular scenes shows him, at age age 15, saying "I'm not short, I'm still growing!" He in fact, did not grow. Dazai is often shown teasing him, calling him short or 'chibi', which means 'small' or 'shrimp' in Japanese.
10. His temper
Chuuya has severe anger issues. Although, he is mostly level-headed, some people manage to get on his nerves and make him lose his temper, mostly when they target his ego or generally annoy him. By far, the one person who manages to make Chuuya rage the most is Dazai.
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einsteinsugly · 10 months
The Wrong MBTI Types, for T7S.
There seems to be a large consensus on many of the characters' MBTI types online. Kitty is an ESFJ, Kelso is an ESFP, Laurie is an ESTP, and Hyde is an ISTP. These are correct.
The Contested:
Jackie as an ESFJ vs as an ESTJ. Both seem equally valid.
Eric as an INFP vs as an INTP. The latter is somewhat fathomable (although I don't see Fe, aka his extroverted feeling, as his weakness, at all). But for me, the functions clearly follow the former. His weakness is clearly extroverted thinking, as he struggles to stand up for himself. And he definitely has some tertiary introverted sensing going on, which can be used for good (as a teacher), but is often hella unhealthy, as he latches onto the "way things are/were."
Furthermore, his Fi (introverted feeling) is hella strong. The whole series revolves around not just the shenanigans of him and his friends, but it's about how he feels about things and how he fits into the world around him. And also, how he markedly differs from his father. He's introverted like his dad, but he has a big heart, like his mom. It just presents itself in different ways.
Can his Fi be unhealthy? A bit, yes, as he burrows himself in amongst his thoughts and feelings. But Fi is where he can shine, with his heart on his sleeve, while using extroverted intuition (his love for fantastical worlds) to discover that the world is indeed his oyster.
The Misinterpretations that Piss Me Off:
Red as an ISTJ vs an ESTJ. Him being the former is massively obvious. He doesn't have very many friends, keeps to himself, and hates most parties. Hell, he tried being an ESTJ once by throwing a big party, only to shoo them all away.
Donna as an ESTP. Yeah, she's athletic. But season 4 clearly shows that extroverted sensing is amongst her lower functions. She can go into self-destructive mode, in order to ignore her feelings (Fi).
Also, she doesn't necessarily covet open-ended freedom. She wants some predictability and stability, and she clearly shines when her desires are clearly thought out and organized (Te, extroverted thinking). See her early days at WFPP (organizing all the records), her helping Eric with his research paper in season 1, her forward-thinking determination to go to college in seasons 1-5, her standing up against sexism in season 7 at WFPP over the bikini scandal, her openly challenging Eric about their future, and her challenging Eric to pointedly stand up for himself and question the world around him on many, many occasions.
So yeah, she's a clear ENTJ, to me. Her secondary Ni (introverted intuition) is readily apparent through her creativity and ability as a writer, too. And her political mind, to boot.
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hey! Just read your latest ask and if like to ask about this part
"It’s interesting that you’re considering ESTP, since I would have said ESFJ. I get a strong sense of a Si/Ti love of words, their definitions, their power. Almost your entire submission was about how words have power, communication, you can bring optimism to yourself by choosing how you think, etc. All very Positive Thinking."
Isn't this more of a ne description especially their higher idealistic view of how things can change? Unless it's more about "using words" in a doer sense
Do you mean in general or for this submission?
If ESFJ doesn't fit them (they own my book, so I suggest they re-read the ESFJ section), then I would encourage them to look at ENFP -- but their submission did not focus on Te at all or show much of it. You are correct that words are often the realm of Ne types, since they do think words can change the world. And there COULD be some Fi in there if they are mostly focused on their own life and how they want to change their own thinking.
The submission felt Si/Ne for me, since almost all of it was about faith and scripture and the meaning therein (which often arrests Si types) but I'm open to Ne/Si.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
Hello! By way of introduction, I’m a 28 year old bisexual woman, and I have no particular gender preference. I would be interested in an Overwatch matchup. My MBTI is ISTJ, and my zodiac is Libra. Personality-wise I’m pretty reserved and can certainly be aloof, but I warm up pretty fast, even if I sometimes show I care in unusual ways. I’m a pretty smart and analytical person and am pretty knowledgeable about a lot. I can also get pretty passionate and enthusiastic about my interests. I’ve also been told I’m pretty witty and have a good sense of humor. I’m a fairly classy woman, dressing fairly elegantly, regularly going out to see ballets, and in fact trying to learn opera as a hobby. Appearance wise I’m about 5’7”, decently muscular, with light skin and long auburn hair and brown eyes. I think I’m running out of room, so hopefully that should be enough information!
your match-up and star messenger is . . .
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you are the "cocky and the diva-ish" couple
it's no matter what moment you have first caught cassidy's eyes, every time he looks at you for a little while longer, letting his thought wander. he can't help the thought of spending a lifetime with you, marrying you, and settle down if you wish to. he is a gentleman when he wants to be and his mouth doesn't just let snarky remarks out.
you both are sensing personalities, you tend to focus on the present and base decisions on logical thinking but you might prefer to follow a plan and be alone while cassidy loves connecting with others and seeking new experiences. but all of this doesn't mean he doesn't love to part take in your witty comments, battle with you until non of you can take each other seriously, and burst out laughing.
no matter how many times you corrected him before or called him stupid, he still thinks you are complimenting him someway somehow, he is delusional like that. no matter how stupid he acts he always finds a way to charm his way back into your heart so be ready. he cares in unusual ways just like you, no matter what crazy idea might pop into his head to make you feel better or just show his love, you can count on it that it will be both funny and touching.
you both are thinking personalities and address disagreements logically, as surprising as it is cole really does have a smarter side to him. resolving conflicts, real conflicts, and not the mouth karate you already do on a daily basis will be easier to do than you might imagine. while you might need some alone time to work through your issues because of your energy levels, you can expect him to be there at the end to settle the matter.
some aspects of your relationship would be:
teasing fights about who is the hotter shit, but in the end, you reserve him into a pile of ash by the end
picnic dates !!! you would think he wouldn't do anything so romantic like this but he is, and man it's good !
trying to get him to clothe up nicely whenever the two of you go out together, he might look all hot dressed up like his cowboy self but he would look even better in a suit or proper pants
"your eyes shine brighter than my mechanic arm, darling'"
version 1
you were working at route 66's diner, serving pancakes for a living, and even if it was long hours, having to smell frying oil all day, and listen to the earful customers that came in it was still paying for your apartment and food. you did not complain too much, you had no real reason to because everybody has a bad day. then he waltzed in, with his stupid cowboy hat and gun on his belt, a cocky smile plastering on his face as he took one of the booths you were assigned as the server to.
"penny for your thoughts beautiful? a stack of pancakes on me for you while you are at it."
version 2
blackwatch was deep in the murky waters with the US government wanting to disband the squad and with overwatch, even if they didn't really want it, supporting the idea. that's where you came into the picture, the person who could potentially turn around the fate of the operational group for the better. you came in, taking them apart member by member and when it came around to be cole cassidy, it was troublesome to keep up with his smart comments, but you can't say you didn't have the most fun with him out of the other members.
"cole cassidy, but you can call me whatever you want darlin'...."
hot blooded by foreigner !
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sevilemar · 2 years
Is this Badger model or am I actually a badger?
I have noticed lately that I 'seem' to lack snake string pulling and scheming mind. I read through Suits character sorting by @writingonesdreams and I feel like it's foreign to me to 'do' snake. If anything, I feel like I'm more of a badger sec? I understand Mike so much and I can REALLY relate to him.
See, I'm currently in a Production House as a producer in training. One of my friend here is Double Snake (and ESTP 3w2 sp/so). I can see his snake blazes through all the time. From mild banter to attacking problems from unexpected angles. And his shapeshifting/seizing opportunities are all as clear as day. He never thinks through problems or call on anyone or anything, he just finds solution on the fly. I worked with him on a Reality show shoot, he is way calmer than me when things went south. He just reacted on the fly and he expected me to do the same. And I rarely saw him call on any favors or his connections. He doesn't rely on them and can function normally without them.
But I'm reliant on favors and connections. Something I have built over the years. The knowledge of someone living in the country. Knowledge of cultures and languages. Connections I have throughout the country (I have 9-10 provinces covered and a very diverse group of people at my disposal) and all the things I have built up through hard work and toils. When I work on something, instead of finding hacks or shortcuts, I usually just toil through it until it's done.  When I fail something at work I just toil through it until everything is correct and done. When I approach someone, I can't just 'fake' and talk to them. I need to really care about them to reach them with compassion. 
I believe my greatest strength is community. I feel like I'm at my best when I can say my truth without filters. When I can just rage righteously and let people have it. I feel most alive when I have a community that will fight something worthwhile with me. It's not just about me and myself, it's about all of us. It's always about all of us. Together as one. Which is why, when I feel stuck, the first thing I do is to call on my people.
I just realize how much I depend on connections and preparedness when my snake sec friend mentioned that I know everyone. We talked about strippers, he said 'I seriously thought you have a friend who is a stripper' then I asked why. He said 'because you know everyone'. And it's kinda true. I have connections everywhere and I know how to work upon this foundation. I am known to be 'connection guy'. When someone wants something done (that involves specific job or people) they come to me. Wanna find seamstress? Ask Marcus! Wanna find a photographer? Also ask Marcus. Wanna have stronger clothes rack? Also ask Marcus cuz he (me) can find someone to make it.
And I do find someone to make me these things. I always do or I will find one and charm them (by being nice and humble).
My snake sec friend also told me I'm too 'emotionally involved' with people. He doesn't need to. He just fakes it or pretends. I can't. I have to be emotionally involved with people to get under their skin.
When I have to work a project myself. My first instinct is to prepare everything beforehand. Say, I have to be in charge of a docu shoot in the mountains (I might just have to, within next 5 months). I will prepare everything I need (based on my knowledge and research) and set it neatly in a pack with labels on it. I won't scramble everything on a van. Everything must be labeled, recorded and set in place. Then I will have several meetings with my team to drill them and make sure everyone is on the same page and everything is taken care of. Then I will list out the job for everyone as well as what they have to prepare for.
When we actually go into some villages deep in the mountain for 5x days of shooting, we will have most things prepared, supply line prepared and protected, communication line and mode all planned for and everyone drilled and know what they have to work and how. I won't leave anything to chance unless I have to.
I feel like it doesn't make sense for Snake sec? I feel like I'm too reliant on my 'homefield' and 'community' to be snake sec? I also think I might actually be a Paragon Lion. My cause is always involving doing right by people. Or making sure people get what they are owed to by rights (ethnic group - civil rights, cultural rights, protection from exploitation and safe space for them for example). I'm so drawn to righteous thing and compassionate thing.
Submission by @amai-no-ura
Having a network of people you can call sounds very useful, but it was never something I wanted or needed. My banter is good when it's accidental, OK when it's conscious, and non-existent when I'm tired, frustrated or pissed. My bird is with you on being prepared for a remote location, but only up to a point. There's no use in drilling people, because they will forget and fuck up anyway. Give them the information and let them do with it what they will, they'll do that anyway. You'll be OK.
I have no problem faking kindness or understanding or interest; what makes it exhausting is a) contact with people altogether, and b) doing it because my job requires it. When I choose to because I want to, it's really enjoyable. I am also not emotionally involved with people at work, but I think that's more snake primary. The fact that they don't know, that's snake sec 😉.
I got a question for you: how much joy do you get out of being prepared, or working through a problem, or having people to call, or tricking them into something, or whatever else you do? Because it might be a language thing, but something about your writing style suggests to me that whatever you do is merely means to an end, and you don't particularly enjoy doing things one way or another. Which would indicate some sort of burned secondary. What do you think?
As for the Suits sorting, I had mixed feelings reading it. I know I relate to Harvey and all the snake primary stuff he and Mike and Donna and Jessica have going on on a primal level that just says RIGHT. As for secondary, I only wish I was as good as Harvey. I get by, but I'm no master.
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hachichimitsu · 2 years
6, 11 for Kyle, and 14!!
6. Favorite song from the show (or an official album)?
Let’s Fighting Love, which is the only true and correct answer for this question slash jay. It unironically gets stuck in my head, and I even memorized the lyrics AHDJSJ. It slays so hard I fear!!
For like covers and short song snippets, I love it when Butters sings “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago with his cute, little voice of his. I really miss his old dopey voice. (If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me~”)
11. Top 3 ships for [Kyle]?
God, I love most AllKyle ships, so choosing just 3 was a genuine struggle for me. I am but a simple man with simple kyle ships. I’d say:
1. Style: Wow, surprise surprise? Who could’ve seen this coming? 😎
2. K2: I realize I never talk about my love for K2 here, but it’s a dynamic I personally believe to have so much untapped potential!! One of these days I’ll finish my Kyle/Kenny similarities and parallels in MBTI. One day!! (I’m such a huge sucker for functional opposite pairings: INFJ/ESTP)
3. Cryle: Another ship I rarely talk about here, but it’s one of those ships where I can envision the dynamic with the limited interactions we get from the show. They’re another case of where I can see how similar these two characters think. You can’t tell me these two sound extremely similar here:
Honorable mentions would be Kyndy, Tolkyle and Kystophe!!
14. Name a one-off character that you’d love to see come back
I will never stop saying Gary. He’s my absolute favorite one-shot character mostly because of just how much his appearance in the show changed the external environment of what we’re usually used to in South Park. Gary is an optimist. He’s nice, rarely gets offended and has a stable home life. He unironically sticks out like a sore thumb in the realms of South Park, where almost every character there doesn’t check 3 of those boxes. But he’s also socially aware enough to have plenty of self-respect. I think he would make a rather interesting foil here if he maintained his stay. Lots of potential with this fella.
Thanks for the ask bestie <33
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symmetria-dichotomia · 4 months
Part IV: Putting it together: the 16 profiles
(Previous post: Functions in Place: What they look like. Following post: Further Research & Credits)
Now that you've (presumably) read Part III and been thoroughly confused, we put it all together and hope it makes sense.
In this post I will give you a short profile of all 16 types, each with a look at the strengths and weaknesses influenced by functions that comprise the personality type.
The 4 Type Families
NT: INTJ, ENTJ, INTP, ENTP. This group is characterized as Strategic, and sees themselves as Ingenious, Autonomous, and Resolute. They are driven by the need to make sure that what is said or done makes logical sense. Their skills are strongest in Strategy, followed by Diplomacy, Tactics, and then Logistics. NF: INFJ, ENFJ, INFP, ENFP. This group is characterized as Diplomatic, and sees themselves as Empathetic, Benevolent, and Authentic. They are driven by the need to find meaning and purpose in life. Their skills are strongest in Diplomacy, followed by Strategy, Logistics, and then Tactics. SJ: ISTJ, ESTJ, ISFJ, ESFJ. This group is characterized as Logistical, and sees themselves as Dependable, Beneficial, and Respectable. They are driven by the need to be useful to the social groups they belong to. Their skills are strongest in Logistics, followed by Tactics, Diplomacy, and then Strategy. SP: ISTP, ESTP, ISFP, ESFP. This group is characterized as Tactical, and sees themselves as Artistic, Action-oriented, and Adaptable. They are driven by the need for freedom to respond or create in the moment. Their skills are strongest in Tactics, followed by Logistics, Strategy, and then Diplomacy.
Why are they grouped like that? Why not, say, NJ and NP or ST and SF for consistency? Or entirely different groupings? Glad you asked! Myers initially proposed the separations of NT, NF, ST, and SF. However, many people had difficulty forming connections between the last two categories -- they simply didn't seem to share much in common in way of motivations. Later, it was observed that the SJ "Guardian" and SP "Artisan" types shared much more in common, resulting in SJ and SP. Other theories have postulated that the best groupings are ET, IT, EF, and IF. Others disregard both the letter groupings and functions groupings altogether. Here, I decided upon the most commonly used groups to maintain commonly understood type families, and I'm not interested in creating my own system. In reality, many different grouping can be used and similarities be drawn between each grouping. As well, many people will feel they fit under multiple types. This is natural, as human conscious and skillsets are on spectrums, not perfect boxes.
The 16 Personality Type Profiles
Group A: NT
INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se Strengths: Independent, self-sufficient doer; master strategist able to see patterns and design & navigate complex systems. Weakness: Overly ambitious, too-high standards; critical & judgmental of both self & others. Under Stress: Inferior Se makes them feel like the world is against them, and seeks indulgent pleasure or danger (then regret it later).
ENTJ: Te-Ni-Se-Fi Strengths: Visionary, decisive, strategic leader; great at seeing the big picture & managing complex projects. Weakness: Aggressive, obsessed with power; impatient, too focused on achieving goals; neglects relationships & empathy. Under Stress: Inferior Fi makes them look down on others and become hypersensitive to criticism and distrustful of feelings.
INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe Strengths: Amazing thinker, powerful logical analysis, innovative ideas; can thoroughly solve complex problems. Weakness: Obsesses over details; too focused on being correct; indecisive; struggles with emotion & interpersonal relationships. Under Stress: Inferior Fe makes them feel hypersensitive, unlovable, more emotional than usual, and obsessed with proving they're right.
ENTP: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si Strengths: Constant big new ideas; can argue any perspective; quick-thinking; highly open-minded, curious, innovative. Weakness: Easily bored, trouble finishing anything; hates logistics & bureaucracy; can debate too hard (& deprioritize feelings). Under Stress: Inferior Si makes them withdraw and feel depressed, unmotivated, nostalgic, or need to clean or reorganize everything.
Group B: NF
INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se Strengths: Intuitive, creative, insightful expert on people; natural counselor; can read people like a psychic. Weakness: Perfectionistic, sensitive, hard to get to know well; overanalyzes; trouble prioritizing themselves. Under Stress: Inferior Se makes them feel like the world is against them, and seeks indulgent pleasure or danger (then regret it later).
ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti Strengths: Charismatic, caring, empathetic; great at developing people and connecting people across their network. Weakness: Neglects self-care, gets overwhelmed by feelings; trouble saying no; can have delusions of grandeur. Under Stress: Inferior Ti makes them make sweeping critical judgments, distrust others, and obsess over perfection.
INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te Strengths: Idealistic, creative, supportive; out-of-the box thinker; passionate about personal values, emotions, & living in alignment. Weakness: Trouble with conflict & setting boundaries; self-critical & perfectionistic; can get stuck in the depths of their feelings. Under Stress: Inferior Te makes them feel harsh, nitpicky, and incompetent, with need to bring order to an out-of-control world.
ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si Strengths: Energetic & enthusiastic; always ready for adventure & novelty; great at inspiring people & facilitating groups. Weakness: Scatterbrained, distractible, indecisive; thinking of future instead of present, trouble with prioritization & follow-through. Under Stress: Inferior Si makes them withdraw and feel depressed, unmotivated, nostalgic, or need to clean or reorganize everything.
Group C: SJ
ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne Strengths: Reliable, detail-oriented, persevering hard worker; strategic planner & gets things done just right. Weakness: Rigid, inflexible, fussy, judgmental; too adherent to the rules; difficulty expressing emotion. Under Stress: Inferior Ne makes them catastrophize about the future, and they become anxious, intolerant, and reckless.
ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi Strengths: Organized, efficient, practical leader; excellent at getting things done & managing resources. Weakness: Competitive, forceful, critical & judgmental; un-creative, unwilling to consider other perspectives Under Stress: Inferior Fi makes them look down on others and become hypersensitive to criticism and distrustful of feelings.
ISFJ: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne Strengths: Compassionate, down-to-earth, empathetic; devoted to serving others; thorough, excellent memory. Weakness: Dependent on appreciation; passive, conflict-avoidant, risk-averse; hard to find a job that supports them financially. Under Stress: Inferior Ne makes them catastrophize about the future, and they become anxious, intolerant, and reckless.
ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti Strengths: Outgoing, caring; oriented around supporting others; responsible & social hosts; in tune with emotional atmosphere. Weakness: Conflict-avoidant; needs to be appreciated; trouble with difficult conversations, change, & different values. Under Stress: Inferior Ti makes them make sweeping critical judgments, distrust others, and obsess over perfection.
Group D: SP
ISTP: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe Strengths: Fixes problems & masters skills; uses analytical logic with practicality; turns observations into solutions. Weakness: Too independent & sure of themselves, isolating and disregarding; acts recklessly; trouble committing. Under Stress: Inferior Fe makes them feel hypersensitive, unlovable, more emotional than usual, and obsessed with proving they're right.
ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Ni Strengths: Flexible, adaptable, risk-tolerant; entrepreneurial, outgoing; able to think on their feet & network. Weakness: Impulsive risk-taker; gets restless & takes action without considering consequences; trouble with follow-through. Under Stress: Inferior Ni makes them flustered, paranoid, sensitive to others' opinions, and like there's mystical significance to everything.
ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te Strengths: Creative, artistic free spirit; deeply appreciates beauty; focused on identity & self-expression. Weakness: Obsessed with their art or skill; easily overwhelmed by emotion; trouble taking action & engaging with conflict. Under Stress: Inferior Te makes them feel harsh, nitpicky, and incompetent, with need to bring order to an out-of-control world.
ESFP: Se-Fi-Te-Ni Strengths: Lives in the moment; fully embraces sensory experience; great in groups; focused on making life enjoyable. Weakness: Trouble with introspection, future planning; trouble with negative emotions, conflict, being alone, & too much seriousness. Under Stress: Inferior Ni makes them flustered, paranoid, sensitive to others' opinions, and like there's mystical significance to everything.
Credits to mbti-notes, Michael Caloz, and David Keirsey for descriptions, alongside my own additions.
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