#like holy shit do i ramble
ventique18 · 6 months
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Lilia: "This voice... Levan?! You, when did you return... No, but those horns are Meleanor's..."
Lilia for a while confuses Malleus for Levan... He only doubted himself because of the horns... Do y'all remember who has a similar build/hair color/skin tone/lip shade as Malleus...
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"Those old fools of a senate... How dare they..."
"AND GRANDMOTHER AS WELL! Why have they kept the truth from me all this time?!"
OMG! He didn't know that Lilia hatched him... Lilia tries to calm him down and says that it was him who told them not to say tell. Because if he knew the truth, then he might feel guilty.
At this point Lilia begins to mix up reality and memory. He's questioning why he's calling this person Malleus when Malleus still isn't supposed to know how to walk on two legs. Malleus soothes him, saying that it's alright, Lilia doesn't have to think, and he doesn't have to suffer anymore.
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Malleus: "What dream would you like to have? A dream where both father and mother are alive? Or would you prefer a dream where you and your son live peaceful lives?
"I will give you anything and everything you wish for. Now, Lilia, take my..."
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Silver: "FATHER---!!!!!"
Lilia is still confused and mixes up things, and Malleus looks at Silver and Sebek exasperatedly, as if they're pests that keep on popping up. That they being awake is bad, and that they should go back to sleep. Silver objects and Sebek tells him that there's no way a man born from so much love should grow up to be villainous and hated by the entire world.
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Silver: "And that's why we will definitely defeat you. Lord Malleus... YOUR "BLESSING"!"
Because of that keyword, Lilia finally remembers everything that happened.
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Lilia: "Well said. That's my disciples for you."
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Lilia: "I must have taken a very long nap. Now you've done it, Malleus!"
Malleus: "Tsk. You've truly woken up, Lilia! But you need not worry. I will tuck you back to bed very soon."
Lilia: "Ha! Did you just say you will tuck me to bed? You've grown cocky, haven't you? Then do your worst!"
Lilia: "Everyone, after me!"
OMFG LOL LILIA???? Malleus laughs "Are we playing tag? It's been far too long since we've played like this."
"We have all the time in the world. Why don't we have a bit of fun, Lilia!" *CUE UNHINGED FUCKING LAUGHTER HOLY SHIT THAT WAS CREEPY AS HELL
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justpassingbyoursht · 24 days
Yknow when I first saw Chronos i couldn't quite take him seriously bc he's... he's a twink. who gave him that tiny tiny waist and those birthgiving hips? why is he built like that? i expected a giant or something, i mean the big 3 brothers are built ykno their father should be big muscly guy too right?? and then i realized he's got an hourglass shape and. 😶
my bad supergiant u are right. titan of time. hourglass. titan of time? hourglass. checks out ✓ he is hourglass shaped. an hourglass. ⌛that. that is him. titan of time alright. hourglass
but still that tiny waist
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IDK if you've ever said anything about it, but in the Lights Out AU, what was Wally's first reaction on realizing that Frank was alive and he wasn't alone anymore? I imagine it was...quite emotional
i Haven't talked about their Initial Reunion yet, no! but yes, it was very emotional! there were certainly many emotions!
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namely: fear, confusion, shock, and nearly killing your friend with an oversized baseball bat <3
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nyaskitten · 3 months
If I gotta see anyone call Nya "Jay's girlfriend" ever again I'm actually gonna fucking lose my shit sorry.
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catstar91 · 6 months
Ok phandom peeps, I need to get something off my chest. I cannot stop thinking about it, it’s so funny that this happened to me!
So I’ve been casually perusing the DP fandom for a while, right? Like for several years at least! What can I say? I like art! So at various points I had talked to my aunt about some stuff related, like fun stuff about the phandom and the existence of ghost king aus and stuff. Recently though, I found a fanfic that I spent AN ENTIRE DAY reading and doing nothing else! Like I stayed up late the night before, woke up to immediately read more! I don’t normally read fanfics, let alone any long form story, cuz my attention span is shit and has been shit basically all my life! So in the evening when I was a good chunk of the way through the fic, I talked to my aunt about it! Cuz it’s funny! I found a lot of things in it very amusing and wanted to share!
And then she asked for a link…
The next thing I know, within a few months, probably 3 months later at most, my aunt starts telling me about phandom lore I had never even heard of before! She literally made an ao3 account!!! Guys I am floored! I’ve been idly watching from the shadows for so long, and then I accidentally get my aunt into the phandom and she starts telling me about a red duck candle that’s apparently been integral DPxDC lore for YEARS!
What have I DONE???
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
Literally every single thing we learn about this season feels like riding passenger in a car going 90 on a mountainside. Like we're either going off a cliff or having the ride of our fucking lives
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strawberriesshi · 9 months
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celebratory dedf1sh drawing because she is not ded she is real
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weatheredcopper · 9 months
honestly to me bdubs is doing for building what tango is doing for redstone at the moment if that makes sense
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romance-rambles · 1 month
While at the beach, you take a moment to appreciate your handsome boyfriend while he's taking a nap—and also when he's not.
— word count: 1.2k
— pairing: [modern] clarence clayden x little painter/you
— tags: romantic fluff, established relationship, takes place during azure island phase 1 [no spoilers for the event stories tho]
— notes: absolutely wild that my first time writing for clarence happens to be modern ver, not archmage!! anyways, this is the screenshot you can blame for this silly lil fic's existence.
return to lbc masterlist | series: none
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NAVY BLUE STICKS OUT TO you the moment you open your eyes.
Your aching shoulder protests your decision to stay as you are, on your side, facing a still sleeping Clarence. Like this, he looks much younger—you're reminded of the time you had to force him to take a nap. Like this, he's simply the cute guy you managed to score not one but multiple dates with, just Clarence, instead of the incredibly smart and wonderful and kind Student Council President.
You glance at the circular table set between your two beach chairs, taking note of his glasses resting primly upon its surface. With him often having to juggle two different kinds of glasses, you'd offered to put them in your bag so that he could pack lighter. Or, as light as he can.
Right now, it's awkwardly squished behind you, miraculously still on the chair only because it's too big to fall out the gap under the armrest.
Filling in the blanks comes as easily to you as the smile on your face when you get to see your boyfriend, nearly the same one on your face right now—and the expression that goes with it is so endlessly fond that you find yourself with the urge to hit something.
Simply put, your boyfriend is a handsome man—the most handsome one, of all the men your keen eyes have gazed upon. And gazed, they certainly have. But even if they didn't have to pick, then they would gaze at only Clarence for the rest of their life..
You almost giggle at the thought, but think against it at the last minute.
But pressing your lips firmly into a thin line has the opposite effect on your budding smile. You imagine you look rather strange to anyone who passes by—what with your mockery of a wide smile and the silent scream building up in your throat, paired with the quiet thumping of your feet against the legrest.
If you were in a more private space, you would resort to kicking instead.
A proper squish to your still warm cheeks as you begin to sit up helps ease up the passion swirling chaotically across your body. You exhale, then allow your hands to slide off your face. One side of it bears the consequences of your actions more than the other.
With a one last longing at the sleeping Clarence, you start to dig through your bag for the only thing in your arsenal that could substitute for a sketchbook.
There are a few miscellaneous promotion emails waiting for you on the lockscreen. A message from Cael asking about dinner tomorrow too. Somewhere between them, there's a notice about the weather, with the temperature from an almost hour ago listed uselessly.
You swipe past them all and hurriedly slip into the camera app.
The hand holding your phone steadies itself against the armrest as you swing your legs over the edge of your chair. A thumb hovers over the capture button, vigilantly awaiting your command. The fingers of your other hand, meanwhile, busy themselves with zooming in on the captivating scenery.
With each pinch, the focus grows ever narrow—until all that remains is Clarence and nothing else.
At one point, you try to zoom into the mole under his eye, but it doesn't make for a very compelling photo. After a few attempts, quite a few of which involve staring at your screen for prolonged periods of time, you reluctantly give up.
Your pout is soon covered up by your phone. When its front camera presses against your upper lip, your gaze is free to wander back to the sleeping beauty beside you once more.
A healing effect, exclusive to him, takes hold of you instantaneously.
Eyes brimming with fondness narrow slightly. You slide off your beach chair, hands on your bent knees as you take a closer look. You can make out the shadows cast by his long lashes and the drool dribbling past his chin.
He's perfect.
You're content to stay there until your knees begin to ache, reminding you insistently that this isn't a very comfortable position to be in. As a compromise of some kind, you adjust your arms atop the nearby armrest.
It really would be better if you'd brought your sketchbook along—but, you think, remembering his workaholic tendencies, would he even bother to take a nap then?
You scrunch your nose up at the thought.
In that moment, Clarence seems sense to your presence. When you look back at him, you're greeted with the sight of confusion in his now opened, but still drowsy gaze. He blinks, and it earns him an amused grin from you.
"Morning," you say, though it's well into afternoon.
That seems to wake him up. His cheeks flush a warm pink, and he hurriedly wipes away the drool on his face, as though you haven't already committed the sight to your memory.
Clearing his throat, he responds in kind, careful to sit up in such a way that he avoids looking at you.
"You don't have to be so close...I can see you just fine."
You laugh, not unkindly. "What if I'm the one who's having trouble?"
For a moment, when he turns back to look at you, he looks alarmed. Then, his shoulders relax to the tune of a sigh, his groggy mind apparently having caught onto the fact that you were joking.
Without breaking eye contact, you reach for his glasses. But as with the issue of walking into a cave without a flashlight, even if you vaguely recall where your destination is, there's no guarantee you'll actually reach it.
"Give me a second," you mutter, your annoyance making your tone a bit too sharp.
You follow your words up with an apology. His glasses held are carefully by the frames as your sheepish gaze connects with his faintly amused one. Clarence reaches out, getting as far as grasping the slanted tips of the frame before the two of you reach a mutual agreement.
"Well." His cheeks return to being a rosy hue. He coughs politely. "If you would."
Cute. Biting your lip giddily, you shake his grip off. A quick once-over of your surroundings before you stand up shows that no one seems to be paying attention to you. And unless your friends and acquaintences have come to together to unlock the secrets of invisibility, no one you know seems to be present either.
Leaning over, you line his glasses up against his face, the tips of his frame brushing against his cheek. It takes only a moment to slot them into place—and you have enough experience with doing so that they don't snag against his ears.
It takes only a moment longer to give him an innocent peck on the lips.
"There," you murmur, not entirely satisfied with the kiss.
His Adam's apple bobs. Clarence adjusts his glasses with an awkward look that suggests he has some kind of solution to your dilemma. You, of course, beat him to the punch.
"Why—" Your voice cracks a little. "—don't we go find a different spot?"
He smiles, narrowed eyes watching you fondly. "I was about to suggest the same thing."
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#fics by aya#lovebrush chronicles#lovebrush chronicles x reader#for all time#for all time x reader#clarence clayden#clarence clayden x reader#lbc clarence#lbc clarence x reader#lovebrush clarence#lovebrush clarence x reader#rambles from here on (slight spoilers for azure island cgs/mentions of cn cards) ->#so. um THE CGS?? from the event?? very specifically clarence's??#um that killed me actually i'm learning stuff about myself i didn't know before like#idk actually because i've been telling myself glasses are sexy but it took an anime boy being flirted with for me to realize that yes??#but yeah i am THIS close to going blue particularly because i've been staring at his cards too long and there is one specific like#artstyle? that makes him look really hot but like you could almost mistake him for a bad boy. and yes i do mean clarence#he has glasses so it's not. the one where he'd actually approach being a bad boy (the prison?? one??)#according to cn wiki it's supposed to come like feb but the schedule fast so idk#actually looking at it again and it might be how he parts his hair?? anyway clarence in a black t-shirt and dogtag(?) necklace sounds#like he would actually kill me. not because he's actually threatening but because i spontaneously combust whether he smiles or glares at me#also i just realized it's just like his unstyled hair so again having a thing for guys who like minimally style their short hair apparently#also i've figured out which card it is holy shit clarence
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cubedmango · 9 months
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sibling secrets
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ghoulinfuschia · 3 months
Since Im p much boarding the climax / near ending of the episode I can’t. Post as many progress doodles. Cuz spoilers. Which bums me out. But I will silently vibrate with excitement.
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the problem is that I had beef with Timmy Cabernet for like two years because he got cast as Laurie and just did not match my idea of what Laurie Lawrence should look like but the truth is that the guy is actually a very good actor and despite the many issues with Little Women 2019 (which, for the record, I did enjoy. sorry mutuals) he was a surprisingly decent Laurie, so I can't stay annoyed by him very well, can I?
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nen-shin-impact · 2 months
oh tumblr you’re in for a honkai star rail autism ramble
i’m writing a fic (bc ofc i am) and “imbibitor” was obviously underlined as wrong. i hovered over it and it wants to correct to the word “imbibition.” i’ve never heard the word before so as all writers do i looked up the definition.
according to google:
“[imbibition is] the absorption of one substance by another, in particular the uptake of water by a plant or seed.”
the absorption of one substance by another
in the way dan feng and yingxing fucked with the ambrosial arbor and how they both absorbed its power?
the way dan feng accidentally split his power between two beings (dan heng and bailu), leaving them to absorb his destructive capabilities or cloudhymn magic respectively?
dan heng re-absorbing said residual power, the power of the high elder that should not even be his, to help save the luofu?
the fact that imbibitor’s lunae’s basic attack is a lotus, a plant in which the flower petals cannot absorb water????
and the fact that the -or in imbibitor means he is the one doing the absorbing instead of being absorbed, breaking the chains of what nature dictates (in terms of lotuses and water) to save the home that cast his previous incarnation out, unknowing if he would be welcome or even killed on sight—
i’m. i’m actually going fucking insane this is so fucking cool this is SO COOL i cannot express how feral i am being
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I'm frightened of you knowing who I am but, could you possibly give me your frank frankly theories pretty please idc if you only have like 2.1 I want them regardless of how many you have.
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ah man i wish i had some to give! i think all of my Frank theories (at present) are tied into other theory posts! he simply doesn't have a lot to chew on yet
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transmasccofee · 8 months
Ngl I’m tempted to animate something from that one canon au where Kusuo dies with this cover
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grimvestige · 2 months
shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
Thank you for the tag @echo-the-ghost!!!! Time to find...where my On Repeat playlist is... not me just searching for it instead 💀
Don't Forget - Toby Fox, Laura Shigihara
Worst in Me - Unlike Pluto
All That You Are (From "Lost Ember") - Solid Audioworks
Despicable - grandson
UP TO SNUFF! (I'm on Fire) - atsuover
Toxic - Britney Spears
Tonight Is The Night I Die - Palaye Royale
Shadow Moses - Choir Noir
But Never a Key - Dirt Poor Robins
Oh like, almost all of these are from D&D OC playlists WHOOPS ^^; Most of them are Tiarnan or the toxic Tiarnan & Corrupted Moirin playlist, though there are a few songs from my work playlist, Killian's playlist, and like, one song from my Kasai campaign playlist.
tagging: @theitalianmafia, @emmettkane, @kingxxlink, @trucbiduleschouettes, @jesterdraws99-blog, @solarflame33, @dudebe-nice, @grand-theftautumn, @ninjasylveon, @eldritch-goth !! And anyone else who wants to join, feel free to still tag me if you want <3
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