#like he doesn't deny this at all!
decepti-thots · 4 months
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one of the overlooked things about Pharma in the Delphi arc is how cold he is. the more manic and emotionally volatile energy he brings post-Delphi gets grafted backwards as some inherent part of his personality all along but while we see the cracks showing here that led him to do all this in the first place, the vibe is very different. he's not flinching as he cold-bloodedly frames his completely innocent peer by deliberately, knowingly playing on the likely prejudices (or assumed prejudices) of those around him. this is a pre-mediated thing that only works if he's acting very stoic and reasonable about it all, planned in advance. conversely, it's also why the 'Pharma isn't even actually the bad guy, he was just stuck in an impossible situation until that dick Ratchet overreacted and ruined him!' take is wrong. that might have been true to an extent if all Pharma had done was kill patients that he felt would otherwise be murdered en-masse by the DJD anyway to protect some of them, and his coworkers. but now, he's progressed to killing everyone anyway and framing Ambulon not for any hope it will spare more people in the end than he kills, but because he's terrified of being found out as the person who did it; and that's not actually a thing he has to do at all! if everyone else is going to die anyway by this point, he could come clean when help arrives... but he knows he might face consequences for doing so. that's what turns Pharma's actions on Delphi from tragic but largely outside his control into something far less easily absolved.
the animosity ratchet has towards him later is also grafted backwards and not only not present here, but literally the only reason any of this works is that Ratchet thinks highly enough of Pharma he even floats the idea of making him CMO once all this is over, so he's not immediately suspicious. which suggests that this crack in Pharma's principles is brought on by the stress of his situation on Delphi, because I can't imagine Ratchet would trust him at all if this was behaviour anyone would expect of him on the regular.
so Pharma's not always been the enormously volatile, emotionally impulsive bad guy he becomes after this, and he also wasn't some sort of pure victim of circumstance who it's unreasonable Ratchet etc treat as a threat that needs taking out and treat harshly. and the main thing that gets overlooked in both cases in how people remember his character here, i think, is this moment: the calculated, pre-mediated framing of Ambulon, specifically chosen because he is vulnerable to what Pharma's trying to pull. (both because of being a Con, and Pharma's knowledge of his alt-mode hangup.)
or, in his own words:
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"too many questions."
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cirnogaming · 5 months
artemis is one of the best characters ever created i think. she likes to feel like a cobb salad when shes having sex. she serves cunt at all hours of the day. shes bisexual. shes jewish. she's always serving a look. she is constantly on psychedelic drugs. she fucks nasty in the dumpster behind wendy's. shes perfect
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ride-a-dromedary · 7 months
"Halsin shouldn't be that big or muscular or look middle aged because he's an elf and the lore sa-"
I actually think he should be bigger and look more middle aged, personally.
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moderndaypandora · 1 year
I love every "Death set Dream up with Hob on purpose" headcanon, and I love "actually I was planning to throw Chaucer at you but I can wing it pretty damn well and, once I heard Hob call me stupid, I knew, yeah that's going to be Dream's boyfriend". It takes a village (or an older sister) to get Dream a boyfriend.
Now, I'm picturing the entire Endless family blindsided when Dream comes to a family dinner like "I GOT MARRIED! LIKE TWO MINUTES AFTER THE LAST DINNER--" "That was a literal century ago?!"
Not a single sibling clocked this. Not even Destiny.
Destiny, out loud: it was an unlikely path in my book, so I didn't give it much attention 
Destiny, in his head: honestly I started speed-reading/skimming through Dream's love life paragraphs because watching him crash and burn and cause massive body counts just seemed so... repetitive and predictable?
Death: knowing our brother, I was carefully managing my expectations and was just glad he was still doing the century meetups last time I'd checked. Good for him, managing to stay with somebody for a century, that outstrips his last relationship by ... like 7 decades.  Kind of offended I wasn't invited to this wedding, kind of not planning to say anything?
Desire: At this point, I stick my fingers in my ears and go "lalalalalala" whenever I hear anything about Dream and want, either him wanting or somebody wanting him, because Death said I had to stop making fun of him for how disproportionate his Yearn to Act Ratio was, and any ammunition I can't use is just ... irritating. I figured if anything really changed, my twin would tell me about his descent into misery.
Despair: He was less miserable, but I assumed it was a fluke and he'd return to his normal equilibrium eventually. And it's not like my twin let me know he'd managed to successfully want AND obtain something?
Destruction is Sir Not Appearing In This Picture.
And Delirium had more important things to think about than her brother's sad love life, like would flying fish fired out of confetti cannons be considered birds until they landed?
Meanwhile all denizens of the Dreaming are never not aware that Dream is happily married, because the weather has been perfect for years and the throne room stained glass is some variation of Hob and Dream being lovey-dovey.
Lucienne: If I see them necking in the stacks ever again I will be forced to take action, and Lord Morpheus is aware of that fact, but we haven’t had a library flood in 103 years, so overall we’re pleased.
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magnusbae · 1 year
On the rare occasions when Hob is actually mad at Dream— he refuses to sleep. Coffee, energy drinks and the God forsaken awakeness pills? All fair game. If he has to inject caffeine directly into his vein, he would. Hob doesn't often get mad, but when he does, he likes to make a point. Dream and Hob match in more than one ways, really, they do. And so it is that the Dream Lord must come out of his realm personally to sprinkle sand into his lover's eyes because he'd be damned if Hob refuses his gift for more than two nights in a row. Not speaking for 100 years? Easy. Hob refusing sleep? Unacceptable.
#Dreamling#Fixed tags:#Dream creating Hob an entire GALAXY in the Dreaming to placate him but Hob has none of this— he refuses to enjoy it.#Dream getting offended that his lover does not appreciates his good graces is like— Well I can also give you a nightmare :|#And Hob just:#'Maybe just don't say that I will eventually stop loving you 🙄🙄🙄 Hob about that- huh.'#Dream: I meant not to insult you— it is merely how humans /are/. Most entities cannot stay with me for long. (The will not is unsaid)#Hob: You're such an idiot.#Hob would cross his arms and try to stay mad with him but he simply CANNOT.#Dream is being genuine— perhaps a genuine idiot— but genuine nevertheless.#He would sigh and finally come over to Dream and he'd take his hands into his and pull him close to himself.#He has to stand up taller— because here in the Dreaming his lover is taller than in the waking.#It's nearly at his tiptoes that he lands a soft kiss at Dream's lips.#Hob: Just because you had /shitty/ exes doesn't mean /I/ have to be#For the matter— I rather not be your ex at all.#Dream attempts denying all his exes being bad but Hob just keeps on kissing him insistently#Like hell he's allowing his lover dwell in the feeling that no one stays— EVEN IF HE DID SPIKE HIS ANGER METER LIKE HELLA#Dream: You will leave me because you're human Hob's anger: 📈📈📈📈#But he's not really mad he just wishes Dream to trust him is all.#I mean Dream is JUST the center of his entire world#but you know#anyways those tags are meant to be read separately I was just having some crack fun#the original tags gotten horribly out of order and were an absolute mess so I had to rewrite it for it to make any sense at all#so some of the chaotic insanity been lost XDDD#anyways yes XD#buns.hc
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captain-astors · 9 months
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Creature. (The rendered ones are referenced from manga panels)
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leenfiend · 11 months
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i would trust my instincts but they lie to me like i lie to you
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
Some of the evidence supporting Mike not being in love with El is brutal. No, but seriously.
In s3, when El's leg is injured, instead of Mike putting his arm around her waist, allowing him to take some of the weight off her injured leg, he puts his arm around her shoulder, basically having the exact opposite affect of taking the weight off of her, instead just adding more weight for her to have to carry.
Now, I’m not coming at Mike here, I’m actually coming at the writers, because this choice here has everything to do with them using this gesture to signal Mike’s lack of feelings for El, even at the expense of realism.
I say this bc any person with common sense, including Finn and everyone around him and Millie filming these shots, would've known it looked unnatural for Mike to be adding more weight onto El as opposed to taking some off of her.
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This means that what Mike did here, Finn was directed to do, and therefore it was for a specific reason.
And we know they could have easily made the opposite choice, because they show us Max AND Lucas doing it.
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See how putting an arm around El's waist looks so much more natural? Because homegirl is injured and clearly needs help taking weight off her leg to qualm some of the pain she's experiencing there, which is why Max and Lucas are shown here doing it the correct way.
And so, why can't Mike do the same? Why are the writers making a point to show Mike being incapable of simply taking some weight off of El, instead doing the exact opposite?
I don't think it's as deep as Mike not being able to do something intimate, and that's bc, again we see Max and Lucas doing it.
I honestly think what they're trying to convey with this choice here, is that Mike thinks he's helping El, when he is in fact doing the opposite despite his best efforts. The implications of that and how that sort of aligns with their romantic relationship and what it leads to at the end of s3, going into s4, is pretty spot on.
I do think Mike thinks he's doing the right thing by being with El instead of voicing any doubts at the end of s3, because he is under the assumption that she is in love with him. I do think he believes he is indebted to her and that this is the least he can do after everything they've been through together, which has mostly been riddled with romantic pressures and so continuing that instead of disputing it seems like the only option anyways. Not to mention, he does care for her deeply, so it's not hard to imagine that he's a teenage boy confusing deep care for love (he literally tells us this is his problem when he can only say care and not love to El's face... but that's a whole other conversation).
Still, when it's all said and done, Mike's not actually doing El any favors by being with her romantically, if that is not what he truly wants.
Because that's the sad truth about all of this, which is that you would never want someone to be with you just because you want them. If you knew that they truly couldn't have those feelings for you, you'd want to know, right? You don't deserve someone just because you have deep feelings for them. And I think there's so many layers to this idea, bc many people are capable of not giving Byler a chance bc they truly believe Mike could never return Will's feelings. Will also feels this way atp, so though it hurts, he rips the band aid off, because he would never want Mike to be with him just out of pity or something. No one would want that. And so it all really comes down to who Mike truly loves romantically and wants to be with. And the right thing to do, even if it hurts someone, is to be honest, because being with them just bc you think that will make them happy is never going to be enough if you aren't truly feeling it, or worse, feel it for someone else.
We see how Mike's inability to be honest with El at the end of s3, leads to a season of Mike feeling deeply insecure and undeserving of the love El has to offer him, and even though he does try, he always comes up short. Despite Mike putting up this front that they are the perfect couple, the details are telling us something is off. And it gives him away.
Another example that I think is very similar to this loaded gesture from Mike to El in s3, is the scene in s4 when they hug in the airport.
Common sense ppl, picture this: You're reuniting with your long distance girlfriend. Then suddenly, she runs up to you, with her arms wide open, and instead of opening your arms wide to embrace her properly, you take the bouquet of flowers you brought her as a gift, and shove them against your chest just as she approaches to hug you, effectively squishing the present you got for her (a pretty delicate present at that) for no reason other than to... what exactly?
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Like?? El isn't even squishing the present Mike, she's trying to hug you, dude! Your gf is trying to hug you properly and you threw the gift you got for her in between you so you could throw in a careful! x3??
Again, this has less to do with Mike's thoughts and reasoning behind this gesture in a literal sense, and more to do with the simple fact that this is a narrative choice! Mike is not a real person! There are real people sitting down and writing this and actors are having to do multiple takes to act it out. What feels natural for a situation is going to be what is often chosen 9 times out of 10, because of realism and wanting the audience to see stuff happening that is believable. That 1 time though, when it's not being done the way it would usually be, is usually because there's a specific reason for it.!
So the question really is, not why is Mike doing this, but why are the writers having Mike do this, and what message are they trying to convey about Mike's feelings based on his behavior, in these moments where he's just not capable of committing to El genuinely, one way or another?
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saraminia · 8 days
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I just feel that we as a fandom moved on too fast from these pictures...
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yourplaceinaugust · 2 months
making non tumblr user friends was a mistake bc i was ranting about symbrock to my friend and ended it by saying "the third movie needs to be rated r so they can fuck" and my friends only response was "what the fuck"
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
Lin Kuei vs Shirai Ryu characters and teaching/training outsiders
Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero
Sheeva: What can the Lin Kuei teach the Shokan? Sub-Zero: The art of stealth and surprise. Sheeva: Enemies should be met head on.
Jax: So the Lin Kuei train Special Forces. I'll be. Sub-Zero: It was at General Blade's request. Jax: General Blade. Still not used to that.
Spawn: Ready to freeze Ten Hells over? Sub-Zero: First, we must train together. Spawn: Training's over. Time for assholes to die.
Sub-Zero: Back for another training mission? Cassie Cage: Gonna kick your ass in a snowball fight. Sub-Zero: I doubt that.
Jacqui: I've got new gear to test. Sub-Zero: Want to know if it's cold-proof? Jacqui: Let's find out.
Bi-Han as Noob Saibot (MK11 intro dialogues)
Noob Saibot: I could make you the perfect killer. Terminator: By improving my programming? Noob Saibot: By teaching you to embrace darkness.
Mileena: Out of the shadows, Bi-Han? Noob Saibot: To teach you the power of darkness. Mileena: My father has already taught me.
Frost (MK11 intro dialogues)
Frost: I can train you in the assassin's art. Sindel: Dear, I'm several millennia your senior. Frost: Which hasn't made you wiser.
Hanzo as Scorpion (MK11 intro dialogues)
Jacqui: Any chance of a Shirai Ryu training mission? Scorpion: Training outsiders is Sub-Zero's passion. Jacqui: Huh. Takeda thought you'd be interested.
Erron Black: Don't s'pose you'd teach me that rope spear. Scorpion: And divulge Shirai Ryu secrets? Erron Black: I can make you share, Scorpion.
Kuai Liang as Scorpion (MK1 intro dialogues)
Kenshi: Why won't you help train the Taira? Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu's methods aren't to be shared.
Johnny Cage: Now what's the harm in me riding along? Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu's secrets must remain so, Cage.
Ashrah: I'd do well to follow your example. Scorpion: Then start by studying my kombat.
Raiden: You honor me with this lesson. Scorpion: Pay attention. There is much to learn.
Tomas as Smoke (MK1 intro dialogues)
Smoke: "Let's go, Kung Lao. Liu Kang wants us to do this." Kung Lao: "What could this fight possibly teach me?"
Smoke: "Sareena wants to train with us." Ashrah: "She has good taste in instructors."
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
Again I know it's supposed to be a haha reference to the turns into a bear when he's too aroused thing, but in again refusing to brush just over the surface of this character: "I must be careful or I'll lose run of myself again. An Archdruid should show *some* restraint." comes across to me as more melancholy than perhaps intended when a. You take it into consideration that several lines imply that Halsin has issues with self control and self servitude, and presenting an "acceptable" version of himself as an outwards facing authority figure, to the point where he brushes over his own feelings, or pushes things that he wants down in the effort to reflect better what others want from him.
And b. Remember that Halsin was essentially just an apprentice when he was forcibly situationally promoted to Archdruid - he wasn't taught *how* to be an Archdruid or trained for it, or mentored; he was thrust into it because they didn't have any other choice. But they needed someone, so he stepped up. Halsin has spent the last century studying and learning things on the fly or through trial and error, and in a position of leadership like that, he is aware that every failure to uphold that mask *counts* and others *are* very much affected. How many times has he muttered that same mantra? Or heard it thrown around? An Archdruid not having control over their own magic is a big deal. Even when he is no longer Archdruid, he still grumbles it to himself. He's been at it over a century and he *still* doesn't feel like he's gotten it right. Even when he is in a place of progression, of trying to gain hold of himself again, those wisps of failure and self doubt still creep into everything. And that's sad to me.
#BG3 Musing#Halsin Posting#haha funny line in response to saucy line that man is about to go feral ooh se- HEY TRAUMA#it's like a med student being promoted to the head of emergency#or an admin assistant suddenly being put in a ceo role#like i know it's a meme scene!! but halsin sounds *humilated* when he accidentally wildshapes during his romance scene#he sounds flustered and embarrassed and is so quickly launching off excuses with a tone that indicates *he thinks it's over*#like he fucked up he fucked this up just when he was *starting* to come into himself again and it never stops#i keep thinking of that one lyric from big thief 'i can't find surrender/and i can't keep control'#and again i'm reading too deep into it but halsin's struggle with failure really is embedded here you just have to...like listen to him#Even when he *says* that there's little point in denying oneself#he does it literally all the time - he did it for a *century*#and i'm not saying he doesn't have fun or not enjoy things but he cuts himself off so early at the root#or buries himself so thoroughly in a self indulgence until it wrecks him and neither of these things are healthy#note that he says as long as others aren't affected - he doesn't say as long as i'm not affecting *myself*#anyway i'm unwell#maybe i was never meant to be archdruid - you weren't! you were meant to protect nature's spirit and roam with the wilds#and yet he still did the best he could and people *admire* him and followed him but he may never come to see it that way#you ruined a perfectly good wood elf - look it's got trauma and anxiety (and larian turned him into a meme and i won't forgive them)
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bibannana · 1 year
Hunter *holding Omega's face gently*: What are you?
Omega *who is a child of culture*: An idiot san-
Hunter *scowling*: Who told you that?! Who do I have to fight!?!
Wrecker *who watches all the holovids with Omega*: Uh oh.
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ladyalicentshightower · 3 months
I think people overestimate how feminist team black is. If someone brings up how Baela should be the heir to Driftmark, it's always "she would've been Queen if not for the Greens!", ignoring that 1, she would be Queen consort, not a Queen in her own right, and 2 she has a legitimate claim in her own right to Driftmark. Team Black's goal is to crown Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra becoming Queen isn't a win for feminism because it does nothing to dismantle the rest of the patriarchal system that exists in Westeros. From what we've gotten so far, it reads that Rhaenyra wants to be the exception and not the rule. Rhaenyra has made a lot of bad political decisions, which means she can't acknowledge Baela's claim because it would weaken her own claim (blatantly admitting her eldest sons are illegitimate would not end well for her to say the least). So she betrothes Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena to kind of atone for that, like as a consolation prize Baela will be Queen and Rhaena will be lady of Driftmark, neither of them would hold either title in their own right. It's good matches because the kids like each other and will treat each other well, but it's not a feminist win or a feministic liberation. It's usurpation, usurpation that takes place because Rhaenyra has to do damage control after having illegitimate children and after a serious of bad political decisions (both hers and her fathers, Viserys is the arbiter of this entire mess). To me, Rhaenyra is very reminiscent of Mary Queen of Scots, I can see a lot of elements drawn from Mary's history in Rhaenyra's story and character, down to their sons eventually taking the crown they failed to claim/keep.
#hotd#hotd spoilers#house of the dragon#house of the dragon spoilers#Rhaenyra targaryen critical#I'm going to do a rewatch prior to season 2 & I'm going to analyse the bad political decisions from vis & Rhaenyra that lead to the dance#like by no means the only factors at play lets not forget otto daemon larys etc#but it's an interesting factor that the fandom doesn't really acknowledge#and a lot of Rhaenyra's bad political decisions are understandable because of her youth and because viserys does fuck all to prepare her#like even if she wasn't who he choose as heir she should've been given a better political education as a princess#but vis fails his most of his other four kids in that regard to#i mean he also fails to acknowledge them or remember them but anyways#he is a huge part of the reason aegon and aemond became he they did#props to whoever probably alicent for sending daeron to oldtown so he could grow up well adjusted#alicent: i'm writing a letter to daeron is there anything you would like to say to him?#viserys: daemon? why are you writing to daemon?#alicent: daeron?#viserys: who?#alicent: our son? the one you sent to squire in oldtown?#viserys: i think i'd remember if we had a son who's name was one letter different to my brothers#viserys: in fact i do alicent do you mean the one who lost an eye?#alicent: *screaming internally*#viserys targaryen#king viserys#rhaenyra is such an interesting character but i hate how the fandom sanctified her because how dare characters be complex and have flaws#like you dont have to justify their actions or bend over backwards to deny their faults to like a character you know 😭#and the same thing is done to daemon who is far more fucked up and far more flawed in the show than the fandom allows#i hate the team stuff tho i get hbo going for it as a marketing move that was genius but my god are certain stans insufferable#the entire point of the dance is that its a pointless tragedy there's no good or bad side theyre both awful in their own ways#but thats a longer rant for another time outside of the tags
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indigodawns · 17 days
making hyyh yoongi or any version of yoongi imply he doesn't like men? preposterous. you're on thin ice for this one begins youth
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