#like fully and entirely stolen and ripped off
scalpelsister · 11 months
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Gwendolyn Dale, my very first dnd character, now with a fresh coat of paint 🌿
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captain-mj · 1 year
"Something in him told him to put it on, feeling it against his skin."
Please. Please MJ, Pretty please, I don't know how or why it would happen, but I need Ghost to put on the coat or handle it a bit more. (Preferably without knowing the implications) Love the flustered Selkie!McTavish.
Foaming at the mouth because this is my two special interests merged
Ghost tried not to do it again. Really, really tried. But Soap was in med bay and had asked him to grab some stuff for him. And the coat was laid out on the bed. 
The feeling crept back under his skin and before he knew it, his gloves were back off, running their way their way through the fur. 
Soap tensed, the entire base away, feeling the ghost of a touch. He closed his eyes tight. “Please don’t put it on. Please don’t put it on.” 
Ghost lifted his mask, just to the bridge of his nose, and lightly pressed it to his face. It was so soft. Smelled so intensely of Soap and the sea. Salt blending with the vanilla body wash he always used. He understood why Soap found it so comforting. It felt pretty heavy too, like the weighted blanket Ghost refused to admit he had in his room. 
Soap flushed, feeling the increasingly gentle touch. “What are you doing to me, Ghost?” He shuddered. Out of all of the team, Ghost would probably be the best he supposed. He didn’t ask him many questions, so Soap wouldn’t have to worry about spilling any secrets. Only really ordered him to do things in the field. Soap would just be an exceptional soldier a couple of days. 
That instinct started at the top of his spine, begging for him to slip it on. He shouldn’t. 
Ghost shrugged off the hoodie he had been wearing and fully removed the mask. He avoided looking in the mirror as he gently slipping it on. For once, he had worn short sleeves, which was perfect. The soft fur on him made something in his brain fizzle. 
Reluctantly, he looked in the mirror. He didn’t hate what he saw. Still scarred, still too much like his Father. But it didn’t seem as bad.
Soap winced, always hating this feeling. The strings in his body tensing and wrapping around his muscles. One always trying to drag him to the sea. And now one tangled around his heart that pulled him to Ghost. It wasn’t the best of feelings normally, even worse when he already had been harboring a crush on him. 
He remembered his mom, a selkie taken from her home and forced to marry his dad, explain to him one day what it was like to have your coat stolen. 
She had spoken like it was a poem, though she had said it so sadly.
“What do you want me to be? What do you need me to be? 
I’ll be perfect at whatever you want. 
I’ll rip my heart out if you ask.
I’ll be your guard. I’ll be your wife. I’ll bleed myself dry.”
They didn’t get a choice. Soap had his coat taken before. Once he found it, he joined the army to get far, far away. He was too human to just fuck off and be a seal. 
Wanted to sometimes. 
Soap closed his eyes, forcing himself to relax. His injured leg and the bullet wound in his side meant he couldn’t go to Ghost. He’d take any orders he was given, like always. He just hoped Ghost was kinder than the previous coat holder. 
Ghost gathered everything up while still wearing a coat. He put his mask on and then, with great reluctance, took off the coat. He folded it carefully and gently before putting it on top of the clothes and blanket that Soap had requested. Soap would be stuck in medical a couple of days so he thought it would be nice to have. 
Ghost didn’t knock, Soap would be expecting him back, and he almost laughed when the heart monitor sped up. He dropped the things on his lap.
“There you go.” 
Soap stared at the coat for a second, freezing. “What?”
“I saw it and thought you’d want it.” Ghost wasn’t going to admit to the crime of putting it on. 
Soap flushed bright red but didn’t pick it up. Ghost frowned at him and pushed it to his chest to show him what else he got. Soap wrapped his arms around it and flushed more. 
“Thanks, Simon.” 
“No problem, Johnny.” Ghost patted his head without thinking. “Feel better soon, yeah?”
Soap nodded dumbly and Ghost eventually left.
Soap got his phone and immediately called his mom.
“A bhobain! How are you?”
“Máthair. Are you able to talk?” Soap said it softly and she immediately became more serious. 
“Yes. Are you okay? Your coat is it safe?” She switched to Gaelic and he followed suit. 
“You know that... guy I had a crush on?”
“Oh no.”
“He gave it back. Physically pushed it back in my hands.”
“Oh no...” 
“Are we married now?”
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chasing-caws · 3 days
Spoilers below the cut for Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga!
I believe that the gentle kiss Jack and Furiosa shared that Furiosa initiated after Dementus captured them was their first and last.
Now, I headcanon that Furiosa’s love language is little physical touches, a hand on Jack’s shoulder, cupping his cheek in private, letting him rest his cheek against her palm, the occasional hug, and that while they weren’t always in a relationship they were always devoted to one another and trusted one another with their lives. I believe that both Furiosa and Jack understood without speaking that they didn’t need kisses to affirm their devotion to one another, that they just knew.
So, that gentle, tender kiss after they whispered “my Jack” and “my Fury” like oaths? I believe that was Furiosa’s way of saying goodbye, of trying to convey everything they never got to truly have because I also believe that they never truly allowed their feelings to be fully realized because it could easily have been weaponized against them in the Citadel at any moment.
Maybe, as they drove away from the Bullet Farm, Jack reached his hand out and Furiosa took it without taking her eyes off the road, without a moment of hesitation, and squeezed it gently, all the confirmation either needed that the other felt the same way.
And so, when they were captured, they couldn’t bring themselves to care as Dementus tried to goad and pry a reaction from them. All they could do was be with one another. In that moment, they were each other’s entire world, the only thing in the entire world. They knew that this was the end, that, no matter what happened, any chance at a future together had vanished. So Furiosa used that kiss to try and convey all that she wished could’ve been, how she wished she could’ve gotten home to the Green Place with him, to maybe, find happiness that had been stolen from her until she had met him.
And Jack understood, and reached out to cup her cheek as he kissed back to share his own grief at all they would never have before Dementus ripped them apart. Maybe, before she escaped, Furiosa whispered “may the stars be with you” into the darkness, a prayer she had not heard in over a decade as she slipped away into the night, Jack’s last gift to her being the distraction she needed to escape to avenge him and all she had lost.
I am not normal about them at all and I am wrecked.
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deadlynavigation · 11 months
Hello! how are you? I hope you are well, I love your account and I wanted to place an order with you if possible. Could you do a Male!Wednesday x Reader where the Reader is pregnant? how would he act? How would he take care of the baby when it was born? I hope the request is not too strange and I hope you can attend to it, have a good day.
HC: Pregnancy
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of labor, swearing, grave robbing, mentions of castration, electrocution, serial killing, and beheading; mention of sex. (sorry guys it's wednesday 😭)
Author's Note: Oh my gosh you are so sweet, thank you for the request. This was a fun one. And honey I have gotten way weirder requests than this one. Side note tho, if you ever want to request something again make sure you specify headcanon or oneshot, etc. I made this one a headcanon- I hope that it's satisfactory.
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This experience would be entirely new to him
Someone he loves -romantically, at that- is creating and carrying something he’ll love just as much?
He’s obviously overjoyed, but scared as fuck
So he does everything in his power to prepare
The amount of books and tomes he would dig out of the library (and sometimes graves) would start forming a pile on your nightstands the second you tell him the news
Books like How To Raise Your Demon, Surviving and Dying In Parenthood, and What To Expect When You’re Expecting are always either in the corner or tucked away in Wednesday’s arm
And every single day without fail you’ll find your husband reading one of his newly-stolen books, brooding in the sitting room with the straightest posture and most panicked eyes you’ve ever seen
That’s normally when you yank the book from him, walk over to the window, and watch as it drops further and further from you both and into the bushy gardens below
Lots of affirmative kisses from your end
He's probably more anxious than usual but refuses to show it, so just in case, you make it a habit to pepper his face in pecks every ten minutes or so
But at the end of the day, when you're both in bed and cuddled up next to each other
Wednesday is fully relaxed, knowing that he holds his world (and a little addition to that world) in his arms
Besides the prep, this man is also a monstrosity when it comes to your wellbeing
He’s not going to be too protective, and he’s not going to monitor you
But he’s going to call in five different doctors the second you’re feeling under the weather
Your temperature is high? Doctor.
Your feet are sore? Doctor.
Your nausea has you bedridden? Doctor.
And since it’s the only aspect of your pregnancy he’s been a bit feral about, you let him. You know it makes him feel better and it's nice to know he has your back
The baby being born is probably one of the most stressful times of Wednesday’s life
He’s next to you the entire time, letting you squeeze his hand as hard as you deem necessary while he sits there with a stoic face
Every so often he’ll look down to where your face is scrunched in pain and effort, and lay a comforting kiss on your forehead or cheek
You want to slap him for it
There were times where he had to leave the room because of the danger you presented to his well being
Phrases such as: kiss me again and I’ll rip your dick off with my teeth; appreciate your head now because after I’m done, I’m getting your ass on a chopping block; and his personal favorite, I am not above using that electrocution chair to make sure there are no more potential children left within you
So yeah his mom made him leave
When your labor finally stopped after a grueling 13 hours, Wednesday is the first by your side, staring at you in awe as he brushes your hair back
He cries when he holds his baby for the first time
I am a firm believer that Wednesday wouldn’t care about the baby’s gender
Anyone can be a serial killer, no matter if they’re a boy or girl
So either would be treated with the utmost respect and love
As would you- you’re still recovering from labor, as well as caring for your beautiful child
So he dotes on the both of you (but would deny it if anyone asked)
He’s the one that gets up with the child in the night, unless he’s so deep in sleep that he could be mistaken for a corpse
And you take care of the child during the day
It’s pretty much an equal split, one that took time to master after many fights and sleepless nights
But aside from those difficulties
There have been many instances of you and Wednesday standing over your baby’s gothic crib, his hand snaked around your waist and your head leaning on his chest as you admire your creation
Or when you’re feeding the baby, and Wednesday just looks on, observing. When you’re finished, he’ll come to calmly take the child from you, take his time to lay them to sleep, and kiss you fiercely while murmuring how incredibly attractive you are
And though sex isn’t an option right then and there, the intimacy between you two is strong
Overall, the experience has brought you closer together and shown just how deep your problem-solving skills and trust with each other truly are
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caker-baker · 1 year
They didn’t actually need to look to see who it was, nor did they need to move from their leaned position against the railing. “Do me a favor and fuck off for a minute.”
“Now, now, Hero. That’s no way to treat an honored guest.”
“Fuck you. We both know that identity isn’t yours.” The hero ran a hand over their tired face. “I don’t care, whatever angle you have tonight, but if you kill someone–”
“That would be a spectacle. You should have already guessed that tonight is about espionage, considering the stolen identity and all.” The villain rested their hands on the railing next to the hero, but did not fully relax.
“Fantastic.” The hero’s voice fell flat. “Go back inside, then.”
Despite themself, the villain’s eyes wandered over the hero’s slouched form.
Even in their current crumpled and defeated mannerism, the hero was a sight to behold.
Nothing but the finest of clothes these days, a hair and makeup team had undoubtedly fussed over the hero for hours to get the current superstar affect, and of course, those fine clothes highlighted those hard earned muscles, but funnily enough, the scars seemed to have been hidden.
“You look miserable.”
The hero took a sharp breath in. “You don’t get to say that.”
“I told you what it would be if you signed, if you gave yourself to the government, say the word and I’ll fix it.”
The villain nearly jumped when the hero’s head swiveled towards them, expression close to feral.
“Fix what?” They spat. “I never have to worry about another bill in my life, medicine, housing, food, they do it all, Villain.” The hero turned away. “And all I have to do is dress up sometimes? Pose for a picture so they can put my face on a lunchbox?”
“You’re a product, Hero. They wave you around to show off their new attack dog.”
“I am not–!” They slammed their fist on the railing. It cracked, startling the hero, who stumbled back a few steps.
The villain reached out a hand, only to retract it when the hero pulled away.
“Whatever. It’s an equal exchange.”
The villain’s typically wide and watchful eyes softened. “Why didn’t you take my offer?”
Huffing, the hero turned, straightening out their form as they prepared to go back inside. “Go to hell.”
The villain reached out, gripping the hero’s arm, determined not to let them pull away this time.
“You used to be happy! You used to take pride in doing good!”
“I also used to be hungry and on the verge of homelessness. Let go.”
“I would have helped you. Why didn’t you let me help you?”
The hero ripped away their arm, turning and coming face to face with the villain, a mere inch apart.
“You don’t know what it’s like to owe someone.” The hero stepped forward, the villain stepped back. “All of you rich assholes are the same. If you had helped me, me, your enemy, it would have meant something else entirely. I can’t do that.”
Another step, another, and another.
“I never would have held it above you, Hero.” The villain had to keep walking backwards until they bumped into the railing. “I’m not like that–”
“You are! You’re an awful person. Do you think that I believe you’d make an exception for me? And why? Just because you enjoy villainy? Because you find all this entertaining?”
The hero’s eyes watered. “For them, I take pictures, I sign autographs, I wear the brand sponsored clothes and go to stupid galas, and yeah, sometimes I’m just there to look scary, but you know what I’m not doing? Giving myself away in a sense that I could never regain. What would it be for you?”
The villain opened their mouth, and closed it again.
What would it be for them? They didn’t like to stop and think about these unspoken feelings, the feelings that drove them in an unfamiliar and warm way, feelings that made them go on espionage missions that weren’t actually important.
What were they hoping to gain by helping the hero? Praise? Gratitude? Admiration?
As if reading the villain’s mind, the hero spoke.
“What would it be for you? Because for all the money in the world, you can’t buy that.” The hero scoffed, backing away. “You know, they really try to play up the strong but dumb image, makes it easier for sponsors to buy into, but I’m not an idiot.”
“Of course you’re not.”
Suddenly, the hero’s eyes turned upwards, looking, looking, looking.
“Doesn’t look like there’s any cameras up here.” The hero’s shoulders dropped a little. “If someone found out I damaged the railing, they’d probably…”
The villain raised an eyebrow. “They’d probably…?”
“It doesn’t matter.” They held their chin high. “I’m going inside. Have your fun tonight, but any deaths and I will fly your sorry ass straight into the sun.”
“Naturally.” The villain smiled gently, although they were positive that if the hero could somehow survive in space, they would, in fact, fly the villain’s sorry ass into the sun.
But the hero didn’t respond, didn’t give any notice to the villain’s existence as they slipped through the door, a full photo-op ready picture of grace.
The villain let out a shuttering breath once the door closed again, heart hammering in their chest.
No, no, no time for that. The villain couldn’t let this new feeling distract them, there were things to be done, olive branches to be offered, and signatures to be burned.
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inkyquince · 2 years
thinkin about Whitney using his bombshell partner to get what he wants.
content warning. Whitney being Whitney, older whitney but not quite deadbeat whitney. free use, whitney renting you out basically, creepy kylar, wren being an actual rival and physical assault. possessive whitney to the point of maybe... being obsessive? BLOODPLAY, LOTS OF BLOODPLAY, who knows.
Late 30's, scruff, leather jacket, owns a bike and the only real investment he made was to get you a flat. Tattooed up and down his body, gets drunk at the pub nightly and stumbles home to you, clambering into bed to run his scruffy cheek along your back, sighing as he enjoys your warmth. Mumbles drunkenly and smiles as you run your fingers through his messy hair.
Knows he's got the only true catch in town. For fuck's sake, he hauled you onto the shitty mattress that was the only thing in the flat when your first moved in, and tattooed his name just below your ass cheek. What's awful for you, is that you think Whitney is the only person you could ever love fully. He's nasty, mean, violent but all it took was one walk home while both trashed, and you quietly knew that you would never ever want someone like you wanted Whitney. And Whitney was yours. Every ugly fight, every slammed door, every time you walked away from him, he came back. You would always just be about to forgive him when he was at your door, flowers stolen from the temple gardens or some house on Danube street. Hiccupped as he struggled to keep upright, waving the flowers and reeking of booze. Spent the night snuggled up to you, dragging his bruised fingers over your side and mumbling something about how good you feel.
Anyway, knows some utter suckers missed their change for you. Sneers at the people who stare at you, obviously longing. Litters your throat with hickeys and makes sure to kiss along your temple when out and about together. Loves dropping by the pharmacy and buying extra large condoms, sneering at Kylar, only to never use the things, abandoned in the bedside drawer beside yours and Whitney's squirreled away cash, growing in size ever since the blond offered to have Bailey buy half of his tattoo parlor to erase your debt.
Hates the fact your still on pleasant terms with your employers. Works because he doesn't ever want you whoring yourself out... Without his permission.
Knows you can have anyone twisted around your perfect little finger, with even just a smile.
Needs some money from Robin, or a favor from Kylar, or whatever? Just brings you along. Just the sight of you as Robin blushing and fidgeting. Drops you off like a playdate and Robin spends the entire time, pressing kisses to your skin with reverence, his money burning a hole in Whitney's pocket, counting down to the second to rip you away from the nerd.
Kylar is easier, the fucking weirdo forks over so much money for your underwear, which Whitney fingered you to orgasm in, over and over. For every plain cotton piece of underwear he swipes, he spends too much on lingerie that... He would greatly enjoy, more than you actually being comfortable in it. Grumbles and picks up the ones you like next time he's at the shop.
Sydney's harder, but always breaks apart in your hands. Just a few kisses to his quivering lips and he's done for. Mouthing at his bottom lip, and he just winds his arms around you, pulling you in closer and closer, before crumbling in your arms, whispering for you to disappear with him into the forest for a bit, get lost in each other. He's ashamed, but everyone knows that he only returned to the Temple when Whitney took you with him for two months the moment River finally let him pass Maths a year after you and the rest already passed.
Whenever short on the rent, the usual suspects pay a pretty dime, from Niki to Leighton, but Whitney has forbade you from ever going back to the estate.
Wren... Wren's the only person who had Whitney's teeth grinding, almost snarling. Card nights were always legendary, especially when moved over to your apartment and no one had to sneak anywhere anymore.
But just one time, he stumbled outside with two others to piss into the bushes, he returned, to find Wren murmuring into your ear, ring clad thumb trailing over your cheek as you laughed and let him cuddle closer.
It wasn't... Sexual.
That's what made Whitney snap. Lunged at the smuggler, ready to start a fight only for Wren to end it. He never lost a fucking brawl in his life, but there he was, laid out on his back, spitting up blood as Wren chuckled, smearing his own bloodied nose over his forearm before shooting you a wink and taking his coat.
"You know where I am, doll"
Whitney leaned up enough to spit at him, bloodied gob hitting his shoe. Swore as he stumbled up before gripping your face between his wrecked hands, crushing a copper tasting blood against your lips.
"I... I am going... To. Fuck. You. Up." He growled, using his split knuckles to drag blood over your mouth, groaning as you licked your lips.
He hadn't been so rough in bed since you and him first got together at his place, sneering at you as he fucked you against the wall, his own parents' words echoing in his ears about him ruining his life, dragging himself down by "courting" such disgusting gutter trash.
You two awoke, his dried blood smeared across your lips and cheeks and down your body, shaped into kisses. Whitney washed them away in the shower, hands dragging over your skin, weakly lathered up bubbles swirling around the drain.
"Don't go to him."
"Hm?" You ducked your face underneath the shower stream, letting the face wash run off.
"I'll kill him if you go to him. Then I'll kill you. Then I drink myself to death. No happy ending in that cute little cottage, traipsing around in an apron and wearing his ring, gotcha?" Whitney still hadn't washed off his own blood from last night, more preoccupied with watching you get clean yourself from last night.
"Not going to leave you for Wren." You snorted quietly, before turning to him, tugging him properly under the water spray. "Now, hand over the shampoo, there's blood in your hair."
Whitney ducked his head, allowing you to clean him up.
"Good. You're too good for him." Whitney winced as water ran down his barely healed nose. "Too good for me too, but your dumbass hasn't realized that yet."
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BIG Big BIG shout out to @undead-merman for that Whitney line about fucking you up, we love one horny lad hyping up the most self indulgent shit known to man.
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leeoconnor · 1 year
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This is Red-Quill, former swamp bandit turned freedom fighter against the nefarious Lunar Empire, who is aided by his devotion to the god of thunder!
So I got to draw some duck-men. It was hilarious. It was a blast. They're from the fantasy world of Glorantha and you can play as them (or alongside them) in the RuneQuest TT RPG.
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Here, a duck shaman is sending out her spirit to go and met her mentors’ spirits in the spirit world. Shaman business. Her look is actually based on a real duck breed. (I was thrilled endlessly that all of these fantasy ducks are based on real-world duck breeds.) The big one with the snout is a troll shaman. Also pictured: her pet bullfrog and the sculptures of it that she’s made, because she loves it so much.
So these aren’t furries or anything, they’re more realistic versions of whimsical, hissing cartoon ducks like Marvel’s Howard the Duck or Disney’s Donald Duck. They’re sword and sorcery duck people! More precisely, they’re part of the accepted and generally very well-loved fantasy setting called Glorantha. You will know about Glorantha in a roundabout way I suspect… The Elder Scrolls game Morrowind lovingly ripped off a bunch of it and it was the setting for the indie game legend King of Dragon Pass and its successors. The most popular way for people to experience Glorantha over the years though has probably been the table-top role-playing game RuneQuest.
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Here, a healer initiate of the goddess of mercy Chalana Arroy, tending to some fellow ducks. (The seated guy in the middle with the shoulder bandage is supposed to look like a mandarin duck, I had to tone him down though, otherwise his bright colours would have stolen the show.) 
So Runequest has a very lovely new edition that came out a while ago. It has a unique appeal in that it’s an RPG that lets you play out mythology. Well, kinda. Being a mythology nerd (I have an in-progress Fionn Mac Cumhaill graphic novel as proof) I was powerless to resist. RuneQuest’s storied publisher Chaosium (they of the Call of Cthulhu RPG) run a community content programme for RuneQuest called the Jonstown Compendium (named after a big library in the setting of Glorantha) where people can publish their own adventures and sourcebooks as PDFs via DriveThruRPG and popular titles then become Print-on-Demand books.
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A put-upon member of duck nobility here, she’s a big deal for the duck people, but sadly the humans nearby don’t take her seriously.  The crosses aren’t crucifixes, they’re the rune of death, which is supposed to look like a simplified sword. The runes that look like Ys are the truth rune. These are the runes of her god, Humakt, GOD OF DEATH. And sword fights. The duck people love the god of death. *Falls off chair*
You can buy the book with these guys in as either a PDF or a hardcopy, it’s called ‘Duckpac’ and is from Drew Baker, Neil Gibson and friends at Legion Games. (The title of the book is a bit of a pun on an old RuneQuest book about trolls, which was called ‘Trollpak‘.) This book is for you if you want to play as a fully-realised duck person, with duck-person things to think about, based on a history, genealogy and mythology of duck-people. Yes, really! It’s pretty incredible.
Runequest has a reputation online for being ‘the game with silly duck people in’, which is entirely justified, they’re like the cute mascots of the whole deal. The story goes that back in the late seventies, one of the gang of friends who help make the game world was a Carl Barks Donald Duck comic strip fan, resulting in a town called Duck Point existing on the map. There’s another story that someone involved was making lead miniatures of Carl Barks style Conan the Barbian gag ducks and he needed a game to attach them to so it didn’t look like a straight Disney rip-off. Stories real and apocryphal abound. There’s never been an official book about ducks (or the ‘durulz’ as they call themselves) for the RuneQuest game so this one’s here for you and has background, characters, locations, adventures and more.
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A scarred duck boatman (boatduck?) and diver, initiate of a river god, on his barge, wondering what the heck you’re doing paddling about in his river.
The bit of decorated driftwood in the background above is his effigy of his god. I made him look like a Bronze Age version of a swimming athlete, like Duncan Goodhew with rustic trunks and a swimming hat. I was passed a reference photo of an upright duck (who looked amazing), so this was an upright composition, in a tall portrait frame.
Here’s a little vid of me flipping through the lovely hardback print version of the book. This is the first print volume and then there’ll be another volume of solo and group adventures.
That old love of the UK comics scene Mr. John Freeman even saw this madness and featured it on his Down The Tubes site here, Which Was Nice.
Oh and as if you above verbiage wasn’t enough proof, you can check my RuneQuest nerd chops by looking at my very own RuneQuest campaign log page and wiki here, if you fancy. It’s got more drawings on there!
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okayto · 6 months
Mini-Review: My Happy Marriage
Miyo's abusive family deems her worthless without a magical gift, and her betrothal to an infamously cold man has everyone—including herself—expecting that she'll be thrown out into the streets. With no home to return to, Miyo resigns herself to her fate—and soon finds that her pale and handsome husband-to-be is anything but the monster she expected. As they slowly open their hearts to each other, both realize the other may be their chance at finding true love and happiness.
I was super excited when I heard earlier this year that My Happy Marriage was getting an anime, because I had coincidentally picked up the first volumes of the manga on a whim from the library and was immediate hooked. First, the manga covers that caught my eye are gorgeous, and while obviously things change in adaptation, this is still a very pretty anime.
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It's set in an alternate Taisho era (circa 1912-1926; I'm guessing this takes place sometime in the second half of the era, considering we see some flapper fashion) where magic exists. Miyo is enduring a Cinderella-esque nightmare that's lasted a lifetime: despite both parents coming from strong magical family lines, she's powerless. Her mother died when she was young; her father immediately remarried his old flame, who takes delight in beating Miyo down, metaphorically and literally.
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Normally in a Cinderella-type story, the father is dead, gone, or oblivious, but here her father is absolutely complicit in the physical and emotional abuse hurled at Miyo. Her mother's belongings are stolen, she's kept malnourished and inadequately-clothed. To her father she's nothing more than a tool to marry off, and abuse is a great way to make sure she doesn't have the energy to try doing literally anything other than what she's told. To her stepmother and half-sister, she's an object of ridicule for her lack of powers, and a target for the crime of being born from a political marriage rather than the love match that they're related to.
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Even when told she's now engaged to and going to live with an infamously-cold man who has driven off multiple fiancees already, Miyo just accepts the situation, because what else can she do? She fully expects to be thrown out at some point, and just hopes that she can manage to put that day off as long as possible by being as invisible and inoffensive as possible.
Kiyoka, the man, for his part is a little prickly, but mostly annoyed at having to deal with a string of upper-class socialites, and rapidly comes around when it's clear that Miyo isn't that.
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In fact, Kiyoka realizes what's going on, and also recognizes his feelings, faster than she does--a lifetime of abuse isn't easily healed by a few weeks of respite, and Miyo is essentially waiting for the other shoe to drop the entire time. She's survived abuse, but if she lets herself actually want things, and enjoy her life, then it will feel so much worse when it inevitably gets ripped away like every other nice thing she's ever had.
It's easy, as the viewer, to get a bit frustrated with Miyo sometimes because she won't say when she really wants something, but that's the point. This isn't just the story of a young woman escaping her abusive family for someone who values her, it's also about her having to come to terms with that fact that she has value, and that she's allowed to want things.
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Overall, this was a great series, and I'm hopeful it'll get another season at some point. The original light novels, and the manga, are still ongoing (I can recommend the manga; haven't tried the novels) so there's more story. And it's ripe for more: the Cinderella story is the beginning, but the magic of the world and Kiyoka's role in what's essentially an anti-demon military unit of all supernaturally-gifted soldiers gets a good amount of screentime and has its own tantalizing mysteries (and exciting action sequences).
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Honestly, the only thing I disliked about the series was this scene near the end when Kiyoka and Miyo are attending an event wearing western-style clothing...those aren't ~1920s clothes, right? I'm not crazy? What Miyo is wearing doesn't matter (I'm still dubious about it but far less so), but the background women... are those gowns with bustles like it's ~1884? Why are there Victorian ballgowns??? This scene lasts for less than 3 minutes in a single episode, it doesn't matter, but I can't stop thinking about it.
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English dub? Yes!
Visuals: Very pretty. It's a pleasure to watch!
Worth watching? Absolutely. The Cinderella story aspect is great if you like those types of stories, but that's not the only thing going on. The magic here, and politics surrounding it, are intriguing and I can't wait to dive in deeper, whether than manga or anime. Plus, who doesn't like a cool character who can set things on fire? I LOVE a cool character who can set things on fire.
Where to watch (USA, as of December 2023): Netflix
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
Carrie watches Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep. 5-15
okay i’m just gonna start a running list of highlights of my breakneck-speed binge of Fantasy High: Sophomore Year for myself here (warning, this is gonna be just riddled with spoilers)
the “I disguise myself as him” disruption of that one dwarf’s attempted hate crime is a thing of beauty far surpassing the Hilda Hilda incident to me. just the whole thing. this is clearly something Brennan had plans for, and instead he just triggers Emily’s fight, flight or insanity response and gets bulldozed. you can fully see him break it’s the funniest thing in the world. and everyone is SO ready to immediately jump in with even wilder shit, like the moment Ally comes in with “yeah you’ve been dead this whole time!” they all start gaslighting this guy (and Brennan) in complete unison. Also Brennan’s desperate “is it me?!!” is directed at Murph which makes it even funnier, “it’s me right you can’t possibly live like this??”
the group has two reactions to Emily’s bs which are “what are you doing no one asked for this and this is the worst possible thing to ever happen” and “oh okay we are derailing this train!” but this may be the first time they’re all on the same page
unrelated but Bill Seacaster running a full-on demonic MLM from hell is the most incredibly in-character thing I’ve ever seen
The Friendship Section
maybe my favourite episode ever
the librarian. his whole deal. the book in a chain holster keeping the flesh on his bones?? his resignation with the issue of trying to run a library in a town of pirates where all the books are stolen but also keep being stolen
everyone is doing serious and intense research and Gorgug is just wandering the halls looking for a book on how to cheer up a friend??
the Friendship Section being this whole secret room full of books behind a lacklustre little shelf?? with the little poem?? and it clearly being the secret pride and joy of the librarian?? NO WORDS
for real i love how much this whole campaign is just a story about friendship
the ultimate pirate tip on how to be nice to your friend is to give them an orange. so they don’t get scurvy. obviously.
The Row and the Rumption
the whole concept of this openly bar-brawl-based political system tbh
the Davy Jones rip-off villain
how terribly this fight goes for them, especially Ally and Lou, will never not be funny
Emily, whose modus operandi so far has been to interact with Riz least of all the Bad Kids, getting incredibly anxious at the thought of having to pick between saving her husband’s PC or her character’s NPC mum before it even happens
enough so that Murph preemptively goes “hey you absolutely shouldn’t help me over your mother it’s fine”
met with immediate outrage “I’m taking you up!!”, and her getting talked out of it but not without fully breaking kayfabe twice to really emphasise how much she hates this. which is entirely unnecessary because Murph is second only to Lou in terms of “I *see* the correct strategical answer but will make the absolute worst choice because it’s right for the character”.
Adaine!!! The bravest of girls!!
Brennan has really tapped into some weird mirrorverse Elrond
both FH and EXU: Calamity are really reminding me how much I love not just characters from a totally different genre in a fantasy setting but specifically pseudo-noir detective characters in a fantasy setting. Riz is handling this whole situation terribly and it’s hilarious
Gorgug has never got this worked up about anything, not even physical harm. He’s so mad because the elf talks weird.
giving a guy named Fathethriel a lisp is a truly cruel character choice
The Dangerous Mind of Aelwyn Abernant
“the boys are having a WEIRD day”
Aelwyn secretly trusting nobody but her sister to a) try and rescue her b) try and salvage her mind and c) be a good enough wizard to do it is incredibly sweet despite everything
Revelations & Revivifications
them just straight up forgetting Gilear for over an episode
Crustaceans & Crushes
Ayda just in general. She is SO intense I love her.
Everything she says to Fig is so sweet. Honestly just God tier compliments. And their interactions, despite all the legal paperwork involved, just feel so perfectly teenage drama without being cliché or condescending in any way
Observing the table during that whole scene is the BEST. Lou and Ally are so here for it. Delightful.
Also, when Ayda is giving her little speech about how she doesn’t get why Fig enjoys being other people because she is so exceptional as herself, the looks on everyone’s faces are so soft and I invite you to pay attention to the eyelines: Emily, Siobhan, and Ally all looking at Brennan (whose character is speaking), Lou and Murph looking at Emily (whose character is being spoken to), and Zac just... watching Murph watch his wife.
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The recurring bit about the increasingly absurd crustacean party cutting in and out of this heartfelt scene is excellent. Many bonus points for whatever Gorgug is doing (”I’m a little crab!”), Zac is being PEAK drunk himbo this entire time
Excellent character work with Murph’s drunken bit actually: Riz is having a full meltdown that starts with “I’m a small creature and shrimp are small creatures and we just kill them by accident this is fucked up” (Riz is working through all the racism he’s encountered), dips briefly into “No I’m not gonna kiss the shrimp, Kristen! it’s dead!” (Riz is getting very frustrated with how stuck everyone is on making out), and ends up at various versions of “Fig is dead” or “Fig has left us” (Riz is terrified everyone will lose interest in him and/or the friend group and leave) and finally “I’ve always been the shrimp and I really just wanted to be the crab king” (Riz can’t always tell if he’s being lovingly teased or bullied because he’s so anxiously protective of his friendships, also his self-esteem is Not Great). That is so clever and also how I’ve felt at SO many parties and also I’m genuinely wondering if this is where Brennan got his cues for the upcoming Baron scene now.
the cutest kissing scene. Big fan of Fig running (but not far) and Ayda calmly asking if that’s like, normal
When Fig comes back from her makeout sesh in the woods and is like “I’m... gonna go into the hot tub for a while” and everyone loses it at very tellingly different speeds and degrees except for Lou who stays in character by sheer force of will to start some more shrimp party lore
Brennan is so disappointed they’re all going for “What does the fox say” like that wasn’t BOUND to happen with this group
Gorgug being the only one who doesn’t speak any Elvish is still funny
also I love that he tinkers now. A true Thistlespring!
for once, Murph is the one to try and start shit by investigating Fig, and still gets immediately out-chaosed. Brennan watches in horror and despair. This whole dynamic is such a gift.
Kristen maintaining her cool under pressure but having a mild panic attack right after is very relateable, and honestly i’ve been in scary situations with friends and immediately dogpiling on the ground to calm down sounds like a very valid strategy
the Kalina mystery is SO COOL. Obsessed.
“The fucking research squad fronting one of the missions is so funny” it IS though. Everything from Riz being so hungover he’s fully failing at social interaction to Adaine being the world’s worst improptu liar but then somehow salvaging it and also trying to bail Riz out with “hey have you ever seen a frog this round”. them being so socially inept they pay over 20 gold just to get a room number out of a pretty chill barkeep
then they stumble onto a horrific crime scene and are both like “oh thank God. that’s better.”
Brennan forgetting to shut the jaunty background music off for the Se7en-style crime scene
“You explain to them sort of loosely how a cell tower works.” “Yes... of course...”
Adaine and Riz spending some non-horny non-emotional silent co-working quality time <3 I love them so much
Lou watching Siobhan and Murph work in awe is adorable. “Y’all are smart as hell, I’ve heard all the same information and synthesised NONE of the same conclusions.”
Also the contrast of this scene where they’re immediately picking up giant chunks of what Brennan is putting down and the scene with Gorgug where Brennan keeps being like “okay so we’d just need a satellite. A Satellite. So if we could somehow connect your phone to a satellite, if that was a thing that you had access to.... somehow.... if only you knew people who would maybe know about satellites....” is excellent comedy (though I have no idea who Brennan expected anyone to remember that minuscule detail, it rang the tiniest of bells with me at the third repeat and I’ve finished season one this week)
“Brennan, it seems like there’s some dice back there that you’ve been waiting to eat.” that is the most threatening tone Zac’s voice has ever taken
Brennan having to give that big info dump with a huge chunk of sharp-edged hard candy in his mouth
Brennan trying to get out of Siobhan rules-lawyering him “Because the Van cannot ambulate itself [it isn’t a sentient creature]” and getting hit with “that’s ableist”
“Oh, we’re cool with devils.” “Well, we’re not super cool with them.”
“A long time ago I stole a first aid kit, and Gilear got actually pretty mad at me for stealing the first aid kit. But, um, check this out, Gilear!” *brings Gilear back from the brink of death*
Ayda and Adaine! What a stellar combination, I love their dynamic
“If I don’t get to smell Fig’s hair again I will incinerate myself”
Daddies & Demons
“I might just not sleep.” “Noooo! You should definitely sleep! ...I mean if you want to stay up all night that’s also cool.” In which Emily worries about Murph’s PC not getting enough sleep? In the first circle of hell? And he looks so charmed by it
“I haven’t really been paying that much attention to the lore so I’m just gonna run this by you” oh that dynamic definitely checks out on every level
Riz getting bullied by his friend, the creature made from a drop of her blood, and a motorcycle for listening and knowing things, and immediately missing Adaine
i love how proud the players are of themselves whenever they do something that makes Brennan have to think about his own Shadow Cat mechanic
Fig “I am so closed off and hard to read” making a point of checking in with Riz about how weird it is they parade the picture of his dead father around the whole quest <3 she is so sweet. Also “no no it’s great, I like seeing my dad, he’s been gone a long time” ugh
I love that Riz falls for Kalina’s offer. It makes so much sense, he misses his father and clearly has *not* processed that shit, and yeah, he’s violently paranoid but he also needs to know things. And this isn’t endangering his friends, just him, so of course this boy and his nonexistant sense of self-preservation or self-worth are fully hooked THIS IS SO SAD
“frankly, bringing up the rune in this context would be homophobic”
when the girls all bring up the hot tub thing from earlier and none of the guys get it
“this dude is an informational sti”
“Hi Mister - Doctor - Professor - long time no - anyway.” I adore Siobhan
Brennan still being pissed that Aguefort dropped the two most important hints of season one in his speech in the first episode and nobody caught it
Fabian purports trickle down economics of course, and of course Brennan immediately jumps in fully out of character to argue with him
“Is this loud, do I hear this?” “Well, I’m gonna say no because right next to that there are thousands of screaming souls plunging into the abyss...”
why is the villain giving Riz a help action so scary
Riz impulsively hissing at people is my favourite new-ish thing
“We are in hell. But I trust that they will find me, if something goes wrong here.” ugh
“I will. I will.” ooooooh they’re out to get me this episode
“You’re special. You were born with me.” big yikes
“All for you, Riz.” “Please don’t say that!”
Riz, fully sobbing, holding out a demonic legal text: “See, solving clues helps! Solving mysteries helps!”
the fun thing about live games versus a fully pre-written thing is you can see the moving parts. Like Siobhan and Zac voice a few theories and you can see Brennan suddenly get very animated and busy while they’re talking. Uh oh.
Garthy and Adaine the Fish
Ayda and the group post kiss revelation are so heartwarming. “Life is significantly better around you all.”
“That is actually the first step in any first queer relationship. Just a blanket warning to all the world -” “Multiple worlds!” “Yes.”
the inexplicable and hilarious dynamic of two people who have been married for several years playing two very good friends where one is lying very badly to the other’s face and the other is deeply paranoid but also failed the roll to figure out the lie so he’s now convinced she’s telling the truth. It’s incredibly funny and they’re having a ball with it
Fig blowing the majority of her very tight character limit to be weird and cagey about her crush and then failing to communicate anything useful is peak teenage behaviour
“Is she king of like a weird shrimp party, is this some weird brag, or...?”
“We’re gonna call our principal here and... jump him?”
“She lies about being middle-aged women sometimes, maybe she’s lying about being okay!”
Gorgug giving the Agueforts impromptu and very deep family therapy??
“Don’t buy Gilear a panini press...”
“Hiss at her, litigator!” “Motion to hiss.”
“My legal advice is that this would be super rad.”
the Goldenrod
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omegasmileyface · 8 months
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 9
chapter 9.......... Authors: @ectolemonades, @attackradish, and me Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: none
words: 2227
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
next chapter
January 23, 2007
Tucker looked at the note again to avoid having to look at the stained concrete that made up every corner of the building. The yellow paper was smooth and almost white at the edge from his rubbing it, but the ink was still intact in the center.
"Really wanna help ghosts? Join the magic defense squad. Tuesday, 6 pm, 1042 Larch St."
It was the most goth piece of paper Paulina had ever handed him, but to be fair, it was also the only piece of paper Paulina had ever handed him.
Why not? Magic was real, he was fully familiar. It certainly could be used to help ghosts. And most damningly, if his classmates started trying to use it without someone like him there to watch them, things would get real weird, real fast.
Plus his mom nearly jumped for joy when he said he was staying out after school! So that's good.
And now, here he was, 45 minutes early to a high school cult meeting, with the freshly re-stolen scepter of Duul Aman in his backpack just in case, loathing every second of his day.
…Maybe 45 minutes was too much. He left his PlayFriend at home. Time to memorize the cracks in the floor.
The door opened and shut with more echo than the tiny building should have been capable of.
"Oh! Tucker?" Jazz Fenton entered with two entire bookbags and a clipboard.
"Woah, what are you doing here?"
"Aren't they doing that 'magic defense' thing here?"
Tucker frowned. "How do you know about that? I thought it was just between high school students."
"Some regulars at the Skulk 'n' Lurk are joining because they have experience with occult literature. Spike texted me because she figured I'd have some experience."
Jazz set her bags on the floor and laid out her jacket to sit on.
"…And do you?"
"Have experience?"
Jazz grunted. "I guess as much as ghost business can be considered magic. I've never done any spells or read any real magic books or anything, but… I don't know. I read a bit out of Showenhower's tomes back when I wanted to publish on him. Talk to Dora once in a blue moon."
"Well, Jasmine Fenton, we've reviewed your resume and found that you have at least three times as much relevant work experience as anybody else in Amity Park. You're hired!"
She snickered.
They fell into a calm silence.
Next time the door banged open, it was half an hour before the meeting and it came with the sound of Goth music on a speaker. "Oh, man, are we back to being at the center of everything that goes on around here?"
Tucker almost tore his invitation. "Oh my God, Sam!"
"Yeah, yeah. Hello again, Ghost Getters of Amity Park. Your hero is back, or whatever."
Along with a backpack as big as Tucker's little sister and her portable CD player, Sam was carrying a few folding chairs under her arm. She mercifully set some up.
Jazz stood to help. "Didn't you move away?"
"Well, yeah, but not because I wanted to. What about you, weren't you off in Pennsylvania?"
Jazz looked away. "Home seemed more important than college for a bit." 
Sam nodded. "Yeah, I could see that about now. But yeah, I got detention for trying to rekindle the pro-ghost movement on my first day—"
Tucker grimaced. "Oh, man, do they have Guys in White out there, too?"
Sam dropped her bag on the ground, and it sounded like there could have been a corpse in there.
"No, that's the weird thing! Let me finish. I was trying to get a good discussion going about ghost rights, right? And a couple kids were saying confidently that ghosts couldn't think, or whatever, but most of them just didn't care. Like, they'd never thought about it before. They just ignore the fact that this whole species is out there and nobody has decided whether they're allowed to exist or not."
"Huh," said Jazz. "I guess it would be easy to consider it none of your business if you don't see ghosts every day."
"So why'd you get in trouble?"
Sam grunted. "I guess because I wouldn't shut up even when people stopped listening. I thought it was relevant to the class, since we were talking about psychology, but the teacher didn't like it when I 'tried to stir things up'." Sam broke out the finger quotes and deep voice. She must have been pissed about it. "So, yeah!" She smiled wryly and crossed her arms. "In Littleriver, Michigan, they don't silence you for thinking ghosts are people, they silence you for thinking ghosts."
The room was silent as the teenagers contemplated this. At the heart of ghost activity in the living world, it was easy to not notice how the rest of the world was reacting to news.
"And yeah. I ran away a few days ago. Hit up some keepers I knew at the Skulk 'n' Lurk, I've been staying with them. Heard that somebody from the class wanted to use magic to help ghosts, came so I could maybe keep them from accidentally killing us all."
Tucker tapped the legs on his chair and listened to the ting! reverberate around the room. "Yep," he said into the silence. "That's pretty much why we're here, too."
Sam pulled out a book. "Well, then. Maybe we can even get them to do some good, if all three of us are here."
They didn't say anything else. Tucker couldn't force any more words out of his mouth. Do you forgive me? How are you doing? Can I forgive you? How's your grandma been? Do you understand why I never called? Did you know Lola's got a recital next week?
No. He was choking, and he figured Sam might have been, too.
Next time the door opened it was two minutes late, and came with the clamor of a quarter of a high school class and some extra goths.
Paulina quickly found the center of the room, never making eye contact with the three who were already there. "Alright, everyone! Set up a chair and gather your resources! We've got an agenda to set!"
Three days later, in the same grungy building, Jazz was perched over one of the Amity Park Public Library's myriad ominous unmarked hardcovers when something else crossed her mind.
"Has anybody heard from Valerie recently?" she asked. 
Sam and Tucker both paused in their research to realize that, no, they hadn't. Sam hadn't heard a lick since she moved. Valerie hadn't been at the Nasty Burger, either.
"Not since lunch last Friday," said Tucker.
Sam had to wonder what things had come to, that they could go so long without seeing one of their friends and not even notice.
"I asked to meet her on Wednesday so I could add her to the comm system," said Tucker. "She hasn't responded."
Jazz closed the tome and folded her knees up under her chin thoughtfully. "Do you think she—"
A shocked cheer came up from the other side of the room. Star was carefully holding up her laptop so Mikey and Dale could read something on it. Mikey looked like he was going to burst.
Sam climbed to her feet to look. "What is it?"
Star's eyes were wide. "The ghosts are standing up for themselves."
"Not only that!" Mikey grabbed the laptop to show Sam. "Phantom wrote the notice! He's some kind of ghost king!"
Sam stopped. He's what? Oh, God. Danny, what have you gotten up to without us there for you?
Jazz put a hand on her shoulder. She must have looked mad. She shook it off.
Tucker slid around her and grabbed Star's laptop. Sam tried to look while he read, but he twisted out of the way. Asshole.
After a few seconds, Tucker rubbed his hand over his mouth and inhaled. That was never a good sign. He only did that when he was trying to figure out how to process something without turning it into a joke.
"He's signed as 'High King of the Infinite Realms'. And some other stuff too. He's said that ghosts need a voice among the living, and if they don't get it they'll—"
His voice cracked.
"They'll go to war."
Holy shit. That didn't sound like Danny one little bit. Something was wrong.
Jazz bit her hand softly.
"Seems fair enough," said Kwan, who was stationed over a phonebook on "find people we can interview" duty. "We can't get their perspective if they don't get a chance to talk, and the government would have no clue what to expect from a military move if they, y'know, didn't say it."
"It's way too violent!" said Dale. "America's not gonna want to give 'em a stage if they come out swingin' like that. You're supposed to go in with, like, open peace if you want peace back. If you go in with threats everybody's gonna be scared of everybody else."
"Well…" said Monica, who was on plant use research. "We really didn't know anything about what ghosts are up to in the Zone. We didn't even know if they had a military— well, okay. We knew, 'cause we've seen it. But, like, the government hasn't seen it. And they already know what to expect when they're dealing with other countries. It is diplomatic to say 'hey, JSYK, here's what we're gonna do and how we're gonna do it if you don't like our terms."
"Isn't that pretty much mutually-insured destruction?" Brittany said.
"Assured?" Monica suggested.
"Yeah. Like, only keeping everybody from fighting because they'd all die if they did."
Tucker finally spoke up, shakily. "Well, he said they didn't want to. So that's gonna have to be good enough. We'll just have to hope they get a chance to talk."
Jazz was looking at Sam suspiciously. Probably expecting her to argue with someone. Well, Sam was still figuring out how she felt about this, and she didn't have classes with these people anymore, so who cared if she got involved in their debates or not?
"So Phantom became some kind of royalty since we last saw him?" Dash mumbled, looking up at the ceiling like it might have an answer.
"The High King!" Mikey said. "Whatever that means."
Ginny from Skulk 'n' Lurk joined in. "Could be like that guy who took over a couple years ago. He claimed to be a 'the' ghost king. Maybe Phantom took over from him."
"Or he was royalty the whole time!" said Paulina. "Could have been hiding it for some reason. Or avoiding it."
"Then how could the big viking guy be the ghost king, Pauli? Huh?"
"I don't know! It was just an idea, Jesus. Maybe they're related."
Sam finally shook herself off and dragged Jazz and Tucker outside while conversation shifted to whether it could have been a different "Phantom".
"He's in trouble."
"No duh, Sam."
Jazz tried to get under the eave to keep out of the snow. "Could he have been lying about the Ghost King thing?"
"God, probably not," said Tucker. He scuffed the gravel with his boot. "He's always getting into stuff that's too big to handle."
Sam regretted coming out here. It was fucking cold. "How long do you think that's been going on?"
Nobody had an answer.
"Well, obviously we've gotta help him," she said.
Jazz nodded. "As far as I can tell, though, all the portals are gone."
"Crap," said Tucker. "Does anybody have a way to get in touch with Wulf? Or… uh… any other ghost?"
"No, sorry."
"Well!" Sam clapped her hands. "We'll just have to put all this magic research to use, then."
They all came back inside to a truly riveting discussion about ghost surnames. Sam couldn't focus on her research for the rest of the evening.
Danny, why couldn't you stay safe, just this once?
Look at you, running away like this! Just like your mother and just like me. I knew you wouldn’t back down from the things you believe in. Hopefully your mother comes to her senses with all of this nonsense and realizes the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. I swear, that woman needs to take the stick out of her ass.
It was so silly of your parents to up and move, what with my condition and the roots our family has grown in Amity Park over the years. Your friends back home will be so happy to see you. I always liked having them around the house, and I know you’ll be safe with them. It’s impressive how smart you young ones are. Back in my day, ghosts were only in stories we told each other at night. I always believed in them a little more than that, though.
I hope this will remind you how loved you are and that at least one person in this family believes in you. You know I don’t have long left, bubbeleh. I may not get to see all the things you accomplish. I hope I don’t become a ghost, but if I do I’ll be by your side helping you win this fight. Don’t forget how much your grandma loves you.
May God bless and keep you, Grandma Ida
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nova-devlin · 2 years
Nova's Semester
I'm so sad they took the vampire diaries off of netflix. I finally paid for Netflix on the 2 and I saw that the last day to watch it was the 3rd. I was so mad. So I binge watched it for the entire day lol. This chapter is longer to make up for the wait and the last chapter since it was a bit short. Hope you like, please enjoy.  Grammar mistakes im sure 
Eventual: Elijah Mikaelson x OC, Niklaus Mikaelson x OC, Kol Mikaelson x OC, Rebekah Mikaelson x OC, Finn Mikaelson x OC
Ending: Mikaelson Family x OC
Words- 3726
Chapter 5
Nova was pissed, to put it shortly. She was ten minutes late to class because of Alaric. She didn't know when or how, but Mr. Mikaelson was already at the front of the class when she walked into the room. With this class being the last one of the days, it was usually used for reading, homework, etc. or talking to friends about schedules if the teacher was nice enough.  So, when she walked into the loud room, she figured he was the latter. More than a couple heads turned her way but none of them paid her any mind as she walked up to the teacher's desk. She had fully intended to get a late mark on her first day, so when she got to Mr. Mikaelsons desk to tell him she didn't have a late slip, all she got back was “That’s fine dear, I know you were talking with Mr. Saltzman, just pick a seat wherever and I’ll start attendance.” She gives him a tight-lipped smile and turns to scan the available seats in front of her. When she finally zeros in on the only open seat, she wants to rip her hair from her scalp. The only open seat left for her is one smack dab in the middle of the front row. Right in-between Rose Sampson and Arnold Copeland, the only desk in the room that sits directly in front of Mr. Mikaelsons desk. She couldn't even begin to explain the rage she was starting to feel.  It's like the universe was out to get her, for what reason she didn't know. First, she's ten minutes late for class because of Alaric, and the interrogation she seemingly just got, had already put her in a bad mood. Second, due to her being late she got the last pick for desks, hers just had to be in the middle of the front row. Third, she was sitting next to the two people she despised the most in her life besides her sister. 
If Regina George and Sharpay Evans had a child together and Rachel Berry raised said child, that child would be Rose Sampson. Rose was the ‘popular girl’ in Mystic Falls High. After Caroline Forbes graduated the top spot was finally open for the taking, that spot just happened to be filled by Rose when she won Miss Mystic two years in a row. She had Bleached blonde hair with dark roots, and blue eyes that looked like they could stare into your soul. Rose was the type of girl to act innocent in front of a teacher but the second their back is turned they become the biggest bitchiest monster you’ll ever meet. There have been multiple occasions when she herself was subjected to her and her “friend” groups games''. Like the time they had shoved her so hard into the lockers, she got one of the biggest bloodiest nose bleeds she had ever had. Or the time when they tripped her down a flight of stairs and she broke her wrist. When her sister was called to come get her, it didn't take much convincing for Elena to believe she had just fallen off her board. Or the time they snapped said board over a fire hydrant then threw the remaining pisces into the local pond nearby, she had to tell Elena it had been stolen. Nova never told anybody about what happened because it happened to so many other kids too, it was virtually impossible to tell on the “good girl” of the school. It also did not help that her father was the principal of the school, most of the students and teachers alike were scared of Scott Sampson. 
So to say she was feeling a little murderous at the moment was an understatement.  Having the guy who thinks he's in love with her and her bully sitting next to her for the rest of the year was the very last thing she wanted. Taking her seat in between the two she got very mixed reactions from both of them. Arnold's eyes widened and he sat up straighter and smiled, at least that's what she thought he was trying to do. His eyes were  extremely wide, comically so. With the thick glasses he wore it made him look like a bug. His smile looked strained and forced almost.  Rose made a face akin to disgust and hate she scoffed and turned her head. “Hi Nova!” Arnold says in excitement. She does her best to ignore him. “Isn't it awesome we get to sit next to each other all year, how great is that!” A part of her wants to snap at him, yell at him to leave her alone, but she doesn't. Instead she grabbed her headphones from her bag and gave him a shrug she has full intent to put them on when Mr. Mikaelson's voice broke through her concentration. “Nova Gilbert?” he says filling out his attendance “Present” she says back and he continues on to the next student. Rose’s shrill voice cuts through his voice to pitch in “You know what Arnold I totally agree, I'm so glad we get to sit together this year Nova, what are the chances.”  Her tone is mocking, condescending, paired with an evil smile and a devilish glint to her eyes. “I'm so glad you agree, this year is going to be the best year ever!” Nova ignores them both connecting her headphones to her phone and tuning everything and everyone out. Trying her best not to stare at the teacher in front of her. School was definitely not going to be amazing this year.
The time could not have gone by any slower. As the minutes tick by, the knot in her stomach starts to tighten again. She just wants it to stop, it's just pissing her off at this point. Soon she can hear the students of the classroom over the noise of her music. She yanks her headphones from her head and whips around to see what the commotion is. She sees everyone packing their things up, getting ready for the bell to ring. Calming slightly she starts to do the same she zips her bag and throws it over her shoulder. Standing the second the bell starts to ring, she only walks a couple steps before her foot collides with something solid. For the second time that day she eats shit and falls to the ground, this time face first smashing her forehead into the corner of the teachers metal desk. She can hear the collective gasp of the classroom before a few snickers start to pop up here and there. “Oh god Nova, are you ok?” She can only partly understand Arnolds question. Sitting up she blinks a couple times, eyes adjusting from the sudden altercation. When she looks up she sees Rose smiling behind her hand fake concern laced in her voice, as she brings her extended leg back under her desk “Oh my God Nova are you ok?” All she wants to do is cry, nothing that had happened that day had gone her way, even before she left the house she was destined to have  a bad day.
 She feels a hand on her right arm, and when she turns, she catches the alarmed face of Mr. Mikaelson “Honey are you alright?” before she gets to answer all the pain starts to come through all at once and she can feel the warm liquid running down her temple. Her answer is a simple groan as she brings her hand to her head. “Can you stand for me?” She hears Mr. Mikaelson ask. Very slowly she took his extended hand and he slowly raised her up “You should sit back down in your seat dear you might have concussion.” All she can do is follow his order and let him guide her to her seat. Everyone had left but a few people, some just wanted to make sure she was ok, Arnold of course stayed, and so did Rose and her gaggle of friends who all were half laughing, half straight faced trying not to blow their cover. “Mr.Mikaelson?” She spoke up,  pushing her chest forward, crossed her legs, and letting her skirt ride up on her thighs, even though a daze Nova couldn't believe the girl's audacity.  Her voice came out a high squeal in her ears. This was probably her way of trying to sound sexy. She didn't, she sounded like a dying chicken.”Yes, Ms Sampson?” “Do you want me to go get the nurse? I mean it's only fair she tripped over my backpack.” She says lying through her teeth. She flips her hair over her shoulder waiting for his answer. The one she gets is visibly not the one she wants. “First of all the desks are not meant to be sat on so please get off of it.” The look of shock on Rose's face makes her chuckle. She immediately regrets it as pain shoots through her head, she groans in response. Rose slides off the desk, and glares at Nova. Mr. Mikaelson turns to her and examines her forehead once more. Standing up he walks back to his desk  grabbing some tissues from the box on his desk. He turns and  addresses Rose again “Miss Sampson that would be a great idea please go fetch the nurse.” This was new. No teacher had the nerve to stand up to Rose. Rose looked surprised that he actually agreed with her, other teachers would have said something along the lines of “oh no need to worry your pretty little head someone else can do it.”  Rose walks out of the room with a pout on her lips and a glare fixated on her. Her head hurt so bad she didn't have the strength to care. “Nova, come on, I need you to stay awake.” Mr. Mikaelson tapped her arm a couple times to keep her grounded. She looked up at him and felt a slight pressure on her forehead, “Ooww, hey.” she whines.”Sorry.” he apologizes first “Yup, you definitely have a concussion.” he brings his hand away from  her forehead and she realizes he was wiping the blood off her forehead. He brings the tissues down from her head and walks to his desk to get some more when he stops in his tracks. With his back facing towards her she cant tell what he’s doing “Mr. Mikaelson?” he swiftly resumes his pace and throws the tissues away “Sorry, I get a bit weird around blood.” He grabs a couple more to replace the old ones and places them on the gash “Can you hold this here?” Reaching up slowly she grabs the tissues from him. She completely misses the tissues  and grabs the tips of his fingers instead. ‘Their freezing’ is all she thinks before he pulls his hands out from under hers to push himself to stand.
  When the nurse, a brunette woman named Molly Pattson, finally burst through the doors wheeling something in front of her, she looked a little panicked. Rose walks in behind her with a sinister smile on her face. When she finally focuses on what the nurse has in front of her she realizes it's a wheelchair. “You have got to be kidding me.” she says under her breath. Mr. Mikaelson chuckled before walking over to the nurse and explaining the situation to her. Soon she was transferred from her desk to the wheel chair all the while keeping pressure on the gash on her forehead.  As Nova was being rolled down the halls she couldn't be happier that school was over. All the kids that had stayed had eventually left when she was wheeled out of the classroom. Mr. Mikaelson had to kindly force Arnold to the buses and Rose squawked a goodbye at her “Hope you get better, ok?” she giggles and wiggles her fingers at Mr. Miklaelson. He didn't seem to pay her any attention and focused on getting her to the nurses office. “Goodbye Mr. Mikaelson, see you tomorrow.” he spares her a glance and a brief smile “Have a good day Ms. Sampson.” Her lips turn into a sultry smile as she winks. She finally turns around and skips off to the buses leaving just her, Mr. Mikaelson and Ms. Pattson behind.  Mr. Mikaelson was walking beside her as the nurse pushed her. Ms.Pattson kept asking her various questions to keep her aware of her surroundings. She vaguely remembers being wheeled into the nurses room and transferred to one of the beds. As she lies there she can feel the tissues be removed from her head and be replaced by a damp washcloth. She shuffles in her spot and heaves a sigh, she looks to her left as she  feels the end of her cot dip. “Are you ok hun?”  Ms. Pattson asks, stroking her leg waiting for her answer. “I feel ok,   my head hurts,     alot.” she said, pausing slightly in between each answer. “I bet.” the nurse chuckled “The good news is you wont need stitches or a trip to the ER.”   Nova feels herself deflate a little, letting go of the air she didn't realize she was holding. She was glad she didn't have to go to the ER; she just wasn't ready to hear the bad news. “And the bad news?” she asked “Well it's not bad new per say its just going to leave a tiny scar on your forehead, and you have a mild concussion.'' She's glad that's all  that happened. “Oh, ok that's better than getting stitches I guess.” she says with a giggle. “Yes I guess it is.” The nurse gives her one last pat on the knee before standing up to check her head again. She removes the wash cloth and starts to clean and bandage her head. Once she was done she let her know that Elena had been contacted and would be on her way. Dread filled her bones and it made them ache. She didn't want to deal with Elena, all she would do is complain about how clumsy she was, and yell at her for messing up everyone else's day. “Where’s Mr.Mikaelson?” Nova asked. The nurse lets out a bark of laughter. “He looked a little green, I think blood may freak him out a little, he left as soon as he knew you would be ok.”  She smiles and hands Nova an ice pack. “Here keep this on your head.” The rest of her time was spent laying in the cot waiting for her sister to eventually arrive.  
She thinks about ten minutes go by before she can hear an exchange between the nurse and someone, who she assumes is her sister. She waits a little longer expecting to hear her sister walk into the room but after a few minutes of silence she’s assuming it wasn't her . She finally decided  to check with the nurse herself. Sitting up she had to fight off some dizziness and pain before she stood up and made her way towards the door. Standing in the doorway she sees the nurse sitting in her chair and Alaric standing a few feet away right in front of the printer. Her mind puts two and two together and realizes the person she heard conversing with the nurse earlier was him. 
She was conflicted; she didn't know if she should go lay back down and wait for Alaric to leave or talk to the Nurse now and Alert him of her presence. Unfortunately she didn't get to make that decision for herself, Alaric had finished up what he was doing and was turning to leave when he spotted her. He smiled at her at first before he noticed the bandage on her head and remembered the fact that it was after school hours. “Nova? What on earth happened? Are you ok?” He questioned. The nurse turns and quickly stands from her chair ushering her back to her cot. “Honey you shouldnt be up and about you need rest.” she gives a sheepish smile “Sorry I just wanted to ask when my sister will be here.” The Nurse stands back up and looks at the clock “She said in about fifteen to thirty minutes.” Nova let out a huf of laughter, she thought it was funny, they didn't live more than ten minutes away from school. “Ok, thank you.” the nurse turns to leave and is met with a very distraught Alaric “Is she ok? What happened? How did this happen?” The nurse puts her hands up and tries to calm him “She’s perfectly fine Mr. Saltzman. She has a mild concussion and a small gash on her head but otherwise she’s as fit as a fiddle.”  Alaric can't believe what he’s hearing. “That doesn't really sound fine to me Molly.” He retorts back. “Well how about you go to school for a medical degree in nursing then come back to me and tell me if she’s not going to be ok, she’ll live Alaric.” she says. She walked around him and out the door back to her desk to continue whatever they had interrupted her from.
 The second she was out of the room Alaric had sat down on the cot next to her. “How did this happen? Are you ok?” letting out a yawn as she nods her head as much as it will allow. “I’m ok, I’m just clumsy.” she laughs. He’s not buying it or laughing. “What happened Nov?” he asks again in a softer voice.  She laughs once again “When I was getting ready to leave I tripped over someone's backpack and slammed my head on the corner of Mr. Mikaelson’s desk.”  The explanation gave the opposite effect she wanted. Instead of calming him, he became frantic, just like this morning. “Nova, are you sure that's what happened?” She had no clue where all this suspicion was suddenly coming from; she just wanted to be left alone. “Yes, Alaric I’m pretty sure I would know how I gave myself an injury:”  He doesn't say much after that, just a few questions mainly about when Elena would be arriving. Relaying the same information she was given by the nurse Alaric decided he was going to stay and wait for Elena to show up. 
Another ten minutes go by, and she still isn't there.  Nova isn't too surprised it's not the first time Elena had ignored her needs for her own. Alaric on the other hand seemed to be having a meltdown that she wasn't there yet. With all the fidgeting and pacing Alaric finally decided to call Elena himself. He stood up and excused himself from the room. It only took two rings before she picks up, he starts the conversation immediately asking where she is and that's all she can hear before he walks away from earshot. She can only hear bits and piece of their conversation
“Elena this could be bad”
“I don't know”
“I thought Finn and Klaus”
“She’s ok”
“You need to get here now”
“I’ll talk to her”
When he walks back into the open, she has to pretend she wasn't listening, so she holds the ice pack to her head and slings her arms over her eyes. “Hey Nova?”  she hears him ask “What’s up?” she says as she sits up once again to face him. “Well first Elena’s going to be here in five minutes.” She takes a deep breath and nods her head. “Ok.”” Second, I think you should switch homeroom teachers.” She couldn't believe what she was hearing. “What, why?’ she asked, her eyebrows furrowed, and she scoffed at the suggestion. “I just think it's in your best interest, I just don't think you're safe.” she was floored, astounded she couldn't even speak.  “Safe.” she repeats “Yes, the man that teaches your class only brings bad luck, he’s a bad man Nova you need to stay away from him.” she blinks, once. Twice, and once more before she burst out laughing, “Are you kidding me? Are you going to tell me someone is a bad person because I happened to hurt myself in their classroom?” “No Nova I know this man, I've met him before he’s bad, you need to stay away.” At this point her head was pounding; everything that was going on was making her head spin. Alaric suddenly grabbed her wrist and took off the bracelet around it. She had received the bracelet from Stefan as a Christmas gift three years ago, he told her she was to never take it off no matter what, she thought the request was funny, so she humored him and wore it all the time. Soon it just became a part of her everyday life, and she never went anywhere without it. So, when Alaric yanked it from her wrist, she was starting to get extremely angry. “What the hell-” “Look at me.” he says looking into her eyes. She does what she’s told and waits for his explanation to his sudden rudeness. “You think changing classes is a great idea, it’s the only thing you want to do.” He lets go of her arms and places her bracelet back on her wrist and takes a step back. “Maybe you're right, it does seem like a good idea,'' she says. She lays back down and places the ice pack on her head once more. “Maybe there's something we can do later.” she yawns trying to keep her eyes open. “Yeah.” he replies, taking a deep breath and cursing the fact that Elena has not been there sooner. 
@liar-or-lawyer @jennyamanda8
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terapsina · 1 year
Too Little Too Late - Graylora Fic
- ao3 -
She didn't speak in anything but single-word sentences since leaving Immemorial City. Crossing the Shattered Sea didn't take nearly as long in the other direction though so her friends had mostly left her alone. Knowing without needing to be told that she needed solitude.
Once they were back on dry land however she knew her time was running out. She sat on the beach, staring at the horizon hiding the city which had torn open her chest and stolen something precious, something that had taken root so recently she hadn't been ready to see it. And yet losing it had made her see what had been ripped from her.
Airk sat down beside her and Elora felt a knot forming at the back of her throat.
She'd gone through so much to find him. To get him back. And yet now she could barely look at him. Looking at him just reminded her of the gentle understanding on Graydon's face when he'd given her his already broken heart, expecting nothing from Elora, just wanting her to know that he loved her.
"So," Airk said, awkwardly trying to open the conversation Elora had hoped to avoid for a while longer.
She pulled her knees closer to her chest. Her eyes were on the water straight ahead, burning as she stubbornly refused to close them. If she started blinking then the tears she could feel fighting for escape would fall. And if they started, she wasn't certain she'd ever be able to stop them.
She was Elora Danan, there was an entire world depending on her to protect it; she couldn't afford to break.
"What?" Her voice was exhausted.
"I've missed a lot. I thought we should probably talk about it." Airk's voice was kind and gentle, the voice of the boy she'd loved with everything in her. No trace of the slick smugness that had possessed it when he'd been under the influence of the Crone and the Wyrm.
He was Airk again.
Guiltily she almost wished that wasn't the case. It would have been easier to abandon the dream she'd been telling herself if the Airk she'd loved was still gone. The dream where she was his Dove, the world was simple and without complications and she was a baker who ran off to elope with the prince.
She wasn't Dove anymore though.
And she'd already seen the cracks in that dream. She remembered who her eyes had strayed to as she'd walked down the aisle - remembered the waver that had gone through her even before the pretty lie had broken fully.
Now she imagined what it would be like to marry Airk for real and felt only numb.
Maybe if Graydon hadn't- maybe if she'd managed to touch her magic fully before she'd watched him pick up Cherlindrea's wand so that he could take Elora's place in the battle she'd already nearly lost; before she'd seen him be torn apart into gruesome mist and agony had joined fury - when her need to make the Crone suffer smashed through that last mental wall which had been holding her back. Maybe if Graydon had lived to return to-
But then she imagined Graydon watching her marry Airk for real and the numbness was replaced by something sharp slicing a line over her heart.
He'd have smiled at her. His eyes would have been soft and his pain would have been hidden out of Elora's sight. She imagined that world and wanted to scream.
More than anything, Elora wanted to go back to that exhaustive endless travel across the Shattered Sea, where they'd spent hours, days, maybe weeks honing their magic for the fight ahead. To the charged feeling of his magic washing over her own as it clashed against her shield.
To the sound of his laugh when she slipped and fell fully into the water. The sensation of his hand sliding in place to embrace her wrist as he helped her back onto her feet.
She wanted the feeling of Graydon's eyes meeting Elora's, the quiet awe he'd never quite hidden and she'd never quite failed to see. To feel like she could actually save everyone - keep everyone safe - because Graydon's faith in her calmed the terror that washed over her in increasing waves.
"D- Elora?" Airk stumbled over her name and she startled in place at being pulled back into reality.
"Yeah?" she asked, voice hoarse from lack of use.
"You haven't looked at me since we left the city." There was a trace of hurt in his voice and Elora's chest twinged with guilt. "Is it for how I acted when-"
"No," she said.
"Okay," he nodded, uncertainly "but then why-"
"I can't be with you Airk."
Out of the corner of her eye, Elora saw him still and finally forced herself to turn her head to face him. He deserved that much at least. In truth he deserved far more, she had promised him her heart after all.
But the promise had come from a girl who later, during one of Willow's lessons, couldn't find anything other than his kindness toward her as a reason for her love. Her feelings might have been real, but the pillars they stood on had proven to be less than stable.
Or maybe it was just that the girl who'd loved him wasn't the same person she'd become. It wasn't just her name that had changed.
"Is this about..." here he halted and then visibly switched his chosen words, avoiding using the name that he'd clearly for the past few days seen making Elora flinch as if burned every time she heard it "the flute Boorman gave you?"
Her eyes closed and her hand slid into her pocket to clench around Graydon's magical focus; the flute was warm in her palm, and she could nearly feel the purple magic she'd been beginning to know almost as well as her own - nearly feel him, as if he was still alive; as if all that separated Elora from him was a pane of glass.
"Did you love him?" Airk's voice wasn't angry, more resigned than anything. If she hadn't suspected that it would set off the tears she might have smiled at the irony, she'd been hurting Graydon for weeks only to hurt Airk now.
"No," she said and opened her eyes again, "I do love him."
And more than anything, she wished she'd known this in time to be able to tell that to Graydon.
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Ahhhhh ok ok ok ok
Billy thinking how he actually likes max, and she isn't half as bad as he thought? How he actually likes all the kids but would sooner kill the Camaro than say it out loud?
Sweet and hilarious. It felt so right. Like if he was allowed that kind of growth in the show, it's actually something he would think. Your characterization is always my favorite.
The entire Valentine's day scene? Mike trying his hardest to look cute for el? Everyone being done with it? "I am a human child"? Three minutes? The growth it shows for Billy to coach Lucas?
All amazing.
The game? Billy's cheering section? Steve meeting Neil? The building tension? Crushing the bastard's hand?
Chef's kiss.
Max calling Steve frantic, "it's bad, you have to help him," after months of peace?
Steve bringing Jonathan for reinforcement, "I don't know yet"?
Billy "I would literally rather die than admit I'm even a tiny bit fond of you" Hargrove for the win. The best part is, he's actually terrible at pretending he doesn't like the kids. He drives them around. Buys them shit. Showboats for them during the games. Like, oh yeah he DEFINITELY is just mean and scary and they should run for their lives. Absolutely.
Mike! With curlers in his hair and mascara on his lashes to look good for El! Don't get me wrong, homeboy's been pissy since day one, but that doesn't mean I don't adore him lol
Billy meeting El has been planned out basically since the beginning. I very much wanted him trying to be nice to this random little girl right off the bat, just "oh hey you must be one of the cubs, i don't know you yet" and then season two el who was still pretty weird "i am a human child". It's such an offputting statement lolol what do you even say to that?!
Neil and Steve meeting-- I actually redid the last five chapters of Risk just a few weeks ago, and when I was redoing them I realized that the...level of intensity? this fic has had so far meant that the original Neil-incident needed to be escalated. Everything about this version of BillySteve is intense, from the way they met and bonded to the struggle just to accept each other and the desperation in the stolen moments they can find-- so in keeping with that pacing, I couldn't just have the Neil thing brought up and resolved calmly all in one chapter. And I kept coming back to how Steve had quite literally threatened to rip Billy's throat out over his behavior to the kids and the same line that Steve asks billy in this chapter kept going through my mind-- if he was willing to do that for the kids, what the hell would he do to someone who hurts his mate?? And I knew I had to amp it all wayyyyy up to balance the 'allowing himself to be soft and submissive' Steve with that Steve we KNOW is fully capable of handling Billy and all of Billy's issues.
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knightofatlantis · 1 year
im scared;
we've been together so long i don't know what my life would look like without you
we planned our entire futures around each other
it feels like you don't care;
im always the one to come running back, you never make time for me
just stolen glances we don't even get to share
enlighten me my dear;
what can i do to make this better
why do you act like you don't know me
why am i still here;
ive tried to leave this life behind but i can never go through with it
not fully at least
i don't want to
i don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you made;
i always follow you, do whatever you say
you say jump, i say how high
you say no, i never ask why
you leave me for someone new and im tossed to the side
but why?
what did i do wrong
why am i being tossed to the side like a broken toy
am i no longer good enough for you?
in the back of my mind/ you died;
you left my life
suddenly such a big part of me was gone
ripped from my heart
leaving me a half of who i felt i should be
and i didn't even cry;
that's a lie
i cried for weeks
maybe months
it hurt so fucking much
with you gone from my life
no, not a single tear;
yeah not a single tear
enough to fill an ocean
every night in the dark they would come rushing outleaving a flood behind
and im sick of waiting patiently for/someone who won't even arrive;
it's always be running back to you
waiting for forgiveness
you're never coming back to me
yet here i am
still waiting
in the back of my mind/ i killed you;
i made myself forget
so that you were never there
maybe it wouldn't hurt so much
if i couldn't remember
and i didn't even regret it;
it might be better this way
i know it
we might just be better off apart
i can't believe i said it;
so much was said
half i don't even remember
but it's true/ i hate you;
i want to forget you
i really do
i hate how much control you have over me
how i don't know what to do without you
but you obviously know what to do without me
in the back of my mind
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bbbrianjones · 1 year
Hi emmi I hope you're having a good day!! <3
Can I get a ranking of songs from Born Sandy Devotional please?
cara, you have literally made my entire day, my entire week, fuck it, you've probably made my entire life by asking this question! can i just say, this album is absolutely a no-skips album - every single song deserves to be number one because they are seriously no flops. david mccomb, you wonderful man, i can’t believe you’ve done this! anyway let’s get down to business <3
10. stolen property i feel bad for this song because i haven’t given this song a real good listen mostly because i, a simpleton, can’t really get into a song that goes for longer than five minutes. and this song is 6:47. rip. i am a product of my time i know but i am sure once i listen to this song fully in the proper mood i will be in love with it. i mean it’s one of steve kilbey’s favourite songs and i’d trust that man with my life when it comes to music!
9. chicken killer
i do really like this song, it’s a pretty goofy song. i’m sure if you look closely at the lyrics there are plenty of references to love and literature that i am too blind to see. i’d like to imagine this is one of those songs where if i pick at it i can notice small things which to be fair is the real joy of music. being able to notice those things you wouldn’t normally see and create something from them.
8. lonely stretch
again i really do like this song! there is a real riders on the storm by the doors vibe to this song but it has been completely flipped on its head. it feels like you’re driving out and you take a wrong turn and the dread and worry and anxiety just builds up throughout the song as you slowly descend into madness along the highway. this is the reason i feel like dave gets a lot of credit for being a fantasic songwriter, you can imagine yourself just feeling lost with this song - not even in a geographic sense but in a ‘what am i suppose to do now with my life?’ sense.
7. life of crime the dark and foreboding sense in this song, the imagery through both the lyrics and music is incredible. i love the slight western feel to has to it, if that makes sense?? david's voice is commanding and masterful, he almost becomes a preacher and you almost gets a sense of what his voice was capable of in later albums. 
6. personal things that organ and bass line hook playing that almost carnival/carousel waltz just grabs you and refuses to let go. again the sotry this song tells, he listed off items that his former lover owned, he described such small almost insignificant details such as what colours she wore but he teases the listener but not relieving all of the colours. why??? why would not tell us the colours?? again it’s the way that david pulls the listener in as you realise what this song is about, the breakup of a relationship that he doesn’t want to break up. it’s so conflicting which i think is the reason it’s so good
5. tarrilup bridge yeah yeah baby!!!! jill birt coming in to save the day!!! i am so glad david got her to sing this song because her voice almost becomes a part of the song and world he has created. she is literally the character of this woman i love the story this song has, it could almost be told as a ghost story! it reminds me a lot of early kate bush such as wuthering heights or hammer horror with these ghostly figures and disembodied voices telling these spooky stories about themselves. it sends shivers down my spine, especially towards the end how the disembodied voice just repeats ‘and i drove off the edge of the tarrilup bridge’… just so haunting ! it’s like the ghost of this woman just slowly pulling you down to the underworld!!!
4. estuary bed i have a soft spot for this song because it does remind me very much of my home town which was very coastal and that feeling of walking home. again i hear this song and i am transported into a world, either my own or david’s. all the credit to mister mcomb here, he has such a way of creating an atmosphere in a song. it just takes you back to those carefree days walking in the blistering sun and creates a landscape that you can picture so vividly.
3. the seabirds this song is a masterpiece. i almost hate it that it is third because it is more than just that. it’s more than it will ever be. all the elements add something to this song to create, for me, an overwhelming sense of sadness. that guitar just causes such an ache in my chest that i almost feel like going to explode.i think the lines ‘she said "what's the matter now, lover boy, has the cat run off with your tongue? // are you drinking to get maudlin or drinking to get numb?"’ are some of the greatest lyrics ever written, and i hope david is proud of himself for those. speaking of lyrics i almost can’t listen to the lyrics of this song because if i focus too much on them i kinda get emotional??? in the end, this man has died and he’s so wrecked that even the sea birds refuse to come and eat him - and then he turns on us as the listener asking where were we? why weren’t we there to stop the suffering?. this song is a tragedy and that is the beauty of it.
2. wide open road here we go lads. i mean this song,,,, what can i say about this song? it’s honestly one of the best songs written, dare i say it’s the best song ever written. it is such a simple song but that is where it’s so complicated. the way that david has created this world about the breakdown of this relationship while creating a landscape through words is a little short of amazing. i mean ‘i wake up in the morning thinking i’m still y your side // i reach out just to touch you, then i realise it’s a wide open road….” just jesus fucking christ. you’re causing me serious pain here david!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s just so brutally honest, in both the emotions and vulnerability he shows but also the anger and hurt - “i drove out over the flatlines // hunting down you and him’. also that petal steel mixed in with that drum machine to create the space atmosphere again just perfect. you can not record this song in any other way, you just would not get the full meaning of it - everything in this song is perfect and shouldn’t be touched. there is a reason this song deserves all the hype in the world it gets, it’s just beautiful, and it’s well done.
1. tender is the night (the long fidelity) the perfect end to the perfect album <3 i totally get why people see this song as one about mr mcomb himself. whether that was the intention or not, i don’t know but i find it very hard to hear this song without thinking about him. again everything about this song is perfect and if you were the remove even the slightest bit from it just would not be the same song or make the same impact this song does. i just adore the line "where you are it will just be getting light", as graham lee said poetically “an amazing way to in so few words say you’re not here and i miss you”, which you can see in so many different ways and that is the wonderful part about music. also the part ‘he never asks after her anymore, he made a point of losing her address // and every trinket that she ever touched he keeps locked away and just burns up in the furnace of his chest” is so fucking beautiful, and anyone who has been in love can relate which is the most heartbreaking part about it. all the lyrics are just a goldfield of emotion and heartache, plus with the music and that petal steel mixed with jill’s sweet voice creates for a perfect cry fest </3 thank you so much david for all the work you left us, you make it feel like everything is ok.
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z-iridest · 1 year
Quest of the Phoenixborn- An MHA Fantasy AU fanfic
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Chapter 1- Revelry in the Dark:
Now, my reader, this story does not begin the way you'd expect. Instead of starting in the royal city of Endylon, or near it, our story begins in the dark kingdom of Khazadum. I know what you're thinking: Isn't this the dark kingdom from before? Isn't this kingdom's ruler responsible for the fall of Embermore? That is true, however, our hero wasn't raised... Well, as a hero. For you see, 15 years prior, a baby had been born, sired by the only remaining member of Embermore's royal family: Princess Akaida. But, the child's father, had been the Demon King in disguise. Much like the Ancient Grecian King of the Gods, Zeus, had done many times before, the Demon King had disguised himself in a mortal body to create an heir to his dark throne. But unlike the King of the Gods, the Demon King had a dark purpose for this heir. His heir, with proper teaching, would continue his treachery. His heir was to be a shell, a vessel for him to continue his cruelty. As a newborn, this heir was ripped from her mother, stolen away and taken to Khazadum. It was there that our hero grew, half demon, and told that her mother had abandoned her due to her half demon appearance. With eyes like rubies, mid back length, jet black hair with tips blood red in color, massive bat-like wings and a demon form so massive it nearly rivaled her father's, all in Khazadum knew to fear the young princess or die. But... Very few knew that the child was not what her father had wanted her to be. Instead of cruelty, the child showed kindness that those in Khazadum had never known... And many a time, it had angered her father. Many a time, the princess had been forced into her demon form so that her father's rage may fully punish her. In fact, it had happened so often, that the child became disfigured by her demon form. The leather of her wings gained holes, scars littered her entire body, the worst of which covered the left side of her face from her hair line, across her left eye, and to her jaw. Talons grew instead of nails, and scarlet gold feathers stuck up unnaturally in her hair. Though she had been told that she was a curse, a monster... Princess Hinotori remained curious about the world outside of Khazadum. She longed to see the world, though her cruel father forbade such a thing...
But, we wouldn't have our story if she'd obeyed...
Hinotori approached the window of her dark, lonely tower, able to see the day's first light breaking over the horizon just beyond the borders of Khazadum. Curled up next to the window was a jet black dragon, a whelpling that served as Hinotori's only companion. Hinotori giggled softly as the little one stretched its body and wings. "Good morning. Do you think today might be the day? Are you ready to try flying?" She asked. The little dragon crawled into her waiting hands, chirping in a manner that told her the answer. Her smile dropped for a mere moment. "Are you sure? It's definitely going to be a good day to try. If I picked a day to try flying for the first time, this would be it. Endylon is having a ball in a few days in honor of the young prince's birthday. It could be fun!" Hinotori had only heard from patrolling demons about the annual party in the royal city of Endylon, and while they went on and on about how disgusting the celebrations were, it couldn't sound more fun to the princess. As she described the events to the whelpling, she noticed that the whelpling dragon flapped its wings harder and harder, straining as it lifted off of her hands and into the air. Hinotori giggled mid explanation and showed the whelpling her hands before laughing again and catching the little dragon as it landed again. It chirped at her, as if asking for her to go with it. She shook her head. "As much as I desire to go, I can't. Father would be more furious if I ever left my tower, let alone the kingdom." Hinotori stopped, sighing. "Although... It would be fun just to have at least one night with no responsibilities hanging over my head...." Shadow chirped again before a knock sounded. "Come in." Hinotori answered the knock, turning as it opened and a woman stepped through.
"My lady, if it's only one night you require, why let your father stop you?" It was the dark witch, Plasmia, although Hinotori knew her simply by a different name:
"You know why, Chizuki. He'd burn down the world if I ran away from home and hid." She replied. Plasmia snorted in retort.
"He'd do that anyway, regardless if he was looking for you or not. You've done nothing but follow his every word since you were young, you deserve this chance." Plasmia told her.
"And why would you help me with this?"
"Hey, believe it or not, even witches like me aren't all bad. Besides, life isn't a spectator sport. You'll watch your life go right by without you if watching is all you're gonna do."
"You've got a point, but he'd never let me out of the tower, even if I asked."
"And who said you have to ask? You sneak out, have fun and sneak back in. He'd never know you were gone."
"One of the demon scouts would recognize me."
"Not if you wear a disguise."
"What if I got caught?"
"Better to ask forgiveness than permission, little princess." Plasmia pointed out, the princess hesitating for a moment.
"No one wants to stay couped up here forever, little bird."
"You know what... You're right. I'll get cleaned up, walk down the tower steps, and through the doors and-"
"What're you blabbering about now?" Hinotori jumped at the voice and froze when she saw the captain of the guard glaring coldly at her from the door she'd just opened, his fist raised as if he was about to knock. While he had magic that could decay anything he touched with all five of his fingers, Tomura Shigaraki had been charged with protecting Hinotori's well being until she was of age to take the dark throne. "Don't tell me you're still going on and on about going outside. It's that little whelpling, I knew I should've dusted it when I had the chance..."
"Leave Shadow alone, you know he's my friend." Hinotori barked, her eyes glowing red and her hair turning to flames, only to shrink when a dark presence entered the room. Her father was right behind Tomura. Plasmia dropped to a bow, forced to do nothing but listen as the Demon King spoke to his daughter through a dark shroud.
"You will listen to Tomura, daughter. You have no idea how cruel and wicked the outside world is. That is why darkness must cover this world." Her father's voice spoke from the silhouette.
"There's not really a point in my taking the throne unless I at least meet the people I'm supposed to be ruling over, is there?" Hinotori asked, her gaze locked on the ground below her. "Besides, you let other demons patrol outside our kingdom, why can't I-"
"Most of the demons I send out never come back, cut out of the sky by the very people you are curious of. I am trying to protect you, foolish child. Do you know what will happen if the people outside our kingdom see you like that?" The shadowed figure pointed to Hinotori's looks, reminding her of the toll her half demon form was taking over her. Hinotori hugged herself out of instinct. "You would be shunned, a demon's child could never fit in among the others. They would kill you if they knew what you truly were... In darkness you were born, in darkness you shall remain. Not even your own mother wanted you, and this is the thanks I get for raising you?"
"A spell of disguise would fix my appearance..."
"Hannya!" Hinotori flinched at her father's use of her demon name. She hated the name, but it was the one he used whether she liked it or not. "You are to never speak about the outside world again." After a moment, Hinotori spoke softly.
"Yes, Father... I'm sorry." Hinotori apologized.
"You are forgiven, my daughter. Remember, this tower is your sanctuary." The Demon King replied before leaving the room, Tomura following suit without a second glance to the younger princess.
"My sanctuary..." Hinotori looked out her window. "Yes, I'm safe here... But, at what cost? I don't fit in with the people I was born among... It feels more like I'm imprisoned rather than I was born to rule this kingdom like I'm told is my purpose." Hinotori looked at the little dragon. Shadow chirped at her, nuzzling into her hand. The action made the princess smile as she pet the whelpling. "All I need is one night. If I have to spend the rest of my life couped up in this castle in exchange, I'd gladly take it." A clinging came to the princess's ears. When she turned, a gold amulet was in the witch's hand.
"This will disguise you. No one will be able to sense you as half demon unless the amulet gets ripped off... Not even your father would know it's you." Plasmia told her before placing the amulet around the princess's neck. Instantaneously, the dark haired, ruby eyed child was transformed into a young woman with scarlet gold locks, golden eyes and when she let out her wings, they were no longer the leathery wings she knew. The wings were feathered, the color of the feathers the same scarlet gold as her hair. In place of her talons were human hands and feet, the rest of her body having no scarring. A soft gasp left her when she caught sight of her reflection. Plasmia smiled. "When you wear this amulet, you're not linger Hannya the half demon Princess of Khazadum. You are merely Hinotori. Best leave this evening if you want to make it to the royal city in time."
"You're not coming?" Hinotori asked her. Plasmia shook her head.
"It's best if you leave alone. I have duties here, if I leave suddenly with no explanation, it'll look suspicious." Plasmia explained. Hinotori removed the amulet for the time being, nodding.
"I understand, thank you, Chizuki." Hinotori responded, getting a nod in return. That night, the two women met up again, this time, just outside the tower door. Chizuki fastened a cloak around the younger girl before giving the girl a satchel.
"There's a fresh change of clothes in there and gold in case you need it. Should be enough for the time it'll take to get there... If need be, you can always hunt for food. Make sure you stock up on potions the moment you get into a town and please be wary of strangers. Not everyone will be kind outside of Khazadum." Plasmia told her. Hinotori covered a giggle.
"It's not like you to fret over me like a mother hen, Chizuki." She teased, making the female go bright red.
"Oh, hush." Came Plasmia's embarrassed response, making the younger girl giggle even more.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing. You're the closest thing to a sister I have." Hinotori told her.
"I just want you back safe and sound so my ass doesn't get tortured in eternity or something. Safe travel, Hinotori." Plasmia told her, her arms crossed over her chest. The sound of boots echoing through the hall cut off what Hinotori was going to say next. Swaggering through the halls toward the two women was the turquoise eyed, black haired bandit that held what was left of Plasmia's heart... Dabi. His face held its own scars, and it had been Dabi who had tended to the younger child's scars when she first gained them. Chizuki hid Hinotori in the shadows.
"Where's little bird?" Dabi asked Plasmia.
"Asleep in her tower, where else would she be?" Plasmia sassed back. A dark chuckle rumbled through his chest, pulling the woman he loved close to his chest.
"Just makin' sure, doll. Don't want ya to lose that pretty head." Dabi eased her, pressing kisses down her face and neck.
"Dabi, not now. I'm supposed to be guarding her." Plasmia squeaked, smacking him across the chest and causing him to laugh. Ignoring the rest of the conversation, our hero set out, determined to break free of the chains her father had on her.
With careful, but quick steps, the Princess of Darkness moved silently through the night, determined to reach the edge of the only home she'd ever known, unseen by her people. Before long, she reached the wall that separated the Demon Kingdom from the rest of the world. With the amulet around her neck keeping her disguised, the half demon princess jumped from the wall. Gravity brought her to the Dark Wood's Forrest floor below, her hood falling as she rolled. Springing to her feet, she dusted herself off and began to run, the cape flowing behind her as she did so. A smile crossed her face at the cold evening breeze that blew on her face, the girl looking up to watch the moonlight dance between the trees. Once she was far enough, she slowed to a walk, drinking from the flask of water provided for her. She had a lot of distance to close if she was to make it to the royal city in time... As soon as the young girl cleared the border of Khazadum, she made camp for herself, taking a rest, but upon sunrise the next morning, Hinotori was on the move again. Before long, she'd reached the ruins of a kingdom she'd only heard about in war stories... Embermore. The moment she set foot inside the ruins, she felt a rush of sadness and a different emotion she'd never felt before... Belonging? Why did she feel as though she belonged within these ruins? She felt her sadness turn to rage. She knew her father was responsible for this kingdom laying in ruins... She could practically hear the screams of its people from when they were slaughtered, the demons who'd helped vanquish the royal city ruthless in the slaughter of every last one... From men and women who tried resisting the onslaught to children hiding with their grandparents or elders to try to remain safe, no one had been spared from the cruelty...
"Hinotori..." The teenager turned this way and that, trying to find where the voice was coming from. Who was calling her? Shadow peeked out of the princess's cloak, the whelpling sniffing the air.
"You hear it too, right?" Hinotori asked, getting a chirp in response.
"Hinotori..." The voice called again. Hinotori followed it to the center of the ruins, not noticing the watcher in the shadows following her from afar. In the center of those ruins, my dear reader, was a sword, stuck into the ground next to a coffin, a coffin that held Queen Zarina. Though it had patches of rust, for being stuck in the ground for 30 years, it seemed to bekon our hero closer. As if in a trance, Hinotori answered its call, her hand reaching out to grasp the black leather wrapped hilt. With little effort, she lifted the sword from its place, watching in awe as the sword seemed to renew itself in her hands, becoming a sword perfectly made for her and her alone. The rust disappeared, the hilt became decorated with an intricate design of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the blade seeming to ignite with Phoenix flame as it revealed Hinotori's demon form for a split second. The light died down after a moment, but the sword remained in its renewed state.
"For many years, I've watched as travelers of all kinds have tried to free the Blade of the Phoenixborn, and yet, I didn't expect a half demon such as yourself to be able to free it." Hinotori turned at the sudden voice, poised in a position ready for battle. Her eyes watched as the stranger revealed himself. His body was one of a normal human, the same height as her, and yet... His head was one of a bird, black feathers adorning most of his head and face, a yellow beak and crimson eyes that seemed to pierce her own. A black cloak was wrapped around him, hiding most of his body from Hinotori's line of sight and making him look intimidating to most who saw him.
"How do you know I'm a half demon?" Hinotori asked, a glare prominent on her face.
"Your human appearance faltered for a moment when the sword was inflamed. Since I was watching the whole time, I saw your demon form. Now, who exactly are you?"
"I could ask the same of you." Hinotori shot back. He seemed to glower at her before it faltered after a moment, the boy bowing his head.
"My apologies... I am Fumikage... These ruins have been my family's home for a while now. Since the day a scarlet haired stranger showed us this place, we've been guarding the sword you now carry. She assured us that only the rightful heir to the throne of Embermore, the Phoenixborn, could pull that sword. But, it seems our job is complete, now that you have been found." In the shards of a shattered mirror, Hinotori caught her reflection. Resting upon her forehead was a silver circlet, adorned with a singular ruby, the crown of the last Phoenixborn.
"I can't be... There's no way..." Hinotori trailed off. Her? The Phoenixborn?
"Now that I'm taking a closer look at you, you look like the child that was stolen away from that same stranger... She set out from here toward the Dark Kingdom to find her daughter, but that was nearly 10 years ago." Fumikage mused. Hinotori shook her head.
"No... That isn't me. My mother abandoned me because of my half demon appearance." Hinotori told him. Fumikage hummed for a moment, not quite believing her before Hinotori gave a cry of realization. "I'm so sorry! I didn't introduce myself! My name is Hinotori."
"It's a pleasure, Lady Hinotori." Fumikage bowed again.
"Oh, please, no need for formalities." Hinotori told him, gaining a smile from her new companion.
"Very well... But, forgive me if it slips out every now and then."
"I'll remind you." Hinotori smiled, following her new companion to meet the rest of Fumikage's company. And so it was that in the ashes of Embermore, new bonds were forged. As the princess's company grew from two to four, she had no idea the changes fate had in store for her.
Taglist: @qweenexplosionmurder13 @euphorical-angel
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