#libra annual forecast
astrologiaxo · 2 months
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Rising Signs and Moon Signs that can expect Marriage/Relationship ⚭💞 in 2023.
Libra - Jupiter will be in 7th house along with Rahu making it very relationship focused year. You may come across strange partners or someone foreign to you in some sense. Saturn will also aspect 7th house making it time for long term commitment.
Aquarius- Jupiter will be in your 3rd house aspecting 7th house and bringing opportunities for relationships. As the 11th ruler aspecting 7th, you may meet partners through social mediums.
Aries- Jupiter will be in your 1st house while Ketu continues to be in 7th. One of your ex might come back to your life.
Gemini- Jupiter will be in your 11th house aspecting 5th house and 7th house. Time for whirlwind romance and you may meet someone from social circle or through friends. Your relationship will move from friendship initially to romance.
Leo- Though not Jupiter, Saturn will be in your 7th making it time for long term commitments like marriage. You may meet a older mate or someone already married and divorced.
If you would like a relationship reading or annual forecast DM here.
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Celebrating the Pink Full Moon
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Today (on my location in the early morning hours just before sunrise) on April 6th we celebrate and honor the Pink Full Moon.
The Pink Full Moon causes us to experience heightened and strong emotional feelings and sensitiveness caused by Jupiter standing in opposition to the moon. At the same time Jupiter, in opposition to the moon, is responsible for expansion and growth. The Pink Full Moon also represents healing, growth, potential, rebirth and transformation out of the dark times into the better and warmer spring and upcoming summer times.
The Pink Full Moon standing in the Air sign Libra will keep us in uncertainty and will make decision making more difficult. Thus the Pink Full Moon in Libra motivates us to seek equilibrium in our emotions, find balance, harmony and peace with oneself and within our relationships. This can be achieved through seeking equilibrium in embrace and emotional bond with loved ones. The Full Moon in Libra is all about relationships, strengthening relationships and focusses on love, romance, sex and spending time with loved ones. She furthermore encourages us to open up for new interactions, possibly involving romance. The Air sing Libra is furthermore ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships which indeed makes it a powerful time to deepen our bonds with loved ones and explore new ways to connect with others.
"I am peace and am crowned by love."
It is also a time of reflection and so the Pink Full Moon is also associated a little with death, for example in our bond with deceased loved ones.
The Pink Full Moon also influences finances.
To honor the Pink Full Moon you can wear pink clothing, moon symbols, spend time surrounded by the blossoming wildflower Moss Phlox after which the moon was named, spend time with loved ones, go for a walk in the moonlight, perform a full moon ritual and cast a circle.
Personally I spend the day by wearing pink and then first going into the city with my mother to go for a lunch and buy an outfit for Beltane, which is upcoming at the end of April/beginning of May of course. After that we surprise visited friends who had bought and decorated a new house and drank some tea together. It was kind of funny because the astrology forecast in the timeframe of the Full Pink Moon said "we may feel drawn to healing professions" and the boy was studying for his exams to become a physiotherapist right before I knocked on the door, and he was very happy to see me since it had been a long long time. After this, we visited another friend to help prepare a wedding gift for her daughter and spend some time with her cat as well, which is a holy animal in connection to the moon. In the nighttime we wanted to go for a walk in the moonlight or go to the witches forest at the border either during midnight or early in the morning because the moon would be completely full right before sunrise, but we were so exhausted that we just watched the Pink Full Moon from our window instead and I listened to my devotional playlist while doing so.
This weekend we also have our village fest, which is annually being held around the time of the Pink Full Moon, there some celtic pagan bands will also be performing.
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sunsignshoroscopes · 9 months
Libra in 2024 Annual Astrology Forecast - Your best year ever!
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
october astrological sign
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac (September 23–October 22) and is represented by the scales of justice. A cardinal air sign ruled by Venus, Libra (or Tula, in Vedic astrology) is often associated with justice, balance, beauty, and harmony. Here, we'll dive into the personality traits of Libra and explore how this sign approaches life, love, career, and more. Libra personality traits. Let's start to unpack the sign of Libra through its ruling planet Venus, which controls love, harmony, and art. In Libra, Venus' energy manifests as a desire to merge, compromise, and create balance. After Virgo sorts through the harvest, Libra enters to weigh what's been gathered and figure out how to distribute it fairly and equitably. Libras are interested in finding balance everywhere: in spheres of social justice, friendships, partnerships, etc. As such, they're often stereotyped as being indecisive—but they're just weighing all the options. The scales of justice are meticulous, after all. Libra's opposite sign, Aries, is known for boldness. Libra, on the other hand, prefers to keep the peace, so you may have heard that Libras are nonconfrontational. Like the other air signs, Aquarius and Gemini, Libra is interested in ideas and ideals—in finding social order and pointing out injustices and inequities along the way. This makes Libras essential players in our current cultural moment. They're the ones asking: What is justice? What is fair? Who is being left out? Famously design-savvy and aesthetically attuned, Libras also place a lot of importance on maintaining a beautiful environment. Learn more about what 2022 has in store for Libra in our annual astrology forecast. Libra traits: Balanced Compassionate Diplomatic Detail-oriented Harmonious Moral Challenges and opportunities for growth. Libras weigh the pros and cons of everything. On one hand, this can be wonderful. On the other, it can be quite tiring and leave Libras with decision fatigue. This is a sign that would do well to remember everyone makes mistakes—and they don't have to be the end of the world. Breathe, trust your gut, and move forward with confidence. Additionally, Libras can be so focused on helping others keep the peace that they don't always stand up for themselves. It's important for them to vocalize when their feelings are hurt instead of sweeping everything under the rug. It's OK to rock the boat in your personal life sometimes, Libra. Libra in love & sex. Unlike their opposite sign, Aries, the typical Libra is more passive or uncertain when it comes to relationships. Any suitors might find that they have to make the first move when courting a Libra. Their Venus rulership means that Libras are also known to enjoy the finer things in life. They like to be pampered, tended to, and treated to the best restaurants in town. While the typical Libra is not into drama, they do love to watch the human drama play out from afar. They'll enjoy dates at theaters, art galleries, and anywhere that allows them to people watch and absorb some art and culture at the same time. Above all, Libras know that love is larger than just two people: It's about ethics, fairness, and remaining true to oneself. They crave a dynamic partnership where politics, vision, art, culture, and justice can all take center stage. Libra in friendship. Your Libra friend is likely a conversational wiz who can hold court in all kinds of social situations. Like all air signs, Libra is socially curious and always interested in the ways humans interact and think. The typical Libra likes to keep an eye on what's fair and does their best to remain impartial, hearing all sides of arguments, not jumping to conclusions or reacting out of anger. They know all arguments have several sides, and they're curious to hear them. This sign is also famously flexible and happy to let their partner or friends make the decisions about where to go and what to do. Libra in career & money. As a Venus-ruled, balance-oriented sign, it should come as no surprise that typical Libran careers involve mediation, fighting for what they believe in, and the arts. Popular jobs for this sign include anything in the law, design, or HR realms. Whatever profession Libras find themselves in, they'll often take on the role of mediator. This means when anyone at the office needs to settle a dispute or figure out what's fair, Libras usually come to the rescue. They possess the superpower of being able to see things from multiple sides. And unfortunately, this can lead to a heavy dose of indecision and anxiousness. Libras like to be liked and will find it hard to brush it off if someone takes issue with a decision they've made around the office. Libras are also famously charming both in and out of the office, thanks to their Venus rulership and that sociable air sign energy. Client acquisition, wining and dining, and customer service are all in Libra's wheelhouse. Libra-compatible signs. There are no absolutes when it comes to astrological compatibility, but Libras typically gravitate toward folks who can help them fight for what's right. Here are their most compatible and incompatible signs in friendship and love. Compatible signs Generally, the most compatible signs for Libra friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, and other Libras) as they speak the same airy language. Though there may be obstacles along the way, Libra can match well with opposing sign Aries, and these two stand to learn a lot from each other.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Hey!! Love your blog and your observations 💯💯
You've mentioned that progressed charts show what you're like rn. My question is how does this relate to the natal chart? Isn't natal chart what you become? I hope you get what I'm asking 😣 thanks 💕
brief intro to natal and solar progressions
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you'll like this one. here's how it goes: the progressed chart in fact is the natal chart, but every planet moved one degree forward per one year of your life.
for instance, i was born with my sun at 10° libra, right on the horizon. but over 24 years, it moved to 4° scorpio as of 2021, and now sits in the first house. or, the moon moved from gemini to taurus, all into a way different house since the ASC also shifted from libra to scorpio. the big three are all fixed and i'm no longer venus but mars ruled.
depending on how long i'll live, i'll spend my adult life being a scorpio (thank god), retire as a sagittarius, and spend the sunset years an early capricorn. which i all love and find fitting for those periods of life. i think it's all arranged for us so it fits. in other words, if you live an average length life, you will be 3 to 4 zodiacs. you get to try out an entire season worth of sun signs, and also 3-4 natal chart houses as well.
your whole chart progresses that way, each house and axis and celestial body. next to transits, that's the most dynamic calculation you can do in astrology. especially if someone grows tired or resentful of their natal chart, that's refreshing news, you always get a new chart every year 🙌 and every time your solar progression enters a new sign, your life often changes for the better.
it's sort of an annual snapshot and represents your personal progress, your recent personality (the lunar progression shows that the very most because the moon = our character). so, the charts are both the same, just for different times: your birth time serving as an overarching forecast and cornerstone, and the current year explicitly.
in tarot terms, it's basically spinning your own wheel of fortune. or, the natal chart becomes the evermoving clock of your life, which is fascinating, 12 hours, 12 signs. i think charts should really be used like that to see the person as they change continuously. many of us tend to resonate the most with our current progressed sun and moon rather than the natal placement. simply because it's more up to date.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
The Week Ahead: August 31 - September 6, 2020
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, September 1, 04:56 UT (Aquarius) - 09:34 UT (Pisces)
Thursday, September 3, 14:34 UT (Pisces) - 20:22 UT (Aries)
Sunday, September 6, 04:45 UT (Aries) - 08:43 UT (Taurus)
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, September 2, 05:32 UT - Full Moon, 10:12 Pisces
Sunday, September 6, 06:59 UT - Disseminating Moon, 29:08 Aries
Pre-Rx Zone: Mars/Aries
Retrograde: Ceres/Pisces, Pallas Athene/Capricorn (until Saturday/Sunday), Jupiter/Capricorn, Saturn/Capricorn, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Pluto/Capricorn
Post-Rx Zone: Pallas Athene/Capricorn (after Saturday/Sunday)
Saturday, September 5, 19:46 UT - transiting Mercury enters Libra
Sunday, September 6, 07:22 UT - transiting Venus enters Leo
These ought to liven things up a little bit.
Et Cetera
The week’s one Opportunity Period happens between 00:09 UT - 20:22 UT on Thursday, September 3. “Excellent time for play or work, and especially good for artistic endeavors, which can be a little of both.”
The day of the Full Moon (Wednesday the 2nd for most of you) promises an utter whirlwind of activity. Mercury, finishing up its annual trip through Virgo, makes a slew of aspects, finishing off with a trine to Saturn early Thursday. The Virgo Sun is also very active. All of them mature after the moment of the Full Moon, so expect it to be (1) intense and (2) fast-moving with many “parts.”
Friday is almost like “let’s be mean to Mars Day” - a square from Venus/Cancer, followed closely by an inconjunct from Mercury/Virgo, followed by a sesquare (135 degree aspect) from the Sun/Virgo, followed by a conjunction from the Aries Moon. Bear in mind that Mars will station retrograde next week, on September 9/10 - these are the very last non-major aspects Mars will get, before his station. Eeek. I’m in hopes that by Thursday afternoon, when I write up the Friday forecast, I’ll be a little more coherent about it (if not perfectly fluent).
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bearingwater · 5 years
April Forecast for Aquarius
Synergies abound! Until April 20, the Sun is in Aries and your third house of kindred spirits and communication. You’ve got ideas to share and things to express—and you’ll utilize every platform at your disposal. After a month of Mercury retrograde (from March 5 to 28) imposing a gag order on your genius, you’re ready to let those creative concepts out of the bottle. Writing, teaching and media outlets could be your playgrounds.
The April 5 Aries new moon sets the stage for a brand-new project or collaboration. With the moon in your third house of local affairs, you might find the perfect “test kitchen” right in your neighborhood. Look for resources in your own backyard or pilot a community project, from a pop-up shop to a trunk show to a small event where you can teach your new methodology. A conversation or a seed of an idea could blossom into something truly meaningful between today and the October 13 Aries full moon.
If you feel intellectual or creative chemistry with someone this month, explore! A person you meet near the new moon could turn out to be a synergistic supporter or partner in crime. Don’t rush to anoint anyone your brand-new BFF though, Aquarius. From April 10 to August 11, expansive Jupiter will be retrograde (backward) in Sagittarius your eleventh house of groups and friendships. Let the relationship unfold in due time. Only when you see who a person is through various situations will you know how trustworthy and solid they are.
Bountiful Jupiter is making its once-every-12-years visit to Sagittarius from November 8, 2018, until December 2, 2019. Your connections are going through an important evolution and possibly a few growing pains. Perhaps you’ve synced up with an avant-garde new crew or joined a group endeavor. Since the eleventh house rules technology, your social media presence could have blossomed this year. Maybe you got involved in an exciting digital venture.
Global Jupiter is bringing interesting friends and like-minded people your way in droves, perhaps from far-flung places. But have you rushed into a collaboration too quickly? You might feel a bit stifled by a group project now, which could stir a rebellious streak if you don’t get some breathing room. As much as you like a shared victory, you can’t do it at the expense of your individuality. Rather than capsize a team effort, find a way to put your unique stamp on a project or carve out something that’s yours and yours alone. Pull back and do that over the spring and summer, then you can rejoin the crowd in the fall. If you’ve sidelined a few loyal, longtime friends to be part of a new circle, use the retrograde to reconnect since these rear-facing transits connect us to our past.
Jupiter is the first of three slow-moving outer planets to start a retrograde this month, to be followed in late April by Saturn and Pluto. These luminaries make their U-turns around the same time most years, so it’s nothing to panic about at all. In fact, these celestial slowdowns can be a blessing, giving you the spring and summer to soul-search, recalibrate and correct course.
So, Aquarius, what DO you really want? A visionary moment arrives on April 19, when the Libra full moon illuminates your ninth house of big-picture goals. Under the light of this full moon, you’ll see sweeping new possibilities (ah!). You could be inspired to take a leap of faith, especially since this is the rare second Libra full moon of 2019. The first, a supermoon, fell on March 20—smack in the middle of Mercury retrograde. The conditions weren’t totally ripe for risks then, but after a month of letting the energy settle, you could be ready to make your big move. From travel to launching a startup to spreading your message far and wide, this no-limits lunation could bring a huge epiphany around your life purpose—AND the ideal platform for expressing it.
Your energy gets a bit more earthbound the next day, when the Sun begins its annual visit to Taurus and your anchoring fourth house of home and family. Slow down a little and make sure your roots are firmly planted before you blast into the Next Big Thing. Connect with loved ones, rejuvenate with self-care and feather your nest.
That said, you may experience a shakeup in your foundation on April 22, when the Sun makes its annual conjunction (meetup) with your co-ruler, disruptor Uranus. There could be a sudden change of residents under your roof, an unexpected urge to move or a need to pull up the stakes and relocate. You might decide to renovate, redecorate or make some other radical shift to your lifestyle. While that’s all well and good, this IS a one-day transit, and the dust will settle not long after. So unless you absolutely MUST make a swift change, you might be better off capturing your ideas then following up with due diligence. Start with a Pinterest board instead of impulsively painting a wall or ordering all new furniture.
The Sun-Uranus conjunction in this family zone could also bring a tense moment with a relative. The fourth house is linked to mothers and women whereas the Sun is one of the astrological symbols for a father figure. Unresolved anger might erupt out of the blue, or you might need to deal with a change related to a parent.
Resolutions take time, especially when you get to the root of them, and you’ll have plenty of time for that over the spring and summer. Transformational Pluto will be retrograde in Capricorn and your twelfth house of endings from April 24 to October 3, followed by Saturn in this same sector from April 29 to September 18. You may need to excavate some old emotions for the purpose of examination and healing. Forgiveness or closure work could be on the agenda—and with these two heavyweights in your twelfth house, the only way around it is through it.
These five-month retrogrades can be rich times for developing an artistic project or honing your spiritual practices and abilities. You may need to go a little “off the grid” to meet the muse—and she may only show up in the quiet spaces. Some media- and phone-free time would benefit you greatly now. Where have things gotten excessive in your life? Scale back, surrender and reduce the ruckus. Powerful messages and guidance will come to you if you can find that space of inner calm.
Love & Romance
Play for keeps or just keep playing? You’ll need to answer that for yourself before you can expect someone else to fill a role, Aquarius. With love planet Venus in dreamy Pisces until April 20, you might still be holding out for something with a fairy-tale ending. Yet Venus is in your second house of pragmatism and security, so you realize everything requires SOME degree of compromise. If you’re not clear about what you want and need, you won’t be able to call in the person who can satisfy that. Even if you’re in a relationship, you could be sending out mixed messages about what’s important to you: Is it enchantment you want or a rock-solid guarantee?
Confusing matters more, over in your passionate fifth house, lusty Mars is revving his engines in easily distracted Gemini all month (from March 31 to May 15), which can tempt you to do the very things that will UNDO stability. You could be attracted to excitement with an edge, which could make you shortsighted in your choices. It’s not easy to reconcile—and that’s is where self-awareness comes in. Apply yours liberally when you feel whipped about by dueling desires and temptations.
Self-discipline might be totally MIA on April 15, when Venus squares off with indie-spirited Jupiter in its own liberated sign of Sagittarius. You want to have your gluten-free cupcake and eat it too—and maybe take a few bites of someone else’s as well. Don’t paint yourself into a corner that you can’t get out of, Aquarius. Be honest with your love interest (and yourself!) and admit you’re not sure what’s best for you at the moment.
Venus scurries into straight-shooting Aries and your communication center on April 20, which might begin to give you the clarity you so desperately seek. Hopefully you didn’t burn any bridges earlier in the month. By staying open and amenable to working things out, you can get things back on track—and if you’re finally ready, the fast track.
Key Dates
April 10: Venus-Neptune Meetup Pampering: incoming! Today marks the annual alignment of romantic Venus and dreamy Neptune in your second house of sensual luxury. You don’t have to reallocate a rent payment to enjoy some world-class indulgences, like a hot-stone massage or a deliciously decadent meal. And if you can enjoy this with your favorite plus-one, all the better!
Money & Career
You’ve got ideas for days, Aquarius! And finally, you also have the green light to express them. Last month, communication planet Mercury was retrograde from March 5 to 28, making it hard to get a straight answer or clear direction. Now that the mixed-message mania is over, you can forge ahead. The Sun is in Aries and your communicative third house until April 20, perfect for writing, teaching and learning…or just to put your thoughts together into something original.
The April 5 Aries new moon could deliver an aha moment or spark a conversation that leads to more. Explore collaboration with a like-minded person and consider testing your synergy on a trial project. Over the next six months, this could potentially develop into more. But tread slowly, because risk taker Jupiter will turn retrograde (backward) in your collaborative eleventh house from April 10 to August 11.
Focus on ramping up your own star power before you share the stage with too many people. With energizer Mars in Gemini heating up your creativity zone all month, your inner performer/artist needs an outlet—and a spotlight! The April 19 Libra full moon in your visionary ninth house could bring a major epiphany about your purpose. An opportunity to travel, study or showcase your ideas through media could be part of this magical moment. The next day, the Sun enters Taurus and your domestic fourth house for a month, conjoining inventive Uranus on April 22. Carve out an “innovation station” at home because some of your best ideas could come to you while you’re relaxing at Chateau Water Bearer. Meditation, journaling and creative visualization could turn up serious epiphanies with metaphysical Pluto retrograde in your subconscious twelfth house from April 24 to October 3, joined by structured Saturn retrograde here from April 29 to September 18. If you have healing or artistic gifts, consider working with a coach or getting certified by a master trainer.
Key Dates
April 12: Mercury-Jupiter Square Watch that you don’t exaggerate or make promises you can’t keep. It’s not that you’re trying to deceive anyone…it’s just that exuberant Jupiter can inflate reality, especially when it’s squaring the communication planet! If anything, undersell yourself or what you can do. People will respect your humility—and then be impressed when you “overdeliver”!
Love Days: 9, 14 Money Days: 20, 29 Luck Days: 18, 27 Off Days: 11, 16, 24
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/karmic-tools-weekly-forecast-november-24-30-2019/
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: November 24 – 30, 2019
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: November 24 – 30, 2019
By Kelly M. Beard
The video version of this forecast, as read by Kelly, is available here.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction. 
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.
Weekly Forecast: November 24 – 30, 2019
11/24 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (truth & story):
This is an extremely powerful energy that brings the two *benefactors* together to initiate a new cycle that makes you very mentally “present” to the fact that both your values and your truth are shifting. This energy encourages you to improve your life in some way. You can also connect to material abundance & wealth of all kinds when these two get together like this. This is usually a pleasant shift because it is about expanding your sense of authentic beauty, as in nature & the interrelatedness of all living things. There’s an energy of enthusiasm around new or growing relationships which attracts more positive energy. This is the best time to be creative and expect miracles!
11/24 ~ Mars (energy) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This is a mixed blessing. On one hand, this energy can bring on impulsive, reactionary behavior. You can have sudden outbursts of anger or frustration with a strong need to be ‘free’ from whatever you are perceiving as a limitation or holding you back (person or circumstance). The best use of this energy is to consciously direct your energy to free yourself from any restrictions – self-imposed or otherwise. This is a time when you will be extremely motivated to do whatever it takes to live freely (by your own definition). Do not suppress this energy as that will only make it blow up in your face, at a most inconvenient time. Use this activation to check your Self and determine what you deeply desire, what your definition of freedom is and what you are willing to do to live a more authentic life.
11/25 ~ Venus Enters Capricorn:
Venus rules everything we care about, love & value. Capricorn energy is all about that which supports & protects what we love & value. It also rules how you make decisions and structure the foundation of your life, what holds it all together and it often represents your individual ‘container’ for your personal life. It’s the lesson of being responsible for your thoughts, feelings, words & deeds and understanding how they are all connected to the physical reality of your life. Your outer reality reflects your inner reality. It’s about building inner strength & fortitude that automatically creates outer order & stability. Capricorn is Ruled by Saturn, which is the last visible planet and speaks to our definition of reality, as well as our physical limits. Saturn is about dedication to the step-by-step process that accomplishes the long term/big goal that will ultimately support more than just you and yours. Right now, for the only time in 28-years, Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn lending even more weight to this stellar activation. If you are consciously participating in life, then this is a potent time for you to see the fruits of your labors and receive some earned rewards or benefits. However, if you are overwhelmed by decisions you’ve already postponed overlong or the instability of fundamental aspects of your life (home, work, food, shelter), then it’s time to meet your Inner Architect who can help you survey, clear, dedicate, design and ultimately, build the NEW clean foundation to support yourself.
This Venus work is going to be very personal for those with Capricorn/Cancer and Aries/Libra activated in their charts. Things that were important to you just last Feb 2019 (last time Venus was in Capricorn) may not be so vital now, and things that were not even on your list of priorities back then, may have moved to the top now. In this case, Capricorn means the structure of your life and the reality you’re currently living has evolved and adjustments to your responsibilities, commitments and decision-making skills should reflect the *upgrade*. Taking a time-out to review your own reality, how it works, what it grounds or anchors in physical form and how it serves you (or not). Capricorn energy always reveals where you are rigid, dry or unstable. It’s about carrying your own weight, not the weight of the world and Capricorn is very present to the here & now fundamentals (home, work, food, shelter). It’s time to dedicate your efforts toward productive ends that both support you and serve others.
11/26 ~ 4* SAG New Moon:
This Sagittarian energy comes on the cusp between the Old Path and the New Path. Opportunities will be presented and you will find out how you’re evolving by the choices and commitments you make going forward. No longer can we agree to terms which hold no meaning or value for the individual or the community. The Global Family has expanded, our consciousness has evolved and the vibratory frequency of the planet has raised considerably. If Saturn’s taught us nothing in the last 2+ years, adjustments must be made if you’re going to live your own Truth & Story (and not someone else’s imposed upon you). Building constructs to support a more balanced existence THIS lifetime will require time, energy and resources to birth in our 3D/reality. On the other hand, the *invisible* (thought) ALWAYS precedes the *visible* results (form). And Sagittarius is all about what you BELIEVE before you even have a clue what you want to or are capable of building in Capricorn.
This Sag New Moon brings a potent *seed* point. Scorpio always brings permanent transformation, which leads to a totally new Sag Truth, which leads to a newly reborn Capricorn Reality. I encourage you to always see Truth as *fluid* and Reality as *co-creative & malleable* and thus, they both change & shift according to what other energies & entities are involved. Stepping into 2020, ask your Self … Where are you/we headed? If you happen to have Sagittarius/Gemini and-or Pisces/Virgo activated in your chart, then this is a huge New Beginning for you personally (or in those Houses/Areas of Life for the rest of us).
11/27 ~ Neptune Direct 15* Pisces: If the Moon represents the individual womb, then Neptune is the collective womb. When it retrogrades annually, we are given an opportunity to consciously develop something, usually related to healing & wholeness. The retrogrades always encourage us to go within and heal, make-whole or integrate something critical to our well-being. What healing have you been working on personally, since June 2019? Neptune is most commonly known as the planet of dreams and visions. So on a normal day, Neptune creates the desire to daydream, create, visualize the ideal outcome (to life, relationship, project, etc.), it tends to see everything through rose colored glasses, putting its hopeful spin on it all. When Neptune Retrogrades, it may be less shocking than Uranus or Pluto, but no less effective. It’s primary goal during a Retrograde is to gently dissolve personal boundaries. You start to realize your connection to the whole. Not a bad idea, but to some, it can be unsettling if they are rigidly holding onto boundaries for a false sense of security. Hopefully, you’ve been able to reconnect to your Spirit in a way that helps you navigate the world better going forward, now that it is Direct.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
November Forecast for Aquarius
Ready, set, goals! You’ll start the month revved up to finish 2018 on a high note, and the cosmic lineup is standing strong to support you. Go-getter Mars is wrapping up a long visit to Aquarius on November 15—its second of two this year. Since September 10, the red planet has put your personal mission on the fast track or catapulted you into a starring role, whether you felt ready or not!
The first week of the month is especially potent because lucky Jupiter, the planet of growth and optimism, is wrapping up a 13-month visit to Scorpio and your tenth house of career on November 8. Since October 2017, you’ve been soaring to the top of the charts as the stars aligned for you to reach new professional heights. Maybe you launched a business, took on a leadership role or locked in an impressive title. Other Water Bearers decided to venture down a whole new path, one that felt more authentically like you.
Mars won’t be back in Aquarius for another two years, and Jupiter won’t return to Scorpio for another 12, so lean ALL the way in while you’re feeling this capable and confident. Not that the opportunities will stop—but the energy will become less goal-driven soon.
And maybe that’s a good thing because it’s about to be a full-time party for many Aquarians! On November 8, Jupiter will move into Sagittarius and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until December 2, 2019, sparking fruitful collaborations and bringing colorful new characters into your world. After a hardworking year, your social life will become a vibrant scene, and you could join forces with some trailblazers and thought leaders…people who, like you, don’t conform to rules and standards.
The eleventh house is the “home” of Aquarius, so you’ll literally be in the zone for the next 13 months. Prepare to expand your reach through networking, group projects and social media. A digital venture or a project that betters society might become your new platform. With worldly Jupiter in this innovative sector, you could soon be on the cutting edge of bringing some much-needed change through technology or politics. Prepare to take on “changemaker” status, in whatever corner of the world you want.
You’ll still have a few lingering Scorpio vibes fueling your ambition because the Sun will be in this intense sign until November 22. And on November 7, the very last day of Jupiter’s visit, a Scorpio new moon arrives. This lunar lift will plant prosperous seeds that unfold over the next six months, so pay attention to opportunities that arrive near this date. Be intentional about what you want, and don’t just TALK about it, Aquarius. Take concrete action, along with a calculated risk or two, and those lofty visions could soon become your reality.
On November 16, there’s a changing of the guard as Venus ends a six-week retrograde and Mercury starts a three-week one. Since October 5, Venus, the planet of love and harmony, has been backtracking through Scorpio and Libra, mucking up the most future-focused parts of your chart. This could have stirred up discord with colleagues or made it hard to get on the same page as your love interest about what you want for the long haul. Today, Venus corrects course and spends the rest of the month soaring through Libra and your ninth house of travel and expansion. Shake off the frustrating vibes of the past six weeks with a romantic trip—or a solo adventure where you might just meet a promising prospect.
Careful about inviting any friends along for the ride, though. Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel, will be retrograde from November 16 to December 6, spending the bulk of its backspin in Sagittarius and your eleventh house of groups. Misunderstandings could break out in your social circle, and team dynamics can get dicey at work. Back up important electronic data and keep your devices safe because this Mercury retrograde is especially eager to crash computers and wipe out important files. Get it all into the cloud in the first half of the month if you can! And while there may be some seriously tempting Black Friday sales, make sure any gadgets you buy have a rock-solid return policy since Mercury retrograde can leave you with a lemon.
Speaking of Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S., November 22 is not only Turkey Day, but it also starts the Sun’s monthlong visit to Sagittarius and your outgoing eleventh house. As the vibrant Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury, some of the retrograde effects may be offset. No, you can’t stop certain divas from overreacting—but you’ll have plenty of intriguing folks to hang out with while the “difficult people” stage their dramas elsewhere. Retrogrades are also a great time for reunions, and with a holiday weekend bringing many Water Bearers back to their hometowns, you could have a surprisingly warm reconnection with a long-lost friend. (Maybe you shouldn’t ignore that Facebook chat window that pops up after all?)
Hang the mistletoe early this year: On November 23, the year’s only Gemini full moon lands in your fifth house of passion and creativity, sparking up some lovin’ feelings. Well, a whole range of emotions could actually come up today, so watch out for button-pushing people who rile you up in the wrong ways. This full moon is also a cosmic coming-out party for Aquarians who have talents to share with the world. Book that album release or debut your magnum opus today. Since it’s Black Friday, business owners might launch a new product or grab people’s attention with a completely unique campaign.
Money matters brighten even more on November 24, when hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through Pisces and your financial house. If you’ve been spending money as fast as you make it or have been feeling adrift at work (in spite of all the Jupiter-fueled opportunities), you’ll be better able to put some soul into your goals.
One of the year’s best days for collaborating arrives on November 26: The Sun and Jupiter unite in their annual conjunction, this time merging in Sagittarius. Your enthusiasm and persuasive powers are off the charts, whether you’re connecting with like-minded people or delivering an irresistible pitch for a cutting-edge idea. Think way outside the box, Aquarius, and share your ideas with the wider world. On a day like this, you almost can’t go wrong—or go too far! A new friendship could blossom into a meeting of the minds, and who knows what you’ll create when you put your totally original ideas together. Let the innovating begin!
Love & Romance
All fired up with nowhere to go? It might feel like that during the first half of the month, so you’ll need to manage the intensity that’s roiling inside of you. Revving your engines is Mars, which is spending its last two weeks in Aquarius before departing on November 15, not to return for two years. Mars has been heating up your sign since September 10, which can make you impatient, restless and even a bit pushy. Hosting sultry Mars in your sign also makes you quite the head-turner—if you’ve been feeling fierce and frisky, admirers have certainly noticed!
But until November 16, the other love planet, Venus, is finishing up a six-week retrograde that started on October 5. Venus is in Libra and your expansive ninth house all month, which is making it hard to channel all that galvanizing Mars energy into anything concrete. Frustrating! You might have to sit on your hands a bit—or just keep things in the talking/ideation phase and wait to implement.
November’s best day for blue-sky dreaming with your partner—or to take a chance on new love—is November 9, when Venus and Mars meet in a harmonious trine (120-degree angle). You’ve got the courage and charisma to take a big leap of faith or just be authentic about how you feel.
Because Venus is retrograde, you may need to honestly address something that’s NOT working for you in a relationship. By doing so, you can clear the air and bring back the love. Single Water Bearers could meet someone from a different background or “type” than you usually date, or you might reconnect with an old love interest, possibly one who lives far away. Don’t let the miles stop you from exploring if there’s something there.
On November 15, Mars will exit your sign—a bit of a relief, in some ways!—and settle into Pisces for the rest of the year, heating up your second house of money, work and security. Since job demands could intensify, be careful how much you take on for the rest of the year, or at least set some clear boundaries so you don’t miss out on all the parties and bonding and mistletoe moments this season. Watch your spending on those holiday gifts. You might want to splurge for a special someone this year—it’s okay to show your affection with a lavish present as long as you’re not trying to “buy” anyone’s love.
The November 23 Gemini full moon brightens your fifth house of true love. A simmering attraction could reach full boil, and couples will be too busy enjoying the surge of passion to spend all day hitting the Black Friday sales. This full moon could also bring an outpouring of strong emotions you’ve kept inside. Take a deep breath before you unload and make sure you’re not just having a strong reaction.
Key Dates
November 30: Venus-Uranus Opposition Have you been screwing up your courage to confess your feelings or initiate a big conversation? If you’ve waited this long, hold off a little longer. Under this uneasy starmap, you could injure someone with your truth hammer. Even a well-thought-out and well-rehearsed message is likely to come out mangled.
Money & Career
The finish line is in sight, and you’ve got the rest of this year to reach it. Unstoppable Mars is bolting through Aquarius until November 15, after spiking your ambition since September 10. Your quest to put your personal stamp on a project or company has not gone unnoticed—and this is your last big sprint before Mars departs your sign, not to return again for another two years. With lucky Jupiter also exiting your career house on November 8 after a 13-month jaunt, you’ll want to strike while the iron is hot during the first couple weeks of this month.
In some ways, it’s a relief to have the pressure off of you since high-intensity Mars doesn’t come with a lot of downtime. But don’t stop yet! On November 15, Mars will enter Pisces for the rest of the year, heating up your second house of work and money. You might be offered a plum project or a chance to make a chunk of cash in a small window of time. The drawback? Deadlines may be short and hours could be long, so weigh the pros and cons carefully before taking on a demanding project that could spill into the holidays.
Watch your money, too: Intensifier Mars here can tempt you to overspend, and you don’t want to blow your whole budget on gifts now, especially since this cycle could bring a stressful but unavoidable expense. Finances will start to flow again on November 24, though, when manifestation magnet Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through Pisces and your money zone, unblocking any subconscious channels to abundance.
Key Dates
November 19: Mars-Jupiter Square You could lose sight of the greater mission if you focus too narrowly on the old “what’s in it for me?” Of course you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts, but too much emphasis on money or kudos could estrange you from the group or decimate morale. Remind yourself why you’re working so hard in the first place!
Love Days: 27, 31 Money Days: 11, 20 Luck Days: 8, 18 Off Days: 29, 29, 16
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astrologiaxo · 2 months
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smitamaxi · 2 years
Global Tampons Market Analysis, Segments, Size, Share, Global Demand, Manufacturers, Drivers and Trends to 2027
Global Tampons Market size was valued at US$ 3.08 Bn. in 2020 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 4.73 % through 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ 4.26 Bn.
Tampons Market Overview:
The current market is at the centre of the study report, which forecasts its success over the next few years. Our concise analysis highlights the key characteristics of the Tampons market to assist you in making more informed business decisions. The research provides a wide picture of the Tampons market, identifying typical tendencies and offering data that may be tweaked as needed. The intangible truths underlying the industry's key boundaries, possibilities, and hazards that are predicted to affect its development during the forecast period are being investigated by MMR experts (2021-2027).
Market Scope:
Consumer preferences and purchasing habits, as well as the amount your potential customers spend annually on the goods or services you want to sell, and the size of your company's potential market, are all items to think about. The MMR study also contributes to our understanding of Tampons Market dynamics and structure by evaluating market categories and determining market size. The research is an investor's guide because it clearly demonstrates a competitive analysis of significant organisations in the Tampons Market by kind, price, financial condition, product portfolio, growth strategies, and geographical presence.
Market Share Analysis:
The research looks at the main companies in the Tampons market and how they affect the overall market. In comparison to other organisations, it allows for expansion into the Tampons market. It demonstrates how your rivals outperform you in terms of revenue, product offering, and customer base. The study shows how the Tampons market has changed in terms of growth, fragmentation, dominance, and mergers.
Request for free sample: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/19651
The worldwide Tampons market is divided into three product types: Radially Wound Pledget, Rectangular Pad, and Square Pad. In 2020, the Radially Wound Pledget segment had the most market share of 62 percent, and it is predicted to grow at the fastest CAGR of 4.81 percent in the worldwide tampons market. This is owing to a rise in female demand for tampons, which is a result of their small size. The tampons sector is moving forward as more people become aware of the need of menstrual hygiene.
Key Players:
• Procter & Gamble • Playtex • Kimberly-Clark • Johnson & Johnson • Unicharm • Natracare • Libra • Lil-lets • Tempo • MOXIE • SCA • Rossmann • Bodywise Ltd • Edgewell Personal Care • Corman S.p.A. • First Quality Hygienic Inc. • Svenska Cellulosa AB • TZMO SA • ESSITY AB • CORA • UNILEVER PLC
The research includes company size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profitability for the top players in the Tampons market. The study reveals the growth tactics large firms are employing, such as strategic collaborations, new product creation, and so on. It also tells you whether you're up against businesses or other options. The study aids in determining and establishing an acceptable price strategy by assisting in knowing competition pricing in the Tampons market.
Get more Report Details : https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-tampons-market/19651/
Regional Analysis:
During this crisis, the report provides a comprehensive examination of options, challenging conditions, and difficult situations in the Tampons market. The reports assist you in developing market strategies that are relevant and suited for certain nations and regions. In addition, the study includes a collection of principles that should help in establishing and creating a corporate strategy.
Global Tampons Market Regional Analysis Includes:
Asia-Pacific (Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and Australia)
Europe (Turkey, Germany, Russia UK, Italy, France, etc.)
North America (the United States, Mexico, and Canada.)
South America (Brazil etc.)
The Middle East and Africa (GCC Countries and Egypt.)
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Tampons Market:
The report details the influence of COVID-19 on the Tampons market in North America, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe, and South America. The paper presents a comprehensive review of the Tampons market's choices, challenging conditions, and difficult possibilities during this crisis. The paper summarises the benefits and challenges in terms of financing and market growth obtained during the COVID-19. Additionally, the report provides a collection of principles that are designed to assist readers in determining and creating a strategy for their firm.
Key Questions Answered in the Tampons Market Report are:
Which product segment grabbed the largest share in the Tampons market?
What is the competitive scenario of the Tampons market?
Which are the key factors aiding the Tampons market growth?
Which region holds the maximum share in the Tampons market?
What will be the CAGR of the Tampons market during the forecast period?
Which application segment emerged as the leading segment in the Tampons market?
Which are the prominent players in the Tampons market?
What key trends are likely to emerge in the Tampons market in the coming years?
What will be the Tampons market size by 2027?
Which company held the largest share in the Tampons market?
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Maximize Market Research provides B2B and B2C research on 12000 high growth emerging opportunities & technologies as well as threats to the companies across the Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Electronics & Communications, Internet of Things, Food and Beverages, Aerospace and Defence and other manufacturing sectors.
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sunsignshoroscopes · 9 months
Libra in 2024 Annual Astrology Forecast - Your best year ever!
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sriraghavendra1 · 3 years
Horoscope 2021: Astrological predictions and forecasts for the New Year. What's in store for Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and other zodiac signs?
Many of us are eager to see the year 2021 unfold. It's always good to get a head-up so you can see what the year ahead might bring. The horoscope is a great tool to help you plan for the future. The yearly horoscope will give you a hint of what the year will bring. The positions of the sun, moon, and planets determine the horoscope. Each sign has its own traits and characteristics that tell us much about a person. Find out your chances of success in the coming year 2021 from Best Astrologer in Hyderabad.
Aries (March 21-April 20, 2019)
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
A successful year can be awaited in finance and career. You will see steady improvement in your interpersonal relationships and overall health. Outdoor activities will be a popular choice for young people, mainly to keep them active and fit. You will need to take calculated risks in order to reverse the downward trend in your business fortunes. You will be motivated and encouraged to do better by the Laurels and other accolades you receive for your professional efforts.
After a period of turmoil and discord during the first quarter, home and family life begin to settle down. Children, especially married children, will be able to have a good relationship with you. It will be a joy to live together as a family, especially when you go on vacations together. The construction industry might yield some great returns. When your contributions and help are acknowledged publicly, you will be in the limelight.
Taurus (April 21-May 20, 2019)
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Indigo
Students make amazing progress in the next 12 months, which is why they are most favorable for the next twelve months. You will be rewarded for your hard work and recognized this year. Yoga and meditation can help you stay in shape and improve your mental agility. It is possible to make monetary gains in the third quarter by starting a new project. You may be asked to step aside and take charge of a critical division at head office.
It is possible for an old friend to become a lifelong friendship. You will be the center of attention at any social gathering with your charm and wit, and many potential suitors. Peace will reign in your home and family. Your friends and you will have a great time traveling overseas together. Avoid dealing with disputed property, as it can tarnish you reputation on the market. Don't miss out on the chance to get involved in religious events.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Red
In 2021, you will be able to make a profit and start your new career with a solid foundation. This period will see a strengthening of interpersonal ties. As you keep company with health-conscious people, you will experience robust health. Your earning potential will increase, allowing you to pay off any financial debts or long-standing obligations. Employees will feel secure in their jobs and can look forward to growth within the current company.
Young married couples will begin a period of deep understanding and caring for their marital lives. You might organize a home-based religious ceremony for your family, bringing everyone together. As parents may be hesitant about your career goals, you will need to make sure they are confident. The hotel industry is a good investment. It is not a good idea to start a home remodel or new house construction in the first quarter, as it may be too disruptive.
Cancer (Jun 22-July 22, 2012)
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Light Grey
The year 2021 will be a favorable period for you on the financial and family fronts. Past efforts will start to yield positive returns. This year will see students make difficult decisions, but it will be in their best interests. To stay healthy and fit, the elderly will need to be more active. New partnerships will allow business people to expand their reach. You will be recognized for your hard work and dedication by a promotion to a higher office with more freedom and responsibilities.
Romance can take a beating when minor differences arise in romantic ties. A little understanding and compromise is the key to resolving these issues. With their extraordinary achievements, the younger members of the family will bring pride and honour to the family. You will have more fun traveling on a short notice than you think. Avoid investing in real estate. You might consider repairing an ancestral property that you have received recently.
Leo (July 23-August 23, 2003)
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Light Brown
A progressive year can be a great opportunity to see significant growth in your enterprise and business. You can also expect to fulfill many of your career goals. You will achieve your ideal body if you are committed to exercise and a healthy diet. People who are business people will be able to integrate innovation and cutting-edge technology into their businesses. You may feel vulnerable when you are promoted, but you will emerge victorious.
Young couples will have a good relationship, but they need to be aware of external influences in their relationship. To maintain harmony and cordiality, you will need to spend more time with your family. It is possible that a long-awaited trip to a religious location will come about. This will be very rewarding. It is possible to move out of your home. This will bring you much peace and prosperity. While investing abroad can be difficult legally, you will still be successful.
Virgo (August 24-September 23, 2003)
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Beige
After a difficult period, you will have a positive period with your family and financial stability. New entrepreneurs will strengthen their positions and expand their horizons. Youngsters will be particularly concerned about their physical fitness and will seek out new challenges that will test their endurance and ability. It is possible for partnerships and joint ventures to dissolve, which can cause some initial problems. However, it will be easier to work independently.
Employed workers can seek out new opportunities to increase their chances of success, even if they have reached the end of their job. The unmarried will feel pressure to form an alliance. They will make the right decision. Your guidance and care will be essential for a family youngster. For official work, you may need to travel extensively during the second half of the year. You may be able to fulfill your dream of going on an exotic cruise with your friends. Consider the opinions of family members before you invest in real estate. Your suggestions will be welcomed and implemented enthusiastically by family members.
Libra (September 24-October 23)
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
In 2021, you will experience a period full of prosperity and great fortune. Your career will be stable and your family relationships will be harmonious. Diabetes sufferers will live a healthier life by adhering to dietary restrictions and exercising regularly. Family business owners will discover new opportunities. Employed workers must be alert and work hard to improve their performance for the quarter. If you've recently joined a new organization, you will do well.
As you prepare for your wedding bells, love takes a new direction. It is a good idea to take a romantic getaway with your partner to a remote location. You will win any legal dispute about business or property. You can make triple your annual profits by purchasing cheap property in the right place. Your mind will be full with great ideas, and you'll see positive results from your choices of activities.
Scorpio (October 24-November 22)
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Dark Red
Your business will have a great run and will continue to grow after a pause. New professionals will be greeted with a multitude of opportunities. A positive outlook will help you enjoy the benefits of good health. If you are ambitious, you may start your own business and make it a huge success. You can work independently as a counsellor, or commission agent for this consult Astrologer in Hyderabad. This will help you achieve financial stability and success.
Married couples will experience domestic bliss, sharing good relationships and understanding with their elders and children. Major changes to the household routine will not be accepted by the family so don't suggest any. It is important that your entire family plans a vacation soon. You will be awarded a substantial share of the assets and a settlement will be reached on a long-standing family property dispute. It is not recommended to mortage your house or plot in the second quarter. As many good things happen around you simultaneously, it will make you feel like the top of the world.
Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Grey
For those who are full of creativity and enthusiasm, the year will bring success and recognition. You'll be able achieve great things in your career and enjoy a period full of domestic bliss. After a tie-up, those who deal in import/export products will see rapid advancement. Your company will have the chance to lead an ambitious project. You will be able to perform your duties with exceptional excellence.
Your efforts and dedication will ensure domestic harmony at home. Children will be influenced positively by the positive atmosphere of peace and tranquility in the home. It is possible to take the whole family to a theme park or amusement park. You may decide to buy more property or move into a larger one. It is a good idea to research the legal aspects before you purchase any property.
Capricorn (December 22-January 21, 2018)
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue
Learning to walk with the time will pay dividends as you recover your losses. As you gain prestigious opportunities, your career will be solid. You will achieve your ideal body with your unwavering dedication and a rigorous fitness program. Capitalists and professionals looking for capital will be granted the funds at easy terms. Eligible young people will think about marrying their sweetheart, even if they are in love.
To guide youngster's on the right track, they will require firm handling. While a long trip to a distant place may not bring you much joy, it can be very beneficial for your professional career. You may be able to acquire a lot of commercial property. A friend in need of your compassion and understanding will be greatly helped by your kindness.
Aquarius (January 22-February 19, 2019)
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Color: Magenta
This year promises to be a great year for all-round development and growth. This year will prove to be very lucrative for entrepreneurs and those who are starting new ventures. Sharing happiness and goodwill with others will result in a rise in your health. With your strong health, you will be able to participate in a competitive sport. Although raising capital can be difficult, you will still be able to manage using traditional methods. Participating in a seminar can help you to improve your career prospects by speaking with authority and confidence.
People who are looking for long-awaited confirmation of their love might be lucky. Avoid being too assertive and take unilateral family decisions. Organise a big event and bring everyone together. A pleasure trip with your romantic partner is likely to revive your passions. This year, those who are looking to sell their property could make good deals. You will be successful if you are determined to do it yourself.
Pisces (February 20-March 20, 2019)
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
Due to the creation of new divisions, business people may need to expand their businesses. The previous year's hard work brings you good fortunes. Lifestyle ailments can be prevented by strict control of diet and traditional fitness methods. After a year of good performance, the job you have will propel you to greater heights. Newly married couples will quickly find their groove and get along with both children and elders.
Recognizing the work of a youngster in your family will increase its prestige. Planning ahead is key to a pleasant vacation. Before you show interest in commercial property, it is important to know your budget. You should consider a property that is still under construction if you're looking for a long-term investment. If you are blessed with an eye for the good and the bad, it is likely that you will be blessed.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/karmic-tools-weekly-forecast-october-6-12-2019/
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: October 6 – 12, 2019
Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast: October 6 – 12, 2019
By Kelly M. Beard
The video version of this forecast, as read by Kelly, is available here.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction. 
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.
Weekly Forecast: Septembe
Note from Kelly:
I do have a few additional thoughts that I’d like to put on your radar this week because we are truly blessed by the energy of balance, but often that too entails noticing where you’ve been in extremes or where you’ve been imbalanced. Just know that you are tremendously supported to do some personal restoration this season. So let’s dive in …
Thanks to Pluto’s 16-year journey through Capricorn (2008-2024) and Saturn’s 2+ year journey through Capricorn (2018-2020) and the North Nodes 18-month journey through Cancer (Nov 2018-May 2020) and Chiron’s 9-year journey through Aries (2018-2027) and most recently, Jupiter’s 1-year journey through Libra (2016-2017) and Uranus’ 7-year trip through Aries (2011-2018) … thanks to all that big energy, our little annual cycle of Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall is constantly a time of intense evolution for one and all. No one is exempt. Everyone has the Cardinal Signs somewhere, ruling some Area of Life (House) even if you do not have any planets animating those energies. It’s good to know your own natural, seasonal rhythm and now that is more important than ever. I look at it like: when you commit and take one step (in the direction of your goal) then the Universe carries you three more steps. If you can co-create with the energies available that are shifting your personal, individual fundamentals, then you are ahead of the game! You are choosing your destiny and you are also making greater strides, in a shorter period of time because this is accelerated growth that the big-boys always generate.
So with all that in mind, I just want to remind you that Libra time is also the one-of-two times per year that we have access to actual, literal balance. So no matter what extremes you’ve been dealing with, and whether you are in the Southern Hemisphere moving into the Light or here, as we move into the Dark time of year, you can call in balance at this time, you can restore your equilibrium, you can experience harmony even while the worldly chaos continues to swirl. The “theme” here (if there is one) is balance and compromise (Libra) … on the heels of sacrifice & purification (Virgo). We have also re-defined “sacrifice” as *Gift or Offering*. In every instance you feel that the Universe is asking you to “sacrifice” something for your own greater good, you could say out loud: “It would be my pleasure to offer this GIFT! I am delighted to give in this way, knowing I am clearing a space for You, Great Spirit, to fill me and my life with that will serve my Highest good, now and always.” What did you have to give up in the last month? Last 6mo? Last year? Whether you think you did or you didn’t, rest assured that the sorting and sifting got done and there are parts of you that have permanently shifted or been born completely anew. Now is a time of integration and restoring balance so you can function at a higher level than before. If you need some help with this, reach out! That’s what the Mystic Mentor is for!
Also heads-UP! Mercury entered Scorpio Oct 3rd and will be there until Dec 9th (Retro: 10/31 and Dir: 11/20) so that is actually going to help us with our integration process. We will be processing everything that’s come up in the last 1-5 years – on a soul level. We will dare to dig a little deeper into our conscious & subconscious terrain to see what is serving or undermining true evolution. I did talk about it in last week’s follow up ~ Video HERE(49-min).
Mars also entered Libra on Oct 3rd and will be there until Nov 19th and it hasn’t been there since Oct-Dec 2017. It retrograded in Libra in 2014(Dec 2013-July 2014). Mars rules our desire nature, our energy & fuel – and how we direct it – our passions and the Sacred Masculine, which is the part of you who can negotiate on your own behalf, get your ideas in the world and keep good, healthy, effective boundaries. I always suggest that we can co-create with Mars when we check in with our true Natures, every 2-years. In my experience, Mars’ Retrograde has Mars lingering in a Sign/House for 8-months – so I say: we invest 8-months of conscious self-work for a 16-month return. We get a chance to renew our passions & desires – as well as how we go about achieving them – every 2-years, which is how long it takes for Mars to move through all 12-signs.
Anytime Mars is in Libra, we get an opportunity to tune into what we deeply desire in relationships of all kinds. Fairness, balance, justice & equality are all something Mars is willing to fight for when in Libra – and awaken within the rest of us. It is time to access your inner balance where you have integrity and graciousness, as well as fierceness to stand up for what you believe in. Here’s a snapshot from my Your Soul’s Path Series, where I created a workbook for every planetary cycle. The Mars in Libra one says: This is a time when you have extremely high ideals; you’re shooting for the BIG dream! Not easily dissuaded, as you weigh all aspects of each circumstance as it presents itself. Avoid indecision and step confidently in the direction of your goal. Don’t focus too much on how others are directing their energy as much as how you are directing yours. Teach, guide & lead by example, that’s going to be the most powerful and effective use of your energy. Refined strength, rather than brute strength is necessary at this time to accomplish the current goals.
I just feel like we got to reset something during its retro through Libra in 2014, which evolved by Oct-Dec 2017 (in a way we should be able to track a common or continual thread) and now we are getting an opportunity to do some incredible work this go-round. And the reason I feel like the “relationship work” is really up and good to dive into whole-heartedly, is because next year, Mars is going to retrograde in Aries, the sign it rules, and here is when you will get a chance to invest 8-months in YOU – who you are, what you truly want and what your purpose & passion really is and it will really help if you’ve worked out some of this ahead of time. You all know, my thing is CYCLES & PATTERNS ~ if you’re interested in diving deeper into your own, so you can be more effective, feel free to reach out for a reading or a mentoring session.
10/7 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~oppose~ Uranus (radical shift):
This energy tends to make your mind work in over-drive. Not that you think too much, but rather you may tend to think, speak and process information faster than usual. However, when you are moving that fast, sometimes you can overlook something vital. The negative expression of this energy tends to make you feel scattered and disorganized, but the positive side of it is making those brilliant connections that are normally just out of reach. Your perception and intuition are picking up so much in such a short period of time that you will want to review the details later to ensure that you didn’t overlook something crucial to your development. You may be impatient with same-old/same-old routines or responses but check in with your body to make sure it is not just your monkey mind playing tricks on you. It is a good time to breathe and be flexible because if you are impatient with this energy, you are more likely to make mistakes. Anytime Uranus is involved, radical shifts and ah-ha moments are totally possible on an internal level, however, on an external level you may tend to blurt things our without proper forethought. Be sure to engage your Heart and some kind of filter, especially when communicating with others this week.
10/7 ~ Sun (essential Self) ~square~ Saturn (responsibility):
With this energy, it is best to understand that you will have two distinct pulls within – obligation to others versus responsibility to Self. It’s not nearly as bad as it feels, however, it does bring up something we all work really hard to balance to some degree or another – SELF & OTHERS. How much do you owe your Self and how much are you obligated to others? Balance and reciprocity come to mind as guides. One of the challenges of this influence is making negative assumptions that there is no support for you when in truth, you haven’t asked for any and *help must be invited*. Saturn brings up our relationship to Time, and some people may feel restricted, as if life/other/outer is all too demanding and there’s never any time just for the individual. This activation is a push to grow. It’s time to hold your own structure in some way and reclaim your Inner Authority (also Saturn’s domain) to direct your own life. Others may find their lives falling apart because they have avoided responsibility for so long and now there’s no more “wiggle room”. Rather than have a meltdown, take a nap and resolve to wake up with a plan, a strategy for taking the next step, even if that means simply asking for help or guidance from someone older and wiser. It’s time to deepen your dedication and commit to your Self in a whole new way. Recognize any current limitations and work with the resources at hand for now. The Sun usually illuminates the core essential nature or the Self, so see where you may be stuck and need to break out of a rut of some sort and trust that taking charge and making a decision and choosing a direction is *inviting help* from the Universe to support your new direction.
10/12 ~ Venus (values) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom):
Any time Uranus is involved, it becomes the “wild card” and hard to predict how things will unfold, but right now there is a push-pull between your apparent values and your unique individual self. Venus also represents relationships, so you may begin an unusual relationship or you may have something unusual happen in an established relationship. It is not necessarily a “good/bad” thing, as much as an unpredictable shift or sudden awareness, which requires some compromise & integration. This energy works beautifully if your personal Truth and values are in alignment. It will be very disruptive if they are not. Be open and flexible, while looking for the win/win situation for all involved.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
November Forecast for Capricorn
Let it go, let it flow! A major 12-year chapter of your life is coming to an end, Capricorn, and you’ll have the next 13 months to navigate the transition. On November 8, Jupiter, the planet of growth, luck and expansion, will shift into Sagittarius and your twelfth house of closure until December 2, 2019. This is a year to “sort the crops,” evaluating everything you’ve created since 2007 and looking at where you want (or need) to correct course.
It sounds serious, and well, this IS a pretty big deal. You’re preparing to start a whole new 12-year cycle in December 2019, when auspicious Jupiter will shift into Capricorn and put your personal goals on the fast track. Until then, you may feel a bit tired or low-key since the twelfth house rules the subconscious, and your “inner world” will be the most active realm of your life. Vivid dreams, serendipitous moments and a slower pace will become the new normal.
In other words, Capricorn, prepare to exit your comfort zone! Well, maybe not entirely because you’ll still have structured Saturn marching through your sign until 2020, making sure you stay on top of your most important goals. At least you’ll still have a tether to the material world. But don’t expect to be too anchored there! With Jupiter in your imaginative and spiritual twelfth house, the next 13 months could awaken your artistic side or help you tap into healing and esoteric abilities. The key word for the twelfth house is “surrender”—and, well, that’s not easy for any mortal to pull off (least of all a take-charge Capricorn!). But you’ll grow so much in the coming months when you stop forcing agendas and swimming upstream and allow the universe to step in to offer a little divine guidance.
The twelfth house rules all things hidden, and that includes agendas. You may find out exactly who is—and isn’t—on Team Capricorn since people’s true colors are clearly revealed by truth-teller Jupiter. With the Sun in Scorpio and your eleventh house of group activity until November 22 (and an eye-opening Scorpio new moon on November 7), you could start shifting some of your alliances this month.
Some of the people you distance yourself from may even share your DNA. You’ll find out starting November 6, when radical changemaker Uranus takes a final four-month lap through Aries and your fourth house of home and family. From March 2011 to May 2018, the side-spinning planet shook up this foundational part of your chart, which may have brought a move, a pregnancy or shifting dynamics with relatives (especially your mother or close female kin). If you’re the type of Capricorn who carries the weight of the world on your shoulders, authentic Uranus helped you “get real” and start liberating yourself from those codependent ties.
Now you have one last round of this before Uranus makes a permanent exit from Aries on March 6, 2019, not to return again in this lifetime. Translation? Your holiday guest list might be a little thinner, but the people on it will actually be enjoyable company. Or if you do a big family gathering, you’ll make sure to keep impenetrable boundaries with the button pushers and avoid the polarizing political conversations. Pro tip: Don’t offer up Casa de Capricorn as a crash pad this year—and if you’re the one traveling, rent a hotel or Airbnb instead of staying with relatives.
On November 16, there’s a retrograde “changing of the guard” as love planet Venus ends a six-week backspin and communicator Mercury STARTS a three-week reversal. Venus has been retrograde since October 5, backing through Libra and your career zone for the past two weeks. If you’ve been at odds with colleagues or feeling out of sorts about work, that’s why. The tenth house also rules fathers and men, so this Venus cycle may have stirred up discord with an important guy in your life.
Any lingering resentments will need to be addressed as Mercury turns retrograde from November 16 to December 6, spending the bulk of its backspin in Sagittarius and your twelfth house of closure and forgiveness. Prepare those olive branches! When the Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius on November 22, you’ll have a full month to work through any of these issues—and to catch up on serious rest before Capricorn season begins on December 21. Until then, take it easy because you’ll probably feel a bit foggy and emotional, and you need to be gentle with yourself.
You’ll have moment of clarity on November 23, when the year’s only Gemini full moon beams into your orderly and analytical sixth house. Your intuition that’s been running in the background will suddenly connect the dots. If you’ve been weighing a decision, today you could finally make it. The sixth house also rules health and fitness, and this one lunation falls oh-so inconveniently on Thanksgiving weekend in the U.S. But hey, there’s no rule that you have to slip into a post-turkey tryptophan food coma; or if you did that already, don’t beat yourself up—just move on. Today’s moonbeams could inspire a switch to more mindful eating and regular exercise over the holidays. Everything in moderation!
There’s plenty to enjoy about the holidays besides the food, anyway—like the company of great friends. And your social life will be on a definite upswing starting November 24, when hazy Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through Pisces and your third house of communication and community. If you’ve felt a little adrift from your most compassionate crew since June 18 or just haven’t had the time or motivation to catch up, Neptune’s direct turn will help you connect. Make space for meaningful moments over the holiday season.
One of the month’s most heart-opening days arrives on November 26, when the Sun and Jupiter make their annual meetup, this year in Sagittarius and your healing twelfth house. This could be a huge day for epiphanies, from emotional breakthroughs to a major reconciliation (forgiveness is powerful!) to finally letting yourself process a situation that caused heartbreak or grief. While that doesn’t exactly sound like FUN, it’s vital that we let blocked feelings get unstuck, especially because they can lead to stress and even disease if left unattended for too long. This powerful meetup of the life-giving Sun and generous Jupiter reminds you: Suffering is optional! So we recommend opting out and letting yourself be human—vulnerable, messy, real and loveable just the way you are.
Love & Romance
So…where is this thing going? If you’re almost afraid to ask, we can’t blame you, Capricorn. Love planet Venus is wrapping up her retrograde mid-month, a challenging cycle that’s wreaking havoc on hearts from October 5 to November 16. Venus was retrograde in Scorpio and your idealistic eleventh house until October 31 before backing into Libra and your tenth house of long-term plans for the duration.
If you’ve been “future-tripping”—i.e., obsessing over what’s next instead of enjoying the moment—then Venus retrograde has probably been extra-tough for you. Figuring out which way to go has been as clear as cauliflower soup! And since no self-respecting Capricorn likes to travel without a map, you’ll be oh-so-glad to see Venus correct course on November 16. The cosmic love goddess will remain in Libra for the rest of the month, but after that, you’re all clear to resume plotting out your world-domination-for-two master plan!
Meantime, intensifier Mars has been in Aquarius since September 10, heating up your second house of work, money and security. Mars is here until November 15, adding to the pressure to lock in something solid and possibly causing couples to fight over finances. Your hectic schedule and weighty responsibilities may also have made you short-tempered. On the upside, Mars in this posh house could have brought some sultry and sophisticated date nights!
Book yourself one of those on November 9, when Venus and Mars form their third and final trine of the year—a lovely connection that brings out everyone’s best (in spite of Venus still being retrograde). Couples who WANT to talk about the future should book the best table, open a bottle and do it in a luxe, five-star setting today. Bring some pleasure and pampering into the picture, and people will be far more amenable to hearing your requests for more consistency in the relationship, for example. (Just save the Excel spreadsheets for another day…and focus on the Egyptian cotton sheets instead.)
On November 15, Mars will move into Pisces, heating up your third house of communication for the rest of the year. Not only will the red planet add vibrancy to your social life, but single Caps could do some first-class flirting (and who knows where THAT will lead) just as the mistletoe and ambient lighting is being hung.
Key Dates
November 26: Sun-Jupiter Meetup This brilliant annual conjunction could be one the happiest or luckiest days of your year! This time, the annual summit electrifies your twelfth house of recovery, transitions and soulmates. You can almost magically heal a sore spot in your relationship by choosing to forgive and forget (or asking for forgiveness). Singles might meet someone who you feel like you’ve known for lifetimes—’cause maybe you have!
Money & Career
It ain’t over till it’s over! Go-getter Mars is in Aquarius until November 15, revving up your second house of work and money. Mars has been here since September 10, bringing demanding deadlines and duties, stressful expenses as well as money-making opportunities in increased doses. You may need to lean in just a little bit longer—while also navigating some irritating office politics thanks to Venus being retrograde in your career house until November 16. Stay focused on your work and don’t get involved! It would be tempting to unload your stress on someone, but that will only distract you from your duties.
On November 15, Mars moves into Pisces and your communicative third house for the rest of the year. It will be easier to have direct, productive dialogues then (but watch for coming on too strong). A project you’ve been toiling away at might be ready to pitch or put on the market—just in time for Black Friday and holiday season sales.
The Gemini full moon on November 23 prompts you to take inventory of Team Capricorn. If you need to cut some slackers (or properly train people, if they’re not being put to full use), this is a day to start hiring, firing or implementing new systems that will help your life run more smoothly. With Jupiter now in your twelfth house of surrender and rest, you’re gonna need some extra hands, so you might as well start sharpening your delegating skills now.
Key Dates
November 19: Mars-Jupiter Square Under this square between aggro Mars and never-say-never Jupiter, you want to dig in your heels and keep fighting the “good” fight. But if you pause for a moment to observe, you’ll realize it’s only making matters worse. Work harder to find the strength to compromise. Sometimes it’s actually more effective to humble yourself and extend the olive branch.
Love Days: 24, 29 Money Days: 8, 18 Luck Days: 29, 16 Off Days: 27, 31, 13
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