#aquarius monthly
cosmiccannibalcamille · 7 months
Your Mars in Scorpio Horoscope
Mars in Scorpio is like a homecoming for the red planet. Scorpio is Mars-ruled, and this cozy connection creates a harmonious flow of energy. The realms ruled by Mars – passion, power, self-assertion, physical energy, and willpower – are set free in the enigmatic embrace of Scorpio's depths. It's a time when your inner fire burns with purpose, and you're willing to go to great lengths to achieve your goals. However, this transit isn't all sunshine and roses. In Scorpio, Mars dives deep into emotions, making life feel more turbulent compared to the balance-seeking, harmony-loving aims of Libra Season.
Mars in Scorpio: The Depths of Desire and Secrecy
     Mars in Scorpio is a potent and enigmatic transit—the Wednesday Addams of planetary transits—that delves into the deepest desires and motivations of the human psyche. Scorpio is a sign that operates in the shadows, preferring to keep its true intentions concealed beneath layers of mystery. When the fiery planet Mars, which represents our willpower and physical energy, ventures into Scorpio, it's like setting a bonfire beneath those hidden layers, revealing the intensity and tenacity that lie beneath.
     At its core, Mars in Scorpio is about surreptitious ambitions and secret victories. This transit encourages us to tap into our most profound desires and transform them into action. The energies of Scorpio are all about regeneration, and Mars, the planet of action, carries the determination needed to propel these profound transformations.
Themes of Mars in Scorpio:
Intense Desire: Mars in Scorpio awakens profound desires that might have been lurking beneath the surface. These desires aren't casual or fleeting; they're intense, passionate, and often related to deep emotional connections and transformative experiences.
Tenacity: This transit fuels your determination. When you set your sights on a goal, you'll stop at nothing to achieve it. Mars in Scorpio can be a powerful force for overcoming obstacles and persevering through challenges.
Investigation and Research: Scorpio's association with depth and the unseen makes it an excellent time for investigative and research-related pursuits. Whether it's solving a mystery, delving into psychology, or uncovering hidden truths, you'll have the drive and determination to dig deep.
Secretive Power: Mars in Scorpio operates on a more secretive and private level. You may not be overt about your ambitions or the steps you're taking to reach your goals. Instead, you prefer to work behind the scenes, quietly amassing your power and influence.
Transformation: Scorpio is all about regeneration and rebirth, and with Mars's assertive energy, this is a time of personal transformation. Old habits and situations are cast aside, making room for new and more empowered versions of yourself.
Read more about Mars in Scorpio (including YOUR horoscope) here:
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alyjojo · 5 months
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December 😚 2023 Monthly - Aquarius
Whole of your energy: The Sun
The Sun is amazing energy, and The Tower is at the bottom, which matches your vision, very conflicted energy here, and you’ve been through some shit with 3 Swords rev & 10 Swords rev. They were once upright, that’s over, but it’s like…you’re still wary of people or a situation you’re involved with, could be a lover with 2 Cups here. Or love generally.
In your meditation, your door was very far away, and I had to ask you/it to come closer. That was fine, but I had to ask. And I heard the word “consent” with that. Inside, it’s pitch black, and there is a short staircase downward, with a pull string lamp above every stair, that only illuminates the next step, no more than that. It was a terrifying experience, all sorts of creepy noises and fears coming up, what’s in the dark I can’t see, is something going to hurt me, bite me, stab me, and where am I even going? Is this a trap? At the bottom, the lights come on and a whole group of people jump out shouting “SURPRISE!!”. They’re laughing and clapping you on the back, expecting a different reaction, and I/you have this weak smile, thinking “eheh…great, could’ve not given me a heart attack and put me through hell to get here, but a good surprise is good I guess”. Heart pounding 💯
Whatever Tower is being illuminated is positive, but it’s that same feeling of…can you *be* so grateful after what you experienced? I get that you are, but it’s a cloudy feeling too, whatever road got here was intense, backstabbing, heartbreaking, painful, it’s not all sunshine and roses here. On a positive note, you’re getting what you’ve always wanted & waited for. Catch-22. Whatever you’re getting, you’ve earned it. At the bottom of the deck, I’m getting the burden is a lack of control, ownership, Towers, no “consent”.
What’s going on in December:
3 Swords rev:
This was once a heartbreaking situation that had you in 9 Swords, playing over and over again in your mind, sleepless nights, upset and anxious to the point of having physical symptoms. It’s since healed, this is past energy along with the next card, and again the bottom shows 10 Wands, The Emperor rev & The Tower. You had no choice in this situation, no control, it could’ve been someone else or Spirit even that brought a Tower down in your life and changed everything. Causing you a lot of pain & worry in the meantime. No consent, no control. The Emperor rev can show major aggression in someone, what this is will be different for everyone, some worse than others. The example I got was someone getting their car jacked at gunpoint, at a red light, and then you get a new car you always wanted. Yay. Still terrified of driving it, and red lights 😬
10 Swords rev:
Still past energy, because it’s healing or has healed since, 10 Swords upright is a betrayal, being stabbed in the back ten times, and you never saw it coming or they wouldn’t be in the back. King of Wands clarifies, this is someone confident that takes charge of a situation and leads, but again 10 Wands with The Emperor rev, the burden is a lack of consent, someone is just dictating what you’re going to do or not do and you don’t get a say in this whatsoever. So this person is the problem, King of Wands, or you’re somehow affected by the choices and decisions they make/made, could be related to a betrayal. You weren’t working with this person or didn’t want to cooperate and didn’t have a choice, this could be anyone. Work especially, family, “the leader” of something. Possible trauma here, I’m just going to note it and move on, we know what consent means. Betrayal, pain, wounds, you’ve healed, but none of this is a laughing/light matter to you.
5 Swords:
This is painful conflict, a war of words, below the belt jabs and arguments, “winning at all costs”, proving your point or getting your way no matter who gets caught in the crossfire. This is relating to Temperance, Queen of Wands comes out to match this King, could be a relationship. This Queen doesn’t want to reconnect, Death, she’s done, pissed off. Again at the bottom, The Emperor rev, 7 Wands & The Moon. No control, pissed off and standing your ground, defensive against everything you can’t see or don’t know, moving “in the dark” with The Moon, and meditation - causing fear, anxiety, being unable to see the next step. Someone chose for you, betrayed you, hurt you, and when Temperance came into the picture you were extremely defensive about it. Or someone’s telling you to calm down and you’re like “tf I will” because someone just does shit and assumes you’re fine with it?
The Emperor rev can be extremely controlling, aggressive, violent, not a balanced leader but a shitty one, and King of Wands IS upright, they’re a self proclaimed leader, but the Queen is too. Bare minimum, it’s a power struggle. Could be worse too. I don’t see toxicity in this King of Wands, being upright, no Devils, but there is pain, arguments, betrayal, etc. It’s enough to piss you off. Someone is making decisions for the group with only their intent or desires in mind.
Side story, you may not be either of these people, but involved with a couple where one person decides for the couple and you’re an added accessory, possibly a parent or authority. Still single-mindedly. You’re like come again? No I’m not an accessory 💯 Because whatever this was felt like betrayal. This could be an old family feud of some kind, or someone has a shitty boss.
9 Cups:
It’s your wish to have a happy family, or relationship, for everyone to be together celebrating and happy. Probably with the holidays. That’s available for you - Judgement, Ace of Cups at the bottom shows it’s possible now to start over and have everything you want. 4 Pentacles shows you holding a grudge though, like “we’re just going to forget everything that just happened and move on now?” Great, awesome. It’s both what you’re resistant to, and what you want the most. Catch-22. Especially if this person is part of the family.
2 Cups:
Clarified by The Lovers, this is a very deep connection between two people. Possibly a Twin Flame coming back around, or a cheater. I don’t see apologies, nor do I see any destined lessons, trials overcome, meaningful things learned or conversations had. There’s love, you love them, maybe they’re showing you love now. Again, it’s what you’ve wanted and waited for and you’re hesitant. NOW you’re hesitant. 4 Pentacles shows you as guarded and self protected against any Towers, you don’t trust them anymore. 5 Pentacles at the bottom shows you feeling thrown to the wolves or left out in the cold, and that’s healing, but why did it have to be this way in the first place? You’re showing up, you’re accepting love and giving it, but inside you’re very guarded and wary of this person and any Towers they may bring. Ace of Cups is a fresh start, and Charmaine says to find the positives in this person. Why, idk, that depends on your situation, Charmaine also indicates you may not have the whole story or have misjudged something & should stay impartial for the time being.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Gemini, Aries, Pisces & Scorpio
Oracles: ✨
34 Ancient Wisdom 🙏
Nature is the perfect place to center yourself and ground out any excessive noise in your head. In nature, all the secrets of the universe are held: from the fiercest energy of a raging sea in a storm to the nurturing and loving energy of a hundred year old grove of trees. Get out in nature and listen to what she has to tell you. There is much to learn from nature. Trees just want to be trees. They’re not trying to be boulders. Deer are just deer 🦌 and they accept that. Wolves are wolves, they do not know any other way, they do not get an extreme makeover to become a bear. This energy vibration can be so different from the human experience. It is pure love, non judgement, and acceptance. When you tap into the ancient wisdom of the natural world, you find peace within yourselves. You get to “know thyself”. By drawing this card, you are asked to come to peace with who you are and what you have to offer this situation.
We enter into December as:
Dancin’ Daisy 🌻
“Let’s just jump and see what happens.” - Joe vs. the Volcano
Dancin’ Daisy represents a new phase in life, the acceleration of all the events that happen. Daisy says “Come to me and jump beyond what you believe, into a new possibility.” It tells you take action where you may not have previously. Daisy is the life energy, she is connected to enthusiasm. Dancin’ Daisy is physical expansion and embodies in physical form the example we all see. She represents a joyous time for you, a move, a job, or another significant change, such as a marriage. This also signifies taking a risk that will work with faith and trust. This is the moment after the leap, when you cannot see where you will land. The Daisy is reassurance that you will land on your feet, so keep the faith.
Daisy also represents radiant health. Spirit can only manifest through us if we honor the physical body we inhabit. This may mean that you need to adopt a good physical fitness regiment. Your will to heal yourself is great. If a man is attracted to this fable the indication is strong that he is pulling a new partner into his life. This is also an indication for him to look to a woman for his next brilliant idea. If a woman is drawn to this fable, she is the radiant being that is attracting all that she needs.
What is to be learned in December:
Charmaine Chartreuse 🗣
“I never met a person I didn’t like.”
Charmaine Chartreuse suggests you begin finding the good in others. So much is lost when we do not appreciate those around us, for we lose the wonderful gifts of who they are. Appreciating differences will enrich your present situation. This can be a warning that you’ll lose a valued relationship if you do not appreciate what you have. Thinking the best of another person is more powerful than putting them down. Do not attempt to choose sides. Getting others to agree with you that someone else is wrong will also backfire, you may find yourself alone if you are not thoughtful. Wasting energy focusing on something you shouldn’t is also denoted here. Gossip is an indication you’re not focusing on your own life. What we think may not be the truth of the matter. Be aware now of how you speak of another, for the things you say will come back to you at this time. “Doing your own thing” may leave you lonely, and an aloof attitude may lead others to believe you don’t like them, when that isn’t true. If you’re feeling cut-off, consider that others may be waiting for you, and take a cue from Charmaine, being kind is called for from you, even if others are behaving in an inappropriate way.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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isiscelestia · 3 months
Pluto in Aquarius
January 20, 2024 - September 1, 2024
We are getting a taste of Pluto in Aquarius until it goes back into Capricorn on September 1st. During the Pluto retrograde, monumental and historical moments happened all around us. The collective is unsettled and unhappy, which is causing the shift in ideals. I predict that for these months people will really be putting the action behind their words. Community is going to be a big focal point during this transit, and humanitarian aid and assistance will continue to rise and be influential in the struggle. I also think that new technological advancements will be coming, especially when it comes to: drugs, beauty, food, and learning.
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turningwheeltarot · 1 year
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rossy-tv · 4 months
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noleanafran · 3 months
Disculpe, ¿a usted le interesa esto?
Creo que no hay nada más difícil que iniciar un texto, un ensayo, una charla. Reunir el coraje, o más bien la valentía, de afrontar el inmenso miedo a sentirse humillado, expuesto, ridiculizado tal vez. Hoy, a mis veintidós años, aún conservo esa timidez que ni siquiera vivir en Buenos Aires me pudo sacar y me enternece un poco. Buenos Aires tiene, para mí, ese no sé qué que me encantaba. El ruido, la gente, el movimiento, las plazas y los parques, los cines, las pizzerías, los grafitis y carteles intervenidos, los cafés entre amigos en un barcito de la esquina. Siento que cada vez que me voy se pierde una parte de mi alma.
Hace muchos años que me miento: digo que voy a empezar una especie de bitácora personal para relatar mis días, pero nunca llega. Me matan las ganas y me angustia saber que si no lo hago ahora, no se va a hacer nunca. Después del tumultuoso (pero bello) año que pasé, en la última lata de cerveza del festejo post año nuevo, me llegó la revelación de decir: "Y bueno, nada que hacerle". Nunca experimenté estar mareada, ebria y en el agua al mismo tiempo; más o menos así se siente mi vida desde que soy consiente de que perdí todo. Mis salidas nocturnas con la tranquilidad de saber que puedo volver a casa cuando se me cante, catar cafeterías y elegir la mejor, recorrer todos los restaurantes que pueda, sacarle fotos a cualquier cosa que me cruce y me cause algo. Era mi espacio, era todo.
Volver al encierro a causa del calor formoseño, que los próximos dos años de mi vida se van a turnar entre un verano y un verano suave, es saber que no hay escapatoria. No hay angustia más grande que volver al lugar donde me sentí tan mal durante tanto tiempo, pero por lo menos espero poder sacar provecho del enojo y la confusión que siento, tengo alguna que otra idea para escribir guiones que dejaré a la mitad. Ah, sí, mi actividad favorita: dejar todo inconcluso. Me cuesta mucho escribir, no sé por qué lo haría, tampoco sé a quién se le ocurrirá leerme porque, siendo honestos, no hay nada interesante aquí entre nosotros como para contar, así que por eso pensé en un post mensual.
Pasaron treinta días y siento que no hice nada más que estar triste. Destaco la semana en Buenos Aires: me despedí de mis amigos y compañeros del taller; acaricié un perro gigantesco y dos gatitos muy bellos; además pasé mi cumpleaños en mi lugar favorito, ustedes no se imaginan la paz que me dio ir a Caminito y comerme un choripan mirando hacia La Bombonera. Hacía un calorcito lindo y de casualidad no llovió, me pareció raro porque casi todos mis cumpleaños los pasé bajo agua, no sé si eso definirá mi suerte para este año.
La vuelta fue horrible. Años y años de Tetris hicieron llevadero el viaje, ni yo sabía que tenía tantas cosas, odio las mudanzas. Yo no quería venir, es más, no debería venir. No es mi lugar, nunca lo fue y nunca lo será. Formosa y yo somos agua y aceite, simplemente no encajamos. Yo no encajo. Vivo apurada en un lugar donde hay vida nuevamente como a las seis de la tarde, después de la siesta. Yo no duermo siesta. Yo no duermo, mejor dicho. Si consigo cuatro o seis horas corridas para mí es un logro digno de enmarcar. Cabe aclarar que mi ciudad me parece bellísima, pero no su gente. Viven en una burbuja de la que no quieren salir y a nadie le interesa más que el vecino y lo que hace o no hace. "Pueblo chico, infierno grande" dicen, pero si Formosa ya es una ciudad bastante grande, ¿qué nos quedará entonces? Me sofoca este lugar.
Por cuestiones de salud mental omitiré hablar de mi gente y qué tan mal nos llevamos, no estoy para estos trotes actualmente. Realmente no hay nada que hacer, quejarse no ayuda de nada y seguir nadando en contra sólo empeoraría las cosas. Así que nada, así fue mi enero: caótico y bello, como cualquier cosa en estas épocas acuarianas. Me retracto con lo dicho al inicio de este texto, definitivamente los cierres son muchísimos más complicados que los comienzos. Al menos ahí podías empezar con una boludez y dejar que se expanda, pero ahora que tengo que finalizar esto y no encuentro la manera, me siento desesperada. Pero bueno, épocas acuarianas.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Career- Two of Swords
There is a big promotion looming in the distance. Stay calm and self-assured. Your ship will come in, but you have to remain composed. Don’t fight for advancement, it will come to you naturally. In money matters, the best action is inaction. You have two financial opportunities at your feet. Don’t jump to conclusions or make a choice because you feel pressured. You have plenty of time to decide. Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fall into it! Surrender to your heart. Hop on the roller coaster ride of love with giddy abandon. 
Friends-Seven of Wands
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. Aries and Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with both of these signs. 
Family-The Emperor
The upright Emperor is all about father figures. It’s time for the dad in your life to embrace the role of fatherhood, and perhaps re-evaluate his role in the family. 
Self-Ace of Wands
This is the time to take positive action and go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Explore new territories. Take initiative. Be fearless. Reach out to obtain your goals, Life is full of unknowns, but they don’t have to hold you back from striving to achieve more.
Career-The Magician
This is the card of willpower, so it isn’t a bad one to receive for a career reading, Aquarius. Many people lack the commitment it takes to expand their business or career. This month, you will have the ability to achieve your professional goals. If you're thinking of collaborating with someone on a project, take this warning that this person isn’t who they appear to be. You should be careful with your decision to work with this month. 
Love-The Lovers
Expect to meet a mate who will treat you as an equal. Your existing relationships will be rekindled. Growth, harmony, and understanding is promised in partnerships. Do not be too impulsive, and keep your libido in check. 
Justice points to the truth that we are all connected – we are all part of the huge mass called life, and to think otherwise is folly. Your culture may tell you that the best people are mavericks who get things done all on their own and the rest of us just follow along like lemmings. But the truth is that even the most avant-garde thinker is still working on or with or through things that other people, and/or society, initially developed or provided long before they started looking at it. The appearance of this card also suggests that you must be scrupulously careful about being fair and dealing equally with your friends, because if you are not, the unfairness will be pointed out to you in a less than pleasant way.
Family-The Hanged Man
This month it will seem like some things just aren’t working out, but that doesn’t mean you have to scrap the whole plan. Take a break from the issue and focus on the family ideals you’ve aimed for in the first place. 
Self-The Moon
This month you may be feeling confused and are being swayed by others when you really should be doing what you know in your heart is right. On the positive side, you have a strong intuition this month. You need to do some honest soul searching. Dive deep into your emotional waters to find stability. Don’t be confused by what the outside world is doing. Instead, follow your own instincts and make your dreams come true. The time to make that happen is now. Ask yourself, “How can I gain clarity of mind and focus?”  With a whole reading of major arcana, you're bound to have a dynamic month.
Career-The Sun
May will be your time to shine professionally. Your hard work will pay off, and can now bask in your success. If you don’t see this happening right away, remain optimistic. Your time is coming, Pisces. If you sell products online you may have more customers overseas or in another country.
Love-Two of Wands
This month you may be faced with the reality that you or a loved one need to move on. For some of you, this could mean a job offer in a new town, or maybe one of you needs to move out of the relationship. It’s not an easy choice, but it has to be made. Perhaps you need a new love this month, Pisces. 
Friends-Ten of Wands
This may be a challenging month for your friendships. You may feel like there's a lot going on and it all feels like too much for you. Whether the burden you carry is all yours or whether it’s partly someone else's, the Ten of Wands is telling you that you need to lighten your load. Be honest with your friends if you need help. 
Family-Ace of Pentacles
For friends and family it would indicate that this is a period of stability. If relationships have been somewhat strained recently it would indicate that everything is about to settle down and get back to normal for you and yours.
As well as indicating a period of stability it can also be seen as a comment on the relationships that you have insomuch that it is saying that they are stable, sensible, and prosperous. Prosperous in this sense does not equate to money but rather to the richness of the relationship itself.
Self-Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is the card of stillness. This card predicts a time in your life when you feel as though everything has paused.
You will feel as though everything in your life has come to a complete stop. The plans which you have made previously will not come to fruition. Projects will not get finished and work will not be done. You will not want to spend time with other people during this time; you will choose to or will be forced into isolation.
 Time spent recovering is another common interpretation of the Four of Swords. You will go through a time of rest. Stop taking care of yourself and your emotional needs during this time. You must practice self-care and put yourself first.
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horoscopeguidance · 41 minutes
AQUARIUS: MAY 2024 A celebration may be in order at the beginning of May for something that was accomplished quite some time ago. At the time, Aquarius, no one paid much attention to what you had worked so hard to achieve, but now it will come to light. Revel in the attention and lap it up because you deserve it.
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jeevanjali · 4 days
Kumbh Masik Love Rashifal May 2024: मासिक लव राशिफल के अनुसार जानिए कुंभ राशि के जातकों की लवलाइफ Kumbh Masik Love Rashifal May 2024: प्रेम संबंधों के लिए यह महीना मध्यम रहने वाला है। माह की शुरुआत में तनाव बढ़ेगा, विवाद हो सकता है। वहीं महीने के उत्तरार्ध में प्यार बढ़ने की संभावना रहेगी। अविवाहित लोगों का दांपत्य जीवन अच्छा रहेगा।
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mswild1 · 4 months
Get excited Answering $20.00 join in live now on YouTube. Cashapp or PayPal me
youtube.com/live/BIRYSDvBjnM https://www.youtube.com/live/BIRYSDvBjnM?si=N2T0mS6rVBcdpo1y 🥰Welcome to wholeness 🥰 Welcome to wholeness 🪄this is a journey to acceptance & peace of the inner temple . Love and light yes hello we love you 🥰 #msDJMswildtarot My other channel all about magic Light and…
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
Your February Horoscope
We had a major shift on Jan. 20. Pluto, the planet of death & rebirth, entered Aquarius the same day as the Sun entered the weird, fixed air sign. This put the collective focus on the future and what the next 20 years is going to look like. Well, the future—and all its potential to evolve into and look like Back to the Future Part II (with all those flying skateboards, flying cars, etc). Yes, all that future-focused, sci-fi-and-alien-obsessed thinking is going to intensify this month as Mercury, Venus, and Mars also move into Aquarius. (They also each conjoin Pluto when they do so.) Sandwiched between those transits are a juicy Aquarius new moon, which is another OPTIMAL new moon for setting future-focused goals. After that, the Sun enters Pisces, Mercury enters Pisces, the Moon swells and reaches its peak in Virgo, and we’re collectively encouraged to cry for sport, write sad / bad poetry, and feel…A LOT. 
     That’s the nitty gritty gist of February. Here’s the actual astrology, with actual dates for your calendar: 
Feb. 5 – Mercury enters Aquarius, Mercury conjoins Pluto
Feb. 9 – Aquarius New Moon
Feb. 13 – Mars enters Aquarius, Mars conjoins Pluto
Feb. 16 – Venus enters Aquarius, Venus conjoins Pluto
Feb. 18 – Sun enters Pisces
Feb. 23 – Mercury enters Pisces
Feb. 24 – Full Moon in Virgo
Feb. 25 - Mars squares Jupiter in Taurus
Feb. 27 - Venus squares Jupiter in Taurus
     Also, on Feb. 11, I’m hosting a LIVE Love & Compatibility workshop. Cosmic Chemistry (that’s the name, btw) isn’t just any old astrology love workshop; no, this workshop is about understanding your specific placements in your birth chart—your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Rising sign, as well as your 5th & 7th Houses—to help you better understand your romantic nature and needs. Rising Tier members of my astrology community, The Cosmic Collective get this workshop—along with my 2024 Cosmic Calendar—FREE. You can check out The Cosmic Collective on my website, cosmiccannibal.com.
Get Your FULL Horoscope for February here:
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alyjojo · 7 months
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October ⚖️ 2023 Monthly - Aquarius
Whole of your energy: 8 Swords rev
You’re needing to release yourself from something you’ve felt trapped in, or habits you keep yourself trapped in. There’s a particular message about you not caring enough about your health, and rest especially. Not getting enough sleep. Justice shows the need for balance in your life, and cutting away the excess that isn’t working for you, so that you can head down a new path with The Fool. The whole reading is saying you need to take care of yourself now, building up your Strength, so that you can have the necessary energy & be ready for something amazing that’s coming in later ⭐️
What’s going on in October:
4 Cups:
It could be a romantic relationship they’re talking about, or it could be several with 3 Cups here as well. Friends, lovers, family, you are neither here nor there with whether people come into your life, or leave it. There is a Knight of Wands energy with this, you could also be the one that’s very in and out with other people in your world. It’s possible that in love, one foot is always out of the door, you never really come in, have a seat, buy a dog, build a fence…you interact from the door 🚪 Just in case you have to walk right back out again. Non-committal behavior. That can apply to friends too. If that’s NOT you, then Justice can be showing these sorts of disconnected “connections” needing to be cut off and removed from your life. Or you need to stop, because it’s not doing you any favors.
4 Swords:
Clarified by 6 Wands, and a whole book of cards expressing your negative perceptions and expectations of everything that *should* be positive. You’re needing to heal the expectation that everything is going to go wrong, you’re always going to be disappointed, “nothing lasts forever”. In your meditation, it opened at the top of a mountain, on a long & winding staircase, in a freakin blizzard. There were coats nearby and the stairs were well salted, I was like “well, that‘s thoughtful” 😆 You were all the way at the bottom a ways in the distance, in a bubble with a table, chairs, tea and sunshine, perfectly happy & oblivious to this insane blizzard. You were happy to let me in & chat, it just wasn’t easy. In the preshuffle, 6 Cups rev kept showing up - healing the past. Or having healed. That is probably what all of this is talking about, and what that is will be different for everyone. Negative perceptions that need to go. Pessimistic views about your life, the people in it, and where you’re headed. You have to heal this because 6 Wands - *winning* is the point, the purpose, what you need to want, think, feel, and believe ⭐️ There’s no reason you can’t, except that you expect to fail. And you need more sleep. And a green smoothie. And a walk. Like every day.
This is building the necessary Strength required - health wise, and also showing that you hold back from family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, do you even talk to your fish? 10 Pentacles shows what you have that you hold yourself back from. Or what you could have but push away. That’s a whole family unit, support, people celebrating with you, friends. The Tower & Wheel of Fortune show necessary, karmic, or destined…still unexpected disasters having happened in your world that’s caused this whole behavioral habit of holding yourself back in the first place. Could be a trauma response, 4 Swords can refer to mental health too and that seems to be what we’re dealing with here. 6 Wands can be recognition, how you operate with other people needs to be examined so you can realize how you keep yourself from what you want. 8 Swords upright is self-sabotage, and you’re needing to release that for your own good. There’s a brand new cycle waiting on you.
3 Cups:
This is a celebration with others, could be a party of some kind, a holiday, a reunion with some people maybe you’ve had conflicts with, or you just feel conflicted about how to operate with some of the people around you. You want to move forward and plan on giving what you can to the situation, but also don’t know how much of yourself you should give. It’s a constant conflict, one foot in and one foot out, or do you hold on tightly to something that’s maybe not so great for you, or doesn’t reciprocate your efforts. Again, balance is needed, it’s not an all or nothing sort of situation, not everyone is the same. Some people are not good for you, bye. Others deserve everything you’ve got and they reciprocate, it’s just figuring out who is what. I get your intentions are good, and any celebrations or parties you’re involved in should go well, despite your reservations.
The Star:
Your energy, it’s the light in the dark after The Tower has fallen, the inspiration to head down a new path with The Fool, also partly your energy, and its moving towards your dreams, or you being able to see & experience them being realized, your authentic path. Your constant indecision is being healed. Queen of Swords & 10 Cups is showing you with a happy ending, happy family, happy friends, a happy life. None of this has to do with other people, it’s you. You can speak your honest truth to others safely, and you should. Your happiness all comes when you heal the past, trauma responses, deeply ingrained behaviors, non-committal tendencies & fear. 6 Cups rev comes out officially here to end the reading. You’ve already healed, there are just some lingering behaviors or beliefs maybe you don’t initially realize need to go. Releasing those that aren’t aligned with what you want or where you’re heading, wherever that applies. I’m getting you hold back from things that make you happy. It’s just fear. Let it go ❄️
8888 here shows actions needing to be taken to release yourself from this “holding back” unsure energy so that you can move towards what’s meant for you.
6666 here shows The Lovers/Connections that are successful, supportive, and have an equal exchange of giving and receiving in your life are what helps you release any old bs, this is the goal to head towards, the “risk” to take. If they make it through the storm, celebrate it with them, and some tea 🫖
Signs you may be dealing with:
Every sign is here, heavy air 💯
Oracles: ✨
34 Stuck
You may be stuck because you are overly attached to a method or piece.
21 Truth
An honest desire to know and speak the truth produces beneficial results.
23 Forgiveness 😌
It has been said forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves - forgiveness of others, but also forgiveness of self. We are the most critical and judgmental of ourselves. This inner critic does so much more harm than criticism that comes from others. Forgive yourself for trusting others and getting hurt, for not knowing, for not seeing, for not believing. You are human and you are growing and learning. Human perfection is rooted in imperfection. This card indicates the need for forgiveness in the situation asked about.
We enter into October as:
Righteous Raspberry 💅🏽:
“I have the same high standards for myself as I do for others.”
This is a message to lighten up! Notice your present attitude towards others. Perhaps you’re being too hard on yourself, and others as well. Allow others to be as they are. Supporting others around you creates allies. Watch your expectations, you could be setting yourself up for disappointment. You cannot be satisfied if you expect others to live up to standards you can’t even live up to. Besides, others are not you. Do it wrong, mess it up, have flaws. Trying to make the world perfect will only exhaust and alienate. Allow things to simple be. Look for what’s right in your world.
What is to be learned in October:
Electric Blue Moon 🌚:
“If I don’t take care of it, it’ll never happen.”
It is not time to force an issue. If something feels important to you, you may be jumping the gun. If you are impatient, you may block something wonderful from coming to you. Now is not the time for a rushed decision, even if you think you’ve given something “plenty” of time, give it more. You have made your needs known to Spirit, now leave it alone. If you try to force a situation, you may bind yourself to something you could come to know as a hinderance. Allow right action to happen in its own time.
Blue may be a lucky color 💙
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isiscelestia · 2 months
Venus in Aquarius
February 16, 2024 - March 11, 2024
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Venus is moving into Aquarius and these are my suggestions for making this transit beneficial for you! This is the time to make those independent decisions that you were scared to do. Be open in your relationships because what you are so scared to express will change it forever after this season. If you remember anything from this post, remember that relationships shouldn’t make you feel confined. At the beginning of this transition, sexual energy will be very high. I suggest trying the new ideas that you’ve had (whether it’s sexual or not). You may want to change your physical appearance in a drastic way like dye your hair, get a new piercing or tattoo, whatever it is I think you should go for it! Many of you are making big decisions in how you’re juggling your money, and I know with the current state of the economy this is a lot on everybody. I would say to make sure that the decision you make is one you thought long and hard on, and that you wholeheartedly agree that this decision is the best one to make. Embrace the change don’t fight it!
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unlockarcana · 4 months
January 2024 General Tarot Reading and Monthly Horoscope
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astrosolutions · 8 months
September Horoscope: Weekly for September 3 – 9, 2023
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Explore your destiny with our September Horoscope: Weekly edition for September 3 – 9, 2023. Discover personalized insights, astrological guidance, and a glimpse into the week ahead. Find clarity as per your zodiac sign
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thearcher-2 · 9 months
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Written Monthly Overview Horoscopes for August OUT NOW over on my Patreon! Click the Link Below to discover how the month will unfold for all 12 Rising Signs! August will have the Venus Star Point in Leo, Mercury Retrograde, Uranus retrograde, Mars will ingress into the Cardinal Air Sign of Libra, the Sun will depart from its home sign of Leo as it enters the Mutable Earth Sign of Virgo entering the last sign of summer! This month has more challenges than harmonious aspects, but it's because we need to wrap old things up in order to move forward towards our highest potential in this lifetime. One last thing, as we get towards the end of August the Eclipse Season will start to creep in & you will start noticing the changes beginning this month, but the energy will become louder over the next couple months! Nothing to fear!
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