lunaleetarot · 1 year
I'm doing tarot reading 13 dollars a spread if your interested send me a message. Much love to you all.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces
Career- Two of Swords
There is a big promotion looming in the distance. Stay calm and self-assured. Your ship will come in, but you have to remain composed. Don’t fight for advancement, it will come to you naturally. In money matters, the best action is inaction. You have two financial opportunities at your feet. Don’t jump to conclusions or make a choice because you feel pressured. You have plenty of time to decide. Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fall into it! Surrender to your heart. Hop on the roller coaster ride of love with giddy abandon. 
Friends-Seven of Wands
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. Aries and Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with both of these signs. 
Family-The Emperor
The upright Emperor is all about father figures. It’s time for the dad in your life to embrace the role of fatherhood, and perhaps re-evaluate his role in the family. 
Self-Ace of Wands
This is the time to take positive action and go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Explore new territories. Take initiative. Be fearless. Reach out to obtain your goals, Life is full of unknowns, but they don’t have to hold you back from striving to achieve more.
Career-The Magician
This is the card of willpower, so it isn’t a bad one to receive for a career reading, Aquarius. Many people lack the commitment it takes to expand their business or career. This month, you will have the ability to achieve your professional goals. If you're thinking of collaborating with someone on a project, take this warning that this person isn’t who they appear to be. You should be careful with your decision to work with this month. 
Love-The Lovers
Expect to meet a mate who will treat you as an equal. Your existing relationships will be rekindled. Growth, harmony, and understanding is promised in partnerships. Do not be too impulsive, and keep your libido in check. 
Justice points to the truth that we are all connected – we are all part of the huge mass called life, and to think otherwise is folly. Your culture may tell you that the best people are mavericks who get things done all on their own and the rest of us just follow along like lemmings. But the truth is that even the most avant-garde thinker is still working on or with or through things that other people, and/or society, initially developed or provided long before they started looking at it. The appearance of this card also suggests that you must be scrupulously careful about being fair and dealing equally with your friends, because if you are not, the unfairness will be pointed out to you in a less than pleasant way.
Family-The Hanged Man
This month it will seem like some things just aren’t working out, but that doesn’t mean you have to scrap the whole plan. Take a break from the issue and focus on the family ideals you’ve aimed for in the first place. 
Self-The Moon
This month you may be feeling confused and are being swayed by others when you really should be doing what you know in your heart is right. On the positive side, you have a strong intuition this month. You need to do some honest soul searching. Dive deep into your emotional waters to find stability. Don’t be confused by what the outside world is doing. Instead, follow your own instincts and make your dreams come true. The time to make that happen is now. Ask yourself, “How can I gain clarity of mind and focus?”  With a whole reading of major arcana, you're bound to have a dynamic month.
Career-The Sun
May will be your time to shine professionally. Your hard work will pay off, and can now bask in your success. If you don’t see this happening right away, remain optimistic. Your time is coming, Pisces. If you sell products online you may have more customers overseas or in another country.
Love-Two of Wands
This month you may be faced with the reality that you or a loved one need to move on. For some of you, this could mean a job offer in a new town, or maybe one of you needs to move out of the relationship. It’s not an easy choice, but it has to be made. Perhaps you need a new love this month, Pisces. 
Friends-Ten of Wands
This may be a challenging month for your friendships. You may feel like there's a lot going on and it all feels like too much for you. Whether the burden you carry is all yours or whether it’s partly someone else's, the Ten of Wands is telling you that you need to lighten your load. Be honest with your friends if you need help. 
Family-Ace of Pentacles
For friends and family it would indicate that this is a period of stability. If relationships have been somewhat strained recently it would indicate that everything is about to settle down and get back to normal for you and yours.
As well as indicating a period of stability it can also be seen as a comment on the relationships that you have insomuch that it is saying that they are stable, sensible, and prosperous. Prosperous in this sense does not equate to money but rather to the richness of the relationship itself.
Self-Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is the card of stillness. This card predicts a time in your life when you feel as though everything has paused.
You will feel as though everything in your life has come to a complete stop. The plans which you have made previously will not come to fruition. Projects will not get finished and work will not be done. You will not want to spend time with other people during this time; you will choose to or will be forced into isolation.
 Time spent recovering is another common interpretation of the Four of Swords. You will go through a time of rest. Stop taking care of yourself and your emotional needs during this time. You must practice self-care and put yourself first.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius
Career- Nine of Swords
You are obsessing about work. Consider relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, or taking up a hobby to help you unwind. In money matters, poor financial matters have riddled you with stress. Guilt and fear cloud your judgment. Consult a financial planner for clarity and solutions. 
Love-Magician (Reversed)
Give love a breather right now. Let emotional unrest settle before you go back into the water and make waves in your love life. 
Friends-Knight of Wands
Perhaps you're planning a trip with your close friends (or you should be). Getting everyone together for some fun would be too good to miss out on. You only live once, Leo. A friend may spring an offer on you without you expecting it. If this offer presents itself you should take it. Take action if it’s been pretty boring among your friends. Go out of your way to bring everybody together. 
Family-King of Wands
Pay homage to the patriarch of the family. It’s time to give the father figure of your life recognition and a gesture of gratitude. 
Self-Ten of Swords
Overworked and overburdened, you now have no choice but to rest. You are forced to relinquish control. You took on too much, and now you have to give up some responsibilities. You had fair warning that trouble was pending, but you kept pushing anyway. Now you are pinned in with no choice but to surrender.
Career-Nine of Cups
You’ve worked hard to bolster your confidence, education, and skills. Your efforts allow you to win success and enjoy prestige at work. In money matters, fiances are substantial enough to spend on extra luxuries. You may be enjoying a monetary gift or inheritance. You will get opportunities when you are meant to have them. 
Love-Knight of Cups
You or your partner is a knight in shining armor. Respect and honor are valued in relationships. Working together to meet goals is key. 
Friends-Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. Don’t expect any arguments or gossip now or in the near future. It might be a good time to get into some deep conversations with your friends and get to know them better or help them out with something that they need assistance with.
A harsh reality within the family has left you feeling vulnerable and empty. Move forward. The awkwardness will abate in time. Be patient. This is a Scorpio card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign. 
Self-Six of Pentacles
Often you have to give in order to receive. You have been through enough trials and tribulations to know this. After enduring major hardships and setbacks in your life, you now have the ability to be sensitive to the needs of others. You have also worked hard to be in a position to help others in need. With two kings in the reading, your loved ones will help you with home truths and advice.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Cancer, Leo, and Virgo
Career- Two of Cups
The health industry is attractive to you right now. You feel the need to help others feel better and excel in life. In money matters, you gain ground on your finances due to a helpful partnership. Scorpio also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Love-King of Cups
Your partner needs you to be strong. Personal problems require you to step up and take care of your partner. 
It’s not the best time for big social adventures. The Emperor is a solitary and serious figure who prefers to stick to a schedule and on work projects. Take this time to get your ducks in a row and wait for energies to shift so hopefully something a bit more carefree and fun can come along in May. 
Healing has or will soon take place within the family. Promote wholesomely and renewal by enjoying simple activities like nature walks, watching the sunset, or teaching your kids to fish. This is a Sagittarius card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
It’s time to seek spiritual guidance in your life. The Hierophant may be a sign of communion, marriage, or re-devotion of faith. This card signifies a public show of union, faith, or devotion. This is a Taurus card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign, With multiple nine’s in your reading, can mean you will be at the right place at the right time. With all the major arcana in your reading, I feel you will face a lot of changes this month. With lots of major arcana in your reading, I feel there will be a lot of big changes in store for you this month.
Career-Two of Swords
There is a big promotion looming in the distance. Stay calm and self-assured. Your ship will come in, but you have to remain composed. Don’t fight for advancement, it will come to you naturally. In money matters, the best action is inaction. You have two financial opportunities at your feet. Don’t jump to conclusions or make a choice because you feel pressured. You have plenty of time to decide. Capricorn also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Love-Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. Aries and Gemini also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Friends- Seven of Pentacles
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. You got this card last month too, so this is a definite sign. Aries also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Family-Four of Wands
Roll out the red carpet because family gatherings promise to be a royally good time. Start packing too! That new house you wanted is in the cards. 
Self- Magician
You’re in a perfect position to work magic in your life. Maybe you’ve been waiting on more details to make a decision. This April, those details will come to light, and you are free to move forward. Feel the power to make choices that honor who you are. Time, resources, and direction all align to give you the best outcome. It’s time to take a new direction in life. recognize your full potential, conjure your own magic and step into your personal power. With 2 sevens in your reading, you may have impactful relationships in love and friendship.
Career-Four of Cups
You recognize teamwork as an essential element in getting your job done, but you don’t want to participate. Question your motives for denying teamwork, In money matters, a grand opportunity is being handed to you, but for some reason, you aren’t accepting. Be clear about your choice to decline a sweet offer. 
Love-Three of Swords
A love triangle threatens your harmony. Cut through doubt and find the facts if you suspect infidelity. 
Friends- Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups tarot in regards to friendship suggests you have a good circle of friends, possibly a best friend who is almost like family to you. If this isn’t the case, someone may move into this position soon. Are you thinking of moving in with some friends? It might be a good idea! Try to work it out if it’s possible.
Family- Lovers (Reversed)
A family misunderstanding worsens because petty details cloud the issue, Give your family members some time to regroup. Revisit the issue with candor and honesty, You may be dealing with a Gemini in this situation. 
Congratulations! Your expecting! This is an announcement of new birth in your life. This doesn’t have to mean a new baby. It could be the birth of a new opportunity or project. New creations will take place this March. She indicates that you are in line to receive the fruits of your labor. This card also represents motherhood and feminine influence. She reminds us to protect and nurture that which is helpless or needs our support. This could be as simple as giving your child a gesture of comfort, or something grander like activism. Nurture yourself and others by giving thanks for blessings.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
May 2022 Tarot Readings- Aries, Taurus, Gemini
Career- Tower
A business partnership suddenly dissolved, leaving you scrambling to restructure your work. This restructuring is going to give you a major stroke of inspiration. In money matters, the best action in recent financial distress is no action at all. 
Love- Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. Gemini and Leo also got this card so you may also be dealing with this sign.
Friends- Seven of Pentacles
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. Leo and Capricorn also got this card so you may be dealing with both of these signs. 
Family- Five of Swords
Bargaining with your family to get them to do what you want might be effective, but it’s unhealthy. Find fairways to negotiate mutual satisfaction within the home. 
Self-Page of Swords
The Page of Swords delivers good news. You or someone you know has received info that will clarify goals and direction. You have a fantastic vantage point in life this month. You in the perfect position to serve others and make good choices. 
With 2 sevens in your reading, you may have impactful relationships in love and friendship.
Career- Page of Cups (Reversed)
You think your plans and ideas at work are fantastic, but others don’t share your view. This will get you down and gives you a poor attitude at work. In money matters, you're disappointed because money matters have gone awry. You don’t understand why this happened, and your disillusionment is prohibiting progress. 
Love- Four of Swords
It’s time to take a break in the relationship. There is a bone of contention between you and your partner that requires your attention. There are a few other issues, but you can overlook them. 
Friends- Page of Swords
This may be a difficult month for you as far as friends are concerned. Try not to spread any gossip or escalate any arguments this month because it will backfire on you later. There’s no need to participate in talking behind someone’s back, even if your other friends are doing it. We all act differently with other people and sometimes it’s hard to draw the line of who we are, but once we start wearing a false mask it can all come crashing down when the mask falls off. 
Family-King of Swords
A parental role is established in your family. Security and provisions are a top priority. Responsibilities are defined and met. 
Self- The Fool
This May you’re perky, packed, and ready to go off on a new adventure. You know you have potential and you see the signs all around you. At the beginning of spring, you will take the first bold steps towards a new life for yourself. You don’t care about structure, rules, or reason. There will be no set plan or end goal. This card beckons you to become like a child. Be a clean slate. Get rid of preconceived notions. With a lot of swords in your reading, you will be no stranger to conflict this month. You also have a lot of court cards, and I take this as a lot of people will be involved in your life this month, maybe too much so.
Career- Ace of Wands
A bright idea will put you at the top of your game this month. You may not be sure how to implement the idea, but you’ve got the makings of an ace venture. In money matters, a potential investor is making you an offer. This is an opportunity to rekindle your financial fires. 
Love- Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. Aries and Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Friends- Page of Pentacles
This won’t be an exciting month with friends. The good news is that there won’t be any drama or arguments. The bad news is that nothing else will happen either. Now would be a great time to have deep conversations with your friends to learn more about them. Deepen the relationships you are interested in maintaining. You may discover shared interests you never knew about.
Family- Six of Swords
There may be abuse within the family that forces you to move to better conditions. You may find yourself a single parent fending for yourself and your child. Seek support from trusted sources. 
Self- Queen of Swords
This month you are comfortable with the choices you make. You are feeling good in your own skin, and happy with what life brings your way. Nonetheless, you are beckoning for more in life. You feel you can be a better influence or contribute more to others. You have dreams and ideas you want to send out into the world.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Taurus Year Ahead Birthday Spread’ 2022
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April 2022- King of Pentacles
“The Provider” Can be controlling, inarticulate, and stubborn. At the beginning of your year, business and money are on your mind. Your financial situation should be improving. This will be something more permanent than one big check. This card can also represent tradition or traditional people. The King of Pentacles likes to follow in the family's footsteps, so perhaps this will be an area of interest to you. A clear sign you will make your family proud this month, is Taurus. April will be a period of stability for you. However, the negative side of this card is that you (or someone in your life) are being too materialistic and focused on money. If this resonates with you, focus on happiness instead. There may also be a traditional person in your life that’s being too dogmatic, this could be your father or someone like that. This person will not let go of traditions or the past even though they are not appropriate anymore. 
May 2022-Ten of Pentacles
Wealth, financial security, family, old money. - Your continued hard work is going to pay off this month.  Your perfect dream may not be a white picket fence, but if it is, you're going to achieve it this month. If you have a different vision for yourself, be prepared for that to become crystal clear at this time. You're laying the groundwork for better home life, Taurus. 
June 2022- Knight of Wands
“The Adventurer” Time to expand your horizons. You need a break from the daily grind. Plan a trip to get away and try something new. There will be some sort of movement this month. You're about to make a move in some area of your life this month. You're either moving away from or towards conflict. You may be in the process of literally moving from your home. You may be moving someplace by the water, spending time on a boat, or on a cruise. It can also mean moving towards a goal or desired outcome. Keep in mind the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, Taurus.  
July 2022- The Moon
Illusions, the subconscious, imagination, fears, dreams, uncertainty. This is a Pisces card. Your intuition is screaming to you that something isn’t right, but you will have to live with the uncertainty this month- for the universe isn’t going to reveal anything to you now. This will be a confusing month for you. You will feel compelled to listen to outside influence when you should be listening to yourself. However, you will have a keen sense of intuition. You will do some honest soul searching. Dive deep into your emotions to find insight and stability. Don’t let yourself become distracted by what the world is doing. Instead, follow your instincts and dreams. The time to make that happen is now, Taurus. The themes for this month will be intuition, confusion, persuasion, and right timing. Ask yourself, “What is taking me away from my highest achievements?”
August 2022-Eight of Swords
Trapped, powerless, blinded (sometimes willingly). I feel your fears from the previous month are coming to light now. You feel trapped in your circumstances. 
August may be a difficult month, as this card is all about entrapment. Your feelings are restricted at this point in your life.  You may not feel this way yet, but it will come to the surface at this time. Conflicts and the dynamics of your relationships need to be re-examined at this time. This is a card of controlling relationships. This can be any type of relationship, not just a romantic partner. You don’t want to disappoint this person and feel obligated to them. You do what they want instead of what you want. You have grand plans to improve your life because you're not living your dreams. You worry about backlash from the toxic people around you.  It’s also possible you are disabled by your lack of confidence. Perhaps it isn’t someone else controlling you but you’re your own worst enemy. Your restriction can also be physical. You may be too ill to go after what you want. Keep in mind if people around you are gossiping or slandering you, that you must be doing something right to arouse their jealousy. 
September 2022-Six of Swords
This September you're moving away from hurtful situations. You aren’t going to let yourself be controlled anymore. You're in recovery, but you're making progress. You may be moving or traveling.  I feel you are moving away from the situation that binds you from last month with that Eight of Swords. There will be some sort of movement this month. You're about to make a move in some area of your life this month. You're either moving away from or towards conflict. You may be in the process of literally moving from your home. You may be moving someplace by the water, spending time on a boat, or on a cruise. It can also mean moving towards a goal or desired outcome. Keep in mind the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, Taurus. 
October 2022-The Tower-
Sudden change, upheaval.  Just as you walked away from a controlling person, you're now presented with a tower moment. Keep in mind tower moments aren’t always bad, sometimes they can be a blessing in disguise. This month you will face destruction. All that you have previously held will be challenged at this time. It will feel like everything is falling apart. A life-changing event will take place this month. Once all is lost you will need to work hard to rebuild your life. This collapse will come out of nowhere. Suddenly you will find yourself watching as your universe crumbles to the floor. This will be a very unexpected event. This card can also represent rebellion and revolution. You may adopt an attitude that may be shocking to others. Avoid being non-conformist just for the sake of it. House fires and floods can be predicted with this card. This card can also mean time spent in prison. Although this is a very negative card, there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Your “take no shit” attitude may work in your favor. You will never be surprised this way again.
November 2022- Six Cups
Nostalgia, memory lane, past, childhood, seeing someone from the past. This month you will be among children or reconnect with someone from your past like an old friend from childhood. This month you may be hit with a wave of nostalgia, walking down memory lane. You may see someone from your past that had or will have a huge impact. This April you may be confronted with something from your past. For some of you, this may be an ex coming back. If rekindling an old flame is something you want, then this card will be a welcome sight. The past may repeat itself. You may return to your hometown or the house you grew up in. For some of you, an old drama that you would rather not revisit may emerge. Something you hold dear may start to vanish. Sometimes we lose something we love not because of what we did do, but what we didn’t. Don’t neglect loved ones or possessions.*
December 2022- Queen of Wands (Reversed)
You likely feel like things haven’t gone your way, however, you can not let this harden your heart. Recent losses or disappointments have you feeling cold and disconnected. A crisis in faith has you isolated and compelling you to withdraw. To compensate you may be trying to dominate others to feel in control over your own life. Watch out for being too domineering or spreading gossip this month.   
January 2023-Ace of Wands
Energy, beginnings, creativity. This month will be centered around creation. Whatever it is you're working at, it will have an impact. This could be a life-changing event like a new child or a new job, or it can be as simple as you taking up a new hobby.  You can expect to have cutting-edge ideas this month. You will be excited about new opportunities that are presenting themselves to you. This card also represents the birth of a male child, and with some of the other cards in your reading (six cups) this could be true for you, or someone close to you. You're excited about something new coming into your life, and since this is in January you could just be excited for what 2023 has in store for you. Just make sure you hang in there once the project or the situation is no longer fun and new. As a Taurus, this won’t be as hard for you as it would be for a more flaky sign. 
February 2023- Four of Wands
Harmony, stability, celebration, home, and marriage. There will be a newfound sense of stability in your life. All is well within your home life, and you're all about your family this month.  Home improvements or moving to a bigger family home is pressing on your mind. This may seem stressful but not to worry, all will work out and you will have your home the way you want it. If there is an area of life you're worried about, this card should set you at ease. You may be too introverted and not putting yourself out there. You don’t venture past your comfort zone and meet new people. 
March 2023-Five of Pentacles (Reversed)
You are going through a major transition that will galvanize your faith and strengthen your spirituality. Where priorities were misaligned in the past, this March it is no longer the case. You're quite clear about what is important, and you're ready to make changes for the better. Not a bad way to end your year, Taurus. 
The theme of the Year- Two of Swords
This year you will be balancing the two sides of yourself. You have important choices to make, but you're not sure which way you should go. You're facing blocked emotions, avoidance, and a stalemate. This year you will find yourself in a unique place in life. You are on solid ground while the world around you seems chaotic and foreign. You are self-invested. Meditation, spirituality, and prayer are highly important to you. You experience calm, peace, and tranquility despite an unknown future. You are not allowing distractions to knock you off your foundations. Your themes this month will be intuition, meditation, calm, and self-assurance. Ask yourself, “How can I trust my intuition more?” You will have a strong sense of stability at the beginning of your year, and some conflict during mid-summer going into early Fall. Despite this, you will go into 2023 with a positive attitude ready to revamp your life. With multiple sixes in your reading, You may begin a special relationship, it may not be amazing yet but it could be. You may be irritated with co-workers or people you encounter throughout your career.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Easter Tarot Spread 2022- Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
New Birth- Fool- Fresh start, pure potential. Scorpio also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Tower- Sudden change, upheaval.
Fertile New Growth- Ace of Swords- Truth and mental clarity. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Four of Pentacles- Stability in money and possessions. 
How to smash through challenges- Knight of Pentacles- “The Guardian” A determined person (I see this as you, Capricorn)
Star seed Oracle Card- Weight of the World- 
Happy Easter, Capricorn. This holiday you will face a fresh start that will bring huge changes in your life. Changes that will in the long run provide you with more money and a greater ability to see the truth, However, the universe may force this change upon you in an unexpected way- which can be overwhelming. Keep a determined attitude through this period and you will prosper. You may find your life is a lot easier in this new phase than it was in the past.
New Birth- Hermit- Seeking higher truths, going quiet on everyone for awhile. This is a Virgo card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Four of Pentacles- Material stability and security. Sagittarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fertile New Growth- Page of Wands- “The Free Spirit”
Abundant gifts coming your way- Knight of Wands- “The Adventurer”
How to smash through challenges- Two of Wands- Partners, hollow success. 
Star seed Oracle Card- The Cosmic Heart- Search yourself for what you want and dream big. 
Happy Easter, Aquarius. I feel with all the court cards present you have a lot of people you answer to (Or it feels that way to you at least.) Rather than live up to other people’s expectations you're going to turn inward to figure out what it is you want to do. Doing what’s expected of you has given you hollow success, but if you pursue your own dreams you will achieve much more success and find happiness. With all the wands in your reading I think a lot of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) may be at the heart of the situation.
New Birth-Judgment- Redemption, higher calling. 
Cracking Ideas- Three of Swords- Betrayal, heart break. Libra also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fertile New Growth-Queen of Cups- Intuition. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Ten of Swords- Rock bottom, crisis. 
How to smash through challenges- Two of Pentacles- Being able to juggle all aspects of life. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Wait- 
Happy Easter, Pisces. A heart break will rock you to your core. This doesn’t have to be a betrayal by a romantic partner, it will be someone close to your heart though. Work through your emotions and make sure you have your ducks in a row before you make any decisions. Now is not the time to be rash.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Easter Tarot Spread 2022- Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius
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New Birth- Death- Transition, endings. This is a Scorpio card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Three of Swords- Betrayal, heartbreak. Pisces also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Fertile New Growth- Three of Cups- Friendship, celebrating. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- King of Pentacles- “The Provider”
How to smash through challenges - Two of Swords- Choices to be made. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Cracked Open- 
Happy Easter, Libra. This holiday you're going to feel very vulnerable- cracked open- after a betrayal. This is coming from someone you trusted. Now you're wondering if the relationship is even worth holding onto. You can’t get over the heartbreak they caused you. Even though it’s the last thing you will feel like doing, make sure you're spending time with your support system. Don’t spend Easter moping. With multiple three’s in your reading, this serves as a reminder not to try to manage all your pain on your own, seek therapy if you feel you need help.
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New Birth-Fool- Fresh start, pure potential. Capricorn also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Cracking Ideas- Emperor- Authority, structure, you may be dealing with an Aries. 
Fertile New Growth- Seven of Swords (Reversed)- Inferiority. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Strength- Courage, inner strength. This is a Leo card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
How to smash through challenges- Queen of Swords- A negative woman. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Cracked Open- Opening up
Happy Easter, Scorpio. You're embarking on a fresh start, and you're ready for a newfound authority and structure in your life. You want to be in the driver seat, but your insecurity is getting the better of you. Muster up the courage and believe in yourself. Don’t let naysayers get to you. With all the major arcana cards present you will likely face big changes and shifts in your life.
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New Birth- King of Cups- “The Mentor” 
Cracking Ideas- Four of Pentacles- material stability and security. Aquarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Fertile New Growth- Two of Swords- Balancing both sides of yourself. Choices to be made. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Eight of Wands- Change, movement, new experiences. 
How to smash through challenges - Three of Swords- Heartbreak, betrayal, sorrow. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Double Mission
Happy Easter, Sag. This holiday is going to be a period of change for you. You’re going to make hard choices, perhaps a break-up or just a difficult decision in general. This is something that will benefit you in the long run, even though it hurts now. Sometimes we must make tough choices. Get rid of the old to make way for Easter’s rebirth.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Easter Tarot Spread 2022- Cancer, Leo, Virgo
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New Birth- Ace of Pentacles- Manifestation, wealth. 
Cracking Ideas- Seven of Wands- Obstacles, perseverance. 
Fertile New Growth- Empress- Nurture your ideas, it leads to your growth. 
Abundant gifts coming your way-Queen of Cups- Intuition 
How to smash through challenges- Five of Wands- confrontation, calm. 
Star seed Oracle Card- The Void- Stop! Turn inward. Work towards your goals. You can do it. 
Happy Easter, Cancer. You will see your goals to the end, but it’s going to take facing your challenges with perseverance. Trust your gut, and confront any issues that need to be addressed in a calm and resourceful manner.
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New Birth- Knight of Cups- The Romantic
Cracking Ideas- Page of Pentacles- “The Student” You may be dealing with an Aries as they also got this card. 
Fertile New Growth- Ace of Cups- Love’s beginning. 
Abundant gifts coming your way-Emperor Structure, authority. This is another Aries card. 
How to smash through challenges -Moon- Face fears, uncertainty. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Jump in. 
Happy Easter, Leo. Romance is coming into your life this Spring. This love will be more empowering than the type of love you experienced in the past. This person will teach you through example how to love through example. Although you enjoy living by your own rules and structure that doesn’t mean you should not face the unknown when it comes to love. With multiple cards representing Aries, I feel someone of this sign will play a big part in your life at this time.  Jump into love!
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New Birth- Justice- Fairness, cause and effect. This is a Libra card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Cracking Ideas- Five of Swords- Remorse, defeat. 
Fertile New Growth- Page of Cups- “The Dreamer” imaginative and artistic. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- Hierophant- Tradition, education, mentorship. This is a Taurus card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
How to smash through challenges- Emperor- Structure, authority. This is an Aries card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Called- Step up.
Happy Easter, Virgo. You will be called to help someone who has wronged you in the past. I also see you taking on a creative endeavor.  With all the major arcana cards present you will likely face big changes and shifts in your life. 
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
Easter Tarot Spread 2022- Aries, Taurus, Gemini
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New Birth- Five of Wands- Disagreements
Cracking Ideas- Page of Pentacles- The Student.  Leo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Fertile New Growth-Ten of Cups- Happiness with family. Gemini also got this card. 
Abundant gifts coming your way-Fool- Fresh start, full potential. 
How to smash through challenges - Death- Transition, endings. This is a Scorpio card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Weight of the World- 
Happy Easter, Aries. This holiday, you will move past conflicts and go inward, improving yourself instead of worrying about everyone else. After this, you will re-emerge and have happy times with your family. But it won’t be the way it was before with all the drama from the past. During this time of self-reflection, you learned new ways to deal with conflicts and how to respect your own boundaries. You will learn to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
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New Birth- Knight of Swords- An aggressive adult
Cracking Ideas- Six of Cups-  Nostalgia, The past. 
Fertile New Growth-Star- Hope, healing, inspiration. This is an Aquarius card.
Abundant gifts coming your way- Ten of Wands Multi-tasking.
How to smash through challenges- Four of Cups- Choices are available but not being taken. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Lost Lands- You’ve done this before. 
You’re dealing with a difficult relationship from your past. This will be a time of healing for you. You will learn to work together and lighten your burdens. At this time you will learn to rely on this individual again. Don’t let the hurt of the past prevent you from living your best life.
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New Birth- Queen of Wands- “The Muse” loyalty. 
Cracking Ideas- Two of Swords- Balancing two sides of yourself. 
Fertile New Growth- Ten of cups- Happiness with family. Aries also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Abundant gifts coming your way- King of Cups- A Mentor, a considerate person. 
How to smash through challenges- Nine of Cups- Personal Fulfillment. 
Star seed Oracle Card- Called- It’s time to step up. 
You’re going to meet someone who inspires you. However you will have to balance all sides of your life instead of letting yourself get swept away by this new and exciting person. Time with family, particularly your mentor will be very enriching for you. You will feel a sense of pride and fulfillment. It’s time to step up and put yourself out there, Gemini. You have lots of cups in your reading so you may be dealing with a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
April 2022 Tarot Spread- Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
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Star Seed Oracle card- The Seven Star Sisters- Birthing creations, a tapestry of life. Expression.
Career: Ten of Pentacles
You might be considering retirement. Now is a good time to back on the security you’ve established. If you’re not ready for retirement, consider implementing a daycare center at work or volunteering with the elderly. 
Love: King of Cups
Your partner needs you to be strong. Personal problems require you to step up and take care of your partner. Aries also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Friends: Six of Cups
You may reconnect with old friends from your childhood or your past. If you start feeling nostalgic you should reach out to them! Sagittarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign. 
Family: Temperance
Healing has or will soon take place within the family. Promote wholesome and renewal by enjoying simple activities like nature walks, watching the sunset, or teaching your kids to fish. This is a Sagittarius card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Self: Empress
Congratulations! Your expecting! This is an announcement of new birth in your life. This doesn’t have to mean a new baby. It could be the birth of a new opportunity or project. New creations will take place this April. She indicates that you are in line to receive the fruits of your labor. This card also represents motherhood and feminine influence. She reminds us to protect and nurture that which is helpless or needs our support. This could be as simple as giving your child a gesture of comfort, or something grander like activism. Nurture yourself and others by giving thanks for blessings.
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Oracle card- Surrender to the sweetness- Venus energy. Pleasure. Joy. Make love to life. 
Career: Nine of Wands
Being a rebel with a cause can be worthwhile, but risky. Using your career as a platform will be a lonely path. Stat resolute even if you lose friends and associates. In money matters, you have plenty of financial backing, but you feel it’s best to strike out on your own. It won’t be easy but you’ll be satisfied with independence. 
Love: Five of Pentacles
Times are lean and tough, but at least you can lean on your partner for support. In this case, love will save you. However, with multiple fives be leery of infeidelty or a love triangle. 
Friends: Seven of Pentacles
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities. You got this card last month too, so this is a definite sign. 
Family: Sun
Family gatherings are on the horizon. Some of you may be making preparations for Easter. This is a sweet time of sharing, growth, and harmony. This card can also mean a happy new arrival in the family. 
Self: Five of Swords
There is foul play afoot. You’ve taken rash action because you wanted something or someone badly. You didn’t consider how your actions might hurt others' feelings. You forced an issue or behaved rudely. You are so driven by your own wants, you aren’t thinking clearly.  With multiple fives in your reading, there will be days when you feel defeated this month.
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Star Seed Oracle Card- Surrender to Sweetness- Venus Energy. Pleasure. Joy. Make love to life. 
Career: Three of Cups
You’re thinking about or have already launched into an entrepreneurial endeavor with friends. You have plenty to celebrate. Your plans are promising. In money matters, you may not win the lottery but you can finally enjoy the financial fruits of your labor. 
Love: Three of Swords
A love triangle threatens your harmony. Cut through doubt and find the facts if you suspect infidelity. 
Friends: Page of Swords
This may be a difficult month for you as far as friends are concerned. Try not to spread any gossip or escalate any arguments this month because it will backfire on you later. There’s no need to participate in talking behind someone’s back, even if your other friends are doing it. We all act differently with other people and sometimes it’s hard to draw the line of who we are, but once we start wearing a false mask it can all come crashing down when the mask falls off. 
Family: Death
A harsh reality within the family has left you feeling vulnerable and empty. Move forward. The awkwardness will abate in time. Be patient. This is a Scorpio card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign. 
Self: Nine of Cups
With the surrounding cards, I believe this card will take on a more negative meaning for you this month. You feel stuck maintaining a lifestyle you no longer want. You have a shared commitment you no longer care about (with that Three of Cups above ) I see this as especially true. Don’t co-sign any loans or go into the relationship any deeper this month!
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
April 2022 Tarot Spread- Air Signs- Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
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Star Seed Oracle card- The Comic Heart- Devotion, Make your life a moving prayer
Career: Tower
A business partnership suddenly dissolved, leaving you scrambling to restructure your work. This restructuring is going to give you a major stroke of inspiration. In money matters, the best action in recent financial distress is no action at all. 
Love: Knight of Pentacles
Your partner wants to move forward in your relationship, maybe even propose marriage. You, on the other hand, would be best served to think before accepting. 
Friends: Emperor
It’s not the best time for big social adventures. The Emperor is a solitary and serious figure who prefers to stick to a schedule and on work projects. Take this time to get your ducks in a row and wait for energies to shift so hopefully something a bit more carefree and fun can come along in May. 
Family: Five of Swords
Bargaining with your family to get them to do what you want might be effective, but it’s unhealthy. Find fairways to negotiate mutual satisfaction within the home. 
Self: Lovers
This is an absolute sign that love will be a big theme for you this month. However, this card also symbolizes health, healing, balance, and feeling natural. This card encourages healthy partnerships, physical well-being, and finding ways to be our best selves. It also deals with generosity, compassion, and creative expression. Trust is a big word for the Lovers card, This card encourages transparency and honesty when dealing with others. This is your card so you may be focusing on yourself. The fact that Taurus also got this card in their reading makes me think you will definitely be dealing with the bull this month. With mostly major arcana cards present I feel like will have a lot of changes this month.
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Star Seed Oracle card- Loosen your grip- Coping mechanisms. Addiction. Let god in. 
Career: Ten of Cups
You followed a rainbow of dreams and now have access to a pot of gold. Others may have thought you were wishfully thinking, but are now amazed how your wishes are coming true in your career.  In money matters, the promise of financial gain has become a reality. Your finances flourish. You consider real estate for investment potential. 
Love: Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. 
Friends: Three of Swords
You need to think cleverly about the problems you are having with your friends. This month, you will need time for yourself. Try to make it easier on yourself by seeing them less but in more meaningful ways. Go out for a meal or another activity that isn’t out of the ordinary. Don’t force things right now. 
Family: Five of Pentacles
Your family may be down and out right now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t be too proud to accept help. 
Self: Queen of Swords
This month you are comfortable with the choices you make. You are feeling good in your own skin, and happy with what life brings your way. Nonetheless, you are beckoning for more in life. You feel you can be a better influence or contribute more to others. You have dreams and ideas you want to send out into the world.
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Star Seed Oracle card-You’re not alone- Isolation, Physical connection. Community. 
Career: Four of Cups
You recognize teamwork as an essential element in getting your job done, but you don’t want to participate. Question your motives for denying teamwork, In money matters, a grand opportunity is being handed to you, but for some reason, you aren’t accepting. Be clear about your choice to decline a sweet offer. 
Love: Ace of Cups
You are open to a new love relationship. You feel blessed as if your cup is overfilled with joy. 
Friends: Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles tarot card in regards to friendship means things are going well. Don’t expect any arguments or gossip now or in the near future. It might be a good time to get into some deep conversations with your friends and get to know them better or help them out with something that they need assistance with.
Family: Star
A heart-to-heart with family gives you insight and clarity. Old hurts will heal after an emotional cleansing. This is your card, Aquarius, so this situation will involve you deeply. 
Self: Magician 
You’re in a perfect position to work magic in your life. Maybe you’ve been waiting on more details to make a decision. This April, those details will come to light, and you are free to move forward. Feel the power to make choices that honor who you are. Time, resources, and direction all align to give you the best outcome. It’s time to take a new direction in life. recognize your full potential, conjure your own magic and step into your personal power. Capricorn also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
April 2022 Tarot Spread- Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
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Star Seed Oracle card- earthed- Learning how to be human.
Career: Five of Wands
Your industry is volatile and unpredictable right now. You’re running into closed doors, especially in areas of marketing and sales. Don’t push it, this too shall pass. In money matters, the flow of finances is at a standstill, and you’ve run out of ideas to push through. Hunker down and conserve resources. 
Love: Death
You or your loved one may be struggling with some major issues that are bigger than you’re able to handle. It’s time to make a hard decision whether to stay or leave the relationship. This is a Scorpio card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Friends: Hermit
You’re spending so much time with your friends that it’s leaving you exhausted. This card is a very strong suggestion that you need some alone time this month. If you tend to be extroverted some of your friends may be taken aback by this change. Rest assured if there your real friends they will understand. This is also a good time to consider if you want to be friends with the people your currently associating with. Are they your real friends? All of them? You may be dealing with a Virgo as this is their card. 
Family: Page of Pentacles
Your family is on solid ground and ready to take on a new responsibility. This may be a new addition to the family or participating in a challenge with all members involved. 
Self: Lovers
This is an absolute sign that love will be a big theme for you this month. However, this card also symbolizes health, healing, balance, and feeling natural. This card encourages healthy partnerships, physical well-being, and finding ways to be our best selves. It also deals with generosity, compassion, and creative expression. Trust is a big word for the Lovers card, This card encourages transparency and honesty when dealing with others. This is a Gemini card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. The fact that Gemini also got this card in their reading makes me think you will definitely be dealing with the twins this month. With the cards surrounding your reading, I believe this is a sign that you need healing and balance.
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Star Seed Oracle card- Baby Steps- Action. Follow your intuition before it makes sense. 
Career: Two of Swords
There is a big promotion looming in the distance. Stay calm and self-assured. Your ship will come in, but you have to remain composed. Don’t fight for advancement, it will come to you naturally. In money matters, the best action is inaction. You have two financial opportunities at your feet. Don’t jump to conclusions or make a choice because you feel pressured. You have plenty of time to decide. 
Love: Knight of Cups
You or your partner is a knight in shining armor. Respect and honor are valued in relationships. Working together to meet goals is key. 
Friends: Devil
Are your friends a bad influence on you? Even in adult life, we can end up in social circles that really only bring us down or fill us with superficial pleasures. Does everyone talk about money and what new items they have? Is there no deeper connection there? Break free of your addiction to be in the “in-crowd” and focus on relationships with substances. You may be dealing with a Capricorn. 
Family: Ace of Cups
You take great pleasure from your family. They appreciate how well you care for them, and show their gratitude in sweet, tender ways. 
Self: Seven of Wands
You’ve won the match, but you're having to defend your title. Luckily, this isn’t your first time in the ring. You’re fully aware of your competition and have the confidence to deal with them. People who want what you have may jab at you. They are trying to knock you down a notch. You’re capable of standing your ground. Nonetheless defending yourself all month may lead to exhaustion and procrastination. You may be unwilling to work so hard to maintain the status quo. I see this, especially in your friendships with that Devil card above.
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Star Seed Oracle card- You’re not alone- Isolation, Physical connection. Community. 
Career: Queen of Wands
You are in a position of authority that requires you to hold your head high and keep your integrity intact. Someone may try to stall your creativity but trust your instincts. In money matters, you are expecting a ruling or a decision to go your way which will mean a financial gain in your future. 
Love: Two of Swords
Follow your intuition. You may not have all the details, but being calm and following your heart will serve you this month. 
Friends: King of Cups
You’ll make a new friend soon. If you joined a new club or group- you will befriend their leader. If that doesn’t resonate it can also mean you need to take on a leadership role in your friend group. This requires making agreeable choices that affect everyone. Be prepared to give out advice to friends who ask for it. As always be cool, calm, and collected. Now is not the time to gossip, it’s time for you to help your friends in need. 
Family: Nine of Pentacles
It’s important to remember home is where the heart is. You may be between homes right now, but cling to your family and everything will settle down in time. 
Self: Magician
You’re in a perfect position to work magic in your life. Maybe you’ve been waiting on more details to make a decision. This April, those details will come to light, and you are free to move forward. Feel the power to make choices that honor who you are. Time, resources, and direction all align to give you the best outcome. It’s time to take a new direction in life. recognize your full potential, conjure your own magic and step into your personal power. Aquarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
April 2022 Tarot Spread- Fire Signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
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Star seed Oracle card- The Great Serving- Mars energy, anger, conflict, softening to love. 
Career: Page of Cups (Reversed)
You think your plans and ideas at work are fantastic, but others don’t share your view. This will get you down gives you a poor attitude at work. In money matters, you're disappointed because money matters have gone awry. You don’t understand why this happened, and your disillusionment is prohibiting progress. 
Love: King of Cups
Your partner needs you to be strong. Personal problems require you to step up and take care of your partner. Cancer also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign. 
Friends: Six of Pentacles (Reversed)
When with friends, be vigilant about your generous behavior. Be mindful about how much you are giving or helping someone else, as sometimes people can take advantage. Sometimes the ones who help the most hurt the most. This pain is meant to be experienced not covered over and forgotten. If you are willing to help a friend with something, examine within yourself beforehand if you're doing it for the right reasons. 
Family: Emperor
The upright Emperor is all about father figures. It’s time for the dad in your life to embrace the role of fatherhood, and perhaps re-evaluate his role in the family. This is your card, Aries. So this could also mean re-evaluating your own role in your family. 
Self: Ace of Swords 
You have a sharp mental ability to discern your needs and goals. This March is the time to focus on new opportunities. I see this in every aspect of your reading. A bright idea has occurred to you. Take the initiative to pursue it.
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Star seed Oracle card- Fall into my arms- Surrender 
Career: Nine of Cups
You’ve worked hard to bolster your confidence, education, and skills. Your efforts allow you to win success and enjoy prestige at work. In money matters, fiances are substantial enough to spend on extra luxuries. You may be enjoying a monetary gift or inheritance. You will get opportunities when you are meant to have them. 
Love: Nine of Pentacles
A romantic vacation promises to rekindle the passion with your partner. Indulge yourself and your partner in the fine pleasures of travel. If single,  you will have a chance meeting of love.
Friends: Queen of Wands
Things are going well here. You may even make a new female friend. This person will have a good career and want to be your friend. Do you already know someone like this? It could be a rewarding friendship that you're missing out on. Look for older friends to make connections with. Not only will you learn from their experience, but they can help you as they act as role models for your future self. 
Family: Knight of Cups
Your family looks to you as a shining example. You run a tight ship at home, and sometimes this is taxing to family members. In the long run, however, your enforcement of high standards will pay off. 
Self: Hierophant
It’s time to seek spiritual guidance in your life. The Hierophant may be a sign of communion, marriage, or re-devotion of faith. This card signifies a public show of union, faith, or devotion. This is a Taurus card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign, With multiple nine’s in your reading, can mean you will be at the right place at the right time.
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Star seed oracle card- I Remember- Soul plan. The fated life Vs. The destiny life. 
Career: Three of Swords
You’ve got competition. Someone is gunning for your position, and it’s putting you on pins and needles. Steel yourself for the worst, but the results may not be as bad as you think. In money matters, instead of putting a bandage on your monetary wounds, employ long-lasting solutions that can weather any storm.
Love: Four of Swords
It’s time to take a break in the relationship. There is a bone of contention between you and your partner that requires your attention. There are a few other issues, but you can overlook them. 
Friends: Six of Wands
You may reconnect with old friends from your childhood or your past. If you start feeling nostalgic you should reach out to them!  Cancer also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of that sign. 
Family: Four of Wands
Roll out the red carpet because family gatherings promise to be a royally good time. Start packing too! That new house you wanted is in the cards. 
Self: Ten of Pentacles
This month you are living the ideal life. Health, wealth, and a loving family provide you with great satisfaction and joy. You have achieved much over time and now can finally enjoy it. You’ve finally obtained your goals. Continue to seek wisdom and maintain balance. With multiple fours in your reading, you may need to seek support from multiple groups of people. Perhaps marriage counceling, or some kind of help with your romantic relationship from an expert.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
March 2022 Tarot Spread- Water Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
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Career: Three of Swords
You’ve got competition. Someone is gunning for your position, and it’s putting you on pins and needles. Steel yourself for the worst, but the results may not be as bad as you think. In money matters, instead of putting a bandage on your monetary wounds, employ long-lasting solutions that can weather any storm.
Love: Magician (Reversed)
Give love a breather right now. Let emotional unrest settle before you go back into the water and make waves in your love life.
Friends: Ace of Swords
There is an underlying conflict with a friend brewing underneath the surface, It may be a topic that’s been lying dominant for a while, you may need to press the issue or confess depending on the situation. The biggest regret you will have is not acting in this case.
Family: The Hermit
Your family may be supportive this month, but they may also be holding you back. Perhaps it’s time to become more independent and make your own way. This is a Virgo card, so you may be dealing with someone else with this sign.
Self: Seven of Cups
Close your eyes and envision all the resources you need. You have the power to summon amazing gifts and opportunities. You have the chance to hone your multi-tasking and management skills. Don’t become overwhelmed by your thoughts, or too distracted by the bustle of the world.
Career: Two of Cups
The health industry is attractive to you right now. You feel the need to help others feel better and excel in life. In money matters, you gain ground on your finances due to a helpful partnership. Aquarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Love: Moon
There is a third person involved in your relationship and it’s a big distraction. Find a harmonious way to deal with intrusion, or move away from the love triangle. You may be dealing with a Pisces, as this is their card.
Friends: Seven of Pentacles
This month you will be dealing with a great friendship, This is a great friend or your best friend. If you're wondering if you should go on a trip with them or something of that sort the answer is yes. There’s no time like the present if you have the means to do so. Slow and steady growth with new people is also possible. Be open to new friendships and possibilities.
Family: Eight of Pentacles (reversed)
Long hours at the office make you a stranger at home. Your determination to provide for your family is admirable, but not at the expense of losing connection with those who need you.
Self: Page of Wands
The world is your oyster and you know it. You have a touch of destiny about you. Your creative energies are revved up with high octane self-expression. This is a time in your life when your vision becomes reality. You’re seeking ways to show off your talent. This is achieved through social media, service to others, and higher education. Travel is particularly effective for personal development and getting in touch with your free spirit. This is especially true with that recommended trip mentioned above in Seven of Wands in friendship.
Career: Six of Cups
Your career will be focused on giving back and helping people. Your work is a positive influence with far-reaching effects. In money matters, fundraising and charity become a prime interest for you. Consider donating money to worthy nonprofit organizations in your community.
Love: Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. Virgo also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Friends: Two of Pentacles
Are these friends your true friends? Are you theirs? Is this a one-sided friendship? It might be time to phase out of a friendship.
Family: High Priestess
If you thinking about starting a family, this card is a good sign. This card also means balance within the home, and letting conflicts take their course.
Self: Ace of Wands
This is the time to take positive action and go where no man (or woman) has gone before. Explore new territories. Take initiative. Be fearless. Reach out to obtain your goals, Life is full of unknowns, but they don’t have to hold you back from striving to achieve more.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
March 2022 Tarot Spread- Air Signs- Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
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Career: Nine of Swords
You are obsessing about work. Consider relaxation techniques, aromatherapy, or taking up a hobby to help you unwind. In money matters, poor financial matters have riddled you with stress. Guilt and fear cloud your judgment. Consult a financial planner for clarity and solutions.
Love: King of Swords
You are absolutely sure about your romantic relationship. You have no doubt about being perfectly paired with your mate. Together you will accomplish great things.
Friends: Five of Pentacles
A friend may help you get through a rough time or vice versa. Remember support can be more than monetary. Keep the faith, or if a friend is in some need of light in their life- be that person for them. With the Nine of Swords above, I foresee you being the one who needs assistance.
Family: Moon
There is a lot going on at home and it’s pulled you in too many directions. Pick one or two priorities, and focus only on those. This is a Pisces card, so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Self: Hermit
It’s wise to seek advice, but in the end, you only have yourself to live with, so make choices according to your own needs. Going your own way requires a strong belief in yourself and your ideas. Every step you take to honor yourself is a step towards freedom and enlightenment. This is a Virgo card, so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Career: Queen of Swords
You have the power to make great improvements. Why aren’t you doing it? Embrace your influence and status. Take advantage of your sway. In money matters, You established a comfortable nest egg. Sit on it, and be glad you have it. Avoid the temptation to tamper and fiddle with the funds to come.
Love: Temperance
Employ more creatively in your relationship. Consider a healing retreat or visiting a spa with your partner. Try volunteering or building a garden, You may be dealing with a Sagittarius,
Friends: Ten of Wands (reversed)
You may be taking on too much responsibility where your friendships are concerned. You may be doing this for your own self-image or perhaps you have an issue with people-pleasing (not uncommon for your zodiac sign.) It’s exhausting to do too much, but for whatever reason, you feel compelled to do more than your share. As a Libra, you have a very balanced and fair mindset, and you should apply it to all parts of your life. Don’t just let your friends get away with everything. If you feel like a burden if you don’t, that needs to be addressed.
Family: Nine of Pentacles
It’s important to remember that home is where the heart is. You may be between homes right now, but cling to your family and everything will settle down in time.
Self: Ten of Swords
Overworked and overburdened, you now have no choice but to rest. You are forced to relinquish control. You took on too much, and now you have to give up some responsibilities. You had fair warning that trouble was pending, but you kept pushing anyway. Now you are pinned in with no choice but to surrender.
Career: Two of Cups
The health industry is attractive to you right now. You feel the need to help others feel better and excel in life. In money matters, you gain ground on your finances due to a helpful partnership. Scorpio also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Love: Seven of Wands (reversed)
Your partner put you on a pedestal. Nobody is perfect, and it’s not fair to have a lover put unobtainable expectations on you. Stop fighting to meet his/her ideal of you, and start being yourself,
Friends: Page of Pentacles
This won’t be an exciting month with friends. The good news is that there won’t be any drama or arguments. The bad news is that nothing else will happen either. Now would be a great time to have deep conversations with your friends to learn more about them. Deepen the relationships you are interested in maintaining. You may discover a shared interest you never knew about. Aries and Sagittarius also got this card so you may be dealing with someone from these signs.
Family: Ten of Cups
You enjoy harmony and easy times in the family. Children are happy and another bundle of joy may be on the way. Plans to obtain a new and better home for the family are promising.
Self: Moon
Believe in yourself and your dreams. Disappointment is only as debilitating as you make it. Dreams really do come true, but it takes conviction, self-honesty, and persistence. Be true to yourself, follow your instincts, and make your unique mark on the world.
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lunaleetarot · 2 years
March 2022 Tarot Spread- Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
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Career: Four of Pentacles
The needs of many outweigh your own needs. Self-sacrifice will be the theme of your work this month. There is no room for selfish action. In money matters, you have your fingers on the pulse of major money and resources. Be responsible with how you utilize your monetary power. Consider charity.
Love: Eight of Pentacles
If it feels like you’re beating your head against the wall to get your point across, stop. Your partner doesn’t need to be force-fed the issue.
Friends: Chariot
This March you're going to be going it alone. This isn’t the best time to make socializing a top priority, You don’t have to be a hermit, but do allow yourself to stay focused on things that are crucial to your long-term goals. This is a Cancer card, so you may be dealing with someone of this zodiac sign.
Family: Seven of Wands
Everybody has their own ideas for how your household should be run. This causes squabbles and confusion. Work to unify and find common ground.
Self: Empress
Congratulations! Your expecting! This is an announcement for new birth in your life. This doesn’t have to mean a new baby. It could be the birth of a new opportunity or project. New creations will take place this March. She indicates that you are in line to receive the fruits of your labor. This card also represents motherhood and feminine influence. She reminds us to protect and nurture that which is helpless or needs our support. This could be as simple as giving your child a gesture of comfort, or something grander like activism. Nurture yourself and others by giving thanks for blessings.
Career: Ace of Wands
A bright idea will put you at the top of your game this month. You may not be sure how to implement the idea, but you’ve got the makings of an ace venture. In money matters, a potential investor is making you an offer. This is an opportunity to rekindle your financial fires.
Love: Seven of Wands
A shift in your attitude has suitors lined up at your door. Be selective about who you date or keep relationships with. Say no to anyone who isn’t willing to offer you what you deserve. Pisces also got this card so you may be dealing with someone of this sign.
Friends: Page of Wands
Things are going pretty well in your friendships. It may be a good time to make some younger friends or join a club more suited to younger people. If you can try to make more female friends. It may be an influence that is currently lacking in your life.
Family: King of Wands
Pay homage to the patriarch of the family. It’s time to give the father figure of your life recognition and a gesture of gratitude.
Self: Queen of Cups
Life has handed you hard lessons. Rather than letting hardships get you down, you converted these challenges into positive growing pains. Your experience has given you clarity on what is important. You protect your values with grace and poise. You have amazing intellectual focus and your psychic perception is keen. With mostly wands in your reading, you most like dealing with a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.)
Career: Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)
You’ve amassed much success and made a strong reputation for yourself. However, you are so far on top that you feel you are the only one who can do anything right. Get an ego check. You still need teamwork to succeed. In money matters, being stubborn and inflexible with your money has you stuck in a mindset that isn’t serving you. You’ve become mistrusting and jaded.
Love: Knight of Swords
You want to charge ahead in a new relationship, but that is ill-advised. You might be crazy about that certain someone but pull back.
Friends: Hanged Man
Are you still hanging out with people who bring you down? This month you may need to sacrifice and avoid high conflict relationships or situations and let them go. Don’t try to change people or force things that just don’t fit.
Family: The Emperor
The upright Emperor is all about father figures. It’s time for the dad in your life to embrace the role of fatherhood, and perhaps re-evaluate his role in the family.
Self: Queen of Swords
This month you are comfortable with the choices you make. You are feeling good in your own skin, and happy with what life brings your way. Nonetheless, you are beckoning for more in life. You feel you can be a better influence or contribute more to others. You have dreams and ideas you want to send out into the world.
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