#leo rising sr chart
linnienin · 1 year
🔮 S o l a r ⁕ R e t u r n ⁕ C h a r t ⁕ N o t e s 🔮 (personal 2023/2024)
I will be talking about my SR 2023/2024 chart placements that caught my eye and that i am excited/scared about for this year
(notice that my birthday is on August so i still haven't hopped in this chart yet, these are just mini personal predictions for fun)
Disclaimer: i am not a professional astrologer, i research for fun and use my personal experience mostly
If you feel the need to add something (and help me out a bit 😂, i'll appreciate it) please feel free to do so! (no rudeness tnx)
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⁕ Leo rising conjunct Venus(retrograde): I am definitely feeling this energy of starting to care more for my appeareance and in these past 2 years i've been slowly discovering a new passion for fashion, makeup and all girly stuff (well, it makes sense because in my current SR chart i have venus in leo too so yep, def a current feeling). If you'd asked me before this period if i'd ever tried girly stuff i'd have laughed hard to your face. I've always been veery unbothered before, i used to be the type of nerd that only had in mind to be good at school and get good grades and be skilled at sports and crafty things. I used to view the girly girls as superficials, and i found makeup and fashion as vain (things that also my family told me). I couldn't be more wrong honestly, i now look at my past self with disappointment. Fashion and makeup are art expressions and take a lot of time, research, effort, study and practice to understand and master, and only lately, by experimenting i have fallen in love with this entire new world, now i can't possibly imagine myself not researching about these matters (i have been getting into the fashion systems' rabbit hole of Kibbe, Kitchener, Truth is beauty, Personal seasonal colour etc...).
However, i have mostly practiced these things in the comfort of my home, when my parents weren't in, and i feel like with this new solar return i'll get hopefully the courage to express myself freely even in public (Venus retrograde i guess could slow these things a bit, but the Leo rising could make me bolder, we'll see how it goes, i'm kinda excited for this not gonna lie)
⁕ Saturn (retrograde) conjunct Karma (retrograde) in 8th house Pisces + Neptune + Nessus there too: Last time i got Saturn in 8th house it was the first time i experienced depression, but last time i didn't know astrology as i now do lol. I am still hella scared of these placements ngl, i know i will suffer because of past mistakes, and i am here to endure and renew myself for the future. I just don't know what to expect, even as an 8th house stellium in my natal chart, when there are placements in the 8h in my Solar return i tend to shut down and suffer in silence. Having Nessus and Neptune i don't know what could mean. I just hope not to get raped or abused by anyone bye 🙈
Nessus in mythology was a centaur that tried to abuse Deianeira, wife of Heracles, before being shot by an arrow from Heracles himself . His last act before dying was convincing Deianeira to give his blood (poisoned) to his husband if she wanted to ensure his love to her for eternity, and this eventually led to Heracles's death.
⁕ Pluto in 6th house (retrograde): now, THIS, scares me A LOT. It is also squaring my NN and Chiron, I don't want health issues, not now please sigh. I think there will be a bit of a shocking change in my career, and also possibly in my everyday routine (probably i'll get more disciplined with Capricorn ruling my 6h, i could fall victim of the hoarding mentality, and if i don't seek balance this could cause sickness, so i'm noting this down for a future reminder)
⁕ Moon in Capricorn conjunct Vertex + Pholus (5th/6th house-Placidus/Whole Signs): i am preparing myself to GROW. With the ruler of 6h,Saturn, in 8h in direct contact with the moon (sextile) i will be forced to go deep within and take responsability for my own life. The change can be sudden and unexpected (Pholus),but it will happen no matter what (Vertex). With my moon also aspecting my Sun in Virgo 2h (trine) and Jupiter in 10h (trine) it will have an impact on my career and finances.
Adding here that my NN is also conjunct my MC, so i'll definitely be focused on my path and public image
⁕ Eros (retrograde) conjunct DC opposite Venus (retrograde): please, don't let me suffer from a fake love. The fact that Eros is also in the sign of Aquarius (the sign of my natal Juno). I can't, i'm not here to play or for a fling. Could be the return of an old flame? I usually don't like to predict my love life before i actually am interested in someone or there's some potential between me and another person, because i can hold on to expectations so all i do is being open with some boundaries. Whatever will be will be
⁕ Aphrodite conjunct Fama in 5th house: Finally recognition for my creative talent? I mean that'd be awesome, it might be a consequence of the switch in my mentality, becoming more and more disciplined, and being more efficient and getting more stuff done so yep, it would def make sense.
⁕ Where will i be lucky?
So, to see where i will expand and attract luck, i looked for Jupiter's position and which house it rules in my SR chart. I have it in 10th house, and i have Sagittarius in my 5th house (therefore here's a connection between these two houses and Jupiter). This gives me hope for luck for a career based on my interests and passions, and with NN in my 9th house ( the house that is originally ruled by Jupiter) it might also means that it can happen somewhere else than where i live.
⁕ Strongest aspects (0-2 degrees):
0 degrees:
Sun opposite Saturn, Venus conjunct AC + opposite Eros , Eros conjunct DC + opposite AC/Venus , Moon sextile Karma + trine Black Moon Lilith H13 , Mercury conjunct Pallas, Aphrodite conjunct Fama
1 degree:
Mars trine Pluto, Vertex trine Sun + sextile Saturn
2 degrees:
Mars opposite Neptune + square Vertex, Mercury trine Uranus, Jupiter square AC + Venus, Pluto square NN and MC, Chiron opposite Ceres, Pholus trine Sun + conjunct Moon + sextile Saturn
⁕ Energy of the chart:
Chart ruler: Sun (2h)
Dominant/Most aspected planet: Uranus + Pluto (both 7 aspects)
Domicile planets: Mercury in Virgo, Neptune in Pisces
Dominant element: Earth (7 planets + MC)
followed by Fire (1 planet + AC + NN + Chiron) followed by Water (2 planets) Shocker: 0 air energy
Dominant modality: Fixed + Mutable (both 5 points)
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Hope you enjoyed reading!
Have a great day! ✨
P.S. I also hope i gave you some insight and tips on how to look for certain aspects in your personal SR chart 💖
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heartlilith · 6 months
Sun in the Houses - Solar Return Chart
A Solar Return Chart "refers to the time when the Sun returns to the exact position it was in at the time of your birth in your natal chart. Since the Sun takes approximately 12 months to complete its cycle. Hence, a Solar Return happens every year. And, since this journey begins at the time of your birth, the return usually happens a day or two before or after your birthday" (via)
I like to think of an SR Chart as a yearly Natal Chart. You can see where the planets of your SR Chart fall into your Natal Chart or you can view your SR Chart by itself. I think both are important to acknowledge because you might relate to one chart more than the other or you might relate to both charts. For example; if you have Sun in the 10th house of your SR Chart but it falls into your 2nd house of your Natal Chart, look at both houses below (Sun in the 10th and Sun in the 2nd).
It's also important to remember that your sun sign will be the same every year, so if you're a Leo Sun in your Natal Chart, you'll be a Leo Sun every year in your SR Chart. Your Sun Sign might stay the same but the house it falls in and the aspects it makes will be different.
The Sun in your SR Chart represents where your focus is for the next 12 months, where you'll be concentrating the most. It also represents key themes that show up for you throughout the year. It's crucial to look at how your Sun is aspected to get a better glimpse of how you this placement will affect you.
Calculate your Solar Return Chart
Sun in the Houses
1h: Sun in the 1st house of your Solar Return Chart means your focus will primarily be on yourself, your physical appearance, and how you approach life. Since your natal sun sign would be your solar return rising, it could make for a more transformative and prosperous year. This year, you might decide to reinvent yourself physcially in some way; you may start working out or you could get tattoos. You could dye your hair or revamp your wardrobe; something that puts an emphasis on your individuality and that asserts your identity through physical appearance. It could also mean that your personality is more noticeable in some way and the people around you take notice. Since your rising sign affects the way you approach the world, it could also mean that you assert confidence in various aspects of life. Meaning, wherever you go you go with confidence; whether that be the workplace, school, or at home; you're generally more confident in all aspects of life (of course this also depends on the signs occupying corresponding houses). You might find that you get more attention this year (good or bad depending on aspects) or feel more comfortable with getting attention. You may go through something that changes your approach to life and the world around you. Remember you don't have to have intent, you could find that these things happen on their own, naturally.
Advice: Focus on how you want to appear to the world this year, put yourself and your needs first, and don't be afraid to express yourself - it's a great time to do so. People will pay more attention to you, so try to stay out of drama and scandals. Instead; aim to inspire the people around you.
2h: Sun in the 2nd house of your Solar Return Chart puts focus on your finances, your self-esteem, and your material possessions. Depending on how the Sun is aspected, it could mean that you're motivated to find other sources of income in order to bring more stability into your life. Check where the lord of your 2nd house is in your SR Chart (if 2nd house is in Taurus - check where Venus is in the houses, if it's in Gemini, check where Mercury falls in your houses). This can indicate how you can create another source of income. If it's in the 3rd house; writing and communicating can help you make more money, like blogging or becoming a free lance writer. If it's in the 5th house, creating and selling a product could help or even babysitting. You could also be focusing on saving money and budgeting. Your self esteem and values could change depending on how it's aspected. For example: Sun opposite Uranus could indicate that your self esteem fluctuates and is unstable for this year, along with your finances. Sun sextile/trine Jupiter could indicate that this year will bring wealth and you'll be secure within yourself. Sun in the 2nd house could make you focus more on material possessions; you could buy more stuff (purses, make up, clothes, jewelry) in order to boost your self esteem. You might stand up for yourself more when you notice people disrespecting you or you might need to change your personality in some way; if people are taking advantage of you, you might notice you need to act more assertive, for example.
Advice: Save your money incase unexpected expenses come up, take time out for yourself to practice self care, occasionally buy yourself a gift, learn how to invest
3h: Sun in the 3rd house of your Solar Return Chart puts focus on communication, siblings, short distance travel and transportation. This could manifest as keeping a journal this year to write down your thoughts and experiences. You may notice you're more curious this year and find ways to satisfy your curiosity; through reading, online research, and short distance travel. You may travel to new places like a new restaurant, a new beach, a new place that's close to where you are now. You're more inclined to share your thoughts and opinions with confidence and engage in meaningful conversations with others. You could make friends with people through similar interests; joining a book club and meeting a new friend or finding a new library to go to and meeting someone there. You will be full of mental energy that could manifest as anxiety depending on how your Sun is aspected. The relationships with your siblings might change for better or for worse or you might notice you spend more time with them. You might want to get involved in your community by volunteering, substitute teaching, reading to the elderly. You could start a successful blog that shares information on what you're interested in (astrology, fashion, psychology).
Advice: Getting into therapy would be very beneficial now, try new things and hobbies, join interesting clubs and try things you normally wouldn't.
4h: Having your Sun in the 4th house of your Solar Return Chart can bring family, your mother, and your home environment into focus. You might start thinking about starting a family, or someone in your family could become pregnant. You might visit your family a lot more this year and spend more time with them or your parents might visit your home a lot more. You'll want to focus on making your home more "homey" and decorating it in a way that aligns with who you are. You may become closer with your mother and spend more time with her. If harshly aspected, you may notice your mother (4h) and your father (Sun) may divorce or fight a lot more this year (this depends on other placements too). You may find that you'd rather be at home than go out, you'll be more introverted and prioritize comfort. You may have to stay home against your will due to duties related to children or maybe you have to stay home to take care of your mother or parents. Depending on Sun aspects, this could mean harmonious relationships with your family or it could mean more arguments. You might order a 23 and Me test to find out more about your ancestry and nationality.
Advice: Spend more time trying to get your family together, create happy memories with them and take pictures so you can look back on it. Focus on your home space and implement things that make it more comfortable. Invite people over for events or maybe throw a house warming party.
5h: Sun in the 5th house means focusing on hobbies, creativity, having fun, your inner child and children in general this year. This could mean less work and more play, whether that happens naturally or intentionally. You might take off work to go on vacation or even take work off to do something fun with your kids. You might pick up an old hobby or a new hobby that takes up your free time. Going out, being with friends, going to parties, throwing parties, or doing whatever your definition of fun is will be highlighted this year. You may notice that you're around more children this year which could result in connecting with your own inner child. For example, blowing bubbles with kids or pushing them on a swing could remind you of your own happy childhood memories. Connecting with your inner child this year is crucial; eating your favorite childhood meal, looking through old photos, or engaging in conversations with kids will be really beneficial. Self expression through hobbies, art, or writing can interest you this year. Since Sun in home in the 5th house, this almost always gaurantees an overall comfortable year (if Sun is badly aspected, this placement could make the aspects less intense). You could be more extroverted, creative, and carefree this year. You may find that you go on more dates or spend time on dating apps.
Advice: Focus on pleasure. What makes you happy? Your inner child happy? Try expressing yourself through artistic endeavors. Don't take life so seriously this year.
6h: Sun in the 6th house in the Solar Return Chart can indicate increased focus on physical health and wellness, daily routines, and your relationship to your peers/coworkers. This year you could end up making a dietary change; becoming a vegetarian or simply cutting out sugar. You could focus on what makes you feel good physically; working out and eating healthy. Depending on how the Sun is aspected, this could help you to "glow up" this year. You may try out yoga, pilates, or another workout class that interests you. Your daily routines will help you become more confident. We already talked about working out and eating healthy; this could also mean starting a skincare routine, a bedtime routine, or simply jotting down tasks in your planner. You may seek out alternative healing methods as well, again check aspects. This could include Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, medicinal herbs) or reiki and meditation in order to benefit your health. Relationships with peers/coworkers will be in focus as well, whether positively or negatively is up to the whole chart itself. Your energy levels can also be affected by the Sun and its' aspects.
Advice: Don't gossip in the workplace, adopt a pet, focus on how to spend your time more efficiently, start implementing positive habits in your daily routines.
7h: Sun in the 7th house in the Solar Return Chart can indicate focusing on love relationships, one on one friendships, and open enemies. You will want to get along with people in your life, you'll strive to have harmony and balance in these relationships. If you don't have a romantic partner, this might be the year that you meet someone special. Write down what qualities you want in a partner and see how they correspond with your natal 7th house. Manifesting and actively seeking a partner could help but it might just happen without your intention! If you have a romantic partner already, the Sun here makes you buckle down and really work on making the relationship flourish, or even taking it to the next level. This could be as big as getting engaged or married, or it could mean moving in together. It could be as little as meeting their parents or having them meet yours. All of this depends on the rest of the chart and if you look at house placements and aspects you can get a better sense of how you'll grow closer. The same goes for one on one connections in terms of friendships. You might grow closer to a friend or friends over the year. The 7th house also rules open enemies. Depending on aspects of the Sun this can be more or less prominent. Sun square Mars, for example, may mean that men with Aries or Scorpio-like qualities (doesn't have to be their Sun sign but can be) can brush you the wrong way or these people could even start arguments with you.
Advice: Focus on the positives and express to your lover or friend what you appreciate about them. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Stick up for yourself in a way that creates peace or better yet, kill the haters with kindness. Ask yourself why certain traits and aspects of other people bother you.
8h: Sun in the 8th house puts focus on personal and financial transformations, self discovery, intimacy, and shared resources. I won't lie, the 8th house can be a tough bid. All houses have their good and bad qualities but the 8th house is all about change which is uncomfortable for most. The good part about 8th house Sun is when you look back on your Solar Return a year from now, you'll be changed in a significant way. It can be hard but it will make you stronger, wiser, and more aligned with your higher self. You will face obstacles this year that will take you out of your comfort zone whether that's intentional or not. You may move out of your parents house and live across the country. You might go to therapy and realize why you act the way you do. You might be moving into your dorm in college this year. Think radical change. You might break up with your partner, move out, quit your job and move back home. It's hard to say exactly what will happen without seeing the rest of the chart because the 8th house rules "Deep personal transformation - " and that's it. Say your 8th house lord is in the 10th house, you'll experience a transformation related to your reputation or career, you may get fired or promoted in a significant way. Your reputation could take a blow or you could become famous. It's hard to tell, again, without looking at the whole chart.
Advice: Take things in stride, try to be your best self, trust yourself and the universe. Be careful with financial matters and contracts. Dive into taboos.
9h: Sun in the 9th house puts learning, long distance travel, and higher education into focus. You will want to expand your horizons in some way whether that be going to college, traveling and learning about different cultures, exploring spiritual practices, or seeking out profound experiences that lead to personal growth. Your year might consist of traveling abroad somewhere and learning about the place's culture. You could appreciate this culture and their values and implement it into your own life. You might go to college or take a course online that interests you in a way that others courses didn't. This course might alter your personality in some way. Say the course is about world religion, after learning about it you might explore it on your own time, for example; Buddhism (technically a philosophy but I digress...), you might take interest in their practice of meditation. You start meditating and it completely changes the way you view life, this could lead to a whole new belief system. You might take up a yoga class and after a couple months you might join your yoga class on a retreat somewhere; this could impact you tremendously and might change your course of life. After the retreat, you might become a yogi or start practicing something intense like Kundalini yoga. The possibilities with this house are endless, but they all start with being curious and wanting to learn something new. Take the first step by exploring other interests, you never know how they will affect your life!
Advice: Try something new this year, be open to new opportunities, quiet your inner critic and be spontaneous, don't let anxiety and insecurity get in your way.
10h: Sun in the 10th house of your Solar Return Chart could bring your career, reputation, and father (or dominant parent) into focus. This could indicate a need to be promoted or recognized by authority in terms of your career. You could get a raise or "climb the corporate ladder", you could find your true passion and open up a business. You might find that your relationship with your father or father figure impacts your personality in some way. You might grow closer or grow farther apart, you might recognize how the relationship affects you in your daily life. Sun in this house brings confidence into the workplace and depending on the aspects, coworkers could be jealous or threatened by that or you might get along well with them and gain popularity. Your reputation could be affected this year either negatively or positively; the Sun here on its own indicates that it will be affected positively but if squares or oppositions are present, it could go the other way. For instance, if Uranus squares your 10th house (aka MC/Midheaven), you might gain a reputation for being irresponsible or unreliable. If you have Venus sextile your MC, you may gain a reputation of being lovable and sociable and your relationship with your boss will be positive.
Advice: Be confident in the workplace and share your ideas. Don't be afraid to stand out. Try your best to create harmonious relationships with coworkers and if you're being treated poorly, stand up for yourself in a mature way. Ask for that promotion or raise.
11h: Sun in the 11th house of the Solar Return Chart puts friendships, community, and social media into your focus for the year. You will have the desire to expand your social circle or it can happen on it's own! You will want to be surrounded by like minded people that share your interests and ideas. The sign that occupies this house in your SR and Natal Chart can give you greater insight. If you have Scorpio in the 11th house of your Natal Chart, the friends you gain might hold some sort of power, they might transform you in some way (and this is true throughout your whole life). The ruler of the 11th house in your Solar Return Chart, say for example; Taurus, would fall into your Natal 5th house. Meaning the friends you make could have Scorpio/Taurus/Leo and even Aquarius placements (fixed signs). You could meet them through your children (the parents of your child's friend or you could connect with someone at a daycare while picking up your kids). You could meet these friends at a Paint n' Sip. You could meet a friend while going on a double date (think 5th house themes). Either way, they'll most likely have fixed sign energy and have planets falling in your natal 2nd, 5th, and 8th, and 11th house. Other than that, you may focus on getting more involved in your community; this could be volunteering or donating clothes to your local goodwill. You could become famous on social media! Or you could gain followers and attract more likes and comments on your posts.
Advice: Put yourself out there and join groups that spike your interest in order to connect with like-minded people. Get involved in your community or donate to a cause that you believe in. Raise money for the less fortunate or buy a meal for the homeless, you could start a chain reaction.
12h: Sun in the 12th house of your Solar Return Chart puts solitude, reflection, hidden enemies, and endings into focus for the year. This indicates that you'll be more introverted than ever, even if your Sun sign is the most extroverted of all the zodiac signs. You'll prefer to be alone which could sometimes lead to a feeling of loneliness. Sun in the 12th house could mean that you're your own worst enemy. Let go of limiting beliefs or insecurities; it's a good time to release problems relating to your ego since the 12th house also rules endings. The Sun shines a bright light on the house of the unknown, this could lead to finding out secrets or uncovering truths that could hurt your self esteem. If you're spiritual, you could connect more to your beliefs in some way (starting to pray more, going to church on Sundays, or reading books on Chakras and Crystal Healing, for example). If badly aspected, you could be hospitalized or in need of rehabilitation of some sort. Don't use drugs, don't gamble, don't take unnecessary risks. Focus on your mental health and reflect on who you are and what you'd like to change. The Sun in the 12th house could also signify an "ego death" which could put you through something significant that could change every aspect of who you are, since the Sun is the self. This could be as serious as a near fatal car accident or a near death experience of some sort (especially if Pluto/Mars are prominent). It could be as simple as helping others out and realizing that the collective is more important than the self and ego. Be patient with yourself this year and trust your intuition. Please, trust your intuition.
Advice: Don't take unnecessary risks, trust your gut, develop your psychic powers, start a dream journal, see a therapist. Ask for help when you need help, help someone in need, put yourself in other peoples' shoes. Go on a retreat and work on your relationship with yourself.
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starsworldd · 2 months
Solar Return Observations pt. 9: Long Edition
readings are open
take with a grain of salt
made using whole signs + 3 degree orbs or less
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💜 you could feel sleepier during years you have pisces rising in the solar chart
💜 having mars in the 12th can also indicate taking way more naps that year too
💜 years which you have mars retrograde could be years where you tackle past/buried issues
💜 mars conjunct another planet shows having to fight for your place/goals related to the house that the other planet rules (ex: leo in 11th house -> mars conjunct sun (the ruler of 11th house in this case) could mean that you have to put more effort to be included in group activities)
💜 also mars conjunct sun is a BUSY year
💜 where the asteroids forte (8780) and fama (408) land in your sr chart show the most prominent themes in your year ahead as well as the houses where leo and cancer fall
💜 conversely, the houses that capricorn and aquarius occupy are themes that you’re hung up on throughout the year, it’s hard to bring these themes to your satisfaction
💜 having the chart ruler of your juno persona chart for that year in the 12th house can indicate a loss of friends or a partner that year
💜 having pallas conjunct your 12th house ruler can show that you are constructive and productive even in times of distress or isolation throughout the year
💜 having venus trine uranus can indicate a lot of fun in the year ahead, especially with online friends, games, social media, etc…
💜 planets that trine neptune create ease/relaxation (ex: mercury trine neptune could mean less school or social stress in the year ahead)
💜 pay attention to when saturn is on the angles (asc, dsc, ic, mc), those are most likely going to be especially important years where you reach the pinnacle of some sphere in your life (the house tells you which theme/sphere)
💜 juno in the 12th house can indicate having secret admirers that year
💜 wherever aries chiron lands in your sr chart shows where you’re forced to endure and overcome wounds, there’s no escape (especially if it’s retrograde)
💜 having aries or scorpio in the 10th or mc shows breaking barriers/records that year (whether that’s on a personal or community level)
💜 similarly, having capricorn/aquarius in the mc/10th can also mean breaking records/barriers but the recognition and/or fulfillment you should receive will most likely have to wait
💜 aphrodite (1388) indicates where there’s the most drama in the year ahead
💜 having any of the work houses’ (2, 6, 10) rulers on the angles represents a culmination/fruition of a project or goal
💜 having a capricorn stellium indicates success and a likelihood of recognition having to do with the houses’ themes
💜 having gemini, libra, or taurus as your solar rising or as your rising in your ascendant pc chart for that year indicates popularity
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💜 moon in venusian signs also indicate popularity and possibility of attracting more lovers as well
💜 having a succedent house’s (2, 5, 8, 11) ruler in another succedent house OR having a planet in domicile/exaltation in one of these houses can indicate wealth
💜 having any wealth-related asteroids (mony, banks, gold, etc…) in sagittarius can mean a growth in finances that year
💜 having asteroid valentine (447) in the 4th house indicates a supportive home life
💜 asteroid valentine conjunct natal neptune means having really really good experiences with a lover or a good friend
💜 juno in the 8th house can indicate a secure and in-depth partnership coming your way that year
💜 jupiter conjunct pallas (solar or solar x natal) indicates a strategic plan that pays off
💜 having mercury aspect venus can mean getting more compliments that year
💜 having uranus conjunct part of fortune (solar or solar x natal) indicates an unexpected good surprise. the solar and natal house that it falls in specifies where the surprise may come in
💜 having part of fortune in your natal 9th house shows an abundance of opportunities and possible recognition (sun has joy in the 9th house)
💜 having pluto in the first house of your mc persona chart could mean a significant change in your goals/career/ambitions
💜 i recommend looking at your solar return chart ruler’s persona chart for more details about what could happen in the year ahead
💜 pluto aspecting the mc in your solar chart shows a step up in power/reputation by doing something significant
💜 having the sun placed in the 8th house in your talent asteroid (33154) pc shows doing something ground-breaking and amazing with your talents
💜 having the 7th house ruler in the 5th house means that your relationships with others bring lots of good opportunities to you (fun, travel, doing games, etc…)
💜 having aries or scorpio as the rising sign of your mc pc for that year indicates a lot of activity in your work and/or public life
💜 having a 1st house stellium can show a fresh start in the sign the stellium is in (ex: libra stellium in the 1st house can show a new beauty regiment that you take on in the year ahead)
💜 8 degrees on the ascendant can mean that you’re wayyy more determined and require more alone time as well that year
💜 having mercury in the 1st house of your dsc pc shows talking to a variety of people (the sign of mercury can show why)
💜 having the chart ruler in domicile in your dsc pc means being more popular that year
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hope you enjoyed!
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uyuforu · 4 months
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Uyu's Astrological Observations III
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₊˚⊹♡ It's so easy to recognize Aquarius placements on instagram, just look at James Deen's Instagram. You will instantly understand why.
₊˚⊹♡ I realized that Saturn in 7H Solar Return Chart is also about limits in relationships, and in this case you could find it hard to find someone else than your crush that year for example. Or your ex. No one seems better. If you are in a relationship, you could find that you are literally only interested in them. Which is a good thing!
₊˚⊹♡ Vertex in 7H in a Solar Return can be a sign of meeting someone that will become very important in your life.
₊˚⊹♡ The more I see people's SR Charts, the more I see many people of different age getting married between 2026-2028. (why?)
₊˚⊹♡ My Juno is in Scorpio 2H 26° (Taurus house & degree), my FS's Juno is also in Scorpio, and he is Taurus rising. His Juno is also in 2H and 2° (both Taurus placements). My Groom is in my 10H, and my FS's Groom falls in his 10H too. My FS's Briede is in Gemini, and my Briede is in my 3H. It also conjuncts my Moon.
₊˚⊹♡ Scorpio placements NEVER forget, and they can hold grudges forever. My grandma has a Scorpio stellium, she has been deceived by a friend when she was a child, and decided to NEVER again trust people too much. She never got a best friend because it.
₊˚⊹♡ The moon persona chart can really tell you about stuff you never realized or stuff you never wanted to accept about yourself.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon/ Cancer/ or Moon influences over the 7H= marrying someone younger than you, or marrying at a young age
₊˚⊹♡ Some people's Juno and Groom/ Briede happen to be the same person, but not for everyone. Juno represents your ideal partner, it has more of a spiritual link and destiny vibe. Some people marry someone they don't have any soul attachment to.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn/ Capricorn/ or Saturn influences over the 7H= marrying someone older than you, or marrying when you are older.
₊˚⊹♡ Men attracted to women often have their Briede PC looking identical to their wife's Natal Chart.
₊˚⊹♡ My Parents had Vertex in the 5H Composite, and they had a baby (me)
₊˚⊹♡ But they also had Briede and Groom in 3H, they were indeed engaged but never married. And their 7H is empty.
₊˚⊹♡ My step mother's sun also fall in their 9H, conjuncting Chiron. My dad left my mom for her.
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₊˚⊹♡ If you want to see if it's gonna work out with someone, don't only check basic synastry, composite, etc. But also Persona Chart synastry! For example, check Boda PC Synastry, and see if your weddings are "the same".
₊˚⊹♡ Gemini Sun on Boda Persona Chart could indicate having two weddings (just a theory)
₊˚⊹♡ In my DSC Persona Chart, my FS's Natal sun fall in the 7H in that PC. My DSC PC's Juno is in the 7H too, and so also conjuncting his Natal Sun.
₊˚⊹♡ Let's talk about the Union PC, it's not something very known.
₊˚⊹♡ Uranus in my Union PC is in 9H in Aquarius, and I met my FS online first and then in a foreign country where technology is pretty advanced. It was also a sudden meeting!
₊˚⊹♡ The rising of my Union PC is Gemini 22°, and when I met my FS, our meeting was very organized, and I didn't know if it was a date or not, so I was a bit cold and detached. But we met in a foreign country, and I was speaking in a foreign language (English).
₊˚⊹♡ Groom in my Union PC is in Leo 25° (Aries), and my FS was flirty, and very showing off when we met. It's also in 3H, he was a true rizz. Also conjuncting Venus, he REALLY wanted to seduce me. He went hard, it was so obvious lmao.
₊˚⊹♡ This could also explain why my Briede in this PC is in Capricorn, and I was cold and detached lol. His rizz was a turn off.
₊˚⊹♡ Speaking of synastry in Union PC, my Sun there is in Virgo, and in my FS Union PC, Briede is in Virgo. In his Union PC, his Sun is in Leo, and in my Union PC, Groom is in Leo.
₊˚⊹♡ My FS's rising in Union PC is the same as his NC, and Cancer is over the 4H. We met in his homeland, where he was born.
₊˚⊹♡ Also, his Natal North Node conjunct his North Node in Union PC, meaning the meeting with his FS is part of his destiny.
₊˚⊹♡ Our Union also conjunct each other in Union PC Synastry.
₊˚⊹♡ My Briede in Union PC falls in his 11H, and his Groom in Union PC falls in my 11H. We met online first.
₊˚⊹♡ My father had a pretty intense and sometimes toxic relationship with his ex-wife, my step mother, and her sun was in his 8H, conjuncting Chrion... 😬
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₊˚⊹♡ My father also has Part of Fortune in the 9H and it conjuncts his MC. He travels for work.
₊˚⊹♡ My father had 3 children: my sun falls in his 12H and he was an absent father figure in my life. My brother's sun falls in his 3H, and they tell the same joke, have the same way to talk. They have a lot in common when it comes to topics to discuss. And my sisters's sun fall in his 5H, she is the favorite child.
₊˚⊹♡ My Sun conjunct my mother's Ceres, and she is very protective of me.
₊˚⊹♡ I noticed a lot of people have North Node retrogrades. It usually means they think they are going to struggle to meet their destiny. For example: my FS has scorpio 7H North Node. And he has this thought that he will never marry.
₊˚⊹♡ I don't know much about Astrocartography, but I have been studying it a little recently. I realized that my Sun DC line and North Node DC line falls on the place I met my FS ;-;
₊˚⊹♡ I also checked my FS' Astrocartography and he got his North Node DC on the place we met lol.
₊˚⊹♡ I was Scorpio rising in my SRC of the year a lot of guys wanted to be intimate with me.
₊˚⊹♡ This year SRC I am Leo rising, and I met a lot of guys who happens to have crush on me. It's insane, I feel popular ;-;
₊˚⊹♡ Im not a big fan of Moon conjunct Sun in Synastry, but because it either the best or worst relationship ever. I realized every people who have my moon sign as their sun, we never get along, they hate me while we never truly talked. But, people who have my sun sign as their moon actually annoy me lmao? I guess the sun sign feels threaten by the moon sign embodying their energy?
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moonastro · 3 months
Solar Return chart notes i
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**not my images**
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ chart ruler in 12th house can suggest you moving abroad ( i had my chart ruler- moon in 12th house conjunct Jupiter (travel, foreign) when i moved to a completely new country. also my 12th house was in Gemini which rules over travel and trips so that enhanced it).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ i had my 12th house packed with planetary objects (venus, northnode, uranus, sun, mercury and moon) and that year i was not doing too good with my overall mental health HOWEVER, i was very spiritually inclined that year, i started to develop habits related to spirituality.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the year that i studied my a** off i had a SR virgo rising and mercury (the ruler) in 10th house in gemini (knowledge, mind, writing). i wrote alottt like loads and loads of notes for my exams.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ in the year my daily routine changed and i had a very difficult time to process it, i had my 6th house in scorpio and pluto (ruler) in 8th house (of death, endings, transformative occurrences). oh and to put the cherry on top pluto was in capricorn so yeahh.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when i had moon in 5th house i was fantasying a LOTT about romance. i had moon conjunct neptune in PISCESS. i was very delusional about love. i didnt even want to be in a relationship lol i just liked the idea of it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the asteroid enterprise (9777) in my 11th house was the year i made lots of job applications through the internet. i sent in lots of digital stuff and had some calls through internet involving my career.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ in the year i had a very healthy friendship my 11th house ruler was in the 7th house (equality, balance, partnership) this was the most stable and very communicative (mercury) based friendship meaning that problems were solved were fixed through communications. mercury (ruler of my 11th house) was conjunct northnode, i received lots of gifts (7th house), opportunities, and she spent money on me on food mostly (in taurus). VERYY fascinatingg
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when i started to post officially on social media, my sun was conjunct uranus.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ SR chiron in 6th house is not for the weak. i had this in 18 degress (virgo) and my physical appearance was all i was focused on and was very critical about it VERY.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ uranus in 9th house- i was very confused with my school work, the overall school experience was very unfamiliar to me.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ on the solar return that i had an 8th house stellium (chiron, venus, jupiter, neptune, mars) that year i had lots of luxury gifts given to me (Venus). i went to the movies on my birthday of the beginning of my SR (Neptune) we ate at a luxury restaurant (venus) in that year i got a brand new laptop (Uranus). i got a new set of tarot cards (Jupiter) and was bought a gym membership (mars).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ when i had mercury in my SR 7th house i studied a lot about my future spouse (5 degrees) like i was looking at solar returns, reading my chart so on and on.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ moon at 1 degree in my SR, i was very sensitive and was overthinking about everything whenever someone would hurt me.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ sun in 10th house in SR, i wasn't seeking any recognition but i had no choice in the matter, others could NOTT leave me alone. i was talking a lot also to new people that i never spoke to before (sun conjunct mercury in Gemini).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ i cant get enough about the 12th house but, the year when i had a 12th house stellium, i started to observe my dreams more and started recording them on paper.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the year when my 12th house was in taurus (throat, voice), i barely talked, like i was very quiet.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ SR scorpio ASC was very focused on occult things, i spent hours and hours studying (pluto in 3rd house) natal charts, tarot online (aquarius).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ my SR MC in leo was the year i changed my hair completey the way i havent before, i developed confidence with that hairstyle and never went back.
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thanks you for reading. hope you enjoyed this post. have a lovely day !!
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rendezvouz-fling · 4 days
Astro Observations #30
• I find that, most charming people tend to have their sun and rising in the same modality except squaring one another. E.g. Aries sun-Cap/Cancer rising, Pisces sun-Sag/Gem rising, Taurus sun-Leo/Aqua rising, etc..
• I've noticed some Aqua/Cap risings tend to start working from an early age. E.g. Luis Miguel (Cap rising), his career started when he was around 11 and Selena Quintanilla (Aqua rising), became the lead singer of Selena y Los Dinos when she was just 9! Michael Jackson (Sidereal Aqua rising), became the lead singer of the Jackson 5 at age 5.
• The house your moon is in, can be the things you find comfort in. E.x. A 2H moon might have a comfort food or like staying in bed, a 9H moon might like playfulness and words of reassurance, a 7H moon might like creative outlets, etc...
• 5H stelliums that include Venus/Mars, like big, dramatic, romantic gestures! The sign it's in gives more insight too. E.g. If it's in Taurus, they'll like spoiling their partners with expensive gifts and being really romantic.
• Earth/2H/6H/10H placements need constant reassurance when they're antsy/nervous!
• You know what's cute? Two people who's sun signs have the same ruler, can be born in the same hour but different times of the day and have the same rising! E.g. If a Pisces is born around 11 AM and a Sagittarius is born around 11 PM, they're both Gemini risings. If a Aries is born around 10 AM and a Scorpio is born around 10 PM, they're both Cancer risings. Etc...
• Having Pisces mars in composite can be so sweet! However, when it's platonic it could mean matters of the planet are hidden so, it could be that you both don't talk about sex, you can get frustrated/angry but don't want to talk about it. You could also know how to calm down/soothe the other when they're angry or you could be passive/dismissive when the other's angry.
• Libra/7H Jupiter in Composite could mean being very romantic together! Holding hands, soft kisses, going on dates, spoiling each other, being head over heels for each other, including each other in things, wanting to be together and shower each other with love and affection. Making it known to others that you're together and in love!!
• Pisces venus-Cap mars should open businesses related to vanity. I've noticed people with this combo often work in venusian fields, such as opening their own clothing boutiques, hair/nail salons, etc..
• Question for Capricorn mars people, are we all born with diplomas from business school? 😂 Because I swear business comes natural to Cap mars, wether having studied it or not.
• Virgo placements and Pisces placements can be very similar, especially venus. Because the amount of times I've seen Virgo Venuses stay with toxic men just because they love them.😭 But Pisces Venuses do that too! We just get the "delusional" rep which is so ridiculous.🤡
• Please don't lie to 8H mars, they're the paranoid types.
• Every time I have Chiron in Aries in my SR chart, I have to deal with controlling my anger and having to find calmer outlets to express angression.😭
• This might be a reach, but, have you guys noticed how when you have planets that are close, it can tell you things?? E.g. I know a celebrity who has their Uranus, Moon and Pluto close to each other and their mom (Moon) disappeared under weird circumstances (Uranus) and her whereabouts remain a mystery till this day (Pluto). I tested this theory on myself and it worked too.
• The house your Sun is in, can tell you so many things too! Say, if you have a 10H sun, your father could've been restrictive/controlling workaholic, so you may try to run away from responsibility. If your Sun is in the 4H, your father could've been emotionally manipulative and might've not been nurturing to you, so you might try to run away from family members or from having kids.
• 7H rising in synastry has the same, if not a slightly stronger effect than the Sun-Venus aspect. House person literally sees Rising person as the most gorgeous human being ever! They just seem so perfect, from theirs looks down to their personality!!
• 6H rising in synastry, for the house person, feels like the rising person is well composed/reserved. But there's something alluring about the rising person. Maybe their mannerisms or looks. Either way, the rising person is very physically attractive to the house person.
• You ever meet someone with your rising and mars signs as theirs but switched?? E.x. Gemini rising-Cap mars, meets Cap rising-Gemini mars, or Libra rising-Aqua mars meets Aqua rising-Libra mars, etc.. I swear we're inverted versions of each other.😭
• On the flip side, have you met someone with your Sun as their Mercury and your Mercury as their sun? E.x. Cancer Sun-Leo Mercury meets Leo sun-Cancer Mercury, etc.. That also feels inverted but you both get each other well.
• I love Leo women with Taurus/Libra/Virgo venus/mars, they're usually the sweetest!
• Virgo suns with Taurus moons are also very sweet!
• Men with Aries suns, Virgo moons, Taurus Venuses and an Air mars are my favvv!! They're usually very attractive, energetic, funny, loyal and have great taste in music!
• Virgo/6H Moons/Venuses can be health nuts. 😂 But that's a great thing, because they usually looks out for the health and wellbeing of those around them!
• They're the types to watch videos about foods with the most nutrition, what not to eat, diets and stuff like that.
• Aries Venuses with Gemini Mars would do great at aerobics or workout/dance classes given their energetic nature! (Bonus points if the chart ruler is in Aries)
• If you have a stellium in your chart ruler's persona chart, you'll most likely act it out. E.x. If your chart Ruler's in Aries, you'll search for the persona chart and you'll have Aries sun obviously, but say you have Aries mercury and Venus in that persona chart, you'll most likely exude that energy. The house it's in, also counts! Say it's in the 5H, you could get called dramatic a lot.😭
• Fire Mercuries and Venuses loveee teasing, taunting and chasing!
• Pisces suns with Libra moons are really fun to hangout with!! They're also very kind and nurturing!
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lavishlyleo · 6 months
Astrology Observations 5
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One thing I've noticed with Gemini Moons is that while they do love to talk to people and share their thoughts, if they aren't interested in the conversation's topic or if you stay on one topic for too long, they tend to zone out. If they aren't very invested in the convo at hand it will be VERY noticeable (e.g. blank stares, they suddenly go very quiet, dry repetitive responses, checking their phone frequently).
The same can be said for individuals with a lot of Air in their charts in general, especially Gemini and Libra. It can be hard to keep these individuals attention for prolonged periods of time. They like to cut to the interesting part so keep what you have to say very brief and to the point.
Not something Leo Moons are known for, but that I've noticed is that they can be really good at analyzing peoples behavior. Like, they'll see how someone acts and can make connections to their own behavior to understand some elses emotions and feelings. It's how many Leo Moons relate to people, bonus points if their Moon is in a water house!
In your Natal chart, if your ruling planet 's transit is in opposition or square with your natal ruling planet's sign, it can indicate a period of bad luck and hardship. It may feel like the world is against you at the moment, especially if said aspect is in a less than 5° orb. Not a great transit aspect to have.
For example, My ruling planet is Jupiter (Sag Rising) and it's in Scorpio at 9°. IRONICALLY ENOUGH, in my Solar Return chart for this year, Jupiter is in Taurus at 9°. So I'm expecting a lot to happen this year. Later on this year I'll make an update on this aspect.
If you have Scorpio or Pisces in your SR top 3 this year, don't take this lightly!! Like I said in my last post with manifestations, this will be a year that your manifestation power is at an all time high! You may literally speak things into existence, for better or for worse.
On the topic of Scorpio/Pisces SR top three, my advice for this (and I'm speaking from experience) is try to think about things you want to happen, not things you don't want or like. For example, if you think about how much you don't like a certain person, later on down the line you may find yourself suddenly coming back in contact with that person a lot more, when either you wanted to or not.
People with Cancer personal placements, I'd advise you to frequently check the Moon's transit and positions! Whenever it's the full or new moon, keep tabs on what happens those days and how you feel. Let me know in the comments anything interesting that's happened to yall during those times!
I've said this once and I'll say it again, Scorpio Mars are some of the most PERSISTENT people I've ever seen. When it comes to their desires, NOTHING stands in their way. However this can be detrimental if it's bad habits like drinking, smoking, stealing, ect. One way or another they will get what they want, even if it costs them everything. These people can truly be the victim of their own desires. Honorary mention- Taurus and Leo Mars.
Listen, if you ever need someone to promote your music, call an Aquarius Venus/Dominant person. I swear to god these people listen to the most obscure, outta pocket things I've ever heard.
Taurus 6th/5th housers tend to be those people at work that live by the slow and steady motto. They don't like to rush and do a sloppy job on whatever their working on.
On the other hand, Aries 6th/5th housers may be very fast workers, and it usually works well for them, works well under pressure. not the most thorough people but for the most part they get the job done.
People with a lot of Gemini and Leo placements in their chart tend to give off Aries energy.
Capricorn and Scorpio relationships are literally ride or die. I know a couple with many of these placements and they are so possessive of each other. Even after heated arguments and many hardships, they always come back together and work out their issues, it's really sweet!
When in an awkward situation, Libra Risings tend to try and break the tension first. Sometimes they can make the situation more awkward doing this but they're always the ones to bring the vibes back to the way they were, so I appreciate it. Gemini Risings may also do this but can be slightly more unhinged in their methods. I love both regardless for it😭💕.
The reason puberty for all of us hits hard is because it's around this time that Saturn is usually in the sign opposite from our Saturn sign. It makes a lot of sense when you think about it, itcchanges a lot of what we focus on and introduces us to new struggles. Although with Saturn retrograde, the age of which these changes can affect us can range from 13 all the way up to 25. Saturn is trying to toughen us up before we become adults.
What your Rising Sign's season is may be the season/months you prefer. For example, I'm a Sagittarius Rising and I tend to like late fall/early winter.
Your Moon sign can show how you process not just your emotions, but how you handle other peoples emotions, and how you relate to them. For example, a Leo Moon may relate to others by thinking of themselves in someone elses shoes, and how they would handle situations. While a Gemini Moon may relate other peoples emotions with stories from others that they've heard, and use what they've observed from other people to help others.
Venus PC Moon can also show this, I'd look at both sign's relationship to see the full picture of how one truly processes theirs and others emotions.
Moon/Pluto Aspects in someone's chart can show a relationship where however the mother treats the native, is how the native will end up treating her as they get older. For example, if the mother was negligent to the native in their younger years, then as they get older they will have a detached and impersonal attitude towards her. Basically the natives mirror how they were nurtured in youth.
"She say do you love me, I tell her only partly. I only love my bed and my mama I'm sorry." -Drake, a Cancer Moon.
People who say Gemini/Libra placements are indecisive have CLEARLY never met someone with many personal fire placements, especially if it's their top 3. Fire sign energy is naturally high and can be all over the place sometimes, this can include their thoughts and decision making as well, mostly concerning the direction of their passions and work. They may have a million ideas of what they're about to do but have trouble slowing down and planning it all out into managable chunks at a time. Will fight for what they want but may have trouble picking their battles wisely.
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HEY HEY, new post! I actually had this one in the drafts for awhile! I just got around to posting it now! I haven't been on at all lately because I'm having trouble finding what else to post about. Sooo I'm thinking of doing a little zodiac game soon since I want to practice my art more :] .
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More Nitro Nexus art!! I'm not sure when I'll be officially starting my Anthro's Anthem series with him but if I'm being honest I probably won't be releasing the first official chapter until like 2025-2026. I have a lot planned for it but I don't know when I'll get around to it. Only time will tell!
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millysastroblog · 1 year
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SR ASC in Natal Chart Houses
🌼ASC in Solar Return Chart🌼
The ASC in the Solar Return Chart is a vital point ,implementing the first energtical shifts in the SRC for the year ahead. From the start the Sun returns to the same Natal Sign and Degree ,which gets activated on your Birthday. But It is definitly possible to feel those changes prior to 1-3 months before your actual Birthday occurs.
The ASC generally is one of the most visible components in a Chart, giving the outside world a first impression of our presence but also us as individuals automatically exuding the energy of the ASC Sign and taking the world on with the ASC Signs Personality. The Asc is so important because of the how the constellations from all the 12 houses are created and constructed, shaping certain life areas differently and uniquely. So with the ASC in the SR Chart are we adapting to a new energy . Lets say we have Sagittarius as SR ASC , we probably are going to feel more alive and ready to explore the world and step out of our comfort zone. Through our more adventures and curios side we are going to consciously or unconsciously attract opportunities that could help us to really embody this energetic change for that year.
🌼The 12 Houses in a Natal Chart 🌼
As you might as well know with the Asc our 1st house we have 11th other houses that carry their own meanings. In my Solar Return Chart PT.1 you can look up the main interpretation of the 12 houses. To get a quick review and understanding if you don’t know much about houses in Astrology or are inexperienced with them! Click here!!
🌼 How do we go about it?🌼
-> First look at the SR Rising.
Example: SR Chart Capricorn Rising
-> Secondly I would recommend you guys using whole sign system for your Natal Birth Chart but if you are more on the Placidus side then you can also use that.
-> Thirdly look at the Signs of each houses in your Natal Chart, and see in which house capricorn sits in.
Natal Gemini Rising (whole sign)
Gemini = 1 st house
Cancer = 2nd house
Leo= 3rd house
Virgo= = 4th house
Libra = 5th house
Scorpio = 6th house
Sagittarius = 7th house
Capricorn = 8th house
Aquarius = 9th house
Pisces = 10th house
Aries = 11th house
Taurus = 12th House
AS SR Chart in Capricorn -> Capricorn in the 8th house in the Natal Chart
🌼!!! End result = SR ASC ruling the 8th house of Natal Chart 🌼
When we try attaching our Solar Return ASC with our Natal ruling houses, we create an ultimate strong connection with this two energy portals. The ASC in SRC has then the ability to dig and dive deeper into your life experiences for the year ahead granting you with huge lifestyle changes by expanding the Natal House Area predominantly, having opportunities arise because of how in sync and aligned these two Charts are with each other. From my experience it is the MOST important SR Chart Placement to look at, to get the bigger picture of how the Year will turn out for you.
🌼SR ASC in natal 1st house 🌼:
You will feel the need to put more focus on yourself, this is a time period that is invested in your own well being. Prioritizing the self, stepping up for yourself, going by the own beat of your drum, this is the time to develop a strong and healthy ego that sets a firm solid base . This placement can indicate you are changing, maybe your personality can shift and become more mature like growing into adulthood, becoming a mother, aging, losing or gaining something about yourself . There possible life events that could lead to your identity being transformed whether for the better or worse. Everything that you thought was you might come to an end and a new you is reborn. You can decide to make changes on your physical appearance like buying a completely new style of clothes, dying your hair in a different color than usual, doing your makeup a bit differently, speaking tone can change, attempting (cosmetic surgery, all kinds of surgery), finding small or big things about yourself that could  improve, this the time to explore what you like, don't like, core values, what you might identify as, your gender, sexuality and what place you take in society. This period is giving you the opportunity and chance to step into your true purpose, following your own voice, ideas, beliefs, feelings and intuition. You can gain an abundance of attention for just simply being you. People can effortlessly gravitate more to the new energy you carry. The relationship to the self can consume a lot of energy and time because of how deep, insightful  and significant this journey is going to be for you. 
Questions you might ask: How do i feel? Who am I ?What do I like? Do i really want to do this or am I just going by the rules that have been instructed to me since childhood ? Do I feel good about myself? Do I even like myself? What do i realy want and desire? How do i feel about this? Is this right for me? Am i really who i portray to be? Do i love my self? What can i do for myself to get to a better place? Am i happy with my life ? Am sad, angry, bitter depressed? What can i change about myself?
🌼SR ASC in natal 2nd house 🌼:
For the year our dominant life area resolved in building a set foundation. We tend to look more at what we have within us or outside of us. This is the time to reflect about  yourself and what kind of beliefs and standards you hold for yourself. This is a journey of loving your strengths and weaknesses. You are going to be able to identify what exactly you need to feel safe in life. Similarly to the 1st house we can put a lot of attention on things that matter the most to us including our core values. We tend to enjoy things more like watching Netflix, reading a book and activities that give us stableness and groundedness. Of course all of it basically depends on our the Sign and Planets in the  2nd house to see where we like to mostly like to engage in life. As an example: Riding a luxurious car while the sun goes down, cooking or baking our favorite meals, shopping for new clothes, taking a bubble bath. Here the small and easy things in life become a place where we show more gratitude. With the 2nd house ruled by Taurus we have the ability to create and build lasting things such as working towards establishing money assets and how to make them expand over time, gaining more knowledge and experiences with money. we begin to prioritize our material items and possessions and start placing more value on them, looking around at what material items carry the most meaning in our life, selling clothes even to gain money from them. Ideally you might as well start spending your money more on things that grant your life with pleasure. We might want to involve people dearest to us with the same experience and place what kind  of value they bring to us. 
Ouestions you might ask: Am i good enough? Is what i do save enough for me? What items do i want to purachse next? Maybe I can sell this? How secure do i feel right now? Do I see myself as worthy? Is my life stable? How can i gain more money? Where should i invest more of my energy and time? What kind of value does this person or relationship bring?Is it worth is????
🌼SR ASC in natal 3rd house 🌼:
With SR ASC in the natal 3rd house we encounter a very interesting and busy year ahead, expressing ourselves more openly and communicative to the public . As the 3rd is ruled by Gemini there are many experiences that will led you to explore your everyday life, being distracted with multiple tasks and chores, whether it´ll be working on group projects at school or any kind of environment where you have to express and communicate your thoughts, ideas and beliefs. You probably will feel comfortable engaging more in intellectual topics like reading, joining a book club, learning a new language being more active on social media or simply curious about anything. It's possible to create something like a podcast, music, or writing a book , where you are able to exchange Information with different kinds of people. This year includes a lot of changes in your everyday life stepping out of your own comfort zone like having to attend more job interviews if you are job hunting, being intensely involved with classmates or people in your everyday life. A huge important role that can have an impact on you is the relationship to your siblings, they could reach out to you after not being in contact for a long time or you might take that the initiative, wanting bond with them and try fixing the relationship, if you both have not been in good terms with each other in the past. Also what we can not forget here , is that you might gain a NEW baby sibling, nephew, nieces in your family. Additionally short transportation can be a focal point for this year, you might get your driver license and buy a new car. Or you'll probably use it frequently for future trips, if you don't own a car then be ready to spend a lot of your time traveling with public transportation :) 
Ouestions you might ask: How should I express myself? Did they understand me clearly? Why are there so many things that i need to do? How should i writte this?Are they listening to me? Should i do more tasks or less? Am i running late for school/ work, Did they like my presentation? How is my sister/brother? Why not talk about this? Should i create an You Tube channel? Why not learn French???
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🌼SR ASC in natal 4th house🌼:
We start the year reflecting on our home environment and how we might want  to have it in the future. Our minds are filled with imaginary pictures of beautiful and perfect homes and living spaces where we want to coconut ourselves and spend the — of our time. Nothing matters more to us than withdrawing from the day to day busy life. We want to create a peaceful and soothing living space for ourselves and family members. With these temptations we join a journey of searching for a place where we might want to settle down and call our HOME. With that being said ,we automatically attract situations and opportunities that lead us to change our living situations like , purchasing a new real estate, designing and renovating our current living space, moving out of  our parents/grandparents home, moving out of our home, moving out of our hometown, moving to a new city or even country, we can move in with our partners after dating or marriage, our families can grow bigger due to new family members like the birth of a child which results into us purchasing a bigger home for the family. As you can see there are so many different possibilities to expand your current living spaces or make a few changes. But sadly it could be possible for you to take more responsibilities for the family, like taking care of your parents or grandparents in times of sickness or urgency. Situations like these encourage you to invest more time and care into your private life with family members you haven't talked to for years. This is the time to set strong and long lasting bonds with the people closest to you.The 4th house rules  our origin, roots, ancestry and childhood so here we might be interested in discovering new things about our family history, visiting our hometown/country to explore our historical background or past childhood memories. We are asked to rest in our maternal feminine energy by taking care of domestic chores like cooking, cleaning and preparing things . In this phase you could be more in touch with your feelings and emotions having a stronger connection to your intuition and ancestors.  :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Where do i feel the most safe and nutured? Where do I want to live? How much do i know about my familys history? How is mom/dad brother? What do I need to take care of? Should i visit my home town? Do i enjoy my living space? Is it time for me to move out? Should we move in togehter? Am i able to take care of my mother? Where is my Intuition guiding me?
🌼SR ASC in natal 5th house🌼:
With SR ASC in the 5th house, we tend to experience a very exciting year ahead. Starting to engage with our personal interests and hobbies more often. This is a time for you to really explore your creative, imaginary world deeply. It's common to suddenly not take life that much seriously and adopt a more fun and lighthearted attitude. The 5th house hands us the gift to let our inner child play, wild and free with whatever hobbys or creative activities that come to our minds like, painting, digital art, fashion, if you are into singing you might have the courage to enter the music industry. People who might have an interest in writing could start sharing  their thoughts and ideas with the world. (example: this year i have this placement in my SR Chart and guess what i suddenly started my Astro Blog on tumblr because it turned out to be something that i like and find interesting ) . We place more of our focus and on things that give us pleasure,happiness and joy by following our first internal instincts and desires. But the down side of this placement if not harnessed in a healthy manner can cause us to act out impulsivly, over engaging in pleasurable and destructive behaviors like, unhealthy consumption of alcohol,drugs, sleep, food, shopping, mast**bation, SE*  etc. Big theme here for you is to " just live in the moment" , having fun, being more spontaneous, flirtatious, going to parties more frequently , playing all sorts of games with friends, simply celebrating life. An interesting path that you could also encounter for this year, are children . Whether you have children or siblings, you'll probably try connecting and bond with them. Or you could attract situations where you might have to take care of them like through babysitting roles. It's also quietly possible to get pregnant this year . With the 5th house we could enter into a romantic era with potential suitors, that we might date,  have an affair with, a short term fling, an tinder dating phase , (fwb), or getting into a relationship with, there definitely different outcomes of this situations, so you might as well can stay single and enjoy your life ;) 
Ouestions you might ask: How about trying something new? Should i go out more? Do i want to have children? Maybe i could start creating this idea, Should i join a dating website, Can´t i just relax and have fun time?
🌼SR ASC in natal 6thhouse🌼:
We are given the opportunity here to get our lifes organized and fixed. The 6th house is another house that gives us groundness and stability through utilizing routines that work for our daily living. You will probably put a  heavy focus on how you operate your routines, if it is healthy, if it fulfills your set standards and goals or if you can improve them. This is a time period where you are occupied with a lot of things at school, work or generally in life. This could also be a phase where young teens enter into their adulthood trying to cope with daily responsibilities. Your daily routine can drastically change after entering an important life stage like a new job, apprenticeship, promotion, new school. Your attention can also be directed at health matters. you will put more value on healthy diets, eating more organic and natural foods, cooking attentively to your desired health plan. You will reflect on past behavior patterns to see if they were healthy or unhealthy, if you have been only eating junk food, been on the phone daily for over 7h, not consistent with body hygiene. You could like observing your physical body more, figuring out what you like and don't like and how you can fix it. Here we are prone to attend occasionally to doctors appointments for health conditions like discovering illness,sickness, health conditions where we have to  take our medications and supplements regularly. This year is going to make you very busy, similar to the 3rd house, having to create a tight and fixed schedule because you don't have that much free time. Planning and Organising is a huge focus for the year ahead. In this time period you´ll probably be introduced to new coworkers or you will be introduced to people at work because of a job change. Encountering situations, occasions where you have to teach, assist and help people like at work, grocery shopping,  are common for this year and can also be the other way around. Fun fact: You could adopt a new pet, of course if you like pets :) 
Ouestions you might ask: Do i need to change my routine? How will go about this situation? How is my health condition doctor? Should i adopt a new pet? Sould i stop eating 3 buckers of ice cream everyday? Maybe i should get bracets (not saying that anything is wrong about having crooked theeth) How should i plan this apponintment into my scheuduel?
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PT.2 coming out soon :)
Thanks for reading
❁SR Chart Interpreataion PT.1❁
❁ SR Chart Interpreataion PT.2❁
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 months
Solar Return Observations
Mars Ketu in the ascendant can be a year where you feel very agitated and frustrated. If you have malefics in 7th also, then relationships can be very troubled.
I see most relationships end when the 7th ruler in SR moves to 8th house.
Relationships can also end when the 12th house of your natal chart rises in your solar return ascendant. The reason is the 7th house of natal chart will become your 8th house of solar return thus signifying end of 7th house matters.
The progressed ascendant in your 5th house of solar return can indicate birth of child.
Similarly, the progressed ascendant in your 7th house can mean getting married.
Venus in the 1st house can be a year you decide to try new fashion and style, may be you could get a step cut or something similar.
Solar Return Saturn conjunct your natal Venus can be a trying year for love and relationships. Example, Say your Venus is in Leo in natal chart and in Solar Return, Saturn is in Leo.
For Readings Kindly DM
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astro observations (5/07/23)
🌚 i’ve heard multiple cancer moon men say that they don’t believe in marriage or they don’t want to be married because they don’t feel like laws around marriage/divorce are really unfair to men.
🌚 aries placements literally love physical touch & consider that to be their main love language.
🌚 having gemini in your 5th or 7th house or a gemini venus means you’ll definitely be involved in love triangles in your life. there could be multiple ones throughout your life or maybe just one that ends up being very significant. this also applies to solar returns. if you have any of these placements in your SR chart, you may experience a love triangle that year
🌚 aquarius suns .. idk man. asking these people one question will take you on a whole roller coaster ride. you ever heard that tiktok sound that’s like “wtf are we talking about now? so many levels were skipped. so many chapters were tore out of the book.” that’s exactly how tf i feeel talking to them 💀. i’m sure this applies to aquarius mercuries too.
🌚 i feel like if you have saturn in the 5th house, you’re always trying to be more disciplined in the places you overindulge. if you’re an over spender, you try to be more disciplined with that. if you’re quick to get attached, you try to be more disciplined in love. and so on & so forth. & you can end up being veryyy hard on yourself if you slip up at all.
🌚 9th house at 12° might indicate having a spiritual awakening while in college or during the traditional college years (ages 18-22).
🌚 aries 4th house ppl : family game nights might get very heated. everyone in your family is sooo competitive. which is funny because you might end up being the opposite (libra 10th house). competitive energy may make you uncomfortable.
🌚 i’ve noticed that a lot of cancer placements love to travel & would also love to move far away/off the grid. i think it’s because cancer rules the home & jupiter (traveling) is exalted there
🌚 cancer risings are straight up passionate about making money. they take their stability very seriously & can feel depressed if they don’t have money. it’s because of leo being in their 2nd house
🌚 if you’re attracted to women , your moon & 4th house sign might be the energy you’re attracted to the most in a woman
thanks so much for reading, let me know what you think. & check out my new synastry observations post as well <3
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astroismypassion · 26 days
Any sr placements where we can see abundance in the academic area?? I really wanna know how my results are gonna be 🥲
in SR chart that would be:
Good luck on your exams and with your results! :)
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starsworldd · 1 year
☆ short astro observations part 3 ☆
a little reminder to stream domino 1 by iamsagsssssss!! out on all platforms now, i promise it’s a good song <3
⭒ sag people give off horse energy (big 3 predominantly)
⭒ jupiter in 7th house in a lunar return (lr) chart could mean that there’s some ✨opportunities✨ to get a partner that month
⭒ so many celebs and famous ppl have libra risings
⭒ venus opposite mc in a lr chart may mean family is coming over to visit
⭒ solar return (sr) and lr saturn in 7th house may mean that there’s a lot more responsibility with school (mind you 7th house is the house of the “other”, it’s opposite the first house which is all about you)
⭒ i’ve noticed that people who have sun in their 1st house are naturally liked by people
⭒ natal venus in 7th house 🤝 not standing up for yourself in order to keep the peace (adding onto this, if you have cap venus in 7th house teachers/school staff may naturally like you???)
⭒ tw ed: i’ve noticed a lot of virgo moons having eds or just dealing with weight issues in their early years
⭒ sun opposite asc in a lr chart may mean talking to someone ;) 💞
⭒ mars in 9th house in a lr chart may mean expanding your horizons in a particular area of life (check in whole signs where the planetary ruler is for the 9th house)
⭒ libra moon people are so pretty i don’t care how many times it’s been said
⭒ venus aspecting saturn/cap venus 🤝 having crazy glow-ups. it doesn’t even have to be physically looks necessarily but it can be the energy and vibe too
⭒ cancer placements (big 3) imo are pretty magnetic (ariana grande, princess diana, angelina jolie, etc..)
⭒ leo mercuries become friends with people so easily even if they’re quiet they just attract people
hope you enjoyed have a nice day/night <3
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lup-ines · 2 months
solar return observations and facts
by lup-ines
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𖤓 sun in the 5th house points to a really fun year! you may feel more motivated to go out and mingle
𖤓 when reading your solar return chart, please do not forget to compare it to your natal chart! it will help you get more insights about things you are feeling unsure about
𖤓 when I had my sr pluto in my 11th, i discovered that a lot of my “friends” were secretly very shady people
𖤓 sr 6th house stellium can indicate a very busy year (i have this currently and this has been the busiest year I have had so far)
𖤓 sr leo rising, libra rising, pluto in the 1st, venus in the 1st, and venus aspecting ascendant can indicate glo-up year
𖤓 sr moon in the 12th can make you feel more withdrawn and isolated, this can also point to your mother going on a trip abroad.
𖤓 sr jupiter in the 9th is a great placement to plan a long distance trip under (check how Jupiter is aspect in the sr chart first!)
thanks for reading!
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love always,
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uyuforu · 5 months
Hii ^^ if you had to make new year resolutions based off on your solar revolution chart, what goals would you have? I hope it made sense 😅 Happy new year!
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Solar Return Analysis (Uyu's SRC) + New Year Resolutions based off the chart
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「 ✦ Hello! Happy New Year to you too! Ah, before saying any new resolutions, I thought it would be an amazing opportunity to make a Solar Return Chart analysis and then I'll post my resolutions :) ✦ 」
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Here is my Solar Return for the year 2023 to 2024! Since my birthday is in august, my solar return started on the day of my birthday 2023 and it will last until my birthday 2024.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ This SR, my sun is in 12H, meaning spirituality is very important for me this year, usually when your sun is out there, there is either a spiritual awakening, or you will have to work on your spiritual side. The 12H is also making me having a more lonely year, I'm gonna find myself alone most of the times this year because I have to work on myself a lot.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ I also noticed that a personal planet in the 12H, if you live abroad, means coming back home, and I did come back home from South Korea 2 months before this solar return!
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ The 13° (Aries) over my Sun in 12H, I think it would mean an ego death.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Noticed also how my sun is alone in the 12H? Yes, def a year of focusing on my spiritual evolution! More alone times.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ I have Leo Rising this year, and having Leo rising in a SRC means having a glow up. Which is funny to me because I have Pluto over the 6H, which means getting weight! Usually Pluto in the 6H means gaining weight but also working on your health because it can cause some problems. So, I did actually take a bit of weight this year, mostly due to coming home and reuniting with the food of my country lol, but also eating too much chocolate for the end of the year (lol). But I feel this urge to actually do a lot of sport and eating healthy? So the glow up could happen after? lol
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ But in general, I felt more pretty recently , and I got more compliment over my appearance than before (Leo Rising). Leo Rising makes you more popular too.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Venus in 1H means I could get a lot of compliments over my appearance, or some people could have a crush on me based on how I look like. I could look better physically, it's also an indicator of a glow up. With the degree (24°= Pisces) I could look more angelic? Or this is the way people will see me. I could become way more romantic this year, and be more expressive with my feelings too. It's also a sign to be more popular!
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ With Mercury in 1H, it will be a year where I talk about myself more, or I will just rely more on my opinion than others. I will stand with my ideas and opinions more, and be more true to myself. This is also an indicator to speak in my own voice, and give advices based on my own experiences.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Mars in 2H= more ambition related to money and stability!
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vertex in the 5H. I want to see more people adding Vertex in their SRC, it's so important!!! Vertex helps you see the big and the significant changes that will marks you. Vertex in the 5H is a sign or break-up, pregnancy, new love coming. Now, let's not lie, I will not be pregnant this year (NO). But a break-up or a new love, new relationship could happen. And it will be significant since this is vertex!
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Saturn in my 7H: something serious will happen in my serious relationships this year. Groom conjunct saturn there, and I know who is my FS. So this could be limits with my FS, like hard times in a way. But Saturn also represent seriousness, so this could be the start with something serious with him, or the relationship will feel more long-lasting? Something like that. But limits will def be there.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Neptune 8H: S3xual dreams ;-; Could also be having spiritual dreams (also pisces is here too, so it could def happen more)
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ 9H stellium with Moon, Chiron, North Node and Jupiter: There us a huge part of this year that will play around my spiritual side. I will need to reevaluate my spirituality and my beliefs. Things will happen to me this year in order to make me grow spiritually. It can hurt sometimes (ego death with chiron in Aries) but it's part of this year's destiny for sure. North Node is there. I will also want to travel more this year but it will be hard sometimes (chiron), but opportunities to travel will def be more present (Jupiter). The fact that Jupiter is here makes me relief because it means that despite hard times, Jupiter will still bring me luck and good stuff.
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Uranus in 10H: Big changements career wise!! The kind of changements that will be hard because not everyone will accept it. It's already happening since I'm going to do my own astrology and tarot company this year, and I'm not 100% comfortable to share it with people, I'm scared they will be closed minded, judgmental. Even with my family it was hard, but fortunately, my parents are very supportive of what I do <3 It's also a sign of lifestyle changes! My reputation could change too. Uranus in the 10H is also a sign of freelancing... lol
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Uyu's New Year Resolutions
This year, I want to exercise more and lose weight! I want to indeed have a glow up and feel more attractive! I want to focus hard on my business and hope I can live with that one day! I also want to work on my spirituality, I feel that I have reached a point where I have to make some changes. I also want to travel and meet new people, new friends! And I want to make progress with my TF!
Wishing everyone an excellent year!! Happy 2024 ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡
Thank you for reading!
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #25
• Some Aquarius mars people tend to not want to have kids if they think the society they live in is corrupt.
• Capricorn/Scorpio mix in the chart can indicate being born left handed! I have a close friend who’s a Capricorn sun & Scorpio stellium and she’s left handed, my mom’s a Scorpio sun/mercury & Capricorn venus and she’s also left handed. Then I’m a 8H Capricorn mars & I was born left handed!
• Capricorn mars with a water sun are dangerous!! I know a few men with these placements that will say “I would never hurt you baby, you know that.” In a sweet tone and then be cheating.
• You might not be specifically attracted to people who have their natal ascendant opposite your sidereal ascendant and there can be a little tension/awkwardness because of that. E.g. If you’re a sidereal Taurus rising you might not be that attracted to tropical Scorpio risings but they might find your personality/looks attractive & tend to develop crushes on you even if they don’t tell you.
• You know those celebrities that you don’t know much about because they didn’t share their personal life much or they had biopics made after their passing to share their story? They probably have Water in their big 3! E.g. Freddie Prinze Sr (Cancer sun/Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Prince (Pisces moon/Scorpio rising), Bobby DeBarge (Pisces sun), etc…
• Water suns tend to have fuller cheeks & rounder faces!
• Water in big 3 also tend to have dimples!
• Gemini placements be out here lying for fun lmao.😭
• I think Water moons can also relate to Air moons and some can also be wise because they tend to have their sidereal moon in an air moon. E.g. Pisces moon can relate to Aquarius moon, Cancer moon can relate to Gemini moon & Scorpio moon can relate to Libra moon.
• I’ve also noticed Water moons tend to enter depressions at times..
• I know some Pisces moons who feel like people don’t get them and so they get sorta depressed.
• Leo sun/mercury/venus people are so cool imo.
• They also have great taste in music and are intelligible.
• Cancer suns with Gemini moons and Leo mercuries are really funny, mentally stimulating and caring all in one.
• Air moons are normally collected people but they can spontaneously lash out too.
• Yes fire risings are outgoing, fiery and loud but can we also normalize them being introverted? I know some fire risings especially Sagittarius risings to be introverted and on the other hand I know some water risings especially Scorpio risings who are bold to a certain degree and also outgoing.
• Checking the degree of your sidereal ascendant is also essential! E.g. my sidereal rising is at a Leo degree, Leo is in my 3rd natal house and it shows through in the way I express myself! Like when I dance/sing I’m somewhat confident & sassy lol.
• Virgo moons with Aries influence in the chart will start firing shots/getting a aggressive if you don’t listen to them.
• 9H moons 🤝 being unconsciously self-righteous.
• People with venusian Jupiters (Libra/Taurus) tend to get baby fever a lot!
• People with their mercury in a fire house (1, 5, 9) tend to curse a lot, maybe unconsciously so, it doesn’t matter if they have a water mercury either.
• Scorpio moons will be willing to go to the ends of the earth for you if they love you. Don’t take them for grated though.
• Some people with Earth mars have a ‘mami’/‘daddy’ kink. Yes, I’m looking at you specifically Capricorn mars.🌚
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Predicting my 2023 solar return chart because I couldn’t sleep😴
2023 solar return chart is looking too much scary and crazy for me. My birthday is in June and it’s 2 months ahead but I think the effects have already started to show up in some areas of my life at this moment.
•Scorpio rising at 18 degrees (Virgo deg)
-I think this year, I would be mainly focused on transformations for myself, emotionally and physically.
-I went through a very intense and messy breakup and I found myself reflecting these circumstances a lot lately.
-I’ve been watching videos about self-concept, psychology and manifestation on youtube because I actually want to transform myself and I have a feeling I would succeed.
-I want to transform myself into someone who’s powerful with a lil bit of mysterious aura.🤭
-I started to take interest in occult and metaphysical topics and witchy stuff.
-I bought my first tarot deck about two weeks ago just because my gut told me to do it.
-I started to rely a lot on my intuition and most of them are on point.
-I had some prophetic dreams which came true in real life. (thanks to my natal Neptune and Uranus in 8th house too) IT’S KINDA CRAZY. THAT DREAM HAPPENED EXACTLY IN MY REALITY.🤯
-I notice that I also tend to become more private on social media and I back away from people, even from my best friend who I used to talk with everyday because I feel so drained for literally no reason. (but maybe this solar eclipse and mercury retrograde are the hidden answer😏)
-I’ve been getting lots of compliments too. One of my guy friends told me that I look like a maneater in these days. (I just had leo rising in 2022 SR chart and my attention-seeking ass is enjoying this too much hehe🙊)
-The MAIN reason why I’m scared of scorpio rising in SR chart is because I was bullied at school, got slapped by my mom, sexually harassed and these all happened for the very first time in my life and also my biggest secret got exposed (which was kinda like receiving karma for what I had done) in the year I had scorpio rising.😃
-The rising degree was at 29 degrees and I was slut-shamed publicly. (❗️Tip: if you have 29 degrees on planets or points in your solar return chart, that might indicate the end of a chapter and a new beginning, for better or worse depends on what you have done and the planet shows in which area you’ll encounter these endings).
-All students knew my name but in a notorious way like “oh that girl? Ummm🙄 *shrugs*”. -These events brought major changes into my life. It changed my whole personality.
-I was scared and in the dark for the whole year. But to face my foes, I had to put on that “I’m fucking strong bitches don’t you dare touch me” mask the whole year. No one was on my side. But these events helped me become a girl who I am right now. I used to be a fun, outgoing, optimistic, free, flirty and giggling little girl but right now, I’m not that kind of girl anymore. I’ve become a brave and strong girl who had gone through a lot but still didn’t give up. However, I have never shown my vulnerable side to anyone up to this day since that year. That year is the year that I’ll NEVER forget. And that’s why I’m feeling a bit nervous to go through another year with scorpio rising.😰
-I might receive karma for what I had done. Good or bad.
-I might also attract a lot of unwanted attention from others since I also have Venus conjunct mars and Lilith conjunct MC this year. Main theme is transformation and shocking things might also happen. My secrets could be leaked maybe. Just don’t wanna assume things before anything happens.🥱
•Sun in Gemini in 8th house at 24 degrees (Pisces deg)
-This year is literally screaming “TIME TO TRANSFORM YOU BITCH” at my face lol😂. -My main focus is gonna be healing ofc and transformation I guess.
-I might have to face my shadow side and I think the universe will push me to deal with it to achieve my higher self.
-I also kinda observe things deeply a lot nowadays and it could go on for the whole year.
-I feel like I might go through my ego death or as I said, an old chapter could end and new beginnings would come.
-I’m a bit worried about me and my family’s health. I’ve been feeling ill for quite some time now due to low blood pressure. I’m also worried about my parents especially my dad because idk I just feel something weird but let’s not think about it because I don’t wanna manifest anything bad to him.🥺
-I’m not going to predict further about this because I’ve said enough above as this is quite similar to scorpio rising. My main focus is 8th house and scorpio themed.🖤
•Sun conjunct Juno
-People say this is like “meeting your soulmate” aspect of the year. I hope I would meet someone too whether it’s platonic or romantic because it’s fun to interact with new people.😺
•Sun square Neptune
-My creation skills could be kinda blocked. It’s happening even right now. In the past, when I started to write about something, the words just naturally flew out of my head but right now, I’m a bit stuck and delayed. My thoughts are delayed. I even forget how to structure sentences creatively.
•Moon in Taurus in 7th house at 21 degrees (Sag deg)
-My emotions could be mainly invested in relationships and partnerships.
-I could be thinking a lot about how to get better in relationships and any-ships.
-I just hope I won’t be lost in love again but I’m pretty sure I definitely won’t too.🤡
-Btw, I love having moon at sagittarius degree because it might mean I would feel optimistic and free like a little girl version of me before 2019!
•Moon conjunct Uranus
-Mood swings. URGH. I don’t even need to predict this because they’re already happening. I have daily mood swings but I notice that since about the start of April, I’ve become so much unstable and inconsistent in my emotions. One minute I’m on instagram and another minute, I’m on google. Another minute I’m on tumblr and I just keep jumping from one tab to another A LOT.
-I also feel quite chaotic and confused about some of my relationships. I love my best friend one minute and another minute, I kinda reconsider if she’s really good for me or not. And I just feel exhausted just by existing.😮‍💨
•Mercury in Gemini in 7th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Idk how to interpret this. Please HELP kindly if you can. Thank you! Maybe share your experiences?❤️
•Venus in Leo in 9th house at 8 degrees (Scorpio deg)
-I love having Venus in 9th house when it comes to SR charts. I had this placement in 2022 and man, I had 3 trips in one year and all of those were amazing times for me. It’s pleasant and I felt so excited by those adventures.
-Needless to say, I also met my ex in college (actually the first time we ever met was in 2019, at a language school but we met again in college🙄) and somehow most of my relationships were based in college and they’re going to go more for another 7 years so you can say they’re quite significant.
-So, I think I might also get a boyfriend or boyfriendS from college this year. Or else it could be through traveling, education and religious places.
-I might find aesthetics in learning about spirituality and might be focused and might have fixated opinions on my belief system related to religion (as it is in leo).
-I started to become more religious in these days and I also started to stand firm in what I believe instead of being a people-pleaser and saying “oh I also believe that” to every opinion existing.👏🏻
•Venus conjunct mars
-Yayyy people say this is the year I’m getting most attention from both genders. I mean I don’t like attention that much because it’s draining but who doesn’t love being put in a spotlight if it’s for good? (at this point my natal sun in 12th house being indecisive if he likes attention or not)🤦🏻‍♀️
-I love receiving love from people so this is a great placement for me.
-And also, my sexual energy can be highly increased this year.😶
-I might have several options for romantic partners and might come out more charming and alluring than usual.
•Venus opposite Pluto
-Kinda scared again because my SR chart ruler is in hard aspect with SR Venus which is in 9th house.
-I hope communication between peers would go well and relationships won’t be destroyed because of misunderstandings in communication.
-Idk why but I have this gut feeling that I’m going to attract someone or be attracted to someone who’s manipulative, toxic and jealous. Or I might be the one who would be obsessed with someone having all of those plutonic qualities. My relationships could be pluto-themed and transformative I guess.
-Some people say that this is also an indicator of glow-up in SR chart and I find this pretty accurate because I’m going to the gym for the first time in July!🤩
•Venus conjunct vertex
-Fated love? Fated relationships? Can be through 9th house related places and the other person may have leo or taurus qualities. Or the meeting could be leo-themed I guess?
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•Mars in Leo in 9th house at 14 degrees (Taurus deg)
-This can mean I would put a lot of effort into college and it can be true because I have my final exams in June and I have to sweat my ass off for that.😵
-I might be rethinking about my belief system and replanning about my education too.
-As I have my natal mars in natal 9th house, I kinda like this placement because it’s friendly to me.
-I might seek for freedom and would cancel anyone who’s blocking me from becoming confident and free.
-I might go under a sexual encounter which may be brief but transformative. Or maybe one-night stand LMAO (jk I don’t like one-night stands personally).
-I’m a virgin so I’m even a bit curious if I’m going to lose my virginity this year because I have a very strong gut feeling about having first sex with someone who’s important for me.😭👀
•Mars conjunct vertex
-Fated sexual encounter maybe. Maybe fated accidents? Lol I’m sorry I don’t wanna manifest accidents for myself haha😂 But personal planets in conjunction with vertex can also mean fated people might be brought to our life to teach us something, both karmic and non-karmic ones, eg like a teacher or a mentor.
•Mars conjunct Lilith
-I have a very strong gut feeling that I’m gonna gain lots of sexual attention or might attract aggressive partners who want to tame me (sorry guys but my Lilith in 1st house won’t let it happen🤗).
-I might become comfortable and have courage enough to express my sexuality.
-May have power struggles with authority figures.
-I notice that I’ve been feeling like “who are you to judge me bastards” towards controlling authority figures.🌝
•Mars conjunct MC
-I might work hard to reach my goals.
-I might also appear assertive, daring and competitive in public.
-This is also special because my natal MC ruler is mars and it is now highlighted in my SR chart.
-I’m going to the gym for the first time in July too so maybe people would see me athletic and confident this year.
•Jupiter in Taurus in 6th house at 6 degrees (Virgo deg)
-Jupiter is about expansion and luck so, I might gain luck and blessings through my health, my routines, my colleagues (but for me, friends).
-I just wish I won’t gain weight because Jupiter sometimes indicates weight gains and 6th house is health and physical house thank god I’m going to the gym.
-My health could become better BUT since both Venus and mars square Jupiter, love and sex might deteriorate my health in some way - idk how to interpret this.🧘🏻‍♀️
•Pluto in Capricorn in 3rd house at 29 degrees (Leo deg)
-Transformations could arise around siblings, neighborhood, education, short trips, knowledge and communication.
-I also have my natal chart ruler in my natal 3rd house so this energy is quite familiar for me but let’s see how Pluto energy would go this year. (i had Pluto in 6th house last year and I had eating disorder LMAO🤧)
•North node in Taurus in 6th house at 3 degrees (Gemini deg)
-My purpose might be to take care of myself- my health mainly as I said that my health is not so good in these days.
-Also it could be showing that I need to reconstruct my daily routines and abandon every bad habit that is no longer serving me. Maybe I might need to balance my studies and my relaxation time.
•Uranus-moon conjunction conjuncts descendant
-There could be unexpected and sudden changes, events occurring in my relationships. -I feel like I might go into a romantic relationship but that won’t be committed or at least, it would be weird and unusual. Not traditional and maybe shocking too. I might be the one who’s not willing to commit because right now, I have zero desire to start another relationship. Tbh, my ex is still in a part of me and I need to cut him off first. I might attract unconventional people too.
•Lilith conjunct MC
-I started to feel a bit outcasted since my breakup and it became worse. My ex has a new girlfriend now but she and her friends are gossiping about me. I heard it through one of my mutual friends and it’s so Lilith-themed in my opinion. They wanna slut-shame me for no reason. I don’t know why but when other girls kiss their boyfriends, they seem pretty normal. When I kiss my boyfriend, I suddenly become like a slut. I also kinda have to put on “Wtf you bitches, seriously!? Sorry but I’m unbothered” mask in college just to defend myself. As a result, I could be seen as someone who’s unapologetic, daring and untamed. Or maybe I might represent Lilith traits unconsciously in this year.🔫
•Part of fortune in libra 11th house at 15 degrees (Gemini deg)
-I might gain luck through friendships, connections with people, humanitarian work, beauty, social media.
•SR ascendant falls into natal 4th house (3 degrees away from 5th house cusp)
-Mainly focused areas - family, past lessons, roots and childhood. Could also be - romance, fun, flings, dates, creativity, children.
•Fixed dominant
-My mind can be fixated and I might stick to one decision only.
•Earth dominant
-I might be a bit stable but Idk how I feel about this one because I also have moon-Uranus conjunction haha
•Taurus stellium
-Love and beauty could be mainly focused? But I love having taurus stellium because I love taurus energy. They look so calm. In my opinion. At least.🌸
•7th house stellium
-Might be “Love is in the air” year for me but I’m closing my nose till my prince charming comes and commits to me fully and gives me princess treatment. Plus, I don’t wanna kiss froggos anymore. Yuck.💀
Anyways, this was a long ass post and I’m so freaking excited for the upcoming year. Afraid, nervous but at the same time, so curious about what might happen because placements in this year’s chart are a bit crazy and intense in my opinion. Also please bear with my grammar mistakes as I’m an ESL student. You can also share your experiences with me if you have had any of these placements in your previous years’ solar return charts. Thank you!❤️
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