#lenin poem
socialismforall · 3 months
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The great comrade Lenin, master strategist & theorist of the revolutionary Marxist Bolsheviks & co-founder of the USSR, died 100 years ago today.
We honor his contributions by continuing to wage a correct & determined struggle for the abolition of capitalism & the building of socialism & communism.
"Lenin" by Langston Hughes:
Lenin walks around the world. Frontiers cannot bar him. Neither barracks nor barricades impede. Nor does barbed wire scar him.
Lenin walks around the world. Black, brown, and white receive him. Language is no barrier. The strangest tongues believe him.
Lenin walks around the world. The sun sets like a scar. Between the darkness and the dawn There rises a red star.
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katchwreck · 1 year
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Bertolt Brecht
“During the war, many things increases
Growing fast:
The property of those in propertied power
And the poverty of the poor,
Speeches of the authorities
And the silence of the subordinates.”
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eyeeatskin · 4 months
A Zoomer's Cruel Thesis
The gyatt has been stuck out, The Rizzler shakes his hands. O' plenty to the plentiful, The rich will make demands The fanum tax's been paid, The feudal lords are fat, And conquest after conquest, Just monopolizes gyatt. But in this darkest hour, Where art thou skibidi? A hero from the masses, From the shit emerges he. And lowest of the pack, He springs up an attack. Redistribute the means, And give our dignities please back!
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justwatchmyeyes · 8 months
Der Sieg der proletarischen Revolution in der ganzen Welt ist sicher. Die Gründung der internationalen Räterepublik wird kommen.
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin
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thinkingnot · 2 years
gorl how do you study i asked my friends and theyre like just focus for 3 hours straight gorl i cant even for 10 minutes send help
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invizigothx · 2 years
today i learned that one of the big differences between “pure” Marxism and Leninist-Marxism is that Marx argued workers would achieve class-consciousness and Lenin argued that workers could not independently achieve class-consciousness, and that other people/intelligentsia/political elite needed to bring the fruits of Marxism to the workers. well, I’m not sure what I think about all that, but I guess my view as an anarchist is I’m not interested in convincing other people what to do or how to do it... either help out or go do your own thing. Also actions speak louder than words.
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swazilegend · 3 months
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A poem I wrote about Lenin on 100 years on this day since his death
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raksh4sa · 6 months
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Sen Ben Lenin (2021)
1991 yılında Sovyetler Birliği'nin dağılmasının ardından denize atılan Lenin heykellerinden biri, iki yıl sonra Düzce'nin Akçakoca ilçesinde sahile vurdu. 2000'li yıllarda Akçakoca Belediyesi, ilçede turizmi geliştirmek düşüncesiyle, Lenin heykelini Akçakoca meydanına dikme kararı aldı. Ancak bu tasarı hiçbir zaman hayata geçmedi. Dalgaların Karadeniz'i aşarak getirdiği ahşap heykel hâlâ belediyenin deposunda saklanmaktadır.
Tufan Taştan'ın senaryosunu Barış Bıçakçı ile yazdığı ilk uzun metrajlı filmi "Sen Ben Lenin", işte bu gerçek hikâyenin üzerine kurgulanmış bir kara mizah olarak beyazperdeyle buluşur. "Belki kasabaya bir Lenin gelir" başlığıyla Cumhuriyet gazetesinin dahi manşetlerine taşımış olduğu "Sen Ben Lenin" filminde, Lenin heykeli bu sefer kasabanın meydanına dikilmiştir. Ancak Türkiye Cumhuriyeti başbakanıyla birlikte, Rusya'dan gönderilecek olan bir heyetin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilecek olan açılış töreninden bir gün önce Lenin heykeli ortadan kaybolur. Heykelin çalınmasıyla tüm hikâye böylelikle de başlamış olur. Heykelin bulunması için Ankara'dan özel olarak gönderilen iki polis müfettişinin kayıp heykeli bulmaları için 12 saati vardır.
Filmi seyrederken Kızılay'dan Bestekâr'a doğru yürüdüğüm yolların duvarlarında boyalı duran Lenin resimlerine gittim geldim. Elbette bir de filmde Ahmet Abi karakteriyle sıklıkla vurgulanan Edip Cansever'in "Mendilimde Kan Sesleri" şiirine... (Bu metni kaleme alırken arka planda çalan bu şiiri de şuraya ekliyorum: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CuFoIlrLuY) Ne diyelim... Belki Ankara'ya bir Lenin gelir.
Filmde en çok güldüğüm ve filmi en iyi anlatan sahne olarak gördüğüm şu repliği de aşağıya bırakıyorum:
"Lenin kasabayı değiştirecek derken, kasaba Lenin'i değiştirdi."
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thequietabsolute · 1 year
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raven · 1 year
my hometown has been renaming locations named after racists to be named after black revolutionaries instead and here's question: is it better that they erase black revolutionaries' allegiances to communism, or would it be better if they decided to cancel them for being communists. just something to think about
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afranse · 9 months
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От войны развергнулась земля.
Ангелы на небесах притихли.
Уберите психа из кремля.
Ради Бога, уберите психа.
Но никто не хочет убирать.
И безумец остаётся в силе.
Беспросветных психов номера
Популярны в Матушке России.
Ленин был на всю планету псих.
Но Каплан тирана не взлюбила.
Выстрел прозвучал и он затих,
Мавзолей - придурочных могила.
Но без психа не могла страна.
Приглянулся ей товарищ Сталин.
Этот психопат сходил с ума,
И страну репрессиями парил.
Современный слабоумный псих
Россиян замучал паранойей.
Эх, жила б Каплан и он затих,
А не отравлял Россию гноем.
С ним страна шагает наугад
Чередой придурочных событий.
Если человек не психопат,
То какой же из него политик?
Этот риторический вопрос
Будет вечно оставаться в силе
В той стране, где Дедушка Мороз
Отчехвостил Матушку Россию.
The earth was uprooted by the vicious war.
The angels in heaven got silent on the seventh cloud.
Remove the psycho from the Kremlin.
For God’s sake, folks, take the psycho out.
But no one wants to clean up the mess.
And the chekist madman remains in action.
Crazy psycho warmonger initiatives press
Remain popular in Mother Russia.
Lenin was a famous psycho
But Kaplan did not like the commie ghoul.
The shot rang out and he became silent,
The mausoleum turned out to be a grave of the ghoul.
But without a psycho the country could not operate,
And comrade Stalin paved his way for power, God gracious.
This psychopath was wild and crazy criminal mate
And violently tortured nation with unprecedented repressions.
Modern days kremlin psycho
Torments Russians according with national traditions by paranoia fuss.
If Kaplan survived till these days he would be much quieter,
And never longer poisoned Russia with his devilish pus.
Poor country walks at random with him
On the path of evil events so to speak.
If the person is not a psychopath,
May his political career perspectives look in Russia other than bleak?
No doubt, this rhetorical question
Will forever remain in force
In the country where grand daddy Frost, a psycho ward patient,
Tortures Mother Russia for centuries without feeling any kind of remorse.
Від війни розгорнулася земля.
Ангели на небесах принишкли.
Заберіть психо з кремля.
Заради Бога, заберіть психа.
Але ніхто не хоче прибирати.
І безумець залишається в силі.
Безпросвітних психов номера
Популярні в матінці Росії.
Ленін був на всю планету псих.
Але Каплан тирана не злюбила.
Постріл пролунав і він затих,
Мавзолей - придуркова могила.
Але без психо не могла країна.
Сподобався їй товариш Сталін.
Цей психопат божеволів,
І країну репресіями літав.
Сучасний недоумкуватий псих
Росіян замучив параної.
Ех, жила б Каплан і він затих,
А не отруював Росію гноєм.
З ним країна крокує навмання
Чергою дурних подій.
Якщо людина не психопат,
То який із нього політик?
Це риторичне питання
Вічно залишатиметься в силі
У тій країні, де Дідусь Мороз
Отчехвостил матінку Росію.
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sovietpostcards · 5 months
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"Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky - illustrations by A. Kovalyov of Palekh (1972).
A very rare postcard set in good condition.
Price $52 + $9 shipping
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justwatchmyeyes · 7 months
Talent ist selten. Man muss es systematisch und behutsam pflegen.
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin
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dostoyevsky-official · 3 months
for lenin's 100 deathday anniversary i read mayakovsky's long poem "vladimir ilyich lenin," after which i wish i could go back in time and shoot him myself
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haxyr3 · 3 months
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It was one hundred years ago today that Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov) died.
The Russian segment of the internet remembers this verses for children: Камень на камень, кирпич на кирпич — Умер наш Ленин Владимир Ильич Жалко рабочему, жалко и мне: Доброе сердце зарыто в земле.
I thought it was folklore, but it was actually a poem by a poetess Маргарита Шор-Ивенсен.
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