#lemme know if i should tag anything
technicalgator · 6 months
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I fuckin’ love meshed together taxidermy like this.
Kinda wish I did something like this with the first deer mount I got from my first buck kill. Woulda been waaay cooler.
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breach-of-conduct · 4 months
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Jason Todd - Beast World
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agropuff · 5 months
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i think abt ak jason a lot
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quirkle2 · 8 months
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ms paint with mouse time
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blushily · 3 months
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forgive me
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
How does Wil and Tommy’s relationship develop to the point that Wil essentially sacrifices himself to save him? Since going off what’s been established I’d figure he’d have more of a self-centered (not in a bad way) survival instinct, just because of like how far it took him. I’m not sure if I get why he’d give that up for essentially a stranger, so I’d like to hear what you’re thinking! :)
It's like
It is in a way a selfish motivation, even if it does stem from some genuine kindness
Hmm how do I explain this coherently without it being too heavy
So the reason Wilbur has been going on this whole time is a sort of like obligation to, because he can't waste what his father did for him. He doesn't have much of a will to survive himself, but he can't die, because he doesn't feel he has any right to. He does end up getting somewhat familiar with Tommy, and there also factors in his general kindness, and wanting to help someone he knows. And that's what he thinks he's doing. He thinks he's dying for some greater good. So dying, on his own, out in the wilderness? To him would be a waste. But dying to save a kid, and in some twisted way, carrying on his dad's gift to him to this kid, a life for a life? In his mind, it would be a worthy sacrifice.
If that makes sense. I'm very sleepy rn
It's like an awful mix of survivor's guilt and suicidal ideation and genuine want to do good that boils over when they run into the zombie horde
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nerdyenby · 1 year
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anartisticdreamer0 · 4 months
i don’t think i have a place to comment on the situation happening right now, due to me being a white hispanic (us) American, but i want to make something clear.
Racism and xenophobia should NOT be allowed or tolerated anywhere near this community and if you don’t agree you’re the problem.
Brazilians, French and Koreans ALL deserve a place on this server and this community just as much English speakers and hispanics.
To all who have experienced hate from the QSMP community, I am so sorry that you had to deal with that and I am so sorry if it and this situation in particular has made you want to leave this community, won’t lie I completely understand.
And to the rest of the community, we need to do better to make sure that we stop that behavior from continuing. I personally haven’t seen it here on Tumblr (not to say it isn’t here i just haven’t seen it or else i would say something) but I know it’s rampant on Twitter. I don’t have the bird app but many of you do, start there.
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ceabu · 1 year
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fear and hunger au
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the-magpie-archives · 2 years
Can you imagine how weird it'd feel to have a bone taken by Jared Hopworth? Jon says to remove "something I wont miss", but truth be told we're all a bit more aware of our skeletons than we'd like to think.
Putting your hands on your hips, smoothing out your shirt, laying down, bending over- all of these things change at the loss of two ribs.
Can you imagine the feeling of tight, suspended flesh where bone used to be? Running your fingers over the gap like you might poke at where a missing tooth used to be.
That's the thing; Jon didn't just go through pain to save Daisy, he sacrificed a part of who he was, tore up his form, dragging himself ever further away from what he was when he was human.
Every action Jon took to save somebody took a piece of him, and every person he saved reprimanded him for sacrificing his humanity. Little do they know he tore it apart to protect theirs. Becoming less than human isn't something you can really do without help.
It's often seen with dementia patients that when they're taken from a place where they have memory hooks their condition deteriorates faster; similarly, when the body that housed your soul becomes unrecognisable, it makes sense that your humanity would deteriorate along with it.
Jon suffered greatly in falling away from his humanity, and the punishment he received for it pushed him down further.
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agropuff · 3 months
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what the fuck is his problem
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lemontongues · 5 months
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she tells people she does amateur mma to cope with all the board meetings
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lesbianfakir · 6 months
They're soooooooooooo ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
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We can hold hands if you tell me your favourite bug 🐛
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solfinite · 1 year
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i haven't animated anything in a long while lol so i hope this looks alright
wanted to do something silly. watch out for her
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wheresjonno · 11 months
Results from yesterday's poll:
Jonathan Harker has been MIA for two days, and the overwhelming fandom response is Good For Him
Question: how long of a respite from the narrative do you think he's entitled to? When does he need to pull his diary back out and face the Horrors?
Only two people seem to think he's dead. We have faith in our boy's climbing abilities. But how much faith do we have in his running abilities...?
Next best option is he's being chased. How long can he run before something catches him?
Everybody loves a good time portal. The other end of that time portal is July 26th. Will Stoker leave us hanging that long? How long can the 40 of you commit to the bit? Is anyone writing this fic? Time (and polls) will tell!
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