#learn it the hard way OTL
cabbi3 · 1 year
My unfinished Diana/47 comics from last year that unfortunately I forgot their lines OTL
So i post them here and hope you guys can use your imagination to guess what are they saying
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This one is inspired by the fanfic Blueberry Muffins by @diana-fortyseven. Diana buying 47 a muffin each time they meet in person is the sweetest thing i can imagine, so why not make a comic based on that?
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And what if 47 met Diana in the Lust Assignation DLC? I have seen such headcanons of the DLC and thought it would be cool to draw them out. Btw Diana in the comic is a sinful/demonic depiction of Lust
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lanliingwang · 9 months
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grailed squad
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Buddy Daddies - Episode 7 - Thought Post - Side Rei
Oh, Rei...OTL
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This episode was an eye opener for him. But, I also think it did a good job of highlighting how this isn’t just Rei “being lazy” and not contributing enough, but also about Rei just not knowing how to do these things. 
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When he opens the fridge, he doesn’t even know which stuff in there is the food. And this is because of his upbringing, not necessarily because he was rich, but because he was brought up to kill and that was it. Skills pertaining to his ability to kill were the only thing his father and family focused on, so that was all he learned. 
If you don’t teach a child how to do something (whether physically or emotionally), how can we expect them to know how to do it as an adult? That’s the issue facing Rei here. That’s not to say that he is completely blameless here or that he hasn’t put in any effort. He has, but a lot of the things he does right tend to be more accidental and where he is largely putting in some effort (like playing games with her) is a bit misguided. Making sure she stays protected from people who can harm her is an area he has gotten extremely good at though.
But, let’s look at some of the things that I think Rei accidentally gets right with Miri. By being, on a life skills and emotional development level, in a similar place as Miri, he ends up accidentally being really good at allowing Miri to guide him at times. For example, in this week’s episode we have this moment:
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Rei is in front of her closet, looks at her, and askes, “What do you need to take?” He’s asking about her things for daycare. Miri is then able to point to the sheet of paper that tells him everything he needs (a little checklist). This is a good thing to do with children around Miri’s age from time to time, since it can not only work as a good confidence booster for them, but also let the parent or teacher know that the child understands aspects of their daily routine.
Of course, it isn’t good for a parent or teacher to rely on this. Why? Because the child is still a child and still learning and will sometimes make mistakes, like Miri does when she says to Rei, “Don’t I have daycare today?” And then this mistake is what ultimately leads to Miri developing a cold and fever later on in the episode, because she wasn’t wearing proper clothes and Rei was riding too fast, thus making it even colder and wetter.
But, we’ll get back to that in a bit.
The rest of this I will put under a Read More due to length.
We also see that Rei views Miri on pretty equal footing in many ways. Here are two examples of this: 
The first is when Miri asks to play Morio Kart with Rei and he tells her “no,” because she gets upset when she loses. This indicates that he doesn’t go easy on her, which is a good thing. Allowing children to lose at games is a good thing. The not so good thing though, is that she gets upset when she loses and Rei doesn’t help her through that (because he, himself, doesn’t know how to handle emotions like that). So, instead, he basically just parent-locks the game away from her. That doesn’t help her learn, that just ends up punishing her, in a way, for not being able to understand how to express her upset. Of course, that isn’t Rei’s intentions.
The second example of this is the scene when Miri and Rei are eating the dinner Kazuki made:
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He doesn’t force her to eat the food (and neither does Kazuki in the end, actually), but he also goes down to her level in not showing proper acknowledgement of the hard work Kazuki put into making the meal. We saw this earlier in the episode too:
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After a meal they have earlier in the episode, Miri says a proper “Thanks for the food,” in Japanese ごちそうさまでした (gouchisousamadeshita). The subs have Rei say, “Same.” And that is an excellent translation (really, kudos to the sub and dub translators for Buddy Daddies, because the translations have been so good in general!). Basically, Rei just ends up parroting off of Miri in this scene by saying the tail end of the full, proper saying. He just says でした (deshita). 
Up until this week’s episode, Rei was able to skate by on not having these skills, because Kazuki would just do all this stuff for him, and there were no real consequences or level of accountability for his actions. The closest was Episode 5, but that ended up working out okay.
In this week’s episode, Miri does end up being all right, but she isn’t completely safe from harm. Because of Rei’s lack of life skills, Miri ends up getting very sick. This ends up scaring Rei shitless.
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The scene of him going around, opening all the draws and seeing absolutely nothing he could use to help Miri. The closest thing being medicine that are for adults only (another great detail that highlight how both Kazuki and Rei are still learning how to make their household accommodating for a child). Is a great way to show just how panicked and worried he was, since I’m sure everyone has had a similar experience to this one, when looking for something very important you need - and just not finding it.
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Eventually, Rei realizes he needs to take her to a doctor and that he needs to seek outside help right away to make sure she gets better. And that is a great thing about this week’s episode. Kazuki and Rei’s storylines are kept separate for the most part, because the episode highlights how getting help outside of your partner is necessary sometimes (and is far healthier). Before, they were being co-dependent and that was taking a toll on them (Rei with a lack of skills, and Kazuki with being able to keep locking away his emotions and not allowing himsef to move on because he could focus all his time and energy on caring for Miri and Rei). 
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In the end, they both find the right person in their extended family and community to help them in just the right way that they need. Kyutaro for Rei (not Kazuki he wasn’t the right fit), and Karin for Kazuki.
Before Rei brings Miri to Kyutaro though, he has the realization of:
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“I can’t do anything.”
And that is very, very important. This was his wake-up call that he if he wants to make sure no harm comes to Miri, then he needs to step up his game and put effort into learning these skills. Because yes, he is an adult who wasn’t taught these things, but he is also an adult who is responsible for a child - a whole other life. And I think that finally sunk in for Rei this episode.
When Kazuki gets home he sees that the apartment is a mess and at first thinks that it is just because Rei and Miri are both not good at household chores, so that is just the expected outcome. But then he sees this in Miri’s room:
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Miri sleeping in her bed with Rei sleeping right beside her, his hand covering hers. She has a wet washcloth on her forehead, a glass of water on the bedside table, an opened medicine packet from the pharmacist, and a thermometer is sitting in arms reach. Everything that should be there, is, and Rei made sure Miri took the medicine and got the sleep that she needed. 
In the end, he was able to make sure Miri got everything she needed in this situation. He took care of her. 
Finally, the episode ends with Rei (with what seemed to be implied the help of Miri) making Kazuki French toast.
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It isn’t the best. It’s burnt and seems like it may have been oversaturated as well, so it likely doesn’t taste the best either. But Rei and Miri tried. They put love and effort into that. And Rei looks very nervous and eager at the same time. He wants to know how he did:
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His shoulders are tense, his eyebrows furrowed, and he leans forward. This is a great step in the right direction and reminds me of how people often say that children want to be helpful. Rei’s never really been given the chance to be helpful before now, but not that he has that experience, it seems like he wants to try and actually be helpful. 
So let’s hope that we see him doing just that! I want future episodes to carry this character growth over, just like they’ve carried plot points over before (such as their issue with going over their budget in Episode 4 leading to money issues in Episode 5). I have trust in the writers and directors that they will though. Otherwise, it would make this episode a moot one. Here’s to Rei Papa continuing to learn and grow and do his best! <3
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fangirltothefullest · 26 days
I find it fascinating seeing the use of tone indicators circle around so much back to a similar way that my mom used them in early AOL message board days. Tone indicators are useful to us because they help people read how we are talking and the tone we intend so as to not alarm people when talking online. We don't have the ability to tell if anyone is serious by playful manner of facial and physical expression so they're useful to us online even now!
But the fact that they evolve and change is fun to watch even as I watch it circle around.
So here's some examples of American tone indicators and outside influences to them that I've seen since first being online:
My mom's age- AOL users/early message board system used a fabulously straightforward way of indicating tone:
::::begin sarcasm now::::, ::::laughing::::, ::::shaking my head::::
The usage of colons was an easy way to identify a tone indicator was coming. There was a very limited way of creating text and often message boards did not come equipped with rich text formatting so this was a perfect way to show what you meant. They tended to have indicators fully worded with no short/chatspeak.
Then two things happened near each other- cellphones and rich text formatting being more prominent in online spaces.
Starting with cellphones- when they became a more accessible thing, tone indicators changed and abbreviations of the sayings became prominent, originally known as "chat speak" which began to form much more readily in texts and online. These indicators tended to be indecipherable unless told what they meant and the indicators had to be memorized:
Rofl, lol, smh, istg, wtf, ruok,
These tone indicators persist today, but part of their legacy was the limitation on character counts. Most places had a 140 character limit, meaning you had to get your message across fairly quickly. A way to indicate tone was either go the abbreviation route, or use the rich text editing.
Rich text allowed for italics, bonding and underlining so people could use these tools to indicate tone. These also had to be learned, because not everyone read them the same way and sometimes different places online would have different etiquette on what each tone meant. Freeboards would often have one board to specify what each one was for:
Sarcasm was popularly italicized
Anger was often bolded
Underlining was used often for seriousness
If you had the ability to strike through, it was a whisper or afterthought.
Doubling your rich text with different punctuation could change the tone.
But the internet also let people in America see other people's cultures more readily. We are notoriously bad for teaching about other cultures here but the internet did allow us something fun! An exchange of faces if you will.
In the West, we were using emoticons with other things (note that this was dependent on if it would not work if your HTML or CSS confused the brackets and parentheses etc. as coding):
:), :(, :O, >:(, =), =D, D8, D:<, O_O, ( • )( • ), >.>, 8===D~~~, [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1̲̅0̲̅)̲̅$̲̅], ಠ__ಠ, ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ,
But now we could see that other people were making faces in different ways and the anime crowd caught on very quickly:
OTL, (^_^;), (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄), (/◕ヮ◕)/, \(^o^)/, (✿◠‿◠), ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ, (OwO), (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻,
Boy do I LOVE emoticon indicators! A lot of them are still used today as well.
And then things shifted again when cellphones gave us emojis! Now tone indicators were colourful!
But they were not accessible as easily to PC users so there becomes a nice little divide between who is and isn't using them. Also there are so many now sometimes it's hard to figure out what the intended emotion is, considering they look different on different devices! But the younger age groups of my students are trained on emojis! So much so that if I ask them to draw happiness, they draw the happy emoji.
I'm sure I'm missing a few but right now we've been back to a combined group of tone indicators! Here on tumblr we are using the slash to indicate tone much like the original AOL message board users used the colon and we are shortening the words AND using abbreviations and some write out the whole thing! Its FASCINATING seeing it come full circle.
/gen, /pos, /jk, /srs, /serious, /genuine, /positive, /happy, /encouraging
I just love how languages evolve! 8D
What are some tone indicator trends YOU noticed in your online spaces?
Edit: FIXED all of the stupid phone spelling errors.
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merakiui · 4 months
Oh man the TWST boys as slashers with a final girl reader…the possibilities are endless!
Jade and Floyd as a Ghostface duo who terrorize you and your group of friends, while hiding in plain sight. You think you managed to finally incapacitate the tweels, but out of nowhere another Ghostface shows up and kills your last reminding friend. He unmasks himself and it’s Azul, the student council President
Or Epel…whose farm you and your friends take refuge at after your van runs out of gas. His family takes pride in their prize apple orchard, and they find your friends’ obnoxious and boisterous airs to be annoying. But not you. Epel thinks you’re so sweet and gentle. You don’t make fun of his accent and don’t laugh at his stature like on of your stupid friends did. Epel thinks you’d be a perfect little farm wife, while your friends would serve as the perfect fertilizer for the orchard, a recipe that has been passed down through the family for ages.
Or…that strange horned man that shows up in your dreams. You have no idea who he is, how you were able to conjure him up in your imagination, but it seems he shows up every night to simply relish in your company and dance with you in the foggy dreamscape. Your friends dream of Malleus too…right before the dreams turn into nightmares, and the brutal death they experience in the dream somehow kills them in real life.
GHOSTFACE AZUL.......... AND HE'S THE STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT????????? WAAAAAAAA anon, this thought will be plaguing my mind FOREVER. AAAAAAA and maybe it's a school you go to that is full of the wealthy (so essentially NRC without the magic), so it absolutely rocks the student body when students start going missing and turning up dead in brutally efficient ways. How is it possible??? The affluent neighborhood is known to be safe. No one would ever suspect perfect Student Council President Azul Ashengrotto, who only ever has everyone's best interests in mind. >_< thinking about Zuzu killing out of revenge. He's got a list of all of the people who bullied him and you're on it, but as your friends start to die one by one he sees you soften (mostly out of fear) and suddenly you're not that same bully who tormented him all throughout his childhood. He's starting to get attached. orz
Slasher Epel... uwuuwaaaa it's too perfect. OTL Epel killing all of your friends and forcing you to be his farm wifey!!!!!!! You don't want to end up like your friends, used as fertilizer or chopped up and fed to the pigs. >_< learning to be a good wife for him by starting a family with him and slowly being conditioned into the domestic life. <3
And the Malleus idea!!!! :O *chef's kiss* he is a horror beyond comprehension, but to you he's just the soft, horned sweetheart who visits your dreams to waltz and chat with you. It seems as if anyone who gives you a hard time turns up dead, and your dreams keep getting sweeter and sweeter. You'll stay in the dream and never want to wake up, won't you? After all, isn't a life spent in bliss with your new horned friend far better than the scary reality that awaits you outside of your dreams? :) in choosing Malleus, you never wake up again.
May I offer slasher Cater in return? orz orz orz the duality of bright, bubbly uni student Cater versus the scary, silent slasher who's coming after you and your friends during your spring break trip to a beach house on some desolate strip of shore. >:D
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chronosdawn · 17 days
Attached - Alpha!Wriothesley x Beta!Reader
a/b/o AU, GN!Reader
A/N: I got the idea for this while working on another, longer a/b/o fic so instead of working on that like I was supposed to, I wrote this OTL
Word count: 1.3k
Content warnings: a/b/o dynamics, mild sexual content and themes (minors please DNI)
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Not many got the chance to know the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide well. Certainly, almost everyone in Fontaine knew of him, and as the Fortress’s administrator, many people had some sort of contact with him, be they convicts of the Fortress or proprietors of businesses hoping to gain a foothold there.
But among those, very few got to actually know the Duke beyond his title and position, and when you’d first met him, you’d had no reason to think you’d be any different. Sure, you had been invited there by him personally, which was rare, but made sense once you’d learned he was looking to procure resources for some project that was being worked on in the Fortress—something you had a lot of experience doing for members of the Fontaine Research Institute.
Over the course of several meetings—and more than a couple of pots of tea—a tentative friendship had formed between you. One that had turned into something quite different when you’d accidentally stumbled into his office while he was in a rut.
And that, was how you’d come to end up in your current situation—seated in Wriothesley’s lap with your overnight bag discarded by the door to his room. You hadn’t expected this to become a regular occurrence when you’d first offered him your assistance, but for some reason the stubborn fool had refused to seek out an omega to spend his ruts with, even if you both knew that was what he actually needed.
He nosed against the back of your neck before going in with a gentle nip of his teeth, dangerously close to where your small beta scent gland lay.
“Careful,” you warned, “you know our agreement, nothing that can’t be taken back. I don’t want to be the reason your future omega ends up developing some sort of complex.”
Wriothesley stilled briefly before grazing his teeth over your nape once more. “What would you do if I did?”
“What do you mean?” You tried to turn around to look at his face, but the muscular arms around your waist kept you locked in place, pressed tightly against the firm planes of his chest.
“What would you do if I decided to put a claiming bite on you? Right now, you’re not in any position to stop me.”
“You wouldn’t,” you said with absolute certainty, even as he nipped at you again, harder this time.
“What makes you so sure?” His rut had come on enough that even you could smell the pheromones he was pumping out into the air, a rich leathery musk with notes of clary sage.
“I know you, you just wouldn’t.”
“You sound pretty convinced of that.”  He went quiet for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was barely audible as he muttered into your skin. “Do you even know what I was originally sentenced here for?”
“I do.” He’d never told you himself but you remembered reading about his trial in the newspaper your father had left out on your dining room table. “But that’s neither here nor there. You’re not the sort of person who’d force a yourself on someone, and I can’t imagine you ever being disloyal to your mate. Even if for some strange reason you seem reluctant to go out and find them.”
He let out a chuckle but there was no real humour in it. “You know, sometimes I wish you thought a little less highly of me.”
“If I didn’t think so highly of you, I wouldn’t be here, you know that.”
“Yeah, I do.” He went back to worrying at your neck, his mouth over your scent gland. Instead of biting down, however, he sucked at the skin in a way that was certain to leave its own sort of claiming mark, but one that would fade within a week. 
“You don’t seem to be in any hurry,” you noted, as he took his time littering your nape with hickeys, despite the growing hardness you could feel pressing against your ass.
“How long can you stay?” His hands began to wander slowly over your body, the heat of his palms burning through your clothes.
“A couple of days.” You let out a sigh, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of his touch while you could. “I’ve got a trip to Liyue scheduled to check on some ore shipments and it’s too late to rearrange it. Sorry I can’t be here for the whole thing; I should be able to help you through the worst of it though.”
“And when will you be back?”
“I’m not sure. Some of the merchants we’re dealing with are really dragging their feet for some reason. I should be back before your next one, although whether that’s really a good thing or not, I don’t know. Might have been a good incentive for you to actually seek out a more permanent arrangement.”
“I really wish you’d stop bringing that up.” One of his hands slipped underneath your shirt, sliding beneath your undergarments so he could give your nipple a firm squeeze. “What’s so wrong with this?”
You let out an undignified squeak and chastised him with a light slap to the thigh. “I know I sound like some nagging old aunt, but I just want you to find someone who makes you happy. Truly happy, not just sex.”
“And if I said you make me happy?”
“I can’t, not in the way deserve,” you said a little sadly, before putting the thought out of your mind altogether. It was best not to think about what ifs that could never be, it would only lead to hurt. “Now, what do you say we get a move on, before you get so wound up you tear straight through my clothes. Again.”
Wriothesley loosened his hold enough for you to turn around in his lap, fingers moving to undo the buttons of your shirt as he watched with rapt attention.
“With the way you’re so fond of telling me off, anyone would think you’re the alpha in this relationship.” He made no move to touch you, simply observing as you shed your garments one by one. You weren’t entirely sure how he was managing it, you could see the flush on his cheeks, feel the tension in his body—a piece of elastic a hair’s breadth from snapping. Still, if any alpha would have the self-control to hold themselves back during a rut, it would be him.
“Come on mister, it’s not fair to make me do all the work.” You moved to start helping him out of his waistcoat, his jacket having already been shed before you’d even entered the room.
“Alright boss,” he replied with obvious sarcasm, a smirk curling at his lips. With no warning, you were suddenly lifted and flung onto the bed, Wriothesley following you quickly after, caging you in with his body and leaving no hope of escape. “If you’re that eager, you don’t have to wait for me to go into a rut, you know, you can come here anytime. I’ve asked the staff at the front desk to let me know as soon as they see you.”
“It’s a tempting offer.” You helped him out of his waistcoat as he pulled off his tie and tossed it somewhere in the room. “But I’d hate to be the reason for a decline in the efficiency of management of the Fortress.”
“Always an answer for everything.” You didn’t get a chance to retort before his mouth was covering yours, hot and hungry as he ground his hips against your thigh. It would seem his control had finally failed him, as when you kissed back, he let out a satisfied growl from the back of his throat, fingers digging into your flesh as he tugged you into the position he wanted.
You simply let him, tangling your fingers in his hair as you braced yourself for what was sure to be a long and tiring—if enjoyable—affair.
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sorcerous-caress · 4 months
It is so ridiculously, adorably, painfully wholesome (in a kinda twisted way?) that high elf loser would have continued to remain a porn rotted loser if Corellon hadn’t decided to give him one (1) friend to act as a sort of anchor to reality. I mean he’s still kind of a loser, but now he’s a loser with a friend that’s also a really hot fwb/fuckbuddy/maybe partner if his delusions ever come to fruition :) I really love the thought of the two of you still partaking in the hobbies you initially bonded over together, you coming over to his place to play the video games you like or watch TV shows you discussed. Like yeah sure sex is nice (especially when you beat his ass in a game and ride him on the couch so hard he cries) but also it’s probably really nice to have someone who sees him and accepts him for who he is and is happy to spend time with him :) It’s mostly a bonus that it comes wrapped in a gorgeous human frame that makes him so hard it hurts.
Like for a moment just imagine the sheer domestic bliss our beloved loser feels when you spontaneously decide to sleep over instead of going back to your place. How excited he gets when he realizes that he gets to keep you for the night and take care of you and make you food and then maybe, probably, plow you with all his characteristic desperation against the kitchen counter. And he finds himself looking forward to when you inevitably fall asleep in his bed because that means he’s gonna get to feel your warm, soft, human body pressed so nicely up against him for the hours you’re spent dreaming. Like mentioned he won’t touch you while you’re asleep (unless… the two of you have a discussion about that…) but just having every curve and line of your body against him has his cock hard enough to hurt while he drools a puddle of pre-cum into his sleep pants. Knowing how he is, he probably even thinks the little twitches/mumbles you make while you’re asleep are painfully endearing.
On that note: Morning sex? Waking up all drowsy and sleep-soft early in the morning and being surprised to see he’s in bed with you (when he sometimes gets bored or antsy and gets up to do other things while you’re unconscious), so you either roll over and climb on top of him for sleepy morning kisses? Or you drag him on top of you for the same? I know he’ll be pathetically ready to go either way
Also his possessiveness has me weak in the knees I cannot lie OTL He sees how heavily you are coveted and maybe it sparks something surprisingly hot and spitting in his chest, a combo of fear and irritation swirling in him as he thinks about the possibility of losing you to someone else. Or, even worse, having someone figure out your identity and try to arrange a hookup. Maybe it drives him to dig his nails into your flesh a little harder the next time you let him stretch you open on his dick, grip your hips and thighs tighter to imprint his hands into your soft skin, nip at your chest and throat a little fiercer. You’ve already utterly ruined him for anyone else, what’s the harm in learning into it a little harder?
I was putting these asks off until the name poll ended so I could officially use his new name. But at this point there are only 2 days left and I think we have a clear winner.
So woo! Meluidil, our beloved loser high elf, now has a name.
Now Meluidil does truly think it is Corellon's pantheon which are responsible for bringing you into his life. Blessing him with a lover who's his only friend after years of solitude.
But did Corellon really do it? Who knows.
Maybe he didn't. After all you are a human, how could the god of elves really command you or influence your life? You are out of his domian. For all Corellon knows, out of the blue this one high elf started praying to him again and giving offerings. Thanking him for a blessing that Corellon doesn't even remember giving or if he did at all.
Or maybe he did influence you, he is a god after all. But don't get him wrong, he never liked doing it or you. Much like a parent finally begrudgingly getting a puppy to their screaming toddler. Corellon dislikes half elves and the hold humanity has on his children. Your kind is a plague on his beloved elves and yet he still obliges from time to time and coax a human or two into a lonely elf's arms if nothing else worked.
Believe him, he tried. Really tried to get Meluidil a soulmate in another elf. Even sent an aquatic elf to him to save him from drowning once, and all that pathetic loser did was talk for hours about human movies where they almost drown and a mermaid saves them. Sighing about how the reason he even was in the ocean was because he was planning to save a cute human, alas he forgot that he himself didn't know how to swim that well. Then bid the aquatic elf goodbye and never came back to the beach again.
Corellon tried everything, but the human fever was strong with this one. So he accepted his loss and pulled some strings of fate until you landed into Meluidil's arms. But don't forget yourself, lowly human, elves still deserve elf partners. You just happened to be an exception this one time.
He never could've predicted the domino effect of your filming yourself with Meluidil and pulling even more elves into this degenerate human kink.
It is a blessing and a curse how much time he gets to spend with you now. On one hand, he's over the moon at the fact he can just turn and look at you whenever, feel your smile against his skin, taste your lips no matter the hour of the day, listen to your voice first thing in the morning.
On the other hand, you can't get anything done without him clinging to your side. All needy and curious about your human hobbies. Asking you the most intrusive of questions or beginning you to brush and play with his hair, maybe massage his ears. Do all the things to him that he was raised to never do as a high elf, touch him in all the places that a human normally wouldn't he able to touch an elf.
He wants your attention and love all the time. His own love for you is even spilling over the edges. Lust, admiration, adoration, fascination. You're like the spring dream that he never wants to wake up from, especially after a harsh winter.
And he is still a high elf in all appearance and mannerism. He still has this aura of importance around him, this ethereal way of speaking, every syllable akin to a melody on his tongue.
Having one of these creatures that were written about in history, that many humans never saw throughout their lifetimes, just sprawled across your lap, wearing your own oversized shirt as he whines about you paying more attention to your phone than him.
It is also sometimes jarring whe this hundreds of years old man, who probably lived through so many historic events and was there even before the moonlanding, just casually references a lame tiktok he saw while the two of you have lunch.
Making bad jokes and laughing at his own bad jokes, being able to inhale a family sized bag of the most spicy chips in the world like it's nothing because elven tastebuds get more endurance with age.
And at times- he is just so....human. the way his hair tangles and he struggles to fix it with a grumpy expression. The way he hits his toe on the table leg and curses the tree it was made out of in elvish.
The way he shows vulnerability and insecurity at times. At maybe not being pretty enough for you, smart enough or impressive enough. At how by elf standards, he is below average, it's just because you are human that you find his life achievements so impressive. That you find his face so enthralling, his voice so enchanting.
He deeply wants to belong, to understand humanity. Humans who are so impossible different from each other yet managed to find home in each other. How even the smallest difference could get you becoming an outcast in elven culture.
Somehow, the more the two of you sleep together, the more addicted he gets. Things that were supposed to cool off or become the norm after a few months, instead keep getting more and more ablaze. Each time he thinks this is as good as it can ever get, you surprise him with something new without even trying to.
Each hour at work feels unbearable, especially when he knows that you'll be waiting for him back at his apartment since his schedule ends after yours. He can't stop thinking about you there on his bed.
He can't get hard at work, but fuck he can't stop thinking about you touching yourself. Grinding into one of his pillows and moaning out his name, in that adorable human way where you keep mispronouncing it. He never thought his own name could sound so hot until you cried it out in bed.
And then, his phone innocently pings. A text notification from you.
His heart is racing, he's looking around his office even tho he is sure he is the only one there. Fingers shaking as he unlocks the phone, lips parting in a breathless gasp as he views the pictures you've sent him.
You're going to be the death of him.
The possessiveness is new.
It's not a feeling he's used to, he thought that he loved all humans equally. Found the majority of them hot and irresistible.
But he has never been close to one like he has been close to you, never even befriended one before.
You were his first human. He had sex with elves before, back when he was in denial of his human preference. It was alright, but he never truly was into it. Still, it was nice.
But after you? After your body and the tightness of your hole making him lose his breath? After a taste of the forbidden apple, there is no way for him to forget it now.
You've completely ruined whatever hope there was for him to have a normal elven relationship. Completely ereased any future possibilities of him sharing his bed with a non-human. He can't get enough of your plump body, your human scent.
It's like he is in a constant spell around you that keeps him seeking more, keeps hims asking for another round even when tears run down his cheeks from overstimulation, keeps him exhausting the both of you without any shame.
That's why the possessiveness is sprouting inside his core. He can't possibly find another human if you become interested in someone else. Even then, he doesn't want another human, he wants you.
He wants his friend that was there to console him whenever he was having a bad day, he wants the same person who played games with him and shared details about their day. Humans are truly wild and unpredictable, there's only one of you in this whole world and he can't imagine losing the one person he finally felt understood with.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 9 months
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I accidentally deleted this ask im so sorry OTL
thank god i screenshot my asks so I can answer em during work instead of like...actually working lol
But you bring up something I always thought would need to be address between Izuru and Nagito and that's Nagito's resentment towards him. I didn't even think about how Izuru's "luck" would offend Nagito but honestly yeah I can see that because I can also see Nagito just being generally mad and envious towards Izuru's whole existence. Hear me out k, because I do enjoy the aspect of Nagito becoming overwhelmed with Hope fanboyness when he meets Izuru and we see within game (anime aside) that he can very well perceive Izuru's talents and Nagito becomes very intrigued to learn more about him. But I just can't get over how Nagito would...react so badly once he learns the truth of who Izuru was and how he became Izuru Kamukura. Just imagine learning that Hope's Peak was creating their own form of Ultimate Hope and they chose a RESERVE COURSE student over you? It could have been ANYONE. It could have been NAGITO. It would have made so much sense for it be Nagito given how
1. He has no relatives. Hell he doesn't even have friends. You only need his permission alone. And if something goes wrong? It's not like anyone's going to ask questions or care. No one will probably even notice.
2. He's more than willing to do it. He's Hope's Peak no. 1 stan. There would be no hesitation. No cold feet. Nagito would say he was blessed.
3. He's already going to die. He's terminally sick. If anything this surgery could be actually life saving for him. But if some people DO start asking questions well there's your built in alibi. "Nagito Komaeda? Unfortunately he passed due to illness. You see-"
4. His luck would increase the odds of success. This was a completely experimental surgery where so much could go wrong. But if there's something that Nagito's luck guarantees it's his survival one way or another. Wouldn't HP researchers want whatever advantages they can get?
5. He already has luck. The only talent that is virtually impossible to replicate. He'd make a closer "Ultimate Hope" given that he truly would have ALL the talents.
Nagito would make this analysis so fast after hearing the details of the Kamukura project. Then to add insult to injury this "Ultimate Hope" the school created didn't even stay loyal and quickly became one of the first members of Ultimate Despair? Really? Nagito would have done so much better! (is how Nagito would see it)
I can't help but feel that Nagi would view Izuru as a false idol and have very mixed feelings towards him as a result. Post game I believe he'd be a lot more civil towards Izuru given everything that happened in game. But before that? Nah chief, with the way Nagito reacted in chapter 5 after learning the truth I find it hard to believe he WOULDN'T act absolutely vile towards Izuru when he finds out his backstory. Do not underestimate how bitter Nagito can get as we so clearly saw in game what that resulted to. This boi takes shit really personal and I love that about him.
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bonefall · 1 year
What the heck are the humans doing in TNP
This will come up in the Bonefall TNP notes that are coming up, but it's worth a little preview since it's from the perspective of the cats who have NO IDEA that this means.
So here's what the humans are actually doing to the Forest Territory.
-First territory to be destroyed; not actually part of the development
-the rabbit poisoning is noted by the cats to be unusual, rabbits near the farms are often poisoned but NEVER this far out
-they are able to figure out that their extermination is intentional. The humans weren't going after the rabbits; WindClan was their target all along
-What they DON'T know is that the human developers are working with sheep farmers nearby. It's going to be a BIG problem if the cats get in the way of development and they aren't aware Clan cats have factions.
-Moorland can be grazed by sheep, but the farmers don't want to risk their livestock near a feral cat colony, knowing rumors of the mountain cats further north which are suspected of killing sheep.
-Illegally poaching WindClan is the 'best' option for both parties
-Simple enough: The area is being logged and clean cut.
-the first warning sign the cats notice is the Tallpines being clean cut; the land there was sold to the Developers
-The Development Company is building more suburban housing
-Druid's Leap was a popular hiking trail and the White Hart woods was a small, managed forest.
-Unbeknowst to the Clans, there was a massive pushback in the town, which was why the Development Company was ready to listen to the sheep farmers about dealing with the feral cat colony before it caused problems
-and then Speckletail Caused Problems
-THAT was when animal control came in, looking to humanely remove the feral cats. It's very likely they would have been relocated; but the Clan cats wouldn't know that
-a lot of the town was actually very sympathetic to the feral colony that lives out there. The Clans aren't famous like Cat Island, nor are they something you go to the woods to watch or anything, but they're Known by the locals.
-kinda hard to ignore the little patrols that run every dawn, noon, and dusk. Sometimes glimpses are caught of a warrior taking some garden catmint.
-it would actually make sense for the cats who escape that van to raise eyebrows in the Animal Control agents. "James did that cat just unlatch a cage? Bit odd innit?"
-I keep trying to find resources on where to learn more about the life cycle of British Tips vs American Landfills but I can't find shit. You're all going to have to just bear with me on this lmao
-If you're a British Garbageperson... british rubbishman... idk what you call the dudes who take your trash... you can beat me to death if you want but I will explode in your compactor like a lithium battery, so just keep that in mind.
-I have more knowledge on conservation than urban planning OTL
-ANYWAY because the new housing is being built in the southernmost strip, it would get close to the Carrionplace (northallerton amenity tip)
-So the Dump is being sealed up and moved northeast.
-Assuming that Carrionplace is a landfill; it's sealed up with a layer of plastic, then clay, then topsoil.
-ShadowClan territory, a wetland, is going to get filled in. Suddenly it's incredibly hard to hunt, any trees will get felled.
-It's possible the south of the territory has more pine than marsh which means the bulldozing of the camp can stay.
-However it could also Animal Control, or just lumberjacks cleancutting the ShadowClan cedars.
The last ones to be affected.
-The construction disturbs a lot of the soil around the banks, and disturbs fish and wildlife.
-I may have the construction crew do some illegal dumping just for the dramatic effect of having the lake be visibly muddy instead of just unproductive
-I'll be honest, aside from the disturbance of fish and wildlife, realistically there wouldn't be much change to the river. I could get into the very specific way that England fucked their rivers in the Victorian era by trying to straighten them, but that wouldn't really apply to a suburban construction project.
-Damming the River could also make an interesting ecological impact.
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cheriboms · 4 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thank you to both @bttf-dork and @future-boi for tagging me in this ;w; also pika ur comments about my art WAHHHH ILYSM <33 oTL
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Since I only hopped on this time train towards the final third of the year lol: fully all the way through, at least 4! Otherwise I've jumped around a lot while looking for clips and references and stuff. So if I stitch all those together, then we'll say approx 5ish :) The first movie is my favorite one!
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
Noooo, I don't really have any merch for things I like, actually... it gives me too much anxiety to publicly show my interests ;w;
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
None LOL I don't really drink soda to begin with, but if I do, I prefer white (lemon lime) soda anyway :P
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
I'm going to be honest, I... don't read fanfic very much. 🫣 I usually end up creating my own stuff (art/writing) when I have free time vs looking at other people's, which ik I need to get better at T_T So I don't have a loooot to rec... that being said I MUST shout out "Emmett's first weather expirement." by @alex-a-fans !!! <3 It is my greatest treasure of the year <333
I also really liked "incredible" by @penny-anna, which I read before I officially entered le fandom ;w; lone pine doc and baby marty my beloveds !!!!!
Finally, like basically all of the Doctober prompts from @doctorbrown *O* Days 8, 22, and 30 are some of my favorites, but I really recommend them all oTL theyre SOOO GOOOOOD !!!!!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
See: everything I reblogged. Jk but fr, everyone is so so talented it's really hard to choose :'0 Here's a bunch of some of my faves in no particular order!!
[x] from @hearts-for-winona | [x] from @maxintime | [x] from @future-boi | [x] from @bttf-dork | [x] from @synthsays and @daryfromthefuture | [x] from @therobotwig | [x] from @22194isbestboy | [x] from @mythical-bookworm | [x] from @mkayeatsspaghetii | [x] from @tobytost / @tobytost-star
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
Yes I did !!! It is actually the most fan content I've ever made for a fandom since I was in... maybe junior high? So like YUH. Tbh, it's very difficult for me to find what you would call 'pride' in my art so ehh >_>; that being said, I do think that I had a lot of good IDEAS for Doctober (esp days 19 and 28), but my execution wasnt really the best. I would have liked to draw days 17 and 24 (+ time travel day) a little more properly too; like, I'm not as disappointed at how they turned out, but I still wish they were better and/or I could have given them more time. The ones I most actually-tried-and-dont-mind are days 7, 9, and 21 + under the sea dance day. (So many links was probably cheating but tbf I've kinda bent the rules for the past few questions so... whatevs lol). I've ALSOOO still been working on my godforsaken essay, it is 40 pages rn but even tho it's not done, I'm INSANELY proud of it Q_Q
How many times were you late for school this year?
None! B) For one thing I'm graduated lol, but also I'm typically early gang. I'm that person who'd sit in the classroom by myself for like 5 minutes before everyone else would show up LMBO ^^;
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Yess I did!! A... lot actually :0 Most of them were by chance/pre bttf era, but still :P Here is my list as well as I could find, sorry it is soooo long, but what are ya gonna do:
Star Wars/The Mandalorian; The Addams Family (1991); The Tale of Desperaux (2008); Cyberchase; & Clue (1985) -- Christopher Lloyd, havent rewatched the latter 3 since I was a kid and literally went :0 to learn he apparently was in them. Also Kings Quest (2015) which isn't a movie/show but I think it counts uwu
Stuart Little (1999) -- Michael J. Fox, which also rocked my world to discover O_O like hearing it now I'm like "yeah thats him alright" but as a kid I would never have been able to tell you that was the same guy from that time travel movie, despite watching both way too much LMBO
Elf (2003) & Last Vegas (2013) -- Mary Steenburgen, nothing much to say except that she slayed ^_^
Love at the Christmas Table (2012) -- Lea Thompson, I didn't care for it and was shouting "LEA GET OUT OF THIS MOVIE, UR BETTER THAN THIS" like the whole time lol.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) & Curious George (2006) -- apparently these have Donald Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) in them? Same w Jason Scott Lee (Whitey) in Lilo & Stitch (2002)??? And Star Wars/Kenobi show apparently had Flea (Needles)????? ...HUH.
I binged both the entirety of Law and Order: SVU as well as Seinfeld this year w my sister; apparently Mary Steenburgen, Lea Thompson, & Casey Siemaszko (3-D) are in at least one episode of the former, while Elsa Raven (Clocktower Lady) and Ricky Dean Logan (Data) are apparently in a random episode of Seinfeld each. So like, technically I saw them, tho I don't distinctly remember it :'D Also, I have been making my way through Little House on the Prairie recently, which has Matt Clark (Chester the Bartender) in a few episodes !
Finally finally finally, I watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017), as well as the LOTR trilogy like. Twice? And they all have Elijah Wood of course >:3c
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
None in the wild, no :P But I did end up being in the top 0.1% of listeners for Huey Lewis this year... so UHHHHH take that as u will LMBO
How many times did you fall down this year?
Hmmm idk?? Probably at least 1 I would think ???
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
Nooo, I didn't even know it existed until like October !!! It looks super fun but atm/last I checked it doesn't come to where I live so :( I should listen to the soundtrack soon!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
At least three times, and then probably a few times I'm forgetting :P
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
The year in general is definitely "Oh great, the atrocity channel!" LMBO (but when hasn't it been since like... 2020? 2016???). For me personally, I think it's either "I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection." or "Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything." ^^;
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
I think I'm going to try to post more of the things I make, like my art and especially my writing ;w; Most of the time I'm quite George-ish and am too scared to put any of my stuff out there, for fear that no one will like it, so... I need to get better about that. Also I'd LIKE to get a full-time job and my own place some time next year, but we will see !!!
Idrk who to tag :0 ik @brinkle-brackle @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans have already been tagged but havent technically done it yet... maybe also @backintime @tobytost @ectojester @stillpreoccupiedwith1985 @itsthemorph @doctorbrown @knickynoo and @fourth-dimensional-thinker :) but no pressure to do it, just didnt catch if youd been tagged or not!
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xskyll · 5 months
Merry christmas if you celebrate!!💕
It took me a lil but here my promised questions for like comment romance:
1) While reading i was wondering indeed about Izukus "skillsets" ehem👀 like we know he had a previous relationship and theres some air of speculation around him and shouto cosplayers, in stark contrast to his future vision of barely getting to hold his so's hand... i did ask myself quite a bit about izukus innocence haha
2) do you have headcanons or perhaps a whole fic in mind of wedding shenanigans or the disaster of shinkami getting together?
3) Who throws Todoroki a hangover-eske bachelor party and why is it ochako?
4) was soba ever possessive of his catdaddy giving all his attention away? And how did banjo and kazooie warm up to their stepmom?
Please please feel free to throw in any extra tidbits as well, id love to learn🫶🙏
I do celebrate, thank you! Merry Christmas! 🎄🦌☃️
The first question made me laugh out loud. His skillsets. 😂 But okay! Let me tackle these one at a time! Sorry in advance, but I'll probably babble.
1. So. Izuku's skillsets are probably pretty average, lmao. Shouto was very smitten, though, that first time, so Ochako assumed he was some sort of sex god. But Shouto is only the second person Izuku has ever slept with, and the first guy, so it's not like he has a ton of experience. Concerning the Shouto cosplayers, he really did just take pictures with them and go on his merry way. They were probably very disappointed. ^^; He's a romantic, though, and I can't see him sleeping with someone casually. All that being said, despite his limited experience (he and his ex weren't together long), I imagine he is very veeery attentive and giving. With his first relationship, she and Izuku were each other's firsts. They met in college. She broke up with him after being pressured to by her friends, who thought she could do better than a quirkless guy who was also shorter than her. She had a hard time finding dates because of her height (fun fact: she was on the school's basketball team!). After they broke up, she quickly regretted her decision once she tried dating other guys. I imagine she had a weight in her stomach, telling her she messed up, but she tried to ignore it. I think she'll eventually meet other nice guys, but she'll never have a lover as attentive and caring as Izuku was in bed, lol. She learned to be more careful about taking unsolicited advice. For Shouto, this is perfect. His entire life, he craved love and affection, and now he has this person who absolutely showers him with both. Izuku is shy and nervous, so the fact that he gives so much of himself in bed, when he's arguably most vulnerable, is very important to Shouto. Unlike Izuku's ex, Shouto 100% understands what he has and doesn't take it for granted. I can't say I've thought of the *specifics* of their activities, but if I was going to assign them a kink, I'd probably say they both have their worship kink moments.
2. Lots of people requested a Shinkami sequel! I actually have no ideas. OTL I started writing a how-Hitoshi-and-Izuku-met prequel, actually, which probably very few people would have been interested in. I guess that's easier, because I had thought of their backstory already (I'm saying easy, but I only wrote three chapters before I stopped, so...). But as for Shinkami, I can't say I have many ideas as to how it would happen. I'm not even certain of POV. Hitoshi seems the obvious choice, to me, but Ochako's POV might be funnier. I briefly toyed with the idea of writing a wedding oneshot, for Izuku and Shouto. If I did, it would be in Bakugou's POV. So a very grumpy wedding! I did their wedding in my other fic, The Cupid Quirk, though, so for L, C, & R, I decided to just do the proposal. I didn't want to seem like I was writing the same thing, especially since the wedding in The Cupid Quirk is also told from an unconventional character's POV. The tone of L, C, & R is comedical, though, and part of me feels a Bakugou oneshot would be a little melancholy, since his feelings are so complex. At the end, Kirishima would drag him to the dance floor, though, and Bakugou would feel a little at peace with things. ShinKami would already be together at this point, but he and Kiri wouldn't, so Ochako and Kiri would still be roommates.
3. Lmao!!! Realistically, I think Yaoyorozu would stop her, since bachelor party duties would fall to her. Ochako would probably employ hijinks thoughout the night, though. Yaomomo plans for a nice restaurant, and Ochako gives the driver the address to a club. That sort of thing. And naturally something goes wrong—a wrong address maybe—and they get lost and in trouble. When Shouto finally returns home, he finds out for Izuku's bachelor party, Hitoshi took him to an arcade, then Denny's, and then finally took him home and they cooked an entire bag of tater tots, put them in a popcorn bowl, and watched a movie. Shouto is so exhausted and jealous, he buries himself in Izuku's chest and makes him hold him all night, lol.
4. I don't think Soba would be jealous! In my mind, most cats naturally like Izuku for one reason or another. He's very respectful of boundaries, due to his own bad experiences, and that applies to cats too. I think cats naturally feel very safe with him, Soba included. His chest is also a nice pillow. It probably does help though that Izuku likes to sleep on Shouto's right and Soba on the left. Izuku is also gullible, so Soba appreciates that he can sometimes trick him into giving him a second dinner after Shouto already fed him. Eventually they buy one of those "cat has been fed" boards.
As for Banjo and Kazooie, Ochako has a much harder time! It's not that they dislike her, but they miss Izuku, so there's a long sulking period. She feels like they're always disappointed to see her, because when she puts her key in the door, they think it's Izuku. Unlike Izuku, I don't think she's a natural with cats, but she won their affection eventually. It took a lot of treats, lol.
Thanks for the questions! I enjoyed answering these! I hope my answers were satisfying and not just rambling nonsense.
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pix3lplays · 6 months
I have... SO many thoughts on Argenti and Dr. Ratio...
So, sorry for the long block of text you're about to get. OTL
I also have zero semblance of order to my thoughts, so my apologies in advance. 💀
I’m gonna ramble about Dr. Ratio today, though!!! So that cuts down on it a lil. Anyways-
No because- fjiwoej don't put me on blast I know next to nothing about this funny lil man but Dr. Ratio just??? Seems like, he'd have a hard time getting along with people when he initially meets them.
I think he’s at least a bit patient because he's obviously had to deal with plenty of people who weren't at his level (I also saw something about him teaching???), but it likely wouldn't completely stop the annoyance he'd initially have when talking to others.
As he gets to know you, he gradually learns to just let it be and help you learn while not giving you the answer straight up. Clues here and there when you need it, but otherwise letting you figure things out so you can learn and internalize it. Not just remember what he said. (That’s such a teacher thing to say oml-)
This is based on some stuff I saw for him somewhere... Something about ignorance basically being a disease to him and wanting to spread knowledge.
I don't know- He just gives off those vibes. Like with people he feels no obligation or connection to, he'd just be like "...you really don't know that? Well-" with this put upon look on his face. He also seems like he might be eccentric. Dramatic, even. Loud sigh when someone doesn’t know something he considers to be common sense and all that.
I might be completely off, but this is just what I think based on what I've seen... 😔
I, for one, SUCK at trying to teach people stuff. If they aren't to my level, I get a lil snarky and exasperated LMFAO- I'm so bad... But maybe that's why I think he'd be that way. I'm just super impatient like it when people are at my speed. I think he might be like that to some extent? But for Dr. Ratio, he'd be used to people not being like him in that regard that so he'd have far more patience, lololol-
But… for the person he likes, he’ll try his best to be better about it- answer the questions you have and guides you without too much complaint.
(Imagining him silently grimacing and then hiding it the second you look back at him is funny.)
I also think he’s the kind to look into every aspect of the things you like. A thirst for knowledge combined with a desire to understand you better. Anything he can learn about it, he will. He’d also more than appreciate you doing the same for him.
Thought about writing a post about this but I'd rather send it to you in an ask so I can hear your thoughts on it, too!
I've been lurking here for a while and I really enjoy all your content. : D
(Oml this got long I’m so sorry- Hopefully this doesn’t sound weird I was so nervous about sending in an ask for the first time thank you for your patience sjdnxj-)
I’m losing my MIND these are perfect and I hope they turn out to be TRUE.
I really like the thought of him being dramatic, I live for him being a dramatic little Dr.
And then can HEAR his dramatic sigh when someone looks at him all confused when he says something he considers common knowledge lol…
I saw someone comment on me asking for Dr. Ratio and Argenti headcanons, they said he might be a perfectionist and I really really love that idea of him being uptight about things being just right
Anyways thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, I really enjoyed reading them and I am Begging you to send in your Argenti thoughts!!
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everlastiingiimmortals · 10 months
@pitchdarkhook asked:
18. What aspect of your muse’s personality is most important to you? What aspect of your muse’s personality do you think is most important to them? Is it the same? Why or why not? / for any of your OCs and as many of them as you want !
questions for the mun, regarding the muse.
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R what pandora's box have you opened--
I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT MY MONSTER HUNTER OCS who i promise I will write bios/draw refs for... eventually..... OTL
I need to provide some context for these two, since I don't have the lore post for them up yet! So, the lore they come with is heavily AU and initially spawned from my general love for hybrids and gijinkas. Their AU is called Monster Touched -- the same as the species they are. Touched are hybrids between humans or Wyverians and monsters, and these crossbloods can be thought of as the earliest form of Wyverians as well, since the Wyverians are humanoids said to have the blood of wyverns in their veins. The biggest difference is that Touched have much more obvious features from their monster ancestry, in the sense that a classic hybrid does: humanoid bodies with wings, tails, claws, teeth, etc.
Vaara and Quinn are such Touched, being the offspring of a human and Vaal Hazak and a Wyverian and Valstrax, respectively. They are both known as Elder Touched, as them sharing the blood of Elder Dragons makes them more powerful and grants them a much higher status in the Touched pecking order.
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Hi hello future Willow here this got way longer than I expected so uhhh read about my guys under the cut wHOOPS
Quinn first because he's my son boy and I love him:
Quinn, as I mentioned, is a hybrid child of a Wyverian woman and a Crimson Glow Valstrax! He was primarily raised by his mother, a blacksmith, and never knew his father as he was killed by a group of Hunters. As a result, Quinn had no one to really teach him what it meant to be a Valstrax; his mother does not have wings, after all, let alone the specialized wings that allow Valstrax to break the sound barrier with minimal effort. He, along with his mother and younger brother, live on the Heaven's Mount; a peculiar location for a Valstrax Touched and even a Wyverian, but one that has offered him a valuable place to grow and figure out his wings himself under the relative safety of his mother's smithing contract with the resident Elder Touched: A Shagaru Magala hybrid by the name of Hades (played by my friend who also writes Quinn's mother!).
Quinn's not someone who really talks much, a trait that's both inherent and learned, as Hades and his partner Styx (played by my friend's wife) also are not the talkative kind. He's a wanderer at heart, as the desire to roam high above the clouds is one that runs in his veins from his Valstrax father, and his father before him. He's a very funny character to me, in that he's not funny at all. He's rather stoic and has little social awareness and he also does not care about social customs and etiquette whatsoever, which leads to some very awkward and hilarious situations where his default response is to just stare blankly at someone and not say a word. He's terrible about communicating, it's great.
But what I find most important about his personality, and surprisingly what he does too, is his love for his family. He's a mama's boy! He's very deeply attached to his mom and very grateful for all her hard work in raising him (being surrounded by other Touched and knowing that she is not has made him deeply appreciative of the stark contrasts between them and how much harder it is for her to do things compared to them), and in time he's become very attached to his lord Hades and Styx as well, who he sees as an older brother figure. His younger brother, too, is someone he's very affectionate for and protective of, and part of his motivation to learn how to properly fly and hunt and be a Valstrax Touched was so he could pass what he taught himself on to his brother as well. Despite his wanderlust, he's very much a family-oriented person, which is not a trait typically seen in Valstrax; it's entirely due to his upbringing. When he flies and travels the world, he always collects trinkets and creatures he thinks his family would enjoy and brings them back home as gifts. Actions speak much louder than words for Quinn, and he loves his family so much. o|<
Now, onto Vaara:
Vaara is scary. I need to open up with that. Vaara is an entity that not only welcomes death, but actively governs it, in a sense, being the current overseer of an actively rotting graveyard for monsters (and Hunters alike, if they're stupid enough to set foot in the Rotten Vale). Vaara is very dedicated to maintaining the balance and order of the Vale, as the Vale is directly responsible for releasing nutrients back into the rest of the ecosystem within the New World. They're a very spooky character!!! Friendly upon first impression, if not incredibly unnerving with the skull they wear to conceal their face, hooked claws and tail, and the echoing hiss of their voice that seems to permeate through every nook and cranny of the Vale. They're not aggressive, thankfully! But that's not necessarily a good thing; the reason Vaara is not aggressive is because they feel no need to chase and hunt down individuals, when death will catch them anyway. And as the one who governs death, what rush do they have? The dying will fall into their embrace one way or another, eventually. All it comes down to is a matter of time.
The aspect they find most important is in fact their responsibility to maintaining the decaying garden that is their home. Vaara tends to not be someone who takes many things seriously, as most things are not of major consequence to them, but this is. Vaara is a very reliable individual, for better or for worse, and always keeps their promises -- though they do not make promises without proper exchange.
What I love the most about their personality, though, is their absolute spookiness. They are a very inviting character, which is such a unique contrast to the hostile environment that is their home. They will welcome you with open arms, invite you to rest in the Vale (whether you survive or not is entirely up to your own level of preparation), and even offer ancient lore that they have gathered over the years, collected in the history of bones and rotting corpses that make up the maze-like caverns of the Vale. They have near invaluable knowledge, and they will be kind to those they cross paths with, because death is not something you can escape. It is coming, will come regardless of what you do, and they are in no hurry to quicken your death. They will tempt you with the few precious things that can be found in the Vale: all manner of rare fruits, dangerously addictive with the narcotics they contain; precious fossils found in no other areas; mushrooms whose alchemical potential provides great explosive power. And if you find yourself growing drowsy and numb, if you find it hard to breathe, it is because Vaara has decided it is your time to rest in the Vale, and they will lure you to sleep in their arms for all eternity.
Death is inevitable, after all, and those who step foot in the Graveyard of Dragons are destined to die in it.
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merakiui · 1 year
Mer Eggs Anon back again
Okay hear me out Mera-
The fwb into yandere into parents- omegaverse style
Darling is having so many problems with their heat and strikes a deal with one of (or all 👀 maybe they take turns) octatrio to help, in return you help them out too with their ruts
Slowly overtime it goes from Fwb to one-sided affection to obsession
But one day somehow (we know how) Darling is pregnant, despite being so careful with contraceptives and protection (scheming boys always win) and hides it. the time for their next heat comes and the boy asks why they aren't in heat (they know), and darling has to tell the boy that they are pregnant
Pull the "I understand if you don't want to be a dad-" and darling is promptly cut off by the joy the boys feel, they proudly claim darling as theirs, he will be a great father and all this other stuff.
And darling is too overwhelmed to even notice that the boy seemed a bit too prepared to be a dad... somehow everything seemed prepared already
It all comes crashing down eventually, darling finding out about the sabotage but by then they are too far along and they already have been claimed, so even if they wanted to they are instinctively bound to their alpha (or alphas)
Okay rant over-
Signing off,
Mer Eggs Anon
MER EGGS, I LOVE THIS AAAAAAA!!!!!!! OTL omegaverse with (supposedly) surprise, unintentional pregnancy is so yummy omg omg!!! <3
Imagine after learning that it was all fully intentional and that he sabotaged your birth control you try to confront him because you’re so shocked and upset and hurt and betrayed and disgusted, but he’s being so sweet to you, telling you you’ll be a wonderful parent, that he’s here for you every step of the way, that this will be perfect—don’t you want a family? You want to be a parent, right? Right? And suddenly you’re not sure why you’re so angry anymore… or!!!! Conversely, holding your ground and not letting them lead you astray with so many hypothetical questions and subtle topic changes, but your determination crumbles when he gives you a dead stare and says, completely serious and stern, “You’re keeping the baby and you’re building this family with me.” Or something along those lines, and he purposely releases too many strong pheromones so you’re forced into submission. You have no choice but to drop the subject and meekly agree because it’s an unfortunate biological fact that omegas are immensely weak to lots of alpha pheromones, especially pregnant ones who have already been marked and claimed by said alpha(s). <3
Omg omg omg also that trope in omegaverse where the pregnant omega misses the alpha when they’re not home, so they surround themself with the alpha’s scent (whether by wrapping themselves in the duvet on their bed or hiding away amongst their shirts in the closet or by rifling through the laundry to find an article of clothing that smells a lot like them). Aaaaa it’s purely instinctual that you’re doing this, but he’s so pleased to come home to find you so compliant and weepy for him, unable to avoid omega instincts.
Floyd’s the easiest to deal with (and easiest to charm). But then he’s also really good at unintentionally charming you because he’s just so genuine and loving and helpful, and he wants so badly to be part of the baby’s life. Also he’s so good at pregnancy sex????? You’d think he’d be rough or lose himself in the moment, but he’s eerily soft—arguably the most gentle sex you’ll ever get from him. <3
Jade may be particular about certain things, such as making sure you aren’t doing too much hard work because he doesn’t want you to injure yourself or the baby, but for the most part he’s just pleased to start a family with you. I think you’ll see more emotions from Jade because he doesn’t take as much care to veil all of them. He’s just so overwhelmed with happiness, so he smiles a lot more—smiles that actually show teeth—and he’s practically glowing with joy and excitement. You even caught him humming when he was preparing breakfast! T-T he becomes so fluffy, so one way or another you’ll find yourself charmed. How can you not when he takes such good care of you?
Azul is a bit of a mess (a lot of a mess, actually), so he frets over every little detail. He wants you to be comfortable at all times, so everything he does is for your sake, even if it means he has to sacrifice his own comfort. Azul was ready to repaint the entire kitchen because you (in the midst of a pregnancy mood swing) whined about how the blue makes you think of gloomy, rainy days. :( Azul just wants you to be happy because when you’re happy he’s overjoyed. <3 you only need to exist and he’s the happiest mer in the world, so there’s no need to entertain escape. Not that you’d get very far. :)
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actualbird · 1 year
Hi zak! I've been a longtime reader of your original works. Do you have any tips on what pieces to put in your writing folio?
hi anon !!! im very sorry it took me forever to get back to this ask, and doubly sorry if you are no longer in need of tips OTL. still, thank u for reading my original works, thats a pleasant surprise to know!! i havent posted my original writing website here in......a long while, since im the (very slow) process revamping the site HAHA,
but yeah, tips on what put in a writing portfolio!! if ever you still need em or if ever anybody out there can make use of this. all of these based completely on my personal experience of applying to writing workshops and writing jobs, so feel free to take what you think applies to you/would help you, and leave the rest behind
1 ) in general, put your Best Works. but take into consideration that You are usually your own worst critic, so you definitely could benefit from a second opinion (or many)
so, obviously, you wanna be putting in your best stuff. and thats still the general method that i'd choose, but with the added reminder that a lot of the time, writers can be blind to certain works that they themselves made that other people really liked or found immensely compelling.
this for lots of reasons: writerly self-esteem problems, that odd experience of mostly remembering the arduous Process of writing the thing and less the actual finished product, general blindness to stuff in your own work since you Wrote That (and probably revised it 76439754985 times) so it's just hard now for you to realize the level of skill thats apparent to many others
the opposite effect is also very possible, where you can be Incredibly attached to a work (maybe for sentimental reasons, maybe because the you learned a lot along the way, etc) but other people kinda found the whole work meh.
bottom line: by this point, you know youve got skill in writing. but the skill OF seeing and evaluating your own skill is a whole different animal
reach out to your friends, writing peers, or reading peers and ask them what they think some of your best works are. personally, i think it's good both to ask people who are Also in the practice/study/career of writing, and people who arent, simply because a more diverse set of information is always better than a lesser diverse one. if you want, you can ask follow up questions like "why?", or you can just stick to getting a general pulse check of what is resonating to the people who read your work. because [tv commercial voice] The Answer May Surprise You!
and once you know what resonates with others, you can start chopping down the list with armed with that new knowledge
2 ) "Best" should not be a catch-all term, cut it up into specific categories and showcase your Best in top categories you want to focus on. this way, you get a folio that's showing a wide range of your capabilities
if i were picking between two applicants, both of which submitted portfolios of their Best fiction works (and theyre both Very good), i would ultimately choose the applicant who gave a portfolio that showed a wider range of what Bests theyre capable of rather than the applicant who submitted 5 really great stories but they all still employed the same techniques/concepts/themes
......if that makes sense?
like, okay, let's assume the portfolio is a fiction portfolio. no specific lit genre limitations or whatever, just, fiction in general.
"fiction in general" is a ridiculously huge field! theres the genres of course, so many damn genres. but what im more focused on is Technique. there are so many ways to structure your plot and pacing, there are so many ways to create your cadence and tone, there are so many kinds of characters and so many ways you can make them clash, so many dang ways to make your story's themes come to light. theres a Lot
so take a portfolio as a chance to show the widest possible range of what you can do, and what you can do Well
let's say you did Tip 1 and coming from that, youve got a list of 15 stories you think would be good for a portfolio. your next step then is to identify which stories are doing the same Thing (whether that be in its genre, structure, themes, etc) and then decide which of those stories showcases your ability to Do that Thing best.
if ive got 3 different stories that are all magical realism pieces using a very subdued tone to communicate the plot's conflict and emotion, then im gonna need to pick just one to put in my folio, the one that did it Best. and then you can go back to Tip 1 and get a second opinion on that if you want, and THEN i repeat with the other stories, this time picking a different Thing-Technique-Structure-Theme-Etc to focus on
basically my point is that a portfolio, ideally, should show different Kinds of Bests. because that is much much more appealing than only seeing One kind of Best
3 ) you can make as many portfolios as you want, tailor-made specifically for what youre using that portfolio for
this is something i learned after college and when i was applying for various writing jobs. for context, i dual wielded fiction and nonfiction in college. though my degree ultimately/officially went into the nonfiction track, i still wrote a whole lotta original fiction, and when i was applying for jobs, my personal list of Bests included a lot of fiction pieces, as well as nonfiction pieces
but i was applying to all different kinds of jobs, and it would be slightly off-course to submit a fiction piece to a job like Feature Writer For Magazine. additionally, it would be slightly off-course to submit a nonfiction piece to a job like Romance Game Writer
(.....both of those real jobs i applied for and man, sidenote, can you believe i almost became a romance game writer? like, how ironic that is now that im into the fandom i am Currently into. guys. guys i got to the second interview stage of that job. Guys. jdhvfhvfkshd)
anyway, remember how Tip 2 is about showing off a diverse array of what youre capable of? well, dont get Too diverse. always remember the people/organization/etc that you will be submitting this portfolio to, and keep in mind what They are looking for
if youre applying for a sci-fi fiction workshop, submit your Best pieces that do different techniques or things BUT are still within the parameters sci-fi fiction, so they are relevant. if youre applying for a feature writing job, maybe fiction might work, but read the works that the magazine puts out, maybe. get a feel for their style, what they like. like idk , if theyre super into that Anthony Bourdain-esque kinda description of gritty details, then maybe a fiction piece that shows off that kind of descriptive skill can still be relevant.
make a new portfolio whenever the need arises to best adapt to whatever it is youre gunning for
in summary :
tip 1: Best works but cast a wider net and ask other people because us writers can get tunnel vision sometimes
tip 2: whittle down your list to show different kinds of Bests that you can do, avoid redundancy
tip 3: keep your Bests relevant to whatever the task at hand may be
well....thats all i can think of. i hope some part of this can be helpful to anybody out there. hope youre doing well, anon :")
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reejindeed · 1 year
In a twitter post you refer to your Jido (grandfather) are you Arabic? :)
My Jido is Syrian so partially!
I'm pretty removed from it, not like my cousins who are first generation from Syria or Lebanon or who grew up bilingual. I never learned Arabic minus how to phonetically say certain words or phrases and then like... The food we make.
I don't know the romanized way of spelling certain things either since I've only ever heard them said.
My grandparents helped raise me and my sibling though.
I don't usually lead with saying I'm Syrian since I'm more Irish. Family reunions used to be awkward since most of my family would be yelling at each other in Arabic and I'd stand there like 👁️👄👁️ hah??
It's my sitto (technically my Jido's mom but everyone calls her sitto) and his dad that are from Aleppo... Though there's this whole family "secret" that sitto's family is actually from Armenia and had fled during the genocide, so some of the stuff we say/the way we make food is a weird mix of like... Syrian, Lebanese, and Armenian.
It's also made it hard because there are foods I really love that I don't know how to spell them in English since it's all phonetical. Who was gonna tell me sfiha was sfiha and not sfeeha? None of us knew, our family spells it wrong OTL
I did used to enjoy the BBQs at my uncle's though since we'd all get to sit and smoke hookah, but they'd always do like... Apple and rose flavors... And my Jido wants to put rose water in everything but orange blossom is WAY superior! Especially in mamounieh.
And I STILL hate the taste of anise. We used to have an anise gum from Syria. It was like a chiclet but make it anise flavored. Gross.
ALAO HOW DO YOU SPELL ARAS? AROS?? ARAZ??? I can't find it on the internet... We've always spelled it aras but... I'unno.
Anyway that's my rant about being Syrian hahaha
My Jido's a really sweet man and we're still very close. I lived with my grandparents for about a year and a half, not counting the fact that I basically lived there as a kid.
But yeah I ended up hanging out with just them for Christmas the other day, it was nice!
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