#learn about stays guys. historical clothing is bloody interesting
stargazostli · 4 months
i know we all love the idea of Joel in a corset
however... consider... Joel in stays
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(found the images from google and wikipedia respectively, the first came up if you search 'brown stays', the second is on the wiki article for the history of corsets)
these are (iirc) kinda pre-corsets corests? they were used for the same things; supporting breasts, heloing posture, back support etc and may be laced either at the front or the back but often connect over the shoulders... like a vest... like Joel skin... yeah thats all my reasoning basically... also im a nerd
i especially like the ones laced in the front as they especially look like Joel's skin's vest
also im no expert on historical clothing, i just happen to watch alot of videos by people who are and have random knowledge on it - if i got anything wrong or youd like to add anything, feel free to add or correct me on this!
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jaehyunzzmilk · 3 years
dinasty (part 2)
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pairing: prince jaehyun x concubine reader
word count: 3.4 k
genre: Historical Mafia AU, smut, light angst
summary: after the perfect escape, you have to find a way to fit in your new life, leaving the past behind may seem easy when you're working for 4 princes and one of them is interested in you, right?
notes: hello again, part 2 is up and we have a new love triangle, thank you for liking the first part so much, and prepare for even more surprises
this doesn't have any relation to real facts and history, it's just pure fiction for entertainment purposes
warnings: violence, blood, cheating, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving)
main characters: jaehyun (prince), yuta (samurai, villain), ten (thai mafia, villain), kun (China's emperor warrior)
Reality - Part 2
Part 1 here
"- Nice tattoo!" the man says.
It was dark and his face was only visible through the moonlight.
You freeze, the man stays still looking at you like you were his prey.
You try to cover your body but your only reaction is to grab your stuff and run, praying he wasn't gonna come after you.
Arriving at your room, breathing heavily you try to think about what just happened. A guy like that had to be a prince or someone really important. Ms. Lee told you to be lowkey and on the first day you let a man see you naked in the bath area. "Whatever" You were just too tired to think, you didn't do anything wrong anyway, so you were gonna pretend that it didn't happen. The Korean Palace was gonna punish you for going to the wrong bath?
Suddenly you realize Kun's necklace isn't with you. "Fuck, I must have dropped there" but now it's too risky to come back and look for it so you decide to do that tomorrow. You lay down on your mattress and try to fall asleep.
Next morning Ms. Lee showed you the rest of the Palace, the kitchen and assigned your tasks. It was a lot of work and details, each of their meals had to be perfectly planned. They had someone even to taste the food before them so they know it's not poisoned.
"- I'm gonna be responsible for the King's meal and you're gonna be responsible for the four prince's meals."
"- Yes, Taeil, Doyoung, Johnny and Jaehyun. Now you should prepare their tea, they always drink green tea in the morning."
While preparing the tea you wonder which one you saw at the bathing area and if you should tell Ms. Lee what happened yesterday.
You're walking with the trays to the dining place when you try to talk to her.
-Ms. Lee!
-So yesterday...
You realize you still don't know much about Ms. Lee and even if Kun trusts her, you don't. Also you can't help but think that serving tea was much better than your life at the concubine's house, so you try quickly to think of something else to say.
-Well, yesterday… Before I met you… this man helped me at the harbor, he was wearing black clothes and had a samurai sword.
-"Stay away from him!" She turns at you. "They are dangerous, they will kill everything and everyone on their way, people you don't want to mess up with."
By Yuta's facial expression when you mentioned Ms. Lee's name you weren't surprised she said those words, you wonder why but she wasn't gonna be the one to give you the answers. Otherwise, you still weren't afraid of him, he was gonna be the last of your problems here.
-"Now let's get in there, first you bow and then you serve them the way I showed you, don't look at them in the eye and don't say anything." She says.
In silence, you enter the dining room along with the other servants behind you bringing the food plates and you stop in front of the tables on the floor where all the princes are. There are two on each side, the two oldest and the youngest, all of them are sitting on cushions, they all have long hair and are wearing beautiful hanboks.
-"Your highness, may I introduce you to your new servant 'y/n', she is my niece and she is gonna work with me in the kitchen from now on." Ms. Lee said while you bowed, you were still too nervous to look up and look at them. "Now, may we start with the tea." Ms. Lee turns to you and signs that you can go and serve them.
Holding the teapot you go to the first prince, the oldest, Taeil, he is very handsome, with his light brown hair, face delicate and mature at the same time. Slowly you pour the tea into the cup by his left, he doesn't do anything, just stays still looking down and you wonder if you did something wrong. On his right it's Doyoung, after you pour the tea he gives you a small nod which makes you feel calmer. He is also very handsome, shiny black long hair, perfect posture, he sure looks like a prince. On the other side, Johnny, you can feel he is looking at you, the first to say "thank you" after you pour the tea. His face is gorgeous, even if he is sitting down you can feel how tall and strong he is. And then, Jaehyun, the man from the bath. You freeze when he looks directly at your eyes, you try to stay calm and pour the tea but can't help but shake a little bit. He is the definition of perfection, he had perfect skin, perfect face, everything about him.
Jaehyun keeps staring at you even when you stand up and comes back to Ms. Lee side.
-"Seems like someone likes our new servant!" Johnny says laughing. The other boys look at him but Jaehyun remains silent and serious, still looking at you.
They give the first sip to their tea. Taeil stops and smells the cup.
-"Did someone… put ginger on the tea?" He asks.
Ms. Lee turns at you with her eyes wide open.
-"Did you put ginger when you were making the tea?" She says in a low voice. - Yes, that's how we usually drink it in China, I'm so sorry.
-"Don't..." Taeil says taking another sip "- From now on keep in that way". You see Jaehyun smirking with the corner of your eyes.
Your whole body relaxed, you felt like you were going to faint. Ms. Lee bows and tells them to excuse both of you. As soon as you enter the kitchen's door she grabs your arm.
-"You have no idea how lucky you were this time young lady, Taeil is the most picky to all the food we make, when he started speaking I thought I was gonna have a heart attack"
-Me too! But I'm so sorry, I swear I'm not doing anything again without asking you first.
-"Good! Now get back to work"
Later after you finish your schedule you come back to the bath area to look for Kun's necklace. You look everywhere but it's nowhere to be found.
-"Looking for this?" Jaehyun stops behind you holding your necklace.
You turn around and he comes closer to you.
-"I asked if you're looking for this?" Now he is inches from you.
-Ye- yes!
Jaehyun walks behind you and gently moves your hair to the side, putting the necklace on you.
-"Does that belong to your boyfriend?" He is so close it's almost he's whispering in your ears. You get goosebumps.
-Excuse me?
He smirks and comes back to look you in the eyes.
-"I fought in the war 2 years ago, I remember those from the chinese soldiers." He tilts his head to the side and looks at you from head to toe. "Or you did?"
-A prince fighting at the war?
-"And a very bloody one but yes... it would be a shame being a prince and let your people alone bring victory to your country"
-It does… belong to my boyfriend.
You hold your necklace in your chest.
-"And where is your precious boyfriend when a pretty face like you is talking to the enemy in another country?"
-It's complicated!
-"I have time!"
-Why? Do you want the full story to snitch on me?
-"Sweetie if I wanted to snitch you out I would have already!"
He was right.
-You wouldn't believe if I told you anyway!
-"Try me, I've seen it all"
You both sit on a stone beside the water.
-Well, when I was 9 my family was struggling, we didn't have food, money, anything… so my father sold me and my sister to a concubine's house. She went to a different house than mine so I never saw her again actually. But anyway after years of being a slave in all forms to that house I fell in love, to someone from the thai mafia, of course things got out of control, I was so dumb. When I tried to run away he found out and did this tattoo on me, I was in so much pain because I fell off the roof trying to run away that I didn't even felt the pain of the needle, I just stayed there, still. Then I met Kun, I fell in love again, he helped me to escape, and it worked.
-"And I assume that story of being Ms. Lee's niece is all lies."
-Yes! She helped to raise Kun and met his mother so it's the only reason she's doing this until he arrives.
-"Oh so he's coming."
-He works for the Emperor and he said they would kill both of us if he ran away, so he is gonna wait a little bit and ask to retire, he wants to do it the right way, then he'll join me.
-"If you allow me to say this but… I would never have let you to come alone, sometimes you don't have to do it the right way" He gets up and walks to the exit of the bath. "But I'm glad he did and we could meet"
You give a small smile with the corner of your lips.
-"Oh and by the way..." He turns at you. "The staff's bath area is on that way." He points to his left.
-I know now. Thanks.
He smiles and leaves.
Weeks passed and you were getting used to your new life. You were doing your job right, even making some different dishes from your hometown to the princes. Meanwhile you unexpectedly started spending time with Jaehyun. Since your conversation at the bath, you both got closer in a natural way. On every free time you had you spent time together, you mostly liked to walk on the garden because it was more private, he told you about his childhood, how he had to give up on so many things to be who the kings expected him to be, how he felt like he was on a prison his whole life and how he found joy on learning how to fight because it was the only way he had to express himself and not follow the rules. You were surprised at how wholesome he was, he made questions about your life in a way that you know he wasn't being just pity, he was interested in how other realities exist outside the Palace.
One afternoon Ms. Lee asked you to go to the flea market to buy fruit for the dinner's banquet. You went alone since now you were familiar with that.
Because of the summer there were a lot of different kinds of fruits on sale. You bought peaches because you knew Jaehyun likes it. After buying everything you needed you see some crowd gathering between the market, you approached them and notice some weird men you've never seen before. They were thieves. They were on their horses, destroying the sellers' stands, pushing everyone in their way, they even tried to put a food stand on fire. You saw a little kid who got lost from their parents and was crying right in the middle of the path where the thieves were. You run in his direction and catch him, putting him safely to the side of the road, when one of the men slaps your face "Get out of the way slut!"
The slap was hard so you fell on the ground when suddenly you see another group of men coming that way, they all had black clothes and katanas. The samurais. They were so fast, they fought the thieves in a blink of an eye. There are people running and dust everywhere, you feel a hand on you. "Let's get you out of here" you recognize the voice, Yuta holds you and takes you to a safe place.
-"Why every time I see you, you're in trouble? Didn't I tell you to not walk around alone?"
-I was just buying stuff at the market when they came out of nowhere.
-"You're bleeding, let me see your lips" Yuta takes the fabric that was covering his mouth and carefully wipes the blood on your lips.
-"You're gonna need ice if you don't want to get bruises..."
-Don't worry, I've had worse wounds! - You laugh.
-"You didn't tell me where you came from"
-You didn't either, and why are you doing this? Helping me when you told me to stay away?
-"Well you should!"
-I'm not afraid of you.
Yuta looks at you, his mysterious gaze turns into vulnerability.
-So, I will tell you my story if you tell me yours! - You say.
-"Years ago the king had a deal with Osaka’s emperor, since he traveled there and they proposed to do an alliance and protect each nation together, but when the war happened and the emperor asked for the samurais to fight on their side here in Korea. We came and it was all a trap, a lot of us died, the emperor stole our ships and made all his people be afraid of us spreading lies, that we were dangerous. Since we couldn’t come back home we settled ourselves here, but the funny thing is every time the small villages are in danger, like what you saw today, it’s us who come first to help them. You asked me why I saved you, where I came from, we take care of everyone, no matter what."
-I'm sorry!
-"Now your turn, what’s your dark pass?"
-Apparently like you I was also a victim of the war in my country, but other than having a sword and fighting I was just a concubine trapped in a house for so many years, let’s say I just involved myself with the wrong people and ran away.
-"It’s called a katana… the sword. And maybe I can teach you how to fight." He smiles.
He gives you the sword.
-It's much lighter than I thought.
-"Careful, it's lighter but the blade is gonna be the sharpest of all swords. Here... You must hold like this!" He took your hands and taught you how to hold the sword, carefully he showed you some self defense moves.
-"Now if someone ever tries to slap your face again, you do this..." Yuta grabs your wrists and pins you agains't a tree, you can't move obviously, he is so close to you and you feel the sexual tension building.
-"Get away from her!" You hear a familiar voice screaming. It's Jaehyun.
Jaehyun gets off his horse, he was mad, you never saw him like that. You jump in front of Yuta.
-No wait! He saved my life! - You scream.
-"What? Y/n do you know who he is? He is a murderer." Jaehyun looks at you.
-"If you arrived 10 minutes earlier you could have joined us but the little prince was busy at his Palace right?" Yuta provokes him.
-"That's enough!" Jaehyun comes closer but Yuta doesn't even flinch.
-Please Jaehyun, let's go!
You grab his arm and take him away from Yuta.
- "This doesn't end here bastard!" - Jaehyun spits at Yuta's direction.
You come back to the Palace with Jaehyun and he takes you to the bath area.
He is sweating, you could see his veins popping because of how mad he was.
- Jaehyun please, everything is alright, you need to calm down!
- "No it's not, look at you, you're hurt" he grabs your face and touches your lip with his thumb.
- It's ok now, I was at the market when some thieves arrived, I was protecting a little kid who was gonna get hit by their horses, they got mad because I was in the way but I swear it was nothing and Yuta helped me and everyone in there!
- "What? How do you know his name?"
- When I arrived from China he saw me at the harbor, I was so weak from the trip he helped me and even took me to Ms. Lee! I don't care about your old family issues, he helped me and that's all.
- "I'm sorry I'm just… the Palace guards heard the thieves were at the market and when I knew you were there I got my horse and went after you, I just couldn't let anything bad happen to you y/n!"
He grabs your face with both of his hands and kisses you. You try to push him but still can't open your eyes and break the kiss completely "Jaehyun we shouldn't..."
- "If you don't want it then tell me to stop" your heart is beating so fast, you swallow hard and look up at Jaehyun, "I know I'm not the only one feeling this" He says kissing you hard again.
He is right. "Touch me" you say, grabbing his hands and placing them on your breasts. When he is caressing his hands on your breast he removes your necklace, dropping it on the ground. He unties your dress and slides the fabric until your lower body, he is on his knees in front of you and he passes his hands on the back of your thighs until your butt and kisses your thighs slowly. He keeps eye contact with you and licks your clit, you moan and grabs his hair in response to his tongue going faster.
In your head it felt so wrong because you were in love with Kun, but Jaehyun made you feel so needy, mind and body.
Jaehyun gives a hard lick on your clit and makes his way up to your stomach leaving a tray of kisses until your breasts, he sucks one nipple while his other hand and flicks the other one. He gets up and kisses you, the kiss was so wet, for a moment you forget that anything else exists while he kisses you hard, licking and sucking your bottom lip. He takes off his clothes, his hard dick slaps on his toned abs, pre cum leaking over his tip. Jaehyun lifts you up "Let's go inside" taking you to one of the hot tubs.
When you felt the heat of the water on your body, the feeling of pleasure and lust took over you, Jaehyun pulled you down onto his lap and gave you another kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck when you feel his tip on your core. "Oh my god" you scream while his hands holding your waist puts you down until his whole length was inside of you. The feeling was so different, you got a harder friction because of the water and you start moving up and down to get used to his size. Jaehyun's shoulders and biceps tense while his cock is stretching you out. You bounce on him screaming in pleasure, body trembling as he helps you to move faster.
He was pushing all the way into you, hitting your g-spot. You arch your back and moan his name, clenching every time he enters you. You're almost out of breath when he sucks your neck and presses his thumb against your clit. "Jae, I'm gonna..." you can see he is close as well as he sucks your neck even harder and moves his finger faster. You scream when you feel your orgasm, your arching pussy made his cock tighter while he couldn't hold it anymore and released into you as well.
You both stay in the water for a bit recovering from the climax, he pulls you to his chest and you close your eyes.
-Am I dreaming?
-"I think the reality right now is better than your dreams."
"Reality" you thought, back at your own senses you couldn't help but be disappointed at yourself. Because of you Kun was risking his own life to help you to run away and now you're with the prince of the place he arranged you to work for. Maybe you were just a filthy concubine, maybe you deserved everything they did to you, even your tattoo. You roll your body and rest your head at the border of the hot tub, a tear coming out of your eye.
Part 3 coming soon
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marsalimackimmie · 3 years
Another Outlander Fic Idea
This is set in an AU where Jamie came through the stones to the 20th century soon after Claire returned, and they raised Brianna in the future together.
(I wrote this whole thing out at once and didn’t proof read it so please forgive any typos. It’s a mostly stream of consciousness outline.)
Bree always knew there was something different about her family-- in that they had none. All her friends had grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins… but the Fraser's were an orphaned family. Her Mama and Da had plenty of stories, but always said the people they discussed had died a long time ago. As a kid it made her sad in a detached sort of way, but as she grew older she began having more questions her parents couldn’t answer. 
Growing up, Bree had developed an interest in history with her father. He was always reading books, watching documentaries, and always seemed fascinated by everything he learned-- even the things everyone knew, and the things he supposedly lived through himself. It became something they bonded over, and it led Bree to her secret hobby of genealogy. 
Unbeknownst to her parents, Brianna one day organized a day trip with her friends up to Broch Morda, the place her parents always claimed Jamie was from. She searched their historical archives and church records, but could find no mention of Jenny, Brian, or Ellen Fraser born in the last few centuries. At one point a librarian said she HAD found people by those names, but perhaps it was a more distant ancestor(?) as they were all from the 18th century. 
With this being the only lead Bree had, she dug all in. Every detail that matched up with her parents’ stories (as few details as there were) made her confusion increase. Her first thought was “oh no, my parents are crazy”. Clearly, Jamie had become so lonely as an orphan that he constructed an entire backstory based on the lives of people who shared his last name 200 years ago, who he found through his weird fascination with history. Or was James Fraser even his real name? Oh god, is Fraser even HER real last name?
Freaked out, Bree decides to visit Broch Tuarach’s graveyard to make sure there weren’t just typos or mistakes in the records (it’s not like they’re very valuable or well preserved). The newest graves are full of Murray's, McTavishes, Mackenzies… wow a lot of M’s for a place built by the Fraser clan. She pushes through and finds many faded graves from the early 1800s… quite a few match the names from her supposed family history as well. Brianna is now certain her parents have been lying to her this whole time.
Roger, one of the friends Bree came to Broch Morda with, suggests that maybe they should try some archives in the larger Inverness instead, that maybe this whole Lallybroch business is just a weird coincidence, or a matter of family names repeating themselves. It’s not like Jenny and Ian are uncommon, after all, or James and Katherine for that matter. Brianna is skeptical but agrees. 
Back in Inverness, they dig through the library and find articles about Claire’s disappearance through the stones. Surprised, Brianna does the math and realizes her parents must have met when Claire ran away from this ‘Frank Randall’. The lies piling up, Brianna decides to call Frank and ask for any information he has. Frank is reluctant to speak to her when she ambushes him at his office, and she leaves.
Later she returns late at night hoping to break into his files (she’s really mad and not thinking straight, alright?) and instead finds Frank still there, drinking at his desk. In his drunken state, he tells her everything Claire had claimed about time travel, and stones, and that “bloody Scot bastard” who had taken everything from him. Bree is disturbed to find him so bitter and drunk, and honestly can’t fault her mother for leaving the guy-- he seemed awful. And how seriously could she take his story about magic stones when he’s three sheets to the wind?
Still, Bree can’t help but think. Her vacation is over and she goes back home to Claire and Jamie (they live in Edinburgh maybe, or a remote farming village away from modern hustle idk). Despite dropping many subtle hints, she can’t get her parents to crack. She does start writing down small details they mention about the family though-- for comparison to the historic family, out of curiosity, etc-- and trying to suss out whether her father is delusional or just lying. But he seems as sincere as ever, and never contradicts his stories like someone making it up might. 
Now Bree is starting to feel like the crazy one. Is there even anything here to uncover? So her parents are orphans; so her mom left a drunkard and married a Scot instead. Everything truly suspicious is just circumstantial, paranoid even. Why is she so fixated on it? In the end, Bree finally decides to drop it. 
She still had another visit to Inverness planned however, and Roger suggests they go to the Culloden heritage reenactment festival instead of getting stuck in dusty archives. Bree agrees, and Claire helps her assemble a period costume. Claire seems oddly knowledgeable and nostalgic about it, but Bree brushes it aside. In the end she has a costume that looks great, but isn’t totally accurate. It’s cheaper. It has zippers. She never said she was committed to accuracy ok? Still, making and wearing it seem to make her parents’ lips loosen a bit, and they all bond talking about Scotland and history and family the night before she leaves. As she’s going to sleep, she thinks she hears her parents discuss how they think “Jenny and Ian” are faring at Lallybroch, but that’s probably her imagination-- why would they speak in the present tense? And she knows for a fact Lallybroch is empty. 
Flash forward-- Bree and Roger have a great time at the festival. (To insert my own headcanon agenda, I should mention Roger and Bree are not romantic, just good friends. Roger knows Bree is secretly gay, and sometimes even tries to be her wingman. Bree is out to her parents after they caught her and Sally McGinnis making out when she was 17; that’s why they trust her to stay at Roger’s during trips without too much shovel talk.) When they get back to the manse, they run into Fiona (who had been dancing at the stones at sunrise and gone all day). She awkwardly lets them know she brought a man back with her, who seems like he just needs some help. Confused, they ask why he wasn’t brought to the hospital, and she says he doesn’t need it. Fiona claims this man was at the reenactment (to explain his clothes) but dodges most of their questions. Still, Roger is very hospitable as a Reverend’s son and lets him stay. 
The man, who introduces himself simply as Claudel, seems very friendly if a bit baffled. Still, Roger doesn’t love the idea of Bree staying in the building with a stranger and asks if she’d rather go home. Bree is resistant because she’s not some damsel who has to be protected, but Fiona pipes up and agrees with Roger. Especially since the trains aren’t running right now and the inn is full-- could she call Mr. & Mrs. Fraser to come pick you up, Bree? 
Outnumbered, Brianna angrily agrees. She then sulks in the living room until Claudel comes in and they talk for a while. Brianna complains that everyone treats her like she’s less capable, and the man commiserates, pointing out what she had missed earlier-- his missing hand. She asks what happened, and he vaguely says “the war”. (Fiona had briefed him on what happened to him, where/when he is now, and how he should be as vague as possible when he couldn’t give the truth or a good lie.) Brianna decides she doesn’t mind this guy, even though his presence is inadvertently forcing her to be picked up by her parents like a misbehaving child from a slumber party. 
About an hour or whatever later, there’s a knock at the door. Bree gets up, long suffering, and jokes with Claudel that it must be ‘her time’. They say goodbye amicably and he offers to walk her to the door like a gentleman. 
Bree answers the door to see Claire on the other side, looking equal parts ruffled and concerned, and almost doesn’t notice Claudel freeze behind her. She hears him ask, “Milady?” under his breath, and now her mother is freezing in place too. Do they recognize each other? she wonders.
Bree gets her answer almost instantly, when a smile stretches on her mother’s face and Claire goes to hug the man, saying “oh my god, Fergus. Oh my son.” Cue record scratch noise-- did Mama just call this man her son??? Bree has more questions than ever before.
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
Disclaimer: These stories are based ‘loosely’ on the game Obey me shall we date. The major stuff will be the same, but here and there the story will be changed or embellished. It is just an AU and I do not own the game the characters, from both One Piece or Obey Me, nor do I own One Piece in general. It would be cool though…
Warning: The characters will mostly be ooc and for the most part will not have the same background as in the anime/manga. The reader’s age will be above consent; the exact number is up to you.
Various Characters X Reader
Shanks heard about the fight the brothers had. He’d heard about how you got hurt. At first, he was angry at Sabo for doing what he did. If anything happened to the exchange student this whole thing would be a waste. He punished Sabo for what he did. Beating him bloody. Shanks decided he couldn’t take his eyes off him until he was sure he wouldn’t rage out again. So he proposed a three-day retreat. He could keep an eye on Sabo, and make all three realms get along. He needed to see results in his plan, if this was the only way to do it then it’ll have to do.
As courteous as he was, he made it known that this request was no entreaty. You all would show and be in your best behavior. No protests. No complaints. No objections. And so, that is how you found yourself taking a tour of his palace. Benn, One of Shank’s loyal servants, was explaining the more historic artifacts that decorated the halls. It was interesting to hear the different stories each piece held. One, in particular, held more than the rest. It was a painting of a woman she dressed in clothing from what seemed like the mid-1800s. She wore a high waisted baby-blue gown with a white lacy bonnet and shawl. This seemed to be from the human world. Her out of time style clothing wasn’t the only thing that drew attention to her. She seemed to be moving…
“Sanji!” came her scream. The painting can speak? Sanji looked puzzled. Had he done something to the painting to make them mad? “Oh, I know you! Violet, from when I visited Spain in the human world.” So he had. “You hornswoggler, pigeon-livered, ratbag!” 
“Now, now, sweetheart. No need to get nasty.” Sanji barely seemed to consider her as anything. What wrong had he done to make her say such strange…insults? “What brings you down here? Was the power you gained from me not enough?”
“Power?! From you?! Yeah right! You left me for dead!” Her shrieks shook the frame she was imprisoned in. “the coven betrayed me and trapped me in here! I’ve been passed around and showcased like one of those wagtail wenches! This is all your fault! If only you had st-”
“If only I had what? Stayed and helped? If I recall correctly all you asked for was ‘unimaginable power’ to bring those meaters of the coven to their knees” Sanji approached the painting, “If you didn’t know how to properly use them and was outwitted by those Vazey, Mumbling coves, it was on you.” His tone was dark and airy. Like he was trying to threaten her without letting the others know, but by how the room seemed to resonate around him, it wasn’t that convincing. “You Flapdoodle! I’ll make you pay!” You what…. Flapdoodle, really? You didn’t get much of a chance to wonder what that word implied. She let out bright light, oils swirling inside the painting. They turned into a vortex sucking everything near inside. First, it was Sanji then Nami and Ace. the last ones it took were you and Kid who grabbed on to law for support, but they were both dragged in anyway. 
The lights where you appeared were dim. Beside you was Kid and Law, separated from the rest. “We need to find the others,” was the first thing said in the eerie quietness of the corridor you were in. “What we need to do is find out where we are.” An interjection from the other male. “Not the time to fight, both of you.”
“We’ll look around, figure out where we are and find the others at the same time.” Both men looked at each other, surprised by your sudden leadership. “Yes, ma’am,” Law mocked you but listened to your orders nonetheless. Not like he had much of a choice. After the pact, every order you gave no matter how small, was followed. You didn’t like making them do things, giving them orders, but when the hands were down… You needed them to focus right now. 
The path twisted and turned in many directions. There were dead ends and traps, like a maze. For the leader of this makeshift gang, you had to take the back seat in most dangers that befell you. They were too grand to fight off yourself. If one thing came out of this, you learned the extent of both your companion’s capabilities and an invaluable piece of information. While you held a pact with them their demon forms wouldn’t hurt you. The power that they release, that is.
Their presence felt otherworldly, like Sabo’s. Their combined power would have pulverized you. It was just as great and magnificent as the first time you were able to see it. When Sabo threw you against the tomb’s wall. This time you could hold your own against this gripping force that radiated out of them. Your sight was clear and your head didn’t hurt. Your body didn’t weaken at the proximity. It was probably because of the pact you made with them.
Their forms changed as Sabo’s had. Law grew tusk-like horns that protruded from the back of his head, wrapping around to the front. They were pearl-white and sharp. Under his coat there was a tail, thin with a tuft of black hair at the end. Kid Had also grown one of his own, a golden tail that faded into pitch black. His own set of horns came out from the top of his head, twisting into their sharp endings. His teeth ground into fangs. They looked savaged like they’d maul anything that crosses his path. 
They both ferociously protected you from any trap that was set up in the labyrinth. Tearing into anything that moved and ripping you away from any danger that befell you. Eventually, you did come across the others, having a hammering headache as your guide. The two demons had to go ahead in front of you to tell Ace and Sanji to turn back from their demon forms so you could step closer. Nami, on the other hand, wasn’t affected by it. Her magic gives her protection from their power. “Oh my sweet, Y/n. it’s okay to come closer now.” Sanji called out for you. “R-right,” you turned the corner to meet them.
“Now we need to find an exit.”
“Darling, how I love it when you take charge.” Sanji was a flirtatious fool, no wonder that woman, Violet, was mad at him. However, she should have known better than to cross a whole coven. Pushing you in front, the two brothers you made a pact with ‘protected’ you from their brother. Not wanting you close the lascivious demon.
There was more walking, the labyrinth seemed endless. Yes labyrinth, Ace had filled you all in about it when you caught up. It was below the castle, and nearly inescapable, to those who didn’t know the way. But a powerful mage could figure it out with a spell or two, she just wanted to find the others first. With you guys here there was nothing stopping Nami. She started her spell, but there was this rustling coming from the chambers. It was a persistent sound, like sliding on the floor. Nami stopped her spell to hear it better, “what is that?” All present stopped to listen to the low creeping sound that was… getting closer. 
A wall down the path to your left was moving, you could swear that it didn’t lead to a dead-end before. “Guys, what is that?” You pointed at the scaly impasse that seemed to be moving to block all exit points. “Oh, fuck,” Law whispered under his breath, “That’s my pet Mindsnare Naga, Nola.” Kid punched his arm, “a mindsnare, really Law, really.” They were nasty creatures who seek power above all else. They’re immortal beasts that needn’t worry about time, creating convoluted plans to get to their goal. The highest-ranking person in the location they decide to nest in. They live to control and dominate their victims into submission. They suck them out of life with their venom then fill them with false memories and a built personality to help them reach their goal. If it was deep in the bowels of the castle had it already started it’s schemes? Does the ruler of Devildom know what resides underneath his very feet? You could worry about the troubles of the palace after you manage to escape its clutches.
Law had forbidden you all from harming his ‘poor Nola’. The others protested though he left them no choice, threatening that he’d destroy everything they loved if they were to harm a scale on the serpent. He gave them no choice but to oblige. Crossing the avatar of envy was one of the last things anyone wanted to do. He knew how to ruin any person until they gave up on themselves. He’s sent many into an endless cycle of loathing and suffering. “You’re its master, command it!” Kid yelled at law. “I can’t, she escaped when she was still young. I didn’t have time to train her.” How useless! How were you all supposed to defend yourselves now? You can’t hurt it, much less fight it. “I should have known she’d head to the palace. Her kind charm leaders of lands to do their bidding. Shanks must have found her and trapped her down here. My poor baby.” Not the time to hand out sympathy to something that wants to kill you. “Then what are we gonna do,” Ace piped in, the first time he talked since you’ve all gotten together. “We can’t fight it-”
“Not the time, Law.” If anyone was pissed at the scenario you seemed to be stuck in, it was wrath himself. “Don’t those things grow a second head if you kill it?” Law rolled his eyes at his brother’s ineptitude. “No, that’s a Hydra of Lerna. And they only regrow TWO heads from one that was chopped off, not if you kill it.” Thanks for sharing the knowledge, not helping though. “A mindsnare naga charms its enemies to kill them. Which is what she should be doing now….so we better think of something. Fast.” Law said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Why not try to be a little less smug and a little more helpful? “I know what we can do.” It was Nami this time who spoke up. “If I use my pact with Sanji I can boost his own power and mesmerize the snake.”
“Not a snake.”
“No one cares.” Nami turned to Sanji. “Are you ready?” He gave her a seducing smile. “For you? Always.” Nami raised her hand, a ball of glowing light sitting in her palm. Power flowed from her and Sanji seemed to be transmitting her energy. “Praebueris tua poteste quod tibi commodare mea. Nos hanc novam transmittat; coniuncta cum virtute non moveretur a te transiret ponam inimicos.” Her incantations forced an unyielding power to surge out of Sanji. “Don’t worry, Y/n. with my power I’ll protect you, so you won’t pass out.”
Sanji’s demon form is an incubus. Leathery wings bent to make a heart around his head then they straightened into a fine point. Short curved horns came out of each side of his head, and a long thick tail with an arrowhead tip at the end. He radiated an aura that was seen flowing out of him. The boost Nami gave him made his already grand power even more so. Sanji flew through the space between the ceiling and the top of the snake. Following it till he reached the head. Nola had wrapped herself around every way out. She was now coming in through the last passageway with Sanji in tow. He had charmed her on his way over, the serpent didn’t hold any more malice. “Get on! Nola is gonna show us the way out.” Law grabbed you by the waist and jumped on, the others in right behind you. “If she knows the way out then why is she still in here?” Sanji chuckled at Law’s question. “She’s not imprisoned. Shanks found her when she was young and let her stay down here. She gets fed every day and can go out if she pleases.” Law looked sad. His serpent had chosen a different master. As much as he loved her, there wasn’t anything he could do. She was just another of the nine monsters in this realm that guarded the nine circles now. 
After you finally got out of the labyrinth you all had dinner prepared by the demons. Shanks announced that the next day you will be doing a scavenger hunt in the palace. Hence the tour of the place. The lower demons had continued the tour after you vanished, so most of what the ones left standing saw was a mystery to you. The scavenger hunt tomorrow was gonna be hard. All of them knew this and demonstrated it with a groan that passed from one to another. After supper, Shanks separated you into groups. You were with Sanji and Ace. Kid was with Law and Robin. Nami was with Luffy and Usopp. Lastly was Sabo and Shanks.
Kid had protested, yelling that you had a pact with him and should be placed with him, but Sabo told him to zip it and follow orders. You all split up into separate bedrooms for the night. Nami staying back to have a word with you. She lent you some of her power for the rest of the retreat. She said you deserve to have some form of protection for the rest of the trip, not to mention she wanted you to have a good time with the rest. You were a bit confused by her sudden willfulness to share power, something you didn’t even know could be done, but Nami was very front face about everything. She wouldn’t have lied about her intentions. Feeling a tad closer everyone you made your way to your shared room with the rest. Today was a long day, though it was filled with many fun and exciting things.
1800’s slang-
* Hornswoggler- a fraud or a cheat
* Flapdoodle- sexually incompetent man
* Meater/Pigeon-Livered- coward
* Mumbling cove- a shabby person
* Ratbag- a general term of abuse
* Vazey- stupid
* Wagtail- promiscuous woman/ dissolute man
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ffxivquel · 7 years
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Nickname: The Silver Wizard Age: 37 Occupation: Archivist/ Businessman / Former Flame Airship Navigator Nationality: Ul'dah Ancestral Nationality: Sharlayan / Ishgardian
Tall as a city spire and eyes of a winter’s first snow 'The Silver Wizard' was coined such a name for his service on the fallen airship The Silver Wind, and perhaps a commentary on the man’s notable affluence. Today, Felore is an eccentric archivist & businessman pursuing the recovery of magical knowledge in the hope of aiding resistance against the Empire. His companionship with Eidorian “Adrian” Mistferen in recent moons, have charted a course for hospitality in the Far East, leading to the establishment of The White Lotus Inn.
Weapon: Rapier // Musketoon // Astrometer Mount: Thanalan Coeurl // White Lanner // Fenrir (motorcycle)
Felore’s skill in magic was first cultivated in the study of thaumaturgy and later conjury principles, as squadrons demanded versatility among the ranks. Despite his talent, such roots of white magic paled to his ease in that of the black. It wasn’t until Felore had a chance drink with a magus of the Ala Mhigan resistance in the time after his discharge from official service, that the man began to see the white more useful, accepting the skilled rebel’s offer to teach him the origins of The Red. In addition, Felore came under the recent possession of an old Shire Astrometer for which he has much to learn about.
Felore recalls little of his life before coming to Ul'dah and many pieces still linger unanswered for him. The truth of it began with a Sharlayan couple that fled to Ishgard against their government’s withdraw from Eorzea. Fearing harm would come for their child’s unusual connection to the destructive forces of the aether, he was relinquished only moons old to spare them from accusations of heresy. Thaumaturge Tataloufa Talou and his wife, Lilah Li were more than eager to take Felore into their care, the baby elezen boy nurtured in an affluent lalafell household, only to grow up in belief that his birth parents met an unfortunate fate as many contending with the Garlean Empire had.
As he grew, the elezen toddler’s small tantrums resulted in astral flames blazing carpets, and sniffles lacing his crib with tendrils of umbral frost. An experienced disciple of magic, the wizard Talou recognized great potential in his adopted son, tending the boy with patience and taking him under the mantle of the Thaumaturge guild. While Felore reigned in the fluctuations of his unruly aether with his father, the growing, lanky elezen followed his mother’s footsteps in the business of fine clothing, becoming as skilled with a needle as he was at bending aether.
His exposure to Ul'dahn society shaped his outlook on many things: a sharp wit, a savvy businessman, a diligent eye for fabric and for granted, the privilege wealth and protection offered him within the desert city’s walls. But in coming of age, Felore found it difficult to remain idle in the gilded birdcage of his youth. Set with a fierce curiosity in magicks and against his parent’s wishes, the young magus succumbed to his wanderlust, enlisting in the Immortal Flames as an airship navigator for The Silver Wind.
After three years of service, a fateful shot ripped The Silver Wind from the sky during a surprise attack from Imperial Dreadnaughts of the XIVth Legion. Surviving the ordeal, Felore was honorably discharged only to no sooner take up self-invested work for the Eorzean Alliance.
In the eight years passing, Felore continued pursuing his interests in cataloging an archivum of magic knowledge using his wealth to fund his endeavor quietly out of the way of military confrontation, out to preserve such historical documents and relics from collateral damage. With the rise in confrontational activity between Garlean forces and the resistance in more recent years however, it became difficult for Felore not to find himself involved. Rescuing a Doman scholar from the cold snows of Coerthas was merely the beginning of it...
Thinivan Ware is a high end clothing line owned by Felore’s family, and certainly in Felore’s mind for establishing future trade in Kugane. Felore himself is a tailor and after having to alter a certain Auri’s coats quite a bit, he can ensure a comfortable hem for any tail.
Airships, travel, adventure. Out in the middle of bloody nowhere? Some bad guys in the way of valuable old stuff? Questionable but reliable air-pirates??? GOT MAGITEK??? Felo could be there.
Felore served in the Immortal Flames from 1566-1569 (8 years ago). It’s possible that there are some he remembers still there, or having moved on. Perhaps other survivors from the downing of The Silver Wind.
Maybe someone knows more about that astrometer than he does. In fact, any magical nerdery is pretty easy to attract Felore’s undivided attention.
The White Lotus Inn ( Plot 31, 14 Ward, Shirogane) is a hotel and business incubator Felore manages. Have a business? Need a place to stay? The White Lotus is a great venue for B&B and having yourself a cigar and drink with the Staff.
Chocobo Racing & Gold Saucer. Felore is passionate about racing birds and so is his wallet.
Screenshot edit by me :> Thanks for reading about my tall nerd.
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sally-annesstories · 5 years
Day 5 - Mexico City, Mexico
G Adventures part one of trip commences now.
1. This morning was a fairly early start as the plan was to go to the Anthropology Museum. On Sunday in CDMX, museums are free for locals so there was potentially a chance it could be super busy. At 8am we were in an Uber and on our way to the museum. Despite CDMX having pretty epic traffic the journey was all good. He did drop us with another 5 minute walk to go because in Sunday’s in Mexico City they shut one of the main drags. This is to allow runners / bikes to take over the city. It’s really cool to see them all doing down this straight road through the park in droves. Similar to Venice, Mexico City is actually sinking and you can see it all around. Throughout the historical district there are buildings at a different base because for years they’ve been putting piles underneath and so some areas are more raised than others in the historic district. This is because Mexico City was originally a lake area. Walking around the museum the signs are largely in Spanish rather than English (similar to everywhere, there are next no signs in English not people whom speak it) so I mainly looked at the artefacts - reading the signs I could. The colours in the clothes are amazing near the end of the walk as is the artwork and sculptures they created!
2. After the museum it was a walk to lunch. We wanted to head to the Roma and La Condesa area. Likening Mexico City to home I’d say it’s like the Ponsonby kind of area with heaps of amazing eats all around. The Anthropology museum was in Chapultepec Park so when we walked out of the museum it was the same experience as the other day of kids asking for help with homework. This time there were 5 kids with their mum and they interviewed Christophe and Kristin (both speak Spanish so mum explained homework and then kids asked questions in English). It was really cute. This time around the questions were slightly less intense with things like where are you from / what do you do / what do you like about Mexico City / what do you like about home etc. Was a cool experience and nice to know you’re helping them learn a second language. Aim is to get to Spanish school once I’m in Guatemala as would love to have more down than thank you / one ticket please / how are you and the other quick and easy ones I’m using a bit. We walked glacially through the park and via the long route to Roma area (seeing a few monuments on the way) before ultimately landing at a Mexican seafood restaurant (I know me...) but the avocado and beans/cheese tacos were delicious. Alongside the tacos 3 of us ordered Michelada which is tomato juice and beer a traditional Mexican drink. In someways maybe their version of a Bloody Mary (not that I typically drink them at home). Not entirely my jam but it has India beer and that was quite dark so perhaps I need to try with a lighter beer. A good experience none the less and the taco found continues!
3. We’d hit maybe 15000 steps for the day by the time we’d finished lunch and the plan was to head to the Historic District (Zócalo). We had two options - first - walk which google maps said it would take approximately an hour or Uber (maybe 40 minutes). The food had given us newfound energy and to be honest traffic in CDMX is comparable to Bangkok so we opted for the walk. It’s largely flat which is nice though there are cracks and pot holes in the pavement. By the time we were 3/4 of the way through we were the definition of team slow. It was about 30 degrees out and I looked at my phone which said 10 minutes walk to go. Well 10 minutes past and it still said we had 10 minutes. We must’ve been dragging our feet because I usually use google maps estimates as a challenge to beat but there was no way that was happening this day. At 3.30pm we finally made it! We headed to the area with the Aztecs to take a look at the blessing etc that they do. It’s not necessarily a tourist trap. While some tourists do participate there is also a huge number of locals lining up to be ridden of their bad juju. Then it was a final look inside the cathedral before headed back to where we were staying at 5pm.
4. Originally I hadn’t planned to go to the Lucha Libre; watching fighting isn’t my scene and I struggle with seeing people in physical pain (worse so when it’s intentional! Or even if on the TV- I am that person that hasn’t watched GoT at all). So I just couldn’t see my happiness levels being super high in that environment. Anyway after chatting around others that are interested or had been, in the end I did go. So glad I did. Hopefully not being too cynical but I suppose it was obvious from the outset that a lot of it was acted (eg pretending to stop someone when actually jumping so your other food takes load/makes sound). Because of that it made it easier for me to watch. Anyway the whole order going in was a bizarre experience in itself. We got to the match, they didn’t let us in (something about practicing), then they let us in still talking about practicing (but no one was when we went inside). Then this man talks over a speaker for quite a while (both English and Spanish) before were told to put our heads/hands in our lap (imagine like on aeroplane instructions) before ultimately an alarm went off and the whole stadium was kicked out. All the practice they were talking about was a fire alarm practice !! So now there’s a few 1,000 people standing on a random road after the evacuation. 10 minutes later the whole shebang of entering commences with 10 ticket scanners this time and many queues as they scan out tickets and let us inside. All in all like a 30 minute ordeal (and to be honest given all the walking we’d done already - I was looking forward to sitting ! So then it was the time for the LL. We saw 3 fights. First one on one and then 2x three on three matches. With the third match having a midget show up for a celebrity shot and then disappearing. Slightly random but got the crowd excited! It’s actually quite impressive what the guys do. While the idea of fighting isn’t my cup of tea, like I said you can tell it’s all a bit premeditated with them (‘secretly’) helping one another get into position. From a gymnastic point of view it’s really well done. So in my mind it’s like aggressive gymnastics and with that mindset it’s great. Kind of like some sort of dancing competition with the good guys and bad guys. The baddies make sneaky moves jumping out of the ring. The good guys might lose the first round or appear to be struggling along the way but then they ultimately take the win! Overall glad I went and would recommend.
5. The Lucha Libre went till circa 7.30pm and then it was time for our planned taco night. Originally a taco crawl we ended up at one spot eating lots of tacos before crawling our way to Churros. Honestly the place we went for tacos you wouldn’t turn your head at twice (looking like a random side stall) however if you’re in the know you go up there crickity metal stairs and there’s 3 levels of seating filled with locals! I ordered this dish (I forget what it’s called) but ultimately lots of veges and cheese and so many taco sheets to make to your hearts content. Anywhere you go it’s up to you to determine the spice level you’re after with at least 4 options on the cards. I’ve gotten v confident in my chilly / salsa consumption and always give them all a shot! But there’s a few that have a really yum flavour so typically I stick to them for the majority. After we were taco’d out we headed to a shop for churros. These were way better than the ones the other day. The first churros I had were quite crisp (so I assumed that was how they were in CDMX). But these were still golden but fluffy in the middle with slightly less sugar. I had both as is and with caramel and chocolate sauce (plain or caramel sauce was my favourite!). So yum but completely chocka by the end. Then back home for the night. I think from all the food and walking I had gone past being tired and was wide awake. A few others were feeling the same so we ended up heading to the bar (before being kicked out) and then to one of our rooms just yarning away about nothing. Finally tiredness kicked in around midnight so back to our room we went for a decent sleep for the early morning tomorrow!
Steps walked: 38,608
Tacos eaten: 7
Litres of water: 4-5
Giraffe at the zoo (wandered through in Chapultepec Park) / classic tourist at the CDMX sign / lunch food and drinks / Cathedral / Lucha Libre
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