#law of assumption sp
theangeldiaries · 2 years
My biggest piece of advice when manifesting would be to let go of the old story. Let go of any unfavourable memory or idea and completely indulge in the new story; if it doesn’t make you feel good, don’t allow it to take up room in your mind. Rewrite the timeline and stay faithful to that new story, I can guarantee you that things will start shifting in the 3d when you do and it feels incredible to allow yourself to live mentally in your dream life 💗🧠
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redmanifesting · 3 months
Please practice what you say and read here. Don't spend hours on this app and then continue to have the same attitudes as before. Do it different. Do it for you. You deserve to be happy. You discovered this for a reason. Don't waste time and go get what you've wanted all this time.
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77mouse77 · 1 year
Obviously they're in love with you, it's the most natural thing to them. Loving you is not hard because they have never stopped once they started, since they met you. Loving you is the most familiar and comforting feeling to them, there's no other way as the universe including them, always bows to your desires. It's the law, as natural as breathing.
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spiritual-nature · 3 months
Everyone is rooted in you – therefore you will not lose them
"So go out wisely today – go out determined to become more selective, more discreet in your choice of ideas you will entertain and single out the idea that would bless an individual and produce in yourself the emotional response that you have witnessed that state in his world, and know at that moment of response, you planted for that individual, and he is rooted in you, there is no such thing as he will not be found in your world for he is rooted in you. Everyone is rooted in you – therefore you will not lose them. It is planted relative to that being and that being is going to harvest it, and you will know the harvest when it appears in his world. You simply plant and let the harvest take care of itself." -Neville Goddard
(from his lecture "Seedtime and Harvest")
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mhmery · 2 years
Law of Assumption Journey
Hi, I'm Ery!
Kinda new to tumblr, but I wanted to share my Law of Assumption journey in real time. Maybe i'll post daily, but I doubt it because I want to focus on my life lol.
I've been on my LoA journey for a little less than 2 months, but I've manifested (on my scale) small things:
a trip to Target (in my mind I said "I need to go to Target", then dropped it. The next morning, my mom said "we need to go to Target when I get home".)
Rain (I was in bed, exhausted mentally-- but I kept looking at the window and said "Rain would be so nice; I love rain." Then, I just zoned out and got comfortable. The next week, it stormed and it has rained everyday since then. Earlier that week I checked the weather and it was all sunshine. )
In my Sp "context", I've gotten BBL. (Old friends that I haven't talked to in months reached out to me randomly, tiktok fyp was full of videos with his uniform AND men of his ethnicity. )
I manifested food from a restaurant 2 cities away from mine ( I thought " UGH, I'm craving food from here", then i left it alone. A week later my mom had an appointment in that city, afterwards she brought the food home.)
I manifested 50% off a yearly subscription for a course I needed. (The night prior to the manifestation, I was on the site and said "I'll buy it when it's half off". Literally the next day it was 50% off.)
So, yes, I believe the Law works.
I'm using this space to track my journey as I work through my mental health. I have depression and anxiety which, I don't attach to my identity-- it's just something that I'm experiencing at the moment. Things have been intense lately so I've decided to try out antidepressants ( literally the tiniest dosage to take the "edge" off and to give myself some space).
The beautiful thing about my journey is that I've recognized how powerful my mind is EVEN under pressure. Don't doubt yourself. But, be aware of your physical body, babe. Don't neglect your body for the sake of your desires-- they're already yours... but so is your body. Take care of yourself now so that you can enjoy what you're manifesting when it comes. While I'm on antidepressants, I'm choosing to manifest that I'm 100% better than I've ever been before without medicine. It's a tool.
Anywayyyy, thanks for letting me to share a bit of my journey! I'll keep you updated. If you have questions or even words of encouragement lemme know!
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alilarew23 · 3 months
the second you decide something is yours, that thing, that person, that whatever INSTANTLY begins moving towards you, “manifesting” you. it wants you, badly, and is doing everything in its power to get to you via the quickest and easiest route. and it has access to ALL routes—so so so many more than you could even begin to conceive of. ditch the mental acrobatics. ditch the (bullshit) ideas of resistance, of blockages. ditch the effort. ditch anything that feels even the least bit unnatural. set your intention, then ALLOW the unfolding with the joyful certainty that what you hold in your imagination and in your heart will soon be made visible to you. this isn’t a maybe. this is absolute. you are safe—i promise—to simply be who you are, to enjoy what’s here now, to say thank you.
i love you!
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eamour · 2 months
a manifestation routine.
! long post ahead !
in this post, i want to give you an idea of how a manifestation "routine" could look like. i'm aware that this is one of my longer posts but i wanted to give as many insights and as much reassurance as possible. it’s a guide especially for those, who need a bit guidance, who may have come off track a little and who want to discipline themselves a bit more.
morning and evening.
right before you wake up or fall asleep, lay down on your bed and close your eyes. try to calm your mind, loose any tension built up in your body and take deep breaths in and out. with your eyes closed, pay attention to the darkness you're seeing. everything around you doesn’t exist for now. the outer world is none of your concern. your responsibilities fade away and in this given moment, there is nothing that needs to be worked on, nothing that needs to be fixed, nothing that needs to be dealt with. right now, it’s only you in this darkness. you are safe. you are protected.
now, think about it: what is it that you want? what is it that you wish to experience? this isn’t about what you feel like you should want or what you need to experience but rather what YOU deeply want. what would having / being it feel like? what would it look like? what if you had / were exactly what you wanted?
as you become more and more decisive and definitive about who you want to be and what you want to have, you begin to enter the state of the wish fulfilled. you take a step towards the end. you start to bask yourself in the feeling of being the version of yourself who has or is what you desire to have or be. for this, you can visualise yourself or use affirmations that go hand in hand with your desired outcome.
at the same time, let go of your old conception of self. leave your old mindset. right now, you aren’t who you were before you entered this state of calmness. shift your states. go from your former one to your desired one. give life to your new state and death to your old state. abandon the old story. you don’t need it now. you no longer need to retell it. you don’t need to carry it with you anymore.
don’t focus on details. don’t worry about your scenes of visualisation or wording of affirmations. don’t try to make it perfect. don’t question it. and don’t reason your way into it. try to make it natural. try to make it enjoyable. in imagination, you cannot do anything wrong. feel free to imagine any way you would like to. doing any technique without feeling it to be true and without accepting it won’t do anything. it cannot change you. not the technique itself but the feeling will alter self. your visualisations and affirmations shall only support you by guiding you to your desired state. don’t perform anything in vain. do it with purpose. do it with conviction. do it with acceptance. mere repetitions lead to mere results. if you repeat, then do it with feeling. for feeling is the secret.
this way, you become conscious of your new self. and since consciousness is the one and only reality, things can only appear through consciousness. becoming conscious of having your desire means to feel your desire to be yours. by making consciousness your aim, you are aiming to become conscious of BEING and HAVING your desire.
rest of the day.
after you took time to meditate in the morning, you continue to live with your wish fulfilled during the day. whenever you think of your desire, whenever you start to desire something, you claim it to be yours. you declare that it’s part of your reality now. you simply accept it to be true instead of letting your mind wander, overthink or worry. you don’t leave any space for feelings of desire and refrain from living in desire as well. you don’t have to go into a deep meditative state either. you think of it, recognise your desire, imagine it to be yours, feel it to be yours and then go on with your day. this way, you only aim for your inner fulfillment and get rid of any desire that comes up.
you don’t need to force yourself to think of your desire for a very long time, nor do you need to immediately start affirming or visualising a scene that implies you having your desire. what you do is that you take some time, not a lot, to acknowledge your desire and to shift your state from desiring to owning. you do this for as long as you like, until you have accepted your desire to be yours. you will know when you have shifted your state as you won’t feel feelings of desire anymore. you won’t want it anymore because you know there is nothing left to desire that isn’t already yours.
there's no need to constantly bring you back and to remind yourself of your manifestation. the moment you accept it, you can let it go. it’s done now. it belongs to you. assuming your desire to be yours once you think of it is totally enough. you don’t need to obsess over it either.
the more you do this, the easier it will be for you to remain in your desired state. you will get used to the state because you get used to the feeling. it will start to feel familiar to you. it won’t be as difficult as before. it won’t scare you as it did in the beginning.
once in the state, it will become easier to handle the outer world. your thoughts come from your state aka your feeling and if you happen to be in the state you wanted to occupy, you will respond better to 3D circumstances (if there are any). you'll stop viewing your physical world the way you used to and you'll also stop feeling like it’s a lot of work to be in the state of the wish fulfilled. you'll stop viewing the act of shifting your state as effortless. as normal. as natural. you can happily live in the 3D while still experiencing your manifestation from within, giving your inner self what you want. from now on, you will want to identify with your real self more frequently and anything outside of you will lose importance. you won’t care about how the world may look like, you won’t stress about your physical existence. anything that does not serve you will be of little account.
the purpose of this guide is to motivate you to make fulfillment your one and only goal. make it a lovely habit to daily manifest your desires. do it each day.
do not waste time contemplating whether your desires are easy to manifest, quick to manifest, possible to manifest or logical to manifest. stop categorising your manifestations into "big" and "small". do not concern yourself with these matters.
the moment you accept your assumption to be true, it has no option but to materialise. your 3D can never stop reflecting your 4D. you can never run away from your feelings, so why not change them? why not choose lovely feelings for yourself? why not claim great things about yourself? why not immediately grant yourself every wish you have? stop wasting time, conditioning your desires and doubting your abilities as creator of your reality.
within imagination, all things exist and all things are possible. you can be or have anything you'd like in your imagination. it doesn’t have to be hard to get. you don’t need to earn your way to happiness. and you don’t need to work hard for it either. so why would you deny yourself that experience? why would you actively choose not to fulfill yourself? why would you not manifest your desires?
make your imagination a place you love spending time in. make yourself feel feelings of wealth, love, success, health and more. make it so amazing, so addicting that you cannot be bothered or moved by the limitations of the outside world. quoting aphrodite apprentice: "see your desires as invitations to experience something new within yourself and fulfill yourself. and then walk in that fulfillment. just live your entire life in fulfillment."
with love, ella.
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yourmoonie · 3 months
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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vixeneptune · 5 months
Miss steal the spotlight 🌟
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Star girl effect ��️
Everywhere I go , they all know my name. A girl like me can never go unnoticed with her magnetic personality and tantalising beauty. I was born with star quality and my aura shines bright, it catches everyone's attention. I'm the ultimate fantasy, I'm a star girl, im everyone's dream girl.
There's something about me that stands out which is why im known as an IT GIRL, I'm unique and unforgettable, I stick in people's minds with my powerful presence and my addictive beauty, and I naturally inspire them. Im so iconic that people try to copy me bc they're so inspired by me, but no one does it better than me 💅🏻
I'm easily the most charismatic icon, my presence alone has people fangirling about me. Idk why, but my energy is so addictive everyone ends up being obsessed with me the moment they see me, or meet me, or even hear about me. People love bringing me up in conversations talking about how pretty , smart, lucky, rich, and attractive I am. They literally brag about knowing me or being in my presence bc it's a privilege to know me personally.
My reputation is powerful, I'm known as the prettiest, most desired girl. The girl both men and women swoon over and simp for. The girl everyone falls in love with. In a group I'm always the one who steals the spotlight, not only do I catch people's attention but also their interest bc im so intriguingly mysterious. They'd literally beg for my attention like "please notice me!!😭" like whys everyone so desperate for me?
I have secret admirers everywhere I go. Everyone can't help but fall under my spell, they crave my presence ,they yearn for me, they're constantly seeking my attention and validation. People keep inviting me bc my presence alone makes everything 10000x times better , they love having me around. Im such an entertainer. I'm the life of the party, the main event, the main character and the main attraction. I'm a magnetic force and a powerful goddess. People feel lucky and blessed to even know me.
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yourecitten · 10 days
you are the creator of your reality , act like it
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A lot of people don't realize the fact that no matter what's happening in the 3d , they can change it anytime. Some of you guys don't realize the power you hold so I'm here to remind you.
You are the cause of your consciousness, therefore you are the creator of your reality. Only your beliefs matter, not the 3D. Do not give attention to the 3D except for what you want to experience. Everything is you pushed out, so it is you in control and nothing else.
I'm gonna say it again , YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING BITCH.
good grades? You always get straight As and you don't even need to study for it.
sp ? Idk what are you talking about he is obsessed with you , why wouldn't he ? Everybody loves you
Want an appearance change ? Great , decide what you want to look like and it's already done
It doesn't matter what you want , it doesn't matter what techniques you use the only thing that matters is that you know that you have it right now, in this moment.
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tia-222 · 1 month
Lucid dreaming audio + successes with it <3
Hii everyone, recently a moot of mine shared a audio that her friends used to lucid dream and they managed to achieve lucid dreams on the first night using it, she asked me to share it with everyone ^_^. The audio is an edit which speaks about lucid dreaming, you might be wondering how an edit can make you lucid dream? Well, if you listen to the audio carefully it basically explains how a lucid is like which is directly speaking to your subconscious if you play it before bed. I think this might be the most unique method to lucid dream. Just play it before bed or loop it while falling asleep and you'll find yourself lucid dreaming!
Important tip :
You can play this before sleeping, taking a nap, or attempting to do wbtb because you'll already be in REM sleep. You will consciously hear this audio in your dream and then you will realise that you're dreaming!
Success stories using the audio ( blocked out their names for privacy reasons ) :
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theangeldiaries · 1 year
loa pointers !! ♡
when you decide creation is finished, IT. IS. FINISHED. it is finished. there is absolutely nothing for you to worry about, it’s all taken care of. it’s already all worked out the way you intended it to. 
intuition and anxiety are two very different things. don’t let your anxiety fuck with you and what you know to be true.
techniques can be so beneficial in helping you remain in your desired state but they don’t manifest for you and you don’t need them. you can literally just affirm to get what you want. or just use techniques to get what you want. you don’t need to be sticking to a routine that involves hours of repeating affirmations and five different techniques morning and night. but again, if you want to do that go for it. it’s literally up to you, no stress. 
you don’t have to take on board every piece of advice you see from manifestation content creators and coaches, just adopt and apply what feels good to you. this post could be complete bullshit for you and motivating to someone else, it just depends and that’s okay.
you can change your past, present and future with loa. so that’s kinda sick. don’t underestimate the law. or yourself. 
getting in your head is likely to ruin your actual manifestation process and in my experience, slow it down and complicate it; that’s not too much of a problem but stop overthinking, simplify life, have a good time, it’s literally all we’re here for. what’s the point in getting your desire if you were miserable the whole time?
your mindset on life is likely to change a lot during the process of learning about and applying loa. embrace it, let it happen, don’t let it intimidate you.
with manifestation, you will always come out on top.
don’t limit yourself, let it happen.
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redmanifesting · 6 months
Why should I worry?
I am literally the force that rules this world.
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awhkacey · 7 months
☽☀︎︎𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑝𝑡☀︎︎☽
That’s not you anymore, bab. The 3D is just purging out the rest of your old thoughts to make room for the new.
Think of it this way, the quicker you ignore your circumstances and persist in the new story, the quicker you will get your results.
Putting your awareness on something you don’t want, it will only keep it alive longer. You gotta starve it and stop feeding into it.
You are exactly who you want to be because YOU SAY SO and because you are in control of your reality.
You are the version yourself who is loved
You are the version yourself who is chosen
You are the version yourself who is adored, addictive, irresistible, irreplaceable, and unforgettable.
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spiritual-nature · 5 months
No matter the reality or universe I'd always choose you and I know that you would always choose me. 💙
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mhmery · 9 months
I remember why I took a break from LoA Tumblr 😮‍💨
The “void” is just meditating
the void could also be considered self hypnosis
Sharing success is one thing, but being stuck on giving consistent updates is taking you away from living your to the fullest
You deadass need to put yourself first.
self concept doesn’t need to be hard; it’s as simple as looking in every mirror you see and telling yourself your affirmations
the techniques don’t make the shit happen, the belief change is.
Anything can be on the freaking pedestal— take it off. Replace the item with yourself
fu*k anyone that tells you to ignore your emotions. Are you a robot? Do they have a PhD in psychology or a damn M.D. behind their names? Hell nah
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