#kpop central blog
neozwrites · 9 days
ㅤㅤㅤ✧ᅠ—ᅠ⋆ᅠuma nova forma de jogar: histórias interativas.
olá querides players, como estão? tio mira do neozhelps/neozgifs aqui em um novo blog para apresentar a vocês meu projeto de histórias interativas. abaixo do continuar lendo vou explicar como isso vai funcionar e como vocês podem participar, além de falar um pouco da primeira história do projeto.
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o ano é 2014 e você está passeando pelo spiritfanfics, falecido animespirit, buscando fanfics do bts, até que o título de uma te chama a atenção. nome de grupo genérico (interativa), geralmente em capslock mesmo, com tag de todos os grupos de kpop da época. uma breve visita aos capítulos da dita fanfic e você nota que aquele é um estilo diferente do que você estava acostumade a ver. a autora simplesmente criou um grupo fictício e os leitores que mandam as personagens principais! escolhendo com quem elas vão se relacionar!
hoje isso parece até bobo, mas como alguém que cansou de participar de fanfics assim na época (e até me aventurei a criar minhas próprias, tanto no spirit quanto no wattpad), posso dizer com segurança que era algo incrível. você se sentia, literalmente, parte da história, via o personagem que você mandou criando vida na história, e namorando o jungkook do bts! pra quem na época não sabia da existência de rpg escrito, isso era o máximo! e aposto que muitas pessoas descobriram esse hobby maravilhoso que é o rpg por causa de fanfics interativas.
não sei se ainda existem histórias interativas assim por aí, mas eu sinto falta de criar algo do tipo. e depois de aprender mais sobre livros-jogos (que vou falar sobre no blog principal em breve), pensei "por que não trazer isso para a tag?". mais uma das minhas ideias mirabolantes que ninguém pediu mas eu decidi fazer disso um problema de todo mundo.
mas tio mira, não seria mais fácil fazer um rp?
nem tanto. rps são muito complicados de fazer, por mais que eu ame demais moderar (mesmo com a situação de barril que mods passam nessa tag ingrata). histórias interativas são infinitamente mais fáceis de criar e desenvolver, acredita? e acredito que essa seja uma ótima forma de pessoas que não tem mais tanto tempo para se dedicar a um rp clássico, seja no tumblr ou no twitter, mas que ainda gosta de criar personagens e sentir que está participando de uma história.
então, as histórias interativas que eu quero trazer para a tag são assim: eu crio a história principal, vocês criam os personagens e eu coloco esses personagens nas situações que forem acontecendo no decorrer da história. e vou até adicionar um elemento novo: vocês vão decidir como essa história vai se desenrolar (como quem vai morrer) através de enquetes. quase um bbb com as votações do paredão!
e por que eu devo participar disso?
sei lá, que tal só para testar algo novo? matar o tédio? ninguém é obrigado a participar, mas acho que vai ser uma experiência legal. e se todo mundo ignorar os posts é só fingir que nada aconteceu e vida que segue! mas eu acredito sim que em algum lugar da tag alguém vai se interessar por essa ideia meio louca e dar uma chance para o projeto.
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em meados de 2018 eu criei um rp de terror na tag que se passava em uma casa assombrada em jeju, e uma turma de alunos do terceiro ano ia para essa casa em uma viagem de formatura. esse rp era chamado de eomhq (a central não existe mais) e durou menos de um mês, mas eu gosto tanto da premissa que salvei para quem sabe um dia fazer um livro.
esse ano decidi tirar a ideia do porão, limpar as teias de aranha e dar uma nova cara pra ela, e percebi que não existe história melhor para iniciar esse projeto. o nome atual é a maldição da fazenda carvalho, e o resumo novo é:
para comemorar a formatura do ensino médio, a turma do terceirão da escola particular padre alberto dimas viaja até o interior do rio de janeiro para se hospedar em um hotel fazenda reservado apenas para eles. os 15 dias de viagem prometem muita diversão, mas as coisas saem do controle quando alguns alunos desaparecem e um grupo de amigos descobre a história macabra da família carvalho.
em breve vou dar mais informações sobre a história, o número de vagas e essas coisas. esse post é só para vocês se prepararem para isso e decidirem se vão querer participar ou não.
dependendo de quantos likes essa postagem tiver, vou dar inicio ao projeto na próxima sexta. se vocês tiverem alguma dúvida, perguntem nesse blog mesmo! ele vai ser usado exclusivamente para as histórias interativas.
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discluded · 8 months
I was wondering if you'd have any opinions on why MileApo haven't done any fan-meetings yet (just purely them in a hall/arena with fans only doing a qna, playing games etc.)? I know we've seen them do promotional lives, the world tour, they did the FanStar event in Vietnam, ManSuang promo, Dior etc. But I would have hoped they would've done one by now. I might be projecting since I follow a lot of kpop etc. but I was thinking about it and wondered why, could a duo fan-meet not be worth planning?
Hi! they actually did do a fan meet last year.
It was in November and in collaboration with a Line Friends promotional event.
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if you remember these outfits.
I can't find the announcement press release, which was in Thai anyway, but it was at Central Pattana mall (what I tagged it as) and called Embracing Happiness 2023 (what @nattaphum tagged it as) if you want to look through our tags for it. It should turn up quickly with a search.
This fan meet didn't require tickets and the turnout was genuinely huge... so I'm guessing you mean something else? I looked up some variations on what a fan meet vs. fan sign vs. concert is for kpop just to try to get an idea of the nuance you're looking for I'm missing... if you're talking ticketed event where they play games and take audience questions, the Woody interview was fairly close to that. Mile had a fan sign to make up for missing the KPWT send off (it's tagged under mile send off on my blog) but those were from random raffle winners and not available through buying tickets. The Planet of Stars event in Vietnam had more of the concert element and I think they were supposed to interact more with fans who bought certain levels of tickets but that was, um, kind of a mess.
maybe you can clarify what specifically you qualify as a fan meet? I'll answer based on what I'm thinking right now anyway:
1) financially, I think doing events with sponsors makes more sense for them. it's not as intimate for fans, but it does allow more people to attend events, which is better for sponsors. additionally opening it up to a larger audience avoids the element of fan scalping / reselling tickets at absurd prices for fan meets (which was an issue with some of the man suang showings with actors in attendance).
2) for foreign fan meets, the logistics are challenging and BOC isn't really sized to scale to handle that.. for various reasons. working with a third party to coordinate is risky: see Planet of Friends concert and the JeffGameplay fanmeet in France that didn't include Jeff in the end, and the sponsors made off without even hosting the meet.
3) The air is poisonous right now. there's already been instances of fan photos or fan engagement where the person invited up was openly nasty to Mile or Apo (see: Woody interview when Apo invited up a greeny rose, or a recent fan photo event where an apc was openly hostile to Mile). why open the door to more of that?
I mean, look at Bible's fan meet today... I really sympathize for him right now. He doesn't deserve this for his first fan meet and no one deserves to be treated like an accessory to someone else's career. (I'm not posting it but check @blramblingx2's blog. they posted it because I sent it their way...)
but we'll see! I wouldn't mind seeing a large scale fan meet like embracing happiness again. that was fun... for me... mile and apo were going through it in those 3 layers of sweaters and jackets 😂
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commajade · 11 months
Have you read "Hegemonic Mimicry: Korean Popular Culture of the Twenty-First Century"? And if you did, would you mind sharing your thoughts about it? Or maybe his (Kyung Hyun Kim's) earlier work? Or maybe just your thoughts about academic analysis of korean popular culture? Thank you and love your blog!
this has been sitting in my inbox since novermber 2022 omg. thank u for sending this! i found a sample pdf of the table of contents, preface, and intro, and a couple chapters and ended up thinking about it quite deeply, and write a lot about it.
it honestly really made me realize how inadequate and politically insulting journalism and academia is about kmedia. it's so new that there's no developed body of work so the things being published are shallow and lacking in their familiarity with korean people and history, especially korean people's relationship to antiblackness. my view is a very specific communist and anti-colonial political framework and not at all representative of how the average korean person would see it but these shallow analyses of the hallyu phenomenon is so insulting to me as a korean person.
like. this book is rly just a liberal korean-american pretending to engage with post-colonial and black theory but misunderstanding the texts he references. his claims are shallow and his evidence for them are superficial and subjective. he's simply pointing out the obvious and feeling like he's being edgy and original for it. he positions white and black as the "politically correct color palette" in western media/entertainment which is just insane. he lists important historical factors in south korea's relationship to antiblackness but doesn't analyze them at all. like he mentioned that the U.S. was still segregated and that the U.S. military was segregated and then was desegregated during the korean war and the formation of the republic of korea. and it blew my mind because things make more sense now but he just didn't analyze that at all. the segregated military dynamics in the formation of racial identity in south korean history are something i barely thought about. all he says is that korean people were "awkwardly caught between" white and black people and "victims caught between two races" which is absolutely insane. insanely antiblack and inaccurate like who paid this man to not think. just dig a little bit deeper please.
the main thesis is to claim that the global rise of kpop and kmedia are an example of his term "hegemonic mimicry" which i think is already odd. in the chapter titles he directly references bhabha's "of mimicry and man" but doesn't seem to follow the same postcolonial framework in which mimicry is inherently hegemonic because it is a colonial process. i also don't think he is using the word hegemonic correctly in general, he says that korean entertainers who have large followings outside of south korea "become hegemonic themselves" which is a very?? incorrect usage of that word? and his examples in the preface to substantiate this claim seem shallow to me. his central concepts are what he calls "renegotiating originality and mimicry" but his framework is a very shallow western vs korean one that most academics and journalists use when talking about kpop. he claims that kpop is commercially successful right now because it is both racialized and nonracialized because of "opaque racialization" of korean people and that's just not a correct framing of the issue.
there is no mention of the fact that antiblackness is the organizing principle of the modern world, popular/global music is black music that is being exploited and replicated by white industry, and that the violent presence of U.S. military is central to the creation of post-feudal korean genres and industry. he situates korean racial/cultural identity as awkwardly between white and black racial identities instead of identifying south korea's actual relationship to white supremacy and antiblackness. he's just obviously a korean-american academic that uses personal experience in the place of a genuinely korean political framework.
south korea is a U.S. neocolony and the U.S. is built on antiblackness therefore the infrastructure of the rok is built on antiblackness. the money that flows through south korea's veins is U.S. money and therefore the foundation of the modern south korean state is antiblackness. the r.o.k. is a hypermiltiarized hypercapitalist neocolony of the U.S., and south korean people are rewarded for antiblackness (enacting antiblack violence, building culturally specific antiblack ideological infrastructure into its identity, taking blame for antiblackness in the U.S.'s place in global discourse) with money, with life itself.
i don't rly take academia or journalism about kpop, kmedia, and hallyu seriously because none of them have an adequate political framework to be able to understand how race works in south korea. they're culture critics grouping observations together and coming to conclusions that range from insultingly wrong to almost there but not quite. i've seen more correct analyses of racial dynamics in korea from black casual fans of korean media than i've seen published because obviously academia and mainstream journalism are fundamentally antiblack/prop up empire.
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starrihideshere · 1 month
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test, test, 1 2 3...
This is STAR !
me, me, me !
my name is Star, he / him, aroace and genderfluid, sun capricorn, moon aries , rising leo, infj, #1 nana stan, bulgarian and kurdish, living in denmark, rlly tall and a total smokeshow of a guitarist
a shifter since december of 2020 (dracotok got me...), a kpop stan since mid / late 2021
my pookies !!!
ults : ateez (hongjoong), xdinary heroes (junhan), lucy (yechan)
other : txt (huening kai), kiss of life (haneul), new jeans (hanni), enhypen (jungwon), p1harmony (jongseob)
non k-pop : hozier, mitski, sade, v:rgo, central cee, sabrina carpenter, sickick, doja cat, the weeknd, chase atlantic
other intrests : hermitcraft, the life series, death note, the way of the househusband, scream (blame nana for this one), reading, photocard trading / collecting
this blog !
probably just me beefing with nana tbh, abt my drs and my shifting journey, manifesting and anything random I feel like putting on the internet forever
- yours truly
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catboy-jaebeom · 6 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
it's been a year already since my last pinned, and I got shadowbanned exactly around that time back then because of course I did, so here's a new one 🩷
I'm Autumn, but you can call me Faon as well. my pronouns are they/ them. ticked all the boxes on the queer registration form, and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. I was born in '95. central european & white. future linguistics student. proud plant parent. kpop fan. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak english and german, and I'm studying french, japanese, korean and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. I sometimes make cat ear edits and vampire edits of idols and actors ( see: my icon ) so if you want me to make one for you, you can DM me.
my interests and hyperfixations change over time — yes, it was a phase, mum! name a constant state of being, mum! — and I change my username every two years, round about. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, live action one piece show, and I'm watching a couple of kdramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age as well as the james bond / 00q fandoms, and I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie. also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you. you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf.
this blog of mine was created in 2012, I was on here already when you could still count on the superwholock people to throw gifs at posts although I was never one of them, which, trust me, was a hilarious feeling in hindsight asjfjahajft. I have one sideblog worthy of note @splittergheist which is my writing blog, and I have a secret sideblog for my omegaverse / miscecanis stuff ( much more the lifestyle, world building and concept than the smut and stuff, I'll be honest, but no hate at all!! ) that I might give out if someone asks nicely and privately.
that said, I tag my posts extensively, and if you ask politely, I will try and tag specific things for you too! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 🦈 oftentimes I will message you privately when you've sent me an ask that doesn't seem to be an ask game or such! and while I do post stuff for tag games I'm not a fan of tagging others unless we're, like, really close, sorry ><
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the tag. I also put some "reviews" written by mutuals about my blog there, thank you everyone, you're lovely 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright I think we all could need that at the moment. I would super love new people to talk to ( please have your age / some approximate of it in your bio; I'm totally fine with talking to minors but I would like to know I am before I do, thank u ) so message me or reply to this!
kpop stuff
ult group: GOT7
other groups I like: NCT 127, WayV, Red Velvet, ITZY, Seventeen, SHINee, ONEUS; ...
soloists I like: XIA / Kim Junsu, Taemin
biases: Lim Jaebeom & Choi Youngjae; Nakamoto Yuta; Xiaojun; Kang Seulgi; Hwang Yeji; Joshua Hong & Lee Seokmin; Choi Minho & Taemin; Kim Leedo & Lee Seoho; Park Seonghwa & Jeong Yunho; Kanemoto Yoshi; ...
wreckers: Mark Tuan & Kim Yugyeom; Ten Lee; Kim Mingyu & Lee Woozi; Kang Yeosang & Song Mingi; ...
for as long as xitter still lives, you can find my kpop account under: jaebueomgi
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on 22nd November:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on 22nd November:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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pearbunny · 5 months
[about me]
name: b. pronouns: she/her age: 25+; for this reason, minors DNI personality type: infj timezone/location: US Central
[this blog's content]
this blog's content is rated 18+ in terms of what I reblog and what I post. I am not an explicit blog by any means, but not everything viewed on this blog is/will be suitable for minors. my fanfics are works of my own. please understand that I do not have an ao3, a fanfiction.net, or a wattpad. I do not give permission to anyone or any being to translate my works or post on other platforms. if you see something, please let me know.
if you are underaged, please do not interact. do not lie about your age. please have your age stated on your page, otherwise you will be blocked.
if you have no picture, a blank blog, you will be blocked.
please please please do not demand an update; trust me. I'm getting to it, I'm probably just having a hard time or I'm busy. I'm an adult with responsibilities other than this blog.
if you come into my ask box/inbox, please be respectful, that's all I ask!
always listening to: stray kids, car, the garden, paramore, olivia rodrigo, sza, rm watching: physical 100, my sibling's romance reading: n/a playing: valorant, disney dreamlight valley, final fantasy xiii
first group stanned: dkb (d1, harry june, yuku biased) current ult group: stray kids (han ult, i.n biased) casual listens: bts, twice, ateez, new jeans, seventeen, red velvet, itzy, iKon, txt, xdinary heroes
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allamericansbitch · 2 months
just my food for thought: taylor's approach to promoting ttpd feels very much like big kpop releases (with the street pop-up, doing very limited promotions beforehand but dropping album versions with different names and even having photocards in her album and the album and lead single mv to drop on the same day ) and i understand that it also harks back on the generally short attention span people have with music these days, and saying that i miss her old rollouts doesn't mean she just has to bring them back because i want that, but i also would have loved a bit of a gradual build-up.
i honestly don't mind that the majority of people know who and what that album revolves around, since that is another thing i as one person can't change and i know that doesn't matter to me when i listen to the songs, but i honestly don't look forward to the fact that people will dig through the album for the most scathing lyrics, post them for viral moments, and then move on in a week or two bc then their attention will go to something else. this doesn't even feel like a real 'era' because the era is basically non-existent, which says something when taylor has marketed herself as the queen of album eras. i just wish she'd build on the theme of the album more, make it more of an era and work to make the songs just breathe for a while, you know?
while midnights wasn't my favourite album she ever did i genuinely really liked it (and same on the love for glitch!) for the way she wrote the album and the central theme of it being her contemplating her life, her actions, and her relationships - but all of that got lost in the wash like three months later and we never returned to looking at the album that way. you and the other anon were so spot on in saying that once it got the "heartbreak album" stamp (which ,,, it legit doesn't feel like a heartbreak album to me and still doesn't?), people never really came back to it or to listen to the songs and see anything else in them. i enjoy taylor's music and i like coming back to songs weeks, months, and even years later, as with any artist i listen to, and to see how i feel about them now. but it feels like that is never happening again bc the promo tells the majority of people one thing, they will listen to the album for two weeks except for two stand-out songs that become general faves, and then it's back to engaging with the commodity of the brand taylor swift, which to me feels like defeating the purpose of releasing an album aka a big body of work to stand on its own through time!
i don't know if that makes sense. in any case i love the discussions on your blog. feels like there is an entire different discussion about artists not being perfect humans, not even being likeable sometimes, and these people still releasing art that you as a listener (or watcher etc) will relate to and/or enjoy. i don't have a clear answer how to engage with that or how to look at that but the space and conversations on your blog have definitely made me keep thinking about it though it's something i have been pondering on for most of my adult life.
ah, sorry for this wall of text! i just really, really enjoy the open conversations on your blog and your general view on things. i don't know i feel on friday, but if you just want to discuss songs (if you listened, of course, if not that's also fine, i just enjoy seeing you post) i definitely love doing that even as just one of the anons on here. thank you for always putting your honesty and your love for music forward, sarah, it's why you're one of my favourite people to follow on here. 💜
i just wish the promo for this album made it feel like she was actually excited and proud of the album because right now it doesn’t. she’s not doing anything for it, and if she is, it’s being outsourced to other companies who are the actual ones doing the work (spotify with the library or the lyric messages, or instagram doing the countdown) so it really comes off as like she doesn’t care to put the effort in herself leading up to it.
And the thing about everyone moving on like a week after, you’re so right. it’s obvious a universal issue, everyone’s attention span is getting shorter everyday, but with taylor and swifties… it’s so bad. every release is forgot even days afterwards and the fans ask for another one. fans are speculating that she’s gonna drop rep tv the same day ttpd comes out… like they’ve already anticipated that they’ll move on the same day after getting it so they want more. and i feel like, while it’s impossible for taylor to fix the global attention span issue, i feel like proper promotion would help combat it within the fandom. like her releasing a first single a month or two before the album comes out would build anticipation, but also force people to slow down. here’s a teaser but now you have to wait, teach the fans patience kind of thing.
and that last part made me tear up that’s so sweet to appreciate what i have to say. i’m so happy you enjoy following me. messages like this are the exact reason why i love to have my inbox open and have these amazing, mature, open minded conversations and it sucks im gonna have to close my inbox for a short while when the album comes out but i will definitely post my opinions once i spend some time with it! ily anon thank you 💗✨
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personas-archive · 5 months
I recently acknowledged about the persona aus and nobody is as desperate to read them as me. Saddens me so much that it was all there but i just got into kpop that time. Is there any way to read them? You are the only one I saw active about it
Hi anon, thanks for your message-
Unfortunately I don't have a super easy solution for you or single place you can read everything. One day I hope this blog can be a central place for personas content, but until then here are some things you can try:
Wayback machine on satellite-jeon's old blog url (click on URLs and search for "post", then you can click into the different listings, though keep in mind this includes non-personas content as well)
Enter each individual link from chinatea's personas master list into wayback machine (since most posts on the list has disappeared from being hosted on satellite-jeon's blog)
Trawl the personas au tag on tumblr for both the posts in it and contributors who might have reblogged content whose original post(er) was deleted
You could also try searching for some of the tags on this blog on all of tumblr (ymmv if they've been used for other things tho)
Look through the notes of any posts you find and check blogs who have reblogged personas content to see what else you can find on their blogs (preferably with tags so you can just filter for personas stuff)
These are the main avenues I've been using to find old posts to re-blog here, sorry I can't be of more help!
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catgirl-yeji · 6 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
hi and welcome to my corner of the internet. this blog is still under construction until I can add my about page ( did you know that you have to personally ask support to be allowed to use a page code with javascript in it? :)) well, you do now ) so beware of the construction tape!
I'm Autumn or Faon, I use they/them pronouns and I was born '95. ticked about all the boxes on the queer registration form and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. central european & white. future linguistics student, and plant parent. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak german and english, and I'm studying french, korean, japanese and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. 🦈 I sometimes draw cat ears or fangs onto idols and actors ( see: my icon ), if you'd like me to make you an icon, drop me a DM.
my hyperfixations and interests change over time — yes, mom, it was a phase! name a constant state of being, mom! — and I change my username every two or so years. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, the one piece live action show, and I'm watching a couple of k-dramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age fandom as well an 00q shipper. I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie;; also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you for your attention.
you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf — and most recently @catboy-jaebeom ! 🌺
tumblr veteran and survivor of the mishapocalypse. I've been renting this space ( occupying, maybe, rather? skjsdlkgs it's not like I pay rent ) since 2012, and trust me when I say: this website is a hellsite, but it's our hellsite, so, I'll stay until the last person switches off the lights, probably. >< a lot of other social media networks just never grew on me quite like tumblr.
I have three sideblogs worth noting: @splittergheist, my writing blog where I post short stories and poems irregularly, and my secret and private miscecanis / omegaverse blog ( a lot more interested in the world-building, concept and lifestyle than the smut, but no hate! ) that I may give out if you ask nicely and privately. also, if you're interested in some tumblr rp, you can message me as well, I have an OC blog for that. 🐰
that said, I tag my posts extensively, so if you need me to tag something, you can shoot me an ask and I'll try to tag specific things for you! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 💛 oftentimes I'll message you privately when you send me an ask that doesn't seem like it should be answered publicly ( unless you've sent it on anon ofc ) and while I do answer tag games, I'm too anxious to tag ppl myself unless we're like super close, sorry ><
I track #faon.tagged. if you make ( especially kpop ) content you think I'd like ( itzy, got7, nct & wayv but especially ten, xiaojun and yuta, red velvet, shinee, svt but especially joshua, mingyu and dk, skz but especially hyujin and felix, but also others! ) you can use this tag, I'm always happy to reblog pretty gifs and support you guys, you're the backbone of our and any community.
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the cut, as well as some 'reviews' my lovely mutuals wrote for me ( if you like to leave a review, hit me up in my DMs! ) thank u, ily 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright, I think we could all use that at the moment;; I'd super love new ppl to talk to ( pls have your age or an approximate in your bio! while I'm fine with talking to minors, I'd like to know beforehand if I do ), so message me!!
kpop stuff
ult group: got7
other groups I like: nct 127, itzy, wayv, shinee, red velvet, seventeen, oneus, ...
soloists I adore: xia / kim junsu, taemin, ...
biases: lim jaebeom & choi youngjae; nakamoto yuta & xiaojun; kang seulgi; hwang yeji & lee chaeryeong; joshua hong & lee seokmin; choi minho & lee taemin; kim leedo & lee seoho; park seonghwa & jeong yunho; kanemoto yoshi; ...
wreckers: mark tuan & kim yugyeom; ten lee; kim mingyu & lee woozi; kang yeosang & song mingi; shin ryujin; ...
for as long as xitter still exists, I can be found under jaebueomgi.
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on november 22nd:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on november 22nd:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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kdsburneraccount · 1 year
read a research paper about nba fandom in china and here are some interesting tidbits from it (link here):
We discover that these teenage sports fans constantly evoke elite athletes to rationalise their idealised, heteronormative version of masculinity, with Louie’s (2002) wen-wu paradigm offering an anchoring concept to decode their practice. Interestingly, these performatively heteronormative male teenage fans often attempt to monopolise the interpretation of masculinity. They contextually appropriate seemingly homosexual rhetoric, using the term, “CP” (coupling), (Hu and Wang, 2021: 679) to “ship” two elite athletes. This reflects their reception of slash imaginations created by heterosexual women and LGBTQ fans, shedding light on the post-reform diversification of masculinities in China. Yet, hollowing out the homosexual connotations of slash imaginations, these performatively heteronormative male teenagers categorically reject their out-group contemporaries’ seemingly similar usage of the CP rhetoric. Such a double-standard practice reveals how they entrench the subjectivity of men in gender power relations, pointing towards the perpetuation of patriarchal norms at a transitional stage of young Chinese men’s life journey.
(this reminds me when I translated an NBA fic and thought CP meant “central pairing” no it meant “coupling” you silly goose) (but I got the gist of it so whatever)
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I cringed a lil at this ngl but i guess kobe idolatry extends across cultures
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Bro no need to be so defensive 🧍 also
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Ngl on tumblr I follow the nba tag and the amount of stuff idol blogs post with their guys in nba jerseys… yeah businesses are trying to get mass appeal from the nba, you could see it with the all-star voting from a couple seasons back when the kpop fans all voted for warriors players bc their idols told them to
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Ao3 user nahco3 did not contribute to NBA fandom just for you guys to say they were “more like brothers” smh (also there are like 10 Chinese fics on ao3 that ship them so. L.)
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saffsstudies · 1 year
Greetings and 2023 Goals
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Hello and welcome to my new blog to track my studies. This is mainly going to be a spot for me to keep track of my language learning. You may see history stuff and possibly some info about sewing pattern drafting as I am currently working through some history courses on Coursera, and I really want to at least get my base pattern block figured out this year.
My 2023 language goals are a little scattered as I had a baby in December and have a 3 year old on top of that. However, my current goals are:
French: watch and read content to get my comprehension back up. I did French immersion as a child and used to be at least B1. I’d like to get back to that. My main goal for this is to be able to read a longer toddler book out loud to my daughter by the end of the year.
European Portuguese: I’m more concerned with speaking this as my husband’s extended family is from Portugal and while they do speak English, Portuguese is easier for some of them. I’d also like to connect my kids to their ancestry a bit as they grow. This main goal is to be able to have a basic conversation “How are you, I’m good… etc” at Christmas.
Korean: My friend and I have recently jumped down the Kpop rabbit hole and figure if we’re watching that much Korean content we should try and learn some of it. The alphabet is really neat too and I’d love to learn it. No main goal really… maybe to know the alphabet enough to be able to sound out the writing on the screen during variety shows and recognizing common phrases and words.
History: Currently doing A Journey Through Western Christianity on Coursera and want to finish that up without missing a deadline which should finish up around May 11. I have my eyes on a course about Canadian Indigenous History that I'm looking at doing next.
Pattern Drafting: Using The Closet Historian's wonderful videos I would like to get my basic block made up, which will then allow me to spring board next year into making more clothes. (hopefully)
As step one of trying to stick with these goals, I made this blog to try and r myself accountable as well as have a central spot to keep resource links.
Let's get studying!!
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chr0mematic · 1 year
Best/Worst Moments of 2022
I’m making this tradition for my blog now, sorry. Or you’re welcome? Dunno how many people actually read these lmao. 
Went to my first real concert this year! I saw Twice with my friend and they played *checks setlist* 33 songs in the span of 2 hours what the fuck.
Music wise I got really into dnb, idm and (older) breakcore. Biggest fixation was Pendulum. My taste is weird I know lmao but this is some really interesting electronic music here.
Started working jobs. In the summer I worked as a cashier for a grocery store, and then I worked at a dining hall at my college (usually cleaning, I tried to avoid getting the serving position). Making money is nice ngl.
Speaking of college, I transferred from the regional city campus to the main campus. Didn’t get housing, but I live in a small apartment complex right next to campus. Pretty neat experience, prepping me for the real world yada yada.
I finally started to learn animation related things. I took a modeling + lighting/texturing class and they were fun. Next semester I’ll be doing some actual animating. yey!
Got to hang out with my friend outside of school and concerts hell yeah
I know this sounds very mundane but as an introvert with little friends, I appreciate these moments a lot..probably more than the average person.
Corporate Clash had a big update right as I started getting into it again godbless.
DHMIS show came out after forever and it was fkn awesome, well worth the wait. Check it out if you’re into dark, British humor (and don’t mind mild gore). 
My schedule for this semester sucked so much ass. Was super busy all the time, which was not good for me considering the fact I am a Chronic Procrastinator. Sometimes I barely had time to study.
Didn’t make many finished digital drawings this year...again...oops...
Also didn’t really get into new fandoms, primarily stuck with Idle and Red Velvet. I adore them of course, but at the same time I wanna get into a new show/game since it’d probably be more stimulating and I can get attached to an actual fictional character again
I used to be able to balance my musical interests with my geekier interests, but kpop is designed to suck you in at all times and I guess I became victim to that lma
Almost every other social media site is becoming so corporate and I hate it so much oh my god make it stop. Gonna start saying “bring back blogs and forums” again for real, I can’t stand this centralization of things.
AI art. Do I even have to explain why I don’t like this as a digital artist myself?
Don’t even get me started on the HBO Max bullshit. What they did to Infinity Train especially was so fucked up.
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sector1 · 2 years
✨️about me✨️
hellooo there! i'm natalia! i follow back from @jiminsproof!
personal ✨️
she/her (but any pronouns are game cause gender is a social construct and i identify as a fancy cocktail of hyperfixations and rage. follow your dreams)
'97 liner
MA in Applied Psychology,
and in English Studies (specialisation: Eng lit)
yes, being a workaholic is my only personality trait
just kidding i also have mental illness
and bisexuality
also an English tutor
and i am central/eastern european! vodka woo!
on my main i post bangtan, but also dramas, especially gl/bl, andd a lot of kpop groups/soloists
my lit/art/personal diary blog is @liquidsun-sets
fandom ✨️
this is my atz only sideblog,
ot8 obviously i'm not an idiot,
professional reblogger and overenthusiastic supporter of content creators,
atz bias line is hongjoong and jongho,
seonghwa is bias wrecker and on thin fucking ice,
my biases for other groups include: jimin & yoongi for bangtan, lee know for skz, yuqi for gidle, siyeon for dreamcatcher, etc.
i would die for taemin. if he punched me in the face i would say thank you. if taemin has no fans i am dead.
if i say something nice about someone who is very problematic chances are i've never heard about the controversy, so please educate me as i prefer to keep my faves accountable, if you don't, consider not following me.
i edit stuff and sometimes write and most importantly shitpost like my life depends on it!
icon & header are my edits! if you think it's half decent, you can always ask me to make sth for you! 🌸
strangely relatable screenshots saga:
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catboy-jaebeom · 2 years
this vessel is a shapeshifting lie
hi, I'm Autumn, but you can call me Leaf or Faon as well, my pronouns are they/them, I currently live in central europe, am very queer, and was born in '95. after more than a decade on this hellsite ( affectionate ) — which is btw insane, like?? ten years??? — I think I'm staying for good. and what better way to sorta commemorate this decision than to finally write up an about me that I can pin? nothing, the answer is— [ untintelligiable ]
I've pretty early on decided not to have a sideblog for all of my hundreds of interests. so, on this blog I reblog and post everything I like to reblog or post. at the moment that's mostly kpop, pretty aesthetic stuff, and whichever show has currently caught my interest; I also reblog stuff about old favourites like dragon age, the Craig!Bond movies, marvel and DC stuff, shadowhunters and others. I really like vampires, languages, and I'm a plant parent and future university student, as well as a writer, a witch and fanfiction author. you can follow me on my irregularly updated writing blog @splittergheist ( that's the only sideblog worth noting tho ).
my last tumblr wrapped I think said it's like 90 percent reblogs and 10 percent original posts on here; I'm not really a gif maker or anything of the sort, but I will reblog every single Spirit - Stallion of Cimarron gif set that crosses my dash.
be kind in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask. I tag all of my posts, but if you ask ( kindly ) I will try to remember tagging specific things! I also copy someone's previous tags sometimes and add 'prev tags' to comment on them or to immortalize them; but I really hate people using only prev tags, I don't think that's practical at all.
underneath the read more you'll find kpop related stuff and a tiny, stupid but lovely thing one of my mutuals wrote. thank you for reading, I hope your day finds you well. <3
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@meant-to-be-a-hero was kind and stupid enough to actually write me a character reference for this because he's lovely like that.
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How do you sum up Autumn in five lines or less?
The Best kpop teacher, they're the Author Of Everything You Wanted To Know About GOT7 And Some Things You Didn't for a reason - I owe everything I know to them.
Master Of Keyboard Smashes. The nuance, the skill, the variation, impeccable.
They can command conversation like no one else. Do you want to talk about multiple insane, hilarious, amazing things in quick succession? Then they're your person.
Basically, Autumn is 10/10, highly recommended. Is that five lines? Who knows, I wrote this in Notepad.
—Lem, who 1000% knows what he's talking about.
and now, for the kpop people reading this, an abbreviated list of the groups I like and stan, and my biases and wreckers.
if you've come here from twitter, please don't try and start a fight over multistanning / solostanning, or over voting and streaming. this is tumblr, not twitter, and we don't do that here. you can find me on twitter @ ahgasevenbirds.
ult group: GOT7 ( post-Encore / GOT7 era )
other groups & solo artists I like: NCT, G-IDLE, Kim Junsu aka XIA, ITZY, ATEEZ, Wonho & Monsta X, ONEUS, SHINee, SVT, MOMOLAND, MAMAMOO, EXO, KARD,...
biases: Jay B, Youngjae - GOT7; Yuta, Xiaojun, Renjun - NCT; Seonghwa, Yunho - ATEEZ; Leedo, Keonhee - ONEUS; Taemin, Minho - SHINee; Joshua - SVT; Nancy - MOMOLAND; Sehun, Yixing - EXO
wreckers: Mark, Yugyeom - GOT7; Ten, Johnny - NCT; Yeosang - ATEEZ; Seoho - ONEUS; Mingyu - SVT; Kai - EXO
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aybannn · 4 months
For Myself, By Myself
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Hi! It's me, Ivan Dave Griño, a 21 year-old student living in the Hidden Paradise of Bukidnon or also known as San Fernando. I'm a boy with little motivation but have a bigger ambition, and I'll make sure that I will make that ambition of mine to be achieved.
I'm what you guys call talented; a master of one thing, but a jack of all trades. I'm good at sports, dancing, singing, and playing instruments, but not drawing. I am proud to say that I have accomplished many things in life that a typical student would never be able to. For example, I have traveled to Luzon three times to represent Mindanao in a dancing competition, and we have always come out on top.
I can sing, but not very well. My deep, bass-voiced manhood prevents me from hitting high notes, so the only music I can sing that is heartfelt is ballads. However, because I'm concentrating on dancing, I can say that I didn't use my singing voice to its full potential.
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This is my Dance Group, YoungSide a widely know Dance Group in Philippines that excels in dancing, especially in KPOP and PPOP. We have a YouTube channel with 15k subscribers. My group attained many achievements and that includes being featured in the ASAP in year 2020, noticed by a PPOP group called SB19. I'm proud to say that I've been offered many contracts to be in a PPOP group and will train in Korea for two (2) months but I declined because I will prioritize my academics over my passion in dancing, because I know that if I have a degree I can have a choice, whether to pursue my career or pursue the passion that is burning within my soul. I didn't regret making that big decision that could change my entire life.
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Dancing is one of my interests and hobbies, and I've spent my entire life surrounded by like-minded individuals. Dancing brings me joy, serves as a release from problems, and allows me to express my emotions and creativity. My relatives are dancers. We laugh and dance together; this is our special bond that helps us forget the difficulties we face in life and has often saved us. My interest and pastime have allowed me to save money by instructing a large number of people. I've found true happiness with this, something that not everyone can. It is my savior and has helped me avoid depression in the past. I use my skill at dancing to express myself and impress others.
My entire existence is centered around dancing, but that doesn't mean I neglect my academics; in fact, I'm proud to say that I've been a consistent college honor student from my first year onward. Even though it is challenging to balance academics and dancing at the same time, I was able to survive thanks to my time management abilities.
As I wrap up this blog, I can tell you all that if you have a talent, Perseverance and Time-management is the key, use it and grow. It might save you from suffering, or it might make you suffer, but either way, you will gain many life lessons and skills that a normal person cannot have. To succeed in life, you simply need to manage your time well, consider your future, and be a visionary who foresees and plans for it. Greetings, Ivan Dave Griño here from Central Mindanao University. I am a full-time dancer and part-time student.
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mypatheticaesthetic · 2 years
Hey guys! So I know for the longest time this has been a place for all my general kpop posting, but I’m going to transition it into a more general interest blog (previously all of it was on my sideblog, @okiankeno, but I’m making it a more art central account). so if you see me posting anime boys or shitposts that’s still me lol
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