#kittens' squad
mrsyuoni · 9 months
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first day "stray kids 5-STAR dome tour 2023" in Nagoya ended
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dragon-spaghetti · 12 days
Oh, PLEASE tell me Husk refers to his kids as "my kittens" without even realizing it.
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newhologram · 6 months
Happy 1 Year of Recoms 😺🐾💙🎂 (better quality on YouTube)
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mymarifae · 11 months
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can you believe it guys? close/game offline! just 2 weeks away! close/game offline is in 2 weeks! woohoo! i am so happy about this information. close/game offline. just 2 weeks away! oh wow! can you believe it? close/game offline!!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Hunting for Clues (Dad Squad)
(@nancyheart11 @telemna-hyelle @smilesrobotlover @skyward-floored + @ whoever else wants to be tagged)
The air was uncomfortably thick as a heavy blanket of moisture clung to Rusl's skin. It felt like summer in Ordon Village, except he was in no place to be stripping off his shirt and going swimming to cool off.
Well, swimming might be involved. It depended on if there was a clear path to their destination.
They were following a lead he'd gotten from a nearby village. After the cucco incident, all it took was some conversations to figure out that a local cave had suddenly become more dangerous, that people were being harassed and attacked when they approached it. It didn't take much to ascertain, then, that if the Yiga had a holdout nearby, and a cave was being guarded, it was likely that the group would find Yiga there.
Abel led the group, tense with anticipation. Fierce was last, surveying the area and watching their flank. Rusl kept his eyes alert, wiping the sweat on his brow with his headband. His heart beat hard and fast, not so much from the exertion of climbing along the hill as they followed the river, but in the hope that they would find Link. It had been far too long since his capture, and though Rusl tried to stay focused on the objective rather than worry, the anxiety had steadily been growing.
It had been too familiar, having one of his boys kidnapped. He hated it. He'd been eager to push forward and find him. But when he'd realized he was in a completely different Hyrule, he'd recognized that he'd have to take a step back and figure this out. But now they had a lead, and now there was tangible hope that he could get to his boy, and now nothing was going to stop him from getting there.
They eventually reached the waterfall that supposedly hid the cave's entrance, and Rusl walked up to stand beside Abel.
"No guards," Abel noted quietly, his voice barely audible over the crashing water.
Worry wormed its way around Rusl's heart and mind. Abel was right, after all - the reason they had learned of this place at all was because people had been warded away with violence. The fact that no one had even tried to stop them was telling - either they were walking into a trap, or their lead was an old one.
"I have not noticed any scouts, either," Fierce added as he caught up with them easily. "This does not bode well."
Rusl drew his sword. "Then we should be ready for anything. Let's go."
The water was refreshingly cool on his skin as he passed through, bowing his head as the weight and pressure briefly beat down on him. He opened his eyes again quickly, blinking water away and surveying the area.
The cave was enormous, with moss and glowing mushrooms lining the stone path leading far beyond where he could see. He grabbed a lantern and quickly lit it, leading his companions into the darkness.
Bearing a torch and a sword while looking for lost children. This is too familiar. Rusl bit his tongue, shaking the thought away. He had to focus.
A particularly large water droplet fell from the ceiling, splashing on the top of his head and startling him back to reality. He gave a quiet huff, thanking the goddesses for the help focusing, and gripped his sword more tightly.
The farther they walked, the worse it felt. The waterfall drowned out any sound that could have tipped them off if there was someone nearby, and the very distinct lack of people made Rusl's skin crawl. The Yiga had already tried to ambush them once, and they were defeated fairly easily, but still... a place like this could make matters difficult if they were attacked.
There was a faint glow ahead, bluish in color. Rusl lowered his lantern slightly, squinting and looking for movement. He pulled the wick back a little, dimming the light so they wouldn't be as obvious as they approached. Though Fierce's steps were much louder than theirs, he still tried to creep along as quietly as Rusl and Abel did until the trio had reached a bend in the long cavernous pathway.
When Rusl peeked around, he saw litter and debris, and he immediately knew they were too late. The tension drained out of him with a heavy exhale, disappointment filling the void. His eyes were attracted upward, however, to trace the blue light to its source. It was a strange, frog-like creature clinging to the stony walls and hopping around easily. Rusl stared at it in wonder, reminded of the light spirits, and wondered if it was kin to them.
Abel swore softly, walking into the room, seemingly ignoring the creature altogether.
"Hello, little sprite," Fierce called to the animal. It turned, glancing at him, and continued to bounce around cheerfully.
"What is it?" Rusl asked, curiosity holding his anguish at bay.
"I am not entirely sure," Fierce answered, catching Rusl off guard. "I can sense its magic, though. It is not of the Yiga."
With that little knowledge, Rusl returned his attention to the large room the creature was illuminating. The room had a few barrels, a desk with some notes, but most of what was there had been removed. Abel was busy perusing a book of some sort that was on the desk.
Approaching, Rusl asked, "What did you find?"
"Notes," Abel answered simply, engrossed in his reading. Rusl didn't bother pushing the matter, waiting for him to finish.
The loud meow that emitted from one of the barrels distracted him well enough. All three men turned their gaze, though Abel resumed his reading quickly, and Fierce and Rusl walked to the nearest barrel.
Inside was a kitten, creamy white fur blending with patches of buttery brown. It meowed again as it looked up at the pair.
"What are you doing here, little guy?" Rusl asked as he cautiously reached in. The kitten didn't swat at him, allowing itself to be hauled gently out of the barrel where it had been trapped.
When Rusl turned to ask Abel if he had finished reading, he saw the knight staring at him with wide eyes and a furrowed brow, as if he'd just been given some sort of life altering news. Ice filled his veins, worry for Link immediately shutting out any other thought. "What's wrong?"
"The Hero of Time," Abel said. "That's... your son is the Hero of Time?"
Several thoughts clamored for attention all at once in Rusl's mind. The Hero of Time was a figure of legend, and he had been the one to train Link. Did.. did that mean Link inherited the title? He supposed that wasn't unreasonable. But that meant the Yiga had written about him in their log, and that meant he had to be alive still, because his title would not have been the first piece of information Abel had clung to if it were otherwise.
Rusl walked to his companion in three large steps, the kitten bouncing in his arms, and he demanded, "What did they say about him?"
"T-they..." Abel glanced between Rusl and the kitten, temporary confusion flitting across his face at the sight of the animal before he continued, "They said he's---he's, ah, been fighting them off."
Rusl's dread vanished in an instant and was replaced with hope. "What? But..."
They hadn't captured him after all? Was he out here somewhere, lost and injured and alone, searching for Rusl as desperately as Rusl was looking for him?
"They escaped," Abel explained, holding the book close to his chest. "They escaped the main Yiga stronghold. They've been spreading their forces to find them."
The kitten was suddenly plucked out of Rusl's arms, held by the scruff of its neck by the fierce deity as he stared at it. "And this tiny furry creature was supposed to track him?"
Rusl's eyes stung unexpectedly with tears, and he let out a wet laugh, blinking them away. "I think maybe this little guy got lost."
"The kitten was supposed to be bait..." Abel added with a tone that was just as confused as Fierce's. "Apparently to lure the dog in."
Rusl whipped his head towards the knight. "Dog? What dog?"
Rusl immediately snatched the book before Abel could answer, courtesy abandoned, and the knight snarled, grabbing it back.
"This isn't time for your paranoia," Rusl snapped. "Whatever you're hiding, unless it has to do with my boy, I don't care. Let me read it."
Before either party could continue the argument, the book was taken out of Abel's tight grip with ease, making the knight yelp. The Fierce Deity flipped it in his hands, reading it aloud. "We have arrived at the designated site per our leader's orders. We're currently looking for a good way to lure the wretched heroes. The Hero of Time has been a constant thorn in our side in every encounter. He even took our bananas during the last fight."
Spirits above. Link's alive. He's alive and he escaped.
Of course he did. It was Link. His boy had fought Zant and Ganondorf, had been trained by the Hero of Time (the previous Hero of Time...? Did they all have that title, then?), had been forged into a strong warrior through the dark flames of twilight magic. Link could handle anything. Rusl shouldn't have worried.
Except he still did. Because he didn't know if Link was hurt. He didn't know where Link was, and the Yiga were hunting him.
What did these people want with him?! All Rusl knew of the Yiga was that Abel said they were traitors to the crown who wanted to see Hyrule fall. He said they were a cult of sorts, and they worshipped a demon, the same one that had destroyed Abel's Hyrule.
The deity turned the page with a thumb, carelessly tossing the kitten towards Rusl, who jumped, startled, and quickly caught the frightened little animal. He leaned it against his chest to soothe it as Abel grew steadily more wound up watching their companion.
"We've got a lead on their whereabouts," Fierce continued reading. "It appears the Hero's condition has improved somewhat, or at least enough that he is still alive. We have to ensure we catch him before he dies."
Rusl's breath was stolen from him. "What?!"
Fierce also stared worriedly at the pages, reading silently to gather more information quickly. It left Rusl in too much suspense, and he said, "Fierce, tell us what the hell is going on. Is my boy okay?"
"They're referring to three figures," Fierce answered as he read. "The Hero of Time, the Hero, and the dog. Sometimes they mention a mutt... I assume that must be the dog."
The uncertainty and anxiety were going to drive Rusl insane. "Just read it aloud. Please."
"Our camp was raided by the Hero of Time last night," Fierce obliged. "He took all our food and smashed all our bananas. One of our scouts spotted his dog but then we lost contact with him."
"We've made a discovery. The dog likes hanging around other animals. One of our scouts saw it playing with some kittens. We've since acquired one of the kittens and will be utilizing it to lure in the dog. If the mutt comes, then the Hero of Time will follow. Then all we have to do is find his base of operations to get the Hero."
"We've been in this cave for two weeks, and it's been almost a week since there's been any sign of our targets. The kitten ploy has not come to anything. Another group reported in that there are warriors looking the heroes. We will attempt to set up a trap for them. In the meantime, I've decided we need to move camp."
The longer Rusl listened, the more he realized that the Hero of Time was not, in fact, his Link. He could easily see his boy attacking the Yiga encampment, but he wouldn't simply raid it for supplies and leave. Link was too self reliant for that - he would gather his own supplies. He would only enter an enemy camp to eliminate it. His sweet boy was gentle in all ways but battle, after all.
Also, he knew, out of any group of boys, who would go running to the nearest pile of cuddly animals.
He knew exactly which one was his Link.
Which meant...
Rusl glanced over at Abel, really looked at him, and he saw the subtle signs in the man's stony demeanor. He saw the worry, the fear, the way the man's hands trembled.
"The injured one... that's your son, isn't it?" Rusl asked quietly.
Abel's expression darkened, a fierce, nearly feral glare crossing his face. His look dared Rusl to say anything else.
So this was the unspoken fear Abel had been carrying with him. This was the reason he didn't dare speak much about his boy. Had he thought they'd take advantage of his boy's vulnerable state? What else was Abel hiding?
"The Hero of Time is my child," Fierce said firmly, closing the book with a quick snap. "That is his title. And his tactics match. One of your children is missing."
Rusl bit his tongue as he smiled and choked back a snort. "Well... we'll find my boy. Let's start by finding yours."
"The Hero you've been protecting is the Hero of Time?" Abel confirmed.
"Yes," Fierce answered with a nod.
Abel let out a sigh of what seemed to be relief.
"What's wrong with your son?" Rusl asked gently.
The knight closed his eyes, his body stiffening. He didn't trust them. Rusl almost felt hurt, but then again... he had just withheld vital information about his Link as well.
But why wouldn't he? Telling them his boy could turn into a beast was a recipe for disaster.
Then again, them not knowing was equally bad. He knew that from experience. They'd already had to battle one pack of wolves and he'd nearly had a meltdown. He had had a meltdown.
What secret was Abel keeping to protect his boy?
Rusl's train of thought was interrupted when the strange blue bouncing creature hopped over, hovering directly over Abel. Seeing as the man wasn't reacting, Rusl hesitantly pointed to it. "You... can see that thing, right?"
Distracted, Abel glanced upward. Then he huffed. "It's a bubbulfrog."
"A what?"
"Bubbulfrog," Abel repeated, glancing at the pair. "Legend says if you strike one down you can obtain a mystical stone from it."
"You don't seem very fazed by this," Rusl noted.
"Link and I have found plenty in different caves when he was little," Abel sighed. He raised an eyebrow as he looked up. "I'm surprised this one isn't blowing bubbles at us, though."
"They do that?"
"Often. Link loved popping them. But we... never got this close," Abel went on uncertainly. "I wasn't sure how dangerous they were. They usually stay away from people."
"It won't harm you," Fierce said.
"Either way," Abel continued with a dismissive wave. "They don't hang around people. If there's one here it means the Yiga left long ago."
The kitten meowed again, pawing at Rusl's tunic. The Ordonian smiled down at it before looking back at Abel, whose gaze had grown distant. Meanwhile, Fierce turned, motioning towards them. "We should move on. It is clear the boys are not here and have not been in the area for some time."
Nodding, the two men followed him out of the cave. Rusl ran a hand gently over the kitten, which purred in response, relaxing him a little. They really needed to get to the bottom of all of this. Abel needed to open up and tell them more about the Yiga. And maybe... maybe Rusl should tell them about Link's transformative abilities before something terrible truly did happen.
Rusl sighed, looking around as the humidity came back in full force upon exiting the cave. This was... a mess. But at leas the knew Link was alive, and that was all that mattered.
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eugeene2hwed · 11 months
Oh well
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catfindr · 1 year
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anstarwar · 2 years
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Talk in Discord and @cacodaemonia sharing a Hello Kitty themed clone helmet inspired me to make this
Welcome CT-Kitten, nyah
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nightcord-kitten · 7 months
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「Screaming?! Welcome to the Forest of Wolves! 」
Minori & Kohane matching icons, free to use! Credit appreciated 💜
Screens and edits by me
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i-miss-my-90gb · 2 years
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jelliclekay · 10 months
underrated ship?
I always answer this question with Tuggerteazer so uhhhh
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mrsyuoni · 9 months
They are home
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I feel Deuteronomy was a group favourite when it came to kittensitting duty in his prime - he had that good blend of loving, gentle presence ala Munkustrap and mischief maker/stirrer and "Yeah, I absolutely think we can make that happen" ala Tugger. He'd be scheming in one conversation while regulating another kitten at the same time. He just liked hanging out with them, and sometimes he'd even trade shifts with another cat when it came to volunteering for nursery duty.
He could also carry a good handful of them all at once, so days usually just devolved into Deuteronomy with the lot of them balanced on his back and shoulders and clutched in his arms because they were "tired" and depositing them to their parents one by one.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 6 months
I am loving all this calling Tony kitten thing that's going on here so much 🤭😌 and Tones really is just like a lazy and grumpy kitten! He's the cutest kitten ever!
100000% true!
Adorable, cosy cuddly little kitten. Now I can’t go back.
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justanotherstardrop · 4 months
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sharkboy-starmites · 1 year
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This is trinkulus (from starmites) and he loves escaping.
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This is his sister, Victor veloci (from dino squad) I call her Vicky.
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This is their mom, Jane the killer (creepypasta). She's a sweet baby.
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