#kinda cringe but whatever
telltale-heart173 · 4 months
how we feeling, bill cipher community /j
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 2 months
just an fyi if anyone writes a ghostbuster au with the hexsquad and they dont call it "hexbusters" or the fic in itself "when the gays talk ghosts!" i will personally come find you because what the fuck. it would be PERFECT.
see- the PUN.
no cause i swear it could fuck as a concept okay. it COULD WORK. (YES THIS IS BECAUSE I SAW A FUCKING TOH EDIT w the ghostbusters theme song 💀)
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(anyway not actually about the song im just making a pun off of the name.)
welcome to chronically unhinged hours with me. ive had three cups of coffee. i have the edit saved in my phone and i was flipping through my gallery and found it again. anyway it could be so unhinged!!! :3 AHHH. im going insane (yippeee!!)
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haedom · 2 years
Sharp Branding pt 1/2
fanfic i wrote a while ago
dom y/n x sub haechan
When Mark asked Haechan if wanted to join him, he wasn’t expected to be out for three whole hours, under a sun that is roasting him like a hog. “There’s like…nothing interesting here, Milk can we go back to the hotel? I’m tired, and hungry, and thirsty and-” 
“Quiet Haechan, you’re giving me a headache.” Jaemin said from behind. He was looking at the different homes that they were passing by, shielding his eyes from the bright sun with his hand. Mark also asked Jaemin to join and for some unknown reason he actually said ‘sure’. 
NCT Dream were traveling to the U.S. for a few concert venues. They were supposed to be in Houston by now, and have a few days for the members to personally prepare before the concert. They were supposed to go to tourist areas and vlog for their youtube channel. Instead, they are stuck in a small town because a storm came by and forced the plane to land prematurely. The staff are thinking about driving all of them down to Houston if the weather doesn’t get any better after two days. As for now, they are all just making the best of the situation. This is an experience that none of them had and can use to their advantage, right? 
“Uh, to be honest guys I think we’re a bit lost here.” Mark searches around only looking slightly annoyed by their predicament. 
Haechan loudly groans and walks up to Mark. “We’re lost, we’re gonna die and it’s all Mork’s fault.” He whines annoyingly. 
Mark pushes him. “Stop talking, I’ll just look up the directions to the hotel.”
“I’m still hungry, are you going to buy us something hyung? Please buy us barbeque Morkle pleeeaassse.” Haechan begs while doing aegyo. 
Mark laughs awkwardly to hide the anger within him. “Heachan, seriously what’s with you?”
Haechan kept egging Mark, much to Mark’s annoyance as he took out his phone. Jaemin comes up to them with a displeased face towards his own phone. 
“Hey are you getting service here? I’m getting nothing.” 
“Ummm, hold on… Shit I don’t, Haechan do you?” 
Haechan was about to take out his phone, but then he saw something moving in the corner of his eye. He turned his head over to see a woman walking in front of an old house. 
This house was decaying, looked like it had never lived in for decades, and had the most gorgeous garden he had ever seen in this neighborhood or almost ever. The woman herself was wearing garden gloves and an old camo cap. The dirt on her jeans showed the work she had done. Did she live in that home? Haechan's curiosity peaked and interest in her. 
“Hey, let’s ask her for help.” Haechan suggests to the other two.
The two other men both turn in the same direction that Haechan was looking at. The woman put down her watering can and took her cap off, squinting her eyes from the sun. Her hair was short and was in a half ponytail revealing her shaved undercut. The three can see her face better and are more confident in approaching her as she didn’t seem threatening, actually quite innocent like. She sees the three men and stares back at them curiously, tilting her head a bit to the side. The young woman decides to smile and wave to them. 
Haechan decides to approach her first, even though his english is terrible.
“Hello! How are you, miss?” he said eagerly, not trying to hide his thick accent. 
The young woman was surprised for a moment, not expecting people to randomly start having a conversation today, especially not three young men in an old neighborhood. She actually thought for a moment of what would be appropriate to respond with.
“Oh I guess I’m alright hon, it’s a bit hot out ain’t it?” Her rhetorical question was pointed to all of them. 
Before Haechan can make sense of what she just said, Mark walks past from his left side and raises a hand to the young lady to greet her.
She takes his hand, giving it a firm shake. “Hey uh sorry to bother you but uh can you help us out a bit? It won’t take too long.”
“Yeah! Sure! I was goin’ to take a break anyways.” She takes a step back and starts to take her gloves off. “Oh um, what’s your name?” she asks Mark specifically. 
“Mark.” She turns at Jaemin. 
“Hey, I’m Jaemin.” She looks straight back to Haechan. She’s cute, Haechan thought.
“Um, I’m Haechan.” He didn’t know why for a moment he hesitated but he felt bashful from it. 
The young woman introduces herself and looks at them for a moment before making a curious hum, “I haven’t seen you three around, are you just visiting?” 
“Yeah, just for a couple days. We were traveling across the U.S. and well, some storm came by and we got stuck here.” Mark explained to her. Jaemin just nodded along, only knowing a few words he said.
“Damn that sucks, there’s not much to do here and we’re kinda in the middle of tornado season.” She turns around and starts picking up her equipment to bring to the backyard.
“Heh yeah, we were walking around this town all morning and haven’t seen much.” Mark said following her.
“Really?” She said surprisingly. “You guys must be tired! Come with me out back, I’ll get you some drinks.” She waves for the other boys to follow. Haechan and Jaemin look at each other questioningly for a moment before shrugging and walking towards the other two talking. 
When they got to the backyard, all three men were stunned by the extensive and lush garden they saw. In the middle of the garden was a small pond with a round glass table with an umbrella next to it. There was a pitcher of lemonade and tupperware still filled with something. Jaemin quirked a brow looking at the display. Was she expecting someone? All this couldn’t just be for her.
“Hold on, I’ll get some stuff from the house!” She yelled. The lady swiftly rushed inside the house, leaving the three men to check out the garden themselves.  
Jaemin went up to Mark, quietly telling him to ask her some questions for him. Haechan starts walking around the garden, taking note of the variety of plants and vibrancy of them. He notices all the intricate details of the garden: the paths, the mini statues, the specific placement of plants, and the small kitschy decorations that his own mother would’ve picked out herself. So much care and dedication was put into this garden, that looking at the house connected to it was like a hard slap to the face. He looks at the slowly decomposing structure and through a tinted window he sees the lady moving around, below the window he sees something that instantly delighted him. A small batch of sunflowers, all facing the midday sun. 
Haechan walks towards the sunflowers for a closer look but when he got closer, his eyes slowly went back up, looking through the tinted dirty window and watched the woman inside. He couldn’t tell what she was doing with her back turned to him, but he didn’t mind the view. She was definitely more woman than most he came across as an idol. 
The young woman herself turned around suddenly and saw the young man out the window, staring at the flowers. She was interested in him the moment he greeted her. Not a lot of young people her age lived in this town so when these three came by, it made her a bit giddy. She opens the door and stops next to Haechan.
“They’re my favorite, the sunflowers I mean.” She said, “I like the bigger ones more, but these are cute too.”
“I like them.” He said.
“Good.” She went to the table to set up. 
Jaemin walks up to the table and pulls a chair out to sit in, Mark comes shortly after and stands across the other side of the table from the lady. 
“You don’t have to do all this, water would’ve been fine.” Mark said.
“Oh no it’s cool, my friend was supposed to come here earlier-” she starts putting the silverware down on the plates, “-but something happened and now I just have all this food here.” she looks down a bit with her shoulders slouched slightly, then perks right back up, “but it’s fine now, heh.” She looked back up to Jaemin who just nodded and smiled back, thinking that was the right response to do.
“Oh! I should mention that Jaemin and Haechan are not that good with English. Sorry about that.” Mark sheepishly said.
“Huh, what do they speak then?” she responded.
“Korean, I mainly speak it also these days.” 
“Hmm, I know a bit korean….but I’m not good.” She said in Korean and huffs out an awkward laugh.
The trio all looked back at her, not expecting her to know any Korean in the first place. Haechan chimes up from behind.
“That sounded pretty good! You have a good accent.” 
“Yeah you actually sound prettier in Korean.” Jaemin commented
“You’re just saying that cause you can understand her now.” Mark retorted. 
“Yeah I am.” Jaemin gives an annoying grin to Mark.
“Boys, are you hungry? Cause I got some fruit, veggies, pastries, mini sandwiches.” She starts opening the tupperwares. “Hope you ain’t allergic to anything.”
“This looks great actually.”
“Why do you sound surprised Mark?” She raises a brow.
“Uh I erm, I didn’t mean it that way.”
“Don’t be rude to our host, Mork.” Haechan speaks with a sandwich stuffed in his mouth. The young lady found it endearing and kinda funny.
Jaemin would disagree. “Gross.” 
“Did you make these yourself?” Haechan points to the pastries.
“No, I bought those. But I did make the ones that were in there.” She points to the empty tupperware that used to have tarts and mini cookies. 
“You’re good.” Jaemin said.
“Of course I am.” She declares, “I have to cook for myself, ya know.”
“What else you make?” Mark asks.
“A lot of things, I cook almost all my meals and I know how to grill also. My only weakness is pastries and shit cutting skills.” She said it casually. “I cook a lot of Korean dishes, learned to make my own kimchi too.”
Haechan leans back in his chair. “Are you single? You sound like an ideal wife.”
“Tch.” She rolls her eyes as the other two laugh at him. The words don't get to her, but she does keep it in the back of her head. 
The trio asks more about her and she responds to each question, some answers more snarky or bullshitty than others. They find out that she was actually older than all of them but not by a lot, only slightly disappointing to Jaemin. They immediately start calling her Noona afterwards, she’s not against it. With the help of Mark translating, she tells odd but funny stories about her home life and family. Waving her arms around and doing voices to bring them to life. Tells them about the lake nearby that she finds ‘pretty neat’ and ‘might be worth going to’ before they left. Noona asked them about their life, but they gave only vague responses back, being noticeably careful about their answers. 
Haechan became more interested in her, watching how open her expressions were and hearing about the odd things Americans do that just made her more endearing to him. He liked when she scrunched her face when Jaemin said something odd. He also kept getting distracted by her lip licking, her mouth was cute he thought. Haechan offered his lip balm to her, she declined and took her own out while saying that she doesn’t like dry lips. Her lips were still distracting.
She lastly reveals that she doesn’t actually live in the old house, she lives down the street. 
“The garden is just a personal project of mine, I don't know who is gonna fix up the house though. The owner said he’ll get someone but….” She shrugs. “No one here wants to get near it.”
“Why?” Haechan asks.
She smirks and leans in a bit, “People think it’s haunted or some shit.”
Jaemin perks up when Mark tells him. A creepy smile on his face. “Really? Tell us more.”
Noona leans back in her chair, “Sure thang.” She thinks for a bit before starting. “Well the story is about the old lady who lived there before actually dying because of this ghost or spirit or something. This spirit was actually a different woman who was murdered by a young man who found out she was fucking multiple men and not just him. Realized he wasn’t special and all. Now she haunts the place and anyone that goes in ends up being claimed by her. She’s pretty pissed I’m assuming.” She takes a sip of lemonade. “People said they have seen her at night behind the windows or heard of screams from the house when no one was inside. The problem is that I check this place often at night and I’ve never seen or heard anyone. I think people are just bored, ya know?” 
“Oh that’s scary dude.” Mark said. 
“But it’s not real, Noona even said so herself.” Jaemin argued. 
“Did you know how the old lady died, Noona?” Haechan asked. Only now did she notice how close Haechan has gotten during their conversation. He’s really cute up close, she thought.
“Oh yeah, just natural causes really. I used to talk to her sometimes and she was taking a lot of meds. I guess when you’re that old and sick, it’s just a matter of time sadly.” The trio agreed. 
“Question. When did you guys wanted to come back? It’s like 6 now.” Noona asks while looking at her phone. 
“Woah, we should really go back guys. The managers are gonna be pissed.” Mark immediately gets up and thanked Noona for the refreshments. Other two boys do the same.
The trio insisted on helping Noona clean up the area (well mainly Mark and Haechan). When Haechan helped her put gardening equipment back inside the home, his eyes caught something that was on the floor. What was that doing here?
Haechan was lightly tapping the riding crop in his hand and looked at Noona, who was bent over packing. A mischievous smirk creeps on his face and slowly walks up to her. The woman herself didn’t expect her butt to be lightly whipped by the crop. 
“What the f-” She immediately turned back and faced a giggling Haechan with the offending toy in hand. She playfully glared at him and grabbed the crop from him. “Where did you even find this?”
Heachan just points to the spot where he found it. 
“Well you didn’t even do it right, I barely felt anything.” 
“I wasn’t trying to actually hit you.”  
“Let me show you how it’s done.” She grabs Haechan by the shoulder and turns him around. The crop came down with a satisfying snap as Haechan felt the sharp sting across his left cheek.
“Ah!” Haechan flinched slightly closer to her. “Noona, that hurt!” He whined. 
“Don’t be a baby.” She jokingly said. Noona threw the crop to the side and patted his butt lightly. A chuckle. “But it felt good, didn’t it?” She said softly.
His eyes widened a bit and he turned his head to her, only to see that she was going back out.
“You guys wanted to just call them? I can drive you there instead.” She asks them as she walks out and to the front yard. Haechan came out of the house shortly after with slightly flushed cheeks. 
Jaemin was silently watching the pair previously, taking mental notes for later use.  
“Uuhh….might be better if we just call them....” Mark answers. She doesn’t take offense to it.
“Aw, I wanted Noona to drive us.” Haechan whines while shaking her arm. Pretending like nothing inside the house had happened, even with an intense feeling that he couldn’t name  was starting to build up inside of him. 
Noona just chuckles.
“Maybe next time, hon.” She responds. Haechan pouts and looks away from her, she doesn’t miss the blush on the tip of his right ear. Cute. 
They walked towards the other end of the street, where there was an actual reception. Noona decided to go the other way instead of her home since it was closer to the main road, somewhere where their managers can find them easier. 
The moment one of them got reception, they immediately started calling their manager to pick them up. Noona didn’t understand why they couldn’t get an Uber, but she doesn’t say that out loud. “You guys will be good here right? I gotta do something at home.” 
“Yeah it’s fine, we got this.” Mark says. Jaemin gave a thumbs up as he was still on the phone. 
“Bye Noona, it was nice talking with you.” Haechan held her hand with both hands, swinging their arms together. 
She raised a brow at the statement, not bothered by the intimacy. “You didn’t even know most of what I said, dude.”
Haechan blushes but keeps his eyes on her. “It’s fine, you have a nice voice.” He grins at her. “And you were pretty funny.”
“You’re just saying that cause she made fun of me.” Mark glared at the two. 
They both start giggling at that statement. 
“I never did, you’re being sensitive.” She retorts. “Well bye guys, been nice and all.” 
She looks right at Haechan and smirks a bit, “You’ve been fun too.” She starts walking in the opposite direction, leaving Haechan with a heart pounding harder. 
Haechan watches her walk off for a bit, wondering if he should’ve done something more before turning to the others. Jaemin was off the phone and had a creepy smile on his face. Haechan thought he had been odd the whole day, or in general.
“Sooo… What did you think of Noona?” Jaemin asked him. 
“Mm, she’s alright…” Haechan tried to be nonchalant about it, but he still felt her mark. 
“Really? You said she was the wifey type.” Jaemin acts like he was thinking for a moment. “Yup, she’s exactly the type of woman you need.” Jaemin has been watching him and Noona the whole afternoon. Nothing good comes when Jaemin has the upper hand in anything.  
Mark decides to enter the conversation, “You two did get along together surprisingly, she’s a bit odd though.” He pursed his lip.
“Huh?” Haechan faces Mark now. 
“I er, I didn’t tell you guys everything she said, but she did say some uh... weird stuff? Uh...” Mark was thinking of the right words to say without sounding like a jerk. “I don’t how much we can judge her on it but I uh, I don’t know. She would say these things about liking horror and jokes about how she works with dead people and I don’t know, it’s odd. She said she liked being mean to people as a kid. Maybe she was just exaggerating but...I don’t know man.” He looked a bit concerned when he finished. 
Haechan tried to make sense of what he was saying, and immediately thought of the incident inside the house earlier. His heart leaped in his chest.
“Like you said, she was just a kid. Some kids are just weird but end up being fine” Jaemin argued. “Besides, horror is fun. More interesting than what you guys are into.” 
“Sounds like you like her.” Mark told Jaemin. The other just smirked. 
Haechan bit his lip and turned to the empty road that led to the old house. Jaemin was waiting for the right time to pounce. 
“You should’ve gotten her number.” Jaemin said. 
Haechan’s eyes quickly turned to him. 
Jaemin tried to sound as casual as possible. “Bet you still can if you’re quick enough. We’ll wait, maybe.”
Haechan looks back and forth to Mark, Jaemin, and the road. Mark just shrugs, essentially telling him to do whatever he thought was right. 
He swallows and croaks out a ‘be back’ before sprinting down the road. The man ran all the way down, hoping to find her still walking back to her home. He doesn’t know which house was her’s, he only knows the old house that she might’ve stopped at. So that is where he went to stop at. 
“NOONA!” He called out to the back yard, he was out of breath. There was no one around the house. 
He checked if the door to the house was unlocked and felt a bit hopeful when the creaking door opened. Inside he called out for her again. 
No answer. 
He checked all the rooms on the first floor, no one. He didn’t want to get on the stairs but called again to the upper floor, still no answer. Haechan let out a disappointed sigh, deciding that she wasn’t around and he had to go back before they left him here. 
When he got back to the end of the road, he saw a car already there with Mark in the passenger’s seat making a gesture for him to hurry up.
The moment Haechan closed the car door, Jaemin immediately got in his face like the weirdo with no personal space he is.
“You didn’t get it did you?” He asked, already knowing the answer. 
Haechan just pouted a bit and looked away. 
“It’s okay dude, it was just one girl.” Mark said from the front. Haechan just gave him a flat smile and looked out the window. After a few moments, Jaemin started to set his plan in motion. 
“You can still meet her again.” Jaemin said lowly, still in Haechan’s personal space.
Haechan looked back at him suspiciously. 
“She mentioned that she went to the house at night a few times. Tomorrow night you can go to that house and have another chance of seeing her, get her number, and then hook up.” Jaemin said like it was the obvious thing to do. 
He does think about it for some time, thinking of the pros and cons of the idea. Pro being potential pussy and con being wasting his night in a freaky house and looking like a dumb, desperate idiot. Another con is her being freaked out by him just waiting for her at the house at night like a freak. But Mark also said she liked scary stuff, so maybe she would get a kick out of it?
The trio, plus their manager, gets to the hotel. Before they left the car, they got a scolding from the manager about not being careful and how they could’ve gotten hurt and how lucky they were that someone nice helped them and bla bla bla. Haechan started to lose focus after that. 
All four left the car and started going up to their rooms, Haechan pulled Jaemin behind the other two. 
“What if she doesn’t come, and I’m not staying all night to maybe get a number.” 
“Take a chance Heachannie~”
“No, it’s dumb.” Haechan assures himself that this was a feeling he’ll pass over time. 
“I’ll give you 50 bucks to do it.”
“What? No!”
“I’ll buy you three dinners and give you 50 bucks to stay the night there.” Jaemin pulls out the money right from his pocket to show he wasn’t bullshitting. “One night, that’s it.” 
“No, that place is creepy. I don’t want to do it.” 
They were at their hotel rooms, Jaemin was rooming with the manager. He went to Haechan’s ear to tell him to ‘think about it’ and went inside. Haechan and Mark were sharing a room.
Once they both got inside, Haechan went to his bed and flopped right on top. Mark went to sit on his own bed.
“What were you two arguing about?” Mark questioned. Of course he did. 
“Nothing.” Haechan needed a shower.
“I heard something about a bet. What is he giving you money for?”
Haechan sighed. “He wants me to go back to that scary house and stay the night.”
“Really? Are you gonna do it?” 
He turns his head to Mark. “No, I’m not.” 
“How much was he betting?” 
“50 dollars.” Haechan said in english.  
“Hmmm.” Mark looks into his wallet. “Would you do it if I join in?”
“Show it.” Maybe he can skip the shower, the bed feels really cool against his skin.
Mark pulls out a few bills that looked like it would add up to how much Jaemin was betting.
“Still not doing it.” Haechan turned his head the other way showing the end of the conversation. 
Mark flops on his back with a sigh, “Aw, come on dude! It’s one night in an empty house, you can just sleep through most of it!” He gets back up and leans towards the other, “You might even get to see her...” 
A sigh. “Jaemin also said the same thing, I won’t do it. I’m not even that into her.”
“Fine.” Mark gets up. “I’m gonna shower first.”
Haechan gives a voice of acknowledgment. When the bathroom door closes, he lays on his back and looks up at the ceiling. Like Mark said earlier, she’s just a girl. 
A girl who likes to garden. A girl who is funny and charming. A girl with cool hair and a casual style. A girl who couldn’t dance but easily act cute when she wants to. A girl who is not really even a girl, but a woman. A woman who has a nice voice that he can listen to all day. A woman with cute hands that felt strong when he held them. A woman who is kind but also playful and sometimes mischievous. A woman who can take care of herself and help others. A woman who is confident about herself and her intentions. A woman that he can’t deny had interested him since the moment he saw her. A woman who is also interested in him (I mean who isn’t). A woman with a dominant streak. A woman who…
Haechan thinks back to the scene that happened in the house, and what she said before she left. Noona was interested, but didn’t do anything about it. Maybe she was just flirty, like he was? But she wasn’t like this to the others. He thought back to what happened in the house again. She easily manhandled him and he let her do it. He thought back to what Mark said about her. 
He still remembers what the sting felt like. She also knows the feeling. She knows how to give that kind of feeling to him. She….
He whines, using his arm to cover his face. “Shit.” 
There’s not much woman out there that he knows that are into these kinds of things, at least not in his work environment. Not the people he meets everyday. Not women he is usually interested in. He only knows a couple guys who are into masochism, and one of them unfortunately being Taeyong. Haechan isn’t a pain freak like him but...he does think the sting feels good. He doesn’t mind letting someone take control if they have what it takes. Maybe Noona got that. She got a way of putting him in his place while making it fun. 
Only a taste and he’s already hooked. Haechan adjusts himself when he hears the shower stop. Maybe a shower is needed.  
Mark leaves the bathroom with a pair of sweatpants on and a towel over his head. The other immediately walks into the bathroom and turns the shower back on. He undresses and gets in, not caring to wait for the water to heat up. 
He thinks of what she said, how every time she touched him it was purposeful and commanding. She had soft hands. Her lips were plump and her eyes were playful and dark. He thinks of her on her knees as he pumps himself, stretching her mouth. She looks up at him and… it’s not enough. The memory of when she was bent down was next. Her round ass and juicy thighs that would fill any man’s hands. He thinks of sliding his hands in between her legs and feeling the warm heat as he rubs her through the jeans. The things he was willing to do to fuck her thighs…
Heachan groaned and turned his head away from the shower spray. 
None of it seemed right. He tried to think of her pushing him against a wall and groping him instead. Giving her the reins. Would she be needy or would she look calm like before? No, she would be playful, teasing him about being so needy for release, like now. He can picture it, hearing her. Her soft lips against his ear.
Such a wicked woman behind an innocent face.
Haechan whines as he thinks of the dirty things she would say to him. Forcing him to stay in place as she takes her time teasing and groping and petting him all over. Maybe she would pull his hair, make him work for his release, force him to go down, down, down- 
His body starts sliding down the wall of the shower as he imagines her pushing him to the ground. Just a hand on his shoulder to get him to react. Staring at him from above with an amused twinkle in her eye as she opens his legs apart. He can’t hide anything from her, completely exposed for her to play with. She would cradle his face with a hand and tell him that if he did a good job, he’ll get to cum that day.
The thought of her playing with him like he’s her own personal toy makes him move his hand faster. He bites into his fist as he thinks of her spanking him again with the riding crop. He’s been a little brat and needs to be put into his place. She would mock him for not being able to handle it, for acting all tough, only to be reduced to tears by a few slaps. Giving him marks that will last hours, maybe even days. Make him count each one and start over when he messes up. Afterwards, she would put a cool palm on him for relief, a reward for doing well. Cooing him for doing so well, for being a good boy. 
Haechan releases into his hand with a muffled groan. He cools down and watches the cum wash off his hand. After getting up with shaky legs, he quickly cleans himself up before his roommate suspects anything. 
Mark was asleep when he finally left the bathroom. He grabs his phone and goes under the covers. He squints at the bright screen as he pulls up a text convo. His phone was back on the table to charge and falls asleep. 
To: Minnie 🐇
keep that money warm for me 😜
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side-of-honey · 2 months
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LEGEND tells of a LEGENDARY COWPOKE… whose sharpshootin’ skills were the stuff of LEGEND
Sorry for this one. I really am. I kept mixing up the furious five and the feisty five and then I thought about it for a little too long
(Please DO NOT repost my art to other sites :) )
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lemoneste · 4 months
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He knows
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incominghazelgoose · 9 months
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gilded cage molly. i kinda wish she had at least one small quest. or you know, a cutscene where she isn't either interrupted or killed maybe
*heavily* inspired by this post and also this post and really just @river-of-wine 's analyses of molly in general i'm obsessed with all of it tbh
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youredreamingofroo · 12 days
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The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Onia Dhithos - -
"I will pull at my horns and bruise my flesh until I am born anew, my chest is too warm, I spew warm honey where I want muck. tar. I want to bear the teeth that my father and mother bore. These teeth are not sufficient. I want a bite, and I want it to be more than my words. I want to bite. I want to be the Wolf."
- -
[ Alt. ver. under the cut ] B/As
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kaiju-krew · 1 month
idk just draw smth I guess?
my mom had a 10h spinal surgery this week so sorry for not being in the best headspace to be at your beck and call to produce art at your preferred rate pookiebear <3<3<3
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autismguy55 · 3 months
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My J-word playlist is now public on Spotify. I’ve been curating this playlist for a over a year and it is organized based on a vague timeline + how the songs themselves sound. This playlist is like my baby… it would mean the world if you listened and gave feedback 🌹
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porcelainvino · 19 days
stoppppp those prompts are so cute!!! kurtcedes as angel+demon please i beg 🥺🥺🥺
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the besties
(if anyone wants to send more requests, here’s the post !)
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downforthegas · 1 month
I'm about to embarrass myself with these thoughts hehe I think I got a good prompt out of this one
Your fave is on a carousel. They have been walking around with their friends at the carnival, snacking on greasy carnival food all day. Your fave has been holding back a huge amount of gas, and when they get on the gently-moving carousel ride, they can't help but rip long, burbling farts against the seat that drone on and on, petering off with warm and wet bubbles against their now moist jeans. Each release feels almost orgasmic, every bassy toot that vibrates the seat, every wet, fetid fart that lasts 10 seconds, and the occasional hot, hissing fart that rids their stomach ache. Once they get off the carousel, their queasy stomach now feels much better.
But their friends, some of which were sitting behind your fave, tease them about how gassy they were and how badly the carousef stunk. It's up to you to decide whether your fave is embarrassed, or if they're too relieved to care
Bonus: The people who get on next comment on how awful it smells now. And even the person sitting on the ride your fave sat on comments how the seat is almost searing hot
Bonus Bonus: The ride needs to be closed down for a bit to get rid of the surrounding stink after many complaints
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ilovecoelacanths · 7 months
This is a story about a book that changed my life.
It's also about how amazing libraries and authors and people who care about sharing cool things with curious kids are. Also, fish (especially fish). It's kind of different than what I usually post but it's been bouncing around in my head basically since I started this blog so here you go, I hope you like it. This is the reason I love coelacanths so much, and why I think everyone should know about how amazing they are.
When I was little, I loved going to the library. My little brother and I would pick out way too many books and the librarians always had to come over to override the 30 book limit at the checkout stand (they pretty much knew us on sight and were ready to override it as soon as we started heading over to check out). After we finished getting our library books, our mom also let us look through the free pile that was in the foyer on the way out. It was mostly old library books that the librarians just needed to clean out, but there were a lot of books that people brought when they cleaned out their personal collections too (especially teachers, and there were a bunch of books with old school library stamps inside). The free pile didn't usually have a lot of things that interested me, but one day when I was poking through it I found a book called Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discovering the Coelacanth, by Sally M. Walker.
I loved it. I had never even heard of coelacanths before, but this book fascinated me. It told the story of an incredible animal, long thought to be extinct, that had somehow survived for millions of years! It was nothing like any fish I had ever learned about before. I already had a casual interest in marine biology that I can thank PBS Kids and Wild Kratts for (particularly their episode on sperm whales and giant squid, I loved that episode), but this book took it to a new level. I wanted to be a marine biologist so I could learn more about coelacanths.
Like a lot of things when you're 7, that was a phase. Unlike a lot of phases, this one I came back to. After taking a break from my dreams of being a marine biologist to experience the hell that is middle school, one day I pulled a book off my shelf. I hadn't read it in a while. When I picked it up again, I remembered how incredible this animal was, and how much it had inspired me when I was younger, and those thoughts of becoming a marine biologist started to return. I'm in college now studying marine science, and I brought the book with me to school, where it sits next to two other science books that have inspired me (My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees by Jane Goodall and The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson).
Earlier this year, I was thinking about how much this one book had changed my life and I wondered if I could find Ms. Walker and thank her. I knew she had many other science books for younger audiences, and even another book about coelacanths, so I was sure she had a website of some kind, and I was right. So I found her contact page and wrote her an email explaining the impact her book had had on my life, and thanking her for it. And to my surprise, she responded! She was very kind and we sent a few emails back and forth. She gave me some excellent advice and even told me about some of the people she contacted while researching her book, including Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer herself, the person who rediscovered the coelacanth when it was thought to be extinct! I'll never forget how she took the time to respond to me and how encouraging she was.
But Ms. Walker isn't the only one I have to thank for pointing me toward the path I'm on right now. If I hadn't already loved reading, if I hadn't seen any show or video to make me interested in marine biology, if the library didn't have a pile of books for anyone to take home, if I had lost that book during one of our many moves as a kid, I don't know what I'd be doing right now. There were a lot of things that happened to make it so that I found this book, but I'm glad for every single one of them. They led to me learning about an incredible animal and changed the course of my life. And now, I love coelacanths.
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pand1on · 1 year
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while I love joy and whimsy, there is something incredibly relaxing about letting loose and drawing stuff that would be right at home on deviantart about 12 years ago
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francy-sketches · 2 months
I dont want people to percieve aerion I want him to to stay a kind of niche silly evil character that I can stan ironically bc he may suck real bad but he's also a bit slay :( he's gonna get the aemond treatment they're gonna turn him into a dark romance daddy dom at best and they're gonna recreate lucemond with him and egg at worst...what if I ended it all
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poisonouspastels · 1 month
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sorry for committing the cardinal sin of posting Friday Night Funkin, but I wanted to make something with Significant Other for the first time in like over a year
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kaelidascope · 1 month
Do you have any plans for a post mm fic, like seeing how everyone heals and moves on after the events of mm? Sorry I love this fic and would literally just read vignettes of the characters getting into shenanigans
I absolutely do <33
There will be an epilogue 3 chapter fic called What Happens In Menagerie set 2 years after the events of the Midnight Menagerie. This is entirely self-indulgent and fun and meant to be a nice wrap up after the absolute hell they're all about to go through LOL
Then there will be an anthology series called Midnight Forever which is a collection of short stories and removed scenes that didn't make the final cut set all over the timeline. It won't be posted in chronological order, but just as I write them, and I plan to leave it open-ended as the ideas come to me like a dumpster for MM prompts that are canon to the story but I couldn't squeeze into the official fic. There will be a timeline table of contents though at the front to help keep track which story goes where. Some future stories I've already written for it include;
Yang's first shooting lessons with Vernal
How Blake met Weiss and how they became roommates (and their first margarita girls night)
Blake's new career after the events of MM
A collection of filthy ass smut scenes that never made the original cut
The scene where Yang gets jumped by Adam's goons mentioned in chapter 9
Memories from Yang and Ruby's childhood both when Summer was alive and after she died
How Pyrrha and Weiss happened and some of their early escapades
Conflict revolving plot point revealed in the sequel and Blake and her issues
Adam and Blake context from the past (heavily tagged and skippable obviously)
And a lot more ideas that contain spoilers that I can't share <3 but I'm so not normal about this series I'll keep writing fanfic of my own fanfic if that's what it takes
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