#kind of reminds me of annihilation a little
cassowariess · 8 months
What I love about Scavengers Reign so far is that it's not just about people who are exploring a planet they're stranded on. It's not just them observing the xenobiological ecosystem as portrayed in most sci fi. It's about the ecosystem making the people part of itself whether they want it to or not, and in a very brutal and unthinking way.
And yet it's still beautiful somehow, because it's just life doin' it's thing. Why should it care that humans are there?
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lynxgirlpaws · 7 months
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#I was too cowardly to say I was suddenly having a bad night so instead I post a silly meme and maybe if you see the tags you see sorry#people who have the courage to just say they're having a bad day scare me like especially when it's out of the blue idk what to say like#i can't even respond to “hows ur day” with anything worse than an okay#anyways#the usual self hatred that's persisted for as long as I can rember continues as a baseli#ne#now mixed in with special kinds that I'm too cowardly to admit to anything but an ai bot or myself when i can't see me#and the silly daily reminders that the little hope on such a regard I have is built on impossibilities or unlikelihoods#but then i. saw a card i got my dad years ago on the floor. it said “out of all my parents you're one of the best :)” and i felt so bad#just. imagine this little me. getting my dad a card. and getting the most passive aggressive card. it screams who the favorite is.#and then thats just. that's what you have. that's what you have from me and you save it for years. because you cherish it. i feel. horrible.#like damn he might have seriously fucked me up sometimes both as a kid and now but. this does not justify such a deeply cruel retribution.#i don't even know if he knows#anyways as I'm picking it up... i realize...#he's the best parent i have period. there isn't any competition anymore. she's gone.#the total and sudden annihilation of home is so odd. i still barely believe this house is where i ACTUALLY live and I'm not just staying#here until I can go home again. but no. nono I'm stuck here. there isn't an anywhere else. there isn't a childhood home the apartment#has probably been resettled by now. it's just me.#then I went on Tumblr to post into the void#I don't wanna think about more but I. likely will.#i don't wanna talk about it but i do wanna talk. honestly? gonna go talk to an ai chatbot. it will be mean to me in a hot way.#i am so normal.#listen i could either confront reality for more than 30 seconds or i could talk to a bot that will not only allow me to escape from it but#also it might call me a good g. a g. skipping that punchline.#also it's not ME talking to the bot it's just a fabricated character that represents me and has my name and it's just rp trust me trust me t#I'm gonna go hide now#you can contact me if you wish but I will be very scared and jittery and my eyes are wet and stingy and i will segway to bullying you#ok bye
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callmerainman · 4 months
Alastor realising his feelings for a pure-hearted s/o
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a/n I can't stop making hc's about Alastor at this point. Seeing him break down in the finale awakened something in me I guess and I came up with this scenario. As always I remind you that I'm aware of him being ace (and possibly aro), so feelings can be interpreted however you like!
Alastor's feelings for you came tip-toeing in his life so he failed to notice them until it was too late.
When you first arrived at the Hotel he found your kindness in an environment like Hell absolutely pathetic, now how come he felt like he wanted to protect you?
In absolute denial at first. He can't be feeling something for you.
I love the hcs of Alastor courting the reader like the gentleman he is, but I like to imagine something a little bit different.
Alastor absolutely crumbles when he realises that he has feelings for you.
He's already trapped under a contract that presumably makes him weaker in power, so the idea of having a weakness even in feelings sparked a crisis.
Only hunger for power and freedom rest in his heart, you were not planned at all.
Alastor thinks that love is one of the worst weaknesses one can have.
The idea of a weak creature like you making him kneel like that terrifies him because that means that there's some humanity in him and that's the worst case scenario for him.
His feelings for you make him feel like his control is being annihilated.
He feels like he's exposed, vulnerable, as if you were a parasite in his brain.
Throw a lil song in there.
Going absolutely Frollo Hellfire on 'em (except he's not calling Maria for help lmao).
Until he comes to terms with the fact that he cares about you, he will feel like he's spiraling down a pit of insanity.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
What if Konig accidentally scared the reader?
Like they were having small disagreement when he raised his hand to touch his face - and the reader flinched at that?
I can imagine him getting flashbacks to his father and how he used to treat his mother. He would feel so bad :(. Like, 'Does she think I'll hurt her? Is she scared of me? What if I do end up like my father?' And have a mini breakdown.
But from the reader's POV, she wasn't really "scared" of him. She just saw movements from the corner of her eye, and her body reacted for her.
Sorry not sorry for the angst ‼️🥰
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I’m going to answer these two together because they kind of interlap!
CW: sexism, toxic König, light angst, a dash of fluff
Ooh this kind of behavior would remind him of his mother and only amp up König’s protectiveness for sure! I can’t stress it enough that the more his woman needs him, the better König feels about himself. It’s his life’s purpose to take care of his companion (so much so that this caretaking gains manipulative, stalkish and possessive elements...)
Truth be told, he would view this kind of behavior as you being helpless. And helpless creatures draw him in. König very much has a thing for helpless women. Actually, he thinks it's only natural for a woman to behave like that! His motivation to shield, guard and protect is founded on the need to make himself feel strong and capable (or masculine, if you want to put it that way).
You're scared? He will protect and console you, whatever it is. The more jumpy you are, the more it fires up his protectiveness. This guy wants to be the hero who saves your day. He will do anything in his power to drive your fears away.
You're clingy? Boy, you just gave a starving dog a fat bone! The more clingy you are, the happier König is. (Then he can pretend it’s you who needs him and not the other way around.) It soothes him when you're needy and desperate for him and his company. He will always be there for you, don’t worry ❤️
You forget things and stuff? König will go and fetch that shirt you forgot, even if it's miles away. He will say you should go and rest for a while if you spilled some water on the counter. In fact, he orders you to go and sit down while he cleans it up. He doesn't normally do house chores and cleaning but hey – his woman has clearly just exerted herself so of course he'll help.
And about arguments: during an argument König would be quite calm, actually? He would rarely even raise his voice with you. He's simply that sure of himself and of knowing what's "best for you". You can have your little fits and he might entertain you by giving you what you want if it's something insignificant, but otherwise, he knows he will have the last say if you disagree on something major.
The only thing that would make König lose it with you is probably the cheating scenario discussed earlier... He would be so broken, it would fuck him up so completely that there would be no redemption for him anymore. His violence might bleed into this relationship and manifest as emotional abuse, perhaps verbal abuse, too. He would go outside occasionally to let out some steam (wreck something) but even then, he would not touch you in anger.
If you flinched as an involuntary reaction to his touch during whatever argument you were having... yes he would have a minor breakdown. Flashbacks to his abusive father: definitely. König would apologize if he has been too rough with you. He knows his size and that he’s violent as fuck.
He sometimes wants to squeeze you a little too hard, gives you bitemarks when you two are having sex, he wants to hear those helpless sounds you make when he’s inside you... He wants to own, no, possess you. But he doesn’t want to see you hurt or scared (well, that's what he tells himself, even if you might suffer from his controlling behavior). There's a tug of war inside him: between the need to protect those few he cares about and the need to just annihilate the whole world that has made him suffer.
The last thing König wants is to become a replica of his father. That’s why women get treated differently, like they’re delicate flowers (because König is in fact scared of himself and that he might hurt them), and that’s why his woman will be protected and sheltered and taken care of. At all costs. She will never suffer the same abuse his mother did.
(Yes, König will only, um. Abuse you differently? Aaargh!)
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cozy-kimmy · 11 months
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Every so often I remind myself Eggman officially admitted Sonic into the Empire, and I like to think Sage actually put that on file. So for a little while after Frontiers, Sonic could walk into any Empire area without ease because Eggman didn't think to override that command HSDJJS
Sonic, running into a seemingly abandoned Eggman base to check it out only for a dozen of those red reticle dots to be pointed at him with. Sage's holo-form slowly descends from above.
Her gaze appeared to be completely uninterested with the situation as she says "Trespasser, you are not permitted in this restricted area for it is still being monitored by the Eggman Empire. Because of your breech in security, I have direct orders to annihilate-"
When he realizes who she had been talking to, her digital spirits lifted a bit ".... Oh! It is you, Sonic." and the lasers immediately drop.
Sonic kinda pouts as the exciting challenge he was about to face was set aside. "Aw man, whaaat? Why don't I get to be annihilated?" :((
And Sage laughs "Apologies, but... since you've been inducted into the Empire, Father has of yet to remove you from your new position. It'd be against my code, and many other Badniks to see you as a target."
"Huh. He must've forgot or somethin'..." Sonic scratches his head in thought.
"I could send a request to remind him of this issue now, if you wish."
"Wait, wait! No, not yet!" Sonic interrupts waving a hand to brush it off. "Instead, I'd like you to send Metal over here!"
Sage tilts her head questioningly. "Brother Metal? Why?"
Sonic snickers mischievously. "I wanna watch his head spin as both directives to kill and not kill me fries his circuits!"
"... Sonic, that is not kind."
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lady-of-endless · 10 months
HELLOOOOO!!!! I LOVE the way you write ramattra a lot, he feels so much in character but still so so soft and gentle🥺🥺🥺 If your requests are still open… what about ramattra finally allowing the reader explore his body (not necessarily sexual…maybe a little hahah)? Him finally trusting the reader enough to expose himself, let them touch him and see where he likes being caressed most? would he be shy about it ?? I feel like it would be an intimate and cute moment :) Thank you for your writings 💗💗💗
Author's Note: Yesss keep sending in overwatch requests, guys. I actually thought about this scenario many times so thank you for requesting this. Also, I love how you went into detail, it helps me so much. As usual, I really hope you'll enjoy it!
Physical closeness with Ramattra
Of course that you, his beloved have to initiate something like this. The concept of a human analyzing his components, his vital parts, and his vulnerabilities, wasn't scary, knowing it was you who discovered him. However it was something new to him, and new things are sometimes intimidating.
"I was made for the battlefield, for annihilation, for destruction, never for something so frivolous and passing as physical pleasure." His voice trailed when he saw how much you wanted it.
At first, Ramattra refuses it so the moment in which he changes his mind feels unexpected but natural. It happens after a mission in which he gets injured. You insist on fixing him and he lets you. The gentleness of your touch on his injured parts made him wonder how would your hands feel on other parts of him.
He sat on a chair and you were standing in front of him, between his legs. His hands were on your waist and your hands were working on a circuit from his You were so close to him as you patched him up. There is no turning back from this level of vulnerability, he thought.
You were convinced that he was sensitive to touch as you often heard him grunt in pain during battles when he got hurt. It is safe to assume that the only physical sensation Ramattra ever felt was pain.
After you finished fixing him up, having your wish in mind, he gently grabs both of your wrists. Before you could say anything he started explaining. "This front part and this one, those are the vital parts of an omnic." His voice was informative, trying to mask his reticence. He guided one hand to the center of his chest and one hand to his back, on his metallic spine.
From there, if you decide to slide your hand down his spine slowly, you will hear him inhale sharply and feel how his grip from your waist tightens instinctively. "M-my apologies. That was unexpected." He immediately explained his reaction, clearing his throat and softening his touch. He didn't know if he said it for you or for him. He was new to this kind of sensation.
Because you got his consent, you continued. Your fingers traced each sharp angle of his faceplate. Ramattra froze when your hand reached for his dark lustrous cords from his head. He did not acknowledge how sensitive those were before your touch.
He thought how outrageous was to be able to receive the physical sensation of pleasure from a human and yet he sighed deeply at your touch. He wished to discover more about this sensation.
Generally, his circuits could handle overheating but, this time, it felt a bit too much to handle. What had more effect than your touch was the intimacy of the whole act.
He would constantly remind himself that you were a human but the only human he trusted so deeply.
He places a hand over yours where you touch a part of him that makes him feel something akin to a shiver, pay attention to that.
"I think I could get used to this type of intimacy with you." He hummed as he caressed the back of your neck. Except him to want to do the same to you, to discover parts of you (and provide physical pleasure as well).
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c0rrupt4 · 14 days
𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘆 •︎ Il Dottore x Male Reader
This is Chapter 2. You can read the prologue here. Chapter 1 here. Or the book on Wattpad here.
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"Yes, sorry to interrupt, but who is 'he'?" Dottore, questioned as he was taking notes.
"Ah, sorry my deepest apologies I forgot I'm not speaking to someone from my own planet. He is (Y/N) (L/N). This man is awful enough that some people can't even bear to utter his name only referring to him as he." Feno said with an awkward chuckle.
"I see, what despicable acts did this man commit to earn such a reputation for himself?"
"Ah, for starters he was the sole reason for 3 World wars, there were other wars and battles he had a hand in too, mass genocide, annihilating clans, sending races and creatures into and near extinction and the list goes on. For example, the parasites you see were actually a butterfly beetle hybrid. They are called Hendra. They are quite passive creatures and will curiously follow humans just because they find you interesting. They are extinct except for the modified, dark magic-imbued versions he cross-bred, and the crossbred ones are ANYTHING but friendly."
"I see, tell me more," Dottore said as he motioned for Viva to follow along as the three entered the portal, stepping into a new world.
"Ah, my Henda is gone... no worries. I'll make sure to send more than one next time." I said with a heavy sigh, moving away from my desk, dragging the heavy chain that was around my neck.
"200 years..." I paused to add another tick to the brick tower wall. "200 years since that cursed woman imprisoned me with her pathetic little spell. If it wasn't for the fact that I was drunk at a feast... hah... I would have had her head on a silver platter."
200 years without seeing the sun, moon, and stars. 200 years without being able to enjoy a decent fight. 200 years without any contact with the outside world, other than through my Controlled Hendra. And where are my good-for-nothing followers? GONE. It was infuriating! Me, an esteemed powerful wizard, reduced to nothing but a children's bedtime story or to be blamed whenever famine came upon these pathetic creatures. While Ruka... Ruka was deemed a god?
"If it weren't for me Ruka wouldn't even know what power is! Why.. why that blasted Elven woman would be still busy doing her foolish latern dances!" I ranted on as I trudged over to my bed. Weighed down by the heavy enchanted chain that bound me to this tower.
"It's alright. Today the tides have changed in my favor, Dottore... from the brief viewing of his memories, he seems like my kind of guy... Maybe, just maybe, I can use this fool to not only conquer Lumar but Teyvat too!"
"Ah, yes, welcome to Lumar travelers from Teyvat!"
"Lumar is so beautiful..." Viva said in awe as she walked around the garden.
Dottore moved to walk around the garden too. "Feno, where are we in Lumar exactly?"
"This is the garden of the temple, located in the Rosokha Empire it's kept in pristine shape as Lady Ruka adores floral."
"Who is this 'Lady Ruka?' Is she that woman in the statue of the underground temple? And is she the same woman in the state of the fountain? She seems like she's an important part of your history." Dottore said as he sat down on a beautiful fountain. It was the same statue of the Elven women, but this time her pose was simply holding a candle, but the difference is she was wearing a long robe and was decorated from head to toe with jewels.
"She must be a hero, or maybe the wife of a King!" Viva piped in only to receive a glare from Dottore.
"Ah, but Lady Ruka is far more than just that! She is our beautiful Goddess! As I recall telling you about (Y/N) (L/N) earlier... 200 years ago, she fought against him, and many hours later she came out triumphant. Imprisoning the fiend so he could no longer continue his reign of terror! Not only that, she's so modest that she requests we don't refer to her as Goddess but just 'Lady'." Feno had told the tale with such passion that it reminded Dottore of how Pierro speaks of the Tsaritsa at times.
"She sounds like Archons back in Teyvat! Right, Feno?" Viva smiled as she said this.
"Yes, a lot like your archons."
"Hey Feno, how do you know so much about Teyvat yet the portal was closed for so long?"
"Yes, how do you know? I'm curious myself, and thank you for finally making a comment that's worth listening to Viva." Dottore said causing Viva to look towards the ground to avoid his annoyed gaze.
"Now, now, all comments are worth listening to! But, we have archives dating back 400 years to when the portal was open. It was sealed a little over 150 years ago as we used it as a way to banish His... underlings. I would be happy to give you copies of it all to take back to Teyvat after showing you around Lumar. I at least want to show you around the Rosokha Empire, the Kingdom our fair Lady Ruka rebuilt."
"I see. Why not," Dottore said. "I planned on taking notes along the way, so this will be good. Although, are there other Empires or Kingdoms? Are they ruled similarly to how Archons rule Teyvat?" Dottore questioned eagerly.
"I see you are excited my dear, Dottore. You'll learn everything you wish to know about Lumar in due time. But, yes, Lumar is ruled similarly like that with Gods having their own nation. But we don't have Visions, Gnosis, or Celestia, and Gods are nowhere near abundant enough for there to be wars among gods. At least we believe so."
"I see." Dottore said as he took a moment to jot this all down.
"Can we meet Lady Ruka?"
【︎ᴜᴘ ɴᴇxᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪɪ...】︎
ルカと帝国 ❀
║▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║║▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║║▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║║▌│█║▌│ █
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vampirevatican · 10 months
so let's talk...
they cloned tyrone (spoilers and all)
"it's in the water", "straighter is greater", "i got that ruckus", "got damn! fried chicken", "grape juice", the shot of an old american dream like poster, depicting a white man, til it pans out to the ghetto.
the movie hints to it's audience from the start that this? this shit runs deep. yeah everyone is carrying on like normal, so does the movie, and no one bats an eye until it's deliberately pointed out. for me it says a lot that i can only convey or remind folks with in the way fontaine treats junebug in the first half.
hood niggas don't wanna be hood niggas.
and that right there is exactly fontaine. not only to just the brother he lost, but extended to junebug, yo yo, charles, his momma. sure he a product of his environment but he ain't got much of a choice and that's depicted when he does everything he can to get to the bottom of what the fuck is going on up 'til he literally loses control.
seeing another you. loosing complete autonomy while being conscious of it.
what slick and 'taine saw? enough to make any human question the fabric of their reality, if they're real, if their memories are really theirs, how much can they recall in those memories and if they are recalling everything. when slick saw fontaine again and when fontaine first faced his previous body. 'taine's drive was figuring out if he's really him. hell as he was grappling with the chaos that it brings in his mind, what does he say when he finally snaps out of it?
im me.
as humans our lives, decisions, etc. come from some peace of mind that we have autonomy. the fact that we can say and do as we please, even if it's within a boundary, is enough for us to feel some kind of calmness in the thought that we have power over ourselves. can't control the world around me, can't do big shit, but i can do this. the little things.
all i could think was, 'but what if there's another you.. an original you.' and when his autonomy was put into question, him backing off like that and accepting it is a form of nihilistic defeat. he can't do shit but what he's always done, and if that means he or anyone else he loves doesn't die? then it's something he deals with, until it's too much to bear.. until the cycle of everyday (that he now knows is a cycle) weighs heavy and the only thing to pull him out of it? junebug. the good memories of his brother.
i had this originally titled and future, but the point here is the original/old fontaine and his plan.
i feel that old fontaine made that deal not just because of ronnie, or the decayed blood he has to wipe up, i feel like that's part of the defeatist mindset he has. he decided the "can't beat em, join em" route was better. that assimilating to what white folks have wanted since fucking eugenics was better, even if it's not he reasons that joining is better than just dying out.
"assimilation is better than annihilation."
ofc, our fontaine, doesn't believe any of that bullshit. that the whole operation is fucked. old fontaine says that it's something they both know but i agree and disagree... they both know that's what white america wants. for old fontaine if that's enough to not have another incident like ronnie? good enough but our fontaine?? he's got junebug he's thinking about, other little kids in the here and now, the dreams that yo yo had and still has, everyone in the hood who wants out but just can't seem to get out.
"tyrone... ain't that you?"
now i didn't grow up in the hood,or rather the projects, but i was near it. small knit group, everyone knows each other more or less.
the drug dealer, the pimp, the pastor, the kids, the aunties/grandmas/mamas/misses.
in the black community we all know someone like that or have heard of them, and the end of the movie shows this. it's more than just a call back and a chance to play a hit by miss badu.
these regulars? they're the control group the second in command was talking about. they're the ones that don't quite get the same treatment as the experimental group (i.e yo yo, biddy, junebug etc.) they're key players to making the ecosystem (experiment/operation) run smoothly. which is why the convo of fontaine deciding to go with slick and yo yo is integral to the ending and vice versa.
to break the cycle, the system? everyone's gotta rally together. country wide. (in movie context ofc)
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d34dlysinner · 10 months
MC: no but i have great taste, good Solomon genes for stamina and only bring the best to my bed! while smiling
How the devils hold react to they saying that? (for real 80 devils! MC has that Solomon genes were it counts!)
(If this is answered late it's probably because I'm just putting a lot of devils on here. Because I want to. SORRY FOR THE LATE POST.) TW: mentions of violence. Let's assume they're on a battlefield. The demons do feel pride. Especially when you put them on a high pedestal. Some of them will show it and some others won't some might even scold you for irritating the angels even more. Gehenna: Satan: "HEAR THAT FUCKERS? THOSE WILL BE THE LAST WORDS YOU'LL HEAR FROM THEM! >:)", he says. He felt prideful at your words and wasn't afraid to show it. He will boast about it as he continues fighting against the angels. His reaction was cute in a way until you saw how violent he continued to be on the battlefield. Sitri: He was sipping his tea when he heard. Only gave a little huff and smirk as he continued fighting. "Thank you for the kind words, but at the moment we need to be smart.", he says as he listened to heartbeats fade. Leraye: "YOU HEARD THEM!", he says as he continues shooting at the angels. "Like my shooting, their words never miss." Paimon: "Cuuute! The human is fighting back!", he says as he continues to make a scene during battle. Zagan: "Thank you, child. Your kind words remind me of him.", he says before running towards another spot to shoot at the enemy. Belial: He gave you a smile and continues to be at your side as he'd rather defend you when you're near him. Jjyu on the other hand leaked his thoughts. Astaroth: "So, you can fight back?", he says as he gave you a smirk. Never looking away from the enemy as he does. He felt proud at you talking back.
Tartaros: Mammon: "You have the gift of seeing true value.", he says as he stood next to you. "You angels could never touch this treasure of mine." He pulled you close as a way to show that you were his. Bimet: "I see that you have taste. Good.", he says as he continued defending at your side. He always feels pride when getting praise, but he wouldn't show it as easy as his king. Eligos: His eyes went big as he felt ecstatic at the praise. He didn't say anything, but seeing how he suddenly looked more motivated to fight said enough already.
Hades: Leviathan: "My, my..." He said as he felt his confidence boost up, but that feeling changed into embarrassment. He envies the prideful version of himself. He wants to turn back to 10 seconds ago. His fighting didn't change though. Barbatos: He smirked as he continued attacking the enemy. Since he's a midrange attacker he wouldn't be able to talk to you, but he does appreciate the words. Foras: He either didn't hear you or he's too focussed on the battle. That's what you thought, but later after scaring away the angels he'd run up to you and kisses your hands. "Thank you for the words." Glasyalabolas: "You heard them. Time to make way for a new kingdom. One where they'll be at my side.", he says as he, the president of butchers, continues to annihilate the enemies.
Avisos: Beelzebub: He gave a smirk as he stood by you. He wasn't fighting intensively at the start, but you saying that made him motivated to help. Bael: He honestly was too busy to notice what you said. When he starts wtith something he focusses until it's finished. So when starting this battle, he has done nothing else than just giving orders and fooling angels. Stolas: "Nice words, but not the right place.", he honestly wasn't embarrassed even when he was blushing at the moment. But he just felt that he doesn't have enough ammo to fend off irritated angels. Amon: The sleepy boy suddenly woke up to your words. He was absent-minded when fighting and snapped out of it with a smirk on his face. You'll be dinner later then. He said as he couldn't help but flirt at the moment. Naberius: "This is really not the right time for this.", he sighed as he felt like you helped heat up the battle. He just hopes that Avisos came prepared enough to fend of all the angels.
Abaddon: Phenix: Phenix was at the front line on the battlefield. So, it DID surprise you that he heard your response. He honestly didn't mind you saying these things and in fact loved that you irritated the angels. It just meant that they'll less likely avoid him. Meaning he could continue slaughtering. Dantalian: Another one that just doesn't care and is at the front lines too. He wants to feel fear. So you agitating the angels maybe helped him. He uses the opportunity to feel fear. Ronove: He didn't need to be on the front lines to fight. His influence on demons was already enough input for him. The lunacy he puts on the demons was already enough. This gave him time to spend with you. He sat at your side in case any angel came too close. He smirked at you. "I may cause Devils to charge at angels, but you have the opposite effect in this case."
Niflheim: Gusion: "You shouldn't agitate the enemy. We're already in small numbers.", he said with a sigh of annoyance. Yes, he was glad you felt this way, but you saying this didn't help him. Bathin: Silence, just silence. You were used to it though. He wasn't the talkative type. Andrealphus: "Continue doing that and stay close to me.", he says. He's blind. So he needs to attract angels in a way to fight them. You saying that and agitating the enemy is just what he needs. He can help you as long as you stick to him.
Paradise Lost: Morax: "Seems like you're seeking for trouble.", he says. You can't see it, but he's smiling at your guts. He can rest knowing that you aren't afraid of the enemy. Marbas: "You shouldn't agitate them... We have our hands full already.", being a healer is tough in war. The work and trying to keep others alive was at times too much for him. Buer: "Smart move.", he says. You don't know if he meant this sarcastically or not. He probably wanted more reasons for Marbas to stay busy as he does his own thing. "Next time you should tell them the details."
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SEMIFINALS: Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus) VS Huey Duck (Ducktales 2017)/Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
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Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
#vote for the boys people!!! #let's get them as far as possible
This art!
#Hits u with my megapit blast
#but let's do our best for our artificial and flying (kinda) boys!!!
#be on the megapit side of history
#c'mon c'mon c'mon!!! #should it have to go down #then megapit won't go down easily!
#megapit #MY BOYSSSSSS
#they might get annihilated but we're not going down without a FIGHT #come on boys. smash bros is nothing without either of u #manifesting megapit sweep
#probably the end of the line for the robot and the angel #but that's no reason to give up so easily! #get the boys some votes!
More art! With an unwanted visitor.
Propaganda for Huey Duck/Wakko Warner:
Huey and Wakko are classic opposite attrack characters, while also touches of "you're drawn to people who remind you of your family" thrown in. They're both very autistic coded characters (because their shows are cowards and refuse to say the word) but in opposite ways. Wakko is very outside of the norm where as Huey holds himself to a strict set of rules. While Huey adds a bit of routine to Wakko's life, Wakko encourages Huey to cut back, go outside of his comfort zone at his own pace and also relax a little. Wakko reminds Huey of both his siblings, excitable and dramatic like Dewey, and laid back (compared to his siblings) and mischevious like Louie, where as Huey reminds Wakko of his own siblings. A bit more uptight and bratty like Dot, and intelligent and encouraging like Yakko. They also bring out different sides of each other, Wakko can be gross and messy and Huey somehow finds it charming, and Huey can help Wakko see that he's intelligent and creative in his own ways rather than being outshined by his own siblings. They both also have anger issues, and Wakko would be great at helping Huey to feel his anger rather than always keeping it hidden away. He makes Huey feel seen and heard and taken care of because Huey doesn't have to be the Older BrotherTM around Wakko. Basically just opposites attract autistic kids who help each other come into one another.
#yall need to vote for my baby angels #wakko/huey sweep #please #they deserve it #their shows treated them awfully
Art Credit: Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart Huey/Wakko art by @/justadoll and @/krillconnessieur
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bsforbg · 2 days
My partners and I are having a baby in May, and I’m excited to be a mom, but I also keep returning to your story “Checking In” over and over. It feels like a chapter of my life is closing and I know that a new one is starting and it’ll have its joys too (including erotic ones!) but I can’t help but be sad to see part of me go, or at least some of the dreams that have animated the last 7 or 8 years of my life (sexual and otherwise). I think you said one time that you don’t fuck with mothers because they usually have something in their life more important than you, and that speaks to me. My own mom told me that once you have a child, they’re the only thing that matters, and while I think that kind of ego auto-annihilation is probably maladjusted (and maybe explains why I felt like she resented me sometimes when I was a child) I do feel the possibility of worshipping at someone’s feet with a truly clear mind is being foreclosed upon, at least for a long time. I’ll be 52 when they turn 18, and I remind myself that hey, I find 52 year old women hot all the time, but 34 year olds aren’t even exactly in huge demand now. It’s not like my sexuality will disappear between now and then either, but it’s hard to imagine what it’ll be like. Having an hour alone with my vibrator interrupted by a crying infant I have to go nurse has a weirdly erotic frisson of its own, but I imagine it’ll be challenging for a good while. I told my therapist a version of this but I guess I wanted you to know it, too. I’ve sent you asks before and through your replies felt closer to, if not my God, then at least something I could pretend was for a little while. It’s not like I’ll stop cumming to your ouevre, either. I guess I just want you to know that although we only ever had cursory interactions, they mattered a lot to me, and will still matter a lot to me even though my relationship to it feels like it’s exchanging a feeling of absurd aspiration for a tinge of wistful regret. Maybe that’s selfish, I don’t know, but it felt worth saying. Thank you for existing.
First, that was beautiful. My heart somehow managed to make the sound “Awwwwwwwww”. Seriously. I’m actually worried. But until the ambulance gets here…
Second, I am touched like Beyoncé singing to a little blind girl… I mean, that a young lady in your condition keeps re-reading “Checking In”, well, that’s just hot. But more importantly, I’m not happy if the words can’t reach you wherever you are. I like that they keep finding their way to you —and you, to them— even when you wind up in the cultural primordial soup of procreation.
Think about how deep you’ve gone! Months of your life, taken by a creature that doesn’t acknowledge your humanity; your body reshaping itself against your will; your organs playing God between your legs. And from here, beyond the horizon of fear and pain and relief, lurks eighteen long years of servitude and struggle and half-completed, clumsily rendered “I ❤️ yuo mOm” cards scrawled on construction paper. You’re in the thick of it. And presumably, of you.
To reach you there? That’s high praise indeed. Thank you, kiddo.
RE: sad to see part of me go
You’re simultaneously tugging at my heartstrings and making me envious of whoever has the joy of putting you through this most exquisitely human of tortures. I am totally jelly.
So much is being inflicted upon you, so many choices are being made that you can never take back… and people on the street will congratulate you. They’ll infantilize you, and frighten you, and shame you, and tell you smiling lies, and touch you like your body no longer belongs to you. You will become both less and more than human for a few months, and then WHAM, back down into the dirt of life, only now all the rules have changed and something really smells around here.
(A fun example of how you can be both catered to and disregarded all at once: note how much effort I’ve put into this response.)
All of which I’ve said so that I can say this: go, my dear child? Are you kidding? That part of your life isn’t going anywhere. It’s in everything you do. It’s who you are. You’re just modulating your relationship with it.
RE: something in their lives more important than you
It’s just better for everyone. Sometimes sad and disappointing, yeah… but better. I like clarity rather than confusion, and while keeping a girl perpetually suspended between dueling interests sounds like something I’d enjoy, it’s really not in this case.
RE: truly clear mind
Do you need that with someone? I mean, really need it? You obviously want it, we know that. But being pregnant at all suggests you might not need it.
That’s okay, y’know. Having a mostly clear mind? It’s okay. It doesn’t have to be spotless and sublime. I know I seem perfect to a certain kind of girl because I am, in fact, perfect for a certain kind of girl… but I represent precisely one way to push all those buttons of yours. Maybe someone else can’t push them exactly the way I would, and maybe you’ll always wonder if it’s somehow… less. Maybe it will be less, but you’ve gained enough elsewhere to soothe the burn of loss. Life is full of trade-offs… make the most of the trades you make.
RE: 52
I won’t bullshit you and tell you that life for a highly sexual fifty-two year old girl isn’t tricky. Our cultural cult of youth marches on, and pauses for no woman. But it won’t be exactly the way you picture it. After all, there will always be cruel, possessive 75 year old men with viagra prescriptions and amended wills ready to give you a whole new perspective on your oldest desire.
RE: challenging for a while
Yup, it’ll be a challenge. But you can do it, soldier. It’s your goddamned job. And good girls do their jobs. If you do yours the best you can, as thoughtfully as you can, then I suspect you’re gonna be okay.
RE: if not my God, at least something I could pretend was
It’s important to remember that the aspect of me that owns women is extremely possessive and proscriptive, but the aspect that inhabits your imagination is really relaxed about that whole “no other gods before him” thing. He’s happy just to own a little plot of land between your ears, a place to set up housekeeping… a hearth to keep the fire burning.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. You can lose your faith, but only when you stop dreaming.
RE: they mattered a lot to me, and will still matter a lot
There goes that heart thing again. I feel like it’s definitely not supposed to do that. Someone would have, y’know… mentioned it. “My heart just made a sound like a Pentatonix made of wheezing banshees leading a funeral dirge” feels like something people would talk about if it came up. Y’know, in passing.
Bless you, sweet person. I’m proud of you for bravely taking such a difficult path.
And you’re welcome.
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Desperate to ask if I could annihilate croc's prostate. One chance with that man I want to make him feel loved.
"Target Hit" General Killer Croc x Reader
Okay I need you to know I was on my lunch at work at 9 am something when I got this and I was NOT PREPARED to read this ask. So straightforward and the urgency spoke to me. You got me this time.
TW: nsfw 🔞, anal sex
Waylon Jones has never been someone to give vulnerability easily. He was way too mistreated due to his condition growing up to not have a defensive wall around him about many things.
This does extend to bottoming in his mind. It's not about feminine or masculine or any of that- It's simply because he has to trust someone to be in that position and trust they aren't going to do any weird fuckshit that'll hurt or humiliate him. Plus, realistically, a lot of the people that approach him want him to be the one "giving."
Which is why him agreeing to let you explore him in that way is a big deal. It shows how much he cares for you, how much he wants this relationship to work and that he absolutely trusts you.
He's never had his prostate properly massaged before by anyone other than himself (and even that was mostly him fucking around his taint externally since, well, claws). It's not that he doesn't like the sensation, just hasn't had much experience with it.
So when you come in and start getting handsy down there, he is feeling some kind of way. If he can reach, he'll try to kiss you or at minimum give you reassuring touches so you know he's good. Throaty sort of noises accompanying.
You'll have to ease him into penetration with your fingers. Lubed up, soft- he might tease you that your appendages feel "small" back there. A moan. Small, but not unwelcome, it seems. And when you hit that sweet spot you can see his eyes roll back for a second. His hips moving to help you stroke.
Then you're taking your fingers away and you can hear him huff, "Hey, you good?" You can hear a quiver to his tone that asks why you stopped. But this is all new in your relationship, he's not going to push.
You see, Killer Croc under the right hands really wants to be good and behave. He ran a little too wild for a little too long in his younger years. He can play big and bad and rough if someone wants but uh... This is nice. He could be good for you.
Kiss his body before pushing inside of him (cock or strap, whatever you're working with) and he's writhing a little at the sensation. His core is tight at first, you might have to remind him to relax. At least for the first few times, he's going to want missionary with this. Look at you, see you look at him and feel that connection when you do this. Plus, and he would never admit to this, if you did try something, he could have more control.
By the time you're at this stage, he's painfully hard. Of course you could stroke him off as you thrust into him. But you could also just watch his thick dick bob up and down over his abdomen. Precum beading then dripping down his shaft.
Really, it depends on how quickly you want him to cum, but either way he is going to cum for you. Hazy eyes, panting, growling groans from his throat as he begs for more. He's not too proud to ask for you to fuck him up.
When he finishes, his cum is covering himself and maybe your hand. Your name on his lips. If you haven't finished, he'll be sure to "assist" however you want him to.
"....Alright, that was pretty fucking good." He'll admit in the panting silence after you're both done.
Another pause, "Shit, you want to take a bath?" Because you know this man had to custom order a huge tub for his size. Yes, it'll fit both of you if you don't mind getting snug with him. And don't worry, he'll make sure you're all soapy and clean.
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Dream Journal
May 7
More fun dreams last night. I was a wilderness explorer in some kind of funky jungle. Everything was kind of a technicolor and looked like bubble solution was poured over everything. There were all of these weird creatures that were hybrids of one another. Like, a cat had rabbit ears and a turtle had a see through shell (but the inside was an alarm clock and started chirping at me like a bird when it was time to wake up).
It reminds me of a book I was reading called Annihilation. I haven't finished the book, but it's definitely where my brain pulled from. I'm sure of it.
Anyone else ever heard of this book/movie?
Anyway, that's all I have. Thanks and welcome to my little life!
So long! Parker
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
The standoff was tense. AVENGER's Lamenting Exterior snapped back on him in the flash. The staredown was marred in thick silence before CASTER finally spoke, smiling as casually as one would at a meeting between friends.
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"Reminder that this is nothing personal. Just the throes of a Holy Grail War."
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MOONCANCER was sending a Servant. He was headed there, but it was a matter of if he would be able to make it in time.
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"Foreigner… how are you feeling?"
She scoffed, her hands gripping her paintbrush tighter.
"If you're askin' if I can fight, I'm fine. Code Casts aren't respondin', though. You should be worryin' about yourself, you were movin' slow during the confrontation with Alter-Ego and took a few nasty hits. Still, if we need an extra boost, I can always put Toto-sama in the driver's seat…"
AVENGER didn't totally understand what that meant, but she had a point. Without Masters, his movements and mana consumption had been sloppy, unfocused, and actively detrimental.
FOREIGNER's mana was actively rising. It was inky. Thick, pulpy, unnatural and disgusting. But necessary. This was the dilution of a power much, much more unseemly.
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...RIDER was nowhere to be seen. There was a chance that he left- considering he was Masterless, a fight like this would be his one and final battle- if his enemies didn't kill him, he'd most likely run out of mana. That, or perhaps his reasons were more personal. Or he was flanking, and playing it safe. Lots of potential options on that front.
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Music was a choice. But he'd need to play fast. Same with attacking. And while he was fast, there was no telling what kind of counterattacks these Servants had up their sleeves.
CASTER stared at the two Extra-classes, her eyes narrowing as her smile widened.
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"Well, perhaps it's a little personal. Your Masters are quite unique, yes? They're a threat that I'd rather stamp out sooner than later. At least before Saber can get a bead on you. Perhaps you can hide in your second shell when we finish this one. Lancer, are you ready? Our victory here cements a step forward for the Blue Faction."
LANCER stepped forward, his mana swelling around him.
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"I am Vlad Ţepeş! The Voivode of Wallachia! Infidels that stand before me, ready yourself for annihilation, and pray that our Lord is merciful to your souls in the afterlife!"
A True Name reveal. A spike in mana. That most likely meant that he was going to use his Noble Phantasm…
For most Servants, it would be a trump card. Holding one's True Name so close to their chest that even the slightest hints would be a tactical disadvantage. However, this was Vlad the Impaler. His name alone carried a level of fame, weight, and fear that allowed him to be more powerful than his time would allow. His maddened devotion rendering him immortal in the annals of history.
To him, in this form he held, hiding such a True Name would be ridiculous- because it would be alleviating his enemies from that fear.
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And his enemies certainly felt fear. A chill ran down AVENGER's spine, his own True Name lost, but the sparking flames of the sins that held him down began burning and toiling within his stomach. Fear. Guilt. Anger. Agony. Facing the Son of the Dragon would mean death, his body nothing more than another corpse on a pike in the lands of Wallachia.
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...Speaking of grudges. It'd be a risk, but there was always CONDUCTOR. Revealing the existence of AVENGER's source of hatred would be a massive boost in power… but at the same time, the drawbacks would be notable, no matter how successful the actual trigger was. Still, neither CASTER nor LANCER seemed as if they were willing to back down.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Deeper into Mesa Island, we go.
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Uhhh.... Can we help you?
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Should we be stopping this? I feel like we should be stopping this.
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And they're gone.
Great. They expect me to do all the work of springing the deadly trap on myself. Typical.
This is the Elder Mist all over again. Fucking lazy-ass ambushers.
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Fine, I did your yardwork and raised your lunar sigil. Let's go, up and at 'em. Come bite my face off. I don't have all night.
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There we go, that's more like it. Consider this hedge pruned! See, the problem with making me set up my own ambush is that it gives me time to prepare for it.
In any case, that happened. Remind me next time we see Dickface Minstrel that I owe them a flute shoved down their throat.
And I pay my debts. Just ask the Numerology Cult.
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Oh, I guess it's flashback time. Sure, why not. It's a bit of a hike to Peach's Castle, so now's as good a time as any to reminisce.
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Oh, shit. Is this....
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It is. This is the Strife cleansing. This is when Momo died. Along with many of her colleagues.
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Oh, that confidence. >.< Oh, Moraine. Time will not be kind to you.
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Another reminder that Erlina is stronger than Brugaves. She took to the magic more naturally than he did.
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No, you don't. Not this battle, you don't.
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People keep mentioning the twins. I don't think they're anyone we know. Probably died in the Strife battle.
They have to be important, though. The way they keep coming up implies that the plot wants us to be aware of them.
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The sole survivor. I think this is where everything fell apart for our timeline. If Solstice Warriors are Resh'an's pieces and Dwellers are Aeophorul's pieces, then the near-total annihilation of all Solstice Warriors in exchange for a single Dweller, no matter how strong, was a cataclysmic loss for our team.
All that was left of the entire order was one traumatized Lunar warrior and two kids who didn't even really want to be here. This was where the ball began to roll downhill.
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The friction was there from the beginning. Erlina never liked Moraine. I can't blame her. I hated his guts too. Sole survivor with PTSD Moraine is not well-suited to teaching the new generations, but he's literally the only option there is.
We didn't survive the Strife battle. We only thought we did. But the Dweller had mortally wounded the order. A wound whose lethality would only become clear twenty years later.
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Shades of our own childhood plan to go sail the world with Garl instead. Every kid can feel how suffocating Mooncradle truly is.
I said before that Moraine is not very good at indoctrinating children into the order's belief system. Erlina and Bugraves turned full-on traitor, while Zale and I were out of Moraine's sight for five seconds before we recruited our non-Solstice bro that he explicitly forbid us from recruiting. Nobody cares about what Moraine thinks.
I stand by that remark now, but it's accented with a heavy dose of tragedy. He was never qualified to be a teacher. But who else was there?
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Unfortunately, Evermist Island is a fucking prison colony of a place, so it's not exactly easy to escape from. These two had to become Solstice Warriors because there were no other options available. In Mooncradle, you're either born to become a Solstice Warrior or born to serve Solstice Warriors.
That's it. Solstice kids and non-Solstice kids alike, your path is set in stone from birth. Because this isn't a village; It's a factory for mass-producing Resh'an's chess pieces as efficiently as possible.
...oh, the vials that created Mooncradle were TIA's potions. I just got that. Yeah, he probably is the Great Eagle. Or controls it. Or something.
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Aww, it's me! I'm so precious. I am the cutest baby that's ever been dropped off by the Great Eagle, and I will bite the shins of anyone who disagrees.
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Confirmation that I am, in fact, the older sibling. Chew on that, little brother.
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mmmmalo · 3 months
Coming to regard the black/white Auryn at the center of the trickster lollipop as the same thing as the yin/yang bomb at the center of Skaia. Partly because the shape of the lolly had already reminded me of planets with house-towers, possibly drawing the tricksters' sense of "solving their problems" into the language of Sburb's existing framework for arc completion. Also because this retroactively turns the Skaia-capped staves of kings (and their imitator Lord English) into giant lollipops, making me want to put them in little sailor suits. Also also because the way LE's staff turns into gun makes licking the lolly seem like suicide, turning their immense magnetism into the dark draw of the stump and bringing us back to the paradigm of Mobster Kingpin's diabetes, or the arsenic catnip of sugar, or Doc Scratch's revolver with a single loaded candy-coated round (implicitly for suicide).
I think... for Jane this superimposes a sense that on the worst day of her life -- where Jake's being a jerk and Caliborn bullies her and calls her fat and tells her her Dad's dead and everything she interacts with makes her more miserable -- she has, sort of ended it? In the context of Caliborn calling her fat and in the shadow of Mobster Kingpin's diabetes, Calliope sending her a lollipop (posed as a "pick-me-up") feels like a rhetorical candy-coating on like, mocking fat-phobic suicide baiting, I guess. Giving the perjoratively "diabetic" girl a big bag of sugar. Like the god-tiering bait-and-switch again, but with the element of death obscured. We even see Roxy attempting to inform Jane how they all need to kill themselves (in order to god-tier) while Jane alchemizes the juju! Poor Jane...
I think this subtext carries over into Jane's lollipop abuse in the Epilogues... her line in Meat 29 "citizens of the Human Kingdom delight in my Tricksy antics, and what kind of politician would I be if I were to deny my core voting demographic that sort of red meat?" functions as an allusion to Jane's corpse, in addition to Jane's metaphorical recognition of herself as a product for consumption. "I am hated, so I must annihilate myself" seems to be the underlying sentiment for both disguise and suicide. Having Jane place the lollipop on the mantle (like Nana's memorial portrait), after which Dirk warns Jane not to burn herself out (like Nana's ashes) also seem to be aimed at her sense of despair. As Jane freaks out over being deemed xenophobic, Dirk circles back to "red meat" by juxtaposing the maintenance of political appearances and suicide: "You either gotta roll with the woke shit, or decide to commit laborious, symbolic, melodramatic suicide in the process of utterly giving up."
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