#kim taehyung xyou
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.” and "I'm not leaving you here." with Taehyung please :)))
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Post Breakup Ouchies, Alluding to Sexual Assault (it's never said outright)
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The soft knock at the door to your chambers has you glancing up from where you sit in front of your mirror, your busy ladies in waiting pausing in their ministrations to glance to you for what they should do next.
You wave a hand toward the door, expression not changing. "Open it."
One of your maids rushes to do your bidding, as you sigh heavily and stare at your eyes-all too empty-in the reflection before you, another one of your ladies already moving back to finish twisting up your hair.
You flick your bored gaze up to the new occupant of your suite, and you feel your heart stutter to a painful heart in your chest.
"Leave us." You command instantly, voice sharp, and the ladies bow their heads and scurry to leave the room.
When there is no one left but the two of you, and the flickering, dying flames of the candles-lighting the darkening room in warm yellow light-you force yourself to stand and turn, coming eye to eye with the man who stands in the middle of your room.
You try not to glance down the length of his body-though its hidden behind layers of heavy armor-as you swallow hard and say as strongly as you can muster, "What are you doing here?"
Taehyung cocks his head at your words, and his lips twitch, as if he wants to smile, but can't quite bring himself to. He lets a hand slide down to rest on the hilt of his sword. "Are you telling me you don't want to see me, my lady?"
"You know I don't."
If your words have any effect on the knight standing tall before you, he doesn't show it, staring you down with a new light of challenge in his eyes.
"Then prove it."
You have to stop yourself from shrinking under the weight of his words, and instead, straighten your shoulders and stretch to your full height. "I don't want you here, Taehyung." Your words are starting to lack conviction, and you both sense it.
He steps toward you. "I know that's not true." His caramel irises are swirls of softness and emotions that he's not saying and you can't look him in the eye.
"You cannot be here." You hiss out, reaching toward him to push him toward the door, or simply push him away from you, you're not sure, but either way, you can't move the solid man from in front of you.
He captures your hands in his, and you shiver at the touch of his fingers. His eyes are intense now, and you find you can't look away, breath caught in your throat.
With all the willpower you can muster, you pull out of his grasp and turn back toward the mirror, trying to force your heart to stop pounding, trying to force the air back into your lifeless lungs.
"Don't look at me like that."
You plant your hands palm down on the vanity table and try your best not to think of the swirling honey eyes that have not left your back.
"Like what?" He asks quietly, and you hear his armor jangle as he takes a step-presumably toward you.
You look up, and your eyes lock with his in the mirror.
"Like you still love me."
Taehyung laughs-but it's not happy, not mirthful-and his lips twist into the hint of a sardonic smile. "I can't look at you any other way, my lady, because I do indeed still love you."
"This was a mistake." You whip around and move to push past him, to do what, you're not sure. Maybe open the door? Call for the guards? Anything but have to look him in the face, anything to avoid acknowledging the old feelings that are rising up inside the longer you stay in his presence.
Long fingers loop around your wrist, stopping your movements.
"Let go of me." You grind out between clenched teeth, trying to shake the knight's strong grip from your wrist, but failing.
"No." Taehyung's eyes flash with fire, as you stare each other down, mere feet apart, his fingers still tightly encircling your wrist like an unwanted bracelet. "I'm not going to let you marry him. You don't love him."
It's your turn to laugh now-that same sardonic, chilling laugh-that does nothing to hide the defeat in your eyes or the exhaustion in your tone.
"Love?" You quip back sourly, glaring up at him. "Marriages among nobles are not about love. They're about politics. Nothing more."
"Maybe so." Taehyung replies back just as sharply, and you swear, his fingers are starting to burn a ring around your wrist where they still touch your skin. The angry spark is practically molten in his dark eyes now. "But you can't possibly be thinking of marrying him after what he did to you."
His words feel like a cold knife sliding between the spaces of your ribs, aimed straight for your heart.
You try not to let the words put images in your head-try not to think back to that night-when you were scared and afraid and absolutely unable to do anything but submit, even though your body and mind were screaming out for you to do something, screaming out at every touch of his fingers on your skin.
Run! Hide! Do Something!
The way his fingers had felt-disgusting, vile, hurtful-were nothing like the way Taehyung's fingers had felt-warm, soft, caring, loving.
You glance up at Taehyung then, noting now that he has released your wrist, and you wonder why, but then you feel the hot sting of a tear slip down the skin of your cheek, and see the way he's looking at you-with almost pity-and you steel your resolve and place the cold mask back over your features.
I'm sorry. But it has to be this way.
"Get out." You say quietly, forcefully, and step back from him, leaving the path to the door wide open. "Please." You add, and you're afraid he's heard the wobble now creeping into your tone.
Taehyung's features fall into an expression on the edge of resigned, but there's still the fire in his eyes-brewing just beneath the surface-as his hand once again falls to his sword. "I'll leave." His words don't give you the relief you had thought they would. "For now." He adds, and his voice is almost menacing, as he backs toward the door to your chambers, his eyes never leaving your own.
"I'm not leaving you here." He says, as his hand rests on the doorknob, and his words are strong, and resonate like a promise. "Mark my words, my lady, I will be back for you."
His dark eyes flash, and you suddenly feel something akin to comfort creep across your skin at the look he pins on you, though there is something dangerous beneath his next words, and you know you should feel frightened.
"And I will make him pay. For everything."
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
“He can like ....get it ...” Taehyung Mini smut drabble
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This is random...idk where this came from but here ya go!Well lies..Tae at the Grammys is the devil! Legit sitting at Starbucks and this blurts out of my brain...unedited typed straight from my iPhone !
You didn't know a damn thing about him initially,not even his name...all you knew is he was fine as fuck. His mint green hair dusting his forehead...resting against his warm olive complexion. As he spent the night eye fucking you from across the room, eyes tempting you to come play with him. “Oh my god…” Nails clawing into his clothed thighs , as your eyes hit the back of your head, choking out a faint cry as you instantly remembered you were in the bathroom stall of a restaurant in downtown LA. It felt like every inch of your body was set ablaze as his tip teased at your entrance, halting almost immediately once he felt how tight you were. Walls not flexing enough to let him in comfortably, the grip on his thighs got tighter. Lips calming the back of your neck ...already knowing what you needed “Shhh..I know baby.. I know..” The deep gravel in his voice coming out as a whisper as he coaxed against the side of your neck. Letting his tongue tease the skin beneath your ear...bringing his fingers over to your lips. Lapping your tongue around them making sure they were as wet as possible as you already knew where they were going. Moaning out against his fingers..as you tried to steady your breathing….”That's it...get my fingers nice and wet…” placing a couple kisses against your temple. Whispering out praises against the side of your neck...telling you how good you were doing, how beautiful you look,how warm your pussy felt. Letting his fingers connect to your clit which was already pulsing, fuck you were already so sensetive.  Moving in swift circles, you could physically hear how wet you were getting, applying steady pressure which allowed him to ease in completely. You could feel him easing his way through your walls..inch by inch slowly pushing you open..as you molded yourself around him. If you didn't know any better you’d think he was sitting in your throat, it wasn't that he was aborobaly lenthly he was just the perfect combination of length and girth. There wasn't enough time for proper foreplay and he knew he was a lot to take in, caring just as much about your release as his own. Even in siutations like this, theres a clear diffeence between a man and a boy when it comes sex. Making sure you were good and wet before he ruined you the way he’s wanted since you walked in. “That’s it baby..relax..I got you...god I can’t wait to feel you come all over my dick” Growling into the nape of your neck letting his teeth dig deep into your flesh..he learned very quickly how much you loved to be bit. By now the side of your neck was all arayes of pinks and purples, leaving  you with a little..reminder to take home. The more he worked you, the more you opened up, the sting was long gone suddenly feeling  light headed upon realizing how full you were “Fuckkk…you feel so good, so fucking good” Reclining your neck against his shoulder as you slouched down completely causing him to lean back into the wall of the stall. Knees bent slightly as he slouched against it while you basically sat on his lap. “Gooddmn your so tight baby...I can’t even move or else I’ll come inside your tight little pussy...fuck…” Gripping the back of your neck, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before lacing his tongue with yours. Both of you moaning against each others tongues as you tried to adjust to how tight you felt around him. Still not able to stop yourself from milking him, involuntary clenching continuously, you could feel yourself dripping down his balls. You heard the bathroom door open..and someone walk into the stall next to you, you could feel him smiling into the kiss. Suddenly the grip on your waist got tighter, you felt him slide out slowly, and it was like all the air was being sucked out of you before abruptly slamming back in. The squeal that left your throat was loud enough to damn near echo out into the hallway, a dark arrogant chuckle left his lips as readjusted himself. Standing up completely forcing you to arch slightly bracing both of your hands on the wall in front of you. “God, I;m about to ruin this pretty little pussy baby..fuck I’m gonna fuck you so good I'll have to carry you back to your table...…” Pushing your dress higher up your stomach as he dug his nails into your ass rolling his hips into yours at a deep steady pace, almost making your knees buckle not even caring to be quiet anymore..he felt too fucking good! Only adding to current state ecstasy as he brought his hand back down to circle your clit.
The first time I heard about BTS was at the BBMA last year and the title was legit how I felt about Tae lol
If you guys enjoyed it lemme know love you as always !!
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