#keith Kogane one shot
retvenkos · 1 year
solar flares | k.k.
requested Voltron: Legendary Defender  — Keith Kogane x Reader, angst, fluff
word count: 3.6k prompt: “things you always meant to say but never got the chance” A/N: hello hello hello, old friends. i am... perhaps back, perhaps just dropping something off before i disappear into the void once more. i want to get back onto tumblr but also i have the most anxiety over it so i’m kinda just,,,, vibing. it will work itself out in time <3. i’m kinda on the fence with the ending on this one but also i love keith kogane, and this is your daily reminder that he.
Summary: Time is cruel - it is it’s right. Here, in the Quantum Abyss, where time means everything and nothing, Keith has to reconcile with all that time means, now that it separates him from you.
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In every solar flare - in every incandescent glimpse of his long-aching past - Keith saw you.
In the beginning, they were longer memories - moments recent and still fresh in his mind - arguments in the Castle of Lions, the words fierce and sharpened to an ever-stinging point. The apologies that always followed — the weight on his shoulders dragging him down, the pressure of the universe seated on his chest. You'd look at him with clouded eyes — like you knew you shouldn't believe him but wanted to nonetheless, and Keith wouldn't be able to shake it all night long.
Then, another memory: the moment of his departure — that longing in his bones he couldn't be rid of. There'd been something calling him — the promise of a mission grander than everything his fragile mortality had ever been, the guarantee of something more. It had been crushing. It had dragged him to the floor like lead.
He had somehow felt so alone in this great expanse of universe, but even then, there was you. Your eyes — filled with some kind of mourning — a smile on your face despite, and all the makings of a yearning farewell on your lips as you watched him go. Your jaw hadn’t trembled, and your shoulders hadn’t bowed; you'd been solid - the rock that always kept Keith grounded, even if he was halfway gone. He almost didn't know what to do and how to leave it all behind, but then you raced after him for a more private goodbye. Your voice had faltered as you held him tight and said you would miss him more dearly than sunlight on Earth.
"I trust you—" and there was something acerbic in the rawness of your truth "—so I won't tell you to be safe or to come back to me. I won't ask for things you can't guarantee. Just find what you're looking for, Keith… and if you ever do find your way back, bring me something good."
And in that moment, you looked so lovely, and Keith didn't know how to tell you that nothing would compare or ever be good enough for the brilliance of your being. What good could he possibly find, out there, when you were right here? What beauty could lay in store for him when he was leaving you behind?
It should have changed his mind, but it didn’t. The yearning he felt in his being then… It had been so strong and overwhelming - almost like it wasn't his at all but had fastened itself to his very bones for reasons he couldn't comprehend. The desire to follow where this new mystery led had been so fierce and untempered - a fire that reminded him of something he'd once been.
He had thought, then, that it threatened to eat him alive; it was nothing compared to the guilt that consumed him now.
But your eyes had shined like constellated skies, and a single tear fell down the curve of your cheek like a shooting star. Keith held you tighter, and for a breath that should have lasted an eternity, he couldn't pull away. There had been so much he wanted to say to you right then - so much he had mulled over and practiced for hours on end - but none of it came. All of his words caught themselves on the barbs of his ribcage, and all his farewells failed to assemble in his throat.
"Always," was all that made it past his lips. It wasn't nearly enough.
And for every moment thereafter - when he revisited this moment in his mind and drank it like a poison he couldn't be rid of - he had speeches and poetry to bare his soul. He had essays and dissertations to explain what lay amongst his tangled and frayed mind. Every moment remembered, after, was filled with the things he didn't say, but it was pointless, now, and that was a particular ache in his chest. You weren't here to listen, and the moment was already gone.
I love you. And I love you because my whole world is you, and it always has been. You constellate the galaxies, and you solve all my mysteries, and sometimes I fit in the palm of your hand.
The flare would pass. He'd no longer be blinded by the light. Keith's mind would clear, and that void named space would fill in around him once more.
But your ghost was tricky, and it liked to linger under his skin. Its favorite amusement was to swim in the deep wells of his thoughts — spiraling down, down, down - no matter how it tortured him, and no matter how it was an injustice to you.
But nevertheless, the flares would come, and so too, would your ghost.
Soon enough, the memories were less coherent. The solar flare would flash, the universe would still, and for a moment, Keith would see the curl of your grin or feel the pressure of your shoulder against his. Sometimes, they were just impressions - the knowledge that for those moments when his world went white, you were beside him, and he was home. Home - in that living room where the both of you had pieced together the mystery that started everything: the caves with the lion carvings, the desert with its secrets. Home - where all this nonsense began. It was like he could reach out, and his corkboard would be before him, and you would be flipping through miscellaneous books on his right. "Come look at this," he could hear you saying, "you'll never believe what I found."
Other times, it was only your voice - soft and low, the way it would be when you were serious and thinking, that Texas drawl still hanging onto every other word and coloring your speech like a fading memory. Like a secret the two of you kept; like the past you had once built together.
“Just find what you're looking for.”
But Keith didn’t know how to reconcile all that he left behind.
One time, the solar flare had been particularly bright, and Keith nearly thought he saw the future. But no - he was in deep bad enough already. Better to not confuse dreams with premonitions.
But your eyes had been shimmering with relief, and you ran into his arms without thinking, and when you crashed your lips against his, the world was like a mystery that fell into place.
But no - better to not breathe hope where all he had left was abandon.
“So…” and it was raining fairly heavily - or whatever constituted rain, on this strange creature, in this even stranger Quantum Abyss. The fire was crackling and hissing in the shelter Keith had assembled and expanded over the months, and on the other side of the flames, Krolia’s purple eyes danced. “Who’s (Y/n)?”
"How do you know that name?"
And Krolia seemed to like the defensive edge in her son's voice. Keith pretended not to notice the smile that spread across her face, the pride that had started to settle in her facial lines. "I see them, sometimes. The same way you see people I once knew."
The wolf stalked at the entrance of the shelter. He waited impatiently for the weather to turn, and he whined at the precipitation. He wanted to be away from the smoke and this pesky conversation. He longed to run free.
"It's not like I'm trying to, you know. With time collapsing here and us living in such tight quarters, there's no delineation between my memories and yours. You see my remembrances of your father, and I see yours with them."
And it wasn't even that he was ashamed or felt awkward talking about you. Keith just wasn't sure if he deserved to utter your name.
"Yeah, I know," Keith sighed and pushed his ever-growing hair off his brow. If time truly was different here, would he be older than you now? You had always liked your six-month seniority, and there had been a time when you playfully held it over his head. Part of him longed to joke that you couldn't boss him around anymore. But when he got back - if he made it home to you in one piece, with something good and apologetic in hand - would you be in a playful mood?
Krolia sat motionless - waiting for him to respond. Always so silent, always unmoving - it was as though every moment, she was drinking him in, trying to make up for all those lost years in the span of an instant. Always so patient - Krolia would wait forever for him to continue, and Keith knew she would never forget or let it go.
Would he look at you the same?
"(Y/n) and I..." and it was stupid and pointless that it was this hard for Keith to talk about you out loud. But where would he start? In the beginning, when you were little things that met before his world was taken from him? With your trip into space, him coaxing you the whole way there? With the moment he realized he loved you - inconsequential and insignificant, in a time that belonged to him no longer, on a planet he might never return to? Or should he begin with the loss of you? Should he start his tale moving backward and rip himself apart to decipher where it all went wrong?
Maybe he should just lie - make something beautiful and fleeting, tied with a silver bow.
He might never survive this mission, and anything he said here would be lost to the Abyss. He could claim whatever he wanted and leave out whatever he liked, and it might not matter, besides. 
"I left them behind." And there it was, again. That inability to speak his mind — that barrier between his thoughts and his voice, where everything became bottlenecked, then fermented, and eventually died. Krolia was silent, still. "I brought (Y/n) out here to space when they didn't want to go, and I convinced them by saying we'd do it together."
The wolf was whimpering at the mouth of the shelter. He was pawing at what one might consider the dampness of the earth.
"But here I am."
"Yes," Krolia nodded, but her eyes were sparkling no longer. "Here you are."
And they were silent until the storm let up.
The vengeance of the solar flares never abandoned him. There was always you. Catching his eye from across the room and winking; taking your place on the Bridge with a clenched and determined jaw; drumming your fingers against the grip of your blade as you danced around him - playful yet focused before your strike. You never left him, and so the memory of you always ached. Deeper than this Quantum Abyss, more profound than any other memory beside. The sun would flash, and Keith would be suspended in memories that haunted him forever.
Perhaps it was all he deserved. Maybe this was some celestial form of penitence for how he left things and how he allowed them to degrade before he had vanished.
But if it were really you - the whole you and not just these fragments he was left with - he liked to think you wouldn't be so cruel. That at the very least (a least he didn't deserve, perhaps, but a mercy you'd allow him -  if not for your love of him then some kind of sympathy beside), you would have let him sleep.
These days, he couldn't get much by way of shut-eye. Solar flares were tricky things - more vivid than dreams, so immersive they'd fool you into believing that moment and nothing else was real.
And sometimes, you would be laughing so hard the sound reverberated through his very being. And sometimes, you would hold him like he had never left.
There was no telling how deep this Abyss went, or what even lay in wait at the bottom. Perhaps it would take another two years more. Perhaps it would take decades and when he returned, you wouldn't recognize the person he'd become.
Keith kicked at a rock - or whatever resembled a rock, on this on this unbearable creature, in this near unendurable Quantum Abyss. It skid to a halt, the earth soft enough to absorb the impact. He sighed, kicking at another, and part of him was waiting for you to fill the blanks in between — "I know a broody sigh when I hear one. What's your trouble this time?"
And it would soothe all his woes, coaxing a smile to his face, despite. He'd turn to you haphazard, and the way you cocked your brow would be enough to pacify the worst of him. "And what if my trouble is you?"
You'd push him gently to sway. "An easy remedy, then. I'm always fixin' to change."
Was this what insanity felt like? For your mind to be trapped someplace where your body wasn't?
"I've left people behind too, you know." And Krolia was still there, beside him. Quiet, mostly, except for moments like these when she wasn't. They made quite the pair - this son who couldn't quench the fire that scorched him and his mother, who had long since been burned through - but that had taken time. Luckily for her, time was all they had, out here.
She looked at Keith with almost veiled sympathy. It crept up on her, occasionally, in the moments when there wasn't enough action for a sense of pride, and too much stillness to bear regret. 
Keith didn't turn away from his mother, anymore. He just sat heavy with the knowledge of her and sometimes, together, their aches would ease. A breeze blew past them - sweetened from the grasses nearby, cold and everlasting. "We leave people behind sometimes." And Krolia turned her attention to the wolf in front of them, scratching his side, fingers deep in the soft, blue fur.
"Sometimes, there's nothing else we can do," she muttered. Almost apologetic, almost like she didn't wish to speak it at all. Sometimes, Krolia tettered on the edge like that. There was always something that itched at the depths of her throat - like she couldn't rid the thought without uttering it, condemned though it may be. Keith was used to it, now. It rolled over him easily without catching on all of his sharpened edges.
 It was a strange sort of familiarity, to recognize yourself in another. It was a comfortable sort of loss, to discover who you took after years and calamities too late.
 "We've left people, Keith. And sometimes, we don't know if it was the right choice." Krolia's head hung low, then - the usual glow of her irises cooled. His father. The little boy he'd once been. They were all ghosts swimming in her vision - guilt that couldn't be altered. "Sometimes we'll never know... but it doesn't always mean you made the wrong choice."
Keith scoffed.
What else could he do?
A solar flare passed not long after that - a searing white that coalesced in the image of something more, a promise he'd once avowed to keep, a fondness that was now consigned to ash - and Keith repented, once more.
But time passed, as it had no choice to. And solar flares accosted him, as was their right.
The Colony wasn’t what he expected - the discovery that followed somehow worse. Then the race against time, the battle against Shiro... the revelation that, at present, felt like an explosion - the debris of that blast all truths he'd have to swallow, craters the size of entire moons, the sum more vast that this known universe. It was as though two years' worth of heartache and sorrow unloaded at once, the fallout a reality he could never reconcile, the truth too terrible to name.
But still there, in the middle of it all was you - a breathless disbelief when he landed in the hangar, a flash of too-bright eyes, and an utterance of his name that felt like more of a homecoming than any celebration Lance might coax the others to throw, sometime later. There, amongst it all, was you - and all he seemed to bring back with him was discord and an infinitely deep sort of ache.
He yearned to fix it all then - to reach for you the way he knew he should and unload the thoughts that had haunted him longer than the restlessness within him. But he couldn't; there wasn't the time. 
And so one longing in his chest only ever led to another and in the end, he was somehow incomplete.
But it was quiet now, on this strange planet that was so far from the Quantum Abyss and everything else Keith had once left for. The lions were recharging, Shiro was close to waking, and Keith had stepped out to give Allura some solitude and time.
He found you sitting in the shade of his mecha beast, its long shadow a respite from the bright stars above. You kicked at a stray rock and it tumbled, falling away from you, crashing into the earth further below. You shook your head, plucked the grass beside you.
His mouth was dry, his voice more rasp than language.
And when you turned to him, the emotion in your gaze was too complex to name, and against his two-and-a-half years of longing, your handful months of separation rattled him anew.
Could you possibly miss him the way he had yearned for you?
"Keith," and you let his voice linger on your tongue - like the sound was something to savor, the idea something to hold - "you're always coming with a storm, aren't you?"
And his language was getting caught in his throat again, his words trapped in his mind, and all of that meaning snagging on the edges of his labyrinthine being—
You crashed into him with a force that sent him staggering backward. If it hadn't been for how you held him tightly, he would have hit the solid ground.
"I've missed your chaos more than I ever should," your voice was muffled, vibrating in the depths of his chest. And when you pulled away, half laughing, Keith swore you stole all the infinite beauty of the moon. "But never bring this like of storm again, I'm begging you."
And Keith barked a laugh. What else could he do?
"Alright." He tightened the hug for a moment before pulling reluctantly away. "I'll do my best, (Y/n), I will."
Who took the first step, he can't recall, but the two of you started on a walk to nowhere but familiarity, wandering away from the circle of lions but always staying in their view. He asked you to tell him something good, and you recounted some of the events he'd missed, being so far away. You pulled stories from him as well - the best that he could fashion, out of the heaviness he'd been doused in for so long. He apologized then, though for what, he was too vast in his meaning, yet too precise to be vague. It was enough, you assured him, but still too little to be sufficient.
"Oh!" And Keith patted for his pockets, then, searching for a promise he'd almost lost. He should still have it... if there was any mercy in this great expanse of space, it should still be intact...
"Romelle talks a lot — if you don't know that yet then you don't have to wait much longer to realize — and she uhh... she helped me find this." And he fished through the depths of him until he found what he was looking for and held it out. 
A rock. No, more of a crystal. The kind encased in dull grey rock but shimmering on the inside, catching the light of a thousand stars and reflecting it back - a kaleidoscope of colors that Keith couldn't quite name. What did it remind him of? A geode, perhaps? No, something grander than that. Something otherwordly. Something that, when he saw it, reminded him of longing and love, and how those two were, in fact, the same though they settled differently in his chest.
Something that, despite his hesitance, was worthy of you.
Perhaps not anymore, though. It was split in two, cracked down an uneven center, and crumbling away at the jagged edges, but it was still beautiful, the same.
Keith couldn't meet your eyes. "She said they're rare on her home planet - a rock of some kind that comes from outside their atmosphere. The Alteans don't know what push them there, but I think I have some idea, after traveling through the abyss. It, uhh... it symbolizes something. I can't remember—"
You called his name.
Despite himself, Keith looked up.
"You brought it." And your voice was soft, but your eyes shimmered with all the intensity he could not bear. They were almost tears, but you refused to let them fall. Always so stubborn, you'd hold onto them and he'd be entranced with how they set your eyes to glisten.
"Something good... yeah."
You laughed, the sound incandescent.
And then you ran.
You ran into his arms without thinking, and when you crashed your lips against his, the geode fell to a softened grass-cushioned landing, but the rest of the universe came close, fitting itself into place - a mystery solved, an uncertainty no longer wavering but defined.
"I love you," and it spilled from his lips afterward, when he was gasping for breath, the words dislodged from the spines of his ribcage - desperate and bloody after clawing their way free. "I always have."
And you kissed him again to whisper it against his lips, soft and ever-present, a sigh that grounded him for the rest of eternity — "I love you too."
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taglist: @teaand-dreams, @konepmi, @simpamonroll // add yourself to the taglist here!
(also shamelessly tagging @biqherosix​ because daniza is a keith lover and i think it would be a crime to not alert her.)
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crybabyddl · 1 year
Looking Sharp
Part 2
Keith Kogane x Fem!Reader
Warning: smut, knife play, degradation, praise, dirty talk, swearing. Please do not interact with this content if you are not 18+
Author’s Note: happy keithtober, happy kinktober let’s fucking gooooo
^^^LMAO it’s been WAYYYY too long. Like, over a year. I’m so sorry to everyone who has been waiting for this bc I’ve racked up quite a taglist for this story alone haha. But seriously, thank you for all the support on part 1 and I hope you enjoy part 2!!!🥰
“You, Y/N, are a tease,” Keith’s look turns cold in replacement of the heat from his lustful gaze. “And I’m tired of it. Let’s see just how clean cut you are…”
His voice trails off, as well as his stare. His pupils are redirected to the thin, beautifully crafted knife, and I have no choice but to let my eyes follow.
He drags the weapon agonizingly slowly up my leg. The pressure is feather light. The ghost of Keith’s disconnected touch has my body temperature doing cartwheels.
“When I have you begging me to let you cum as I press this cold, sharp blade on the inside of those precious thighs of yours, shall we?”
Just when I thought my jaw was locked shut in disbelief and awe, his sensual musings easily loosened that tension.
“Y-yes. Oh my god, yes.” I breathe, reaching out for the paladin’s chest to bring him closer.
Keith evades my grasp and moves to spin me around, holding me flush against him. I can feel the dagger’s chill on my neck while his erection meets my backside.
“Not like you had much of a choice.”
It was almost too good to be true—somehow Keith knew my body as well as I did. The way he tightened his hold on me whenever I’d try to squirm out of his grasp; the icy stares he’d give me whenever a gasp escaped my lips.
Part of me felt guilty for enjoying this so much. It made no sense, but that didn’t stop me from worrying. My anxiety must’ve been evident on my face, because Keith seemed to notice something was amiss.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, his voice was softer, trading in his raspy, demanding tone for considerate and gentle inflections. The swordsman even lowered his knife, genuinely concerned for my wellbeing.
“Sorry,” I sighed, separating myself from him completely. “It’s just a lot all at once, you know? Plus, I never really thought this would happen. I mean, you’re… you, and I’m just me. It doesn’t make much sense.”
“What are you talking about? That’s ridiculous, Y/N.” Keith’s eyebrows arch as he searches my eyes for an indication of some sort.
“I– well, I just got overwhelmed is all.” I shrugged as my mouth formed a grimace.
“No, not that part. I totally understand that, and I feel it too! I’m talking about the whole ‘you’re you and I’m just me’ thing. Why would you think that?” Keith actually looks pained when he repeats my own words back to me.
“Think about it, Keith. You and I are so different and if something like this never happened, we probably never would’ve known how we felt about each other. And if you take into account our personalities in general, anything between us is bound to end in disaster. Like I said, we don’t make much sense.” I look down at the floor, unable to meet his—without a doubt—awkward sympathetic gaze.
“We don’t have to make sense! We just have to like being around each other! I’ve never felt this way with anyone before; do you know how hard it is for me to admit something like that? There’s no way to know what happens or what’ll become of any of this, but it’s not important right now. I never thought I’d be the one to say that, but it’s the truth.”
“I guess I just thought that you were too good for me. I mean, you’re a paladin of Voltron for fuck’s sake!”
Keith stays silent for a moment, smiling softly to himself as he looks down at the ground.
“Keith?” I try to recapture his attention, waving a hand in front of his face. He laughs again.
“Are you kidding? You’re practically perfect! Smart, kind, funny, a badass fighter, and god, you are so pretty.”
“I’m far from perfect, silly. Besides, that’s how I feel about you!” I feel my cheeks burning, but try my best to ignore it.
Keith closes the distance between us and gently grabs my face with both hands. Before I can think better of it, my hands find their way on top of his, keeping his touch there.
“Will you ever learn to take people for their word?” He chuckles.
I lean into his touch, and I could’ve sworn my heart was beating out of my chest in that moment.
“Probably not.” I shrugged, looking up at the paladin and giving him a sly smirk.
He rips his hands out of my grasp, my cheeks becoming cold from the sudden loss of his touch.
“Well then,” Keith is quick to sweep his leg under me, sure to catch me before I trip, laying me down gently on the floor. My breathing becomes ragged as he positions himself over me. I feel trapped, but I don’t mind it now. “I guess I’ll have to take care of that, won’t I?”
“Good luck with that.” I say nonchalantly, or at least as nonchalantly as possible. I was doting on his every breath, impatiently anticipating what his next words, movements, or touches would be.
“Thanks. Not that I needed the encouragement, but I will say it does help.”
The silence that would’ve formed between us is swiftly overthrown by my sudden gasp as Keith brings his knife back into the equation. He has it against my cheekbone, the blade is horizontal as its steely edge rests upon my skin.
“Does it turn you on that your life is in my hands?”
“I trust you.” I tell him. He would never hurt me, at least not without my consent. Despite his confidence on the battlefield, he was typically quite awkward in conversation.
“Oh, that’s sweet, you think this is about trust. I could do whatever I wanted to with you right now. You’re just my plaything and you won’t be forgetting that by the time I’m done with you.” His smirk is subtle, but it brandishes its image in my brain with hot iron.
He’s still on top of me, but he’s apprehensive, meaning I can still take control of the situation. I use the opportunity to grab him by his collar, yanking him down so his face is mere inches from mine. His dark blue, almost indigo eyes are locked into mine. He seems more vulnerable, but Keith always shields himself from others to some degree.
“Well tough shit, paladin. I don’t answer to anyone but myself.”
“Is that so?” he looks skeptical. “Well if that’s the case, then I guess I’ll be on my way out–”
“Wait!” I place my hand around the back of his neck, releasing my other hand from its grip on the collar of his shirt.
Keith eyes me, offering a quizzical hum.
“Please stay. I was just trying to be sexy and defiant! I don’t actually want you to go.”
While his expression gave no insight as to what he might be feeling, I could tell Keith was affected by my confession. I just wasn’t sure how. He was sitting up straight now, a distance created between us.
The moment was only a few seconds away from being awkward when I heard him scoff. Not only that, but that same smirk from before had returned.
“You were trying to be ‘sexy and defiant’?”
“Uh,” I swallowed hard, but not audibly. “Yeah. Those were the words I chose to say out loud.”
“I’m sure you’re wishing you’d chosen something better to say, aren’t you?” He laughed into the last word he spoke.
I nodded.
“That’s the thing about honesty,” he pauses, leaning back over me, looking directly into my eyes. “It leads to weakness.”
His words sent fire down my sternum. Feeling the cool metal of his blade return to my neck shot that heat downward, pooling in my stomach and searing against my clit.
Looking Sharp Taglist: @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @iris-iiridescent @deadgirlvamp666 @thevalkyriee @growingupnrealizing @fookinslut4harry @fictional-addiction
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apprentice-s · 11 months
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catsushinyakajima · 2 months
(My friend yelled at for making this instead of studying)
They play tag around the castle. It’s not even a cute silly game like they murderously chase each other through the halls like their life depends on it. It’s more exhausting than training.
Keith is such a lowkey/casual romantic. Like when Lance initiates things he’ll just be like 🧍like:
Lance: kisses him on the cheek. Keith: 👍
BUT BUT BUT he’ll be so good at initiating things back that have Lance like sgkdhekdvdkfn. Like he’ll fix Lances hair and sling an arm around his waist and Lance is like
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Lance is hundred percent the guy to scream “that’s my boyfriend!!” Whenever Keith does Any accomplishments
They are so bad at sharing a bed like cuddling will be cute until they’re actually asleep and then there’s just kicking in their sleep or someone lands on top of the other or whatever
Keith picks up lingo from Lance. Like catch Keith in his sassy era
As loud as Lance is, he’s observant. He’ll notice when Keith hadn’t eaten or slept too much or if his head isn’t in the game. He won’t even say anything, he’ll just do something that slightly makes it better
Keith doesn’t snack a lot but Lance does so he carries snacks for him
Lance helped Keith aim a gun and obviously did the whole standing behind u really close while holding you thing and Keith lost his shit.
He did the same back to Lance and Lance almost impaled him with a sword
Lance makes Keith waltz with him when they’re alone and there’s no fighting. Just them alone in the castle dancing. Lance is not a very good waltzer. Keith is even worse.
They try new hobbies together.
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Just A Prank
Ok hear me out, this just popped into my head. When the team gets to properly meet Adam, one of them makes a comment about how similar he and Shiro are to Keith and Lance, but (probably Pidge) says no way cause they would never date or even stand each other enough to be friends, so obviously klance takes it personally and a week or two later they announce their relationship. they don't even plan out a break out or anything they are just trying to prove a point lol. Idk
I made a post a bit ago regarding a fake dating klance fic. The idea above ^^^ was given by @fluffy-and-boney    
I hope I gave the idea justice! :D 
Lance looked towards the ground, trying to keep his eyes trained away from where Shiro and Adam were hugging. A moment he felt like others shouldn’t be observing. They had just had their final meeting with Pidge's father and finally were all able to reunite with their family and loved ones. Hunk and Lance were waiting for their family to make their way to the Garrison so they were left seeing Pidge's family and Adam. 
“So do you know this guy?” Lance whispered to his fellow red paladin. 
Keith gave a stiff nod, his eyes also looking anywhere but at the men hugging and whispering to each other. “Adam is a good guy.” 
It would take some time for the other family members to appear so they all ate dinner together. Lance would be lying if he said he didn’t think Adam and Shiro weren’t cute. It was just weird seeing Shiro be so affectionate around others. 
While they ate, he had his arm wrapped around Adam, placing small kisses on his cheek as the conversation flowed. They were sweetly adorable. 
As the weeks went by Adam had become an adoptive member of the Voltron family. He joined in on meal times, hiking trips, and even meetings around the planet as they helped rebuild what the Galra destroyed. Shiro soon became Shiro and Adam, two peas in a pod. You could not have one without the other. 
“I just think they’re adorable!” Hunk placed his hands on his cheek and he gushed over Shiro and Adam spinning each other around on the dance floor. It had been a year since they had returned to Earth and they had finally tied the knot. 
“You know, they kinda remind me of you two,” Matt nudged Lance, Keith giving him an unreliable expression. 
“Oh please, like Keith and Lance could compete with those two! They’re barely on a friendship level.” Pidge snickered a light-hearted joke. 
Lance found his eyes shifting over to the raven-haired boy next to him. He didn’t consider them rivals anymore and after the years had passed he had come to view Keith as someone who could trust. Someone he could rely on for everything. Someone who always had his back. He knew Keith felt the same back. Yet, Pidge was right, their “friendship” was still a bit rocky. They could trust and rely on each other without being buddy-buddy. 
He couldn’t help but feel as though Keith was bothered by Pidge's statement. They both had matured from the time they were initially launched into space, yet that competitive spirit still flickered in both of them. 
“As if they would ever date Pidge,” Hunk threw his drink back, laughing as Matt struggled to do the same. 
Lance forced a friendly chuckle out, noticing how Keith’s jaw seemed to tighten a bit. A plan quickly formed in his head and a smirk flashed quickly across his face. He just needed to get mullet on board. 
“Keith,” he grabbed the other boy's wrist as he walked by, clearly turning in for the night. 
“Uh, hi.” 
Lance released his hold on the other boy and crossed his arms. “How would you feel about a prank?” His eyes flickered with his trademark mischievous glint. 
Keith stared at the other boy, “I think you had too much to drink. Maybe you should head to bed, come on I’ll walk-” 
“Just listen to me.” 
“Uh, sure.” 
Lance looked around, making sure no one was eavesdropping. “Let’s fake date.” 
Keith blinked a couple of times, confusion plaguing his entire body. “What?”
“Think about it,” Lance placed his hands on the other boy's shoulders. “What Pidge said sounded like a challenge. We can’t be as cute as Shiro and Adam? I think we could be cuter.” 
“That bothered you that badly?” 
Lance rolled his eyes, “don’t act like it didn’t bother you, I saw your jaw tighten.” 
“I don’t like you like that.” 
“Neither do I. That’s why it’s fake.” 
Keith didn’t reply for a bit, but before Lance could try to sell his prank more he quickly turned and walked down the hall. Ignoring Lance’s calls for him to listen to him.
Lance woke up to someone pounding on his door. He swore under his breath as he stumbled to the door. Maybe Keith was right, he did have too much to drink last night. He opened up the door, rubbing his eyes, “what?!” 
Keith stood, his body relaxed and hair dripping; clearly, his couple of drinks didn’t stop him from his morning workout. “You need to learn how to be a morning person,” he pushed past him, walking to stand by the other's bed. 
Lance closed the door, mocking the other boy under his breath. “Maybe you shouldn’t knock at ungodly hours.” 
“It’s 10 am.” His voice was deadpanned. 
“Too early,” he grabbed his robe that was hung on the closet door, throwing it around his body with a huff. “What did you want?” 
Keith focused his attention on him, “I thought about your prank, and I’m in.” 
Lance gave him a confused look, “huh?” 
Keith gave him an uncomfortable look, “don’t tell me that you don’t remember.” 
Lance shook his head, “of course, I remember. I didn’t expect you to agree.” 
Keith shrugged, “I think it could be fun.” 
“Keith Kogane,” he walked towards the other boy who stiffened a bit as he threw his arm over his shoulder. “You actually want to have fun?” 
He groaned, “nevermind.” He tried to walk away but Lance pulled him down on the bed unexpectedly. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Look, I think we could totally pull this off.” 
Keith shoved the other man off him, “get off me.” 
Lance rolled onto his back, Keith laying next to him “so what are the rules?” 
“Yeah like, boundaries. Kissing, holding hands, things like that.” 
Keith was silent for a bit, “what do you think.” 
Lance hummed, he didn't mind taking charge of the rules. “If we’re going to sell it to the team we’re going to need to show some physical affection. Hand holding, arms around each other, cuddles when we do team movies nights.” 
Keith shivered beside him and Lance felt a small pain in his heart. He knew he was never good at physical affection, had even dated anyone before? 
“We can take it slow, maybe just hand holding?” 
“We don’t have to kiss on the lips right?” 
Lance laughed, “no we don’t.” He felt the other boy relax drastically next to him. “Let’s wait before we announce anything. If we say it now the team might think we hooked up or something.” 
Keith grunted, “it’s too close to Pidge's comment anyways.” 
“Agreed, let’s give it a week.” 
They ended up waiting two weeks before executing step one of their plan; tell the team they're a couple. They had discussed a couple of different ways of doing it, some being subtle and others being more straightforward. 
The more Lance thought about it, the more he realized they never settled on a plan. The night before Keith said he was ready for everything to start so it was up to Lance to make the first official move. He strolled into the dining room, the team sitting around eating some food Hunk’s mom cooked for them. 
The seat next to Keith was open and Lance fought back a smile. Perfect. He flopped down next to the other boy, giving the team a friendly nod, and draped his arm on the back of Keith’s chair. “Morning babe.” 
The room went silent in seconds, Adam dropping his fork on the ground as everyone froze in place. Lance reached forward and put up some food on his empty plate. “This looks great, thanks, Mrs. Garret!” He started eating the various foods, seeming unaware of the confusing tension in the room. 
“Oh my god babe have you tried this?” He held up the muffin he was chewing at the other boy. 
Keith shook his head and Lance broke off a small piece, “open wide!!” 
He could tell he was reluctantly obliging and opened his mouth, chewing slowly. “Good right?” 
Keith nodded and mumbled a small thanks. 
“I’m sorry, what is happening?” Shiro asked, his eyes darting between the two boys. 
“Oh, this? Keith and I are dating.” 
The reaction of everyone else was priceless, already making the prank worth wild. Hunk’s jaw was almost on the floor, Pidge choking on her drink. Adam and Shiro both had shocked expressions and Hunk's mom congratulated the new development. 
“WHAT?! I DON’T BELIEVE THIS!” Pidge stood from her chair, pointing at the two. “Lance, you’re lying! Keith, tell me he’s lying.” 
Keith’s face had a tint of red to it and he cleared his throat, “we’re dating.” 
Lance intertwined their hands together and lifted them up to show the others. “See?” 
A loud gasp filled the room and he smiled at Keith. Oh yeah, this was going to be fun. 
The days turned into weeks which turned into months and Lance and Keith were still fake dating. Both of them were committed to the prank. Keith slowly opened up and became more affectionate. The first time he called Lance a pet name and hugged him Shiro walked into a wall due to his disbelief.  
They focused on mimicking the married couple. When Shiro and Adam were tangled up with each other during group movie night, Lance and Keith sat closer. One movie night Keith actually sat on Lance’s lap the entire time. 
They went on “dates” together, even having a double date with Shiro and Adam. They both checked in with each other every night, discussing what was going well, how the others were reacting to them, etc. Lance had slowly moved into Kieth’s room. While Keith slept on the floor most of the time (by his own choice), sometimes they woke up next to each other. But that’s what friends did. Lance was confident they were finally friends. 
They only had one frazzled moment when Pidge demanded they kiss to really prove that they were dating; they knew she would be the hardest to sell. Lance tried to fumble out and excuse by Keith cut him off saying, "its just a kiss right?" Lance took the initiative and gently cupped the other boy's face, closing his eyes as he leaned forward. 
Keith’s lips were softer than he expected and the squeak he made was permanently saved to his memory. It was a brief kiss, but long enough to sell their “relationship.” 
“Is everything okay?” Lance asked from where he lay on Keith’s bed, watching the other boy pace back and forth. 
Lance titled his head, he hadn't seen Keith this frazzled in a long time. "Yeah."
Keith ran his fingers through his hair, “that kiss was just for the prank right?"
Keith bobbed his head, his posture not relaxing. "Okay, as long as she believes us now.” 
Lance nodded, trying to figure out why Keith’s skin was tinted red. 
“You two seriously have been together a full year!” Hunk gasps as he places the last dish for breakfast down. 
“Yup! And I’ve loved every second of it.” He flashed a smile at Keith. “Have you babe?” 
Keith nodded. 
“What are you two going to do for your one year?” Shiro asked as he sipped on his coffee. 
“Dinner and a walk around the city, maybe a kiss under the stars.” 
Breakfast went on smoothly but Lance found himself thinking about Keith. Their relationship had grown over the year. Sure, dating was a joke but they had become really good friends over the time spent together. And Keith was attractive, he had taken a couple of glances when he changed his shirt in the room. And yeah, maybe Lance wished they could kiss again or display affection, not for the sake of others. 
Okay, maybe Lance had a small, very tiny crush on Keith. Maybe a part of him wished they could properly date. He pushed the thoughts aside, it was all just a prank. 
They weren’t lying about their dinner plans, they had made a reservation at a local restaurant. They chatted back and forth and kept true to their word of walking around the city. Neither of the boys could tell you what they were talking about or who made the first move but their hands slowly intertwined together as they walked. 
No one was around to see it, it was just them but neither of them dropped their hands. Lance looked down at their hands as they reached the base; waiting for Keith to let go. Neither of them did. Keith kept his eyes trained at their hands, his fingers tightening slightly. They met each other's eyes, the atmosphere changing slightly as they locked eyes.
“Just a prank right?”
Lance nodded, feeling a bit tongue-tied, “yeah.”
Keith leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek, “happy one year then.” 
They ended up laying next to each other, Keith drifting off to sleep first; his arm wrapped around Lance’s core. He smiled to himself, this was the best prank he had ever had in his life.
I hope this was enjoyable :) 
I’ll write more if there is a demand for it! 
Thank you for reading <333
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mania-sama · 5 months
rule #21 - momento mori
Rule #21 - Momento Mori - Fish in a Birdcage
Voltron Character - Keith Tags - insomnia, insomniac! keith, character study, no dialogue, angst, bom! Keith Summary - Memento Mori - Thou shalt remember to die. Word Count - 782 Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own Whumptober 2023 - Day 2: Insomnia | Exhausted See my full Whumptober 2023 Challenge on Tumblr or Ao3
Keith shifts in his sheets. He closes his eyes and twitches everywhere from his fingers to his toes. He shifts again, curling into a ball and shoving his face into his pillow. He tries to keep his posture relaxed but his body burns with the need to change position and his mind slugs through endless repetitions of the same old shit — missions, losses, people, Voltron, the Galra, and more. It doesn’t end. It never does.
Sometimes, he thinks the only time he ever gets sleep is when he passes out after a mission. If he doesn’t have to pilot the cruiser or give an immediate report, he usually collapses cold on the ground until they’ve reached safety. Then it’s the same routine he deals with every “night”, or rather the automated circadian cycle the ship runs on to keep her inhabitants physiologically stable. The permanent void he floats in does not contain a sun that rises and sets every twenty-four hours that his body can naturally respond to.
Not that he’s ever been good at following that rhythm.
Keith guesses he’s sleeping troubles started when his father died. He was a restless kid back then, too, and like any other child, he hated naps and set bedtimes. Now, all he wants is to have that back. He wants to be able to lay his head on his pillow and let his mind process the information and his body release all of its tension.
Frustrated tears prickle at his eyes when he flips over and presses his stomach flat against the bed. He’s tired. He’s so fucking tired that he wants to break a bottle over his own neck just to make his brain go quiet. He needs to sleep. He knows that; he always has. When he lived on his own in that little shake just beyond the Garrison, he stayed awake so he could track the strange signals he was receiving. He trained his body to peak condition in order to steal food when needed, sneak around government facilities, and occasionally hunt live prey. Every time something in the shake broke or decayed, he had to fix it himself. Money was tight when all he had was his dead father’s trust fund and no job to speak of.
Even though it sucked and he was always miserable, he had to stay awake for his survival. He’d gotten sleep when he knew he needed it. In the Blade of Marmora, however, the exact opposite is true: losing sleep may cause him to lose his life.
Keith is slowing down. When he’s fighting, he can no longer run and swing his blade at the same time. It feels too heavy in his hands and his feet drag behind him like they can’t be picked up. He has to put his energy into one or the other, not both. His vision swarms with a combination of sweat and exhaustion. He runs into walls and other members, and one time he even stepped into a trap that was so obvious a skittish rabbit could’ve avoided it.
He’s making mistakes more than the average blade does. Mistakes will lead to his death. He knows this. He’s trying. He’s trying so hard to just sleep but despite the deep exhaustion that aches and wares down his body, he can’t find the sweet solace that he’s looking for. His eyes can barely stay open for crying out loud. They cry in relief when he allows them to shut, but the rest of him just won’t comply.
It’s not like the others haven’t noticed. He’s been banned from going outside of his room past what’s meant to be 2000 on Earth. If he’s caught one more time, they threatened to kick him out of the Blade for good. Their look and tone indicated that they were a hundred percent serious. His life as well as the entire organization depended on him not drastically messing up. If he were to get captured before he could escape or end his own life, the Blade of Marmora could crumble apart.
He thinks about all of this instead of sleeping. Because he can’t. He can’t recall the last time he actually slept more than a few minutes at a time. Insomnia forces his tears out of his eyes, and his sobs nearly take more energy than already has. He can’t keep going like this. His “nights” consist of him staring at his ceiling and muffling the sound of his cries through his pillow or arm. He pulls at his hair and silently begs for God to have mercy on him.
Keith can’t help but think death will be the answer to his prayers.
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hello my little creme soda cans,
I JUST HAD TO HOP ON HERE AND SAY that im watching voltron and im so obsessed and immediately agree that we need more voltron moots to revive the fandom
so yeah if you have voltron requests... send em through 🧚‍♂️💛
okay cool have a good day/night xx
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zesstie · 2 years
ok, i just need to put out there that this is the first time i've ever written something relatively close to fanfiction, so it's shitty and a little ooc for some of the characters (especially keith ngl). anyways here a small klance oneshot but it's dialogue only!! btw no tw that ik of, but lmk if there's something i should add a tw for! it was written as a school project, so there shouldn't be anything!! enjoy my shit writing, everyone :)
L: “How- how did you find me?”
K: “You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re joking, right?”
L: “Uhhhhh….. yes?”
K: “Oh my God you’re being serious, haha! Wow, I did not take you as the dense type.”
L: “Hey! For your information I am very perceptive when I need to be!”
K: “Yeah our lives are kind of in danger right now? I’d take that as a time where perceptiveness is needed! And you obviously didn’t take that perceptiveness into consideration when you practically announced to the world where you were going due to how loud you ran.”
L: “..Touche.”
K: “Anyways, do you have any information on our enemy?”
L: “All I know is that we’re outnumbered. By, like, a lot. We’re the only ones left.”
K: “...Oh.”
L: “Yeah, how’s that for perceptiveness!?”
K: “Point taken, but this isn’t the time to argue! The enemy could be close and be ready to snipe us, and we can’t afford to lose this war.”
L: “Alright. Do you have a plan?”
K: “Well, you know how I said they could be ready to snipe us at any moment?”
L: “I think I see where you’re going with this, K.”
K: “Thankfully, we have a sharpshooter of our own. The only way we can win at this point is to ambush them. They’ve got 5 people, right? I think I’ll be able to pull off leading them together with some distractions, and once they’re all together, you can pick them off from above.”
L: “This is going to be so fun!”
K: “Remember to stay serious, L… But let’s destroy them.”
H: “Dude, we’ve been walking around for forever and there’s still no sign of anyone. Did we take them all out? I feel like we would have known if we took them all out.”
P: “Yeah, we would have. They’re either really good at this or have no clue what to do, and I’m going with the latter.”
H: “What was that? P please, what was that?!”
P: “Calm down!! Finding out where they are is literally our job, H. It sounded like it came from roughly 10 o'clock, but from above due to how long it took to hit the ground. Let’s go back east and tell the others”
A: “H, P! Why are you two over here? I thought your orders from S were to stay separate from the group.”
H: “Yeah, well we know where the enemy is and it's literally on the complete other side, soooooo yeah.”
P: “One of them dropped something, and I thought I heard someone quietly curse under their breath, so they’re def disorganized. ”
C: “Awesome, S isn’t terribly far away so we should regroup and come up with a game plan.”
A: “Let’s go then! We must win!”
K: “Beep. They’re heading over to their leader now, L. You in position? Beep.”
L: “Beep. Never been more ready, K. Beep.”
K: “Beep. Alright then, good luck. I’m counting on you. Beep.”
S: “C just filled me in, great job on finding their location H and P.”
A: “P said that what they dropped sounded like it came from above, so we should ambush from behind and on the same level, instead of from underneath.”
C: “Sounds reasonable enough to me, does anyone have anything else to add?”
H: “Nope!”
P: “Nothing here, let go get th-”
S: “What?! They’re behind us? Everyone, ready you-”
S: “....”
A: “....”
C: “....”
P: “....”
H: “....”
L: “Woooo Hoooooo!!! K, Did you see that?! I totally had them!”
K: “Yes! Great job, L! I knew you could do it.”
P: “Are they….. Actually getting along? I thought for sure their arguing would be their downfall.”
S: “Well, we’ve just got to not underestimate them anymore. Good game guys, you proved us wrong.”
A: “.... Yet again.”
K: “Don’t forget about the bet, guys!”
L: “YES! Free lunch, I can’t wait to meet you!”
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bluemantics · 1 year
Klance Fic WOO
out of my head
1k words, rated G
Klance, Lance & Pidge, Keith & Pidge
Keith didn’t even want watch the spring musical auditions. Forced by Pidge to accompany them, he finds himself surprised at the talent of a particular actor. He also finds himself surprised by his own response. 
Lance is ridiculously good at singing and Keith is a lovable, impulsive jock.
Read the fic:
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stardust-and-blades · 2 years
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kidge · 2 years
send in the kidge asks please !!!
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iloveboysinred · 1 month
Hiii, your keith hc where absolutely perfect, and I wanted to ask would it be able to get some fluffy hc or one-shot (whatever you prefer more) of keith kogane please ?, have a lovely day or night 💓💓
Hi anon! Thank you so much for your ask. I think i’ll make this a one shot if you dont mind, I’ve been writing lots of hcs lately and i’m already planning fluffy HCs for Keith to be posted later on this week! Hope you enjoy 💕
My home is with you[Keith Kogane]
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Vld Keith x Gn reader
Synopsis: Keith has been gone for two weeks. You start to feel his absence, and the team feels it too. Soon enough, he comes back and takes you away to spend time with you in his own special way
Cw; fluffy Keith, brief and i mean briefff mention of intercourse. Sorta angst but not really? Just you being sad and missing Keith. Happy ending. Kinda lengthy i hope you dont mind. Not a lot of dialect!
To say you missed Keith was an understatement. Between saving conquered planets, keeping the castle stable, and even Keith’s marmora training, you had barely gotten the chance to really sit down and have a nice, quiet night with your boyfriend. Everything felt tense all the time. There was always a lingering sense of panic, never being able to fully relax while Zarkon, and now, Lotor still lurked. They were an ever present danger you never knew when they would strike next.
The one thing you missed the most about earth besides your family and friends was the sense of normalcy you once had. The routine you had set for your life. When you would come over to Keith’s house, an old, isolated and broken down shack in the desert, with creaky floors and dusty broken windows. The place needed some work, but that never mattered to you or Keith. The love that was brewing inside every single time you would pay him a visit is all you and Keith could care about. You missed the cool, quiet nights where you and Keith would sit on his roof, staring up at the very same constellations you’ve now flown by and seen up close. Talking about your dreams, sharing secrets. He would hold you close and you would kiss him, running your fingers through his dark hair, whispering soft words of affection to each other.
You loved waking up next to him after a night of passion, your body aching from the love you had made, every bite and mark on your skin fresh and still stinging. You would glance down at him, sleeping peacefully, hair a mess and adorning matching marks of his own, before getting up and fixing breakfast with whatever he had in the fridge, making a mental note to tell Shiro to take you grocery shopping for Keith later that day. While you cooked he would come up behind you, wearing an old, warn out pair of sweats, hair disheveled, eyes blinking tiredly, still low and half lidded from sleep, but he still looked as handsome as ever. You would sink into his embrace, swaying side to side as you tended to the food cooking on the stove.
Now you sat cold and alone in his room. You’d see Keith less and less as time went on, The Blade of Marmora taking up almost all his time. You understood how important this was to him, you were happy he found a group to belong to, and you know what he was doing was bigger than yourselves. But you’d also began to feel his absence, and it was taking its toll on you. You slept in his room and wore his clothes, those being the only comfort you had whenever Keith was gone for days, sometimes weeks on a mission. It was nothing compared to the feeling in your stomach when he would wrap his arms around you and bring you down to bed with him, the washed out smell of him on his clothes dulled in comparison to the lingering familiar scent of his shampoo, surrounding you every time he embraced you. Nothing could fill in for Keith, and everyone in the castle could see how much you missed him.
So when Keith came back to the castle (unbeknownst to you) Shiro sat him down to have a talk.
Shiro explained that he has known you for as long as he’s been taking care of him. He could tell you werent being yourself and he was concerned with Keith’s frequent absences. “The team needs you, Keith.” Shiro sighed, placing his hand on Keith’s shoulder. “But Y/n needs you the most. You’re the only piece of home they’ve got. Try to be here some more. If not for Voltron then do it for them.” Keith nodded to himself, looking down in shame. He missed you too, but he had been so wrapped up with the Blades that he barely had time to worry about how he felt, or even about how you felt. Guilt fell in his stomach as if he’d swallowed a stone. “I know Shiro, i’m gonna make it up to them, and you guys. I promise.”
You had been sitting in the dining hall chit chatting with Allura and Lance when he came in, you didnt notice at first, picking at your food goo and nodding here and there when Lance would try to include you in the conversation. Keith took your lack of awareness as a chance to study you. Your hair was messily tossed into a hair tie, just as he always loved it, and you were wearing one of his plain black shirts. Keith felt a swell of emotion in his chest when he’d seen your face. Uninterested and blank, missing the spark he’d always search for. He could see from here how he’s impacted you, and his heart felt like it would shatter into a million pieces.
“And then i was like what the quiznak- oh hey Keith! Youre back” Lance chirped, exchanging a knowing look with Allura. But Keith didnt respond, his eyes locked with yours as you whipped around, eyebrows almost raising into your hairline. “Keith! You’re here!” You cried as you launched yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into him. Keith smiled wrapping his arms around you to steady you. “Yeah I am..sorry I was gone for so-“ you didnt let him finish, pressing your lips to his and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down to meet you. You kissed sweetly, melting into each other.
You barely noticed Allura and Lance snickering at you while they exited the room. Too concerned with eating your boyfriend’s face to care about the teasing you’re probably going to deal with later. After a few moments Keith pulled away, he held your wrists gently in his as he looked into your eyes with all the love he had for you, smiling softly at you. “I missed you so much. All I could think about was you. I- I brought you this.” He handed you a necklace, a small dog tag with your initials carved in the thin piece of metal, the other side had a messy shape you assumed was supposed to be a heart. “I engraved it myself. I found it while we were on a stake out mission. I hope you like it” he sounded so shy and nervous, it made your heart swell with emotion as you handed it back to him. “Can you help me put it on?” “Yeah” you turned your back towards him, beaming as he clicked the hatch for the necklace into place, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of your neck. “I love it baby, thank you” you turned back around to hold grab his hand, eagerly dragging him down the hall. “Cmon, I dont want to waste a second with you- i’m not gonna lie i’ve made a mess of your room but I hope you don’t mind!” “Actually, I want to take you out somewhere.” You stopped in your tracks and looked back at Keith. “Where?” “You’ll see it when we go. Cmon, put on a suit and meet me at the black lion’s hangar.” You nodded before walking into his room anyway, quickly getting changed and running down to meet him.
You held on to his seat as he took off, telling you to hold on tight as you flew out of the castle. You flew for about an hour, passing by vibrant planets and constellations. Pointing out meteors and stars as you passed by. Keith still wouldn’t tell you where you were going until you entered a big, green planet’s atmosphere. You looked over at him quizzically as you landed, the planet had nothing but short, green grass. You couldn’t hear the sounds of any creature or civilization. It was almost as if you were here completely alone. “Keith, where are we?” “This is planet Ogoria. Me and the blades made camp here when i was on that mission. It’s completely unhabited. & I brought you here to see something.” He explained, leading you off the black lion and into the open. “Cmon, lets find somewhere to sit.” Keith had brought with him a big blanket and two pillows, walking a few feet away from the lion before setting the blanket down on a particularly soft patch of grass. He threw the pillows on before sitting down. You followed suit, sitting down next to him, leaning into his body as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Look y/n, i’m really sorry i’ve been gone so much lately. The blades and I- well we’re getting close to finding something great” he muttered, glancing over at you. You looked away from him for a second, thinking over your next words. “ I know Keith. I’m not upset with you- I just miss how things used to be you know? I miss home. I miss our life together.” You sighed, gaze locked on your intertwined hands. “ I know, hun. I miss earth too. But we’re here now and we gotta try to make the best of it. This will be over sooner than we think. I feel it.” You looked up into his eyes, and he never looked so assured. You gave him a weak smile, scooting closer to him and pressing a peck to his lips. “Well, you’d better be right about that, Keith. Or i’ll drag us all back to Earth by force.” You giggled at the snort he let out, burrowing yourself deeper into his side, closing your eyes and relishing in his warmth.
“Y/n, look up at the sky”
You blinked your eyes open, having begun to nod off on Keith. When you looked up you let out a gasp. The sky was full of stars, it was as if the whole galaxy was displayed right In front of you in one place. “Keith its..its beautiful!” You whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from the scenery. “I know its nothing like the roof back home, but i figured it’s pretty close.” You tore your gaze away just to meet his, your eyes shining. “Keith I- i dont know what to say…I mean this is incredible!” you saw him smile, glancing up at the stars himself. “Lets get comfortable.” You both leaned down, lying on the pillows and drinking in the sight before you in comfortable silence. “Y/n..” you turned to look at him, his eyes were soft, full of adoration as he looked you over, burning every feature on your face into his mind. “I love you.. thank you for sticking with me.” You brought your hand up to his cheek, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. “I love you too Keith. I’ll always be with you, no matter what.” And so there you laid. Holding onto each other, catching up and telling each other dreams and secrets you harbored. It was nothing like how’d you been on Earth. But Keith made it special, and thats all that mattered to you.
Hopefully you enjoyed Anon! Thank you again for your submission. :> Notes and reblogs appreciated, asks and submissions welcome!! 💗💗
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theghoulgirl · 5 months
Adoration (Keith Kogane/Reader)
A 1,300 word oneshot that takes place after the war in which Keith and the reader both live together. Pretty much a slice-of-life in which they both get ready for bed on a cold winter night. (18+)
I also know I am writing for a pretty lifeless fandom, but alas, I wrote this because I wanted to. Not because I expect much traffic to come across it. If you do happen to stubble upon it, then I hope you enjoy!
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As the sun wore down on the horizon, it covered the small town in a frigid chill. Luckily the two lovers were tucked away indoors in a desperate attempt to fend off the cold that crept outdoors. But despite their attempt, the youngest of the love birds could not effectively beat the freezing temperatures that had washed over the country. 
“Keith, my dearest?” 
“Yes hon?”
“I actually cannot feel my hands anymore.” Keith and (y/n) were snuggled up on the leather loveseat that sat in the living room of their house, with the memories of war behind them in the not-so-distant past. To further prove her point, she decided to stick an ice-cold hand under his shirt and rest it on his stomach.
Keith let out a surprised gasp and gently shoved her away with a bellowing cackle. “Dear god, go take a hot shower or something! What the actual hell, how is that human? Are you human? That’s not human. ” 
(Y/n) let out a giggle at his rapid fire comments. “I’m not so sure I am anymore. Or maybe you’re not human, especially considering you are still as fiery as a furnace.” 
“Yes. I am not fully human, we know this.” Keith waved his hand in a small circle. 
“But that?” He pointed down at her hands “That is not human. I know human, and this ain’t it.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes at his antics and sat crossed legged next to him with her arms stretched above her head. 
“Well it’s nearly a blizzard out there! You also won’t let me turn the temperature up, so I’m cold!” Although he is right about taking a shower. It’s nearly time for bed and my face feels incredibly gross. (Y/n) stared at Keith’s face in contemplation. 
In a moment of courage, she whispered “Take a shower with me?”Keith shot her a gleeful smirk.
“There wouldn’t be any actual bathing if I joined. So, unfortunately,  I am going to have to pass on your tempting offer.”
“But it would be fun and then I’d get to have, not one, but two different heat sources.” A crimson heat spread across her cheeks at the suggestiveness of her first comment. The corner of Keith’s eyes crinkled as his grin widened, and he patted her on as a sign to get up. 
“Now. Go get a shower. You’re an ice cube and I do not have a nuclear core to keep you warm.”
“Fine. Fine. I’m going.”
After her vision cleared from standing up too quickly, (y/n) wrapped her jacket closer to her and waddled to the shared bathroom. She turned the shower nozzle to the highest setting, which could be equated to the surface temperature of the sun. While waiting for the water to warm, she removed her makeup that has been resting on her skin for far too long. Keith decided at the moment the mascara was being removed, to walk in and lean against the door frame with an adoring expression. 
“Your eyes look like a raccoon.” 
“Fuck off Kogane.” He let out a playful ‘no’ in response and squeezed her waist with one hand as he passed by to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste. Keith nudged her hip with his to get her to scoot over so he had access to the sink. During the time that Keith began to brush his teeth, (y/n) had removed the rest of her make-up, racoon eyes included. She then began to notice the toothpaste foaming around Keith’s mouth. 
“Keith, my love, have you been out in the woods recently?” He cocked his head to the side in confusion at the strange question and spit a wad of toothpaste into the sink. 
“Not recently, but I did go this past weekend. Why?”
“Because you look like you caught rabies. Think we may need to get the vaccine for it.” (Y/n) smiled mischievously at her punch line and started to undress. Keith rolled his eyes at the joke and rinsed out his mouth. He grabbed the edge of his shirt and wiped off the excess water from his face. 
“Ha-ha.” Keith sarcastically replied. “Very funny. Truly, a master comedian. Seriously, we should sign you up for the giggle hut.” 
Now in the steaming hot water, (y/n) replied. “Oh yeah? Well I think you and I should do a dou act. We could call ourselves ‘The Racoon and the Rabies Virus’! Our entire act is just Steven King’s Cujo, but with a rabid raccoon instead.” Keith let out a genuine laugh at the comment and began to exit the room. 
“Well, while you’re in there, I’ll be sure to send an email about our inquiry.” He shut the bathroom door with a soft ‘click’. 
After the shower, (y/n) emerged into the bedroom with two towels wrapped around her hair and body. She began to rifle through her closet looking for pajamas, but also kept an eye on Keith’s side of the closet. 
Keith sat on the bed with his legs bent and a tablet resting on his thighs, but his attention was solely on his partner the moment she waltzed in. A bright blush unfurled across his face as (y/n) tossed clothes onto the bed. With the last throw of a shirt, that does indeed belong to him, he snapped his attention back to the tablet and cleared his throat. 
“I-um.” Keith bit his lip and began to fidget with his hands. “You know you’re indescribably beautiful, right?” 
A wide smile bloomed across (y/n) face at the compliment, which normally is not verbally expressed by Keith since he uses physical touch or action as a medium of love. Though, along with the smile, her face also began to flush and she vocalized “I know my love. But it will always mean a lot coming from you.”
The two lovers gazed into each other as they got lost in the wonderment and adoration of the other. 
What have I done to deserve someone as wonderful as her?
How in the world did I find someone like him?
As the sweet moment passed, a slow awkwardness began to settle in the air. (Y/n) started giggling. “It’s going to be very weird now when I take off my towels to put on my clothes.” 
Keith laughed along at her comment as a playful look shot across his eyes. “No, it’s only weird if we make it weird. And my dear, this is not the first time you’ve gotten dressed in front of me, let alone have been nude.” He let out a sound of surprise as he dodged the towel that came flying at his head as (y/n) took off her hair towel. 
“Put that over your head. I do not want you to look at me while I get dressed.” Keith, while laughing, obliged her request and draped the towel over his head. (Y/n) swiftly got dressed. 
Keith looks like a sheet ghost. 
“Okay, you’re in the clear.” Keith pulled off the towel and chucked it into the hamper. He picked up his tablet and put it on the side table before he opened up his arms as an invitation. (Y/n) approached the bed with a shy composure and lifted the duvet to crawl in and cuddle into his arms. She turned and rested her cheek against his shoulder and pressed a small kiss to his collarbone. Keith in response pressed a lingering kiss atop the crown of her head. They both took an individual inhale and exhaled as they sunk into the soft comfort of each other. Keith rubbed his hand up and down her shoulder as he said “Want me to turn off the lights?” 
(Y/n) nodded in reply. Keith slapped the switch that was above the headboard and settled deeper into the pillows. 
Despite the frost that was forming spirals on the window, the cold that was seeping through the floorboards, and the radiator rumbling in the basement, the lovers were both toasty between the heat that had formed between them. As the night wore and the wind grew colder, they dozed off into a dreamless slumber.
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veryace-ficrecs · 3 months
hiii um this is a bit specific but I'm looking for a certain fic, blade of mamora Keith where he's talking to another blade (I forgot which one it was) and the blade idk like the blade presses too hard on Keith's (I think it was shoulder) and it formed this like bruise thing and uhh idk I barely remember it nvm
(if you can't find the other one it's ok it's rlly specific and I barely remember it but it's been stuck in my head for so long help) or just fics where Keith's height difference between the other blades/paladins/people is highlighted because i like bullying my favourite characters
Hi!!! I wasn't able to find that fic for you I'm sorry <(_ _)>
But to make it up to you, here are some
Short Keith Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Top Shelf by napenthusiast - Rated E
Lance caught a glimpse of Keith hopping slightly on the balls of his feet trying to reach something from the top cabinet. It was the cabinet above the fridge that Keith typically avoided because he didn't like asking Lance to get things from high spaces. Because that meant acknowledging their height difference, and Keith was adamant about pretending that it didn't exist. Now, Lance, of course, didn't have any qualms about the difference. He actually really liked it. But right now? Right now he LOVED the height difference.
The Distance Between Us (is like a foot lolol) by sadtomatoboy - Rated G
Keith is short, Lance is an ass
Gasolina by luc_mcknight96 - Rated T
Lance is a mechanic, working at the Castle Garage. Keith is a tattoo artist by day, and up-and-coming street racer 'Leo' by night - under the tutelage of the famous 'White Stripe'. When Keith finds his bike in need of a little TLC, he goes to the closest garage - Castle. The moment Lance sees the rugged, tattooed racer, he knows he needs to become his friend. Will the cold-hearted Keith drag Lance into the seedy underworld of illegal motorcycle racing, or will the genuine Lance show Keith that there is more to life than bikes and infamy? *G A S O L I N A* AU where Keith races motorcycles and Lance is a mechanic.
Heart Café by klqncing - Rated G
"Another day, another fucking bit closer to death." Keith Kogane really could not give a shit about this café. Although he 𝘪𝘴 the manager, he has better things to do, being the prioritized gay he is. Like...obsessing over the cute brunette who just walked in. Hold on...𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮. This is either gonna end in a disaster or in marriage. Only one way to find out.
Keith is short by jordynshere - Not Rated
Keith is short. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t like it, but he will admit it. And most of the time, he would find a way around most of the height-related problems he would get himself into. Sometimes, however, he would not find a way. Sometimes, he would require the assistance of someone taller than him. And those times were always, without fail, utterly humiliating.
Beach one shot by Some_Beanz - Not Rated
a little one shot with soft Keith and Lance The team land on a planet searching for a crystal, it just so happens this planet has a beach.
Baking cookies is hard by chaeussy - Rated T
Extremely hard. That's what Takashi Shirogane realised. It isn't easy to bake cookies. Keith and Shiro had watched about two or three tutorials on youtube and realised that it would be fairly easy to bake cookies but when they started it was utter chaos.
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discordiansamba · 6 months
Rizavi, flopped on one of the lounge couches: Okay. So now that we're all in space, I think we should hold another theory party about why Keith's purple.
Keith, sitting in a way so that it's just his feet on the lounge couch: ugh, not another theory party.
James, sitting PROPERLY UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE: Wait. You've had one of these already?
Kinkade: I mean... when one of your friends turns purple, you kind of naturally end up spitballing ideas as to why.
Keith: Yeah, but we didn't even get anywhere with the last one.
Rizavi, waving a hand at their general surroundings: Sure, but that was before we all got shot into space and learned about the existence of purple aliens. Which, you gotta admit...
Keith: Oh come on. The Galra have had the red lion in custody for like, years now or something right? Maybe they did some weird shit to it trying to get in that caused this.
Leifsdottir: Your theory is not entirely without merit. It is clear from how the lions operate that we cannot base our assumptions entirely on Earth science.
Keith: Good, because I'm flunking science.
James: Isn't Leif tutoring you?
Leifsdottir: I am. It appears my lessons simply... I believe the colloquial phrase is 'go in one ear and out the other'.
Rizavi: Hey, focus people. Anyways I think Keith's dad fucked an alien.
James, beet red: RIZAVI, you can't just SAY that.
Rizavi: Oh don't be such a prude, Griffin.
Leifsdottir: A crossbreed organism seems like the far more unlikely option if you ask me.
Keith: I mean. My dad would fuck an alien, though.
James, glaring at Keith: Kogane.
Keith, giving him a shit eating grin: Griffin.
(Allura, watching from a distance: ...is this paladin bonding?)
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zesstie · 2 years
just wrote a crappy klance one shot for my creative writing class, i think i've lost my mind. anyways lmk if i should post it or not bc im kinda sucky at writing and idk if ppl would want to read it. also im a twt refugee so i just don't know how to tumblr (and im mobile. ugh.) so again lmk if there's any specific format or something i need to do :)
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