#just wanted an excuse to draw the persona tbh
thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 3 months
uhhhhhh I… may I throw a dynamite at ink too! :3
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*someone already has that job, unfortunately
(persona belongs to @midnightstarshadow)
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carduelis-carduelis · 3 months
So I've seen your twitter posts about the nature of rpf. I essentially agree with you. I don't really mind if the people being shipped are popular enough to have a public persona, just so there's a buffer between who they are as people and who they are as a celebrity (and tbh, whose making porn of randos they saw walking the street?)
However, I only believe that is good as long as they are adults. I think rpf smut of irl underaged people (celebrities or not) crosses the boundary between fiction and reality abided by most proshippers and becomes CSEM. For instance, I heard on twitter of an acc on Twitter which drew rpf of the child actor from Terminator, who used it not being fiction as an excuse to draw it.
This mentality also applies to smut made of live action characters portrayed by real children (unless the author is a child themselves, but it can still be tricky since kids can produce/ distribute CSEM of other kids) since it still uses the physical description of an actual child to create the fiction.
What is your take on this?
Hi, and thank you for a good question! My answer is a bit on the long side, but I want to explain my reasoning properly, so bear with me.
I think we need to be very careful when labelling something as CSEM/CSAM so that we don't undermine the severity of the crime that leads to there being material of the sexual exploitation or abuse of a child.
CSEM/CSAM is illegal because in order to produce that material, an actual child is directly exploited or abused. The material is proof that this exploitation/abuse has happened. If the material is distributed further, the exploitation of the child doesn't stop.
When someone draws or writes smut and uses the likeness of a real person as their inspiration/reference, that real person is not part of the process. The artist has not seen them engaging in the activity they are drawing/describing. The end product is a piece of fiction instead of a recording of something that actually happened to the person whose likeness is being used.
Mind you, I am talking about drawings, not AI revenge porn or anything similar where someone who looks at the picture can't easily tell whether the person portrayed in the picture has been in that situation or not. Manipulating photos of a real person is not the same as using their likeness for reference when drawing something.
Keeping all of this in mind, I would not say that a piece of smutty art that uses the likeness of an actual minor counts as CSEM, unless the said minor has posed for the art, which would be the exploitation that happened in order to produce that piece of art.
There are people who draw smutty art using the likeness of underage actors or other celebrities, or who write smut about the underage characters or the kids portraying those characters. Most people will probably be more or less disgusted by this concept and/or find it morally questionable. But CSEM/CSAM is not defined based on how disgusting people think the material is.
In conclusion: fictional material can't be CSEM/CSAM any more than it can be murder or manslaughter.
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bluevelvet-room · 1 year
been trying to get into persona 1, would you recommend doing sqq or sebec route first? also, which optional party members would you recommend for each route? (idrm about ingame strength im moreso looking for a strong personality/arc/relevance to the story) ^^
ok just to start off here i will say. it is 7am est and i was about to go to bed (i stayed up all night drawing maki but i'm batch posting those later) but getting this excited me so excuse me if it is rambly. in addition, i was really bad at playing persona 1 so i'm glad you're asking about arc/relevance to the story because i would NOT be able to tell you the best builds or anything
answer under the readmore:
know in my heart of hearts that i wish so hard to tell you to get yuka ayase no matter what because i stan her so hard and that is what i did in my first playthrough. however. i will not be saying that, because you asked about relevance to the story and she does not have any in SEBEC. also, she's a weak player oops
the main (canon) storyline is in SEBEC. sq is sort of just an extra thing (though still interesting), to the point that they fully did not even include it in revelations initial american release (assholes). so i would play through SEBEC first and then move on to sq
in terms of optional party members, in SEBEC you'll be offered a choice (slowly) between brown, elly, yuka, or reiji. you only have one open slot, you have to reject each one in order to go to the next one and that is the order they'll appear. reiji is the "canon" SEBEC quest member, as the others appear in sq and therefore arent as essential. also, he's relevant to the story.
unfortunately he's also a bitch to get, so i'd look up a guide before you do basically anything at all in the game if you want him. if that fails and you don't want to reload then tbh just pick ur fave from the first three (yuka is the correct choice, but once again she is pretty weak, and i like elly and brown a lot too)
as for snow queen (which i would make an extra save slot before you leave the school the second time if you dont want to play the beginning of the game again, because choosing to stay is how you activate sq) - this quest is harder than SEBEC and also way different in terms of set up, with very little relevance to the overall important events of persona 1.
this time you'll have two slots to fill, with yuka and yukino being there as required party members. you get the option between elly, brown, and nanjo. if you want to see all the characters in one playthrough (spread between SEBEC and sq) then you should pick elly and brown, because nanjo is default in SEBEC.
that's all the important technical stuff that you asked about and i would just like to say, anon, from the bottom of my heart, that i love that you asked me of all people based on my frankly incoherent ramblings about smt persona. i hope you enjoy the game!!!
(i will not blame you if you hate it. smt persona sucks so hard to play it made me want to bash my skull in multiple times but i care about it so much)
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princekirijo · 3 years
very interested in black mask!riku if u have any lore you'd like to share about him!! unless it's spoilers :0
Now that I've revealed his design I can finally talk about it, so glad you asked!!! I'll keep most of the details under wrap for now because again I'd love to do something with this but we'll see. 
The AU actually starts off the same as Captain. So the Thieves meet Riku, he awakens to his persona in Hatanaka's palace and they try to change her heart. However, something goes wrong. I haven't had much time to really think about the ins and outs of Hatanaka's palace yet, but I'm thinking there might be some puzzle they can't solve, or a block in the real world. Either way… they fail the deadline. Hatanaka successfully goes through with her assassination and Riku dies. The end.
SIKE Riku actually wakes up again at home (Port Island home), in his bed. And he's super confused. He very clearly remembers getting shot, he shouldn't be here right? He's dead right? He gets out of bed and looks in his bathroom mirror to find that he's actually 14 again. Now he's really confused. It takes him a couple of minutes to adjust but it seems that he's travelled back in time to when he was 14, before he moved to Tokyo and met the Thieves. He goes downstairs and finds his moms there and he kind of indirectly asks them what year it is. They're a little confused but they tell him it's 2032, two years before the events of the captain au. If you haven't figured it out already Black Mask AU also doubles as a sort of NG+ AU :]
He takes time to adjust and tries to go about his days as normal just as he did before. He's been having very weird dreams though, twisting darkness and a deep voice encouraging him to use this new start to his advantage. He mostly ignores it and passes it off as some weird nightmare - a byproduct of this weird timeline reset. Mitsuru is summoned to Tokyo to speak to the government/public safety/something like that idk about her request for the Shadow Ops to investigate the strange shadows nest in Tokyo (the Metaverse - this also happens in Captain). The family all decide to go and make a sort of trip out of it. While they're there, Riku decides to take this opportunity to check out the Metaverse and see if he can figure out wtf is going on as he still has the app. He still… sort of has access to Pimpernel. He can hear and speak to him but he can't properly summon him. Anyway he sneaks off and goes into Mementos, where he wanders around for a bit. 
Eventually a few levels below he finally gets cornered by a shadow (he's able to avoid them up until now thanks to Pimpernel). This shadow happens to be the shadow of a very annoying CEO of a largish tech company - one who is very vocal about his hatred of the Kirijo Group. He recognizes Riku, having met him at a few business parties. This guy starts going off about the Group saying some really horrible stuff about Riku, the group in general, and ofc Mitsuru herself. It's when he starts saying shit about Mitsuru (I'm sure you can imagine what a sleazy businessman like him would say), that something inside Riku snaps. He's been so confused and upset about everything that's happened (I mean you would he's literally reliving his life but being painfully aware he died it's gonna mess you up) and in that moment it all kinda comes to the surface, and he lunges for the shadows throat. Now Riku is very strong for a 14 year old and he caught the shadow off guard so he manages to actually snap the shadow's neck, killing it instantly (I should warn that in general Black Mask is much darker than Captain and there's a lot more gore so fair warning). Riku stumbles back realizing what he's done, vaguely remembering the Thieves telling him the consequences of killing a shadow. 
He doesn't have much time to think however as he's ambushed by a bunch of lower level shadows. Just as one of the shadows is about to attack, Riku feels a surge of power within him and a blast comes out of nowhere to knock the shadow back. Then he hears a voice, a voice that's not Pimpernel but feels the same. This is a very rough draft of what it says:
Poor child, beaten and trodden on by society… hated by those who should be cowering at your feet, scorned by those who should bend to your every whim! What a pity full sight indeed… This is no way for a KING to act!!! I ask you boy… will you sit back and be trampled on by these fools? You've been given such a unique gift… the gift of foresight… use it to your advantage… make those who ridiculed you bow before you in fear and reverence! I can give you that power… do we have a deal? … Yes. I hear you, COME TO ME! AHAHAHA VERY WELL! I am thou… thou art I… let us join forces and show these pathetic bastards who the REAL KING IS!
Then he rips off his mask and summons his new Persona… who I won't reveal yet cause I have two ideas I can't pick between. Regardless, he defeats the shadows with ease and escapes. Thankfully no one noticed he went missing but from that point on Riku changed. His parents begin noticing subtle things about him, he's much more quiet, always lost in thought and seems to be muttering to himself. Mitsuru (well Artemisia) senses some strange dark aura around him, but only for a second before it fades (she's sensing both his persona and the influence of Nyarlathotep). Ultimately, she puts it down to her worrying too much, and says nothing (big mistake on her part 😕). 
Riku, now equipped with a persona he can use (still can't access Pimpernel) and the Metanav decides to see if Port Island has any distortion - which it does. Goaded on by his persona he decides to take advantage of the Metaverse and starts off kinda small, using it to neutralize small enemies of the Kirijo Group before slowly building up to much larger foes. He also decides to still move to Tokyo, like in Captain and with Hatanka. This time though, Hatanaka doesn't actually abuse him, instead he uses her for her connections as he aims to go after the person who ordered her to kill him in the original timeline. 
I just realized I can't actually go into anymore detail without spoiling some stuff from Captain (I might have mentioned this stuff already I actually can't remember but for now I'll treat it as I haven't). So this is where I'll stop the summary for now. The main big changes to the AU happen in the Hatanaka Arc and the Shido Arc plus an entirely new palace being added after Shido's (who's you ask? You'll see 😏). Another big thing to mention is that Akechi is also still Black Mask as well. He pretty much does the same as he does in P5 but he actually gets saved in Shido's palace by the Thieves. I haven't quite decided if he knows what Riku is up to directly or if he's simply just aware of him. If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer without any spoilers. Thanks for showing interest!! Black Mask AU was really fun for me to come up with so I'm glad you're intrigued :]
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cannedcloud · 5 years
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Its been a while since I’ve actually sat down and drew, so here’s a messy little painting of noir bc i rlly like her design sdfjkh
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
3 Anti LO Asks
1. Why do so many artists want to depict Persephone as this bubbly and friendly goddess? Then Hades as the grumpy gloomy emo god? Like can’t they both be grumpy or bubbly? I get that the whole opposites attract is really popular and has been for quite a bit, but also isn’t it tiring? I know that the whole idea is that the grumpy one had a soft spot for the bubbly one, but really how often do you see that happening in romantic and intimate relationships? I can see that happening more in friendships maybe. I mean doesn’t it get tired for the bubbly one to constantly be with the grumpy emo who just doesn’t want to do anything and they hate the world and the whole world hates them?? I get that they draw P and H in this hella romantic and loving relationship, but it’s not that great tbh. Why can’t we have grumpy Persephone and gloomy Hades? Or hotheaded Persephone and fair and calm Hades? They don’t actually need to be represented the way they always are bc it’s doesn’t make sense. You can’t be gods of the underworld, one of the most feared gods where people don’t even dare to say your name and just act like a 15 year old whose mom won’t let them go outside and an 8 year old who’s chasing butterflies
2. Tbh i don’t think that Persephone doing horrible things when she’s horny would be that bad if she was portrayed as being confident in her sexuality and her sexual aura or sexual appeal, whatever it’s called. I can get the whole “she murders some people bc that turns her on” only if she was portrayed as an actual dread queen, not the bobble head version that is portrayed in LO. And it would certainly be a more interesting part of her and her whole queen persona
3. I think what RS is trying to do with Persephone is that whole “looks cute on the outside, is intimidating on the inside” trend or whatever. However, the way Persephone is always portrayed is more of a “looks sexualised on the outside, is a literal child and can’t control her emotions on the inside”. Every time Persephone is angry or does something bad she is immediately then portrayed as a little girl who needs a grown ups help, as the innocent perfect girl who did no mistake and ppl are misunderstanding her or something “funny” will happen, such as her then immediately changing her personality back to the bubbly and nice girl and then maybe saying something like “sugar snaps” (pretty sure Hades said that when P turned Minthe into a plant but anw). The whole idea behind “looks innocent on the outside, can actually kill you” is that an individual LOOKS innocent and that they wouldn’t be able to do anything, but they are much capable of doing horrible things. Part of this is them owning that they do horrible things and that people who meet them for the first time or don’t know them that well think that person is just a good person overall. This is not the case with Persephone at all. Every horrible thing she has done is not really given a good reason apart from the fact that she got angry or that she was horny (which is highly disturbing). She doesn’t have a good enough reason and/or does not take ownership for her mistakes. They are always excused. She’s not scary because she’s short or pink or whatever. She’s not scary because she’s not confident in admitting her mistakes and owning them. When she was explaining the act of wrath to Hades, she get angry because the mortals pushed her and called her a minor goddess, that was just a small part of it. She had gathered all her feelings from being sheltered and surrounded by people all the time, that she was hidden in plain sight and the tip of the iceberg were the mortals. Then she kills a mortal. Then she feels sorry for the mortal, or rather doesn’t believe that she did a mistake bc she can never do mistakes. From this she turns big and accidentally murders a whole village. She has shown regret and that she doesn’t want to do something like this ever again. Then she kills Minthe again. Then she says she feels bad about it. She doesn’t take accountability for her actions. She doesn’t kill the mortals because they disrespect her, she kills them on accident. And that is not something that is associated with someone who “looks cute on the outside, but can actually kill you”
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hopekiedokie · 3 years
The Dreaded First Day of School (single dad!jimin)
SUMMARY: On his son’s first day of school, we learn that the badass, leather jacket wearer, and tattoo clad single dad might not be so tough after all. Or maybe, his soft little son isn’t as pure as he ought to be. (In short, Jimin’s baby is growing up and he’s not prepared for it.)
GENRE: fluff, humour, maybe angst if you squint hard enough
NOTES: So Jimin isn’t supposed to be a mean or awful dad here. He’s just still not totally equipped to be one even after five years now. This might become a mini series with Ms. Y/n being Haneul’s teacher in the future. Who knows? Also, the photo is not mine.
POSTED ON: 26th March, 2021
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What the actual heck is this??
Jimin has seen a lot of crazy things in his life but this, whatever is happening in front of him, is something he truly cannot believe.
You see, today is his son's, Haneul, dreaded™ first day of school.
The kid was up until 3 in the morning, crying his eyes out. He kept begging Jimin to not let him go, saying things like “I’ve been a good boy.” or “I don’t know those people.” or “Please, daddy, I don’t want to go!”
Half of the time, Jimin didn’t even understand what he was saying because he was crying so much.
The worst part is that Jimin had half the mind to give in to all these excuses and to just let Haneul attend school next year.
Contrary to popular belief though, he’s not entirely an awful example of what a father should be. In general, yes, he’s done a lot of questionable things. But in particular, as a father, he does like allowing his son to eat whatever junk food he wants, watch whatever is on the tv, or letting him up way past his bedtime (as late as 4am).
BUT he still has a smidge of decency left in his being and he actually wants his son to grow up decent.
(Which for the most part, is going along fine since Haneul is probably one of the sweetest and softest kids he’s ever seen. How though? Jimin has no idea.)
So with tired eyes and barely 4 hours of sleep, he dragged his son to school.
Even during the drive, Haneul was still adamant about skipping school and all the while, he kept using his cute crying voice that ALWAYS turns Jimin into mush.
Not this time though.
“It’s gonna be okay. You’ll meet a lot of friends and you’ll play with them! It’s gonna be fun, I promise.” This is one of the many things he said to lift his son’s spirits up.
All his efforts are still not enough to pacify Haneul as the tiny boy kept throwing a tantrum. Jimin even had to carry him after getting out of the car and during the entire walk to the school gymnasium where the assembly is, Haneul held his arms tightly around his neck.
To be completely honest, Jimin thought that it would be embarrassing but actually, he found the entire thing quite endearing.
Maybe it’s the narcissistic prick inside him that’s talking but seeing and hearing his son say that he’d rather spend time with him makes him feel like perhaps he’s not so bad of a dad after all.
Which brings us to the present.
To reiterate, Jimin cannot believe what’s happening.
One moment, his son is clinging to him for his dear life, then in an instant, he watched him grow up right in front of him.
In the worst way possible.
Not to be dramatic, but it was like watching his entire life slip away from his grasp.
The beginning of the end started when Jimin pointed to these three boys and insisted Haneul to introduce himself.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, BIG mistake on his behalf!
He probably should’ve pushed his son to the “nerdier” looking kids. That would’ve helped him in the long run, as well!
At first, he watched in awe from a far as Haneul progressively turned less tense and more comfortable with those boys. They started with cute small smiles but it quickly turned into wildly animated gestures while comparing their Paw Patrol themed trolley backpacks.
“That’s my boy! Already making friends and it’s only been 5 minutes.” Jimin proudly thought to himself.
Okay, maybe Haneul is going to be fine. All that crying thinking Jimin did the entire night was for nothing! His cute soft son can totally do this.
Now, Jimin’s life altering moment comes. The time to actually say goodbye is here.
A teacher announces that they’re taking the kids to their respective classrooms and even if they cry or make a huge fit about it, the parents or guardians should stay where they are. They should refrain from “babying” their child.
Alright, now’s the time for Haneul to cry again! There’s no way he doesn’t cry even just a tiny bit…....Right?
Jimin makes eye contact with Haneul and, without any second thoughts, proudly mouths “I love you” while pointing to him.
Normally, Haneul is quick to return the gesture. Heck, he even goes as far as drawing a huge heart with his tiny pointer fingers!
But today, he doesn’t do that. No no no no no!
Instead, Haneul discreetly looks around him to check if anyone is watching him then……….
He shakes his head towards his father then faces back to his new friends.
Gasp! What is this???
Jimin has never felt so betrayed in his entire life! Not to mention, by his OWN son too.
This irks him so much.
So much so that he stands and gets close to his son, opposing the teacher’s instruction of letting their kids be.
Bitch, no. He’s getting his “I love you” from his son no matter what.
As he walks towards Haneul, it’s apparent that the kid had somehow done a complete 180 from his mood 10 minutes ago.
How can this be? How is he suddenly so cold towards his own man?
When he finally gets to Haneul, he literally, no joke, had to call his name 4 times to get his attention. The actual audacity of this kid!
“Hey, Haneul. Daddy’s gotta go!” Jimin says with his world famous “no eyes” smile.
Haneul’s face drops.
This kid is about to get a huge reality check or so Jimin thinks he is.
He’s waiting for any signs of despair, a sniff or maybe some glassy eyes but nothing happens.
Come on, where are the water works?? Where are all the hugs and kisses???
Haneul is like (・-・) to Jimin.
“There’s a lot of scary strangers here……”
Okay, so that was really mean for Jimin to say bUT HE ONLY WANTS TO SQUEEZE EVEN JUST A DROP OF AFFECTION FROM HIM. Sue him!
Haneul finally opens his mouth.
Jimin quietly anticipates his son to return to his warm and loving self that he still doesn’t quite know where he gets from...
“So what, daddy? I’m a big boy! I don’t need you.”
Uhm exCusE mE, but W H A T??
Needless to say, that statement hurt Jimin like a buttcheek on a stick.
However, he’s not gonna break away from his badass persona in front of all these people, especially around these little shits that they call “children”. He has an ✨𝓪𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬✨ that he strictly abides to, people!
And frankly, he’s not gonna let his son walk all over him.
So without any word, Jimin leans down to give Haneul a kiss. If he’s not gonna receive any affection through words then fine! He’s gonna get it through a different way.
Jimin’s lips are almost in contact with Haneul’s plush cheeks. They are literally a hair away that Jimin can feel the heat emitting from it but all at once, that heat is gone.
You know why?
Because Haneul is quick to do that matrix shit where he bends his back to avoid his father’s lips.
Then he saunters away, leaving Jimin hanging.
(๑´⊙ ₃ ⊙`๑)
Jimin calls him a couple times but again, he did not look back.
Alright, then. He doesn’t normally raise his voice towards his son (nor disciplines him tbh) but oh boy, oh boy! This kid is practically asking for it.
He doesn’t give a fuck if he’s five, no son of his is gonna be allowed to treat him like that!
Well, that got him looking back towards his father.
Jimin points in front of him to which Haneul begrudgingly complies after taking a peek from his new found friends.
Haneul hears the other boys snicker behind him as he trudges towards his slightly pissed father.
When he’s standing right where his father wants him, Jimin leans his cheek down again for him to kiss.
Now, the other boys are blatantly laughing at him.
Maaaaaaaan. He can’t be a laughing stock on his first day of school! He needs to be as cool as his daddy!
As Haneul contemplates his life choices, Jimin patiently waits for his kiss. There’s no way Haneul is gonna reject him for the third time in a row within a span of two minutes!
Within a few seconds, he feels Haneul’s lidol babie hand against his cheek.
How 😭 cute 😭 is 😭 this 😭 ??
This has got to be one the softest moments they have shared together. AND it’s in front of all these people!
Take that Namjoon hyung for saying I can’t be a gentle and tender loving father!
Jimin is about to place a hand over Haneul’s small one to caress it but then Haneul pushes his face away.
“Just go, daddy!”
Before Jimin is able to process what just transpired, Haneul is already strutting towards the other kids, feeling like a king or a boss for bitch-slapping his own father.
This little fUqer!!!
Who does he think he is to act like this towards Jimin iN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE??
This is what happens when he lets his son spend too much alone time with his Uncle Jungkook and Uncle Taehyung.
But to be fair, Haneul is still Jimin’s son at the end of the day so…..like, maybe he shouldn’t be too surprised??
Yet, still, he truly cannot believe it.
All it took was 5 minutes and a rowdy set of friends, then his kid has grown up.
He apparently “doesn’t need him” anymore, according to the kid.
To think that Jimin got up early to make him those cute bento boxes. He even specifically made them look like various pokemons that Haneul fancies!
Wow. Just. WOW.
Excuse him, but he’s just gonna get in his car and crank up “Slipping Through My Fingers” by ABBA while he ugly sobs.
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So I’ve decided to talk in depth about my sander sides high school au, specifically the characterization of Remus, Janus and Virgil.
I tried to make a rather grounded and realistic take on things with some conventional teen drama tropes mixed in there along with some serious storylines about family and the issues Remus, Virgil and Janus experience because of it.
I will make a part two to this post if you guys so desire with the other sides and possibly Picani and Remy.
Virgil is the main character of this au, he moved back to his old home town after moving away when he was fairly young to go start a new life with his dad.
Virgil and his dad are all on their own with little money to their names making them live in the poorer area of town, which doesn’t exactly help Virgil with bullies.
Virgil also has some deep underlying issues about his mother since she died in labor and thus never got to meet her, his dad goes to great lengths to teach him about her and how much she unconditionally loved him but it does little to quell Virgil’s complex feelings towards her.
Despite the amount of attention his dad gives him he does feel especially empty and sad about his lack of a mother, it doesn’t exactly help that because of the way Juliet died Virgil feels in some way, partially responsible.
This would later cause him to build up emotional walls to cover up how he really felt about his mom, insisting that he’s okay and doesn’t think about it often.
This also causes him to stress a lot about small situations and in more extreme scenarios full on fits of anxiety due to his underlying fears about losing even more people in his life.
Ultimately this all mixed together with the bullying Virgil received growing up for his lack of a mother made him a very tense and self conscious individual with a deep rooted fear of the unknown and loss.
Virgil still has a support group there for him, like I said, his dad is always there to provide and take care of him no matter what and his friends always make an effort to understand his plights despite not really having the same issues as he does.
Really the only person who comes close to understanding him is Remy, who also is raised by a single parent and understands the hurt that can leave you with.
Remy’s mom and Virgil’s dad are quite close though and since they are neighbors try to take care of each other’s kids the best they can when the other can’t.
Overall Virgil’s life isn’t all that great but it could be a whole lot worse if he didn’t have his friends with him.
Now onto Janus, Janus’s familial troubles culminate into anger and spite, his family was rather normal until he was around five years old and his parents got divorced and it was rather messy.
Janus couldn’t adjust very well to not only his parents being separated but also his dad losing his job and most of his money, making him move across town, next door to Virgil.
He coped with it after a little while but everything seemed to get way worse after one day when he was visiting his mom and her boyfriend, an electrical fire started and Janus got trapped in the bathroom causing him to get very bad burns all up one side of his body, making him lose most of his hair and most importantly of all, push his mother to take extreme lengths to protect him.
She just seemed to become more and more irrational over time and take even more precautions that made little sense to anyone but her.
She even prevented Janus from hanging out with Remus since his behavior kinda scared her which only made Janus want to hang out with him more.
She was already very over protective of him but the fire just made everything worse and eventually Janus developed a habit for lying as a way to hide his more “dangerous” activity from his invasive mother.
Janus was often confused and didn’t know exactly how to feel about his mother, his love for her was both very strong since he admired how much she wanted to protect him but also was full of anger and spite for how controlling she was.
At least his dad and step mom were better, his father though not the most emotionally available still takes care of him and loves him while his step mom is the most wholesome a person could possible be and much better than his step dad (Who’s just a complete idiot).
Janus mostly deals with his problems by venting about them to remus and going through lengths to cover his burns (wearing hats to cover up his bald spot, gloves to hide his hands, jackets to hide his arms, ect.) unfortunately though sometimes this will lead to confrontations with Virgil.
Virgil’s fear of loss and want to keep his loved ones safe will often clash for Janus’s demands for freedom and independence making them sometimes clash until remus tries to calm them down.
As for Remus, unlike his friends he didn’t care much about how his family was, yes they are clearly dysfunctional and Remus fully knows how his families relationship was strained and probably really toxic but he didn’t care.
Even though favoritism was really clear at his house, his parents weren’t home often due to work and his brother seemed to get everything, remus just sorta took it in stride and used it as an excuse to grow more independent and bombastic.
He likes himself, in fact maybe he likes himself a little too much tbh.
He developed a strong sense of self, something that Janus really admired and would often look up to him for.
Eventually his teen years hit and surprise surprise, this independent loud bastard with strong opinions got a really weird sense of style (I mean, who else would draw on a fake mustache and dye their hair grey while wearing chokers and knee length boots?) and a penchant for partying.
Not only would he party (very hard, sometimes at bars with fake IDs) but he also started having small relationships that didn’t last very long (didn’t matter who it was, hell it could of been a guy who was already in a committed relationship, remus didn’t care).
To go along with his bold and odd personality he was often contradictory, putting on a persona of the stupid party guy while also being surprisingly intelligent, to the point that he even rivaled Logan (some one had to be the smart twin).
He has a great relationship with his brother, they actually get along very well, they just don’t speak much during school hours.
Remus has a very can do attitude and is completely determined to be his own person and nobody is gonna fell him other wise.
So yeah... if you read this far thank you, I appreciate it.
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kcrtia · 3 years
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synopsis — he’s wallowing in his own self pity, unsure of how he feels for his long time childhood best friend. he opens up his laptop and watches the old videos they had filmed together, most of which were just kiha. he finds that it cheers him up a little, just enough to motivate him to get back on his feet and to choreography something meaningful. mentions — @bemyuse  word count — 1719 it has no business being this long tbh but my ramblings really out here
table of contents —          A. empty apartment          B. empty apartment and kiha          C. opening his laptop          D. butterflies          E. watching videos of kiha          F. choreographing a song he composed
A.     he lets the inexplicable feeling of drowning overwhelm him, but he doesn’t allow for the sudden flush that cascades over his features to take away from his unnerving persona. a facade he still manages to keep up even within the confines of his own home. his living space, a lot more empty than what he had anticipated. his mother calling every other week to remind him to buy a good set of chairs, a dining table and remember to invite kiha over regularly. a scheme she has been trying to partake in, ever since he had departed from the crescent dorms. there at least, his manager would decorate the dorms or with the help of the members, decorating their living quarters as they pleased and he was but the lucky freeloader that would assume the luxuries of an already decorated home.
    but here was different, he was on his own. the bleakness of the white walls and the lack of colour adorning his apartment, he stuck out like a sore thumb in his all black attire. the television sat on the floor with it’s wires trailing close to the wall, his gaming consoles stacked on top of the other, pushed to the side just far enough that he can view the full screen. a baby couch he had managed to swipe up not too long since moving out, one that his neighbours had thrown out into the hallway on one of his nightly strolls to find sanity.
    a finger gently pokes at the baby coach that laid sprawled in front of his neighbours door, it was still in good condition. and he thought to himself, what a waste. shaking his head disapprovingly as he dragged it back to his place, tossing it into his vast living room. a centre piece, beside the grand piano that once belonged to his deceased father, now shoved to the corner of the living room. and he’s much too big for the baby couch, though he had no other chairs, except for the stool in his bedroom that sat under the table, that, he too, had stolen from the old crescent dorm. the stool, that too, having been from one of his neighbours. the only true possession he owned was the priceless bed he had custom made for his tired soul. a soul so tired that even his physique began to feel the sudden famish of fatigue.
B.     the numerous rooms in his apartment, all empty. it was a wonder why he had even chosen to move into such a large space despite never utilising it all. maybe somewhere, etched in his mind was the idea of one day... maybe one day, just maybe, kiha would want to come in and share it with him. to share this safe space, albeit, bleak and empty, he was sure that kiha could brighten up anything. he has already done so with miles, surely his apartment would pose no such obstacles. but somewhere, wedged in the nooks and crannies of his soul was an insatiable fear of the impending rejection that he would go through. the uncertainty and the imposing nature of having been slapped with a hard no. miles couldn’t risk putting his pride on the line like that, not yet at least.
    and his mother knows her son’s tendencies, and so she calls upon kiha to check up on him. his own protests having shut down kiha’s attempts of questioning his apartment and his design choice. it was one of the main reasons why he had tried so hard to keep kiha away from his apartment for the longest time. excuse after excuse and now, he found himself wallowing in the same baby couch he had found in the very beginning of his move. his knees pulled up to his chest, and his back slouching against the small backing that barely supported him. arms wrapping around his knees, as his head rests against his forearm. his gaze falls to the tiled floor, the feeling of drowning returns.
    he wasn’t sure what had brought on this random sensation, he wanted to scream but he hadn’t the energy left, he wanted to cry but no tears would fall, he wanted to punch things, to curse, to bruise up his knuckles but he has fallen ill to the lethargic beckoning of his dying soul. the light inside of him, dimming, any more and he would have lost his resolve. he was confused more than anything, this feeling was so foreign, too foreign. and so, he closes his eyes for a moment, letting the stinging feeling against his dulled hues burn for a moment. he hasn’t let himself rest for days and this was the first signs of despondency that he had felt so overbearingly, in a few weeks — no months.
C.     his gaze falls to the laptop on the floor by his feet. he moves, albeit slowly, feeling the weight of the thing pulling onto his tired arms as he rests it atop his knees. he pulls back, his postured improving slightly, as he opens up the screen. immediately wincing at the sudden brightness that sends a pang to his weary hues. a finger is quick to lower the brightness, and he decides that maybe doing some online shopping could help ease the pressure on his reverie.
    he opens up the browser, and immediately is greeted by his own instagram page, one that had a recent photo of the two together. they had visited somewhere he had been wanting to go for a while now, only having waited for both their schedules to subside before asking kiha if he wanted to go on a spontaneous day trip. this elicits a gentle smile to spread across his features, absentmindedly he finds himself feeling at ease just by looking at kiha on his screen. kiha is special. he scrolls through his own posts, he couldn’t help the smile that continually grows on his features, a sudden flutter moves at his core and he shuts his laptop closed in one swift movement. no. you shouldn’t be allowed to feel this way. you’re not allowed to feel this happy looking at him.
D.     he’s confused and he doesn’t know what to do, he’s going against everything the industry had dictated to him was wrong, no... this is right. he lets the butterflies subside, the sudden elation in his chest receding alongside the sighs that leave him but the fluttering doesn’t stop. neither does the flitter in his chest and he attempts to hold his breath, maybe this’ll stop the feeling he feels for kiha. his breath draws short and an exhale leaves from his lips, a closed fist tenses as white knuckles peer through and before he could register the pitter patter of his cages again, he strikes himself in the stomach. masking the butterflies with a stunted punch to his own gut, he feels the discomfort from the impact for a bit before letting it settle and he feels the trickling of wings flickering against his insides and he strikes again. this time, harder than the last. perhaps he has gone insane. insane enough to punch away the butterflies he felt for kiha. but not insane enough to admit his own emotions. was this truly confusion or perhaps, just denial?
E.     he’s holding his head now, is this confusion or denial? two questions that weigh heavily on his shoulders, enough to break the bones on his back. he hunches over the laptop on his knees, takes a deep breath and surrenders to the feeling, opening it back up. he tries to fight the smile that instinctively graces at his corners whenever he lays eyes on kiha, even if it were just a picture of the other. the warm feeling he gets, flustering even the dullest of hues as they sparkle slightly against the moon’s rays that peek through the curtains of his living room.
    he continues to scroll through his pictures of kiha, icloud full, the notification that pops up receives a raised brow, his finger hovers over the trackpad clicking to clear the banner. instead, an entirely new window opens, and he finds himself faced with videos of kiha he had taken during their spontaneous day trip. the video starts to play, and the smile on his features only grows, crescents start to form as a huff of a chuckle leave from his lips. seeing kiha made him... happy, was this wrong to admit? he shuts the thoughts out, choosing to indulge in this moment, even if the bliss he felt was temporary at best.
F.     moments pass, and he closes his laptop again, this time placing all his anguish, all the flittering in his centre, all the confusion, all the denial, all the emotions... into something more worthwhile. he retrieves his phone from his jumper’s pocket, places the headphones by his consoles over his ears, and he turns the volume up, high enough that it begins to drown out his own thoughts. gravity, something he had been working on religiously throughout the past few weeks with only the thought of kiha echoing in his reverie. a project he had kept to himself, a way of working to distract himself, to be away from crescent, from kiha, from the confusion, the denial, the feeling of drowning.
    he pulls himself to his feet, gently kicking the baby couch to the side and he takes a deep breath, allowing himself to hyper focus on the now. on the current. in the current. and he’s dancing in the dark, letting the track dictate his movement, the backdrop falling to the foreground and the ambience sets in his cerulean veins. ardour lacing his form, and he finds that so much time had past. how long has it been? what time is it now? the concept still hazy to him as he lets the beads of sweat ball at his temples, the song on repeat and he stands unmoving. the tints of dawn weaving through the curtains, hitting the floor beneath, illuminating the dark room.
    yet, the one constant still pasted in his mind — kiha. at least now, he’ll have something to submit to yuseong’s choreographer and creative team if he ever felt the need to. and if he had the guts, to kiha.
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gravityfissure · 4 years
[meta] What, if any, games, movies, books, tv shows, etc. have you drawn influence from for your character?
Okay so round 2, much in the same vein for Arthur there are... A lot. Possibly even more things that influence and inspire where Otto’s muse and views comes from. That said in writing this there are also a LOT of similarities between the characters I can pick out certain attributes and to be honest there’s a lot of crossover with the traits and characterisations highlighted.
Namely: playful and proactive, self-serving yet loyal to those that meet his criteria as to who is deserving of it. A grifter by nature that will approach almost any situation if he feels he’ll get something out of it while equally hoping that one day someone might actually bother to ask him (and maybe give him a true reason) to stay.
Dorian - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Uh, the heir of a famous magical dynasty? A flair of magical talent that made him the envy of his peers? Studied at one of the best colleges for the magical arts before being kicked out and privately tutored before eventually vanishing and being found by Magister Gereon Alexius who offered to take him as his apprentice eventually becoming a fully-ranked enchanter. A pariah for opposing every fault his homeland is renowned for?
It’s been years since I’ve played DA:I and Dorian always was one of my favourite characters but tbh I completely forgot his background and it’s only in revisiting it now I actually realise the similarities in the framework of their characters/development/story line. Not to mention the fact they both enjoy playful flirtation and witty banter and oppose the things they don’t fit into their view of the world. They will probably do the right thing, but that doesn’t mean they might not take their sweet ass time in actually getting into a situation.
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Isabela - Dragon Age II and Inquisition 
AND AGAIN. Isabela’s a great character - a pirate scourge of coastlines and nations around the world who values fun, freedom and getting ahead in life. They both value solving situations in clever and devious ways and getting ahead even if it means being somewhat selfish when they’re dealing with other people, example: Otto conning Deirdre out of $28k when she tried to cover for Regan or those plans he has to try and record a banshee scream? They’re both always down for trying to squeeze that little bit extra out of a person. If it one ups them in life and people are gullible enough to fall for it well... They really did it to themselves didn’t they?
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But that doesn’t mean there aren’t depths to that hardened persona they both present. There are actual feelings and things hidden behind the wall and appearance they both present to the world. And underneath it all they’re both afraid of being left behind, but figure it’s best to push people away before they decide to leave of their own volition. At least that way they can say they have some control over the situation.. 
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Sera - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Apparently this is a DA characters list but you know what sue me. x) So NEXT on the list is Sera, an elven archer who is incredibly impulsive and reactionary. She takes pure delight in humbling the established authority she views as arrogant and selfish. It’s less about what’s right in the grand scheme of things but more about what’s right in that very moment. She doesn’t believe in actions taken for a greater good, instead viewing it as just another excuse to hurt others undeserving of such treatment because it’s easier than making the truly hard choices in life. 
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Felix Dawkins - Orphan Black
Look Felix is one of the many fascinating characters on Orphan Black. Don’t get me wrong there are SO many and it’s a great show. But Felix is a character whose very existence proves that you can have a very effeminate, boisterous, loud, witty gay character and not have him be limited to the perpetuation of the sassy gay friend stereotype. Why? Because he has a whole complex personality beyond just that aspect of his life. He’s got to deal with real life issues on top of all the drama clone club brings into his life and he deals and he survives and he cOPES.
Not to mention he’s a positive representation of foster children being happy, positive representation of LGBTQ+ characters and gives positive representation of sex workers. Not to mention on top of all that representation you see how he’s smart as hell, the only person who knows Sarah well enough to keep her on track. The BEST uncle to Kira and one of the most supportive characters on the show. 
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Sarah - Orphan Black
Felix’s foster-sister, another character that shows the positive and complex dynamic that foster families tend to have while also demonstrating the fascinating found-family dynamic with clone club. Sarah’s interesting because she’s a natural chameleon, she’s street-smart and tough, a born outsider living on the fringes by her wits while in possession of a dark sense of humour that sees her by.
Sarah and Otto have a rather morally ambiguous compass, they’re both characters who swing between being very self-serving and selfish and acting for the greater good when they decide it’s needed. Not to mention the act as if they don’t care about other people’s issues (see clone club) when actually it transpires they both might just care a little more than they actually let on.
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Garcia Flynn - Timeless
Unfortunately Garcia fits the my favourite character type: tall, dark, snarky, sassy antihero motivated fiercely by love and willing to do things of questionable morality against a greater evil, self-aware and doesn’t make excuses for his behaviour, but isn’t wringing his hands over it either.  A character who so dearly loves the people in his life (see revenge for his wife and daughter) so much so he’s still fighting for them 5 years later just to be alive and not even to have anything to do with him again because he knows the things he’s done are enough the he could never go back to being that person for them. The man who loved his mum and went on a trip just to make her happy and save his brother. When he truly cares for someone he does EVERYTHING for them while somehow having none of the toxic jealous possessive business, despite his  well-attested Garbage Drama in other departments, and just generally being a mature adult and an essentially good person who has gone down some really dark places and is finally rediscovering what he’s buried and lost. Look man, I’m a suuuuuuuuuuuuucker for found family, enemies to lovers, and villain becomes weird family member. And he covers all of those, so yes. 
There’s a lot of that I’m planning and drawing on for Otto, this weird currently antagonistic little self-serving shit who is out for his own ends but maybe along the way finds some semblence of a conscious and maybe has a fair few moral dilemmas and self-questioning moments along the way? Who maybe finds friends (and even love?) Who has to deal with FEELINGS and things he’s repressed for years because of the things he’s done just to survive the life he fell into? Uh, yes give me give me give me.
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Jesse Custer - Preacher
Okay, so this one’s kind of another given. Jesse’s another character I’m fascinated with because before Genesis’ arrival he was a down upon his luck preacher. A man who was trying so hard to fit into his dad’s ideal and not let the life he had before affect his day to day. Except it all goes to hell in a handbasket because of course it does.
Jesse essentially gains the ability to make anyone do anything he says. And that power? It’s addictive, and we see the struggle he goes through to learn how to control and manipulate it to his own end. To begin with he tries to right wrongs, to tell people to stop doing the bad things they’re doing in their lives and fix them so they’re better people but with each act that power and god-complex grows. It goes to his head until we meet the moronic messiah Humperdoo and Jesse eventually agrees to take his place. The messiah-complex and power corruption is complete, and the repercussions of his choices are devastating especially with how they impact Cassidy or Tulip and the repercussions in Angelville.
Much like Otto’s own magic, the more its used the more enticing it is to carry on using it for more and more things. At first it was small deeds, little acts of good until Otto in kind started to realise that good deeds weren’t enough to make a change. They weren’t enough for other people around him and with each act it grew and grew - and it continues to grow. The question is to what level? And if it ever got out of control, would he ever know how to stop it?
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Crowley - Good Omens
An overall non-threatening demon, who tries to be “evil” in his own way to fit into the role his society (other demons) expect of him. Crowley wants to save the world (for his own reasons) and can be rather self-serving in certain moments. There’s plenty of times he tried to convince Aziraphale to run away with him and let everything else forgive the irony but for lack of a better term “go to hell” but he always comes around in the end (typically to a Queen track) to help when it really counts for something.
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 Not to mention his flare for the dramatic, very rarely thinking things through, with many of his own plans backfiring on him.  
Sound familiar?
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Wrench - Watch Dogs 2
Part-hacker and full-fledged anarchist who wears a freaky mask with LED displays capable of bizarre emoticons. He's vulgar, crude, entertaining and an absolute adrenaline junkie who lives on the edge. He's jokingly called the wrench because he's the wrench you throw into somebody's gears to grind them to a halt.
The final one on the list, because it’s a side I haven’t yet played into so much but I’m curious to given means and opportunity to. Otto does have some inclination towards an anarchistic nature, if a system doesn’t seem to work he isn’t afraid to speak out or more likely act out against it. Whether it’s in the greater good or not isn’t so much relevant rather that he would happily take a torch and burn something to the ground if it meant starting again with something new and better in its place. It’s definitely something I want to explore more down the line.
I also find it interesting the whole concept of “hiding behind a mask” which is something wrench quite literally does. Both have built personas to defend themselves from people breaking through and seeing that what actually exists on the other side is a rather shy and awkward person who tries to “act out” and be “dramatic” in an attempt to get attention from a world in which there’s so much noise how could anyone ever feel like their voice mattered let alone be heard unless they started shouting “HEY, LOOK AT ME” at the top of his lungs?  
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eastasianfeelings · 4 years
I’ll be your fan: Hongbin
Summary: Hongbin isn’t sure whether you like him as a fan, as a friend... or as more than friends.
— requested by Anonymous: "Hi hun! So, umm... I'm a *huge* fan of your Hyuk fics and I wonder if you'd consider writing something equally smutty + emotional for Hongbin. Something like friends to lovers with Hongbin being the hesitant one, or fangirl to lover with Hongbin doubting her sincerity/if she only likes his idol persona or his gf wanting him to stop holding back in bed and just embrace the intimacy... Basically, cracking Hongbin's shell is my kink. 😫 (Also wouldn't say no to a size kink, TBH.)"
Words: 2.8k
Warnings: angst with a happy ending, making out
“Why are we friends?” Hongbin asks you out of the blue one day.
You look up from your knitting. “What?”
He’s just finished an hour-long stream, and his apartment seems quiet now without the gratuitous blood spattering noises and groans of murdered undead from his gory game.
You sit up straighter from your lounging position on his bed and, carefully, repeat, “Why are we friends?” How on earth are you supposed to interpret this question?
“Mm.” He stares at his screen, absent-mindedly clicking through all the gifts he’s received during the stream. “I mean, any time we hang out, it’s basically just me streaming and you watching.”
“I don’t mind, though,” you say slowly, unsure as to how this relates to his question. “I know you’re busy. And you help me promote and sell the game character plushies that I knit, too.”
“So if I didn’t help you make money…” He trails off, which makes your back go up.
“I’m not only here because you help me make money,” you say, a little stiffer. “You know I was your fan before we met.”
“You were a fan of Vixx.” His gaze is still fixed on the screen.
“Yes, and now we’re friends because we met and decided that we like each other.” You say it as a statement, not the question it is in your mind, hoping he’ll agree, or at least not negate it.
You’re pretty sure he doesn’t like you the same way you like him, but you’re—or at least, you were—also pretty sure you could call him your friend.
Why does it sound like he’s not so sure?
“But I mean, is this what friends do?” Hongbin finally turns from his desk to gesture between you and him; his brow is creased as he frowns at you. “Just meet up so one can watch the other play games?”
“Why not?”
He stares at you.
“Never mind.” He shakes his head and deliberately eases his frown. “I think I’m just tired from streaming. I’m going to get some water.”
Well, that’s a lie if you ever heard one; one hour of streaming is nothing to him. So you pick up your knitting needles and follow him out into his apartment and hover just outside the small kitchen.
You wait for him to finish gulping down an entire plastic water bottle before speaking. “Is there something going on, Hongbin-ah?”
He tosses out the bottle and flicks a short glance your way. “No. It’s nothing.”
“Then, if it’s nothing… why ask if we’re friends?”
You feel like you’re pushing the tentative limits the two of you have drawn, but he was the one who posed the question, and you need to know why.
Hongbin braces his hands against the counter, his gaze pointed downward. “I don’t know. When I finished the stream today, I looked over and saw you knitting, and I just thought, I don’t know anything about knitting. But that’s all we ever do—I stream, and you watch and knit.” He looks up. “We don’t even know that much about each other.”
“I think I know a bit about you.” Cautiously, you lower your voice to prevent it from quavering. “And I enjoy knitting and watching you stream. I could tell you about knitting if you wanted to know more about it.”
“But how does that make you different from a fan watching me at home, then?” Hongbin paces to the other side of the kitchen.
You take a steadying breath. “I mean, it’d be nice to do other things together. I was just trying to be mindful of your time, I know you’re busy as an idol—”
“I don’t need someone to be mindful of me,” he interrupts, speaking to the wall. “I need someone to be my friend, my actual friend.”
Oh, you’re so close to having your feelings hurt. “I’m trying to be, Hongbin-ah—”
He turns. “Isn’t that just because I’m Vixx’s Hongbin?”
“Look.” You take another breath. “If you want to believe that, then I don’t think I can change your mind.”
“You should try,” he insists. “Otherwise how can I know?”
“Me saying this right now, this is me trying,” you point out. “I’m telling you right now, I like you as a person, not as an idol. I want to be your friend. I… I want to be more than friends.”
It’s the calmest confession you’ve ever given, even as turmoil twists inside you.
For a moment Hongbin just blinks. Then he opens his mouth, and you brace yourself:
“You only want to because you’re my fan.”
Quietly, you reply, “I don’t think that’s true.”
“You can’t know for sure.”
All right. That’s it. That’s the extent of emotional labour you’re putting into this conversation. You’re not going to single-handedly break down the walls Hongbin’s built around himself or the labels he’s placed on you.
“Maybe you’re right about that.” You gather your knitting supplies and grab your backpack from the couch. “I guess the only way we’ll know is if we stop being friends, right?” You work up a thin smile and send it his way. “Then… goodbye.”
He doesn’t stop you as you walk out the door.
Making new friends is hard when you’re an adult. You sign up for a local knitting club, even though almost everyone there is older than you, and tell yourself you’re going to try it for at least four consecutive Saturdays.
On the third week, a younger member, Haeun, introduces you to an online creative arts platform that’s apparently popular for sharing fandom-related projects. There, you rehome the game character plushies that you’ve been unable to sell ever since you cut off contact with Hongbin.
At your fourth meeting, Haeun greets you excitedly outside the bookstore your club meets at.
“Y/N-eonni! You posted your game monster plushies online, right? You did, right?”
You’ve accepted that Haeun considers every single game character a ‘monster’, no matter how humanoid. “Yeah, I did. Why?”
She tugs you inside the bookstore and waves someone over. “This guy’s here to meet you!”
“Meet me?” You blink at the scruffy younger man who’s fixed his ardent gaze on you.
“Excuse me, did you make this?” He’s holding the completed Sonic plush that you’d added to your club’s little display in the bookstore’s bay window. “I was wondering if you would sell it to me. My girlfriend loves Sonic and I know she’d die over this.”
“Oh.” Warmth spreads through you at his eagerness. “Ah, well, it actually took me a while to make that, so to be honest I’d only sell it for a high price…” Knitting, stuffing and sewing Sonic’s spikes had been a nightmarish experience, one you’re never going through again.
“Just name your price!” the guy declares.
Wow, okay. As you think, Haeun tugs you close. “Don’t charge him under fifty thousand,” she hisses.
“One hundred thousand won,” you blurt out.
Though the man’s eyes widen a bit, his hand goes to his pocket without hesitation. “Can I e-transfer you the money?” is all he says.
That’s the start of your realization that handmade game character plushies are, apparently, a unique and lucrative niche, one that Haeun helps you develop and build. With the knitting club manager’s support, you start selling your items in a small booth inside the bookstore for half an hour after every club meeting.
One Saturday is particularly busy. The bookstore’s running a promotion, which means there’s more traffic in the store and more people chancing by your small booth. Haeun’s delighting in managing the short queue that’s formed in front of you, occasionally bounding over to pass along some info.
“Eonni, that guy in the beanie says he’s been checking your site every day for that final monster in the SEGA set! Save it for him and charge him double, okay?”
“Oh my God, eonni, the cutest little girl was asking for a monster called Pikachu. Do you have a finished Pikachu to sell? I told her yes, I hope I didn’t lie.”
“Eonni! This really hot guy asked for you by name. By your actual name, not your online username!” This time she’s shaking you hard enough that you have to turn away from the customer in front of you, who for some reason just wants your ‘autograph’. “Look! Do you know him?”
You follow her pointing finger to see: Hongbin.
He’s standing a short distance away, squinting over in your direction like he’s not sure what he’s looking at. Just as you make eye contact, Haeun draws your attention back as she slides the paper out from under your hand.
“It’s ten thousand for an autograph,” she sweetly informs the customer, and waits for him to fork over his money before letting you take the paper back. “Eonni, you should charge them for signatures, okay?” she whispers in her ear. “Fighting!”
Then she’s off to manage the crowd again, your own personal PR professional. What a gem.
After that, you explain to two more customers that you’ve sold your Wrecking Ball plushie already and no, you don’t have multiple because it takes you at least a week to knit one up, which leads to a suggestion from one of the customers to do online auctions instead of selling first-come, first-serve.
You have to chuckle a little at the idea. “I don’t think there’s enough interest to do an online auction.”
“No, you’ve got tons of fans,” the guy says earnestly.
The other girl nods. “My boyfriend actually brags to his friends about the fact that he bought your first and only Sonic plush.”
“Really?” You can’t stop your smile from spreading. “I’ll think about it then. Thank you for your interest.”
The guy hesitates for a second. Then he blurts, “Can I have a high-five?”
Boggled, you say, “Sure,” and hold out your palm.
He beams, taps his hand to yours, then bows profusely before departing.
You watch him go in bemusement. Is this what an idol hi-touch is like?
Speaking of idols:
The next customer is Hongbin.
You look up at him and manage, “Hello.”
“Hello.” He looks back for a few moments before letting his eyes drop to your table. “It’s… it’s been a while.”
“Yes. It has.” You’ve always been short next to him, but having him tower over you while you remain seated makes you feel extra tiny. For half a second you want to ask him to kneel down like he’s at a fan-meeting.
“…I’ve seen your knitting around online. Looks like you’re doing well.”
“Yes.” What does he want?
Hongbin’s quiet for a few more seconds, almost long enough for the customer behind him to get fidgety. Then he looks up into your eyes.
“I missed you,” he says.
And for the first time in over a month, you let yourself think it, let yourself say it: “…I missed you too.”
Just then, Haeun inserts herself in between Hongbin and the table. “Excuse me, are you interested in buying anything?”
“Ah, he’s not a customer,” you say hastily.
“Oh, wait, it’s this guy! Do you know him, eonni? Is he a friend?” Haeun asks.
You open and close your mouth.
“I’m just a fan,” Hongbin says to her.
A fan.
“Ahh.” She smiles at him. “If you’d just like Y/N’s autograph, that’ll be ten thousand won. But please don’t take too long, in consideration of other customers.”
“Yes,” Hongbin says politely as she takes off again.
A fan, you repeat in your mind.
You look up to see his eyes fixed on you.
“Can we talk after you’re finished here?”
Outside, you weave your way through the crowded sidewalk toward Hongbin. He’s waiting at the nearby taxi stand, face mask pulled high and bangs hiding his eyes.
“Hi.” You stop a few steps away so you don’t have to crane your neck. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Um.” He goes to pull his face mask down, then glances around. “Maybe we should go somewhere quieter.”
“Your place?”
“No,” he says quickly. “I’d like to go to your place… if you don’t mind.”
Your brows rise. “Why? You’ve never been to my place.”
“I know,” he admits. “But—that’s why I want to go.”
Okay. You grab a taxi, and Hongbin slides into the backseat with you as you give the driver directions.
As the car pulls away, you feel Hongbin give you a side-glance.
“Er. Will it be quieter at your place?”
“What do you mean?” You keep looking straight ahead.
“I mean…” He clears his throat lightly. “Will there be anyone else home?”
“Oh. No, I live alone.”
“Ah.” He relaxes into the seat, and the rest of the ride is silent.
Once you’re in your apartment, you lead him into your small kitchen. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
His throat works for a moment before he speaks. “I thought a lot about our last conversation.”
You stay silent.
“And… I’m sorry. I was wrong.” Hongbin steps forward suddenly, making you back up a little too hastily. “I didn’t listen to you, and I was wrong.”
You regain your distance before looking up at him again. “That’s okay. Thank you for saying that.”
“I do want to be your friend, Y/N-ah.”
“I’m glad, Hongbin-ah.” You nod.
“But—” He catches hold of your hand, a very light grip that you could break if you wanted. “Do you…” He swallows. “Do you still want to be more?”
Your heartrate rises. “More?”
“More than friends.”
Slowly, you pull your hand free. “Not if you don’t want to.”
“I do.”
And all of a sudden he’s stepped into your space and your back is against the counter, his arms enclosing you. You look up, up, and he looks right back at you, eyes calling to yours.
“Y/N-ah, I do. I want you,” he says, and there’s almost some kind of pleading edge to his voice, some earnest, yearning note that tugs right at your heartstrings. “Please.”
“Are you sure?” you ask softly. “Are you sure, Hongbin-ah?”
“Please,” he repeats.
So you stretch up, up, up, and kiss him.
He meets you more than halfway, closing the substantial height difference swiftly to touch his lips to yours. When you try to push for more, he draws back.
“Is that a yes?” he checks.
This guy, seriously. “Yes, Hongbin-ah, that’s a yes.”
A wide smile lights up his face, so dazzling you have to blink moisture out of your eyes. “Y/N-ah…”
You lift your arms and tug on his shoulders. “Come back, I can’t reach you up there.”
He chuckles, the sound pure delight, and then grips you by the waist to hoist you onto the counter. Locking his arms around your lower back, he tugs you to the edge and steps between your spread legs to continue kissing you.
“I missed you,” he murmurs against your lips. Your eyelids flutter open to see him only a few inches away, looking at you with something close to adoration. “At first I didn’t even know if it was because I liked you or because I was overthinking it.” He keeps kissing you leisurely in between his murmurs. “And that kind of scared me.”
“Mm.” You want to respond to his sincere words, his apology via confession, but the way he’s surrounding you so closely, closer than you’ve ever felt to him, is making your mind whirl. 
“But when I saw your knitting online…” He pulls back, tongue flicking out as he eyes your mouth. “And all the views and comments you were getting…”
You hesitate. “So you’re just jealous?”
“No! No. I thought, These people know more about Y/N than I do. And I realized it was my fault.” He brushes his mouth one more time against yours, an affectionate caress, then continues down your jaw. “If I hadn’t pushed you away, you wouldn’t be selling online…” Down your neck, his lips pulling and sucking. “You wouldn’t have all these fans after you…”
It’s getting hard to form coherent thoughts with the way he’s tucked his face into your neck, but you try. “You—ah… don’t you want me to be successful?”
He presses his nose into the curve where your neck meets your shoulder and inhales deeply. “I do. But… you’re not an idol.”
“Mm. So?”
“So, you don’t need teenage gamer boys following you around online.” Hongbin lifts his head to make eye contact again. “Do you?”
Clearly, the only correct answer is: “No… but I’m just selling my knits, Hongbin-ah, it’s not like I’m streaming with a face cam or anything.”
“Y/N-ah, I was a teenage gamer boy once. I know how they think.” He leans in to nip at your lips. “Do you think that guy today wanted a high-five because he likes your knitting so much?”
“Okay, but…” You wriggle backward a little to get some space and make your point. “No harm, no foul, right? It’s fine if people like me, as long as they don’t actually do anything weird.”
“I like you.” He pulls you in again, negating the space between you, and spreads his hands wide over your lower back.
“I mean my customers—”
“I’ll be your fan.”
“I thought I was your fan.”
“No,” Hongbin says. “Now you’re just mine.” And he kisses you once more.
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moonvoiid · 4 years
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i am writing on two hours of sleep in the past twenty-four hours so please excuse me and all of my mistakes,  both grammatical and overall.    i swear i’m usually in a playful,   cryptid in a sexy way kinda mood...   fhsduifhds SO.    so !    ian moon.   alright,   i’m leaving important links down below !!   the google docs document contains his biography in a slightly    ( re: no big improvement )   better state than what i’m giving you under the read more,   so if you’d like 2 give something    (  SLIGHTLY )   more comprehensive a read i’d recommend it !!!   
( jeon jungkook, cismale ) hey ! have you seen IAN MOON around ? HE works as a SKI INSTRUCTOR (KID) at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 22 years old & they’ve been working here for THREE MONTHS. they tend to be +SPONTANEOUS & +CHARISMATIC, but can also be -MANIPULATIVE & -DESTRUCTIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE REVELLER. thanks a lot !    ( charcoal-stained fingertips, cat hair on dark hoodies, frowning lips around an e-cigarette , distressed pokemon cards & the gleam of a new mercedes benz under street lights. )
google doc   +    playlist    +    pinterest board
THE PAST, a brief summary:
ian was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.    as soon as he could make demands,    he got everything he wanted whenever he asked for it and then more.    i wish i could sum up his childhood in those sentences alone,    but the bitter reality of his early youth was that he was a lonely kid.    his mother was a rather young trophy wife who married into his father’s family and became pregnant to tie herself into the family’s empire and his father was a ceo of a real estate company who only cared about making ian a suitable heir to the title.   he was allowed too much freedom from the start–   his dad only involved himself in ian’s life when it came to academics and his mom…   well,   his mom lazed around the house enough for ian to see her every few days or so.
he rebelled around his first years of university in seoul.   he was studying business to follow the path that was set for him when all of the pressure that had been building up finally made him SNAP.   ian ruined what little relationship he had left with his father and decided to leave home altogether after making a massive mess he couldn’t fix.    with a subsequent agreement he made with his mom,    he got to choose where to live,    if to study right away,    and what to do for the time being with a bank account full of funds.    now THAT’S the ian living and working in big bear village you know  !
his job !    ian works as a ski instructor for kids.   back when he was a child himself,    he and his family would often go on vacations and that frequently included leaving korea to go play in mountains of snow.   ian is really good at skiing because it was one of those skills that he worked his naive ass off to be wonderful at so his parents could have something to brag about.   besides choosing it because he’s good at it,   though,   ian also enjoys really active atmospheres in general.   he likes being kept busy and interacting with others and he likes being out in the cold like a mama duck since he ended up getting assigned to teach children how to skii.   he quickly warmed up to the job and he has a ton of fun working with kids which is hard to believe considering how generally insufferable ian is in any other setting.
mimi !    a short one but definitely worth mentioning because if i don’t mention her,   he will.   mimi is ian’s    (   and roman’s   )   beloved cat,   he would literally die for her.   she began living with them in their chaotic apartment after ian rescued her tiny kitten self and took her home.   she is extremely spoiled by him even though she herself is lowkey feral. 
postive habits !    so ian is truly a man of habit.   the pros are that some of his habits are really,    really good...   and the cons,   of course,   is the flipside that his negative habits are rather...    very bad and annoying.   but these are the good ones !!   it seems like he doesn’t really notice it,   but he makes an active effort to treat his friends because he doesn’t really know how to express affection unless it’s within an inappropriate joke or comment.   he’s quite loose with his expensive belongings and will quietly pay for his friend’s drinks throughout the night.  he works out a lot,   he would be a gym rat if he wasn’t busy being a disaster.   he makes up for all of the alcohol he drinks by eating really healthy    (   unless he’s high or,   again,   drunk and needs oily unhealthy food or else he’ll die   )   and keeping up with workout routines !    i don’t recommend having him as a gym buddy because he’ll show up at your doorstep at four am with protein shakes and a really shitty workout playlist.    he is very into art !!   his favorite medium is charcoal and he keeps his drawings / occasional paintings very greyscale.   he can be seen sketching the mountains during his free time like a true buffering romantic,   and his future plans include going to art school !!   he’s real organized with his general space n etc !    a tidy boy.   
negative habits !    alright,    so ian has a lot of these.   perhaps the biggest one is that he doesn’t accept criticism on his character even though he cares about how he’s perceived which is really very annoying for many people who know him.   he’s...   how u say...    irritating.    he never,   ever takes anything seriously and he’s always making a dumb joke,   so he has this persona of being a charming flirty pretty boy who sleeps around like a god taken straight out of greek mythology.   in other words,   he’s 100% a fuckboy.   the reason this is a bad habit is that ian is actually really smart and reliable but he wears 50 coats of shallow asshole that cover that up.    it’s his thing.    he thinks it protects him or whatever.   he can b...    manipulative...   he’s just really good at lying and will never hesitate to do it.   he is BAD at relationships !!    he treats them as things to pass the time or avoids them altogether in lieu of just getting the fun part of people and honestly...    it’s lowkey evil...   he’ll string people along and then blame them for getting attached ?    of course he goes on to feel very empty !!    because he does this stupid impulsive shit !! all the time !!    but anyway ian smokes e-cigarettes and he’s always got a fancy one in his pocket that he WILL use during any free outdoor time that he has.    he likes 2 party a lot and make bad choices while he’s drunk and then do that over and over and over again fhdisufh.   that’s the reveler for u babey !! 
misc headcanons !    ian is a huge weeb and loves video games.   he plays all big three gaming consoles + PC and u BET he hosts super smash bros hangouts w/ snacks and weed and everything u need basically every weekend when there’s not already a party goin’ on.   tbh in general ian rlly likes to start parties up like he’ll b the first to text ‘ aye where the party at ’    all the time and there’s no party invite he’ll say no to.    /    he’ll randomly start sketching u if ur sitting across from him n there’s a pen in his hand.    /    he wears absolutely no colors like this boy rlly only owns dark or pure white clothes.   /    he has only 1 tat:    a palm-sized heart on the side of his right hip.   ton of ear piercings tho !!   /    nnnn....    i’ll leave this lil section at that fr now !! 
to sum it up,   ian is a mix between a charming socialite boy and a messy fuckboy.
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years
What would be some Grell omorashi headcanons?
Quick Note: I tend to use she/her for Gr/ell and hc her as a tra/ns wo/man, but I also understand between canon sources, non-canon char interviews, author intentions, dif cultural views, The time period the canon takes place in vs. The year the media was published vs. Our current time now changing views/terms, it's ALL a giant clustertruck question mark blob. So feel free to hc Gre/ll differently, be that a very feminine ga/y man or b/i or nonb/inary or whatever, I genuinely don't mind how anyone hcs characters and fan content does not affect my enjoyment of canon in any way. I'm never gonna pick fights and claim somebody's playing with their imaginary Barbie wrong lmao, kindergarteners know better than that
Now to the actual ask:
ANON I LOVE YOU!!! Gr/ell is one of my fav chars EVER but I never get to talk about her hhhhh ❤❤❤
I've had 8 dang years to think about this so enjoy a varied selection 😼 I'm sorry in advance bc half of these are very lemony oops
* Reapers have stronger bladders than humans (in terms of capacity/general strength), but they're still much weaker than a demon's (goes for all bodily functions tbh. Demons don't really have any, the only reason they would need to go is if they chose to partake in occasional food/drink, and could easily hold it for weeks or even months at a time). A reaper can probably hang in there with a full bladder for a day or two if very determined, less if they've had any strong diuretics/alcohol (I imagine the humans' stuff is p weak tho and barely gets them buzzed).
* Gr/ell's bladder is stronger than a newbie like Ro/nald's, but weaker than someone like W/ill's. Mostly bc she's frequently drinking unhealthy stuff and has no problem up and ditching to pee as soon as she's tired of waiting.
* Not bladdershy in the slightest, and not dysp/horic either. (While she wants a womb/too look more womanly, she also seems fairly content with her body and even takes pride in it in several scenes.) The only time I could see her getting nervous/locking up is if she had a really bad day or felt extra self-conscious, and it wouldn't be a very severe condition.
* She doesn't like going in weird/gross places because she is a Beautiful Lady With Standards, thank you very much. If she has absolutely no choice she'll suck it up and pee in an alley like the commoner humans, but she will complain about it for the next few years at every opportunity.
* That being said she's also a huge hypocrite, and if the situation was reversed would immediately snap at someone like W/ill or Ro/nald to just go in the alley already instead of failing to hide their desperation on the job. You bunch of damn babies, grow a pair.
* If she needs to be serious/doesn't want ppl to know, she can hide desperation fairly well (a little clumsy/flushed and sweaty, but that could be mistaken as her normal goofy behavior), masking how bad it really is until she's a minute from wetting herself.
* If she doesn't care and wants to complain though, she's obvious af. Whines and gripes the whole time, full-blown potty dance to garner sympathy, legs crossed and bouncing, everything. By the time she gets to the suspiciously e/rotic moans ppl usually hurry to find her a bathroom/yell at her to leave lol
* There have definitely been times when Gre/ll used going to the bathroom as an excuse to ditch work for a LONG time or took many frequent smaller breaks to do her nails/read magazines/flirt with Seb, etc. Needless to say, this backfires terribly the one time she actually does have to go because W/illiam definitely isn't putting up with her bs no matter how much she begs or squirms. He's even madder at her when he realizes he'll have to clean the floor. If she wasn't so mad/embarrassed herself, she'd have taken joy in his karma and gladly told him to suck her d/ick.
* That's def not the first time W/ill's seen her desperate or piss herself. As young stud reapers in training I guarantee G/rell got shitfaced at company parties on more than one occasion (or just went out drinking the night before work on a weekday lol). Frequently showed up for field work having to pee every other hour and driving him nuts c':
* She and Ma/dame Red definitely fooled around a couple of times (she's the only woman Gr/ell's ever been attracted to) . Maybe Gr/ell already had the kink and brought it up, or maybe Red saw Gr/ell squirming and asked (insisted) she let her watch until she lost control, but either way things got dirty real quick lmao. Red slapped a demon's ass in the same room as her nephew, she's dom AF (and inappropriate lmao). G/rell's a giant masochist/sadist combo. Do the math 👀👌💯
* I personally love the concept of her ending up desperate after inviting herself along and crashing one of C/iel and Seb/astian's missions and just being miserable the whole time trying to hide it. Because she def can't embarrass herself in front of B/assy, but even worse she will NOT prove she has to take a potty break before some human kid. Naturally, C/iel being the complete brat and posessive bitch he is, immediately picks up on her predicament and torments her the whole time/makes a fool of her without letting Seb know the real issue. She can't lay a finger on him because she'd be Dead and she can't whine for B/assy to get him to stop bc that would mean explaining her problem so it just keeps escalating in comedic fashion. (This isn't even an omo hc really sorry lol, I just love any plot with those two bickering like petty babies as rivals for Seb's attention, even better if Ci/el consistently pulls one over on her and is the more mature one. You killed my aunt and then tried to steal my butler, Get Rekt Bitch )
* In any aus where she isn't hooking up with Red or trying to get Seb, I ship her hard with Un/dertaker (they're my otp actually don't judge me). In those he's actually the one with a massive piss kink and she's weirded tf out at first, but I mean if ur bf already eats dog biscuits and sleeps in a coffin u can probs learn to live with it. She indulges him periodically and he spoils her rotten afterwards. (I actually had several fic ideas for those two back in the day. One day maybe I'll finally get around to it).
* No matter what she draws a hard line at drinking it. No thank you. Golden showers are a maybe but they better have some gr8 shampoo to scrub her luxurious hair with afterwards.
* Wetting herself in that too small choir outfit from s1 that basically made short shorts and a crop top? P l e a s e
Dom G/rell:
* Has totally tried to pin Seb down/trap him somewhere and use his increasing desperation as leverage to get what she wants since he's too proper to wet himself. It probably doesn't work bc he's crafty and also could just throw her across the room, but u know. Points for trying.
* When someone lets her dom them willingly she's an absolutely sadistic fiend. W/ill completely torment them until they're begging and broken, and they have to pleasure her first before she'll show any mercy and allow them to let go. That said, she's got an almost sweet tone to anything she says and is very affectionate the whole time. It's a dichotomy that leaves any subs an absolute wreck. Her absolute fav part is watching ppl squirm and start to leak, it's cute.
* She also likes doing the whole fake sympathy play, where everything nice she says makes it 20x worse for the sub. Poor babies ❤
* Making out so they can't say anything no matter how desperate they are, just writhing underneath her with their whimpers muffled in her mouth? Perfection.
* Slowly pressing her boot into someone's abdomen is her signature move.
Sub Gr/ell:
* Loves the whole humiliation aspect and being all squirmy and nervous in front of (S/EBASTIAN) people, struggling to hide her problems and act casual but knowing her face is flushed red.
* When it gets really bad she gets super whiny and submissive, whimpering and moaning and really playing up the vulnerable aspect. Look how pitiful she is, it would be oh so easy for them to have their way with her~ (and then she bats her eyelashes and they just glare ajdkgk stop fucking around G/rell this is a Serious Scene we talked about this before we started)
* Sometimes she does public holds or gets desperate before a mission/visit just so she can see how long she can get away with it before she has to cave/people get suspicious. It's k/inky, exh/ibitionist, and oh so delicious~
* Lives for (S/EBASTIAN) the dom to get mad and disappointed in her, verbally berating her for not being more composed and embarrassing them in public, manhandling her as she's dragged somewhere more secluded to get ahold of herself, being teased and poked and prodded all while they're sneering in her ear. She wants to feel like the dirtiest, most ashamed and nervous person alive for such a simple need, knowing it's going to come out eventually no matter how hard she tries to be Good, having to beg and plead with teary eyes only to be denied access to the bathroom and told to suck it up and hold it.
* She really liked her original disguise/persona from the Ma/dame Red Days for this exact reason. Could be as shy and stuttery as possible and really play it up, got bossed around/teased by everyone, it was great. Totally got desperate once or twice so 'he' could beg Seb/astian to use the manor bathroom and get pitied. If he 'tripped' and just so happened to lose control and start crying, well, that couldn't be helped...
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bubblemoon66 · 5 years
@onelassieandherfandoms wanted me to answer these OTP questions for vilekyrie. Since some of the questions would be pretty hard to answer in detail with canon Valkyrie and VIle, I’ve created a spy AU to make it work. It’s based on the Leibniz dimension rather than the main one. You don’t have to read the background info if you don’t want to but I thought it would be fun to include.
Mortal-born mage Valkyrie Cain finds a job as a clerk at Mevolent’s palace so she can send battle plans and other useful information back to the resistance. Lord Vile finds out what the new clerk is up to within weeks but doesn’t let on to her or anyone else. He’s all for giving the resistance a fighting chance because if there was no resistance he’d get bored very quickly. So, he subtly helps her climb ranks in the palace, figuring someone else will catch her before she does any real damage. 
The two start spending more and more time together. For Valkyrie it’s a means to an end - getting close to one of Mevolent's generals means she gets access to a lot of confidential information. For Vile it's a form of morbid entertainment - he knows she'll get caught eventually, but there's something captivating about her and he wants to see this play out. Their relationship starts off as somewhat antagonistic. They're both aware they're enemies but they're trying really hard to pretend they're not.. Valkyrie can't help but be Valkyrie, however, and stands up to Vile when he mistreats some of the palace servants. This impresses and pisses off Vile in equal measures because Goddamn, she's reckless. There's some sparring both, verbal and physical. Genuine feelings start to develop on both sides. Gossip about the nature of their relationship spreads like wildfire inside the Palace walls. It's not long before Valkyrie is known as Vile's pet. This comes as a mixed blessing because suddenly Valkyrie can get can away with a hell of a lot since she under Vile's protection, but it also means that she's now caught the eye of everyone in the Palace, which is not good news for a spy.  
Answered questions are under the cut:
1. Who is the one who asks crazy questions, and who is the one who tells the other to go to sleep?
Valkyrie has asked Vile some crazy questions and received a look that basically says go to sleep from Vile (it's a pretty impressive look considering he's a skull wrapped up in a helmet made of shadows). But Vile has moods these moods where he gets restless and thoughtful at the same time, and sometimes ask Valkyrie a random question, just as she's falling asleep. She'll answer it. They'll lie there in silence for a while and she'll just be the on the verge of falling asleep and he'll ask another question that we'll jerk her awake and it goes on and on... She has no idea if he's going it on purpose, but she's willing to murder him by 3 AM.
2. It is summer by the lakeside, their best friends owns the lot beside them, what shenanigans do they pull?
Even with the AU I'm struggling to make this one work. Vile’s probably closest with Vengeous, and that’s only because they’re close in rank, they're not really natural friends. They might get sent on war-related campaigns together but they’re not going to go rent a cabin by the lake any time soon. 
Vile and Valkyrie would spend time outside the palace eventually. I can’t see them summering by the lakeside, but they’d have day trips into the city (Vile delights in terrifying the pampered mages with his presence) and horse rides in the countryside (outside the city walls is the only place Valkyrie can really relax). 
Vile has the sense not to drag Valkyrie along to any executions battles involving the resistance or mortals. But he’d bring her along for things like vampire uprisings and out-of-control zombie hordes because he likes to show off and he likes watching her fight. When he gets sent on longer-term diplomatic (intimidation) missions he scrambles for excuses for her to come too. They’re not very good excuses but he gets away with it because other people have picked up on the fact that Valkyrie'ss presence tends to curb his temper. 
They’d pull shenanigans on some of these trips. It’s mostly shit-talking the rest of the court, but they do stuff like sledging down snowy hills and skinny dipping in thermal lakes too.
3. Who wants to take lots of pictures and is always smiling and who looks pissed off no matter what photo they are in?
Vile looks pissed off 100% of the time, in and out of photographs. Which is unsurprising because he is pissed off 100% of the time, it's just a matter of to what degree. Sometimes (a lot of the time) it's his overriding emotion, but sometimes it's just background noise. Valkyries the only person who can judge this with any semblance of accuracy. She thinks his emotions are obvious from his stance, the tilt of his head, and the way the shadows move - but she's the only one. Everyone else just assumes Vile is about 10 seconds away from massacring everyone in the room at any given time. Valkyrie looks pissed off about 80% of the time. The 20% is when she's either asleep or has a stupid grin on her face to wind VIle up. 
4. Who is more likely to start a fun rap battle with the other?
I wouldn't call it a fun rap battle, but Valkyrie would start one sorta-accidentally when she was pinned down by Vile in the middle of a spar. She's desperately raking her brain for a way to distract him and a way to wipe that smug look of his helmet, and the first thing she thinks of is challenging him to a battle he can never win. She regrets the challenge instantly but she's not going to back out of it. So she raps and it's terrible. Vile gives her a long look that says I'm not going to degrade myself by sinking to your level. She's committed now, so she breaks out a few more devastating (in the wrong way) rhymes, knowing Vile can't bear to lose. He mutters something in Gaeilge that don't even rhyme. It falls somewhere between an insult and a decoration of love, but that doesn't matter because Valkyrie isn't anywhere near fluent in Gaeilge He pretends like he's said the most original and inspiring thing ever and Valkyrie knows he's bullshitting and accuses him of such but she can't prove it. There's no real winner to a rap battle, but Valkyrie kicks Vile in the shin, rolls him over and they resume their spar.
5. Water balloon fight! Who wins?
If Valkyrie threw a water balloon at Vile he'd have her pinned down in half a second with his shadows. Fighting with the elements is Skulduggery's thing and he's not going there.
6. It’s a cold winter day and they are cuddled up in blankets by the fire, what stories do they reminisce about?
Vile does not reminisce. His whole persona is built around not wanting to be the person he used to be, so he's not going to talk about the past. He's not going to think about it, either, if he can help it. The only time he'll talk about his past is when he's recounting past battles. and even then, there's a fair chance he'll go silent half-way through a story and not speak again for hours. He'll happily listen to Valkyrie reminisce all day, however. He finds everything about her fascinating. 
Valkyrie will reminisce about a lot of small moments, but she's wary and self-conscious when she talks about her past (especially her family) with Vile. She's terrified that he could use it against her. She does talk about them in a roundabout way though, sometimes she gets carried away with reminiscing and lets information she shouldn't slip. Strangely, it's never crossed Vile's mind to weaponize this.
7. Who made the other laugh so hard their beverage came out their nose?
Vile's sense of humour manifests itself subtly, but he’s made Valkyrie laugh often enough. It was a biting comment about one of Sef’s handmaidens delivered in a deadpan voice that made Valkyrie laugh so hard a mouthful of wine came out of her nose in the middle of a banquet. 
Valkyrie can make Vile laugh, hard, when she puts her mind to it (although she also makes him laugh by accident a lot too). She’s never made him laugh so hard his drink’s come out his nose, but if he had a nose or an inclination to drink, she would have.  Not many people can tell when VIle’s laughing but Valkyrie picks up on the slight shaking of shoulders and resolves to make him laugh as often as she can.  
8. How do their personalities complement each other?
Basically, the same way Valkyrie and Skulduggery compliment each other: Valkyrie softens Vile, while Vile hardens Valkyrie. 
For Vile, Valkyrie starts off as a source of amusement. Court life is boring and her presence is novel and exciting. She’s stubborn and reckless and loud-mouthed... and she’s also funny and loving. She’s everything he used to be and then some. Affection sets in pretty quick. He tells himself it's nothing. Sure, he's protective of her and wants to make her happy... but that doesn't mean anything. She's like a  favourite plaything or a pet. A source of pleasure he wants all to himself. But it's not like he needs her... Except his feelings keep deepening and he finds her does need her. He needs her approval and affection. And that changes him. He softens. He starts to care and love again. 
Valkyrie’s terrified of Vile at first. She’s heard the stories. She knows what he’s capable of. There's also some contempt there too. It's not personal, she’s too young to have fought him, it’s just a general hatred for all of Mevolent’s supporters. But he’s useful, and she’s not above using him. The thing is Valkyrie’s drawn to danger. She likes the glamour and excitement. The more horror she experiences the more important and special she feels. That’s what draws her to Vile (and Skulduggery in canon tbh) - he makes her feel extraordinary. These experiences harden her, she becomes less caring and more selfish, but that’s a price she’s willing to pay. 
9. Who tells their partner to be careful before their partner goes and does something incredibly stupid?
Valkyrie. Which Vile finds incredibly amusing because this very young, very breakable woman with a death wish is telling him to be careful. And he doesn't think of himself as someone who needs to be protected or cared about, while she most certainly is. But he won't tell her to be careful back, even though she does lots of incredibly stupid things. He doesn't have the emotional capacity for that. Because telling her to be careful would be akin to admitting he cares about her, and caring about people, in his experience, only leads to heartbreak. So he doesn't say anything aloud, but they both know he'd tear the world apart if something happened to her. 
10. Who is completely oblivious that the other likes them all while hoping that the other does?
Both of them, kinda. Vile assumes Valkyrie wouldn't be interested in him by default because he's purposely unlikable and they��re enemies. He’s not wrong at this point. Then he decides he wants her, so he turns on the charm (or his version of it). He’s arrogant enough to assume he’ll get what he wants, but there’s doubt underneath that. He doesn’t see himself as deserving or capable of love, so why would she give it to him?
Valkyrie would be aware that Vile’s attracted to her and that she’s attracted to him, but she would be in denial about the strength of both of their feelings. She doesn’t want to call it love because love would be a very bad thing for them (doesn’t mean she would harbour a secret hope for it though). 
11. Who is ready to throw hands for their partner?
Both of them, 100% of the time. But Vile is worse. Someone so much as looks at Valkyrie the wrong way and they'll be skewered in a hundred different places with those shadows of his. 
Valkyrie's ready to throw hands but whether she actually does depends. Sometimes she'll see a dozen sorcerers rush Vile and think Nah, he can handle this on his own. And sometimes she'll see a single unassuming sorcerer and physically step in between them because her nerves are on edge and there's something off about the situation, even if she doesn't know what it is. Her protectiveness is more of an involuntary reflex than logical reasoning, but it's strong when it's there. She'd throw hands with Mevolent in a heartbeat if she thought Vile was in danger. 
12. Who always kisses their partner before they leave?
Once they reach the kissing stage of their relationship, it would be Valkyrie planting goodbye kisses on VIle’s helmet. Vile’s more likely to send a wisp of shadow to tug at her clothes or trail up her thigh just before he leaves. he’s cruel like that. 
13. Who is the one who gets really sappy when they are tired and who thinks it’s adorable?
Valkyrie’s the tired one. Sometimes she’s sappy, but most of the time she’s just grumpy. Vile thinks it’s adorable either way, but he’s probably the only one who finds a sleep-deprived Valkyrie cute. 
14. They decide to become criminals, but they need a cool criminal name(s) before they can go and steal from banks. What name(s) do they come up with?
Lord Vile is Vile's cool criminal name. He's not going to come up with another one. He doesn't need another evil identity. He doesn't care if people recognise him (as Vile). And if for some reason he didn't want people recognising him, then he'd murder all the witnesses. It's simpler that way. But Valkyrie would jokingly come up with an ironic code name for him, like Chuckles or Cuddles or something. It's awful. She's the only person who could get away with calling him that, and only barely. She'd call herself Lady V. That too would start off as a joke, but then other people would take it seriously and it would stick. It's unclear to everyone else (including Vile) whether the V stands for Valkyrie or Vile. And she's not telling. 
15. Who tries their best at something new and who hypes their partner up with lots and lot of encouragement?
Weirdly, Valkyrie is the one encouraging Vile. He's old and settled in his ways. She’d push him to try new things, things he assumed he couldn’t do because he’s dead. E.G. She’d convince him to dry drinking something at one point, because she’s curious to see if he can, and he goes along with it because once she gets something into her head it’s next to impossible to talk her out of it. 
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illkickyourbass · 5 years
I made it to auditions for an act that travels all over to draw art live in competitive wrestling-style matches (complete with personas, heels, and faces)!! But I feel like it’s more professional of me to keep it under wraps on my main social media and among my IRL art friends since the org wants the process pretty clandestine. But argggh!!!! I’m so happy and I want to celebrate with friends, and the friends who wouldn’t spill the beans don’t really understand why this is a big deal to me?? And auditions are like, three weeks away!! I don’t want to sit on that for that long!!! (Especially if it ends in disappointment!) 
So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to imagine excitedly bombarding all the UtaPri boys I’d love to be irl friends with, because I DON’T CARE, I’M GOING TO BE PROFESSIONAL ABOUT THIS *AND* CELEBRATE LIKE A DUMB BASTARD WITH NO STICK-IN-THE-MUDS TO TROUBLE ME. Imagine  their positive responses!!! Natsuki being so enthusiastic and affirming!! Syo being maybe a little less softboy!enthusiastic than Natsuki but still getting an affirming congrats!! Masato being all too sincere about the hard work it must’ve taken to get there and doggedly trying to convince me thru shrugging it off (bc I do still feel like just some dum dum who’s very loud and muscled her way to it by sheer power of YELLING.) Reiji cracking jokes and breaking to give a sincere congrats!!! And Ranmaru being thrilled bc 
1) the persona I proposed is ALL ABOUT burning with passion for hardcore music, we know he’d be here for that 
2) he’d def understand the urge of wanting to share that passion with others, but not having the opportunity because of the pragmatics of paying your bills...then finally getting a chance to do it while still getting to draw!! (It’s nice imagining having someone who just understands the depth of impact rock and metal have on me, haha. Someone who sees my passion for heavy music as a plus!)  
3) if there’s anyone who wouldn’t back down (without being weird about it) that I shouldn’t write this off as a fluke & I only have my work and passion as both a performer and artist to thank for this, it def would be him :’III 
(Tbh my favorite thing about SL is how the homescreen boys tell you all the time you must’ve worked hard. :’I Slowly, slowly, they are helping convince me I work hard and deserve good things for that hard work.) 
Oh man. I gotta run to work but I wish I had more time to sit with these nice thoughts. They feel like a warm cup of tea after screaming yourself hoarse at a concert. 
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lachalaine · 5 years
3, 9, 15, 18
Wrath // 
accepting . @valorandheart​
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3. How quick are they to resort to violence? 
She has a healthy measure of a what you’d consider to be a hair trigger temper tbh. Very quickly and at the snap of a finger will she fly into a rage, but only ever if she is purposely ( even slightly ) pushed or prodded into reaching that particular conclusion. In a situation like that, where she is at all made to feel disrespected or antagonized, you get maybe just the slightest flicker of a verbal warning, but if it’s unheeded - then she has every damn excuse in the book to just up and sock you in the jaw for even thinking about testing her. 
She is often the first to strike a punch yes, but that’s because she doesn’t believe in playing nice. Whatever her attempt at words will fail in saying, perhaps a trip to the ER will instead communicate flawlessly. 
However, even despite her intense flurry of rage, she’s not entirely what you might consider to be mindless or irrational when it comes to it ( a sharp contrast to her usual persona with literally anything else, i know ), because I just think anger sort of flips a bit of a switch inside her head really. It brings out the aspect of herself that is — more calm. But a calm that isn’t normal. It’s not at all a calm that’s genuinely tranquil, but more built on being very, very precise; intelligent, contemplative and built up by the knowledge of having a lot of near death experiences. 
There is a spark of a very keen intellect somewhere in there before she starts nuking both place and offending person to smithereens, but it’s not a question of whether punching them in the face would be worth it or not ( because it’s always going to be worth it to her, if it means sorting someone’s shit out ). Rather, it’s merely a question of how exactly she plans to get in exacting the ramifications of their aggravating her. 
9. Is there a line they will not cross when it comes to violence/insults?
For violence, she doesn’t do torture unless it’s on people that she genuinely considers to be a threat to her - otherwise known as those she intends to eventually kill. Like, genuinely they have to be dangerous in the sense that ‘if I leave them untouched, they will hurt more people in ways I could have stopped’. For that particular type of crazy, she deals with it differently. 
Thus, your regular street thugs and perverts all get to keep each and every one of their limbs. Unless they intend to go beyond just your usual disrespect, she’ll stop at just your regular beat up until they pass out, and then call it a day. For how angry she can get, she does have a meager sense of rationalization left to her in those moments as well; in the sense that she knows when her violence is too much. Too much in the sense that she’s so blinded by rage that a man is a footstep away from near death. Such a thing can actually happen too, when her demons and sadness get the best of her. 
She’s learned to control it just a bit, by taking her anger during those moments out on inanimate objects instead. Her living room has had to be fully refurbished two now, just in the past three years, for the absolute wreckage she’s caused in there. But sometimes - just sometimes, she slips. And she tries to get away before that happens, but it doesn’t always work out. About three times now has she so severely lost her temper that she’s thrown at least four men into a coma. 
But her anger was never at them. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and happened to not take ‘no’ for an answer. 
Quietly does she pay for their hospital bills, shuffling money anonymously into bank accounts if the victim had had family that were distraught. At the end of the day - she draws the line at violence that comes without good reason. She draws the line at violence that was not warranted - especially not to that degree. 
Her guilt - more then the demons - is the worst thing to consume her; and she can never escape that one. 
In terms of insults, she just strays away from insulting people with names that might pertain to their sexual habits. Slut, whore, and the like are all completely off the table. Because really?? Let the person do their thing, it’s no ones business but their own, go away, shoo !! 
15. What’s the worst situation they’ve ended up in before, due to violence?
The worst one… has to be the third and latest time that she’d lost control of her rage; one of the moments the same as I’d been referring to earlier. 
Canonically speaking, you could say maybe it was around a year a half ago now. She’d had — maybe what you might consider a fit. Just a gradual one. A build up where there’s no really specific trigger but just. Just everything inching its way towards her until she can’t function as rationally as she would have liked. Fits built up out of sleepless nights, memories, a recurrence of self hatred and despair and guilt. 
Fits built up because she’s reminded of her mistakes, embittered anew by the man that’d caused them. And yet more then even that, would be her bitterness for herself. 
Now these particular ‘moods’ as you might call them - have become a regularly recurring state of mind at this point. She can’t escape it, and half the time it creeps up on her until she can’t ignore it anymore. Such are the consequences when you refuse to deal with your shuttered feelings properly. 
Now as much as possible, she deals with them by taking it out on her furniture, sheltering herself away so she can feel her feelings and not allow anyone else to get caught in the aftermath of it. Sometimes she takes to a punching bag, sometimes all the breakable vases and plates and slammable doors she can get her hands on. Yet this fit had happened when she wasn’t even home yet, and in fact nowhere was she near it. When she didn’t have that kind of security or stability to keep herself in check, but did have a large group of men hassling her instead. 
They’d been hard to deter even when she’d initially been in the club with them, and to a certain extent had she’d managed to avoid most of their prodding. They’d behaved themselves after the first warning, because she was in her element and the bouncers and her colleagues were keeping them in check. They’d been especially overprotective of her that night, because they’d known in the day leading up to things that she wasn’t quite okay. There was a healthy sense of fear and respect and care in their gazes that night, and whilst Jackie had appreciated it - to a certain extent…. it also made her more antsy. 
She’d felt like a bomb in that moment, with the pressure rising up beneath her skin. Like she wasn’t comfortable and needed to release some of it, and she didn’t want to do it there, not when everything and anything just seemed to be getting on her nerves even more. 
She’d had very little sleep those nights. Had been running on copious amounts of caffeine and quiet frankly just wanted to have a breakdown, if only so she could get some relief. So she went off to the nearby pier after work, just for a brief moment, in hopes that maybe the silence of it all would grant her some semblance of relief. 
But instead, she got six grown men tailing her at three thirty in the morning, eventually cornering her by an abandoned alleyway as she’d been making to leave and effectively blocking her way out. 
And maybe her reaction had been partly out of some sense of fear for herself. A healthy sense of fear, I think, for no matter how strong she’d known herself to be - in that moment, she had felt overwhelmed. By all the feelings she’d suppressed; the stress and the exhaustion and the blatant disrespect as they’d tried to move in on her because not one of them knew how to fucking quit — !!
Again. She doesn’t remember what happened. 
She never does. 
Ultimately, I think her snapping was because of that fear, that idea of being boxed in against her will once again - but also it was conjoined with a terrifying and heart aching sense of need. 
A need to prove herself. That she was strong and capable and she didn’t have to be forced into anything she didn’t want. The need to stop the situation and make sure it’d ended, before it went full throttle into a situation she couldn’t control. And the very idea that her freedom would be infringed upon in anyway, whether it be a mindless grope or a man who thought he could force himself on her — really, she wouldn’t take it. 
She couldn’t. 
That thoughtless little prod against a very, very, V E R Y sore spot brought out the absolute worst in her. 
Imagine her surprise when she finally came to again, in a moment where she was repeatedly punching an unconscious man in the face so severely that he was absolutely unrecognizable, to find that she was actually crying while doing it. She’d had blood on her hands and on her clothes, on her face and beneath her nails. She’d snapped both of a mans wrist in but a split second and smashed another ones jaw with her elbow so severely he’d needed to have it completely reconstructed. Broken legs, broken ribs, broken teeth, repeated cranium blows against hard concrete and steel. One punctured a lung, one acquired amnesia, another three had gone into full coma’s, though only one of them remains that way until today. Two are still receiving physical therapy. 
The other she’d strangled so badly the only way he can eat is through a tube. 
Eventually when she’d come to, there’d only been one of the men awake. And he’d been cowering and whimpering, sobbing himself to pieces while he’d lain there with both broken leg and two broken wrists. 
The only thing she can remember of that night is how tired —- how so dreadfully, dreadfully tired she really was. 
She couldn’t find it in her to even be angry anymore. 
Long story cut short ( like I didn’t explain it all already dshabdhsba ), Jazzele eased her way out while Jackie finally passed out, and while she didn’t raise a hand against them, she did — ahem — assist, in wiping most of their memories of that night. 
Jazz is the reason she made her way back home that night too. When she came to, she was in her filled and bloody bathtub, still in her underwear. 
To a certain extent, I do think that Jazz has influenced Jackie’s handling of these situations. She dulls it down for her even more then Jackie could ever do on her own, that she always considers it a regular mental problem now. 
It’s number her overall empathy to feel. As a security measure. 
Because if Jackie were to ever feel that in its entirely again, she’s not confident she’s strong enough to survive it. 
18. Was violence a big part of their childhood?
Violence was never a part of her childhood. Not in the least! Even when she was being bullied as a kid, no one actually raised a hand against her besides throwing chalk on her clothes and dirtying her up, it was all just mostly taunts and emotional damage. Honestly, she was really sensitive as a kid, you know? Soft and shy, always got so scared of yelling too. It made her uncomfortable, and she would end up in tears and hide beneath tables because she couldn’t take it. 
She was so damn soft back then, it almost breaks my heart to think about it. Because she looks back on it too sometimes and feels like she’s lost a great deal of her sense of purity from back then. Her light, her frailty, her delicacy….
Not that she wants to ever be considered frail but. 
You know. Sometimes girls want to be taken care of too, sometimes. Even if she can handle it on her own and she tells herself she can handle it on her own, and she’ll be stubborn about handling all of it, everything, all on her own until she’s old and grey and lying on her death bed —- !!!! 
( really now OTL ) 
More then anything though, really – she just misses that bit of her that didn’t feel like she had the whole weight of the world on her shoulders. That little bit of her who could still share her feelings with her parents and her friends - heck her stuffed bears! - just tell them what makes her happy and makes her sad, just being able to talk about personal things and not feeling like she was on death row just for saying it. 
Not feeling like a shadowed figure was out to literally steal her soul the moment she’d debated uttering a single word of it. To anyone. 
Even to a bear. 
But maybe just — in another lifetime, you know? 
she just would have liked to keep that piece of her too. 
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