imgeorgeirl · 5 years
maple for autumnal asks :)
Ooh! Thanks for asking!
Maple: I’ve tried many many things but I’ve always wanted to try my hand at card tricks, like magic tricks. They always seem so cool and fantastical and I have an old book on how to do them I’ve just never started!
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juulstdys · 6 years
Tag game
Thank you @lifesci for tagging me!
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
@julesstudyblr @acxaii-study @mathemantics @secret-student-claire @my-aesthetic-is-studying @minimalismstudies @estudiear @emmastudies
2nd RULE: bold the statements that are true about you
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude (read mean) with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory· I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi· I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a video game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs· I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
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oliviagravy · 5 years
Studyblr Tag Game! 
I was tagged by @little-studying and then by @julesstudyblr before My slow poke self could tag them. Thank you two, that was such a friendly gesture!
rule: tag 21 people & answer the things below 
nickname: Nicknames come and go really. I was even called olive popsicles one point in middle school. The friends I’ve had recently will call me Livy. My dad and grandparents on my dad’s side have their own embarrassing nicknames for me.
star sign: Gemini
height: 5′6 and 3/4 I could honestly talk about my height for a solid 20 minutes
last film i watched: I watched Menace II Society for the first time a couple days ago
favorite musician: Too hard to choose a favorite
song stuck in my head: Day N Nite by Kid Cudi
other blogs: no ma’am
do i get asks: also no
following: 61
what i’m wearing rn: a t-shirt and leggings
dream job: civil engineer and architect are at the top of my list
dream trip: relaxed and fun, I get to enjoy the outdoors and witness the northern lights with people I love preferably my family
instruments: nah
languages: English, poor Spanish, poorer German, poorest ASL
fave food: (tried and true) collard and mustard greens and (when it’s good it sooo good) candied sweet potatoes
favorite song: So manyyy BUT I literally only listened to spirit and brown skin girl by Beyoncé all day for a couple days last week so I guess those win
random fact: My car is named Cannelle
If anyone I tagged isn’t into the studyblr games or has already been tagged my b
@lattesntears @mariefthayden @lalawblr @tutterstudies @joystudie @cals-desk @forestedstudies @tealover-studyblr @a-students-lifebuoy @studies-and-sunsets @im-really-trying-my-best-here @caffeinated-engineeringstudies @studyingatdawn @starchild-studies @noteworthys @muddystudy @studyandbuns @lifeofastudentteacher @nathaliestudys @ruby-learns @studypsychballet
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sunnstudies · 5 years
Thanks to @mypsychstudies for tagging me!
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag 21 blogs
Nickname: Jess
Starsign: Libra
Height: 5ft7″ or 5ft8″
Last film I watched: Sinister (even though I hate scary movies)
Favorite Musician: Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift, JP Cooper I like a lot of the mainstream pop artists, I also like NF and somedays I really like country
Song Stuck in My Head: Senorita -Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello
Other Blogs: This is my only one!
Do I get Asks: I don’t get very many but I think that they’re so fun so please ask away!
Blogs Following: 237!! 
What am I Wearing: A sweater and nike shorts 
Dream Job: A teacher or maybe a political speechwriter! I haven’t fully decided yet
Dream Trip: Anywhere is Europe! Especially Italy 
Play Any Instruments?: I can play hot cross buns on the recorder and that is about it 
Languages: English and the absolute bare minimum in French
Favorite Food: I love mushrooms, so anything with those. I also really like pasta
Favorite Song: I really love Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi
Random Fact: I’m the only ginger in my family!
I’m going to tag: @stillstudies @virgo-diaries @julesstudyblr @hannybstudies @mddgadstudv @euphcric @problematicprocrastinator @memoirsofarambler @mavenote @lexiesstudies @analog-studies @literalys @clabujo @medicinis @ravenclaw-studys-blog @forestedstudies @alpinestudies @novaturient-november @autumnal-student @honeypotteachings @studywithdahlia
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studythemacrocosm · 5 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @mddgadstudv @engostudies & @uhtcearestudies thank youuu & sorry for taking forever to do this I am a mess
Rules: Answer 17 questions and tag twenty-one blogs
Nickname: legit do not have one smh why is my name so short 
Star sign: libra 
Height: 165cm (5’something??)
Last film I watched: blinded by the light (it was amazing oh my gosh)
Favourite musician: who to pick mmmnn... I literally can’t I like so many..maybe Lana del ray???
Song stuck in my head: your song, Elton john (this song literally never left my head after i watched rocketman but I’m not complaining)
Other blogs: none as of yet
Do I get asks: yes a few and I love getting them!!! :D
Blogs following: like 800 I just can't be motivated enough lolllll
What am I wearing: the oldest jumper that should ever be worn by a human being and some old leggings haha why am I such a potato 
Dream job: a diplomat!!
Dream trip: I would love to go to russia tbh 
Play any instruments: I used to play the guitar but gave it up after moving city, but now I practise the violin (way too irregularly smh) and of course I am an expert at the recorder (i know I’m really talented thank you ;))
Languages: english, french, starting to learn arabic & hopefully russian as soon as I sort out my time management skills haha
Favourite food: I have the appetite of a bear so I basically love everything but if i had to narrow it down I’d say sushi and any sort of pastry/pie (pastry is my faveeee)
Random fact: I literally change my mind about everything every 5 seconds. Kat Perry’s ‘Hot N Cold’? That song was written for me lol
Blog tags: @lipstickwriter @loustudies @out-time-mess @herbygrad @littlecupcakesstudyblr @engostudies @gingerspicestudies @aimforthemoonstudyblr @ouroborostudies @cals-desk @alba-xstudies @ti-journal @study-aquarius @97-dreams @makeprocrastinationyourbitchblr @ellestudies12 @bright-goals @oxfrd @frstudyblr @julesstudyblr @mathematikylie
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enilec · 5 years
thank u for the tag @julesstudyblr​ so nice of you!! (harry styles also has a special place in my heart)
rules: answer 17 questions and tag 21 like, 3 blogs
nickname: everyone in my family calls me leenie, i rarely hear my actual name at home (celine) star sign: capricorn last film i watched: otherhood   favorite musician: this is so hard for me but, at the moment, hozier song stuck in my head: buff baby by tobi lou  other blogs: @cassicpeia has been my main for like seven years (wow) do i get asks?: not here, because i’m new to studyblr blogs im following: 107 what im wearing: sweatpants  dream trip: i would loove to go to athens and santorini  play instruments?: i played clarinet for three years  languages: english & working on improving my spanish fluency  fave food: baked mac and cheese  favorite song: robbers by the 1975 random fact: born and raised on the islands of the bahamas! 
i tag @clabujo (i don’t know a lot of studyblrs just yet)
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wilstudies · 7 years
Hi! I am just beginning to learn French and I'm so lost on to where to start and everything. So I was wondering if you had any tips for someone who's just starting to learn French? And if you have any recommendations? Thank you so much ✨✨
i’m so glad you decided to get in touch, thank you!! 
i’ve linked all resources in a small icon that looks like this: (x)
first of all i reccomend learning some french phonics and the rules of the french alphabet. learn the way each letter is pronounced - especially accents as that can really help you in spelling and pronunciation. (x) i’d reccomend, following some of the studyblrs that i’ll leave at the bottom of this post, to find some french notes in your feed - the studyblr community is so helpful when it comes to learning languages - not to mention, you’ve got the whole langblr community too! go ahead, start following some french and langblr tags!
then move on to learning basic phrases, vocab and words, so you can start forming sentences. learn words like ‘mais’, meaning ‘but’, and ‘parce que’, meaning ‘because’. for learning these basics, i reccomend looking through my pinterest board dedicated to the french language! (x)⇢ as you learn vocab, learn the gender with the word - it will help you so much in the future!
as you learn more, you’ll need to start learning about verbs, start off by learning verb endings: the -er endings, the -re endings and the -ir endings for the present tense; do the same for the other tenses. ⇢ you will find that quizlet (and the internet in general), will be your best friend for this!THERE YOU GO! YOUR FIRST RULE COPLETED :)
once you’ve learnt the basics, start learning some more rules, BUT DON’T LET THE RULES OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE SCARE YOU - admittedly they can be hard to get your head around, but they’re some of the most important things to learn - it’s the difference between someone who is grammatically correct, and someone who is not - and we all love to sound smart don’t we!
find someone to practise with, make an internet friend who studies french; one that is french, would be even better! if you’re not into making internet friends with random people, try speaking to some of the french studying studyblrs, that i’ll leave at the bottom of this post. or perhaps, just talk to me! i’ve only been learning french for two years, but i’m top of my year / grade, and i have some decent conversational skills, to say the least.
REMEMBER:⇢ do it because you love it, learn a few more phrase and vocab lists, because they interest you - it’ll become more and more motivational - trust me!⇢ get in the mood to learn french: learn about their culture, eat some of their food, listen to some of their music etc. 
AN HONORABLE MENTION:@studiyng​ wrote an amazing masterpost on how to learn a new language, which could be ever so helpful to so many people, so i’ll just leave this here! (x)
STUDYBLRS WHO STUDY AND POST FRENCH CONTENT:@getshitdonetbh​ @acadreamic​ @frenchaise​ @kaz-studies​ @in-search-of-paris​ @studyoblivion​ @thewritersblock707 @hystorically @smallstudyblrsunite @intelliqents @juliasacads @studyingsian @alistudys @womenstudy @etudiebee @cypherstudys @julesstudyblr
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ever-so-noteworthy · 7 years
Get to know me :)
I was tagged by the lovely @bluebirdy-art, @lizzie-studies @lowkey-studying (either for this or something similar) and so thought I would give it a go •ω•
★ Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
★ Relationship status: single and happy, surrounded by a fantastic family, great friends and a wild imagination ;)))
★ Favorite Color: bluey-purpley-grey or simply a pure, strong blue
★ Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick (although I call it lip balm) as I'm not really into makeup as such but my lips are always dry, especially in the winter :/
★ Last Song I Listened To: Spell It Out by You Me At 6 which is now probably on of my favourite songs ever
★ Last Movie I Watched: Murder On The Orient Express (the new version and then the older one the next day, probably not the best order to watch them in but they were both great)
★ Top 3 TV Shows: Sherlock, Dr Who and Blue Planet hehe
★ Top 3 Characters: ok now this is just mean how could you make me choose <:/ ehhh let's say Severus Snape, Arthur Dent, Sherlock Holmes, Rory Williams, Legolas (don't worry I can count, I'm just choosing to ignore that number hehe)
★ Top 3 Bands: ahhhhh ok this is hard, I love so manyyyy but I guess Muse, Royal Blood and Twentyøne Piløts
★ Books I’m Currently Reading: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (originally just for school but it's pretty good), The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams (probably the most amazing book in existence) and The Catalyst by Helena Coggan (which is especially amazing considering it was published when she was 15!!!)
And now I shall tag: @super-angelofcreativity-love @offandomsandstudying @raspberriestudies @julesstudyblr @jellyfishstudy @daisy-jackson @tallgirlinphysics @popcorn-studies @tempus-fugit-so-study love you guys
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muskankela · 7 years
20 Questions
Thanks for tagging  me !!!! @buntergrund ( Sorry for late response . We were having our midterm exams .... uggh exams )
Name : Muskan
Nickname : Mussu , Mukku , and Duck ( Don’t ask me how I got this one .... really gonna kill my friends )
Age : 16 going on 17 (Did i just quote a song???)
Job : well right now my job is to study hard to get into get Uni. so yeah if studying counts as a job.
Relationship : Single but not interested in Relationships .
Zodiac sign : Leo
Height : 160 cm ( I am not that short , you are like a giant if you think that !!!!! )
Eye color : Dark brown
Nationality : Indian
Fav food : fried chicken and other spicy foods
Fav Season : I like Summer the most but I also like spring and autumn .
Fav Flower : Lilac And Lily
Fav Animal : I am an animal lover so i kindof like all animals but I love Rabbits and  Penguins and Pandas ( They are so cute !!!! I might as well adopt one )
 Average hours of Sleep : 5 to 6 hrs and if i am lucky then 7 hrs
# Of blankets I sleep with : 2
Tagging People :
@sirius-studying , @coffeeandsnoozes , @bethstudiespsych , @coffee-and-physics , @byeolstudy , @hunny-studies , @thepeachystudies , @tiredstudyying , @witchlingstudies , @studyandhaveahealthylife , @seyistudies , @lemniscate-study , @lemniscate-study , @thewritersblock707 , @study-ren , @julesstudyblr , @cutecatsaengnim , @cutecatsaengnim , @bucky-studies , @thatbasicstudyblr .
That’s 20 people . Again thanks @buntergrund for tagging me please check that blog people it has a lot good stuffs.
If any one else want they can tag themselves !!!!!
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study-with-nina · 7 years
Answer 8 & Tag 8
I was tagged by @rainy-days-of-studying (:
Last movie I watched: wonder woman (IT WAS PHENOMENAL BTW IM IN LOVE)
Last song I listened to: Fake Love by Drake
Last book I read: I’m reading The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean for AP Chemistry, and I love it!
Last thing I ate: ham sandwich, greek yogurt, and some rainbow goldfish (i usually eat healthier i swear)
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: hanging out with my best friend because I miss her lots and we haven’t hung out in a while (she moved away a year ago ):)
When would I time-travel to: oh gosh i don’t know!!! maybe to ancient Greece -- I feel like it would be really interesting to see such an early civilization, and Greece is such a cool place!
Fictional character I would hang out with for a day: DIANA FROM WONDER WOMAN OFC
Current fandom obsession/whether you like to get tagged in these posts (choose one): I love being tagged in these kinds of posts!! (:
Tags: @pam-studies @zack-studies @julesstudyblr @theunderagelawyer @dungeonstudy @wendystudies @elkstudies @rhubarbstudies
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studysmilesquat · 7 years
Rules:answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers who you would like to know better
I got tagged by the incredible @cytosine-to-my-guanine , thanks a bunch!
Name: Hanna Nickname: I don’t really have one unless you count the occasional Hanna Banana! Zodiac sign: Pisces :) Height: 5′5.5″ Orientation: Super gay Nationality: Swedish/French/ many other things (Better off called American tbh) Fav fruit: BLUEBERRIES Fav season: Summer  Fav flower: Sunflowers :) Fav scent: Vanilla or coconut Fav colour: Purple Fav animal: Sea turtles. Or cats or dogs or elephants. Actually just all of them. Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Tea! No coffee for me due to a heart condition (*cries internally because I like coffee way too much*) Average hours of sleep: Seven on a good day, three or four on a bad Fav fictional character: Hermione Number of blankets you sleep with: Just one! Dream trip: Australia, hands down Blog created: About a month ago!
Tagging: @studytune @thecakestudyblr @bad-0mens @studygreys @lifestylestudy @apenguinstudy @thevoyages @thegypsynurse @studyforyourself @cjm-otstudies @sweeterstudies @svtnstudy @athxnasdaughtxr @julesstudyblr @clockwork-studies @ambitiousstudentwitch @alwayshydr8 @mediocrityisoverrated @choosetobethebetteryou @peripheralnerves
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5 Things Tag
I was tagged by @studylatin! Thank you so much for tagging me! 
5 things you can find in my (school) bag:
My phone
House keys
My wallet
Papers crumpled up on the bottom probably
Wrappers for candy/gum
5 things you can find in my bedroom:
A cork board filled with Polaroids and postcards
A pennant from my university
A ton of stuffed animals
Lots of books!
Even more crumpled up papers (I’m a mess)
5 things I have always wanted to do:
Make a lot of new friends
Finally become confident/comfortable in my art
Go to the Van Gogh Museum
Continue to make my family proud
5 things that make me happy
Being with my family
Buying new things
Feeling confident about something 
My boyfriend
5 things that I’m currently into
Bullet journaling 
Broadway musicals
World of Warcraft
Tiger’s Destiny by Colleen Houck
5 things on my to-do list
Make a summer reading list and actually follow through with it
Do a lot during the summer before Uni starts
Pass my summer math course
Get all of the things I need for school before it starts
Start a bullet journal
I nominate: @prettynotesmakesmehappy, @cassstudyblr, @julesstudyblr, and @letsbegitty! If you’re not tagged and want to jump in, be free to do so! ☺️❤️
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julesstudyblr · 5 years
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new additions to the wall above my desk ⭐️
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julesstudyblr · 7 years
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this isn't even for my aesthetic, this is a sad post. my muji black pen has officially died on me 😭 i knew it was nearing the end, considering how awful and spotty the writing was getting
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julesstudyblr · 7 years
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Hi there!! I’m Julia and I’m new here, so I thought I’d introduce myself/my blog. I’m starting my junior year of college in the fall which is so scary, I’m like supposed to be an adult now.
Here’s some semi-important things about me: 
20 yrs young
studying marketing and hospitality/tourism management 
hope to learn graphic design at some point
I’ve been following the studyblr community for quite some time now so I figured why not join in on it myself!! I use my iPad Pro and Apple pencil to take notes and can’t wait to finally have an outlet to post about it :)
Some studyblrs that inspire me: @emmastudies @alimastudies @rhubarbstudies @studylustre @stvdybuddies @jiyeonstudies @acadehmic @kaisdesk @studyquill @smartstudies @oikawastudies 
(graphic inspired by @studyneos)  
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