#juice pack
siseliestudio · 1 year
✨️ creativi-tea ✨️
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dumplingsjinson · 5 months
List of “the shy one x the extroverted one” prompts 
Requested by: Anonymous Request: “Character A is *really* shy but Character B is super confident and extroverted, doing things like dragging them to events, PDA, etc Thank you!! <3” 
“So… You up for an adventure?” “I don’t like your idea of adventures.” “Well, too bad! You’ve signed up for it. Let’s go!”
“You know I’m a homebuddy!” Character A whines as Character B rushes around to find the perfect outfit for them to wear to the party. 
Character A following closely behind Character B to social events and parties, and Character B introducing Character A to everyone else with a grin on their face like a proud partner. 
“Wanna hold hands?” “Uh… Sure, I guess?” 
Character B being the one to initiate PDA with Character A, knowing Character A likes PDA but is too shy to be the one to initiate it. 
“Tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable, okay?” “You’re not… You’re not making me uncomfortable, please don’t worry. I love you for checking in on me.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but thank you for getting me out of my shell.” 
Character A slowly warming up to the idea of joining Character B for parties and everything. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t leave your side if you don’t want me to. Stick with me if you need to, okay?” 
Character B talking to literally everyone at the parties they attend, with Character A holding onto their sleeve and hiding behind them. 
“This is [Character A’s name] and they really are so amazing!” 
Character B showing off Character A to everyone and anyone who would listen, and being really proud of the fact that Character A is their partner, which warms Character A a lot. 
“Them? They’re the love of my life.” 
Character B making sure Character A isn’t feeling too overwhelmed and offering to go home with them the moment Character A tells them they don’t want to be there anymore. 
Character B pulling Character A closer to them in public, and Character A biting their bottom lip to keep their smile at bay. 
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harvey-dent · 4 months
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… sympathy? …for the Devil? [x]
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omside · 1 year
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I’m so sorry that musty bitch thinks he can compare himself to you
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spookybeandoodle · 2 months
The snack that smiles back, Snack Pack!
Family photo!
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Relistening to some audios and wanted to draw fan art!
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autisticoolatta · 2 months
i just realised what scar naming his horse cOW by accident and then deciding it now has to be pronounced that way reminds me of
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rusquared · 23 days
i love peaches but hate peach-flavored things. especially peach juice and peach iced tea. but then when i met my online friends in 2022 and spent 3 days in their apartment, we went grocery shopping and someone grabbed a big carton of peach iced tea. and i drank it and shared snacks and gossiped in the kitchen about a budding crush. so if i happen to have peach juice at home, i'll drink it. just for the sake of the memory.
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effervescent-fool · 9 months
getting into apple juice lately
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sunshine-zenith · 8 months
How it feels when your PCP tells you to take your iron supplements with orange juice but you live alone and you can’t find any jugs of orange juice smaller than a half gallon so you have to keep chugging it on your own before it expires in less than a week
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whumpshaped · 10 months
aw yaaaay recovery for the poor boiled bird!
new prompt: crammed
tw institutionalised fantasy discrimination, execution mention, cramped spaces, captivity, dehumanisation
"Wow, you really didn't have to be so greedy."
The cage Whumpee had been shoved into was crammed with other nonhuman creatures, with barely enough space for their ribcage to extend enough to breathe. Understandably, everyone was agitated and distressed, and they were all whimpering and whining. Whumpee wished they'd shut up for just a second, so they could listen in on the humans.
"What? They're just dumb animals for slaughter. It's not like the countess wants them in pristine condition to be shot."
"Still, shoving twenty of them into a small cage is just not practical. It's hard to get them out without getting hurt."
"Not my problem. I'm not the one getting them out. I'm just the one pushing them inside."
Whumpee groaned. Nothing useful. Just two dumb fucking humans bickering about getting a few scratches while leading their kind to be murdered en masse.
Lucky for the other nineteen creatures of the batch, though, they got themself caught on purpose. And they had a plan to give the humans more than a few scratches upon arrival.
@ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump
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harvey-dent · 8 months
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its basically halloween right
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vurelly · 1 year
was anyone aware that there’s a fandom wiki for mountain dew
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vinceaddams · 2 years
I sure do love to go to the thrift store and acquire things!! Today I got a broken (?) little wooden music box, a couple pieces of fabric (one dark pink cotton jacquard and one dark brown and gold sari silk) and also a plate with a picture of the Hartland covered bridge on it. That's the longest covered bridge in the world, and I've walked across it, and now I can eat sandwiches off it's monochromatic blue image.
#hi yeah yes i AM slightly tipsy at the moment sorry!#OH i also got 4 little packs of gold plated sewing needles!! and another plate that has Green Gables on it#but that;s in a different province from me so marginally less exciting even though I do love the 1980's anne of green gables series#just had another hecking busy week at work (because it is prom & wedding season and I am Suit Alterations Tailor#but now it is weekend and I have 2 days of no things#yay!! Maybe I will work a bit more on my shirt and some drawing!#I wish I had more space to put things. if I did I would go to the thrift store even more often and obtain even more delightful candlesticks#and also more silver plated goblets. I'd have a whole corridor of shelves with all my fancy little metal thrift store goblets#thrifting#hey did you nkow that all aclohol tastes bad and yucky and you can only hide it in lots of fruit juice and stuff???#this is a fact I know but learn all over again every frew several months#blergh!#speking of which! fun fact: I am a balding old man of 27 and when I got to the beverage store with a hat I get asked for ID usually#but never when I have no hat!#today I had a leafkerchief on my head which I have been wearing a lot lately for balding head reasons and also cause#of those dang sebaceous cysts upion my scalp that are so lumpy and numerous (4) and unsighlty#unSIGHTLy I mean#UGH the surgery people said I'd hear back about an appointment in a month and it's been almost 3! I should phone them!!#It is unfair to have lumps almost as big as marbles just chilling there on a balding scalp!!#SPeaking of leafkerchiefs I Realy need to finish that damn sewing tutorial video! I filmed most of it last autumn!#and now it's late spring!#is there a limit to how many tags you can put on a post??#ok well I hope these have ebeen entertaining to you I will go eat a food and maybe do soem sketching now goodnight
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themuseoftheviolets · 13 days
i just spent so much on food in such a short amount of time wow. good thing meal voucher isn't real money
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qiacord · 1 year
sylvaina x world of darkness (aka vtm) i said i have 2 coins for vampyre sylvanas and I was deadly serious.
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loveryss · 2 years
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let’s be honest here. prom was weird, too short, boring, and basically nothing like i expected.
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