#jos en jan
dutchjan · 1 year
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June 12, 2023
5 notes · View notes
volturiwolf · 7 months
Ker si en delček vzela s seboj - Bojan x fem!musician!reader - part 1
A/N: Sentences/words written in italics are in their native languages, or to emphasize a few things.
A/N 2: AI was mostly used to write the lyrics, I changed a few things.
A/N 3: Not everything is accurate/according to what actually happened. Many things are made up, like this story.
A/N 4: This story and the way the characters play out have nothing to do with the real people. This is an imaginary story, in an imaginary world, with imaginary situations.
This series contains explicit/mature/adult content (use of drugs and alcohol, explicit material, swearing, etc).
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“But I got my power in my hand / You hold no power over me
And I’ll take my flowers while I can / So let the love shower over me”
Dilja’s song had to be one of my favorite but most underrated songs of this year’s competition. She was not even 21,5 and her voice was pure power. She was performing right after us, so I got to watch her from the side, as soon as we got off stage because I didn’t want to miss a thing.
“Hey, (Y/N). Come on, everyone went back in the box.” Alex nudged me a bit to get my attention.
The ‘box’ wasn’t a box per se; it was a designated area for all the Eurovision acts to hang out during the Barcelona pre-party, surrounded by fans, other contestants, and past contestants. It had soft sofas, and tables full of snacks and drinks. Thank God, because I was already feeling my feet hurting from all the sightseeing we did yesterday.
“Give me a sec. She’s almost done.” I was moving around on my own, trying to be as respectful as I could during Dilja’s performance. 
Once she finished, I clapped along with the audience and waited for her as she walked off stage to give her a congratulatory hug. We walked towards the box to meet the others as ‘Wild Youth’ was ready to take the stage.
It was only the first of the ESC Pre-Parties but we were all lucky to stay in the same hotel, so I got to meet the others in the hotel lobby two days ago. Our band, ‘Kitty Revival’, which was representing Greece, arrived a few days before the others, so we had some time to explore the city on our own.
I hadn’t been here in almost 9 years (tomorrow, it would be 9 years actually) and I was excited to see all the places I didn’t get to see when I was here on my last-year school trip.
Dilja and I got along from the beginning and got to do some sightseeing together. My sister also came along as she was the only one who spoke Spanish and I had once promised her to take her to Barcelona sometime in the future. She was only a year older than Dilja so they had a few things in common - more than Dilja and I actually.
Until now, I had met all of the acts at the pre-party, and I had made some friends - mostly Dilja, Mae, Iru, and Joker Out. Most of them were younger than me, but we still had a lot to talk about, like living the whole Eurovision experience - or at least, part of it.
Greece hadn't been participating in the pre-parties, but I really wanted to take the chance. It didn’t only mean song promotion, but also PR and getting to know the other participants. We practically had to beg the Greek delegation to let us participate in the pre-parties because they actually thought we shouldn’t. 
As Dilja went to sit next to Mae, I went to sit next to my bandmate, Alkmini “Mini”, but Jan from JO quickly took over the seat. I raised my brow at him, but he just shrugged and pointed towards his old seat, next to Bojan, his bandmate.
I turned towards Mini. “We’ll talk later, okay?”
She simply nodded and I went to sit next to Bojan. The Slovenians had already performed first out of everyone else, so he was now stretching comfortably, but the moment he saw me, he moved a bit to make some space for me. “Thanks”, I murmured, hoping he’d hear it.
“You were amazing out there!”, Bojan tried to speak over Ireland’s song but he ended up screaming a tad too loud, trying to sneak his arm around me. Thankfully, I was used to the loudness and didn’t mind, but his arm made my heart race involuntarily.
I turned towards him to watch him smiling brightly, looking dazed and mesmerized, making me wonder how many drinks he had already. I could already see that Kris - who usually looked very mature for being the youngest one - was on the verge of being wasted already, screaming and dancing around. And we weren't even at the actual party that was gonna be just us.
Bojan was a natural flirt and could mesmerize anyone - I got that from the very first moment we met, and I wasn’t going to deny that he was so good-looking, and how he was slowly but surely making me let my guard down.
I leaned towards his ear. “How many drinks did you have already? We still have a long way to go until the end of the night. We still have an actual party to go to later"
“I had a few. Don’t worry. I can handle my alcohol.” His breath was tickling my ear, and I felt goosebumps as he laughed with himself. I couldn't help but smile at him.
He went on to talk about all the places they visited with his bandmates, the 'Wild Youth' and the ‘Sudden Lights’ guys today; some of which I had already visited. He kept telling me that he was 'too excited' to see all these amazing places and practice his Spanish with the locals.
"Though I wish you could come with us, as well. I mean you…your bandmates and you. Not you, you, as in you, (Y/N). You know what I mean?" Bojan was laughing awkwardly, trying to deal with his sudden embarrassment.
"I know. I wish we could come with you guys, but my bandmates insisted that we had some extra rehearsals for today. It's the first time we play outside of our usual area range, and everybody's kind of nervous about the whole thing. We mostly had people who speak Greek listening to our music and coming to our gigs, so this is totally different."
Bojan let out a giggle that made my heart thrill. "I totally get what you mean. Don't worry about anything. Your guitar skills are magija, magic, and your song is really good. I love hearing it. I love hearing you sing. Even if it's only in the back." Bojan moved a little closer at this point.
I didn't know how to feel about him at that moment. I wanted to lean closer to him, but it felt a bit out-of-character for me, and not entirely appropriate, given the time and place. I gave him an awkward thumbs-up and excused myself before I acted out of instinct that should not come to the surface.
I walked in front of Mini and gave her a signal to follow me. We walked to the bathroom, where it was significantly quieter than the box or the pit. I could think better here where I wasn’t overwhelmed with sounds, feelings, touches, and smells.
“Your cheeks are a tad red. You're flustered. What happened?” Mini had a talent for knowing how I felt without me saying a word, so there was no point in hiding the truth from her. We have been playing in the same band for over a decade now, so it made sense that she learned to “read” me well, even when I wasn’t trying to show any emotion.
“I think Bojan is flirting with me? Or not? I cannot really get him. He seems flirty with everyone - without actually flirting, you know? - but he’s more…expressive to me? He has confused me.” Maybe I was exasperating but the Slovene made me feel…things already, and I didn’t want to be just me, imagining things that weren’t there.
“Well, I do think he’s acting 'flirty' with you. And many others. But he hasn’t been like that with me, or Alex, or Dimi, or Stef. Just you from the band.”
“So? What do you think?”
“I honestly don’t know. Was he like that on the first day? When we went sightseeing?”
I tried to think of yesterday when we got into the mini-tour bus the party organizers booked for us and went around the town with Joker Out, Wild Youth, Sudden Lights, Tvorchi, Iru, Dilja, and Mae. We started early in the morning so we'd have enough time to see everything.
I was supposed to sit with the girls in the last row, but it was already taken by Jure, Jan, Conor, Andrii, and Jimoh. So, now we all had to split.
Iru and Mae sat together, and Dilja sat with my sister; Ed decided to sit next to our tour guide, with Callum and David close by.
I wasn’t annoyed by that; I was going to sit with Mini either way, but, at the last minute, she chose to sit with Dimi, leaving Alex and Stef to sit together. Okay, I would sit on my own - no issue with that.
Okay, I was annoyed; it reminded me of my school years, being the last one to get selected for anything. I couldn’t wait for the bus to start, so I wouldn’t have to think about being alone, not being chosen, and such, even if it wasn't supposed to be for long.
Against my initial thoughts, I felt someone sit next to me. I pretended I didn’t notice, but then they tapped my shoulder and I had to turn to look at them. To my surprise, it was Bojan who sat next to me.
I raised my glasses to look at him better. “What happened? Did your band abandon you, too?”
He looked around the bus, pointing at Kris and Nace who sat diagonal from us, in the front. “You could say that. They sat in pairs and I was left out. I hope you don't mind me sitting with you. I had nowhere else to sit."
So, he didn't choose to sit with me. It was just a convenience. "Yeah, no problem. Don't mind me." I turned around to look outside of the window; I really wished I had my headphones with me at that moment, but I left them in my hotel room.
Part of me was trying to focus on watching the city as we drove through it, but the other part of me was trying to decipher what Bojan was doing right beside me, without actually having to turn around and look at him.
“Hey, um…(Y/N), right?” Bojan spoke up and I had to turn around again.
“Yeah. And you’re Bojan. Bojan Cvjetićanin, right?” I raised an eyebrow at him. I thought he heard my name yesterday when we introduced ourselves to each other.
“Yeah.” He smiled widely. “I didn’t expect you or anyone to remember my last name actually.” He chuckled awkwardly.
“I remember everyone’s full name. Part of having an acoustic encoding and a photographic memory.”
“Oh, nice. So, (Y/N), speaking of photographic memory, do you know where we are going? I didn’t have time to look at our program.”
The program was given to us, specifically to know when and what we would do each day!
"Well, they'll drive us up to Montjuïc Hill first, so we can see the city from above. We'll visit the castle and then they'll drive us to the Botanical Gardens, then to Anella Olímpica, which is actually near the venue where the party with the fans will take place. Then, we'll visit the Spanish Village, then Parc Güell, and then, back to the city center. They'll leave us at Barri Gòtic, the gothic neighborhood and we have free time to visit whatever we want. I'll go to the Picasso Museum, Casa Battló, Casa Amatller, Casa Malagrida, and I'll have to find a way to go to Sagrada Familia, otherwise, I see myself unable to walk in the near future. Lunch is at 5 o'clock. The meeting point is Plaça de Catalunya, which is actually close to where we're having tomorrow's private party."
"Do they say what kind of lunch are we having?"
"They mention 'traditional Spanish cuisine', so I assume tapas, paella, gazpacho, and such."
"Oh, okay. I hope they got the memo about Nace on time."
I thought about it for a moment. "He shouldn’t eat gluten, right?”
“Yeah..? How do you know about that?”
“Because I cannot eat dairy and sugar, so I had to email them beforehand to let them know. So they sent me the menu to choose feasible options and let me know that there would also be gluten-free options for ‘another contestant’ with intolerance, just in case I had any other dietary restrictions. And I actually shouldn’t eat gluten because of my thyroid, but there aren’t enough gluten-free options in Greece, so...”
I just realized I started talking too much again and I stopped before I embarrassed myself more than I had already, but Bojan was looking at me…fascinated. His eyes were on me and he was perked up, waiting for me to continue my narration, but I thought that he hadn’t talked at all yet.
“So, have you ever been to Barcelona before?”
“As a band, no. Only Jure has never been here before. I was actually born here but we moved back to Slovenia when I was little, although I think I know a few Spanish but only now do I get the chance to speak with someone who actually speaks the language, you know? What about you? Have you?”
“Actually yeah, I have been to Barcelona before, but like almost nine years ago. Last-year school trip. We call it ‘triti lykeiou’, the third of high school. So it’s been some time, and even then, we didn’t get to see everything, or at least things that I wished we could see, like the inside of Sagrada Familia or the Picasso Museum.”
We continued talking for most of the time, from the moment we sat together on the bus till the moment we went back to the hotel, as Bojan became one of my ‘fellow travelers’ for the day, along with the rest of Joker Out, my band, and my sister. Bojan turned out to be a very pleasant person to talk to; it felt like I was talking to an old friend - effortless, familiar, meaningful. He was the most sociable and chatty out of all JO members, though, at times, I appreciated Jan’s more quiet company.
“I don’t know. Really. He was talkative, friendly. He may have seemed flirty and all that, but maybe it’s his way of communicating with others. Every time I try to speak with someone, they think I come out as flirting with them when I don’t. Maybe that’s just Bojan.” I shrugged, not caring to talk about it further.
“Okay. So, do you actually want to pee or…? We have been here for some time. The boys will be worried.”
“You can go back if you want. I’ll pee and I’ll be back shortly.”
I was quickly done, but stayed in the bathroom for a few more minutes, going through the photos I took yesterday. Bojan was in at least 90% of the group photos. He was obviously very photogenic, and he looked so smiley and happy. I took photos of every single one of our tour group, but Bojan would constantly find a way to get in, photobombing everyone’s photos.
I caught myself smiling, and I couldn’t deny that he was the reason I was currently smiling and silently laughing on my own. Going to his Instagram, I immediately saw he had uploaded on his stories and I was too curious not to click.
He had mainly reposted some videos from the Joker Out's official Instagram account with today's meet and greet, fans' photos, them getting ready for the pre-party, and a few short videos of them 'partying' before the audience pre-party. 
And then, there was a video of my band playing on stage, but going through the video, it was mostly focused on me playing my guitar. It was…different, seeing myself through Bojan's eyes; the way his camera was moving from my guitar to my face, watching my 'concentrated' look.
I felt myself getting hot and my cheeks burning again. I felt a pain in my stomach - not sharp per se, but it was enough to make me notice it, accompanied by a light headache. I was pretty sure that it wasn't because of the few drinks I had; I could only attribute it to the tiredness of the past couple of days. I hadn't eaten well because I was embarrassed to eat in front of the others, and yesterday was slightly too hot outside. 
I leaned against the wall, trying to take a breath, but I knew I just needed to sit down and everything would be okay. I exited the bathroom as calmly as I could and went back to the box to find a place to sit. 
My seat next to Bojan was now taken by Mae, who was laughing loudly and enjoying herself, sliding her hand over Bojan's toned arm. I felt a bite of jealousy and sadness in my heart. Of course, there would be others interested in Bojan.
Bojan himself was smiling back at her while drinking from his champagne glass. He was having fun, and he seemed as interested in her as she was in him. The pain in my stomach became sharper now, but I didn't want to let others know how I felt, so I quietly took a seat on Alex's lap, as I usually did.
Alex wrapped his arms around my waist out of instinct - that's what we always did; that's how we all acted with each other in the band. We were all very open with each other, to the point we would even walk around naked when we were staying in the same hotel room or tour bus or each other's house if we felt like it. It wasn't forced; we were just comfortable with being close and intimate with each other.
They were all currently discussing possible places to tour in the summer if we got good feedback from the competition and the audience.
"What do you say, (Y/N/N)? Where would you like to go this summer?" Alex spoke calmly.
"Ideally, on vacation." Everyone snorted laughingly. "But if I had to choose, I'd say ask the people where they want us and we can go on from there. See if there's a way to arrange something."
"I guess that would be the most fair thing to do. Since we don't know where we stand with the people's view in this competition."
They all nodded, agreeing, before going back to talking about food. I sighed, trying to forget that I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday night, and snuggled my head in the crook of Alex's neck.
"Tough day?" Alex whispered as the others continued talking to each other.
"Tough day, you don't say anything." I was close with all the guys in the band, but Alex was more understanding and easier to talk to.
Alex glanced at me rubbing my tummy. "You're not on your period, right? That was last week?" 
"No, it's not that. It's…" I looked towards Bojan and Mae, not so discreetly may I say, so Alex caught up quickly.
"Ha." He paused for a few seconds. "You're jealous. Who is it this time? Bojan or Mae?" I was open to my friends about my sexuality, but I never talked about it to others because I never had to or wanted to explain myself.
"Bojan. I don't know, Alex. I don't want to be just another participant thirsting over another one. Or be one of the people thirsting over him. I don't want to risk approaching him, only to be rejected. I'm tired of that."
Alex kissed me on my cheek and rubbed his nose against it. "I don't want to tell you what to do and what not to do, (Y/N). But I will tell you that we all take risks in our lives. We took a risk by being here, exposing ourselves to millions. If it's a risk worth taking, you should take the chance." He paused for a second. "And for what is worth, I think he may also be jealous now."
"How do you know that?"
"I've been glancing at him this whole time, and he hasn't stopped looking toward us. If looks could kill, I'd be chopped right now."
I turned my head to look at Bojan's side, and I saw he was already looking at us, mouth agape, and eyes wide open. We kept looking at each other for just a few seconds until he stood up and went away, probably towards the bathroom or somewhere else.
Could it be that he thought Alex and I were dating and he got jealous? No, no way. Bojan had a much too interesting life if I were to say so, looking through his social, to even care if I was with someone or not. Every participant was charmed by the Slovenian golden retriever. Everyone loved him. He had too many options to care about me and my life.
And he may have seemed interested yesterday, but today he was talking, drinking, and flirting with everyone like he was in his natural environment. I just had to forget all the things he made me feel, even for a day or two, and continue being civil with him because we had over 1 and a half months ahead of us until all this was over and we went back to our usual lives.
Though it was easier said than done, as, no matter how much I tried to avoid him over the next week during the Polish pre-party - unless it was a group activity or obligation, he always managed to be there somehow. 
Was it a last-minute meet and greet with local fans before the pre-party? He somehow was close by, with the rest of his bandmates, probably having 'decided' to make a sudden meet-up of their own in the same area we did.
I tried not to notice how flirty and handsy he was with everyone, especially Noa when she showed up at the Israeli pre-party. She wasn't sent to perform, but as Israel hosted the pre-party, she must have been assigned as our co-hostess and presenter for the night.
I didn't know Noa was Bojan's soft spot, his weakness, until I saw a random post on Twitter, dated 2 months ago. It was uploaded by the official Joker Out account on Twitter, featuring Bojan. Noa was his weakness - his ‘weak point’, to be exact.
Now it made perfect sense why he seemed so infatuated with her and was pretty much following her around the whole night, except for when he had to go on stage and perform. And even then, he personally thanked Noa for her hospitality and how amazing and organized the party was.
I was really trying not to think of all that, not to think that the man I liked was flirting, touching, and partying with everyone else but me. I tried not to think that he could be going to bed with someone else, especially not me.
And then came Jere, going by the alias 'Käärijä'. And he was cute and kind and funny. And they immediately clicked with Bojan and they started spending as much time as they could together. And I would hang out with my bandmates, Iru, and Mae, and now also Alessandra, Alika, Teya, Salena, the 'Vesna' girls, and Elen, who went by the stage name 'Brunette'.
But it wasn't the same as it was that one day with Bojan, and though I was happy for him seemingly having found someone who actually made him happy, I couldn't help myself from wishing I was that someone.
Nevertheless, I tried to have as much fun as I could, without thinking of him or anyone else. And I did have fun, partying, singing, playing guitar, and going out with the other contestants, even Joker Out.
I was acting like nothing bothered me, and I was getting pretty good at it. In public. Because every time we got back to our hotel rooms, I fell into the abyss of my loneliness.
When we had a free day before the Amsterdam pre-party, everyone else went out, getting to know the city by night, but I decided to stay in my room, feeling too tired - emotionally - to have fun.
Lying in my bed, in my short, pink and wine-red nightgown, strumming my acoustic guitar, and humming, occasionally gulping some of the wine Mini bought a day ago, trying to find a new music or line for how I felt at the moment.
It wasn't usually hard to write a paragraph or two because it was usually a collective job, but I wasn't as emotionally charged before as I was now. Though, when I started strumming the chords, the lyrics started writing themselves.
You get on with life as that shy boy,
You're an adorable kinda person.
You like singing and playing hooky.
You like to contemplate life.
But when you start to daydream,
Your mind turns straight to him.
Sometimes I look at you and I look into your eyes,
I notice the way you think about him with a smile,
Curved lips you just can't disguise.
But you think it's singing making your life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for you to decide which you love more?
Singing or living?
You like to use words about life.
But when you stop talking,
Your mind turns straight to him.
You like to hang out with me.
But when left alone,
Your mind turns straight back to him.
You hate crying and confrontation.
But you just think back to him,
And you're happy once again.
Oh, God. It was as soppy as it could get. But I bet Alex and Stef could probably make something good out of it. I wasn't good at the final editing and corrections, but I was good at laying all my emotions on the table and coming up with a rough layout of a possible song. 
A rough knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. I checked the time on my phone. 01:36. Oh, no. I must have been too loud and someone got mad and came to complain.
I quickly and quietly tiptoed towards the door, waiting to be screamed at, for playing guitar at that time. I should have remembered that not everyone staying here was a Eurovision participant, and we were randomly put in our rooms. And it was probably late for some people.
Opening the door, I came face to face with a rather distressed Bojan. My heart fell at the sight of him. His hair was ruffled and stuck out all over the place. The dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than before, and his whole face was sunk.
"Hey, Bojan." I spoke quietly, aware now of how late it actually was. "What are you doing here? I thought you guys went out?"
He pointed into the room, and I took it as if he wanted to come in, so I took a step back to let him in. He walked heavily towards the small couch near the window, and let himself plop heavily into it.
We didn't speak for a few minutes, and the room felt heavy with awkwardness. I didn't know if I should speak or let him speak and explain why he was here at that time. I decided to break the tension.
"Hey, Bojan? Do you want me to bring you something to drink? Or eat? I have water, orange juice, cranberry juice, maybe some Greek koulourakia?"
He raised his eyes to look at me. His eyes were literally lost as if he was drinking heavily and managed to drive off somewhere he didn't know how he got there.
I took it as a signal to go through Mini and I's shared suitcase, and pick up a few things: a small pack of tsourekakia, a pack of oregano chips, an almond chocolate, and a can of Greek mountain tea from the fridge.
I placed them in Bojan's lap but he kept looking at me with those empty, lost eyes. "Eat up. You look like shit."
He let out a snort, smirking, as he awkwardly started opening the chips first. He snacked for a few minutes, occasionally closing his eyes, either out of pleasure or tiredness, I didn't know which one.
I looked at him closely, taking in his every perfect, little expression. He looked so small and fragile as he chugged down the oregano chips, like a little kid enjoying his afternoon snack. He saw me looking at him and offered me some of the chips.
"Thank you, but I can't eat them. They have milk powder in them." He shook his head and continued snacking.
He finished up and took the pack of tsourekakia in his hands, carefully examining the pack to understand what those were.
"They're like a small version of tsoureki, a Greek sweet-like bread which we eat as a snack, or sweet, or dessert. These have hazelnut praline in."
He shook his head again, as he opened the bag and grabbed one, throwing one in his mouth. The second he bit into it, his eyes rolled over his head, and I laughed at how much he enjoyed it. 
I grabbed the can of tea and opened it before offering it back to him. "To balance the sweetness."
Our fingers brushed each other's, and it felt like it was forever ago when I last touched Bojan. I couldn't help my need to stare at him forever. His chocolatey eyes sparked even more now than they usually did, probably because of the alcohol in the man's system.
Out of a sudden, he grabbed my free hand and pulled me into his lap. I was so shocked and taken aback, that I could only look at him with wide eyes. Thankfully, he didn't spill any tea on us or the couch, because it would have been awkward to explain how the sofa and the rug underneath were stained with cold tea.
I noticed my nightgown had risen a bit, so I quickly pulled it down before my underwear was shown. Bojan wrapped one arm around me, while the other started moving up my thigh and below my nightgown, where I tried to cover myself up. My heart literally skipped a beat under his touch and our close contact.
We could only stare at each other. I was scared of doing anything that he may misunderstand and he was a bit too cautious to do or say anything. Or so I thought because he leaned forward, towards me. I didn't move, partially because I was frozen and partially because I'd been wanting to be in this position with Bojan since Barcelona.
His lips brushed against mine, nibbling my lower lip enough to make my heartbeat skyrocket. I wanted to give in but I quickly realized that Bojan wasn't actually in his right mind and it wasn't okay to take advantage of his loose state. So, I pulled away and pushed myself out of his embrace. He tried to resist but he was weaker in his drunk state.
"Bojan, I think you should go to your room now. You're drunk, you're not thinking straight, and you may start doing things you will most likely regret in the morning."
"I would never regret kissing you. Not in a million years. Not when that's the one thing I wanted to do from the moment I met you." He spoke for the first time tonight, his voice coarse and intoxicating.
I couldn't deny that I thought he was a bit obnoxious at first; he seemed too happy, and excited, and bouncy to be real. But when I actually got to meet and talk to him, he seemed down-to-earth, and lovely, and loveable.
"I'll be honest with you. I wanted to kiss you since that day in Barcelona when we spoke for the whole day. But I know it, and you know it too, that you have to come to your senses, and if you still feel the same, we'll talk about it sometime in the future, okay? Now you'll have to go to your room before our friends come back."
Bojan tried to stand up with wobbly legs but fell back on the couch. I facepalmed myself, knowing that getting him to stand up and go to his room, two floors above me, would be extremely difficult, even with using the elevator.
"What if…", he mumbled, "...I stay here for tonight? Please?" He gave me his best, doe-like, pleading eyes, knowing exactly where to aim to convince me.
I sighed, not wanting or being in the mood to argue with him. I looked at the oversized bed and tried to make some calculations for how we were gonna fit properly.
"Okay, but I won't be giving up the whole bed. I'm older and sensitive. We'll both sleep as far as possible from each other, capisci?"
"Si, signora." Bojan smiled brightly, and my heart beat faster. I swore that man would be the death of me. Was I too old at 26 to die over a younger man?
Bojan extended his arms towards me, expecting me to help him get to bed. I took a deep breath to calm my rising temper and walked over to him. I grabbed him from the waist, slowly pulling him up, and he put as much weight as he could on me.
Lucky for me, the bed wasn't too far away. Because Bojan, though considered short for a man, was about 10 centimeters taller than me, and he was both muscular and curvy, just my type. Pulling him up would be a bit easier if I wasn't feeling under the weather, because of my upcoming period.
I managed to get him to bed safely, lifting his legs to lie down, and pushing him a bit towards the middle, scared that he was gonna fall off at some point. I noticed he had his eyes closed already, and he was breathing heavily, so I assumed he had fallen asleep already.
I went back to the shared suitcase and got some painkillers, then grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and placed them in the nightstand beside him. I personally never had a hangover because I always knew I couldn't handle alcohol at all, so I only drank in moderation. But I knew how awful a terrible headache can make you feel for the whole day forward.
I covered him with a blanket, as it was a bit chilly, even in the seemingly warm hotel. Bojan looked so peaceful, like a little angel, slightly smiling in his sleep. I took a picture in my mind and a picture in my phone, to forever remember that moment.
It was only then that I noticed I had a text message from Mini. I left my phone on silent mode so I never heard the text sound. "We're coming in 20. Do you want us to bring you something?" Sent 12 minutes ago.
It was a bit too late to text them. They would probably not see it on time. I walked carefully and quietly to the bathroom and called Mini from there.
"Ei, (Y/N)! Did you get my message? Do you still want us to pick up something for you?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's all good." I tried to whisper but also make myself audible. "Mini, can you do me a favor? Can you stay with Alex tonight?"
"Why? Did something happen?"
"Ehm, I...have a visitor tonight…"
"Omg, (Y/N)! Did you finally get laid?!"
"Wait! (Y/N) got laid?!" I heard my bandmates' voices in the background, whistling and making too much noise.
"No! No, it's not that. He just came to see me, and he was too drunk to get back to his room."
"Okay, tell me everything or I'll come over to see. Who is it? Is he cute? What does he look like?"
"Mini, I can't tell you who it is. That's…private." Nothing was private with these four, but I couldn't just out Bojan like that.
"Is it Bojan?" Alex spoke clearly on the phone.
I sighed before speaking. "Yeah, it's him. Please don't make it way bigger than it already is."
"That's what she said! But seriously, I'm just messing with you. And don't worry about Mini; she'll stay with me. Maybe one of us will get lucky tonight."
There were a few milliseconds of silence before Alex growled an "Aouts!", probably Mini's response to his comment. I snorted. Alex wasn’t that type of a guy; he just liked to mess up with his friends, and he knew that Mini wasn’t one to enjoy his pranks, so he did it more to her.
“(Y/N)? Where are you?” I heard Bojan whining from the room.
“Guys, I have to go now, okay? I’ll text you if I need anything.”
I got off my phone before anyone could respond, and I walked out of the bathroom. Bojan was lying on his left side, eyes half closed, looking towards the bathroom door. I moved closer to the bed, and he shot me a sweet, yet bright smile upon seeing me.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need anything?” I wasn’t sure how to approach him or his state; I didn’t want to seem like I was hitting hard on him or that I was looking for any reason to get close to him.
“Can you please come over?” His voice was coarse and it gave me goosebumps.
I slowly crawled onto the bed, moving slowly to keep myself covered. Bojan’s eyes never left mine, as he watched me moving around and getting closer and closer to him.
“Closer. Please.”
I crawled again until I reached him and laid down beside him, facing him. His eyes still held an untold tiredness, but he still kept them open, as if I’d walk away the second he closed them once again. He moved his arms around me, slipping one underneath me and pulling me into his embrace.
His body felt warm and inviting, and I could now smell the scent of his clothes and his body: baby powder, musk, vanilla, and sandalwood, all mixed together in a scent that took over my mind.
His hands were moving up and down my back and arms in a comforting way, and he was breathing a bit more heavily now. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment, though I knew I shouldn’t be getting that close with someone I had no future with - short-term or long-term.
Either way, we were from two different countries, living in two different worlds, and busying ourselves with different tasks. The only thing we had in common was that we were in a band, each of us representing their own country in Eurovision.
Just the thought of losing Bojan like that, expectedly and naturally, made me tear up, but I quickly forced myself to gulp my sadness and tears down. I didn’t want to upset him. This was a beautiful and emotional moment between us and I would ruin it if he noticed my wet, sunken eyes.
I calmed myself down and tried steadying my breath, though that led to me getting more and more sleepy in Bojan’s arms. And though I didn’t want to disturb his peace by staying there, I couldn’t bring myself to leave his soft touch, especially when Bojan laid his head on mine and started humming a - I assumed Slovenian - lullaby.
His voice, even when he was singing that low, was heavenly. I didn’t know what it meant, but I let myself enjoy Bojan’s rich, deep voice. He was singing and caressing my head, sliding his fingers through my hair and making my being go numb. 
It only took a couple of minutes of Bojan singing lullabies for me to fall asleep in his arms.
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This day in history
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables TOMORROW (Jan 22) at 8PM. Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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#20yrsago RIP, Whole Earth Review https://web.archive.org/web/20040202031838/https://www.worldchanging.com/archives/000338.html
#15yrsago Media helped create the financial meltdown https://web.archive.org/web/20090125204013/http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/01/23/the_medias_role_in_the_financial_crisis/
#10yrsago Ukraine government sends text to protesters: “Dear subscriber, you are registered as a participant in a mass disturbance” https://memex.craphound.com/2014/01/23/ukraine-government-sends-text-to-protesters-dear-subscriber-you-are-registered-as-a-participant-in-a-mass-disturbance/
#10yrsago What Makes Jo Walton So Great https://www.tor.com/2014/01/21/what-makes-jo-walton-so-great/
#5yrsago After Net Neutrality repeal, Comcast, Charter and Verizon cut investment in their networks https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/01/sorry-ajit-comcast-lowered-cable-investment-despite-net-neutrality-repeal/
#5yrsago Data-broker implicated in bounty-hunters’ access to mobile location data lobbied FCC to fight consent for sharing location data https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbwgw8/zumigo-phone-location-data-sold-lobbied-fcc-consent
#5yrsago Limits to trickle-down: Trump’s tax-cut “boom” fizzles https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/23/business/investment-boom-tax-cuts-economy/index.html
#5yrsago Corporate America projects giant profits from climate disasters https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-01-22/muggy-disney-parks-downed-at-t-towers-firms-tally-climate-risk
#5yrsago After six days, LA teachers settle their strike, wringing huge concessions out of the school district https://jacobin.com/2019/01/la-teachers-strike-contract-arlene-inouye/
#5yrsago Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy) https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/jan/22/the-new-elites-phoney-crusade-to-save-the-world-without-changing-anything
#5yrsago How a political outsider’s fundraising tool is helping insurgent, working-class Dems mount primary challenges and campaigns https://theintercept.com/2019/01/23/grassroots-analytics-campaign-donations/
#1yrago Eggflation is just more price-gouging https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/23/cant-make-an-omelet/#keep-calm-and-crack-on
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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ranboo5 · 11 months
EN: I've been told there's a formalized method for submitting propaganda to this bracket and because this has awakened a vicious instinct within me I will participate
Techno and Wilbur are not nothing Pogtopia did slay and the Techno+Ghostbur interactions are excellent. In many circumstances I would vote this. In many circumstances I would campaign or this. And in general I tend to vote cTechno over cRanboo. So it is not lightly that I say
The lame ass 5D chess game we got to see during burger arc was a highlight of the otherwise dismal prolonged petering out of the SMP and also was fantastic
Common foil dynamic W
They have separate c and cc duo names because of how influential the cduo is
Man this shit just drives me insane. Each sees himself in the other and for cWilbur this is initially a second chance a validation and for cRanboo this is a condemnation and the culmination of this w/ cRanboo fucking killing itself in front of cWilbur to change the trajectory of his life forever irreversibly changed my brain chemistry
This dynamic GAVE US cbee resolution, GAVE US cTechno apology stream and apology arc in general. The largely-unspoken spectre of cRanboo hanging in the air in Bust is unparalleled in cinema.
Even outside of burger arc, cWilbur's legacy impacted cRanboo's ideological development more directly than it did cTechno's, bc cTechno had more grounds to worry about direct manifest troubles and cRanboo had primarily to deal with dread, anticipation, and understanding how to navigate the social context it found itself in, which had been shaped by Wilbur's legacy
And finally
If you vote cRanboo and send me a screenie of you doing so I will doodle you something of your request
TOK: mi kama sona e ni: toki pi ante wile la nasin suli pi pana toki li lon. utala ni li kama e pilin utala WAWA a lon lawa mi la mi o pana
jan Tekuno pi lon ala en jan Wipa pi lon ala li lon poka la ni li ken suli, li ken musi, li ken toki e ijo mute. ni li lon. tenpo pi ma Patopija la toki ona li suli. toki ona pi jan Wipa moli kin li suli. mute la mi wile wawa e nimi pi kulupu ni, e nimi pi jan Tekuno. mi la ijo ale pi jan Tekuno li suli tawa ijo ale pi jan Lanpu. ni la sina ken sona pona e ni: mi toki e ni la mi toki WAWA, li toki e ijo SULI A:
ona tu li utala toki la ni li wawa a e musi Simesenpi lon tenpo pi kama moli
ona tu li sama la musi wawa
jan lon tu ni en jan tu ni pi lon ala li jo e nimi tu ante a. kulupu pi lon ala la sina ken sona pona e suli ona tan ni
ONA! TU! LI SAMA! LA! MUSI! WAWA! ona tu li lukin sama la ona tu li toki insa e sama ni: "jan ante ni li sama mi." jan Wipa la ni li pona, li toki e ni: "mi awen ken pona, mi awen ken ante; lon mi li pakala ala! jan pi sama mi li ken lon li ken pona!" taso jan Lanpu la ni li ike, li toki e ike ona e ike pi jan Wipa. nasin ni li kama suli ike li kama wawa; jan Lanpu li moli tan ona la ni li wawa ike tawa jan Wipa. ni li wawa tawa pilin mi kin a ona li ante wawa e nasin pi lawa mi lon tenpo ale
TAN NI TASO LA musi pi kulupu Pitu li ken pini. NI TASO LA toki pini pi jan Tekuno li ken lon. NI TASO LA jan Wipa li open e nasin pi toki pakala mute. ona li wawa tawa toki suli pi musi Simesenpi. kon pi jan Lanpu li lon toki musi "pakala"; jan ale li toki lili e ona lon toki, taso kon ona li awen lon. ni li wawa a. pilin li wawa. kon li wawa.
tenpo ante la kon pi jan Wipa li suli seme tawa jan Lanpu tawa jan Tekuno? tenpo pi ma Nulemanpe la jan Tekuno li lukin e ijo ante. ona tu li wile sama, li wile awen tan ken pakala, taso jan Tekuno li wile awen tan ken lon. jan li lon, li wile lon e moli ona; ona li sona e tan, li sona e ken. taso jan Lanpu la, tan ni en ken ni li len lili. ona li sin tawa ma Simesenpi la ona li sona ala e nasin – ona li wile sona e ken pakala la ona o kama sona e nasin kulupu. jan Wipa li suli tawa pali ni. la pali pi jan Wipa li suli tawa jan Lanpu lon tenpo ni, li suli sama ala tawa jan Tekuno lon tenpo ni
ni ale li ante ala e wile sina la o sona e ni:
sina wawa e nimi pi jan Lanpu li pana e sona pi pali ni tawa mi la mi sitelen e ijo pi wile sina
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artemis-zinc · 2 years
meli olin tu wan mi. lon la, ona li moku kon e kasi nasa laso.
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🎇  kiwin
ona li moku kon e kasi nasa laso anu seme?
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🚨  jansowia
a, lon kin.
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🔼  sikekusi
sina toki e ni anu seme: ona li kepeken ala palisa nasa taso? ona li kepeken palisa pi kasi nasa laso anu seme?
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🚨  jansowia
palisa li jo e nimi "palisa i kasi taso".... lon ala la ona li "palisa pi kasi nasa laso"... taso, lon la, ona li palisa i kasi taso laso. meli tu wan li moku kon e palisa i kasi taso laso la, mi uta olin. (ona li meli olin mi,)
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📗  nimipimeja
lukin la ona li moku kon ala e kasi nasa laso.
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🚨  jansowia
sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. sina o pakala. mi pilin utala a, sina o pilin pona a tan ni: meli tu wan mi pi monku kasi li luka pona e sijelo mi tawa ni: mi pilin utala ala. mi pilin utala mute lon tenpo ni.
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👿  melikakamine  Follow
meli sina pi "moku kasi" li jo e sitelen pi soweli Alokisi lon sinpin sijelo ona. meli insa.
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🚨  jansowia
mi pali e sitelen jan sina lon lipu, mi pana e ona tawa palisa len pi wile utala, mi utala e ona la mi toki e nimi sina lon utala wawa ale, sina lili o.... tenpo ale la o Toki ala e jan Pesi e Sitelen(sitelen sijelo) epiku ona pi pali mi lon tenpo ale, sina jo e poki loje telo nasa lon tomo mi lon tenpo pimeja la mi wile Ala lukin e sina lon tenpo ale, sina sona ala sona? o weka tan mi, ni li TOKI PINI A LON TENPO PI UTALA ALA
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🙂  janlijase  Follow
aaa ni li kama suli kepeken tenpo lili......
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🚨  jansowia
ni, li seme? n? o toki sin. *jan Pesi li alasa awen e sijelo mi* jan Sowi o, sina ken ala kama jo tan ona, mi wile e utala ala! * mi tawa e sijelo mi li weka e luka ona* ALA! AAAAALA!!! *mi open utala e sina kepeken luka suli a mi. utala ale la mi kalama wawa. utala li kama wawa mute, kalama li kama suli mute. mi kalama mute mute li open telo oko. TENPO PAKALA. tenpo esun ni li pana e ike, mi ken ala awen lon ike. mi telo oko sunli lon tenpo ni, sina kalama nasa pi telo loje sijelo lon poka. meli tu wan mi li pali tawa ni: mi weka tan ni. pali mute la ona li tawa e mi tan ko pi sijelo sina*
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🎆  jansapeke
a a a sewi mi
jan ni li seme? jan li wile kama sona e nasin pi pilin utala ala.
ni li musi tawa mi: tenpo mute la ona li toki "MI JO E MELI OLIN TU WAN", li toki "ONA ALE LI UTA OLIN E MI", li toki "ONA LI MOKU KON E KASI NASA LASO NNNNN"
kin la, mi o weka ala sona e jan "jan Pesi" e "sitelen epiku" ona, e ni: toki "sina jo e poki loje telo nasa lon tomo [ona] lon tenpo pimeja la [ona li] wile Ala lukin e sina lon tenpo ale", en toki "ni li TOKI PINI A LON TENPO PI UTALA ALA".
"ko pi sijelo sina"
mi moli a, jan sewi
jan Sowi o, mi wile e ni: sina en mi li utala tokki pi kulupu ilo; mi sona e ni: ni li ken musi.
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🚨  jansowia
*mi moli e sina* a a, jan pi sona ala... *mi en meli tu wan mi pi monku kasi li weka tawa ni: mi luka e luka li uta olin.*
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🔽  sila-supipeman
jan ni li musi a a a
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🚨  jansowia
o toki sin? *tomo pi telo nasa li kama kalama ala. jan ale li wile ala kalama, tan ni: sina toki e toki ike lon tenpo pi ken utala mute. mi awen lon supa pi telo nasa. mi lukin ala tawa sina. luka nanpa wan li jo e poki pi telo lili, luka nanpa tu li jo e lawa mi. mi toki sin, kepeken suli sin.* o toki sin?! *sina kute e nasa pi toki mi, kute la toki li wile e pali mute tan mi. sona sina la lawa mi li nasa. sina kama sona e ni: ken la sina pakala mute mute. jan ante ale li pali sama ni: ona li lukin ala e mi e sina. jan pi pana telo li weka e jaki tan poki. ona li len e oko ona, li toki pi kalama lili. jan mute li weka wawa. jan wan li lukin tawa sina, li jo e sinpin pi pilin ike. ona li open toki, taso ona li lukin anpa, li weka. taso, sina weka ala. sina ken ala. sina lukin la, mi awen lon supa. sina lukin e lupa, sina jo e tenpo. taso sina jo ala, li jo ala, li jo ala. sina open toki la ni li ken ala ante.* pakala a.. sina toki e seme?! *mi tawa pi wawa ala tan supa. mi onpe tawa sina. mi ike lukin. linja mi li ike, mi weka ala e linja sinpin mi lon tenpo suli, anpa oko mi li suli li pimeja, len mi li jaki li jo e lupa mute, mi jo e len noka wan taso. taso, ni taso li suli tawa sina: mi jo e ilo utala, e luka suli wawa. lukin la, luka mi li lon tawa ni: ona li utala. sina sona ala sona e kalama musi pi toki ni: len noka li lon tawa ni: ona li tawa? lon, ni li sama, taso, len noka li luka mi, kin la tawa li utala. mi tawa nasa tawa sina la, sina lukin insa e jan sama sina... tenpo kama la ona li pilin ala pilin ike tan moli sina? ante la, ona li alasa ala alasa weka sona ni: jan sama ona li toki ike tawa jan Sowi a lon ma pi jan mute, ni li lon? toki sina li weka tan ni: mi lon sinpin sina. mi luka e sinpin sina li tawa e sina tawa mi.* musi?! musi li lon ala... musi ala, sina pakala o. musi ala... ona li lon.. ona li lon suli tawa sona mi.. pilin... olin. mi olin e ona... jan Pesi.... jan Sasa... jan Pon... mi olin e ona tu wan... taso ona...*sinpin mi li telo tan oko mi, mi ken ala pini e telo.* ona li weka tan mi... weka... *tenpo poka la pilin telo li weka tan sinpin mi. ona li ante tawa pilin utala taso.* musi? musi?! *luka mi li weka tan sinpin sina. ona li tawa ijo. sona sina la, ijo ni li ilo utala. sina pini e oko sina, li lukin e jan sewi. ona li toki e ni: "a, ni li kama lon tan sina." la ona li alasa weka e sina. taso, luka mi li kama jo e ilo utala ala. luka mi li kama lon luka sina. oko sina li open wawa. pilin utala li weka tan sinpin mi. pilin telo taso li lon.* weka tan mi... * mi tawa anpa. mi kalama pi pilin telo. aaa, o kama suli. *sina toki e ni, sina weka tan tomo, taso tenpo poka la sina moli tan pakala pi tomo tawa.*
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Hey btw @ toki ponists this is a dictionary I helped an awesome friend make: https://reveredoxygen.github.io/ilo-pi-nimi-mute/
You can type !t to search by toki pona words and !e to search by English translations. It has words, phrases, and even names of countries!
kulupu pi toki pona o! toki! mi en jan mi pi pona mute li pali e ilo nimi ni: https://reveredoxygen.github.io/ilo-pi-nimi-mute/
sina kepeken sitelen "!t" la, ona li alasa e nimi pi toki pona taso. sitelen "!e" la, ona li alasa e nimi pi toki Inli taso. ona li jo e nimi e nimi mute e nimi ma!
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nightsidewrestling · 5 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Joseph Winter
Geia's Second Youngest Step-Son Joseph Winter (2020)
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The third son of Byron and step-son of Pelageya, Joseph, an Instagram influencer with some problematic views, he wants to one day become a news anchor for CNN. He is an absolute fuck-boy and a dickhead with narcissistic tendencies.
"I'm, like, totally unable to be cancelled."
Full Legal Name: Joseph Clarence Winter
First Name: Joseph
Meaning: From Ioseph, the Latin form of Greek 'Ioseph', which was from the Hebrew name 'Yosef' meaning 'He will add', from the root 'Yasaf'.
Pronunciation: JO-sef
Origin: English, French, German, Biblical
Middle Name: Clarence
Meaning: From the Latin title 'Clarensis', which belonged to members of the British royal family.
Pronunciation: KLAR-ens
Origin: English
Surname: Winter
Meaning: From Old English 'Winter’ or Old High German 'Wintar’ meaning 'Winter’.
Pronunciation: WIN-tar
Origin: English, German, Swedish
Alias: None
Reason: N/A
Nicknames: Joe, Joey, Ren
Titles: Mr
Age: 21
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: May 12th 1999
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Sraight
Religion: Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, Russian
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Theme Song (Ringtone on Geia’s Phone): 'This Is Gospel' - Panic! At The Disco
Voice Actor: Jonah Hill
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Spokane, Washington, USA
Current Location: Spokane, Washington, USA
Hometown: Spokane, Washington, USA
Height: 6'0" / 182 cm
Weight: 180 lbs / 81 kg
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Sparse
Facial Hair: Clean-Shaven
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) None
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Friends: Adam Nye, Roger Lum, Macario Marino, Enrico Di Napoli
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Byron Winter
Mentor: Byron Winter
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Byron Winter (53, Father), Caprice Winter (R.I.P, Mother, Née Thorne), Pelageya Winter (33, Step-Mother, Née Volkov)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Nathan WInter (33, Brother), Zinnia Turner (30, Sister, Née Winter), Xanthia Winter (24, Sister), Joseph Winter (21, Brother), Venetia Winter (18, Sister), Isaiah Winter (15, Brother), Uliana Winter (12, Half-Sister), Emil Winter (9, Half-Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Genesis Winter (34, Nathan’s Wife, Née Rivers), Patrick Turner (31, Zinnia’s Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Quincy Winter (13, Nephew), Hadley Winter (10, Niece), Bethany Turner (10, Niece)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: N/A
Trainer: N/A
Managers: N/A
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Noting of Note
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phrootsnacks · 2 years
Language Self Studying 12/01/22
Hello! I’m studying Spanish, Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL this coming month, so I’d like to share what resources I’ll be using and what goals I have :)
also this is a long post, so I’ll add my requests for info here too:
If you have suggestions on how to use the Toki Pona Dictionary, I would like to hear them! I know the point of Toki Pona is to come up with ways of saying things on your own, and I’m not really interested in... studying a dictionary... but it is a resource I have, and I would like to know some good ways to use it!
Also, I’m lacking in resources for ASL. There are a lot of ASL resources, especially on YouTube, however I’m having trouble finding ones from Deaf teachers / creators. Language is inextricably tied to culture, and that definitely applies to signed languages and Deaf culture! So if you know of Deaf ASL teachers / creators, or ASL resources created by Deaf people, please let me know!
Estoy estudiando español en escuela, y porque es el término del semestre tengo algunos exámenes - en concreto tengo un examen escrito, un examen oral, y una presentación. Por eso voy a concentrarme primero en ellos. Después, voy a leer Short Stories in Spanish de Olly Richards:
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Siento que mis habilidades de hablar y de escuchar son mejores que mi habilidad de leer. Aunque creo que el nivel es bastante fácil para mí, de verdad encuentro la lectura difícil.
Al tiempo que quiero mejorar mi habilidad de leer, ¡otras habilidades también son importantes! Me gusta mucho el canal Hola Spanish con Brenda Romaniello:
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la enlace: https://www.youtube.com/@HolaSpanish
Estos vídeos me gustan porque son completamente en el español. Para practicar el discurso, posiblemente voy a hablar con mis amigas de El Salvador.  No hemos hablado en un rato, entonces espero que charlemos pronto :)
toki pona
pakala a. mi toki e toki Epanjo la, mi ken ala toki e toki pona.... 0_0
tenpo lili la mi sitelen e lipu suli pi toki pona... mi kama lukin!
nanpa wan: mi jo e Toki Pona Dictionary tan jan Sonja:
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mi sona e ni: toki pona li telo a. ijo suli li jo ala e nimi wan. nasin seme la mi kepeken e lipu ni? sina sona la, o pana sona tawa mi!
nanpa tu: mi wile sona e ni: nasin seme la mi kepeken e nasin toki pi toki pona? tenpo ni la mi sona e nimi, taso mi sona ala e nasin toki. ni la, lipu pi ilo Yutu tan jan Kekan San li pona tawa mi. sitelen tawa ni li jo e sona mute!
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nasin: https://www.youtube.com/@gregdan3d
I’m a bit excited because I’ve have inherited a lot of resources for learning Arabic - textbooks, reference books, children’s books, and a book of Arabic stories with a CD! However because I’m a beginner, I’m just starting with these pamphlets from BarCharts Inc:
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They are very neatly organized and chockfull of information. Because I also want to learn how to read and write in Arabic, I don’t believe I’ll get very far in either of these pamphlets this month. But that’s ok! The rest of the language will still be there when I’m ready!
I also want to focus on the Egyptian dialect, and for that I’ll be using the Egyptian Arabic for beginners course playlist on YouTube from the channel Speak Like an Egyptian:
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link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ9CWldzdmFU-rtgJPdO_cg_IwZFS5SO7
Unlike Arabic, I do not have a lot of resources for this language. I really want to learn from Deaf teachers, but I’m having trouble finding resources (at least, ones that are free / cheap enough for a broke college student). I’m considering getting The ASL App:
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It is made by Deaf people, so that’s a plus, but there are some reviews that have me skeptical and I would prefer to not learn on my phone. However, I will take what I can get!
If you have any opinions on this app or recommendations for ASL resources (especially by Deaf people!), please let me know!
... and that’s it! Wow, you made it all the way to the bottom! Congrats!
Thanks for reading, I hope you have a nice day :)
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jaysunakestor · 1 year
English to Furbish to toki pona ““dictionary””
today, i learned that Furbish is actually kinda a language?? after reading this post by @favoriteanimal and skimming this wiki page, i naturally decided to try to translate all the Furbish words and phrases into my beloved toki pona. oh boy was it a journey!
overall, i feel like toki pona is a much more flexible + efficient little language in comparison to Furbish. the main issue that irked me was the amount of unnecessary variations of the same concept, but made into 3 or more words! (i think this may just be the toki ponist in me.) i’m also not certain, but it seems like Furbish may be a relex?? someone please let me know, if ya know!
however, Furbish still succeeds in what (i believe) it sets out to do: to be a very cute, baby-sounding language that can be used to express many interactions between pet + owner / baby + guardian.
please note:
i was quite tired + made this in the span of about 3 hours!
i am not a toki pona expert and have little experience with Furbies
toki pona is best expressed in context and sometimes requires multiple sentences to convey an idea, so many of these don’t work well to be translated as abstract concepts.
i used some non-standard words (both non-pu and non-ku suli)
if i’ve made any mistakes, please kindly correct me! if you think a phrase could be better expressed a different way, feel free to share!
(above/up/high) oo = sewi / lon sewi
(affirmative) ee = lon
(again/another/more) koh-koh = kin
(and) koh = en
(ask) oh-too-mah = [toki pi wile] seme
(baby) bay-bee = kili mama / jan lili mama
(bad) boo-dah = ike
(be/to be) boh = lon / li (kind of, it’s complicated lol)
(beautiful/pretty) ee-kah = suwi lukin / pona lukin
(best) dee-mak = nanpa wan
(best fun/radical) dee-doo-ay = epiku
(big) dah = suli
(no!/big no) dah-boo = ala a
(big yes) dah-ee-tah = pona a / lon a
(birth/birthday) tee-toh = tenpo pi kama lon
(birthday) toh-toh = sike suno
(boring) koo-dah-way-loh = musi ala
(bottle) bah-bah = poki telo
(change) boo-tay = ante
(cloud) ay-loh-may-lah = ijo kon sewi
(come/coming) bye-bye-oo-bah = kama
(complete) toh = pini
(cute) doh-dee = suwi [lukin]
(dance) noh-lah = tawa musi
(delicious/tastes good) yumm-wah = pilin pi moku pona / moku li pona
(diamond) ay-koo = kiwen mani
(dizzy) ay-way = pilin nasa
(do) doo-dah = pali (i’m not sure of the context of this one, so it’s tricky)
(dog) bar-bar = soweli pona? / soweli jan pi nanpa wan? (i’ve always been bad at translating animal names)
(done) toh-dye = pini
(down) nah-bye = anpa
(dream) way-loo = sitelen lape
(dude) dee-doh = mije / jan o (not sure if this is referring to just “a guy” / or is meant to be like “bro”)
(face) kay-tay = sinpin
(feed/food) ah-tah = moku
(finally) oo-tah-toh-toh = tenpo li lon ni a (this one is tricky)
(friend/buddy) noo-lah = jan pona
(full) oo-loo = pilin pi moku mute
(fun) doo-ay = musi
(funny) doo-loo = musi
(game) doo-ay-loo-lah = musi
(game over) kah boo koo-dah = pini musi / musi li pini
(genius) dah-way = wawa lawa
(give) tah = pana
(go/bye/get out) bye-bye = o tawa pona / o tawa a (not sure if this is supposed to be aggressive or what 😅)
(good/okay) ee-day = pona
(good morning) dah-ay-loh-oo-tye = suno pona
(good night) dah-ay-loh-nah-bah = [o] lape pona
(happy) noo-loo = pilin pona
(have) ah-mah = jo
(health/healthy) koo-doh = sijelo pona / lawa pona (physical health / mental health)
(help) ah-noo = o pona! / o pona e mi! / pana e pona
(hey) hey = toki
(hide) woo-bye = weka lili
(high) oo-tah = sewi
(hmm?/huh?/when?/where?/yeah?/what?) doo? = seme
(home) lay-lah = tomo / tomo mi
(hug) may-lah = pilin pona suli kepeken luka (not sure on this one)
(humor/play/joke) loo = musi
(hungry/eat) ay-tay = pilin moku / moku
(interrogative) doo = seme / anu seme
(island) koo-wah = ma lili / ma lili lon telo suli
(joke) loo-loo = musi
(just kidding/not) kah-loo-loo = mi toki lon ala! / mi toki musi taso / lon ala!
(kiss) may-tah = pilin suwi kepeken uta
(life/nature/living things) tee = lon / ijo lon
(light) ay-loh/a-loh = suli ala (i believe this is supposed to refer to weight? if it’s referring to like a lightbulb, then “suno”)
(lightness) ay = suli ala
(like) toh-loo = ni li pona tawa mi / sina pona tawa mi / mi pona tawa sina anu seme? (this one really only works in a sentence)
(like/similar to/comparative) tay = sama
(listen) ay-ay-lee-koo = kute / o kute
(little/smallness) dee = lili
(live) boh-dah = lon
(log) tee-loh = palisa kasi
(look) ay-ay = lukin / o lukin
(love) may-may = olin
(love it) dah-may-may = ni li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa sina anu seme? (again only really works in a sentence)
(maybe) may-bee = ken la
(me/mine/myself/I) kah = mi
(money) moo-lah = mani
(monster) moh-moh = monsuta
(mountain) koh-dah = nena
(move) noh-bah = tawa
(music) ee-kah-lee-koo = kalama musi
(negative/no/stop) boo = ala / o pini
(no way/big no) dah-boo = ala a!
(noise) bah-boo = kalama
(now) nee-way = tenpo ni
(oh) oh = a
(oh my gosh/OMG) oh-kah-tee = wawa a! / a! / seme a?!
(ok) oh-kay = oke
(over) oo-bah = lon sewi
(party/party time) dah-no-lah = ma musi / tenpo musi
(path) bye-way = nasin
(pet) ah-may = luka suwi / mi luka suwi e sina
(play) loo-lay = musi
(please) doo-mah = sina pona e mi la mi pilin pona (idk if there’s really a good way to say “please” in tok, but here’s a sentence “if you help me, i’ll feel good”)
(pull) ah-loo = luka / pakala lili (depends on context)
(rain) wah-wee-tee = telo sewi
(receive) tah-tah = kama jo
(really?/seriously?) loo-loo-doo? = seme? / ni li lon anu seme?!
(rock - music) boo-koo = kalama musi kiwen (not meant to be literally— i’m describing rock music as kiwen/“hard”)
(rock - nature) koo = kiwen
(sad) boo-noo-loo = pilin ike / pilin laso
(scared) dah-boh-boh = pilin monsuta / monsuta
(sea) ee-wah = telo suli
(shake) koo-bah = tawa suli
(sing) wee-tee = kalama musi uta
(sleep) way-loh = lape
(so) doh = tan
(song) wah-tee = kalama musi
(sound) lee-koo = kalama
(stand) oo-boh = awen noka
(story) wee-loo = lipu musi
(sun) dah-ay-loh = suno
(sweet) nee-may = suwi
(tail) dee-tee-tah = linja monsi sijelo
(talk) noo-noo = toki
(tell) wee-tah = toki
(thank) dah-kah = toki lon te sina pona to
(thank you) dah-kah-oo-nye = sina pona / pona tawa sina
(that’s right) boh-ee-tay = ni li lon / lon
(thinking/mind) way = pilin / isipin / lawa
(tickle) nee-tye = pana e pilin musi
(time) toh-toh = tenpo
(touching/holding) ah = pilin / luka
(touch) tay-boo-koo = pilin / luka
(tree) tee-tah = kasi suli
(twinkle) tee-wee-lah = suno
(uh-huh) uh-huh = lon
(uh-oh) uh-oh = a ike
(uh-uh) uh-uh = ala
(uncle) oo-kah = jan sama mama / jan sama pi mama mi (not sure on this one)
(very) mee-mee = mute
(wassup?) doo-oo-tye? = sina pali seme? / seme li lon ni?
(water/rain) wah = telo
(where are you?) oo-nye-doo? = sina lon seme?
(whoa) whoa = a!
(wise/wisely) wah-lah = sona suli / kepeken sona suli
(wonder) way-nah = isipin / pilin
(worried) boh-bay = pilin monsuta lili
(yay) yay = pona a!
(yea!) wah! = lon a!
(yes) ee-tay = lon
(yippee) yippee = a! / musi a! / pona a!
(you) oo-nye / u-nye = sina
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fioras-resolve · 1 year
sitelen mi: poka seli lili.
I wrote a scene for my game in Toki Pona! I find that it's easier for me to write stuff like this when I do it in this language, because I don't fret too much about things like word choice. I have an English translation of it for my friends, but I'm going to post it without that here because I want to see how TOK speakers interpret it! Click the Read More if you want to see it all!
jan Pin en jan Pijowa en jan Ponpilija en jan Panka li lon poka seli lili.
jan Pin: …pona. jan ale li ken ala ken?
jan Panka: ken.
jan Ponpilija: mi ken.
jan Pijowa: o awen. ijo nanpa wan.
jan Ponpilija: seme?
jan Talija: mi jan Talija, li jan Losa, li jan Ili! mi ale ona!
jan Pin: jan Pijowa. jan mute Pijowa.
jan Pijowa: lon. toki mi li pilin mi. toki mi li wawa mi.
jan Pin: lon, wawa sina li ijo pona!
jan Pijowa: wawa ni li kama tan nimi mi. taso ona li tan sina kin.
jan Pijowa: jan Pin, tenpo pini la sina pana e nimi mi tawa mi. tenpo ni la, sina pana e olin sina tawa mi. kin, sina pana e wile pi tenpo kama pona tawa mi.
jan Pin: …sina pona, jan mute Pijowa.
jan Pijowa: jan Pin o, lukin tawa tenpo kama poka me.
jan Pijowa: jan Ponpilija.
jan Ponpilija: …
jan Pijowa: …mi wile sina.
jan Ponpilija: jan Pijowa… sina wile ala toki e ni…
jan Pijowa: mi wile. jan ale o, kute e ni!
jan Pijowa: “jan pona” en ��jan olin…” li wile ala ante. jan Ponpilija li jan pona mi. mi olin ona!
jan Pijowa: mi olin ala sina tan tenpo pini mi. mi olin sina tan sina. mi pilin pona poka sina. sina luka pona e mi, sina toki e pona tawa mi.
jan Pijowa: mi pilin pona tan sina poka mi. mi. wile. sina.
jan Ponpilija: …mi… mi olin sina, jan Pijowa.
jan Pijowa: taso, jan Panka.
jan Panka li lukin e weka.
jan Panka: …seme.
jan Pijowa li luka tawa jan Panka.
jan Pijowa: …o toki ala e “seme” tawa mi. o kama ni.
jan Panka: …
jan Panka li sijelo olin e jan Pijowa.
jan Panka: mi olin sina.
jan Pijowa: mi sona li olin sina.
sijelo olin li awen.
jan Pijowa: aaa…
jan Panka: nnnnn…
sijelo olin li awen.
jan Panka: mi wile ala pini.
jan Pijowa: sama.
jan Pin: taso, tenpo kama la sina ken sijelo olin mute a.
sijelo olin li awen.
jan Pijowa li uta olin e lawa pi jan Panka, la sijelo olin li pini.
jan Pijowa: pona!
jan ale li jo e sitelen ona.
jan Pin: mi open.
jan Pin li luka e sitelen ona tawa seli.
jan Pin: o pakala e kulupu ma.
jan Ponpilija li luka e sitelen ona tawa seli.
jan Ponpilija: o pakala e pilin ike suli.
jan Panka li luka e sitelen ona tawa seli.
jan Panka: o pakala e wile ike mama.
jan Pijowa li luka ala e ona.
jan Pijowa: …tenpo kama la, mi luka. awen.
jan Pin li luka.
jan Pin: o pakala e wile tawa “mije pona.”
jan Ponpilija li luka.
jan Ponpilija: o pakala e tu pi mije anu meli.
jan Panka li luka.
jan Panka: o pakala e ni: sewi li wile utala e mi tan mi jan mute anu tonsi. mi wile utala e ona.
jan Pin: lon.
jan Pin en jan Ponpilija en jan Panka luka e mute.
jan Ponpilija: …jan Pijo? tenpo ni la sina luka ala luka?
jan Pijowa: …luka.
jan Pijowa: mi toki e wan.
jan Pijowa: o pakala e tenpo pini.
jan Pijowa: o pakala e mi pi tenpo pini.
jan Pijowa: o pakala e sina ale pi tenpo pini.
jan Pijowa: tenpo ni la sina pona. tenpo ni la mi pona. mi pilin pona. tan sina.
jan Pijowa: ni li tenpo kama mi.
jan Ponpilija: pona!! jan Panka: mi olin sina, jan Pijowa!!
jan Pin: toki sina li pona!
jan Pijowa li luka e sitelen ale tawa seli. seli li suli. jan ale li kalama pona.
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dutchjan · 3 months
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March 12, 2024
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oh-to-linger-here · 1 year
nasin suli
(A toki pona translation of "Thoroughfare" by Ethel Cain)
tenpo jan lili la sina kama olin e ma Mewika
tenpo ni la sina wile lukin e ni ale
sina olin e mama sina en olin ona
la sina wile tawa li alasa e olin suwi
mi kama sona e sina lon ma Teka lon nasin suli
mi jo len pakala en palisa utala
mi olin ala jan taso sina toki: "suwi, o kama lon seme"
la mi tawa insa, li ken ala ante
tawa la poki tawa sina pona
[wan sin]
sina toki "a! o kama lukin e ma Wesi poka mi
tan olin li lon ni, mi wile kama jo e ni"
mi toki "suwi, olin ala suli tawa mi
taso sina wile la mi kama poka sina"
mi tu lon nasin tawa ma Kali
sina wile jo olin sina lon ni
lon tomo moku ale
lukin e mi, tenpo wan
lon tomo lape ni
mi lukin ante e sina
tan tenpo wan la mi lukin mije:
ona toki ala ike wawa
ona li toki: tenpo suli la mi tawa tan ma Polita
tenpo ni jan mi ala li lon ni
taso poka sina mi sona e tawa lon seme
mi kama jo e ma sewi
en tenpo tan unpa
suno sina en telo mi
sina weka e sina
li jo ala kon li jo selo telo
[wan sin]
[nasin sewi]
poka telo la sina toki: "pini nasin,
monsi tenpo mute la
mi kama jo ala olin taso mi tawa lon ni"
sina kama e mi li lukin anpa e mi
li toki "o lukin e ni: mi jo e sina
ken la sina li olin mi, mi pilin e ni"
[wan sin]
tan tenpo ale la mi wile taso lon insa poki tawa sina poka sina
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kon-lin · 1 year
tenpo kule li lon. ma tomo mi la, tomo mute li jo e len kule. ni li pona a! taso, ijo wan li pana e pilin pi pona ala tawa mi.
tenpo 1978 la, len kule pi ma tomo Pilitapija li kama lon. ona li pana pona tawa jan mute pi selo pi kule ante. ni li pona! len kule ni li lukin sama ni:
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taso tenpo 2018 la, len kule sin li kama lon. len ni li pana pona tawa jan ale sama, li pana pona kin tawa jan tonsi. ni li pona mute! ona li lukin sama ni:
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ijo ike li ni: tomo pi mute lili lon ma tomo mi li jo e len kule nanpa wan, li jo ala e len kule nanpa tu....ni li pona ala tawa mi. mi lukin e ona li isipin e ni: ken la jan tonsi li pona ala tawa jan lon tomo ni. len kule ni li pana pona ala tawa jan sama mi. ni li lon tan seme? sina jan tonsi la, sina pilin seme lon ni? mi wile sona. o toki tawa mi.
jan tonsi en jan kule, o pona <3
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jurjenkvanderhoek · 10 months
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De fotograaf kiekt het moment. Zet een specifiek ogenblik vast in de tijd. Pint het op het prikbord van de geschiedenis. Gijs Dragt zoekt plekken op die ooit door schilders eerder werden vastgelegd. Op doek lijken deze momenten bevroren te zijn, maar in verf komt de omgeving in stilstand juist tot leven. Dragt vond de straten, de paden, de huizen, het uitzicht die Jos Lussenburg, Ben Viegers en Jan van Vuuren als vertegenwoordigers van de Veluwse schilders een eeuw eerder hebben gezien en vastgelegd. Deze plekken zijn veranderd nu, de tand des tijds heeft eraan gevreten. Of ze zijn verdwenen, uitgegumd en weggezakt in vergetelheid. Die omgeving, dat uitzicht geeft Dragt een nieuw gezicht in zijn project dat tot stand kwam in nauwe samenwerking met het Noord-Veluws Museum. Dragt legt de actuele situatie vast en zet het later nog digitaal naar zijn hand. De beweging van de tijd brengt hij in de compositie in. Deze verglijdt letterlijk in zijn beeld.
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De mens kijkt met plezier over de schouder. Ziet graag terug in de tijd. Zelfs heeft de mens wel heimwee naar eerder. Hoe zag namelijk de wereld er toen destijds uit, hoe lag het erbij en ervoor vroeger. Zijn er nog herkenningspunten nu of is de schop er in gegaan. De herinnering kleurt veelal helder op, ook wanneer het aandenken zwart en grauw is. De mooie gedachten blijven, al hadden deze schaduwkanten die weggesleten zijn. Een gevleugelde uitspraak bij het omkijken is: 'vroeger was alles beter'. Het is eeuwig zonde wanneer een natuurgebied moet plaats maken voor een nieuwe wijk. Of dat een monumentaal gebouw plat gaat omwille van de vooruitgang. De omgeving dient zich te vernieuwen wil het zichzelf in stand kunnen houden. Natuurbranden zijn de gewoonste zaak van de wereld, daarna herstelt de natuur zich snel weer. Echter de mate waarin de mens de aarde om zeep helpt is in deze eeuw ongekend.
Terugkijken dat kan, vooruitkijken is onmogelijk. Naar wat geweest is en is voorbij gegaan kan met een nostalgische blik worden gekeken. Naar dat wat in de toekomst nog komen gaat valt te gissen. Misschien kan een logaritme uitkomst bieden of een glazen bol. Planologen plannen de toekomst, althans dat proberen ze. Maar de tijd gooit meestal roet in het eten, dat niet zo heet wordt gegeten als het is opgediend. De toekomst voorspellen is een heikele zaak. Daarom, omdat wat voor ons ligt ongewis is, kijken wij met belangstelling terug. Treden we graag in de voetsporen van voorgangers met naam en toenaam. Ook al zijn die voetsporen in de tijd onduidelijk geworden. We lopen graag de weg die iemand voor ons is gegaan. Dan herkennen we vroeger. Proeven de sfeer van weleer.
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Kunstenaar Gijs Dragt trad in de voetsporen van enkele schilders die ooit de Veluwse omgeving vast hebben gelegd. Hij keek achterom en zocht de plekken op die deze schilders in verf op doek in beeld brachten. Nam er foto's van en bewerkte deze, zodat er een bewegend beeld in de tijd is ontstaan. In de composities is de sfeer van weleer te proeven. Kleurvegen geven de vertaling van gister naar vandaag aan. Dragt heeft niet het moment stil gezet, maar juist door laten klinken. Het galmt over het beeldvlak. De aan de hand van schilderijen gevonden plekken echoën in de tijd. Het zicht is gewijzigd of helemaal verdwenen. Maar het verleden klinkt in het heden. Voor de schilders is Dragt een ziener, een voorziener. Hij ziet wat zij zagen en hoopten te zien.
Het reizen en onderzoeken, het herbeleven is van alle tijden. Gijs Dragt reist in de voetsporen van drie beeldend kunstenaars op de noordelijke Veluwe. Hij reist terug in de tijd van een eeuw geleden en vindt er het zijn van nu in terug. Op zoek naar de locaties van de schilderijen, indien mogelijk naar hetzelfde standpunt. Hij kijkt, observeert, fotografeert, en laat zien wat er veranderd is, wat nog hetzelfde. De effecten maakt hij met de camera tijdens het fotograferen en later op de computer thuis met digitale programma's. Zijn werkwijze is te vergelijken met die van de schilders, die thuis in het atelier hun schilderijen vervolmaakten. En Dragt vraagt zich af hoe het er op die plek een eeuw later nog uit zal zien. Zoals die schilders zich dat toen ook afvroegen, maar er alleen hun gedachten over konden laten gaan. Met de nu beschikbare digitale technieken kan Dragt vooruit kijken in de tijd.
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Korte levensbeschrijvingen in het boek “De Noord-Veluwe fotografisch geschilderd” doen mij de drie kunstenaars kennen die de fotograaf naliep. De manier waarop zij hun inspiratie uit de omgeving wisten vorm te geven. Het gebied doorkruisten om karakteristieke plekken meest en plein air vast te leggen en uit te werken. Het is niet zo verwonderlijk dat Gijs Dragt in Jos Lussenburg, Ben Viegers en Jan van Vuuren voorbeelden zag om na te volgen. Het boek geeft voldoende vergelijksmateriaal. Schilderijen zijn afgedrukt naast de composities die Dragt vormgaf. Zo kan de sfeer van toen worden geproefd en de vertaling van nu daarnaast worden gelegd. Bij de ene schilder zijn de vastgelegde plekken eenvoudiger in het heden te vinden dan bij de andere. Toch is Dragt op zoek gegaan en heeft voldoende aanknopingspunten gevonden om de plekken te vinden waarmee hij zijn verhaal over de Veluwe kan vertellen. Want dat is Gijs Dragt, een verhalenverteller. Zijn eerste en laatste woorden zijn de situatie van de Veluwse schilders en de locatie van nu. Daartussen vertelt hij zijn verhaal in een abstracte belijning, een kleuring van de herinnering. Dragt laat het niet bij het vastleggen van een beeld, meer nog wil hij een voorstelling creëren. Een compositie maken uit een bestaande situatie om zo een nieuw inzicht te scheppen. Zoals de schilder in het landschap, het stilleven of dorpsgezicht een ongeziene ziel legt.
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Over Gijs Dragt is geen biografie afgedrukt, maar wel een beschrijving van zijn inspiratie en werkwijze. En op welke manier hij tot het project kwam om de Noord-Veluwe fotografisch te schilderen en daarmee trad in de voetsporen van Lussenburg, Viegers en Van Vuuren. Hoe de wereld er door zijn lens uitziet, want zegt hij “fotografie is het bevriezen van een moment dat direct daarna geschiedenis is. Dit heeft een magische betekenis. Het vertegenwoordigt een fractie van de seconde, waar je deelgenoot van was.” Die ene tel, dat het diafragma zich opent en het licht van de voorstelling in het hart van de camera binnenlaat, manipuleert Dragt later met het brein van de computer. Hij wil dat moment laten doorgaan, in beweging zetten. Aan die geschiedenis brengt hij een dynamiek zodat het voortduurt in het heden. Het verleden van gisteren is in zijn werk de blik in de toekomst. In de publicatie komen heden en verleden samen, lees ik, net zoals stilstand en beweging, mythe en werkelijkheid. fotografie en schilderkunst. Met de tijd als verbindende factor.
In zijn essay herhaalt Mischa Andriessen dat nog eens. Ik citeer: “In zijn kleurrijke beelden verbindt Dragt fotografie en schilderkunst, verbindt hij heden en verleden, verbindt hij stilstand en beweging. En verbindt hij wie kijken wil met wie gekeken heeft. Hij heeft een vorm gevonden waarin het er allemaal is. Allemaal op hetzelfde ogenblik. We zien wat hij heeft gezien, maar oom wat Lussenburg, Viegers en Van Vuuren hebben gezien, én wat zij hoogstwaarschijnlijk hadden willen zien. Dat gulle kijken is wat Dragt met de kijker deelt.”
De Noord-Veluwe fotografisch geschilderd. Gijs Dragt in de voetsporen van Jos Lussenburg, Ben Viegers en Jan van Vuuren. Teksten Lies van de Beek, Mischa Andriessen. Catalogus bij tentoonstelling in Noord-Veluws Museum tot 8 oktober 2023. Uitgave VanSpijk [photo] ArtBooks, 2023.
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tissitpoispaita · 2 years
toki mi jan Eponi Pi'meja Temensija Wewen We li jo e linja lawa suli ni: kule pi kasi suli pimeja (ni la mi kama jo e nimi mi) en linja lili mute pi laso loje en pini linja loje. ona li lon meso pi monsi mi. lukin mi li laso lete li lukin sama sike pi telo lukin. jan mute a li toki e ni tawa mi: mi lukin sama jan Emili (TPJS: sina sona ala e ni ona li jan seme la o weka pakala tan ni!). mi jan sama ala pi jan Sewa We taso mi wile e ni tan ni: ona li jan suwi unpa pakala a. mi monsuta pi moku pi telo loje taso kiwen uta mi li pona li walo. mi jo e selo walo a. kin la mi meli pi wawa nasa li lon tomo sona pi wawa nasa. ona li tomo Okuwa li lon ma Inli. mi lon tenpo sike nanpa luka tu (mi jan pi tenpo sike luka luka luka tu). tenpo mute la mi jo e len pimeja. mi olin e tomo esun Otopi li esun e len ale mi tan ona.
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abalidoth · 2 years
I oughta just post in toki pona sometimes to keep my followers on their toes.
tenpo suno ni la, mi en jan pi pona suli mi li tawa lon esun pi kiwen sijelo. jan pona mi li kama jo e kiwen kute. ni li pona mute!
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