#joe trohman x reader fluff
Opening Presents - Joe Trohman x Reader
Prompt: O: Opening presents (How do they react to opening presents?) Reader: Reader and Joe are married, can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Word count: 597
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Sighing you patted snow off your coat before you entered the house. It had snowed all day already, and while in the beginning it had been magical, now you were tired from carefully sliding home, taking almost an hour instead of the fifteen minutes the way usually took you.
“I’m home,” you announced loudly, wondering if your husband Joe was even home. You put down the little bag you had picked up on your way home, placed your jacket on a coat hanger, and took off your shoes. At that moment he poked his head around the corner.
“What took you so long,” he whined, shuffling into the hallway. He was dressed in an oversized sweater and some sweatpants, his feet covered in fuzzy, soft socks.
“Have you seen the weather,” you asked laughing. Your fingers were cold, and your nose was running a little, but it felt good to be home. You walked over to Joe and wrapped your arms around him, pressing your cold hands against the skin on his lower back, undernather his sweater. He flinched.
“Exactly, that’s why I was worried,” he mumbled.
“I just picked up something along the way,” you said, and pulled away. “Come on.”
You grabbed the little bag, took Joe’s hand and pulled him into the living room.
“This is not food,” he stated with an almost judgemental glance at the blue and silver paper bag.
“No, it’s not,” you plopped down on the sofa, Joe following immediately, nuzzling into your side like a sleepy cat. Ignoring his attempt to kiss your neck, you pushed the bag into his lap.
“Wait, it’s for me?”
You nodded with a grin.
“But it’s not even Christmas yet!”
“It’s not really a gift anyway. More practical than anything,” you shrugged, pretending not to notice Joe’s curious gaze.
He puckered his lips, and sat up to look into the bag. He looked like a dishevelled bird investigating an interesting new object. You giggled.
He shot you a side glance before reaching inside, and pulling out a palm-sized, black box.
“Mysterious,” he winked at you, and you laughed again.
“Don’t expect too much!”
Joe joined your laughter and flipped open the lid of the small box, revealing a wrist watch. His eyes widened in surprise as he recognised the model he had been eyeing in the mall every time you had been there for months since his old watch had broken.
“How did you know,” he asked, baffled, pulling the watch from its casing and slipping it on. It fit perfectly.
“I do pay attention, you know,” you pretended to pout, but a smile spread over your face as you watched Joe turn his wrist in different directions, marvelling at your gift.
“Thank you so much,” he grinned, and turned to face you, wrapping his arms around you. “But I could have gotten it myself, too.”
“But let’s be honest here for a moment: you never would have. You would have gone back to the cheaper model which you don’t quite like as much and would have made up some poor excuse. So let me treat you every once in a while, will you?”
Joe looked at you for a long moment, taking in your words and wondering how it was possible you were so perceptive and kind, and how he had managed to end up with someone as wonderful as that.
“Thank you,” he repeated, sincerity heavy in his voice, before he leant over and placed a sweet kiss on your lips.
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@alexstyx​​ @jayloverthe3rd​​ @robinruns​​ @lookalivefrosty​​ @butterflycore​​  @omgsuperstarg​​ @fivelegance​​ @casmustdiee​​ @cmtryghoul​​  
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suulponk · 2 years
Hai! I've decided to start a bandom writing blog!! :]
I'll write for any member of Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and Cobra Starship! I do X Readers (any gender, but i prefer to write gn or male). I also do member x member. I do any genre!
When requesting specify the person, reader pronouns (if applicable), genre and any specific ideas you have! I will not do anything that could be deemed "proship" (incest, pedophilia, noncon/cnc, zoophilia [including furries]) and if you were going to request something along those lines please block me!
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mychemicalbarrett · 3 months
mychemicalbarrett's masterlist
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Gerard Way:
Mikey Way:
Nothing yet!
Frank Iero:
Ray Toro:
Nothing yet!
Pete Wentz:
Patrick Stump:
Nothing yet!
Joe Trohman:
Nothing yet!
Andy Hurley:
William Beckett:
Nothing yet!
Ryan Ross:
Nothing yet!
Dallon Weekes:
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topimagines · 6 years
Summary:  Where do people go when they die? Well, for the least lucky people in the world, hell is waiting. But what happens when these people do go to hell? And how did you end up there?    
Warning: death, hell, mentions of religion, language, mentions of suicide, adultery, ashley is back, graphic ish depiction of death, brendon being a cocky motherfucker 
A/N: do not repost any work on this blog without explicit permission from me or kat. I dont know how much i like this part but its here
Part 1// Part 2//Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6// Part 7// Part 8
"And that, more or less, is what happened," Brendon said.
"That's it?”
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"You know sweetheart, you have quite the personality," Brendon stated, "You remind me of my old lover. Quite the spitfire, that girl." He took you by surprise and sat down, legs crossed over one another, on the ground. He looked up at you expectedly, eyes telling you to join him.
"How exactly do I have quite the personality?" You asked, taking a seat across from him, sitting the same way.
"Making my best Knight a hormone crazed teenager," he said with a chuckle, "If you saw his dreams, well, let's just say, he ain't getting in to heaven any time soon." Brendon, as opposed to the red and pink eyes you had seen before, had brown eyes. They glimmered in the light and looked as if they were as deep as the ocean, "Something on your mind, sweet cheeks?"
You did have something on your mind, and it wasn't why you were being taken to him, or why everyone was hiding things from you. No, in that moment, you only had one big, fat question. One you had on your mind as long as you had been in Hell.
"How did Tyler get damned to hell?"
"Oh sweetheart, that’s quite the story, you sure you want to hear it?"
"Either that or you let me wake up and I'll go take a nice swim."
Brendon looked deep into your eyes. No matter how fiendish the devil was, he couldn't read you, tell when you were bluffing, or read into you. Your file was the only thing he could read about you. He expected that, because he knew what you did while you were alive and what you were, but he did not know he'd be this susceptible to your charms.
If you could even call what you were doing charming.
"Well, it started when a truck ran a red light..."
A long time ago, a tragic accident took the lives of a famous band; Twenty One Pilots. A semi-truck ran a red light, hitting the side of the tour bus with such force, it flipped twice and landed belly up in the intersection.
Jenna Joseph was found dead on the scene, having broken her neck and suffered fatal brain damage that would have rendered her brain-dead if she hadn't suffered the neck injury. Tyler Joseph was pronounced dead on arrival to the hospital, his cause of death severe trauma to his head and abdomen. Josh Dun was in critical condition when he entered the hospital doors and died after his second surgery to stop internal bleeding. He was thrown out of the window of the bus, doctors were surprised he made it to the hospital alive.
Brendon found the files on his desk the morning after all three were officially pronounced dead. He sat down in his large black office chair and looked over the pictures on the front of each of the folders.
"Ashley, would you come here," he said into his intercom. Ashley, his secretary, slid into the room seconds later. Her pink eyes were drawn to the floor as she walked.
"Yes, Mr. Samael, sir?" She answered.
"Come around here, and don’t call me that. It's Brendon, now," he chuckled. Ashley quickly walked to his side of the desk and looked down at the folders, "Ok, so, here we have Jenna Joseph," he said, opening up the folder and laying it on the desk so Ashley could read it too, "repented for sins, was not a liar, didn’t participate in drug use, only had premarital sex."
"Sounds like she doesn’t belong in hell," Ashley said, pink eyes scanning the form laying in front of them, "More like a purgatory thing."
"My thoughts exactly, sweetheart," he said, "Alright, we'll send her file to Patrick. Now, Tyler Joseph," he closed Jenna's file and tossed it into his 'out' box. He picked up Tyler's manila folder and flipped it open, "My, oh my. Tyler, you're not who I thought you'd be."
"Is that a...?"
"That’s a stamp already damning Tyler to hell," Brendon said, "Father isn't too pleased with something Tyler did." Brendon flipped through the pages and whistled when he finally saw the fateful text, "Oh, damn."
"Oh, poor Tyler," Ashley said, her hand moving up to cover her perfect pink lips.
"Multiple suicide attempts, he went down for two minutes once," Brendon side, "He was doomed and didn’t even know it." He shut the folder and placed it in his 'in' box. He reached for the final folder, and before he flipped it open, he was shocked by just how thick the folder was, "Oh Josh, you've either been a very bad boy or you were awe-inspiringly charitable," he said before opening the folder, "Now, I was not expecting that."
"Adultery? He cheated on his partners?" Ashley asked, "Are you sure he isn’t an incubus?"
"No, it's very surprising, but he’s something else," Brendon said, "he was definitely a fighter, not a lover. But, he never beat a girlfriend. Or boyfriend."
"I've never heard of someone being sent to hell for just that, God is kind of lenient, so what is he?" Ashley stated.
Brendon chuckled, shaking his head at the young succubus, "God has his reasons, he gave this folder to me for one reason or another, we'll just have to find out."
"Good luck with that."
"And that, more or less, is what happened," Brendon said.
"That's it? Suicide attempts?"
"Dad isn't too pleased when one of his 'children' try to hurt themselves," Brendon answers, "Now, since I so gracefully gave you and Tyler only a week to get through my land of the dead, you are going to wake up in three..."
"Wait, I have more questions!"
"Two..." He stood from his spot across from you and fixed his perfect, red suit. His eyes flashed black as he stared you down. He had a smile on his face as the black room started spinning around you. The wind alone would have knocked you from your feet if you were standing, but Brendon stayed planted to the ground, smiling down at your confused form. You felt the dizziness increasing as the spinning got faster.
"Are you fucking kidding-"
"One... see you soon, baby girl."
You woke with a start. The dream was still fresh in your mind as you took in your surroundings. You had fallen asleep on one of the couches in the living room, on top of Tyler. You looked down at the demon, whose eyes were still closed and breathing was even. His face looked more peaceful than it ever had since the day you met and went through limbo. One of your arms was tucked under your head and the other was by your side, fingers intertwined with Tyler's. Tyler had an arm wrapped around your waist.
"Tyler..." You whispered, moving your hand from his to poke him in the face, "Ty Ty, wake up," you poked him again on his cheek.
His eyes slowly opened and he looked down at you, "what time is it?" He groaned. You shrugged your shoulders and moved to get off of Tyler's chest.
“We only have a six days left on our limit, so we best get going,” you stated, stretching and cracking your creaky bones after you stood.
“Oh come on, heresy is one of the smallest circles, no need to stop, we can stay in bed a few more hours,” Tyler groaned. He was comfortable on the couch, and he never noticed how much he truly missed cuddling with someone.
“We’re going, Tyler. We can stop somewhere after, since it’s so small.”
Tyler groaned once more before rolling off the couch, hitting the red carpet with a soft thud.
"Thanks for offering to walk us out, but you really didn't need to," Tyler said to Joe. He had insisted before you two had left that he would walk you to the border of Anger. You and Tyler had changed into some regular clothes, extras that Joe had from all the times he had visitors passing through (including Tyler, who visited multiple times), which was underwhelmingly a white t-shirt and some black jeans. You felt Eveningstar digging into your back slightly. You had tucked it into your waistband when changing, remembering that Tyler said to put it somewhere no one could get it. You had considered the front, but didn’t want to risk stabbing yourself in the chest if the sheath came off.
"I just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you next to the pool, Brendon isn't pleased that I let her fall into the Styx," Joe chuckled drily, scratching the back of his neck as he walked with you. You were on the side closest to the wall of the indoor pool with Tyler holding your hand almost tight enough to cut off the circulation in your hand.
You continued to walk in silence on the concrete by the pool, paying no mind to the screams of the tortured souls and the evil laughter of water-based demons, torturing the angry people.
Once you reached the door with a neon red exit sign. The door was similar to the one you used to enter the ring. You turned to Joe and gave him a quick hug, thanking him for saving you from the Styx and giving you a place to sleep.
“No problem, girly,” he answered. He didn’t loosen his grip for a moment, and when you tried pulling away, he pulled you back in, and leaned in to whisper in your ear, “you be careful, okay? Remember everything Tyler said to you last night. You’re gonna need it.”
“How did you-“
“I guess it’s to let you go, before all Hell breaks loose!” Joe chuckled at his own pun, letting you go. Tyler rolled his eyes, and gave Joe a final pat on the back.
“We’ll come back to visit, promise,” Tyler said, “always do.”
Joe laughed and nodded his head before turning around and finally walking back toward the pool. Tyler took your hand and led you out of double doors that led to a short hallway. The hallway was a bright, neon yellow, and the carpet was bright red. The door at the end was yellow, but a little less bright and obnoxiously happy compared to the halls.
“Let’s get this over with,” Tyler sighed, opening up the door and leading you through to…
A field?
There was grass beneath your shoe clad feet and yellow flowers budding every few inches. There was a bright, red-orange tint from the sun, but everything was very happy looking.
“Don’t let it fool you, we haven’t walked far enough in,” Tyler said, tucking one hand into the pocket of his black jeans and took your hand into the other.
He led you farther and farther into the circle, and you finally saw what he was talking about. There were many tombs, close together, filled with flames lining the path you walked in. Tyler looked straight ahead as he walked, dragging you along behind him. It was eerily quiet, no demons to be found, not screams of the Damned, and no music playing from mysteriously placed speakers.
“This is why no one is assigned to this circle, they’d go absolutely mad with the silence,” Tyler said, his voice tense. As if he’d been holding his breath the entire time you had been in the circle.
Once you had finally exited the circle via the large entrance of a building similar to Ashley’s HQ, you and Tyler let out a giant sigh of relief. You looked around the building and immediately recognized it as the lobby to an upper class apartment complex that you and Tom had stayed in while you were filming in New York.
Weird, I wonder why this is here, you thought, maybe if Brendon visits again, I can ask him.
“Brendon sure changed this place,” Tyler said, “it’s been a long time since I’ve stayed here.” Tyler led you to the lift, clicking the up button. The lift dinged before opening up for you two to get in.
“I’ve stayed here before,” you whispered. Tyler looked at you with curiosity in his eyes, as if saying to go on, “me and Tom lived in this building in New York. It was really posh and high end.”
“Wasn’t expecting you to be a fat cat,” Tyler said with a chuckle.
“You don’t know a lot about me, then.”
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jammydodger3579 · 7 years
Secretly Flirting
Patrick Stump X Reader
Request: ‘1: “Are you flirting with me?” but could you make it so that the two were flirting, then making out and Pete or Joe walks in?’ (I got two requests so I put them together)
Warnings: Nothing really, just sweet adorable fluff.
A/N: Yea, so I got two requests for this, so I decided to put them together. Hope you don’t mind. Gif not mine.
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You were with the band, watching them practice for Rock In Rio. Every now and then, Patricks bright blue eyes would fall on yours. You two haven’t told anyone that you’re together, but you were already close, so whenever you guys “flirted” (as Pete would put it) it didn’t seem unusual.
The boys called it a night and went back to their hotel, except for you and Patrick. You helped him pack up until you both collapsed on the nearby couch.
“You liked watching us?” Patrick said, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Like always. Although, it’s seemed like you kept getting distracted by my awesomeness” You flicked you hair behind you, causing Patrick to chuckle at how adorable you were.
“I’ll have to admit that yes, you are quite awesome. And very cute” He looked at you and smiled.
You gasped. “Patrick Martin Stump! Are you complementing me?” You smiled cheekily
Patrick then gasped himself. “Y/N M/N L/N! Are you flirting with me?” You giggled and push your lips to his. He smiled through the kiss before saying “I’m going to take that as a yes?”
“No, I’m not flirting with you, I’m making out with you”
“I don’t mind that” Patrick pulled you onto his lap and started to pepper your face with kisses.
“Hey, 'Trick, are you busy- Jesus, okay. Yes, yes you are busy.. umm…” Pete stood at the door awkwardly. You and Patrick broke away and you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable Patrick looked when he was embarrassed.
“Oh ah Pete. Hey” Patrick started.
“Don’t worry.. you don’t owe me an explanation.You two were bound to happen soon. I was just surprised it’s been this long..”
“We actually, we’ve been together for a couple months now..” You said.
“Okay, well I won’t keep you guys apart for long.. Patrick, I’ll text you soon” And with that, Pete left, closing the door behind him.
You smiled and resumed you position on Patricks lap and started kissing his neck, causing his breathing to start to speed up.
“Can’t you wait till we get back to the hotel? Or are you to eager?” Patrick said, putting his hands on your lap.
“Nope, and yep” You mumbled against his neck.
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emmalosthermind · 7 years
A Patrick imagine for youuuuuuuuuu
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
Christmas/Winter Alphabet - G is for Grateful
Pairing: Joe Trohman x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Word Count: ~500 Author’s Note: Some Take This To Your Grave era fluff
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Joe bounced on his heels nervously as he waited outside (YN)’s front door. He hadn’t called ahead and he just hoped she’d be home on the snowy December evening.
“Joe? What are you doing here?” (YN)’s roommate Molly asked when she opened the door.
“Is (YN) home?” He asked, glancing over her shoulder.
“(YN)! You have company!” Molly shouted before retreating back to the couch to resume the show she was watching.
(YN) walked out, the confusion leaving her face when she saw Joe in the doorway. “Hey! What’s up?”
“I umm,” he glanced over at Molly sitting on the couch. “Can we go someplace to talk?”
“Oh, yea sure,” she nodded and motioned for him to follow her back to her room. Joe took a deep breath as she shut the door behind her and sat down at the edge of her bed. “You can sit if you want.”
Joe swallowed thickly before nodding and sitting down a respectable distance from her. “So it’s the holiday season and I heard somewhere it’s a good time to tell people how you feel. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life (YN). You’ve always been so supportive of the band, and me and everything, especially this year when everything has been taking off.”
He watched as a smile grew across her face. “Of course, you’re my favorite. I mean, you and your band are my favorite,” she corrected, but the blush on her cheeks gave her away.
“You’re my favorite too (YN),” Joe replied, looking down at his hands. “And that’s why I wanted to be totally honest with you, you mean the world to me and I got you something.”
(YN) watched as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a flat, square box. He handed it to her and she opened it carefully. 
“What’s engraved on here?” She asked as she pulled out the gold bracelet.
“The date of the day we met.”
“How do you remember that?” When she looked up, Joe realized tears were forming in her eyes.
“I could never forget. I’m sorry if this ruins our friendship, but I love you (YN),” he said softly.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” she said as happy tears streamed down her face. She leaned forward and grabbed Joe’s face between her hands and kissed him hard.
A while late (YN) walked Joe back out to the door, Molly still on the couch. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said.
“Sounds good,” she smiled. “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he smiled back, before leaning in and kissing her goodbye.
After (YN) shut the door with a contented sigh, she glanced over at her roommate. “Sooo that happened,” she grinned.
“‘Bout time,” Molly mumbled, barely taking her eyes off the tv. “Anyone could see you two were totally in love.”
(YN) rolled her eyes before floating off her room to spend the night dreaming about what was to come with Joe.
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beebomeebo · 7 years
Don’t Go
Type: angst/fluff
Request// “Okay so the joe fic.. The overall is basically reader takes a like pregger test and it turns out positive and reader is scared to tell how bc they weren't married but engaged and how didn't want kids atm (he eventually wanted them but like not that sec yknw) anyway he is like shocked and doesn't say anything so reader leaves and comes back and like how is upset with himself and then see reader and says that he is happy and he is sorry for making reader freak out (this is super fucking specific)
(A/N) this is gonna be hella short and this is gonna be more like a small drabble. (and by short, I mean longer than most of my smuts.) This is my first angst fic so I hop ya’ll like ittttttt. I'm also changing it a little bit. #sorry
Warnings: pregnancy, tears, angst, fluff, a little bit of alcohol, FRIENDSHIP
Pairing: Joe Trohman x Reader
Word Count: 3K
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“I don’t know what I’m going to do!” I run my fingers through my hair.
“Have you told Joe yet?” Jenna asks, attempting to calm my nerves.
“Not yet.” I stare at the floor, my head spinning. “I don’t know how he’ll react.”
“Maybe it messed up? How many did you take?” Jenna places her hand on my shoulder.
“And they all came up as positive?”
I stand up and begin to pace in front of the couch. Suddenly, I hear Joe’s car pull up into the driveway. Jenna and I exchange worried looks. Before I could react to the situation the front door swings open.
“Hi, babe.” Joe closes the door and plants a kiss on my forehead. “Oh, hi Jenna.” He waves to Jenna- who was on the couch. Jenna waves back.
“Well, I better get going. Tyler’s making dinner.” Jenna flashes me a smile and grabs her things. As I escort her to the door she whispers, “Good luck.”
“Uh, Joe?” I turn around to an empty living room. I fidget with the ring on my finger that Joe had proposed to me with only two weeks prior.
“Yeah, babe?” He shouts from the bedroom.
“I need to tell you something.” My anxiety kicks in. Don’t tell him. He’ll leave you. No, he won’t, he loves me. No, he doesn’t. You guys aren’t ready for kids. He’s going on tour soon. What are you supposed to do when the baby can’t see his dad for the first three months of their life? Suddenly, it becomes harder to breathe and I lose my balance, crashing on the couch.
“Yeah?” Joe walks into the living room and notices me hyperventilating. He rushes to me and pulls me to his chest. He begins rocking back and forth and whispering, “Hey baby, it’s ok. Whatever it is, it’s ok.”
After about ten minutes I finally calm down enough to talk. I keep my face buried in Joe’s chest for a while longer as I attempt to silence the voices.
“Are you ok, baby?” Joe lifts my face and examines it with immense concern.
“Joe,” I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. “My period is late. Like, really late.”
He stares at me blankly. “Ok, well what does that mean?”
“It’s a sigh of pregnancy.” My voice trails off as Joe’s face throws into full shock. Wide eyes stare at me as if I’m a completely new person.
“A-Are you sure? Did you do a pregnancy test?” Joe shoots onto his feet.
Reaching for his hand I reply, “Yes. I did four of them.”
Joe begins to pace like I was before. “What are we going to do? We’re not even married yet!” Joe’s voice raises.
I feel tears poking at my eyes as I stammer an uncertain answer. Soon I’m completely crying in front of Joe.
“I need to think.” Joe quickly jogs down the hallway.
“W-Where are you g-going?” I stutter through the sobs. He ignores me as he heads straight for the front door. “Wait!” I lunge to try and grasp his wrist but he slips out the door before I could catch a hold of him. The door slams and I keep my arm extended towards the door before sobbing harder and crawling up into a ball on the couch.
I finally calm myself enough to walk into mine and Joe’s bedroom. I reach for my cell phone and bring enough energy to dial Joe’s phone. Taking a deep breath, I put the phone up to my ear and listen to the other line ring. I hear a faint ring behind me and I turn around to direct my attention to it. A cell phone buzzes against the nightstand and flashes a picture of Joe and I. I pick up the phone and begin to cry harder, reminiscing the memories that Joe and I shared. I crash into the king-sized bed and sob again.
A buzzing from my own phone pulls me from my tears. Jenna’s face pops onto my screen and I try my best to pull myself together as quickly as I can before sliding my thumb across the accept button. “Hey.”
“Hey! How did it go with Joe?” I can hear voices behind her and loud music.
“He walked out on me,” I mumble.
“He what?” Jenna asks.
“He walked out. All he said was that needed to think. He left his cellphone here and I can’t get a hold of him.” My words jumble together to form one incoherent sentence. I can’t help but let myself sob again.
“Hold on. I’ll be right there.” Jenna shouts before hanging up. I let the phone fall from my fingers I stare blankly at the wooden floor. I don’t even have enough energy to cry. My body falls back into the sheets and I stare up at my ceiling.
It’s not long before I hear my front door open and Jenna’s heel clicks down the hallway. “Y/N, sweetie.” Her soft voice wraps around my brain.
“In here,” I shout, still maintaining my lifeless position.
The clicks become louder and quicker as she rounds the corner into my room. “Oh sweetie,” Jenna speaks softly, meeting me on the bed. She pulls me to sit up and holds my head to her. I begin sobbing again.
“It’s ok. Let it all out.” Jenna rubs my arm as she allows me to vent. I spill everything: how Joe makes me feel, how much I loved him, how much he made me laugh. I go on to explain that he goes on tour soon and that the baby would be born while he’s on the other side of the country.
For a while, Jenna just lets me cry. “Let’s go get you cleaned up,” she says, breaking the silence.
I sigh and nod my head. She takes my hand and leads me to my bathroom. I can’t help but stare at my reflection. Jenna snaps me from my thoughts, “The water should be warm enough.” She lets the water run against her hand. When she turns her attention back to me her face reads empathy. “I’ll help you raise them if that’s what you’re worried about.”
I shake my head. “I don’t want this kid to grow up not knowing who his father is. I don’t want to grow up the way I did, a broken mother and a poor home.
“Oh, honey.” Jenna wraps me in a hug. “He’ll grow up with the best family ever: he’ll grow up with his cool Aunt Jenna.” She laughs.
I smile weakly at her joke and look back to her. “Thank you. This means so much.”
“It’s no problem at all,” She says, wiping a tear from my cheek. “Tyler and I always talk about wanting a niece or nephew that we can spoil.” We both giggle. “I’ll let you get undressed and you enjoy the shower. Ok?” She squeezes my hand.
“I’ll try,” I say as she closes the door behind her. Quickly stripping myself of my clothes I step into the hot shower. My muscles relax under the steam and my mind slows to only think about the shower ... and puppies. After what feels like an hour, I finally decide to get out. Wrapping the towel around my body, I try to dry off everything from my neck down so I could twist my hair with the towel. “Hey, Jenna? Can you bring me another towel?” I shout through the door.
“Yeah,” she shouts back.
While I wait for Jenna, I examine my reflection; my mascara was smeared everywhere and I try my best to wipe it away. A soft knock comes from the door before opening just enough for Jenna to stick her hand in with a towel. “Thanks.” I quickly wrap the cloth around my body, covering my chest and hips. The brisk air of my room hits me as I open the door to get my pajamas.
“Oh, your pajamas are right here.” She gestures to the pile of clothing on the bed.
“You’re cool if I just change in front of you?” I ask, picking up my clothes.
“Yeah, I don’t care.” She keeps her attention focused on my TV as she flips through Netflix. “So, I was thinking either Moana or Finding Dory.”
I shoot a look at her from over my shoulder as I pull the warm underwear to my body.
“What?” She laughs. “They’re good movies!”
I shake my head at her comment, slipping into the rest of my pajamas.
“You need a musical. Moana it is!” She excitedly clicks the option.
“Does Tyler know you’re here? I mean, he must be worrying about you…” I become concerned with my friend’s relationship.
Jenna picks up her phone and clicks something I couldn’t quite see. She then presses the phone against her ear. “Hey, Ty. I’m at Y/N’s right now. I’ll probably be home sometime tomorrow.” She pauses for Tyler’s response. “Yeah, I’m going to spend the night. Y/N needs a girl’s night in,” She explains as she pulls me into a hug. I can’t help but smile at Jenna’s kindness. She says her goodbyes and exchange I love you’s with Tyler before hanging up.
“Hey, do you have any clothes I can borrow?” She asks me.
“Yeah, go ahead and look through my closet.”
She pulls out an old hoodie of mine and a pair of joggers. She quickly slips her day clothes off and pulls the comfy ones on.
She bounces to face me, an idea obviously bubbling on her lips. “You have wine, right?” I laugh, knowing exactly what type of night this was going to be. I nod and she rushes out of the room. She comes back with two wine glasses, a bottle of unopened wine and a bottle opener. Handing me a glass, she sets hers on the nightstand along with the bottle. She jams the screw part of the opener into the cork and twists it so the opener digs deeper into the bottle. I grab a hold of the base of the bottle so Jenna could try and pull the cork out. After many attempts, the cork finally pops out and sends Jenna onto the floor.
“Oh, my God!” I exclaim, trying to muffle my laughter. “Are you ok?” I set the wine bottle on the nightstand before helping her back to her feet.
“Yeah, I’ve had worse.” She laughs.
She reaches over to grab her wine glass and the wine bottle, holding the bottle in the air to toast. “To good times and better friends.” I lift my glass to toast with her before she pours the red liquid into my glass. I gradually sip the wine throughout the movie. Jenna and I joke around about the different characters and sing along to the songs. I point out the Lin Manuel-Miranda composed the music and she points out that Maui looks pretty similar to Dwayne Johnson. We laugh through the rest of the movie. As the final song plays Jenna’s tone seems to shift.
“Hey, do you think the Joe will come back?” She questions.
I glance over at his phone that was on the nightstand. “He has to,” I reply, directing my attention back to Jenna and taking a sip of my wine. She looks at me puzzled. “He left his phone.” Jenna nods and smiles.
Jenna flips on Finding Dory and I soon find myself drifting. My eyelids become heavy as I sink lower into the sheets. Noticing my sleepiness, Jeanna takes my glass from me. “Ok, I think we’ve had enough for tonight.” She takes the wine glasses and bottle to the kitchen. Once back, she crawls back under the sheets next to me.
I rest my head on Jenna’s shoulder and let my body sink into a slumber.
My eyes flutter open as they adjust to the slightly brighter lighting. I notice my head was still on Jenna’s shoulder. I gently lift my head from her body, trying not to disturb her. I sneak out of the bed, pausing when Jenna shifts. Heading to my bathroom I comb my fingers through my hair. I look to my reflection and wash off the last bit of runny makeup I still had on from the previous night. Look back over to the nightstand and notice that Joe’s phone is still there. I shake myself from my thoughts and grab my toothbrush.
“Mmm, good morning,” a sleepy voice pulls my attention.
I smile with a mouth full of toothpaste. I spit some of it out before replying, “Good morning.”
“I had this really weird dream where you found out you were pregnant, and when you told Joe, he left and I came over the comfort you…” Her words slow down as she realizes the situation. She brings her palm to her forehead. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to be so insensitive.”
I shrug it off, spitting the last bit of toothpaste into the sink. “I know it’s going to hit me hard later, but I’m just not feeling anything right now,” I explain, grabbing my brush to detangle my hair.
“Oh, ok,” says Jenna, surprised. “Well, what do you want to do today?”
I exchange looks with my reflection. “I’m feeling a movie,” I answer.
“Ooh! Yes. There’s this one movie that I want to see that just came out.” Jenna reaches for her phone off the nightstand. She unlocks it and opens Fandango. We quickly chose the movie we want to see and finish getting ready. I let her borrow one of my striped tops, a skirt and a pair of flats. “It’s crazy that I fit almost perfectly in these,” she laughs.
I leave a note on Joe’s phone that says that I’m just at the movie and when I’m most likely to be back home. Then Jenna and I do one last check to make sure we had everything before making our way to her car.
“That movie was great!” Jenna blurts as we head back to her car.
“I know, right? But can we talk about that lead actor?” I swoon at the thought of him. We both laugh as we settle into our seats.
“Did you get anything from Joe?” She asks starting up the car.
I check my notifications. “Nope.” I paint my smile into a fine line knowing that I probably won’t for a while.
Jenna scoffs. “Screw him. There are plenty of fish in the sea. And I heard the Josh is newly single.” Jenna nudges my arm.
I swat her elbow away and roll my eyes at her offer.
She smiles. “Go ahead and play your music,” she says handing me the aux chord.
“Hell yeah,” I whisper to myself.
I didn’t realize it but that ride home was what I really needed: my best friend and my favorite band blasting through the speakers.
We laugh at each other’s singing as we hop out and make our way to my front door.
“Do you want to invite the boys over and we can have a game night?” I ask Jenna as I open my door. Before a word could escape her lips we both freeze in the doorway. All I can focus on is a curly-haired man that was on my couch.
He turns around quickly and nervously. “Oh, hi Y/N,” he says.
“Hi, Joe,” I reply, hanging my purse on the hook nearby. “I didn’t expect you home so soon.”
Joe rubs the back of his neck, staring at his shoes he replies, “Yeah, I’m really sorry. I freaked and I shouldn’t have left you like that.”
I look over at Jenna for an answer and all she does is shrug her shoulders, giving me the exact panicked look that was plastered on my own face.
Joe continues, seeming to not even acknowledge Jenna’s presence, “I spent the night at Pete’s and I realized that I love you and that I do want to have a kid with you.” His face lifts from his feet to make eye contact with me and he steps around the couch to meet me. Taking my hand into his, Joes goes on, “I thought I wasn’t ready for a family but then I discovered: we already are a family; this would only be an addition. And I’m not leaving this child to make it go through the awful things your father made you go through.”
My heart stops as his words lap around my mind and all I can do is gape my mouth open. His eyes become watery and he tries to tuck his head away before I see a tear fall from his face. I hold onto Joe’s face with both of my hands and look at him with loving eyes that are also filled with water. Unable to form words I just crash my lips against his. His arms snake around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He picks me off my feet and spins before he gently sets me down. When we break away from the kiss I press my forehead against his.
“Does this mean I can be the Godmother?” Jenna startles us both.
“Oh, my God, Jenna. I forgot you were there,” I say awkwardly.
She shrugs it off. “It was cute. Anyways, can I be the Godmother?” She asks again, this time with more anticipation.
I exchange a look with Joe and turn back to Jenna. “Well, duh!” I announce.
Jenna jumps in excitement, almost dropping her purse. She runs toward me and Joe, bringing us into a tight embrace. “Congratulations! You guys are going to make the best parents.” Her words quickly escape her mouth and we can understand what she’s saying. Jenna suddenly gasps and breaks away from the hug. “I have to get home to Tyler to tell him about this.” She seems to instantly regret her words. “With your permission, of course.” I nod. “Yes! Ok, well, I’ll leave you two to attend to your baby business. Bye!” She gives Joe one last hug and pecks me on my cheek before skipping out the door.
Joe’s and my attention turn back to each other. “How long was she there for?”
“The whole time,” I chuckle.
Joe gives a small chuckle as he offers his hand. “Let’s go look up cute baby names.”
I lace my finger with his. “Let’s.”
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Mistletoe - Joe Trohman x Reader
Prompt: M: Mistletoe (How do they react to suddenly being placed under a mistletoe with their crush/lover?) Reader: can be read as any gender (no pronouns used) Warnings: attempted peer pressure Word count: 1 256
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Of course it was the label's Christmas party, and of course it was under the mistletoe where you were faced with the very real possibility of kissing Joe for the first time. Not that you did not want to, on the contrary. 
Just... not like that.
Not when he seemed to be so uncomfortable, not in front of his band mates, and the fellow managers of the other bands, not while the air of the room was smelling of alcohol and cigarettes (seriously though, who was smoking indoors?). All in all: when you had imagined kissing Joe for the first time, it had been after a cute date or after a breathtaking show he had played, or to saying goodbye after a great tour had ended. Yes, admittedly, you had fantasised about these scenarios, more than you’d ever admit. But you were not lost enough in these fantasies to lose sight of reality. And that was that all these dreams were completely out of reach.
You had known that even before Joe had stared down at you with shock-widened eyes after Pete had pointed out you were standing right underneath the mistletoe together. It was obvious that he did not want to. He immediately grew stiff and his glance filled with panic as his eyes skipped from Pete back to you.
Your heart shattered, and you were certain everyone in the room had heard it, but again, you were not so lost in your fantasies that this reaction of his would have come as a surprise. Did it hurt nonetheless? Of course.
Thanks to Pete a couple other people now had their eyes fixed on the two of you.
“Uhm, I...” it was painful to see how uncomfortable Joe was. It looked like right now he only wished for one thing: being able to teleport far away from this situation.
“Come on Joe,” Pete cheered his bandmate on, “don’t chicken out now!”
You really had wished that if you ended up underneath the mistletoe with someone, it would be with Joe. You really had wished that if the two of you would be thrown into this situation, he would laugh, the way he always did, wrap his arms around you and kiss you sweetly. But you really, really did not want him to be peer pressured to do it. So when he shuffled a step forward, stiff, uncomfortable, uncertain, you took a step back.
Sending him a smile, which you hoped seemed not too forced, you brought up your hands between the two of you, a simple yet clear gesture you did not want him to step closer.
“I don’t really feel like it,” you stated, the crowd around you sighing disappointedly and turning away. It was no lie after all. You did not feel like kissing Joe, or have him kiss you, when he obviously felt so unhappy with the idea. At least he seemed to relax at your statement.
“Okay,” he mumbled, but sounded a tad bit too relieved.
After that he disappeared without any other word to you.
Even though all you wanted to do was head home immediately, and bury your heartbreak in hot chocolate, christmas cookies and a couple of your feel good movies, you resisted the urge and instead stayed for almost 30 more minutes before taking a glance at your wrist watch and deciding that now it was late enough in the evening for the “I’m tired”-excuse.
Saying goodbye to Pete and Andy, you headed over to the door, where Patrick was waiting for you. With risen eyebrows you looked at him as he pushed away from the door frame he had been leaning against.
“Are you okay,” he asked, and you cursed him for his ability to read people so easily.
“Sure,” you quickly lied, knowing he saw right through you.
“About Joe-” he stopped when he saw the way you tensed up and lowered his eyes. “Get home safe.”
“You too,” you smiled forcedly, before walking past him.
You had already taken a few steps outside into the parking lot when suddenly someone called your name. Your heart skipped into your throat as you recognised the voice as Joe’s and you had to stop yourself from speeding up your steps. You really did not want him to apologise, ask what had happened, nothing. You just wanted to go home and forget about all this, so you could resume your duty as Fall Out Boy’s manager in the new year without any worries.
“About earlier...”
Even though you did not feel like it, you stopped and turned to Joe.
“It’s okay,” you shrugged, trying to sound indifferent. “You looked really uncomfortable, so I figured it would be easier if I were the one to say no.”
“Yeah,” Joe, who had caught up with you stopped a few feet away, “Thanks for that. And yes, I was... pretty uncomfortable. Thanks for understanding.”
“Anytime,” you mumbled.
Thinking the conversation was over, you turned away from him, only to get your wrist caught by him as soon as you were taking the first step.
“Hey, wait,” Joe took a step closer, “I still owe you that kiss!”
“You don’t owe me anything, don’t worry. I saw how uncomfortable you were at the idea. I don’t want you to do something you wouldn’t enjoy.”
Joe’s eyes grew wider than they had been thirty minutes ago underneath the mistletoe.
“What,” he asked, clearly taken aback, “you- you said no because you thought I didn’t want to kiss you? Don’t be ridiculous, (y/n)! I’ve wanted to kiss you since... well honestly ever since you became our manager. Just not in front of the whole label watching!”
The rushing of blood almost drowned out the sound of the cars, racing down the nearby street.
“I mean...” Joe continued, averting his gaze shyly, a completely untypical gesture for the guitarist, “If you don’t want to that’s completely fine with me. Just thought if I don’t ask, I’ll never know.”
You did not know what to say to that, you only stared at him, thoughts racing a thousand miles an hour. He had been so uncomfortable not because of you, but because of your surroundings? It had been important enough for him to wait out here in the cold for you just to ask you that?
“So... Can I kiss you?”
The question finally brought you back to reality. Looking up at him, you felt your cheeks burn hotly in the cold night air.
“Yes,” you answered quietly, before adding an almost inaudible “please.”
Joe smiled, his cheeks dusted over pink, as he stepped closer to you. His fingers were still wrapped around your wrist, so he let go and instead slipped his hand into yours. The other he placed at your cheek, his fingers cold from however long he had waited for you out here. Carefully he leant in, as if he was worried you’d back away any second, but instead you closed the small gap, pressing your lips against his. You could feel him smile into the kiss, his breath fanning over your cheek as he pulled you in closer, his thumb gently running over your skin.
When you eventually parted, both of you were smiling like complete idiots, and truthfully who could blame you?
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning your forehead against his.
“What for?” You felt him rise his eyebrows
“Not letting me leave like that,” you replied.
Instead of honouring your response with another, he simply pressed his lips against yours again.
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@alexstyx​ @jayloverthe3rd​ @robinruns​ @lookalivefrosty​ @butterflycore​  @omgsuperstarg​ @fivelegance​ @casmustdiee​ @cmtryghoul​  
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Speech - Joe Trohman x Reader
Requested Summary: The Reader accompanies her boyfriend Joe to an award show Reader: female Word count: 1 020
“I hate these shoes.”
Disapprovingly you looked down on the high heels you were wearing. These things were dangerous. One wrong step, and you would fall and break something. On the other hand you could probably take them off and murder someone with them, as Joe had pointed out earlier.
“Nobody will notice if you take them off while sitting later,” he told you now, tucking around on his suit jacket.
“True,” you admitted, looking around, hoping to find any clue to when you were expected to take your seats.
It was an award show as any other really. But this time you were not here for yourself, but for Joe, your boyfriend. He had been nominated for best guitarist, and since the musicians were always invited to bring their partners, he had dragged you along. You knew how much he liked showing you off, always proud to have such an intelligent, talented and beautiful woman at his side. Honestly, you doubted yourself most of the time, but with Joe always ready to reassure you, you really had started to feel more confident recently.
“Come on, I think they got snacks over there,” Joe pointed out, and took your hand, leading you over to a table with food.
“Honestly, seeing you like this, one could assume you’re only here for the bruschetta,” you teased, taking a grissini yourself.
“Maybe I am,” Joe shrugged, “oh look, they got melon!”
For a while you joked around by the buffet, spending entirely too much time trying to identify an almost purple coloured paste, making fun of what it could be. The ringing of a bell announced that the guests were invited to take their seats.
Sitting down you immediately slipped out of the uncomfortable heels, and pushed them under your seat, so nobody would see. Joe laughed quietly, and reached over to take your hand.
Soon the moderator took the stage, and the show began, but you only payed attention half of the time. Mostly you were distracted by Joe playing with your fingers, but when suddenly his name was announced over the speakers, you listened up.
Joe seemed as confused as you, and looked at you wide eyed.
“What happened,” he asked, as if he had put fire to something without intention.
“I think you won,” you mumbled, with a grin, when all the people around you cheered and patted Joe’s shoulder, or shouted congratulations.
Quickly Joe scrambled to his feet, and kissed your head, before he shook a few hands, and made his way to the front, where he shook more hands, and exchanged a few words with the moderator.
Then he stepped to the microphone.
“Thank you so much, this means a lot,” he smiled, holding out the little figure of a guitar, “There are really a ton of people I would like to thank, but naming every single one of them would take all night, so I’m gonna cut it down to four. I want to thank my band mates, Andy, Patrick, and Pete, for always having an open ear to my suggestions, and for always sticking with me, no matter how stressful stuff gets. We’ve done a couple of weird things these past years, and they’ve always been fun, and it would not have been possible without these for dudes. Thanks guys. The last person who I absolutely need to name is by beautiful girlfriend (y/n), she’s sitting down there-“
He pointed to you, and you could see the people turn around to you, making your shake your head slightly before you covered your face with your hands to hide the blush on your cheeks.
“She’s been with me for a long time now, and she deals with all my stupid ideas, and the late nights, and the long tours, and everything else that makes living with me pure hell. She’s my inspiration, my voice of common sense, the best friend I never thought I’d find, the reason to get up in the morning, and honestly, I don’t care how cheesy it sounds because it’s true, she’s the fucking light of my life. Without her, none of the things I’ve done these last years would have been possible, and she keeps encouraging me to try out new things all the time. So really this-“ he held out the little trophy, “ goes not as much to me as it goes to her. Thank you.”
With that he stepped away from the microphone, and quickly climbed off the stage again. On his way back more people got up to congratulate him, and it took him a while until he was back next to you.
“You’re a true hopeless romantic,” you told him, making him grin.
“You loved it,” he reminded you.
“Meh,” you hummed, but both Joe and you knew you didn’t mean it.
Smiling you looked up at him. Sometimes you wondered how someone could be as perfect as Joe. Of course he was not perfect in the sense of flawless, but he was flawed in exactly the ways you enjoyed.
Joe smiled back, and sat down next to you, your eyes never leaving each other’s. Quickly he hooked his hand under your chin, and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
You grinned against his lips, completely ignoring the ceremony that already continued.
“I love you so much,” Joe whispered when he pulled away, his eyes soft and warm.
“I love you too,” you told him, gently running your fingers over the side of his face making him lean in.
“What’s the soonest we can get out of here, what do you think,” Joe wondered quietly.
“I dunno, why, what’s up?”
“I am terribly hungry, and the bruschetta from earlier is not really helping much,” Joe whined, “I’d rather have some pizza. You know, take you, in your pretty dress, out to one of these 24/7 run down pizzerias.”
You giggled at the idea, happy knowing that only Joe loved mixing the “worlds” up; the fancy musicians world and the world of the normal.
“Okay, I’m in,” you agreed, “but the pizzeria needs to have grissini.”
Taglist (if you want to be added or taken off, please let me know):
General: @justawriterinprogress @robinruns @jayloverthe3rd @lookalivefrosty @butterfly-writes @angelevansfalls @rene-royale
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Distanced - Joe Trohman x Reader
Summary: Since Joe started playing in this new band you two have grown distant, so you decide to surprise him by showing up at their first concert Word count: 2 196 A/N: happy birthday to Emma over on wattpad! Thanks for always chatting with me^-^
You did not want to be that possessive friend who could not deal with their friend moving on to other people. And to be fair, that was not what was happening either. Just because Joe had started playing in a band, and hung out a lot with his bandmates now, practising, writing music, did not mean he did not like you anymore. But you felt left out, left behind, and even though you were happy for Joe, that he had finally found people who appreciated his talent, you still felt sad that you did not get to see him outside of school as often as you used to.
And that you had always had liked him a bit more than a simple friend should, did not make it easier for you.
So you did your best to give him space. Of course you missed the late night chats with him, talking about how school was super stressful, how other friends or classmates were annoying, about the latest gossip about the teachers, or the new releases of your favourite bands. But then again he did not seem to miss it; at least he never initiated any conversations anymore, so you did not either.
What made everything even worse was that it seemed like he did not want to let go either. He had invited you to a few of his band meetings, apologising that he could not find time to spend with you alone, to watch old, crappy movies, like you had done all the time. But his band mates seemed to be irritated by you, maybe it made them nervous that you just watched, without being able to contribute anything. Maybe they just did not like you. So after a couple of afternoons of hanging out with the band, you started declining Joe’s offer to tag along, feeling like you were doing everyone a favour if you stayed away.
But the fact that Joe still occasionally asked, made you feel worse, like it was actually you who was pushing him away, and not him who did not have time for you anymore. And you knew that Joe felt bad about it, the same way you did, and that in itself made things worse again.
So after about two months you actually caught yourself wishing that maybe you should just stay away from him completely, make a clean cut, break your own heart and forget about him.
As if he had sensed your decision, Joe started searching contact again. For a while you had gone pretty separate ways, even during break time at school, but all of a sudden he started appearing at your locker again, and when he dropped down next to you during lunch, you felt your heart jump into your throat once again.
“Mashed potatoes are the worst here,” he complained, not even bothering to say hello, but you did not mind, you knew he had a hard time with stuff like that, “this isn’t food, this is… I don’t even know… you could probably use it as cement or something.”
You laughed quietly. Oh how much you had missed Joe’s stupid commentary about the disgusting mashed potatoes that were served in the school.
“You don’t have to eat it, you know,” you teased him, ignoring the paper-like taste of the grey mash, and eating a spoon full.
“And starve? Do the school a favour by not terrorizing the teachers anymore? No, thanks.” He too laughed and started eating, chewing around on the mashed potatoes. “Yay, yummy.”
“Yeah, torture yourself and chew it. Great, well done,” you joked sarcastically.
Your bickering continued, and for a few precious minutes it felt like you never had distanced yourself. That was until a somewhat familiar, blonde haired boy turned up. You knew Patrick attended the same school as Joe and you, but before Joe had introduced him to you as his band mate, you had never noticed him. He was shy, quiet, but witty, and not harmless at all when he spoke, even though he looked like an angel.
“Hey Joe,” he greeted, rather awkwardly, throwing a glance into your direction. “Hey, (y/n).”
You gave him a little smile and a wave, and Joe grinned widely.
“Trick! Come sit with us!”
The way Patrick shuffled from one foot to the other, his gaze shortly flickering through the room, his fingers too tight around the tablet with his food, made you suddenly think that you had never really seen him with anyone else other than Joe since they had started the band. Actually, as long as you could think back, you had never seen Patrick with friends. Was he as lonely as you were without Joe?
“If that’s okay?”
You did not realise the question was directed at you, until you looked up, and found Patrick looking at you. Suddenly you felt like you had learned a lot more about Patrick, and quickly you nodded.
“Yes, yes, sure! Sit down!”
Much to your relief the conversation did not start revolving around the band immediately, and instead you talked about English Literature Class and about the upcoming Spanish test. Only when the bell rung for the first time, signalling there were only five minutes left until the next lesson, the topic changed.
“So see you tonight?”
The three of you had gotten up, and taken away your tablets, when Patrick eventually brought up the band.
“Yeah sure,” Joe nodded, “we still got so much practicing to do ‘till Saturday.”
“Definitely,” Patrick laughed, “You too?”
“Me too what,” you asked confused.
“Are we seeing you tonight?”
Patrick seemed to have warmed up to you over the past twenty minutes, and you really appreciated it, but shook your head anyway.
“I don’t wanna get in the way,” you explained, and Patrick shrugged.
“Okay, see you!”
And with that he had hurried off into the direction off his next class.
“You’re not in the way, you know,” Joe told you seriously, obviously still thinking about what you had said.
“Oh, I don’t know, I-“ yeah, you what? You did not want to tell Joe that you felt like his friends did not like you very much, that would not have been fair. “I just don’t feel like it. Also, what’s on Saturday?”
Joe furrowed his brows, as if he was considering to further discuss your excuse, but then he decided against it.
“We’re playing our first show, I totally forget to tell you,” he remembered, “you need to come, (y/n), please?”
For a moment you thought about it. You had nothing to do on Saturday, so technically you could go, but then again your parents would have to approve. As if Joe had guessed your worries he continued talking.
“I can drive you home afterwards, that’s absolutely no problem, in case your parents worry,” he hesitated for a moment, “I just really want you there.”
He had stopped in his steps and turned to you, making you stop too.
“I- I’ll think about it,” you answered, taking slightly aback by the last thing he had added.
“Okay, yeah, but… just- I’d be happy to have you there.”
The dive bar was not very crowded that time of the night, and honestly you were surprised there were even this many people. Most seemed older than you, probably coming here regularly, not knowing about the bands that were going to play.
You had decided not to tell Joe you were showing up, and instead to surprise him. It was confusing, finding your way through the room, since the stage was on ground level, and even though there were not too many other people you still had a hard time making out the stage before being able to make your way over. It seemed like you were just in time, finding a place close to where you assumed Joe would play, when the band walked on.
You could tell how nervous they all were, Patrick fiddling around with his guitar, and Joe not even looking up at you. Pete seemed to recognize you though, because he sent you a big smile, making you think maybe they did not dislike you quite as much as you had always told yourself they would.
The first strum of bass and drums made the room vibrate, and even though you had only been to a few of the rehearsals, you immediately recognised the song. Joe still did not seem to have spotted you, but soon you were too focused on the music. Only when Pete made a short announcement between two songs, while everyone was catching their breaths, Joe finally seemed to spot you. His eyes grew wide as they met yours, and a huge grin spread over his face that did not disappear until the last note rang through the room.
As soon as the band was done playing, they started packing away the stuff they had brought themselves, quickly making space for the next band. Seeing Patrick struggle with his guitar, the cables and the pedalboard he had tried to carry under his arm, you quickly pushed past a few people and took hold of the board. Confused he turned to look at you, but grinned when he saw that it was you, who had come to his rescue.
“You turned up,” he laughed, making his way outside, you following close behind, making sure no cables were pulled out of the pedals you were carrying.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you answered, pleasantly surprised his initial stiffness from a few weeks ago seemed to have molten away.
“You really should’ve told Joe though, he wouldn’t shut up about you,” Patrick winked, leading you through a door and outside into a back street, where a couple of cars were parked, one of which apparently belonging to the band, because they started piling their instruments into it.
“It was a surprise,” you told Patrick, putting down the pedalboard in the van, next to where he placed his guitar.
Before Patrick had a chance to answer anything, you were suddenly engulfed in a bear hug from behind, and lifted of your feet. It was strange, because before your brain even had time to panic, you had identified the person already as your best friend, who nuzzled his nose into your neck, carrying you a few steps away from the van.
“You made it, you came,” he cheered before he put you back down to your feet.
You turned around to him, fully intending to make a stupid joke and gently shove him, but before you had time to do so, Joe had taken hold of your face and pulled you in for a kiss that knocked all air out of your lungs. For a moment you were frozen, not fully comprehending what was going on, but once realisation settled in, you relaxed into his touch an leant in, pulling Joe closer to yourself, one of your hands carefully coming to rest on his arm, the other sneaking up to his neck.
Much to your dismay you ran out of air a lot quicker than you liked, and you had to pull away panting, only now feeling the burning blush that was rising on your cheeks. When you looked at Joe, he was blushing too, and both of you giggled happily, making you shake your head slightly.
“I’m really happy you came to see us play,” Joe finally managed to stutter out, making you chuckle.
“Didn’t come to see the band, I came to see you,” you corrected, and watched in amusement how he blushed even more, this time in embarrassment.
“Well, anyway, I mean-“ Joe continued stuttering, fully aware that you were watching him with a fond smile on your face, before you shut him up with a quick kiss on the lips.
“I like you a lot,” you confessed, making him look at you with widened eyes.
“You… I- I was about to say that,” he protested.
You laughed, trying to turn away from him, but he still had his arms wrapped around you, and pulled you back into him.
“Go out with me,” he whispered in your ear, making a shiver run down your spine.
You nodded, but before you were able to answer, Pete interrupted the moment, and made you painfully aware that the others had probably seen every second of your confessions.
“Hey lovebirds, when you’re done, we’d like to get out of the cold and go home. Pizza over at my place, you’re in?”
Joe and you shared a quick glance before you both nodded.
“We’re in,” Joe declared, taking your hand and leading you over to the van.
You climbed inside, taking a seat between Patrick and Joe, who immediately wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side.
Pete took a look at you from through the rear mirror, and grinned a wicked smile.
“Hey (y/n), if you break his heart, I’ll-“
“You’ll break my bones, fair enough,” you laughed.
Pete nodded seriously before looking at Joe.
“Same goes for you mate,” he declared, making everyone laugh.
“Aye, aye, sir,” Joe joked, “and now drive, I want pizza.”
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Staying Up - Joe Trohman x Reader
Summary: The fans are worried after Joe looked very tired at an award show, so he clarifies things
Reader: implied female, but not necessarily.
Word count: 1 449
A/N: had this idea after I saw some pics of fob at an award show and pictures of joe with his daughters. Also: Happy belated Birthday, Joe. I didn’t forget you. I’m actually wearing a shirt with your face on it as I’m proof reading
A smile was stretching over your face as you opened Instagram that morning, and found your feed filled with pictures of Fall Out Boy at last night’s award show. It had been the first time in years that you had not accompanied your husband Joe to the event, but your three months old daughter had a cold, and you wanted to make sure she had you around. Also you could not risk having whoever would jump in as a baby sitter to get ill; that would just be unfair. Not to mention that Rosie just was crying all the time and not being quiet for one second, unless someone was carrying her around.
Admittedly, you were a little sad that you had not been able to accompany Joe, had not even managed to stay up late to welcome him home. But he had assured you that it was fine. He knew how tired you were with Rosie terrorising you the whole time, and when he had found you tight asleep on the couch, Rosie sleeping on your belly, he had only carefully covered both of you with a soft blanket.
Now you were sitting at the breakfast table. Rosie had woken you up at 5am, and after you had checked if Joe had gotten home, you had carried the baby through the house for almost two hours, feeding her, changing her dippers, trying to make everything as comfortable as possible for her, but she was just in a bad mood, being sick and all.
So after you had gotten her to fall asleep around 8am, you finally allowed yourself some breakfast. Rosie was lying in the crib in the dining room, Joe was, just like the world outside, still asleep, and you finally got a few quiet moments for yourself. And looking at pictures from last night, seemed the best way to spend it. Some of the pictures had been posted by the official Fall Out Boy Instagram, some by Pete, Andy had posted a couple of snaps too, and some photographers, as well as other musicians you were following had taken photos, and published them, too.
You scrolled through your Fall Out Boy dominated feed, and could not help but smile. Damn, Joe had really looked good. He always did, but when he was wearing a suit… that was always something different. With a chuckle you shook your head. Sitting at breakfast, crushing on pictures of a musician, like back in high school, you thought. Only that now that musician was actually lying in your bed, and you were married. Hell, you would not want it any different.
Stopping at the next picture of the band, you noticed how tired Joe looked. He had tried to help you loads with Rosie, and you had a feeling he had been staying up at night to keep her company so you could sleep.
And sure enough, you were not the only one who had noticed the dark circles under Joe’s eyes. Not only in the comment section of this picture, but in many others as well, you found an increasing number of fans commenting on how worn out Joe looked. Some worried about whether he was getting enough sleep; others theorized he was sick, saying he should get some proper rest.
It touched you, seeing the fans worrying, but there really was no reason too, as far as you knew. So just when you wanted to take a note to tell Joe he should maybe address the fan’s worries about his health, Rosie started crying again, and you quickly hurried over to the crib to calm her down.
You only remembered the whole thing in the evening, when Joe, who had gotten up soon after Rosie had started crying, had told you to go to bed, because you were obviously drop dead tired.
“Hey, that reminds me,” you turned around to Joe, who was trying to get Rosie’s little fingers out of his curls, “I saw some people worrying about you on Instagram this morning; you looked pretty tired yesterday evening.”
“Really,” Joe looked up to you, for a moment allowing his daughter to pull on his hair, which he quickly regretted once she pulled too hard.
“Yeah, they think you’re sick or something,” you took in his appearance.
The idea did not come out of nowhere. He did look tired and a little pale, but other than that he showed no signs of illness. But then again he was good at hiding it, like the time he had insisted on going to your parents’ silver wedding, even though he had been seriously ill, but he had pretended it was only a little cold. And the next day he had been so sick that he had been unable to get out of bed, and you had to stay at your parents’ house for almost a week until he was well enough to travel.
“You’re not sick, are you?”
You added the question, just to be sure, having learnt not to trust him blindly in that matter.
He chuckled lowly, finally managing to get the little sticky baby fingers of Rosie out of his curls.
“No, I’m not, just tired,” he assured you with a soft smile.
“Maybe you should, I don’t know, send a quick tweet or something, so the fans can stop worrying,” you suggested, making him nod.
“Want to film a quick video,” he suggested, making you laugh.
“The way I look? Rather not,” you giggled.
Rosie looked over to you in confusion.
“You look amazing, come here,” Joe insisted.
Knowing he would not let it go until you gave in, and too tired to put up a fight, you walked over to the sofa, and sat down, Joe sitting down closely next to you, handing Rosie to you so he could film a short message.
“Hey guys,” he greeted, after he had pressed record, “(y/n) said that some of you’ve been worrying about me ‘cause I looked super tired yesterday. But I can promise you it’s all fine.”
He got interrupted by some incomprehensible babbling from Rosie, which made both of you smile, and you quickly turned her so she was looking over your shoulder.
“Yeah, exactly,” Joe laughed, as if he was agreeing to what Rosie had been sharing with you, “well, actually this little thing there,” he pointed to his daughter, “is the reason I, we,” he gestured between you and him, “are super exhausted. Rosie’s been sick, and I thought it would just be fair to be looking after her during the night so her mummy here,” he demonstratively wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “could get a little sleep as well. So that’s all there is. I’m fine, Rosie’s got a cold, but we’re all three super tired.”
“I’ll make sure he gets some sleep soon,” you added with a smile, unable to supress the little glance over to your husband who was trying not to yawn.
“Okay, I guess that’s about it, Trohmans out, good night.”
Joe pressed the red button again, stopping the recording, and finally allowed himself to yawn.
Quickly he posted the video on Instagram and Twitter, with a short caption before he turned back to you. You were already half asleep, Rosie, magically, also quiet for once. Maybe the cold was finally getting better.
“Hey darling, let’s go to bed,” Joe suggested, and took the sleepy baby from you, carrying her into the bedroom.
You followed soon after, finding that Joe had already placed her in the little extension of your bed, which allowed you to reach over to her, or even to pull her into your bed, during the night, without having to get up.
Rosie was tight asleep, her eyes closed, her breathing regular, her little fists closed tightly.
“Finally,” Joe sighed, sitting down on his side of the bed, and falling back against the soft pillow.
“Don’t jinx it,” you warned with a smile, and crawled into bed next to him.
Like a reflex, years of sharing a bed having trained him, Joe wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you into him. You suspected that it was some kind of conditioning, that you felt safe and loved and happy the second you were able to bury your nose in his shirt, but on the other hand it was Joe, so it was very possible that it was simply his mere presence that caused this reaction.
You closed your eyes, breathing in the familiar and comforting scent of your husband, listening to the quiet breathing of your daughter and Joe’s steady heartbeat, and before you even knew it, you had fallen asleep in his arms.
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Prompts 65 & 90 with Joe Trohman
Prompt 65: “I have a secret.”
Prompt 90: “Trust me”
Word count: 578
Were you bothered that everyone else in school thought Joe was weird? Probably not as much as other people thought you should be.
Joe was funny, passionate about the things he loved, always good for a surprise, but most importantly he was your best friend. You didn’t mind that he often got into trouble for pulling off weird shit, because often enough you were the one who jokingly had suggested it to him, but of course other than you two nobody knew about that.
But one of your absolute favourite things about him, was that he did not mind cuddles. Of course your perspective on physical contact with him was a little tinted by the crush you had been harbouring for him for ages, but honestly, as long as he was fine with cuddles, you were fine.
And so the two of you ended up laying on your bed again, like almost every Friday night, both of you dressed into sweatpants and oversized shirts, or in your case a hoodie. You were laying side by side, his arm under your head, shoulders touching, both of you laughing about stupid jokes that made no sense to anybody but you. You were shivering, as always when you got comfortably tired, and you snuggled closer to Joe, trying to get some of his precious body warmth.
“Okay, okay, then tell me something I don’t know,” he challenged.
“Let me think… the heart of a blue whale-“
“I know an adult can crawl through it,” Joe interrupted you.
“Shut up, I know you know. I was gonna say, that it only pumps eight to ten times per minute, which is a tenth of the frequency of a human heart, and transports 2 000 up to 5 000 litres of blood while doing so.”
“Cool,” Joe thought about it for a moment, trying to imagine how strong that heart would have to be, “but actually I meant something about yourself.”
“Oh, ahm… I don’t trust my dad’s pumpkin pie anymore since he once used salt instead of sugar,” you remembered, making Joe laugh. “So, your turn, what don’t I know about you?”
Joe grew quiet, making you worry you had upset him, but before you could ask, he spoke up again.
“I got a secret.”
You waited for him to continue, but he did not. Figuring he wanted you to ask, otherwise he would not have mentioned it, you turned your head to look at him.
“What kind of secret,” you asked, but he shook his head.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Then why did you bring it up,” you wondered, “come on, tell me.”
But Joe stayed quiet, pressing his lips together as if to stop himself from spilling his secret.
You gently nudged your shoulder into his side, before leaning onto your elbow to be able to look into his face.
“I love you, okay?”
He sounded almost angry at himself for admitting it out loud, and you froze for a short moment, wondering if he had spoken the truth. But the way he had said it, the expression on his face, all that hinted at him having been honest, and when he turned his head to finally meet your eyes, you leant down, connecting your lips to his in a chaste kiss that made both of you blush furiously.
“This was a secret I wanted to know,” you smiled, “Trust me.”
And then you kissed him again.
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Joe Trohman Masterlist
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Unless mentioned otherwise, Reader is always written as gender neutral!
Emotional Turbulances
WARNING: CHEATING Genre: Angst / Fluff Pairing: Patrick Stump x Reader, Joe Trohman x Reader (endgame) Word Count: 3 138 Summary: During tour you get together with Patrick, except that also FOB’s other guitarist has taken notice of you
  Wrong Chat
Genre: Crack Word Count: 1 390 Summary: Joe is away on tour so you often text, and accidentaly sent a picture that was ment to Joe to one of his bandmates.
  Dance? Dance
Genre: Hurt / Comfort, Fluff AU: yes, High School AU Pairing: asshole!Patrick Stump x Reader (unrealistic, really), Joe Trohman x Reader (endgame) Word Count: 2 224 Summary: Patrick asks you to prom after having been rejected by his crush. But when she changes her mind, he drops you. Deciding to attend anyway, the evening is made better by your friend Joe who is there to cheer you up.
  A Day With Joe
Genre: not really fluff, just... comfy family day? Pairing: none, Uncle!Joe, Dad!Pete, teenager!Reader Word Count: 1 354 Summary: Your uncle Joe takes you on a hiking trip
  Staying Up
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Joe Trohman x fem!Reader Word Count: 1 449 Summary: The fans are worried after Joe looked very tired at an award show, so he clarifies things
  Distanced (High School AU)
Genre: Angst / Fluff AU: yes, High School AU Word Count: 2 196 Summary: Since Joe started playing in this new band you two have grown distant, so you decide to surprise him by showing up at their first concert
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Joe Trohman x fem!reader Word Count: 1 020 Summary: The Reader accompanies her boyfriend Joe to an award show
65&90: I have a secret
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, High School AU Word Count: 578 Prompt:  “I have a secret.” & “Trust me” Summary: You and Joe are hanging out when he suddenly confesses to having kept a secret from you
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Dec 07
Words: 714
“When I said ugly, I didn’t mean ‘so ugly that I wanna throw up’,” you laughed as you pulled the two sweaters Joe had just bought out of their bag.
Joe looked at you wide eyed.
“I thought they were nice,” he stated, the sarcasm in his voice unmissable.
It was a stupid tradition, but also the most hilarious one you knew. Every year in December Joe and his bandmates met for a small party together with a few of their friends, and of course their partners. It was always a lovely get together, and all of you had loads of fun, but there was one thing that made it far more hilarious than any other party you had ever been to. And that was the rules on clothes, decorations and food. Everyone had to wear their worst Christmas sweater, the decorations were a terrible mixture of classical red and white, cool blue and silver and bright, neon colors. The food was really delicious, but looked far from it. Originally it had been the band’s way of getting rid of cookies that had turned out so badly that they deemed them inappropriate to present to their families, but by now everyone made an effort to keep the food on the terrible looking side, just for the sake of the laughter.
This party was probably your favorite part of the time leading up to Christmas. In your opinion it was a welcome distraction from all the forced peace and harmony.
You inspected the sweaters a little more closely. One was dark green and had the head of a reindeer on the front that somehow looked like it was straight out of a horror movie. Its antlers were weirdly placed on the head, and the eyes were different sizes and heights. All around the reindeer small, colorful balls of fabric were sewn onto the sweater, giving the already strange piece of clothing an even weirder, happy flair.
The other sweater was of a light blue with bright red hems, which really did not match the rest of the colors. The front was embroidered with Santa and Mrs. Clause who were holding hands. Both of them wore red clothes, a red that differed strongly from the color of the hems, and their faces were strangely deformed. Whoever had designed this probably should have taken a look at a human face before giving it into production. You turned the sweater around, and sighed.
“Did you see that,” you asked, showing the backside to your husband, who watched your expression in amusement.
He nodded happily.
“I knew you’d disapprove,” he giggled as you took another look at the back, raising your eyebrows at the picture of the two figures, which were displayed from behind. Naked.
“I think I’m gonna take this one,” you lifted the terrible Santa sweater, “Just so I don’t have to gag every time I see your back.”
Joe laughed and strode over to you, taking the sweater from your hands.
“This isn’t even the worst they had,” he laughed, throwing the fabric aside and pulling you close by your waist.
“I really don’t wanna know how something can be worse than this, please don’t tell me,” you giggled and ran your fingers down his chest before looking at him with a smile.
“Yeah, you should be thankful I went to buy the sweaters, you totally would have died seeing all the others.”
You nodded in agreement.
“You are my hero,” you mocked, making Joe roll his eyes.
“If you say so…” he mumbled.
“Aww, now I hurt his feelings,” you joked. “Just tell me how I can make up for it.”
Joe chuckled quietly, pulling you a little closer.
“I do have an idea.”
“And that would be,” you asked, already suspecting what he was hinting at.
“How about you make up for it with a kiss,” he suggested, confirming your suspicion.
“Hm, I gotta think about that first,” you smirked before you leant forwards to place your lips gently on his. Before Joe even had the time to respond, you quickly pulled away again. “But seriously, I’m gonna wear the Clause sweater, I don’t wanna see Santa’s butt cheeks all evening long!”
“Whatever pleases you,” Joe laughed, “Now kiss me.”
And so you did.
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Patrick Stump Masterlist
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I’m currently editing the Masterlists, but because it’s so much I can’t do everything  in one go. So the different designs are because of that. Sorry.
Unless mentioned otherwise, Reader is always written as gender neutral!
  Party Gone Wrong
Genre: Angst / Fluff AU: yes, College AU Word Count: 2 159 Summary: Your best friend Patrick dragged you to one of those terrible house parties but while you worry about your drunken friend he starts making out with some girl.
  Cupid (Part One) & Part Two
Genre: Angst / Fluff AU: yes, Charmed AU Pairing: Cupid!Patrick x fem!Reader Word Count: 2 377 (part one) & 1 933 (part two) Summary: you need a date to your sister’s engagement party, and luckily your strange, new neighbor Patrick is willing to help you out. If only he wouldn’t talk about being a cupid the whole time!
  Trouble & Part 2
Genre: AU: yes, High School AU Word Count: 2 959 Summary: you’re known to get into trouble so why does sweet Patrick of all people take interest in you?
  Emotional Turbulances
WARNING: CHEATING Genre: Angst / Fluff Pairing: Patrick Stump x Reader, Joe Trohman x Reader (endgame) Word Count: 3 138 Summary: During tour you get together with Patrick, except that also FOB’s other guitarist has taken notice of you 
Hospital Guitar Critic
WARNING: CAR CRASH Genre: Fluff AU: yes, Hospital AU Word Count: 3 290 Summary: after having been in a traumatic car crash you have to stay in hospital for a few weeks. After having seen thr guitar in your room, your doctor, Patrick, sometimes stays after his shifts to play for you
  When Friends make a Mess
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, College AU Pairing: Patrick x fem!Reader Word Count: 1 655 Summary: Patrick’s in love with you, and he’s okay with you not knowing. If only his friends wouldn’t have gotten him into a situation where he has either to confess or lie!
  We Were So Good & Part Two
Genre: Angst / Fluff Pairing: childhoodfriend!Patrick x fem!Reader Word Count: 2 533 (part one) & 1 678 (part two) Summary: Patrick and you have been friends since you can think. After meeting again after not having seen each other for years, your relationsship changes
  Favorite Record
Genre: Fluff Word Count: 4 740 Summary: Everytime you go to your favourite record store you see that blonde stranger who can’t help but stare at you
  4am anxiety
Genre: Hurt / Comfort Word Count: 3 181 Summary: overwhelmed by anxiety you get up in the middle of the night. Luckily Patrick is awake too and keeps you company
  Annoying Vines
Genre: Crack / Fluff Word Count: 1 463 Summary: You and your friend Joe always reference Vines to each other. Your boyfriend Patrick feels left out.
  Extra Classes
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, College AU Word Count: 3 086 Summary: Patrick is your tutor and somehow you can’t help but fall for him
  Along With The Secret Relationship Comes…
Genre: Crack / Fluff Word Count: 1 861 Summary: Patrick and you are keeping your relationship secret, but that doesn’t mean he has to like his friends’ attempt at setting you up with other guys.
Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1 500 Summary: After coming home with many bruises from participating in a mosh pit, Patrick takes care of you
  The Worries About Those You Love
WARNING: SELF-HARM Genre: Hurt / Comfort Word Count: 1 881 Summary: Patrick knows you’re not doing fine at all and does everything he can to prove his love to you
  I Got The Ring
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Patrick x fem!Reader Word Count: 1 817 Summary: You want to propose to your boyfriend Patrick
Genre: Fluff Word Count: 1 755 Summary: Patrick finds you sitting at the beach, lost in thoughts
Genre: Angst / Fluff Word Count: 3 323 Summary: You’re FOB’s new touring pianist and Patrick really started taking a liking in you. But why does Pete, who knows about Patrick’s feelings, have to get so close to you?
  The Red Dress
Genre: strangers to lovers Pairing: Patrick x fem!Reader Word Count: 2845 Summary: Your former crush from High School meets you again and suddenly is far more interested in you than you feel comfortable with. Luckily a handsome stranger jumps in pretending to be your boyfriend.
Genre: strangers to lovers Word Count: 1 715 Summary: you’re babysitting the neighbors’ kids, but their uncle has been sent as a babysitter as well, so you spend the evening looking after the two kids together
Genre: Fluff AU: yes, Record Store AU Word Count: 2 853 Summary: At your job in the record store an anonymous person always slipps cute notes into your locker. You really hope that person is your sweet coworker Patrick.
  Cancelled Scene
Genre: Fluff Pairing: Patrick x actress!Reader Word Count: 1 660 Summary: You’re working alongside Patrick for music videos. Now he only has to find the courage to ask you out.
  Troubled Thought
Genre: Angst, Hurt / Comfort, Fluff Pairing: Patrick x fem!BandMember!Reader Word Count: 4 437 Summary: It’s the reader’s birthday on tour, but she’s having a shitty day, and Patrick who she shares a room with, tries to make up for everyone else forgetting about her.
Genre: Angst, Hurt / Comfort AU: yes, Vampire AU Word Count: 2 721 Summary: You get attacked and bitten by the Vampires you were hunting. Patrick proves to you that that doesn’t make you a monster
  A Little Sweetness Keeps Just out of Reach
Genre: Angst / Fluff Word Count: 2 452 Summary: At his birthday the band surprises Patrick by performing one of his songs for him. But the song holds more meaning than that both for him and you.
14,15&21: You’re coming home with me
Genre: Hurt / Comfort Word Count: 1 364 Prompt: “Take. It. Off.“ & “Well, you’re coming home with me, whether you like it or not“ & “He’s a bad kisser.“ Summary: After a bad first date your friend Patrick consoles you, proving to you that you don’t need to be anybody but yourself to find love
  29, 90 & 95: Trust me
Genre: stuck in an elevator trope Word Count: 848 Prompt: “Come over here and make me.” & “Trust me” & “You’re cute when you’re all worried.” Summary: You hate elevators. And then you get stuck in one together with Patrick.
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