#joaquín torres x ofc
donottouchredbutton · 8 months
In a Heartbeat
joaquin torres x sunshine!reader/ofc
4k words
she saves someone, and joaquin saves her.
note: i wrote this with my oc in mind that i plan to write more about, but i wanted it to be read as a reader insert as well! let me know what you think :)
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She had been living in Washington DC for a little over a year now. She moved there for grad school, and some of the excitement had yet to wear off still. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, with all of the good schools nearby and all of the things to do and learn in the capital. It seemed like a busy enough place to never be bored, which was exactly what she wanted. It really had seemed like a smart idea, especially since she hadn’t had any problems since moving there.
Until she did.
She was out with her roommate after classes had ended for the day, enjoying the warm spring day and simply happy to be people watching as they hung out. It had quickly become one of her favorite things since moving there, something she shared with her roommate, Jasmine. She was always glad she and Jazzy got along so well and liked spending time together, often spending time just being out and about like today. 
Jazzy was showing her a small outdoor shopping district just outside of a park. It must’ve been really popular because it was packed with people. People were out walking their dogs, parents were out shopping with their kids, couples and friends were on dates and lounging on the grassy areas. Music was coming from the open doors of one of the stores, loud enough to carry even as you walked away from it. Something smelled good, like fresh bread and cinnamon sugar, and she wanted to follow her nose to figure out where it was coming from. There was a warm breeze that made her shiver whenever they walked in the shade, so she pulled Jazzy away to make sure they stayed in the sun. A few kids ran past them playing tag. It made her smile, she hoped they were having fun. 
She was pulled out of her thoughts when she noticed a bit of commotion going on. She couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but it was progressively getting louder. From the looks of it, she wasn’t the only one who had noticed as many of the people nearby were looking around as well. It continued to grow louder and louder until she spotted a large group of people running in their direction, all shouting and screaming to get away. A ways behind them, she spotted a group of big looking men in scary looking masks carrying scary looking weapons, all running after them with their weapons pointed forward. Before she could think about how cliche that sounded, she knew they had to get away first. Many people around them were coming to the same conclusion as they all began turning tail and running. She and Jazzy shared a look of understanding before following suit.
As everyone kept running away and the noise was getting louder, another noise caught her attention above all the commotion. She could just barely hear a small voice calling for help, but it was loud enough to get her to stop running. Her head whipped around trying to find whoever it was, wherever it was coming from. Her eyes landed on a little girl sitting on the ground holding a little boy, and even from her distance she could see they were crying.
“MOMMY!” the little girl kept shouting, tears running down her face as she tried to pull the little boy up with her. They had to be brother and sister. She sounded terrified.
She took off before she could think about what she was doing. She could vaguely hear Jazzy calling after her, trying to get her to turn around and come back, but she couldn’t. The only thing on her mind was getting to those kids before they could get hurt. She wouldn’t let that happen.
She slid to a stop and knelt down next to the kids when she got to them, unconcerned about the fact that she tore a hole in her jeans by doing so, nor the bruises and scrapes she no doubt would have on her knees either. The little girl, maybe seven or eight, kept pulling on her brother’s arm trying to get him to move, but he was sat on the ground firmly, bawling his eyes out and refusing to move. She knew he couldn’t have been older than three years old. 
She looked around for anyone who could have been their mother, anyone willing to help, but everyone was running in the opposite direction. She turned her head to see the group of men getting closer and closer, and they were gaining fast. She was the only one around.
“I need to get you out of here,” she said, turning back to the two kids, voice urgent. “I’ll get you back to your mom, I promise.”
She tried to pick up the little boy, who immediately started shouting and fighting when she did so. He was on the verge of a full-blown breakdown, determined to stay exactly where he was no matter what she did. 
“He won’t let anyone but mom pick him up,” the little girl cried, “but I don’t know where mommy is!”
Seeing how frightened they were broke her heart. There was no getting them to move if she couldn’t pick the little boy up, but she couldn’t just leave them. She wouldn’t. She didn’t know what to do, and she was struggling to come up with something fast enough. With another glance over her shoulder, she realized she was out of time. They were too close now, seconds away and coming right towards them. 
“Hold onto him, and don’t let go!” she ordered the girl. Once the girl did as she said, she grabbed both of the kids and held them to her chest, making sure neither of them would get hit as she awaited the inevitable first—and what she expected to be the final—blow to hit. 
She felt a strong gust of air rush over her head, and at the sound of a fight right behind her, she held on tighter to the kids in her arms. She knew this was it. In a heartbeat, it’d be finished. She’d be finished. 
“Are you okay?”
The voice was closer than she expected, making her jump, but it sounded genuinely concerned. Chancing a glance behind her, she was met with a pair of soft brown eyes. 
She looked past the man to see what was going on, only just noticing that the commotion had stopped, and she could see that the group of men were all lying on the ground unconscious with a man holding a shield standing above them. Everyone knew who Captain America was, but she never expected to come across him herself. Knowing that the kids would be safe now, she looked back to the man in front of her and was shocked to see he had a pair of wings on his back. The Falcon. They were positioned in a way that was meant to shield them from any danger. 
She finally looked back at the Falcon. His eyes hadn’t left her the entire time, and he stayed put in front of them, as if he wanted to make sure nothing could happen to them even with the threat gone. 
Instead of answering the man, she turned back to the kids in her arms. They were still crying and scared, she knew they would be, but at least she knew they would be safe now. She scanned over them for any injuries, and once she knew they were unharmed, she cupped the little girl’s face to get her attention. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay now. You’re safe,” she assured her, speaking softly to help her calm down a bit. She stroked her cheek to gently wipe away her tears. She felt her own heart beating out of her chest, but she couldn’t focus on that right now. “I’m gonna get you back to your mom now, okay? Let’s go find your mom.” 
She glanced back at the man behind her again, who still hadn’t moved, before she eased the kids up into standing. The weight of the situation was finally catching up to her, her head swimming as she tried her hardest to focus on getting the kids back to their mom before anything else. She kept looking between them and the man who saved them. Stuttering, she said, “I… I need-”
“MOMMY!” the little girl called, grabbing her brother’s hand and running to meet the woman who was running towards them. 
She watched as the older woman dropped to her knees to meet her children in an embrace, her own tears streaming down her face as she held her children to her chest. The woman began kissing all over their faces and on the tops of their heads, and the woman’s voice was just loud enough for her to hear her repeating my babies to the children in her arms.
She was walking towards the family before she knew what she was doing. Her knees were screaming at her causing her to limp slightly, but she didn’t care. She needed to make sure they would be okay. Once she was close enough, the woman looked up at her and a look of gratitude crossed her face. 
“Thank you,” the woman managed to say through her tears. “Thank you for protecting my babies.” For a moment, she thought the woman was talking to the Falcon, the one who actually had saved her kids, but the woman was looking at her. 
“You don’t…” she started, beginning to shake her head, but she knew it would be pointless. Instead, she said, “I’m just glad you and your kids are safe.” 
She watched them a few more moments before the woman gathered her kids up and hurried away from the scene. She couldn’t blame them, she wanted to do the same. 
She suddenly remembered the man who had saved them. The Falcon (she couldn’t get over it). She turned back towards him, and this time she really took him in. His wings had retracted back into his suit, thankfully, as they had been very distracting. He was tall without being towering. His skin looked warm and sun-kissed with sharp cheekbones that made her wonder what he looked like when he smiled. He had a head of short, curly black hair, and those soft brown eyes. Those eyes that were still watching, a strange gleam present that hadn’t been there before. 
She didn’t really know what to say, feeling awkward, but she didn’t need to. Before she could even thank him, he spoke instead.
“Are you okay?” he asked again. Something told her that he wouldn’t leave until he knew she was.
“I’m fine,” she finally answered. She didn’t know if she was telling the truth or not, but she still wasn’t able to focus on how she really felt. The kids were safe, their mother was safe, and as far as she was concerned, that’s all that mattered. And this man made sure of that. “Thank you.”
The man seemed to relax a bit at that, his shoulders losing some of their tension. He opened his mouth to say something else, but another voice cut in. 
“Torres! We gotta go, man!” 
It was Captain America who interrupted (which was something she never thought she’d experience), having just been talking with the police who she hadn’t noticed had arrived. They were hauling the men—masks gone and in handcuffs now—into the backs of the police cars. The hero was inspecting their weapons, clearly waiting for the other man—Torres, apparently—to join back up with him. Torres looked between the two of them, seeming conflicted. Before either of them could say anything, they were once again interrupted. 
The sound of Jazzy calling her name snapped her out of whatever was going on, and she turned to see her roommate running straight towards her. Before she could comprehend what was going on, Jazzy was grabbing her arm and pulling her away, determined to get them away from anything else that might happen. She looked back at the man, Torres, and called out another thank you! before she let her roommate lead her away from the scene. 
In truth, she didn’t think she would ever see him again. Why would she? He was The Falcon, Captain America’s partner and a superhero in his own right. He had to have saved countless people all the time. He probably wasn’t even in DC anymore. There was no way she would see him again. 
But then she did. 
She volunteered at a local elementary school, and today they were taking the fifth graders down to the veterans rehabilitation center. They liked to decorate the walls with pictures and bring flowers for the veterans, wanting to try to brighten their days a bit and thank them for their service while doing so, and she liked being part of it as well. She couldn’t imagine what some of them have gone through, but she would sometimes sit in on the group sessions to try to understand more. It was why she made sure to take the kids there at least once every couple weeks.
“It was so nice seeing you and the kids again, sunshine!” the kind lady at the front desk said as she was getting them ready to leave. It was a nickname she had quickly picked up since they started going there, and it always made her laugh.
“Of course, Laura!” she replied. “I’m just glad they like coming down here as much as I do.”
Laura chuckled lowly. “Your visits always make everyones day. They may not say it often, but they appreciate it. More than you know.”
She smiled softly at that. “We try our best. We just want to show our respect and try to brighten things up for everyone, you know?”
“Don’t sell yourself short, hun. What you do with the kids and for everyone here, not many people would do it. We all appreciate everything you do around here. We appreciate you.”
She looked down bashfully at the older woman’s kind words. She never really knew what to say to that. Her eyes flicked back up to Laura. “Oh, I almost forgot!” She reached into her bag and pulled out a small bin. “I know you’ve been wanting to try Jazzy’s brownies.”
The wide grin that appeared on Laura’s face was enough for one to form on her’s as well. She nearly snatched the bin out of her hand, causing her to laugh. “You spoil me, sunshine!”
The two shared a few more words before she checked the time, knowing she needed to leave soon if she didn’t want the bus to leave without her. She said goodbye to Laura with a promise to be back the next week, and the other woman jokingly promised to be ready for more treats. With a wave and another smile to her friend, she began making her way to the front doors. She was in high spirits as she was preparing to leave, paying no mind to the man she passed on her way out until he called out to her. 
“Hey, it’s you!”
She almost didn’t stop, but when she looked around the area and saw it was mostly void of people, she figured it was her he was trying to get the attention of. When she stopped and turned around, her eyes widened when they met the same soft brown ones she first saw just the other day. 
“It’s you,” she repeated, not knowing what to say.
For a moment, she wondered how she could even miss him. Sure, he wasn’t wearing his suit or his wings and seemed, therefore, much less intimidating–not that he seemed intimidating in the first place, but he did save her life, and there’s just something about meeting a superhero face to face that makes a person feel overly self-aware. Without the suit on, you wouldn’t even assume he was a superhero, though in her head she was kicking herself because of course that was the point. He just seemed so normal, and she felt like she could pay more attention now that her life wasn’t on the line. He wore a dark green jacket over a black shirt and jeans, a pair of sunglasses hanging from one of the pockets. His shoulders filled out his jacket well, subtly showing off his built but lean muscles. Part of her wished she could remember what they looked like in his suit when they were more noticeable, and she mentally kicked herself again for thinking that about a complete stranger. His dark curls were styled simply and looked soft to the touch, and she was sure they were. 
Those eyes, though. Unlike before, his soft eyes were looking at her in pleasant surprise rather than concern, his lips quirking up in what was almost a smile. But that weird gleam she saw before was still there, and if anything, it was much more apparent than before.
It took her a few more seconds to realize neither one of them had said anything, her eyes glancing off to the side as her mind raced for something to say. He must’ve realized the same thing because his eyes widened suddenly, taking a step toward her once he knew he had her attention. 
“Sorry, um,” he began, searching for his words, “I just didn’t think I’d ever see you again, but I’m glad I did. How are you doing, after what happened?”
Her eyes widened slightly again, surprised by his words. “I-I’m doing fine,” she answered, but she wasn’t sure how much she believed herself. She added, “‘ve just been trying to get back to normal, is all.”
He seemed satisfied enough with her answer and started to nod, a small smile playing on his lips. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
His words surprised her again. In a burst of confidence, she replied with, “Well, I did have someone to save me.”
His smile grew as he looked down sheepishly, and she thought she heard him say just doing my job under his breath. When he looked back up at her, she thought she liked seeing that gleam in his eyes, especially when he smiled. She thought happiness looked good on him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked gently, suddenly remembering where she still was. 
“Oh, I’m here to meet my partner,” he answered. “He helps out with the counseling sessions when he can. But I’ve got some information I need to discuss with Cap.”
Somehow, it didn’t surprise her to hear that about Captain America. In fact, it made her respect him even more for trying to help people on a more personal level, not just fighting as a superhero. Saving lives on all fronts, she was sure. But the way he talked about why he was there was just vague enough to pique her interest, and just telling enough for her to understand she shouldn’t pry. She was going to find a way to politely remove herself from the conversation, but he spoke again before she could.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, repeating her own question. He cringed at the way it came out, so he quickly added, “I just mean, this is the last place I expected to see you. Are you in the military?”
She shook her head, nearly chuckling. “No, I’m not. The school I volunteer at brings some of the older students down here every few weeks. We like to bring flowers and write cards, you know, to try to show our respect and appreciation. Try to brighten up people’s days where we can.”
“You do all this?” He asked, gesturing toward the decorations on the walls and the flowers here and there. His eyes had widened in surprise again, and it was her turn to look down bashfully this time. 
“Not just me. It’s the kids, mostly, but I like to help out.”
He looked impressed, and something about the look on his face and those damn eyes caused her face to heat up. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention. 
“Well, I can confidently say that I’m not the only one around here who loves seeing all of the notes and decorations,” he said softly, the smile on his face filling her with a sense of warmth she hadn’t felt before. “It’s amazing what you’ve been doing. We all appreciate what you do. And the kids, of course.”
Something told her that he was speaking more for himself than he was for everyone else, and somehow she knew that he meant it toward her directly. The thought made her smile.
His face suddenly got more serious, though, instantly making her feel nervous. “What you did the other day, with those two kids, too. That was amazing.”
That was not something she was expecting, and she definitely didn’t know how to respond to it. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked down, suddenly feeling shy. “I did what anyone would do.”
But he was already shaking his head. “No, really. You saved those kids. I may be the one with wings, but you’re the real hero. It was incredible.”
When she glanced back up at him, she saw that a small smile had reappeared on his lips, and somehow, it was enough to ease some of the tension in her shoulders. It was enough to comfort her in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time, and it made her feel seen in a way she never had. All with one look, which is what really surprised her. She knew deflecting would be useless, so she settled with telling him, barely loud enough for him to hear, “Thank you.” And she meant it more than he knew.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked one final time.
She wanted to laugh that he wouldn’t let it go so easily. “I am, or I will be. I promise,” she answered, and she knew she was telling the truth this time. “Besides, this wouldn’t be my first time in a situation like that, and I’m sure it won’t be my last.” Now that got a good reaction out of him, even though it was the truth.
“Speaking of the kids, though,” she said before he could think about it too much, checking the time again and realizing she’d officially run out of time, “I have to get going so I don’t get left behind.” She looked him over one more time, trying to memorize as much as she could, before she began to turn away. “It was nice to see you again, and to talk. And thank you, again, for saving me.”
His smile warmed her from the inside out. “If it meant getting to see you again, I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
She forced herself not to shudder before turning around. She had only made it a few more steps before he suddenly stopped her again. 
“Wait!” he called, almost too loudly for the quiet hallway. “I didn’t ever get your name!”
She wanted to kick herself again. How had they gone this entire conversation without learning each other’s names? She glanced back over her shoulder, seeing that he had barely moved from his spot. With a warm smile directed at him, she told him her name.
Another smile began to form on his face in return, and it looked like he repeated her name under his breath. Their eyes met a final time before he responded with his own. “I’m Joaquin. It was really nice to meet you, too.”
She turned around before he could catch the wide grin that was beginning to form on her face against her will and tried to rush out of there as subtly as she could. As she went, she could just hear him, Joaquin, repeat her name a second time, and even from where she was she could hear a smile in his tone. She left the building with a bounce in her step and a warm feeling in her chest. 
All because of the Falcon who saved her.
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Well folks, if you didn’t already know, I’m old.
In a few weeks I turn 41!
Additionally I hit 650 followers the other day, yay!
To celebrate these two things I’m gonna do two things-
From Mon 20th to Thurs 23rd I’m going to answer your questions for some of my ‘verse pairings
I’m going to hold a little creative challenge, running from 13th June to 3rd July
Find more info below the cut
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Please send me questions, request h/c or send your own thoughts on any of the following of my ‘verse relationships;
Steve, Cali and Bucky
Ari and Angel
M’Baku and Sabi
Joaquín and Sparky
Loki and Chess
Dark Steve, Sam, Bucky and Bunny
Sam and Bucky
Feel free to send them in any time. I will post my replies between 20th-23rd June.
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80’s and 90’s music is my jam
Pick one of my fav’s (or two- doesn’t have to be x reader/ofc, it can be ship) and a choon.
Create a moodboard, fic, ficlet, h/c list, screengrab story board, artwork, whatevs!
Jen’s favs (and I ain’t picky)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker (TASM or MCU)
Joaquín Torres
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Andy Barber
Jake Jensen
Lee Bodecker
Lance Tucker
I’m still standing -Elton John
La Isla Bonita - Madonna
Centrefold - J.Geils Band
9 to 5 - Dolly Parton
Take on Me - Aha
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
I wanna dance with somebody - Whitney Houston
Set you free -N-trance
Let me be your fantasy - Baby D
Damn, I wish I was your lover-Sophie B Hawkins
Forgiven, not Forgotten - The Corrs
Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
I see you, baby - Groove Armada
Rescue Me - Madonna
Bullet in the Gun - Planet Perfecto
Ready to Go - Republica
Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Richer
Please post anytime between 13th June to 3rd July and use the tag #Jen’s Birthday, so I can create a master list.
Please no toilet play, underage, incest (inc step-cest) or bestiality (monster fucking is fine).
Please use appropriate tags.
Use the music prompt in any way you see fit.
Don’t see a song you vibe with? Let me know and I’ll search my playlist for some more options.
Prompts can be used by multiple creators, go nuts.
Feel inspired? Make more than one creation.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t have the bandwidth and will be either late or have to drop out. It’s supposed to be fun.
Tagging some beauts: @christywantspizza @sidepartskinnyjeans @yarnforbrains @jobean12-blog @navybrat817 @sgt-seabass @breakablebarnes @lil-nas-z @beelicious-barnes @duchessonfireao3 @koipondering @firefly-in-darkness @ramp-it-up @strangeprincex @writerkenna @tuiccim @weekendgothgirl @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @writing-for-marvel
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purplevortexx · 3 years
Last Updated: 10/01/24
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Bucky Barnes
Bells and Whistles (series) - (OFC Milly Bellman)
Peter Parker
Save The Last Dance
Joaquin Torres
Slipping Away / Holding On (two-shot)
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Tomorrow Never Comes
Tuesdays (x gn!reader)
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Dream Team (x pilot!reader)
Exit, Pursued By A Rooster (series)
Home (Leech Part Two)
Five More Nights (Christmas Fic)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Who listens to Bob’s shit?
Mixed Up Match Up
Midnight Madness /Part Two
96 notes · View notes
ao3feed-buckybarnes · 3 years
there can't be songs for every soldier
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3z1E8Zt
by bubblegum_bambi
Love never tasted as bitter as it did when precursored by grief.
Sofi has a plan and a mission and it involved finding *him* and getting him on her side. When things head south will he still be at her side? Will he see all of her and choose to stay? Or will he see too much of his past and walk away? --- Alternatively, Bucky's done a lot of work to be as much 'Bucky' as he can be without 'The Winter Soldier' still being attached. A lot of things come instinctually, especially being drawn to a bull-headed, comparatively small beacon for danger. --- [Bucky Barnes x OFC (black character)] [I started writing when the first ep of tfatws came out so it includes those elements but I didn't know how that story played out and I seriously just went along another path on my own] [set after tfatws] --- "There can't be songs for every soldier. There can't be solice every time you cry"- Lost by Dermot Kennedy
Words: 2921, Chapters: 1/69, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Original Female Character(s) of Color, Sofi Turner, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Christina Raynor, Joaquín Torres, Steve Rogers, Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Espionage, Friends to Lovers, Character Death, Undercover Missions, I'll learn how to tag one day, Inspired by Music, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Protective Bucky Barnes, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, POC Main character, Useless Lesbians
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3z1E8Zt
0 notes
donottouchredbutton · 8 months
Endlessly Falling
joaquin torres x sunshine!reader/ofc
3k words
she was falling, and there was only one person she trusted to catch her.
set in the same universe as this fic
warnings: angst, fear, canon-typical violence but i think it's pretty vague, reader/ofc has a fear of heights, idk let me know if i'm missing anything
note: idk if this is any good, i wrote it in like four hours unedited while i was trying to distract myself from burnout from work. feedback is always welcome :) also let me know if you notice anything familiar about sunshine's backstory... idk maybe there's something there, maybe there's not. let me know what you think!
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She was running for her life. Again. She was really getting tired of this shit. 
She remembered a few weeks ago when the worst thing she had to worry about was getting her essays turned in on time, emailing her professors, and working on her thesis, back when she was just a grad student. Since meeting Joaquin, she found herself in trouble a lot more than she ever expected to be. 
That wasn’t to say this was the first time she’s ever had to run for her life, or that meeting Joaquin was the start of her getting into trouble. Or that meeting Joaquin was her first time helping a superhero. No, she had plenty of experience with this sort of thing. She remembered when she was a teenager the few (multiple) times when her dad’s work followed him home (literally) and having to hide or having to flee her own home just so he could take care of it. Terrifying as it was, she had learned to be good at finding the best hiding spots on the fly. And she still remembered when she was nineteen being trapped in a cage with a monster (who, to be fair, was her dad, but we won’t go into the specifics this time), with the intention of being mauled to death alongside a woman she barely knew. And just a year later, having to travel halfway across the world to help a superhero with identity issues to stop a cult and rescue her dad from said cult (her dad had a bad habit of getting himself into trouble, but he would always tell her that her uncle was even worse). 
Yeah. This wasn’t her first rodeo. And she was positive it wouldn’t be her last, either. 
But she sure as hell didn’t miss having to do this. 
Sam and Joaquin had both understood and agreed initially that they needed her help if they were going to stop this underground terrorist group. Bucky had been on the fence about it at first, thinking her too nice and innocent to get involved, but once she had proved herself in a fight the first time he had realized he had jumped the gun on judging her. She was a formidable opponent while still being able to maintain her happy nature and her positive, love-for-life attitude. 
Which was why she found herself in this position for the first time in years. She hadn’t meant to cause a distraction, she had just been sent by the men on a reconnaissance mission to one of their underground meetings while the three of them tried to take out their base of operations nearby. Even to her, the meeting was much bigger than she had been expecting, and the sound of the men updating her on their progress through her earpiece was only confirmation: they were a much bigger threat than they had initially believed. She had been listening to one of the leaders of the group as he slowly but surely began riling everyone up, his voice raising as he spoke to them about forcing order to the world and subjecting the people who had no care for them. He was nearly shouting at that point, and it was honestly beginning to frighten her. She was so ensnared by his words that the sound of Sam yelling through the earpiece completely threw her off her guard. 
The sound of gunshots on the other end of her earpiece caused her to gasp in fear, which caused her to slap her hand over her mouth in dread. She was scared for her friends, but she was also terrified at the sudden silence that happened in the room next to her after she did so. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as what was surely only a few seconds felt like years as she awaited what would happen. She didn’t dare breathe as she waited, her back pressed against the wall to make herself as small as possible. 
“Someone’s here with us. Take care of it.”
The leader’s words were just loud enough for her to hear, but it was more than enough to set her off at a sprint to get out of there. 
She had been running for what had felt like forever when she finally thought to check in with the others to make sure they were okay, and to find out what the hell happened. 
“What the hell happened?” she shouted through the earpiece. 
“They knew we were coming! It was a setup!” Sam shouted back. He and Bucky were fighting off terrorists left and right as they themselves tried to get out of the base. Their initial plan had been to find the leaders at the base and to either a) reason with them and get them to come willingly (Sam’s idea) or b) stop them by any means necessary (Bucky’s idea), but the three men had been met with nearly an entire army once they got there like they knew they were coming. The place had been booby trapped of all things, tipping the group off so that they opened fire seconds later. They all knew that if they were in trouble, she would be too. “Get outta there, now!”
“I’m trying!”
And she was. Unfortunately for her, the place was a maze, and with about ten angry men chasing after her, it was hard for her to focus on where all of the hallways led to rather than just trying to get away from them. Her fear was making it hard to think, and luckily it was making it hard to think about the fear itself. She just needed to get away. 
The sound of Joaquin’s voice in her ear immediately began to uncloud her mind. “Find a way to go up! Stairs, ladder, window, anything! I’ll come find you!”
She wasn’t able to think about how he would be able to do so, but she listened to him anyway. She trusted him enough to believe he was telling the truth. 
Truthfully, Joaquin didn’t know if he was. He had split from Sam and Bucky once they had opened fire, Sam telling him to fly out of there to find their superior and tell them all they had learned about the group. He often thought about what it would be like to jump out as Falcon, but he wasn’t exactly able to reflect on those expectations when he was in the middle of a life or death situation. He thought once he did so that he was in the clear, but there had been a couple of helicopters right outside waiting for him. So, they had air support. Of fucking course they did. 
Joaquin was sure that their superior would get an earful from Sam once they were finally on the clear (if they ever got to that point). He was doing his best to take out the people shooting at him from the helicopters, making sure they stayed focused on him so they wouldn’t start shooting elsewhere, but the entire time his focus was elsewhere. He couldn’t keep his mind off of her, and he was riddled with guilt. 
Joaquin was the one who had fought so hard to convince Sam and Bucky that she could help them on this mission. While they had both known she could handle herself, they were hesitant to let her go into the field with them, especially on a mission like this. She would have to get about as close as she physically could to this terrorist group without them finding out she was there, and they weren’t willing to risk her getting hurt or worse if something went wrong. It was the last thing Joaquin ever wanted, but he saw how hard she fought to convince them. He saw her conviction and determination, and more than anything, he saw that she truly cared. She just wanted to help, and Joaquin knew that. She was running for her life right now because he was the one to convince them to let her help. 
She was in danger because of him. 
He was right about her needing to find a way up. She had found a door that led her to a staircase all the way up to the roof. She took a quick glance over her shoulder to see how close the men were, finding them far away enough for her to be able to lock the door behind her. If she wasn’t running for her life, she would’ve thought about how it definitely seemed like a safety issue for the door to even have a lock, but she was more concerned about buying herself at least a minute or two to get to the top. She didn’t look back again after she locked the door and began to race up the stairs, not until she heard the sound of a gunshot blowing the door open. The information that they did have guns with them scared her more than she thought it would. They liked the chase, and they didn’t want the end to be quick if they did catch her. The thought made her blood run cold, and a new wave of adrenaline filled her as she continued to run. 
Once she reached the roof, once again locking the door behind her to buy herself some time, she looked out to try to find Joaquin anywhere nearby, but he was nowhere to be found. She braced herself as she looked over the edge of the building she was on, and the realization of just how far up she was was quick to set in. She hadn’t realized how long the staircase was nor how far up she had run, but the sight of the city what looked like miles beneath her caused her heart to beat faster for a completely different reason. She could handle most things—monsters, cults, running for her life. Heights weren’t one of those things. 
“Joaquin,” she said. She tried to steady the tremble in her voice, trying to control her breathing. 
“I’m on my way!” he shouted back, trying to dodge the helicopter that was currently shooting at him. He was not on his way, but he needed to be soon if he wanted any chance of getting to her in time. 
The sound of the men chasing her banging on the door to the roof made her jolt, dread filling her veins like venom. They were throwing themselves against the door to get it open. Unsuccessfully, sure, but the knowledge that they had the means to get the door open with their weapons made her believe that this was just a sadistic scare tactic. The thought made her sick. 
“Joaquin,” she warned. She was unable to hide the fear she felt from her voice. Even she could hear her voice shake. 
So could Joaquin, and he knew they were both running out of time. Taking out the pilot in the final helicopter, he set the thrusters of his wings to full power before jetting off to where she was. 
“I’m on my way!” he shouted once again, but he knew that he wouldn’t be there in enough time. Thinking fast, he added, “You’re gonna have to jump!”
Her stomach dropped at the thought. “I can’t,” she whispered. But she knew she was running out of options. The men chasing her would get tired of playing with her, and in seconds they would be out there with her. She’d have nowhere else to go. Her hands were already shaking as the reality of what she had to do was setting in. 
And she was right. The sound of the door to the roof being blown open made her jump, and the sight of the men closing in on her filled her with a fear she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She didn’t think. She ran to the edge of the building and jumped, right before they could grab her. 
She’s fallen before. She’s fallen out of tall trees when she was little, her dad constantly scolding her for climbing trees when she knew she might fall, but that’s why she always did it—to get better at climbing without falling. She’s jumped off of high platforms, trying to get down from where she was to try to help someone who needed it. She’s been thrown off of the side of a building before, but even then that was done when she was unconscious. This was something different. Being in free fall for so long, that sinking feeling in her gut never leaving but slowly getting worse as she seemed to fall closer to the ground in slow motion. The air whipped at her as if punishing her for jumping, her fear only growing as it felt like she would be endlessly falling. 
She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think to breathe. She couldn’t think, her mind somewhere up in the clouds that she seemed to remember falling through when she jumped. Her eyes were dripping with tears she couldn’t stop as the cool air burned them as she went. Another punishment, she thought. The air was thin, too, choking her up even more. She couldn’t find her voice, though if she did, she wouldn’t have been able to think about calling for Joaquin again. She couldn’t think about whether he would catch her in time. She just had to continue falling. 
Joaquin’s heart raced as he did, his sights set on her as he flew to catch her. He could hear the fear in her voice when she said she couldn’t jump, it had been clear as day to him that she was afraid to. He hadn’t wanted to make her do it, but he knew she had to. And he knew he would rather die than let her hit the ground. He wouldn’t let her get hurt again. He would make sure of it. 
When he was finally close enough, his arms reaching for her, Joaquin felt time stop. He couldn’t think. The only thing he could focus on as he reached for her was her eyes. Those eyes he had seen could hold such light and happiness as he had come to know her, those same eyes that were squeezed shut from fear and wet with tears he knew she couldn’t stop. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, never daring to let go. 
Once she felt him surrounding her, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, aware enough to not choke him but clutching onto him like her life depended on it, because it did. There was nothing that would get her to let go. And now that he was holding her, she could finally feel herself breathe again. 
They were both silent as he flew them away from the building, away from all of the bad men who wished them harm, away from where she felt for a moment she was falling to her death. The pit in her stomach from falling was gone, replaced with something else she couldn’t place. She still felt sick feeling her insides shaken so much, but it wasn’t just that. She felt a pull inside her, not in her stomach but maybe in her chest. She couldn’t know for sure, still barely able to think or process what was going on. The only thing she knew for sure at that moment was that she felt well and truly safe wrapped up in Joaquin’s arms. 
Joaquin finally landed them on the roof of another building, much much shorter than the one she had jumped from and miles away. With the way she was clutching onto his back, he knew she could use a moment to stand on her own two legs and catch her breath. Once his feet touched the ground, he slowly eased her down as well, taking care to handle her gently for fear of causing her any more grief. His arms didn’t leave her even as she got her footing, nor did they when she leaned heavily against him once she was standing. She was still gripping him for dear life, hiding her face in the crook of his neck. He was sure he was holding her in a similar way. 
“Are you okay?” he asked after a few minutes. He always made sure that she was, and if she wasn’t, he always did what he could to help. 
“…Yeah,” she answered slowly, barely audible if it weren’t for her mouth being so close to his ear. “Just… need a minute.” 
Joaquin knew that they didn’t have a minute. He should’ve already been with his superior by now, finishing up with the debrief as they waited for Sam and Bucky to return as well. But he wasn’t concerned with any of that right now. The only thing he cared about was the woman in his arms, shaking like a leaf as she tried to calm down. For her, he would make the time. 
He readjusted his arms around her so that he was hugging her instead, one arm around her waist while the other came up to her shoulders, his hand holding her head against him and stroking her hair. He tried to steady his breathing in a way that she could follow, willing his own heart rate to slow down as he tried to help her calm down. 
She wasn’t the only one who had felt like they were endlessly falling. The only difference was, his had been slow and steady, hardly noticing it was happening until it hit him all at once. And he knew he would fall again and again if it meant getting to hold her like this. 
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donottouchredbutton · 8 months
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' Thank you, again, for saving me. '
His smile warmed her from the inside out. ' If it meant getting to see you again, I’d do it in a heartbeat. '
'In a Heartbeat' coming out 8/20/23
*i don't own any of the photos used in this moodboard*
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Late's Masterlist
Welcome to my Masterlist. I also have an AO3 account (Late_to_party_81) where I also post my stories.
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Most Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Header by @lilacevans
All banners, other dividers and mood boards by me (Credits to those who took the photos)
Key: 🥰 Fluff 😭Angst 🍆Smut 🍑WLW smut 🌑Dark 🩸Violence 🌶 Suggestive
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An Artist and an Engineer 🥰🍆A Stucky x Reader - Non-Powered AU (WIP)
A Place on Earth 🥰😭🍆A Starker Canon Divergent AU (Done) plus Drabbles
SamBucky Stories 🥰😭🍆🌑🌶 Post Canon Series and Character Celebration events
Checkmate 🥰😭🍆🩸🍑🌑🌶A Loki x OFC Canon Divergent AU (Complete)
Ojos Asi 🥰😭🍆🩸Joaquín Torres X SWORD Agent! Reader (Complete)
Conclave 😭🍆🩸🌑Soft!Dark! SamSteveBucky x Reader - Apocalypse AU (WIP)
[River Deep] Mountain High 🥰😭🍆M'Baku x Journalist Reader (WIP)
You, Me and the Other Guy 🥰🍆Bruce Banner/Hulk x Reader (WIP)
I love you, then I hate you (and then I love you more) 🍆MeanDom! Steve x Sheild Administrator Brat! Reader
My beginning, my end, my everything 🍆😭🥰🩸Alpha!Nomad! Steve x Omega Reader
A little bit older 🍆😭🥰 DBF! Steve x Inexperienced Reader
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Ari and his Angel 🥰🍆🌶Ari Levinson x Female Reader
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Canon Adjacent
Full AU
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Chris Evans Characters
Sebastian Stan Characters
Red, White and Royal Blue
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All New 22 250/300 Follower celebration for me and @yarnforbrains
500 Follower Celebration All my little 'pass the parcel' and 'giftbag' drabbles
Kinktober 2022 Get your kink on this October
Challenge Yourself Challenge fics by others and drabble requests by me for my 1k celebration
Bucky Barnes Bingo 2023 Will I get a black-out this year? Yes!
Into an alternate Juni-verse 2023 A connect 4 mini- event
Hot Bucky Summer 2023 13 weeks of Bucky-based, sexy shenanigans
Stucky Bingo Round 5 Stretching my 'ship' wings
Steve Rogers Bingo Round 3 Have I taken on too many Bingo's at once? Never!
Build a Bucky Bingo Round 1 Another bingo? Why yes!
Into an alternate Juni-verse 2024 A connect 4 mini - event, again!
Stucky Geek Events Bingo Round 1 All the bingos!
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The music that we make A Bucky x reader mood board
Bullet in the gun A Stucky mood board
A Study of Seb A Sebastian Stan mood board
Save a horse, ride a cowboy (or two) A Steve x Reader x Bucky Cowboy AU mood board
Queen of all she surveys An Alpine and Bucky mood board
But what if we did? Lord Laufeyson x Governess Reader mood board with short blurb
Because she glitters you'll give her the world Mob!Reader x Sugarbaby! Wanda mood board with short blurb
The Champion’s Tribute Shrinkyclinks Stucky AU fibre art
The Charming Man Shrinkyclinks Stucky AU fibre art
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