#jihadist rapists
naipan · 4 months
Der Iran eskaliert mit Raketenangriffen auf den Irak, Syrien und jetzt Pakistan. Das Kalkül scheint klar: Man möchte die USA in einen regionalen Krieg ziehen.
Der Terror aus der Islamischen Republik Iran kommt derzeit mit Raketen daher. In den vergangenen Tagen schlugen mehrere Raketen in Erbil – Irakisch-Kurdistan – ein. Die Iraner haben nach eigenen Angaben ein „israelisches Spionagezentrum“ zerstört. Beinahe zeitgleich schlugen iranische Raketen in Syrien ein, angeblich um Stellungen des „Islamischen Staates“ zu eliminieren.
Terrorakte, die aus der Mullahrepublik begangen werden, sind weder in Syrien noch in Irak neu. Allerdings operierte der Iran bislang anders in den Nachbarstaaten. Im Irak wurden pro-iranische Milizen eingesetzt, die aus Teheran finanziert und befehligt werden und in Bagdad zum Alltag der Iraker gehören. Warum der demonstrative Angriff mit Raketen, wenn es sich nicht um eine Machtdemonstration handelt?
Noch eindeutiger ist der Beschuss der Syrischen Stadt Idlib, das rund 1200 km entfernt vom iranischen Abschussort liegt. Das ist die längste bekannt gewordene Strecke, die eine von der Islamischen Republik abgefeuerte Rakete jemals zurückgelegt hat. Ungefähr genauso weit liegen etwas weiter südlich Ziele wie Tel Aviv und Jerusalem. Die Botschaft ist eindeutig.
Hinzu kommt der Raketenangriff auf das Nachbarland Pakistan, Atommacht und zumindest formal Verbündeter der USA. Auch dieser Angriff stellt ein Novum der iranischen Aktivitäten dar. Auch die Hizbollah in Libanon droht und beschießt Israel, ebenso im direkten Befehl wie die Huthi-Milizen, die aus Jemen die internationale Schifffahrt im Roten Meer angreifen.
Offensichtlich sehnt Teheran mit diesen Aktivitäten einen militärischen Angriff auf Iran herbei. Das durchsichtige Kalkül: mit einem Krieg wird die eigene Bevölkerung gegen Bedrohung von außen wieder auf Linie gebracht. Zudem ist es in Kriegszeiten deutlich leichter, gegen jedwede missliebige Opposition vorzugehen.
Die Zeichen stehen eindeutig auf Krieg. Das ist auch der politischen Folklore der Faschisten erkennbar: Just in dieser Woche wurde in Teheran eine Häuserfassade an einer der Hauptverkehrsadern der Metropole neu bemalt. Das Motiv: mehrere Raketen, die gerade abgefeuert wurden, darunter ein Schriftzug auf Hebräisch: „Bereitet eure Särge vor!“. Es kommt einem so vor, als ob die Mullahs geradezu um einen Militäreinsatz gegen sich betteln. Es wäre nicht unwahrscheinlich, wenn dieser Wunsch 2024 in Erfüllung ginge
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Benjamin Netanyahu
The Menace to World peace
Stephen Jay Morris
April 14, 2024
©Scientific morality
            The world would be better off with pacifists than with avenging angels. What religion has taught us is not to trust the followers of any religion. They always put a square peg into a round hole. They twist God’s words to fit their own agenda. If God is so fucking omnipotent, why does he need Christian soldiers, Jihadist warriors, or the I.D.F. to levy his punishment upon evil doers. I suspect he doesn’t really exist. Even common sense will tell you that God doesn’t need an army to implement mega-universe domination.
Sounds kind of primitive, doesn’t it?  It is. Simpletons have this fear of so-called evil. They make the fatal mistake in feeling that the only way to deal with evil is to destroy it. That is a gigantic fallacy. Evil will always replace itself. Someone once told me that there will always be good versus evil. That I do not accept. What is evil? That is a subjective question.  What may be evil to you is good to someone else.
            Ever since the 60s and 70s, I was told that the older generation sends the young to war to fight the gerontocratic political schemes. One thing about narcissistic old men is that they know their time on earth is almost up. So, they want the whole world to die with them. The phony good is really the true evil. Or maybe, just maybe, there is no such thing as good and evil. There are people who have mental disorders, or angry people who have personality maladies. They need healing, not punishment.
Then, those who think violence solves everything will give you an example of “what ifs.” “What if someone is raping your wife? Would you give the rapist a therapy session?” We are talking about the long term, you dumb fuck! Not an immediate, singular situation. Of course I would do anything to stop such an act!  Prevention of evil is wiser than revenge.
            If we are going to have World War Three, can we at least wait until the NBA playoffs are over? It only takes one leader that suffers from a messianic complex and thinks himself a Jewish prophet: Benjamin Netanyahu, the not-ready-for-prime-time minister. He wants to drag the United States into war with Iran. The Likud Party initiated it when it bombed an Iranian consulate in Syria. Of course, Iran wants to retaliate. So, they launched hundreds of missiles and drones toward Israel. And, of all those fired, just one missile penetrated. One? After spending millions and billions on Israel’s Iron Dome, you’d think all missiles would be deterred. Can the IRS refund my tax money, then? I need it for some plumbing work in my bathroom.
            Benjamin Netanyahu is not my leader. I didn’t vote for him to be pope of the Jews. What he has done for Israel is to apply a permanent scar in history. What he has done and is doing to the Palestinian people is genocide. Repeatedly spewing the details of Hamas’ horrific attack on October 7, 2023 is not justification for that genocide. The question really is, with Israel’s technological and logistical advances, where were the border police that day? Was the Iron Dome turned off?  I know I won’t get any answers to these questions.
            Being opposed to Revisionist Zionists does not make me Anti-Semitic, it makes me pro-humanitarian!
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emiliejolie · 4 months
The IDF is just...simply the worst. Why did they kill those 3 OBVIOUSLY israeli hostages? Why did they choose to murder defenseless civilians in their cars on Oct 7? It's just...so appalling. And now they're trying to shift the blame away from themselves. I... Why are people defending them? I thought they were here to protect Israel? They SAID they don't use the hannibal directive anymore. Utter lies. If they were able to do that on Oct 7...just what are they willing to do to their own citizens for their own goals?
yeah the Idf is soooo much worse than a group of cheap cocaine sniffing rapists who cut women's breasts off, and call it resistance. Like omg you're so right.
I want to see you fight hamas disguised as civilians in a built area. Then come back and say shit about who you want.
The whole fucking reason there are soldiers in gaza is to get our hostages back. To say they purposefully shot our hostages even if they knew them is just ridiculous. It happened one too many times that hamas members raised white flags dressed as civilians and then proceeded to shoot our soldiers.
This whole event is devastating.
And shooting civilians in their car what makes you think the idf shot our own civilians like?? Did you get this news from al jazeera ?
You have a very wrong idea of who our soldiers are and what values we have. The idf is not a jihadist death cult. Soldiers sacrifice their lives so their families can continue living. While hamas is the fucking opposite. Sacrificing their children so they can continue killing.
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1americanconservative · 3 months
It's official. Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus and going all in with the jihadist murderers and rapists.
BIDEN: "There's gotta be a ceasefire because Ramadan — if we get into a circumstance where this continues through Ramadan, Israel and Jerusalem, then you got — it could be very, very dangerous."
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coochiequeens · 3 years
KAYA, Burkina Faso (AP) — A 20-year-old woman could no longer live in her village amid the rising violence caused by Islamic extremists. But she needed to return and retrieve the family’s cows in hopes of selling them.
If her husband went, jihadists would almost certainly kill him. She went instead, and was dragged into the bush, beaten and raped at knifepoint.
“I screamed, but I couldn’t overtake him, so I cried,” she recalled in a phone interview from Barsalogho town in the Center North region where she now lives. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual violence.
The extremist violence in Burkina Faso linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group is fueling an increase in sexual assaults against women, especially those displaced by attacks. Many are preyed upon as they attempt to collect belongings they left behind.
The violence killed more than 2,000 people last year, according to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project. It also displaced more than 1 million people.
In Burkina Faso’s Center North region, sexual assault cases increased from two to 10 during a three-month period last year, according to a report by humanitarian groups including the United Nations. Some 85% of survivors were internally displaced people mainly living in makeshift camps in Barsalogho and Kaya towns, it said.
Women in Kaya told AP they feared being attacked while going to fetch firewood for cooking.
“I won’t go more than 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) outside of Kaya to farm because I’m afraid for my safety,” said Kotim Sawadogo. The 37-year-old fled Dablo in August and struggles to afford food for her four children. In September 2019, her niece was raped by jihadists while farming outside the village, she said.
“They won’t be killed but they’ll be raped, which is like being killed inside anyway,” said Fatimata Sawadogo, who was displaced last year from Dablo to Kaya and knows women who have been raped by jihadists while farming. Women often assume the rapists are jihadists because they carry guns and wear masks.
Sometimes after assaulting the women, the jihadists burn their food, and yet some women are so desperate that they return the next day to salvage it, she said.
Aid groups say jihadists are not the only perpetrators and that there has been an increase in domestic violence and exploitation of displaced women by host communities.
“This reality is made worse by the lack of economic opportunities for women, the shortage of food and shelter for women and the lack of access to quality health care,” said Jennifer Overton, West Africa regional director for Catholic Relief Services.
Earlier this month, a woman in Kaya said she had sex with a community leader twice, in June and November, because he promised he could add her name to a list to receive food. “I regret it, but I thought I’d get food and I never did,” she said, who spoke on condition of anonymity for her safety. Before the violence, Burkina Faso didn’t have specialized services focused on sexual assault. Now humanitarians are struggling to cope, said Awa Nebie, a gender-based violence specialist with the United Nations Population Fund. This year the humanitarian response plan for Burkina Faso estimates that more than 660,000 people will need protection against gender-based violence, Nebie said. Since August, the organization has created six safe spaces in the Center North to help women and girls speak freely about their experiences, but it’s inadequate, she said. And some areas of the country like the Sahel and East regions are hard to access due to insecurity. Local government officials say the daily influx of displaced people is straining resources and putting women at risk by forcing them to venture farther into the bush to collect wood for cooking. “In the past, women could find resources two or three kilometers (one to two miles) away, but with the increasing number, they go farther and farther and it is very worrying,” said Saidou Wily, head of social welfare services in Barsalogho......
Ladies please share to raise awareness.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Yes, Mosques Matter, and No, They Are Not Just Like a Church
‘wherever there is a Muslim community there will be sharia, and wherever there is sharia, there is Islamization of the territory and ultimately the nation.’
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Many Muslims come [to the West] as a part of Islamic da’wa, or mission. They are out to reach the whole world for Islam. But unlike Christians, who also want to reach the whole world for Christ, Muslims see no separation between church and state, or mosque and state.
All is one in Islam, so spreading Islam means spreading an entire way of life, including the political, cultural and legal aspects. Thus Islamic immigration is also far different from that of other religions. One very important book on all this is Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.
Written by a former Muslim, Sam Solomon, and E Al Maqdisi (ANM Publishers, 2009), it is a very revealing look at how Muslims in the West are going about establishing a political power base to work toward the eventual takeover of the host nation.
The strategy, as detailed by the authors, is quite clear: set up a beachhead in a non-Muslim nation, consolidate your gains, push for a separate and distinct culture, and work for full rights in terms of separate law systems, finance systems, dietary systems, and so on.
The aim is not to fit in and embrace the values and beliefs of the host culture. The aim is to take over the nation, and foist Islamic values and beliefs on the kaffir (infidel) instead. It is about the establishment of a universal caliphate, and the spread of sharia law throughout the globe.
And the role of immigration is quite crucial here, going all the way back to Muhammad himself. Recall that the migration (Hijra) of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 is the most important event in the Muslim calendar. This initiated the spread of Islam by sword and conquest.
The Hijra “changed the status of Islam as a religion and of the Muslims as a community, transforming them from being a weak people to a powerful political entity … and ultimately into a powerful socio-religious political state.” Thus Islamic migration is still viewed as so very important today.
And a major player in all this is the mosque. As the authors write, “Mosques are at the heart of the community. The mosque is the most crucial infrastructure for the development of any Muslim community. Building mosques is a strategy to emulate and imitate Muhammad.”
They detail how this process works: “The Islamic community consolidation system works through a network of volunteers and other paid ‘pious’ individuals who act as community or mosque liaison officers, who keep a close eye on the community by policing the new immigrant arrivals….
“The major aim is first and foremost to consolidate the existing Muslim community, and only in so doing successfully would it be possible to declare and fight for Shariah and the gaining of a special status for the Muslim community. The first foundational principle for the creation of a successfully visible Islamic society is to be separate and distinct.”
While I recommend that all concerned citizens get a copy of this book, a brief article on the same theme can be offered here. Janet Levy has written a vital piece entitled “A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue”. Discussing the American situation, she writes, “A mosque is a symbol of this ultimate authority and serves the function of organizing every aspect of life in a Muslim community.
“Mosques are modeled after the first mosque established by Mohammed in Medina, which was a seat of government, a command center, a court, a school, and a military training center and depot for arms. Mosque leaders today issue religious decrees, enforce Islamic doctrine, monitor conduct, provide training, punish transgressions, and command actions, including the requirement to conduct jihad.”
Therefore a mosque “is totally unlike a church or a synagogue, entities that serve their communities under the law of the land and are both empowered and restrained under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Under the Establishment Clause of that amendment, the government is prohibited from establishing a state religion or conferring preferential treatment on one religion over another.”
But in “Muslim countries, no separation exists between mosque and state. Islamic doctrine or sharia controls all aspects of a person’s existence, from the correct way to use the toilet to permissible forms of lying, or taquiya. For Muslims, Mohammed is the perfect man, whose every example must be emulated, even though by Western Judeo-Christian standards he was a mass murderer, pedophile, rapist, torturer, and looter.
“Furthermore, Islamic doctrine is immutable, and any criticism of the traditions and practices of Mohammed is considered apostasy, which is punishable by death. No free individual will exists or is allowed when it comes to practices and observances. Sharia must be strictly followed.”
She concludes, “The radical nature of U.S. mosques was confirmed in 2005 by a study conducted by Freedom House, ‘Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Invade American Mosques,’ in which it was determined that 80% of American mosques encouraged Muslims to work for the establishment of the Islamic state and espoused hatred and intolerance toward non-Muslims….
“According to former FBI agent and expert on Islam John Guandolo, we have over 2,000 so-called Islamic centers across the U.S. modeled after the first mosque in Medina. These Islamic centers can be likened to military command centers that imbue jihad ideology and serve as processing centers for jihadist training, Guandolo says.
“In view of the stated intent and the supporting ideology of mosque-proliferation, we would be well-advised to heed the words of former Muslim and professor of sharia law Sam Solomon, who declares, ‘We must never forget that Islam is an all-encompassing ideological system, and as such wherever there is a Muslim community there will be sharia, and wherever there is sharia, there is Islamization of the territory and ultimately the nation.’
“Rather than allowing the building of more mega-mosques in the United States, we should halt existing projects and seriously consider shutting down existing mosques to prevent the proliferation of an ideology that has publicly pledged to destroy America.”
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Dr. Suess’ the Election of 2016
A long time ago, in the land of The Who’s
There was one day a year when the time came to choose
Choose who would lead them through peace and through war
Through panics and protests, depressions and more
Now year after year, this election day came
And year after year, it was widely the same.
Oh, they’d brag, and they’d boast, and they’d claim to be great
They’d cheat and they’d lie, and they’d try to debate
In Twenty-Fifteen, in the month of July,
Jeb Bush was joyous, he felt oh so spry,
For he knew he was destined to conquer the throne,
His inauguration seemed near set in stone.
Sure there were others, opponents aplenty
A doctor, a governor, senators some twenty
But none posed a threat to his path to succession
Until someone appeared to teach poor Jeb a lesson
But high above the streets, looking down from Trump Tower
An orange little What, hating those in power
He told the whole nation, they must build a wall,
And their southern neighbors would pay for it all
From the start, people saw that he wasn’t quite there
His speeches were filled with more fluff than his hair
He’d call Mexicans rapists, and Muslims Jihadists
He was loud, and obnoxious, and rude and immodest
But somehow, the nation became enamored
The more he would roared, the more they would clamor
He attacked so many, with insults less than clever
Claiming that blood was pouring from Megyn Kelly’s… wherever.
The tangerine started many a feud
From the first debate, the GOP was screwed
He trashed Gilmore, Walker, Jindal, and Paul,
Fiorina, Pataki, but that wasn’t all.
He attacked Huckabee, Santorum, and Perry
Shading, with insults that no one could parry
He went after Carson, the doctor, who claimed,
He’d drawn a knife on another, but had terrible aim
But Carson still spiked in the polls, yes he did
Saying strange things, that Joseph built the pyramids
But Trump still trumped, destroying the surgeon
So Carson dropped out and helped their campaign burgeon
Chris Christie was a quite a less difficult opponent,
He surrendered and quickly became Trump’s proponent
He went after Jeb, the poor, sad little brother,
Slight after slight, sending him to his mother.
His relentless attacks put Jeb’s campaign on pause
Left him pleading his crowds for a shred of applause
Please Clap.
Cruz and Kasich, went hand in hand,
Cruz was a frog, Kasich was bland
Cruz was mocked, called a “liar” and “cheat”
He seemed all in all very easy to beat
Kasich, how basic, the man from Ohio,
The only one left who wasn’t a psycho
Attracting his followers with moderate beliefs
Giving those who aren’t insane some well earned relief
But no one was ready for Trump’s avalanche
And though Cruz tried to offer up an olive branch
He dropped a day later; the nation was floored
A whole lot of effort with little reward
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle,
Where people were happy and not spitting bile
Hillary’s rule was under attack
By an old jewish guy, a bit out of whack
His name was Ol’ Sanders, the Millennials dream
Preaching that Wall Street was not just as it seems
He won some states, and his campaign grew,
And though he was old, he was something new
He fought for the wage, to give everyone raises
He was undeniably left, from choice to the gayses
Trump ran unopposed, the blue collar Zion
And though it was quite a struggle to be endorsed by Paul Ryan
He continued to clamor, said Klum was a nine
Called black people lazy, statements much less than sublime
All eyes were on Cleveland, the city was tense
And Trump chose who other, Governor Mike Pence
Yet the convention was filled with hate, fear and lies
What with Melania’s speech having been plagiarized
With the right alright, who left but the left?
With all the Obamas giving Clinton their best
She shattered the ceiling with records abounding
Giving those in the future a good sense of grounding
And, between hackers, emails, and all of that pain
Clinton pulled through, nominating Tim Kaine.
While Trump’s campaign wanted Mexicans banished
Kaine played harmonica and spoke fluent Spanish
Nominations passed, Trump went off the rails
The Republican leaders got infinite ails
He insulted Gold Stars, booted babies from rallies
Got madder and madder as Clinton took home the tallies
Now the Times got a note, a tip-off you could say
Published that day, a confounding expose
The letter told that he lost a billion dollars
Surely now Clinton had him gripped by the collar
But nay, for Trump’s people claimed
That this was smart business, his loss was a gain
A federal loophole of sorts he had found
Saving him from paying the IRS’ hounds
Then came the debates, the mainstage event
Where Trump and Hill were both accused of much malcontent
He called again for border protection
His yuge talking point throughout the election
They came at each other with the war of Iran
She explained his Trumped-up Trickle-down plan
He called for national stop-and-frisk
She said Russia ran a bit of a risk
He shamed a model for not being a barbie
His female supporters indifference seemed quite alarming
They both said the other hasn’t the stamina
The whole night made us all long for Canada
The vice-presidential debate happened, I guess.
Mere days later, a tape was released
Of Billy Bush on a big bus boosting the beast
He talked of women, spoken like a true wussy
He’d kiss and rape them, grab them by the genitalia
The second debate, bloodier than the first
Proving these candidates were truly the worst
Trump said his comments were post-workout fun
That he was innocent, unlike Bill Clinton
But arose from this match a man deserving of the throne
The great, the mighty, the sweetie Ken Bone
But as if the whole season wasn’t enough
We then found out he was into some pervy stuff
The final debate, practically scandal-free
But sadly, in their wake, still a mound of debris
Trump talked and he talked and said stranger things
Brought up Mexico and all the bad hombres they bring
They went back and forth, he called her a puppet
Quite ironic, as he’s the one who looked a muppet
Now, ten days preceding the final vote
Some news ‘pon which the GOP dotes
Tony Weiner’s weiner was unearthed in investigation
And some new emails sent Hill halfway to damnation
Some claimed the claim was simply a phony
To raise panic and lower polls, fabricated by James Comey
Election Night, Trump takes the early lead
One would think that’s the case, as five states had just legalized weed
Clinton pulls ahead, in Ohio and Texas
Though the battle in those states went to the sexist.
How could this be? Trump has won the panhandle!!
No mere feat for Trump, having Florida manhandled
Excuse me for a second, as I expatriate
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naipan · 3 months
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automatismoateo · 4 years
Islam is an evil religion via /r/atheism
Submitted October 14, 2020 at 12:18PM by Iliketosleepforfun (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3iZNs8l) Islam is an evil religion
I wish all religion could be eradicated and that people would believe in facts, evidence, and logic over superstition but if there’s one religion that I could rid the world of first, it would be Islam.
Muhammad was a warlord, a child rapist, and obviously a false prophet. That’s even if he existed in the first place. But it’s so obvious to see that he wasn’t a real prophet. Some of his revelations were obviously convenient and “revealed” to him only to serve his own desires. For example, one revelation (Quran 33:53) tells Muhammad’s followers to not enter his house without his permission or dwell there longer than they have to, because while he’s too shy to tell them to leave, Allah isn’t shy in telling them to do so.
There are verses in the Quran and Islamic Sources that directly instruct Muslims to kill, convert, or subjugate Christians, Jews, polytheists, and non-believers. This is still reflected today when you see Jihadist groups kill or forcefully convert non-Muslims in different countries around the world. It’s crazy to think that there’s multiple groups around the world that have somewhat sizable numbers who literally believe that they have a divine mandate to subjugate the entire world.
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mellaneous · 5 years
Trump: “US is full” no more Browns, Blacks….
Trump: “US is full” no more Browns, Blacks….
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  Obviously President Donald Trump has run out of excuses for denying immigrants and asylum seekers access to the US. His attempts to label them as criminals and rapists and even jihadists,has not been as effective as he and the conservative wing of the US ruling class had hoped. So they have fallen back on an oldie, but goodie,“no more room in the Inn”(country). The message to the asylum…
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beyondparadisemovie · 6 years
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#Newroz.🌻🌷Thousands of #Kurdish children, women & men couldn’t join their Kurdish and #Iranian brothers & sisters to celebrate their 3000 years old Newroz (=New Sun=New Day=New Year) ‘cause they were massacred by Turkish bombardments or had to flee their homes to escape Jihadists ex-ISIS killers/rapists directed & paid by #Erdogan’s Turkey😰 #IranProtests #newroz #nowrouz @yarashahidi #Afrin #Syria #Kurdistan #Turkey #erdogan #trump #putin #Iraq #YaraShahidi #JusticeNow #EqualityNow @amnesty @unicef (at Weird World)
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nancydhooper · 6 years
Georgia Law Enforcement Invites a Noted Anti-Muslim Speaker to ‘Train’ Their Officers on Islam
The ACLU of Georgia is demanding local police cancel an anti-Muslim training on Wednesday.
The Barrow County Sheriff’s Office is holding a “training course” on Wednesday apparently approved by the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police. The title, “Islam in America,” sounds educational and harmless. But the course description and instructor tell another story that raises questions about the goals of law enforcement in Georgia.
The course instructor, David Bores, has a documented history of making inaccurate and dangerous statements regarding Muslims and Islam, claiming that Muslims are not entitled to the same rights as other communities. A retired lieutenant general of the U.S. Army and former law enforcement officer, Bores has conducted several trainings over the years that appear to be in the same vein.
In 2013, he taught “Islamist Ideology: Does it Conflict with our Law Enforcement Mission” at the Dawson County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Center in Nebraska. The course description implied that Muslims are not entitled to the religious liberty that all religious communities are afforded under the Constitution. “[M]any believe we must automatically grant to it [Islam] the rights and privileges offered to other expressions of worship,” the description stated, “lest we be accused of being politically incorrect, of being intolerant of multi-cultural beliefs, or worse, of being labeled Islamophobic.”
More recently, in 2016, Bores presented “The Current Threat of Islamism” to the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association. This presentation was riddled with misrepresentations of Muslims and Islam, unsubstantiated statistics, and images of non-white men, representing them as “rapists” or violent. One image included a photograph of people with a sign that says, “Rapists Welcome,” in reference to Muslims and refugees. 
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Another photograph, displayed by Bores, showed a woman whose hair and face are covered. “We have no idea who is underneath that,” he said. “We have no idea if they are carrying weapons or bombs. Nothing. It is a security issue. It has no religious significance.” With these words, Bores dismissed the religious beliefs and practices of those who choose to cover themselves in this way as well as the autonomy of women to dress as they choose. Simultaneously, he informed attendees that all Muslims who do make this choice are inherently suspect, dangerous, and violent.
For the Barrow County training this Wednesday, Bores appears to go down the same path. The course description includes language that has long been used to create unfounded fear and suspicion of Muslims, such as “jihadist enemy,” “Grand Jihad,” and “Muslim Brotherhood.” It also references “Challenges to LE [Law Enforcement] and the Constitution.” This description likely references Bores’s repeated false claims that Muslims are trying to undermine the Constitution and impose Sharia—Islamic canonical law. Not only is this simply not happening, but the First Amendment already prohibits U.S. courts from imposing Sharia or any other religious law.
Bores clearly comes from a place of bias, making it harmful for him to train law enforcement officers who play an essential role in the safety of our communities. Police officers must operate from a place of objectivity and safety rather than stereotypes and distrust. Not only does the substance of his past courses indicate the inaccuracy of his knowledge, it also reveals his bigotry.
Bores’s influences and associations are also evidence of his anti-Muslim animus. He has aligned himself and his teachings with others who express this bigotry. For example, his 2016 training includes references to the actions of Pamela Gellar, who is well known for her promotion of anti-Muslim policies. He was also an adjunct instructor on “radical Islam” for the Center of Security Policy, an organization with a history of advocating anti-Muslim policies and conspiracy theories.
Local communities and advocacy organizations, including the ACLU of Georgia, are urging the Barrow County sheriff to cancel Bores’s training and the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police to withdraw its approval. Inaccurate and biased training undermine law enforcement’s duty to serve and protect all communities equally. Sheriffs and chiefs of police have a responsibility to ensure their officers uphold the law and protect communities — rather than teaching them to discriminate against people based upon their faith.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247012 https://www.aclu.org/blog/religious-liberty/using-religion-discriminate/georgia-law-enforcement-invites-noted-anti-muslim via http://www.rssmix.com/
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marianneforbes · 7 years
My thoughts on Trump’s Muslim ban.
(A little late, because I was reluctant whether or not I should post it.)
I’ve made no secret about my feelings towards the Muslim immigration from the Middle East into Europe. I understand why these people are fleeing, and why so many Western leaders feel morally obligated to accept them into our countries, but enough is enough! Accepting them in isn’t doing any good anymore!
There should be no surprise to anyone that I support Trump’s so called “Muslim ban”, and technically he’s not doing anything wrong. You may want to argue that it’s morally wrong and “un-American” to ban Muslims from entering the US, but I would argue that what he’s doing is morally right. He’s taking the safety of the American people into consideration first, and that’s what any leader should strive to do! I know SJW like to spread propaganda pictures of children in refugee camps with terrible conditions, but they keep ignoring that a lot of the people around them are economic migrangts (not refugees) or even straight out ISIS-members. 
Trump knows what’s happening in Europe, and he doesn’t want that to happen to America. Given how you’ve had the worst terrorist-attack in modern history (no, I’m not talking about Trump’s inauguration), he has every reason to be sceptical of Muslim-immgrants. I just wished the European leaders would do the same, because the jihadists are not the only ones bringing problems with them. 
Over 1.000 women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s eve in Cologne 2015-2016. The authorities covered it up and wanted to pretend that it was white German men. Or that 3-year-old child in Sweden who was raped by a Muslim immigrant? Guess whose side the authorities took. I’ll give you a hint: it was not the 3-year-old’s. This bullshit about Islamaphobia has gotten so out of hand that they are getting away with raping a 3-year-old!!! 
If they are going to come here, they have to respect our culture and customs. I’m sorry to say this (no, I’m really not), but our values are superior to their’s (as in, there is no comparison). We treat men and women equally, we do not push gay people off buildings, we don’t accept child grooming, and we don’t accept grown men taking children as their brides.
I don’t want my nieces to be viewed as sexual objects when they are three-years- and five-months-old by men who thinks it’s acceptable to do so!  I don’t want my fiancés 15-year-old cousin to live in fear of going out and live her life due to fear of being violated by Muslim men, and then have the authorities taking her rapist’s side.   
SJW and left-wing politicians like to preach how we should be acceptable and respect these immmigrants, but why should we when they show us no respect in return? I repeat what I said earlier: Our culture is superior to their’s! It is NOT okay to rape children! It is NOT okay to treat women as second class citizens. It is NOT okay to push gay people off buildings!
Listen, I know that not all Muslims are like that. I know that there are refugees who want to integrate into our societies rather than live in ghettos. I know not all of them go around and rape people from left to right, and I know that most of them would rather have the jihadists not follow them to Europe and give them more of a bad reputation than they already have. If all refugees were of the good kind, we would not have these problems. But that is a fancy dream, and we have to live in this harsh reality. 
Trump is not the problem, he’s the reaction to the problem, just like Brexit was in Britain and Marine Le Pen will most likely (hopefully) be in France. If we don’t want the West to fall into the hands of conservative right-wingers, our leaders need to stop reacting and start acting! 
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newageislam-blog · 5 years
Islamism and Islamophobia Have Created a Vicious Cycle of Xenophobic Violence, Sultan Shahin Asks UNHRC at Geneva to Persuade Muslim Nations to Follow UN Charter
Islamophobia and Islamist violence are both growing and in the unlikeliest of places.
Recent attacks on churches in Sri Lanka were as much of a surprise as the attack on mosques in Christchurch. And now copycat attacks are taking place elsewhere. A vicious cycle of xenophobic violence is in operation.
While the world suffers from Jihadist violence, Muslims in particular suffer the most causalities in sectarian wars incited by the Islamist Jihadist ideology.
And yet, even almost two decades after 9/11, Muslim nations continue to be in denial. Islamist ideology based on the Islamic theology of consensus is absolved of any responsibility for violent extremism.
The result is that Muslim children continue to be taught in madrasas Islam supremacism and contempt for other religions. Even explicitly violent passages have not yet been weeded out from text books.
The terrorism it generates takes many shapes. If Hindu, Sikh and Christian girls are abducted and forcibly converted to Islam in Pakistan, this too essentially comes from contempt for other religions taught in religious seminaries. In several countries including Pakistan, some Muslims do not wait for courts to pass judgements to punish those they consider guilty.
The Council should convince the offending states to establish the rule of law on the basis of the UN Charter and repeal unacceptable laws against freedom of religion and conscience.
Mr. President
The Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaims as “the highest aspiration of the common people,” the “advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want.” This aspiration had arisen in the backdrop of “disregard and contempt for human rights” which “resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind.”
But several Muslim-majority countries that are signatories to the UN Charter violate the human rights of their citizens, not only from the religious minorities but even the weaker sections of the majority community.
Muslim nations are not only violating UN Charter that they have committed to but also the tenets of their own religion. Several scholarly studies of the primary Islamic scripture, the holy Quran, have found that practically every article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is supported by scores of verses of Quran.
Some of these studies are widely available on internet and can be verified. On the basis of and with reference to these studies, Wikipedia concludes: “The book (Quran) is largely concerned with establishing boundaries that Muslims are prohibited from transgressing. Within these boundaries the Quran treats human beings as equally valuable and endowed with certain rights by virtue of simply being human, hence Human rights. The rights bestowed upon humans in the Quran include the right to life and peaceful living, as well as the right to own, protect, and have property protected, (as per) Islamic economic jurisprudence. The Quran also contains rights for minority groups and women, as well as regulations of human interactions as between one another to the extent of dictating how Prisoners of war ought to be treated.”
But the daily news reports emanating from Muslim countries belie much respect for human rights in these countries. Coupled with violent manifestations of Islamism and Jihadism, these reports paint a very gloomy picture of the social life of Muslims as a religious community. Child marriages are rampant. Even Muslim jurists, in Saudi Arabia, for instance, justify this on the basis of Sharia.
A Saudi court ordered a few years ago the father of a 10-year-old girl to hand her over to her “husband,” disapproving of the fact that she had run away from her husband’s home. In any civilised country this so-called husband would be considered a rapist and the family of the child bride as accomplices in the crime. But the Saudi judge acting on the basis of almost universally accepted Sharia in Islam considers the marriage of a nine-year-old legitimate. The larger Muslim community seems to have no compunction in allowing this and many other such atrocities. No wonder Islam has acquired the reputation of being a backward and primitive religion.
Mr. President,
It is difficult to understand why we Muslims are not introspecting and changing course despite our religion having become practically synonymous with terrorism and backwardness. Muslims see their most revered ulema expressing regressive views that would be repugnant to any civilised society but take no action and allow them to gain currency in their societies.
For instance, a revered Pakistani cleric Dr Israr Ahmad, formerly of Jamaat-e- Islami, says about the Quranic expression Fasad fil Arz (mischief and violence on earth), “Peace in the West is actually Fasad and the Jihad to dislodge them from power is actually Peace. Effort to create Peace by letting imperialists rule and exploit the world is actually Fasad.”
Mr. President,
Even the Barailvis of Pakistan who are considered an inclusive Sufi sect of Islam in South Asia are not immune to propagating violence in the name of protecting the honour of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It was a sermon by a Pakistani Barailvi cleric that led to the assassination of liberal Punjab Governor Salman Taseer in January 2011. His sermon also motivated a former Chief Justice of Lahore Court to defend the despicable assassin Mumtaz Qadri, who was on the government payroll as a bodyguard of the Governor at the time he killed him.
What was the “crime” of Governor Taseer? He had shown compassion for a Christian woman Aasia Khatoon, on death row for alleged blasphemy for eight years, and called the anti-blasphemy law of Pakistan a black law, and sought its repeal. Now the Barailvi Muslims of Pakistan have declared the brutal assassin Qadri a saint, built a shrine in his name, after he was executed on the orders of the court, and gather there in hundreds of thousands to pray and seek his blessings. The judge who ordered his execution is in hiding, fearing for his life. He has been declared by Islamic scholars as wajibul Qatl (deserving death), a sentence that any common Muslim can carry out.
And, of course, this is done in the name of Jihad that is considered obligatory on all Muslims. While Jihad is a revered word in Islamic scriptures, it is its un-Islamic understanding, as taught in madrasas and found in books by very respected medieval and contemporary theologians that is mainly behind the murder and mayhem unleashed on the world today.
Mr. President,
Jihad or at least Jihad-e-Akbar (Greater Jihad) is defined by Sufis and moderate Muslims as a struggle against one’s own negative self against worldly and evil temptations. This is considered a permanent and obligatory struggle which has to be waged by every Muslim all the time. But, while this meaning of Jihad too is mentioned in passing sometimes, this is not the way Jihad is actually defined by madrasa text books. Let us see some of the definitions of Jihad in our text books:
Source URL: http://www.newageislam.com/radical-islamism-and-jihad/sultan-shahin,-founder-editor,-new-age-islam/islamism-and-islamophobia-have-created-a-vicious-cycle-of-xenophobic-violence,-sultan-shahin-asks-unhrc-at-geneva-to-persuade-muslim-nations-to-follow-un-charter/d/119755
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leavetheplantation · 5 years
Former Yazedi Sex Slave Survived 14 Islamic Rapists…
LTP News Sharing:
Yazidi sex slave survivor to face one of her ISIS rapists in German court By Hollie McKay On a bitter day in the dead of winter, as 2017 was drawing to a close, Shatha Salim Bashar was rescued from hell. The Yazidi made it home after almost three-and-a-half years as an ISIS sex slave in Iraq and Syria. “I can’t forget the first time I was raped,” Shatha, 28, told Fox News. “I was traded 14 times among the jihadists.” She was kidnapped alongside her mother, her sister, and two younger brothers. In the beginning, she pretended to be the…
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friend-clarity · 5 years
When and Why Muslim Friends Betray
by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine August 4, 2019
One of the most troubling aspects of the recent gang-rape and murder of a 60-year-old Christian teacher in Syria was reported on Arabic media as follows (in translation):
Her rapists and murderers are from the [jihadi] organization, al-Nusra. Some of them are foreigners but others are from the area. In other words, those who raped and stoned her are themselves from among her former students and neighbors, whom she taught Arabic in school over the course of 30 years.... Surely she never dreamt to see such depraved savagery in the eyes of her former students.... Nonetheless, they preyed on her like wild beasts—even though wild beasts do not rape their mothers (emphasis added).
Such is the third category of Muslims that lurks between "moderates" and "radicals": "Sleepers"—Muslims who appear "moderate" but who turn "radical" once circumstances become favorable. For instance, after the Islamic State ("ISIS") entered the Syrian city of Hassakè, prompting a mass exodus of Christians, many otherwise "normal" Muslims joined ranks with ISIS, instantly turning on their longtime Christian neighbors.
Many otherwise 'moderate' Muslims joined ISIS and turned on their longtime Christian neighbors.
This shift has played out countless times over whenever and wherever Islamic terror groups infiltrate. The following are testimonials from non-Muslims, mostly Christian refuges from those regions of Iraq and Syria that came under ISIS or other jihadi control. Consider what they say about their longtime Muslim neighbors who appeared "moderate"—or at least nonviolent—but who, once the jihad came to town, exposed their true colors:
Georgios, a man from the ancient Christian town of Ma'loula, Syria, tells of how Muslim neighbors he knew all his life turned once al-Nusra—the same jihadi outfit that gang-raped and murdered the aforementioned 60-year-old Christian women—invaded in 2013:
We knew our Muslim neighbours all our lives. Yes, we knew the Diab family were quite radical, but we thought they would never betray us. We ate with them. We are one people. A few of the Diab family had left months ago and we guessed they were with the Nusra. But their wives and children were still here. We looked after them. Then, two days before the Nusra attacked, the families suddenly left the town. We didn't know why. And then our neighbours led our enemies in among us (emphasis added).
After explaining how he saw a young member of the Diab family whom he knew from youth holding a sword and leading foreign jihadis to Christian homes, Georgios continues:
We had excellent relations. It never occurred to us that Muslim neighbours would betray us. We all said "please let this town live in peace — we don't have to kill each other." But now there is bad blood. They brought in the Nusra to throw out the Christians and get rid of us forever. Some of the Muslims who lived with us are good people but I will never trust 90 per cent of them again.
A teenage Christian girl from Homs, Syria, relates her story:
We left because they were trying to kill us. . . . They wanted to kill us because we were Christians. They were calling us Kaffirs [infidels], even little children saying these things. Those who were our neighbors turned against us. At the end, when we ran away, we went through balconies. We did not even dare go out on the street in front of our house. I've kept in touch with the few Christian friends left back home, but I cannot speak to my Muslim friends any more. I feel very sorry about that. (Crucified Again, p. 207; emphasis added).
When asked who exactly threatened and drove Christians out of Mosul, Iraq, another anonymous Christian refugee explained:
We left Mosul because ISIS came to the city. The [Sunni Muslim] people of Mosul embraced ISIS and drove the Christians out of the city. When ISIS entered Mosul, the people hailed them and drove out the Christians.... The people who embraced ISIS, the people who lived there with us... Yes, my neighbors. Our neighbors and other people threatened us. They said: "Leave before ISIS get you." What does that mean? Where would we go?... Christians have no support in Iraq (emphasis added).
Other "infidels," Yazidis for example, have experienced the same betrayal. Discussing the ISIS invasion of his village, a 68-year-old Yazidi man said:
The (non-Iraqi) jihadists were Afghans, Bosnians, Arabs and even Americans and British fighters.... But the worst killings came from the people living among us, our (Sunni) Muslim neighbours.... The Metwet, Khawata and Kejala tribes—they were all our neighbours. But they joined the IS, took heavy weapons from them, and informed on who was Yazidi and who was not. Our neighbours made the IS takeover possible (emphasis added).
When asked during an interview why people she grew up with her whole life suddenly joined ISIS and savagely turned on her people, a Yazidi woman replied:
I can't tell you exactly, but it has to be religion. It has to be religion. They constantly asked us to convert, but we refused. Before this, they never mentioned it. Prior, we thought of each other as family. But I say, it has to be religion (emphasis added).
This phenomenon is not limited to the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. In Nigeria—a nation that shares little with Syria and Iraq, other than for its Islam—a jihadi attack that left five churches destroyed and several Christians killed was enabled by "local Muslims" who were previously on friendly terms with the region's Christians.
Nor is this phenomenon connected to any of those contemporary Muslim "grievances"—whether the existence of Israel, "blasphemous" cartoons, or "lack of job opportunities"—Western talking heads often cite to rationalize away Muslim hatred. The following anecdote, over one century old and from the Ottoman Empire, speaks for itself:
Then one night, my husband came home and told me that the padisha [sultan] had sent word that we were to kill all the Christians in our village, and that we would have to kill our neighbours. I was very angry, and told him that I did not care who gave such orders, they were wrong. These neighbours had always been kind to us... but he killed them — killed them with his own hand (Sir Edwin Pears, Turkey and Its People, London: Methuen and Co., 1911, p. 39; emphasis added).
This, then, is the other, forgotten group of Muslims that lurk between "moderates" and "radicals": sleepers, whose allegiance can and does shift at the drop of a dime.
Raymond Ibrahim is a Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
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