former-leftist-jew · 4 months
"Ever since the pogrom of Oct 7th, we've witnessed the complete collapse of the moral authority of the Woke Left, and the Woke Elites. These are the kind of people who, for years, have posed as caring and loving and wonderful people who just want equality and for everyone to be treated fairly and nicely.
We now know, courtesy of the barbarism of Oct 7th, what a myth that was! Because they have made excuses for the pogrom of 7th Oct, they've said it was a form of 'resistance'... and since then, they have turned a blind eye to soaring levels of antisemitism..."
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naipan · 6 months
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By: Tom Slater
Published: Nov 30, 2023
Why do so many leftists struggle to condemn Hamas? Why do so-called progressives make excuses for Jew-killing, misogynistic, gay-bashing Islamists? It’s a long and damning story. Here, Tom Slater traces the history of the Islamo-left, an unholy alliance between left-wingers and Islamists that has once again burst out into the open following the pogrom in Israel on 7 October. Watch, share and let us know what you think in the comments.
Tom Slater: Is Hamas a terrorist group? Most people wouldn't struggle with that question. After all, this brutal Islamist organization, which rules over Gaza with an iron fist, just butchered 1,200 people on the 7th of October. The youngest victims were infants, the oldest were Holocaust survivors. Women were raped, hostages were taken.
When former UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was asked this question on talk TV a few weeks back, he couldn't bring himself to utter the t-word.
Jeremy Corbyn: Can we have a discussion? Piers Morgan: Can you call them a terror group? Corbyn: Can we have... Morgan: Can you call them a terror group? Corbyn: Is it possible to have a rational discussion? Morgan: Are you prepared to call Hamas a terror group? Corbyn: Is it possible to have a rational discussion... Morgan: You can't, can you? Corbyn: Is it possible? Come on, answer that question? Morgan: You can't, can you? Corbyn: You answer it. Morgan: No.
Host Piers Morgan invited Corbyn to describe Hamas as terrorists no fewer than 15 times. But he refused. He couldn't. Instead, Corbyn just wittered on about needing to start a process that leads to a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. He has since found the mineral to call Hamas a terrorist group in an article for Tribune. But that would perhaps be more reassuring if it wasn't for his long history of cozying up to Hamas and other Islamist terror groups. In 2009 addressing a public meeting, Corbyn infamously referred to Hamas and Lebanese Islamist Hezbollah as quote, "friends," unquote. He went further, railing against the designation of Hamas as a terrorist group.
Corbyn: And the idea that an organization that is dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region should be labelled as a terrorist organization by the British government, is really a big, big historical mistake, and I would invite the government to reconsider its position on this matter and start talking directly to Hamas and Hezbollah. That is the only way forward to bring back...
Slater: And that's not all. In 2011, Corbyn invited Riyadh Salah, an alleged Hamas fundraiser who believes the Jews were behind 9/11 to tea in Westminster. During a visit to Tunisia in 2014, Corbin was filmed laying a wreath near the graves of the Palestinian Black September terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
You can see why, after all these sordid details trickled out, Corbyn proved to be such electoral cyanide, helping to deliver Labour's worst election defeat since 1935.
But there has been an unhelpful tendency to see Corbyn's dalliances with Islamists as a kind of personal moral failing on the part of him and his hangers on. The truth is that the rot runs much deeper. Corbyn is just one useful idiot among many on the dregs of the British left who have come to see Islamism not as the fascistic terroristic menace it is, but as a movement at the vanguard of global resistance to a malevolent West.
This is the unholy alliance that we've seen out in force on British streets in recent weeks, where Islamists and left-wingers have marched side by side, united in their hatred for Israel and barely batting an eyelid as antisemites shout Arabic War slogans and wave Jew hating placards.
Welcome to the Islamo-Left, a sinister marriage of convenience that all good people, whether left or right, religious or irreligious, must confront and reject.
This story begins with the radical left's abandonment of the working class and its decision to seek out new constituencies and embrace identity politics.
From the 1980s onwards, figure son the left perversely came to see working-class Brits as a reactionary block on progress, while mistaking radical Islamists, among other groups, as a potentially revolutionary force. This coincided with the rise of state multiculturalism, which had the effect of elevating and funding reactionary Muslim community leaders who were falsely presented as the supposedly authentic voice of British Muslims.
It is from this ecosystem of a growing Muslim identity politics that the grassroots British Muslim campaign against Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses sprung up in the 1980s. Indeed, some of these groups were instrumental in pressuring Iran's supreme leader to issue his Infamous fatwa against Rushdie.
During the 1990s, sections of the Left, these supposed radicals and progressives, became increasingly, disturbingly sympathetic to the fundamentalists who continue to rage against Rushdie and his supposedly blasphemous book. Muslim identity politics was particularly appealing to a disoriented Left because it mapped onto their support for Palestinian self-determination. Many Leftists were prepared to overlook the dark heart of even full-blown Islamists in the interest of backing the supposed struggle against Western imperialism. The Palestinians became merely pawns in some grand conflict between the west and the rebellious global OIther. This is why today you'll notice that many Leftists ignore Hamas' trampling of the rights of the Palestinians and Islamism's usurpation of the Palestinian national cause.
Back in 1994, Chris Harman, then editor of the Socialist Worker, the party newspaper of the Socialist Workers Party, wrote a bizarre but revealing pamphlet entitled "The Prophets and the Proletariat." In it, Harman admitted that Islamism has some pretty fascistic qualities. From its opposition to modernity to its murderous intolerance and its brutal treatment of minorities. Which is all very good of him.
But the Islamists aren't all bad, he concluded. Islamists, Harman wrote, had opposed the state and elements of imperialism's political domination, particularly Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza. In this, he presented Israel as little more than a Western imperial outpost. And so Islamism, Harman concluded, is born of a quote, "feeling of revolt that could be tapped for progressive purposes," unquote.
Failed Western revolutionaries were increasingly keen to outsource radical agency to Islamists, and to whitewash these reactionaries as a progressive force. This marriage of convenience was then consummated in the 2000s in the aftermath of 9/11 and amid the war on terror.
In 2002, the Stop the War Coalition, dominated by the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Party of Britain, formed an alliance with the Muslim Association of Britain. Both Stop the War and the MAB had a pronounced presence on the anti-Iraq war protests of the early 2000s. And both groups are among the most prominent organizers of the quote, unquote, "Pro Palestine" demos that have recently been roiling London.
The Muslim Association of Britain might sound benign, but it was founded by none other than Mohamed Solwa, a former Hamas chief who now lives in London. His son is its vice-chair.
Over the years, leading figures from Stop the War have' been pretty open about their fondness for Hamas. One of Stop the War's co-founders, John Reese, once dubbed these antisemitic terrorists a, quote, "legitimate resistance movement," unquote.
At a Stop the War conference in 2006, Lindsey German a leading SWP figure said quote, "whatever disagreements I have with Hamas and Hezbollah, I would rather be in their camp. Democracy in the Middle East is Hamas, is Hezbollah," she said. Followers of the conflict will know that there hasn't been an election in Hamas-run Gaza since 2006 when German made that ridiculous speech.
Jeremy Corbyn was, of course, chairman of the Stop the War Coalition from 2011 till 2015 when he became Labour leader. German served as his vice chair. Stop the War consolidated the fledgling relationship between sections of the hard Left and actual Islamists. In doing so, it also fatally undermined many of the things that used to be essential to being left-wing, such as universalism, reason and humanism.
Anti-imperialism was reduced to little more than anti-Westernism, transforming regressive Islamists from Iran or Gaza into anti-colonial heroes in the process. And all this has fuelled identity politics here in the UK, transforming us from citizens with interests in common, into members of competing ethno-religious groups.
In particular, this anti-war Left and their Islamist allies have cultivated a divisive Muslim identity politics. Their cynicism paid off for the 2005 general election, when Respect, a Stop the War spin-off party led by George Galloway, won the East London seat of Bethnal Green and Bow, which has a large Muslim population. it was a triumph of militant anti-Westernism and pork-barrel identity politics.
These malign trends have since spread to the broader bourgeois left. Take Novara Media, a popular Corbyneaster YouTube channel and website run by a group of perennial postgraduates. In 2014, the Novara website published a glowing profile of Muhammad Deif as part of a Radical Lives series. It described him as an, "uncompromising and shrewd freedom fighter," who has contributed to the, "impressive evolution of the resistance in Gaza." Deif is the commander of Hamas' military wing and a vicious Islamist. Nine years after Novara's puff piece was published, he became one of the architects for Hamas' brutal incursion into Southern Israel earlier this year.
No wonder that one of Novara's editors, Rivkah Brown hailed the events of the seventh of October as a quote, "day of celebration for supporters of democracy and human rights worldwide."
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After Hamas launched its brutal pogrom in Israel, many were shocked at the apologism and even cheerleading that some on the British left engaged in. The Socialist Worker, the paper once edited by Chris Harman, greeted the massacre with the headline, "Rejoice."
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But while we certainly had a right to be shocked at such inhuman and depraved talk, we probably shouldn't have been surprised. For decades now, Britain's radical Left has been morally self-immolating. Its deranged alliance with Islamists has stripped it of any claim it might once have had to the moral high ground. So now, weekend after weekend, we see supposed anti-racists and anti-fascists march alongside people chanting for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel.
They can dress this up as resistance or anti-imperialism all they want, but it really is nothing of the sort. The supposed left-wingers have embraced barbarism. They've got into bed with bona fide fascists. Identity politics has rotted their brains and their souls.
A while ago we were hearing that "pro-Palestine does not mean pro-Hamas." Except it does and it always has. ever since Hamas was elected in the region. They've been endorsing and supporting terrorists for almost 20 years.
The irony is that there's no more imperialist, colonialist ideology than Islam. The entire objective of Islam is to establish a worldwide Caliphate under which everyone will be subjugated to Allah's sharia, per the quran and the sunnah. And where you won't get to march in the streets chanting pithy slogans against those in power. Instead, you'll be publicly beheaded.
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erik-even-wordier · 1 year
I have posted a lot about Christofascists. But here is one rare example of an institution in the US kowtowing to Islamofascists.
An art history professor was teaching a course about Islamic art. One of the famous paintings shows Muhammad receiving the Quran. Now many conservative Muslims have a taboo against making or even looking at a picture of Muhammad. Being sensitive to their concerns, the professor warned the class that this painting was coming up and that any student who did not want to see it could opt out.
You can guess what happened. A student passed on the chance to opt out but then got offended after the fact and got the professor fired.
From the article:
According to the administration, [the adjunct professor's] decision to show these images—despite contextualizing them, treating them respectfully, and giving students the option to opt out—was “Islamophobic,” and placed on par with hate and bias incidents. In this case, the apparently extremely delicate sensibilities of a handful of little religious tyrants (and their apparent inability to read a syllabus or listen to the professor’s words) “should have superseded academic freedom,” according to an email from the university’s president, Fayneese S. Miller.
The Miller email is truly a startling read. It honestly seems like it was written by a teenage Tumblr user who, having come into contact with some new and exciting ideas about social justice, seeks to impose them widely and lecture perceived wrongdoers gleefully....
The student isn’t saying “I should have the option to not view these images.” She had that option. She is saying “No one should have the option to view these images, because they offend my particular religious beliefs.” Sorry, but no.
We are in a particular cultural moment in which claims of harm and trauma are being taken much more seriously than ever before.... For the most part, this is a good thing. But there has also been more than a bit of overcorrection. It has become clear that claims of harm and trauma can be used to demand change.... That isn’t always bad—there are plenty of people who fully deserve to be fired, or be pariahs, or go to jail for their bad acts. But it’s not the claim of harm and trauma in and of itself that justifies punishment; it’s the whole story, the context, the actual wrongdoing, and not just the feelings of the person who says they were wronged....
This incident is making headlines because conservatives have latched onto it as another example of left-wing “cancel culture.” But how a conservative interpretation of Islam that gets a sensitive and thoughtful art history lecturer fired is “left-wing” is beyond me....
The truth is that it’s Christian fundamentalists, not Muslim ones, who hold most of the power in the United States. And they are infiltrating public schools and universities. They are banning books. They are imposing a gender ideology that comes from their particular religious culture. They are demanding that scientific teachings be replaced or supplemented by flat-out biblical mythology....
...it’s necessary to stand up for the values of secular education, academic freedom and rigor, and intellectual inquiry whenever they face a threat—whoever that threat comes from.
In case you're curious, the painting in question is under the cut. If you don't want to see it, don't click "Keep Reading."
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karryalane · 1 year
Coldplay recently performed "Baraye", a protest song about the uprising in Iran over the beating death of Masa Amini, who was killed for not wearing her hijab correctly. Please pray for all the people arrested, many of whom are in their teens, I have read there are thousands and thousands of young people in custody for protesting for women's rights and against forced hijab, the Islamic Regime has declared that they will all be executed (and since it is against Islamic law to execute virgins the females will doubtless be sexually assaulted beforehand), this is a demonic regime if ever one existed, please pray for an end to the Islamic Regime of Iran. (The songwriter has been imprisoned as well).
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undergroundusa · 1 hour
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"Over the past four decades, American universities have received $10.3 billion in funding from Middle Eastern countries, particularly Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Kuwait. This includes the non-existent 'State of Palestine'…"
Universities Must Divest From ‘The State Of Palestine'
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svartikotturinn · 5 months
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Some of y’all be like
Yes, some people legitimately believe in Palestinian nationhood, and no. This is not how and why it started and not what Palestinian leadership, starting with Arafat, has believed in the past and certainly not what Hamas believes in the present, and they give the game away all the damn time when they talk about Palestine being ‘Arab’ and talk about the conflicts in terms of a holy war. Just once, when they tell you who they are, believe them, because surpise—non-white people can do a colonialism, too.
No, the origins of the Palestinians’ national movement does not mean they deserve violence. It does, however, mean you’re fools for simping for them to the point of buying into nonsensical ahistoric narratives and using them to bash random Jews.
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theozgnomian · 6 months
Religious Stupidity Uber Alles
I just pointed this out on another platform, and I feel the need to point it out here. What Hamas and various Arab countries are doing amounts to IDGAF brinkmanship.
Hypothetical: Let's say the Islamics achieve their oft stated goal of Israel's extinction. The day comes wherein Israel's back is to the wall, and they have to deploy their nukes as a last resort. On that day I wouldn't give you two cents on the Kaaba seeing the next sunrise.
I have to question the collective sanity of ANY faith that habitually risks the incineration of their holy or holies in the name of their god.
They remind me of the Evangelicals, Baptists, and Charismatic Catholics here in the States. They don't care how many die, Jews or Arabs. They don't care who they kill or how they kill them. If it burns the world in the name of Allah, so be it. A dead world is more desirable than a world wherein they don't get their way.
Christian or Islamic, I don't like or trust any religion that worships death as a desired end result of their "faith".
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n0thingiscool · 8 months
An Iranian woman who made headlines in February after protesting the mandatory hijab during a meeting of engineers in Tehran has been sentenced to 74 lashes for "offending public decency." The sentence, which was handed down on September 7, is suspended for five years, meaning that the punishment will be carried out if Zeinab Kazemi commits another "criminal offense” during that period. "I have never regretted raising my voice for justice and against oppression, and I still don't," the defiant engineer wrote on Instagram after the sentencing. In a video published on social media on February 17, Kazemi protested against her disqualification from a vote at the Tehran Engineers Assembly due to noncompliance with the Islamic Republic’s compulsory hijab rules. "I do not recognize the assembly that does not allow candidates to run for not wearing a headscarf," she said before throwing her hijab on the stage and leaving. She also referred to the violence and abuse that Iranian women who refuse to wear a head covering are facing in Iran. Kazemi's action was met with applause by the audience and widespread approval on social media, with many praising her courage amid a wave of protests sparked by the September 2022 death of Mahsa Amini while in custody after being detained by police for allegedly wearing her headscarf improperly. All women in Iran must conceal their hair with a hijab while in public and wear loose fitting trousers under their coats. A growing number of Iranian women who refuse to wear a head covering have been arrested and prosecuted, while dozens of businesses have been closed for failing to enforce compulsory hijab rules for women visitors.
Poor women of Iran. This is why it's important to keep religion out of politics.
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kineticpenguin · 5 months
"Do Americans really think Hamas is going to come for Farmville, Idahiowa?"
Yes, those people exist. When the US collectively lost its mind after 9/11, media and politicians exploited that feeling of vulnerability as much as they could. When it became clear there was never going to be any WMDs found in Iraq, the retroactive justifications transformed the Global War on Terror into a sort of holy war against the all-encompassing threat of "Islamofascism." Remember, They Hate Us For Our Freedom. A favorite slogan was "we fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here."
It's no accident that Israel has selected "Hamas=ISIS" to repeat ad nauseam. They're exploiting a portion of the US population that has spent decades viewing the middle east as one big hellhole populated entirely by beardy weirdos with a penchant for bombmaking, who would happily shoot up a mall or blow themselves up inside a 7-11 to get 72 virgins in the afterlife (also they would sneak into the US over land via the woefully insecure US-Mexico border BUILD THAT WALL!!!).
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naipan · 24 days
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 4 months
Vahid Beheshti's interview with Now14Israel
The Iranian people are under a brutal and oppressive occupation by the illegitimate Islamic republic ruled by a false ruler who is a madman, a psychopath, and a coward.
The Iranian people must be saved from the brutality of this appalling entity which will only continue to curse the middle east and the rest of the world until it is finally dealt with and the Iranian people are free from occupation.
It is up to Israel to help and fight for the Iranian people during this tough time, up to Israel to keep the spirit of democracy and civil liberties in the middle east in hopes of finally ending a long era of tyranny, Islamofascism, Jihad and terror.
Do not let the Iranian people down, do not let the middle east down. They, like the Israelis, are victims of terror. And it is up to us, as Jews, and as Israelis (even though I'm not Israeli) to spread their message.
Free Iran from the Islamic republic, Free Persia from the tyranny of Islamist theocracy, and stand with Israel against the evil forces.
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 4 months
westerners really don't know how good they have it, you have rights that I could only dream of in my country and I risked so much just to have them. and instead of sharing your solidarity with the people suffering under islamofascism you instead support literal terrorist organizations that want to re-instate the caliphate, an actual colonist movement that seeks to dominate and impose islam and arab supremacy. you are not just misguided you are also a fucking imbecile endangering the lives of the people who want actual liberation. there is a reason a good number of iranians share their solidarity with israel, it's because the regime is funding hamas its terror proxy on the back of iranians while their children starve.
I recommend checking out @elicalebon on instagram who talks precisely about this dangerous level of ignorance, maybe later when I have time I'll share her posts.
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karryalane · 2 years
please pray for iran to be free from the islamic regime and that people will accept Christ as Savior
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undergroundusa · 3 days
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"After viewing this powerful film, the first thought I had was this. If every protester on every college campus could see this documentary one-on-one, there would be no encampments or protests on any college campus anywhere in the free world…"
Forgive The Students For They Know Not What They Do
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buttercuparry · 15 hours
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The development came days after the Somaiya management sought an explanation from Parveen Shaikh over a report published by OpIndia on April 24 that tracked the Islamist views of the former principal and her bent towards anti-Indian elements on social media. She frequently liked Hamas pronouncements endorsing their ‘resistance’ against Israel along with those supporting its senior leadership such as terrorist Ismail Haniyeh. From her social media activity, she came across as an ardent advocate of Hamas who rationalised all the atrocities it commits as ‘resistance’ or ‘retaliation.’
But no sooner did OpIndia publish its first report detailing the problematic behaviour of the former Somaiya School principal, than a bevvy of left-leaning liberals and ultra-leftist propaganda portals, namely Scroll and The Wire, came to the defence of Ms Shaikh, using cliched tropes to downplay allegations against her and paint her as a victim of “online bullying and trolling.”
Reports published by Scroll and The Wire described OpIndia as a ‘Hindutva portal’ in a bid to discredit the serious allegations levelled against Ms Shaikh, an educator who was tasked with the responsibility of managing one of the notable knowledge centres in the country’s finance capital. 
These portals then went on to invoke the time-tested formula that leftists often resort to when they are boxed into a corner and find themselves entangled in a situation from which extrication is almost impossible: feign victimhood. These portals claimed Ms Shaikh supported Palestinians against the bloody war inflicted upon them by Israel. 
However, as is their wont, they remain economical with the truth and don’t hesitate to peddle lies if it comply with their agenda. They would either not mention the trigger that compelled Israel to mount an unprecedented attack against Gaza or allude to it as a passing reference. Even worse, they would conveniently distort support for Hamas as solidarity for Palestinians and condemnation of Hamas for the October 7 attacks as grounds for rationalising the aggression of “occupying force”, which they use for Israel, depending upon whether they want to protect one of them or peddle propaganda against their opponents. 
Since it was to protect Ms Shaikh in this case, several leftwing trolls and portals such as Scroll and The Wire pulled out the victim card, asserting that Ms Shaikh was hounded for merely championing the Palestinian cause, and has now lost her job for expressing solidarity for the Palestinians who are at the receiving end of Israel-Hamas conflict. 
This, of course, is a straw man argument since the sacking of Parveen Shaikh is not about any ’cause’ but Islamofascism, a supranational Islamic fundamentalism epitomised by Hamas, whose central aim is to destroy Israel, the Jewish land, and create a Palestinian country in its stead
I hope everyone involved with this article (from OpIndia) gets back a thousandfold of what they sow.
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