#jessica is dumb
nocek · 9 months
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Peter annoying Miguel is the funniest thing but throwing Deadpool at him is like throwing annoyance equivalent if a nuke and I live for it XD
I'm totally accepting the fanon that there may be multiverse out there but there is only one Deadpool as a gospel <3
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the-gom-jabbar · 6 months
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godofstory · 2 months
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palaceofpassion · 3 months
Welcome back, my good mutual. I have an ask for you.
In the spirit of the coming month, can you give us a scenario in which it's the Remnant equivalent of St. Patrick's Day, and the only person not wearing green... is Jaune?
Sweat ran down his brow, his heart raced in his chest. Sapphire eyes dashed from left to right. He was in a hurry, and no one would stop him. He didn't know where or when they'd come for him next! He had to be vigilant, this was what all his training had left up to.
He wouldn't let Pyr down, not again! Then it happened, his ears twitched as he heard a sound around the corner.
"Oooh Jaune~" The voice was sickeningly sweet.
Weiss never used that tone of voice with him, unless she demanded blood. Blood that suddenly curdled in primal fear.
He turned around, nearly falling over as his boots slid across the slick floor. His heart felt as if it would pop any second.
He needed to get to the dorm!
He knew a secret path, or at least a place that no one else would find him.
He heard another voice. "He's over there!" Nora called from the distance, there could be no other with that much energy.
"On it." It was Ren. Why was Ren turning on him so easily?!
He couldn't believe it, his friends were all traitors!
"Arc. I believe this is the end." His fears grew worse, it was Ciel Soleil, from Penny's team. She had somehow gotten before him, her normal calm demeanor coated with something wicked.
He wasn't going to stop in time, there was no way to avoid her. She he didn't bother. He put all his aura before him, and shifted into a shoulder tackle.
She must not have expected this outcome, for she simply moved out of the way to avoid him.
He was grateful that she didn't know him as well as his other friends. Any one close to him would have simply taken him from the bottom and knocked him over.
Eventually he made it through, only to see a flash of sorrow in the corner of his eye. Emerald eyes, followed by brilliant red. His world turned black as he was suddenly pulled aside by an unseen force.
Only to be caught by what he could describe as two soft pillows.
THe sound of the door closed behind him, a loud THUD.
He was trapped.
His world was over, before suddenly feeling a burning sensation on both sides of his waist. "Agh!" He cried out in pain, this was the end for him.
"Really now Jaune, was that so bad?" Pyrrha's voice reached his ears, the tall spartanish girl shook her head at his over dramatics. "This is why I tried to tell you to wear green." One of her hands was currently on his right side.
"Ye...yes! It... you should have just... given up earlier." ON the other was May Zedong from BRNZ. Having teamed up with Pyrrha, the two had managed to capture, and lay him low. Her fingers pinched his other side.
Both girls simply sighed, then giggled as they put a green scarf around his neck.
"Boo! I thought I could last longer." He gave up, falling on his back with dramatic flare.
Today had been the day of green! And he hadn't worn any.
"Too bad you don't have any natural green."
The final voice, Jessica Cruz a new first year here at Beacon, knelt before him, looking down as he rolled his eyes. "But a brave warrior doesn't yield!"
There was a silence, before he started to giggle. Apparently his self challenge failed! He had wanted to see how well he'd gone into training since his first year here at Beacon. But it seemed he was still no match for the stars. That didn't bother him though, because life was good.
"Yes yes, now get up, we can finally go enjoy the buffet, before Nora eats it all." He smiled as Pyrrha extended her hand to lift him up. He really was happy with his life.
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proffesionalalpaca · 1 year
Hey, Spiderverse/ multiverse question:
What would happen if two people from two separate dimensions had a baby?
All Assuming they had the wrist bands that prevent glitching. *when two spider-people love each other very much - *
Would the kid be able to go between dimensions freely?
Or is it limited to the one it was born into? Would it be born matching the style of said dimension? (Like a cartoon character giving birth in the mcu dimension, would the kid be live-action?!?)
Perhaps the child is limited to its mother’s dimension? Or The father’s?
Or, an even cooler idea;
Would the kid have the ability to dimension hop? Being able to shift into the art style of each dimension to match the multiverse phase and not glitch out, like a dimensional camouflage , more so a multiverse shifter rather than a hopper.
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hey boy is your name stanley cause i wanna cup you
for my most beloved @leapyeap​
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loisfreakinglane · 4 months
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rvspecter · 3 months
Hardman is AWESOME.
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I mean, he, um, brought in this omelet bar for the associates..
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nocek · 7 months
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Day in life of Miguel O'Hara, one unlucky bastard.
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[Summary] They meet a very drunk Nick and an exhausted Winston at the zoo. -Lamorne 
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hateletterstogender · 11 months
k locknation i just realized something
lockwood goes pretty exclusively by lockwood, right? but we all assume it wasn’t always that way. when do we think the shift started? my guess is probably when he started working w gravedigger sykes, right? 
so... after jessica died.
after anthony became the last lockwood.
he’s the only one left. 
now there’s just... lockwood.
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fishareglorious · 5 months
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Jessica gets hit with a bus. Call that. call that. roadkill
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awesomechocolatesauce · 10 months
Certain people like to harp on Ben for being mean in early season one and stick to that characterization of him throughout the entire show ("he started out as a douche and ended as a douche"), so I'd like to counter that.
Here's a list, just from the top of my head, of the good things Ben has done:
Acknowledged he and Devi make a good team
Didn't rat Devi out to her mom about Model UN
Allowed Devi to stay in his house when she was having a fight with her mom
Helped Devi reunite with Fabiola and Eleanor
Broke the law and risked his safety to drive Devi to Malibu so she can spread her dad's ashes
Immediately informed Paxton that they were both dating Devi
While still being mad at Devi, he helped her relieve a leg cramp
Went into the bathroom to comfort Devi after she was publicly rejected by Paxton
Apologized to Aneesa for how he treated her during their relationship*
Helped Paxton write his college essay
Told Devi that Des' mom was getting him to break up with her
Apologized to Devi for icing her out
Saved Devi from a creep and got punched in the face
Gave Devi a pep talk at Princeton "You know who you are"
Immediately told Devi that someone in their school was accepted into Princeton
Wanted to end things with Margot on friendly terms
Gave Devi a pep talk and comforted her after she wasn't accepted into any colleges
Congratulated Devi on getting accepted into Princeton
Flew all the way from New York to California just to confess his feelings for Devi
Wow, how mean he is! No character development whatsoever! 😭😂 Add more if you want.
* I don't think it was all Ben's fault for how he and Aneesa's relationship ended. Even if Devi wasn't in the picture, I firmly believe that they were just incompatible.
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
“Who Framed Roger Rabbit” but Tylor Tuskmon is Roger and the entire fandom is Eddie Valiant
Whoever frames Tylor in the next episodes is obviously Judge Doom, along with some Fear. Co monsters as the Toon Patrol
Jessica is gonna be the hardest one to figure out but I want it to be Duncan :)
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mae-i-scribble · 1 year
After watching Across the Spiderverse for the second time, I think I’ve finally managed to put into words what about Miguel’s characterization made me so conflicted. Obviously spoilers below.
While Miguel is clearly intended to be a sympathetic antagonist I don’t think that intention is fully realized in the movie, because from the minute we meet him, we know that he’s wrong in his conclusions. Miguel is supposed to be a “the ends justify the means” archetype, but after his explanation on why canon events cannot be disrupted Miles immediately points out the obvious- how can his father dying being a canon event when it is cause by a dimensional anomaly? And more than that, based on Miguel’s logic Miles’ world should have collapsed long ago because it was missing its Spiderman, a person who was not meant to die in that timeline. It’s the same as replacing a person who was meant to die only now there’s a gaping hole in the world where a person was meant to exist. Also- nothing about what happens in Into the Spiderverse is a result of any canon disrupting phenomenon, nothing could have been done to prevent it and none of what happened is Miles’ fault. (there’s more evidence against Miguel’s logic but these were the most obvious ones to me). One of the most crucial aspects of a sympathetic antagonist is being able to sympathize with *why* it is they do what they do. Miguel’s logic hardly holds up past its introduction which means that gets thrown out the window very quick as a viewer.
The next thing then, would be for us to see how Miguel leads the other spider people and what makes him into such an inspiring leader to these thousands of heroes. And the movie... doesn’t really show us much of that, to be honest. The best moment we get is when Miguel is explaining the concept of canon events to Miles, because he is genuinely understanding and empathetic. It’s very compelling to his portrayal- but for me it was overshadowed by his anger. The moment Miguel meets Miles, the first thing that he does is chuck something at the kid full force towards his head. And then in the chase afterwards, Miguel gets increasingly more violent and spiteful towards Miles because Miles’ keeps angering him- which is something that is expected of him from the other characters- Gwen is visibly nervous at the idea of Miles speaking to Miguel at all. Jessica is also well aware of these angry outbursts when she warns Gwen about failing to catch the Spot. All these things, along side the final scenes of the movie giving him solid red as his backlighting serve to make him seem far more villainous than antagonistic in his narrative role.
About his introduction with Gwen, I do think it gives him that sympathetic light, but it is important to point out that he only begrudgingly gave into Jessica’s request when Gwen had literally nowhere else to return to and then the moment she messes up he sends her home (theoretically back to that exact terrible scenario where he dad wants to arrest her) with no support. So for me its still kinda ://
I don’t consider Miguel a villain, and I’m really interested to see what they do in this next movie with his character because I do believe he’s going to get redeemed. And I genuinely think that he believes in his cause based on the terrible tragedy he had to endure, but that something about what happened with him is different than what is happening with Miles and the other worlds’ canon events. Honestly I wish we had seen more of the citadel and Miguel outside of Miles’ introduction to it. It’s clear that Miles himself is a very sore spot for Miguel which doesn’t make him the most objective character to see Miguel through.
Also on that note, Jessica Drew has a lot of the same issues as Miguel on a smaller scale because while she’s amazing for her introduction scene, after that she’s downright rude and dismissive of Gwen at every turn despite claiming Gwen to be her “star pupil” (this was said sarcastically while she was berating Gwen). While I understand why Jessica was so upset- Gwen really and truly did mess up by letting the Spot escape. It’s hard to see her as a good mentor when that anger is 90% of what we’re seeing out of her in the movie. It’s only at the end when Gwen gets a few sympathetic glances from her that she seems more similar to how she was in her introductions. The movie was packed to the brim as is but I do wish they had even more runtime to expand on these things. I want to believe in the sympathetic nature of both these people but the movie gives very fleeting attempts at doing so.
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In my head, Miguel has an attraction to Jess
After they began to get to know each other, Miguel began to drop more and more blatant hints that he wanted her to "spend the night in his condo with him."
"Miguel, are you serious? I'm married and expecting my first child."
"Is it considered cheating if you're in a dimension where your husband technically doesn't exist?"
"... Miguel, if you ever say anything to me that even remotely sounds like a come on again, I'm going to tear off that part of your body that shoots out the streams of sticky white fluid, and I am NOT talking about your spinnerets."
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