#jerry and diana
theobsessiveloser18 · 10 months
Happy Derry Headcanons
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*Upon returning to Avonlea (for vacation in Queens) Diana apologized to Jerry
*they were both very happy to see each other, but jerry was a little shy at first
*they stayed on good terms, became friends
*but 2 years later, when Diana turned 18, they were dating again
*This time it was not a secret, everyone found out, Diana's parents had not changed in terms of social class, they were furious, they yelled, they punished, they threatened, but Diana remained firm in her decision
"Now I decide the course of my life, I broke up with Jerry once, I won't twice, I love him whether he likes it or not."
*Aunt Jo was very supportive of Diana, now she practically lives with her and school, she bought a house in Avonlea to stay there for a few days, visit Minnie May, friends and other Avonlea visitors when they are on weekends or vacations
*Diana became a recognized pianist, and a governess to pay for her recitals, Jerry is still a farmer, thanks to his work he was able to buy a house for himself and Diana.
*Diana and Jerry get married at 22
*They go to live in Charlottetown, in a middle-class area, buy a rather dilapidated house, but they manage to remodel it and transform it into a comfortable place.
*Shortly after, Minnie May goes to live with them.
"You know, I'm glad to finally be free of mom and dad, they were driving me crazy." "We will still see them on weekends" "It doesn't matter, I'll miss Avonlea, but I'm glad to live with my older sister again" the girls hug each other "I hope you like that I'm here too" "Remember who spoke to you Jeremias" "Minnie May," Diana scolded. "You will never stop scolding me right" "Of course not, that's why I'm your big sister, and now I guess I'll be some kind of mother figure." "Well, I hope you do a good job, I don't mind your presence French boy, as long as I don't have to see anything inappropriate" "Of course, this is a decent home," Diana assured.
It was difficult for Diana to keep her word
"Not now Jerry, Minnie May is home." "she is sleeping" "you never know with her" "s'il te plait ma chérie nous ferons attention"(Please darling we will be careful)" "Je ne traumatiserai pas ma petite soeur" (I'm not going to traumatize my little sister) Diana shouted and Jerry gave in, but she hasn't given up, sometimes he manages to convince her, but only when Minnie May isn't home
*Ruby is Diana's neighbor, Jane lives a few blocks away and they have constant "women's meetings" at the 2 o'clock house but more than anything at Mrs. Baynard's, when Anne, Tillie and Josie and some ex-queens classmates go to visit there is no human power that removes women from that house
"I also want to be part of the talk" Minnie May commented when she came home from school and found them together "Well, why not?" said Anne. "oh really?" "Of course, you're not a little girl anymore, you're a lady" answered Anne "it's so lovely to be 15" they all laughed
"You know" said Minnie May after a while "I think I'm not going to get married" "What!!" some girls from Queens exclaimed, shocked, before the hard gaze of the Avonlea women, they hid a little "if marriage is a bit complex, mom and dad made me hate love, even now" "Marriage is not always pleasant dear, it has its good and bad moments, but it is charming" commented a friend of the girls "Anyway, if you decide not to get married in the future it will be fine Minnie May, you are a strong spirit, you would do well in the world, just don't let society tell you what to do" Jane said, the girl nodded gratefully
"Yes, it would also be of great help for my future, I could give a recital in any city without consulting the opinion of "my husband", just my violin and me… oh and Diana I want her with me, well if I take her I suppose that Jerry would have to come with us too, right?"
"That is right sweety" "It's okay, I can handle it just because of my success, a man who carries the suitcases doesn't hurt" "I don't think people would get excited to see a spinster playing an instrument, upper class people would consider it a scandal" Josie opined, over the years, she had become a better person, but no one could take away her "education" as a child rich "Better for me, I don't need the hypocritical rich to enjoy my talent, the poor people will be going, I'll get cheap, what they can afford and leave them enough money to eat, so people will flock to see me, who says that the poor They don't have the right to have fun." "I love hearing that, Minnie May, I'm so delighted that you and Jane have been so positively influenced by my coming into your lives." "Don't let the cigarette smoke go up to your head, Anne, what I told Minnie is from my situation, you can't say anything about being single, you're married to Gilbert" "Oh yes, that's my precious friend, oh Gilbert, my beloved and charming, handsome and noble Gilbert, he is the best husband in the world."
"No, that's not true, Moody is all that and more, there is no one who compares to him, so chivalrous, brave, and smart" "It's good that you stop there, I can believe the useless qualities that you mentioned something, but let me tell you something with all the love that I have for you dear, he is anything but intelligent" Everyone except Ruby who was furious laughed "Moody is much more intelligent than any of her husbands and even than you" before the incessant laughter she begged desperately as if she were still 16 years old "Come on Diana tell them"
"Okay, ladies, I'm not going to bring my husband into the discussion of the 'best husband' because all of our husbands, thank heavens, are excellent, and that's why we consider them the best to the point of entering into a ridiculous competition over who is the most handsome, talented and intelligent, but we don't need this, because each one of them is perfect for us and that's what's enough" said the black-haired woman in a conciliatory tone and she managed to finish the conversation there "However, let me tell you what I love Jerry so much and how happy I am to have chosen him, I love the fact that even our parents realize that we are and will be happier than they have been, the other day I was visiting them, and my mother as always He looked as if he were the most unpleasant thing in this world and I, with my natural elegance, asked her if she was not happy because he fulfilled what he always wanted" before the confused looks of his childhood friends and explaining to the women of Queens he continued "You see, my mother always wanted me to marry a Frenchman, and I did so, only with someone without wealth, a man of society, and I married a young man from humble origins, but in my defense she did not specify the kind of status I should have, he always said French, you can't blame me for omitting that little detail" At the woman's explanation they all started laughing like there was no tomorrow until Jane ended up with her cheeks as red as Anne's hair "Diana, you crossed the limits, poor woman, I'm sure she almost had a heart attack from so much impudence" "Almost smacked her," Minnie May commented with a smile.
"You must have seen her, it was so glorious, I wish Cole would have been there to make a portrait as detailed and beautiful as he does of her face, her expressions, I would hang that portrait on the living room wall, right in front of where we are sitting, and would tell visitors the fascinating history of the painting." "Diana, darling, a society woman shouldn't be so defiant or wild" commented one of the amused neighbors "You are absolutely right, my dear friend, a classy woman should not act like that, but I am Diana Baynard, the free and fun woman who will continue to do that kind of thing" The room was flooded with laughter again
Diana got pregnant, everyone (except the Baynards, what a surprise) were very happy) at that time, despite the tranquility that a pregnancy should have had, Diana lived through the busiest months of the last few years, traveled constantly to Avonlea, had some recitals in several cities, and received and visited her neighbors constantly, in addition to her work as a housewife.
She was constantly visited, Anne, Gilbert, Josie, Tillie, neighbors and even old friends of the queens and acquaintances appeared at her house, Marilla and the Baynard family advised her and helped with the pregnancy, Auntie Jo and Cole settled in the Baynard house and They stayed several months after Diana gave birth, she was especially grateful for so many wonderful people in her life.
Nobody called her the most "belle du monde" (beautiful in the world) pregnant woman as much as her husband.
Jerry is extremely accommodating to Diana, as if he no longer allows her to do any effort at home, she cooks, irons, washes, and keeps the house clean, Diana misses the routine a bit, but she loves her rest
"I was too lucky that you still liked me, after how bad I behaved with you"
"I had all the luck in the world to marry my first and only love, Diana, the most perfect girl in the universe, she is perfect for me"
One night Diana and Jerry were in her room, she was reading and he was writing a letter in French.
"You know dear she was thinking of something" "Tell me love" "it would be perfect if we had a small farm, like in green abbles" "You're serious Diana" Jerry asked very surprised, Diana thought that maybe it wasn't a good idea, they didn't have much money "Yes, I thought it would be nice, you know that children are created with animals, plus I know how much you miss working for the Cuthberts and the animals in your house" she commented with some shyness, but Jerry hugged her euphorically, and his doubts were dispelled. "That's the best idea in the world Diana, I love you so much amour" and she gave him one of those passionate kisses that Anne delighted to find described in books. "Tu fais de moi l'homme le plus heureux du monde d'une manière si simple que tu ne peux pas imaginer" (you make me the happiest man in the world in such simple ways that you cannot imagine) and the very serene and controller of such that even if Anne had seen she would not have believed
*Diana's pregnancy gave Minnie May the opportunity to bring out her curious
"Diana, Jerry I need to talk to you" "We hear you daughter" Jerry said jokingly. "At school the boys talk explicitly about how babies are formed" Diana was stunned and Jerry grabbed the newspaper so hard that he tore it, he drank coffee to calm down "I've stayed away from those conversations because I consider them indecent, And a woman should not make men boast of their stupid knowledge" "Your behavior seems very good to me Minnie May, however the word 'stupid' is not appropriate" "Anyway, the point is that although it may be considered inappropriate at my age, I would like someone to explain to me how a woman gets pregnant" Jerry spit out the coffee through his nose, Diana and Minnie May looked at him confused, the older one pondered words his sister for a few seconds "Alright" "really?" they asked confused "Yes, this is a modern home, not my parents' house, I prefer that Minnie May find out from us and not from what the new vulgar people of this world tell her" "However, I will write to Anne for her advice on how to tell her." "Yes, better write to him, I don't know how to explain the subject" "We know Jerry, you are not the most educated person in this house" "Minnie May!" "What? Was I rude?" I ask with sincere interest, the adults looked at each other confused
Anne sent a 13-page letter describing with the most graceful words in the world "said process" Diana was very grateful for the letter, kept it in a box along with others that her best friend had sent her, and decided that she was going to explain to him to Minnie may the process as she considered more appropriate. The talk went wonderfully, both were satisfied
"You did well to explain me in your own way, I'm sure that Anne's passionate explanation would have traumatized me" "Definitely, it was the weirdest thing I've ever read, and I already knew the process"
*Diana gave birth to triplets, Albert Fred Baynard, Anne Cordelia Baynard, and Charlotte Liria Baynard, they were beautiful brown and black-haired babies with bright brown and green eyes (from the Baynard family, the name of the last girl is a tribute to Jerry's mother)
*A short time later, Jerry buys a piece of land and turns it into an extension of the house, and it is the new farm.
"Society women should not be working on a farm" "We are no longer women of society my beloved sister, we are free damsels, owners of their own lives, who no longer care if their dresses get dirty, after all there is soap" "Spending time with Anne affected you" "No, I'm free, what's wrong with you? I thought you would have liked to grow up with animals" "Yes, but not to work on a farm, let Jerry do it, he has experience, or let's get employees like the Cuthberts" "The Cuthberts will get Jerry, because idols couldn't take care of the farm anymore and we'll do the same when the time comes." "being poor is so hard"
"It is, but for me it's worth it"
*Diana loves when the baynards, the cuthberts, miss stacy, bash, cole, tia jo and all her friends are gathered in her house, she loves her life like no one else.
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phantomstatistician · 23 days
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Fandom: Anne of Green Gables
Sample Size: 488 stories
Source: AO3
NOTE: This chart excludes stories from "Anne With An E", as requested.
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kaitzdiary · 1 year
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“But if you call me Anne, please call me Anne with an ‘e’.” 👒☁️💐
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lighthouseas · 2 months
the fact that awae never got a s4 is actually criminal. who do i need to kill
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gmzriver · 1 year
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Anne With An E headers. 
like if you save or use
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frost-queen · 8 months
Black rose in a sea of red (Reader x Jerry Baynard)
Requested by: @alicethewriterandfangirl , Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: TW! Selfharm! You are upset of how your friends have such amazing lives while yours is terrible. Coming from a bad home, your coping behavior is self harm. Struggling with the idea of wanting to end it all, is Jerry there to save you from doing so.
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The chattering died away when Miss Stacy settled everyone down. Specifically Anne who was proclaiming her opinion as loud as she could. Almost standing on the table to declare her words. Diana was tugging at her dress to pull her to sit. – “Miss Cuthbert if you please.” – Miss Stacy said giving her a stern glare. Anne chuckled settling down. Ruby was still whispering to Tillie. With one look of Miss Stacy pressed Ruby her lips together with force. Billy snorting across the classroom at how silly she looked.
Miss Stacy cleared her throat letting his chuckle die. When finally the peace had settled clasped Miss Stacy her hands together. – “I hope you all brought your assignments that I handed out last week.” – she started. Anne who was always eager already set her basket on the table, ready to show it to Miss Stacy. Miss Stacy smiled politely ushering her to wait. – “You may all set it on the table if you please.” – she continued giving the signal.
Everyone ducked down to reach in their baskets to set their work of art on the table. You felt uneasy taking out your artwork. Glancing to the side you saw Charlie’s piece of art. Billy and Paul laughing loud. – “Is that an aardvark?” – Billy joked laughing his ass off. Charlie groaned. – “No! It’s a dog.” – he mumbled setting his hand under his chin, pushing his artwork closer to his chest. Gilbert turned around in his seat looking at Billy’s work.
“Is that a self-portrait?” – he said snarky. Billy mimicked a childish laugh, annoyed by his words. – “Well yeah yours…” – Billy got a bit up to look at Gilbert’s work. Gilbert moved aside on purpose for him to see. – “Well yours… yours…” – Billy said trying to find an insult. Gilbert was smiling beyond himself when Billy couldn’t find something bad to say about it. – “I thought so.” – he said turning back around silencing Billy.
Paul laughed loud at how Gilbert had left Billy speechless. Across back by the girls was Anne proudly showing her masterpiece to everyone. – “Did you do this stitching?” – Diana asked pointing at it. Anne shook her head. – “No, Marilla helped me.” – she then pointed at some paint work. – “This is Matthew’s work, and this weird thing was added by Jerry.” – she finished pointing at a wobbly thing at the top. Diana held her art up. – “My mother helped as well. She painted the flowers.” – she commented.
Ruby got up waving her hand in between them for attention. – “My mother helped too! She did this, this, and this.” – she said pointing at several things in different angles. – “What did you do?” – Tillie replied as it appeared Ruby’s mother did everything herself. – “I did this.” – Ruby answered annoyed pointing at her name written in the corner. Diana rolled her eyes at how silly she was.
Seeing their work you rather wanted to crush it or throw it out of the window. Compared to their, yours seemed like it was made by a child. Also hearing them speak so lovingly about how their parents helped out felt like a punch in your gut. It was something you could only dream off, having a loving mother. Your mother didn’t help in your project. You dared ask her one time. That didn’t end well.
You got yelled at for ruining her moment and annoying her with silliness. Looking at your art again of paper mâché you noticed the dent of where your father had stepped on it. On purpose or accident. It didn’t really much as it had ruined it much. Seeing your friends talk so godly about their parents made you want to cry, pull your hair out and scream your lungs out. Ruby and Tillie turned around to you.
“Let me see yours Y/n.” – Ruby spoke as Diana and Anne looked over them. You pulled it closer to your chest, shaking your head. – “It’s…it’s terrible.” – insisting on it. – “Come show us Y/n.” – Tillie said pulling at your hand. You really didn’t want to show her, finding it unworthy. Ruby helped her to pull your hand away. Tillie then snatched it from you. – “Hey!” – you called out catching the attention of some boys across and Miss Stacy who waited to see where this was going.
Tillie held it up before her looking at it with a questioning brow. – “Did your mother help out?” – Ruby asked probably not meaning anything with it. She was always this innocent and naïve, yet it struck a nerve with you. – “No!” – you called out snatching the art from Tillie back. You then it on the ground setting your foot hard on it. Everyone gasped loud at your little act. – “Y/n!” – Miss Stacy called out concerned. You let your fingers brush automatically over your inner arm, knowing of the scars lingering there.
“Brute.” – one of Billy’s friends called out. Miss Stacy shushing him immediately. Miss Stacy approached you, kneeling gently down to pick up your crushed work of art. – “We can still mend this.” – she said with a warm smile. You shook your head. – “It is broken!” – you answered. Just like yourself. Turning your face away from her, you felt ashamed.
Ashamed and unworthy. Truly wondering what the exact point of you was. Not one of them here knowing a darn thing about your family. They had no idea with their wonderous lives, living like princesses. While you crawled through the gutter with no way out. Consistently surrounded by darkness. The only way out of the sinking was the carving. The marks on your inner arms that helped you coped with it.
Miss Stacy reached up to take your hand. The second she had your hand, you pulled it away. Needing to escape you took a run for it. – “Y/n.” – Miss Stacy called out as some jumped up. Gilbert being one of them. He wanted to run after you as Miss Stacy held him back by his shoulder. – “Let us give her a moment in solitude.” – Miss Stacy said sensing you didn’t want any company at this moment. – “But…” – Gilbert started seeing Miss Stacy shake her head.
He sighed deep, slouching his shoulders. He returned to his seat. Miss Stacy set your artwork on her desk, seeing how sloppy it was once your foot had tackled it. You ran frantically into the woods away from the school. Unable to cope with it. The sugary of your friends biting like sour in your flesh. Their life was something you could never achieve. Not with the home situation you have now.
A mother and father who barely looked at you. A brother who tackled you whenever he pleased. All the workload put on you. Treated like dirt by your own family. Never once said an ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you.’ Maybe this was just how things were meant to be. Unloved. Panting loud you kept running coming into different parts of the woods.
Jerry was whistling loud, carrying a sack over his shoulder. He had come back from the market, making his way back to Green Gables. Something caught his sudden attention as he noticed it was you. – “Y/n!” – Jerry shouted happily waving your way. He frowned when you didn’t seem to see him. Simply running past. Jerry lowered his sack questionable. Why weren’t you at school? Why were you running away? Was everything alright?
Feeling a bit worried he picked up his sack again, going after you. Near a shack crashed you down; out of breath. Leaning against the wood you let your head fall back. Still panting till your breathing steadied. Then the thoughts came. Those dark thoughts that always pushed you to the edge. You already know what to do. Reaching in your pocket, you pulled out a sharp object. Then slowly pulling your sleeves up. Scars of old on your flesh.
Those dark thoughts became louder as it made you bring the tip of the sharpness to your wrist. Tears rolled down your cheek as your hand trembled. It would take one impulsive thought for you to bleed. Bleed till your life would slip away. Why shouldn’t you do it? What good was there in this life? There was no one to pull you out so it was easier to just accept it and be rid of this hell.
Gently setting the tip deeper onto your skin, your sight got blurrier from your tears. – “No!” – you suddenly heard startling you so hard, the tip had pressed deeper into your skin. A single drop of blood forming. Jerry rushed over to you, grabbing the sharp thing from your grip, and throwing it as far away from him. – “Don’t you dare!” – he breathed out.
“Don’t you even think about it!” – he said a bit firmer kneeling down in front of you. Grabbing your shoulders, he pulled you close to his chest for a hug. – “Find hope in the hopeless.” – he told you. – “I don’t know what made you do it, but please don’t. I don’t want to lose you… I don’t.” – he embraced you tighter fighting the urge to cry himself. – “Please Y/n…” – he whispered out as you started crying louder.
In the brink of almost doing it was Jerry there to pull you out. – “We’ll figure it out together. I am fighting for you, and I don’t want you to give up.” – wrapping your arms around him, you hugged back. – “Jerry…” – you cried out. Jerry simply held you, no needing an explanation. Just holding you. In that moment where he knew you needed to be seen, heard and loved.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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askclato · 10 months
Anne: We should appreciate the small things in life.
Jerry: *picks Diana up*
Jerry: You are appreciated.
Diana: I’m going to kill you.
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 months
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Stardust David Bailey
Con un saggio di Tim Marlow
Skira, Milano 2015, 272 pagine, 26x33,8cm, Inglese, ISBN 9788857227795
euro 58,00 - 50% €29,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Catalogo Mostra PAC 1 marzo 2 giugno 2015
Oltre 300 fotografie, alcune delle quali inedite, selezionate personalmente da David Bailey dal suo immenso archivio, ripercorrono più di mezzo secolo di carriera del grande artista. 
Francis Bacon, Salvador Dalí, Johnny Depp, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Man Ray, Bob Marley, Jean Shrimpton: una straordinaria galleria di attori, scrittori, musicisti, politici, registi, modelle, artisti, ma anche persone incontrate durante i suoi viaggi in Australia, India, Sudan e Papua Nuova Guinea; molti famosi, alcuni sconosciuti, tutti assolutamente coinvolgenti e memorabili. Nato a Londra nel 1938, negli anni Sessanta David Bailey si è affermato nella fotografia di moda come collaboratore di Vogue, divenendo uno dei più popolari esponenti del mondo della fotografia d’autore; la creazione di ritratti, geniali e spesso provocatori, è sempre stata un interesse centrale nella sua attività. Pubblicata in occasione della grande mostra milanese (co-prodotta da Comune di Milano, PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea e Tod’s) proveniente dalla National Portrait Gallery di Londra, la monografia è suddivisa per temi, con immagini iconiche affiancate da ritratti meno noti e inediti, ed è introdotta da un saggio dello storico dell’arte Tim Marlow. David Bailey, membro onorario della Royal Photographic Society, è considerato uno dei più grandi fotografi viventi. Nel 2001 è stato insignito del titolo di Commander of the Order of the British Empire, come riconoscimento per il suo impegno artistico. Ha recentemente pubblicato Bailey’s East End (2015). Tim Marlow, storico dell’arte inglese, autore di numerosi libri e presentatore di programmi radiofonici e televisivi, è direttore delle mostre della galleria londinese di arte contemporanea 
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boxedclocksandomens · 5 months
a few anne with an e kids as picrews. i mostly based these off of their appearances in the last couple seasons- it was a bit difficult to make their clothes look accurate to the time period, but i think they turned out cool-
anne and diana
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gilbert, cole, and jerry
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josie and ruby
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picrew link
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choujinx · 2 months
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NIJI NO TANI NO ANNE (2003) by lucy maud montgomery & hara chieko
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frickingnerd · 9 months
Anne Of Green Gables Masterlist
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Anne Shirley Cuthbert
fake dating anne shirley cuthbert - headcanons
Diana Barry
proposing to diana barry - headcanons
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Gilbert Blythe
gilbert blythe telling you "i love you" for the first time - headcanons
Jerry Baynard/Buote
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baby, it's cold outside - drabble
secretly dating jerry baynard - headcanons
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banquisefond · 2 years
Why do I think Diana Barry is a lesbian ?
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First of all, I'd like to note that I totally understand if anyone disagrees. What will follow is solely my very personal interpretation of Diana's character arc. Also, this only applies to the "Anne with an E" version of the character, I have never seen any other adaptation so I can't speak for it.
Diana is a young girl who's been raised in a rural and conservative environment. Even though her family is rich and gave her an education, the very fact of her living in the countryside has forbidden her have an open perspective on the world. Until Anne arrives in her life, she knows no better than what her family, church and conservative neighbors taught her. Throughout the seasons, her character is developed around the journey she takes to break from that pattern. Step by step, she lifts the veil that was tied before her eyes, proving that despite her "perfect daughter to become perfect spouse" appearance, she is, in fact, different. She's different from what was planned for her, but she's also different from the people of Avonlea. Her perspective and dreams are.
Her difference is already implied at the core of her character. Have you ever noticed how she is the only character (or almost) with a non-christian name ? Now, I know, this is reaching, I promise that I have more solid arguments for later, but hear me out on this one. I could list an enormous enumeration of names from that show that have christian roots (Anne, Matthew, Mary, Sebastian etc.). While this difference is never addressed in AWAE, it is in the first book, by Matthew. I won't have the quote right because I own the books in french so let me resume it. Matthew tells Anne about Diana when she first arrives in Avonlea. Anne gasps because she thinks Diana has a beautiful name. Matthew later on complains on it non being christian and that her parents better have named her Jane or something. She was named that way because the Barrys hosted a professor by the time of her birth. Eventually, they let him name their newborn for some reason. So, he choose "Diana", which is inspired by the roman goddess "Diane". Firstly, I think this can be interpreted as a sign her path isn't traditional education, intended by her parents who wants to send her to Paris but rather an actual education, which she'll choose by attending college. Moreover, we can go further by acknowledging that a named inspired by Diane says a lot too. Diane is the goddess of hunt, and protector of young women (in other words virginity). Diane's entourage was strictly feminine, men weren't allowed. Now, some people assume that Diane and her companions were in fact sapphics. Anyway, Diane is the symbol of independents women who don't require men to live to the fullest.
After some subtext, we now can lean on the actual events of the show.
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As we previously established, Diana is, at the beginning of the show, still oblivious of the outside world and as Anne would say, the possibilities. Her very first breakthrough is the first encounter between she and Anne.
Anne is a free-thinker. Her only education she ever had is from the books she read and her own imagination. That makes her this very unique character full of open-mindedness and creativity. This is the first time Diana met someone so different from what she knows.
I'd like to focus on that one scene in the 03x01 episode when Anne makes Diana swear solemnly on their friendship. When Anne first come up with the idea, Diana is firmly closed because she's been taught by her religious background that swearing is a sin. Anne, who has always known the term "swearing" trough literature, proceeds to explain Diana what it means to her, and how beautiful that is.
"Shall we swear we’ll be best friends, for ever and ever ? (...) - Let’s imagine that it’s night time and that this path is a stream. Hold this. Twist your finger around mine (...) I solemnly swear to be faithful to my bosom friend Diana Barry for as long as the sun and the moon shine”
This quote speaks for itself on how magnificent that scene was. Anyway. This moment is immensely important for Diana. It is also for Anne, but from her perspective, she sees it more as an occasion to live in her fantasy world full of poetry. For Diana, it represents the beginning of her change and growth. She opened her mind about something she thought was immoral, only to find out it's actually beautiful. At this moment, we can see in her eyes that she's falling in love. Not necessarily with Anne but with her freedom. This is the realization that she could be way more.
“I could never love anyone as I love you Anne - Wait, you love me ? - Off course I do (...) - I thought you liked me of course, but I’ve never hoped you loved me - I love you devotedly Anne” - (1x5)
Diana directly confess her love for Anne. Of course, it is displayed as a platonic love, and it probably is for Anne, but I just want to slid it in there.
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Now, let's dive in, as I call it, the "Party at aunt Joséphine/homophobia" arc. Again, there is this display of the duality between what she's intended to be and what she could be at the beginning, when she meets this famous pianist who recommend her to start a career as a musician. Diana seems almost offended because playing piano other than for recreational purposes was never a possibility for her. Then, she founds herself surrounded by a diversity of people (queer people, independent woman etc.) before learning that her aunt was, in fact, a lesbian. Then the internalized homophobia knocks in and Diana is very upset. She feels kind of betrayed by the truth, to find out that the world is wider than she knew it to be.
This series of events leads to this very emotional scene between Cole and Diana. While Diana stands firmly that same sex relationships are wrong, Cole gives her the most adorable speech. I'll let his words speaks for me :
“If your aunt lived her life feeling something was wrong with her, that she was...broken, defective, or unnatural...then one day, she met someone that made her realize that wasn’t true, there was nothing wrong with her and she was fine. Shouldn’t we be happy for her ? - I think it’s spectacular”
Does that rings any bells ? I'm not gonna over-explaining this. Diana basically discovers that omg gay people exists !!! And that it's not inherently a bad thing.
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It is time to dismantle the Jerry allegations.
This "romance" takes place at the very fateful moment of Diana character arc, when she have to choose between 2 futures. The one her parents decided, and the one she truly wants, alongside with aunt Jo and Anne.
First thing about teenagers who plans to go against their parents for the first time, is that they'll try to experience rebellious acts in a smaller scale, to know how it feels. This is exactly what Diana did with Jerry. He is the closest boy she knows while being the only one her parents don't know about. She wants to feel forbidden love, but, she soon finds out that she doesn't feel anything for Jerry. There is no passion, she is not intellectually triggered with him neither. After realizing that, she ditch him pretty rudely. She knows she was wrong from the beginning and that all this just wasn't for her.
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Finally, Diana reaches the acceptation of who she is by the end of the third season. She knows what she wants and got to finally attend to Queen's college after secretly taking the exams.
This represents her embracing being different. She choose to go against traditional ways. She choose to get an education, despite the remonstrances from her family. This is the end of her journey to find herself and the beginning of a new one where she can fully be herself.
I see this development as a really accurate parallel with the lesbian experience. Of course, you're free to see it as it is stated in the show. I just want to share :)
I doubt anyone read this until the end but, if any of you have a good fanfic about Diana finding a girl in college, I'm open lol.
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wwprice1 · 5 months
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Awesome throwback cover and story!
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carefulfears · 1 year
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things to say when trusting the last spy who walked up to your desk saved your life
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ziggyplayedguitar96 · 10 months
I just finished watching Anne with an E last night and I wish it didn’t get cancelled because I want more but at the same time I’m glad it got cancelled because then we probably would’ve had to watch Matthew and Ruby die
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cosmorom · 1 year
okay i watched s3 of anne with an e and jerry and diana are so milkshake coded like
they don't have interests in common (frankenstein's book is a different thing. the example is the fact that they don't read the lines in the same way, they don't communicate well.)
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they can't say everything to each other about themselves
they feel uncomfortable
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jerry puts diana on too high a pedestal for him due to social differences and always says he's not enough to her
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jerry says to anne he feels like diana actually dosen't enjoy his company but she just cares about kissing
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diana is so ashamed of her relationship with jerry that she doesn't even tell anne, her best friend about it, trying to push her away (which she then does)
anne says diana is acting bad and she's rude with jerry (anne and diana fight.) DIANA AND JERRY BROKE UP I KNEW IT LMAOO
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diana is a repressed lesbian
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they're bones fr
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