#jeff a. menges
mtg-cards-hourly · 2 days
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Ghost Hounds
Artist: Jeff A. Menges TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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ouchmaster6000 · 5 months
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Milí obrozenci!
V práci jsem zcela neuváženě listovala touto knihou.
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Přemožena zvědavostí, rozhodla jsem se vyhledat nějakého Čecha... poloviční úspěch... Autor sice věnoval kapitolu našemu Alfonsovi, ALE...
Alphonse M. Mucha (Austrian)
Moravák Alfons, co namaloval Slovanskou epopej?
Jeden z mála světoznámých umělců, co máme?
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Sorcery - Contested Realm - Buried Treasure by Jeff A. Menges
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defectivegembrain · 2 months
Jeff: If you want to keep her interested you have to act aloof, like you don't really care one way or the other.
Troy: Well okay
Britta: Hey Troy, I was wondering-
Troy, oblivious to her presence: See ya later
Jeff: Wow, that kid is good
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lucky-cat-13 · 1 year
Jin Guangyao: People always ask me how to pronounce my name. Is it Meng Yao or Jin Guangyao?
Jin Guangyao: I always tell them the same thing. "How dare you speak to me."
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Book 323
An Edwardian Bestiary: 87 Color Plates
Maurice Detmold and Edward J. Detmold
Dover Publications 2009
Collecting animal illustrations from the Detmold Brothers entire oeuvre—from their 1899 debut, Pictures from Birdland, to their 1925 edition of Arabian Nights—this book displays the twins’ incredible talent. From the bold graphic Arts & Crafts-like birds to the more dramatic and detailed beasts from their illustrated Jungle Book and Aesop’s Fables, the Detmold’s show not only range but also a mastery of animal musculature and anatomy.
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blacklotusmuseum · 1 year
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Citanul Druid Antiquities 1994
0 notes
ppeonppeonhan · 9 months
Which BL Couple do you want to see in a Sequel?
And not just a cameo or an Our Skyy 2-episode arc.
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HIStory 3: Trapped (2019, above) - I want to keep seeing how their relationship works as their morals clash.
Bad Buddy (2021) - I know we risk ruining a good thing and that we got the Our Skyy episodes, but I could watch more of these two as they learn to nurture their relationship in spite of the negativity surrounding them.
Not Me (2021) - There is SO much that can be done in this universe with these twin rebel characters. They should absolutely revive it as LGBTQIA legislation and police corruption evolves in Thailand.
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Love is Science? (2021, above) - I could watch 12 whole episodes of Ou Wen learning to trust playboy bi Mark.
Semantic Error (2022, top) - Park Seoham returns from military service later this year, but IDK. I feel like there's not much else to explore here. Loved every minute of it though.
KinnPorsche (2022) - This is another couple that I feel ran its course. I would sooner watch a spinoff of Kim and Chay, even though I think Jeff Satur is more interested in music these days, because I need to know if Kim loved Chay or if he just pitied him. Plus, Kim is next-gen mob boss and I'd love to see it. And while I did enjoy Pete & Vegas, it appears we are still up in the air about whether the actor who played Pete...is a piece of sh*t. What a plot twist?
Love in the Air (2022) - Both couples contributed some of the best sex scenes to BL history, but I doubt there's more story to tell.
The Eighth Sense (2023) - They fucked me all the way up. 😭 Made To My Star 2 seem like a cake walk. I need a sequel just to know where this is going.
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joes-stories · 6 months
Mit einschüchternden, schweren Schritten kommt er auf dich zu und blickt über die Fläche seiner gewaltigen Brustmuskeln zu dir nach unten. Seine gigantischen Muskeln zerbeulen das Shirt, das er übergeworfen hat. Seine pure Männlichkeit lassen dich erschaudern und sein riesiger Schwanz kann von den winzigen Slip fast nicht im Griff gehalten werden. Seine monströsen Oberschenkel geben dir einen verlockenden Blick auf deine eigene, nicht mehr all zu ferne Zukunft als MMM. Denn du bist hier im Trainingscamp der absoluten Elite der Männlichkeit, den MMM - MEGAMASSIVE MUSCLE MONSTERS - Gentechnisch veränderte SuperhuMEN-Muskelbullen, die ihre hypervirile Potenz überall stolz zur Schau stellten und hemmungslos auslebten. Und du bist nur noch wenige Monate von der Initiation entfernt.
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"Also, hier ein paar Grundregeln." Die tiefe, klare Stimme dieses Giganten hallt durch das Camp. "Du kannst mich Bro, Sir, oder Jeff nennen. Wenn wir trainieren, werde ich dich hart rannehmen. Ich bin fair und habe nur ein Ziel im Blick: Dass du ein MMM wirst und wir immer mehr von unserer Art werden. Aber ich bin nicht nett. Ich werde dich an deine äußersten Grenzen bringen und du wirst mich manchmal hassen. Dies ist eine professionelle Beziehung und ich erwarte, dass du das verstehst und diese Tatsache respektierst. Später, wenn du ein richtiger MMM bist, werden wir gleichberechtigt sein und viel Spaß miteinander haben, aber so weit sind wir noch nicht. 
Wir werden viele Grenzen überschreiten und eine Menge Barrieren durchbrechen. Du wirst während unseren Trainingseinheiten Schmerzen haben und danach sehr müde sein. Ich werde dich hart antreiben, deine Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern und deine Ressourcen bis zum Äußersten abzurufen. Ich werde dich quälen aber nie Missbrauchen. Ich bin dein Coach. Ich begleite und schütze dich.
Doch wenn du zu einem durchgeknallten Eiferer wirst, werde ich dich aufhalten. Auch für dich, der du bereits jetzt zur Elite unserer Anwärter gehörst, gibt es ein zuviel an Training und vor allem ein zu viel an MMM Körperflüssigkeiten. Ich bestimme, wieviel Schweiß du von meinem Körper leckst, wann du das erste mal von meinem Vorsaft kosten darfst und wann es soweit ist, mein Sperma zu schlucken. Ich erwarte also, dass du mir zuhörst und meine Anweisungen genau befolgst. Haben wir uns verstanden?"
Mit einer Mischung aus erregter Geilheit, Vorfreude, Stolz und ein wenig Angst antwortest du mit fester Stimme: „Glasklar, Bro - ich werde dein bester Schüler sein und dich stolz machen!“
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Jeff grinste … „also, dann ziehen wir jetzt unser Shirt und unseren Slip aus, denn völlig Nackt macht das Training viel mehr Spaß...!“
Herzlichen Dank an rene1morph für sein Angebot, zu seinen gewaltigen MMM meine Geschichten zu erzählen. Schreibt mir eure Rückmeldungen!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Raise Dead
Artist: Jeff A. Menges TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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markrosewater · 2 years
"Adding an art sticker doesn’t change which artist illustrated the card/permanent." Why? That flies in the face of intuitive understanding, the sticker art is added to the regular art, and it's by a different artist. Many magic cards already have multiple artists. Not that it should come up too often.
Let me do a little polling here. I have a Grizzly Bear illustrated by Jeff A. Menges and I add a sticker illustrated by Bob Smith. If I ask you “who illustrated this Grizzly Bear?” what is your intuitive answer?
a) Jeff A. Menges
b) Jeff A. Menges and Bob Smith
c) Bob Smith
Telling me why would also be helpful.
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artmialma · 1 year
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Heinrich Kley (1863– 1945) German  
Kley's work was introduced at Walt Disney Studios sometime in the 1920s of 1930s. It was considered so influential, that some very strong parallels can be drawn between Kley's work and some of the early Disney film segments, most notably in Fantasia, where dancing alligators and hippos seems to have been born from Kley's sketches. 
In 2012, there was a special exhibition at the Walt Disney Family Museum, showcasing some of the original Kley artwork from the Disney archives that Walt himself had collected in the 1930s.
Menges, Jeff A. 101 Great Illustrators From the Golden Age, 1890-1925. Published by Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, New York, 2016. p. 119.
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Major Arcana ~ all cards ~ mockup
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Janaina Medeiros // Jabari Weathers // Natalie Eslick // Nataša Ilinčić // Scott Murphy // Quintin Gleim // Camille Louise // Jeff Menges // Christine Rhee // Melissa Gay // Amanda Ramsey // Micaela Dawn // Jeszika Le Vye // Shaima Is // Angela Sasser // Iris Compiet  // Charles Urbach // Kaysha Siemens // Marcelo Gallegos // Rachel Quinlan // Chris Malidore // Ejiwa Edge Ebenebe
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(016) Die drei ??? und der Zauberspiegel
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Justus, Bob und Peter sind ja glücklicherweise schon allerlei gewohnt. Wenn also jemand erzählt, in einem riesigen, spanischen Spiegel, der Mrs. Darnley gehört, spuke es, und wenn dann nachts in Mrs. Darnleys Haus seltsame Geräusche zu hören sind, dann kriegt zumindest Justus weniger eine Gänsehaut, als vielmehr Lust, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Kaum beginnen die drei ??? zu ermitteln, stoßen sie auch schon auf jede Menge Verdächtiges ...
Buch (Random House): 021, 1974, M. V. Carey, The Secret of the Haunted Mirror Buch (Kosmos): 019, 1977, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 016, 1980
⁉️ Allgemein
Rocky Beach
Spuk, Betrug
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Titus Jonas
Morton, Chauffeur
Mrs. Darnley
Jeff Darnley, Enkel von Mrs. Darnley
Jenny Darnley, Enkel von Mrs. Darnley
Señor Raphael Santora, Neffe von Chiavo
John Can, Diener von Mrs. Darnley (keine Sprechrolle)
Mr. Anderson, Brotverkäufer
Señor Juan Gomez, Diener von Diego Manolos (😈)
🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Crestview Drive
Rufino, Inselstaat
Silverlake, Vorort von Los Angeles
Ocean Boulevard
Universität von Ruxton
Beverly Sunset Hotel
Meadow Fresh, Eiscremefirma
Chiavo, Zauberer aus Spanien, ihm gehört der Zauberspiegel
Diego Manolos, persönlicher Berater des Staatspräsidenten von Rufino, heiratete Isabella, die Freundin von Mrs. Darnley
Alfredo Filippe Garcia, ist der Präsident von Rufino, seit 11 Jahren im Amt, vorher war Simon de Pellar Präsident
🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Señor Santora: "Sagen Sie, war Isabella glücklich verheiratet?" Mrs. Darnley: "Nein ... Ihr Mann hat sie nicht sonderlich gut behandelt. Aber jetzt ist er ja tot."
*Justus rüttelt an einem Fenster, weil niemand auf sein Klingeln reagiert hat* Justus: "Aha, das geht auf. Dann können wir ja einsteigen."
Justus: "Vielleicht ist Jeff nebenan. Hey, da ist er ja! Hallo Jeff, was sagst du nun?!" Jeff: "*Geknebeltes murmeln*
Gomez: "Sie sind spät dran heute." Mr. Anderson: "Daran ist die Motorpanne schuld. Möchten Sie Brot?" Gomez: "Joar, warum nicht?"
Den schnapp ich mir! Peter schnappt den Bösen … nicht
🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
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didanawisgi · 1 year
The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony
The Role of Biological Warfare in China’s Drive for Global Hegemony by Clare M. Lopez
“In July 2021, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) issued a Press Release that, to date, stands out for its courage and honesty. Rep. Brooks wrote about a meeting he’d attended with Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese medical doctor, Ph.D. virologist, and whistleblower, who fled to the U.S. from Hong Kong in 2020 after being threatened with being “disappeared” for speaking out about the origins of the SARS-CoV-2. Her mission since then has been to warn America and the world about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s offensive Biological Warfare (BW) program.
That program, a seamlessly linked effort directed by the CCP in collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), dates back to Mao’s 1949 takeover of China. In the wake of WW II, Japan’s horrifying use of BW against the Chinese people became known to the world. The Imperial Japanese Army killed hundreds of thousands of Chinese during the war under the auspices of Unit 731, that had been established in Manchuria in 1932 under the leadership of the notorious Gen. Shiro Ishii, chief medical officer of the Japanese army. Japanese occupiers performed hideous experiments on captive Chinese, including infecting them with cholera, gonorrhea, and plague. Japan’s BW program was also weaponized. Cholera was used to infect water wells and fleas infected with bubonic plague were dropped in aerial bombs over Chinese towns and villages.  
What may be less well-known is that Mao’s Communist regime did not eliminate Japan’s BW program in China after the Japanese defeat in WW II, but instead took it over and developed it further. Despite the fact that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1984, the PRC’s so-called “civilian-military fusion” policy directs its offensive BW program to this day. “Civilian-military fusion” means that every medical or biological lab, research center, or even university academic program dedicated to basic biology, epidemiology, or virology is obligated to operate under CCP-PLA orders and to share any and all research with regime officials.
Writing in her 2021 book, What Really Happened in Wuhan, Australian author and investigative journalist Sharri Markson noted that “Intelligence agencies and Western governments have known for decades that China has a bioweapons program…Chinese military-affiliated scientists were discussing the weaponization of coronaviruses publicly and openly—and they did so five years before the Covid-19 pandemic”. Quoting from this author’s own December 2021 piece at American Greatness,  we have an example of that openness in the May 8, 2021 edition of The Weekend Australian, in which “Australian journalist Riah Matthews revealed the contents of a 2015 document entitled (in English translation) ‘The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons’ that was co-authored by a group of Chinese scientists, including bioweapons experts and PLA scientists”. Even though the U.S. State Department reportedly has this document, no one from senior levels of the U.S. government has commented on it to date. Given the explicit language used by the Chinese bioweaponeers about SARS coronaviruses as part of a “new era of genetic weapons” that can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before”, it might be thought that Congress would have held hearings on this, the National Security Council or State Department would have issued some statement, or the White House itself would have brought this to the attention of the UN Security Council. But none of that has happened.
This 2015 document from Chinese bioweaponeers is hardly the only source that attests so brazenly to the CCP-PLA BW program. In September 2019, Jeff Nyquist, a deeply knowledgeable analyst of communism and Marxism, posted “The Secret Speech of Chi Haotian” at his blogsite. Chi Haotian served as the PRC’s Minister of Defense until his death sometime after 2003, which is when he addressed a gathering of high-level CCP members. Quoting once again from this author’s December 2021 American Greatness piece, in this speech Chi spoke “in terrifying terms of the need for ‘special means’—biological weapons—to ‘clean up America’ and make room for Chinese to find ‘lebensraum’ [living space]”.
Pre-dating these documents, of course, is the 1999 Chinese military manual, written as their M.A. degree thesis by two Chinese PLA colonels and published as Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America by the PLA. Among the two dozen “methods of operation” listed within is included “Bio-chemical warfare”. On the page preceding that list, the PLA notes that “The American military is naturally inadequately prepared to deal with this type of enemy psychologically, in terms or measures, and especially as regards military thinking and the methods of operation derived from this. This is because they have never taken into consideration and have even refused to consider means that are contrary to tradition and to select measures of operation other than military means”.
To this point, we have discussed the various open sources that attest to the CCP-PLA’s well-developed offensive BW program. The question, scarcely mentioned by senior U.S. or Western officials, that may naturally be posed is “Why?” “Why are they doing this?” The fact that this question as well as the entire topic of China’s BW program is almost never mentioned, even after the massive devastation of the COVID pandemic, is curious at best and will await further discussion for the moment. But here let us delve into the malevolent motivation that drives the current CCP regime to wield such horrific weapons against us in the first place. For if we of what we like to think of as the Free World are successfully to resist being “assimilated” by an aggressive and expansionist would-be global hegemon (as David Goldman put it in his 2020 book, You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-form the World), we must understand and confront those malign intentions.
It may be useful to begin by recalling what the famous Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu wrote some 2,500 years ago in his Art of War. This work, perhaps the most important military treatise of the last couple thousand years, presents a set of skills necessary to waging successful warfare. Among those skills, the most important lessons are those on how to avoid kinetic warfare in the first place, by instead deploying cunning, deceit, and psychological manipulation against an enemy poorly prepared to recognize or counter such measures. The PLA authors of Unrestricted Warfare and the CCP’s Party Chairman (perhaps for life?), Xi Jinping are steeped in the study of such strategies. Recalling the PLA’s all-too-accurate assessment of American military readiness (as written some two decades ago), we must somehow be jolted out of our “woke” stupor in time to recognize that China’s deliberate development of deadly pathogens in its military and civilian labs is being done with the explicit strategic military intent that they be unleashed on U.S. and world populations. The psychological warfare component that preceded the 2019 pandemic was pure Sun Tzu, beginning with what Peter Schweizer has told us is a CCP policy of “elite capture”.
With senior leadership of our government, media, and public health institutions co-opted (wittingly or unwittingly) to CCP stratagems, the American public has had no way of understanding the CCP’s plan to dominate the world, beginning with the development and unleashing of a deadly pathogen that we were pre-conditioned by CCP information operations to fear irrationally. The refusal to challenge the CCP-PLA’s decades-old BW program and an almost hypnotic willingness to lock down and thereby destroy our own economies, is pure textbook Sun Tzu. Almost three years into this organized attack, and except for a few courageous Members of Congress, there still has been little official or public pressure to hold the PRC responsible.
Xi Jinping has just been given his third 5-year term as CCP Party Chairman. The world witnessed on live TV his ruthless display of power when former Party Chairman Hu Jintao was dragged out of the Party Congress hall as Xi looked on impassively. Xi is quickly consolidating power, with the appointment of solid loyalists to the Politburo Standing Committee. Xi now has the power he sought to push ahead with plans to seize Taiwan, but also to continue development of what he considers the PRC’s most powerful weapon, Biological Warfare agents. Over the years, China has weaponizedanthrax, cholera, dengue, various coronaviruses (including the SARS family), plague, and tularemia as well as toxins like botulism and ricin. Such pathogens are studied at the PLA’s sprawling network of military labs as well as at ostensible “civilian” labs like the now infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology. U.S. intelligence likely knows about this but chooses to keep silent.  
Remember above all that the PRC declared a “people’s war” against the U.S. in May 2019—and it didn’t just mean a trade war to counter then-President Donald Trump’s sanctions. It meant Unrestricted Warfare, which explicitly includes Bio-chemical warfare. It’s about displacing the U.S. as the world’s pre-eminent power. It’s about achieving power dominance for a liberty-crushing totalitarian system of governance. Deployment of BW agents is not necessarily about racking up a high death count, either: getting the U.S. and the world to paralyze our own economies and education systems without firing a shot while simultaneously manipulating us into avoiding any serious attempt to hold the CCP responsible is sheer psychological warfare brilliance.
Time to wake up.
How a CCP Operation Ensnared the US GovernmentHow HHS became compromised during the COVID Crisis
“As described in my earlier guest essay for this Substack, “Long history of China's CCP and Biowarfare”, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has a long history involving development of its offensive Biological Warfare (BW) program. That piece explained how the CCP took over the Japanese Imperial Army’s WW II Biological Warfare program that brought such horror to the Chinese people from Japan’s Unit 731 based in Manchuria. Here now, we should first expand on how the Soviet Union teamed up with the CCP to develop both of their Biological Warfare programs into the massive state-run networks that they are today.
Then to get at the main theme for this essay, I will delve into the way the CCP eventually – I believe deliberately,  methodically, and maliciously – ensnared the U.S. public health system and its leading officials in its own Biological Warfare program by way of partnerships on Gain-of-Function (GoF) research at the University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill, the Galveston National Laboratory, and through U.S. Government (USG) funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) channeled through Peter Daszak’s New York-based EcoHealth Alliance Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). While China certainly welcomed U.S. funding and technology, it did not actually need either: the CCP-PLA already had long been conducting GoF research, likely in collaboration with Russia. What the CCP did want, I believe, was to ensnare the USG in complicity for this or another Biological Warfare pandemic that it has repeatedly declared is a weapon of choice in its “Unrestricted Warfare” arsenal against the U.S.
When Ken Alibek, the First Deputy Chief of the USSR’s sprawling Biopreparat network, defected to the United States (U.S.) in 1992, he revealed for the first time how the Soviets had built a massive KGB/military-controlled biological weapons program under cover of ostensibly civilian labs and research centers. Some were managed by the Soviet Ministry of Health while others were overseen by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. In fact, the entire apparatus was under the control of the Soviet Communist Party by way of the Politburo.  Alibek’s book, “Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World—Told From Inside by the Man Who Ran It” was first published in 1999.
In “Biohazard”, Alibek confessed that, while still at Biopreparat, he had authorized Gain-of-Function work at the Vector Biological Warfare facility that was intended to create a “powerful new smallpox weapon”. Sergei Netyosov, Deputy Scientific Director at Vector, led a team of scientists who’d begun work on creating a chimeric virus that would combine Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) with vaccinia, a nonpathogenic virus related to smallpox. If successful, the result could have been a Biological Warfare double-agent capable of triggering both VEE and smallpox at the same time. Later, according to Alibek, Vector researchers reported success at inserting a gene for Ebola into the vaccinia genome to create an Ebola-smallpox chimera weapon. It is not known publicly whether Russian GoF efforts at creating such chimeras either continued or ever succeeded. But we do know that the CCP-PLA ‘civilian-military fusion’ offensive Biological Warfare program conducted similar such research – and did so much more recently – as described below.  
Although Alibek did not mention much about the Soviet Biological Warfare collaboration with Communist China, we know from other open sources that soon after seizing control of China in 1949, Mao Zedong established a close relationship with Stalin’s USSR. At that time, the USSR was far more advanced in every technological area than China, which almost completely lacked a national technological base. Writing in the National Review issue of December 19, 2022, Klon Kitchen recounts how the Soviets sent “thousands of scientists and engineers to help Mao build his country’s technological base…[and] nearly 40,000 Chinese were sent to Russia to receive advanced training” there in return. Kitchen does not specify BW as a field of such training but it most likely would have included Biological Warfare.  
For one thing, the CCP-PLA model for its Biological Warfare program is called “civilian-military fusion”. Just as in the former Soviet Union (and likely continuing today in Russia) the Communist Party’s Biological Warfare program is concealed behind a façade of civilian labs and research centers, so too in today’s China its BW program is spread out across a vast network of both civilian and military labs and research centers—but all remain under the administrative control of the CCP and top leadership of the PLA. Chinese virologist and whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan and the Citizens Commission on National Security (CCNS)’s Col. Lawrence Sellin have described much of that network and its ongoing offensive “unrestricted warfare” model of BW. Israeli Lt. Col. Dany Shoham at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies also has written extensively on the CCP-PLA’s collaborative BW program.  
For our purposes here, the important points to note are the close working relationship between the Soviet-Russian Communist Party and the CCP, the apparent modeling of the CCP-PLA Biological Warfare program on the Soviet one, and the decades-long commitment to Gain-of-Function research by the Russians. Given that history, as well as more recent reporting, there is little doubt that the CCP-PLA also have long been working on GoF experiments within Beijing’s overall BW program. Again, the importance of this understanding is that China did not need U.S. input, either financial or technological, to continue its GoF research with the SARS-CoV. Rather, the methodical “elite capture” development of entangling relationships with top U.S. research facilities and public health officials ensured that when this was all inevitably investigated and revealed, evidence would show close, long-standing USG involvement, thereby spreading the guilt for a pandemic the CCP itself unleashed and perhaps irredeemably tarnishing reputations and destroying public trust throughout the U.S. health care system.    
One of the key studies that revealed both CCP-PLA GoF research and US government involvement is the widely publicized paper entitled “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence”, first published in Nature Medicine 9 November 2015. Here we see some of the clearest evidence of GoF work on the SARS-CoV in which American and Chinese scientists together “built a chimeric virus encoding a novel, zoonotic CoV spike protein”. We will note that this study was conducted with funding from EcoHealth Alliance and included both Dr. Ralph Baric, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the now-notorious so-called “bat woman”, Dr. Zhengli-Li Shi, who heads the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also of note is that this particular GoF research was conducted not only with U.S. taxpayer funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) all channeled through EcoHealth Alliance, but that it was off-shored to the WIV after President Barack Obama had stopped funding for GoF research in 2014 because it was too risky. The Obama “pause”, however, was “voluntary”, which allowed the Department of Defense to continue research under the auspices of “national security”.
In addition to the UNC/Chapel Hill, we should also mention the Galveston National Laboratory (GNL), located on the campus of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). GNL is the second of these two university-based maximum containment (BSL-4) laboratories in the U.S. that are focused on the study of highly infectious diseases and development of medical countermeasures. Like UNC, the GNL is part of the NIAID Biodefense Laboratory Network, directed for 38 years by Dr. Anthony Fauci prior to his December 2022 retirement. According to GNL former Director Dr. James Le Duc (who retired in 2021), GNL has been collaborating with the WIV since 2013 and also with the CCP-controlled Chinese Academies of Science. Indicative of the influence the CCP wielded over U.S. public health institutions is the August 2022 admission by UTMB that it may have broken U.S. law when it signed contracts—including one with the WIV—that gave three Chinese labs authority to order destruction by its US partners of “secret files, materials, and equipment” with no backups allowed. Those MOUs, signed by GNL Director Le Duc, have since been terminated and UTMB has asserted that no documents or other materials were destroyed.  
Another disturbing revelation appears in the 2021 book “What Really Happened in Wuhan” by Australian investigative journalist Sharri Markson. On page 216, she writes that in 2015 then-NIH Director Francis Collins “formalized collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences” (CAMS), which is the PLA’s highest level research institute. The PLA uses the CAMS’ dual-use research in the context of China’s civilian-military fusion model to advance its overall offensive BW program. Perhaps Collins’ collaboration with CAMS was merely naïve; the later consequences, however, were deeply detrimental to the official USG response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, just as no doubt intended by Beijing, when Collins told Dr. Fauci in April 2020 that suggestions of a lab leak were a conspiracy. This is how elite capture works.
Indeed, it can be shown that the entire span of U.S. public health institutions, from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the NIH, and Fauci’s own NIAID responded to the COVID crisis in a panic once they realized that that their own funding of and involvement in China’s GoF BW program may have led directly to the public health disaster that convulsed the U.S. from 2020-2022. At least one email dated 1 February 2020 obtained by the U.S. Right to Knoworganization indicated that both Collins and Fauci early on were alarmed by the links they knew they’d personally fostered between the NIH and the WIV. As we now know, a secret teleconference with a group of virologists was held that very day and touched off a concerted effort to discredit the lab leak hypothesis, which likely would have led to discovery about their own contributions to GoF research at the WIV. There followed the 17 March 2020 paper “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2” in Nature Medicine which claimed “strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is not the product of purposeful manipulation”.
Documents uncovered in a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request by Judicial Watch indicated that in May 2022 GNL’s Le Duc  warned Chinese researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology of potential investigations into the COVID issue by Congress. The content of more emails, as documented in a November 29, 2022 article from the Brownstone Institute, makes it clear that the CCP, the U.S. Intelligence Community, and leadership of the U.S. public health establishment have been trying desperately to stymie any efforts at investigation of the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 because they know that they themselves are implicated in funding and collaborating in the CCP-PLA BW research that likely created it.
How they all became involved, wittingly or not, in supporting the Chinese regime’s offensive Biological Warfare program is the story of a sophisticated recruitment operation—or as Peter Schweizer tells us the CCP calls it, “elite capture”. Since at least 2005, when Epoch Times acquired a copy of The Secret Speech of Chi Haotian, we have known (or should have known) that the Chinese regime actively is working to develop “special means to ‘clean up’ America”, specifically “new bio-weapons”. Jeff Nyquistpublished the entire speech in English translation at his blog in September 2019. That virtually the entirety of the U.S. public health system allowed itself to become ensnared in such an operation that finally looks to become fully exposed in planned hearings as Republicans take control of the House of Representatives nevertheless remains deeply disturbing. The naivete, if that’s what it was, or arrogance, carelessness, greed, that allowed leadership of the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID and top university lab facilities to be lured into complicity for one of the worst health disasters of modern times should inform us all of how the CCP conducts the “unrestricted warfare” by which China fully intends to take down America and the rest of the free world.
We welcome Congressional hearings into the entire affair but also second Dr. Robert Malone’s call for an international tribunal to “investigate and if warranted, prosecute those responsible for the millions of deaths caused by the lab-created SARS-CoV-2”, as he tweeted on New Year’s Day 2023. The SARS-CoV-2 disaster was global. Its deliberate unleashing upon the world, on top of the virus’ actual creation, by the CCP demands that China’s communist leadership be held accountable. The worldwide orchestration of devastating lockdowns—again at the instigation of the CCP, channeled back to Fauci by way of NIAID deputy director Dr. Clifford Lane—must also be investigated and explained. The failure by Fauci under oath in Congress to admit honestly to his and NIH/NIAID’s direct involvement in GoF research by what he must have known was a massive Chinese BW program likewise must be explained to the American people.    
Let us hold Congress, our public health institutions, and the USG overall to account for what was done to us. We’ll be watching.”
Clare M. Lopez is the Founder/President of Lopez Liberty LLC and Director U.S. Geostrategic Security Issues for the Near East Center for Strategic Engagement (NEC-SE)
Source: Long history of China's CCP and Biowarfare & How a CCP Operation Ensnared the US Government
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