#jealous kaeya
foxhopfics · 8 months
Shot for shot
Jealous Kaeya Alberich/gn!vision wielder!reader
Rating: T
Requested by: N/a
Word count: 1182
Short fic inspired by @electrosair from their post "Jealous headcanons anemo + cryo ver."
Notes: hi hope u dont mind this!! I got really inspired by the kaeya section and well the writing gods just had to possess me :,) this was supposed to be a drabble but then I blinked and I hit 1k words
You and Kaeya were shot for shot so far. Bar hopping in Mond was a treat for you, even if it was a little more regular for your boyfriend. Unfortunately, your daily habits did not lend themselves well to a constant stupor.
But every so often, for a special evening of fun, Kaeya would dress the both of you in your favourite clothes and whizz you out the door for a night on the town.
The Angel's Share was your last stop for the night. You'd already said hi to Diona and many of the other working bartenders at your regular places, and now Charles was setting the two of you up with a special limited time new flavour of dandelion wine.
You watched as he poured the ingredients into two tall glasses, vision swimming as you watched green pearlescent liquid swirl in to mix with the wine. You smile dopily at it, swinging your head loosely around to look at your partner. "Babe look it's like. It's like Venti," you giggle out. "It's green and sparkly."
Kaeya, just as plastered as you, snorts out a laugh into the back of his hand. "I'll say. Contains just the right amount of wine, too."
You turn back to Charles. "Has Venti had one of these yet?"
He tops off your glasses and pushes them towards you, moving on to collect other empty glasses from patrons around the bar adjacent to them. "No," he thinks, "but I'll tell him you recommend it next time he comes in."
You shrug, drunkenly content with that answer. This was only released within the last few days, and it wasn't like the bard was at the Angel's Share every night. Taking the glass, you take a gulp of the drink.
To say it's new is an understatement. You have no idea what kind of things Diluc was experimenting with, but this topped anything he'd ever done. The ice in the bottom kept it chilly as sweet wine, a hint of Mondstat's sweet mint, a little side of lime, and something just distinctly flavoured as green slides down your tongue. It's a refreshing taste after the last bar, which was arguably one of the cheapest ones in town.
A sound makes its way out of your mouth, unsure in it's own sound if it's some kind of moan, warble, or drunken hiccup.
You blink. Wiping your mouth, you can't help but giggle. "Sorry Charles, I'm really drunk and that is going to be a smash hit."
When you look back at your boyfriend, he's staring at you, but not at your face, mouth open in soft wonder, eyes dancing in a glinting light.
"Kaeya? What's wrong?"
"Your vision..." he responds softly. You look over to where it's attached to you. It's glowing a faint light, not quite enough to rival the firelight from the torches, but enough to ad a coloured hue. The other patrons in the bar hush down to look at what's making the light.
After a moment, the wave of drunk from taking another sip passes and the light fades back to nothingness.
You stare at your vision, head swimming with too much inebriation to make any sense of what just happened.
The two of you look at Charles. He glances between the both of you, but shrugs. "We've never had anyone with a vision try it yet."
You scan yourself up and down. "Well..." you meet Kaeya's eyes to reassure him. "I don't feel any different. Not bad, just drunk." You give him a sloppy thumbs up, elbow supported up by the table.
Kaeya shakes his head at you, smiling. You can hear his amusement in his voice, "I'll try that next, but I gotta hit the head before I give it a shot." He runs a hand over your hair that lazily slides down your cheek before he gets up and goes to find the bathroom.
As he does so, a large group of patrons exit the bar for the night, so Charles picks up his empty plate tray and swings his towel over his shoulder. "Holler if you need anything," he says, and you swivel your thumbs up towards him.
He leaves the bar to collect the glasses and trays, and as he does so you turn to ponder your drink.
Your thoughts space out, mingling images of Venti's happy, laughing face and what his thoughts would be on this drink, shifting over to Kaeya, his hands on your face, resting against him at the bar, and—
"Excuse me?" You jolt up, focus broken from the still slowly swirling beverage in front of you.
"Can I help you?" You direct your gaze towards them. It's a man, a young man, with windswept brown hair dressed in the knight's uniform. His cheeks are rosy, but clearly he has more of his wits about him than you.
Not that you couldn't hold your own against him, regardless. But he didn't seem to know that.
He sits down in Kaeya's seat to look at you.
"I saw your vision when it started glowing. That was really cool."
You turn and give him a smile. At least he's friendly. "Thanks! I got it from doing things." You give him your best serious wobbly nod and he chuckles at you.
"Well, anyway, I'm Browen."
"Nice to meet you Browen, I'm [___]".
He smirks at you, taking your answer as an invitation to continue. "I have a vision myself you know."
Your eyebrows raise. "Really?" You glance around his form, but don't spot the framed crystal anywhere.
"Yeah," he says, "I keep it at home because I'm not supposed to wear it around the other knights." He leans close to you, putting his hand up to his mouth like he's sharing a secret. "They get jealous." He winks over at the table where his knight companions are more focused on their own drink and camaraderie than on whatever was happening here.
"I could take you home, show it to you," he prompts, and you feel disappointment rush through you. Of course he's a liar who just wants to get into your pants because you have a vision. You need to tell Jean to whip these men into better shape.
"What would you like to show us, Browen?" A hand claps hard onto the knight's shoulder as a familiarly sultry voice soothes your agitated nerves. The man shoots up straight, expression changing to one like a dog caught stealing.
He stands up, stumbling over himself to get back to his original table. "N-nothing, Captain. Sorry to bother you."
You sigh as he leaves, tension flooding out of you. "That's more like it."
"Come on, love." Kaeya swings his arms around your shoulders and tosses coin on the table for Charles when he returns.
"Where are we going? We're not going to finish?" You glance up at him, your shoulders at his rib level.
The hand around your arm squeezes as he ducks down to whisper in your ear, "oh, I think my home private show is going to remain private."
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kaeyachi · 10 months
Kaeya would just have a shelf full of jars of homemade jam, and most of them are for Klee, so she would have bread with jam as a snack when she goes on adventures
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thomashoes · 1 year
Thinking about.... Thoma
i have had this idea for like two three months already and was not confident it would look great written down. but with motivations from my dear bestie, i thought why the hell not and decided to do it.
this actually took me three days to make--
thoma x reader
female reader
fluff, mentions of long distance relationship, sexual content and alcohol, very very mild cursing (like once)
Little backstory:
y/n is diluc's sister and she's in charge of dawn winery's innovative and international marketing. and basically she went to inazuma to conduct a research for the winery's novelty. thoma was her childhood friend before he left for inazuma. they reunited during her stay in inazuma and due to the vision hunt decree, a target has been placed on her back leading her to hide in the Kamisato Estate. after the decree was lifted she stayed for a while before heading back to mondstadt to help with the preparation of the weinlesfest festival uwu.
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"Are you sure you got everything with you? Why don't we check your stuff again," Thoma fussed as he walked over to Y/N's bags to assess its contents in the guest room she has resided in for the past few months. Y/N rolled her eyes and followed him, "You don't need to worry about it, Mom. I quadruple checked them last night, so I'm pretty sure I have everything."
Thoma glanced at her before he dropped his shoulder in defeat, "I-I'm sorry. Maybe I'm anxious about you already leaving just when I finally got to see you again and... Ah, please ignore what I was trying to say." he fretfully confessed. Y/N exhaled and felt her heart drum against her chest, it did pain her to leave but she still had duties as Dawn Winery's marketing manager. She reached out to grab the back of Thoma's shirt, "Hey... I know this is hard for you, it is to me also. But I promise to you that I will come and visit once a month and stay for at least a week. We can make this work, please trust me. Trust us, Thoma."
The blond turned to face her and saw that she looked ready to cry so he extended his arms and embraced her. "I do trust us, Y/N. I'm just...going to miss you a lot," he whispered against the crown of her head. Y/N looked up at his green orbs before her eyes darted down to his lips and Thoma saw this and took it as a hint to lean in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for as long as they could breathe and when they parted, Y/N whimpered as tears fell down her face.
"I don't want to go," she cried as she held onto him tighter. "But I'm an adult who is in charge of a company for booze so I have to go help my brother." Y/N pitifully whined against his chest.
Thoma laughed at her as his own tears started to roll down, "That's right, you are, as you always put it, a strong independent woman. And now you have another responsibility to return to."
With those words uttered by Thoma, Y/N cried a little bit harder and said the something along the lines of 'I hate being an adult'.
On the morning of her trip back to Mondstadt, Thoma held her hand the entire time waiting for her ship to be ready to go. He rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand as he watched the sun rise.
"You know, with the amount of times we watched both sunrise and sunsets together, this is probably the worst one yet," Y/N grumbled to him. Thoma simply hummed as an answer as he watched Captain Beidou approach them.
"Good morning, love birds! The ship is ready to go in a bit so you two better say your goodbyes now," Beidou greeted the two of the then her red eyes caught the marks on Y/N's neck and gave Thoma a mischievous look. "But it looks like you already did one hell of a farewell last night."
Y/N's face turned as red as her face as she sputtered excuses as to what the marks were while Thoma awkwardly laughed. Beidou let out a loud laugh and waved a hand so Y/N would stop, "I'm just messing with you. What you should be worried about is your brothers' reaction when they see those."
The lovers froze as they realized that the captain was right. Y/N looked at Thoma while holding back laughter, "Well, it was fun while it lasted, Thoma." she teased him bringing Thoma out his thoughts. He sighed and pinched her side which caused her yelp, "Please don't joke about that, Y/N."
A pout formed on her face as she looked back at Beidou, "He can be such a huge meanie sometimes but that's exactly my type." Y/N bantered to Beidou in which the captain shook her head in amusement and Thoma cleared his throat. Just as Y/N was about to add more, a crewmate ඞ approached Beidou and announced every thing was ready for the trip back to Liyue.
"Could you please give us a minute, Captain Beidou?" Thoma requested solemnly as his grip on Y/N's hand tightened. Beidou nodded in understanding before she left them for their final adieu.
As soon as Beidou was gone, Y/N swiftly moved to hug Thoma tightly while attempting to sway the both of them sideways. Her lover laughed at her actions before he hugged back and kissed her head, "Write to me as soon as you get there safely, okay, darling?" he whispered to her. Y/N, once again, had tears slowly gather in her eyes then bobbed her head as she could not find the strength to speak without her voice cracking.
Y/N felt Thoma's hands move from her waist to her face, his gloved hands cradled her as he gazed into her eyes lovingly, "Can I please get a verbal response from my sweetheart?" he goaded as a smirk formed on his lips. Y/N rolled her, now dry, eyes while she blushed a pale shade of red, "Way to ruin the mood but yes, I promise to send a letter to my dear lover even if I have to use my brother's eagle if I have to."
Smug from her answer, he placed a chaste kiss on her lips, "Good girl."
This man was testing her patience. With a growl, she gripped his face and gave a hard kiss on his lips before she turned around and left without glancing back at him. She heard Thoma's joyful laugh that filled her heart with happiness as she boarded up to The Crux.
She watched as Thoma's figure began to get smaller as the ship moved away from Ritou. With a final wave of her arm, Y/N moved to sit on the ship's deck, heart weighing like a thousands of bricks.
Unaware of the footsteps that advanced towards her, she curled up into a ball and mumbled out her objectives once she steps foot on to Liyue Harbor. "You might want to get rid of those marks to save your brothers from getting a heart attack," a gentle voice interrupted her. Y/N moved her focus to the person who was standing in front of her and squinted her eyes from the brightness of the sun.
"Oh, hey, Kazuha. Still traveling with Beidou?" she asked the young man. Kazuha smiled at her before proceeded to offer his hand to help her stand up. Y/N thanked him and accepted it and was immediately lifted onto her feet. "Well, the life of traveling has become my life after years and staying in one place didn't feel right for me," Kazuha explained to her as he watched her pat the dust off her pants. "And must I repeat what I said about those markings on your neck?"
A snort left her mouth as she placed her hands on her hips, "I heard you the first time, no need. Also, Kaeya would applaud me like the supportive brother he is. Diluc, on the other hand, would be the one having a heart attack." Y/N clarified. "Also, yes I do need to get rid of these. I just don't know how." she added sheepishly. Kazuha chuckled and nodded his head, "Yes, of course. Do forgive me for assuming wrong." Kazuha gestured to the ship's accommodation, "If you could follow me, I can help with getting rid of those for you."
"Oh my Archons, please. I can handle my brothers well but definitely not Adelinde's persistence." Y/N groaned and moved to follow Kazuha.
"Oh um, why do you know how to get rid of hick--"
"Don't worry about it." :)
A week has passed since Y/N left Inazuma to help with the preparations for Mondstadt's Weinlesefest Festival and she had finally successfully created a new drink exclusive for the event namely the Fruits of the Festival.
Y/N then found herself seated on Dawn Winery's dinner table alongside her two brothers, Diluc and Kaeya, The Traveler and Paimon. It was an extremely rare moment (read: never) to have both her brothers sit on the dinner table and enjoy a meal without them attempting to go at each other. The Traveler and Paimon shared their adventures in Liyue and Inazuma then explained to the two men how they knew their sister.
"Oh, that's right! Before we left Inazuma, Y/N mentioned something about wanting to reconnect an old bridge with an old friend. How did it go with Thoma, Y/N?" Paimon innocently queried.
The sister's attempt in getting a small spoonful of her Moon Pie failed miserably as her fingers slipped and her utensil flew off her hand and onto the floor. Her brothers directed their attention back to her, one with an accusatory look and the other with interest.
"Thoma as in the boy who gave you a flower crown when you were 5? He's alive?" Diluc grumbled as he leaned in onto the table, his red eyes staring into his sister's soul. A chuckle sounded from her left, "Well, Diluc, do you know any other boys our dear sister has ever been with?" Kaeya poked fun at their eldest, placing his head on the palm of his hand. "There are more boys?" Diluc deadpanned.
Y/N buried her face into her hands in embarrassment and silently cursed at Paimon and her blabbing, "Yes, Diluc, the same boy who gave me the cecilia flower crown and Kaeya please don't make this worse."
Adelinde neared her side of the table and quietly placed a new spoon for her to use as she tenderly rubbed her back as if to noiselessly encourage her. She whispered her thanks and leaned back on her chair and looked at Diluc, "I will try my best to give a brief 'summary' of what exactly happened to me in Inazuma and spare you the...intimate parts."
"Oh? You have been intimate with him then."
"I would appreciate it if you do not open your mouth for the rest of the night, Kaeya, if you don't want to take Thoma's place from being throttled."
After a not-so-long explanation of Y/N's Inazuma exploitation which was mostly interrupted by Diluc's unnecessary comments and Kaeya's teasing remarks which made Y/N blush hard.
Diluc eyed his sister with squinted eyes as he tried to process the information she gave him. After a minute, he eventually gave in and slowly stood up from the table, "So long as he protected you and is trusted by the traveler, I will trust him as well. However, before I give my final verdict, I would like to meet him."
And with that said, he trudged away the table and up to his office. The table was silent after Diluc left but quickly recovered as Y/N let out a loud groan. "Oh my Archons, that was more difficult than confessing my feelings." she whined as she grabbed the bottle of wine and poured more into her glass. "At least you managed to tell him without those lovey-dovey details you gave me," Kaeya mused as he took a sip of his wine.
Paimon nods her head in agreement, "You got that right! It was almost sickening to witness the so-called confession when all they did was kis-"
Kaeya laughed at his sister going at it with the traveler's flying companion. His shoulders weighed less now that he sees his sister safe and happy, "I will be rooting for you and Thoma, dear sister. Wouldn't want to see you at Cape Oath once again slaughtering the poor slimes."
Y/N seized her body and her fingers hastily found each other and began to fidget, "...Well, if Thoma isn't the man who can make me feel this way, I wouldn't miss him so much that it almost hurts. Almost-- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, PAIMON!"
"If that's the case, should we expect a little niece or nephew any time soon?"
"Kaeya for the last time--"
The Windcoming Day has finally arrived and the people of Mondstadt gathered around Springvale for the toasting ceremony, their spirits filled with radiance and elation. However, Y/N was not feeling the same spirits as them as she walked towards the Statue of the Seven at Windrise. Y/N bowed her head and held her hands together, her silent prayer to the Anemo Archon flowed along the wind.
"I knew I felt a familiar presence nearby!" a friendly voice chirped from behind her. She sighed and turned around and saw the green-clad bard gently smiling at her, "Why did I think you wouldn't hear me?" she rhetorically asked under her breath.
Venti placed a hand to his chest in feign hurt, "What kind of God would I be if I would not be able to hear my children's prayers? Of course I'd hear you! I normally just don't show up in person." he playfully answered her. "So what ails my dear child's heart and who is this lad that managed to pull on your strings with such vigor."
Y/N exhaled and hugged herself before she responded, "It's not that important, really. I just...miss him much more than I thought. I have never really felt like this before with my past, uh, partners." she woefully mumbled before she shook her head. "Ugh, why am I even telling you this when you should be worrying about your so-called appearance later as Barbatos."
The Anemo Archon walked up to her and stood next to her, his green eyes wandered up the statue, "You know, I'm actually surprised you came here and prayed to me. I haven't heard you pray in years, made me believe you lost your faith in me."
"If I were to be honest with you, I did lose my faith after two very important people in my life within a week." she confessed quietly to the Archon next to her. "However, after witnessing how you worked when Dvalin was brainwashed by The Abyss Order, my faith seemed to return little by little."
She felt Venti stand a bit straighter as his ego rise, she rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip. "My faith in Barbatos returned, but my faith in Venti? Yeah, I'm not so sure about that." she teased him.
"Your words wound me sometimes, Lady Y/N! Never mind that, I would like to hear more of your troubles before we set off to Springvale for the toasting ceremony." Venti offered, a smile on his face emerged as he saw Y/N facial features softened at the thought of her beloved.
"Do my eyes deceive me or is that Miss Lisa I see?" Y/N expressed playfully. Lisa giggled at her, "Oh my, hello there Miss Y/N. Fancy seeing you at a festival for once. Is it safe to assume that you don't have any work to do?" Lisa poked fun at her, her signature smirk formed on her lips. Y/N waved a hand at her, "Please, I still have to go and check Angel's Share's stall in a bit to make sure every thing is going smoothly. Are you here for Razor? I spoke with the traveler about them helping the poor boy recreate the wine his late parents made."
Lisa sighed as her eyes softened a bit, "Yes, I actually came here since I was still concerned but I spoke with my little wolf cub and reassured me that the wine-making went smoothly." she disclosed to Y/N. She nodded her head, feeling relieved to hear that it went well.
The two continued to chat until the Acting Grand Master stood up on the small stage set up to greet everyone and announce Venti's performance.
As Venti performed, his soothing voice drifted along the wind as too his lyre's tune. The audience was silent and watched him beautifully presented his composition.
When he finished, the crowd applauded him as they preached, "To the Anemo Archon!"
Y/N robotically excused herself from Lisa and silently moved to their stall. She would've approached the traveler's group, but she felt ill and anxious at the joyous event being held as she never really was one for such affair.
She busied herself at the back of the stall, checking the amount of barrels they had in stock as she was feeling restless. When she was about to clean the countertop when she felt the wind pick up, the stall's bell chimed along. She moved her hands to tie up her hair when she heard a whisper that came along the wind.
"Ease thy heart filled with woe; for the wind has brought home your beau."
Y/N froze and her heart sped up its pace, "What do you mean by that?" she whispered, half expecting Venti would respond, as she finished up tying her hair. She continued to clean the countertop in an attempt to stop thinking about what the wind whispered while she inaudibly cursed at Venti for sending the wind instead of himself, footsteps approached the stall.
She mentally prepared herself to interact with the customer and mustered up her best customer service voice, "Welcome to Angel's Share! What would you like to- Holy shit!"
Immediately she slapped her hands to her mouth, ignoring the stinging pain on both her hands and face as her eyes felt hot as she stared at the person in shock.
Thoma gave her his best smile and waved, "Hi, I would like to have your special Fruits of the Festival please. Oh and if it's allowed, I would love it if I could speak with the barkeeper." he requested gleefully.
"What are you doing here?" was the smartest sentence she gave to him. Thoma chuckled and pulled out a sheet of paper, "My Lord actually bought me ticket behind my back and said something along the lines of 'take this long overdue vacation back to Mondstadt and enjoy your time their at the festival' before he practically kicked me out hahaha."
Without any thought, she quickly moved out of the stall and wrapped her arms around him, "What the hell, remind me to punch Ayato in the face next time." Y/N mumbled as tears managed to escape her eyes. Thoma hugged her back tighter and swayed them side to side.
They pulled back and Y/N immediately grabbed his face and kissed him to which he reciprocated. The people whistled and cheered at the couple while The Traveler and Paimon covered Klee's eyes.
"You're here," she whispered against his lips as soon as they pulled apart, her thumbs rubbed the apples of his cheeks. "How long would you be staying here?" she asked.
Thoma mirrored her motions and smiled at her, "I'll be here for a really long time, darling."
Y/N's breath hitched as she looked up to her lover's eyes, "What do you mean by that?" she asked him. Thoma held her hands and leaned into her touch, "My Lord not only bought me the tickets for a month's of vacation but also offered a proposal that within the month I can choose to either stay here for good or I can return home to Inazuma. I had enough time to think about it on the way here and I chose that my home is where you are." he explained to her.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Thoma chose to stay with her in Mondstadt when he has told her countless times that he felt at home in Inazuma despite being homesick. "Wait are you sure you don't need more time to think about this? Where will you stay? Does your mom know you're back? Oh my Archons, I haven't visited your mom yet either-"
"Darling," Thoma interrupted her rambles. "Like I said, I had enough time to think about this. I will be staying with my mother before getting my own place to stay, so you don't need to worry about that."
Y/N bit her lip as she contemplated the situation. She has dreamed about this moment and now that it's happening, she began feeling unsure. She shook her head to get rid of the negative thoughts and smiled up at him, "You have no idea how long I've wanted you to come to Mondstadt with me."
Thoma laughed and kissed the palm of her hand, "I'm pretty sure you have been asking me for months back in Inazuma." Y/N moved her hand to fiddle with the collar of his jacket and smirked, "So I really got you now, huh." she teased as she leaned in for another kiss.
"You really do got me, Mi'lady. I'm all yours."
"That's really cute you're using that tone on me right now but I think you have to meet my brothers first before we do anything here."
"O-Oh, right."
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*scrambles off the messy heap of pillows* IM FINALLY DONE
this was so hard to make bc i wanted this to be written perfectly but i still feel like its missing smth and its a bit rushed (also maybe bc every time i write them being lovely i get jealous :>) anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this one!
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furinafontaine · 20 days
I refute the idea that for even a second diluc didn’t want kaeya to live with them when he first showed up.
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hisapyon · 1 year
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thinking bout male ver rosaria courting kaeya aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean, he's gonna be cool and badass even taller than kaeya lolol inviting kaeya for a drink constantly making diluc jealous yessss
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haganez · 4 months
hi taye whats ur fav chaeya hc
childe is not actually jealous at all he does however rip his hair out when he sees kaeya doing The Act with others bc he knows how draining it is for him. less of leave him alone out of possessiveness but more of leave my wife alone she fucking hates you
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reenaki · 1 year
Kaeya, who upon Diluc's death watched his adoptive father spiral into depression. Kaeya who watched as Crepus, in a feeble glimmer of hope kept trying to earn a vision in hopes of meeting his son in Celestia someday, regardless of how tragic it may be. Kaeya who in desperation of wanting relief for both himself and his secrets, and his father, earns a vision.
Crepus who hits the pits of despair as he watches his son die in his arms. Crepus who will live with the haunting guilt of his expectations of Diluc leading to his demise for the rest of his life. Crepus who, while tries his damn best to be a good and supportive father to his last remaining son, ends up unable to hold back feelings of envy towards his own son for earning a vision. Crepus who in the struggle of wanting to not burden Kaeya with any expectations, leaves Kaeya feeling inadequate as a son, as though he is unable to fulfill his brother's place. He was never their blood.
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r26yz · 1 year
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My apple pen went poof, gone
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tra1nchi · 4 days
time to print out my flags everywhere
I have no flags around my room,, but I do have a kaeya body pillow!! My bf makes fun of it each and everytime he comes over 😔
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softshuji · 1 month
Every one of kaeya's voice lines give such intense ran vibes I'm gonna fight him in an alleyway
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dandelion-wings · 1 year
thinking about family dynamics in the AU where Fredrica takes Kaeya in to betroth him to Jean and. he gets the divorce in bits and pieces, but he works out that Jean is very sad about it and wishes she could see see Barbara more often. and it is his job now to keep Jean happy, because if she doesn't like him, Fredrica may decide to cancel the betrothal and get rid of him. Barbara is at the Cathedral, which is where they take people who get hurt. so ten*-year-old Kaeya's cunning plan is to get just hurt enough that he can ask Jean to take him to the Cathedral on a regular basis. it's fool-proof! (it is not. everyone** is unhappy with him when they figure it out and he has no idea why.)
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4ggravation · 1 year
alhaitham is so genderweird. i literally can't make a gender identity headcanon for him that isn't just. weird about gender.
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erikatsu · 2 years
been thinkin' ab my baby aria all day bc it's her bday too (the real ones know djdjd)
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rheawritessometimes · 2 years
Wait I don't think I ever told you but I had another Genshin dream recently lmao
This one's more on the funny/nonsensical side but I hope you get a laugh out of it lol:
So I was with Childe and Kaeya in Snezhnaya looking for a place to go ice skating and for some reason we went inside a building to an indoor pool??? And not to one of the many frozen lakes that are probably just around??? Lmao but anyway the pool had this weird rule that only 5 people were allowed in it at once and it was currently at max capacity
So I went to talk to the person in charge about freezing the water to make it an ice rink (which ig would override the 5 people maximum since it wouldn’t be a pool anymore). She was pretty happy about it and even asked me if once I was done skating I could find a magic way to enforce the only 5 people in the pool rule. I was like “yeah idk how to do that ma’am I’m only here to freeze the water”
She laughed and agreed it wasn’t a good idea and said something about how if a clam got in there it would confuse the system???? Implying that the spell would think a clam was a person????? No idea where they’d get live clams in Snezhnaya and also don’t know why there would be clams in an indoor pool but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway I went with the manager to tell people we were freezing the pool and the manager started draining the water so it’d be shallow enough to stand in. After the 5 people got out Kaeya and I got started like,, manually freezing it over with our hands (Childe just kinda stood there like hey guys I’m helping too :D) but the ice kept melting and even though we were both going at it we couldn’t freeze it fast enough bc for some reason we could only freeze the water that we touch with our hands so we just kept making hand sized chunks of ice that just didn’t last lol
So basically the dream ended with me and Kaeya standing in like a half drained pool on our hands and knees literally slapping the water to try to freeze it lmao XD
This is both incredibly funny and very cute. I love that y'all just go to an indoor pool to turn into an ice rink and the manager not only allows it but is happy about it. Also the fact you had to freeze water with your hands but it melted faster than you could freeze it, plus Childe standing there like 'i'm helping too' seems very in character.
After 0.2 seconds of research via google, I found that there are in fact clams that live in Russia! So, there's that lmao
I love hearing about your dreams, they're so cute.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 month
He enjoyed the little gasp you would let out when his hand slipped under your skirt while eating dinner with an acquaintance. Your cheeks would grow hot with embarrassment when they would ask you what was wrong, and you were forced to say it was nothing while his thumb rubbed circles into your clit.
You grasped the table cloth, biting your lip when he began fingering you. It was unfair how calm he looked while his fingers were knuckle deep inside of your cunt, curling up to hit that special spot that had you cumming all over his hand.
“P-please excuse me…”
You shyly stood, hoping that your slick was visible as it ran down your legs, speed walking to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
As you pouted and splashed your face to help lesson the heat taking over you body, you didn’t notice him sneaking into the bathroom until he was bending you over and pushing your panties to the side.
“I hate how they look at you…” he muttered, rubbing his cock against your needy cunt. “They need to know who you belong to.”
Without warning he thrusted into you, groaning into your ear as his hips rutted against yours. He was jealous and a bit possessive over you, his princess. He couldn’t stand when people stared at you for too long with their lustful gazes. Didn’t they know you were his?
Your makeup ran down your face, tears of pleasure falling down your cheeks as he turned your head so he could capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Mine, all mine, got that?”
You nodded and let out a mewl when he hit that special spot, and he continued to fuck into you until he painted your walls white, leaving you a panting mess, covered in sweat and cum.
He was nice enough to carry you home without anyone seeing the fucked out state you were in, and made sure to spoil you with kisses, snuggles, and snacks once you were alone.
He loved you after all, and would make sure his pretty princess was well taken care of! 💗
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lemon-boy-stan · 7 months
Genshin men NSFW headcanons
Smut. Headcanons. FEATURING: diluc, kaeya, childe, dottore, xiao, wriothesley, neuvillette x reader. WARNINGS: breeding (diluc, zhongli, wriothesley), size kink (diluc, childe) CNC (kaeya), exhibitionsim (kaeya), knife/sword play (kaeya), monsterfucking (childe, zhongli), sex films (kaeya), corruption (dottore), dumbification (childe, dottore), dollification (dottore), objectification (dottore), torture (dottore), cum play (xiao), size kink (diluc, wriothesley), face riding (xiao), thigh riding (xiao, wriothesley), cock riding (xiao, wriothesley), handcuffs (wriothesley), toys (neuvillette), oral (neuvillette)
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Ever since you've been in a relationship with Diluc, he's always been a service top.
Diluc also fucks to make love. Sex is meaningful to him, unless, of course, when he's angry or jealous.
He's a dom, and enjoys being in control, but also enjoys worshipping you.
Diluc only wants to make you feel good
Although he is a Pyro character, so sometimes he might get out of control
When he's really angry or really turned on, his eyes flash dark red.
Diluc is often vocal in sex. He groans alot, sometimes moans, and is always praising how well you're doing for him.
He's always had a breeding kink, but since your marriage, he can't get the idea of kids out of his head.
Diluc also adores the fact that you're so much smaller than him.
Every time he stretches you open you still squeal because he's too big.
He's drunk with how you make him feel, and he knows no one else would ever make him feel this good.
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Switch but mostly Dom.
A mean one at that.
He enjoys things like CNC, knife play.
Seeing you squirm beneath him just gets him harder.
He does enjoy to sub sometimes, but you're never completely in control.
Kaeya is also an exhibitionist.
If he gets jealous, he'll fuck you infront of whoever made him jealous; maybe his brother or another knight.
In a modern au, he'd defineltey enjoy making sex films. He'd just love having videos of you all fucked out on his phone, cockdrunk.
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Childe is a top, even more cruel than Kaeya.
Unlike Diluc, Tartaglia fucks to fuck.
He has alot of pent-up stress from his job, and he needs to let it out somehow.
What better way than his pretty little traveller?
Tartaglia loves seeing the fear in your eyes when he backs you up against a wall.
He loves how you suck his cock in so well, taking it every time even if it hurts.
Childe is often scared that one day he may hurt you in his foul legacy form.
He disagrees with the idea at first, and it takes a lot of convincing.
But one day, when he's turned, he can't resist you
He is ten feet tall, and his cock is fifteen inches.
He's a bit like a dragon in where the idea what's his is his.
In his foul legacy form, Childe's voice has you under a spell where you do anything he says.
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Dottore is a sadist.
You're just so innocent, and you just love him so much, he can't help but use you.
He loves your pretty blonde hair, and how lost and dumb you are for him.
You're such a good little doll, better than any of his creations.
He'd only ever fucked his creations before, but when you joined the fatui, he knew he felt something strong for you, something warm and different.
While he enjoys torturing you, in his own way, he's showing how much he loves you.
There's only the best for you, the best treatment, the best gifts.
Dottore loves how you're still not used to his fingers, his kisses, his touches.
He loves corrupting you, making you even more obsessed with him, almost brainwashed from his cock.
Maybe one day he'll put a concoction on you, give it to you to drink.
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Xiao is a major switch who loves to worship you.
He loves being inside you. He gets antsy alot when he isn't.
He's got a high sex drive, so you can count on alot of sex.
He also has the prettiest, sexiest moans.
Xiao loves making a mess of his cum, covering your body in it.
Xiao loves when you ride his face, his cock, his thighs. He can't get enough of it.
He loves you cumming on him, not being able to stop yourself.
Sometimes he'll have his hand wrapped around your throat if you talk back too much.
He also likes somnophilia. Once, Xiao saw you sleeping, and he just couldn't help yourself. And when he heard you moaning in your sleep, it became his new obsession.
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Wriothesley is a big believer in handcuffs and punishment.
He has many rules, and many repurcussions.
He likes having you helpless, being obsessed with him.
He's a former boxer, so he's very strong
He often manhandles you unintentionally, and his grip is so tight it often leaves marks.
If you're bad, he will cuff your hands behind your back. No exceptions.
He loves how tiny you are, how big his cock is compared to you.
He loves fucking you in the ass, it's his favourite thing to fill you up from behind.
He loves seeing you bounce on his abnormally large cock and his thighs.
Most importantly, he's obsessed when you shove your head into his neck, mewling at how good he feels.
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Neuvillette is a switch who mostly enjoys subbing, and when he doms he likes being on bottom too.
Neuvillette loves when your mouth is around his cock. He'd never had any kind of sex before, and as soon as he felt you around him, he was obsessed.
He loves when his nipples are in your mouth. They're so sensitive, that he's squirming and gripping the bedsheets.
He loves being overstimulated, even if he's on top. When he cums so much that he can't anymore, his voice always breaks and he always starts crying because of how good it feels.
He loves when you use toys on him, he's a pillow princess. Vibrators, plugs, strap-ons, you name it.
He loves to shake of orgasms, and making messes all over you.
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Zhongli has never had sex with a human before
But with you, he just couldn't resist.
He had to mate with you, make you his.
Don't you know dragons don't share their belongings?
Your scent was just... Different to him than anyone else. Special, perfect.
When he gets jealous, he half-turns into his form, his arms turning black and golden, horns growing on his head, tail forming behind him.
He uses his tail to keep you in place.
Sometimes, he makes you drink the ichor he bleeds, coaxing you into it, purring how much he wouldn't be able to live a lifetime without you.
He's obsessed with breeding you, as dragons mate for life.
Zhongli sees sex as something necessary, and is able to track your cycle by scent. He knows if you're on your period, when to fuck you, when to make love with you, and he knows if you're carrying his children.
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