#jay lee painting
rainy-kinda-mood · 2 years
buy me a warm drink?
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hoony2k · 5 months
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I aint never seen two chill idols in a room, one of them is always obesessed with the other. Or
Idol!enha giving idol!you heart eyes in professional settings.
GENRE: fluff, crack, established lovers, secret lovers, idol x idol
WORD COUNT: 3k (help)
WARNINGS: mentions of innocent kissing that's it. I got possessed during hoon and hee's.
NOTE: hii this was so fun. I kind of wanted niki and sunoo's to be a bit longer but I yapped a bit too much in general. this is massive for a 7 member drabble but 1 para wouldn't do justice. hope you enjoy!
Part 1 -> we dating fr?
Part 3 -> cut the cameras
requested masterlist
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He thinks everything’s a game!!he thinks its funny! But mr lee who is laughing? Not him rn
You’re walking in the hallways after a quick trip to the washroom when suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you into a room. You’re ready to scream but he swiftly covers your mouth and chants “It’s me. It’s me” like that’ll help you understand why your boyfriend thought it would be a good idea to lead you into a small clothing room.
You want to get mad at him for a billion reasons but mainly because what if someone saw? and misunderstood! But his stupid smile tells you how he doesn’t care. Sometimes you want to have his optimism and confidence, maybe then you two could live a carefree idol life.
 Heeseung wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to fiddle with the bows on your outfit and hair. Your faux anger slowly crumbles as he stares at you like you painted the night sky and hung the stars on it. Still, you break eye contact just to dust your pride and Heeseung can not stop laughing, finding you cuter than ever.
“I have to go soon. We can’t get caught”, you remind him, the overwhelming time restraint burdens you every time you meet him outside his dorms and as usual, Heeseung doesn’t mind. He shrugs casually, then gives you a reckless smile, eyes hooded. “Who cares?”
Your heart skips a beat in the best way but you purse your lips and pretend to think it over. A hum escapes you, tapping your finger on his chin. He leans closer.
“Probably our managers, you know?”, you say knowing he’s far too busy admiring your eye makeup to even care about the consequences of what would happen if someone were to open the door. So, you do the most logical thing a person subjugated with love could do. Taking his smiley face in your grasp, you turn his head and press a chaste kiss on his cheek, intentionally pressing into his skin to leave a stain.
You pull back to inspect the pink gloss on his cheek, lightly smudged. Heeseung looks like he’s floating but before he can pull any stunts you clap him on the back as a goodbye and quickly scurry out of the room. Not even bothering to check if someone was in the hallway.
If Heeseung stands alone dazed for a while…no one needs to know. He fights his demons when he brings out a tissue to remove your gloss, sobbing internally.
★ JAY:
You will be my girl my girl my girl <3
Jay had told you about how he’d film the Sweet Venom TikTok challenge with you to prepare you beforehand. You had learnt the dance long ago, but the mental preparation to become a different person in front of Jay from Enhypen and a camera took some mental energy. Acting like you were strangers and not a couple filming a silly video wasn’t what you wanted but you were thankful no one spread dirty rumours.
His manager held the camera to film some behind-the-scenes footage of Jay “teaching” you what to do in the challenge and it was kind of funny. But when it came to filming, Jay did everything to be able to spend some extra time with you without seeming suspicious.
He’d get the timing wrong on purpose, he’d bump into you, with the smallest nudge and he’d quickly pause the challenge to apologise. Each time he’d falter or force himself to be out of sync, to have one eye slightly closed, you’d laugh it off, genuinely finding his actions endearing.
He’s excited to film it with you, he can’t wait to show how good you two look, and how his dance style compliments yours, and he can’t wait to see his fans react, gushing over you, throwing heart emojis for his girl.
It was rare for to Jay get so stubborn so you entertained it and laughed. The manager didn’t mind as long as she farmed enough footage but eventually puts her foot down when the behind-the-scenes videos turns longer than 2 minutes and the challenge hasn't reached its middle yet.
She politely tells Jay to rehearse once more and she’d film it after that. The rehearsed one goes by smoothly; the steps are muscle memory at this point.
Before the final take, Jay wants to tell you good luck but almost slips and lays it all out in the open as he parts his lips to call you “Babe”. At the utterance of the first syllable, you snap your head in his direction, eyes piercing his soul, not a hint of a smile.
Jay catches his tongue and switches it to another similar word and thankfully it isn’t noticeable nor is it understood by the manager who assumes Jay’s nerves cause him to slur over his speech. No big deal.
Slightly nervous, Jay glances at you and you offer him an understanding nod. Then the final take begins and everything goes smoothly. When the challenge ends, you turn to bow and he thanks you for joining him. As the manager gives you a thumbs up and taps away on her phone preoccupied, you turn to Jay with a raised brow and he blushes.
“I don’t wanna talk about it”.
Personal space? Never heard of her
It’s been hours since you’ve arrived and Jake has not stopped smiling for even a second. He’s over the moon he can’t believe how well you fit into his social circle (enha) like a puzzle piece he was missing this whole time. He’s not sappy but he could write an entire sonnet on how gorgeous you look lounging on his bed, eating take out and brushing your hair back as you watch the movie with him.
But when you announce it’s time to leave, he does not stop sulking and begging you. Literally on his knees. The moment you try to get out of bed, he grabs onto your arm and pulls you tight into his embrace, nose in your hair, he pretends he’s asleep when you ask him to let go.
“My manager just texted me”, you tell him but your hands find his free hand. He rubs a thumb over your hand and you feel like you just kicked a wet puppy into mud. He groans into your hair, slowly and subtly, his legs wrap around your own as if he’s trying to merge your bodies.
“Tell her your phone exploded”, his voice is muffled and immediately you stop feeling bad.
You whine his name and try again but he refuses to budge, and when he tries to pull his bed covers on your frame, you decide to threaten him, “I’ll scream for Jay I’m not playing. I’m overdue curfew”.
“Door’s locked”. HELLO??
You sigh and let your head rest on his pillow that smells exactly like him, ignore the flutter in your rib cage and rest for just a minute. Jake mistakes it as a sign of you surrendering, his grip loosening. You don’t waste a second and throw his caged arms off and jump out of bed and he begins to sulk and wail at the loss of contact. But as much as you love him, you can finally breathe without the weight of your chest.
“I like the idol you better. The one who acts like he doesn’t know me”.
“He wouldn’t treat you like I do”.
He’s ready to have beef with idol Jake if it is meant to impress you. When he’s tying up your shoelaces for you, he’s like “I’ll walk you home” and you tell him he cannot do that because people are always snooping so you’ll get a taxi and he’s like “I’ll walk you downstairs and wait until you sit inside”.
How could you say no to his puppy eyes?
he’s on cloud nine because his wish finally came true. He’s radiating light wherever he goes.
He sat next to you, far too close for it to appear platonic but Sunghoon told you not to worry. He tells you not to worry when he’s facing you, knees brushing, you can feel his body heat despite the cool in the room. You’re trying your hardest not to stare at him or how he’s rolled up his dress shirt sleeves despite his stylist’s scolding, or how they slicked his hair back with gel but left one strand to dangle on his forehead, how it curves and makes his eyes seem sharper than they are.
You’re trying, ok?
It’s better than Sunghoon who cannot stop leaning in your personal space as he reads his lines off your shoulder for some reason, he giggles when you try to push him away but he clings like a magnet. The floor vibrates with heavy bass, you’re up again in ten minutes and you need him to get serious.
Unlike him, it’s your first time mc-ing and despite his hype boy attitude, your fingers still shake as you read your lines out loud. Sunghoon’s smile flickers until he remembers he can do something to help.
“Hey, just focus on me”, he says calmly, ironically the one thing you’ve been trying not to do.
But, with blind trust, you agree and your gaze lands on his. His eyes twinkle and crinkle, he stares back at you and you think you’ve started to smile like an idiot. You turn your eyes to soak in his outfit once more, he matches your formal dress, a deep red satin dress paired with similar gloves. He’s adorned in dark slacks that emphasise his stature, and a dark dress shirt with a maroon tie. His tie is crooked-
Out of instinct or perhaps it stems from the urge to hold his hands, feel his heartbeat under your fingers, you reach out, hands settling on his shoulders, then inch towards his neck to tighten and straighten the knot. Sunghoon’s eyes don’t leave your serious expression, a lovesick smile hangs on his face. Your hands press onto the material to flatten it and fix his collars like it’s the last thing you’ll ever do.
Something clatters and smashes loudly.
You rip your hands off his shoulders and he suddenly feels cold. Sunghoon pouts but you quickly turn away, surprisingly less scared than before. You glance in front and see your stylist give orders, someone says another band is preparing for an interview in 5. Finally, you grip the cards tightly in your hands but don’t even spare them a glance. Instead, you lock eyes with your lover who had been looking fondly at you the whole ordeal.
“let’s go over this one last time for your sake”.
Sunghoon laughs.
Therapists hate him. He’s a mastermind at manipulation.
Both of you are chosen along with another idol and actor to partake in a reality show where you all live together and go on an adventure it’s all a great experience and you get to interact with new lovely people but when it’s late at night, the crew has gone to their hotel, cameras have been turned off, you, Sunoo and the actor gather at the dining table.
Sunoo keeps smiling at you and the actor and he offers to peel mandarins. As he peels, the conversation flows smoothly, his fingers work quickly and skillfully. Even though his eyes are downcast, his change in expressions tell you he’s listening to the conversation.
Out of respect, he offers the actor a plate with the most mandarin slices and out of habit, he slides to you the plate with the juiciest and scrumptious slices, choosing the dry ones for himself. You shyly thank him and Sunoo brushes it off. He only realizes what he’s done and how much of a deal it is when the actor questions if he’s a good friend of yours.
Sunoo bursts into laughter, eyes crinkling, he waves his hand in dismal, he looks at you up and down. You refuse to make eye contact.
“Something like that”.
His open-ended answer renders you speechless and you pretend to be busy when the actor looks at you. You untie your hair for it to cover your heated ears and fake cough as you take another bite.
Sunoo offers you a napkin. His hand stretches over the table and all eyes are on you, the actor is on the edge of his seat as he observes you like a hawk.
As nonchalant as you can be, you roll your shoulders and take it from him. Despite your efforts to avoid skin contact, Sunoo flicks his wrist and his fingers delicately brush yours, sparks light up inside your stomach.
You quietly thank him and he shows off his charming smile. the actor next to you sighs loudly and glances at the clock before thanking Sunoo for the mandarins. Sunoo shines another smile at the man who glances between the two of you.
“Chemistry like this is hard to find. If you two end up dating, I’ll be supporting you”.
This time you choke on the juice and Sunoo springs up to give you a glass of water and pats your back for safety. The actor nods once more then leaves. When the coughing fit dies down, you ask Sunoo what all that was about, he tells you not to worry. He peeks at the camera as a precaution, it’s got a lid covering the lens. Then, he bends down to kiss your hair and brings your plate closer to him so he can feed you. Your heart attempts to jump onto the table when he affectionately begins to stroke your hair as well.
Friends be damned, you’ve hit the lover jackpot.
He loves his job but hates all the parts where he has to be too pretend his personal life doesn’t exist.
“I wish you were here with me”, he says the moment you pick up. You pout, shoulders sag immediately. 
He notices this and almost feels bad as he caresses his phone screen like it’s a glass screen dividing him and the fish at an aquarium. The thought makes him laugh. He wants to spend the entire night talking to you, memorising your presence, pretending you're cuddled next to him but he can’t go through with his urges because you need to sleep.
Jungwon would never want you to disturb your sleep routine, no matter how many times you text or tell him that you want to do these things for him, it's only natural.
“I bought you a keychain”, you tell him, voice cracking over the call. He adjusts his camera, brows raised. You know what he’ll say so you answer, “You’ll see it when I give it to you”. 
He pouts and brings the camera closer to his face to coax you into showing it, his tired eyes sparkle and almost distract you from his dark circles. Your heart sinks. What time is it there? You don’t need to calculate because you had already memorized the time difference by heart before he departed.
“Baby, it’s 2 am there”. 
He shakes his head, hair flicking him in the eye, he squints up at you and unconsciously buries himself under his comfy hotel blankets. You stare at your lover, take in his appearance and admire how hard he works to achieve his dreams, how he wants to be a good boyfriend and tick all the boxes that make your heart soar. He looks like he’ll fall asleep in the peaceful silence so you grant him an offer. 
“Would you like me to sing you to sleep?”
His dimple greets you and under the covers where you can’t see, Jungwon rubs his legs together, giddy like a child. 
“Sing your next song for me”, he whispers and you gasp at him, taken back by the new information. It’s your turn to squint at him as you ask him about how he knew you were preparing for a comeback. He shakes his head and mumbles, “You changed your makeup”. 
Makeup…that was only evident in pictures. You hadn’t met him all dolled up behind stage due to your schedules and could barely fit an hour with him at his dorm because you two were so busy. Yet he had noticed, somehow in a supernatural but very Jungwon way and your face heated up.
Your melody filtered through his speakers, it only took a minute for Jungwon’s breathing to even out, his hand going limp and the phone falling backwards to give you a view of the ceiling light. 
Still, you finish the song and wish him a good night. Whisper a soft I love you in the dimly lit room, a saccharine confession that he’ll hear confidently soon. 
Bro thinks hes in an edit‼️literally moves slowly like that when he sees you, r&b song playing in this head
On the encore stage, other bands including yours bow to Enha and in those 4 seconds, Niki decides to take a shot.
He thanks you with a bow and when you turn your attention to Jungwon, Niki speaks your name. It's far too gentle to be caught in the mic and he faces his head toward you so the back of his head is captured by the camera.
But like a compass, you always find his voice, when he calls for you in the hallways or when he's talking to other people in his makeup room, your ears seem to find him before your eyes do.
As you turn your wide eyes to him, unaware of his plans, Niki's boxy smile vanishes. He gazes at you through lidded eyes that appear striker more so than ever due to his bold makeup and he renders you speechless, cupid shooting you with several arrows.
You're paused mid-bow, face heating up under Niki's stare and smug smile, professional composure crumbling. There's a siren going off in your head, the cameras!
But what do they know? They can't even see your lover's expression, only the tilt of his head and dark wavy hair that tickles his neck. A part of you, a possessive side is overjoyed they can't. Swiftly, Jungwon covers your body and gives Niki a nasty side eye which finally manages to pull you out of the trance.
You return to thanking them and saying whatever nonsense comes to mind, Jungwon understands but Niki cackles loudly. As fast as this interaction happens, you fall back and merge with the crowd that walks off stage.
Thankfully, no one could figure out what happened but they made assumptions based on your expressions. That hype dies down in the fandoms but Niki can't stop replaying the moment on his end. It's a free amv for songs, he's never going to stop thinking about it.
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Thank you for reading!
All rights belong to me. Please do not copy/translate/edit.
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luneengene2 · 5 months
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Enhypen Hyung Line's Favorite Place to Cum
• Warnings : Contains smut content, explicit mention of cum, grammatical errors.
• A/N : I made this based on my imagination, so forgive me if my imagination doesn't match yours.
• Pairings : hyung line x fem!reader
|| Tits / Breast / Boobs ||
Heeseung was always obsessed with your breasts, he considered it like a stress reliever for him. When he's cuddling with you on the couch or in bed, his naughty hands always grab your breasts and squeeze them gently. While you and him are fucking, he will also use your tits to clamp down on his big cock. He loves it when you grab your tits and pinch his dick. When he wants to cum, he will immediately pull his cock from your wet pussy, asking you to kneel or sit so he can shoot his warm seed on your tits.
"Your breasts are like a painting canvas for me to spray my cum, princess.You're so hot with my seed in your tits,"
When he's finished cumming, he'll also lightly grease your nipples with the wet tip of his cock.
|| Mouth ||
Jay likes your mouth and lips giving him warm kisses and sweet words when he is stressed or in trouble. Plus, he also likes it when you give him oral. He loves seeing your mouth full as his big cock thrusts inside. Your eyes were rolling back, tears streaming down your face, and so desperate for his cock. When he wants to cum, he will pull his dick from your heavenly hole, asking you to open your sweet mouth to 'welcome' his cum.
"Open your mouth and swallow this seed of love, baby,"
He will writhe even more when you suck his cock which will explode his cum. Won't let go until he really feels all his cum in your mouth.
|| Back or Ass ||
Just like his Heeseung-hyung, Jake likes to 'paint' white paint on one area of ​​your body, especially your ass and back. Like during doggy style, when he is about to explode to cum, he will immediately pull out his dick, shake it gently and spill it in your ass. When you are fucked by him on the table or in a standing position facing the wall, when Jake is about to cum, he will pull your hair so you arch and then he will spray his seed on your back. Jake really likes backshoots.
"My personal canvas is really hot, you are my one and only very sexy slut, doll,"
Slapping your ass hard when he is satisfied seeing your ass or back filled with his warm fluids. Feel proud because only he can make you like this.
|| Inside ||
Sunghoon has a breeding kink! While fucking you, he never wears a condom and lets his semen shoot into your womb. Especially when he continues to pump your pussy which is already full of his fluids until he can see his own fluids sticking to his cock.
"Shit, If you are not on birth control pills, I really don't have a problem being a father! You're going to be a hot mom!"
When he pulls out his dick and sees your pussy clenching around nothing until making his semen drip out, Sunghoon will push the liquid back into your pussy. Either using his fingers or directly with his cock.
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seokgyuu · 6 months
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growing up with heeseung, jay and sunghoon you never once imagined them being anything more to you than your childhood best friends - and to some extent you're correct: they remain your gross boy best friends up until college, when suddenly things start to feel different. with all of them.
✧ heeseung x fem!reader, jay x fem!reader, sunghoon x fem!reader ✧
✧ childhood friends to lovers, fake dating trope, college setting, story begins in childhood and leads us through all the important phases ✧
✧ this work contains: intended lowercase, poor tries at comedy, simp!hee, simp!hoon & simp!jay as well as very oblivious reader, jake as the first ever boyfriend, hanni, chaewon and beomgyu have a cameo ✧
✧ warnings! mentions of bullying, smut (MDNI), more to be added if needed. ✧
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hi! for my very first enha fic I have decided to open a taglist! You can join it by sending me an ask, so that I can keep track.
taglist: open
current word count: 4k
estimated word count: 15-20k
posting date: tba
taglist: @kgneptun, @deobitifull, @lovelickies, @tinie03, @moon4moony, @sousydive, @jebetwo, @haechology, @wooziswife, @havetaeminforbreakfast, @vannabanana1995, @nctislifue , @wiley199, @lovgfrd, @heegyuwrld, @caravm, @adoredbyjay, @notevenheretbh1
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the principal's office could really use an interior designer, you think. or just a whole renovation at this point. the ceiling is showing signs of leakage, there is paint peeling off the walls behind the desk. and the desk itself, jeez, principal higgs should have gotten rid of it ages ago, you keep telling him!
“how many visits will that be for the week?” he doesn’t even look up from whatever he was writing as he says this. you shift on your seat and look to your left where jay is tapping his fingers on the armrest of the uncomfortable chair and heeseung next to him is just staring at the principal’s receding hairline. meanwhile sunghoon to your right is silently plotting your death.
since none of the boys speak up, you clear your throat.
“the fourth, sir,” you say with a smile you think is charming but it actually isn’t. principal higgs sighs and puts his pen down as well as his glasses, massaging the bridge of his nose.
“thank you, miss y/l/n,” he replies, “and how many more times are you planning to sit in these horribly uncomfortable chairs this week?”
“none, sir,” you continue, the smile still playing on your lips. the older man behind the desk closes his eyes for a second.
“you say that every time and yet here we are again. so, what did you do this time? did you accidentally fall and hit mr. park in the face again?” he looks at jay, who rolls his eyes at the reminder, “well, he doesn’t look like he got a black eye. so, what is it?” 
when even you don’t respond, avoiding the principals eyes as he opens them again and the boys are all hopeless cases anyways, mr. higgs takes a deep breath and puts his glasses back on. 
“fine. let’s see,” he pulls on the stack of papers he has gotten from his secretary and looks at it with his lips pursed. all four of you shift on your seats now.
“alright then. mr. lee, as it seems you… put several worms in mr. sim’s locker?” higgs eyebrow pierces up and heeseung coughs. 
“and mr. park, jay, you… sabotaged mr. sim’s chair so that he fell on to his backside and then told him to “go suck it”?” jay snorts, still tapping against the armchair and not looking at the principal. higgs takes a deep breath.
“mr. park, sunghoon,… you held out your leg for mr. sim to fall over… almost twenty-three times in one day.” 
sunghoon has to concentrate not to look too proud of himself.
“and finally, miss y/l/n. you yelled at mr. sim in front of your whole class, saying, and i quote “you’re a stupid asshat anyways, i hope you trip and break your butt, you ugly little worm”.” 
you smile innocently. 
“you also kicked him in the shins, as a grand ending gesture, as mrs. james was kind enough to write down for me.” 
he puts the notebook down and looks at the four of you.
“come on you guys, i know you like to play harmless pranks on teachers. like to make one joke too many in class. but this? if mr. sim’s parents hear about this, and they will, there could be consequences that even i can’t hold back.”
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flwrstqr · 4 months
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─────── ﹙FLWRSTQR'S BOOKSHELF 🐇 ! please be aware that plagiarism is strictly prohibited. do not repost, alter, or translate any of my content without my consent. do not spam like. furthermore, it is crucial to note that all idols depicted in my work are distinct characters and do not illustrate their real-life identities. they are fictional personas created for the purpose of entertainment and should not be seen as an accurate reflection of reality.
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enhypen having a crush on you (imagines) here *TOP PICK
enhypen and their love tropes (imagines) here
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enhypen reaction when you start distancing them (imagines) here *TOP PICK
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missed the target (one shot) here
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loving mornings (one shot) here
kissing your tears away (comfort) here
covering your warmth (drabble) here
someone's jealous (jealousy) here
drying your hair (one shot) here
2:02 am (one shot) here
stealing your boyfriend (one shot) here
if you don't kiss me, i'll do it (fluff) here *TOP PICK
look away (one shot) here
scent change (one shot) here
8:08 am (timestamp) here *TOP PICK
soft kisses on your pain (drabble) here
hybe games with sunghoon (head canons) here *TOP PICK
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one glimpse (one shot) here
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9:37 (time stamp) here
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all my fears falling for you (one shot) here
its okay i got you (comfort) here
10:45 (timestamp) here
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you can love me or not (one shot) here
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© 2024 — all rights reserved to user flwrstqr, please do not steal, plagiarise or translate any of my work without prior permission from me
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malarign · 11 months
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(when you’re not dating yet)
contains: bf!hyungline x fem!reader | genre: fluff | tw! none i think? lmk | wc: 0,7k
reblogs are highly appreciated!!!
author’s note: i’m so delulu bc of this, it’s not funny anymore
you’ll find maknae line version here!
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Lee Heeseung | 이희승
very confident
Heeseung is the type of guy who knows what he wants. And what he currently wants is to make sure you and everybody around you know how much he is interested in you. Honestly, to say he’s interested in you is an understatement since all he can think of is you. Every single thought that comes to his mind goes back to you.
Everything just comes so naturally like playing with your hair whenever you’re telling him about your day or preferably when you’re telling him about your day and playing with HIS hair, all while he lays on your lap comfortably.
Obscene flirting with you around his friends is also part of the pack. Heeseung just can’t help eyeing you up and down and complimenting your look. But not just any compliment will do. His praises are always very descriptive, letting you know his exact thoughts, just like he has no filter (he doesn’t).
Park Jongseong | 박종성
confident but a little oblivious
Jay didn’t even realize something started to happen between you two. It took him two conversations with his friends and three compliments from you to finally see not only it’s him who’s interested but that the feeling is mutual. His confidence went up, but still, he did not let anybody know how it made him feel, and let me tell you he got butterflies just from thinking about it.
What is so attractive to him about you is how ambitious you are, and how much knowledge you possess. Your versatility in interests makes you unique, that’s why he started researching them, just to impress you in a deep conversation or even just playful chitchat.
But what truly makes your situationship obvious to everybody around you is how truly clingy you get whenever you are close. Hand-holding and even hugging from behind is not enough, so he started inviting you to sit on his lap (which you gladly accepted), making it your new default seat each time you’re spending together.
Sim Jaeyun | 심재윤
pretty confident
Jake is usually a menace just to society but now that he has you in his eye he doesn’t even let you forget and miss him for a second. At first, you could think it’s an exaggeration, but let’s be for real, when Jake falls for somebody he devotes himself to that person, leaving no room for doubt of his feelings.
Some could think it’s pretty annoying the way he called you and send you voice memos almost every second, updating you on each hour of his day. What could possibly cross the line was how he almost every day called you in the middle of the night. He wasn’t trying to cover the fact he missed you and wanted to listen to your voice, making it your new favorite part of the day, which you waited for every day.
What actually made a blush creep to your cheeks was how many nicknames he used. Of course, his favorite ones were either basic “baby” or a little bit more jokingly said “wifey”(was it though?). None of them made you uncomfortable, especially after you started to use just as cliche and cheesy nicknames on him.
Park Sunghoon | 박성훈
very shy
Now, when it comes to Sunghoon he wishes he could be more confident but as soon as he sees you he can’t help a blush that paints his cheeks and tip of ears. He’s the definition of admiring from afar, watching you with a fond smile talking to your friends, and enjoying games you play.
That doesn’t mean he does it all the time. Just as much as he’s a shy person he’s also a jealous one. When he likes somebody he wants them just for him, and him only. That’s why when he feels a little bit neglected he gently taps your shoulder earning not only your whole attention but also your beautiful and charming smile, that only he is worthy of seeing.
But when you are completely alone or just without any of your friends he absentmindedly starts to play with your fingers while either watching a movie or just chitchatting in a cafe. He does it ever so gently and delicately as if your fingers were just as fragile as glass. The way his fingers brush against yours makes your stomach do flips and fill with butterflies.
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
taglist: (open) @nicholasluvbot, @en-chantedtomeetyou, @skzenhalove, @nfrgirl, @kpoprhia, @redm4ri, @jaelaxies
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harufluff · 7 months
enhypen on your bday /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ
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warnings - mentions of food, lots of skinship :))
genre - fluff, enhypen x fem!reader, established relationship au, non-idol au
wc - 3.9k words
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happy birthday to me and sorn 🥳💕
lee heeseung
honestly he wanted nothing more than to make you feel special. he had a hard time figuring out what to do with you cause you’re never specific about what exactly you want.
hee ends up making you a cute handmade card with a bunch of kisses that he used your lipstick to make 🫠🫠
ends up accidentally sleeping over at your place the night before and having to run back to his apartment before you wake up, to which you thank him for when he comes back :))
more undercut !!
park jay
another who just has a need to make you feel special. but jay’s love language is gift giving, so obviously he was a little flashier.
wakes you up in the morning with breakfast in bed and cuddles with you until 1 o’clock, when he makes you get ready and go shopping with him. he gets you everything that you are even remotely interested in cause he wants you to have everything you want :DD
at the end of the night, jay takes you to a nice restaurant and you end the night with a movie night together in the comfort of your shared home 💕💕
sim jake
wants you so see quite literally everyone who you care about. jakes such a sweetheart that he plans everything and anything for the day months ahead of time.
he makes all the calls to your family, friends, and even just the girl at the grocery store you like talking to lol. the entire day gets him kinda stressed out, but he’s just happy you’re having fun and enjoying your special day.
the two of you end up just laying in bed and falling asleep at 9 o’clock to some old movie in the background 💞
park sunghoon
another one who thinks a handmade gift and a good meal are the perfect thing ⭐️⭐️ he gets to your place around 9 o’clock cause he wanted to let you sleep in, but he also wanted to be the first person you see when you woke up.
he made you one of those cute little ‘boyfriend coupons’ that you see on pinterest, and was considering putting his on pinterest himself.
sunghoon spent the whole day with you in his arms and he quite literally would not take his hands off you urgen after both of you were sleeping peacefully in bed with the love of your lives.
kim sunoo
more shopping to make his birthday girl feel special!! his main focus of the day was just to spend as much time with you before you were whisked off by your friends at night time (that he planned to have them do)
he made sure that you were having fun every second of the day, to which you answered with yes every time. sunoo with his fluffy personality shinning through, pre-ordered cute matching hoodies with his and your own initial ❤️❤️
after picking you back up from hanging out with your friends, he drew a bath for you and you ended the night with some good snacks and your perfect boyfriend.
yang jungwon
also wants your birthday to be perfect, but also wants to be a little selfish for once and keep you to yourself. he had asked you what you wanted to do weeks prior and you had both agreed that you wanted to just stay at home together on the day of, and then have some fun the day after.
he was completely ecstatic. he started off the day with waking you up with sweet words in your ears and a cute stuffed animal given to you by wonnie. throughout the day you lounged around the house together, in the kitchen, living room, bedroom, honestly even the bathroom.
a calm day with your sheep was all you wanted and much more needed for your special day :))
nishimura riki
part of him wanted to stay home and cuddle with his birthday girl, but the other side of him wanted to have a cute little date day. he decided that he wanted to bring you to pottery studio and glaze some cups. he had jay help him plan the scheduling
if he’s being honest, he thought you looked adorable focusing on painting with your tongue poking the side of your cheek.
when you got home, he literally tackled you into the couch, which is where you stayed for hours and letting some show fade into the background as you basked in each other comforting presence.
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©️harufluff 2023
hope you liked it!! comments and reblogs are highly appreciated.
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stealanity · 4 months
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playlist two , enhypen :
ꕤ lee heeseung ,
movie date
movie date two ( angst ending )
movie date two ( fluff ending )
my heart will love you
[ 5:10am ]
[ 11:54pm ]
[ 7:37pm ]
[ 8:44pm ]
[ 2:21pm ]
ꕤ park jongseong ,
alkanet ( smau , hiatus )
cinderella's dead ( smau , hiatus )
good girl ( ft. jungwon )
like hot summer
hide & kiss
summer is not over
[ 8:12am ]
[ 3:02pm ]
[ 3:45pm ]
[ 3:34pm ]
[ 2:58am ]
ꕤ sim jaeyun ,
6, 9, 7
we're both single
[ 5:23pm ]
[ 3:45pm ]
[ 5:32pm ]
[ 6:45pm ]
ꕤ park sunghoon ,
face painting
the bookseller
[ 11:22pm ]
[ 3:06pm ]
[ 7:54pm ]
[ 4:22pm ]
[ 5:33pm ]
ꕤ kim sunoo ,
quarantine video game
so mad
back to you
ꕤ yang jungwon ,
cinderella's dead ( smau , hiatus )
night talk
a to z being your boyfriend
good girl ( ft. jay )
that one rainy day
[ 6:03pm ]
[ 10:02pm ]
[ 8:02am ]
[ 12:34am ]
[ 12:58pm ]
[ 3:22pm ]
[ 3:47pm ]
ꕤ nishimura niki ,
teach me
[ 3:12pm ]
[ 12:33pm ]
ꕤ ot-seven ,
physical touch with you
october 19 : international kiss your crush day
their s/o being mad at them
their s/o crying non-stop during an argument
their s/o wanting to hold hands
having a chubbier s/o
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Enhypen - when you're on your period
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A/N: Helloooo! This wasn't a request but I feel like writing this reaction since I'm currently on my period >:( Ughhh pls send help
Pairing : Bf!Enha X Fem!Reader
Warnings : Blood (obvi), food, crack, mentions of sex in jake's
Word count : 1,361 words (about 150 words each)
Masterlist - Tips
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♡ Lee Heeseung ♡
His heart would break seeing you like this
he would immediately notice you got your period, but wouldn't say anything to save you some 'embarrassment'.
He'd act nonchalant and chill, wanting to just chill whilst you were both at home and procrastinating.
"What ya wanna do?" he asks, once you come out of the bathroom for the millionth time. (It felt like that for him)
He'd let you pick whatever you wanna do and gives in, even if you wanted to test your makeup on him or paint his nails 😭
He ain't saying no
You end up watching a movie when the cramps became a little too much, laying on the couch with him behind you, hands wrapped around your waist, but ready to let go of you whenever you need to use the bathroom (again)
Hearing you whimper in pain would pain him as well, gently bringing his hand over to your tummy to rub in circles.
It doesn't really do anything tbh, maybe distract you, but you appreciate him trying 🥺
Later, he'd definitely make you some ramen, insisting that it was the only food that would cure your cramps and upset mood.
Will definitely sing you to sleep, that's why his head voice is so good.
♡ Park Jay ♡
Everyone says this but : MOM MODE ONNNN 🤗😌
Literally won't stop making sure you're good
and he's prob the most chill about it, like its not a big deal at all
he's just very mature
"You sure you have everything?"
"Don't be shy y/n, it's okay"
"I don't mind buying them for you"
And he does, bc cool boyfriends arent embarrassed to buy tampons 😎
Oh wait
"Pads or tampons?" "Ah ok" "What size exactly??" "Got it"
Hurries up bc he doesn't wanna leave you alone for too long.
Asks you what you wanna eat and will literally cook you anything
pasta with ice cream sauce? Ok
Pineapple on pizza? Ok
cook you his pet fish? Also ok
Makes you tea before bed, because he insists its good to prevent cramps
Might cuddle up in bed and lets you rest your head on his chest as he reads you a book of your choice.
Jay reading to you in that American accent 😩
♡ Sim Jake ♡
Boi does his research
he knows it has to do with periods and hormones when you start acting up
Is lowkey scared so he relies on google to provide him with answers.
"Ughhh, Jake, my cramps are getting worse" you whine, still laying in bed, scrunching up your face
He smiles brightly as he remembers of his searches
"I've heard that having sex could reduce period cramps" he announces proudly, looking at you like 😏
"You're seriously tryna get your dick wet rn??" you get mad and start throwing pillows at him.
"N-Nah but for real!!" He protests, ducking your hits "Seriously, I've read it online" he says in his defence, trying to catch his breath from that near pillow fight
"Damn, since when did you get so good at pillow fighting?" he tries to compliment but it only makes you wanna punch his bicep playfully.
You whine out in pain again, gripping onto his sitting figure at the edge of the bed. "What I am supposed to do?" he questions, haven already given you one alternative.
"Oh, how about we listen to my boy Justin?" he asks, already whipping out his phone
"Noooo, Enhypen is so much better dude" you reply, glaring at him
he agrees and puts on 'pass the mic'
He pushed your shoulders playfully "You got -pushed -pushed" he sings along
Anyway, ends up buying you mc donalds and ice cream to make it up to you
he rly tries but he's a little clueless tbh.
♡ Park Sunghoon ♡
Bro lowkey ghosts you and avoids you
he knows that you're in a bad mood, and he doesn't wanna make it worse with uncontrollable teasing 😭
when you notice his distant behaviour, it only makes you even more upset
"HOON" you yell at him from the other room
he knows he fcked up and feel like he's boutta get his ass whooped.
He makes it hesitantly to your room, regretting it immediately when he sees your pout.
"H-hi y/n, he stutters, thinking of whatever he's gonna say, not wanting to upset your hormones.
"Hoon, why are you avoiding me?" the first tear rolls down your cheek "I'm literally bleeding and you're leaving me alone!" you burst out crying.
He stand there, biting his bottom lip, contemplating what to do
"C-can I hug you?" he asks, moving closer to you. He wraps his arms around you when you nod, pulling you in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry y/n, I thought you wanted to be left alone" he reasons, making sure you know he's sorry
"Its fine" you so sob into his shirt "Now can we watch your ice skating videos and cuddle?" you smile up at him suddenly, flattering your previously wet eyelashes to convince him.
He sighs, knowing you'll just burst out crying again if he doesn't agree
You reach for the remote, pulling on one of his ice skating videos.
He's already on your bed, hands behind his head, almost drifting off
"You look like a grandpa" you laugh, climbing onto your bed and getting closer to him, when the video starts playing.
"He wants to 'compliment' you back, but he fears he'll upset your hormones so he just doesn't say anything for your sake.
♡ Kim Sunoo ♡
A literal sweetheart
Almost like your bestie tbh
He cares about you so much and clearly shows it when your in these situations.
He doesn't hesitate to literally do everything for you
Take off your make up and does your skin care routine for you
Might even wash you if you're too tired to shower lmao
He pouts at you whenever you get cramps, wishing to take them away from you, just to see you smile again.
"My poor baby" he would say, hugging you close to him, gently, not to hurt you or anything.
He'd also be the best at tittie rubs
Like if your breasts were sore, he wouldn't mind massaging them, his soft hands easing some of the pressure on your chest.
You might even fall asleep like that, his hands on your chest under your top, acting like your bra as he sleeps behind you.
♡ Yang Jungwon ♡
Very mature #2
Cares a lot about you and worries
Studies and researches about it so you won't have bad periods :(
Worries when you wear tampons
"Doesn't that hurt?"
"Is it safe though?"
"Y/n, I don't think you should sleep t-tampons because you know, it m-might get stuck in there or something"
He just wants to make sure you're okay
"Ok gynaecologist 😀"
He doesn't really mind if you bleed on his sheets, as long as you aren't wearing tampons to bed
"It's fine sweetie, I'll clean it up"
Doesn't get mad or anything, changes the sheets and makes you change
Definitely cuddles you to sleep and holds your hand if the cramps get too much
♡ Nishimura Riki ♡
Teases the hell out of you
But also tries to help if you get cramps
If he sees you on the couch, he'll crawl in behind you, placing his hands on your hips.
He squeezes your waist
"My little ketchup bottle" he coos
"Nikiii" you try to squirm away embarrassed by his comment.
Definitely rubs your tummy if the cramps get too much
Slightly awkward at first and he feels a little shy doing it
"This okay?" he asks, rubbing circles in your tummy
You don't have the heart to tell him that it doesn't help but at least its a good distraction.
When he leaves for practise, he'll definitely leave you a plushy, big enough that you can hug it close
"Maybe this plushy will help :]" gives you his favourite plushy :(
He'll overall check up on you a lot, and really tried his best to help you out
I need a sweet boy like niki 😭
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Hello! Thankyou for reading! Hope y'all are okay and remember that periods only last about a week! You got it!! For anyone who get cramps, I hope they're not as bad or get better :)
Lyyyy <333
If you enjoyed this post, you can help support my blog by tipping me here! Anything is highly appreciated!
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polkadotjohnson · 2 months
Because I'm greedy and I just watched something I hadn't previously, I decided I want more. So I'm gonna post two lists, one of the things I've watched in case you haven't watched some of it and I can help, and one of the things I'm missing so maybe you can help me! Please help me feed my obsession its hungreee
Stuff I've watched (most from the imdb list, other things found in the wild) excluding interviews, podcasts making ofs and red carpets:
Early Edition (tv)
The Dark Knight (movie)
ER (tv)
Horsemen (movie)
Last Seen Wearing (short)
Virgin Alexander (movie)
Gateway (short)
Love is an Elevator (short)
Sushi Girl (movie)
Brutal (movie)
The League (tv)
The Cross (short)
The Assassination of Chicago's Mayor (short)
Saving Lincoln (movie)
The Employer (movie)
Ray Donovan (tv)
Heavy (short)
Prisoners (movie)
After Thought (short)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (tv)
Animals (movie)
AVGN: The Movie (movie)
Intruders (tv)
CSI: Cyber (tv)
Chronic (movie)
A Killer of Men (short)
Ant-Man (movie)
12 Monkeys (tv)
A Quiet Kind of Love (short)
The Belko Experiment (movie)
Be Good (short)
Gotham (tv)
Twin Peaks: The Return (tv)
Blade Runner 2049 (movie)
Galaktikon: Nightmare (music video)
Relaxer (movie)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (movie)
The Domestics (movie)
A Million Little Pieces (movie)
Making Love (short)
All Creatures Here Below (movie)
Bird Box (movie)
Neurotica/Eureka! (short)
Madness in the Method (movie)
Teacher (movie)
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (movie)
Reprisal (tv)
Lacrimosa (short)
MacGyver (tv)
The Flash (tv)
The Suicide Squad (movie)
Dune (movie)
Immoral Compass (tv)
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (movie)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (movie)
Boston Strangler (movie)
The Boogeyman (movie)
Miracle Workers (tv)
Oppenheimer (movie)
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (movie)
The Rookie (tv)
Late Night With the Devil (movie)
Shortcake (short) (thanks again @thepurpleprince)
Others (?)
Keep Painting, Mom (short/archive)
The Balcony (short)
Elton & Jean’s 9th Grade Biology Project (short)
Failure - Dark Speed (music video)
Iceage - Catch it (music video)
Iron & Wine - Everyone's Summer of '95 (music video)
Ken Andrews - Sword and Shield (music video)
Passion Pit - Constant Conversations (music video)
Puddles Pity Party - Obsession (music video)
X.X.T. - Steve Jobs (music video)
Annabel Lee (reading)
2021/2022/2023 Fangoria Chainsaw Awards
Premature (show)
Awkward Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Conversations (special)
Svengoolie - The Wolf Man (cameo)
Svengoolie - Inner Sanctum (cameo)
Svengoolie - War of the Colossal Beast (didn't see him in it)
The Boulet Brothers Halfway to Halloween Special
The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time (documentary)
In Search of Darkness 3 (documentary)
I Am Not a Flopper (narration)
CCARS - Fire (um… music… video?)
Mermaid - a Short Film (short)
If you haven't seen any of these let me know and I'll give you the link or upload it somewhere or something
Now all the mysterious stuff I can't seem to find anywhere:
Arc of a Bird (saw a clip on Vimeo) (short)
Credits (short)
Head Case (short)
Band (short)
Keen (short)
Double Black (short)
Say When (short) <- doesn't fucking exist (still mad about it)
Tweet Me in NY (short)
Singled Out (tv pilot?) <- watched it
Sketchy (tv) <- watched it
Cass (movie) <- watched it
Under the Pyramid (movie) <- watched it
Cora (short, unreleased 😢)
Girls Will Be Girls 2012 (also unreleased)
The Pandora Experiment (also also unreleased)
All the Pretty Girls (??? prob unreleased)
A bunch of other stuff probably. Any help would be immensely appreciated.
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jaeyunverse · 10 months
dates with enhypen
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pairing(s): ot7 x fem!reader
genre(s): fluff
warning(s) | none
taglist: @skzenhalove @seongclb @boyfhee @s00buwu @flwrshee @haerinz
summary: the various kinds of dates i think the enhypen members would love going on <3
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𝗹𝗲𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴
typical dates. lee heeseung keeps it sweet and simple. he takes you out on arcade and karaoke dates. he takes you out to watch stand-up comedies. he takes you out to new food joints every week so you can rate the places together. he challenges you to play video games and always ends up humiliating himself. his personal favourites are bowling and card games.
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𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗷𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗴
elegant dates. dating jay means going to michelin star restaurants for dinner. it means going for a wine tasting or driving up to his parents’ lakehouse for the weekend. art galleries are also a common destination along with museums and great libraries. on a few rare occasions, the two of you also go to watch plays.
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𝘀𝗶𝗺 𝗷𝗮𝗲𝘆𝘂𝗻
impromptu dates. jake will show up at your place without any warning and tell you to get ready. he might plan a movie date this week and then do a complete 180° the next by taking you out for camping. he loves that you always go along with whatever he has in store for you. you never fail to meet his energy—it’s one of the reasons he was drawn to you in the first place.
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𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻
creative dates. park sunghoon always thinks of something new for each date. he takes you to the shooting range when you need to let off some time and to the trampoline park when you’re feeling sad. sometimes, though, the two of you just prefer to stay in and watch movies with good food. drive-ins have a special place in your hearts since that was where you first met.
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𝗸𝗶𝗺 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗼𝗼
cute dates. it’s a broad concept, but that is the recurring theme of all of kim sunoo’s dates. he takes you to pet cafes and carnivals. he loves to paint with you and explore the city on your bicycles. he adores watching you see the sunset and treasures the feeling of your head resting on his shoulder. kim sunoo is also big on creating his own date ideas instead of doing the same things everyone else does.
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𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗴𝘄𝗼𝗻
nature dates. there is something about enjoying each other’s presence away from all distractions of daily life that has always been appealing to the two of you. going on picnics, talking a walk on the beach and exploring the woods are hang out ideas for when you haven’t had the time to plan anything. visting jungwon’s granparents’ cabin for the weekend or going for a hiking trip are dates for when you want to enjoy each other’s company for longer periods.
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𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗿𝗶𝗸𝗶
adventure dates. the two of you have zero sense of self preservation so you often do the wildest things one can think of. most of your dates are first times for both you—bungee jumping, spray painting all over the city using a shared alias and climbing to the top of a ferris wheel in an abandoned amusement park to stargaze are some dates that come to mind. you’re both strong on gaining new experiences and living with no fears rather than just spending time with each other.
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byhees · 1 year
first crushes.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 1900 genre fluff love-struck varying au warnings not proof-read mention of food — more
a/n. blank
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high-school love | heeseung
as the star student of this year’s batch, heeseung gained massive amounts of popularity for his charms, ranging from academic excellence, to breathtaking visuals.
you had never considered yourself to be heavily involved in all these trivial matters— to fawn over a boy, who you clearly didn’t stand a chance to.
however, all seems to take a twist after news of your terribly falling grades, and your report card, marked with solely capitalised ‘F’s, all neatly arranged down the row.
approaching heeseung was the best option, if you didn’t wish to drop-out before the finals.
there was only a handful of thoughts running through your mind— just blurt out as many questions as possible; after all, this was done voluntarily on heeseung’s behalf, and you didn’t want to occupy another portion of his schedule for a second session.
30-minutes, just you two, situated at a random round table in the library, textbooks splayed out on the surface.
you had came in with a straightforward objective, but maybe your gaze had lingered on the boy in front of you… for much longer than intended.
and maybe, the capitalised ‘F’ stood for the ‘fluttering’ of your heart, especially whenever heeseung leaned towards your direction ever so slightly to explain the workings of a question, voice being softened due to the environment.
and maybe, you grimaced having to end the session, your fingertips yearning to tap on his shoulder, to blabber a random question, just for him to re-explain the entire concept.
as he bid his goodbyes, figure gradually disappearing from view, the rapid thudding of your heart filled your ears.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, lee heeseung.
music-store love | jongseong
developing an interest in the learnings of an electric guitar had lead you to the corner-store nearby.
pocket on the verge of eruption, your wallet looked as though it were about to burst— you probably should’ve done more research before making the bold decision to carry out your entire year’s worth of savings.
entering the store, you were met with the back-view of a boy, arranging the displayed instruments in place.
approaching him was simpler than you’d imagined— at the sight of a new customer, his smile grew tenfold, the words falling from his lips painted with warmth
eyes shifting to his uniform, a name tag adorning the empty, upper-left corner of his shirt— park jay.
clarifying your queries and doubts were a few of the things he did— he even picked a few guitars for further explanation; it wasn’t hard to see his passion for music.
as jay tuned the electric guitar for you, you couldn’t help but to stare— stunning even whilst furrowing his eyebrows, fingers swiftly at work.
giving you a few tips, while unknowingly bending forward to help with your finger placements, your heartbeat accelerated dangerously.
perhaps your heart would be the one responsible for a noise complaint.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, park jongseong.
camping love | jaeyun
not only had you absolutely despised the wilderness, but you had zero survival skills, painfully sticking out like a sore thumb, in the midst of a camping group.
it was your parents idea— to bond over new experiences, and possibly make more friends.
shoulders sullen, eyes devoid of their usual twinkle, your backpack felt unusually heavy with every step.
making new friends was not your forte.
for the most part, you trailed behind your parents, watching as they greeted the fellow campers.
just as you set your backpack down at your allocates spot, a light tap was felt on the edge of your shoulder, prompting you to turn round.
expecting to see your mother, you were taken by surprise, a pleasant one at that, when a boy stood in front of you, a wide grin plastered on his face.
jake, he introduced himself.
jake, the boy you’d unconsciously gaze at whilst hammering down the nails of your tent, only to be told off by your father for the hazard.
jake, the boy you’d try to find whilst wandering round the campsite, hoping that you’d get another word with him.
jake, the boy your eyes would fixate on whilst pouring yourself a portion of soup, the spoon accidentally missing by a centimetre, pouring its contents on your shoes.
seeing him giggle at the little sights spotted in the forested landscapes sent you smiling as well— his laugh, music to your ears, much better than the pop-songs you’d hear while walking down streetside shops.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, sim jaeyun.
cafe love | sunghoon
after finishing your finals, life was practically black-and-white, monotonous and boring. you hadn’t arranged for any plans with your friends, assuming that they were all ‘fully booked’ for the long holidays.
opting to spend the time meaningfully, you signed up for a part-time job at a nearby cafe— truly lucked out with the distance, pay, and everything.
the first day proceeded smoothly, with adaptations being made swiftly— you even dared to think that you’d make it to the ‘employee of the year’ board.
however, with the sight of this new customer, you momentarily froze in place— was he even real?
sharp eyes locking with yours, gaze captivating.
that ambition would have to be halted temporarily.
sensing the odd and abrupt silence, he offered a small grin to ease the atmosphere.
instantly, it felt like fireworks had been set off in the pit of your stomach, the crackling representing the pounding of your heart.
as time grew, you found yourself perched at the counter more regularly than imagined, elbows propped on the wooden table, eyes darting to the door with every occasional jingle of the bell.
and every time you caught sight of the boy’s familiar head of hair, you’d begin preparing his regular order, already predicting the words that’d slip out of his mouth.
a few times, you’d chosen to be bolder, adding on a scribbled message near the bottom of the cup, in a dilemma of wanting him to read it, or to have him completely miss the note.
an unpredictable pattern of returned smiles and brief conversations, enough to leave you giggling under your blanket, kicking your feet in an inexplicable amount of euphoria.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, park sunghoon.
library love | seonwoo
you had predicted for your dating life to be monotonous, excitement completely thrown out of the window, perhaps even comparable to a blank sheet of paper.
hence, books were the next best things to coming close to a nibble of relationship experience.
you’d been working as a librarian for just over a year, and things were going rather smoothly— it was much more pleasant than working at a restaurant, just had to bear with the occasional shriek from the children’s area.
as you were arranging the push-cart’s stray books into their respective shelves, a soft string of footsteps played behind you, gradually shifting to emit from your left.
turning your head, you almost choked on your own saliva.
raven-black hair, tinted heart-shaped lips, upturned brown eyes, were the primary characteristics you’d managed to catch.
his voice, seeming as though it were coated in a layer of honey, words leaving his lips in a whisper.
the way to the ‘young adult’ corner?
on usual days, you’d easily recite the directions, as though they’d been imprinted on your mind; however, you couldn’t seem to utter a single sentence, phrase, or a word.
every time you’d seen a glimpse of his face, you’d experience a similar reaction— remaining complete silence.
at times, after walking past him, you’d stumble on your feet, the carpeted floors, or absolutely nothing.
at times, after making brief eye contact with him, you’d clumsily knock down a stack of books, eliciting a softened yell, creating a ruckus— no matter, it didn’t stand a chance to the ruckus within your chest, the thumping of your heart against your ribs.
fumbling over your own limbs, hands scrambling to pick up the fallen books with a distressed scrunch of the nose, all because of a mental dilemma as to whether you should approach him, or to continuously hide in your cove of books.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, kim sunoo.
flower-shop love | jungwon
it was customary for you to purchase a bouquet of flowers every mothers’ day— just a little tradition that followed since you were of the age to begin saving up whatever scraps of money you had.
whilst already being out-and-about to run a few errands, you’d figured that it’d be best to pick up the flowers on your way back.
shoes tapping against the concrete pavement, you scanned the row of shops to look for one that seemed to match what you’d been scouring for.
entering a shop, with a semi-large board attached to the empty space above the door, the letters reading ‘SIMPLY FLOWERS’, a wisp of fresh air caressed your face.
a room filled with a mirage of colours and shapes, like it’d just been snatched from a book about fairy tales.
there had only been one employee there, and going off on his welcoming, yet short, introduction, his name was jungwon.
jungwon had intently listened to your request — a flower representing sweet, everlasting love. one that was preferably pink, your mother’s favourite colour.
he had recommended a few that fit your criteria, showing you a variety— unbeknownst to him, you had been making a mental comparison between the creamy pink shade of the petals, and the light blush adorning his cheeks.
unintentionally starting up a friendly flower-fact battle with jungwon, to which you’d maximise your limited knowledge, blabbering whatever you could recall.
leaving the shop with a bouquet of yarrows, and an odd incentive to begin surfing the internet for more flower symbolisms and characteristics, ready to dash back to the store with newfound information.
steps feeling even lighter than before, heart fluttering comfortably, the corners of your lips curved upwards, you clutched the bouquet, as though you’d been the receiver of said flowers.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, yang jungwon.
skate-park love | riki
you’d made the choice to accompany your younger sibling to the nearby skate park— it wasn’t the most appealing decision, but at least you’d have a chance to take a breather, well if that was possible with all the shrieking from your exhilarated sibling.
intently watching from an appropriate distance, you’d found your eyes unconsciously darting to the group of boys beside your preoccupied sibling.
and in particular, to the boy with jet-black hair, bangs long enough to fall gracefully just above his eye, lips curved in a gleeful grin of his own, probably smiling at something his friend had said.
clearly there wasn’t any coordination between your head, and your eyes— with your mind set on watching over your sibling for potential injuries, and your eyes set on lingering a second longer on the unnamed boy.
his swift movements mesmerised you, and that wasn’t a figurative speech— if your sibling spared a glance towards your direction, you’d probably be teased for how ridiculous you looked.
the feeling of butterflies soaring through your chest, emerging whenever you’d notice particularly endearing details— the way the corner of his eyes would crinkle after laughing a smidgin too hard, the way his melodiously contagious giggles would linger in the air, the way he’d send knowing looks to his friends, sharing a common ‘morse code’ of silly faces.
spirits lifted at the recollection of the boy’s cheery grin, you left the skate park with a thumping heart— you should really start visiting this place more often.
a feeling unexplainable— your first crush, nishimura riki.
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taglist open! @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @syrxiee2 @g4m3girl @minhosify networks! @kflixnet
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flwrkisses · 7 months
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.ೃ࿔* ENHYPEN - OT7. tiktoks with enhypen.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ LEE HEESEUNG boyfriend! heeseung headcannon.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ SIM JAEYUN (JAKE) boyfriend! jake headcannon. for the birthday boy. - fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ PARK SUNGHOON boyfriend! sunghoon headcannon. tiffany and co. - fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ KIM SEONWOO (SUNOO) boyfriend! sunoo headcannon.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ NISHIMURA RIKI (NI-KI) boyfriend! ni-ki headcannon.
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.ೃ࿔* TOMORROW X TOGETHER - OT5. txt having to say goodbye to their partner before tour. txt reacting to their partner having period cramps. txt comforting their partner after they've had a bad dream. txt reacting to their idol partner getting hurt. first kisses with txt. txt's reaction to their partner receiving hate comments. the soundtrack to your relationship with txt's choi line. txt's favorite things about their partner. how txt would comfort their partner who is having a stress induced anxiety attack. bringing txt home for christmas. how txt would make it up to their partner when they forget a date. txt's reaction to their partner snuggling up to them in their sleep. txt's reaction to you being afraid of thunder and lightning. txt getting jealous of their partner's plush. txt's reaction to their partner staining their pants with period blood. txt's reaction to their partner pouting at them when they're busy. txt having a partner who is short. txt doing a vlive with their partner. txt's reaction to their partner falling asleep on another member's shoulder. txt reacting to you freaking out about a bug. txt reacting to their partner falling asleep on their shoulder. txt taking care of their sick partner. halloween with txt. txt's reaction to their partner smoking. txt doing their partner's makeup for a video. txt reacting to you wanting to paint their nails.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ CHOI YEONJUN boyfriend! choi yeonjun headcannon. yeonjun's love languages. truth or dare. - angst and fluff. i know, i love you. - angst and fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ CHOI SOOBIN boyfriend! choi soobin headcannon. boyfriend! soobin text messages. have i told you lately, i'm greatful you're mine. - fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ CHOI BEOMGYU boyfriend! choi beomgyu headcannon. land of the night. - fluff. sunflower. - angst & fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ KANG TAEHYUN boyfriend! kang taehyun headcannon. slow dancing in the dark - fluff.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ HUENING KAI boyfriend! huening kai headcannon.
looking for other groups? check out the archive!
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suzukiblu · 1 month
hello, you like superheroes and I have a superhero-related question so I was hoping you might be able to help. though it is not specifically about your specific favorite heroes.
I'm trying to design a supersuit, and I'd like for the mask to like. go all the way around the back of the head instead of just being in front. partly because more realistic staying in place, partly for other reasons.
but I'm having trouble thinking of supers with that kinda shape to look at for inspiration to not have it look the wrong kind of goofy (supersuits are always gonna look a bit silly. but there's still some kind of balance possible)
I know the flash and the batman have cowls, and I think their main goofiness counter might be the shapes?? flash has his lil lightning bolt antennae, and batman has pointy ears. whereas I try to picture just a smooth topped mask and my brain goes haha that's silly
and I cannot think of any supers at all right now who have a mask which covers the top of their head but isn't attached to the shirt part of their supersuits
except maybe Jay Flash, though his might just be a helmet?? I don’t remember. It definitely needs to cover most (but not all!) of the face as well.
Anyway. so the question is. Do you have any thoughts on supers to look up as idea references?
Jay Garrick just has a helmet iirc, yeah. There are actually some pretty cool alternate mask designs out there I know of that don't require spirit gum, though, so off the top of my head:
the Netflix version of Daredevil started out with an opaque over-the-eyes/over-the-hair cloth mask that tied behind his head
I usually see Connor Hawke's version of Green Arrow done with a TMNT-style eye mask tied around the back of his head and an accompanying hood to go with it
Arrowette/Cissie King-Jones' design from Young Justice 98 had a ridged mask that went over the upper half of her face and the top of her head, leaving her hair loose behind/underneath, including a variant with a hood
Empress/Anita Fite wore a full face mask with some cool shapes in it and a big curly ponytail out the back
Wonder Girl/Cassie Sandsmark originally wore goggles
Spoiler/Stephanie Brown originally wore a full-cover stocking mask with very large lenses and a hood over it and I believe currently wears a mask over her mouth and a hood
Speedy/Mia Dearden has worn a mask that ties around the back of the head with a hood
Batgirl/Cassandra Cain originally wore a full face mask that covered her whole face and all her hair
I frequently see Ravager/Rose Wilson wearing an eye mask that covers the top of her head and ties in the back
at least one of Barbara Gordon's more recent Batgirl designs has a combination eye mask/helmet, or at least something akin to one
Red Hood/Jason Todd has worn both a full helmet and a muzzle with an eye mask and a hood, though I thiiiiink the eye mask was a domino
Star-Lord/Peter Quill wears a helmet that wraps around the back of his head
Chamber/Jono Starsmore wears a mask made of leather straps wrapped and layered around the bottom half of his "face"
Jubilee/Jubilation Lee wears an opaque visor
Cyclops/Scott Summers wears an opaque visor
the Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes wears a strapped-on muzzle and also grease paint around his eyes in at least one movie
Annnnnd I'mma stop there before I take over anyone's dash, haha. Some of these are older designs, but hopefully a helpful starting point or two is somewhere in there!
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gimmeurtummy · 17 days
Ethereal Desires: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Lee Know x Y/n × Hyunjin (Y/n x Jeongin) (Brief Heeseung x Y/n) (ft. Jay)
Genre: supernatural, triangle love, unrequited love, angst, 2nd chance, 'so called star crossed lovers', what if's, deaths, scary stuff in a cute way
Chapter warnings: Domestic abuse, mention of alchohol, mention of death
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"If you could change one thing about your life, what would that be?" Was the first thing her Psychology teacher asked the class today. It was a trick question to be honest, with a lot of outcomes. Apparently, she chose to pretend to be satisfied with her life, but with all honesty, she wasn't. And everyone knew.
As soon as she had stepped out of the class, a familiar wave of nostalgia washed over me. She wasn't used to walking out of classes alone, no, not once he came along. If she was Lily Bloom, then he was her Atlas Corrigan, that's how she used to view herself back as an emotionally unstable teenager. But when she saw him lying in the casket, after being in a coma for 2 years, she knew that everything was a dream. 
From then, she had grown up a lot, both emotionally and physically, and had tried her best to put everything behind herself, but standing here at the stairs of my own house, she felt unsafe in all the ways possible. Y/n took a deep breath, and pushed the door away, it made a silent creak, but it was very quiet to be noticed. She carefully closed the door and took off her shoes, and made my way to the staircase.
"Y/n? Is that you?" She closed my eyes, a soft curse falling off of her lips. There's no point in hiding anymore, she slowly walked towards the kitchen. "I made cookies!" Her mother smiled, placing the tray on the counter. She took in her appearance, apart from the bruises, she looked fine. "Here, have some."
"I am not hungry," Y/n lied, but in reality, her body was hurting so bad all she wanted was to drop dead.
"Are you okay? Did something happen?" Before she could rush over to me, she stepped back. And gave a tight smile, followed by a "I'm fine." Y/n turned on her heels and left before her mother could ask her any more questions. Sighing,she closed the door, dropping her bag by the edge of the bed, she flopped down. Her eyes focused on the now fading off white ceiling which had been last painted when her medium sized room was her nursery. Her eyes scanned the room, most of the things she had, things she loved were now gone. Sold to a thrift shop, because 2 jobs weren't paying her enough to get a bare minimum decent apartment. 
She blindly searched for the laptop on her bed, and sat up once she had her hands on it. The screen had an impressive crack, thanks to her father. The sides were dent, and the color was fading away. She turned it on, and searched for more apartments. The air blew the curtains further in her room, and the clock ticked silently. Her eyes scanned the article with a deep frown. Once. Twice. Thrice. She checked her notepad and let out a deep breath, the apartment was being rented out at a low rate. Surprisingly, no one had applied for it. She quickly sent in a, "I'm interested in this offer," before getting up to get ready for work.
Like everyday, today wasn't also in her favor, she huffed, staring out of the window at the busy street as the day passed by quite slowly. Pushing her hair out of her face, and straightened up and wore a polite smile to greet the customer who had just walked in, and just at her moment her phone vibrated with messages. She skillfully ignored the vibrations, and focused on her work. 
The doorbell of the cafe rang, as the night had already fallen, and it was quiet all around, it was not the first time Y/n had to deal with a customer coming after the closing hours. “I'm sorry, the cafe's closed,” she said, wiping the nth table. 
“Oh, I was actually here for L/n Y/n,” the skin on her body stood up at the words she turned around crossing her hands over her chest. “How may I help you?”
The man in front of her wouldn't be older than 30, his hair was styled back and he was wearing an expensive suit with glasses, “You applied for the house article I posted a while ago.” Y/n slowly nodded, frowning. Upon understanding her  confusion he quickly added, “It's not the smartest idea to put up the shifts you work on the shops on social media.”
Y/n took a deep breath, “Yeah, I know, but what about the house?”
“Oh it's available,” he nodded quickly. “It's actually a mansion I must admit, so you will have to share with others.”
“And I wonder why the rate was so low,” She thought to herself. “That's not a problem.”
“Great, if you are free we can go and visit it tomorrow,” he smiled a little too wide for the given situation, making Y/n nod wearily. After exchanging numbers the man left in a hurry. Y/n couldn't help but clutched the cleaning rag in her hand, an uneasy feeling washing over her. 
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A sigh escaped her lips as she stared at the front door of her own house. Her chest filled with doubt as to whether to sneak in, or let them know about her presence. Y/n entered the house and closed the door silently, and took off her shoes. Just as she was about to sneak up the stairs, a movement caught her eye.
“Stop right there!” She heard her father's gruff voice, yelling at her. She closed her eyes before opening them again and turned to face her father. “Where were you?”
She sighed, rubbing the tip of her nose, “I work late shifts on Saturday.”
“Don't lie to me!” His loud voice made her flinch. “I know what they told me! There was a man at the cafe after it was closed!” 
“That's really creepy and weird of you,” she pointed out, and no sooner had she taken one step, she was pulled back by her bag and thrown down the staircase. Her head collided with the wall behind, her vision going blurry for a moment and her  ears ringing. 
Once she came back to my senses, she heard her mother yelling at her father, and him just yelling back at her. Her mother did her best to distract him, so she could slip into her room. Crawling up the stairs, she did. She silently slipped in and locked the door, and pushed her nearly empty glass book rack in front of it. Her bag fell off her shoulder as she dropped onto the ground, tears flowing freely.
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Her nose scrunched up, forming wrinkles of confusion on her face. The mansion was lavish, the maintenance cost could pay off 4 times of her house loan. The living room was twice as big as her house. But the thing that confused her was the price. Even having to share the house with others did not explain the low cost. 
She took in her new room, which was bigger than her room, her parents room and the guest room combined. It has been 3 hours since she walked out of her home. Her mother didn't even try to stop her, knowing if she stayed there, there was no future for her. Her father had been gone since 6 in the morning. The landlord was confused, but understood her desperation to get over the paperwork and move in.
Y/n dropped her bag on the ground and sat by the window, overlooking the garden. A girl, about her age was listening to music and scribbling on a book. She stood up and wiped her hands on her pants, and walked downstairs. Just as she passed by the hallway, her shoulder brushed agasint another taller and broader shoulder. Her head snapped back, but the figure of a boy, his head low was already disappearing into another room. Her breath picked up, the scent, the touch, it felt too similar. 
She turned away continuing down the stair case, once she had closed the door behind herself the cold air greeted her like an long lost friend, making her pull her jacket tighter around herself. Another girl, her age probably, long black hair running down was yelling at the landlord, who calmly dealt with her. Seeing how calm he was, the girl felt frustrated and marched passed her back into the house.
Y/n looked a little amused and continued on her way, “You don't look like someone to get on others’ nerves.”
The man took of his glasses rubbing his nose before putting them back on, “Believe me, I get that a lot. She asked permission to throw a party.”
“And you said no?” She chuckled.
The man shrugged with a upside down grin, “I said no alcohol,” she made her laugh, because it sounded pretty stupid. Party without alcohol. A comfortable silence filled the atmosphere, making her forget why she even came here. “I suggest you stay inside the house, if you don't have any work outside of course, it's cold here.” With a nod her turned to take his leave.
“Hey, sir!” Y/n called out. “I didn't ask your name…”
He turned back, his car door opened and smiled, “Park Jongseong.”
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“Do you need something?” The girl, whow as scribbling looked up at her. “You have been lingering here for a while now.”
“Oh,’ Y/n shrugged in embarrassment. “I am just new here, I have nothing to do…”
The girl tilted her head frowing, “Don't you have any shift today? At the library right?”
Y/n nodded slowly, “You are an weakly visitor, I took off today.”
The girl shurgged her shoulder, “Your library needs to stack up more books on dark magic,” she paused briefly. “Alex.”
“Y/n,” she said timidly, turning away to leave catching the faint ‘I know’. “Ask Heeseung to show you the library!” She froze. Heeseung? The frown deepening on her face. “Lee Heeseung?” She turned to look back at the girl who slowly nodded. 
Y/n took fast steps inside the house, mumbling to herslef, “It's okay, don't worry, there are plenty of Lee Heeseung's out there, that are just as tall as him and smell—”
“Watch your steps dummy!” The voice scolded her in the familiar tone. Y/n rubbed her back, whining internally until the voice hit her ears.
Oh no. 
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malarign · 1 year
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(boyfriend things they would do for you)
contains: bf!hyungline x fem!reader | genre: fluff | tw! kissing, mention of food in Jake’s one | wc: 0,5
reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated!!!
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Lee Heeseung | 이희승
➶ sending love emails *ೃ༄
Whenever Heeseung missed you while at work or something just reminded him of you he wasted no time but took his phone out of his pocket to write either long or short message and send it to your email address. He knew your notifications are most probably muted so he simply sent it straight to your email box. If he’s feeling fancy he would write handwritten letter full of heartfelt confessions and sweet love expressions.
➶ giving compliments *ೃ༄
Knowing your insecurities often took your smile away Heeseung wanted to do anything to bring it back to your face. So he just showers you with his genuine words of affirmation. He just adores the whole of you and can’t imagine that you don’t feel the same about yourself. He does anything and everything to remind you how precious you are in his eyes.
Park Jongseong | 박종성
➶ taking on a fun dates *ೃ༄
Jay is literally a mastermind when it comes to coming up with dates ideas. You’ve already done bowling, picnic, hiking, painting, biking, making clay mugs and even fruit picking. And he still doesn’t seem to run out of ideas. He actually has whole note on his phone with many ideas. Whenever you remarked about something you wanted to try he just wrote it down to not forget about it.
➶ giving advices *ೃ༄
Because of all those articles he had read about various of topics Jay just knew how to deal with certain things, mostly so that whenever you had some problems he could give you a helpful hand. Sometimes he would give you advice even when you didn’t ask, but it always seemed like he was always right, making you a tad mad but grateful for having him as your boyfriend.
Sim Jaeyun | 심재윤
➶ doing chores *ೃ༄
Jake hates doing chores with his whole heart but also hates when you’re doing them alone. He would rather do them all by himself than let you do anything. And the big smile he would wear during cleaning or doing the dishes, all because he knew you were going to reward him with your cuddles, kisses, or most idealistically by giving him head pats and playing with his hair.
➶ giving kisses *ೃ༄
Jake would do that in a most random moments throughout the day. You just woke up? Doesn’t matter if you’re still sleepy, come here for a kiss. Do you have a bit of jam next to your lips? Let me give you a kiss and have a taste. You just told him about your whole day? You’re so cute when you excitedly speak about anything, you deserve a kiss for that!
Park Sunghoon | 박성훈
➶ giving long tight hugs *ೃ༄
To Sunghoon long touch such as hugs screams comfort so he does it everytime he sees you’re having a hard time. He somehow just knows when you need his comfort, and it never fails to express how much you’re important to him. Depending on the situation he would either stay silent or murmur sweet compliments and soft confessions in order to make you smile in his embrace.
➶ standing up for you *ೃ༄
Sunghoon is your number one protector and is not afraid to come to your defence, even if you’re not really right. He just can’t stand seeing how other people wrong you for whatever reasons. Nobody is going to raise their voice at you or say mean things to you when he’s around, and he makes sure everybody including you remembers that.
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thank you for reading! back to the masterlist
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