#jay is a daddy's boi
wonderlandsakura · 2 years
"Papi, you can't be mean to me, it's illegal!"
~ Huge, 6' (183cm), towers-over-his-dad, could-suffocate-with-his-thighs, could-choke-a-grown-man-with-one-hand Jason Todd, with tears in his eyes, the moment B so much as looks at him sternly
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theaestheticmodels · 3 months
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maineventpapiuso · 3 months
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Jay what did you do?!?!
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Kori doesn't mind loving a Daddy's Boy
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@bruciemilf, this is for you moonpie!!!
Jason had relationships… not good or lasting ones, but they were relationships nonetheless.
Some lasted a few weeks or a whole summer, others lasted as long as Damian's patience when Tim ate his falafel.
But as I said. They were relationships. Full stop.
Then, when he starts to have feelings for Kori… it's relatively strange and familiar.
Jason meets Kori for a number of reasons. One of them, ironically, was that she was his older brother's ex. He learns that the two ended on good terms, and that Dick is quite fond of the girl. So there's no awkwardness on that side. He actually met Kori after a bunch of missions and quite casual encounters around the city in his civilian life.
As he said, he was familiar with Kori as a whole, both in his hero life and in his regular civilian life. Sure, Kori stood out quite a bit compared to him, but he still blended in well enough considering how many metahumans and aliens were now freely out on the streets living their respective lives. So, that wasn't the strange thing.
He'd have no problem breaking a nose or two anyway if they dared to say anything to Kori because of her outward appearance. Nope, his hands were already dirty from carrying the last stray mutt Damian adopted, he had no problem wiping his hands on the face of a close-minded son of a bitch.
That wasn't what was strange.
The strange thing was, in a way, that Jason had never before shown anyone (at least outside the family) that he was a daddy's boy. And no "Yeah, me and my old man have a good connection" nope.
Jason doesn't mince words in admitting that he's a TOTAL daddy's boy.
Sure, they have their differences, the occasional death threat, another punch in the face, and several tyre thefts… but he's still his dad. And best of all, Bruce still looks at him with all the fatherly love in the world.
Yes, they can yell at each other, but at the end of the day Jason will return with a pot of his favorite ice cream, to see how his dad has made him homemade orange biscuits and the two share both foods while having a sleepover on the big master bed in his dad's room.
Jason loves spending time with Bruce, as much as the newly revived Jason Todd-Wayne, as Redhood.
Obviously, Jason has more opportunity to be relatively or actively more affectionate than Redhood. Redhood is a bloodthirsty villain who came back from the dead and doesn't hesitate to chop off heads for the sins of the aggressors. If it weren't for the fact that he has a panic about anything to do with card games and anything to do with casinos, he would have been nicknamed the King of Hearts, as Kori jokes with him from time to time.
But, after a long mission, he can't be bothered to desperately search for his father in the wreckage of the disaster of the day.
He does that all the time.
But this time.
This time was completly different.
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Kori doesn't remember much of what happened after the explosion.
Well, because there should never have been an explosion in the first place.
The mission was going great, not to mention all the villains downed. The information from the space base was safe, several henchmen were being held by the heroes and many others were trapped to be taken to their respective cells.
Well, all well and good, although they were still struggling with the few resistance fighters, nothing they couldn't control. She could see, out of the corner of her eyes, how Jason had Roy's back and vice versa, she was busy also on her part trying to bring down all those who were actively attacking her.
It was just like the cowboy movies that Roy forced Jason to watch from time to time or like those period movies that Jason watched obsessively.
The good guys were winning, and by the end of the day, that was what mattered most.
If it wasn't for hearing Superman's scream.... well, no one would have guessed. Even Flash had his difficulties escaping with as many heroes as he could get his hands on.
An explosion.
Big one. Brilliant. If it wasn't for that flash of light nearly blinding her during her escape process, she would have said it was one of the most magnificent things she'd ever witnessed.
People sometimes forget a small detail when they are in space.
Explosions need oxygen, they need air in order to expand and be fatally damaging. In space, where the most precious resource is oxygen... generating an explosion looks completely different.
It expands like a wave, a gigantic mushroom that takes out everything around it... but when it stops consuming oxygen, it moves like a wave of abrasive water seeking to consume everything it can until it is extinguished.
Tragically beautiful. Preciously lethal.
Jason had been pushed in time by Roy and a few fallen villains into one of the large travel tubes. Making them move somewhere in the world away from the blast. She'd made a giant protective bubble so she could at least protect herself from the damage of the blast; whether there were any cronies or villains with her didn't matter at that point.
She could see how Flash and Superman, using as much speed as they could, took out as many as they could. Those who could get to the had went that way, those who flew out took what they could.
What kind of madman was doing that? Probably a desperate villain, who knows.
But the damage was done.
She does what she can, moves the debris so she can clear the debris clogging the travel tubes, moves the broken glass.
It's all over. They had won anyway, those who perished would be honoured... now they had to see what damage remained. They had to see what could be done with what was left.
First she had to see Jason, Roy.
She had to see if Dick was all right, if Raven managed to get her friends out.
She had to make sure her loved ones were safe, or at least minimally damaged.
She sees that everyone is okay, and her soul returns to her body.
She sees that Jason is carrying Roy, who probably got hit during the escape, and her heart returns to her.
And she calms down a bit.
Until she doesn't notice the typical black cape billowing around.
There's no Batman.
And it breaks her heart to see her boyfriend's despair.
Because Jason notices it when he makes sure she's safe and well. After she tends to Roy's wounds and gives him a good check up.
She notices how her boyfriend's eyes widen in panic, his breathing quickens, how he runs and climbs all over the place looking for his father.
She does what she can to help him, you know?
She carries him to the top of the rubble, she helps him carry the fallen pieces of metal, she climbs with him when they notice a hole.
Both of them, but mostly Jason, open fallen doors, clean up the piles, search the emergency escape pods and search, to Jason's terror, among the fallen found in the rubble.
Kori does what she can. Because she loves Jason.
And for that very reason, she searches harder for Batman.
She doesn't care if her uniform gets torn, she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty or carrying Jason all over the place in search of her father.
Because Jason doesn't mind giving all that and more.
Because Jason doesn't mind having his fingernails and fingers shredded from digging with his own bare hands, he doesn't mind taking off his mask and letting others see his anguished face, he doesn't mind that his arms now have wounds from broken glass and leaking pipes.
If Jason doesn't mind, neither does she. She will catch her suffering, her tiredness and her pain so that she can transform it into determination. Jason need it her, so she would help. 
Because she knows Jason would do the same, and even more, for her.
She would only repay him with what he would do.
So he sets to work.
They keep searching, along with another group of heroes searching for their missing loved ones.
They keep searching, relentlessly, until they hear Jason's name.
Not the code name, not his heroic pseudonym, not his vigilante nicknames.
The name of her boyfriend.
They both turn, hopeful, and she doesn't hesitate to carry Jason and fly with him at full speed in the direction of the desperate screams. Screams that came from a very familiar voice.
Batman was alive.
Batman was alive, with a large bandage improvized on his right arm, being carried by one of the Green Lanterns.
Batman, no that was Bruce, desperately searching for Jason.
Bruce/Batman, who jumped out of the Green Lantern's arms and ran through the rubble looking to get to his son faster.
Jason, who was also being carried by her, who almost threw himself out of her arms to get to his father.
And she doesn't care.
It doesn't bother her that Jason threw himself when they were several feet off the ground or that Bruce probably ended up breaking his arm when he did the same.
She can only feel a heartbreaking relief that broke her boyfriend's worries.
More calmly and happily, she watched everything from a safe distance.
She watched as her boyfriend searched for more wounds from his father, who only felt around his son's body doing the same.
She watched with relief as Jason sobbed with happiness that his old father wasn't dead, hiding under the rubble or sailing through space indefinitely.
He watched as Bruce wept with relief that Jason had actually made it into one of those tubes and didn't have to suffer the impact first hand.
She didn't mind, she didn't mind being a mere observer of that wonderful spectacle of parental love. It was wonderful and beautiful in equal measure.
She loved watching the two of them look to each other to see that the other was well. She longed for that at times, to have the same with her own parents and siblings. So, inside her, she was happy to note that Jason had that with his father and that, within their relationship, he didn't have to hide that part of him.
She deeply appreciated how Jason was open with the emotions he felt about Bruce, even if they both had their bad phases. She loved when Bruce sought her out, to check in with Jason and ask if she could take care of him when the two of them were fighting about something.
That love was so pure, so beautiful, so perfect.
Who was she to be jealous, to discredit all that love they had for each other?
She was nobody, so she just encouraged it.
Because she loved that Jason adored everyone he loved with every cell in his body, loved how he made small, highly romantic details ar their dates.
Loved when he went to his dad's for courage or to hang out. She loved when the two of them would argue and find a way to apologize to each other; because at the end of the day they both still loved each other.
She loved that Bruce accepted her to be with his son, and that he respected them.
She loved how Jason had given her the privilege of knowing that part of him that he loves with passion, with care, with protection. Without fear, without fear, without fear, without censure.
So, when she notices that all the exhaustion now falls on her boyfriend's shoulders, what she does is call Superman, so that he can carry Bruce, while she carries Jason to a safe area so they can both rest.
She sets up an extra bed next to Jason's cot, because that's Bruce's designated spot. And she'll happily find a cate for another spot.
She will be Jason's girlfriend, but she knows that in those moments Jason needs his father and his father needs him.
So, when the next day she sees Jason, hugging his father to near crushing point, still in their respective shredded hero uniforms... she just takes their picture, leaves them alone and comes back to wake them both up with their favourite cups of coffee.
Happy to know that her boyfriend and his father are safe. And together.
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spidey-bie · 11 months
Yes thank you for that post about 42 Miles not possibly being as aggressive as they make him out to be. We literally don't know this boy and yet he gets way more stories written about him because everyone is falling into the stereotype that he's all hood.
I haven't read any of his fanfictions because I'm just not interested in him like that. But seeing how people are treating Hobie Brown already lets me know about how they're treating Miles G.
I've read a couple character analysis for Miles G. though that actually gives a pretty good idea on what his character will be like. I hope I'll find more but I'm too scared to venture into his tag. (If anyone has any links it'd be much appreciated.)
Honestly if someone went into detail about how he's around his Uncle more who was previously involved with crime. That's why Miles G. is more rough around the edges. I wouldn't agree with you but I'd still see where you were coming from. But nope y'all went he has a deep voice and braids he's obviously hood. I don't even wanna get into the stereotypes people are playing into by assuming that since his father died he fell into organized crime.
(I'm so mad rn so if this doesn't make sense that's why.)
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timmurleyart · 5 months
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Hollis crew. 📻👟💵☝🏽🎤
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Jay O Sanders, another contributor to my daddy issues, as Ziggy on Roseanne season 3
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thekentuckyhimbo · 2 years
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madamejustice527 · 3 months
Jay’s all like: Fuck having a relationship with my father-in-law!
So much for Bang Bang Scissor gang 😞
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princemick · 10 months
the way tiktok doesn't get mick is depressing
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jacuzziwaters · 1 year
The very day that my hair grows back I will be getting the same cut as Rei but with braids. Whoever was behind his character design knew what they were doing and I must applaud them for their services.
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maineventpapiuso · 5 months
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rvbyaoi · 2 years
the grimmons storage closet is like the rvb version of jrwi’s biblically accurate androgynous sex.
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killmebythebeach · 2 years
Just finished today's jrwi and WHATS THIS?! ******* ******** WITH A STEEL CHAIR?!?!
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I can’t believe I’ve never seen anyone talk about a Miraculous Ladybug Lego ninjago au before. I feel like we are missing a golden opportunity
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