#jamie rewatch suits
skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
I know it would literally never happen, but whenever the speculation of who the next James Bond will be comes up, I can only think about how I would sell my soul to get a butch lesbian James Bond 😣
#cause people are always arguing against having a female 007 bcs it would change too much#okay so why not just swap her gender and change nothing else 😌#i realized when writing this post tho that my one oc is literally my concept for a lesbian james bond 😭#butch lesbian womanizer who wears suits all the time and smokes/drinks too much and loves money and weapons#i think about this every once in a while and i want it so badly but it will literally never happen#please she would be so masc and cool and sexy#i dont know if i necessary like the idea of making a new chara to be 007#but like....female James Bond but nothing else changes 👀#im trying to fall asleep and i can only envision various scenes from casino royale but w my version of james bond#pls she could be jamie bond!!!#sorry this is completely random and probably nonsensical but it haunts me so often#every time i rewatch casino royale im like man...espionage movies are cool! and then start fantasizing about female james bond#the names bond. jamie bond.#maybe i will draw it sometime#just not sure how id design her bcs as i said my brain cant help but be a bit stuck on my oc that fits pretty well#but seriously. they wouldnt even have to change anything!#like they have all the jokey pun names for women...guess what. even more opportunities#but like gahhhhhh i think about a masc woman in the bond movies ive watched and im like wow i would enjoy this movie substantially more!#like the shower scene in casino royale........#i cant even rly bring myself to watch bond movies older than the daniel craig ones bcs the objectification and misogyny bothers me too much#but imagining a masc woman in their place 👀 i am on board!#imagining her with bond girls 😳😳😳😳😳#sorry again: super random but it is late please forgive me#catie.rambling.txt
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 4 months
a list of things from my season 2 rewatch, in no particular order:
there's a mundane practicality to Nate that's kind of embarrassingly relatable. "I was going to buy a suit but it was really expensive so I borrowed one from my dad" in season 1; "he's going to use a lot of water" about Dani's breakdown in the showers in 2x01. This is... basically exactly how I would respond to both these situations
Very funny that the man Roy describes as "settling for fine" is almost exclusively shown telling stories about almost beating up elderly celebrities
"Do you believe the return of Jamie Tartt will impact that so called 'vibe'" I don't have a point I just love this line.
love everyone supporting Sam in the Dubai Air protest but I feel like researching the sponsorships is probably supposed to be someone's job? That being said they were already the sponsor in season 1 and Rupert probably wouldn't care that their parent company was polluting Nigeria, and I can see how re-doing all the due diligence on the established sponsorships wouldn't be high up in the line of priorities
start of some tonal problems — trying to reintegrate Jamie into the team by shouting and flipping tables comes off a bit weird as a comedy beat when the previous episode has Jamie openly discussing his abusive father
kind of hilarious that the kebab guy thinks Ted is Roy's dad when he's like. maybe 8 years older
the end of 2x05 is very clearly a reference to something (presumably a romcom) and I believe the fact that I don't know what it is makes it much funnier. I do feel kind of bad that Roy has to spend the entire match in a suit when it appears to be quite cold outside, though
"maybe there's a good reason she hasn't replied. maybe she got hit by a bus." (Isaac) "or a train?" (Dani) they are so good at comforting
I tend to need a fair bit of personal space myself so I absolutely understand where Keeley is coming from in 2x07, and the way Roy responds to learning that she feels smothered ("I feel like a fucking idiot," "you've been making out like I'm following you around like some creepy shadow" (paraphrased)) is obviously a product of his own insecurities and he doesn't initially seem to understand that alone time is a legitimate need that doesn't inherently reflect poorly on him,  but ultimately I think the problem itself is more a result of Keeley's difficulty expressing her own needs than of Roy failing to intuit them
The first time I heard Jamie say his thing about giving Richard space I thought he was trying to subliminal message Roy. He definitely wasn't but I was very impressed for a second there
The hug. The HUUUUUG. I am having a feeling
my controversial favourite episode is Beard After Hours — it feels like an episode of a different show, but TL is a bit of an outlier in terms of my tastes and 2x09 is closer to the norm. That being said I didn't start watching until after all of season 2 had come out and might feel differently if I'd been watching the episodes as they came out
the bit where they're singing at the funeral makes me want to crawl out of my skin with vicarious embarrassment. I have never managed to listen to this entire bit with the sound up.
Is sparkling water actually much more common in the UK than in the US? I'm Canadian and it's generally not the default kind of water to offer people, but it's also not as much of a novel concept as it seems to be to Ted.
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alaynestone · 2 years
hi, i'm just... barging in. because i also just watched that second gif of dean about twenty times and now i also want death. the way he flinches away from non-violent touch before sinking into it 😭 the way his face shifts into something so soft and YOUNG. god
i have paused my s10 rewatch to watch s4 again and this storyline absolutely destroys me every time. thank you for reaching out so we can suffer about it together❤️.
alastair shows up and immediately marks him. the pain is what makes dean recognize him in his pediatrician meat suit. and then anna touches dean's bruised face SO TENDERLY.
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he's so ashamed of everything that was done to him and everything that he did he can't even talk about it, and she not only knows about it but heard it from the angels yet still has no judgement for him. their impala scene is so significant in terms of dean getting a positive sexual experience soon after hell and this new recreated body that's basically foreign to him, just as hers was when she fell to earth and was reborn as a human.
look at them. i could cry.
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(there is jamie too but a lot of monster movie is about dean doing an exaggerated performance of dean winchester to reassure sam that he hasn't changed and remind himself of who he's supposed to be so i think that one's more complicated.)
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politelymenacing · 1 year
I've rewatched all of Ted Lasso in the last few days. Here are some random Series 1 rewatch thoughts that no-one asked for.
I got a bit distracted towards the end and I didn't even bother to split it by episode, but I doubt anyone is going to read this anyway!
Ted and Beard are flying on DubaiAir, the sponsor of Richmond. Why aren't they in first/business class?
Ted looks so fucking cute and soft when he gets off the plane. I think this is probably where I fell in love with him.
It is hilarious that they go all the way to Tower Bridge from Heathrow when they would have to drive past Richmond (also why is Ollie still holding the sign with Ted's name on when they get there?!)
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He likes my glasses? I guess I'll have to marry him one day...
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I miss Colin's longer hair.
How adorable is Series 1 Bumbercatch? Little did I know back then that he'd become a favourite.
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Trent is already smitten. Jeez Louise.
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Isaac looks so good in glasses.
Sam thanking the photographers for taking his picture at the gala is beyond adorable.
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Isaac and Colin and Richard all look so good in their suits.
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I can't believe they filmed at the Rivoli Ballroom as the interior of Richmond Theatre. It is so close to where I live. They were right there and I didn't know. 😩
Knowing what we know about Jamie now, the player auction is PAINFUL. I feel so protective over Jamie now, but at the time I severely disliked him.
Roy correctly uses the term prima donna. Twice. But he says pre-Madonna in series 3.
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Why is this hug so funny to me?
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I didn't remember Ted saying 'plan' in an English accent copying Rebecca when he has semantic satiation. It is brilliant. As is his reaction to flan.
Interesting use of a Dutch angle when Ted is laying into Jamie. I don't think we see that used at any other point in the show.
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No seriously. Why is Isaac not in glasses all the time?? Look at him.
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I will never be over them setting something on fire on a Premier League pitch, dear god. 😩
Ted correctly names Sex and the City which he failed to do in series 3.
Earlier this week I wondered if Colin's nan would speak to him again if he got to play for Wales in the upcoming International Break episode. I didn't remember that she died. Sorry, Colin.
Colin's set piece suggestion is called Beckham's Todger. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Interesting that Nate uses a video of Jamie being a prick about Richmond to motivate the team like Roy and Beard using one of Nate in series 3. Both end in violence and Richmond losing.
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
I just re-watched season 4 of Stranger Things and here's the takeaway for me - whoever I was when I watched it last year is essentially the same girl you see before you lmaoooo.
(Season 1 thoughts here. Season 2 here. And 3 here.)
I realised that my season 3 rewatch was not entirely on topic. It was more a general recap rather than noting the differences in my opinions, so getting back on track...
The Wipeout/milkshake scene at the roller rink would have hit harder if I'd re-watched season 1-3 just before going into 4. It was sad the first time around, but now it's tragic. I've just watched El be strong and brave and go through all that bullshit, just to come undone at the hands of high school bullies. It's infuriating and so fucking miserable.
It's cool re-watching and being able to see Jamie's eyes in the Vecna suit.
I wrote last time about season 3 versus 4 Robin so I won't go over it again. However, I think I didn't recognise a lot of the 'smart Robin' moments this season. She does a lot. She's not season 3 Robin, but she's still better than I remember.
The first time I watched this season I don't think I realised how nice it was for Jonathan to have a friend. It's nice.
The Russian plot still boring: confirmed.
Max choosing life and running for it while Kate Bush plays still gives me goosebumps: confirmed.
Haven't mentioned him in any re-watches yet, I don't think, but Ted Wheeler is stale white bread. During the re-watch, I found I notice him more but in a bad way. Dude's a dick.
How did I not question Hopper's lack of a limp??? Like his ankle was FUCKED and the next day he's chilling and walking around as per usual lmao?
I don't remember if I thought so the first time I watched it, but the CGI where 001 is banished to the Upside Down is getting lightning bolted etc., looks so weird. Like that isn't Jamie's face at all?
The Brenner/Owens dynamic does not get less jarring the more times you see it. Brenner is living in an apocalyptic soap opera, while Owens is more grounded and focused on El's autonomy. It's a weird pairing.
When you watch episode 8 it still totally feels like it's setting Steve up to die. It's actually annoying watching it and knowing how it ends, because it feels like you're being lied to/tricked?
"And I never should have knocked" gets more cringe each time I watch it. Caleb kills that scene, but imagine if they gave him good dialogue.
Fuck this ending so bad. Literally every time I watch it, there is more that stands out as being so badly written, or shit that doesn't make sense. Fuck this entire goddamn episode.
This has been a Stranger Things Rhi-Watch.
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hollow-keys · 5 months
1, 4, 9, 11 for the dr who asks!
1: Who is your favourite Doctor?
It's currently 2! I love the exaggerated physicality of Patrick Troughton's performance, his sense of justice and how much he loves his companions. Also good* companions really elevate a Doctor, and Two and Jamie work really well together.
*Good as in, compliments each other well. Not necessarily the quality of the companion as a standalone character. This is also the case for 12, another of my faves, who works really well with Clara and Bill.
This may change once I've gone through my Classic Who watch/revisted NuWho.
4. What's your favourite story?
Ugh, that's difficult, and I absolutely can't pick one.
I need to rewatch these now I'm an adult but for NuWho, Blink, Heaven Sent, Turn Left and World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls. The last two rewired my brain chemistry at a young age.
As for Classic Who, Planet of Giants, The Rescue, The Celestial Toymaker and The War Games. The last one literally made me sob, and I rarely cry.
9. Who is your favourite Classic Who companion?
Again, can't pick one. But so far, Jamie, Susan and Ian. I'm starting Three's era and I like Liz, she might make it high on this list at some point.
11. Show a picture of your favourite Doctor outfit
I haven't got to his era yet but Paul McGann serves.
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Also 13 looked great in 12's suit and I kinda wish she kept something like it (tho I ofc like her fit).
Link to ask game
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cathighfive · 1 year
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"If Tryon wants his Scot, I'll give him a Scot."
Day 2: Favorite Season 4-6 Episode
This was an extremely tough decision. There were so many episodes I did love and some I didn't. Many of the episodes I had favorite scenes but overall the episode was meh.
I decided upon The Fiery Cross, Season 5 Episode 1. I read a lot on the reddit group that people do not usually like this episode and while I can understand their opinions there really isn't a part of this episode I dislike.
For 2 seasons I waited to see Jamie Fraser put his kilt on again. It was akin to waiting through 10 seasons of Smallville just to see Clark Kent put the Superman suit on but that wish was never fulfilled unlike Jamie Fraser showing us once again the King of Men that he is. The first time I watched this episode, which was probably about a year ago (yes I am new Outlander fan) I remember very distinctly cheering out loud seeing Jamie Fraser in his kilt and full highland dress. This scene alone is in my rewatch queue often.
Seeing Brianna and Roger have a proper wedding was so sweet after all of the turmoil they endured since they came to the 1700's. I loved seeing Jamie be the proud Da and making sure she had something, blue, something new, something old, something borrowed and of course her sixpence for her shoe.
Claire being able to be present and be apart of the wedding was also very fulfilling to watch. This is something that Claire never thought she would have once she decided to come back to Jamie. I love seeing the Frasers get their happy moments and memories among the chaos.
This episode aided me in falling in love with Tim Downie as an actor. He portrayed Governor Tryon perfectly. I look forward to any scene that has him in it. As much as I love McDonald in subsequent episodes, Governor Tryon is my favorite British officer aside from Lt. Jeremy Foster from Season 1 & 2, that is if one had to choose a favorite British officer.
Having Roger finally claim Jemmy as blood of his blood and bone of his bone was a perfect addition to this episode. I know we find out that Jemmy is his son further into the season it was nice to see Roger claim him. Other notable scenes to add would be the tongue twisters, seeing Lord John drunk sitting next to John Quincy Meyers and the wedding night with crying Jemmy was definitely comical and made me chuckle remembering what it was like to have a baby in the house.
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Screenshot: Outlander-Online
S06E08 I Am Not Alone • 1 May 2022 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
Your hand isn't broken, a nighean. If it were, ye'd be white and puking, not red-faced and crabbit. — Jamie
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Gif: @themusicsweetly
Favourite Line
I was a printer, Claire. Ye canna trust everything ye read in the broadsheets. — Jamie
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Photo: Pinterest (S04E08 Wilmington)
Favourite Image
Jamie is unharmed, though blood spattered and shocked. Bird nods to him meaningfully with the hint of a smile.
I told you I would fight with you, Bear killer. — Chief Bird-who-sings-in-the-morning
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Photo: Starz Gif: @outlandernetwork
Remember… if it suits your convenience, Mr. Fraser, perhaps we will leave in the morning? There's no reason you and your wife should not rest in your own bed. — Tom Christie
75th of 75 • Friday, 16 June 2023
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cornflowershade · 1 year
for some reason I’ve been thinking a lot about Young Justice lately and how it’s one of those shows that (to me anyway) is so much better in your head than on screen. Like,,, there’s so much potential there. But then they focus way too much on plot (which isn’t their strong suit), make the character’s lives progressively more depressing, do time skips, and introduce too large a cast to handle/delve into or make you care about, and leave everything you might have investment in hanging, abandoned in favor of something new. They were actually good at writing depth or something that got close to it (a depth precursor? lol), but they’re allergic to actually going there. So yeah— potential.
Anyway I stopped watching after s2 because s3 was just... bad, in my opinion? I watched part but couldn’t get into it?? (Also character redesign choices were. Not Good. I have more critique beyond character design, based on stuff I know happened + scenes I’ve watched on YT, but that’s another ramble. Long story short s3 had One Great Scene imo [Dick’s s1 hallucination—don’t get me started, I’ll cry] but could’ve used a lot more time spent dealing with the aftermath of s2. Also could’ve been way more fun. The setup of the series was that it’s a generally-lighthearted show that’s not afraid to get kinda dark, but the ‘lighthearted-ness’ feels like it disappeared along with the OG cast’s childhoods lol.) 
Basically I’ve been reminiscing while simultaneously feeling sad about the majority of their choices. The most current let-down is my recent discovery [recent as in ten minutes ago] that Bluepulse was apparently destroyed the season after they built that friendship [or ship, if you’re me lol] up. Good on Bart for apparently getting a [as-canon-as-they’re-allowed] boyfriend. That’s great in its own way, but also?? Continuity is fun. Watching same relationships develop over time is fun (so many dynamics could’ve used more screen time.) And he and Jamie were it for me. Side tangent: I would have definitely watched a show about Jamie, I really enjoyed him and I recall an episode that took place in his home town which I also would’ve taken more of. Which brings me back to the whole ‘potential’ thing. Young Justice is a collection of things that are good but then abruptly end or get abandoned. TLDR: I don’t need new things introduced constantly. I just wish YJ would care more about the wonderful characters and relationships they’ve already created and delve into them (in ways that, while drama is wonderful, are not depressing for the soul.)
Anyway I’m considering rewatching it lol 😂 (Probably stopping again after two seasons because I can only take so much.)
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watchingspnagain · 1 year
Rewatching Monster Movie
Welcome to “Good EVEning: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s4e5: Monster Movie.
  Sam and Dean are in Pennsylvania for a case that sounds like it may be a vampire attack but may also just be a vampire wannabe. Dean doesn't care, though, because it's Oktoberfest, he's been rehymenated, and he's ready to party. But then there's a sort of werewolf attack. And then a... mummy come to life? It becomes clear that they have a shapeshifter who loves old monster movies, but who is he and what's his next mov(i)e? Before they quite figure it out, the monster attacks Dean and his bar wench date (who really needs to join the cast for much more than just one episode because she's amazing) and then next thing he knows, Dean is in lederhosen and strapped to an electrocution table. This is one of the top ten very best SPN episodes. Shot in black and white and with all the little trappings of the classic horror films, it's both a send up and a tribute. It's also one of the best of the hilarious-up-until-the-end-when-it-rips-your-heart-out eps.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
  [and we begin:]
eeeee the black and white and the MUSIC
it's like I know it's coming but I still squee in my soul
 it’s coming
 and Sammy looks so pretty in B&W
and one of my very favorite one-off "women of the week"
the siiiiign
" a little more gusto"
“little more gusto, please"
"an honest to goodness monster hunt"
"a black and white case" !!! I cannot I love it
oh Dean, like you, it’s not straight
 Octoberfest 2008 – [son] was 1 month old...
"without me"
"big pretzel!"
now I want one
 fair food and pretty blonds = Dean’s in a happy place
the way it's not just b and w but they SHOOT it like an old movie
geeks so hard
 YES this one is SO well done in so many ways
 she is SO PRETTY
 omg Sammy’s FACE
she IS
 omg the triangle noise when he winks
 I don’t think I noticed that one before
me either
and this dude. he is just playing it UP and it is so great
 Mr. BREWER drinking from a stein at Octoberfest
 a vamPYR
"he looked like a VAMPIRE"
 omg Sammy’s SMILE
omg Sam trying to keep a straight face
I LOVE that he knows when he can play around
 “come again?” OMG SAMMY
hahahahahaha Sam
Sam is longsuffering but amused
 I need him to have that attitude with me at all times
"not weird enough"
 ugh GROSS
the juxtaposition bt this jerk trying to get what he wants and Dean trying to get what he wants
there's no wolves in Pennsylvania, but if we don't have sex my balls will explode. what an ass
Sam’s hair!
 the little curls in the back
they both look amazing in their suits in black and white
her and her giant soda
 omg DEAN
awww Dean, I will rub your temples
 all those faces in, like, 5 seconds
 the loosened TIES
why is that such an amazing look it is SO GOOD
I really love Jamie and Dean together
dude. RUN
HAHAHA they never do in those old movies
 but they generally don’t say “Holy mother of crap"
I was just thinking that!
omg they are both so annoyed
 YES “this is stupid"
awww Sammy just lets him go for his date without snarking at him
Jamie is a better person than me. I'da kept waiting for Dean
 Sam is playing a big brother part in this episode it seems
omg same
"okay" and then he just punches him!
the music! the shadows!
"the ear part?"
yeah gross
"the x files is a tv show, this is real"
I love that line so much
“the xfiles is a tv show, this is real” OMG
Dean should know this [details about the old Dracula movies]
"some people paint"
"that must suck"
she puts her finger RIGHT ON IT
 she pinpoints it pretty quickly
awww she goes to him
Dean, honey, you're lying to yourself, baby
 the way he sits there with his arm on the back of the bench
"man I hope not"
 “YEAH, stay for a drink”
"yeeeah stay for a drink" haaaahahahaha
poor Dean. he just wants to get horizontal with the beautiful lady who understands him and gets his humor
 Sam does that befuddled look SO WELL
and then Sam's face when he switches up the music
“it’s supposed to come off"
"it's supposed to come off" "no it's not!"
"well, I didn't actually FLY"
I am a very bad person bc Dean all woozy is adorable
lookit him in his little outfit
Dean's face
"what the hell's up with the mummy?"
"I am all monsters" oooooooof
this guy KILLS IT [ed. the actor is Todd Stashwich]
 he really really does
"ah but this movie is mine"
 YES i love how Sam and Dean do the same thing much later on
I love how they take this absolute FEST of beautiful delightful nonsense and turn it into such a neat thematic exploration of monsters
"Good EEFning"
omg teh pizza guy "uh huh"
 this pizza guy has SEEN things
"Did you order garlic"
like, what else has the poor dude come across
again, no snark from Sam about Jamie pets him good brothering, Sam
 super goofy and then that flash of serious insanity I LOVE IT
and there's just that hint of pain in there too
"you're the only one I don't wanna scare"
"real is being born this way. different"
dropping the accent and the game makes him instantly more complex and it’s amazing
 and the parallel to Sam’s situation AGAIN
and the way it's shot. his profile
omg those sleeves rolled up above Dean's elbows
"hey there, Hansel"
“hey there, handsome"
omg Dean's impressed with the setup
"perhaps this is how the movie should end" oooooof
YAY they finally get to smooch
the popped collar
 i suspect they did more than that
well SURE
but we get to see the smooches
 back ON THE JOB
"monster gets the gank"
 “you heard me"
"lucky guess"
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
Dr Who: The War Games
At ten episodes, two (or three if you include the ‘teaser’ episode) episodes short of The Daleks’ Master Plan, The War Games is the second majorly epic story that Dr Who attempted. I split my rewatch over two nights, starting on 27 January 2023 and concluding on 28 January 2023.
It opens with our heroes, which is a refreshing change from the last few serials. I don’t mind the serials that start with new casts of characters setting up the story in which our heroes later take part, but it was getting a little bit tedious. The trio are getting along well, but after all of her bodysuits, it’s a bit weird seeing Zoe in a slightly too large trench coat.
The Doctor works out where and when they are, except he tells Jamie they’re in the past. Not for Jamie they’re not! 1917 is 171 years in Jamie's future. Anyway, we very quickly realise that things are not what they seem and this is not a return to the historical story.
In episode two, we hear what sounds very like a TARDIS dematerialisation sound. Not that much further into the tale, and the audience hears mention of Time Lords for the first time. Of course, as the serial continues, the audience discovers that the Doctor is a Time Lord! After five and a half years, the audience learns a little about who the Doctor is, and where he’s from, and why he left. I can only imagine what this must have been like watching in 1969…
Back to the War Games story, and the mystery unravels reasonably well. It is a dastardly plot, rooted in the misconception of Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest. As in, only those who are strong survive (not those who have the genetic mutations that best fit a changing situation…). It’s great seeing a Black man, Rudolph Malcolm Walker CBE, playing a pivotal role for a few episodes, not least because in this serial it skewers the main idea of 'race'-based eugenics. Less good is what happens to the character.
The overall story is so driven by testosterone, though… I’ve heard that there was a direction brought in around about this time (it could have been a little later) about no women characters being allowed to be ‘killed’, which led to writers not writing women characters because without that risk to every character, thriller/adventure stories are dull. I don’t know the reasoning behind that directive, or the details, but it reminded me of the very real problem of everyone but the straight white cis man being more likely to be killed off. (rant starts) I don’t think the solution is ever to artificially protect the queers, the people of colour, disabled people, the women, and all permutations of human diversity in fiction, but just to make sure they are not the only victims. And stop defaulting heroes as straight white cis men. (rant over)
Moving along, gimp-like suits really were a thing in 1960s Dr Who. These security guards also act in a mesmerising motion of mime when they fight. Oddly disconcerting, but it does make them quite alien. 
Mind control bobbins is another thing that pops up a lot in Dr Who, especially during the late 1960s and through the 1970s. There’s some subtle stuff about who of humans are less susceptible to mind control. Like bandits… 
The Wars Games actually isn’t as repetitive as its reputation suggests. What repetition exists is there only so a weekly audience can keep up. Ten episodes is a slog to get through in one go, but splitting it in two parts is okay. The Time Lord stuff really must have been astonishing to the audience in 1969, as well as the doom laden feel of the last few episodes. The farewells to Jamie and Zoe are moving. They don’t quite get the Donna Noble treatment, but nearly. The regeneration has more to it than the first one we saw at the end of The Tenth Planet.
Salut, Patrick Troughton and the black and white part of Dr Who. It’s been fascinating to me to watch how television production shifted as technology improved. Also to see the changes in direction taken by the show in terms of stories told and characters portrayed. 
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romansmartini · 1 year
rewatching in the loop is making so many things fall into place for me. about to go read the first guys in suits fic (malcolm x jamie) that altered my brain chemistry in a big way
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avater2film · 1 year
Avant la sortie d''Avatar 2', voici un classement de tous les films de James Cameron : 'Titanic', Avatar', The Terminator'
Lorsque James Cameron sort un film, le monde y prête attention. Il a un talent surnaturel pour développer des projets d'une envergure scandaleuse et les commercialiser à fond. Ses «Titanic» et «Avatar» ont battu les records du film le plus rentable de tous les temps à leurs époques respectives, et «Avatar» a détrôné «Avengers: Endgame» pour la première place grâce à une réédition. À l'approche de la suite très attendue du maître cinéaste à "Avatar", intitulée "Avatar : la voie de l'eau", jetons un coup d'œil à ses meilleurs films. Sans compter 'The Way of Water', il a réalisé huit films. Sauf un, il sera certainement fier de tous les autres projets.
Voici donc un classement de chaque film de Cameron, de bas en haut !
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Piranha 2
Peut-être que Cameron n'avait pas développé sa voix de réalisateur jusque-là, ou peut-être qu'il n'avait aucun amour pour le matériel, mais "Piranha II: The Spawning", ses débuts, est celui qu'il souhaiterait probablement pouvoir oublier. Le film, une suite de '' Piranha '' de 1978, était ridiculement mauvais et, sans surprise, n'a pas bien vieilli. Le film avait un budget restreint, donc on pourrait éventuellement pardonner de mauvais effets spéciaux, mais le scénario et la réalisation sont tout simplement terribles.
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The Abyss
Cameron a toujours été un faiseur de miracles en matière de visuels. 'The Abyss', en plus d'être un film d'action de science-fiction solide comme le roc, se vante de plusieurs moments visuels qui, malgré la technologie primitive à la disposition des artistes VFX, laissent encore intimidé.
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True Lies
Cameron avait réalisé deux films "Terminator" au moment où il a réalisé "True Lies". Le but, je présume, était de se diversifier légèrement. Cela a beaucoup fonctionné et a permis à Arnold Schwarzenegger et Jamie Lee Curtis de montrer leurs talents d'acteur comique. Les scènes d'action restent un régal à regarder.
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The Terminator
Il y a peu de films dans le genre science-fiction qui ont été aussi influents que "The Terminator". Encore une fois, travaillant avec un budget dérisoire, James Cameron a adopté les pièges du film B de l'histoire pour livrer un film captivant et extrêmement divertissant. Il a également fait une star de Schwarzenegger, qui a joué le rôle d'un androïde du futur pour tuer la femme qui allait donner naissance au garçon qui finit par être le chef des humains dans la guerre imminente contre les machines.
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'Avatar' reçoit beaucoup de critiques pour avoir un script simpliste. Mais c'était, et c'est toujours, une merveille visuelle. Jamais auparavant l'imagerie générée par ordinateur (CGI) n'avait semblé aussi réaliste, aussi vive, aussi impressionnante. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu, regardez-le avant l'arrivée de la suite. Si c'est le cas, une rewatch ne ferait pas de mal.
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L'une des raisons pour lesquelles je suis vraiment enthousiaste à propos de "The Way of Water" est que Cameron a été incroyablement doué pour les suites. Ses "Aliens" se sont délibérément éloignés du ton atmosphérique et horrifique de l'original de Ridley Scott. C'était un choix judicieux, car répéter cela serait redondant. Au lieu de cela, il a fait du film un véritable acteur. Et quel acteur c'est. Vraiment, il y a peu de personnages au cinéma aussi emblématiques que Ripley de Sigourney Weaver.
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Terminator 2 Judgment Day
À peu près un film sans faille, Cameron a amélioré l'original pour livrer "Terminator 2: Judgment Day", l'un des meilleurs films de science-fiction de tous les temps. Il se vantait d'effets visuels révolutionnaires et de scènes d'action. Et contrairement à l'original, il n'avait pas de problème de budget. Ainsi, Cameron pourrait oublier toutes les contraintes financières. Et il s'est laissé aller, pour la première fois de sa carrière. Le résultat était un chef-d'œuvre.
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Je sais que ce film catastrophe romantique n'a pas la même réputation qu'il y a, disons, 20 ans. Mais le fait demeure, c'est l'un des meilleurs dans le genre catastrophe. Il fait magnifiquement ressortir l'humanité des personnages, pourtant privilégiés pour nombre d'entre eux, qui se retrouvent au fond de l'océan. Surtout, la relation romantique et finalement tragique entre deux jeunes acteurs qui deviendraient l'un des visages les plus connus - Kate Winslet et Leonardo DiCaprio - était au cœur du film. Le film est toujours un plaisir à regarder et a un impact émotionnel aussi fort qu'en 1997.
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padfootprongslet · 2 years
when you love megan but you haaaaaate rachel zane
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
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Gif: @clairelizfraser
S03E05 Freedom & Whisky • 8 October 2017 Official Script
Outlander Rewatch 2023 Countdown To Season 7
Favourite Word
This is it. My bat-suit. — Claire
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Favourite Line
Fuck fate. — Joe
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Favourite Image
Scottish pearls. Jamie gave them to me on our wedding day. They belonged to his mother, Ellen, your grandmother. Wear them on your wedding day... if you’d like. — Claire
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Remember… Claire sees a neat white sign: “A. Malcolm, Printer and Bookseller.” Her heart beats hard enough to be heard by anyone listening. Another minute and she will lose her nerve. — Outlander script, S03E05 Freedom & Whisky
34th of 75 • Saturday, 6 May 2023
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megofnuts · 3 years
Some maybe/maybe not relevant Ted Lasso thoughts: rewatching 1. 03 ep and oh, does it hit so different now. Not only the 'you've both just met a cool person' repeats - the whole, like, the whole of 1.03 feels a 2.11 well... inverted:
the 'suit' pun in Ted-Nate interaction right at the beginning, only it's Nate providing Ted with a 'fitting silhouette'
Nate presents his idea for the first time and is happy it's considered at all (even assuming that Ted gets the credit)
Nate is called the Great for the first time. He gets his credit without even being aware of it and without seeking for it
The first time Trent Crimm hears about him
Ted's being genuinely enthusiastic and attentive, showing the team how to act (Jamie as a decoy trick practice) vs nervous and agitated 'sad white man' Ted rehearsing 'bye bye bye'
Keeley's friend in the newspaper holding back scandal provoking photos > Rebecca intervenes > they are never published
Keeley learns about Rebecca's nude photos tucked away
Rebecca 'knows the owner' and schemes so that The Independent (more 'reputable', therefore more impactful) goes for the article criticizing Ted.
The 1.03 article is positive and is read out loud by Trent himself, with Leslie emphasizing on those are Trent Crimm's words vs plain text on screen from 'maybe Trent'. The full 2.11 article is yet to be seen but the impact feels like more negative rn
The cinematography of these two moments: kind of dramatic but uplifting vs quiet and devastating.
Roy assertively stands up for Nate, mostly 'behind his back'
Ted's book presents, each containing a personal message. Dr. Sharon's letters (assuming they are just as impactful)
Roy openly confronts Ted about his only to be falling for it at the end of the day. Ted confronts Sharon but it all turned out very heartfelt
A beginning of Roy/Keeley sparkling chemistry (Keeley saying 'I can push all your buttons' and the club scene) vs hints for possible future troubles in Roy/Keeley couple and Jamie (definitely one of Roy's buttons) is a part of it
A person from Richmond spends the day wandering about with an interested outsider, one of them taking the other to some place to make a good impression (Phoebe's school // museum)
Restaurant conversations about regional food and working in a different country / at home and what it means for the community
Ted really just had gastrointestinal problems
Some follow up thoughts:
Is it possible that some of those that wasn't 'mirrored' yet will fire later
Roy's message is about 'the burden of leadership' and 'being the one who can do it'. What is Ted's message? What was in that letter??
Is it also Rupert scheming behind the scenes (as Rebecca did), not just Nate lashing out
A Wrinkle in Time circling back to Ted y/n? I would very much like to see it at some point))
TL;DR: 2.11 mirrors or ties back to 1.03 way more than just 'meeting a cool person' quote (I wonder if it was a hint for the ep ending)
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