#jake x sunny
sunlightmurdock · 5 months
Like This Forever | 0.4 | Jake Seresin x Reader
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Synopsis: Chapter Four. Jake has questions. The answer grows more complicated by the minute. He has a lot of thoughts on your situation.
Warnings: talks of abortion / decision to get an abortion. We’re pro-choice over here. This is an accidental pregnancy fic. Lying. Bickering. Reader being very conflicted and Jake being oblivious. Friends to lovers. Country-Singer!Jake au.
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“So, who’s the father?”
“You don’t know him.” This feels like a strange place to be having this conversation. Your warped, horizontal view of Jake’s face doesn’t hinder the focus on his features, all scrunched with focus. This argument isn’t one that will be over quickly. Your best friend is like a dog with a bone when it comes to wanting more information out of you — you should have dropped this bombshell on him in a place with an easier escape route.
“I know everyone that you know, Sunny — who’s the father?” Jake presses, turning you onto your back without even touching you. Just his proximity as he leans closer and stares furiously at your face makes you shrink backward into the sheets. He’s crowding over you, awkwardly sticking you to the bed. He hasn’t exactly got you pinned down, but he’s in the way of you moving, and he knows it.
“It doesn’t matter.” You sigh, turning your head from him. His cologne fills your nostrils and confuses your senses. Strong scents are about as offensive as something can be to you these days but all you want at the same time is to bury your face into his neck.
The last time he was on top of you was at the Darkstar. The night all of this mess started. You wish you remembered more of it. The only thing you really remember, is how good he felt.
But your moment of remembrance is over the second that Jake opens his mouth again. Now that you’re both grown up, it’s easy to forget how much the two of you bickered as kids, and how Jake used to get under your skin back then.
“Why are you lying? — Is it Rooster? — Did you fuck Rooster?” Jake’s fingers are electric as he grabs hold of your forearm to keep you from retreating any further. Instantly, he’s that same little boy who knew exactly how to get under your skin, and you’re the same girl who knew how to make him cry for his mommy.
You’ve never torn away from his touch as quickly as you do now. Your face changes and both of your hands fly up from beside your sides, shoving hard at the faded graphic tee covering his chest before he has even had a chance to register the disgusted look on your face. He wasn’t pinning you down, or even touching you, or even bracing his own weight properly — he falls back easily.
He tumbles, the mattress and himself both making unanimous sounds of complaint. Already, he’s opening his mouth and getting ready to argue with you, his nose all wrinkled up and his eyes narrowed seriously.
“No, I didn’t fuck Rooster!” You’re over him in an instant, pointing one of those red, gelled nails in his face like he’s a dog who pissed on the carpet. Up until now, you didn’t realize that you were angry with Jake. Maybe you haven’t been all along, but you’re so angry now that it feels like you could have been burning mad at him since the two of you left the bar that morning.
He’s the one who didn’t wear a condom, he knows you’re not on birth control. But you’re the idiot who fucked him without one and didn’t even try to get a plan B. You know Jake by now, he’s exactly the same as he was when he was a teenager; couldn’t pull out of driveway let alone a pretty girl.
“I fucked a loser from back home. Thanks for the reminder.” Both of your hands come down hard and shove at his shoulders again, the worn mattress dipping under his weight while he stares up at you, still bewildered by how easily you just shoved him onto his back. The words would be more cutting if he knew you were talking about him.
Jake almost reaches for your arm again, but doesn’t. He bunches the faded blue, dated florals of the sheets into his fists and just watches you stand up. His decision to give you some space is quickly overturned; he still doesn’t have his answer.
“Tell me his name.” Jake follows you up and reaches you in one stride. He’s not going to let it go any time soon. This time, when his hand touches the small of your back, it’s more gentle. An apology, without really having to say it. “Please, Sunny. I just want to know that you’re going to be alright.”
Fuck. Your lie is catching up to you minutes in. Your heartbeat is thudding through your arms and legs and you just know that your little bundle of joy is going to have you puking again in no time.
“Ethan.” You then slowly to face him.
“Ethan Oaks? — The cop?” Jake gawks. You shake your head weakly. Jake knows you wouldn’t touch that bully with a ten foot pole. It’s got to be at least believable if you’re going to drag a third person into your web of lies, it’s got to be someone who you would have potentially still slept with. Jake’s eyes go wide and round, cat-like almost. “You fucked ET?”
No, you haven’t fucked Ethan Thorne — affectionately known as ET, both because of his name and because of his obsession with the extraterrestrial. But, you did give him a handjob in high school and Jake knows that. Jake saw it. You know Jake remembers how you had wrestled him to the ground in the hallway of that house party and sworn him to silence all those years ago.
You’ve known Ethan almost as long as you’ve known Jake. He’s a dirty blonde, exceptionally tall, bean-pole kind of skinny guy who always treated you like you were heaven sent.
“You fucked ET?” Jake’s voice only grows louder and more wild, his eyes narrowing in absolute disbelief. You take a step back, extending the distance between you and rubbing awkwardly at your temple. “When? — How? — Why?”
“I was bored.” You answer him weakly. You’ve slept with worse men for stupider reasons. There isn’t much to do back in Driftwood when Jake’s busy. “You were working. You know he’s always had a crush on me.”
“Plenty of guys have crushes on you! You fucked ET!” Jake rants, following you with each step back you take. He’s about to walk you right through the thin walls of this dusty motel. You lift your hand and poke a finger into his chest to keep him from following.
He stops.
Then, your hands push into your hair and the idea of throwing yourself on the ground and launching a full-blown, screaming, crying tantrum, is starting to look more appealing by the minute. You huff out a sigh, “Look, I don’t want to stand here and argue about all of the people we regret fucking, Jake. I don’t feel good.”
His eyes flicker downward, landing on your stomach like he’s expecting to see a difference. Like he’s expecting to be confronted with this thing that’s making you feel so awful, and screwing up all the fun you’re supposed to be having.
When he looks back up, you can tell he’s thinking the exact same thing he was before. You fucked Ethan Thorne. Really, his inner monologue focuses on the slightly deeper point of: you fucked Ethan Thorne, and you didn’t tell him about it.
Finally, he takes a step forwards and opens his arms, stretching them out towards you. You weakly shuffle closer. He wraps himself around you and closes his eyes. All too willingly, you fall into his olive-branch hug, resting your head against his chest and closing your eyes finally.
For a moment, it’s nice. Jake does exactly what you need him to. He just holds you. Your moment is done and gone far too quickly.
“You could tell everyone it’s mine.” He breathes out. Turning his face towards your neck, you feel his lips softly brush your skin. His fingers curl into the back of your t-shirt. He’s trying to imagine what you’ll look like in a few months from now, when there’s a big bump sitting between the two of you.
It doesn’t even require much thought; it’s one of the first things that crosses his mind. Everyone would believe it. Your mothers would be thrilled.
But just like that, you’re back to square one. You lied to get him out of the picture, and here he is, trying to claw himself back in. You close your eyes, pressing tighter into the fabric of his shirt and the smoky scent of his cologne.
“I’m serious. I can take care of you, Sunny,” He sighs, arms flexing as he draws you closer again, leaving you with no choice but to turn your cheek against his chest. “My family love you. I love you. We could help you with him.
Him. God, he’s already picturing this. He’s making it real. How long could you really keep it to yourself? — Walking around Driftwood with a little boy, hoping that no one notices the way his smile is wide-stretching and dimpled, just like Mary-Lynn Seresin’s, or the way his wild laugh reminds them of the boys that used to tear through town all together.
“Jake.” You shove at him, all of your anger pooling together in the centre of your chest and stinging like your heart is on fire. It’s all got to go somewhere, and this time it rushes to your head. Your eyes burn, filling with too many tears to even attempt to hold back. “Stop it. I said it’s not yours.”
“Drop it.” You spit back at him, your face burning with a sudden flush of accelerating anger. Your temper has sparked and Jake recognises the look in your eyes. Twenty years ago, that look was a clear warning that you were about to start screaming and pulling his hair. “I don’t need anything from you.”
“You’re so full of shit— you know I didn’t mean it like that,” With the two of you being so close, Jake has never come across anything he would be afraid of saying to you. He’s definitely not afraid of telling you when you’re pissing him off. “It’s not about money. You want to get stuck raising a kid with ET? — You don’t even like him.”
“I’m not raising anything with anybody!” You bite back, narrowing your eyes at him. He stares back at you. “This fucking thing has already ruined my life for like a week straight. I’m getting rid of it the first chance I get. Now drop it!”
There’s a quiet, a clarity to your face that has never been worth arguing with. Jake would never argue with you over this anyway. He wouldn’t tell you, but he’s glad. He hasn’t ever really thought about you having a family of your own; about the chair next to his at Thanksgiving suddenly being empty.
Still, your business is his business as far as he has always been concerned. With a softer expression than before, he lowers his head and makes an attempt at meeting your gaze. “Are you even going to call him? — You don’t think he deserves to at least know?”
“No, I don’t, Jake.” You answer back. “This is like getting a UTI. I’m going to see a doctor, I’m going to get it taken care of — and the sperm donor doesn’t ever need to know what he did.”
“Right.” Jake says quietly, thinking it over in his head. There’s a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that he just can’t shake. He always wears a condom, always. But still, if there was a girl out there, who thought he didn’t need to know…
He shakes his head and reaches for you one last time. His fingers wrap around your forearm and give a soft, reconciliary squeeze. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m sorry.”
This time, you don’t wait for him to hug you. You throw yourself into his arms and with one hand on my the back of your neck and the other spreading around your waist, he drags you to him, gathering you against his chest.
His thick arms wrap around you as you sprawl into him, head tucked under his chin, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when Jake got so big. You still remember the days before he outgrew you. You don’t remember his hugs feeling different.
As he holds you, you focus onto the deep breaths he takes. His lungs filling and emptying, pushing and pulling you against him like the drag of the tide. His fingers stretch across your nape, brushing at the edges of your hairline.
“You know I just worry about you.” Jake mumbles, turning his face towards your hair. Eyes closed, he revels in the familiar smell of your shampoo. As far from home as he already is, this smell makes him feel like he’s right there again. Inhaling the scent of vanilla, you’re under his comforter and the two of you are sleeping into the late hours of the morning, waiting until his Mom calls you down for something to eat.
His fingers squeeze into your skin. He loves those mornings.
This doesn’t make you feel so sick anymore, now that you don’t have to look him in the eye. It’s easy enough to pretend that none of this is happening, and that this won’t change anything. You prod the tip of your index finger into his stomach, trying to lift the mood, “That’s not your job. I’m supposed to worry about you, remember?”
You promised his mom, right before you left, that you’d take good care of her boy. She had smiled knowingly, and shot you a quick wink, knowing that you have always been two strides ahead of Jake in all of the trouble that the two of you have gotten into over the years. Not this time. You won’t drag him into this.
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll get your turn.” He scoffs into your temple, squeezing his arms tighter and hearing you moan in complaint against his shoulder. Quickly, it crosses his mind that he should be more gentle with you in your condition. Then, he wonders if that would upset you too. You wrap your arms around your waist and sigh. He stays as he is.
Maybe it’s not the right thing to ask. He hasn’t ever thought about how he should speak to a pregnant woman, or what they might want to do. But he knows you. He knows that if he lets you, you’ll sit here all night, staring at these four walls and driving yourself crazy.
“Mickey wants to drive down to that bar in town, shoot some pool. You feelin’ up to comin’ with us?” He asks softly.
And an hour later, you’re a couple miles down that long, empty stretch of road, perched on a stool and wincing as Bob almost pockets the white ball once again. This would be the third time. Luckily, Jake sticks his hand out and catches the ball before it dips into the hole.
“Alright, Floyd — that’s it, you’re done.” Dropping the ball back onto the table, Jake twists his cap backwards and sticks his hand out for the cue, shaking his head in disappointment.
Natasha is laughing as she pats Bob on the back, Bob is watching the ground with the cutest little schoolboy blush spread across his cheeks. Rueben is in the bathroom, Javy’s thrilled that he now has Jake as a game partner instead of Bob, Mickey’s intermittently watching the baseball game on the screen to his left. Rooster’s leaning over the bar, telling the pretty little bartender everything she’s ever wanted to hear a man with pretty brown eyes like his say.
None of them are looking at you.
Even if you’re sipping on root beer, it’s nice to feel this normal again. Even if you’re tired, and sluggish, and not entirely sure that you’re not that far from vomiting. The smell of overfilled drip trays and cheap cologne, and the ensemble of background noise makes it all that little bit better.
“Watch and learn, Bobby Boy.” Jake swaggers, showing off just the one-dimple with his crooked smirk as he leans over, lines up and shoots. The white ball crashes into a numbered blue one, sending that one uniformly into the pocket. With that, Jake stands up straight again, turns and shoots Bob a quick wink.
To most, this is arrogance. From an outside perspective, Jake sometimes comes across as provocative — and he can be. He doesn’t shy away from looking someone in their eyes. He’s confident, and straight to the point. That has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way over the years, including the people on this tour. Every single person here has threatened Jake at least once. Sometimes he just needs to be put in his place.
However, there’s a look on Bob’s face as Jake lines up to take his next shot that Jake would be thrilled to see, if he was watching. Bob’s standing now with one elbow leaned against a high table, his lips are twisted into an almost awkward frown. He doesn’t have it in him to glare with those big, baby-blue eyes, but if he did he would be.
When Bob steps up to the table to take his next turn, he’ll know that Jake will be waiting to poke fun and swoop in again. He won’t miss the shot. That’s what Jake wants.
You wish he would go about it differently, but you know that growing up with a father like Bill Seresin teaches a person a lesson or two about tough love. There are worse things than to want the people around you to succeed, you suppose.
“Thinkin’ hard?” Rueben is back from the bathroom, and draping one of his heavy arms around your shoulders. He’s even bigger than Rooster, broad and a classic kind of handsome. You’ve been tempted once or twice to ask him to work security, but you just wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if that pretty face got all messed up.
“Hardly thinkin’.” You answer back, smiling as you bring the root beer to your lips. He doesn’t know that you’re pregnant. None of them know that it’s Jake’s. You prefer it that way. Soon enough, this will be something you look back on, shudder, and try to forget.
Rueben hums an amused sound from behind you, turning his head. You keep looking forward at the pool table even though you can feel him studying your face, trying to figure you out.
Looking at the big guy, you wouldn’t have guessed that he basically ran Driftwood’s community theatre through his teens. He looks like he should have been the quarterback. Instead, he was the lead in Shakespeare’s greatest hits for six years running. That was before he became a roadie — after that big break-up a couple years ago.
It’s easier for him this way. Flying under the radar suits him. Though, you’ve never seen someone perfect Othello quite as well as Rueben.
“You’re doin’ alright, though, right?” He asks.
“Peachy.” Finally, you grace him with your gaze. He smiles, not believing you in the slightest. He gives your shoulder a squeeze, glances down at the soft drink in your hand, and untangles himself from you.
“Just checking.”
“Sunny,” Jake calls to you. He offers the cue towards you, then nods his head towards the scrabble of balls on the table. “You’re up, buttercup.”
There’s a coolness to you know that Jake hasn’t seen in days. Two steps and you’ve reached him, taken the cue and turned to survey the table. Jake picks up his beer and settles comfortably against the wall behind him. He gulps down a third of the drink at once, watching the way you bend at the waist and line up your shot.
When you stand up again, after sinking the exact ball you had aimed for, you turn around to find that Jake isn’t smiling. He isn’t taunting you, he’s not happy for you, he’s just staring at you with that same look on his face as earlier.
He’s thinking about Ethan Thorne, who’s probably still sitting in his room playing that geeky game about elves right now. Thinking of Ethan’s clammy hands on you. Thinking about the look on your face when you had been talking to Rueben just then.
Finally, he finds it in himself to offer you a hint of a smile. Then, he lifts the bottle to his lips and takes a big gulp.
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Maybe you could blame the fetus. You’ve been blaming it for a lot recently. Whatever it is, you don’t realise that Jake is even gone until the group of you are pouring out of that back roads bar at two in the morning. There’s a grin on your face, and a warm flush to your cheeks, and even as the only one sober, you’ve had a blast.
“Where’d Jake go?”
“Rooster’s peeling him off the floor in the men’s room.” Bob tells you, his boots kicking through the gravel as he buckles his belt back up with uncoordinated fingers, swaying slightly side to side.
“The — huh? — I just saw him.” You frown, slowing down and turning to check.
Sure enough, Rooster’s holding Jake under his arms and the two of them look like they’re trying to perform a risky cheerleading manouver. Jake’s fighting back. Every step that Rooster takes, the two of them are almost tripping on each other, and with the way Jake’s shoving at his shoulders and face, the poor guy can barely see.
Still, Rooster manages to wrestle him into the car. Past that, the big oaf is all your responsibility.
You wince, barely through the door of the motel when Jake wobbles forward and tumbles.
“Woah — oh, fuck.” Jake huffs out. His cheek smushes into the sheet under him and briefly, you think about just leaving him there, laying sideways along that uncomfortable motel bed. Then, he calls for you. First, quietly, just a breath into the room.
After, he calls you once again, more urgently this time.
“Quit yelling, I’m here.” You remind him, pressing you knee unsteadily into the mattress and smoothing your palm along the length of his back. “Kick your boots off.”
With a small exhale, Jake’s brows draw together in focus as he follows your instruction. His boots land haphazardly into the dated carpet, his hands dig under himself to find his belt buckle. The process of undressing him is a shared task, but he winds up with his head on the pillow and most of his clothes on the floor by the end of it.
“C’mere.” He doesn’t open his eyes or even gesture for you, he just speaks his request into the ether and hopes that you’re feeling kind enough to grant his wish.
“We’ve got a long couple days ahead, I don’t want to be up all night with you twitching next to me.” You frown at him. His mouth twitches and he gives a sincere shake of his head.
“I won’t. C’mere, Sunny girl. Please.” He hums out, lifting one arm finally. His hair is fluffy and messed from being tucked under that ages old baseball cap. The slow stretch into summer hasn’t yet started to darken his freckles, which means pink still sits as the most prominent colour across his flushed cheeks, and blonde stubble is settling across his jaw.
“You’re such a baby, you know that?” You scoff. Doesn’t matter that you’re mocking him; he’s smiling. He hears your jeans rattle to the floor and knows your shirt will follow, but his arms reach for you from the second that the bed dips with your weight anyway.
Stretching around your waist, tucking around your middle, he confirms that you’re sleeping in his t-shirt and buries his nose into the curve of your neck.
Baby. The word fills his intoxicated mind, and his hands follow. His open palms stretch, warm, across your stomach. You stare at the far wall, studying a disturbed patch in the paint. A quick fix job. The air conditioning whirs. You swear you can hear Jake’s ever-steady heartbeat outloud.
Why isn’t his heart thudding the way yours is?
“You’d make a good mom one day.” Jake says quietly. His thumb trails from your bellybutton down to the waistband of your cotton underwear. There’s no intent there, he’s just touching you, and it’s okay, because it’s Jake.
Your hand finds his, fingers linking together and resting there against skin that’s still entirely yours. Not stretched to accommodate someone new. Exactly the way you want it to be still. You squeeze his hand, “Go to sleep, Jake.”
“I think you should tell ET.” He adds, his voice growing gruffer as sleep comes from him. If you answer, it’ll just keep him up. “I’d… wanna know. If it was mine.”
Five seconds pass, and that becomes ten. You’ve counted to sixty before Jake’s hand relaxes in yours and his weight presses heavier into your back. He’s not really holding you, he’s just got himself all tangled around you. It’s easy enough to turn around in his arms, press your face into the warmth of his bare chest, and finally breathe.
“Night, Jake.” You whisper softly, lips grazing his skin.
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At 10am the next morning, Jake’s still in that exact spot, sleeping off his hangover ahead of tonight’s show. You’re a couple of miles west, laying on a cold bench in a doctor’s office. Mickey Garcia is sitting in the waiting room, especially hungover. They told you that you would need someone to drive you home.
Mickey glances towards the clock on the wall and realizes that it’s broken. There’s also a dead fly wedged under the hour hand. Exhaling, he leans his head back and closes his eyes. If this hurries up, he might be able to make McDonald’s breakfast — he’s rarely up in time for that.
He hasn’t been waiting long, he doesn’t know how long exactly abortions take, but when you kick his ankle and startle him to attention, he figures that it can’t have been long enough.
Standing there in front of him, Mickey realizes he has never seen you crying before today. It’s unnerving.
“You… want me to call Jake…?”
“Why the fuck would you call Jake?” You bark back at him. The other three women in the waiting room all look up at you towering over his poor curly-haired kid, in hysterics yourself.
“… Because he’s your best friend?” Mickey frowns at you, wide-eyed. He has seen you sprinting away from an angry bull before but you’ve never looked this level of crazy. That receptionist to his left probably has a panic button under her desk. Subliminally, Mickey urges her to press it. “Did you… do it?”
“No.” Your voice cracks and Mickey’s eyes grow wider.
He wants to know. He should have just kept his mouth shut, and this would all be fixed by now, but he told you that he would want to know. Laying back against that chair and begrudgingly glancing over at that screen, seeing the garbled mass of grey on the ultrasound— all you could think of was Jake wanting to know.
The decision is yours, and it will be. But he just wants to know. You slept last night with your head on his chest, but woke up this morning all turned around with his palm securely on your stomach once again.
He would never have lied to you. Not about something this big. You shouldn’t have lied to him. Especially not if you were never going to keep it.
“So… are you going back in?” Mickey interrupts your train of thought.
“No.” You answer him weakly. You’ll try again another time. Once you figure out how to tell Jake that you wouldn’t let Ethan Thorne touch you with a ten foot pole — and that you’ve been so busy with his damn tour, he’s the only guy you’ve actually had sex with in months.
It’s yours. I’m not keeping it. Six words — can’t be that complicated to just spit out. Tonight’s Colorado show is sold out. Afterwards, Jake is going to be on an all-time high. All you need to do is get him alone, and explain what this kid would do to his career, explain why you lied. He’d get it.
Just a couple more days like this, and then your life goes back to normal.
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Tags: taglist: @fia-thefirst @daggerspare-standingby @dempy @v0id-chaos @moonlight-addisyn @grxcisxhy-wp @shakespeareanwannabe @coconut152 @330bpm-whiplash @takemetooneverlanddd @princess76179 @loveofvernonslife @averyhotchner @trickphotography2 @sushiwriterhere @the-romanian-is-bae @atarmychick007 @talktomegooseman @xoxabs88xox @thedroneranger @roostersforevergirl @buckysdollforlife @abaker74 @blackwidownat2814 @kmc1989 @ahoyyharrington @whatislovevavy @lonelywriter10 @s-u-t @topguncortez @callsign-joyride @rosedurin @86laura11 @theenorthstar @mygyn @growup-thatbeautiful @percysaidnever @katiedid-3 @its-the-pilot @mrsevans90 @springholland @kidd3ath @kissmecaiti @swiftsgirlfriend @emma8895eb
237 notes · View notes
shatlass · 1 year
knock knock. who’s there? amir shat his khakis and pissed his pants
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246sn · 2 years
﹒SUNNY DAYS ˒ ˓ O6 𖥦 did he notice ? 𓈒 ꔛ ˙ ˖ word count : 0.8k
⋆ NEXT ⫾ kim sunoo is a popular student. so popular in fact that he has numerous fan accounts, but he only cares about one: an anonymous user who posts encouraging messages every morning before school. his goal is to figure out who this mysterious person is but what would happen if one betrayal reveals this user’s “true identity”? would they rather fight for love or stay with the person who has been with them since the beginning?
jake had been off all week ever since his confrontation with yeoreum. the foul words said by yeoreum in the twitter dm he sent was long gone from his mind.
instead, those 7 words she had told him were constantly running around his head.
“she’s fucking in love with kim sunoo.”
he was confused, why was he so bothered by that thought?
the rest of the story is below!
to stop the glitch >:(
he knew that it was a lie. i mean, everything that comes out from yeoreum’s mouth are lies… but what if it was true?
he didn’t want to imagine you going to sunoo whenever heeseung or yeoreum weren’t down to do whatever adventure you wanted to do that day because that was his job.
jake was well aware that his best friend, heeseung took notice of the sudden switch in his demeanor which is why they were here, in a cafe with jay, sunghoon, jungwon, and niki, sitting only a few tables away from you and sunoo.
he stared at the two of you a little longer than he wanted to, not that you’d notice since you were too busy laughing at whatever sunoo was saying. all he could think to himself was, i wonder what sunoo said that was so funny. i bet i could tell her something funnier.
“you good, bro?” heeseung asked while giving jake a small nudge. 
fuck, did he notice?
“huh? yeah. of course.” jake responded, giving you and sunoo one last glance before noticing every single person sitting on his table was staring at him.
the 2-second silence was so loud that it seemed like it took 2 hours instead. thankfully, riki spoke up. not to change the topic, of course, but to continue making “jake staring at you” the topic of conversation instead.
“wasn’t heeseung hyung the one that was supposed to be supervising them?” the youngest joked.
“honestly, jake. i know we’re both overprotective of her but i know sunoo is not going to hurt her so just chill and have fun.” heeseung added.
easy for you to say. who knows what he’ll do to her.
“are you in love with her or something?” after sunghoon had jokingly said that, something sparked inside jake.
“what the fuck are you talking about, sunghoon?” he snapped.
“bro, relax. it was just a joke.”
fuck. he didn’t know why he was so upset but that question made him even more confused than he was only seconds prior.
“you’re right, my bad.”
“whatcha boys talking about?” the sickly sweet voice immediately made jake uncomfortable.
it seemed that he wasn’t the only one since everyone had an obvious look of disgust on their faces.
“we’re talking about your friend y/n, actually. y/n and sunoo.” jake said, pointing towards the two who were now sitting even closer to each other.
why are they so close? move away a bit more, y/n…
he wasn’t actually sure why he said that. jake always thought about what he wanted to say before saying it. he never exactly enjoyed seeing people hurt because of him but yeoreum was a different case.
all for y/n, i guess.
thankfully, his quick remarks had given him and his friends a good show to watch as yeoreum’s smile immediately dropped before moving to look at where jake was pointing towards, not forgetting to flip her hair (as if it would make the six boys behind her fall in love with her), ultimately slapping poor jay on the face in the process.
“oh.” was the only thing yeoreum could say while her eyes were still glued on you and sunoo.
it took her a few seconds to compose herself before announcing, “i have to go now. don’t miss me too much boys!”
“we really won’t...” riki responded, earning an obvious fake smile from the girl.
“that’s really sweet, riki.” she said before rolling her eyes and walking away.
yeoreum was still quite near when she muttered, “jake, you’re one big fucking bitch.” to herself, loud enough for them to hear.
the boys, especially heeseung, stared at jake with wide eyes, shocked at what they just heard. almost immediately, the boys were in a frenzy over what just happened.
“how the fuck did you make her hate you? you’re the nicest guy in our school!” heeseung said in a state of shock and confusion.
“hyung, i've been doing everything to get her off my back… how'd you do it? please, save me!” 
“stop being over dramatic, wonie. jake probably talked to someone she hated.” 
“not true, i tried speaking to oh haewon and yeoreum’s still obsessed with me.” 
“that’s because oh haewon slapped your face and walked away.” 
“who asks a girl out and then admits it’s a dare afterwards anyways?”
“sunghoon hyung has always been dumb like that.”
jake thought this was going to be the time he was able to hang out with his close friends and clear his mind but seeing you and sunoo getting closer with the addition of the other boys rant on and on about kang yeoreum and her weird tactics made him all the more confused.
⋆ NOTE ⫾ is that all u could say, yeoreum ?! at least say it to his face 🤬‼️ anyways… long time no see hey… 😅 sorry for going missing omg :( i’m back on that grind now so hopefully no more delays soon ! also, thank u to my good friend @sonjuyeonnie for helping me out in making this chapter <3
name color coding :p i kinda just used their fruit colors ,, heeseung jay sunghoon jungwon riki
TAGLIST ﹑ @ja4hyvn @mymomsdisappointment @acciomylove @staysstrays @soobin-chois @gyufxc @hiqhkey @enhacolor @yizhoutv @butterflyy-ningg @cparqx @heavenforatlas @junhaodni @bearseulgs @yjwnoot @nova-xae @trsrina @kazuhugs @arizejkt19 @lovnayeon @soobins-gf @hokuuusk @callme-kami @thaliese @c9tnoos @y4ngjungw0nz @prince-mingki @viagumi @ferxanda @iamsimplyasimp @wonieleles @beans-and-jeanes @homohoons @enhasengene @linniely @wtfhyuck @shinsou-rii
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okshu · 1 month
𝗐͟𝗐͟𝗐﹕﹙ZB1 FIC RECS﹚ ➛ ⛧
all fics of zb1 that me and @fairyofmangoes read and swooned over at the dead of the night. the authors are really talented too so make sure to check out their other works too.
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▨ LEGEND ㄑ f - fluff, a - angst, s - smut
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be careful, don't fall by @haesunflower [f] [uni AU, clumsy reader and student nurse hanbin; 0.7k]
a night in monaco [ one . two ] by @ohsunnyboy [f] [fake dating, flirting, one bed trope, lazy kisses]
to breathe in your life by @zhng96 [f] [comfort fic, insecure!reader]
sitting in traffic by @loserlvrss [a,f]
hanbin and non-sexual dominance by @zbis [f]
forget? you? by @hariboz [a]
french press by @zerobaselove [s] [jealous jiwoong; 1.2k]
cuteness aggression by @haecien [f] [boyfriend texts with jiwong]
a morning to remember by @taerrrrrae [f]
winter confessions by @taerrrrrae [f]
章昊 ─── ZHANG HAO
a perfect fit by @zerobaselove [f] [campus crush! zhang hao x reader; 3.4k]
to chase a dream by @ohsunnyboy [f] [musician au, rivals, makeouts and happy endings]
one day only by @cinnajun [f] [established relationship; 1.3k]
drunk of you by @kkongdakz [a] [rivals to somewhat lovers, suggestive; 2.3k]
dollification by @amoremainslayer [s]
sir oblivious by @sxmmerberries [f] [textfic]
coloumb's law by @seoktized [s] [ft. jake from enhypen, college au; 3.4k]
airpods by @iwillneverforgiveyousunghanbin [s] [stepcest; 2k]
feel good by @loserlvrss [s] [soft smut]
show me how to use that pretty mouth of yours by @aswaki [s] [oral fixation; 2.2k]
mile high club privilege by @aswaki [s] [stewardess/flight attendant reader, strangers themed; 1.8k]
matthew flashfic this and this by @aswaki [s]
semi public sex by @528-hotline [s]
김태래 ─── KIM TAERAE
taedros taedros [ one . two . three ] by @iwillneverforgiveyousunghanbin [s] [bsf taerae]
giving it a chance by @haesunflower [a] [not super angsty, established long term relationship]
keep it quiet by @cinnajun [f, sugg] [best friend’s brother!au x reader; 3.6k]
this loser by @kkongdakz [f]
a summ(lov)er song by @kkongdakz [f]
against everything by @ohsunnyboy [f] [royalty!au, arranged marriages, sword fights and honour]
cherry chapstick by @loserlvrss [sugg]
sunlight by @kkongdakz [f]
wooden block tower by @kkongdakz [a]
김규빈 ─── KIM GYUVIN
7:34 pm by @zhng96 [f] [blurb]
sunny days by @zhng96 [f] [3.1k]
new year's kiss by @hariboz [f] [friends to lovers; 1.6k]
only one by @loserlvrss [f] [established relationship; 1k]
battery recharge by @kkongdakz [f]
kiss it better by @kkongdakz [f]
world's cutest couple by @cinnajun [fake angst]
pool sex by @carmesi-butterfly [s]
birthday much? by @arafilez [f] [drabble; 0.3k]
you kissed him and ran away by @sxmmerberries [f] [text imagine, bsf!gyuvin]
why are you ignoring me by @slytherinshua [f]
one bed by @kkongdakz [f] [enemies to somewhat lovers; 1k]
consequences by @lovepookie [f, a]
한유진 ─── HAN YUJIN
a spark of light by @ohsunnyboy [f] [bestfriends, homework, pining away and gaming]
love lock by @trsrina [f]
mario cart by @trsrina [f]
2a.m. crisis by @slytherinshua [f, sickfic]
side dishes by @gyubaseone [f]
everything is okay by @taeraemisu [f]
7:39 pm by @itsactuallylina [f]
red thread of fate by @carmesi-butterfly [f]
제로베이스원 ─── OT9 / POLY
zb1 top 3 kinks by @melobin [s] [not including gunwook & yujin]
cute things zb1 do as you bf by @tzuberry [f] [maknae line hcs]
she's busy bro by @haesunflower [f] [text imagines, yujin not included]
cuddling with zb1 by @cinnajun [f] [headcannons, yujin not inc]
this love is small by @taeiun [f] [some of the little things that they do in your relationship, yujin not inc]
zb1 as love tropes by @tzuberry [f] [headcannons, maknae line]
sweet venom by @taeiun [f] [headcannons, pulling them by the collar and kissing, 02z + 04z + gw]
zb1 as your boyfriends by @cinnajun [f] [hcs, yujin not incl]
zb1 as taylor swift songs by @zhng96 [f] [blurbs]
calling your bsf "babe" by @zhng96 [f] [text imagines]
why him by @hariboz [f] [text imagines, you ask for another member's pc]
why didn't you kiss me by @hariboz [f] [text imagines]
favourite places to kiss by @loserlvrss [f] [blurb, gw + yj not incl]
is this mine? by @kkongdakz [f] [reaction, when you wear their clothes]
we're so cliché by @kkongdakz [f] [zb1 as love tropes]
kiss me by @kkongdakz [sugg] [making out with hyung line]
you being sleep deprived/sleep drunk by @sxmmerberries [f] [maknae line + taerae, text imagines]
no more kisses by @faithst [f] [ot8, hcs, s/o being shy after every kiss]
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copyright to respective authors, don't forget to reblog their works ^^ okshu + @fairyofmangoes
821 notes · View notes
pshcomforts · 3 months
➳ older | psh.
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non!idolsunghoon x fem!reader (feat. jaemin and jisung from nct)
“think i need someone older, just a little bit colder”
synopsis: sunghoon is your brother’s friend who you’ve grown up with, but now you guys share lingering kisses and quiet touches.
warnings/content: written in third pov. suggestive content! tension. sunghoon gets jealous and possessive (who’s surprised). he’s also very confident in here. age gap (reader is 18). introverted y/n. cursing and not proofread.
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 5.4k
a/n: fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s boyfriend), min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend), and ji-woo (jake’s girlfriend).
current song playing: older by isabel larosa
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:39 ─────|────────────── -1:37
it was a normal, sunny day in the house of y/n and her brother. it had only been the two since their parents had left town for the week.
“hey, i’m gonna have my friends over. stay in your room,” the male said to her.
she gave an eye roll along with a disgusted look in return. “whatever, its not like i talk to your friends,” but she did.
her brother’s friend group consisted of heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon, jaemin, and jisung. the enhypen members had been his long term friends ever since they were little — he met heeseung at the age of 10 and a few years along the way, the 02z liners popped up.
as they grew older, their group expanded when they came across jaemin and jisung in their high school years. ever since then, the group’s been growing and improving together.
with y/n’s brother meeting each boy at such a young age, the girl grew up with them as well. in such luck, her eyes trailed to jaemin. he was always so sweet to her that it caused her heart call to be for him and only him.
well, possibly not just for him.
when y/n got older, she realized that jaemin remained to just be a childhood crush. he was still the same guy she knew him as, but she just grew out of the fond memories she shared with him.
instead, she found herself to constantly look at sunghoon quite more often than she’d think.
she started to see him in a different way. the boy would always go back to the house with her brother after soccer practice, and just little gestures exchanged between the two sent heart throbs.
as time passed, she became more flustered around him — in which caused her to come to terms with the fact that she did like him. but they grew up together, they watched each other mature into the person they were.
that acknowledgement didn’t stop them though.
it had been a party thrown by her brother for who knows what; and one thing lead to another, and sunghoon had randomly admitted his feelings.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ — flashback
“you’re really pretty, you know that?” hoon uttered out in the silence, alcohol slightly reeking out of him.
y/n’s cheeks burned with red as she became flushed. “what?? that’s so random??” she tried to laugh off how awkward it was but only caused it to become more tense.
it was only the two of them in her room. the party was coming to an end with goodbyes, and sunghoon apparently needed his book back that she had borrowed, so they went to her bedroom (it was just an excuse).
when he received the object, he denied the request to go back out there as his social battery was running out (another excuse).
the boy just wanted some alone time, who can blame him?
“i’m serious,” hoon murmured. he turned to face her as they remained to be sitting on the edge of the bed, legs touching and feet near each other.
“uhm.. thank you?” she replied, emphasizing her question mark at the end.
he gave a light chuckle, showing his wide grin as he said, “why’d you say it like that?”
y/n quickly scrunched her brows together, giving a swift shrug to her shoulders before she replied, “i don’t know?? how else am i supposed to thank you?”
“with a kiss.” his lips crashed against hers in an instant. she was taken back for a second but melted in once she felt the tug of his lips.
he pulled away not too long after to let the longing for another sink in. a grin played on his lips, fully amused of her flustered state.
“you just kissed me..,” y/n raised her hands to her lips to graze where his lips had touched hers just seconds ago.
“i like you loser, you haven’t noticed that?” sunghoon said with a chuckle. his brows raised up as he continued to watch her try to find her words.
her mouth opened to speak but nothing could come out. he truly made her at a loss for words with the sudden surge of confidence he had to kiss and confess.
“guess you’ve just been too busy gawking at jaemin huh?” his lips curled into a smirk afterward, causing the girl to hit his shoulder.
“shut up!” they giggled together before the door had suddenly boomed open to the sight of her brother in a drunken state.
“hey.. it’s my friend, sunghoon and my sister, y/n! what are you guys doing?” he slurred out with fluttered eyes.
she rolled her eyes at him while trying to slowly back away from the boy she had just kissed. “oh god, you’re drunk, aren’t you?”
“no bro, my tolerance is good.” his feet soon stumbled down and so did his body. the stupid male fell down to the floor with how drunk he was.
“oh my god…,” she mumbled, giving a heavy sigh as she kneeled down beside him.
sunghoon softly laughed at watching how the siblings interacted.
“sorry..” she slightly whispered to him as she shook her brother who was on the floor.
“it’s okay y/n, we’ll talk soon.” he blinked his eyes in reassurance as he walked over to his friend. “rest well dude,” a soft pat was made to the boy on the floor as hoon smiled and walked out her bedroom door.
they haven’t talked as much since then.
and as much as y/n’s brother denied it, he was protective of her and sunghoon knew that. he had a younger sister himself, so he understood.
he always remembered the words of her brother that echoed in his head — “y/n’s my little sister, she’s off limits.”
in retrospect, they specifically went out to jaemin as y/n’s name always rolled off of his tongue.
but sunghoon liked the girl. he always did. watching each other grow was something special as he admired from afar.
when she got to an older age, he found it difficult to get her out of his head. they were three years apart though and he acknowledged that, so he tried to move on.
but it didn’t help that they had just kissed months ago. she’d been stuck in his mind just as he was to her.
so when her brother had mentioned his friends coming over, she had to act as if she was unfazed.
a few knocks on the door were made and the whole friend group came flooding in. the boys soon comfortably situated themselves on the couch.
“where’s y/n?” jaemin asked, taking a sip of his opened soda afterward. sunghoon’s ears perked up as he waited for the answer.
“who cares about her?” her brother responded, truthfully remaining a little curious as to why he asked for her.
“oh come on, your sister’s cute.”
the girl’s brother morphed into an appalled look. “ha ha very funny. you’re disgusting, jaemin.”
he raised his arms in defense, hearing the others chime in as well. “that’s his little sister, bro.” jake said with a chuckle.
“says the one who’s dating her friend!”
the australian boy quickly shut his mouth after.
“he’s got you there,” heeseung amusingly added.
jaemin puffed out his lips as he let air pass. “you’re dating her other friend, hee” jisung squeaked out with a giggle.
heeseung became quiet, causing loud laughs to erupt from the group.
“you guys may be dating her friends, but that doesn’t mean you can date her.” y/n’s brother defensively said.
sunghoon trailed his eyes from the left and then to the right as he quietly whispered, “oh fuck.”
they weren’t exactly dating, but they still shared small pecks on the lips whenever they had the chance.
he couldn’t help it, it was like a craving.
“you’re quiet hoon,” jake mischievously spoke.
everybody landed their eyes on the boy as he took a gulp. “i just need to take a piss” he mumbled, avoiding eye contact as he got up and left.
“strange…,” y/n’s brother uttered.
“strange indeed,” heeseung whispered, sharing a suspicious glance to jake. they definitely heard something from their partners.
as sunghoon found his way to the bathroom, he also searched for y/n. luckily, her bedroom was near so he didn’t have to look far.
“y/n?” he quietly peeped, head peaking through the crack of the door.
a gasp was heard from the other end. “sunghoon?” she harshly whispered, widening the door crack to a smiley hoon.
“missed you,” he quietly mumbled in her ear while closing the door behind him. his arms wrapped around her, sighing in the warm embrace she exuded.
“missed you too.” she shyly said back with her head against his broad chest.
“y/n?? is that sunghoon?” her airpod muffled out.
the boy raised his brows before turning his head to her phone and finding her on call with her friends — min-su, dae, and ji-woo.
“you’re calling them?”
in seconds, she could hear them go quiet in her ears, only for them to go loud again with booming questions; a few about their boyfriends who were at her house and a few about their undefined relationship.
she groaned out a sigh before double tapping her airpod, disconnecting from the call.
“sorry, i wanted to be kept busy while you guys were here.” y/n pushed her lips into a firm line to display how awkward she was feeling.
hoon gave a chuckle as a response — “i could’ve been helping you with that.” his brows raised in a suggestive way, earning a loud slap on his arm.
“ew sunghoon!” her face struck in horror as his words replayed in her ears.
truth be told, she got butterflies in her stomach with how close he was when he said it, but that didn’t stop her from hitting him. “the way you’re so confident right now is crazy, what if my brother finds you in my room like this?”
the inner corner of his lips slowly curled in mischief. “don’t worry gorgeous, he hasn’t found out the past few times i’ve visited you for a kiss.”
y/n’s eyes widened at the nickname. “gorgeous??? god hoon, you need to be put down.” she shook her head before rubbing her fingers on her temple. the boy was stressing her out but she was secretly enjoying the little things he was risking for her.
“i’m serious loser, if he finds out, we’re both done for. you know how he is!”
sunghoon grinned ear to ear, simply melting from her stressed state. “i know i know, you’re just so mesmerizing that i have to come back to you.”
he grabbed her chin from the bottom and smiled in amusement, enjoying how flustered he could make her with his flirtatious acts.
“i don’t know whether to feel disgusted or special right now,” she murmured, slightly killing the romantic mood.
he scoffed at her words. “you should feel special.” his head dipped lower to her lips, foreheads bunking while closing the gap as she whispered, “should i?”
his lips curled into a smile, uttering — “mhm” before letting their lips meet. her hands wrapped around his neck to pull him closer.
it was a soft kiss with how gentle he was going, but he still let a low groan leave his lips as his brows scrunched together.
hoon had finally got his craving, but the hungry desire was building up.
before he could go any further, y/n quickly pulled away to let him linger for more. he tried to connect their lips back together again but she stopped him with a head turn.
sunghoon was confused and his face showed it, causing the girl to softly laugh at his reaction.
“that was cute, but you have to go back before he notices you weren’t even in the bathroom in the first place.” she quietly said against his lips.
“so let him,” he groaned out before attempting to swoop in for another kiss.
she dodged it again as she shook her head. “no hoon, i’m serious. he might actually kick your ass.”
sunghoon rolled his eyes, tone becoming bitter as he replied, “so close to telling him for us.”
she gave a giggle at his words before nudging his arm. “just go back.”
“hoon??” a voice from the hallway called out.
the two froze together before y/n slightly pushed him away from her.
the voice didn’t belong to her brother, but she knew it was one of the boys.
in seconds, jake peaked in through the door. he caught on a little too quick as he automatically smiled.
“what’s going on in here hm?”
sunghoon’s face peered into repulse at the sight of his friend. “shut up dude.”
jake softly chuckled before continuing on, “he sent me up here to check on you since you were taking too long in the bathroom. guess you just got lost in y/n’s room huh?”
y/n smiled and shook her head at the boy. “shut up jake…,”
he laughed in return as sunghoon’s cheeks were faintly colored red. “i’ve been knowing all along bro, ji-woo told me already. jisung owes me.. but you don’t have to look all embarrassed.” he nudged his arms in a playful way as the girl continued to laugh. “her brother might kill you though..”
“let’s just go. you’re embarrassing me,” sunghoon muttered, grabbing hold of the shorter boy to leave the room.
“hey don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone! and tell ji-woo to text me back y/n, yeah?” jake shouted. he earned a head smack from hoon in return so her brother couldn’t hear anything.
the two bickered like siblings as they walked through the hallway, leaving y/n alone in her bed. a smile curled onto her lips before she went back to her phone and rejoined the call with her friends, not forgetting to tell ji-woo to text jake back.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
days had passed since the boys came over. within the time gone, y/n’s brother had received news that he was getting promoted to a higher position in his job.
to celebrate, a party came in mind.
night arrived and the event soon began.
the party didn’t consist of a lot of people, but there were enough to cause social anxiety in the host’s sister.
she didn’t bother to converse with many people as she stayed near her friends — who, of course, were dating her brother’s friends so she stayed lingering around by herself.
the poor girl sighed to herself as she was alone.
no sight of hoon could be found but even if she did find him, she couldn’t risk it. to be quite frank, they hadn’t talked in a while. and along with that, they hadn’t kissed, so tension between them was growing.
it only worsened though when she found him to be talking to some girl.
just a random girl she didn’t know.
it didn’t matter that she didn’t know who that girl was, it mattered that he was talking to someone else who wasn’t her.
the 5’11 boy was seemingly enjoying the conversation he was having with her, laughing about who knows what. it boiled her blood to see that he was giving that same smile he gave her when they kissed the day that jake interrupted them.
she knew it was to throw off suspicions from her brother but did he really have to do it too well?
✩ ‘baby, am i your little secret?’ ✩
“want some company?” a familiar voice asked her, interrupting her train of thought.
y/n looked up and found jaemin offering her a can of soda. “sure,” she murmured with a smile.
he took the seat beside her as he sighed. “it’s overwhelming isn’t it?”
she peeked her eyes at him once she took a sip of her beverage. “yeah… i’d rather not interact with all of them.” her chuckle was soft as he reflected it in the same tone.
“still the same shy girl i know huh?”
she didn’t like him anymore, but that sure had her slightly flustered. her eyes widened a bit as she turned to him — “i’m not shy! i just don’t want to talk to people” — she defended.
jaemin’s laugh became louder as he teased, “yeah right. i know you y/n, you’re not one to talk first.”
the girl rolled her eyes in defeat. “okay okay fine.”
he grinned again while bunking shoulder to shoulder with her. “so who are you willing to talk to then?”
they met eyes right away and almost immediately, his gaze softened.
her inner child would be screaming with how close he was right now.
but she didn’t like him, not anymore. she liked sunghoon.
and no matter how close her old crush was near her, she couldn’t stop thinking about how hoon might’ve been doing something else with that girl.
y/n softly pulled away as her eyes twinkled in the light. “just anyone really,” she said with a half smile.
jaemin’s left corner of his lips curled as he smiled and nodded.
“i used to like you, you know?” he suddenly admitted.
her head quickly whipped to him as he chuckled at her reaction. “yeah i used to like you but i backed off because of your brother.”
she felt her heart pounding from his words but she didn’t know if it was from her younger self screaming in joy, or what.
“you did?” the girl asked, fingertips unusually becoming numb.
he nodded his head and gave a bread smile. “you were so cute when you were little.” he gazed his eyes down, going into remembrance of how they used to be in their younger years.
when y/n opened her mouth to speak, she felt a quick tug fling at her wrist.
in seconds, she was pulled away from the brown haired boy who was just as confused as her. her eyes glanced up and found a jealous sunghoon in front of her.
from what she didn’t see, hoon had been observing from afar. he didn’t mean to go stalker mode but he couldn’t help it with how jaemin had suddenly approached his girl.
his eyes darted at the two, resisting it all in himself to not pull her right away. he had enough of it though when he saw how close his friend had gotten to her. his jaw clenched when he imagined the possibility of jaemin connecting his lips with the girl he’s been wanting to kiss.
“shut up.” he angrily spat out.
his grip accidentally became tighter as he continued to drag her up to her room, not caring if her brother had seen (he didn’t).
when they finally got to her room, he shut the door and pinned her against it.
she slightly winced in pain, almost causing him to let go of his rough act. it didn’t work though because the thought of jaemin and her closely together angered him even more.
he felt a bitter grudge fill every inch of his body as his jaw tensed, eyes staring deeply into hers.
“you gonna keep talking to jaemin, or should i tell your brother?” one hand was slammed against the door, near her head as the other still held onto her, caging her to himself.
“you know jaemin and i aren’t-“
“then why do you keep talking to him?” sunghoon cut her off, sounding sour in his tone as his eyes never dared to leave hers.
y/n slightly rolled her eyes. she liked seeing him jealous but he was honestly annoying her.
“why do you care?” she challenged. her lips softly grinned as he mirrored it, enjoying how confident she got.
he inched his face closer to hers, breath becoming hot and heavy against her — allowing the girl to reel in the scent of alcohol he radiated.
their lips were so close to touching, so close to finally meeting again after days of intense silence.
sunghoon lingered his eyes on her lips, tracing every part of it with his vision before moving onto her eyes.
the boy peered his gaze into her, slowly displaying that his orbs were pleading with lust and hunger.
he licked his lips, letting his tongue peek a little for her to see as he raised his brows and gave a smug smile at the same time.
“you belong to me,” he whispered.
butterflies and nervous sensations hit every part of y/n’s body with just those words. she felt weak in the knees in how he delivered his sentence.
the words were so possessive and yet charming.
hoon’s head dipped in to close the small gap between them, only for y/n to stop him with a hand on his chest.
the tension couldn’t be cut through with how much they craved for each other.
he slightly backed away, brows faintly raising as she shook her head. “you’re drunk, sunghoon.”
he gave a laughing scoff before letting his eyes trail back to her lips. “am i? because why is it that all i can imagine right now is how you kissed me the other day.”
he placed his thumb on her bottom lip, pulling it back as his mouth opened as well. a soft groan erupted out of his throat while holding himself back from smashing their lips against each others.
she was so close to giving in.
his desperation for a kiss had her almost folding. but she had to stop herself.
he was drunk, and she wasn’t about to take advantage of his vulnerable state.
it was something, but it was not the way.
when sunghoon tried to dive in for another kiss on the lips, y/n’s hands firmly placed itself on his muscled shoulders.
“you’re not in the best state to make decisions right now.” she stared deeply at him as he furrowed his brows.
“are you sure about that?” hoon’s head drooped to her shoulders, allowing her to instantly feel his hot breath.
he whimpered out a sigh at the feel of his lips on her clothed skin. “you drive me crazy,” he whispered, placing wet kisses at her shoulder and leading up to her collarbone.
as he attempted to do so, his eyes closed a little longer than he wished. and instantly, he was knocked out.
she huffed out a sigh, half in laughter and half in annoyance that his body weight was suddenly depending on her. “geez,” she mumbled. “kissing me and now you’re asleep.”
her hands pushed him off of her so he could fall back on the bed.
the girl smiled as her gaze softened with each second she admired him. “sleep well idiot,” she whispered before turning out the lights.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
when morning came, sunghoon’s eyes forced itself awake from the bright light.
a pounding was taken to the head as he groaned out in pain. he looked around, eyes scanning everywhere as little placements of the room began to be recognized.
he peaked his head up to the left, soon finding a barrier of pillows in the middle of the bed, separating him and the girl he liked. y/n remained softly asleep on her side as she was all the way at the edge of the bed.
once he blinked enough to gain conscious of how far she was, he softly smiled.
“cute,” he quietly mumbled to himself.
as he was about to reach for a blanket to cover her up, the door was suddenly opened to y/n’s brother. his mouth gaped open in shock as his eyes widened.
“what the hell are you doing in my sister’s room???” he loudly questioned, awakening y/n.
she blinked in confusion before gaining hold that she slept in the same bed as sunghoon, and her brother had just caught her.
“calm down,” she grumbled while tiredly rubbing her eyes.
her brother clicked his tongue before yelling — “get the hell out of her bed sunghoon! what the hell is wrong with you?”
with said, hoon jumped out of the bed, only for the older boy to skip close to him. “that’s my sister!!”
“okay look-“
“no! get out! you are not getting anywhere closer to her”
“you can’t do that!” y/n defensively screamed.
“shut the hell up! you’re a kid, you can’t- he can’t- just get out of here sunghoon!”
the younger male quickly rushed out, not needing to be told twice to do such a thing as he panicked.
a few hours passed and her brother continued to rage even though hoon had left.
“are you kidding me, y/n??”
she rolled her eyes and sighed. “it’s not that big of a deal as you’re making it.”
“you’re eighteen and he’s twenty-one dumbass! he’s older than you by three years, what makes you think this is okay??”
“we like each other and it’s genuine.”
“you’re a kid, y/n. he’s gonna be in his mid twenties soon and you just turned eighteen. you don’t even know what’s best from left to right. how are you gonna handle it if he breaks up with you??
“well i guess we’ll just have to wait and see huh!” she yelled, rolling her eyes and rubbing her temple in irritation. “three years isn’t as bad as you’re making it.”
“it is when you’re just fucking eighteen, stupid.”
“calm the fuck down,” she took a sigh in as she mentally told herself to calm down. “okay look, i know you’re pissed because he’s your friend and he’s three years older than me, but i’m telling you, him and i match really well.”
her brother gave a soft scoff, shaking his head in disappointment as he said, “you’re just gonna get hurt, dumbass.”
she knew he was being protective, but he couldn’t control her love life.
“sunghoon and i are-“
“are what? together now?” he ridiculed.
y/n rolled her eyes. “would it really be that bad for us to be together?”
before she could say anything else, he walked away. her brother didn’t want to hear what she had to say anymore. the argument would only be going back and forth so he left it as it is.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a few days had passed since the incident, and y/n’s brother hasn’t talked to her or sunghoon.
in fact, y/n and hoon haven’t talked to each other either. they felt it best to keep a distance for the time being.
when it was late in the night, the girl was calling the same four friends as usual. they yapped on and on about various topics.
as her friend, dae continued to talk about his date with jungwon, a light tapping was made on the window.
being the paranoid girl she was, her heart stopped before she turned to her phone — “did you guys hear that?? that wasn’t just me right..,”
“girl.. i heard it too,” said ji-woo with a clear eyebrow raise.
“uhm me too but i didn’t want to say it,” dae quirked out.
“you’re being haunted y/n,” min-su commented with a smile.
“shut up!” the girl on the other end yelled, hands shakily grabbing hold of the phone to see if she missed any notifications that could be related to the tapping window.
indeed, she did.
hoonie :):
It’s me
Open please..
y/n huffed out a sigh as she went to the window. “hold on guys, i’ll be back.” she told her friends, ending the call while opening the window to sunghoon.
he came tumbling in, chest heaving up and down. “finally,” he breathed.
“what are you doing here, sunghoon?” her arms folded together in curiosity.
the boy breathed heavily as he caught his breath.
“i just..,” he stopped himself to get closer to her, hands cupping her cheeks as he lovingly stared. “i just wanted to see you.”
“what if-“
“it’s okay, i’ll only be here for a second. i just really missed you.”
y/n cracked a smile as his cheesy words caused her heart to thump in joy.
“i missed you too…,” she quietly said before leaning in for a small peck on the lips.
“you just stole my next act,” hoon replied with a pout.
she laughed at his reaction, rolling her eyes as her hands trailed up to his own. “just do it again.”
and he did.
the male pushed himself toward her lips after being granted with permission.
his hands became tighter around her cheeks as he forced more of his lips on hers, pushing her back so she could hit the wall. she softly groaned from the act while he felt relieved to feel her lips on his again.
with them keeping a distance, the tension easily grew and the kiss had just satisfied that, but he craved for more.
he was hungry, and thrilled, even, to finally have their lips connect. it was evident with how much his grip tightened around her waist.
the girl finally pulled away, hands holding him back as she panted deeply for fresh air. “gosh..,” she breathed, fisting her hands so she could harshly bump it against his strong chest.
sunghoon gave a faint laugh in return. his head bunked against hers as he placed a sweet kiss on the top of her nose.
“i’ve been waiting.”
y/n rolled her eyes, softly hitting his arm as she said, “he’s really gonna find out!”
“let him, he already knows.”
he connected his lips with hers again, almost sloppy with the way they touched, but it was nothing but sweet.
he intended to keep the mood that way and so did she.
“hoon..,” she mumbled against his lips. “he could-“
“shut up.” sunghoon smashed his lips against hers, muffling out the leftover words in her mouth as she melted into it.
she felt her heart rate exceed at an unhealthy pace when his finger nails dug into the flesh of her waist.
he pulled away again, panting hard while still leaving littered kisses on her lips.
“stop kissing me, hoon! im scared,” she pushed him away with a hit on his shoulder.
sunghoon only chuckled as a reaction, finding it amusing with how afraid she was. his fangs shined in her eyes as he continued to laugh.
“you’re cute when you worry,” he teased.
his hand reached to her hair, tucking a few strands behind as he looked at her with yearning eyes.
“gorgeous girl,” he whispered before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “your brother may scare me too, but he can’t completely break us apart.”
y/n’s lips curled into a smile as she quietly agreed. “plus, you’re already mine.” he added on, intertwining his hands with hers and raising it as proof.
she rolled her eyes and nodded her head — “fine fine, but if he catches us, i’m blaming you.”
he cracked out a laugh — “okay gorgeous.” he dragged her to her bed before wrapping his arms around her. his head rested on top of hers as their legs dangled together.
as they remained on the bed, trying to be as secretive as possible, y/n checked her phone real quick to text her group chat that she wasn’t gonna join back.
but a few quick texts from her brother had stopped her.
‘I know he’s there stupid’
‘He better treat you right’
she grinned ear to ear after feeling a heavy weight lift off of her shoulders.
a quick like and response to the message was made before shutting her phone off and turning to sunghoon.
“he knows,” she whispered.
his eyes blew up in shock. “he does??”
“mhm, and he’s okay with it so you better be glad.” she said, letting her hands go to his hair to play with it.
y/n picked at the soft strands that peaked out, smiling as she felt her heart warming up with him.
hoon watched her play with his hair, eyes longing with love as her embrace was becoming home to him.
the two stayed in their position a little longer before ultimately deciding to watch a movie together.
the night ended in a softhearted silence as they slept in each other’s arms. she was sound asleep with his hoodie on while he clung onto her.
everything felt right with the world now that they were together without the burden of her brother.
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mickandmusings · 16 days
something in the orange
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pairing: jake seresin x f! southern! reader
word count: 1.2k
summary: when jake is back home in texas for football season, he tries to spend as much time as possible under stadium lights enjoying his season tickets. his girl, a loyal fan of her own state's team, begrudgingly trades in her own home colors for his gaudy orange.
warnings: fluff, simply just flirty hangman, reader is referred to as 'honey' by everyone, little knowledge of the university of texas at austin (born and raised in mississippi, msu fan by proximity, lsu fan through my dad, i'm just a sec baby) purely self indulgent for me, i'm obsessed with southern boy jake, author has limited knowledge on football
based on this request from the always lovely @fraaaaankiiiiieee i'm so in love with all of your ideas <3
this is short, but its a preview! it is part of a future series that's all about texas boy jake and southern reader!!! however, it can be read as a stand-alone!
**please note: since this is an extended series the love interest is referred to as 'honey' just because Y/N didn't seem right.**
Honey was used to this routine after all these years of being married to Jake Seresin. Monday through Friday were for the Navy, while he was on a mission at least, or for working on the farm when he was home. Most Sundays were reserved for the Cowboys, but Saturdays, oh Saturdays, were reserved for the UT Longhorns. Game Day Saturdays were proper nouns among the Seresin's, which Honey had adopted as soon as she took his last name. She didn't mind it much, truthfully, she was passionate about her own home state's teams, almost equally as excitable as Jake.
More often than not his missions took him far from their home in Texas, which didn't allow him to enjoy the full extent of his season passes. It was rare for Jake to be home long enough to swing into Austin to watch a game, so most of the time the couple opted to enjoy it from the comfort of their living room couch. Jake would sling his arm around her, pulling her around by the waist, making comments about this year's lineup, which players would be starting, simply making small talk about the game. As the game progressed, however, he'd coach from the couch, sitting on the edge of the cushion, hands folded as his green eyes watched the players in either pure elation or complete disdain. His well-worn orange Longhorns cap would sit backwards atop his blonde locks, stationary, until he got frustrated, then the cap would come off for him to run his hands through his hair. It was one he'd owned since high school, well-loved, partially sun-bleached, and the fabric was starting to fray around the bill. His Grandpa Seresin had given it to him after he'd joined the high school football team, and he'd worn it ever since. It was his favorite, and he wore it with pride. After football season, the cap lived on the dash of his truck. He'd sometimes throw it on if he was running errands on a particularly sunny day, or if he was in a dire need to cover his windswept hair, but it seemed more often than not that the hat had become part of his otherwise spotless truck.
Today, however, Jake was finally home for the first time in several months, and there was nowhere else he wanted to be than under stadium lights on a beautiful, albeit warm, Texas afternoon. He was sitting in the living room of his and Honey's farmhouse, already dressed in his burnt orange polo with the little white longhorn on the corner, his aviators hanging loosely from the one button he had fastened at the top. He had been ready for nearly half an hour, and had made his home on the couch as he waited for Honey to finish getting ready. Jake was scrolling mindlessly through his phone when his wife's voice sounded from their upstairs bedroom.
His eyes looked up, laying his phone face down on his chest as he shouted back so she could hear.
He received no response, but her footsteps were heavy as she stomped down the stairs, one of Jake's many orange UT shirts tied on her torso, a little oversized. Denim shorts covered her legs to mid-thigh, a comfortable pair of shoes on her feet. Jake stands as she enters the room, as he always does, noting the unamused expression written across her face.
"What's the matter, baby?" His calloused hands reach to rest on each side of her hips.
"I look ridiculous, Jake," her voice is deadpan and serious. Jake's green eyes scan her frame, a sly smirk forming on his face.
"Nothin' wrong with what you got on. In fact, I think you look smokin'." He pulled her closer by her hips. Honey rolled her eyes, smiling up at her husband despite his cheesy flirtations. He leans down to kiss her, only taking a few seconds to deepen it before she's pushing him away from her lightly.
"Don't start that, Seresin," she bats her eyelashes. "Or we'll never make it out of here, and I'm not wearing this gaudy orange for shits and giggles."
"I don't know, darlin', orange might be your color."
She scoffs at her husband's statement and she grabs her bag as Jake ushers her out the door. She stands in front of his truck, already knowing Jake's insistence of opening her door. As he finishes locking the door Honey speaks.
"I look much, much better in maroon."
Jake knew his wife was right. As much as he loved her in his burnt orange, there was something about her in her home colors, sitting in the blistering southern heat as she cheered on her beloved bulldogs. He'd pay attention to he game, but never as much as he paid attention to her. His heart would nearly beat out of his chest as he watched her standing in front of him in the stands to get a better view, the anticipation in her eyes as the players lined up for the next play. He'd laugh as she jumped up and down for touchdowns and field goals, loving it most when she gave him a celebratory kiss.
Jake rolls his eyes, opening her truck door, nudging his head to motion her to get in, closing the door behind her before moving around to his side. He slides in and starts the truck, his usual country music station sounding through his speakers. He backs out and heads down their long driveway. Honey looks out the window, surveying the acres and acres of farmland, noting the livestock grazing and the scenic landscape. Once out of the country and onto big city roadways, her focus turns to her husband in the driver's seat.
Jake is leaned back in the seat, his aviators now perched on his nose. His left hand drums against the steering wheel to the song playing, his gold wedding band shining in the sunlight. His right sits on her thigh, his thumb drumming on her skin. His golden hair and tanned skin gleam in the Texas sun. She smiles, his time stationed in California had done him well.
"You're starin' sweetheart," his southern drawl is thick, completely prominant from his time back home.
"Can I not stare at my husband?! I didn't realize it was a sin."
"It's not, look all you want, baby, but the sight of you in my shirt sure is making me want to sin."
He turns his attention from the windshield of the truck to his wife for a split second, his green eyes staring her down over the tops of his aviators.
"You're stunnin', but I think I know what the outfit's missin',"
Honey's eyebrows raised at her husband, her own eyes cutting at his frame, his eyes now staring back ahead at the roads getting busier with traffic.
"Missin'? Didn't realize my outfit needed more. It's a football game, baby." Her voice is laced with humor as she speaks.
Jake's arm reaches towards the dash, his calloused hands grabbing the infamous orange hat, and tossing it backwards onto her head.
Y/N shakes her head at her husband's actions, straightening it so the longhorn emblem is facing the front, adjusting the strap in the back to fit her head. She rolls her eyes as she looks at her reflection in the small visor mirror, Jake's hand returning to her thigh. As he turns to look at her in his cap, Jake's grin is wide on his face, the kind of shit-eating grin only a man completely in love would have.
"No matter if the boys win or lose, baby, I'm still taking home the best looking trophy tonight."
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
There’s a honey
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summary: 3 times your aunt penny sees herself and maverick in your relationship with jake and 1 time she doesn’t.
pairing: jake seresin x penny’s niece!reader
word count: 4.1k
warnings: smut, allusions to smut, swearing, cheese tbh, pet names, m*verick, jake being jake >:) MDNI 18+
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” you whisper into Jake’s ear as he drags you along a corridor towards the hangar that contains his and the dagger squad’s F-18s.
“Definitely not, but I need you to see this.” Jake chuckles from in front of you.
That does nothing to settle the nerves in your stomach as he turns abruptly, hand still nestled in yours pulling you around the corner with him.
The ‘room’ Jake has pulled you into isn’t really a room at all. It’s a large Hangar with tall ceilings that make you fear that if you speak it will echo throughout the whole building. Jake looks down at you and smiles at your awestruck face.
“Welcome to my world sweets.”
You roll your eyes at his cheesy line and walk towards the jet that has Jake’s name plastered onto the side of it.
“Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin,” you read to yourself, tracing your fingers over the black lettering.
“My two girls in one room,” Jake chuckles into your ear, wrapping his arm around your waist. He strokes lightly against the material of your sundress. It’s his favourite one, it’s cream coloured and is covered in a ditsy floral pattern. He smiles as you look up at him,
“But who do you love more?” You giggle and wait for his response.
Jake clutches his chest dramatically and whines, “You’re not being fair! I can love two things equally.”
You pout playfully and jest, “Well you won’t mind sleeping in here with her then, will you?”
Jake laughs loudly and points out your bluff, “You’d never kick me out of bed, your feet would get too cold.”
You make a ‘hmph’ noise and turn on your feet to the exit of the hangar. Jake is quick on your tail and hauls you into the air forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist as you look up at him now face to face.
“Don’t be like that baby, you know you’re my favourite.” He simpers.
You giggle, “I know, I just like making you sweat.”
Jake squeezes your cheeks into a kissy face and pecks you on the lips, “You’re such a minx.”
Carrying you back towards his jet, he plants you down on the ground and finally reveals his plan to you.
“Jake what if i’m sick all over your plane then you hate me forever!”
“I’ll go slow for you sweetheart, I always do,” Jake winks at you.
You scoff, as he helps you into the back seat of his jet and plant yourself down in the seat. Before Jake gets the chance to sit down, you look around the interior of the jet and something catches your eye. In the cockpit there’s a few small Polaroids. Jake had always loved taking photos, he had a small Polaroid camera which he carried almost everywhere with him, and a stack of photos building up just of you. As you look to the photos you see one of them is of him and his two nieces sat in the grass on a sunny day, another of his family dog from back home and the last picture is one of you that you didn’t recognise. You’re curled into his chest with his hoodie on and you’re asleep with a pout on your face. You want to complain about the less than flattering angle but your heart flutters from the intimacy of the picture and you can’t feel it in you to be angry at all. Instead you hum slightly and reach forward to kiss Jake’s shoulder as he finally sits in the seat in front of you. He seems slightly bashful as he realises you’ve seen the pictures.
“For luck.”
You grin and decide not to prod him further. Taking off, your stomach swoops and you worry about the interior of Jake’s jet being covered in your dinner for a brief moment before your breath is taken away.
The sun is setting and Jake is flying the jet in the direction of the beach. You suddenly understand his insistence on bringing you up here. Jake thinks he’s cheesy so he doesn’t say it aloud, but whenever flight tests run late and the sun sets whilst he’s still in the sky he always thinks of you. It’s beautiful and the colours bleed together as the sun dips lower and lower and all he can think about is how much he wants to share this with you. So he did.
“Thank you for bringing me up here.” You speak into the microphone of the flight helmet you’re wearing.
“It’s my pleasure sweetheart.”
You look down and notice you’ve flown past the Hard Deck, it was a hard sight to miss and golden lights twinkle around it in the dusk. It’s mostly empty as Penny has closed it for the night, but you think you spotted the tiny blur of Maverick’s motorcycle in the parking lot.
Maverick and Penny are sat together on the benches that stand outside the Hard Deck on the beach front. Unbeknownst to you, Maverick had helped Jake plan to sneak you into base for your sunset joyride. He understood how important it was for Jake to show you the thing he loved so dearly. It was the same for him way back when with your aunt. Penny gasps as she looks up to see the jet soar by,
“Please tell me my niece isn’t up there.” She states rather than questions.
“Okay, I won’t then.” Maverick smiles into her shoulder.
She smacks him lightly but it lacks anger, Penny would never admit this but she was glad you had fallen for Jake rather than any of the others. She can’t help but smile back as she thinks about her first time up in a fighter jet with the pilot sat next to her. She wants to be worried but she knows you’re in perfectly safe hands, Jake’s charm and incredible skill always did remind her of someone who she knew so well.
You and Jake had been together for two months now but he had yet to sleep round at yours. You were apprehensive, living with your aunt and younger cousin meant a lack of privacy mostly, and said privacy was not an issue when staying at Jake’s small rented beach cottage. So it had always seemed the obvious to go to his. Neither of you had ever had an issue with this, which is why Jake was so surprised to receive a text from you half way through his day off.
baby ♥️
come to mine tonight?
pen and amelia are out btw
You and Jake had planned for you to stay at his tonight, you’d promised to cook for him and he’d been hoping to thank you in many different ways and positions. But he couldn’t help but feel slightly giddy at the prospect of being able to stay round yours. He felt a bit like his 16 year old self again when his then girlfriend would invite him round with the promise of her parents being out of town and it made him chuckle.
cowboy ❤️
sounds perfect
you want me to cook?
baby ♥️
what type of host do you think i am ?!
ofc not
cowboy ❤️
just checking sweets
As it turns out, not much cooking happened anyways. Jake had decided your attire of denim shorts and a cropped tank top were entirely too indecent for an evening in and he decided to show that to you.
“Do you know what you do to me sweets?” Jake pants into your neck. You’d managed to persuade him to make it to your bed before you defiled the kitchen counter but half your clothing had been discarded up the stairs and across the landing leading to your room.
“I think I have a pretty good idea,” you giggle breathlessly, whining slightly as Jake hits just the right spot. He continues on at his impressive pace, your back arching up so your chests meet and he kisses sloppily down along your neck. His hands have a tight grip on your hips whilst yours tangle in his soft hair, it’s silky and feels smooth against your fingers without his gel that usually neatens it out.
“Shit, I’m close.” Jake groans into your neck. You squirm as his pace quickens further and he reaches down to circle your clit. You gasp, high pitched sending him over the edge. He spills into the condom and slumps onto you, breathing hard.
You stroke Jake’s hair and he speaks, “I love you.”
You smile at his admission, “I love you too, baby.”
He looks up at you from where his head is resting on your chest and your heart clenches. You surge forward and he pulls upright so you can clash your lips together messily, it’s sloppy mostly but neither of you care. He cards his fingers through the mess of hair at the back of your head and you whimper against his lips. The kiss is heated as Jake guides you back down against the pillow and starts to lead his lips down your throat, sucking with pressure into your pulse point.
That’s when you hear the front door slam shut.
“Darling? Are you home?” Your aunt calls.
You hear a mumbling of voices, Amelia is with her.
“Oh god,” You whine in to Jake’s chest, embarrassed.
He chuckles, rolling off of you to lay next to you, he’s finding the situation rather amusing until he realised all his clothes are strewn across the stairs where he can hear two sets of footsteps ascending.
“Whose shirt is this?” You hear Amelia ask her mother, confused about the item of clothing that appeared quite masculine and nothing anyone in her household of women would wear.
You yell out in a panic, “Uh yeah I’m in my room! Just getting changed.”
Jake looks at you concerned, as your aunt replies from seemingly outside of your door.
“Okay, well we’ll be downstairs.”
You can practically hear her smirk through the door.
You exhale deeply and look at Jake, you both struggle to contain your giggles as you shush him, smushing your finger against his lips. Finally hearing their footsteps fade away, you begin.
“You’ve gotta leave, I’m the example for Amelia and now she’s gonna think I’m a total slut!”
Jake laughs but quietens himself when he realises you’re being serious.
“Doll, she won’t think that she loves you!”
You smile at Jake’s sweet attempt to cheer you up but continue, “Baby as sweet as you are you still need to leave, I can’t have the first time you’re round my house meeting my family be when they’ve interrupted our second round.”
Jake chuckles but nods, understanding your worry. He goes to stand and heads for the bedroom door but you stop him in his tracks,
“Where are you going?” You question.
“To get my clothes?” Jake replies, brows scrunched in confusion.
“You cant go out there! They’ll see you!” You whisper shout, “I’ll get them.”
You pull on a pair of cotton pyjama shorts and a large t shirt that you had discarded on your bedroom floor and tip toe out onto the landing where you grab Jake’s boxers. Jake’s grey shorts lay on the top few steps but his shirt had been discarded near the bottom steps with his shoes. You lean down and grab his shorts as realise you can’t see your aunt and niece anywhere near the living room that feeds off from the staircase. As hurriedly and quietly as you could, you race to get his shirt and shoes before one of them could appear to question you. With his clothes in tow, you creep back upstairs to where you had left Jake in your room.
When you step into your room, you notice Jake is no longer sat on your bed. He’s stood looking at your bookshelf browsing his eyes across the books stored there. He takes notice of the ones with the most battered spines and makes a mental note to pick them up somewhere to read. It’s a funny, albeit sweet sight, watching your 6’1 boyfriend stood stark naked looking lost in thought in front of your bookshelves.
“Here’s your clothes babe,” you speak, pulling him from his trance. He looks slightly embarrassed but recovers quickly and takes his clothes, stepping into his boxers first. As he dresses you admire him, giggling as he makes a show out of sliding his shorts up and pulling his shirt down over his chest.
Finally dressed he speaks, “You want me to go out the window, don’t you?”
You chuckle and shrug your shoulders apologetically, “I promise I’ll bring you here properly and introduce you soon.”
He smiles and walks over to kiss you, “You’re lucky I love you.”
You bask in his comment shyly and wait until he’s at your window to speak, “I love you too cowboy, text me when you get home.”
He nods and blows you a kiss before opening your window and making his careful exit. The drop isn’t too small by any means, but he lands rather gracefully with his knees bent. Jake stands up to his full height and makes eye contact with two women staring out from the kitchen window.
Penny chuckles at him, already aware that Jake was the man in her house when her and Amelia had arrived home earlier than schedule from their visit to Mav’s hangar. Amelia waves at him with a smirk on her face and Jake awkwardly waves back. He swears he hears Amelia speak to her mother,
“I knew she had someone up there with her! None of us would wear a shirt that colour!”
Jake laughs, knowing you’re going to get an earful later and saunters off towards his truck.
You’re pretty content with how your plan worked out as you lie back against your pillows, before your cousin bursts into your room squealing.
“I wanna know everything about him! Wait is he that cute pilot I always see you talking to at the Hard Deck? Oh my god he totally is!”
You let her gush, reminding yourself how excitable you were as a young teen and look up to the doorway to make eye contact with your smiling aunt.
She cant help but feel transported back to the first time your mother (her younger sister) had found out she had been seeing one of the hot shot pilots her father had always warned her of. She sends a wink your way and listens as you try to answer Amelia’s questions as family friendly as possible.
Penny’s heart clenched as she looked to your tear stained face. You and her had decided to do a rom com marathon to distract you from your emotions but clearly it hadn’t been working.
Jake had announced to you yesterday that he would be on deployment for 90 days in a weeks time. You had put on a brave face in front of him, claiming you’d miss him dearly but be okay whilst you waited back home. Once you left his place you had cried in your car firstly, then on the drive back when a song that reminded you of Jake played, and then finally into the arms of your aunt once your arrived home.
Penny knew of the difficulties of loving a naval aviator, her father had been one as well as her boyfriend and she was well aware of the heartbreak deployment often brought. Over the years she had learnt ways to deal with how she felt and was no longer affected in such a way. However, watching you live through the stages she once had to made her slightly woeful as well.
Hearing you sniffle, Penny decides to speak up, “You shouldn’t ignore him sweetheart, you’ll regret it when he’s gone.”
You look up at her, unimpressed with what is actually good advice. You sigh weakly and let her continue.
“Tell him how you feel,” you interrupt her quickly, “I don’t want him to be feel bad for me! He has his own worries he shouldn’t have to think for me.”
It’s now Penny’s turn to sigh at your words, “You and I both know Jake, and we know that he does that anyway. You’re just worrying him, more by avoiding him.”
You look up from where you’ve been playing with your hands and make eye contact with her. You know she’s right but it tastes so bitter to admit it. She smiles slowly as she sees you come to realisation. You stand abruptly from the couch and walk to the door, picking up your keys from the table as you go.
“Where are you going?” Penny questions, already knowing the answer.
You roll you eyes playfully at her, “don’t make me say it,” you pout before admitting your planned route.
But as you open the door, you spot something you weren’t expecting. Jake is pacing your porch and looks up at the sound of you opening the door.
He smiles sheepishly at you, “I was about to knock, I promise.”
You lock eyes with Jake and the tears come flowing out, “I’m sorry for ignoring you! I’m scared to be without you for so long but I didn’t want you to waste time feeling bad about me!”
Jake pulls you into his arms and rests his head above yours, “No time spent thinking about you is wasted, sweets.”
You giggle at how he manages to be cheesy even when you’re both so upset. You press your lips to his, savouring in how it feels wary that you won’t be able to do that for the next three months. You feels tears start to brim in your eyes again but Jake flicks them away.
“I don’t want my best girl to be upset, please baby.” Jake speaks.
You give him a watery smile and he laughs. He doesn’t really know how he’s supposed to be away from you for the next few months when he can’t even let you go from the hug.
“I’ll write to you every day,” you promise him.
“Oh, I’m counting on it doll.” Jake smirks into your hair.
Jake regrets his words when a week into his deployment he receives a thick letter written in your delicate handwriting. He makes the mistake of opening it whilst sat on the bunks next to Coyote and begs him to never mention the fact that he has now seen a few more risquée Polaroids of you than he had bargained for that morning.
Jake had finally allowed himself to be excited about seeing you again now that he only had one day left of his deployment. Your letters and photos could only do so much to appease how much he needed to see you and hold you in real life. You had invaded his mind wholly for the past three months and it sent his heart racing slightly at thought of finally getting to see you again.
Knowing you would have your boyfriend back tomorrow had you slightly giddy as you wiped down the bar tops at the Hard Deck, whistling a song Jake had played to you many times before.
As you wiped you thought about having him all to yourself again, having his strong hands on your hips and his lips on your mouth but also him resting his head on your chest or letting you play with his hair.
As you continued to whistle, your aunt pushes her way through the double doors which lead to the kitchen and storage area of the Hard Deck. She smiles as she notices your significant change in demeanour from the months past and speaks up.
“Ready to close up for the night?” She questions.
“Absolutely.” You smile at her.
Penny would have loved to tease you for your lovesick behaviour, but she too was elated for tomorrow. Maverick had been sent away as well, to oversee any training taking place and although she would like to think she has a slight amount more emotional maturity due to her age she was still as giddy as you were on the inside.
You link arms with her as you walk to the car both now humming the tune to the last song that had been playing on the jukebox before you closed up for the night.
Waiting with the rest of the families for the aviators to arrive back feels surreal. It’s a warm day and your wearing Jake’s favourite sundress with some wedges that are verging on uncomfortable but look great with the outfit. You cant quite believe you’re going to see him again.
You’re looking across at the sea of family members, and make eye contact with Bob’s girlfriend. She smiles at you and waves before turning back to the matured woman she’s stood next to who you can only assume is Bob’s mother. You turn back to Penny and squeeze her hand as you see the first of the aviators leave the ship.
They come out in streams of khaki uniforms and you can’t help but smile at thought of seeing Jake in his own uniform. It always fit slightly too tightly over his biceps, making it mostly uncomfortable for him but extremely worth it for you.
Maverick is one of the first to leave the carrier along with the rest of the higher ranked officers. He makes his way quickly over to Penny but not before smiling politely at you. You move to the side slightly to give them their own space as well as giving you a better view of the people still leaving the carrier.
You let anxiety eat at your stomach a little the longer it takes for you to spot Jake. You wonder if he’ll even be excited to see you, if he’s grown tired of you over the months he’s been away. But all those worries are swept away as you spot Jake leaving the carrier walking next to Rooster and Coyote. Bob is slightly ahead of them and beelines for his girlfriend. You watch as Jake scans the crowd of people for you before you lock eyes.
He zones in on you and suddenly has urgency in his steps. Jake realises he has definitely knocked over some younger pilots and at least one small child in his march to get to you but he can’t find it in him to care. Not when his girlfriend is looking radiant as ever and waiting for him after three months.
Tired of waiting on him you run as fast as your wedges allow to make up for the distance and jump into his arms. You pepper kisses all over his face and finally land one on his lips, you go to pull away but he holds you there and deepens the kiss. You allow him to for a moment but you’re still aware of your surroundings so you pull away and rest your forehead against his.
“I missed you.” You speak against his lips.
You can feel him smiling.
“I missed you more.”
You mock sigh exasperatedly and roll your eyes, “God, do you have to make everything a competition?”
He laughs like he hasn’t in months, and pulls you in for a kiss again. You signal for him to let you down but he keeps you in his grip as you make you way over to Maverick and Penny who had just been watching you.
Penny watches you and your boyfriend giggle as he spins you around, holding the edge of your dress tight to your body so it doesn’t fly up. She squeezes Mav’s hand as she remembers how her and Pete could never reunite in such ways. Her father had been strict about her not fraternising with the pilots, let alone cocksure ones like Maverick, so she had never truly been able to settle down with him.
It delights her to see you like this with Jake because it makes her realise that you aren’t her and Maverick. You’re completely different, in the best way possible.
Jake finally sets you down so you can all greet each other. He nods to Maverick and hugs Penny before returning to your side, hoping he never has to leave it again.
a/n: my sincerest apologies bc it took me so long to get this out but i hope u enjoy bc i love jake and his gf they are my babes,, also this was inspired by someone who reblogged one of my other jake fics and was talking about how they thought penny definitely saw jake as a young mav and i was like omg so true and immediately started writing this, so whoever you are make yourself known !!!!
also had to use charlie bc he is so boyfriend
pls reblog and comment and tell me what u think !!!
requests are open :p
ty for reading :)
- honey <333
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koiiiiijiii · 21 days
summary ; no-one dead au, Gapryong love his kids, him and Baekho thinks their youngster have crush on Jinyong’s daughter, while he being delulu and calls their sons wolves (Jinyong secretly cheering for Jake)
tw ; none, pure fluff and actually happy Kim family
pairing(?) ; kid!jake kim x kid!reader(?)
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The celebration at Gapryong Kim's mansion was in full swing,the occasion was significant - his birthday - the air thick with laughter, clinking glasses, and the warm glow of camaraderie. The adults, slightly tipsy and buoyed by nostalgia, sat around the large dining table and in clusters throughout the spacious living room.
Jake, with his boundless energy and cheerful demeanor, was busy running around the garden, making jokes and laughing. Jerry, more reserved and stoic, watched his friends with a calm smile, while you, being a bit moody yet generally happy, played nearby. Gitae, Gapryon’s oldest son, sat on the steps, brooding and occasionally rolling his eyes at the younger kids' antics. He was in that difficult transitional age where he felt misunderstood and often annoyed by everyone around him.
Inside the mansion, Gapryon and his right-hand men, Jinyong Park, Baekho Kwon, and other members of Gapryong's fist enjoyed the party. Gapryong, a fierce yet caring leader, laughed heartily with his friends, while Jinyong kept an eye on whole buster - trying to mesmorise warm moments with his dearest friends.
Suddenly, the door to the grand room burst open, and you ran in, tears streaming down your face. The room fell silent as you launched yourself into your father’s arms, sobbing.
"Daddy! Daddy!" - you cried, clutching Jinyong’s shirt tightly. - "Jake is threatening my life!"
The adults in the room exchanged confused glances. Jake, the sunny and optimistic boy, threatening someone? It seemed impossible. Moments later, Jake stumbled into the room, his face flushed and red as a tomato. His heart raced with a mix of embarrassment and panic, as he feared what you might say. - "I'm not threatening her life!" he exclaimed, clearly flustered. The room erupted in confusion at the sight of the two young children so passionately arguing. Jinyong petted your hair gently, trying to soothe you.
"What happened, sweetheart?" - he asked softly. You wiped your tears and took a deep breath, ready to present your case. - "Daddy, Jake said he wants to MARRY ME! Can you imagine?!"
Laughter filled the room as Jake, embarrassed and blushing even harder, protested, - "No, I don't!"
"Yes, you do!" - you insisted, sticking your tongue out and pointing at him with your finger. But Jake kept arguing and room filled with child's screams of "Yes" and "No"
"I'm gonna marry only my daddy!"
Gapryong, who loved you as his own child, chuckled and decided to tease you a bit. - "But doesn’t your dad already marry your mother, huh?"
You froze, shock and confusion crossing your face as you turned to look at your father, your eyes welling up with fresh tears. Gripping his shirt tightly, you asked, - "Daddy?... Is that true?" - Jinyong, trying to contain his laughter, nodded. - "You know, baby, your mother still needs a husband, right?"
"Traitor! Daddy is a traitor!" you declared dramatically, eliciting more laughter from the adults. Jake watched you, feeling a pang of resentment and a deeper, unspoken feeling. He had a childish crush on you, and though he didn't fully understand it, he knew he liked you a lot. The idea of marrying you seemed natural to him, even if he was too young to grasp its full meaning. Determined and full of childish resolve, you slid off your father’s lap and marched over to Gapryong. "Then... then..." - you stammered, trying to form your next plan. Gapryong, enjoying the moment, leaned down to your level. - "Then what, little one?" - he asked with a warm smile.
"Then I'll marry... Uncle Gapryong!" - you announced, much to the amusement of everyone present. Gapryong laughed heartily and scooped you up in his arms. - "Well, I'm married as well! And I’m afraid I’m too old for you, sweetheart."
As everyone in the room tried to hold back their laughter, you pouted, realizing your grand declaration might not work out as planned. But the genuine affection and warmth from your family made the moment one to remember. Jake, still blushing, sighed with relief and muttered to his father, - "See? I wasn't threatening her life..."
The room erupted in laughter again, the adults and children alike sharing in the joy and absurdity of the moment, making it a birthday celebration to remember. Just as the laughter began to die down, Gapryong, still smiling, said, - "How about Jake anyway, huh?"
You shook your head vigorously. - "NO!! Uncle Gapryong, don't you understand that Jake spends all his time with Jerry! And they're always hugging!" - You crossed your arms defiantly, misinterpreting their fights as affectionate embraces - "I don't want my husband to hug someone else!" - More laughter filled the room, but you remained serious, big tears still streaming down your cheeks. You jumped off Gapryong's lap, desperately looking for a solution. Your eyes landed on Gitae, who was brooding in the corner of the room. With sudden determination, you ran to him and clung to his neck.
"Then I'm gonna marry brother Gitae!" - you announced with a bright, triumphant smile. It seems that a clear vein of discontent appeared on your father’s forehead and with an innocent smile the glass in his bare hand burst with a crash.
Gitae, caught off guard and visibly annoyed, was about to complain, but you turned to him with the most serious face, as if you were already an adult. - "One wrong word and I will say that I saw how you smoked this morning." - Gitae swallowed hard. It wasn't that he was scared of his mother's reprimands about smoking, but he simply nodded, not wanting to cause more drama. - "Whatever, kid," - he muttered.
Jinyong, not a big fan of Gitae, still with his eyes closed and that innocent smile said, - "I will apply for divorce next morning, hun. Come back to daddy."
bonus :
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The adults had announced their departure a thousand times, each attempt to leave thwarted by another round of drinks, another shared memory, or another joke that sent the room into peals of laughter. Gapryong, at the center of it all, held court with his booming laugh and sharp wit, Jinyong Park matched his pace drink for drink. The room was alive with stories of old scars and forgotten battles, of triumphs and losses, each tale punctuated by hearty toasts and the occasional rowdy song.
In the midst of the adults' revelry, the children, worn out from their own antics, began to succumb to sleep. Jake had run out of steam, Jerry yawned widely before finally giving in, and you, found your eyelids growing heavier by the minute.
As the night deepened, the adults continued to assure one another that they really should be heading home, only to be drawn back into another round of drinks or another hilarious story.
Unbeknownst to the adults, the three of you sneaked out of main room to try to distract yourselves from the impending sleep and fatigue, and decided to play hide and seek. As the hours ticked by, the party showed no signs of waning. But eventually, the night began to wind down, and the adults started to gather their belongings, preparing to leave.
"Alright, everyone, I think it's really time to go now," - Gapryong announced, albeit somewhat reluctantly. His words were met with nods and murmurs of agreement, though none made a move to actually stand up. Jinyong glanced around, suddenly realizing that the children were nowhere in sight. - "Where are the kids?" - he asked, a note of concern creeping into his voice. The adults exchanged worried glances and began to search the mansion, calling out names and checking every room. The once noisy and cheerful group was now a flurry of anxious activity, peering behind furniture, checking under tables, and opening every door they came across.
"Jake? Jerry? Where are you?" - Gapryong called out, his deep voice echoing through the halls.
It was Baekho Kwon who finally stumbled upon the scene. Opening the closet door, he found the three of you nestled among the fallen clothes, fast asleep. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before calling out to the others.
"I found them! They're in here!"
The adults rushed over, relief washing over their faces as they took in the adorable sight. You, still peacefully asleep on Jake's hand, throwing your head back and drooling on his arm, while he drooling on your shoulder and his arm protectively around you, Jerry's head rested gently on your lap, his calm, steady breathing a testament to the deep sleep only children could achieve. Gapryong smiled warmly at the sight. - "Well, would you look at that," - he said softly, his voice full of affection. - "Looks like they had their own little adventure."
Jinyong knelt down, carefully scooping you into his arms, not wanting to disturb your sleep. - "Come on, sweetheart," - he whispered, - "let's get you home."
Gapryong and Baekho followed suit, gently lifting Jake and Jerry, who barely stirred, their exhaustion too great to be roused by the movement.
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loool i love annoyed daddy Jinyoung so much!!
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sunlightmurdock · 5 months
unpopular opinion but I think LTF Jake only reacted to the pregnancy news so well bc Sunny said it wasn’t his
like he obviously will step up and do what he needs, but he clearly isn’t planning on having a baby and I don’t think he would be happy deep down
👀 I think you’re right anon
He would be there for her without question, whatever she asked of him. But when he’s really reflecting on it and thinking about just himself… would he ever have picked this for himself??? Fuck no, and Sunny knows that
They both just know each other inside out and are trying to the best for the other person
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roosterforme · 9 months
You and Me and She Makes Three | Hangman x Reader x Reader's Friend
Summary: Jake had feelings for you. And that was a problem, because he didn't do relationships. He was going to have to choose his independence over being with you. At least that's what he thought until he was presented with the opportunity to enjoy you and his freedom at the same time. 
Warnings: Smut, threesome, fluff, 18+
Length: 4100 words
Threesome: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader x Reader's Female Friend
I wrote this fic for the smutty threesomeissance hosted by @sushiwriterhere
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!?
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"Come on, man. You've been in a bad mood all day," Coyote said, removing his helmet and shaking his head at Jake. "What's your problem?"
Jake removed his helmet as well and headed for the locker room with his friend right on his heels. "Nothing," he mumbled, running a hand through his sweaty hair. But he knew Coyote wouldn't let him off the hook that easily. 
It was Thursday. Everyone would be at the Hard Deck tonight. And you were his problem. But he had no idea what to do about the way you were making him feel. 
"Is it your girl?" Coyote asked as they walked into the locker room, and Jake closed his eyes as he thought about you.
There was no denying that you and Jake had gotten close over the past two months. He'd stopped taking other girls home from the bar after he met you. He stopped talking to other girls at the bar altogether. The occasional sleepovers were something he was enjoying. Waking up in bed with you meant he was about to have a great day. Last week he had even somehow accidentally told you he liked you.
"She's not my girl," Jake drawled, stripping out of his flight suit. You were getting a little too comfortable with him, and he was getting a little too clingy with you. He never did this. He didn't date. Hookups and 'keeping things casual' were what he was all about. And he intended to keep it that way. "She's definitely not my girl. I'm not into that. I do whatever I want, whenever I want to, and that includes who I'm sleeping with."
"Who else has there been?" Coyote asked with a smug smile as Jake moved things around noisily in his locker without responding. Then Coyote snorted. "You know, there are worse things than catching feelings for someone."
Jake thought his friend was wrong about that. He was going to end things with you tonight. Call it quits on whatever was happening, and then he would go home with someone else. Because there was really no way he could have you all to himself and enjoy the freedom he wanted at the same time.
"Jake!" you called out, running toward him when you got to the bar that evening. God, you were gorgeous, all bouncing tits and sunny smiles as you shoved through the crowd to get to him in that tiny little dress he loved taking off of you.
"Hey," he replied as casually as he could, but you took his breath away. And then you wound your arms around his neck and kissed him like you already knew he was going to respond with a kiss of his own. You shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be responding with his hands on your hips. Why couldn't he stop himself?
Other women. He forced himself to think about other women. All of the brunettes, redheads and blondes for him to explore. Freedom. He forced himself to think about his freedom. There was a whole world of having nobody to answer to but himself, and that was the world he wanted to live in.
But your lips were on his neck, and your palm was pressed to his chest, and he was already thinking about how good your pussy felt. "Fuck," he groaned, cupping your cheek with his palm and coaxing your lips back up to his. He wanted you. "Let's get out of here," he grunted, already embarrassed about what Coyote was going to say. But you were shaking your head now, looking a little apprehensive. 
"Jake, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Your gaze dipped down from his eyes to his neck, and you chewed on your plump lip nervously. 
Wait. Were you about to dump him?
Before he could say anything, you whispered, "Do you remember my friend Maya? She met me here last week before you and I went back to your place?"
Of course Jake remembered Maya. She was almost as hot as you were. If you and Jake hadn't already been all over each other, he would have considered hitting on her. "Yeah, I remember her."
Jake watched your tongue dart out to slowly wet your lips before you said, "How would you feel about her joining us?"
He sighed deeply. He should have already done the cut and run like he was planning, because now he was going to have not only you but also your friend clinging to him all night. "Sure," he mumbled, but you were shaking your head again.
"Not here at the bar... back at your place."
The words were so unexpected, it took a moment for Jake to absorb them. Then he saw Maya weaving her way through the crowded bar, her gaze sheepishly meeting his as you asked, "Well? What do you think, Jake?"
"To be clear," he drawled slowly, his eyes taking in Maya's cute body before looking at you, "you're asking about her joining us in bed?"
You moaned softly and nodded, pressing your tits against his side. "Yes."
This entire scenario was in no way anything close to what he was anticipating for this evening. However... 
"Hi," Maya said, tucking her hair behind her ear and looking at Jake before you hugged her. The two of you were giggling softly, and Jake's imagination was running wild. Oh, the possibilities. His cock throbbed in his jeans, absolutely demanding he take full advantage of this situation. He could have you, and he could have a taste of someone else, too. 
He watched your lips skim softly along Maya's before you turned and looked at him over your shoulder. "Jake?" you asked, eyes wide, hoping for an answer this time.
You grinned at him and reached for his hand, pulling him a little closer to where you were standing chest to chest with Maya in the overcrowded, stiflingly hot bar. You started kissing him right when he was about to ask if the three of you were staying for a drink first. Your lips were so sure, like you knew what he wanted. 
When you released him, Maya quietly said to Jake, "I know you guys are kind of together, and I promise I won't get in the way of that. But when I told her that my ex boyfriend never got me off, she told me that you always make sure she comes. She said you're a gentleman like that."
You ran your fingers up Jake's neck and into his hair. "Such a gentleman." 
"Fuck," he growled, kissing you a little rough as he let his hand slip around Maya's waist, pulling her closer to him. Your tongue was in his mouth, and he was already getting hard. Suddenly he didn't give a fuck who saw the three of you together, but he honestly wanted to get both of you alone as quickly as possible. In his bed. Where he could show you both that he was such a gentleman... until he wasn't. "Let's skip the drinks tonight?" 
"Okay," you sighed against his lips before leaning across him to kiss Maya again. The fact that you weren't too tentative had Jake wondering just exactly how familiar with each other the two of you were. He was going to find out. 
"Come on," he growled, tugging you toward the exit. You were hand in hand with Maya, and she followed along until the cool night air in the quiet parking lot hit Jake's sweaty brow. 
He was completely sober, watching you kiss your friend again before you told her, "It's okay. Try it."
And then Maya's lips were on his, and she wasn't shy at all. The exhilaration of that first kiss with someone new was amped up tenfold as he ran one hand down low on her back and grabbed you by the ass with the other. 
After a moment of enjoying Maya's lips, you rubbed your hand along the front of his jeans and whispered, "Let's go back to your place."
That was a great idea, except that Jake had a two seater sports car. But as he watched both of you climb into the front seat together, hands and mouths all over each other, he decided to just go with it. "Hang on tight, ladies," he said with a smirk as he started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. 
Occasionally one of your hands made its way across the gear shift and into his lap as he drove. And when Jake joined you in a threeway kiss at a stoplight, the car behind him had to honk three times to get him moving when the light turned green. His car was filled with soft giggles and sighs as he navigated to his little beachfront rental as quickly as he could. 
He was out of the car in a flash, and when he opened the passenger side door, you were straddling your friend's lap and kind of rolling your hips. Jake watched for a moment until you looked up at him with a filthy grin. "You better take care of both of us," you whispered as Maya ran her hand along your thigh. 
Jake scooped you up out of the car and pulled Maya out by her hand. You kissed along his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist, and Jake acknowledged that he loved the way you felt in his arms. He loved the way Maya's hand felt wrapped around his bicep as well as he kissed her lips. He handed her his house key and said, "Be an angel and unlock the door." Then he had you pressed up against his house right next to the doorknob as he fucked your mouth with his tongue.
His hands were wrapped around your thighs, and he could feel your damp panties when he stroked you with one long finger. "Jake," you moaned into his mouth, and Maya reached for his arm again as she opened the front door. 
When he set you down inside, he whispered, "Show Maya where my bedroom is." He closed and locked the door as you and she headed upstairs holding hands. 
When he walked into his bedroom and turned on his desk lamp, Jake took a moment to just enjoy the sight before him. You were unzipping her denim shorts and letting them fall to the floor, and then Maya carefully pulled your dress over your head.
"That's usually my job," he muttered, mouth watering when your bare tits came into view. When your dress hit his bedroom floor, you reached for him.
"Jake," you sighed when his hands cupped your perfect breasts, thumbs stroking your nipples to hard peaks. He watched intently as Maya pulled her own top off, a bashful little smile on her face. When she made eye contact with Jake, he tipped his chin up, and she was instantly removing her bra for him. 
He was in heaven. Two different women. Two bodies to explore. "My angels," he muttered, removing one hand from your warm skin and stroking the valley between Maya's breasts. When her head tipped back he leaned in to kiss her neck, and soon she was moaning with her hands in his hair. 
"Make her feel good," you whispered, quickly removing Jake's shirt before he returned to Maya's lips and breasts. And next thing he knew, you were on your knees between their bodies, unzipping his pants and sucking on his cock. 
Jake throbbed for you as you took him deep, and he kissed down Maya's chest to her nipple. He tasted her and sucked her between his lips, and when she started whining, he gave her his fingers to suck on. Her curvy body against his palm plus the feeling of soft suction around his cock and his fingers had him bucking into your mouth. 
"You're a good girl," he told you where you had your lips wrapped around his balls now. He was rewarded with your tongue working in firm circles. "Panties off," he commanded, before pulling his fingers free from Maya's mouth and kissing her there softly. "Both of you."
"Okay, Jake," you whispered, standing and shimmying out of your tiny underwear. Maya did so as well, looking at him the whole time. 
"What are you gonna do?" she asked quietly, and Jake ran his fingers along her bare slit and through her close cropped curls. She kept her eyes on his as he reached for your body as well. Two soaking wet pussies, just for him. He thumbed your clit and stroked down to Maya's opening until you were both gasping.
"I'm gonna make you both feel so good." 
As he worked his hands, he had you clinging to one side of him, grinding against his palm, and he had Maya on the other side, gasping and nearly sobbing as he teased her opening. While he already knew how to get you off, now he had a pretty good idea of what would work for your friend, too. 
Jake brought his lips down to Maya's in a soft kiss. "You like that, angel?" He was rewarded with vigorous nodding before she pressed her lips to his. "I want both of you to get on the bed next to each other. On your backs."
You had a big smile on your face as you took her by the hand, and Maya followed your lead. As you got yourself into position with your feet planted at the foot of the bed, you slid yourself all the way to the edge. Jake stripped out of his jeans and underwear as Maya settled down next to you with her thighs pressed together. 
"You don't have to be shy," he told her, gently easing her legs apart until he was looking down at two perfect pussies on display on his bed. "I like what I see. And I want to taste you."
Maya whimpered, her leg and hip pressed up against yours as you reached for her chin. Jake watched as you gently turned her face toward yours and kissed her lips. The way you let your hand trail softly down her chest, circling her nipples and pinching her until she spread her legs open wider made his cock throb. But he wasn't going to fuck either one of you until you both came for him.
So he sank to his knees and pressed his nose to your clit, enjoying the familiar taste and smell of you as he ran one big hand down along Maya's inner thigh. "Oh, god!" you gasped, rolling your hips up to meet his mouth as you made out with Maya. And then Jake stroked his fingers along her wet slit and ass. 
He knew the sounds you made so well that he could pick out when Maya liked something by how loud she got, too. When he left a trail of kisses down your slit before filling you with two thick fingers, he moved his slick lips to give Maya a taste. Delicious. He worked his tongue around and inside her opening until she was tugging on his hair.
"Jake!" she gasped when he slipped his left middle finger inside her. 
"I told you he'd be good," you said with a giggle, and Jake fucked you a little harder with his right hand until you started to moan unintelligibly. 
After another minute, Maya was close and you were close. His hands were close to cramping as he stroked your clit and stretched her with a second digit. But he focused his attention on eating her pussy until she was squeezing her thighs around his head and arching off the bed. 
And then Maya came on his face with a little gush and some tears in her eyes. As her legs loosened around him, he patted her pussy softly with his fingertips, wanting to keep her ready for his cock while he got you off. 
He smiled up at you where you were stroking Maya's heaving chest. "I already know what you like, angel." And then he wiped that smug grin off your face with his lips and tongue so rough on your clit that you were soon screaming for him. Jake jumped to his feet and thrust his cock inside you to the hilt, fucking you hard as you came around him, legs shaking. That was just how he liked you; a mess beneath him. But this time you had Maya's hands on your tits as she kissed you and slid over to straddle your waist. 
"Perfect," Jake grunted, taking Maya by the hips as she kissed your lips through your orgasm. He eased her ass higher into the air until he was stroking her while he continued to fuck you. When he bent a little bit, his lips met her round rear end, and he ran his tongue everywhere. 
Her muffled little grunts got louder against your mouth as Jake reached around to stroke her clit, and then he withdrew his cock from your perfect warmth and ran his length through Maya's soaking cunt before pushing his tip against her opening. She was every bit as tight and inviting as you were, and Jake couldn't believe you were letting him have this night. He fucked Maya nice and slow as she keened and got used to his size. 
"How are my angels doing?" he asked, pressing a kiss to the curve of Maya's back. She rocked back on his cock, and he groaned.
"So good, Jake," you whined, and he looked down to see you taking your friend's nipple between your lips. 
Maya's pussy clenched around him, and he hissed. "Harder," she whispered softly, and Jake squeezed her ass with one big hand. 
"A little louder, angel," he drawled next to her ear. 
"Harder!" she shouted, and she was suddenly being manhandled. Jake fucked her so hard, she had to brace herself so she didn't knock into your face. He shoved two fingers inside your pussy as he rocked into Maya until she came a second time, gripping him nice and tighe before he replaced his fingers inside you with his cock once more. 
Maya stood up on her knees as she whimpered and looked at him over her shoulder. Her eyes were wide, and her lips were parted, and Jake kissed her as he fucked you beneath her. He wrapped one hand around your hip to hold you still as you started to writhe for him, and he stroked Maya's tits with the other. 
"Did I make you feel good?" he asked, squeezing her breast. 
"Yes," she replied softly, leaning into him as he kissed her shoulder. 
"Do you want to watch me make her feel good?"
Maya nodded and scrambled to the side of your body, and she watched intently as Jake leaned down to kiss your lips. He wanted to tell you all the ways he was sorry he even thought about breaking things off with you, but your fingers trailed through his hair as you cooed his name. You looked a little wrung out, a pleased smile teasing your lips as you rolled your hips into his thrusts. 
"Will you let me make you cum again?" he asked, licking the sheen of sweat along your neck. 
"Yes," you whispered, and Jake took Maya's hand in his. He guided her fingers down to stroke your clit as he fucked you, alternating kisses to your soft, swollen lips and hers. Then he stood tall and gripped your thighs as his body met yours with bed shaking thrusts that left you squealing. You came hard with his cock inside you and Maya touching your pussy and your tits. 
Jake was close now, gritting his teeth as he was met with two sets of wide eyes. "On your knees," he growled, pulling himself out of you and pointing to the floor. He stroked himself, gliding over his palm, lubricated with your slick juices and Maya's. And then both of you were in front of him, lips parted and tongues ready to receive him. With a few quick snaps of his wrist Jake was painting up your face and then hers with ribbons of his white cum.
The way you looked up at him, silently begging for more had him shoving his cock into your welcome mouth once again. You cleaned him off, swallowing down his cum before you kissed Maya's white coated lips and said, "I told you he was a gentleman." 
Then you ran your tongue through the mess on her cheek as Jake's cum dripped down your neck to your nipple. He watched as both of you kissed leisurely, not sure if you were actually cleaning each other up or just spreading the mess around. When he joined in, tasting himself on your salty skin and then Maya's, he pulled you both closer to him. 
"Thanks for including me," Maya whispered next to Jake's ear, and he squeezed her hip before she stood and started to collect her clothes. 
Jake sat on the floor and pulled you close so you were straddling his thigh, and he told you, "Thanks for tonight." You ran your fingers along his abs as he kissed you while Maya got dressed. "Hold tight, angel," he whispered, patting your ass as he reached for his phone in the pocket of his discarded jeans. He opened his rideshare app and got a car to take Maya home, and then it was just the two of you in his house.
"I guess I should get going, too," you said, starting to remove yourself from Jake's lap. "You have work in the morning."
"Stay," he insisted immediately. "Spend the night with me."
"You sure?"
"Yes," he grunted, taking your chin in his palm and kissing you softly. A minute later, you were straddling him in bed, and his cock was hard again. As he coaxed your lips closer to his, he whispered, "I want to cum inside your pussy this time."
You bit your lip, your face hovering just above his. "You could have cum in Maya's pussy, you know. And you can cum inside me whenever you want to, Jake. Just say the word."
He reached down to line his cock up with you, gently pressing up until he was fully sheathed. Your eyes fluttered closed, and your lips parted, and Jake just had to know for sure. 
"Was tonight a one off? Or would you want to do this again?"
"Mmm," you hummed, riding him a lot slower than earlier, and Jake could feel every squeeze and stroke of your tight pussy as you arched your back. "I loved it. And I'd love to do it again. Maybe with Maya. Maybe with someone else. If you want to."
Jake groaned, peppering your face in kisses, tasting his drying cum on your cheek. "Yes, angel. Yes, please. I'll take such good care of you all the time. And you can share me whenever you want, okay? Please."
"Yes," you agreed, and Jake made sure you could tell just how happy he was. 
The following weekend at the Hard Deck, Jake greeted you with open arms as soon as you arrived. He had seen you almost every evening for the past week, spent almost every night in bed with you. He even took you to see a movie and out to dinner. He was happy. 
You ran your nose along his jaw and kissed him. "You want another scotch?"
"Sure thing, angel," he murmured, and then he watched you saunter up to the bar after you gave his bicep a little squeeze.
"I thought she wasn't your girl." 
Jake looked away from your ass and into the eyes of his best friend. "She wasn't," he told Javy with a smirk.
"But she is now?" he asked, leaning against the pool table.
"She is now," Jake confirmed. You were everything he wanted. He was falling in love with you. He got to enjoy a relationship without giving anything up, because you also offered him the taste of freedom he was accustomed to. 
"What changed?" Javy asked him, but Jake was distracted. You were heading back their way with drinks in your hands, chatting with a cute little blonde that you must have found for him at the bar. 
"She offered up an arrangement that really, really works for me," Jake said grinning at you as you smirked at him. "Now, if you'll excuse us..."
I thought I would switch things up and let Jake have two girls all to himself (over and over again). He's kind of an asshole, but we still love him so much. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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lecsainz · 7 months
Kk! So I absolutely loved your last piece about Carlos and the heiress!reader, and I have to agree I really really love those blended fics. Something about them just hits different ya know? And then I saw this post https://www.tumblr.com/monzabee/729167936518012928 and was like god I wish someone still wrote for kimi. And then off I’m scrolling through your blog and I see that ask were apparently you do?? Like holy shit bestie! This is like the greatest day ever! So all of that to say will you please please right something that involves the video from that post?? Pretty please??
parings: kimi räikkönen x wife!reader
author 🗒️’s: my heart melted writing this, I hope it turned out as you want, love
summary: the one where you see your husband taking care of your son and feel that you couldn’t be happier as you are.
✩. . . masterlist !
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Kimi Räikkönen, the Iceman of Formula 1, had always been known for his stoic and unemotional demeanor on the race track. But at home, in the quiet moments, he transformed into a different person entirely. There was a side of him that very few people got to see, a side that was incredibly warm, loving, and tender.
One sunny afternoon, the two of you sat in the cozy living room, surrounded by the soft laughter and gurgles of your 6-month-old son, Jake. Kimi held the baby in his arms, cradling him gently as he made funny faces to elicit the most delightful giggles from your little one.
Kimi leaned down, his lips brushing against Jake's plump, rosy cheeks. "Who's the happiest baby in the world, huh?" he cooed, his Finnish accent making it all the more endearing.
Jake's response was a chorus of delighted baby laughter, a sound that could melt the coldest of hearts. You watched in awe as your husband continued to play with Jake, making silly noises and pretending to nibble on his tiny fingers. It was a side of Kimi that you fell in love with all over again, a side that he reserved for his family.
"Kimi," you whispered, unable to contain your fondness, "you are the best dad in the world."
Kimi looked up from Jake's little face, his azure eyes meeting yours. A small, warm smile graced his lips, a rare sight for the world but a daily occurrence in the privacy of your home. "I learned from the best," he said softly, referring to you.
You couldn't help but blush at the compliment. Kimi's transformation into a devoted father had surprised you, but it had also filled your heart with an indescribable joy. His dedication and love for Jake were unmistakable, and you couldn't have asked for a better partner to share parenthood with.
As the day continued, you both took turns caring for Jake, feeding him, changing his diapers, and watching him drift off to sleep in his crib. Every moment felt like a cherished memory in the making, and you couldn't help but daydream about the future.
When Kimi returned to the living room after putting Jake down for his nap, he found you deep in thought. You looked up at him with a dreamy smile, and he knew you were up to something.
"Darling, what's on your mind?" he asked, settling beside you on the couch.
You took his hand and interlaced your fingers. "Kimi, I was just thinking about how wonderful this is—our little family. I love watching you with Jake, and I can't help but wonder… I want more of these moments. I want more children with you."
Kimi's typically cool exterior cracked, and he looked at you with a mix of surprise and delight. "More children?" he repeated, as if the idea had never occurred to him before. But the spark of warmth in his eyes revealed that he was just as excited by the prospect.
You nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation. "Yes, more children. I want to see you as a father again and again, to have more of these beautiful moments with you."
A slow, genuine smile spread across Kimi's face, and he pulled you into a loving embrace. "I'd love that," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I love you, and I love our family. Let's make more beautiful memories together."
The two of you sat there, lost in the prospect of a larger, even more joyful family. Kimi held you close, and you knew that your dreams were aligned. It was a beautiful day of laughter, love, and dreams for the future, all in the gentle embrace of your husband and your precious son, Jake. The Iceman had certainly melted, and you couldn't have been happier about it.
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navybrat817 · 10 months
Sin on Skin AU
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Pairings: Various men with female readers. ❤️
AU Summary: Sin on Skin is the hottest tattoo parlor in town and the men who run it live up to the name. And as luck would have it, they only have eyes for you. 🔥
AU Warnings: Explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), oral sex (m. and f. receiving), dirty talk, fluff, flirting, feels, slowish burn (depending on the couple), slight angst, porn with feels (it's me, lovelies), more to be added.
A/N: You lovelies know me by now! I hope you all enjoy this AU and the various pairings. Please heed the warnings before each post and I will update as time allows. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics . Tattoo edits by the talented Nix and the "Andy" edit by the amazing @randomagnes0210 . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky Barnes x Baker!Reader - Hottie and Sugar
🧁 Sugar and Spice
🧁 And Everything Nice
🧁 What Dreams Are Made Of
🧁 Sweet and Strong
🧁 Sundresses and Leather
🧁 Innocent and Sinful
🧁 Ladies and Gentleman
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🧁 Rules and Chaos
🧁 Traditions and Innovation
Steve Rogers x Teacher!Reader - Thorn and Rose
🌹 Every Rose Has Its Thorn
🌹 By Any Other Name
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Andy Barber x Reader - Grumpy and Sunny
☀️ A Sunny Outlook
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Hal Carter x Reader - Menace and Angel
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Jake Jensen x Reader
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Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
When someone insult you
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One way to cause tension and trouble for someone on Pandora will be by insulting one of their family members. As it will show, you disrespect someone you love and care about and think nothing bad will happen to them after saying hurtful words. These hurtful words can have any effect or consequences on anyone involved.
Jake x reader x Neytiri
evil demon women
It was a sunny and hot day you had taken the kids out for a swim near the water for some fun, and relaxation as there was no task for the day. Your spouse had been gone of the day so you were just with the kids today, but you are still enjoying your time with them. Some other families had arrived as it seems like, they all had the same idea as well.
tuk " mama can I have some fruit please I'm hungry"
y/n " sure sweetie" you had take out some fruit and cut in half give some to tuk, as she smiled and eat some of the fruit.
tuk " thank you mama" tuk soon hugged you before she ran off back towards the water.
navi women " look at her that dreamwalker has found a way to infect our clan"
navi women 2 " she acts all high and might just because she mates with neytiri and Jake sully"
navi wonen 3 " she just some evil demon women" you had become sue to everyone words and gossip towards you, as some of them hated the idea that you are with two heroes of the clan. At the moment you are avoid conflict as you didn't wish for any trouble with them.
????? " hey" a voice had been heard getting everyone attention, you soon looked up and saw your eldest son neteyam.
neteyam “ you will not speak to my mom in that behavior”
y/n “ neteyam”
neteyam “ no mama they are being rude and I … we won’t stand for it”
Kiri “ yes they are being rude mama and it should be addressed”
loak “ we not let anyone be rude to our family”
y/n “ kids”
Tuk “ mama says if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all” the group of ladies looked taken back of what the kids had said to them. As you had stood there looking at them as the women seem to be regretting what they had said towards you.
y/n " come on kids lets go home right now we can spend the rest of the day together there"
neteyam " oh yes our dad and mom will be learning of this whole situation, lets hope to has a good outcome for you all"
y/n " come on neteyam"
neteyam " coming mom" the kids had soon walked home with you and you had embraced them into a group hug, proud of them standing up for family.
lo'ak " so are we in trouble"
y/n " no it all good no one is in trouble now come on lets get home, and maybe I can make a very sweet snack for my wonderful kids"
kids " yes" you and the kids had soon gone home as it soon started raining, the kids had been able to keep themselves entertained while you made them snacks. Later on in the day Jake and neytiri will find out the truth of what happened, and they were not happy Jake had to hold back neytiri. The ladies had been order to stay away from you until any other word given from your mates and you.
Jake x tsu'tey x reader x neytiri
It had started off a peaceful and good morning for you, as you had been working out of the humans bases. You are also enjoying the sun hitting you skin it seems like it was going to be a good day. Now there was only the wait for your kids and mates to get here, as they promised to come over and have morning meal with you.
y/n " they will be here soon should I make some juice for us or maybe pick some fruit ... it can do anything to help with some of the meal" you had decided to pick some fruit and make into juice for the family, as you were picking some fruit you were humming a song.
????? " what is that sound"
???? " I don't know but it coming from over there" you had soon heard movement coming towards you, and soon saw some navi from the clan.
y/n " good morning"
navi women " oh it just you"
y/n " yes it just me good morning as well let hope, the great mother blesses us with a good day"
navi man " she will not need blessing from a demon like you"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women " you heard us you and your demon kind have wormed your way into omadtikayaia clan and have ruined them, by become mates with them and having half navi children"
y/n " I know we have hard time getting along with other navi ...."
navi man " no matter what you do demon you will never be one of us and mostly the demon child you have as well"
y/n " we are not demons"
navi women " yes you are demon and we will make sure no more clan get effected by the likes of you" the demon soon had shoved you to the ground, she was about to grab you again.
???? " mama" tuk soon came running and soon held tight onto you, as the three other kids had came and started hissing at the two adults.
neteyam " how dare you touch my mother and hurt her"
lo'ak " you messed up big time never mess with a sully"
kiri " mama are you okay" kiri and tuk had helped you onto you feet as you soon look, at the two adults.
navi women " looked what we have here two sure born navi and two demon blooded kids"
y/n " you can insult me all your want but leave my kids out of this"
navi women " what are you going to do about demon" the women had hissed at you but she was not acting all pride, when she soon had been take to the floor.
neytiri " how dare you insult my wife and kids"
navi man " hey we were just teaching her and those demons a lesson" the man had soon been punched hard in the face by no other then Jake, and soon someone tossed him towards the women and that was Tsu’tey.
Jake " no you dare speaking to my wife like that ever again, or we will have more trouble here"
Tsu’tey " you two don't have any rights to come near y/n and our kids"
navi women " we were just voice how other feels"
neytiri " then your parents have failed you two on teaching you two to bid your manners, our y/n has done more then you will ever do"
Tsu’tey " no leave and stay out of straight and ear shot if we see you again near here, with our a good reason and causing trouble it will not be good for anyone" the pair had gotten up quickly and soon ran off leaving the family alone.
neytiri " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine neytiri no need to worry thank you all for standing up, for me it makes me feel good"
neytiri " if that women ever come back here again tell me and I will deal with her"
Jake " yes and I and Tsu’tey can deal with her buddy over there"
Tsu’tey " yes we will make them play"
y/n " thank you all but for now more violence at the moment, let go have some breakfast"
tuk " yeah we were able to save mama and now we get breakfast"
y/n " yes we do"
neytiri " we brought some stuff over to cook with as well"
y/n " good now come along" the group soon followed you home, the situation of this morning had soon speed the rest of the clan. it say no one was happy will be a understatement as, everyone was upset about the words that were spoken towards you and the clan. The duo had been made to say sorry by their clan leader and promised to keep their distance from the clan until notice,
Tonowari x reader x ronal
false navi
It a good day in the village a very funny and warm day and the clan was going on with their day. The same could be said about you and the kids, as you are with them near the shoreline collect materials while the kids goofed off here and there. Making you laugh as you had looked at them being kids and making sure to have fun today.
rotox " ahh aonung no fair" aonung and shoved his brother into the water soon, gaining your attention as you look at the two boys.
aonung " oh come on I'm just playing around"
tsireya " you two are so childish" the two boys soon looked at each other and soon smirked, when they looked to their sister and before trsireya could do anything. They had tackled her into the water getting a scream from her and laughs from her brother.
tsireya " hey"
rotxo " oh come on baby sister you should of seen that coming" tsireya soon started a water fight with her brother as you stood there laugh and looking at them.
kids " mama"
y/n " be nice all three of you and not hurting each other please"
kids " yes mama" the kids had went deeper into the water having their battles still going on, as you stood there watching them. You had been standing there for a while before you had waked off.
navi women "excuse me y/n"
y/n " hello how may I help you ladies"
navi women 2 " well us and some of the clan were wondering if you are true navi or false navi"
y/n " excuse me"
navi women 3 " yes after ing the olo'eythan you have failed time to time again, to have a kids with him while ronal has three kids ... are we sure you are actually navi or just some unwanted child the great mother gave your childish parents"
y/n " that is none of your business the great mother will bless me with a child, when the time right"
navi women 4 " are we sure because if you are false navi maybe it time, to have someone become the perfect mate and perfect navi to our clan"
navi women " you have these kids call you mama when you are no a mom to them"
y/n " I will not waste me time with you all anymore good day" you were about to walk away from the women, when big splash of water, had hit the women.
navi female " ahh"
navi women " who did that"
????? " it was me" the group of women and you had looked and saw it was aonung on his IIu.
Aonung " how dare you insult my mother like that"
navi women " mind your manners young man"
aonung " you should mind your manners when you are speaking to my mother, a very import women in the clan"
navi women 2 " we are speaking to her that all"
rotxo " you are being rude toward her and we heard everything you had said"
tisreya " yes and we will make sure to tell our parents about what you said, I wonder what they will think about how you all acted" a crowd had form due to all the fighting that was going on right now.
y/n " kids"
tsireya " you will start showing our mom respect"
???? " what going on here" tonowari and ronal soon had arrived, they soon walked towards you and the kids.
ronal " ma y/n and children what has happened"
aonung " these women were insulting mama mom they called her a false navi"
ronal " false navi"
aonung " yes they said she was a false navi because she failed to give father a child"
ronal " you dare insult my wife like that"
navi women " we had been speaking what is true she has failed to have a child with the olo'eythan"
tonowaro " how dare you speak to y/n like that after everything she has done for the clan, you all make me sick and not only insulting her you insult my whole family"
ronal " my family as well" ronal had gotten closer to the women and hissed at them, making them step back from her as ronal was very mad and so is tonowari.
tonowari " ma y/n are you okay"
y/n " I'm good now"
ronal " you are hear by not allowed to come near her or the children until I and tonowari deem to far enough, and your words and actions today might reflect your families and mates as well"
navi wonen 3 " wait no please"
tonowari " enough the tshaik has spoken I will decide on the offers I was going to give your mates, but for now leave before you all do anything else ... if anyone thinks the same speak now so we can deal with you all" no one dare to speak right now as it bad idea, the women had been escorted away getting glares some everyone else. Your mates and kids had taken you home as they comfort you about the whole matter.
tonowari " dont pay them any mind ma y/n you are the perfect mate, perfect mom, and perfect navi"
ronal " yes and one day you will be blessed with a kid"
y/n " yes I know the day will come"
tsireya " we love you mama"
y/n " thank you kids and my wonderful mates" the family had spent the rest of the day together, having a good time along with making sure you are okay as well. Tonowari and ronal had made sure the group of women stayed far away from you, and the kids their mates had apologized to you and were able not to be affected of what happened that day. You knew the day will come when you will be blessed with the another child in your life and family.
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dckweed · 7 months
summary: In which bob floyd gets himself into a bit of a pickle and calls on his hot, recently single neighbor to help him out, the situation is mutually beneficial..in more ways than one.
warnings: fake dating, violence, domestic violence mentioned, nicknames, slowburn, eventual smut.
this is an x reader fic where reader is referred to as sunshine or sunny as a nickname, also i know the moodboard is a lil wonky no one say anything im gonna fix it! i made it on my phone half asleep lmao.
comment below for taglist!
wordcount: 2260
The music was soft in the background for once, his friends laughter the loudest thing in the room. Bob couldn’t help but to laugh along with them as he took a swig of his third beer of the night, a little more than tipsy but not completely drunk. He knew he was a lightweight, and this was the only time he ever preferred to drink, in the comfort of his own home surrounded by people he trusted. His friends were all gathered around his coffee table, some of them on the couch, some of them sprawled on the floor as they laughed and goofed off, the NHL game they had all gathered to watch together no longer a top priority. 
Bradley and Natasha had been talking about the blind dates they had been on recently, set up by each other, each of them pointing out the flaws in the others choosing with racious laughter as they knocked back their alcohol and made a mess of Bob’s coffee table as they playfully fought each other, Bradley flipping over the bowl of potato chips that was sat out as he kicked his leg across the table from the floor to hit his friend. Bob laughs at the scene, not minding the mess because the situation was just so funny and he was for once in his life, enjoying being in the moment. 
“Look what you did, numbnuts! You spilled all the chips!” Hangman shouts, tossing his couch pillow at them from where he lay on the love seat across from Bob. Bradley catches it mid-air and tosses it back to Jake, a terrible throw and a clear enough window into how drunk he is because it doesn’t get any air and knocks clear into the row of open bud lights, knocking them over and causing what was left to slosh out onto the floor. Javy groans, slipping out of the chair he was sat in to pick up the bottles as Bob gets up to get a towel to sop up the wet beer from his outrageously expensive rug so his little shih tzu, Cosie wouldn’t go licking it up when he passed out tonight. 
He was only gone for a few moments but by the time he came back the subject of dating had suddenly been turned to him. He shakes his head, trying not to think to hard about how he was way more than tipsy by that point because the whole room started to spin when he did that. “No, not dating right now.” He says, kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess as Javy comes back from throwing away the bottles. 
Jake scoffs from next to him taking a long drag of his own beer, and Bob braces himself for whats coming next. “Of course not,” He says, a small bit of disdain in his tone, but Bob knew it was all just friendly teasing, even if it did hurt him. Even if he was so tired of constantly hearing from everyone about how he needed to get out into the dating pool. Truthfully, he was tired of being single, but he didn’t need these jack offs meddling in his love life the way Natasha had been doing with her blind dates with girlfriends she’d made off base. It just didn’t work out for him, it never did. 
But god, he was tired of hearing it from Jake about how he was ‘too afraid of girls’ to actually go out and date one, they were grown ass adults, weren’t they? Why did it matter what he did with his personal life outside of work and the friend group? He didn’t like to date around, he liked relationships. Besides, he wasn’t afraid of girls either. That one was starting to piss him off, wither away at that self control that his mama swore he was born with too much of. Not that any of them needed to know that..so why then, did he feel like proving them all wrong?
He knew in the back of his drunk mind that his next choice of words was not a good one to make, and he had just dug himself into a terribly deep hole that would haunt him for the rest of his life (good god he would probably have to change placements if they ever fucking found out, or better yet, retire from the navy altogether). But Lord help him, he opened his mouth anyway and let the words out. 
“I don’t think my girlfriend would like me seeing other people.” He says, taking a kind of sick pleasure in hearing Jake snort beer out of his nose as he sits up so quickly he falls off of the couch, his words catching the attention of his other friends too. “What?” He asks, looking around at all of their gaping faces. He regretted his lie immediately. “Is it so hard to picture me with a girlfriend? I am capable of getting one, you know.” A dig at Jake just for the fucking fun of it. 
There was a long moment of silence before all of their voices were flooding his ears at once, questions coming from all directions. It was almost as if the news had shocked them sober. 
What did I just do? 
Sunshine Y/L/N, was many things, a bitch, a whore, a liar, a psycho (all depending on which of her ex-boyfriends and family members you asked),..but a fool was not one of them. You were not foolish enough to let a man raise a hand to you and cower away and accept his apology because you thought you deserved it or because it would placate him. And so when the asshole you had been in the midst of arguing with because he swore to god that you were fucking the bouncer at work (you would never, you weren’t in to bald men who looked like broke versions of mr. clean) cocked his arm back and slapped you across the face so hard that blood splattered from your nose, you clenched a fist and let all hell break loose. 
You had screamed, and screamed and screamed and had thrown anything that you could get hands on, drawing blood on his forehead as an empty flower vase shattered against the wall that she shared with her neighbor. “Look what you did, you crazy bitch!” He yelled, holding a hand to his forehead, offended that you had dared to retaliate against him. 
You sucked in a deep breath, fists clenching. There was nothing you hated more than being called crazy. You were not crazy. You were not fucking crazy. “Get out.” You breathed, a surprisingly steady hand pointing towards the door that was being banged on from an outside source. The man looks at you as if you were a bull with three heads. “Are you deaf? I said get the fuck OUT!” You had bellowed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and dragging him to the door, it took all of three seconds to throw open the chain locking the door before tossing the sorry fucker out, straight into your neighbor, Bob, who had very obviously been banging on the door. 
“Woah-” The tall, lanky man had said, catching the rat bastard who had been flung out at him. He pushes him off of him, noticing the blood on his face and looks at you, the blood streaming from your nose. “Are you okay?” He asks, his immediate thought on his neighbor as watched the guy storm off towards the stairwell at the end of the hallway. 
You sniffed, jaw clinched as you nod, watching the jerkoff walk away before running back inside. Bob follows as you yank open the window in the living room before running back down a hallway, to the bedroom he assumed. Bob had looked around at the mess of glass and blood splatters on the floor, wondering what the fuck had taken pace. He had heard yelling, and glass shattering and had run over trying to open the door. “Mother fucker, DON’T YOU EVER COME BACK HERE!” You scream, tossing a heap of clothes out of the window and down onto the street, Bob heard a mans yell and knew they must’ve landed directly on the offending asshole. “Stupid fucking son of a fucking bitch.” 
“Um, Sunny,” Bob says, placing a gentle hand on your slender shoulder. You were shaking, with fear or anger he isn’t sure but he wants to help. “Are you okay?” He doesn’t know what else to ask, what else to do. He’d never been in this kind of situation before. 
He watches you raise a hand and use the back of it to wipe your bloody nose before turning around to face him, your friendly neighbor whose dog you often watched when he had to work overnights at the base or when he had been on his deployment for the uranium mission. Blood smeared across your upper lip and cheek as you look up at him, eyes watery and full of an emotion he couldn’t quite decipher. The smile on your face is terrifyingly sexy. “Just peachy, bobby,” You whispered, blinking the tears in your eyes away as you set your shoulders squarely. “My step-daddy didn’t raise no fucking bitch, a man like him wants to hit me, he better be prepared for me to hit him back ten times fucking harder.” 
Bob didn’t know what to say, so he resulted for saying a simple okay and stayed around to help you clean up the mess that littered your normally spotless living room. He had even ordered you pizza while you were in the bathroom cleaning up your face, paying for it without telling you because he knew you would argue. He knew you made good money in your line of work, he knew you liked paying for your own things, but he was a gentleman nonetheless and wanted to take care of a neighbor who was clearly in some kind of need of support. He had stayed until you had fallen asleep, silently letting himself out of your apartment and the pair of you hadn’t crossed paths until a week later, granted, you hadn’t left your apartment much (you couldn’t very well go to work with a bruise on your face, it certainly wouldn’t bode well with your bosses nor with your customers) for your paths to have crossed to begin with. 
You were surprised to say the least when a knock sounded on your apartment door early in the morning on Saturday, and even moreso when you opened to find none other than your adorable next door neighbor (and, in a way, your savior) standing in your doorframe, hands in the pockets of his jeans and a cute little crease in between his eyebrows as he looked up at you from where he was looking at his shoes. “Hey Bob, everything okay?” You ask, wiping the sweat away from your forehead. You had been doing an intense pilates session in your living room, a good way to keep you limber and fit for your job. “Are you going on deployment or something? Do you need me to take Cosie?”
“No, no..” Bob shakes his head, he felt stupid for coming over here, for not just immediately fessing up to his friends about his dumb lie. He should just turn around and go back to his apartment and call it a day, and he was going to until his fuckin’ phone buzzed in his pocket and he was reminded of why he had told the damn lie in the first place. “Um, actually, do you think I could come in? I have a favor to ask of you, and it’s..a big one.” 
You were confused but allowed him to come in nonetheless, shutting and locking the door behind him as he did. What could he possibly need from you that wasn’t watching his dog while he was away? You couldn’t say you weren’t keen to find out, you were bored out of your mind and you couldn’t help but wonder what he needed from you of all people. Bob had literally seen you at your worst last week, and yet here he was inside of your apartment with his hands awkwardly shoved into the front pockets of his boot cut jeans, his pretty eyes flitting about, finding anything to look at that wasn’t your breasts that were pushed up in your slightly too small lulu lemon top. 
“What’s up, Bobby?” You asked, headed to your kitchen that over looked the living room. You grabbed a bottle of water out of your slowly emptying fridge and twisted open the cap, taking a hefty sip. 
“Um..” He says, his lips pursing as his eyebrows furrow together somehow even deeper. He blows air out of his nose and finally looks up at you, taking his hands out of his pockets only to place them on his hips, awkwardly. “I need you to be my girlfriend.” He says and you snort your water out of your nose on accident, choking on it at the first mention of the words as you tried to process them. “Oh fuck-” 
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valhallaas · 1 year
That’s My Girl
pairing: bradley rooster bradshaw x sunshine!reader
word count: 3.1k
warnings: SMUT (18+, minors dni) vaginal fingering, p in v, cream pie (wrap it up, pals) jake stirring the pot like the shithead he is
summary: when everyone but rooster sees it, there’s always a texan willing to step up to the plate. 
a/n: not me cackling while writing this like some crazed woman. ya’ll can blame @glen-powells​​ for this. the text messages can prove it. 
Part 2
Part 3
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It surprises you every time you come back to the Hard Deck how it hasn’t changed. At least the atmosphere. Civilians and aviators alike. Penny grins at you when you walk in. Elbowing your way through the crowd, you take a seat at the bar, leaning far enough over to let her kiss you on the cheek. Her and your mom had been best friends. Penny’s known you since you were in diapers, helped your mom through the divorce, and helped you when she passed away. You always did your best to come visit her when you could. You’re on leave for the next two months and you aren’t wasting it anywhere else but here.
“Long time no see.” Penny says as she grabs you a drink.
You only grin. “You’ll be seeing so much of me, you’ll be sick of me.”
“Is free labor included in that?”
“Always.” A two toned whistle catches your attention. Turning to look behind you, you sigh at the sight. Holy shit. They’re all here. Your eyes narrow at the blonde, his grin widening when he catches you staring. “Maybe not tonight, Pen.”
Penny shakes her head. “I didn’t think so. Go on, then.”
Throwing her a grateful smile, you’re up and heading towards the pool table. It’s a reunion, no doubt. You’d been overseas the last few months. Seeing everyone here is a blessing. You can’t help the splitting grin on your face when Bob wraps you up right in his arms. How the two of you hit it off, you’ll never know, but you aren’t complaining.
“Look who it is, folks. Our Sunny girl. Did ya’ll see it get brighter in here when she walked in?”
Your eyes roll so far into the back of your head you’re surprised they don’t get stuck. Turning, you come face to face with the blonde who’d called for your attention.
He pulls the toothpick out of his mouth and winks. “Sunshine.”
“What’s got y’all here?”
“You.” Phoenix answers, standing from where she knocked two solids in at the pool table.
You turn to look back at the bar. Penny’s already looking at you with a smirk. What a little sneak. You should’ve known she let you go too easily. Shaking your head you step forward and snag the pool stick from Hangman. He smirks, but doesn’t say anything. You quirk an eyebrow. Lieutenant Jake Seresin keeping his mouth shut? It’s a goddamn miracle. His eyes never leave you as the game finishes. Phoenix grumbles at her loss, you were three shots behind when you started. It’s not your fault that you’re good, that you’re very good. Handing the stick off to Bob, your eyes scan the bar. It’s been almost thirty minutes since you got here. It’s a Saturday night and the bar is busy.
No Hawaiian shirt in sight. No porn mustache spotted anywhere. Your shoulders deflate. If everyone else is here, why isn’t he?
“Who you looking for, Sunshine?”
You glance sideways. “Wouldn’t like to know.”
Jake only grins. “Your bird boy ain’t here yet. Had a meeting with Maverick, I believe.”
Fucking Christ. Are you really that hopeless when it comes to him? So exposed that even Bagman can tell that your head over heels for Rooster? It’s not like it’s your fault. If you had it your way, you’d be happy with your own company. But the heart wants what the heart wants.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, I think you do. Because as much as you pine for him, Bradshaw is a dumbass.”
“What do you mean?”
“He hasn’t noticed, Sunny. You’re still that kid from down the road. You need to do something to make him see you.”
The thought has crossed your mind. You’ve known Bradley so long that he probably didn’t think of you that way. Your teeth bite into your cheek, hands fiddling with the hem of your dress. You don’t miss the way Hangman’s eyes take you in. His gaze lingering on your bare thighs. You huff out a small laugh, pulling his attention back to your face.
You and Jake have a weird relationship. He annoys you to no end but you trust him with your life. Pretty sure you’re the only one in the bar that does. Jake’s been protective of you since you met at Top Gun. A relationship without the relationship, you suppose.
“Can always stir the pot,”
You blink. “What?”
“Make him jealous, Sunny.” A snort escapes you and you slap a hand over your mouth. Jake’s smile is wide, his head falling back with a deep chuckle. “Oh, Sunny girl.”
“I have no one to make him jealous. Even if I did, that’s a stupid idea. What am I, in eighth grade?”
“Honey, look at who you’re talking to.”
Green eyes devour you when you look up at him. He is right. No one gets under Rooster’s skin more than Hangman. You bite your lip, unsure. You shouldn’t. You really, really shouldn’t. But there’s a fire in Hangman’s eyes, like he’s got a point to prove. Playing with the hem of your dress, you scrape the toe of your shoe against the floor. Fuck it, really, what do you have to lose?
“What are we going to do, exactly?”
Jake raises his hand, cupping the side of your face. His thumb lightly drags over your bottom lip before pulling it down. He pulls it away and looks down at the faintly smeared mauve color now on the pad. He lifts it up to his mouth and rubs it in.
“What are you doing?”
His lips tilt into a knowing smirk. “Teasin’.”
He’s going to get you in trouble. Lifting a hand to your own mouth, it’s smacked lightly. Sharp eyes glare at him.
“Go pick out a song. Let’s dance.”
“Yeah, Sunshine, dance. Now go, and pick out a good one.”
You roll your eyes but do as you're told. Eyes follow you the whole way to the jukebox. You lean over, just a bit, the bottom of your dress rising up to tease. Was that why you wore it? Maybe. You wouldn’t tell. Flipping through the songs, you pause a few pages back, a knowing smile taking over your face. Putting the money in, you twirl back to face Jake. When the song starts playing he laughs.
“Honey, you are playing dirty.”
“You started it.”
“Well, you do have your boots on.” He says toeing your Ariats.
“Come on, Texas. Show me how to boogie.”
“You are asking for trouble.”
An eyebrow raises. “Pot, meet kettle.”
Jake doesn’t say anything else. His hand grabs for yours, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you tightly to him. You can’t help but gasp when his thigh slots between yours. Tightening your grip on his shoulder, he twirls you both out and makes room to have a dance floor. The other patrons cheer while watching. A few cat calls thrown your way. A carefree laugh makes its way from you. It’s been a long time since you’ve felt this way. It’s silly, really. To think that teasing a grown ass man made you feel this way.
“Just a heads up, Sunny girl, Bradshaw’s been watching since you went to pick out the song.” Your heart drops. What now? You go to turn your head, to try to find him, anything, really, but are stopped short. Jake slides his hand into your hair keeping you still. “Stop. You’re going to ruin it. I can see his fucking vein bulging from here.”
This is a good thing, right? This is what you wanted? His attention? Jake knows what he’s doing. He’s never led you astray before. Hopefully he won't start now. Jake lets you go, hanging you out with one hand before twirling you around. You’re facing away from him now, and you come face to face with Rooster. You inhale sharply, the smell of him overwhelming you.
“What’s going on here?” He asks, no preamble.
“We’re dancing, I know you have eyes, Bradshaw.”
Bradley looks from Hangman down at you. Head to toe his eyes blaze over you. A fire touching your skin. Licking at the top of your exposed breasts and down your thighs. You can see his lips twitch. The man knows you. His hand reaches out, pinches the fabric of the dress, rolling it between his fingers. It’s his favorite color, and by the look in his eyes you know he knows you wore it just for him.
“Hey Sunshine.”
“Hi Rooster.”
“Couldn’t wait for me, huh?”
You frown. Opening your mouth to talk, you’re promptly cut off. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Rooster shrugs. You follow after him to the table where all your friends are. Most of them try their hardest to look as if they aren’t watching this scene play out like a movie. You jump up to sit on the table, grabbing your drink and taking a sip. You hand Hangman his beer, his glare still on the man beside you. Neither of them say anything for a long time. They just stare, having a silent conversation that you don’t know how to decipher.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for Bagman, Sunshine.” Rooster finally says.
You snort, ignoring Jake’s smirk. “He wishes.”
“That why your lipstick is on his mouth?”
“Who’s mouth should it be on? Wouldn’t want it to go to waste.” Jesus Christ, he’s trying to get you into fucking trouble. Widened eyes look at Jake, his face more stoic than you’ve ever seen it.
“What does that mean?”
Hangman huffs, taking a pull from his beer. “All I’m saying Bradshaw, is that you’ve got a hell of a woman hanging off every word you say. Waiting on you to finally do something. So, you better fuck her before I do.”
Did he know you could hear him? You’re sitting like two feet away. Neither of the men back were backing down and it’s making your anxiety spike. They’ve always been at each other's throats. You’re not sure when their little feud became about you.
“Did she say that?”
“Say what?”
“Did Sunshine say that she wanted you to fuck her?”
There was no hiding the smugness in Bradley’s tone. Hook, line, and sinker. A muscle twitches in Jake’s jaw from how hard he’s clenching his teeth. Suddenly, he glances over at you and you know you must look like a deer caught in headlights. He sighs but it doesn’t sound like one of defeat. More like he’s losing his patience.
He steps towards you, thumb trailing over your bottom lip. “If it doesn't work out with him, Sunny. You know where to find me.”
Hangman turns without looking at either of you again and makes for the jukebox. Your lips quirk up when you recognize the song.
The sound of the door closing is your only warning. Hazel eyes meet yours in the mirror as you roll your neck. Your body relaxes when you feel him press up against your back. He’s so warm it sends chills running down your spine. The bathroom isn’t all that big. Bradley stands behind you, invading your space and swallowing it whole. There is nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. It’s easy to see that Hangman’s words have gotten under your skin. Your heart thunders in your chest at what’s going to happen next. A small prayer is sent off that Penny never finds out.
“You look good, flower.”
You smile at the nickname. “Thanks. It’s always fun when you can dress up in civvy clothes.”
He huffs. “The dress is really something,”
You grin at him through the mirror and you see Adam’s apple bob, hazel eyes fixated on your lips. You swallow, your throat thick. Tearing your gaze from his, you smooth your hands down the soft material, fingers playing with the hem of it. You took a chance with it, and you’re grateful it’s working out in your favor.
The tension is thick and heady. It clings to your skin, his callouses catch on your skin, gluing themselves to you. The music from the jukebox beats against the bathroom door, it’s the only thing accompanied by your heavy breathing. Your eyes shut when his hand pulls your hair to rest over one shoulder. A light yank of your hair has them snapping open. You meet his eyes in the mirror. One eyebrow quirks up at you. With a shaky breath you nod. Bradley leans in, lips lightly brushing against the expanse of your neck. His gaze rests on the soft spot right next to where it connects to your shoulder. You tilt your neck not only to give him more access, but permission too. Your lips tilt at the groan he lets out before his lips are on you.
Slowly his hands pull your sleeves down your arms. Goosebumps rise on your exposed skin. It makes you feel a little vulnerable. But then Bradley pushes himself even closer. He’s got his Hawaiian shirt on, jeans, and his boots. You can feel him breathing, his chest warming your back. It’s when he pushes his hips against you—you can feel him. All of him. A whimper escapes you and you see him grin in the mirror.
A hand trails down your side while the other moves to your chest. Your head falls back when a nipple is taken between his calloused fingers. You’ve only dreamt of what his hands would feel like. Your imagination didn’t do him justice. The heat coming from him is intoxicating. You’ve been so caught up in him that you haven’t realized a hand has been slipping down, down down. Fingers toiling with your dress, pushing the skirt up slowly. A hum rumbles from him when his fingers finally find your core, slipping between your folds. You’re completely soaked. You’ve been this way since he appeared right in front of you. Your breath locks in your throat when he slips a digit in.
“Christ,” he mutters, voice thick like honey. “No panties, flower?”
You whine, you can’t help it. You push your hips back into him, arching your back. His voice, the accusation in his tone. You knew what you were doing when you left your house. Maybe he’d come home with you, fucking you good and proper in your bed. Not pressed up against the sink of the Hard Deck. Bradley pulls his finger out only to push it back in with another. He does this, warming up your body, until you’re moaning, your own hand wrapped around his wrist and guiding him. You can’t stop your hips from grounding down on his hand. Desire has taken over. Bradley has left your nipple, hand now wrapped around your throat, holding you hostage to watch yourself in the mirror. He grunts when you clench around his fingers. You’re close, so close.
“Bradley,” you whine, fingers digging into his arm.
“I know, flower. You want it real bad, don’t you? Let me feel it. Let me feel you gush all over my hand sweet girl. Would you like that?”
You’re going to come off his words alone. A moan falling from your lips as the pressure tightens. It’s only moments later when the band snaps, hot liquid flooding throughout your body. Your head falls back against his chest, another moan filling the small space.
“That’s it, that’s my girl.”
You can feel him moving behind you. The distinct clinking of his belt being undone. Your whole body grows hotter in anticipation. Searing heat hits you, a hand stroking himself while the other is spreading you open. Heat pulses between your legs. There’s no doubt that he’ll split you wide open. After what you just pulled with Jake, you’d be surprised if he was forgiving at all. It’s a little fucked up, but it warms your belly all the same. Lifting your head, you gasp when his eyes meet yours. Bradley’s pupils are blown, lust and primal desire have taken over. His lips pink and full, he bends down and kisses right between your shoulder blades. Traveling up your spine, over your shoulder, he digs his teeth in where it meets your neck. You don’t miss his smirk when you moan.
He slides a hand across your ass, slapping you just hard enough to leave a red handprint behind as he thrust deep, bottoming out. A hand clamps down around your mouth, muffling the scream trying to break free. He’s big, so fucking big. He’s filling you up like never before. It hurts, a pain that you will never get enough of. Your knuckles turn white with each rough, lazy thrust. Bradley slides a hand along your spine, up the back of your neck and into your hair, your breath catches as he pulls your head up and you’re meeting his gaze in the mirror. He’s watching you come undone around him. Each stroke pulling more and more pleasure. Your cheeks are flushed, pupils blown with lust, and lips parted as each of your clipped breaths turn into whimpers.
“Flower,” he grits, hand tightening in your hair, “you feel so fucking good.”
You stare back at him, feet spreading wider to let as much of him in as you can. His teeth dig into your skin again, this time leaving bruises behind. It makes you whine. Little secrets that litter your skin. He thrusts harder, rougher until your hand is pressed against the mirror just to keep you balanced. He’s fully claiming you. Cock punching into the deepest part of you. Neither of you are too worried about the sounds escaping you now.
“Bradley, I–” you're cut off by a whimper when he reaches that spongy spot deep inside you. Over and over again, you feel it approaching, your orgasm is going to come crashing down and you’re ready to bask in it. Your face lifts up, like a sunflower searching for the sun.
“Flower? Are you going to come for me again? Are you going to let me feel you come around my cock?”
“Yes! Yes, I–Rooster, fuck,”
You come on his cock like a tidal wave, and when you collapse against the counter, your body trembles, heaving desperately for air. Bradley groans, pulling you up until you’re flush against him. His lips meet yours in a messy kiss, bucking his hips harder until he’s chasing his high right over the ledge with you.
“Good girl,” he praises, wiping the sweat off the back of your neck. “Good fuckin’ girl. That’s my good girl.”
The jukebox is still blaring when you exit the bathroom. Slowly you make your way back to where your friends are. Ignoring all of their knowing stares you reach for your drink and down it. When Bradley finally makes his appearance beside you, a possessive arm thrown over your shoulders and a quick kiss to the crown of your head. Hangman’s watching the both of you, a knowing look in his eye.
“So, Bradshaw, how was she?”
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mothdruid · 3 months
Happy birthday!! Can I please get "you’re freezing, come here.” With Hangman?
Fast like Rain
pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x gn!reader
word count: 1k
summary: Your childhood best friend, Jake, is home from deployment. The two of you spend the day together and it ends with a cold but sweet treat.
a/n: sorry this took so long to write! my blurbs keep end up being longer than just blurbs lmao. i hope you enjoy!!
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The day had started out great. Jake was home on leave for a little bit, meaning that you finally got to see your best friend after months of his deployment. He had promised you one full day of hanging out when he had left. So, it was time for him to honor that promise.
The day had started with brunch from his favorite local diner, to which he ordered his classic sunny side up eggs with crispy bacon and toast. You ordered your own favorite meal, earning teasing when you ordered your classic cup of orange juice. Jake never let you live that down, always joking that you were never going to fully grow up.
The two of you spent the next few hours doing whatever. It was so refreshing to finally have Jake home. He was your best friend no matter what, even if you happened to have a little bit more than just platonic feelings for him. It was hard not to like him. He had that Texan charm you had grown up dreaming about.
Charm with a bit of asshole to him, and it honestly made your heart sing. Maybe that's because he didn't intimidated you, instead it pushed you to be an asshole right back at him. Which Jake himself loved about you. Every time you ever swore at him and yelled at him, he would later that night think about it in bed, wondering if you would speak that way if you were underneath him.
The two of you were currently in some random field outside of town. Jake had decided to drive the old beater truck he had during high school while he was in town. So the tailgate was currently down, the both of you sitting on it with your legs dangling. The soft yet dry tall grass was brushing against your ankles.
"Are you serious?" You laughed after asking.
"Come on, of course, how could you not believe me?" Jake retorted.
"You weren't a track star in school, that's why!"
"I played football," Jake reminded you.
"As a QB, not a running back!" You could help the laughter that came from you.
"Fine," Jake hoped off the tailgate, "let's race."
The laughter immediately stopped when you heard him. You both had been too caught up in each other to have noticed the darker clouds starting to consume the sky. You gave Jake a serious look, tiling your head as if to question his seriousness.
"Hey, I'm being serious here," Jake threw his hands up in defense.
"One hundred percent?" You questioned.
He took his right index finger and drew a cross over his heart. You hoped down off the tailgate and stood face to face with him. You crossed your arms, signaling that you meant business.
"What's in it for me?"
"I'll buy you ice cream," Jake said.
"Fence line?"
Jake shook his head yes, that stupid smirk on his face. Without a second thought you took off running. You heard Jake yell from behind you about how he never said start. All you did was throw a middle finger back at him. Jake chased you all the way to the fence line, huffing once he finally caught up to you. You had been waiting for only a few seconds since reaching it. Your own breath was heavy, lungs struggling to keep up.
"Guess you aren't that fast," you chuckled while trying to steady your breathing. You looked over at Jake and then leaned again the fence post next to you.
"I don't know if that counts," Jake joked. He moved near you, putting a hands on the same post you were leaning on.
The two of you were close, only a few inches separating your bodies. Smiles adorned both of your faces while you stared at each other. You could never get tried of staring at him. Yeah, he looked like a generic jock, but he was your generic jock. Those green eyes never left yours, and a part of was starting to wonder if the two of you were moving closer towards one another.
Suddenly there was a loud rumble through the sky. It was only then that both of you noticed the dark sky. You examined the sky, a small drop of water hit your skin. Jake felt one too, looking at you quickly. It was seconds before a complete down pour started. You howled in laughter and shock as Jake just started laughing. After a few more seconds of taking the rain in, you ran back towards the truck. Jake was right behind you, stopping to lift the tailgate back up while you climbed into the cab.
"Holy shit," the words were breathy from your laughter.
"That was a surprise," Jake said.
The both of you were practically soaked. His t-shirt was practically a different color now. Yours was about the same though. Little goosebumps were starting to prick up along your skin. Jake noticed this when you wrapped your arms around yourself. He reached out hesitantly, brushing his knuckles against your skin.
"You're freezing," he whispered, "come here."
Jake opened his arms and gestured for you to move closer to him. You hesitated for a minute, eventually moving into his arms. Jake's arm were so warm, they were like one of his old sweatshirts that you had stolen forever ago. The sound of rain filled the silence between the two of you.
"I missed you."
The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. You sat up a little and looked at Jake. There was worry weaved through your expression as if you had done something wrong. Jake moved a hand to your jaw, cupping it then leaning in.
Neither of you fought it, leaning into the kiss and your emotions. For so long the both of you had fought them, telling yourselves that this couldn't be real. But it was.
Jake pulled back and just stared at you, a small smile on his lips. He rubbed his thumb against your cheek, marveling internally at how soft your skin was.
"I missed you too."
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