#jake hangman sersin
talkfastromance4 · 11 months
Timeless–Jake Seresin oneshot
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author's note: this idea was inspired by a few things. I was at a farm that hosted a Blue Hawaii Elvis night and there were string lights placed all over the grounds. Couples were dancing in the barn and when I looked outside at the other string lights, I imagined a couple out there dancing alone. Then, last night at my 10 year high school reunion, I was with my first love again, we dated when we were 13. So there's a lot of truth of him and I in this oneshot, call it a love letter to him, but I'll always love him forever. I hope you enjoy.
warnings: allusion to sex, some sadness, but mainly fluff and love, an OC is used
word count: 2.4k
Likes, reblogs and comments mean the world!
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Apart from seeing his parents, there was one other person Jake loved seeing whenever he came back home and that was Cricket. Her real name is Daisy Baker and they’ve been childhood friends since they were twelve. She’s also his first love. 
Like most first loves it was a whirlwind of ups and downs while navigating that newfound feeling at the age of thirteen. They were best friends first until one day in science class he wrote her a note telling her he liked her. Cricket is the only one where Jake is himself, he always leaves Hangman at base when he’s with her.
Throughout their teen years they broke each other’s hearts equally. She broke his first because she was scared of getting so close to someone and he broke hers when they departed for college. On holiday breaks they met up at the local town bar and shared a few drinks and memories of their past. 
They were a flame that never went out, a forever flicker of love, fondness, and adoration for each other that burns a little brighter when together. 
“How long are you gone for again?” Rooster asks Jake when he comes out of his room with a suitcase and a carry on. Rooster’s sitting on the couch in their shared condo, it’s near base and has a pool out back.
“Two weeks.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to your high school reunion. I hate high school.”
“Yeah well, reunions are a staple in Southern States,” Jake pockets his wallet, keys, and phone. 
“Is what’s-her-name…” Rooster snaps his fingers as he thinks, “ladybug gonna be there?”
“Her name is Cricket, and yes, she’ll be there.”
“Ahh I knew it,” Rooster grins, “you and your high school sweetheart are gonna knock some boots, huh?”
Jake grabs the nearest thing to him–a roll of paper towel–and chucks it at Rooster’s head. 
“Shut up. Don’t burn the place down with your cooking.”
Jake’s one of the first to show up at the bar for the reunion, his eyes scanning the room for Cricket. He was quickly distracted by an old classmate, Ted, who shook his hand and started prattling off about Jake’s old football stats. The compliments weren’t helping his ego and Hangman was brought out as he boasted about his wonder years to anyone who would listen. 
Conversation quickly turned to his time as a Naval aviator and he feigns modesty when he relays he’s the only active duty pilot with an air-to-air kill. 
“You always were so humble, weren’t you?” a quiet voice he would know anywhere says behind him. 
Jake turns and smiles immediately when he sees Cricket before him, her big eyes looking exceptionally pretty and glittering. 
“I’m as humble as they come,” he grins leaving the small fanclub he sequestered behind. 
“So is that why you wore your service khakis?” her fingers tug on the collar of his shirt, the lilt in her voice is teasing. 
“You know me, I hate having attention drawn on me,” he smirks.
“Oh yeah, you hate it,” she rolls her eyes and they share a laugh.
“Hey Cricket,” he finally greets her by name. 
“Hey Jake,” she sighs. 
They chit-chat for a while before they’re both pulled away to converse with other classmates. While they’re split up they each glance over to one another periodically, Jake is watching how much she’s drinking. 
A couple hours later when he’s standing at the bar talking with a girl he sat next to in Study Hall, he feels small hands and a warmth on his bicep. He looks down and sees it’s Cricket’s cheek pressed to his bicep, her nails stroking the fabric of his shirt delicately. 
“Hey you,” he says.
“Hi, can you buy me a drink?” 
“Sure, what are you drinking?” he asks and looks for the bartender. Cricket tells him her drink of choice just as the bartender comes up.
“Can you buy Jane one as well?”
Jake turns his attention back to her about to say no but when he sees her doe eyes and pouty lip, he simply can’t refuse. 
“Sure thing, darlin’.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and bounces on her feet in happiness. 
They converse some more before someone else pulls their attention and it isn’t until midnight Jake finds her again. She’s standing at the end of the bar with a classmate and her husband. Two other men are there, older men, that Jake doesn’t recognize and he becomes on high alert. Cricket is smiling and sipping on her drink as they talk and the guy closest to her leans his body against hers.
Jake stands up straighter, what the hell?
The guy stops leaning on her but is still invading her space a little by stepping closer to her. Cricket leans away and takes small steps back so he’s not crowding her space as much but the guy won’t let up. Just as Jake is about to head on over, Cricket points behind herself and then makes a beeline for him. She rests a hand on his shoulder and starts talking quietly while Jake is glaring at the guy.
“That guy says he wants to be my wingman for someone here because I’m too pretty to be here alone and he said he’d try a shot with me but he’s too old and I don’t know what to do,” she rushes out.
“Just tell him you’re with me,” Jake responds quickly. 
“I already mentioned you that you weren’t available. I’m just going to stay here and hopefully he’ll leave.”
“Not a problem,” Jake guides her to the bar stool in front of him. He helps her onto it and blocks her with his body from the other guy. “How old is he anyway?”
“His fifties I think. He said he graduated from our school too but five years before,” she shakes her head. “It was so weird.” 
“Stay by me, I got you,” he rests his arm on the bar around her.
The older men finally went to the pool tables and Jake excused himself to the bathrooms. He was stopped again by classmates he hadn’t spoken to yet but made sure Cricket was in his sights. She was talking with that married couple from before but still looked a little uneasy. 
Jake joined her again sitting in the stool next to her and Cricket immediately leaned into him.
“That guy keeps coming over, gesturing to me to come to the pool tables with him. When I’m done with my drink I’m gonna head home, can you walk me to my car?”
“Absolutely, I won’t let him near you,” Jake glances over at the guy who’s already staring at them. 
Cricket sucks down her drink quickly then hops from the bar stool. She hugs and says goodbye to the few stragglers that are behind and Jake follows her up the steps towards the entrance. She waves to one of the bartenders and Jake recognizes him.
“Hey, that’s the one who gave us free shots the last time we were here on our ‘date,’” Jake says.
“Ugh man, he probably thinks we’re for sure together now,” Cricket laughs. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he smiles and breathes in the summer air. It’s quiet outside as they walk across the dirt and pebbled lot. 
“I’m across the street,” she points.
Maybe it’s because he’s slightly intoxicated or maybe it’s because he’s so comfortable with her that he doesn’t even give it a second thought, Jake holds out his hand to her. 
“For old times’ sake.”
She snickers and laces their fingers together. As soon as their palms touch Jake feels a sense of completeness. Her hand is much smaller than his and yet it fits so perfectly and he’s reminded of holding her hand down the school hallways. They bump into each other on the walk over and he wishes it was a longer walk to her car. 
She unlocks it and opens the driver’s side and tosses in her small purse and phone onto the passenger seat. She shuts the door and faces him. 
“It was good to see you,” she says. 
“Good to see you, too,” he says and pulls her into a hug. Her arms are around his neck and his are wrapped around her waist, he breathes her in the same time she breathes him in. “I miss you, Cricket.”
“I know, I miss you too,” she sighs. “Why do you call me Cricket?”
“You would always hum at school and I could tell if something was wrong when you wouldn’t. Made me think of crickets, they chirp if they’re happy and stop when they sense danger. Plus, I’m the only one who calls you that and you seemed to like it, so I never stopped.”
“Oh,” she giggles in his shoulder. “I do like it.”
They hold each other and start to sway slightly, neither one wanting to let go but she does first. She’s always pulled away first.
“How long are you home for?” she asks.
“Two weeks.”
“Are you busy?”
“Not really,” he smiles, “I’d love to see you before I go back.”
“I’d like that, too.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s the way she’s looking up at him, maybe it’s the way she feels in his arms or maybe it’s all three that causes him to lean down. She leans up as well and they both pause just before their lips touch. When they kiss it’s like coming home. It’s familiar and comfortable and just feels so right.
Jake squeezes her waist just as her fingers curl in his hair at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly. It sends shivers down his spine and he presses her against her car. 
“My roommate’s not home,” she whispers when they break free for air. He pecks her lips quickly.
“Yeah?” he smiles squeezing her and never wanting to let go.
“Yeah. If you’d like to come over.”
“Let’s go.”
He lifts her from the ground and walks around the car opening the passenger side so she can get in. He closes the door and settles in the driver's side but before he turns it on, he leans over the console to give her another kiss. 
They spent the next two weeks together in pure bliss. Going out to dinner, the movies, a baseball game and spent a decent amount of time between the sheets. She came over to his parents’ house for dinner. On his last night they stayed in bed all day, neither of them wanting to sleep. 
“When will you be home again?” she asks playing with his fingers. She’s on top of him, naked and beautiful, their hands placed on his chest. “The holidays?”
“I doubt it,” he shakes his head. “Heard through the grapevine we’ll be deployed on a ten month mission.”
“Oh,” her eyes are downcast, watching her fingertips trace over his own. Jake notices she puts an extra circle on his ring finger. 
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t picture marrying her. He could see it all, her in a beautiful white dress, a home of their own and then three or four little munchkins. Jake never really wanted kids but Cricket’s always wanted to be a mom and he would absolutely want a family with her. But it’s always so hard leaving her and he doesn’t want to put her through that kind of worry. 
“I’ll let you know when I’ll be home next,” he assures her. He pinches her cheek affectionately. 
“Will we be able to talk in between now and then?”
“Maybe, I can’t guarantee anything.”
“I know,” she sighs heavily, resting her forehead on his chest. 
Jake rubs the back of her hair and when she lifts it back up, tears roll down her cheeks. 
“Baby,” he sighs and swipes them away but more come. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t want you to see me cry,” she whispers and tries to wipe them away as well. 
“It’s okay,” he soothes. 
They roll into a hug with Jake on top of her and she clutches him tightly to her. She sniffles in his ear and he lets her cry into his neck, her long staggering breaths breaks his heart and it reminds him how it always comes back to this. Breaking each other’s hearts. When her breath is steady and normal, he pulls away and stares at her.
“I’m not gone yet. Let’s make the most of it?” he asks and she nods, their lips connecting in a wordless agreement.
“The bride and groom would like to have one last dance before the night is over, so if we could clear the dancefloor please…” the DJ says into the microphone. 
Crickets are chirping in the balmy summer night as the dancefloor is cleared in the large backyard. The string lights create a warm and inviting glow to all the tables and the dancefloor. The photographer gets into position as the happy couple walks in the center of the floor.
Jake spins Cricket and she picks up the bottom of her dress as it twirls up and grabs Jake’s hand in perfect timing just as ‘Love me Tender’ begins to play. Their guests fall into a quiet hush as the newlyweds begin to dance. Cricket is humming along the crooning voice of Elvis and Jake kisses her forehead. 
“Can you believe we’re finally here?” he asks. 
“No, it feels like a dream. A wonderful dream,” she sighs. “I always knew we’d end up together.”
“You did?”
“You didn’t?” 
“Of course I did,” he shrugs. “I knew it the moment I met you in seventh grade.”
“Seventh grade?” she scrunches her nose. “I had braces.”
“And you were the cutest girl. Still are,” he winks and spins her out. There’s soft applause from their guests and he pulls her back into his arms. 
They change their dancing position to the informal way with both her hands behind his neck and Jake’s on her waist. Their foreheads are touching and they sway in one spot soaking up each other and the moment of their special day. 
Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are min
I’ll be you through all the years
Till the end of time
Love me tender, love me true, 
all my dreams fulfilled, 
for my darling–
“I love you,” Jake sings along.
“And I always will,” she joins him in the last verse. 
When picking out a last song to dance to, this one popped into both of their minds because the lyrics rang true to their relationship. Through all the years and relationships in between, they’ve always loved each other and always will. They dance into the night, sealing their whirlwind of a love story into a new beginning of their life without fear or regret or doubt.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 years
Think about you and Jake staying overnight at his family’s ranch. You’re both sleeping soundly, you’re snuggled in his shirt under the comforter with his arm wrapped protectively around you holding his back to your front. He’s got nothing but his basketball shorts on and you’re both basking in lazy morning snuggles
And then you both are awoken at the pitter patter of little feet and then feel the weight and gleeful yelps of the nieces and nephews launching themselves onto the bed. “Time to get up!!” Followed by a soft chuckle from Grace and grandma who have appeared in the doorway. Jake pulls you tighter to him, his arm warm and heavy and comforting as you sleepily nestle back against him. He smiles against you as the kids bounce and pounce on you both and you remember very quickly you have *nothing* but jakes shirt on under the comforter. “We promised them we’d go out for pancakes and waffles today” he mumbles in the deep voice of his, verging on a chuckle
“Time to get up! Time to get up!”
you guys are just trying to kill me aren’t you? i absolutely hate all of you, because these ideas are SO CUTE. also, sorry it got slightly ~suggestive~ because hey - it’s jake.
context: flyboy
The pounding of tiny feet sprinting down the hallway woke Jake before it had woken you, making him pull you tighter against his body, his arm over the top half of your body, feeling the curve of your ass nestled against his front, the material of his tshirt which you are in, rubbing against his bare chest. He feels you stir as the door bursts open with a bang, and he curses mentally at himself for forgetting to lock it the night before.
“Time to get up!” He hears a chorus of little voices yelling out the same phrase as the mattress of the bed starts to shift, 5 little gremlins clawing their way up onto the bed only to bounce around the mattress, their little feet trampling on the both of you, hidden safe under the covers, in the process.
He feels you shift, before you sink further down along the length of his body in an attempt to bury yourself under the covers. Jake follows suit, both your heads sinking beneath the safety of the covers, in a desperate, but futile attempt to hide. It goes unnoticed by the 5 children, but chuckles that come from the direction of the doorway tells Jake that his mother and grandmother are watching, having witnessed both your failed attempts at escape.
“We promised them we’d go out for pancakes and waffles today,” he mumbles, voice deep, and southern drawl thick - as it always was first thing in the morning. He hears you whine softly, as you press your body closer to his. Jake shifts his arm lower, taking the privacy which being under the covers affords, to squeeze one of your breasts through his tshirt, thumb brushing across a pert nipple.
“Jake,” he hears your voice, a soft grumble of protest, you suddenly realising, with 5 children bouncing on the bed you both are in, just how little clothes you are wearing, and he can only chuckle as he presses a kiss to your neck.
“Time to get upppppppp Uncle Jaaaaaaaake.” The voices continue their assault, and Jake sticks his head out from under the covers, eyeing his amused mother and grandmother who are standing by the door, amidst the shouts of “Uncle Jake!”, “Uncle Jake is aaaawaaaake”.
“You might want to get them out of here,” he says, the fingers of his hand, which is still hidden from view, now rolling your nipple between the pads of his fingertips through his tshirt, “we aren’t wearing much.”
His frankness makes you groan in horror from under the covers, which only has a bark of laughter escaping Grace, as she beckons to the children from the door.
“I don’t care if you both are as naked as mole-rats,” grandma Doris says, pointedly, clearly unbothered but a hint of glee in her voice, “as long as you both are making me more grandchildren.”
It makes you groan again, Jake’s laughter filling the room.
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Coyote: close your eyes, bro
Hangman: ok, bro
Coyote: what do you see, bro
Hangman: nothing, bro
Coyote: that's my life without you, bro
Hangman: bro...🥺
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@crescentwolf made this absolutely wonderful, beautiful, and amazing video edit of Jake x Ronnie, and pardon me while I go WEEP
brown hair most certainly does suit you jake 😉
thank you so much Christel my beloved you are literally the sweetest person on the face of the planet and I adore you
top gun taglist: @oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @onlyheretowastetime @supernaturaldawning @frenchtoastix
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thewulf · 1 year
Good News || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: So i saw somewhere where a woman got into trouble for "destruction of government property" but it's just her giving her military husband hickies, and i think this would be so hilarious with Jake Seresin.
A/N: This one came so quickly to me. It's just pure fluff. All the Jake Seresin fluff! Short but sweet. Hope you all enjoy :)
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 2.3k +
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Your eyes flipped back to the calendar on the wall with a big red circle around today. You’d probably looked at that calendar a thousand times over the last six months as you waited. Waited agonizingly every single day praying you wouldn’t get a knock on your door or the dreaded phone call.
Jake had been deployed on a carrier off the coast of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea for the last six months. You knew it came with the territory when you started dating him all those years ago. It terrified you every single time he came to tell you he was off on a mission or going on orders overseas. You’d never show it, only your utmost support and confidence in the man. But you knew how dangerous it was. He told you about all the men and women he’s seen gone down and some never making it home in his short span as a pilot in the Navy. It didn’t just terrify you, it rocked you all the way down to your core. What if he didn’t make it home? He was a hell of a pilot, one of the best that was flying, but things didn’t always go your way. He knew that. You knew it. Everybody seemed to know it.
But today was the day. He was coming home. After the months of shitty less than communication and trying your best to stay distracted it was here. He was safe. He was alive. You’d talked to him just a few hours ago. Waiting.
Jake’s parents picked you up from your shared home just off base that’d been eerily quiet in his absence. They didn’t want you driving in your hyper-fixated state. They never wanted you driving when it came to these kinds of events. They knew how much it tore you up when he was gone on deployment. If you didn’t fly down to Texas they made sure to fly to you. Just to keep you company. You hadn’t a clue how you’d gotten so lucky to have them in your life. And hopefully in the future as family. You never pushed it though. You didn’t want him to panic and ran. And truth be told you’d be fine never marrying him so long as he was like this in your life. Your best friend and love wrapped up in one.
“Are you excited?” His mom asked seeing you nearly bouncing out of the backseat once the car rolled onto base.
“Oh Nancy,” you could only nod your head in confirmation, “I’m more than excited.” Your cheeks were starting to burn from the big cheesy grin you were wearing.
His dad, David, spoke up, “I know Jake is just as excited.” He smiled just feeling the excitement in the air. These days were truly the best. Six months was a long time to be away. The longest deployment he’d been on in years.
The three of you made small talk as David drove to the base. Once parked, you happily led the older couple over to where the sailors would stand before they waited to be dismissed. You watched as the hundred or so men and women aboard the ship departed to their designated formation. Your eyes scanned for your loved one. Your Jake.
Finally spotting him you waited anxiously as the rest of the crew lined up. You just had to wait it out another ten minutes or so. They had to officially be dismissed before they could break for the family reunions. These last few minutes always seemed to draw on for decades trying to be as patient as possible.
You kept your eyes on him as he kept his forward. You hadn’t a clue that he already spotted you moments before you did him. But he had to keep his attention forward. No matter how anxious he was to see his favorite girl again.
They second they were dismissed Jake made a beeline right for you. Your face lit up in surprise as he headed right at you. Your body responding by moving forward you jumped right into his arms once he got close enough. He was more than ready. He wrapped his arms right around you securing you tightly to his chest while your feet locked behind him.
“Jakey.” You grinned hugging him tightly, afraid he’d be gone from your arms again you cherished every second like this. It made you realize how much you really did love the man you were holding so tightly. How much you craved him, everything about him. You’d rather not have had him gone for six months though. That was far too long for your liking. As if you had any say.
“Honey.” He cooed gently rocking you side to side. One arm snaked around your waist, one arm gently cradling your head in his hands, “You’re so fucking pretty. How’d you get even more beautiful? God I missed your face.” Jake leaned down capturing your lips in his. As gentle as he normally was with you this was hungrier. He really had missed you. Giving your hip as squeeze you felt him smile into the kiss as you squirmed away from his grasp.
Once you stopped giggling you looked right into his eyes smiling dopily, “And I missed yours, handsome man.” You gave him a wicked smirk before doing the unthinkable. Jake had warned you time and time again how he couldn’t show visible marks on the skin, or the Navy could have his ass. And maybe even yours if they were angry enough. You’d known they were empty threats, but you’d never dreamed of potentially hurting his flying in anyway. So, you’d never leave any marks.
Sliding his collar to the side you decided to throw caution to the wind seeing everybody lost in their own world with their own families. Jake’s parents were even admiring all the reunions around them instead of having their eyes fixated on the two of you. They loved watching all the joy every time. Nancy always made sure that every sailor was feeling the love. That was just one of the reasons you’d fallen in love not only with Jake but his entire family. His mom was as sweet as they came. His dad just as caring but even more tough. It was no wonder Jake was the way he was. Albeit a little more of an asshole than either of them even combined.
“Ma’am. That is abhorrent.” A vaguely familiar voice made you focus on your surroundings once more, “This is Destruction of Government Property.” You heard a cough from behind Jake drawing you away from your boyfriends neck. The look you sent could’ve killed him if it were at all possible. Bradley fucking Bradshaw. Was he actually serious right now?
You felt Jake’s laughter in his chest before you heard it. Flicking your eyes up momentarily at him you kissed him on his cheek before flipping Bradley off, “I don’t care Bradley.” You continued flipping him off while Jake held you tightly to his chest.
“Sweetheart…” Jake tried to warn you. The government really did own his ass. But his Commanding Officer was cool. He wasn’t expected to be back on base for another few weeks… what did a few hickies hurt? You knew the drill, but it didn’t seem to matter as you clung to him like he was about to vanish at any second. He looked down at your doe eyed expression, “I missed you.” He finished realizing just how hard deployment really was on you. The two of you were going on year five together. He’d been a pilot for all of them. He’d flown his hardest missions during that time. Your support never wavered. But seeing you like this? Like you’d never see him again… it hurt him. It hurt knowing you were feeling like that.
“You’ll care when there are Naval Officers on your doorstep.” Bradley tried. He really did. But you really didn’t care. You missed him more than anything. You didn’t care that his parents were there watching. You just missed him. Missed his corny ass jokes and the soft touches he always threw your way. You missed the sweet smiles and laughter that came with being around him. 
“So be it. Worth it.” You giggled as Jake pinched your sides again bringing your attention back to the man you’d dreamed about every day.
“Eyes over here darling.” He made sure to flip Bradley off before holding you back in his arms once again. He wouldn’t let you drop your hold on him. He wanted you close. He didn’t care either. He’d craved you for those months. He’d forgotten just how bad deployment got. Bradley mumbled some incoherent words before disappearing off into the crowd.
Kissing his cheek once more you nodded, “Sorry Jakey.” Brushing your hands through his hair it felt like it really was just the two of you there. Like nobody else was around.
“No need to apologize.” He whispered in your ear sending immediate chills down your spine, “You didn’t answer my question though. How’d you seem to get even more beautiful while I was gone?”
You truly felt like a little schoolgirl was a nasty crush on a boy way out of your league. He was so sweet to you and only you. Not having a clue why. You loved watching him interact with everyone else. He was so different than the man who came home to you every night. But that was Jake. Tough as they come. Sweet as can be. The biggest fight the two of you had was when he came home and told you about the six month long deployment a year ago. You didn’t even fight you were just sad. Sad that he volunteered to go. Volunteered and didn’t tell you. The two of you worked through it though. You always did.
“Shush. You’ve just been trapped on a big boat for so long I’d be offended if you didn’t think I was pretty.” You wanted to kiss him so bad. You didn’t even remember the kiss you gave him once you spotted him walk off the ship. You blacked out, truly.
“Never ever.” He grinned, “I’ll never stop complementing my beautiful girl.”
You squeezed your arms around him pulling him so much closer. You’d melt into him if you could, “You’re too sweet to me Mr. Seresin.”
He shook his head, “Not enough, I’d say.” He took the lead this time leaning down to give you a soft, sweet kiss that was far too short for your liking.
“I love you.” You whispered to him feeling oh so happy. So beyond excited he was holding you in his arms once again. You tried to step away to give his parents a chance to say hello, but he only held you tighter. Shaking his head.
“Love you too, gorgeous girl.” He hummed placing a soft kiss on your forehead, “That was it, by the way.”
You scrunched your eyes together in confusion, “What?”
He nodded his head with that larger than life smile on his face, “You’re looking at Captain Jake Seresin. Command Ground Officer.” He emphasized ground with wide eyes.
“Jake! Congrats. You didn’t tell me! Does this mean you’re here? Permanently?” Looking at him expectedly. It hit you just how good it could really get once you knew he’d be sleeping by your side every night.
He nodded his head in excitement, “At least for this job. I’ll still be flying but more on the leadership side. Training. Preparing them.”
You didn’t think your heart could swell any larger in love. But there it went. Only Jake could do that. You knew it. He knew it, “You’re not kidding right? Like you’re being serious?”
“Yes sweetheart. So serious.” He kissed your nose this time. He missed you more than you could’ve imagined. It was an impossible six months. He didn’t want to do that anymore. He couldn’t be away from you anymore. Lucky for him he had options. They let him choose. He choose to ground himself from missions. It was time to grow up and move on. He’d accomplished everything he sought out to and more already in the air. Now he was on a mission to rise to the top. Admiral Jake Seresin had a ring to it. 
You wanted to squeal but knew you had eyes all over you. Anybody could’ve been watching, “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while J.”
“Just you wait.” He grinned ear to ear leaning down once more, whispering into your ear, “Won’t even be the best news you’ve heard all day.” Leaning all the way down he kissed you with a little bit more but keeping it PG. His parents were standing there a little annoyed that he’d chosen to be with you for so long before he even acknowledged them. But they knew. They knew the raw power of love. How much it could sway and dissuade. How deeply Jake was in love with you and how much you were with him.
“Oh? Do tell.” You pulled away looking at him curiously.
“You’ll see.” He wiggled his eyebrows just to egg you on.
You narrowed your eyebrows in on the man you loved so dearly, “You know how much I hate surprises.”
He laughed gleefully, “Oh darling, I know.” He pulled you back into him momentarily, “Promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”
“Promise?” You knew he’d keep true to his word, but you wanted to hear him confirm it.
“I promise you darling. Just you wait.” Squeezing your hand, he finally walked over to his parents bringing you right along with him. Only dropping your hand as he went in for the hug with his mom.
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Taglist: @stuffingbuttsandshit @genius2050
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Abs Sans Brain
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!pilotreader [no use of y/n]
2.6k || Your date with Jake at the Hard Deck is crashed by the rest of the squad.
==== Genre: Fluffy, flirty, and funky
CW: Swearing, drinking
Author’s Note: I’m writing this before I start writing the fic itself. I’m shooting for 600 - 800 words. Please laugh at me when we see how wrong I end up being. Oh, and the reader is best friends with Bob because I said so. || cross-posted on ao3
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There were very few things you had asked for in life. Good health, good people, and the entire sky at your disposal. A small list, if a bit demanding. One thing you hadn’t been expecting when you’d asked for the Heavens was all those who came with it. In particular, Jake Seresin, who slid into the booth across from you. Beers in hand, grin in place.
“Come here often, doll?”
You roll your eyes at him. A movement that does little to hide the smile blooming across your lips. “I can’t believe I ever let that line work on me.”
“In your defense,” he said, taking a long swig of his beer. “The first time I used that line, we were thousands of feet in the sky. It’s where I’m at my most irresistible.”
“Ah, yes. That must have been it. Everywhere else you’re just insufferable.” You laughed and took a significantly smaller sip of your beer. It’s your second one in ten minutes. “If I didn’t know you any better, Seresin, I’d say you’re trying to get me drunk here.”
“Tryin’?” he scoffed, “and you say you know me.”
The unfortunate thing about this whole situation was that you did know Jake. You knew him well, better than Coyote. You knew his favorite color was yellow. That’s why it had been put in his helmet. (He’d also left off the ‘a’ in his helmet because the idea of filling it in to say ‘Hungman’ fit his sixth grade sense of humor). You knew he over-exaggerated his southern drawl whenever you walked into a room because you’d once drunkenly admitted to him that hearing him talk flooded your mind with dirty thoughts. You knew Jake’s mind was fifty percent dirty thoughts, twenty-five percent sky, twenty percent you, five percent ways to school you at cards and five percent cheeky comebacks he was sitting on to annoy the rest of the squad with. And, most disheartening of all, you knew Jake was not a romantic.
It didn’t bother him that date night was a few beers, fried food, and a game of pool. It didn’t bother you either. Not entirely, but you were hoping for one night where you could dress up nice and go out somewhere fancy. Somewhere along the lines of joining the military and ending up at TOPGUN the line of being feminine had been blurred. Commanders couldn’t understand why you’d want to put on a bit of mascara to fly a plane. In the same stretch of imagination, Hangman seemingly couldn’t put it together that you’d like a bit of romance in your life beyond the cheesy pickup lines and pet names.
If you could add anything to your list of ‘good health, good people, and the entire sky’ it would be a few nice dates. You’d say nothing fancy, but you wouldn’t mean it. You wanted fancy. Even if it was just to realize that fancy is actually not what you wanted at all. Something to change up the pace of playing pool with Jake and being hit on by him like you were his latest conquest and not his girlfriend of six months.
Part of you felt like you were being slightly unfair.
“Your turn, doll,” Jake said, but when you went to pass in front of him he grabbed you by your belt loop. He pulled you back towards him, matching your laugh, and captured your lips with his.
Moments like these almost had you convinced that maybe you could push those selfish date ideas off to the side. Jake liked showing off. He liked being able to flirt with you in a place where you could laugh loudly and no one would look at you weird. He liked being able to slip out the back door to walk down the beach with you under the stars.
“If it’s my turn,” you said between kisses, “then let me shoot the ball.”
Reluctantly, he let go of your waist and you positioned yourself to sink yet another ball into the pocket. You planned to kick his ass in an embarrassingly short amount of time to get the pettiness out of your system, then enjoy your night together.
Except for the fact that the front bell chimed, and familiar shouts filled the bar. Familiar because you’d heard them less than an hour ago. You considered altering your list once more. ‘Good people who knew when not to come get a drink.’
“Hangman!” Payback shouted across the bar. “Rack ‘em up. Rooster was just telling me how the two of you ended in a tie game last week.”
Jake’s laughter filled your ears. He still had a hand on the small of your back, but his attention was entirely on your group of friends trailing through the door. “Chicken doesn’t know what he’s talkin’ about. I smoked his ass.”
“I’d like to see you put your money where your mouth is, Seresin. Unless you’re still broke from the last time I kicked your ass.”
Rooster headed over to the pool table followed closely by Fanboy and Coyote. Payback, scribbling in a notebook, hung back for a moment. Then opened his mouth to edge the tension on a bit more. You knew your date night had been pushed aside, so you took it upon yourself to step off to the side yourself.
Phoenix smiled at you, waving, and tilted her head. “I thought you guys were on a date?” She asked. You shot her a look that said ‘We’ll talk later.’ Natasha let out a laugh. “Sorry. Look, I’ll get you something strong to drink.”
“Make it a double!” You called out after her as she made her way over to the bar where she’d be trapped by millions of questions from Penny. The sound of your name, your government name, being called by a certain southern drawl caught your attention. “Yes, love?” You asked, hoping that your boyfriend was about to make an unexpected promise that the two of you could leave after one game.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Jake nudged you softly with his shoulder then threw his head over in Bradley’s direction. “We can always just ask the peanut squad to leave. The small man will only get so much smaller when I whoop his ass for the hundredth time”
Rooster stiffens, almost to attention. He holds the pool cue next to him. Straight and tall. “I’m taller than you are, Bagman.”
It had become a trend of sorts to refer to Jake with various insults that fell so effortlessly from Bob’s mouth. You had tried your hardest to resist, out of solidarity for your boyfriend, some of the nicknames were too creative to avoid… and it gave you an excuse to make Jake try and draw his true name from your lips.
“I wasn’t referring to that kind of height, Chick.”
“C’mon, Jake,” you whine, “can you please just be the polite Jake I know you to be?”
“Oxymoron!” Rooster calls from across the pool table to which Jake whirls around and says, “What the fuck did you just call me?”
You shoot a glare in Bradley’s direction. “Seriously?” Out of the corner of your eye you see Payback pulling that same little notebook out of his pocket to make a mark. You turn on him. “And what the hell are you doing?”
He turns the page towards you. On it in crude, unintelligible handwriting is what you can only assume to be two columns labeled “Hangman” and “Rooster” with a series of ticks beneath them. Jake in the lead by a long shot. “I like to keep track.”
In the corner, you noticed when you squinted to read the handwriting, was a third little box. Completely full of ticks. “Who is that?”
“Bob,” Payback said at the same time Bob said, “Mine.”
You rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to Jake. “Can I talk to you?”
Your tone is enough to etch worry on his face. He set his pool cue against the table, grabbed you by the waist, and pulled you off to the side. “What’s wrong, doll?”
“This isn’t a date.” The whiny lit to your voice didn’t make you feel the most sexy, but you’d tried seducing Jake to go to a movie so the two of you could make out in the dark instead and that hadn’t worked. Pouting was your last resort. “Every time we go on a date, they show up. They’re like fleas!”
“At least fleas can do tricks.” Jake turned to look over his shoulder. “Rooster can’t even hit a ball straight.”
“Jake, I’m being serious. Why won’t you just take me on a date? A real one.”
“Look, pretty girl, I’ll make a deal with you.”
You side-eyed him, unconvinced, and sighed. “Lucky me.”
“Play me in darts. I win, we stay and hang out with everyone. Lord knows Rooster and Phoenix need to be humbled in pool. Plus, you’re the only one here who can get Bob to do enough shots to start doing karaoke.” He rests his forehead against yours. “I know how much you love his drunk renditions of ‘Sweet Caroline.’”
Jake had a point. There had been one night - shockingly, another date night at the Hard Deck turned into a group activity - where you went to sulk in a booth while your schmooze of a boyfriend fueled his bromance with Coyote, Rooster, and Payback. Bob, still not the biggest partier, had grown tired of the swapping insults over darts and was worn out from dodging Phoenix and Fanboy’s attempts to get him to dance with them. So he’d ended up in the booth across from you.
You’d been pounding back shots of tequila like they were water. “He’s stupid,” you had slurred to Bob, “but you’re not stupid. You’re fun. Here, do a shot with me. Let’s be fun.”
He would tell you the next day that he had only intended to do one shot but one turned into two which turned into four which turned into Bob unplugging the jukebox to sing a melody of songs from your Grandma’s playlist with impressive range. After each one he would make sure to point you out of the gathering crowd of dazzled patrons. “This one’s for her!” He’d shout in dedication and start up singing again.
It hadn’t been a bad night then, and, even though you’d never admit it to Jake, you had a lot of fun. Tonight would be the same if you could let yourself stop moping long enough to enjoy it. But there was still the matter of:
“What if I win?” You ask. Competition was the reason you were here on the West Coast to begin with. You were the best of the best because you refused to let anyone else get the upper hand on you. “What do I get then, Seresin?”
“If you win,” Jake said, slowly kneading your hips with his hands. “I will take you out on another date - a fancy one. With roses and the opening of doors and the biggest bottle of wine this nice restaurant downtown has to offer. I’ll dress up and give you the most romantic night of your life. But tonight we’ll stay here and do everything we’d do anyway if I had win.”
“If I win.”
“If you win… but you won’t.”
He didn’t have to say it for you to know it was true. He threw darts the same way he flew planes: with deadly precision. There was a reason Hangman was the only one out of everyone in their generation with two confirmed kills. He could land a shot with his eyes closed. In the air and with two feet planted firmly on the hardwood floors of the Hard Deck.
“That’s not fair at all.”
“I don’t make the rules, sweet thing.” That stupid smirk was back on his face. The two of you hadn’t made it back to your booth yet for appetizers, otherwise there’d surely be a toothpick rolling between those lips of his too.  “C’mon, we’ll make it easy. Three darts each. Most points win.”
“That’s not how you play darts, Jake. Even I know that.”
“Bagman,” Payback called out, “what are you doing, the balls are racked?”
You went to grab the darts from the board as Jake said, “Kicking my girl’s ass in darts as a warm up for kicking your sorry asses in every game after.”
“Ladies first,” you gestured, mimicking his smug smirk. He glared playfully at you but stepped up to throw the first dart in a movement almost too quick for you to see. A perfect bullseye. “Show off.”
“Got to put some skin in the game.” Jake moved you in front of him. His hands gripping your waist to hold you in place as he pressed kisses to your neck. “I like your skin better, darlin’.”
You shooed him away. The dart felt heavy in your hand. Screwing this up would essentially be throwing away your only sure shot at the date of your dreams. You lifted your arm and threw the dart. It flew, fitting itself snugly into the single bull.
Jake’s turn. He moved just as quickly as the first time, but the angle he shot at landed the dart in a single scoring 18. Winning was still well within your grasp. A decent date was inching closer and closer.
Your turn. A deep steady breath. This dart felt weightless. An extension of yourself. You throw the dart in a less fluid motion than Jake, but manage to stick it in the bullseye right next to his.
“Look at that!” You shouted, pointing and jumping. Joy overwhelmed you not just because you were currently winning, but because this had been the first bullseye you’d made without Jake helping you in the slightest. He’d likely still claim this victory as his. It was his silly deal that made you so determined in the first place.
Jake’s final turn. He still had the chance to put you in the dust. Your eyes were glued to the board, but the dart never came. When you turned to look at him, Jake threw the dart at the ground. “You win,” he said, but you shook your head. Eyes back to the board. You won even without throwing this last dart.
You snapped your head in his direction, ready to call him out for cheating, but you were cut off by Jake’s lips crashing onto yours. He pulled away quickly, muttered a small, “You really think I’d deny you anything, doll?” then rushed off to join the restless group at the pool table. Leaving you to glance from the stray dart stuck in the floor and the man you were beginning to fall for at the pool table.
Phoenix saddled up next to you, drink in hand, and passed one over to you. “What did he promise you if you won?”
“A real date.”
“The fancy one with all that inspiration you’ve been sending me on Pintrest.”
“That’s the one.”
She let out a low whistle. “Wow, and I thought he loved you just by the way he looked at you, but this is something else. He’s smitten.”
“I guess I have that effect on some people,” you said and hid your giddy grin with a sip of your drink. “Did you ask Penny to get the tequila shots ready?”
“The real question is if we’re ready to hear Bob signing.”
This might just be one of your favorite dates yet.
oneshot taglist: 
@rosiahills22 @pono-pura-vida @gizmodear​
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sailor-aviator · 13 days
Fool's Fare: Chapter Ten
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Fool's Fare: Chapter Ten
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Content Warning: ASSAULT, ATTEMPTED SA, feelings of jealousy, reader avoiding her problems, smut (pain kink, fingering, dry humping, p in v, dirty talk, slight breeding kink), arguing, descriptions of blood, violence, misplaced rage, idiots in love. I think that's it, but PLEASE let me know if I missed something!
Word Count: Just under 5.7k
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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You always thought monsters were found solely in the spoken words of stories passed from person to person in low lights, in hushed whispers, in frantic glances.
They were the things that parents warned their children about, their gnashing teeth and glowing eyes hunting them in the dark, reminding them to stay close, to stay mindful, to stay safe.
You didn’t believe in monsters. You hadn’t since you were little, but now you wondered if monsters weren’t the creatures that roamed the nights, preying on children and unsuspecting folks as they traversed the shadows. Perhaps they were the unsuspecting victims of circumstance, the victims of choices made and consequences dealt with no care for the intentions behind them.
Did any one person ever intend to become a monster? To become the thing that parents warned their children about? Were they born or were they made? Was a monster capable of being a good person? Or did the title bar one from redemption? Were they even capable of love?
Captain Jake Seresin was a good man, of this you were sure and certain. You saw the way he treated the men of his crew with respect and fairness no matter how far down the totem pole they were. You saw how he smiled at the children in the different port town, green eyes twinkling as he waved at the babies and ruffled the hair of the small children that greeted him. You saw the way he closed his eyes in the setting sun, the sea breeze ruffling his golden locks, the smile that lay in a shadow on his lips as he savored the moment.
You watched him in those moments, wondering how anyone could think him a monster. You were no stranger to his harder moments or his rougher actions, but you supposed you had your fair share of the same. Despite seeing the uglier side of him, if you could even call it that, you still found yourself drawn to the rugged captain all the same. Your eyes would wander toward him before you even had the chance to realize what you were doing, green eyes meeting yours and snapping you out of your reverie as heat would rise to your cheeks. It was a wonder the roof of your cabin had no holes in it from the way you lay awake at night, staring daggers into the worn wood as your mind raced with thoughts of the captain, of what would happen should you either fail or succeed in having the curse lifted.
It had been two weeks since the events on the isle, and the captain had yet to lay a finger on you, as promised. On more than one occasion you had waited with bated breath as he would reach for you, only to huff quietly in disappointment as he would stop and let his fingers drop back to his sides. You found you missed his touch, the constant reassurance it brought to you that you were safe under the watchful eyes of your captain.
Truly, you found that you missed having him around you so constantly. You missed the late night filled with quiet laughter and the shared tales of growing up in your different parts of the world. The way his fingers would play with the ends of your hair or smooth over your cheeks as he studied you while you told your stories. Or the way his emerald eyes would light up with joy as he recounted a story of he and Javy back in the days before he took command of the Hangman. You missed him.
Of course, the captain was sure to keep up with your sword lessons, and you were proud to say that his hits were growing fewer and farther in between. You had yet to best him, but you caught the flashes of pride that danced in his eyes every time you came close.
You once again found yourself perched in a chair inside a busy tavern, the other ladies bustling around the room with drinks and ample cleavage on display for wandering eyes of men. You saw several members of your own crew casting longing glances at the ladies, and you suspected several of the newer members would try their hands at sating the undeterrable desire that coursed their veins.
You let out a long, labored sigh as you rested your chin on your fist, eyes scanning the room with disinterest as the men spoke around you. Natasha sat across the room, a gaggle of men surrounding her as she regaled them with titillating tales of her adventures and coy flirtations disguised as teasing japes. You wondered if you could ever find yourself feeling so carefree, envying her ability to forget the current circumstances as the deadline to end the curse drew nearer with each passing day.
The tension from your group of friends was palpable as they watched the blond captain oversee the signing of the poor, new souls sign away their lives to one of servitude. Javy stood at his side, arms crossed with a stoic expression on his face, but the way he would glance over towards Natasha just a few tables over was not lost to your watchful eye.
A pretty red head sauntered over towards where your captain sat, a lascivious smile curled on her painted lips as her eyes wandered over Jake’s form draped across the wooden chair. A manicured hand came up to rest on his shoulder, dipping down towards the open V of his cotton shirt as she leaned down to whisper something in his ear. His hand reached up to hers, taking it, and you felt the ugly twist of heat curl in your chest as your cheeks warmed. You stood abruptly, chair scraping against the stone floor as the others cast wary glances your way.
“I need some air,” you muttered, already moving towards the exit, shoving past the several large bodies, drunkenly swaying as they blocked your escape route. If the others called after you, you didn’t hear them over the noise of the tavern and the blood rushing in your ears. He would touch her, but not you? His touch you had to beg for, seeking it out yourself because he refused to touch you for some stupid sense of honor and valiance, and yet he gave it freely to the first woman who came in his sights.
The night air was cool on your skin as you finally managed to break through the crowd. You paused only for a brief moment before you pushed forward, determined to put some distance between yourself and the stifling air of merriment.
You had made it only a few yards before you heard your name ring out in the quiet streets, the familiar timbre causing your heart to clench in mixture of anguish and anger as your thoughts swirled inside your head. He had deprived you of his comfort for weeks, had kept you at bay and away from him for so long, and now he suddenly wanted you?
You ignored him as you sped up your pace, hearing the sound of his footsteps pick up as well. You rounded a corner, pushing yourself back against the entryway of one of the buildings and out of the dim light cast by the streetlamps. You waited with bated breath as the footsteps rounded the corner, a flash of blond jogging past your hiding place before coming to a slow stop once he realized you were nowhere in sight.
“Guppy?” He called, uncertainty laced in his voice. You stayed silent, still, as he glanced around the buildings lining the street. You shifted in the shadows, pressing yourself as far back as you could as you watched him. He let out a deep sigh, hunching over as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Guppy, please,” he said again, twisting as he inspected the shadows. “Can we talk?”
You didn’t want to talk, not with him. At least, not in that moment. No, you wanted him to feel as helpless as you had for two weeks, reaching out only to be ignored. You wouldn’t forgive him so easily.
You needed a moment to breathe, to think. You had been afforded so little time to yourself, constantly bombarded with tasks on the ship in between your sword lessons and chatter with your friends. You hadn’t allowed yourself a moment to process the events of the isle and the information you gathered after, and you found your frustrations and feelings from the past two weeks boiling to the surface.
Jake let out a curse under his breath as he paused in his turning. You watched as his teeth worried on his bottom lip, indecision clear on his face before stalking off in the opposite direction. You waited a few moments, making sure he was gone before slipping out from the shadows, scanning the street for signs of anyone. Seeing signs of no one, you looked back one last time in the direction the captain had disappeared in before turning towards the harbor.
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You managed to make it back to the ship before the tears started leaking past your carefully constructed wall of feigned indifference. It was quiet, the entire crew having decided to try and find some sense of normalcy at the tavern, and you were thankful for that serendipitous turn of events as you padded across the deck towards the stairs to the galley.
The ship swayed in the tide, causing you to be somewhat unsteady on your feet as you stumbled towards the kitchen. The ale felt sour in your belly, and you were sure some food would help settle it before you retired for the evening to wallow in your feelings.
A part of you knew you were being unreasonable in how you were handling the situation, and as you scrounged up some bread, you huffed at your own unwillingness to address the issue.
You would never move past this rough spot unless you sat down to have a conversation with the captain. Two weeks had allowed the wounds to fester, and avoiding the situation would only make it worse.
You had just found the last of the cheese, making a mental note to pick some up at the market tomorrow before departure when the creak of one of the floorboards caused you to pause. Letting out a sigh, you turned around towards the entrance to the kitchen. It was the captain you had expected to see, so it surprised you to see one of the crew members bracing himself against the frame of the doorway, dark eyes fixed on where you stood. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought him drunk or ill with the way his skin shone with sweat, the paleness of him showing in stark contrast to the shadows of the room. The bags under his eyes caused him to have a skeletal appearance, and the hair on the back of your neck stood at attention as the two of you stared at one another.
“Evening,” you offered, wincing at how small your voice sounded. “Can I help you?”
The man said nothing, thin lips turning downwards as he cocked his head to the side. He took a slow, heavy step forward, and your eyes immediately darted towards the knife that lay on the edge of the counter. It wouldn’t kill him or cause much harm by any means, but it might slow him down enough for you to escape should you need to.
“Are you hungry?” You asked him, inching slowly towards the knife so as not to cause suspicion. “I can make you something if you like.”
“You know we’re always hungry,” he sneered, looking at you with disdain. “Haven’t had a sated belly in months. Haven’t had a drink that’s not left me more parched than before either. And women…”
He paused, eyes raking over your still form, and your heart pounded in your chest. The night was still fairly early, and you would be surprised if anyone made their way back to the ship anytime soon.
“We all know that you’re the only source of relief on this ship,” he continued, eyes growing impossibly darker as he took another step towards you. “You’re always surrounded by that lot, though. None of us can get close to you. Tha’s why when I saw you leave, I knew I had to take my chance.”
You felt your fingers twitch as you glanced back over at the knife, taking a small step sideways as he took another haggard step forward.
“Chance at what?” You asked him, voice barely above a whisper, and you cursed yourself for how shaky it sounded. The man stopped, standing slightly straighter as his cold, black eyes fixated on you.
“Relief,” he uttered, the word barely passing his lips before he lunged for you. You were faster, barely, as you scrambled for the knife. You gripped the handle in your hand, whirling around just as the man’s body crashed into yours. You let out a grunt as you stumbled, nearly falling to the ground, but managing to catch yourself on the counter. Fury coursed through your veins as the man’s hot breath washed over your face, his eyes blazing but almost unseeing as he reached for you. You brought your hand up, slashing at his face with the knife.
He let out a howl of pain as he clutched his now bleeding eye, falling to his knees as the thick, red liquid oozed out between his fingers, and you took the moment to scramble away from him, hissing as your hip collided with the edge of the counter. Your eyes fixed on the dinner bell hanging just by the stairs of the galley. You glanced back for half a second to see the man staggering to his feet, hand still gripping his skull as he fixed a murderous glare on you. You sucked in a breath as you bolted from the kitchen, the bell growing closer and closer as you willed your feet to move faster.
Your fingers wrapped around the rope attached to the bell and you pulled frantically, the loud clanging of the metal echoing through the room and up the stairs onto the deck. You hoped that it was loud enough for someone to hear and investigate.
Your thoughts were cut short as a hand yanked you backwards by your hair, a hiss of pain leaving your lips as your hands clawed at the ones just out of reach behind you.
“You miserable, little cunt,” the man growled, slamming you into the wood of the entrance, “I coulda been nice to ya, but now? Now I’m going to make sure it hurts.”
Your cheek ached from the force of the impact, the rough wood scratching your skin and adding to the sensation as you struggled to break free of his hold.
“Stop your squirmin’,” he muttered, hand wrapped around both of your wrists as he gripped your shoulder with the other to pull you back away from the wall. You took that moment to bring your foot back as hard as possible, heel meeting something solid in the process. The man let out a grunt of pain before his hand moved from your shoulder to grip your chin, pulling it back at an awkward angle to look at you.
“Now listen here-”
You didn’t let him finish, instead opening your mouth and biting down as hard as you could onto his fingers. He let out a pained yell as your mouth flooded with the taste of iron. He snatched his hand back, his other letting go of your wrists. You took the opportunity to flee, feet thudding up the steps to the deck. You turned your head to glance back over your shoulder, but before you could get a gauge on how far away the man was, you ran into a solid wall of muscle.
You let out a grunt as you stumbled back, nearly falling down the stairs before an hand reached out to grab your hip and steady you. You reeled back, eyes locking onto brilliant green, and your body sagged in relief.
“Guppy?” Jake frowned, eyes scanning you head to toe. You were sure you looked a sight in that moment. The throbbing in your cheek was pounding, the skin there sticky with what you were sure was blood. Your wrists and shoulders ached from where the man had twisted them back.
At that moment, thundering footsteps sounded behind you, and your heart jumped in panic as you twisted around in Jake’s hold. The man’s murderous gaze landed on you, his lips curled in a sneer before dropping at the sight of the captain behind you. His skin paled as Jake’s hold on you tightened, and you felt the familiar sting of tears behind your eyes.
“What happened?” Jake barked, and the man in front of you flinched at the tone. Neither of you said a word as you stared at one another, daring the other to speak first.
Footsteps sounded on the gangway, and you turned to see a small group making their way onto the deck, headed by Javy. The quarter master stopped short as he saw the scene in front of him, his usual stoicism slipping into a look of shock before they schooled once more. He pushed his shoulders back and made quick strides to stand next to the two of you.
“Captain,” he said, arching a brow at the man behind you. “What seems to be the problem here?”
“I was wondering that myself,” Jake growled, the tension rolling off of him in waves. A beat of silence passed before Javy let out a drawn-out sigh.
“Thomas,” he snapped, drawing the man’s attention. “Get your ass down in the galley. I’ll be dealing with you in a moment.”
The quarter master’s tone left no room for argument and the man, Thomas, cast one last glance in your direction before retreating back down the steps.
“Reuben. Mickey,” Javy barked out. Both men hurried to follow Thomas down the steps without another word, giving you curious looks as they walked by. The quarter master turned to look at the captain, lips pressed tightly together as he glanced down at you.
“You might want to get her cleaned up,” he said quietly. Jake said nothing. He guided you towards the cabin, his touch surprisingly gentle as your feet stumbled beneath you. You felt the first wave of exhaustion hit you then, sagging further into Jake’s side as he led you past the door and down the hall to his cabin.
The room was just as you remembered, not having seen it in the weeks since the captain started pushing you away. The man in question led you further into the room before guiding you to sit on the edge of the bed. Your mind was foggy, but you were vaguely aware of Jake moving. The sound of water being poured from a pitcher and into a bowl filled the room, and the blond kneeled before you with a cloth in hand. He took one of your hands in his, stroking the back of it with his thumb gently.
“Guppy?” He murmured, eyes searching your face. “You still with me?”
“Yeah,” you croaked quietly. Jake gave you a comforting smile that seemed strained more than anything else. He looked away to mess with the bowl to his side, wringing the cloth of the water it had soaked up before turning back to you.
“You had me worried there for a second,” he said finally, dabbing at the scratches on your cheek. “I couldn’t find you after you left the tavern, and then I heard the bell on the ship, which I thought was odd for this time of night. I go to investigate and you run right into me with one of my crew hot on your tail.”
You said nothing, eyelids drooping as you fought the urge to sleep that was quickly taking over. Jake worked methodically, dabbing gently at your cheek and wiping away the blood that stained your skin.
“You should get some rest,” he told you, dropping the cloth back into the bowl and moving to stand. You watched him, taking note of the way his brow furrowed and his lips pulled down into a frown. He set the bowl on one of the tables littering the wall before turning back to you.
“You must be exhausted after today,” he continued, making his way back over to you. He brushed the hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear before cupping your cheek gently. He bent down to press a kiss to your forehead, pulling away slightly, but still lingering.
“I mean it,” he chided, hands pushing you and guiding you to lay back, “you need to get some rest. We’ll talk later, alright?”
You nodded, eyes already falling closed as he retreated.
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You awoke with a start, sweat clinging to your forehead as you bolted upright. The lingering feeling of being chased hung in the air as your chest rose and fell with every pant of air. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but the sun looked to be well in the sky from where you sat on the bed. It was at that moment that the door to the cabin swung open.
Jake stood in the doorway, a look of concern on his flushed face, as if he had been running.
“What is it?” He asked, breathless. “What’s wrong?”
You stared at him dumbly. “What?”
“I heard screaming,” he replied, brow furrowing as he inched into the room, the door closing behind him. “I thought something was wrong.”
You continued to stare at him as he padded closer, studying you.
“How’re you doing?” He asked finally, softly. The events of the night before rushed back to you. The feeling of helplessness, the pain, the fear. You thought about what Thomas had said to you, about wanting to feel relief, and a wave of anger crashed into you so suddenly that you were on your feet before you knew it. You stomped over to Jake, shoving at his chest. The captain was taken aback, stumbling backwards in his surprise.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands up to defend against the blows of your fists against his chest. You ignored his outcry, swinging your hands blindly in front of you.
“Guppy, stop,” Jake said, scrambling to grab your wrists and stop you. You bared your teeth, rage pulsing through you much like it had last night.
“Dammit, stop!” He snapped, finally getting ahold of your wrists, stopping your tirade. The two of you stared at each other, panting from the exertion. Jakes eyes bored into yours, searching for what, you didn’t know. You yanked your hands free of his, pursing your lips in a tight frown as you studied him back. A warmth blossomed in your lower stomach, and your breaths grew labored for a different reason. Jake’s expression morphed into one of confusion, which didn’t last long as you leaned up to kiss him.
He let out a noise of quiet surprise before returning the kiss with enthusiasm. One hand moved to grip your waist, pulling you closer as the other snaked up to cup the back of your neck. Your arms wrapped around his neck, caution thrown to the wind as you moved your lips against his. Jake licked into your mouth, drawing out an embarrassingly loud noise from you. You felt the smirk against your lips, and a twinge of annoyance fluttered through the surface.
You pulled back, breathing heavy before pushing against Jake’s chest to dislodge yourself from his embrace. He gave you a puzzled look as you spun him around, pushing him down onto the edge of the bed. You hoisted your skirts up around you before settling down on his lap, once again attaching your lips to his. He let out a grunt that quickly dissolved into a moan as you began to rock against him, the hardness of him pressing into you through his trousers.
His hands settled on your hips, guiding you over him as his mouth devoured yours in a kiss that was more tongue and teeth than anything else. Your hands roamed his figure, up the span of his torso, over his shoulders, and into his hair. Your fingers entwined with his golden locks, scratching at his scalp and eliciting a drawn out grown from the man beneath you.
You clutched at his hair, yanking his head back harshly. Jake let out a hiss as his eyes focused on you. Green was swallowed up by the blacks of his pupils, and a look of pure lust adorned his face as you held him still.
“It’s your fault,” you spat, hovering your lips just over his. His brow furrowed once more.
“He wouldn’t have gone after me if you hadn’t been avoiding me for weeks,” you continued, grinding down on the bulge in Jake’s pants. He gave a wanton moan as his eyes fluttered closed.
“Nothing to say?” You breathed, a moan escaping your lips as pleasure coursed through you.
“It wouldn’t have-fuck!” He groaned, “it wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t run from me.”
You let out a growl before yanking his head to the side, running your nose along his neck. You sank your teeth into the meat of his shoulder, drawing out a pathetic whimper as his grip on you tightened, the muscles in his neck straining as he fought for control.
You let out a startled yelp as you were flipped onto your back, Jake’s hands scrambling to untie the strings of your shirt, baring your chest to him. The cool air caused your nipples to start pebbling, your chest heaving as you gazed up at him.
Jake lowered his mouth down to capture one nipple between his lips, laving it with attention as a hand reached up to grope the other. Your back arched as you threw your head back in bliss, hands curling in the soft locks of your lover once more. Jake nipped and sucked at the skin of your breast before shifting his attention to the other, and you glanced down to find him already looking at you. A smirk ghosted on his lips as he trailed a hand down under your skirts.
His fingers brushed your lower lips, sending a shiver up your spine that left you wanting more.
“Look at you,” he cooed, running his hand up and down your slit, your wetness coating him as you moaned. “Already so wet for me. You get off acting like such a wild thing all the time?”
His thumb circled your clit, and you let out a high-pitched whine as you arched into his touch. The smirk was full-blown now as you clung to him.
“Don’t you worry, pretty girl,” he murmured, cradling the back of your neck to bring your forehead to rest against his. His nose nuzzled yours as your breaths came out in quick pants. “I’ll take good care of you.”
Slowly, he pressed a finger into your entrance, your walls gripping the digit tightly, and he let out a breath.
“Fuck, so tight,” he muttered more to himself than to you. You clung to him, fingertips digging into his shoulders as he slowly pumped in and out of you, adding a second finger before long.
“Such pretty noises you make for me,” he cooed once more, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before drawing back. You tried to chase after him, but he moved just out of reach with a chuckle. “You’re squeezin’ me so hard, darlin’. You gonna let go for me?”
You let out another whimper, the coil in your belly curling tight as you scrunched your eyes closed, and you fought to hold it off just a little longer. Jake tutted, moving the hand on your neck to grip your chin firmly. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his disapproving gaze.
“Don’t you go holding back on me,” he growled, speeding up the motion of his fingers, paying special attention to your clit. “Your pleasure is mine. Now give. It. To. Me.”
With a final thrust, the coil sprang, pleasure coursing through your veins as you let out a keening moan. Jake leaned forward, swallowing your pleasure with a debauched kiss that left your head reeling for air. He pulled away, and you gasped for air, sucking in lungfuls as you came down from your high.
Jake littered soft kisses along your neck leading down to your shoulders, and a new wave of need filled you. You ran a hand through his hair, the other reaching between the two of you to pull at the laces of his britches.
“Jake,” you breathed, looking at him through your lashes. “Need you.”
Jake pulled back with a huff of a laugh as he looked down at you, hands moving to help release him from his pants.
“Not even going to wait for us to undress?” He teased, sucking in a breath as your hand wrapped around his length.
“Need you now,” you insisted, stroking him. He let out a groan, shifting back on his haunches as you released him, spreading your legs with a whine. Jake hesitated, and you pouted up at him.
“What is it?” You asked, leaning up slightly to get a better look at him.
“It’s just,” he paused, pressing his lips together and turning his gaze away from you. “I need to know if this is real. If this is more than just anger, and adrenaline, and any feelings you’re having about the deadline coming up.”
You stared at him for a moment, processing his words. You sat up, taking his hand in yours and squeezing gently.
“You don’t have to worry about any of that,” you whispered. Jake looked back at you, eyes searching once more, and you gave him a soft smile that you hoped eased his worries.
“Kiss me,” you said. Jake returned your smile, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your lips. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him with you as you laid back. The kiss morphed into one that was more debauched, quiet moans falling past your lips as Jake trailed his own down your neck.
You reached down to grip him once more, spreading your legs and aligning him with your entrance. Jake wasted no time, leaning back to watch you as he pushed inside of you slowly. You let out a gasp, hands clutching at his arms as he filled you, the slight burn pushing the air from your lungs.
“Taking me so well, sugar,” he crooned, running his knuckles along your cheek. “So warm and wet for me, fuck. Could stay inside of you forever.”
His words had you clenching around him, and he let out a strangled moan.
“You keep doin’ that, and I’m not gonna last long, darlin’,” he chuckled.
“Need you to move,” you whimpered. “Need you to fuck me.”
Jake didn’t respond, instead leaning down to capture your lips in another kiss as he pulled his hips back, only to push them forward once more. He soon found a rhythm, and the sound of skin slapping and the cacophony of noises from the two of you soon filled the room.
“Feel so good,” he muttered in between kisses along your skin. Your nails dug into his shoulders now, legs wrapped around his waist, urging him on. “Never felt something this good, shit. Never wanna leave. Never want anyone else, just you. Squeezin’ me so hard, yeah. Just like that. I’m not gonna last much longer, darlin’, you just feel too good.”
“Need it,” you choked out, the coil inside of you on the brink of bursting once more. “Need to feel you.”
“Fuck, sugar,” he groaned, hips moving faster and losing their rhythm. “Want me to fill you up? Is that what you want?”
You nodded, moans escaping your lips left and right as you teetered on the edge.
“Dirty girl,” he huffed with a laugh. “Feel you clenchin’ around me. Don’t you worry, I’ll give it to you. Keep you nice and full, and then you’ll swell with me. You like the sound of that? Like the idea of me marking you from the inside out?”
Your hips bucked up to meet his, desperately chasing your release, and Jake obliged by slipping a hand between the two of you to toy with your clit.
“Need to feel you come around me, pretty girl. Then I’ll give you what you want,” he cooed. “Come for me.”
His words were all it took to send you over the precipice. Your moan caught in your throat, and your back arched as you came hard around him. Jake’s pace picked up before his hips stuttered, a moan leaving his lips as warmth flooded inside of you. He gave a few more shallow thrusts before stilling. His breath fanned across your neck, your fingers running through his hair.
Jake shifted off of you, pulling out of you with a quiet hiss as he shuffled to lay next to you. His hand gripped your waist, pulling you close with a sigh. You nuzzled into him, resting your head against the pillows as you held the captain in your arms, his head resting on your chest. Neither of you said anything for a long moment, just basking in the afterglow of your coupling.
“I love you.”
It was so quiet, you weren’t even sure you had heard it at first. Your fingers paused in his hair for a moment before continuing their path. Something swelled inside your chest, and you willed the tears to stay locked inside. What you were feeling would only serve to cause you more harm if everything went poorly, and still…
“I love you too.”
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A/N: You all have the fact that I started watching Black Sails this weekend to thank for this. But seriously, I know I took an unexpected hiatus after everything that went on last month, and for a while there, I wasn't even sure about the future of this blog. Thank you all for sticking by me as I navigated what I was doing, and I hope to have more for you guys here soon!
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. I no longer do taglists, so if you would like to be notified on when I post, please follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications! You can find me and my works on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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themorriganwitch · 11 months
Jake Seresin NSFW Alphabet
18+ below minors do not interact
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Aftercare (What they are like after sex): Listen, he was a fuckboy until he met you. So, there was barely anything post sex except for a short peck on the lips before he left and spend the night curled up in his own bed. When the two of you started dating, he was mighty overchallenged with you pouting at him, cause he did not wrap you up into his strong arms immediately after he pulled out. It took him a little while to fully let loose and be intimate with you besides sex, but after a serious conversation where you both honestly talked about your needs, wants and concerns, he tried his best to fully satisfy you. 
Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):  On himself definitely his upper body. He spends a lot of time in the gym and takes a lot of pride in his looks. But no matter how much he loves his body himself, he loves it even more when he sees you watching him at the beach or at the gym, eyes ranking over his body while you absently bite your lower lip. Jake teases you enormous for it, but secretly he loves it. 
On you he has a thing for your ass, your boobs, and your eyes. Your ass because he is big on physical touch and always needs to have a hand on you, preferably on your nice ass no matter if its thick and juicy or small and cute. Your eyes cause it’s what caught him first when you looked at him all those years ago on a Friday night at the hard deck. Your boobs because there is nothing better for him then laying on top of you after a particular stressful day at work and burry his face in your boobs while you play with his hair. 
Cum (Anything to do with cum): He is not as messy as Rooster is, like he would not feel the need to mark you up with his cum. He either likes it clean inside of a condom, or if you are on the pill, he is obsessed with cumming inside of you. Also highly believes that spitters are quitters. 
Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs): Hangman has two. 
It took him ages to open up about this to you, but as soon as he did, he felt an instant relief. Jake just can’t stand the thought someone could find out that the cocky, handsome aviator has a thing for sucking your nipples. He doesn’t know why he likes it so much, and he honestly does not want to find out but something about it is incredibly comforting and calming for him. 
He has not told anyone yet but sometimes he fantasizes to be watched by someone else while he fucks you senseless. And if he says someone, he means Rooster, because he would love to see the jealousy in Bradley’s brown eyes while he slowly thrusts into you and makes you feel oh so good, letting his wingman know that he will never be able to satisfy someone as good as Jake Seresin can. (The One Shot to this Headcanon can be read here)
Experience (How experienced are they?): It’s Jake Seresin we are talking about. He has been around the block. Probably five times. But I would say that he is not that experienced when it comes to real connections and intimacy, being vulnerable is something he needs to learn with you. 
Favorite Position (pretty self explanatory)
 Everything where he can see your face. 
Mirror Sex:  Ride him in reverse cowgirl position while the two of you look at each other in the mirror – pure heaven.
Missionary: He is obsessed with seeing all those expressions on your face. How your eyes roll in the back of your head when he hits that spot inside your velvet walls or how your pretty mouth forms a silent O whenever you shatter around him and squeeze him just right. 
Doggy Style: On the rare occasions when he does not need to see your face as much as he needs to fuck you deep into the mattress, doggy style is his go to. He has a perfect grip on your hips and he can spank your ass occasionally while he hears your whimper beneath him. 
Goofy (Are they rather serious oder humorous in the moment?): The most you will ever get out of him is small smile when you try to crack a joke to lighten the mood, even though you should know better. When it comes to Sex your man is on a mission and nothing else. He will do everything to satisfy you in every way possible and that’s why he is determined to stay serious. 
Hair (How well groomed are they?): He is completely shaved in down under. Jake just prefers this look for himself, cause it fits his pretty boy aesthetic. For you he would also prefer you to be hairless, but he would never pressure you into a certain way how to treat your body. As long as you’re a happy and confident within yourself, he is a happy guy. 
Intimacy (How are they during the moment?): He had plenty of Sex without ever feeling really intimate with someone. He spends all his time to build his career and never really saw a need to get emotional close to someone. Until he met you. After he experienced loving sex for the first time in his life, he got absolutely addicted. I highly doubt he could ever go back to his fuckboy years, after he experienced real emotional closeness and intimacy with you.
Jack off (pretty self explanatory): He prefers the real deal, but he is not above it. Sometimes he is deployed, or you are simply not in the mood for sex, so he would jack off. 
Kink (some kinks of theirs): Hangman has several kinks (copied from my Dagger Squad Kink Headcanons)
Breeding kink – that man wants to see your belly round and your tits swollen. Could be the southern boy from a huge family in him or just him in general. No matter what – that man wants to see you pregnant with his child. 
Cockwarming – Jake being the touchiest human on planet earth loves nothing more that feeling your walls hugging him perfectly close, especially after coming right back from a long deployment. 
Edging – He’s a teasing piece of shit. Nothing gets him more going that hearing you beg for his cock. 
Exhibitionism – slipping his hand between your thighs while sitting at dinner with Rooster and his girlfriend knowing only, he can feel the wet patch on your panties even though you are in a room full of people, that’s probably the best dinner he ever had. 
Brat Taming – Mouth ‘Make me’ at him, after he admonished you several times for you teasing him on a navy ball and will fully loose his shit as soon as you come home. 
He also has a thing for degradation and humiliation
Location (Favorite Place to do the deed): Hangman is pretty open and risky. He has railed you in the bathroom of the hard deck and several clubs already, as well as at the beach and his car. He never would do it on base though or anywhere else where someone of his admirals could see the two of you.
Motivation (What turns them on): Competition. Tell him your Ex-Boyfriend was the best sex you ever had, you will regret this two hours later and won’t be able to walk for the next couple of days. Watch Coyote doing push-ups at the gym for a second to long, he will rail you at home until you won’t be able to spell Coyote correctly.  Tell him after girls’ night how Phoenix rhapsodized about how her boyfriend make her cum three times by giving expertly good head, he will make you call her right after he doubled this sum, so you have to tell her with shaky voice that no one will ever be as good in bed as Jake Seresin is. 
No (Something they would not do): He would never share you with someone else. Hangman likes to think about the idea to be watched while fucking you, but he would never ever let someone else touch you the way only he is allowed to. He is way too possessive for this. 
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills): That man is skilled af when it comes to giving head. He knows all the tricks; he spends his time to learn your body language and he has you squirming and shaking beneath him within seconds as soon as he puts his mouth on you. But I would say that he can get quite egoistical when it comes to giving oral. Like he does not do it on purpose but if you don’t remind him from time to time, you will get down on him way more than he goes on you. If you remind him though, he will feel bad enough to spend literally hours between your legs, long enough to beg him to let you go because you are so overstimulated but satisfied. 
When it comes to receiving head, as said before he highly believes spitters are quitters, but he would never be mad at you if you would feel uncomfortable to swallow his cum. 
Pace (pretty self explanatory): He can do slow. He can do passionate. He can do hard. He can do rough. Whatever you need or want it’s yours. 
Quickie (pretty self explanatory): Accepting the challenge to make you cum in a spare amount of time? He is absolutely down. He loves the rush; he loves the intensity, and he loves the risk (if you are doing it at a semipublic place)                                       
Roles (Which role do they take during sex): He mostly is a Mean Dom. Jake just has a major thing for degradation and humiliation. Everything consensual of course. I do see him having sub tendencies, which he slowly explores with you. Being vulnerable is not easy for him, but he trusts you enough to let you know this side of him.
Stamina (how many rounds are they able to go?): He is fit, he eats very well and takes good care of himself. He definitely can go for as many rounds the both you want until the both of you are left very satisfied. 
Turn off (What turns them off) : Bad hygiene or someone who is overly lazy (as long as these are not consequences of mental health struggles) He spends most of his time either to work on himself or he works his ass off to get a promotion at work. Someone who has no ambitions or does not care about themselves enough to treat them good, is simply a major turn off for him. 
Unfair ( How big of a tease are they?): Biggest tease on planet earth. He will do literally anything to see you all flustered, cheeks slightly red and eyes wide in disbelief. No matter if he would send you dirty texts with some nice Ab pics while you are out for brunch with your friends or if he fingers you beneath the desk while out for lunch with the dagger squad but pulls out his fingers right before you come – he will always find a way to get you hot and needy for him. And he will tease the living shit out of you for it. 
Volume (How loud/vocal are they): He is big on praise. He loves to tell you who good you take him and what a good little slut you are for him. Besides this he loves to hear you beg. This man will literally have you beg for everything. You want his cock all down your throat? You better ask nicely. You want to cum on his fingers? You better go on your knees with doll eyes and beg.
Wild Card (their wild card): He is extremely competitive, which also shows in his Sex life. You probably never had a more intense orgasm than the day, you spend with Jake, Bradley, and his girlfriend in a cabin in the woods. Even though you and Jake already finished and were all cuddled up, slowly drifting into sleep – the moment he heard Rooster railing his girlfriend in the room next to yours his competitive side was awaken and it did not take him more than 5 minutes to get you all worked up and thrusting into you so deeply that you could not help yourself but to scream his name.  No need to say the smirk he wore the next day at breakfast table, because he pulled three more orgasms out of you while Bradley made his girlfriend only come twice, annoyed the hell out of everyone but Jake. 
X-Ray: (What's going on in those pants?): He is about average length, but he is deliciously thick with a prominent vein on the bottom side of his cock. His tip has a pretty pink tone. 
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): High. Extremely High. If he can get his hands on you – he will. Whenever and wherever you let him, just sign him that you are in the mood, and he is ready to go.
Zzzzzzz (How fast do they fall asleep after it?): He will always make sure you are being taken care of after sex. After the two of you had your conversation about what you want and crave after Sex, he will always make sure you get what you need. No matter how stressful his day was, he will wait until your head meets the pillow and he hears your sweet snores until he falls asleep himself. 
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topguncortez · 7 months
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Court of Thieves || Chapter 3
previous part | masterlist | next part
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synopsis: A ball is thrown in celebration of The Lady Mitchell and Prince Jacob's engagement. The Prince and Lady Mitchell meet for the first time and it goes anything but smooth. The Lady Mitchell must figure out a way to get The Prince to like her.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: historical inaccuracies, era-related misogyny, minor character death, mentions of murder, mentions of virginity, forced kissing, mentions of sex, mentions of cheating, mentions of religion
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The ballroom was decorated with white curtains and gold streamers. Candles burned brightly, illuminating the great hall. Lords and Ladies mingled amongst each other, some of them dancing to the strings that were playing. Jake loved balls, he loved them even more when they were being hosted in his name. Of course, this one wasn’t totally thrown in his honor. It was being thrown to celebrate his future bride being in Landing Center. He had heard the whispers from his pageboys and the maidens that she was one of the most beautiful ladies to ever walk into Landing Center. But, he was yet to even see a glimpse of her. 
“Robert,” Jake said, leaning over towards his friend, “My wife does realize she has to be here, right? Or is she a bit. . . tied up?” 
“The Lady Mitchell knows she has to be here,” Robert nodded. Jake looked at him, a smirk forming on his lips. If there was one thing about Robert, the man was incapable of making a joke or understanding one. 
“Robert,” Jake chuckled, “Never change a damn thing about you!” 
Jake sat back on his throne, looking out at the guests who danced in front of the table. Every so often, he would catch the eye of a young maiden, and wink to them. Their skin would flush, and they would try to hide their giggle in their partner’s body. He looked over and noticed that his mother had a pleasant smile on her face, probably due to the fact that all three of her daughters were mingled amongst the crowd and that her only son was home from war. 
“The Lady Micthell and Lord Bradshaw!” The page yelled, catching Jake’s attention. 
In the center of the room, walked forward the most beautiful woman Jake had ever laid eyes on. Your jet black hair was pinned back, a golden tiara resting on your head. Your body was clad in the most elegant white dress with beautiful gold embroidery, Jake assumed it was made by the designers in North Island. Your skin was flawless, with not a single blemish or scar on it. And the way you walked into the room, was demanding all eyes be on you. The corset on your body was squeezing you just right, making your breasts perk up. 
Jake leaned down to whisper in Robert’s ear, “I wonder how quickly I could undo the corset.” 
“Jacob,” The Queen scolded her son. He smirked and stood up from his throne.
He stepped down from the high table, walking to meet you in the center of the room. Jake didn’t know much about Bradley Bradshaw, but he didn’t like the fact that he walked into his engagement ball with his girl on his arm. Bradley shot Jake a look, as the Prince’s green eyes traveled up and down your body. 
“Lady Mitchell,” Jake grabbed your hand and bowed to you. 
“My Prince,” You said, giving him a curtsey. You stood straight and turned to Bradley, giving him a curt nod. He squeezed your arm, before turning and making his leave. You looked down at the floor, listening to the fading footsteps of your friend, before looking up at the prince. 
“It is time for the first dance!” The page announced. 
Jake held his hand out for you to take, and you accepted. He walked you in a small circle, then pulled you into him. You rested a hand on his shoulder as one of his went to your waist. Jake took the lead as he moved you back and forth, side to side in the waltz. You kept your head high and remembered the dance lessons your maid had given you. However, dancing with Bradley was different than dancing with Jake. 
Bradley was always a shy leader, gently moving across the floor. His hand was almost feather-light as he would touch your waist. Jake, on the other hand, kept a strong grip on your waist, occasionally moving lower on your backside. Slowly, more couples came and joined you on the floor with Jake. 
“Surprised you can dance,” Jake said to you. 
“I have been taught,” You nodded, “I wished to have conversed with you earlier, my prince.” 
Jake smirked, “I’m sure you did,” He leaned in closer to you, his hot breath fanning your neck, “If you wanted a private meeting all you had to do was ask.” 
You gasped and looked up at him, “Your grace!” Jake expertly twirled you around and then pulled you back in close. You were very well aware of his hand that rested on your lower back, dangerously close to your bottom, “My Prince…” You scolded. 
“You smell of cherry blossoms,” He whispered, knowing that the precious oil must’ve been a gift from his sister Jane, “I wonder if you taste as sweet as you do smell.” 
You scoffed and gave him a shove, pushing his face away from you. If you weren’t feeling the eyes of some of the highest lords on your skin, you would’ve slapped the Prince. Instead, you promptly stomped on his foot, making him groan in pain. 
“Your tongue ought to be cut for the way you speak,” You cursed. 
“Trust me, my lady, you don’t want that,” Jake gently cupped your face and pressed his lips to yours. 
When you had dreamt of your first kiss, you always pictured it to be in the middle of the meadow behind your father’s house, and the person you were kissing was Bradley. But here you stood, in the middle of the grand hall, with the Prince of Brinefell’s lips on yours. You were frozen for a moment, before reaching and grabbing his wrists, pulling his hands from your face. There was a flash of hurt in Jake’s eyes as you turned from him, and walked out of the center, your hand covering your mouth. 
“Y/N!” He called out to you, but you had moved through the crowd. Jake noticed a flash of black and gold out of the corner of his eye, Lord Bradshaw, swiftly follow after you, “Fucking bastard.” 
Jake pushed his way through the crowd, following the exact footsteps you did. He cursed the gods for making you so short as his green eyes scanned the unfamiliar faces. He had barely reached the side of the grand hall when a loud scream erupted from the high table. 
The music was promptly stopped and the couples on the floor stopped dancing. Silence flooded the grand hall except for the sobs that were leaving the Queen’s mouth. The crowd seemed to part this time for Jake as he made his way back to the center of the floor. His mother was being held up by Robert, as Jane rubbed soothing circles on her back. Jake already knew what the words were going to be when Master Moore, who had a sad frown on his face, opened his mouth. 
“King George of Brinefell is dead!” 
— — — 
You hadn’t been that far from the grand hall to hear the announcement of the King’s death. You had stopped running when you heard the Queen’s loud scream ricochet throughout the hall. In an instant, the joyous occasion had ended and the Castle had turned from white and gold, to black and red. In the days following the death announcement; memorials started to arrive outside the palace gates. Pictures of the King had either been taken down or draped with a black sheet. The flags had all been lowered on the ships and buildings. The church bells had gone silent. 
The quietness of the Castle had made it even harder for you to try and make a routine. It had only been a week since you had moved to Landing Center. You hadn’t seen the Prince since the night of the engagement ball. You had found out from Robert, his confidant, that Jake had primarily been by the Queen’s side and overseeing the preparations for the King’s funeral. It broke your heart to think of the Queen being all alone in her chambers, but you were glad that Jake was there for her. 
“Excuse me, my lady, but we must get you dressed now,” One of your ladies, whom you had grown rather fond of, Clara, said as she entered your room. 
The day was dark and gloomy, as all days had seemed to be since the King’s death. You were still in your nightgown, swapping out your usual white one, for a black one to mark that you were in mourning as well. One of your favorite spots in your chambers had been the large window that overlooked Brinefell Bay. The glistening sea had always been your source of comfort, but now, it looked dark and dreary. 
“Yes, Clara, come in,” You said, closing the poetry book you were reading. It had been a gift from the Queen, and she said it had been the key to her successful life as a wife, Queen, and mother. You wondered now if it also had the key to handle the loss of a husband.
You stood from the window seat and walked into your dressing room. You stood with your arms out as the various maids and ladies came flocking to your side to undress you. It had been weird at first, having someone to do every little thing for you, from cutting your own food to turning the pages of your book. But slowly, you had gotten used to it. 
“My lady, Lord Bradshaw wishes to see you,” A maiden said to you, “Shall I tell him to wait for-” 
“No, Ethel, it is quite alright,” You said, “Draw the curtain please.” 
The maiden nodded and did as you instructed, pulling the heavy red curtain between the sitting room and dressing room closed. You heard Bradley thank her before walking as close to the curtain as he could get. You knew it was rather unbecoming of you to have Bradley in your room in such a state, but he was one of the only people who seemed to understand what you needed at this time. It was like living in deja vu, reliving your mother’s death all over again. Your father had shut you out, making you deal with the grief on your own. The only person you had to confide in was Bradley. 
“You worry about the Prince having your head, this is one sure way to solidify that one,” Bradley joked. You sucked in a sharp breath, both from his joke and from the way Clara tugged at your corset, “Sorry.” 
“Always playing the fool, Bradley,” You shook your head. 
“You are done, my lady,” Clara said. 
You thanked her, and pushed the curtain back, seeing Bradley indulge himself in one of the various bottles of wine that had been sitting on your bookshelf. They had been gifts from some of the noblemen. He was dressed in black as well, but for him, that was not a new sight. You hated the color black and had forbidden it to be in your closet. When the Castle went into mourning, you actually had to borrow a dress from Jake’s sister Margeret. 
“What is it that you are looking for, Lord Bradshaw?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I came to see how you are fairing, Lady Mitchell,” Bradley said, pouring both himself and you a goblet of wine, “I know this is not easy for you. I wanted to see how you are getting along with the Prince.” 
You rolled your eyes, “I would get along better with a goat than the Prince.” 
“Not good?” 
“Awful,” You sighed and sat down on the couch. Bradley took up residence in the chair in front of you, “I have tried everything, Bradley, to get him to talk to me, but he won’t.” 
The night of the King’s death, you didn’t expect Jake to come and seek you out. You knew that he was going to be with his mother and sisters. However, you did expect it to be going on for nearly a week. You had seen him around palace grounds, and every time you tried to strike up a conversation, trying to get to know him and see how he was fairing. But he didn’t seem to have the time of day for you. You changed up your tactic, deciding to leave gifts for him in his chambers. 
It started with having the baker make extra sweet cakes for him at dinner, except the cakes were almost always left on the table when you went to look in the middle of the night. Then, you had found some paintings in the square you thought he might like and had them delivered to his chambers. But you say one of the pageboys carrying them out with the trash the next morning. And last night, you had decided to give him one of your mother’s poetry books, leaving it yourself, right outside his door with a handwritten note. But, the book had been returned, with the note still attached, to right outside your chamber door this morning. 
“I don’t know what to do,” You shook your head, “How can I do my duty if he won’t even speak or look at me!” 
“Seduce him.” 
“What!?” He chuckled, setting his cup down, “I am serious. What is the worst that can happen? You are already betrothed,” You scoffed and tossed a pillow at him, “He is the Prince of Brinefell. The Crown Whore Prince. You have to get on his level. Engage in the things he likes. Seduction has more benefits than harm in this case, Ducky. It might just be the only way for you to get through to him.”
“I don’t want to sell my virtue.” 
“You’ll have to sell it eventually,” Bradley shrugged. 
“I… I don’t know about this,” You fiddled with your fingers as your ears started to turn red. It took Bradley a moment before it dawned on him. 
“You’ve never-“ 
“Hush!” You basically leaped from your seat and covered Bradley’s mouth with your hand, “By Gods, shut your mouth!” Bradley chuckled and removed your hand. 
“I can not say that I am surprised but I also am surprised. You do know who you spawn from, right?” 
You rolled your eyes and sat back on your knees, “I have read about how women seduce their husbands. I know… what to do. It’s just how do I actually do it?” 
“Well,” Bradley said and shifted in his seat, so he was sitting back against the couch cushions, “Here’s my advice.” 
— — — 
It was late, the witching hour, as you carefully walked through the halls of the castle. You had to dodge the watchful eye of the guards and maids. If you were caught out this late, the rumors would run wild. You had already heard the gossip about you. Some of the maids had recognized your familiar features to your sister and wondered if you were as liberated as she was. 
The night air was cool against your skin. You had dug into the back of your robe closet to find a nightgown that was a gift for Allison. It was the lightest shade of pink, with the finest traces of lace on the skirt. Your cheeks heated as you felt your nipples harden as the brush of cold air on your skin. The top of the dress was sheer, giving little to the imagination, but was just perfect for what you had planned. You pulled your dressing gown tight against your body as you made your way down the candlelit hall. 
“My lady?” You gasped and turned, coming face to face with Lord Floyd. 
“My lord Floyd,” You greeted, and he gave you a small bow. 
“What are you doing out so late? It is unsafe for a woman to-” 
“I could not find sleep,” You spoke, cutting him off and pulling your dressing gown tightly against your body. Lord Floyd’s blue eyes bore into you and it felt like he knew what your true intentions were. He was best friends with Prince Jake, he knew his every move. 
But, if Lord Floyd knew what you were up to, he saved you the embarrassment of saying it out loud, “Very well,” He nodded his head, “You ought to be on your way. It is not safe or proper for a lady of your renown to be walking the castle at night.” 
“Yes, Lord Floyd,” You bowed your head as he walked past you, going back on his way. You let out a slow breath and continued your journey to the Prince’s room. 
— — — 
The fire felt warm as Jake sat in front of it, a goblet of wine in his hand, his green eyes locked on the orange flame in front of him. The flame’s warmth was the only thing that Jake felt these days. After spending hours tending to his mother and setting preparations for his father’s funeral, Jake was drained emotionally and physically. He had never seen his mother so broken and lost. She was always a force to be reckoned with, now, Jake feared that he’d be planning her funeral soon. He sighed, bowing his head slightly and bringing the chalice up to his lips. No amount of wine in the world could help numb the pain in his heart.
A gentle knock at his door pulled him from his wallowing thoughts. Jake furrowed his eyebrows as he looked over at the cedar door. If it was any of his men, they knew to just walk in unless the door was locked. Another knock had Jake on his feet, walking to open the door. A small gasp sounded out as he pulled the door open, coming face to face with his future bride. 
“What are you doing?” Jake asked, and stepped out into the hallway, looking both ways to see if anyone was around. He quickly ushered her into the room, shutting the door and locking it, “Have you gone mad? Wondering the palace at night?” 
You gulped, shaking your head, “N-No, your grace,” You quickly curstied, showing him the respect he deserved. You look up at him, your doe eyes wide. 
Jake gestured for you to stand up, and you obliged standing up. His eyes raked over your body, taking in the red dressing coat and the light pink skirt that poked out underneath. You froze in your spot as Jake stepped towards you, his fingers going to the tie of your dressing coat. He pulled the tie, letting it fall open revealing your nightgown. Jake sucked in a breath as he took in the sight of your breasts clothed in sheer linen. 
“What is it you come here for, my Lady?” Jake asked, his voice low.
“To please you, my Prince,” You said, your eyes not leaving his. 
In an instant you felt his lips on yours, the taste of wine on his tongue. You had never been kissed like this, and it sent a sort of heat spreading through your body. Your hands quickly went to his blonde locks, tugging on them slightly. He groaned as his hands pushed the dressing coat from your body, letting the red fabric pool on the ground. Jake walked the two of you backward, leading you to his bed. The back of your knees hit the mattress, and Jake gently lifted you up to lay you down on the bed. He crawled up your body, one of his hands going under your nightgown, lightly tracing up your thigh, leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest as Jake’s lips grazed up your neck, placing feather-light kisses on your skin. You felt heat rise in your eyes as his hand drew near your cunt. You had never been touched there, and to be touched there now, made your heart race and your stomach flip with nerves. Jake must’ve sensed your anxiety as he settled his hand on your bare thigh and his lips stopped below your ear. 
“Hath, you lain in the bed of another?” Jake whispered in your ear. 
You sucked in a breath and looked at him. Your eyes were glassy with unshed tears, “No, my Lord.” 
Every fiber in Jake’s being was screaming at him. Part of him wanted you. There was no denying that you were an attractive woman. Your beauty was one that he’d only seen in painting and read about in poetry. The other part of him wanted to savor the innocence that you had. He knew soon enough that the two of you would lay together in the marital bed and be forced to perform married couple duties. He knew girls like you, girls who had been raised to be noblewomen and princesses. He knew that keeping your virtue until the wedding was important. 
Jake sighed as he pulled his hand out from under your nightgown, pulling the dress back down to cover your skin. He laid his stomach on your abdomen, running his thumb over your clothed hipbone. 
You were confused as you looked down at Jake. You weren’t sure if this was a part of sex or what was happening. Bradley hadn’t told you about this part. 
“My lord?” You asked quietly. 
“Get out,” Jake mumbled. He sat up and turned his back to you, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He waited a moment, before standing up and walking out of his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. 
A small escaped your lips, as you tried to bite back the tears that had started to fall.
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say-al0e · 8 months
Dark Cloud
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rating: pg
Summary: If anyone understands the pain of losing someone you've already mourned, it's Jake. (AKA my dad passed a little over a month ago and it’s been difficult to understand my emotions so I’m doing what I do best and write about it) Warnings: Death of a parent, bad relationship with parents, abusive parent, self-deprecation, general anxiety, grief, feelings, etc. (Anything else and I’ll tag it.) Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x GN!Reader (Pretty sure GN but if you catch anything, let me know and I’ll change it to the correct pairing) Word Count: 3.8k Top Gun Taglist | Top Gun Masterlist
Jake Seresin was not known for his silence.
At any given moment, he could be counted on to produce a witty quip or sarcastic comment. He was known for having a big ego and an even bigger mouth. To those who knew him - those who loved him - it was a mild annoyance. To those who didn’t, it was infuriating.
Despite his reputation, however, there were moments of relative quiet in the life you shared with Jake.
There were moments of quiet reflection, often in the days before or after a deployment, where he ruminated on what he’d done with his life - the things he’d accomplished and grew prouder of with each passing day, the things he had yet to achieve but knew were within his reach, the future he’d built with you.
There were moments of bliss, comfortable stretches of time where no words were needed as you allowed yourselves to disappear into your own little world. Those moments were few and far between as you were rarely left alone long enough, but you savored every chance you had to enjoy the life you’d built together.
There were moments of discontent, seconds that felt like hours passing in an uncomfortable lull that only amplified the insecurities or worries or sorrows either of you felt. Those moments dragged on, heavy and bitter in an otherwise beautiful existence, but were luckily few and far between.
Some of the moments of quiet you shared stretched on endlessly and you were grateful. The moments of quiet bliss and peaceful contentment were moments you wouldn’t trade for anything. Others grew less intense with time but you were still grateful for them as they encouraged growth.
But as you sat in a deckchair almost as old as you in a backyard you’d spent a different lifetime in, one of those moments you hoped would disappear just as quickly as it began enveloped you.
This moment was not one driven by Jake. The silence was not his choice - not something prompted by a reflection on his own mortality or the future he often worried he was jeopardizing by following his dreams. There was no bliss, no pride, no happiness, no worry for himself. This moment was one he held entirely for you.
Three days had been spent in a heavy hush, a silence that pressed on your chest and left Jake quieter than you’d ever seen him. He’d been rendered speechless after a short midnight phone call from your mother and chose his words carefully in the days leading up to the moment you found yourself desperate to run from. The silence was tentative, as if he knew one wrong word would snip the fraying thread you found yourself clinging to, and you hated it.
Though you’d often asked him to be quiet - almost always teasingly - and though his presence brought you comfort, his silence only made the overwhelming noise of your thoughts that much harder to withstand.
Despite finding yourself surrounded by family, the vast majority knew little about you. Jake, however, knew you well. He knew that you’d spent those three days struggling to understand - to rationalize, to compartmentalize - feelings that were complicated at best. He knew when you needed guiding, when you needed him to ask questions to help catalogue what you felt. He knew when you needed him to distract you, offering you stories from his last deployment to pull you away from the heaviness at hand.
But, most important of all, he knew when you needed space.
The moment that enveloped you, the quiet he’d given you in the three days since receiving that phone call, was meant to be comforting. It was meant to be the space you needed - space to decompress, space to be uncertain, space to be overwhelmed, and you appreciated the thought behind it. You were grateful he wasn’t pushing, grateful he hadn’t joined your mother or other well-meaning friends and family members in asking how you were doing, but you’d grown tired of the quiet as the still of the backyard surrounded you.
Orange light from the setting sun lit the world aflame and burned nearly as warm as the flurry of emotion churning in the pit of your stomach. It was difficult to catalogue what exactly you felt - mentally, physically; everything blurred into one overwhelming ache that you felt deep in your bones - and you weren’t quite sure how to articulate that.
Very little about the few days you’d experienced made sense, least of all your emotions, but you knew that if anyone could string together meaning from your rambling stream of consciousness, it would be Jake.
With a sigh, you slumped deeper into your chair and blinked back the sting of tears threatening to fall.
Every single person you’d interacted with for the better part of three days began every conversation with a barrage of questions; how are you? How are you feeling? What can I do? They all declared how tough it must be, some even claimed to understand exactly what you were feeling. It must be so hard, they cooed, before promising they were there if you needed them.
It was all superficial, at best, but you took the question as a base to begin a conversation you’d been dreading.
“I’m fine, Jake.” There was little chance he didn’t notice the quiver in your voice, even less of a chance he didn’t notice the clench of your jaw and the heavy exhale you released, but he nodded, just the same.
“I believe you.”
Jake knew that you weren’t fine - not really, not entirely - but he also knew that what you were feeling was more complicated than grief.
Losing a parent was always going to be a difficult experience but losing a parent you’d gone no contact with for reasons beyond your control only further complicated matters. There was no easy explanation for the multitude of emotions clouding your brain and Jake understood that.
Jake lost his own father in his twenties. Though he’d still been on speaking terms with his father upon his death, if only barely, their relationship had always been difficult. His father was cold, controlling and domineering, so Jake understood complicated relationships with fathers just as he understood how difficult it was to grieve someone long before they died.
Everything you felt, every complicated emotion and messy blur of feelings, you knew he would understand. It was likely he’d felt them himself. Regardless, it still felt nearly impossible to articulate as you blinked against the sun’s harsh glow.
Few others had seen the toll your mother’s misguided attempts at encouraging a reconciliation between you and your father had taken. It was well-intentioned, you were sure, but ended in an anxiety you hadn’t felt since your teenager years.
From the safety of your shared home, Jake had witnessed a handful of tense phone conversations. He’d listened as your father threw insults thinly disguised as questions or compliments and belittled you in ways that made his blood boil. He’d watched as you slumped on the couch and gave one word answers as you willed those awful conversations to be over. He’d held you after as angry tears tracked down your cheeks and you wondered just what you’d done to deserve this kind of treatment from someone who was supposed to love you.
It made sense, then, why he’d remained so quiet at your side. And instead of pressing for an answer, asking questions that would only make the entire process that much harder for you, he waited. He sat quietly, green eyes flickering between you and the trees in the distance as he waited for you to gather your thoughts.
“None of this is for me.”
The declaration felt bitter, dripping acid as it fell from your lips, but it was honest in a way you couldn’t be with anyone else. No one else understood, no one else saw you - really, truly, completely saw you - in the way that Jake did. Though you felt overwhelmed, anxious and upset, you felt hopeful that he’d get it as he hummed.
“How do you figure?”
“Funerals are… hard,” your settled on, blinking hard against the tears you were frustrated still managed to sting at your eyes. “They’re supposed to be for people you love, people that meant something to you. They’re supposed to give you closure. It’s a final send-off, something that just… marks the end, I guess. You mourn someone that meant something to you but all he was to me was a nightmare.” With a deep breath, heavy and barely enough to fill your aching lungs, you shook your head. “I didn’t lose my dad on Sunday. I lost him when I was old enough to realize what kind of person he was.”
Anger, burning hot and all encompassing, made it easier for you to finally feel the emotions you’d been attempting to rationalize away. And Jake, who had been waiting calmly for the storm, sighed.
There was little doubt that Jake was also feeling a multitude of emotions neither of you felt capable of exploring in the moment but that did little to stop him from reaching out to take your hand in his own. The weight of it, the heat of his palm pressed to yours, tethered you to the moment. A gentle squeeze helped you remain present as you swallowed the emotion clumping in your throat.
“Everyone here things I’m the problem,” you began, quiet but angry. “They think I just up and abandoned my dad. They think I’m a bad person because I haven’t had a relationship with him in over a decade but no one bothers to ask why. No one asks what happened to make me leave home and refuse to come back. No one asks why I went nearly fifteen years without speaking to him. No one puts any of the blame on him. They just ask why I didn’t try harder.”
The still of the night stretched endlessly around you but Jake’s attention fell solely on you. Those green eyes burned into your skin, patient, as you took a shuddering breath.
“Why was it my responsibility?” The question, a broken plea for an answer you knew Jake couldn’t give as he’d wondered the same thing, lingered unanswered for a brief moment before you huffed. “I’m the child here. He was the adult, he was my dad. He was supposed to care, to make me a priority, to love me. Instead, he made me believe I was worthless. He told me that no one would ever love me, that I was too difficult for anyone to ever waste their time on me. He was a miserable, abusive, narcissistic son of a bitch but no one ever acknowledges any of that.”
Breathing grew more difficult with every word you spoke. The weight of every emotion you’d ever felt in relation to your father pressed on your chest, leaving a dull ache between your ribs as you took a moment to clench your jaw and regain some semblance of your composure.
Jake knew all of that.
The beginning of your relationship had proven difficult because of your shared difficult pasts. Both of you had been wary of commitment - Jake because of his own insecurities, his own doubt that he’d never be worthy of anything more than a one night stand - but you’d managed to take everything in stride. Just as you’d encouraged him to know his worth, he’d been instrumental in helping you to find your own.
There was a flicker of hurt in his eyes as he realized just how difficult the experience was proving to be, just how easy it was for you to revert to an old way of thinking. It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much progress you’d made, you felt yourself spiraling as you scrubbed at your cheeks.
“Everyone says he talked about how proud he was of me. He told them all that I lived in California and had a good life but he didn’t know anything about me. He had no idea what I do for work. He didn’t know your name, didn’t even know we were married. He didn’t know anything about me but he had everyone convinced that I was the problem. And I just…” With a weary sigh, feeling the weight of the world pressing on your shoulders, you laughed. “It’s not fair. Why did he get to have friends and so many people to defend him? Why did he get to spend so much time being happy, not caring, loving his friends when I spent years wondering if anyone would ever be able to love me?”
Jake squeezed your hand gently and you could feel the weight of that single gesture. It meant more than he likely realized, warmed you from within, and you desperately wanted to look at him but you knew that sparing him a glance would only end with you dissolving into tears. You were on a roll, speaking the thoughts you knew made little sense to anyone else but had been plaguing you since you received that phone call, and stopping didn’t seem like an option.
“Sometimes I wonder if all of this was my fault.” The admission was quiet, your voice dropping to a near whisper and thick with emotion as you laughed quietly - self-deprecatingly. “I remember being so happy when I was little. I remember him taking me places, going out to dinner and seeing movies and going to the roller rink. I remember him coming to my softball games and my spelling bees. I remember feeling loved.”
With a shake of your head, you tugged at a fraying thread at the hem of your top. “I remember all of that, but then I also remember being ten and wondering if everyone else had a dad who yelled at them. I wondered if everyone else had a dad who would disappear for days when he was angry. I wondered if everyone else had a dad who would throw things at them and make them cry. I don’t… I know if I just got older and he got meaner or if I just gained consciousness and realized he was always mean.”
Faint sounds of life began to bleed into the backyard - the noise of your mother and step-father and various family members who’d dropped by with food and well-wishes milling about - but you ignored them all as you inhaled a shaking breath.
With a single glance spared at the silhouette of your mother, you laughed quietly. “My mom doesn’t remember it but we had an argument when I was, like, fourteen. I don’t remember what it was about but I remember her being so angry at me and saying that I was more and more like my dad every day. I didn’t cry much but I remember breaking down. Nothing anyone has ever said to me has hurt that bad. I think about her saying that all the time and I try so hard to prove that it’s not true but it feels like no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work to be a good person, I keep seeing more and more of my dad in myself.”
With another harsh breath, this one a desperate attempt to clear your throat of the emotion threatening to choke you, you wiped harshly at the tears that had started falling. Somewhere in the midst of your inner turmoil, there was an anger that you allowed yourself to cry. None of this was worth your anger, your upset, your energy, but it felt impossible to do anything more than continue spouting a stream of consciousness you only hoped Jake could still follow.
“While you were deployed, I went to the bar with some friends after a bad day. I wasn’t really in the mood but I ended up having fun,” you admitted, shrugging lightly as you dropped your gaze to where your intertwined hands rested on your thigh. “At the end of the night, though, it was just me and Blake on the patio and we were talking about all the stupid shit that was happening at work. I made a joke about trying to be more positive and he laughed. He said it was no use because I’ve always been a ‘dark fucking cloud’ and that was just who I was. It was a joke,” you conceded, lifting your hand to trace a nonsensical pattern across the back of Jake’s hand. “But it really wasn’t. He’s right. I’ve always been a dark cloud and I’ve always been miserable and bitter and angry.”
A quiet laugh, devoid of any humor and clearly as defeated as you felt, escaped as you shook your head. “All the words parts of me, all the things I wish I could change, all the things I know that make it difficult for people to like - let alone love me - are all parts of my dad. And I just wonder, what happens if I can’t fix those parts? What happens if I spend the rest of my life as this dark cloud? What happens if one day, all my friends realize how miserable I make them? What happens if, one day, you realize that you could do better? You can be a jackass but you’re a good man, Jake. You could easily find someone who loves you that’s bright and happy and warm. I worry that I’m going to die alone, miserable and forgotten, just because I’m me; a dark fucking cloud that pushed everyone away.”
Jake allowed the silence to linger for a moment, giving you a chance to catch your breath. When he realized you were finished speaking, he reached out to carefully brush away the tears tracking down your cheeks. From the corner of your eye, you caught the look on his face - a deep sadness you’d never seen from him before, complete with shiny eyes and a frown - and felt a fresh wave of tears stinging at your eyes.
Though you tried blinking them away, Jake shook his head.
“Sweetheart.” He slid his chair a touch closer, his knee knocking into yours as he lifted his free hand to your cheek. “I don’t say this often, but you’re wrong. I don’t know what to say that will make all of this better but I can tell you what I do know.” With gentle fingers, he tilted your head to meet his eyes and, despite the urge to glance away, you held his gaze.
“You are not a dark cloud.” His conviction was clear, certain and strong as he searched your face. “You know that everyone was surprised when you showed up to the Hard Deck. They couldn’t believe that someone as good as you, someone as bright as you, could love me. I can be an ass, but you? Even when you don’t want to, you try to see the best in people. It doesn’t matter how bad your day is, doesn’t matter how rough things are, you’re always trying to encourage the people in your life. I can’t count how many times you’ve told me your day was shit only for you to turn around and spend the night hyping up Bob, cheering up Phoenix, singing with Rooster, making Coyote laugh.
You’re the most supportive person I’ve ever met. Anyone who asks you to show up for them, you’re there and cheering the loudest. You push people to be the best versions of themselves. When I’m in my head, you’re the person to bring me back. Despite everything, you’re a good person. You try so hard and everyone can see it. I’m difficult to like, but you? There’s nothing difficult about liking you and there sure as hell isn’t anything difficult about loving you. You love me, you make me happy, and I’m lucky I get the chance to love you.”
With another gentle squeeze to your hand, Jake sighed. “None of this is your fault. You were a kid, sweetheart,” he reminded you, careful to avoid irritating your skin further as he brushed away the few tears that continued to fall. “I know all of this is hard. I know you loved him when you were a kid and I know there’s still some kind of love there. I know it still hurts, even though he hasn’t been in your life. And I know that none of this makes any sense. I can’t tell you not to worry about any of this but I can promise you that I’ll remind you every chance I get of just who you are. I’ll be here to remind you just how loved you are. You are a good person, sweetheart, and I love you. On the good days, on the bad days, on every other day in between; I love you and I’m not the only one. You mean so much to so many people and we’re lucky to have you in our lives.”
As the tears fell faster, Jake stood from his seat and tugged you up after him. He pulled you into an embrace, arms wrapped tightly around your body, and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. He allowed you to squeeze him tight, body pressed close to his, and waited patiently for you to calm.
“I love you,” he whispered, voice carrying through the night when your breathing began to even. “You know I’m not just saying this for the sake of saying it. I’m not that nice.”
When you laughed quietly, Jake smiled. “Thank you.” With another soft squeeze to his middle, you sighed. “I love you, too, Jake.”
“Alright, what d’you want to eat?” Jake shifted then, tipped his head to look you in the face, as he redirected the conversation. He knew there was an apology coming - one neither of you needed - so he stopped it before you could. “You haven’t eaten anything all day. And if you tell me you’re not hungry, I’m calling Rooster and letting him sing as many songs as he can,” he teased, waiting to see if his joke would earn him a smile.
“You decide,” you offered, smiling lightly as you nodded. “I don’t want to make any decisions. I’ll have whatever you get.”
“Okay,” he relented, appeased by the easy agreement as he wrapped an arm around your waist and began guiding you back to the house. “C’mon, we’ll get you some water and figure it out.”
The pair of you knew the pain of this loss better than anyone. There was no easy resolution, no easy answer for the messy feelings you still felt roiling in the pit of your stomach - no solution for the feelings this dredged up in Jake - but you felt a little more at peace.
The path now placed in front of you was in no way straightforward, not one you’d be able to navigate easily, but you felt hopeful that there would be a rainbow shining bright through the dark clouds, just as long as Jake was by your side.
Author's Note: I dunno, man. It's been a rough two months.
Taglist: @lulu-noodles, @holachicos, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @withakindheartx, @ssprayberrythings, @verin93, @totalwitch2, @malindacath, @alexparkxr, @hangmandruigandmav, @alexxavicry, @calicokel, @jaymum, @dracosluvbot, @little-wiseone, @specialk6802, @mandylove1000, @julesclues, @archetypesoflife, @oliviah-25, @benhardysdrumstick, @caatheeriinee07, @yvespoems, @chloereidwayne, @flower-name​, @callsignharper​, @peoniarose​, @hangmanscoming​, @rh3tt​, @dakotakazansky​, @silversprings-mp3​
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vivalas-vega · 2 months
new perspectives // part ten // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
howdy !! I think this is the shortest chapter in this series yet, but kind of a heavy one nonetheless. I'm getting back into the swing of writing and am hoping to bring this series to it's close within the next 3-5 parts! as always, please let me know what you think!
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new perspectives // part ten // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine
add yourself to my taglist
word count: 2.5k
warnings: we are diving into jupiter's deployment so mentions of warzones and guns but nothing too graphic or in depth
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The Hard Deck was thrumming just as it always was on a Friday night but lately Jake had lost the desire for after-work hangouts at the bar… darts and pool didn’t feel the same anymore, and he was having a hard time enjoying anything because he knew wherever you were you weren’t having fun. He tried to tell himself that maybe in the quiet moments, when the sky wasn’t falling and people weren’t relying on you to save their life, you and your team were able to unwind. Maybe kick around a soccer ball or play card games to pass the time and provide some sense of normalcy but he knew even if that was the case it didn’t change anything. You were in a warzone, and he was here at the bar. 
But, that didn’t stop him from trying. Your deployment was hard on everyone, not just him, and he knew that if he pulled away it would only make your friends feel it more deeply, he was the only tether to you and he also knew he needed to be here. If he wasn’t he’d be at home staring off into space and making himself sick with worry. It was better for him to be preoccupied, which was why he had taken on more responsibility at Top Gun, and why he was currently engaged in a game of darts with Coyote, trying to distract himself from the fact that he hadn’t heard from you in a month.
You two had discussed this going into it, and he knew communication would be infrequent. You had real life or death problems on your hands day in and day out, in a foreign country in the middle of an active warzone. Just because you didn’t call, or didn’t answer any of his, didn’t mean that something had happened to you, or that you didn’t want to. It just meant you were doing your job, and trying to stay safe in the process… but knowing that didn’t make it any easier of a pill to swallow. 
He also knew there was an order, and it wasn’t his turn. You two were no strangers to infrequent communication and you were adamant that your marriage could handle it. His turn had been first, and then your parents, and the next time you had the opportunity to call home it would be Rooster’s. He wasn’t angry about that, not at all… Rooster had quickly become your closest friend and confidant outside of him and he knew that you missed him just as much as everyone else, that in your darkest moments he would be one of the people you needed to see. He was grateful for it, to know that you had multiple people in your life you loved so deeply, trusted so implicitly… but that didn’t make it fun to know that the next time someone heard from you it would be the goofy guy across the bar laughing loudly with his arm slung around his new girlfriend’s waist and not him, that the next time he got an update on you it would come from him. 
He was endlessly proud of you, for how strong you had been and how devoted you were to your life’s calling. Putting yourself into such imminent danger to help others was just about the most you think he could think of, and he knew you could handle yourself. When you left you were off to a very condensed boot camp where you learned basic survival skills outside of medicine, you received a crash course in all the things you would need to know, and received training if god forbid you ever found yourself in the position of needing to defend yourself. He knew you were well equipped to take care of yourself, but he also knew that you likely had seen things and done things that would leave a lasting mark… but that was all he knew.
That was the hardest part for him… not knowing what you were going through. Even in your spottiest bouts of communication over the course of school and deployments he always knew what was going on with you, and his worst case scenarios he’d concoct when he worried were you stressing yourself into exhaustion. Now, his worst case scenarios were something he couldn’t even dare to verbalize, something if he thought about even a second too long would send him careening towards a ledge. 
“I’m sure she’s fine,” he heard from beside him suddenly, jumping slightly as he turned to see Coyote and he gave him a soft smile. 
“I know,” he replied and Coyote just nodded.
“She’s tough. Like, scary tough, my shoulder still makes a weird creaking sound from when she tackled me during dogfight football,” he said and this made Jake laugh, something that was pretty infrequent now.
“I still can’t believe she took you down like that,” he replied.
“Yeah, that one fights dirty, man… so I’m sure she’s holding her own just fine.” This provided Jake just enough reassurance in the moment that he was able to shift his focus somewhere else entirely, so much so that he didn’t notice the way Rooster pulled out his phone and quickly ran out of the bar.
“J?” he asked, the video on his phone taking its sweet time connecting and he heard his second-favorite laugh on the other end.
“Hey Roo, sorry, the video is super spotty here,” you said just as it fully connected and he finally got to see you for the first time since your wedding night. His first thought was that you looked different, almost unrecognizable if it weren’t for those few characteristics that were so completely you. You were thinner, primarily in your face and he couldn’t ignore the way your eyes lacked their usual warmth, it sent an ache through his chest to see you look so… hollow. 
“How are you? Are you okay? What’s going on over there?” he fired off in rapid succession and this pulled another soft laugh from your lips. You hadn’t realized how much you needed to see that stupid porn stache until it was staring back at you through the screen of a tablet. 
“Don’t worry about me, I don’t have long so tell me everything… what have I missed?” you asked and briefly he wanted to press, try to get you to open up about what you were going through over there but he realized that probably wasn’t what you needed right now. You needed a distraction, reminders of home, and you didn’t have much time to get it.
“Well, Eliza and I made things official a few days ago,” he said and you smiled, a real one that almost fully reached your eyes.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, Roo. Where did you take her for your first date?”
“Well, our unofficial first date was your wedding, but the real first date was mini golf… where she completely smoked me by the way,” he said and you chuckled. “She’s… incredible, JJ, I’ve never met a woman like her before.”
“Well I’ll be damned, Bradley Bradshaw is serious about someone? I leave for two months and suddenly the world turns upside down.”
“Shut up, I’ll have you know I’ve been serious about people before,” he protested before adding, “but not like this. I think this is it, J.”
“You keep that to yourself for a while longer, don’t spook her too soon,” you teased. “How is he?” you asked suddenly, getting serious and he knew what you meant without further clarification.
“He’s… good,” he replied and you furrowed your brows. “He’s just worried, is all. Just wants to know if you’re okay, we all do.” 
You nodded, “I don’t know if I am, Roo… and you can’t tell that to him, okay? I just… I don’t want him worrying anymore than he already is.”
“I won’t, but… talk to me? What’s going on over there?”
You sighed, “I don’t have enough hands, or supplies, or time… I’m picking and choosing who lives and who dies based on a twenty second evaluation and I just… never know if I’m making the right choices, never know if I’m actually making a damn difference out here.”
“Hey, you are. If I know you like I think I do, I know you are.”
You nodded but it didn’t really do anything to make you feel better. “I know this is our turn, but-”
“I texted him a few minutes ago, he should be out any second,” Rooster cut you off and you just smiled softly. 
“Thank you. I miss you way more than I thought I would, Roo,” you said and he let out a shocked laugh.
“What the hell does that mean?” he asked but he was interrupted by the door to the patio opening.
“Come outside in two minutes, alone? What kind of cryptic bullshit is that, Chicken?” you heard distantly and couldn’t help but laugh, warmth filling your chest at hearing your husband's voice after so long. “Is that- give me that,” he said, snatching the phone from Rooster’s hand and confirming for himself it was really you.
“Hey you,” you said and you thought his face might split open from how wide he was grinning. “Might want to not be so hard on Rooster, seeing as he gave up some of his phone time for you.” 
“God, I miss you, are you okay?” 
You nodded, forcing yourself to smile and Jake saw right through it, saw the way it didn’t fully reach your eyes. “I’m okay.”
“I’ll give you guys space,” Rooster said from beside Jake, “I love you, JJ, stay safe, okay?”
“Love you too, Roo,” you replied and suddenly there was a commotion from outside your tent that made him stop in his tracks as Jake’s eyes widened in concern.
“Jupiter, what’s going on?” he asked, trying to pinpoint the sounds he was hearing. The visual was blocked by you pressing the tablet against your chest as you poked your head outside the tent and the sound became clear as day on their end. Gunfire. 
“I have to go.”
“Jupiter, talk to me,” Jake tried but you’d barely heard it, barely registered.
“I can’t- I’m sorry, I love you,” was all you said before the call disconnected and Jake stood there frozen, staring at a black screen as he tried to process what had just happened. 
“Was that…?” Rooster started, not entirely sure of what to say. He knew whatever he was feeling was magnified in Jake tenfold, but that didn’t make it any easier to push through to try and be there for him. 
“I think so,” Jake said after clearing his throat. Logically he knew you’d face situations like this, it was the biggest thing he was struggling to come to terms with, but actually hearing it was a completely different beast. Right now he was standing here with your best friend on the patio overlooking the ocean at sunset… it was peaceful, yet somewhere halfway across the world you were under fire, undoubtedly under stress as you were probably assessing wounded soldiers and civilians, trying to do your job the best you could. 
Rooster noticed the slight tremble in Jake’s hands, noticed the way he was currently retreating into himself and trying to not spin out and he gently pulled the phone away and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey man, come on, let’s go sit for a minute,” he said, and Jake followed him almost mindlessly out onto the beach where they both sat down. “I know this might not sound helpful, but she’s been out there two months already, I’m sure this isn’t the first time… she knows how to handle herself.”
Jake let out a humorless laugh, “you’re right, it’s not.” He knew what Rooster’s intentions were behind the sentiment, you’d gone through this before and made it out the other side, and you’d do it again now, but all it served as was a reminder that this was your life right now. He was focused on the fact that you didn’t sound worried at all, you’d said you had to go and that you loved him as simply as you used to when you’d call him in between patients. He was sitting here, mind spinning with the possibilities of what could be happening and you’d sounded as calm as ever. That should have proved reassuring, in some small way, you weren’t fazed… you weren’t scared, but it wasn’t. If anything, it made his chest ache more. 
“She’s gonna be okay, man. It’s Jupiter, she can handle anything,” Rooster said, even though he might not have fully meant it. He saw you, heard the unsure tone as you spoke to him and saw those hollow eyes, you were different. You weren’t the Jupiter you left as, weren’t the Jupiter they knew like the back of their hands… and Rooster knew it would happen, had told you as much sitting right here in this same spot just a few months ago. 
“I don’t know… I should have told her no, told her not to do it, anything to get her to stay put,” Jake sighed and Rooster chuckled.
“We are talking about Jupiter right?” he asked and Jake couldn’t help but laugh too. “She knew what she was signing up for. We talked about it, you know... what she'd see, what she'd do, briefly, but she knew. She never bites off more than she can chew.”
“Yeah, I think this time is different,” Jake said and Rooster nodded.
“Maybe… but she’s got you, and she’s got the rest of us. We’ve all got her, no matter how she is when she comes home.”
“If she comes home,” Jake nearly whispered and this took Rooster aback. It felt like a weight off his back to finally say his biggest fear out loud, but only seconds later that weight came crashing down as he fully realized it was a genuine possibility. It wasn’t some hypothetical worst case scenario he’d concocted, hearing that gunfire proved that, it was simply how things were. If you came home. 
“You can’t think like that right now. Her tour is over in just a few weeks, she’ll pull through.” 
Jake sighed again, “I just need to know that she’s safe.”
“She’ll call when she can. That much I know for certain, I’m sure she didn’t want to leave things like that. She’ll call, or she’ll email just as soon as she’s able.” 
“I think I get it now,” Jake said and Rooster gave him a confused look, “why she likes you so much,” he practically mumbled and Rooster laughed. 
“Come on, man. There’s nothing either of us can do except wait, and she wouldn’t want you spinning out over this. Let’s go back inside,” he said as he stood and dusted the sand from his pants, and Jake followed reluctantly. He was right after all, he couldn’t do anything right now except go back inside, nurse his beer and hope you were okay.
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taglist: @mamaskillerqueen @clancycucumber230 @the-romanian-is-bae @alldaysdreamers @zzsloth @emma8895eb @novagreen04 @classyunknownlover @purplevortexx @mamachasesmayhem @ohgodnotagainn @smoothdogsgirl @swiftsgirlfriend @memoriesat30 @the-fandom-ness @midnightmagpiemama @shanimallina87 @charles11700 @angelbabyange @wildxwidow @sp1rit-realm @alluringshawn @taytaylala12 @starcatcher48 @buck-nasty @misshoneypaper @4evinlovewithfictionalmen @devil-angel-winchester @callsignspirit @thegodessc @failuretothrivestuff @olliepig @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @grxcieluvr @amatswimming @camilaricci @nolita-fairytale @dempy @pinkpantheris @aviatorobsessed @tiredqueen73 @pono-pura-vida @binnieslove @nik2blog @waklman @abaker74 @halstead-severide-fan @percysaidnever @memeorydotcom @eli2447 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @toobouquet @a-v-a123 @rae-you-gotta-be-kidding-me @86laura11 @justenoughmadnesss @yoonbutterfly @djs8891 @mamamaystbr
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ereardon · 8 months
Snowed In sneak peak [a Jake Seresin one shot]
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Summary: When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your hatred for him was covering up something else?
Edit: See part 1 here
Outside, the snow was falling in soft clumps. You looked out the window which overlooked Fifth Avenue. Very few cars or taxis were on the road, and the people who were outside looked miserable. 
And then the phone rang. You dove for it, expected it to be your mom with yet another tidbit of news that she thought was groundbreaking, as if you didn’t already know that Diet Coke was bad for you, but the male voice on the other end startled you. 
You squinted, pulling the phone back and registering the caller ID. Jake Seresin. You groaned. “What could you possibly want, Jake?” 
“Nice to hear from you, too,” he replied and you rolled your eyes. It had been a decade since you last heard from Jake Seresin. He was just as obnoxious as you remembered. 
“Listen, Seresin, if you called just to give me shit, I didn’t need a reminder that you’re a dick. Memory serves well enough. Goodbye.” 
“El, wait!” 
You frowned. “What?” 
His voice softened. “I’m sorry to do this,” he said and you felt your stomach tightening. “But you’re the only person I know in the city.” Jake paused. “I’m stuck at JFK.” 
“Don’t eat the egg sandwich,” you said, recalling a moldy sandwich you had gotten once at the airport on the way to Berlin. “Have a good flight, Jake.” 
“Ella, I’m stranded,” he said and you groaned. “Can I stay with you? Just until the airports open back up.” 
You looked outside. In the two minutes since Jake had called, snow had started to fall faster, coating the streets and sidewalks and innocent pedestrians. 
“I’m sorry,” he said and for perhaps the first time that you had known him in almost fifteen years, Jake Seresin sounded genuine. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t my only option.” 
Jake Seresin. The last time you had seen him, he was standing in the doorway of your college apartment with a bouquet of flowers that Suzannah had grabbed and trampled on in fury. 
“Ella? Are you still there?” 
“Fine,” you said, surprising even yourself. “Fifth and 12th Street. Apartment 4B.” 
“I owe you, El.” 
“Two days, Seresin,” you replied. “Anything more and you get a hotel.” 
“I’ll see you soon.”
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I am so overwhelmed by every request I have got so far😭 you guys are the best ❤
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My uni exams are starting soon so I'm trying to finish them and post them asap. I will be taking a break from tumblr after 8 september so if I didn't post your fic, I will post it after 18 september.
@samwilson-mylove @parkjammys and every anonymous request ever, I love you you are the best I hope you stay safe and stay happy 😭❤
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talkfastromance4 · 11 months
Waiting & Staying–Jake Seresin (An Arrangement Series)
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An Arrangement Masterlist
Follow here for all updates as I do not have a taglist
word count: 3005
warnings: hospital, sadness, slight angst
Feedback, asks, comments/reblogs mean the world to me!
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It’s all a miraged blur when you leave the ball. It’s blurred snapshots of running up the stairs to suddenly being in Reynolds’ car gazing at the streetlights as they streak by. Jake’s hand wraps yours up with his to stop your fidgeting but your mind is still fidgeting and racing. Then you’re running through the large revolving door of the hospital, your voice an echo as you ask for Betty and then you’re running toward the elevator, nearly tripping in your heels as you do.
Jake stabilizes you and once the doors slide open you step inside and kick off your shoes, your finger pushing on the floor number incessantly. You watch the red dotted numbers impatiently as you ascend wanting the elevator to move faster. You squeeze yourself through the doors as they glide open and run to the room Betty is in, your feet smacking on the floor.
Betty is awake but looks tired as she smiles at you then she frowns. 
“Why aren’t you at the party?” she asks.
“Because I got a call you were brought here,” you pant trying to catch your breath. Jake enters the room behind you holding onto your shoes. “Have you been tested or talked to by a nurse or doctor?”
“I had bloodwork done but that’s it. You should still be at the party, Dolly, I’ll be fine.”
“No, I’m staying right here,” you pull a chair up next to her bed.
While you wait Betty asks about the party and you tell her all about it. She asks the same question a few times but you don’t blame her because of what she’s been going through lately. The stroke that got her here is taking a toll and she hasn’t even fully recovered from the surgery on her bladder yet. How much more can she take?
Jake keeps leaving the room and going into the hallway, it’s irritating you slightly because if he’d rather be at the ball then he shouldn’t have left with you. You try not to dwell on it too much but when Betty is asleep and a nurse still hasn’t come in and he is still in the all, you stalk out there. 
“If you want to go back to the party, you can go,” you tell him hotly. “I’ll take it from here.”
“Why would I want to go back?”
“You’ve been on your phone the whole time,” you gesture to it in his hand. “So go, Jake. It’s fine.”
“I called Serena and told her Reynolds would be picking her up so she can get into the house and get you a change of clothes. I’m not leaving yours or Betty’s side.”
“Oh…” you feel sheepish now. “Um, thank you.”
“How is she feeling?” 
“Fine, she’s asleep now. But if they found blood I don’t get why tests aren’t being run,” you’re starting to get worked up again. 
“Let’s wait together.”
Jake rubs soothing circles into your back as you sit and wait for someone to come into the room. Someone finally does when Serena arrives with a tote bag of clothes telling you that Betty will need a colonoscopy but the doctor who does it is at another hospital so it won’t be until the next day. 
You’re adamant on staying and so is Jake even though you try to tell him to go home. The next day goes by and no doctor. Then another day and the same thing. Betty hasn’t been able to eat because of the colonoscopy and she’s only allowed to suck on ice cubes because it could affect the anesthesia and your patience has reached it’s limit. 
“Where the hell is the doctor to perform the colonoscopy?” you demand a nurse that has come in to check Betty’s vitals and levels of her blood. 
“He’s had quite a bit of emergencies–”
“Isn’t this an emergency since she was brought into the ER three days ago? She hasn’t eaten or drank in three days and nothing is happening!”
You push Jake’s hand away from your shoulder and you stand up from your chair.
“I understand you’re frustrated, Miss, but her levels are stable.”
“What does that mean? Is she still bleeding?”
“Not right now, that’s why we’re checking her hourly.”
“So if they rise will that constitute an emergency surgery? What if it’s too late? You all don’t seem concerned she was bleeding. I understand you all have a lot on your plate, I really do. I respect your job but this is ridiculous.”
“I’ll find out when the doctor will be here,” the nurse replies calmly.
“Good. Have him come straight here or I’ll find him myself.”
You glare as she leaves and Betty falls asleep again. You wait some more staring out the window and a nurse says the doctor is on his way now. 
“I know you’re angry right now, Sugar,” Jake says softly next to you. He places a gentle hand on your shoulder, “but Betty is very lucky to have you be her voice.”
That appeases you slightly but you’re still irritated.
More waiting and then the doctor comes in and his Colgate smile and bounce in his step really ticks you off. He reads through Betty’s chart, talks to her a little and says surgery will be in an hour. You snort and the doctor glances up at you.
“We’ve been waiting for a long time,” Jake explains.
“I understand that and I apologize–”
“You understand? Listen,” you spin on your heels so you’re facing the doctor. “I’m tired of being apologized to and saying you understand our frustration but nothing is being done to fix my frustration. I’m tired of the half-assed remarks and information. Your job is tough, I get that, you have other patients and you’re not supposed to get attached or have emotions in your line of work. But could you please, please try using a little bit of compassion? You’re still dealing with family members and a person who is scared and wants to feel better. 
“If you keep pushing her aside and I end up losing her, you’ll be dealing with a lot more than me being an angry family member.” 
“Yes, I’ll make sure the operating room and team are ready. I’ll have updates for you very soon,” he coughs then exits the room. 
You fall into the chair with your head in your hands. You’re emotionally and physically exhausted. You don’t want to be known as the irate person in the hospital but you’re tired of the ambiguity and evasiveness. 
When it’s time for Betty to go get her colonoscopy, you give her a hug and a kiss and you sit and wait some more. An hour later she’s wheeled back in, sound asleep from the anesthesia and a promise from the nurse they sped up the results but as of right now, her levels are still stable. 
“I think we should go home, rest, and eat something,” Jake suggests. You notices he’s still in his suit from three days ago and you feel guilty about that. 
“You can, I’m staying here. You could have gone home and changed, Jake,” you sigh.
“I told you I’m not leaving you. You stay and I stay, but Sugar–” he kneels in front of you resting one hand on your knee and the other on your cheek–”you’re exhausted. A hot shower, change of clothes, and some food will help.”
“He’s right,” Betty suddenly says. Her eyes are half-lidded and she clears her throat. “You take care of yourself, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’ll stay with Betty–”
“You go home, too, Jake. Take care of my granddaughter.”
Her eyes drift shut and her body relaxes into the pillows. Jake’s green eyes are pleading and you give in, taking his hand and let him lead you out of the hospital. 
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“What would you like to eat? I can make something–” jake begins when you’re back home.
“I’m not hungry,” you sigh.
“You need to eat something. What are you hungry for?” he insists.
“I don’t know. I’m going to take a shower.”
He watches you shuffle towards the stairs. He can sense you withdrawing from him and building up that wall he’s tried so hard to knock down. You haven’t opened up fully but he can tell you’ve been burned in the past but he’s not quite sure who hurt you this badly. He calls Rhea and asks her if she can make your favorite comfort foods. 
He decides to shower and change himself, he feels sterile and stiff from being in his suit and the hospital for so long. You’re still not out of the shower when he’s finished and he starts to get worried. Your bathroom door is shut when he enters your room and then he hears a clatter of commotion.
Panicking, he rushes to the door but it’s locked.
“Sugar! Let me in, are you hurt?” he asks, pounding on the door. The shower is still running and he thinks you might’ve slipped and hit your head so he shoulders the door open.
You’re wrapped in a towel, wet hair falling down your back and you’re leaning against the bathroom counter. Products are scattered along the floor and the heels of your hands are pressed into your eyes.
At the sound of his voice you start to collapse but Jake is swift and catches you in his arms right before you hit the ground. You’re sobbing and gasping, finally letting out what you’ve kept built up during this whole ordeal. You’ve tried to remain strong but it became too much and crashed over you like a tsunami. 
Jake shifts his body so his back is against the cabinets and he repositions you in his lap. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you cry into his neck.
“I’ve got you…I’m right here,” he murmurs in your wet hair. He kisses the top of your head, holding onto you tightly, rocking slightly until you’ve cried yourself dry. 
He helps you stand then grabs a tissue to dry the tears from your face. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy.
“Stay right here, okay?” he asks and you nod so he can shut off the shower then, grabs your hand and leads you into your room. 
He gives you a gentle push and you drop onto the edge of your bed, towel still wrapped securely around you and you’re staring, unblinkingly at the lush carpet. Jake sprints to his room so he can grab his NAVY t-shirt and when he gets back, you’re in the same position. Still as a statue, staring. 
“Let’s get you changed, okay?” he asks then moves to your dressers. He finds a pair of cream colored sleep shorts and opens a few more drawers until he finds some underwear. He sets the articles of clothing beside you but you remain unmoving. “y/n, look at me.”
Your eyes dart to his automatically.
“I’m going to help you change, is that all right?” he asks and you jerk a nod then stand up. Your movements are almost catatonic as you let the towel drop to the floor. 
Jake moves quickly, tapping your legs so you can step into the underwear as he pulls them up in the right position. He makes sure to keep his eyes on your toes, noting the pretty coral color they are from your last pedicure appointment, and wanting to give you as much privacy as possible. When he stands up straight, he grabs his shirt and pulls that over your head, again, keeping his eyes on your face. 
He pulls your hair out from the back, feeling how the ends are starting to knot. 
“Get into bed and I’ll brush your hair,” he says then gets your brush from the bathroom. 
You’re under the covers, stoic and clutching the edge of the bedspread, your eyes are heavy and he so desperately wants you to sleep. 
“Let me get behind you,” he murmurs and settles himself behind you as you move forward. You’re cradled between his legs and he drags the brush through your hair as gently as possible. “I’m having Rhea make your favorite foods, but if you want to sleep first I’ll make sure she puts it in the fridge.”
“‘Kay,” you whisper. 
When the brush runs through your hair with no resistance, he sets it on the nightstand and starts to move out from behind you. Your hands flash to his forearms, stopping him. 
“What is it, Sugar?” he asks, craning his neck so he can look at you more clearly. You open your mouth then close it a few times until biting on your lip. “Do you want me to stay?”
You nod.
“Okay, I’ll be right here,” he nods then kisses your cheek. 
You begin to move from his lap and he lifts his arms up allowing you to go wherever you please. You end up shifting to his side, draping one arm and leg over his torso, your head on his chest. Jake gets comfortable, tickling his fingers up and down your arm, pressing soft kisses to your head as he does. 
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You end up sleeping for a day and a half and it’s a dreamless sleep. But when you do wake up, Jake is still next to you, you shifted throughout the entirety but he still had his hand on your hip while he slept. You rolled over and stared at his sleeping face, ignoring the hollowness in your stomach. 
His stubble is more pronounced and his lashes extend to his cheeks like little paint brushes. You scoot closer, pressing a hand to his cheek and he scares you a little when his eyes open. 
“Are you really awake, now?” he asks.
“Were there false alarms?”
“Mhm,” he slides his hand from your waist to your lower back, his thumb making circles. “A few times. I’m glad you finally slept.”
“I’m sorry about my…breakdown.”
“Don’t be sorry. You bottled it up and your body finally released it, but I could tell it took a lot out of you. Betty is doing fine, she called a few hours ago after she was done having breakfast. She wants you to eat before we head over there.”
“I am hungry,” you admit and it makes him laugh. 
“I thought so. I’ll go warm up the food and you can meet me downstairs.”
You’re both slow moving getting out of bed, you were in such a dead sleep your bones were sore and stiff. While you used the bathroom, you had some time to think about Betty. About Jake. About you and Jake. You grab the black folder from the bottom of your dresser.
When you went downstairs, Jake was setting the food on plates and he gave you a happy grin as you stood beside him, the folder behind your back.
“Grab whatever you’d like to drink. We can eat and then change before heading over to Betty–”
You cut him off mid-sentence by grabbing his cheeks and rising on your toes to kiss him. It’s only your second kiss but your lips move in synchronization, an already familiar dance and his hands find home on your hips. You set the folder on the counter beside him. His palms form perfectly to your curves and he inhales a gasp as you nip at his lip before pulling away.
“What was that for?” he whispers, jaw ticking as he swallows harshly. 
“I’ll sign the paperwork.”
He moves his head back, eyes studying you then he notices the folder on the counter. 
“You’ll what?”
“The arrangement, I’ll sign it,” you nod. “But everything will be for Betty.”
“y/n…let’s discuss this after you’ve eaten. You’ve just been asleep for thirty-six hours with no food and anxiety about Betty. We don’t have to talk about this now.”
“I want to talk about it now. You said the ball is in my court. I’ll sign it as long as it all helps Betty. I don’t want to keep waiting to discuss this. I’ve made my decision. I’ll sign the paperwork and we’ll figure everything else out later. But Jake…please help Betty.”
Your voice quivers as you say her name and on impulse you snake your arms around Jake’s shoulders. You press your lips to his neck, leaving soft, suctioning kisses to his skin while whispering ‘please’ and his body relaxes into you. 
“I’ll go out with you to restaurants and bars and parties and whatever else,” you whisper in his ear and then glaze over to his lips. “Taking care of Betty will take care of me. Please, Jake.” 
You press your lips to his, dragging your tongue through his lips to connect with his. He gives in, kissing you with all his might it makes your knees weak but then he removes your arms from around him. He places them at your sides, his grip firm but not unpleasant as he stares at you.
“Okay, sign it. But in the future, you don’t have to coerce me by kissing me, that’s not what this is.” His green eyes are dark and hard, unwavering as he lets his words sink in. “Understand?” 
You swallow.
He releases you like a hot iron, picks up his plate and moves to the patio. You grab yours as well but he closes the door with a snap and you take that as being uninvited to join him. Your stomach is in knots because of what you just did but also a weird euphoric feeling that Betty will be getting the best care. 
Your lips are tingling from the kiss and you watch him slowly eat his food, your mind filled with more questions. The knot in your stomach won’t go away because you didn’t mean to hurt his feelings but you also didn’t want to stop kissing him.
Will you be able to keep the arrangement superficial? 
Does he even want it superficial?
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3 roses my beloved Annie?? My better half? Again one sentence just won’t do cause of gremlin brain
a peek at the next update of the echo (or the answer):
Bending herself in half to double her efforts, the tears came. Childlike and hot and uncontrollable. She couldn’t take much more of this. Surrounded by wolves that were her family but were no longer her pack. Miles and miles away from her mate and her Alpha — the bond between them unsettled and left to fester like an open wound.
“I need Jake,” she whispered into her knees, soft and broken.
Her bedroom door opened. And for a brief, albite idiotic second she thought her Alpha was about to walk through it. She lifted her head instantly, relief flooding her body like salve to itching sores. But then Bob walked inside, shutting the door behind himself quietly, and she curled back into her knees with a groan.
“M’sorry,” he muttered as he walked further inside the room. “Brad told me to come check on you…”
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indynerdgirl · 1 year
The TGM fandom is absolutely sleeping on a truly amazing thing that happens on carries that has all kinds of possibilities in a fic: the swim call!
In all of the TGM fanfiction I've read over the past year, I have yet to come across a single mention of a swim call. What is a swim call, you ask? It's when those on a carrier are given a day off to literally jump off the side of the ship and swim around in the middle of the ocean.
They also have what are called Steel Beaches which is when they have a giant cookout on the flight deck. Another thing I've yet to see in a TGM fic.
Like, look how much fun this 4th of July one is!
Also, apparently the ships have fishing gear on board so people can fish when the ship has down time.
So to all of the awesome fic writers out there in the TGM fandom, I hope this post has inspired you to maybe give our favorite squad of naval aviators some summer fun while they're stuck on a carrier during a deployment.
Because country boys Jake & Bob would totally be egged on into a hilarious fishing contest by Mickey & Javy (who also started a canon ball contest that might have gotten a bit out of control), Bradley would absolutely bring a guitar or an electric keyboard with him, and Natasha & Reuben absolutely dominate the corn hole tournament. Meanwhile, Mav & Hondo are just relaxing on deck with a couple of beers, ignoring whatever shenanigans the squad is getting up to.
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