#jace herondale pack
emmastairs · 1 year
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• 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗶𝘁
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soulofapatrick · 2 months
Domesticated - Jace Herondale x Female (Daylighter) Reader
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Summary: this is a 5 + 1 of all the times you and Jace act like a couple even before you admit feelings for each other
Words: 6k
Warnings: injury, bleeding, blood drinking
Y/N’s POV - 
Part One
I’m not really sure when Jace appearing at random hours of the day in my apartment became a normal things. He’s dirty and covered in ichor from a demon hunt the Clave sent him and Alec on and he’s grumbling to himself as he shrugs off his leather jacket. There’s dried blood on him from wounds his iratze rune probably healed and he’s toeing off his shoes before grumbling more about the demons. 
“I’m going to shower.” He tells me, voice gruff but there’s a softness to it as he addresses me. 
“Alright Jace.” I respond, turning back to the show I was watching, waiting up for him to get back as it’s nearly 2am. Being a vampire is weird, especially a daylighter like Simon as at first I was nocturnal and now, suddenly, I’m back to daylight hours. It was weird getting used to humanity again but ever since Jace has been coming round it’s been easier somehow. 
As I listen to the sound of the water running in the bathroom, I can’t help but think about how effortlessly Jace fits into my life. We’ve been…friends? Yeah, friends for so long, and lately, it feels like we’ve crossed some invisible line into something more. But whenever I’m around him, my heart would be pounding if it could still beat and there’s a stirring in my undead soul, a flutter of excitement I though I had long forgotten. 
If it weren’t for Jace, I might have left the Shadowhunter world behind altogether, taken Magnus up on whisking me somewhere far away, maybe Canada, Clary and Simon, my own best friends, seem to have forgotten about me again, lost in their own adventures and relationship. And Luke, the only parental figure in my life, is more invested in his pack than checking up on me. But somehow, Jace always manages to find his way back to my doorstep, like a guiding light in the darkness. 
I remember the first time he appeared on my doorstep, how he looked at me with those piercing golden eyes and saw something in me that no one else seemed to. He didn’t treat me like a monster or a freak because of what I had become, but instead, he saw me for who I truly am—a creature worthy of love and friendship.
And now, sitting here on the couch, waiting for him to remerge from the bathroom, I can’t help but wonder how the hell we ended up here in this weird dance and routine, so domesticated. One moment we’re battling demons and next, we’re lounging on the couch like a couple of teenagers on a lazy Sunday afternoon. 
Finally, after what feel like an eternity, Jace remerges from the bathroom, looking surprisingly innocent and boyish in a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a graphic tee-shirt that I’m pretty sure is either mine or my brothers. His hair is still damp from the shower, tousled in a way that makes him look disarmingly handsome. Despite the exhaustion tech into his features, there’s a spark in his golden eyes that never fails to draw me in. 
Jace collapses onto the couch beside me, his head finding its place on my shoulder, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. His weight against me is comforting, like an anchor tethering me to reality amidst the chaos of our lives. I close my eyes, revelling in the warmth of his presence and the steady rhythm of his breath against my skin.
As exhaustion finally catches up to him, his breathing evens out, lulling me into a sense of peace. I listen to the sound of his steady inhales and exhales, a gentle melody that soothes my restless mind. And as I drift off into sleep, I'm enveloped in the cocoon of his scent—sunshine and something uniquely Jace, mixed with the subtle fragrance of my shower products. It's a comforting aroma, one that fills me with a sense of belonging and contentment.
In the depths of slumber, I feel his warmth beside me, a constant presence that eases my fears and worries. But when I wake in the morning, he's gone, leaving behind only a hastily scrawled note on my coffee table. My heart sinks as I read his words, explaining that Alec called him in early for paperwork and debriefing on the previous day's hunt.
Despite the pang of disappointment at his absence, I can't help but smile at the thought of him, out there in the world, fighting alongside his fellow Shadowhunters. And as I rise to start the day, I carry with me the memory of his presence, the echo of his warmth lingering in the air like a promise of his return.
Part Two
I awake to a crashing and the grumbled cry of Jace, my panic immediately vanishing at the sound of his voice. My phone reads 7.03pm and I’m realising my nap was longer than I had planned or anticipated, having tried to stay awake for Jace who had messaged me to say he’d be home in time for dinner. 
As I groggily process the situation, something within me stirs at the realisation Jace used the word “home” to describe my place. It’s a simple word, but coming from him, it carries a weight that sends a flutter through my un-beating heart. I push aside the covers and pull myself sleepy from bed, feeling the fabric of a shirt that definitely isn’t mine brush against my skin as it reaches mid-thigh. 
Shuffling towards the kitchen, I’m met with the sight and smell of chaos. Jace is in the midst of a culinary disaster, his brow furrowed in frustration as he grumbles to himself. The scent of burning food fills the air, assaulting my sensitive vampire senses, But despite the mess and the mishap, there’s something oddly endearing about the scene—the way Jace is so determined to make dinner for us, even if it means nothing is going according to plan. 
As I approach him, I can’t help but smile at the sight of him, his hir tousled and his expression a mix of annoyance and determination. Despite the chaos, there a sense of warmth and familiarity in the air, a feeling of him that I’ve come to associate with him. 
I head straight for the fridge to grab fresh ingredients as soon as I get the gist of what he was trying to make by the minced meat and the spaghetti, catching the way he looks at me. There’s a softness in his gaze, a silent appreciation for my presence and the way I effortlessly step in to salvage the situation. But when I reach for the pasta sauce, Jace stops me, holding up a jar of red liquid. 
My heart tries to burst out of my chest when I realise what it is. Jace wasn’t just trying to make dinner for us; he was trying to recreate a meal I loved as a human, altered for my now vampire self. It’s a small gesture, but it speaks volumes about his thoughtfulness and the depth of his care for me. 
“Raphael said it was the best of the best and told me how to prepare it so it doesn’t…” Jace waves his hands around trying to think of the word Raphael used, “Separate?” 
I can’t help but laugh softly at the face Jace makes as he says the word ‘separate’. It’s moments like these that remind me of just how endearing he can be, even when he’s trying his best to navigate unfamiliar territory like helping a vampire like me. 
Stepping closer to him, I wrap my arms around him in a hug, feeling the tension in his muscles as he hesitates before finally relaxing enough to return the embrace. His strong arms wrap around me, pulling me close as he buries his face in my hair. In the moment, with the scent of blood and spices lingering in the air and the warmth of Jace’s embrace surrounding me, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love for the man standing in front of me. 
Reluctantly, Jace finally lets me go, suggesting we try cooking again. As I try to assist him, he’s suddenly spinning me back to face and him and gripping my waist in his strong hands, lifting me and sitting me on a clean area of the counter top, “You’re to just sit there and look pretty while I work this out.” He says with a smirk, a hint of redness colouring his cheeks. 
I can’t help but let out the most embarrassing giggle at his sudden shyness, feeling a warmth spread through me at his playfulness. As I watch him move around the pitch with practiced ease, a sense of contentment washes over me. Despite the chaos and mishaps, being here with Jace feels like home. 
And as I sit on the counter, watching him cook, I cant’t help but feel grateful for moments like these—simple, ordinary, mundane moments that remind me of what I could have had when human. Surrounded by the warmth and aroma of our makeshift meal and Jace’s soft humming as he cooks, I know that no matter what challenges may come our way, as long as we have each other, we'll always find a way to make it through.
Part Three
The library is quiet as I slip inside, the familiar scent of old books and parchment greeting me like an old friend. Alec had given me permission to use the Institute as a safe haven whenever I like, and I often find myself wandering towards the library. It’s become my sanctuary, a place where I can escape the weird world I’m now a part of and lose myself in the pages of novels and histories. 
As I roam the aisles, my fingers trailing along the spines of countless books, I feel a sense of calm wash over me. The library is a treasure trove of knowledge, and I’ve made it my mission to learn as much as I can about the Shadowhunter world. I immerse myself in the histories of the Clave, learning about the battles fought and the heroes who rose to prominence, the history of the main families in this world. 
Eventually, I pick a book off the shelves, one that Alec had actually recommended to me during one of our conversations. It’s a thick volume filled with tales of Shadowhunter lore, and I can’t wait to delve into its pages. With a contented sigh, I sink into one of the soft loveseats scattered throughout the massive library, feeling eh weight of the book in my hands as I lose myself in the pages. 
For the rest of the afternoon, I’m lost in a world of magic and mystery, my surroundings fading away as I become immersed in the story unfolding before me. The hours pass in a blur, but in the moment, surrounded by the knowledge and history of the Shadowhunters, I feel a sense of belonging and purpose that I’ve been searching for since the day I was turned. 
My attention is momentarily drawn away from the pages of the book in my hand by the faint murmur of voices approaching. It takes a moment but I’m recognising the voices, the cadence of their speech familiar to me even from a distance with my new hearing abilities. But it’s the sound of the library door opening that truly captures my attention, and when I look up, my heart skips a beat at the sight of a familiar blonde figure standing in the doorway. 
His golden eyes scan the room, searching, until they land on me. A smile spreads across his face, lighting up his features in a way that never fails to make my heart flutter like it’s still beating, “There you are, Mouse,” He greets, using the stupid pet name he’s decided for me, “You weren’t at home.” 
As he strides over, my attention is captivated by the way his muscles ripple beneath the fabric of his tight black shirt, each movement a testament to his strength and grace. My pulse would be skyrocketing if it could, and I can feel a flush from the recent blood I drank creeping its way up my neck as he stops in front of me, his presence commanding and magnetic. 
“Hey Jace,” I manage to say, voice betraying the flutters of excitement I feel within me. 
He smirks, golden eyes dancing with amusement as if he knows what he’s doing to me, “What were you doing here all alone?” He asks, tone teasing yet filled with genuine curiosity. 
I just shrug, attempting to maintain an air of casualness despite the turmoil of emotions swirling within me, “Just needed the quiet.” I reply, my voice soft. 
He nods in understanding, his expression softening as he reaches out to gently tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. The simple gesture sending a shiver down my spine, igniting a rush of sensations that I struggle to contain. His proximity, his touch—it's all too much, and yet not enough.
“Hey, listen,” He says, his voice warm and inviting, “We’re all heading to the Hunter’s Moon to hear Simon sing, You wanna join us?” 
The thought of being surrounded by so many voices, sounds and smells—the overwhelming sensory overload—has me shuddering involuntarily. I feel a knot form in my stomach, a wave of anxiety washing over me at the mere thought of venturing out into the bustling world beyond the quiet of the Institute currently. 
With a shaky breath, I shake my head almost aggressively, “No, I think I’ll pass.” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper, “I’m… I’m not really in the mood for crowds tonight.” 
Jace nods in understanding, his expression sympathetic, “Hey, that’s okay,” He reassures me, his voice gentle, and he’s surprising me by leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my cheek, “You do what feels right for you. But if you ever change your mind, we’ll be there.” 
I offer him a weak smile, grateful for his understanding, “Thanks Sunshine.” I murmur, the weight of my anxiety slowly easing with his words of reassurance and his sweet actions. 
As Jace turns to leave, I watch him go, feeling a sense of longing wash over me like a gentle tide. His departure leaves an ache in my chest, a yearning for something more, something I can't quite name. But then, I feel the lingering warmth of his kiss on my cheek, a fleeting touch that sends a jolt of electricity through me.
Despite my reluctance to join them, a part of me wishes I could be there, sharing in the camaraderie and laughter with Jace and the others. The thought of being by his side, laughing and joking like we always do, fills me with a bittersweet longing. 
In the moment, as I sit alone in the quiet solitude of the library, the whole interaction feels strangely domesticated, as if it’s something we’ve done a thousand times before. Jace’s kiss was casual yet intimate, like it was a natural extension of our friendship, and yet it leaves me yearning for more. 
I can’t help but replay the moment in my mind, the sensation of his lips against my cold skin, the warmth of his touch. It’s a memory I want to hold onto, to savour and cherish, and yet it only serves to deepen my desire for him. 
As I sink back into the soft cushions of the loveseat, the ache in my chest lingers, a constant reminder of the feelings I can’t shake. I want him to kiss me again, to make me feel alive in a way I never thought possible. And as I close my eyes and let out a heavy sigh, I know that despite the risks and uncertainties, I can't deny the pull he has on my undead heart.
Part Four
I honestly have no idea how I ended up in the training room with Jace but I definitely know how I ended up on my ass glaring up at his laughing figure. Jace decided that he was going to teach me how to defend myself as Alec wants downworlders to help Shadowhunters on patrols to bridge the gap that had formed since Valentine. 
So here I am, climbing to my feet and glaring at Jace who readies himself for another round and my body is already aching. Jace is already readying himself for another round, and I steel myself for the onslaught, determined to at least make him break a sweat. As he lunges at me, I use my vampire speed to dodge and jab him in the back with my elbow with precision. But before I can revel in the small victory, he’s already spinning around and swiping my feet out from underneath me again. 
I hit the ground with a frustrated grunt, the air would have been knocked out of me if I were still breathing. I let out a sound of pure annoyance as I lie there, staring up at the ceiling, feeling so goddamn angry that I haven’t managed to get Jace down once. 
“Come on, Mouse,” Jace says, offering me a hand up, “You’re getting better, I promise.” 
I take his hand and pull myself to my feet yet again, but the weight of defeat still hangs heavy on my shoulders. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to measure up to Jace's level of skill and agility. It's frustrating, disheartening even, to constantly fall short despite my best efforts.
With a heavy sigh, I get back into position, expecting Jace to do the same but instead a small gasp is drawn from me when I feel his body practically pressed to my back as he adjusts my positioning. I feel a rush of warmth as he nudges my feet into a better position and adjusts my arms, guiding them a little higher. 
His touch is firm yet gentle, his hands moving with practiced precision as he adjusts my stance. And then, his hands fall to my hips, twisting them slightly to improve my balance before he steps back, satisfied with his work. 
I’m left standing there, the lingering sensations of his touch sending a shiver down my spine. Despite the lack of a heartbeat or any physical sensations, I can’t deny the way he makes me feel. Safe. Protected. As if, just for a moment, the weight of the world is lifted from my shoulders and I can simply be. 
With a renewed determination, I square my shoulder and focus on the task at hand. As we being sparring again, I find myself moving with a newfound confidence, each strike more precise than the last. And then, miraculously, it happens—I actually manage to get Jace down for once. 
I just watch in disbelief as he hits the ground, a surprised laugh escaping him as he looks up at me with sparkling eyes. In the moment, his laughter is like music to y ears, lighthearted. As Jace lies there, sprawled on the ground with a grin that could light up the room, I can't help but feel a rush of exhilaration. His boyish charm and playful energy are infectious, making me forget for a moment that we're supposed to be training. But as he starts to rise, that cocky smirk forming on his lips, I know the challenge isn't over yet.
With a twinkle in his eyes, he beckons me forward, goading me to try again. His confidence is palpable, almost tangible in the air between us. And I, of course, take the bait, eager to prove myself once more. 
But, as I unleash my vampire strength and speed, throwing my self into the spar with all I’ve got, I quickly realise that Jace has activated both runes, his agility now matching mine. His speed rune makes him a formidable opponent, dodging and waving with ease, always one step ahead. 
In the blink of an eye, he’s behind me, sweeping my feet out from under me with a swift motion. I feel the ground rushing up to meet me, but my reflexes kick in instinctively. As I tumble backwards, I grab onto Jace’s shirt, pulling him down with me. 
We land in a tangled heap, laughter bubbling up between us as we lie there, catching our breath. For a moment, time seems to stand still, the world around us fading away until it's just the two of us, tangled together on the ground. I can smell how sweet and like sunshine Jace’s blood smells in his veins and feel the way his heart is pounding as he buries his face in my neck. 
And in the moment, I realise just how much I enjoy being with him, the easy camaraderie and undeniable chemistry between us, making me, again, realise just how domesticated we are with each other. 
Part Five
The rain is coming down so hard it’s bordering on hail and as overwhelming as my senses are, the sound of it hitting the windows of my apartment is actually very comforting. Jace is in the shower again, coming back from another demon nest hunt and he’s told me he ordered pizzas on his way home as he invited the others around to jin us for the movie night before he jumped in the shower. 
As grateful as I am for his presence, a flicker of anxiety creeps into my mind at the thought of the others joining us. Alec and Magnus have always been welcoming, their easygoing nature together putting me at ease from the start. But Simon and Clary, lost in their own bubble of love, often seem oblivious to anyone around them nowadays, especially me their childhood friend. And Izzy.. well, Izzy can get anyone she wants with a bat of her eyelashes has me a little jealous. 
As I wait for Jace to emerge from the shower, the sound of the rain drumming against the window grows louder, echoing the turmoil of my thoughts. I find myself questioning whether I’ll be able to navigate the dynamics of the evening, whether I’ll be able to hold my own amidst the company of the Shadowhunters and Downworlders that make up Jace’s inner circle. 
But then, as if sensing my apprehension, Jace appears, a towel draped casually around his waist and a smile lighting up his face. It’s as if time itself pauses for a moment, allowing me to drink in the sight before me. His presence is like a beacon of light in the dimly lit apartment, his golden eyes sparkling with warmth and mischief. With his damp hair tousled and his skin glistening with droplets of water, he looks every bit like an adonis, a vision of strength and beauty. 
The towel draped casually around his waist hangs dangerously low, teasingly revealing the beginnings of his happy trail. My gaze is drawn to the tantalising glimpse of skin, the curve of his hips, the sculptured muscles of his abdomen. It's a sight that leaves me breathless, a reminder of just how effortlessly attractive he is.
But it's not just his physical appearance that captivates me; it's the way he carries himself, with a confidence that borders on arrogance yet somehow remains endearing. His smile is like a beacon of warmth, infectious and irresistible, drawing me closer with its magnetic pull.
As he moves closer, the scent of his shower gel fills the air, a heady mixture of musk and citrus that sends a shiver down my spine. I find myself mesmerised by the play of light and shadow on his skin, the way the droplets of water cling to his body like liquid diamonds. He brushes a gentle kiss against my cheek, his touch reassuring in its familiarity, a warmth spreading through me, soothing the lingering traces of anxiety that had gripped me moments before. His touch is a familiar reassurance, grounding me to the present moment and easing the flutter of my nonexistent heartbeat. 
But before I can fully lose myself in the intimacy of the moment, a sharp knock at the door interrupts us, shattering the fragile bubble of privacy we’ve created. With a playful smack to Jace’s arm I stop him from heading to the door, “Go get some damn clothes on, I’ll answer it.” Before I’m striding over to answer the door, cheeks flushed with a heat that most likely betrays the intensity of my emotions. 
As I swing the door open, Jace is ducking into our room and I’m met with the amused gazes of Alec and Magnus, their eyebrows raised in teasing curiosity. Magnus’ playful smirk hints at the mischief dancing in his eyes, while Alec's expression is a mix of amusement and affection. 
Despite my embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable moment, I can't help but smile at the sight of them. Their presence is like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, casting a warm glow over the room and dispelling the tension that had threatened to linger.
Suppressing the urge to bury my burning cheeks in my hands, I offer them a sheepish grin, knowing they heard what I said through the door, hoping to deflect their teasing with a lighthearted remark. But as Magnus's eyebrow quirks suggestively, I know that my attempt at nonchalance has fallen short. So, with a sigh of resignation, I step aside to let them in, knowing that there's no use in trying to hide the flush that still colours my cheeks
As I step aside to let them in, Alec hands me a DVD with a knowing smile. I can’t help bit roll my eyes fondly at his choice—Dracula. It’s become somewhat of an inside joke between me and Jace so I just know Jace told him to bring it. But before I have a chance to protest, Magnus is interjecting, his tone unreadable as he tells me “I’m afraid the others won’t be joining us tonight,” 
But Magnus’ words cut through the light-hearted banter, his tone carrying an unexpected weight as he informs me of the absence of our other friends. A pang of disappointment courses through me, a subtle ache in my chest as I realise that Clary and Simon won't be joining us tonight. They were more than just friends—they were my childhood companions, the ones who had been there through thick and thin. Their absence feels like a tangible loss, a reminder of how much our lives have changed since those carefree days of youth.
As I put the DVD in and get it ready, sinking into the couch with a heavy heart, I can't help but feel a sense of longing for the comfort of their presence. But I push aside those feelings, focusing instead on the company of Alec and Magnus, who have become like family to me in their own right. 
I sink into the cushions, allowing Alec and Magnus to take the other couch as we wait for Jace to return with the pizzas. Despite the disappointment lingering in the air, there's a quiet camaraderie between us, a shared understanding that in times of need, we can always rely on each other.
As the anticipation of Jace's return hangs in the air, the sound of the door opening signals his arrival. He appears just in time to answer the door, a grin spreading across his face as he enters with pizzas in hand. The sight of him brings a flicker of warmth to my heart, dispelling the lingering disappointment of our missing friends. 
Jace sets the pizzas down on the table with a flourish, his presence injecting a sense of energy into the room. With a casual ease, he joins us on the couch, seamlessly sliding in beside me. Without a second thought, he wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me snugly into his side. The gesture both  comforting and familiar, a silent reassurance of his affection for me. I lean into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against mine as he adjusts the blanket to cover us both. It's a simple act, but it speaks volumes about the bond we share—a bond that transcends words and barriers, connecting us on a deeper level.
With the remote in hand, Jace settles back against the cushions, his gaze fixed on the screen as he starts the movie. As the opening credits roll, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me, grateful for the warmth of Jace's embrace and the company of friends who feel like family.
Despite the disappointments and challenges we may face, in this moment, surrounded by laughter and love, I know that we'll always have each other. And as we lose ourselves in the world of Dracula, I find solace in the simple pleasures of friendship and companionship, knowing that no matter what the future may hold, we'll face it together, as a team.
Plus One
I’m not really sure how it happened but one moment I’m walking home from a day at the coffee shop and the next I’m being thrown into a wall. A wave of disorientating pain washes over me, leaving me gasping for breath and struggling to make sense eo what just happened. My sense reel, the world spinning in a dizzying blur as I try to focus on what just hit me. 
For a terrifying moment, I’m convinced that this is it—that I’m facing my end, torn to shreds by whatever unseen force assaulted me. Panic claws at the edges of my consciousness, threatening to consume me as I brace for the final blow. 
But then, as suddenly as it began, the assault ceases, leaving me trembling and shaken in its wake, unable to heal as I’ve lost too much blood. Slowly, I stagger to my feet, the world still spinning around me as I struggle to regain my bearings.The realisation that I’ve lost too much blood to heal hits me like a physical blow, leaving me lightheaded and unsteady. Every step is a battle against the dizziness and weakness that threatens to overwhelm me, but I push forward with grim determination. 
With each faltering step, the distance to the institute feels impossibly far, unable to use vampire speed without passing out. Panic sets in as I realise that Jace, my lifeline, is at the Institute today, and he hasn’t called to tell me he’s on his way home. Fear grips me like a vice, squeezing the breath from my lungs as I struggle to keep moving forwards. 
The world around me blurs as I stumble out of the alleyway and into the desired streets. My vision swims, the darkness closing in around me as I fight to stay conscious. Each breath is a struggle, my lungs burning with exertion as I push my body beyond its limits. 
Time loses all meaning as I continue to trudge forwards my footsteps echoing in the empty silence of the night. The Institute looms in the distance like a beacon of hope, its towering walls offering the promise of safety and sanctuary. But with each passing moment, it feels as though I'm slipping further and further away, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness.
Desperation claws at the edge of my consciousness as I force myself to keep moving, driven by the fear of what awaits me if I don’t reach the Institute in time. Every step is a battle against the darkness that threatens to engulf me, but I refuse to give up. 
With every ounce of strength I can muster, I push myself forward, determination fuelling my movements as I draw upon the last reserves of energy within me. As I approach the looming doors of the Institute, desperation spurs me to action, and I unleash the full force of my vampire speed. 
The doors fly open before me with a forceful momentum, swinging wide as if welcoming me home. But even as I breach the threshold, I trigger the wards surrounding the entrance, setting off alarms that echo through the empty halls. Before I can fully comprehend the situation, Jace appears before me, his weapon raised in a defensive stance. The sight of him, strong and unwavering, fills me with both relief and a sense of impending doom. I choke out his name, my voice barely a whisper as I struggle to remain upright. 
My knees give way beneath me, threatening to send me crashing to the unforgiving tiles below. But in the blink of an eye, Jace is there, his arms wrapping around me with lightning speed, catching me before I can hit the ground. The seraph blade clatters to the floor, forgotten in the urgency of the moment as Jace sinks us to the floor, cradling me in his arms, his eyes filled with concern and a hint of fear. I reach out to him, my fingers trembling as they brush against his cheek, a silent plea for reassurance. 
Despite my initial resistance, Jace's urgency is palpable, his wrist pressed insistently against my mouth as he pleads with me to drink. Fear courses through me as I shake my head, the thought of losing control terrifying me to the core. But as the scent of his blood fills my senses, a primal hunger takes hold, overpowering my rational thoughts. With a grip on my hair that borders on painful, Jace guides my mouth to the wound on his wrist, his other hand pressing against the back of my head. The taste of his blood is like nothing I've ever experienced before—warm and intoxicating, with a sweetness that rivals the warmth of the sun. 
As I drink, the fog that had clouded my mind begins to lift, clarity returning with each swallow. Guilt washes over me in waves, but I can't bring myself to stop. Jace's blood is a lifeline, grounding me in the present moment and soothing the ache of my wounds. I feed until I can feel the worst of the wounds stopping bleeding, my tongue lapping at the skin on Jace’s wrist to seal it shut. The taste of his blood lingering on my lips, a bittersweet taste. 
With a sigh of relief, I collapse against Jace's safe chest, my body trembling with exhaustion and relief. His touch is gentle yet firm, his hand cupping my jaw with a tenderness that tugs at my heartstrings. I feel his thumb under my chin, lifting my gaze to meet his, and as I look into those golden eyes, I see the raw emotion reflected in their depths.
Tears glisten in his eyes, a silent testament to the fear and concern he's been harboring for me. His voice is soft as he checks if I'm okay, the sound of it like a soothing balm to my battered soul. In that moment, I realise just how much he cares, how deeply he feels, and the thought fills me with a warmth that transcends the physical. 
As he leans down, his lips ghosting over mine with a hesitance that speaks volumes, I can feel the tension building between us, a palpable electricity that crackles in the air. My heart would be hammering in my chest, a rhythm that matches the erratic beat of his own. A small whine escapes my throat, a sound born of longing and need, and in that instant, his resolve crumbles. His lips crash against mine with a fervour that steals my breath away, a kiss so full of passion and intensity that it leaves me reeling. 
In that moment, I feel alive in a way I never have before, as if every nerve in my body is on fire with the intensity of his touch. It's as if he's breathing life back into me with each caress of his lips, each touch igniting a fire that burns brighter than the sun. 
“Maybe don’t almost die to act upon mutual feelings.” Jace is mumbling against my lips, earning a weak smack from me. 
“Shut up.” 
“Make me.” He retorts, kissing me softly once again. 
“Later I will.” 
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The Shadowhunters Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
105 notes · View notes
elleejayy · 3 months
The rules are simple: Complete all requirements for a generation to advance onto the next. Cheats to be used at your own discretion, though it’s more fun without.
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TRAITS: Over-Emotional, Dramatic, Brave, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic. Any LTW, Any Career - Do NOT have to complete either.
Start in a fresh, untouched save.
Have 2 Best Friends.
Fall in love with a sim
Then fall in love with their sibling.
Have 2 children (2 boys) with second sim.
Die as an Adult. Accidental or on purpose.
Following your death, your partner has a One Night Stand that results in a baby.
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TRAITS: Good Sense of Humour, Family-Orientated, Supernatural Sceptic, Flirty, Brave LTW: Surrounded by Family Any Career
Start as a teen, in a new town.
Never develop any close relationships with anyone except your younger brother.
Have a negative relationship with Father.
Meet your Half-Sibling as a Young Adult.
Move out with your younger brother.
Meet the love of your life at a bar.
Have 5 Children with her.
Have a One night stand with a Werewolf, results in an affair baby. (This will be your heir!)
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TRAITS: Mean Spirited, Brooding, Supernatural Fan, Kleptomaniac, Unstable LTW: Leader of the Pack No Career Allowed
Start as a teenager.
Have a negative relationship with father, step-mother and half-siblings.
Earn all money through collecting/hunting as a werewolf.
Have an affair with a siblings partner, affair baby comes from this. (This will be your heir!)
Adopt a teenager, turn them into a werewolf.
Only have a close relationship with your children.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Good Sense of Humour, Athletic, Daredevil LTW: World Renowned Surgeon CAREER: Medicine
If a werewolf, get cured. You don’t want to harm anyone.
As a young adult, disown your werewolf parent.
Meet the love of your life at work.
Have 2 children.
Have 2 children who are siblings, your adoptive family.
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TRAITS: Shy, Hydrophobic, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic, ClumsyLTW: Resort EmpireNo Career Allowed
Start as a teen, ideally in Isla Paradiso.
Make 2 best friends.
Find the abandoned resort, buy it.
Fall in love with a visitor to the resort.
Have as many children as you desire.
Optional: Become a mermaid.
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TRAITS: Party Animal, Perceptive, Inappropriate, Flirty, Great Kisser LTW: Pervasive Private Eye CAREER: Private Investigator
Move town.
Master Mixology skill.
Become a Casanova/Natasha OR Slimeball.
Throw a party as least once a week.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Charismatic, Born Salesperson, Diva, Proper, Perfectionist LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation CAREER: Business
Master charisma skill.
Max Business career.
Throw a dinner party once a season.
Own 3 different venues in town.
Have 5 children, 4 boys & 1 girl.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Born Salesperson, Disciplined, Unlucky, Over-Emotional LTW: Master Romancer CAREER: Criminal
Master Athletic Skill.
Take up gambling, a few times a week. [Sims 3 Store]
Endless failed relationships, until you meet the one when you’re days away from being an adult.
Have a set of twins.
When the twins are teens, one must die (or disappear).
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TRAITS: Unstable, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Neurotic, Rebellious LTW: Super PopularAny Career.
Be best friend with your twin before they die/disappear.
Own a motorbike.
Max Rebel social group.
Final love as a young adult with another rebel.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Genius, Hydrophobic, Loser, Computer Whiz, Socially Awkward LTW: Perfect Student CAREER: Science
You’re smart, attending university is a must.
Honor roll as a child and teen, A+. Always complete homework.
Perfect GPA.
Master Science skill.
Master Logic skill.
Master Gardening skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Master Fishing Skill.
Master Arcade Machine skill. [Hidden]
Have a Plant Sim baby.
Scientifically engineer a baby.
Have an Alien Baby. [This is your heir!]
Die a virgin.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Brave, Genius, Ambitious, Hot-Headed LTW: Become an AstronautCAREER: Military
Live in Lunar Lakes, or a Custom Alien World
Master Athletic skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Find love with a Supernatural Sim.
Have as many hybrid children as you desire.
Have a Holo disc pet.
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TRAITS: Brave, Genius, Family-Orientated, Loner, Light Sleeper LTW: Alchemy Artisan CAREER: Alchemist
As a child, you’re sent to boarding school.
As a teenager, you focus on learning more about your supernatural abilities.
Master Alchemy skill.
Earn money from selling elixirs at the Consignment store.
Have as many children as you desire.
Accidentally leave a Bottled Curse of the Lycan out for your heir to drink.
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TRAITS: Grumpy, Brooding, Night Owl, Perceptive, Good LTW: Leader of the PackAny Career.
Become a werewolf as a teenager.
Turn a few people on Full Moons.
Master Lycanthropy Skill.
Buy Alpha Wolf Lifetime Reward.
Have a single child later in life, as an older adult.
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TRAITS: Ambitious, Charismatic, Dramatic, Snob, Family-OrientatedAny LTW CAREER: Education
Optional: Cure Lycanthropy
Move to a new town after your parent has died of old age. (You can speed this up with Trigger Age Transition)
Have 4 Best Friends
Date and marry one of your best friends
Adopt one child, due to fertility issues.
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TRAITS: Star Quality, Snob, Natural Born Performer, Excitable, Diva LTW: Vocal Legend CAREER: Singer
Live in a New York-style world.
Master Singing skill. [Hidden]
Have 3 friends.
Be a 5-Star celebrity.
Marry someone with the Athletic trait.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Brooding, Heavy Sleeper, Fmaily-Orientated LTW: International Super Spy CAREER: Law Enforcement
Move to a small town world.
Master logic skill.
Master Athletic skill.
Have 1 best friend.
Get married to a townie.
Have 1 child with the townie.
Your partner has an affair with your best friend, resulting in a baby.
Raise the baby as your own.
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apples-and-heartbreak · 5 months
I feel like when I’m reading or watching something, for me to like a hero, they have to
1) have ambition about anything
2) not be annoying
3) not excuse their shitty behaviour with their shitty childhood
4) not be so self-righteous they don’t see their own flaws
For these reasons I hate with a burning passion Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild, Eli Ever, Tiberius “Cal” Calore VIII, Dean Winchester, and Legend/Dante Santos
Jace is constantly doing something shitty in every book and people don’t care and they just put up with it for some reason. In CoG he belittles Clary because he wants to push her away but keeps coming back to her. He also keeps coming onto Clary when he thought she was his sister and said that cursed sentence in CoG that I need to bleach from my brain. I know if he said that shit to me I would’ve punched him in his stupid face cuz who does he think he is? He mocks the werewolves after they lost a child in their pack, he’s just awful to Alec at times, he doesn’t seem to understand there are consequences to his actions and just does shit because he wants to. He had the emotional maturity of a dried up pinecone.
Clary also does so much shit and people don’t call her out because she’s the protagonist and she just lets Jace do whatever to her because he’s hot. Girl please get a grip. She slut shames Izzy because apparently women aren’t allowed to have a sex life or wear revealing clothing 😒 girl you kissed someone you thought was YOUR BROTHER!! She dated Simon to get over Jace and then kissed Jace in the Seelie Court, and repeatedly thought about Jace in a romantic sense WHILE she thought they were SIBLINGS! I can’t.
Eli is so self-righteous, annoying and hypocritical. He uses God and religion as an excuse to kill innocent people which is just disgusting. Like I get that he thinks being an EO changed a person because Victor became different but he is an EO himself and he just takes it on himself to murder innocent people for simply existing.
Cal has no desire to do anything, at least up to the beginning of King’s Cage he doesn’t (where I currently am). He knows how poorly the Reds are being treated and he doesn’t want to change anything because (and I’m paraphrasing) there would be outrage among the Silvers and a war would break out. Bitch you are already at war! He’s the reason why so many innocent young Reds have lost their lives fighting in a war they have no say in. He sees the Scarlet Guard killing Silvers and he doesn’t try to stop them. He sulks and whines but doesn’t take any real action, which he could if he actually wanted to. He stalks around the camp like Mare’s dog and thinks he’s better than everyone.
Dean Winchester is an abusive asshole. He locked Sam in the cellar when he was addicted to demon blood when he knew the withdrawal could kill him. He shit on Sam for being manipulated. He’s made horrible perverted jokes about women, might I remind y’all of the high school episode (he was at least 26 at the time). He guilted Sam for leaving him in Hell and Purgatory when he did THE EXACT SAME THING when Same went to the cage. He threatened Kaia, a teenager at gun point for his own selfish purposes. He abused Jack til the very end, yelling that he wasn’t family when Jack had sacrificed his soul and life for the Winchesters, and made Jack hate himself for being born. He was shitty to Cas in so many seasons and didn’t care that Cas just went through seeing his son die and wasn’t able to save him. He violated Sam’s body by tricking him into letting Gadreel in which led to the death of Kevin and had the audacity to think he was wronged.
Dante is shit. Julian, his brother, lived with him for centuries, followed him wherever he went and loved him unconditionally. All Julian asked was for Dante to love him back, which he never did. When Julian finally found someone who loved him, Dante made fun of him. And then in the next book he gives up his immortality for Tella, a girl he has known for literal months at most. He didn’t love his brother, who has been with him since the beginning, enough to give up his immortality but he loved this random girl he has known for a couple months at most to give it all up?? Tella should’ve left him in the dust just like she did Jacks and went off on adventures by herself and met someone that wasn’t a twat.
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amchara · 1 year
hey! for the prompts could you do kit and jace training?
Ahaha, why are my ficlets getting longer and longer? 😅
Anyway, I do enjoy a good Herondale bonding / training session. Although this prompt did go off in a slightly different direction than I expected...
(canon-compliant with SOBH)
“Out,” Jace barked and the younger Shadowhunters scattered in front of him, with several impressive clangs and clatter as they hastily shoved weapons back into their stores. 
In the corner of the training room, Beatriz was packing up her lesson plans. Her wry glance with a raised eyebrow promised to fill him in on what had gone down before he arrived. She left, alongside the remaining stragglers. 
“Not you.” 
Kit’s face was a mess and Jace was hoping several iratzes and some good old-fashioned first aid would do wonders before Tessa returned from her visit to Magnus’ loft. He liked his great, great, grandmother and having her adopted son beat up by other Shadowhunters on his watch? Not a good look. 
“Impressive,” Jace remarked, handing over a wet cloth, which Kit accepted gingerly. “Less than 24 hours in New York and you’re already breaking noses and taking names. Granted- it’s your own nose but…”
“Can we get the wise mentor chat over with and move on?” Kit’s voice was sullen as he dabbed at the twin blood stains running under his nose. He held his left wrist at an awkward angle and Jace hoped it wasn’t broken. 
“I’m neither wise nor old,” Jace told him. “But I am an expert bullshitter.” He held Kit’s sky blue eyes for a moment before Kit broke the stare. Long enough though, for Jace to know that he was likely right in his assumption. “Like you.”
His distant cousin looked at the floor, scuffing his feet. “So, what about it?”
“What happened in training today, Kit?” Jace countered. “I’m not looking forward to explaining this to Tessa and Jem.”
“You think I’m willingly getting my ass handed to me?” 
Jace chose his next words carefully. “I think you’re holding back in some sense, yes.” 
Kit looked up angrily. “Again, you think I am choosing to lose? Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re punishing yourself,” Jace said, throwing subtlety to the wind. “For what happened with Mina in London. When you wrote to me- you said you’re throwing yourself into Shadowhunter training as a way to make yourself ready for what comes next with this whole First Heir thing.” He walked backwards to where he knew there were a couple of training sabres. 
He picked them up, weighing the balance of one, even as he continued talking. “It’s admirable- don’t misunderstand me." He snorted. "And I’ve now watched enough mundane movies with Simon to know getting a few black eyes is part of the whole ‘toughening up process.'”
Jace paused. “But you’re fighting with one hand behind your back, and I’m not talking about the fact that you didn’t go to the Academy, or started late. You’re scared to trust your instincts- and your training with Jem. Which is why all the other trainees are getting through your defenses.”
He handed a sabre to Kit. 
Kit’s face was naked with fear and he shook his head. “Jace, I can’t. You don’t understand- it’s-” He lowered his voice, even though they were alone in the large training room. “I can feel it,” he tapped the centre of his chest with the hand holding the blood-stained cloth and then held his hands out. “Whatever power let me vanish the Riders’ horses a couple years ago. It’s getting stronger. I’m worried I’m going to vaporise my opponents.”
Right. Jace rubbed his forehead. “Fair point. Well- you gotta deal with that first then.” He eyed Kit. “Why haven’t you approached Tessa for magic lessons? Or… hell, there are a few other warlocks that might help.” 
“She hasn’t offered. And we’re trying to keep this whole ‘First Heir’ thing secret.” Kit shrugged. “Although- I dunno we’re succeeding at that.”
Jace thought Kit also had a valid point there but more importantly- “Kit. You’ve got to ask these things of other people.” He tried to think of a way to phrase it, to put into words he still had trouble forming sometimes, courtesy of scars from his own flawed childhood and upbringing. “You don’t have to handle it all yourself. Let others help.”
A doubtful look crossed Kit’s face. 
Jace cleared his throat. Fine, he’d have to push, though he was loath to. Kit had to get that training and he’d play the bad guy if that’s what it took. “I’ll do it then- tell them you’re a menace to the NY Institute unless you’re properly trained.”
Kit’s face changed. “No, no- I’ll ask. Promise,” he said hastily.  
Jace grinned. “Good. In the meantime-” He pushed the sabre back towards Kit, and this time it was accepted. “Let’s go a quick round before lunch.” 
Kit looked down at the sabre and then back at Jace, his face a mix of emotions. “I probably have a broken nose.”
Jace moved into position. “Absolutely. But- the bad guys won’t stop to let you apply an iratze.” He smiled. “It’ll add to your rugged charm, believe me.” He relented, noting Kit’s eyes roving past him to the exit. “One round, then we’ll stop okay?”
“Says the man who has clearly never broken his nose,” Kit retorted. He reluctantly moved into a parallel spot in front of Jace. “And I’m not sure I’m a fan of this whole pain before gain thing that Shadowhunters are pushing,” he added, wincing slightly as he touched puffiness that was developing under his eye. 
Jace spun his sabre handle before catching it again. “Then you’d better get in touch with your faerie side, pronto.” He studied Kit’s stance. “Legs wider than that- I’ll knock you over in two seconds.”
Kit’s brow knitted in concentration as he set up again. He looked uncertain. “Jace- what if I-”
“If you blow me up after all I’ve been through, I’ll probably deserve it,” Jace told him. He darted forward and Kit leapt backwards with a muffled yelp, bringing his sabre up almost too late. “Also, after Clary and mine's adventure in Faerie last year, I asked Magnus to make me a protection charm… So- do your worst, Herondale,” he said, delighted that he could throw that name back out into the world. 
At that, Kit’s eyes sparked with a rekindled fire, and he threw himself back into the fight. 
(Accepting ficlet prompts [multi-fandom] here)
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sherlocksstuff · 8 months
In this fic Mina Carstairs is living with Magnus and Alec after Jem and Tessa were killed when she was 3. She is currently living in the New York institute with Jace and Clary. Let me know what you think in the comments:
Chapter One: Echoes of the Past
The soft, early morning light filtered into Mina's room at the New York Institute, casting a delicate glow on her surroundings. She lay still for a moment, allowing the voice in her mind to wash over her like a bittersweet melody. "Silly Melon… Mina mine, it's time to wake up."
It was Jem's voice, a voice she had only heard in her dreams. The ache in her heart was familiar, a constant companion since the day she had lost her parents. To soothe the pain, she reached out and clutched the jade pendant that hung around her neck—a precious gift from her father when he had asked to marry Tessa Gray, her mother.
The pendant, cool against her skin, served as a tangible connection to the parents she had never known. It was a reminder of their love, a love that had transcended time and death, and a love that had ultimately given her life.
With a sigh, Mina sat up in bed and brushed a strand of black hair away from her face. She had a long day ahead of her—a journey across the ocean to London, where her older brother, Kit Herondale, now served as the head of the London Institute alongside Ty Blackthorn.
As she glanced around her room, her gaze fell upon the carefully packed suitcase by the door. Mina had been preparing for this trip for weeks, choosing her clothes, gathering her books and journals, and ensuring she had all the necessary Shadowhunter gear. She was determined to make the most of her visit, but there was an underlying nervousness that tugged at her heart.
Before leaving, she knew she had to make one important call. Mina picked up her phone and dialed Emma's number, her fingers trembling slightly as she waited for her cousin to answer.
"Hey, Em," Mina greeted when Emma answered the call. "Hey Mina, Excited about your trip to London?"
Mina smiled, feeling a bit more at ease hearing Emma's familiar voice. "Yes, I am, Em. But I was wondering if I could stay at Blackthorn Hall with you and Jules while I'm there. Kit told me I could stay at the institute, You know how I feel about the London Institute. And Bapak said I could stay his place but he also said that I should call you and see if you’d let me stay at Blackthorn Hall only if that’s okay with you and Jules."
She didn't need to elaborate; Emma understood. The memories of her parents' sacrifice were strong in London, and being alone in the London Institute or even at Bapak’s place, even with Kit as its head, stirred up too many emotions and 'what if’s’ about her parents, Uncle Will, James and Lucie. She didn’t want that right now.
"Of course, Mina," Emma replied warmly. "You're family, and we'd love to have you stay with us. It'll be like old times."
Relief washed over Mina as she thanked Emma, knowing that her time in London would be more comfortable with her cousin and her husband by her side. They chatted a bit more, exchanged details on her portal location at the London Institute , and promised to pick her up once she arrived. She didn’t know how she would break the news to Kit that she wouldn’t be staying at the institute and she couldn’t tell him how she felt just yet.
Just as she was about to hang up, there was a knock on her door.
"Sorry, Em, I've got to go. Someone's at my door," Mina said quickly.
"Sure thing, Mina. Safe travels, and call us when you get here," Emma replied before saying her goodbyes.
Mina ended the call and walked over to her bedroom door, opening it to find her Uncle Jace on the other side. He looked slightly worried, and concern filled his golden eyes.
"Morning, Min," Jace said, giving her a hug. "So your going to London today you ready for it? I know last time things weren’t what you hoped they would be but you know can stay or just call it off.”
Mina nodded, appreciating her uncle's concern. "Yeah, Uncle Jace, I'll be fine and last was different . I've been preparing for this for a while now so I am not backing out. And you know I can portal by myself so I can literally just come back whenever i want."
Jace smiled, though there was still a hint of worry in his eyes. "I know you're capable, but it's my job to worry as your umm how many Great’s was it again i keep forgetting?” She laughed “Uncle Jace please stop with that joke already I’m not your Aunt no matter how you put it.” Jace smiled he would miss her being here “Fine I’ll stop for now but no promises about the twins they just do what they want. Just remember, you can always call if you need to talk or if anything goes wrong."
Mina returned the smile and gave her uncle a quick hug in return. "Thanks, Uncle Jace. I'll remember that.”
With that, she closed her bedroom door and made her way downstairs, her heart full of mixed emotions as she embarked on her journey to a city that held both the promise of family and the shadows of the past.
Chapter Two: Departure
Mina stood in the bustling main hall of the New York Institute, her suitcase by her side. The atmosphere was charged with energy as Shadowhunters went about their morning routines—training, discussing missions, and strategizing for the day ahead. She had always felt at home within these walls, a sense of belonging that had been nurtured by her adoptive family. She had already said goodbye to the twins and George last and night. Since Max was with Rafe and Tavvy in LA she would probably see them when she got back or whenever she felt like portaling to see them.
Her parents, Tessa and Jem, had died protecting her and Kit, leaving a void that no one could ever fill. Mina had been raised by her parents' close friends, Alec and Magnus, who had become her loving and supportive fathers. Their family was unique, a blend of love and acceptance that transcended blood ties.
The pendant around her neck, the jade pendant her father had given to her mother when he had asked for her hand in marriage, was a constant reminder of the sacrifices her parents had made. It was her most cherished possession, a tangible connection to her parents, and a symbol of the love they had for her.
Alec Lightwood-Bane, her adoptive father, approached her with a warm smile. "Are you ready for your trip to London, Mina?"
Mina nodded, her emotions a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I think so, Dad. I just hope it won't be too overwhelming."
Alec placed a reassuring hands on her shoulders. "You have family waiting for you there, and you'll be in good hands. Kit told me he is excited to have you stay at the institute again. Just remember if you need me I’ll be in Idris just call me from the institute’s phone or call Bapak okay."
She appreciated his comforting words and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks, Dad. And thanks for everything, I will if I need to I promise."
He hugged her back tightly. "You're our daughter, Mina. We'll always be here for you, no matter where you go."
With one last embrace, Mina turned to face the portal in the center of the hall. Magnus, her other adoptive father, was there to see her off. His signature cat-eyes sparkled with warmth as he smiled at her.
"Off to London, are we?" Magnus said with a hint of mischief in his voice.
Mina nodded, feeling grateful for Magnus's presence in her life. "Yes, Bapak. I promise to behave."
Magnus chuckled and ruffled her hair gently. "Behaving is overrated, my dear. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your time with family. And do call if need me this time. No disappearing tricks got it."
“I promise i won’t just portal to Shanghai without warning again.” She replied. Mina gave him a quick hug, he hugged her back “You better Silly Melon.” Letting her go she then stepped toward the portal. With one last glance back at her New York family, she took a deep breath and stepped through the swirling vortex, leaving behind the familiar for the unknown.
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ladyhindsight · 9 months
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Back to the scheduled programming of me despising and nitpicking everything and everyone in this series.
With The Last Hours dealing with James Herondale being able to fire a gun (for a bit anyway) and the previous chapter in City of Lost Souls having Luke brandish a shotgun at Sebastian and threaten to blow his legs off, it should've been obvious to point out long before now: why don't the Downworlders use guns against the Nephilim?
Whatever it may be, there's plenty things the narrative refuses to acknowledge in this chapter alone.
Clary and Jocelyn have dumped Luke in the care of his pack and are heading towards Magnus' place. Clary narrates the time skip in the meanwhile:
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Clary knows, but do we? Obviously because Luke is a werewolf and heals fast and all, but if we are all in the know, why do we need to know that Clary knows?
→ They couldn't take him to a mundane hospital, but it has been hard...
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When was the last time Maia and Clary even interacted? Additionally on any level where Clary could become even close calling Maia an ally in the sole presence of their pack? The pack that Maia belongs in as well?
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How many times are we going back to this quote? We get it. Jace is not himself and has thus been absolved of every previous or on-coming evil deed.
Clary and Jocelyn arrive at Magnus', and Clary goes to change her clothes.
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I get wanting to look good and attractive to your significant other. However, Clary has always been concerned only over her looks when it comes to Jace, other girls being prettier than her; what could she, a Raggedy Ann doll, offer to someone so angel-like like Jace? This whole concern and now non-concern over Clary's own looks, it always some way or another relates to Jace.
Clary goes to the living room where Jocelyn is telling Magnus what happened.
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But Jocelyn just called him Sebastian not a few paragraphs ago:
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Then, per usual, Clary picks a fight with her mother.
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Yes. How much grief and annoyance would've everyone been spared from.
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→ Magnus' alien slippers are constantly brought up until he takes them off. I hate the fixation on this pretend-funny aspect.
→ Like pretty much with each previous chapter I've pointed out that with any and every relationship-related detail Clary manages to always circle back to herself and Jace.
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→ It was never said they were invited. They just went there. Even less reason for Isabelle to have been there at all.
→ Also, where and when? It has been two weeks since City of Fallen Angels. How many times and why have Alec and Jocelyn occupied the same space? Explain!
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That's probably why she asked...
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This conversation and the following one including Brother Zachariah makes it evidently clear that Jace and Sebastian's dark bond is not possession. But somehow Alec is able to feel this yet did not the one with Lilith.
One of the very confusing aspects to anything relating to Jace and the antics surrounding him are the rules on which every dark possession/not possession operates and how Clare has totally forgotten Alec's role in Jace's life. So instead of paying any mind to the parabatai bond to begin with, Clare has to bend and not explain certain details in such extent that they leave more questions than answers.
→ Why Alec couldn't feel Lilith's possession over Jace? Why has this not been addressed at all and not questioned even here where it is finally brought up?
→ Why Alec's feelings over Jace dying weren't addressed in CoFA? Or this aspect to their parabatai bond? CoFA failed in everything so there is that to consider.
→ Why no one questions how Jace and Alec's bond was restored after Raziel brought Jace back but not the fact that Jace was left otherwise unprotected from demonic possession?
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Brother Zachariah answers Jocelyn, an answer Clary can hear. Isn't it obvious, additionally to the following conversation, that he's speaking to everyone unless specified that he's speaking only to one person?
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I don't know if it is necessary to call back to something that happened a chapter ago, especially with this length.
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The dark bond has changed Jace in every other fundamental level, but his love for Clary remained unchanged. It's either all or nothing. I refuse that Clary is so much more essential to Jace than anyone else in his life that the only thing Jace gets to keep of himself is his love for Clary of all people. When everything else in these books are about Jace and Clary's amazing and deep love on the expense of other characters, this is just soul-sucking.
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→ A concept which Clare needs to introduce again with exposition, she throws in a character's knowledge on the subject instead of just telling it without filtering it through a weak justification.
→ Everyone everywhere else seems to know where it is, on the same level as the location of the Bone City. Everywhere and nowhere
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→ Jocelyn only speaks sense and especially from a perspective of a mother, but all that she says is portrayed as an obstacle and how she is in the wrong about Jace.
→ Clary's words are such a slap in the face to Jocelyn and to everyone ever having lived in an abusive relationship. "Do you think I am that stupid to stay with an abusive person?" And Clary is being so vindictive about it as well, with her softest, deadliest, and edgiest voice of ever to edge.
So Clary has no rebuttal to Jocelyn and does the only thing she can do and maturely leave the room dramatically and slam the door behind her. We then cut to Simon meeting with Raphael who wants to hire Simon as his bodyguard.
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I hate the whole of this sentence. I hate the whole of the scene as well because it gives you nothing and feels irrelevant.
We then cut to the final scene in the chapter, where Isabelle comes over to Jordan's place to look for Simon. And bangs on the door because she doesn't know how to use the doorbell. Also there was a buzzer downstairs in COFA, what happened to using that. How did she get in?
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What business does Jordan have calling Isabelle Izzy? Exactly the same as Zarah has any business calling Livia and Tiberius Livvy and Ty. Zero.
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The way I see it, Isabelle has a lot more on her platter than Clary but everyone is interested only in how Clary fares through losing Jace when Isabelle (and Alec) have more to grieve.
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Here Isabelle explains why she isn't mad at Clary, that Clary is the only reason she did not lose two brothers instead of one. That much is true, but what the narrative still and forever onward chooses to ignore is that it is because of Clary (and Jace) that anyone is risking losing Jace altogether. AGAIN. What also everyone ignores is that Clary only asked for Jace. One Thing = Jace, but also One Thing = erasing all the loss that night.
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It's a weird fucking detail to latch onto, as if Isabelle doesn't have more right to Simon's comfort and Clary because neither are related to Jace? I hate everyone and every single thing said in this chapter.
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You can always say no.
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→ Why is it primarily Simon's job, as in why the sole responsibility is on Simon to console Clary or Isabelle?
→ Why didn't Clary and Isabelle come together with this loss?
→ Why is Simon such an emotional vacuum that he only cares about Clary's feelings? This is contended in Jordan's thoughts, that Simon may never get over Clary, the first girl he ever loved, and thinking Isabelle is so strong and doesn't even need him, but good god, this is chapter alone is more exhausting than one installment of any other series of TSC.
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cactusspatz · 2 years
August recs
August was too hot to live and weirdly stressful, so I've only got a handful of new stories plus a whole lot of my favorite tropes (so much amnesia!) and fic from fandoms I'm technically not in.
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I Got My Head Checked by @frostbitebakery​ (Star Wars, Cody/Obi-Wan)
Below the observation deck, the Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army is being divested of his armor and weapons, shackles heavy on his wrists. He doesn’t struggle, only a mulish stubborn twist to his jaw showing his displeasure at the situation.
Obi-Wan opens his eyes, steps back from the observation window. “I need a week.”
OR: In which Cody wasn’t trained for a Sith sliding into a moral dilemma because of him.
So apparently I AM weak for a Sith!AU when it's an amazing enemies-to-lovers with a redemption arc? Awesome story with beautiful art by the author. It's written in an unusual vignette format that might not be for everyone, but I thought it let the author cover a wide ensemble and scope of story and tonal shifts very effectively.
To the Letter by glimmerglanger (Star Wars, Cody/Obi-Wan)
“How you feeling, sir?” he asked, eyeing his General. They’d, at least, managed to all evac back to the shuttles without losing anyone, leaving the noxious-smelling laboratory where they’d found a pack of Seppy scientists working on new biological weapons behind.
“I’ll be fine, Commander,” Obi-Wan said, without opening his eyes, his voice thick and hoarse. “But comm ahead, would you, and make sure the medics are ready for me.”
OR, the one were Obi-Wan gets dosed with an especially nasty toxin, and Cody helps him survive the following hours.
The first chapter of this story was originally a standalone that I remember thinking was incredibly hot but emotionally unresolved, but glimmerglanger just posted a second chapter where Cody gets into a mirrored situation and it really balances out the whole piece.
Hear a song this deeply by so_shhy (The Untamed, Wangxian)
Lan Zhan’s new liaison at the Caiyi Municipal Cultivation Department is an enigma – ridiculously talented, yet somehow content with mopping up spiritual pests for barely above minimum wage. Wei Ying is slapdash and irresponsible, and Lan Zhan doesn’t like him at all… but then he meets A-Yuan, who loves music and longs for a piano his father can’t afford.
Forced into cautious friendship by a four-year-old's music lessons, Lan Zhan soon realises Wei Ying is more than he seems. The single father is a man of many secrets – including, perhaps, the key to Lan Zhan's life's work. And in the meantime, the background resentment in Caiyi Town is rising to dangerous levels…
I've already recced this by reblogging the fic notice, but it's so great! Plot and romance and feels all well-balanced and creative, with adorable kid content, plus I loved Lan Zhan's research into reconstructing musical cultivation, the modern cultivation worldbuilding generally, and the Lan brothers dynamic.
More tropey recs under the cut!
Exile by Marchling (Shadowhunters, Magnus/Alec)
Imogen Herondale hated Alec Lightwood.
Everyone from Jia Penhallow all the way through Jace himself knew of her animosity towards the person that she felt held her grandson back from the all that the Herondale name deserved. Despite this, Alec never thought she would actually move against him because to hurt him was to hurt Jace.
He had been wrong.
Now, Alec had no runes. His memories were gone. He had no idea who he was, why there was a ragged wound inside of him that he couldn't see or how he had gotten to this abandoned apartment in San Francisco.
All he knew was that monsters were tracking him and staying alive might take more strength than he had.
Technically all that I know about this fandom I got from a four-hour compilation of Malec clips I watched on YouTube, but this fic combined three of my very favorite tropes (amnesia, homelessness, framed/falsely accused) in one glorious h/c epic that just fucking came for my id. Loved it!
Body of Memory by glorious_spoon (Shadowhunters, Magnus/Alec)
After a patrol gone very wrong, Alec Lightwood comes to in the infirmary with no memory of the past three years, and that turns out to be just the beginning of his problems. There's an ominous plot afoot, a possible traitor at the Institute, and he's pretty sure that he ought to remember the handsome warlock who was waiting beside his bed when he woke up...
This is a great pairing for amnesia, because they had to work SO hard to get together, and their world changed so much in the process - so it's fun to temporarily reset one of them to zero and watch them fall in love all over again, hah. Fun casefile as well!
And you yourself shall keep the key of it by RubyCaspar (Miss Fisher, Jack/Phryne)
Jack is all set to follow Phryne until a bad accident in a raid leaves him with a serious head injury. When he wakes up, he can't remember anything of the last seventeen months, and as far as he's concerned, Miss Fisher is just that rather exasperating, eccentric lady who's interfered with two of his murder investigations.
Gorgeously cozy and soft h/c fic with a hefty dose of pining, just the way I like it.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot by laiqualaurelote (Miss Fisher, Jack/Phryne)
Across a harrowing three days, Jack talked Agent Foxtrot through an increasingly improbable series of escapades and was disobeyed by her a grand total of 117 times. Eventually they managed to fob off nuclear war without destroying any Unesco heritage sites, and then Jack went home and slept for fifteen hours and returned to his office feeling marginally closer to human, only to see perched on his desk an extraordinarily beautiful woman in a frock the colour of fresh blood, spinning the chamber of a shiny golden pistol.
The AU in which Phryne is a secret agent and Jack is her long-suffering handler.
I'm quite wary of modern AUs in this fandom, since Phryne is so much a product of her time and history, but this fic nailed it AND had spy shenanigans and that dynamic I love about this pairing where they've got trust and intimacy and friendship, and yet keep shying away from a relationship because of their issues (but they get there eventually).
Nor Any Drop by @philomytha​ (Biggles series, gen)
Blowing up the reservoir has more consequences than Biggles expected.
So I still have not read any of these books (yet), but this is a GREAT horror-thriller story set in WWI. Just sit back and enjoy these two being exceedingly honorable slashy undercover enemies (juggling five identities between them!) while trying to survive a terrifying supernatural threat.
What's In A Name? by flawedamythyst (Our Flag Means Death, Ed/Stede)
Captains Grey and Edwards, retired merchant sailors, moved to town a couple of years ago. Tom, the local pub landlord, has spent most of the time since trying to ignore the many, many things they do that directly contradict who they're claiming to be. Still, it's all worth it to have the protection of two legendary pirates for the town.
Sorry, not legendary pirates. Merchant captains. Who are just best friends and definitely nothing else.
Exceptionally cute look at a hypothetical retirement for them, from a charming outsider POV.
Finding Your Bliss by AirgiodSLV (Shadowhunters, Magnus/Alec)
On the pathway to Alexander Lightwood's advanced sexual enlightenment, Magnus starts simple. Or rather, he backpedals to simple, because Alec takes one look at the bedroom Magnus has transformed into a BDSM dream dungeon, turns around and walks right back out again.
My favorite kind of misunderstanding fic - i.e. they're communicating healthily but just coming from such different points that it takes them a while to work things out. Sexy, funny, great characterization.
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foundationbuilt · 3 months
send ⭐ for me to choose which muses i would like to explore <3
i sincerely apologise for the ramble but this is what it came to sjsjsj. i'll put it under a read more so the whole dash doesn't have to suffer a long ass post.
scott & allison, ugh these babies like that was scott's first love and he was a stupid teenage boy with his heart on his sleeve and he made so many mistakes but allison holds so much of his heart. always. even if they break up, or don't get back together, or are just friends now, or whatever. she's so so important to him.
scott & lydia, the best of buddies. like this girl could have been like him, bitten by the same wolf and would've been part of the same pack ( even if it wasn't a pack ) but she didn't turn. she had something else going on, and scott wants to help so much with that and he feels such a connection to her anyway. and later he'll never understand how he could have ever gotten through life without lydia because she is one of the most important people in his life. i also do like exploring the idea of scott and lydia romantically ?? like, interesting how that would come around, but mostly i like them being platonic bffs.
on a role reverse for us muns, i'd like to explore dean and sam winchester interacting with scott because hunters coming across a true alpha like scott !!! that would be interesting, especially considering what part of the timeline dean and sam are at.
klaus & hayley !!!! one of my otp's, whether that's romantic, platonic, familial or enemies. i love these two's dynamics so so much, like it honestly has so much of my heart no matter what is going on with them. i love getting into the gritty realities between them as well as exploring how much they have changed and grown and evolved together. also so much potential for canon divergence's !!!!
hayley & davina's friendship !!! like these girls know what you have to do to survive in new orleans and they just ... help each other out when they can. it's all they can do. I think there's just something so sweet about this and i love it. i'd love to see hayley and davina also being like, older, and sister-in-laws, and being like, ugh, mikaelson christmas.
clary & simon, parabatai! best friends! awkward boyfriend-girlfriend! give me them all, like these two are the sweetest ever and clary loves him so much, and she needs him. he's literally the other half of her soul and, ughhhhhh! i love this dynamic.
clary & jace, another one of my otp's !! like these two angel kids struggling so much in this world with all these lies and pretences and false identifies they had been made to believe about themselves, finding each other amongst it all and finding themselves as well, and being together while doing that. as well as all the angst of course, because we can never get enough of that. but i'm good with angst and exploring that but also a happily ever after where they get to live the rest of their lives together. also would be interested in an au where the uprising didn't happen or happened later or whatever and clary and jace were both raised by valentine ... *side eye*.
jace & alec, parabatai boys!!!! that is jace's best bro, his soul, the first person who ever loved him and jace will never ever ever forget that. like alec is his soulmate and i will always scream about this dynamic. could also explore romantic jalec as well if you were interested in that.
jace & tessa, because herondale family feels !! i would absolutely adore building up a dynamic between jace and tessa like ....!!!!!!
percy & jason, these golden boys of their camps !! like there is so much potential there that's more than the macho falsity that didn't fit either percy or jason in canon that they were forced into. it is a dynamic i've explored in rp before and would absolutely love to do so again, there is so so so much potential. !!!
percy & annabeth, everything absolutely everything. like there's nothing i wouldn't write for these two.
percy & vienna, as soon as i read her about i thought of vienna helping percy control himself during a meltdown. like when he's creating a hurricane because of something that's went on and unable to control his emotions, vienna helped to control the weather even if only a little and it was enough to snap percy out of it and well, i don't know, but that's just what first came to my mind ... we could build on that.
peeta & katniss, again, everything, all the gritty details from the beginning to the end, i am so precious about these two, they hold my heart in so many ways. like they are so so damaged but aaaaaaaaaa !
RIGHT SO. i don't offically have rhode as a muse yet but i was talking with another mun about making her one tonight and then i saw kaia born in rhode island and it just ... felt like fate. rhode taking an interest in this one demigod ...
regulus & draco, like an au where regulus lives and he sees draco going down the exact same path that he did and he's like, no, stop, and that's his cousin's boy ( and he loves him, he loves narcissa, and he loves draco ) and he desperately doesn't want draco making the same mistakes !! ugh, that actually wretches my heart so much to think of regulus trying so hard to protect draco.
there are more but ... yes, i think i rambled enough jsjsjsjsjsjsj.
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moni26 · 2 years
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Masterpost for @shadowhunterbingo.
Call me
Square: Taki’s Diner | Moodboard | Maia Roberts/Jace Herondale
Being an Alpha of a growing wolf pack, as well as running a restaurant, doesn’t leave a lot of free time for romance. And while Maia thought she got that message across a long time ago, one shadowhunter client keeps writing her notes- complimenting the diner, the food, and leaving his number for her to find. That is until she decides to take matters into her own hands.
Square: Genderswap | Moodboard | Catarina Loss & Ragnor Fell, past Magnus Bane/Camille Belcourt
After trying, and failing, to use a love potion on Magnus, Camille finds herself in a lot more trouble than she ever imagined. When Catarina and Ragnor team up to protect their friend, they are determined to show the other vampire exactly why she was messing with the wrong warlocks. Thanks to the spell they invented, Camille has to face a different magic curse every week for three months. Unfortunately for her, even the first curse proves to be… rather uncomfortable. 
The legend of Prince Alexander
Explicit | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Chapter 1 Square:  Free Space
Chapter 2 Square:  Seelie Drinking Games 
Chapter 3 Square:  Deaf Character 
Magnus entered the Cave of the Doomed, ready to uncover the treasure he had travelled so many weeks to find. His journey was successful, but in the end he found a lot more than he thought.
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Hello, hope you get better soon, you have no idea how much this update mean to me I was waiting for it and you didn't disappoin, amazing chapter that I'm going to re-read everyday till the next update 🧎‍♀️ also
I need to know which one of you little shits cursed me
Send me what they send you and I will hex them for you, nobody disrespect my favorite writer.
“What if I told you that I kind of helped Magnus pack his back when he was trying to leave?”
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Also Jace being wise, giving good advice. Who need therapist?? You only need Jace Herondale.
The whole conversation with Cat, Ragnor and Raphael is so pure I'm melting.
Zara rolled her tongue and dragged a finger on Alec's shoulder
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Can Zara just die already please🙏? but I admit the interaction was funny.
Finally the conversation that should of happened since the beginning of the accident. Good for them figuring out what to do and how to pick up the relationship.
while I will be w“We should get married.”waiting for you like a good trophy boyfriend
Don't lie Alec like being the trophy boyfriend/husband😏 also sending nude you horny slut 😘
“We should get married.”
Ooooooh now I understand why Alec was really hurt seeing Imasu propose to Magnus, I can't believe what seeing something like that would do to a person.
Izzy was right and I applaud her boldness to state the truth even if Alec got upset. But still even if they are people that are meant to be together they don't always end together. So I understand why Alec is not actively trying to get back with Magnus.
What the fuck did he just do?
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I'm gonna pretend that didn't just happen.
I know it's obviously Alec misunderstood but still Magnus should of have just told him that he is nor with Imasu or is he???? Because I'm kinda confused.
ISTG I LIVE FOR YOUR MEME REACTIONS. The first one has me on the floor.
I also think the Zara scene was hilarious. It served no purpose. Just like Zara’s ✨ existence ✨
Also, I don’t think Magnus was thinking much tbh. Just like Alec forgot everything when he saw Magnus, it was the same for Magnus. These two are hoes for each other. But you’ll see Magnus’s POV soon and it’s going to hurt like a bitch.
I’m doing better (?). Thank you.
Hope you have a great week ahead (one of us has to pls shehsjs)🌻
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x-ceirios-x · 4 months
andy herondale
bio, character sheet
face claim images
Andromeda Herondale is the daughter of Amatis Herondale and grew up in Idris with her mother. When Clary and Luke wind up in a Portal and illegally enter Idris, they go to Amatis for help, which is where Clary makes a new friend and unlikely ally. She was desperate to find the Lightwoods and Jace, and while sneaking out, got caught by none other than Andy, who was perfectly fine with causing a little trouble.  Over the few weeks they spend together, the two get rather close, as their temporary residence is across the hall from one another. Clary discovers Andy’s passion for tinkering and weapon-making, and Andy gets caught up on all the latest drama in the New York Institute. As serious as Clary treats it, she thinks it’s hilarious. Andy takes her to the Penhallow’s house in the city, where she meets most of the main cast. Later still, she accompanies Jace and Clary to Wayland Manor, where the three discover Valentine’s dark secret about his imprisoned angel.  They make it back to the city on foot, and Andy meets Maia Roberts, a werewolf in her uncle, Luke’s, pack. The two exchange pleasantries, though that is all they have time for with the city under attack. She meets back with her mother in the Accords Hall as everyone gathers after the attack. She, later, teams up with Maia to fight against Valentine’s forces, as all Shadowhunters find a Downworld partner. The two end up meeting Simon Lewis in the forest and fight alongside him until the demons disperse.  With Jocelyn’s return and new secrets revealed, Andy finds herself with more family than she originally thought. Jace was the child of her father and his second wife, and after days of radio silence on both ends, he finally appeared at the Herondales’ house with a proposition for her. Get out of Idris, where she very obviously loathed being, and come home with him to New York where they had a chance of having family. Andy, who had lived most of her life alone, agreed with some deliberation. When the Lightwoods left for the Institute, she came along, leaving Idris in her rear-view for the foreseeable future. 
Andy quickly became Maryse’s right-hand when the demonic murders became an issue. They never connected emotionally, which Andy appreciated as she never wanted to, but she proved to be a strong asset. Despite her habit of shining in the spotlight, she worked well in the shadows and was willing to get information for her. When she was off-duty, she had one of two hobbies: going out to clubs and spending her nights out with new, nameless friends, or staying in and listening in to conversations she had very little business being involved in. Call her nosy, but she never believed that curiosity killed the cat, it was probably something else.  She continued to be a good friend to Clary whenever she needed support, but none of the other teenagers seemed to like her very much. At the Ironworks party, which Clary invited her to, she had a drink with Maia Roberts while she avoided her boy problems with Simon and Jordan, and the two became quick friends. This moment was cut short, due to Maryse summoning both Andy and Magnus Bane back to the Institute; Camille had escaped, and she needed everyone she could looking for her. She joined the rest of the Conclave in their trip to the Church of Talto, along with her uncle, Luke Garroway, and while everyone was ensuring the teenagers were okay, she went looking for Jace—only to find that he, and Sebastian Morgenstern’s body, had disappeared. 
everything i wanted, 1.6k
years after the dark war. andy and jace, despite their busy lives, find time to spend together and continue figuring out their relationship as siblings
to new friends., 1.9k
andromeda finds herself invited to a party alone and manages to befriend an old acquaintance she hasn’t seen since the battle in Idris. maia roberts doesn’t know a girl is flirting with her.
chapter rewrites
city of glass, chapter 5: a problem of memory city of glass, chapter 5: a problem of memory (part 2) city of glass, chapter 5: a problem of memory (part 3) city of glass, chapter 6: bad blood (part 2) city of glass, chapter 8: one of the living city of glass, chapter 9: this guilty blood city of glass, chapter 9: this guilty blood (part 2) city of glass, chapter 19: peniel (part 2) city of glass, epilogue
city of fallen angels, chapter 3: sevenfold city of fallen angels, chapter 6: wake the dead city of fallen angels, chapter 11: our kind city of fallen angels, chapter 15: beati bellicosi (part 2)
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promo-cchm · 7 months
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arc-one • p r e s e n t
klaus omitted his reign as king of new orleans to focus on keeping his daughter safe but it didn't last for long. when he demanded his spot back on the throne after hayley and her pack’s curse had been broken; marcel stepped aside without much of a fight. in the midst of trying to ward off hayley from taking Hope away from him; the two of them lost sight of what was most important: those who wished to see hopes demise. hope is missing; unaware of where she is or who might have taken her Kaus is hard at work trying to find her letting no one get in his way and taking extreme measures when he deems it necessary. now with the influx of new supernatural creatures and hunters having made new orleans their home, klaus is as paranoid as ever.
divergent • c o n n e c t i o n s
scott mccall (x)
as new wolves come flooding in to his city, klaus tries his best to make it known he is the one running the show. having a disregard for human life may just make the true alpha of beacon hills come running to save the day, and among his pack may be a familiar face in the coming weeks.
buffy summers (x)
after the slayers set up shop in new orleans, klaus takes immediate notice and he may just take it up with their head honcho buffy. for centuries he has managed to make people cowar and flee at the mention of his name. but this time it may not be easy to get rid of them.
jace herondale (x)
klaus has yet to become aware of the shadowhunters closely watching his family.. 'protecting them', when klaus discovers this, he will surely have his suspicions and the whole thing will go up in flames. as jace was specifically assigned to him, it's only a matter of time they come face to face.
P L O T • A V A I L A B L E • N A V I G A T I O N
0 notes
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arc-one • p r e s e n t
klaus omitted his reign as king of new orleans to focus on keeping his daughter safe but it didn't last for long. when he demanded his spot back on the throne after hayley and her pack’s curse had been broken; marcel stepped aside without much of a fight. in the midst of trying to ward off hayley from taking Hope away from him; the two of them lost sight of what was most important: those who wished to see hopes demise. hope is missing; unaware of where she is or who might have taken her Kaus is hard at work trying to find her letting no one get in his way and taking extreme measures when he deems it necessary. now with the influx of new supernatural creatures and hunters having made new orleans their home, klaus is as paranoid as ever.
divergent • c o n n e c t i o n s
scott mccall (x)
as new wolves come flooding in to his city, klaus tries his best to make it known he is the one running the show. having a disregard for human life may just make the true alpha of beacon hills come running to save the day, and among his pack may be a familiar face in the coming weeks.
buffy summers (x)
after the slayers set up shop in new orleans, klaus takes immediate notice and he may just take it up with their head honcho buffy. for centuries he has managed to make people cowar and flee at the mention of his name. but this time it may not be easy to get rid of them.
jace herondale (x)
klaus has yet to become aware of the shadowhunters closely watching his family.. 'protecting them', when klaus discovers this, he will surely have his suspicions and the whole thing will go up in flames. as jace was specifically assigned to him, it's only a matter of time they come face to face.
P L O T • A V A I L A B L E • N A V I G A T I O N
0 notes
Herondales have a weird relationship with packing for Hell
Lucie - ah yes let me pack this book I’ve been writing about awful my best friend who is incidentally coming with me just in case I get iNsPiRaTiOn
Jace - aLwAyS WeAr PrOtEcTiOn KiDs
but seriously what was going on in Jace’s head at that moment 😂😂😂😂
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venuzedits · 2 years
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Miçary Ruiz + The Mortal Instruments - CLACE (Clary + Jace) quotes pack!
— fav & reblog if you like or use, please!!
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