#jac travels
jacquelinetravels · 2 years
WATCH HERE Hi! Today I am taking a couple of Southwest flights to Houston Texas so I can meet up with the private jet I work on and fly back home. I take you along on a catering run, to the FBO, and show you a bit of Houston. Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any future flight attendant vlogs! WATCH NEXT:MY HORRIBLE LAYOVER IN CANADA:…
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soberloves · 2 years
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via @jaquelynnoelle
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electricalsheep · 2 years
me, setting an alarm for 3:40am so I can be on time for volunteer check-in at the marathon tomorrow: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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(via Grand Teton Mountains - Jackson Lake - Wyoming)
Paul McFadden Photography
Always in Search of That Next Picture
FOLLOW:  paulmcfaddenphotography.com
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dimequiens0y · 2 years
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sonja taking a video of everyone using it to send to her friend and owner of the brand
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Shag - Part 3
Part 3 to the Swing and Sway Dance Series!
There is no smut in this chapter, just truly teasing out the dynamic between the three of you within your new arrangement.
This chapter was brought to you by @feral-artistry's beautiful artwork, teasing this thought from my brain with her wonderful drawing. Who could resist that taunting pout?
Word Count: 3,197
Masterlist here.
Warnings: kisses, touches, no smut. Just throuple-dynamic things, small hints at prior encounters.
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The terms were laid out between the three of you: the clown was still first and foremost your captain and you remained his prized acrobat; the shining star and the spotlight beaming onto him to showcase his majesty. The warlord of the seas was granted free reign to lord over you, but never truly rule you. There were a few times where an overlapping tension arose, but never truly resolved itself; lying dormant and ready to strike at a moment’s notice.
Buggy required constant reassurance that you were absolutely his; you belonged as a major part of his crew, your act with Jac being one of the main attractions to his show under his travelling red and white tent. Hands upon his cheeks, gentle kisses laid against his brow, sitting yourself facing him atop his lap as you smoothed the unruly blue strands beneath his red and white bandana, uttering affirming words of affection for him. Whispers of “darling,” and “dearest,” fleeing from your painted lips against his own as you caressed him tenderly beneath you.
Mihawk needed no such encouragement from you; ultimately knowing he could come and go as he pleased with just a smirk falling from his lips and a sneer of teasing directed towards your captain as he laced his arm around your waist and hoisted you against his openly displayed chest.
The dynamic shift of balancing their energies ultimately fell upon you. Mihawk wanted truly to have an obedient woman, someone he could direct and encourage: a trophy for his lap at affairs of importance and a confidant to share his intimate feelings with over a glass of finely aged wine. Buggy was a lost puppy; eyes always searching yours with minor pleading and need for you to be with him always.
Mihawk ultimately knew you would always belong to Buggy, but he had hoped to share this arrangement with the blue-haired clown for as long as you allowed him to. The sway and pull you held over these men was truly impeccable; the Buggy-Pirate crew commenting on it within the green room constantly.
All criticisms and words falling from the mouths of members of your crew in anything other than complete and utter support were not only hushed by the command of your captain; but also your acrobatic partner, Jac. He was your loyal watchdog, constantly checking in with you to ensure you were not overwhelmed in the romantic displays between the men. He was your knight and your rock as you navigated the balance between the two of them, and would immediately bark and gnash his teeth if anyone paid you insult to how you shared yourself between the two powerful men.
The first time there was a call for parley between the two of them was when they began to openly use your body to demonstrate who truly owned you as their partner; who held your truest affections and your full attention. Reassurance and submission did nothing to halt their advances. Fine pieces of jewellery adorning your neck or shirts representing memorabilia and loyalty to the Buggy-Pirates did nothing to satiate their desire to truly keep you completely to themselves.
Mihawk, paying no heed to the fact that you were required to perform on stage, would openly litter your skin with passionate welts of lust against the flesh exposed on your neck and down towards your cleavage. If he chose to grace his presence to witness your performance with Jac, he would arch his brow up with a smirk as soon as Buggy noticed your skin peppered with marks drawn from his lips; his passion displayed openly for all to see.
In response to Mihawk’s fervent exchanges with your body in its open display, Buggy would sooth over the marks with his own lips to trace over the flesh tenderly, while also wearing an exuberant amount of blue body glitter as he held you flush against himself in the thralls of passion.
Paint would stain your cheeks, lips, clavicle and stomach all the way down to your waistline; the tint refusing to come away with water and soap as you scrubbed at the flesh, overzealously to rid yourself from it. The glitter was impossible to fall away from your body and hair; Mihawk often noticing it would transfer onto his own dark locks after you spent a night with him while returning from the arms of your captain the night before.
The parley was not initiated by you nor the two men, but from Jac who was the mediator for the “situationship” you found yourselves falling within. The strain of balancing the men was impeding your ability to perform well, your central balance falling off and no longer being able to manage itself against your acrobatic partner. Jac truly was your greatest ally as you navigated this new venture with the two powerful men.
“You need to work a better arrangement out,” Jac uttered, sternly to the two men as you sat between them at the rectangular table, “I apologise, sir,” he nodded to Buggy, “I am a member of your crew first, but I am also her performing partner. I can’t have her overburdened with all this,” he gestured between the three of you, “and not have a compromise reached to balance it appropriately.”
You sunk back in your seat, pursing your lips and arching your brows in the centre of your face. The two men scowled at Jac as he spoke, but neither made to impede their will over his berating and chastising words; knowing them to be the truth.
They knew it was not a healthy arrangement; Buggy’s gaze falling over your form as you held your eye contact firmly against Jac’s feet. Mihawk held an intimidating stare at your acrobatic partner, looking through his peripherals to meet with his lover, noticing the close attention her chosen spouse was paying to her also.
“And what do you suggest?” Mihawk offered in a bored tone, shifting his gaze onto the crystal wine glass placed in front of him; reaching forward to grasp it within his index and middle finger while steadying the stem with his thumb, “we all sleep together?”
“Yes,” Jac nodded his head, firm in his resolve and unwavering in his dictation, “exactly that.”
“What?” Buggy uttered darkly in question, his voice laced with venom at the sheer notion.
“You share in every other way,” Jac challenged his captain, stepping forward and towering over the table, “look, I’m not suggesting you all fuck each other-.”
The hairs sprung upwards on the back of your neck, eyes wide and shocked at the crassness of your acrobatic partner. The tinge of red flew to the apples of your cheeks, the tips of your ears and pooling at the centre of your chest. Mihawk’s hold on the wine glass tightened as Buggy narrowed his eyes at the thought.
“-Just bed-share,” Jac suggested with a shrug while holding his gaze staring down the warlord of the sea, “her in the middle, you both at the sides. You might find yourselves enjoying the dynamic.”
“And if we don’t?” Buggy chimed in, arching his painted brow upwards, “what then?”
“Then,” Jac stepped forward once more, his thighs meeting with the polished edge of the table as he lowered his lean over it, “this needs to end. It’s not healthy, and I need her to be at her peak performance specifically for safeguarding purposes.”
Mihawk rose a crystal glass to his lips, maintaining eye contact with your partner as he gulped back the crimson liquid. Buggy’s frown deepened at the thought, not truly desiring the prospect of sharing a bed with Dracule Mihawk alongside the woman he came to cherish.
“Or,” Jac shrugged with a downturned smile, “you could all shag?”
Mihawk caught a small choke as he brought the glass down from his lips, the red liquid burning in his oesophagus. Buggy’s eyes held a bitter rage within them, baring his fury up at the broad acrobat.
“The dance, right?” you spoke up beneath your breath, raising your chin upwards to look at your partner warmly, “shag-dancing?”
“Of course,” Jac expressed gleefully, a warm smile rising to his cheeks at your words, “I could have the band play something for you to share the dynamic, something up tempo like we did all those nights ago.”
“That could be fun,” you nodded, looking first to your captain who’s teal orbs beamed at you joyfully before falling his sights to the broody warlord behind you, scowling at him as the notion truly fell over him.
Mihawk remained indifferent, glancing through the corner of his eye at you to assess how respondent you were to the notion of truly sharing yourself with the two of them, completely all together.
“It will help you all find a rhythm,” Jac added, only truly attempting to convince his captain, as the broad-hat adorned warlord hooked his arm around the back of your chair in support. The painted clown leaned in towards you, placing a hand atop your thigh as he did so.
“Is that what you want, sweets?” his brows upturned and almost innocent as he searched your eyes for confirmation, “to dance? To be shared, truly?”
“I don’t know,” you uttered reactionary, “you already both own me. I’m yours,” you reached your hand over towards the dark-haired, honey-eyed warlord while tilting your gaze over to him, “both of yours,” you confirmed. Mihawk leaned in his body towards you, stooping his dominating presence over you as he made to seek out your lips in a kiss; halting as he gazed at the clown through the corner of his amber eyes.
“I’ll leave you to flesh out the details,” your acrobatic partner smiled at the three of you, bowing his head towards the floor and making his grand exit from the small drawing room of the large red and white tent.
You felt your captain approach your cheek from behind, pressing a small kiss against the smooth flesh before pressing his own cheek flush against yours and staring at the swordsman. Your breath hitched in your throat at your captains orders, spoken in hushed tones against your jaw.
“Kiss him,” he whispered darkly, pressing his lips against your jaw, “I need to see it.”
You hesitated, looking deeply into the eyes of Dracule Mihawk; flittering your gaze between his honey-coloured eyes for any reservations in you following the order of your captain and lover. Mihawk narrowed his eyes, baring his gaze down at your captain before softening them and unclenching his jaw as soon as his eyes met yours.
He moved his body closer still, moving his arm from its steady hold on the back of your chair to fall behind your neck and draw himself into you; his lips moving tenderly against your own. Your eyes remained opened staring at the closed lids of the bearded warlord as you felt the small scrape of stubble atop your cheek from Buggy. The three of you remained in this position: your blue-haired captain gawking through his clenched jaw at his spouse and her lover engaging in a tender kiss.
Although he immediately thought to compete for your attention, he instead found his eyes glazing over and his hand moulding itself tighter against the flesh of your thigh; feeling as if he was truly having an outer body experience as he witnessed you deepening your kiss with Mihawk.
He felt through the placement of his cheek flush against your own as you parted your lips to receive the assaulting tongue of Mihawk’s between them. He found himself closing his eyes and truly engaging in the emotion displayed between the two of you, snaking his hands around your waist from behind as he moved his chin down to fall at your shoulder; his lips meeting tenderly at the exposed flesh you revealed through your attire to him.
Mihawk’s brows furrowed as he deepened his ministrations against your lips, his fingertips raking the follicles upon your scalp beneath his touch. He, at first, ignored Buggy’s presence and focussed solely on you and the way you responded so eagerly to his touch. He snuck a glance through half-opened lids and found the clown pressing feverish and hungry kisses against your shoulders and neck, trailing his painted lips up to your jaw from behind once more.
He turned his sights to you now, acknowledging truly your desire and emotion behind your closed lids and a moan escaping from between your lips; falling freely into Mihawk’s mouth. His eyes began to roll back as he brought his other hand to rest against your free jaw and raise your head upwards to allow for a deeper and more intimate connection.
Mihawk felt you hesitate against his grip, the first time you had ever shown apprehension towards his domination; prompting him to almost completely withdraw himself from your touch. You chased his retreating lips with your own, bringing your hand up to lace your fingers beneath his dark curls and rise to stand from your seated position.
Buggy was unsure as to where he was going, but was happy to chase you; your hand grasping at his mustard-coloured cravat to pull him into you as you hooked your legs over the lap of the warlord and sat atop him. The blue-haired, clown-captain began to stand awkwardly beside the intimidating aura of the warlord as he watched him engage with rough and passionate kisses with his acrobat. A small aura of dread fell onto him, apprehension following your feverish and passionate kisses against the lips of the mighty warlord.
Sensing his retreat, you broke from the lips of Dracule Mihawk and clutched tighter against the necktie of your captain, pulling his lips into you as you engaged with his red-tinted mouth; passionately encapsulating his skin and tasting the grease-paint beneath it.
The dynamic shift between the two men was so intoxicating, you found yourself beginning to fall under the enchantment of their complete duality. You unlaced your fingertips from Mihawk’s hair, choosing to drag them upwards to collect more of the blue-haired clown to draw him into yourself, dominating him with your lips to almost bully him into submission: something you found your captain to be quite fond of during your isolated bedroom tussles.
Mihawk felt a groan escaping his lips, stifling it as it exited in response to the sight of you engaging in a more dominant role against the lips of your captain. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, his hands helplessly falling to grip your thighs and steady you against himself. He chose not to engage you as you locked your lips against the torso and head of Buggy the clown, trailing your lips to fall against the clown’s jaw and neck; forming a haste and desperate path down towards his collarbone.
Buggy and Mihawk locked their eyes together at that point, almost persuading each other to back off from their arrangement. The feel of your feverish kisses against Buggy’s clavicle and the raking of your pelvis against Mihawk’s thighs were enough to persuade them otherwise as they gave into their emotions and the sensations you made available to the two of them. Buggy’s eyes rolled back as he grit his teeth, never one to ever shy away from an audience. Mihawk focussed his gaze on the swirling of your tongue against the tender skin of Buggy’s neck, empathetically experiencing how truly sensual the kiss felt as if it was against his own skin.
You were left completely shocked. Never had you thought these two men alone would hold a candle to you; let alone you sat atop ones lap while you passionately engaged with the other.
Buggy reached his gloved hand below your chin, breaking you from your connection against his skin and leading you towards the awaiting lips of Mihawk. You began kissing his bearded jaw and trailing a path upwards towards his mouth, capturing him in a warm and welcoming kiss as you would if you were truly alone. Mihawk held his watchful gaze against the teal-coloured eyes of the infamous genius-jester as he apprehensively smirked at the sight laid before him, moulding his lips against your own for the second time.
A small moan fell from your lips as you broke your lip contact from the warlord and circled your nose against his.
“I’m up for a shag if you both are,” you giggled, nudging your nose against the warlords before turning your attention towards your captain and pressing your lips gently against his blue-stubbled chin.
“The dance, right doll?” Buggy asked in a small warning tone, prompting another giggle to flee from your lips.
“I can take whatever you both can give me,” you teased him, an apprehensive moan escaping from Mihawk’s lips; surprising the three of you with its presence. You all turned your attention towards the broody warlord, his amber eyes falling to your paint-smeared lips. You softened your eyes, looking to the reddened lips of Mihawk, as he too accepted Buggy’s painted lips through your bridging kisses; presenting true artistry between the three of you.
“You’re sure, darling?” Mihawk asked you, seeking any apprehension from your eyes at his question. You nodded in affirmation, a warm smile falling to your lips in adoration and affection.
“If you’re at all uncomfortable,” Mihawk continued, bringing his palm to rest against your cheek, “let us know and we’ll stop.”
You leaned into his palm and shut your eyes at his warm touch. Buggy’s eyes softened at witnessing the exchange between you. He found himself truly in awe at the fact that he was not only engaging with you intimately, but to be the rival of a warlord romantically was exceptionally flabbergasting.
“Let’s go then,” you said once you reopened your eyes. You sought out your captain’s gloved fingertips with your own and brought his knuckles to your lips; pressing a small kiss against them once you found them, “my quarters are the most neutral of the options presented to us currently.”
“Agreed,” Mihawk stated almost too suddenly, stunned at his eagerness to engage with the two of you.
“I guess that’s for the best,” Buggy nodded with a melancholy smile. Sensing his apprehension, you immediately stood from your place atop Mihawk’s lap with furrowed brows.
“My darling,” you began, smoothing over his cheeks and jaw with your hand and uttering firmly, “if you are uncomfortable, you will let me know.”
“Oh, honey, I’m not uncomfortable,” he cooed darkly at you, his eyes blown wildly with lust, “I’m just keen on where exactly we’re going to begin.”
Mihawk hummed in agreement, too rising to his feet and circling his arms around your waist.
“Lead the way,” the dark-haired warlord spoke against your jaw before releasing you and taking one of your hands away from the painted cheek of your captain and clasping gently within his own. You turned your head towards the warlord, looking up at him through your eyelashes before capturing the white gloved hand of your captain and began leading the two of them towards your quarters to see where the night truly took the three of you.
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bagerfluff · 3 months
Sleepy Cuddles
Nico di Angelo x Male Half-Blood Reader
Prompt - Tired
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“Nico. You need to go to sleep”.
You said through gritted teeth. This was the tenth time you’ve tried to convince Nico to sleep or at least take a nap. He had been doing something away from camp for the past three months.
When he got back to camp he looked like death, more than he already did. He kept leaning when he walked, he had slurred speech, and his eyes were always half closed.
Nico needed a nap.
But he kept insisting that he was fine. That he just needed to grab something from his cabin then he could leave. You had no idea what Nico was doing, Nico rarely told you what he did on these outings.
But it wasn’t so important that Nico could miss out on sleep. So you, as Nico's boyfriend, made it your mission to get Nico to sleep. That was easier said than done.
You were currently standing in front of the door of the Hades Cabin. You and Nico were inside and Nico was trying to get out. You had followed Nico into his cabin.
You thought he was going to take a nap. You had initially wanted to hang out with Nico. But you were fine with cuddling with Nico. Nico had gotten more open to physical affection over the years. But when you asked Nico what he was doing here he told you his real intent.
You couldn’t let that pass.
Nico didn’t rest. So that’s why you were standing in front of the door. Blocking Nico from getting out and you were only going to move when Nico agreed to sleep.
But Nico was stubborn.
“I can’t Y/n”, Nico yawned, “I have to do this”. Nico leaned sideways and you put a foot forward, ready to catch Nico if he fell. Nico caught himself and he blinked his eyes.
“No Nico. Whatever you are doing it isn’t more important than your health”, you tried to reason with Nico but you were getting angry. Nico needed to value his health and mental well being more than these weird quests.
“How would you know that?” Nico asked in between swaying like a tree in the wind. Nico’s eyes were glaring at you. You were getting madder but you took a deep breath to calm yourself.
You didn’t need to get mad at Nico, that wouldn’t help. But you were worried for him. Nico pushed himself too much and you felt useless. You felt like you needed to tell him to stop more, help him realize when he needs to stop and take a break.
“I would know if you tell me, but you don’t need to. Nothing is more important when it comes to your health. Now please go to sleep or at least take a nap”, you started begging at this point.
Seeing Nico like this made you sad.
Nico looked so tired, like he wanted to listen to you but he stopped himself from doing so. Nico’s brows furrowed and his eyes looked clouded.
Nico was getting more tired and he was thinking over what you said. “I’ll just shadow travel out”, Nico said and that made your blood boil. Nico must really be tried.
Even though Nico had a problem with ignoring his health, even he knew that shadow traveling like this might kill him or land him in a dangerous place.
“No”, you said sternly with a glare of your own. You reached out to grab Nico’s arm. When you grabbed it Nico lost his footing and fell. You were able to catch in so now Nico was leaning against your chest with his head on your shoulder.
You felt Nico relax in your arms. You smiled at the sight. Even though Nico can be quite stubborn, he was cute. Nico started mumbling something in your shoulder while you reached up and started to run your hand through his hair.
“Come one, let's get you to bed”, you stated in a hushed tone. “Mhmm” “Lets go, angel”, you responded to Nico’s tired talk and lifted him up so you could carry him to the bed. Nico lazily wrapped his arms around your shoulder and legs around your waist.
You smiled at that too. Despite what people think, Nico could be really cuddly. You slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on it. Nico was basically fully asleep now so he didn’t say or do much as you tucked him into bed.
You made sure to remove his shoes, rings, and jacket before pulling the blanket over him. You didn’t want to change Nico’s clothes since that might wake him up.
Nico moved around for a bit before settling again. You smiled and out peaceful Nico looked right now. He already started to look better. Once Nico woke up you would talk to him about getting enough sleep and you would ask him what he was doing anyway.
You moved his hair out of the way and kissed Nico’s forehead, “Goodnight Neeks”, you said quietly before moving to walk away. But you felt something grab your wrist. You turned around with furrowed brows before relaxing at the sight.
Nico was looking at you with lidded eyes and he yawned before speaking. “Stay please”, Nico said it so quietly that you almost didn’t hear him. You moved back to the bed and slowly got in it next to Nico.
“I’ll never leave you”, you whispered as Nico turned around and wrapped his arms around your chest. Nico quickly dozed off and was back to sleeping in no time. You brought a hand up to Nico's hair and started to run your hand though it.
Your other hand went to wrap around Nico’s waist and started rubbing circles on it with your thumb. You had stuff to do but you would stay with Nico if it meant he would sleep. It was peaceful just being in the Hades Cabin. Nothing to worry about.
Just you and Nico.
You would do anything to keep it like this.
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cas-skz · 1 year
Light On
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x (fem)Reader Genre: Fluff, Smut Summary: Jackson returns home after traveling. To his surprise, you're waiting for him Word Count: 1,830 Warnings/Tags: 18+, MDNI, Established Relationship, Alcohol, Unprotected sex
Prompted by/Inspo: The moment Jackson Wang made everyone want to wait at home for him Written by: @littleforeignaffairs
Coming home always felt more tiring than traveling itself. Jackson pressed the 6 digit code of the mechanical lock, the muted beeping the loudest sound in the night. The door clicks open and he trudges inside. The house is fairly dark, though he always leaves a light on for his return. A dim light shines from the hallway, brightening in the study.
Jackson sets his bag down on the bottom of the stairs, following the trail of light to his study. He slides one of the French doors open, squeaks echoing through the room. He leans against the door frame, arms crossing over his chest.
He sighs softly, looking around at the bare room. It’s really the only room of the house he uses. All of his work lays within these shelves. A pair of slim arms creeps around Jackson’s waist, hands clasping at his stomach. He smiles gently, feeling the warmth of your body and head press against his back.
“You didn’t tell me you were going to be here”
He whispers, turning in your hold. His arms wrap around you, resting his head on yours as he holds you close.
“It wouldn’t be a very good surprise then, would it?” You step back from his hold and take his hands in yours. “Come” You say, swinging his hands, walking backwards from the study.
Jackson obliges happily. He no longer drags his feet as you lug him around the house. His energy seems to have been restored by your presence and hold. He curls his fingers with yours, looking at your choice of outfit. It’s the middle of the night, so your clothing was minimal. An old GOT7 shirt, 2 sizes too big for you, and a pair of fuzzy slippers.
He always thought it was cheesy that you kept and wore his merch. But you secretly always thought he liked it. He smiles fondly, half chuckling. You glance over your shoulder at him
He shakes his head gently. You smile back at him and drag him upstairs to the master en-suite. Flickering candles are placed in various corners of the room, lighting the room just enough. The beige claw foot tub filled with hot water and a soft lavender fragrant foam. Jackson looks to you, a wave of surprise, followed by confusion washing over his face
“I keep in contact with your driver” You smile proudly. Jackson chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Come” You demand, just like before.
You grab the waist of his shirt, bringing him over to the tub. You slip your hands underneath the fabric, sliding your hands up his body to remove his shirt. You place a gentle kiss on his lips, then nod towards the bath.
You turn away, back facing Jackson to pour him a short class of Maotai. Jackson finishes undressing and steps into the water. He sighs softly , sinking into the water. You scuff your feet, moving back to the side of the tub. You sit on the edge, handing him the class. Jackson makes a groan of pleasure, his eyes squint with elation.
“My fucking Queen”
You giggle softly, watching him take a drink. You grab a wash cloth from the basket behind you, drenching it in the water. You wring out the water over his shoulders, letting it roll off his skin. You tilt his head back a small amount, doing the same with his hair, getting it wet.
Jackson’s eyes slowly close when you begin to massage his scalp, working the shampoo into a thick lather. He sighs a soft moan, lips curving into a small smile. Your finger s travel down the nape of his neck and under his chin to tilt his head back. You touch your lips to Jackson’s, letting an infinite moment pass before kissing him tenderly. You run your thumb on his jawline, allowing your lips to linger a little longer.
You break the connection, and smile down at him before pecking his forehead. Jackson chuckles quietly, using the moment to take another sip from his glass. You rinse Jackson’s hair with a gentle flow from the shower head and allow him to relax.
Jackson was only quiet a few minutes before he beckoned you to the side of the tub once again. You sit at the edge, facing him,
“You want me to grab something-“
You didn’t get your full sentence out before Jackson’s arm slips around your waist, pulling you into the warm water on top of him. You let out a shriek with a laugh quickly following. You wipe the water droplets from your face, looking to Jackson who's wearing your favourite big goofy grin. You shove him playfully,
“You’re supposed to be relaxing, but instead you insist I get drenched”
Jackson holds you closer to his body, planting gentle kisses over your face. He rests his forehead to your temple
“I need you here to relax” He whispers.
You sigh dramatically, kicking your slippers off so they wouldn’t get wet as well. You carefully slide your body around to face Jackson, straddling him.
You dip your hands into the water, placing them on his stomach, gliding up over his chest. The water rinses over his chest, your eyes watching goosebumps rise on his skin. Jackson’s hands land on your hips, squeezing them gently.
“You know, I missed you” He brings his face closer to yours. His doe eyes meet yours. You closed the gap a little more, glancing to his lips, then back to his eyes.
“Mm” You cup his face gently “How much did you miss me”
Jackson took this as his cue. He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, pressing his lips to yours. You can’t help but smile towards the affection he shows you. His hands raise up from the water, dampening your hair as he pets it back. He then holds your face as if it’s the most fragile piece of art.
Jackson deepens the kiss, his nose colliding into yours. You rest your arms on his shoulder, finger tips toying with the hair at his neck. A sigh escapes your lips as they part; Jackson nips at your bottom lip turning the sigh into a soft moan.
His hands trail down your body, arms wrapping around your waist. You lean your drenched shirt covered chest against his, hips pushing down ever so slightly. But it was enough. The simple movement caused Jackson to start stiffening underneath you.
You both had been separated for almost a month; a little bit longer. You know he is going to be leaving again before the week is through. You didn’t want to state it to him verbally, but you miss his touch as much as he misses yours.
One of your hands submerges into the tub, pulling the shirt up your stomach. You grab one of Jackson’s hands in yours, dragging his fingers down to your pussy, still covered by your panties. You slide the fabric to the side, letting his nimble fingers graze over your clit.
You breathe in sharply, Jackson’s touch electrifying through your veins. Your walls clench, begging to feel something against them. You grind your hips slowly against Jackson’s semi hard cock and hand. You pull the heavy shirt off your body, letting it hang on the side of the tub.
Your nipples hardening at the temperature change from the damp shirt, to the air, it only made you feel more aroused when the grazed against Jackson’s chest. You moan softly on his plump lips, his tongue swiftly slipping against yours.
“Don’t make me wait any longer..” You whisper breathlessly.
And he doesn’t. With flexed arms, Jackson manages to easily rip your panties. You gasp a little, water from the bath sloshing with the violent movement. Jackson wraps an arm around your waist, guiding you down on his cock.
His other hand grips the nape of your neck, forehead resting to yours. He groans at your tight walls, suctioning around his length. You swallow hard, slowly rolling your hips. Jackson’s jaw drops open, another groan passing his lips.
You press your lips to his eagerly, arms around his neck. You hold him tightly, not leaving any room between your chests for even a piece of paper to slip down. Your pussy quickly begins contracting around Jackson, wanting to cum already. He always felt good inside you. But these moments are your favourite; when he comes home.
You quicken your pace. Jackson slides his hand down onto your ass, squeezing it slightly, helping you ride his cock.
“Jackson” You moan shakily.
He buries his face in your neck, breathing you in. Your head falls back, fingers curling into his skin. Jackson pulls you down, making your hips grind into him harder. You press your lips together tightly, trying to keep yourself from making any noise.
Jackson jerks a little under your body. He moans in your neck, his cock twitching inside you. Your head nudges against his, making him look to you.
“Cum with me” You whisper.
You clench your walls tightly, your climax rising closer. Jackson kisses you lustfully. His hands land on your hips, fitting perfectly as he rocks them. Water waves against your motions, splashing over the edge to the floor. Your body begins to tense. You arch your back, letting out a slight whimper.
Jackson grips your hips, taking control of your movements. His body jerks again, and he makes a pleasuring grunt. His cock convulses inside you, shooting cum in unison. He slows your hips, breathing heavily. You grab his face to kiss him, your own orgasm shivering through your body.
4 Pairs of limbs intertwine, heavy breathing echoing in a mismatched rhythm. You slide off Jackson with a small moan, and settle partially on top of him. You rest your head on his firm chest, his heart beating sporadically. You kiss his skin gently, and he reciprocates with the top of your head.
“We should get out..” He murmurs dryly. The water has become cool, and the tub was half empty. You pout playfully and close your eyes.
"Mm!" You whine.
Jackson chuckles, placing another sweet kiss on your head. He sits up, getting out from the tub, helping you out as well. He grabs a pair of robes hanging from a rack. He wraps one around you first, bringing it up around your cheeks. He smiles at you, kissing your nose before wrapping himself in a robe.
"Come" He says, only partially mocking you.
"I'll make you breakfast after you get some sleep"
"Why? Cant I just eat you?" Jackson grabs at your ass teasingly.
You shriek a laugh, trying to dodge his hands. You point a finger at him, walking backwards into the bedroom.
"Jackson! Don't make me punish you"
His lips pucker into a soft pout, following you like a puppy. You giggle at him again and hop onto the bed. Jackson grins, close behind you, finally ready to relax.
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floredaqueen · 7 months
Billy Hargrove x OC (Isabela Wheeler)
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⚠️WARNING(s)⚠️: 18+ MINORS DNI, Mentions of Sex, Descriptions of Sexual Activity Smut, Cursing, Billy being a D!CK, Cunnulingus(Female Recieving Oral), Dry Humping, L!ght Spank!ng, Mentions of Overstumlat!on, Squ!rting Billy being a HØRNY B@ST@RD
After they started dating, it was a while before Isa even let her rougish boyfriend see her naked. As tempting as Billy Hargrove was, Isa was a stubborn nut to crack. He wasn't surprised, though. It took him forever to get her to go on a date with him. Isabela just didn't want their relationship to be built off of sex... and she's wasn't ready.
She has been siking herself up for Billy's libido for a minute. In the meantime, she makes him wait, and obviously, he protests and teases the hell outta her.
When they're spending the night at Nova's, he'll take that opportunity and freely walk around in the nude hanging dong for a while or in just a towel. When he's in just a towel, Isabela always struggles to look even a little. Her face would always heat up, and she would be able to form a full sentence without choking up.
While he found that to be cute, much to his annoyance, she'll glance away as quickly as possible if he's wearing nothing, but not before throwing his own clothes at him.
When Billy's studying with her, sometimes the schemeing horndog will just glare at her with the most prominent bedroom gaze. He won't say a thing. Just eye fuck her until the shy girl got flustered under his gaze..
He'll leave lingering kisses on her lips, neck, face, shoulders thighs, whatever he can get his addictive lips on. Isa always dismissed it if it got to be too much for her. Even when they're cuddling and Billy has got his hands comfortably on her back, his would slowly hand travel down to that pretty ass or her breasts whatever was in his reach. She'd shy away and curl up on him so he wouldn't be able to tease any further. It's never really affected him, Billy respecting his sweet girl's boundaries for as long as he possibly could.. until he couldn't.
One day, Billy decides that he's had enough with the constant cockblocking...
. . .
It's Friday, and Isabela is walking through the Hawkins High halls. While walking to her locker, the Guatemalan's thoughts are on finishing her work for the week. As she's grabbing her books for her next class, someone awaits on the other side of hall only to pin her up against her metal locker once she closed it. The larger figure hovered over the studious girl, only to lift her up by legs wrap them around his waist. He'd pin one of her hands against the set of lockers beside her own. It took her a millisecond to realize who it was once he spoke.
"Miramee.." Billy teases and playfully whines, his free hand taking her chin to bring her face up to meet his sinister gaze. She's let out a soft whimper to him. She was used to his handsy affections; his hands would wander around her body, and his lips would peck at places to tease or comfort. This.. this was different. Isabela wasn't prepared for his actions like at all.
"What the hell are you doing??" She spoke in a loud whimper in response, then she began to ramble on and on about how she had to get class and turn in her work. Her delinquent of a boyfriend knew she hated being late, but he didn't care in the moment, his natural half-lidded eyes moving from hers to focus on her plump, trembling lips. Next thing she knew, Isabela was being silenced by the lock of his mouth against her own. He doesn't stop either. Not until he's got her dazed and her cheeks are stinging. Not until he could hear the peeps from her escaping those sweet lips. She tasted so much like grapefruit Bubblegum. It made Billy's head tilt and his hand free hands travel up to the back of her head.
Only when Isabela had dropped her text book, and was gripping the back of Billy's leather jacket in need did he pull away. He grinned at his girl in satisfaction at her now dazed state. Isa's breathing was now erratic, and her chest was rising and falling dramatically. Her eyes were dialted, a mix of their saliva her currently coating her kiss-bitten lips. Temporarily satisfied, Billy willingly put her down, his hands going to her waist while she's sheeplishly hiding her pretty little face from him again.
"We still on for that study session at your place?" He asked all nonchalantly, knowing full well she'd be baffled by his simple question considering what just happened. She reluctantly pushed him off of her, huffing and puffing as she struggled to gather her materials for her next class.
"Go to class!" Isa storms off to her own class all flustered, leaving Billy chuckling to himself as he turned to walk the other way. The rest of the day was a lot more calm, Billy giving a light apology to Isabela when he saw her in the halls again. She forgave him, still not completely able to look at him because of her lingering bashfulness. After that, though, until later that night
When Isabela finally gets home, she almost immediately pulls out her own homework. She was working on it for a while, her mind still clouded with the thought of Billy's lips clinging to hers with so much desire.. then her thoughts shifted somewhere else... somewhere deep, dark and red. His lips were now wrapped around her shoulder, his grip on her thighs to keep them spread as he pumped into her with great force. Next she envisioned his lips wrapped around her clit, sucking on it for friction as his hands held hers with compassion. The sweet girl could hear her own moans in her head, her thighs squeezing together as she turned her focus back to her homework.
Around seven p.m., Isa hears a knock at her window, walking to it and opening the curtains to find Billy holding himself up on the rail. She opens the door, shaking her head with a soft smile.
"You know you could've just used the front door..?" She protests, helping him through the window and closing it almost immediately after. After her hands swiftly lock the window and close the curtains, Isa tuns to see her handsome boyfriend oh-so swiftly remove that leather jacket she was gripping onto this morning.
"Where the hell is the fun in that?" The insufferable bad boy responded back with his classic grin. He tossed his favorite jacket over the spare chair she had, bringing it over to the desk and near the chair Isa was sitting. Billy then pulled out his own homework and sat in the chair that has his jacket on it. Isa sat back down as well, handing him a pencil and pen as a choice before she continued her own work.
It's silent for a hot minute, Billy pretending to know what he's doing with his homework as if his mind isn't plotting to eat his girl out on top of her desk. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't stop asking himself why she probably wouldn't let him. It took some courage, but he pulled through and managed to pull out a question.
"Why won't you let me touch you?" He asks with concern, like he's been WAITING to ask her that for a while. Isa had to thinking about if she heard him right, slowing down her writing before she looked at him.
"I-..I'm sorry..?" She asked him, finish setting down her pencil altogether to face him.
"Why can't I touch you..?" He leaned in, waiting for her answer with anticipation.
"Billy-" She starts, immediately being shut down by her sexually frustrated boyfriend.
"I'm serious.." His eyes expressed his concern, but also his annoyance at her sustained avoidance of sexual intimacy.
"Because I'm not ready.." Isabela's cheeks began to betray her again, tinting a soft pink as she admitted her fault. Billy sighs, his eyes closing for a moment to push aside his growing impatience.
"But why? Was it something I did or that I'm doing?"
With his verbal expression or concern to her came a quick heartbeat, Isabela's own eyes softening while looking at his.
"What? No! Billy, you're fine.." Billy fully turns to her when she says that.
"Fine?" He asks. "Just fine?" He teased, his thick eyebrow raising slightly as be smiled to her warmly. She snorts at his attempt at teasing, lightly shaking her head while her dainty hands sat on top of his. Her eyes found his again, compassion dressing her doe orbs to the nines.
"Billy.. You're perfect," He'd wouldn't admit it to her yet, bit hearing her say that melted something iced inside of him.
"Well, what is it, then? You think you aren't perfect? I know girls overthink like that.." Considering how many girls he's been with prior to her, he thought it might have been that. Maybe she thought he wasn't gonna like what he was, but to him, it was nothing but a guarantee that he would. Isa would scoff, almost offended at his statement.
"Wha! I am perfectly comfortable in my body, sir!" She folds her arms, playfully pouting I'm directly only for there to be a genuine smile turning up on his face.
"I know you are! I've seen you ballroom dancing and shit! I've seen the way you move with precision, and it's like fucking buttery smooth, and I want you to move like that on me," Isa felt her cheeks start to swing again at the confirmation from her boyfriend.
"Billy.." Isa spoke breathlessly to him. The latina remembered when he suggested to the driver to dance practice. She agreed, getting into his car later that day and rocking his world when he decided to stay and watch. All the things he imagined doing with and to her as her hips swayed sharply to the beat of whatever music played in the background.
"So, what is it, Isabela?" It's been a while since he said her name. Her real name, that is. She's been called all differently kinds of names for the last month. She's gotten "babe," "baby," "sweet girl," "hun," "mamacita," and maybe "Isa," here or there. It's been a few months since they started dating, and throughout that, he's only said her name a few times, and it's only been when he's serious about something but trying to be sweet about it too.
"I just.. I'm not.. I've never.. been touched like that before.. you were my first kiss, Billy. And I know you've teased and bullied people for stuff like that before.. and I thought you'd tease me too, and I know I wouldn't be able to handle it. It's also why I was hesitant about dating you, too.. "How could Sex King Billy Hargrove be with someone who has never had a" carajo in her life??"
He'd start laughing, Isa immediately feeling a pang in her heart from it at all.up It's exactly what she was afraid of. But he's not laughing at the fact that she's a virgin. He's laughing because she would think she thinks he would care about that... like at all. He kisses her sweet tears as they come down like the freak of nature he is.
"I only bully people who deserve it, I wouldn't purposely hurt your feelings.." and those addicting lips of his would start kissing her. Her lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, then back to her lips until he's gotten her to crawl on his lip. He'd take a slow whispering to her
"If it makes you feel better," kiss "you can set the pace." Another kiss. Isa's pink lips find his once again, locking them together in a loving kiss. She'd kiss him and kiss him, again and again until Billy's arms were wrapped tightly around her waist while she was comfortably in his lap. The kisses got slow and methodical. She didn't mind a good make-out session, plus the taste of mint gum and cigarettes in his tongue was always homey to her.
In contrast to him, she tasted like cinnamon, honey, and peaches. She was always sweet. It continued for a good five to seven minutes before her picked her up and traveled over to her made bed. Billy sat down on it gently so as not to freak her out while she's tonguing him down. Soon enough, her boyfriend is tugging at her shirt and almost getting off before Isa stops him. Of course, Billy groans, and in habit, she apologizes, even more so when she starts to pull herself off of him. His sweet Isabela takes a few steps to her tallest dress, opening the second highest one.
He watches her pull out that silk gown Nova got her for her birthday. He saw her in it once, and in that time, he couldn't stop kissing her, trying so hard to stop himself from going further. It was like when she put it on, all of his senses heightened he realized how soft her skin was, as well as how good she smelled. Just think about it was putting a strain on his pants. Isa held it out before setting on top of her dresser. She then takes a breath, her brown doe eyes finding his siren blue ones.
"Babe.." He starts, and she stops him by taking her shirt off on her own and dropping to the floor before immediately going for her bra. His jaw almost dropper, but then those piercing eyes of his would stay at her hands before those same eyes settled on the fabric thay was hiding what really wanted to see. I her brassiere was black and white with pink lace embroidery traveling through some of the parts of hem and stitch.
"Mirame, novio.." She softly speaks to him, immediately his eyes divert to hers, the bra gone and breasts are exposed! He looks down after a few seconds, leaning back so he can really look. They look so smooth, and they've got soft freckles near her areolas, which were pretty normal sized considering all the areolas he's seen.. and yet they were the prettiest tiddies he's ever seen.. because they were hers. They were just right. They were small but perky and looked good enough for him to let out a heavy sigh.
"God.." Billy muttered under his breath..
Next was her skirt, which was long and flowy, so that was easy to get off. The girl was just doing a little shimmying downward to pull it off and with that he could see her strawberry pattern panties. She didn't think much about them, but he did, snorting and appeared that shit eating grin as he looked.
"Cute..♡" Billy spoke openly, Isa shooting her head up.
"Stop," She would mutter as she grabbed her skirt and shirt from the floor. Even the way she bent down to grab her clothes was elegant wuth sensual undertones. Isa quickly grabbed her nightie after she hat her previous clothes in a neat clothes bin. Billy would head tilt and bite his bottom lip as she was pulled over that pretty night gown, and finally, she was back in his lap, giving him more kisses and melting into his touch willingly.
Isa would pull off his shoes for him, whispering to him to lay back on the pillows. She then walked to her door, putting her hand on the knob and turning it to make sure it was locked.
"We've got thick walls.. even then, I don't wanna be screaming, " She half joked, looking back at him with those same dazed eyes she had this morning when he trapped her in a love bomb.
"I can't make any promises.." He grins proudly, knowing he's gonna get her to yell out at least a few times.
Soon enough, Isa was once again back on top of him, holding his tanned calloused hands with her own caramel fingers intertwined with his. These kisses were sloppy and needy, and he noticed, especially with the soft peeps escaping her lips almost every time. She was hesitant to go too far, obviously nervous to do what he could tell she wanted to, so he gave her a little push, his hands escaping hers only to caress her waist, hips and grip them before pulling until she found the rhythm he was trying to meet. Her breathing hitched as she moved with him, her quickly finding their place at his clothed chest.
"That's it, Mama.. you can grind on me," and she sooo diiiid, her body rocking back against his all needy and filled with want. Those sweet lips of hers parted, and she began to pant for him. He was eating it up, too, squeezing her waist a little more before moving back to her hips and groaning softly with every stroke he felt from her. She's whimper now, the pace quickening, and he notices something. His jeans are hella damp, borderline soaked. He slowly brought up the silk fabric, Isa not even noticing because eyes kept fluttering closed-- that is until she hears him say "holy fuck.."
Isa stops almost immediately and looks at him, her face is red because she's all hot and bothered but now she's nervous. He glanced back at her quickly before his eyes resorted to glorious sigh before him.
"What? What's wrong?" She looks down, seeing the massive wet spot on his jeans, and then she covered her mouth..
"Oh my gosh, I did that" She slowly slid off, now alight embarrassed at this new revelation. Billy met her eyed with genuine confusion. How does someone not know they're body is able to do certain things?
"..You didn't know you could squirt?"
"..no, I don't really.. touch myself- but I heard it was normal." he looks up at her, then back at her panties. He can see her curly patch and how blushed she was all over.
"Yeah, lose the panties." Isa, immediately getting more nervous and excited, shot her gaze at him.
"Wait, why?" She slowly moves back off of him.
"I want you fuckin' soakin' me" And with that, Isa sheepishly slid off if him all of the way and pulled down her underwear only to feel how soaked they were, enough for her sweetness to be dripping on the her fluffy rug that covered some of the polished wooden floor. Billy couldn't ignore that. How could he? He can't put aside this new revelation. He couldn't wait for the water works to really start.
It didn't take her very long to get back to feeling that delicious friction. With her grinding on him, Isabela's whimpers got a little louder with Billy egging her on with filthy encouragement. He pushed even hard as he laid a swift one on that pretty ass that he called his. He brought her even closer, that same hand sliding up to grip those luscious coffee bean colored locks. That really got her whining for him, her own hand gripped his bicep while the other went for his neck.
He could finally see how pretty his girl was while melting for him. He pants seemed to get tighter the more her sensitive vurgin folds grinded agaisnt his bulge. At some point, she was close, slowling down so it wouldn't be so harsh, but Billy being the freak he is, he shut her plan down almsot immediately. He was more than eager to see her come undone from his touch, and so he pulls her down, kissing her softly but demanding she continue.
"Keep that same pace before, babe. I want you squirting all of this dick.. marking your territory, yeah?♡" He's speak hotly against her lips, Isa moaning back against him in pure reaction.
"Billy..♡" She speaks breathlessly, his eyes not changing. It wasn't a request, and so she continued, sitting back up to get that specific angle from the metal button to her sensitive bean. Soon enough, Billy was getting what he wanted, her smooth caramel legs shaking, and Isa sliding herself mostly off of him and drenched tent in his pants. She lifts up her gown and gives him a clear view of what he's been craving more months and the geyser it was turning into. She whined, her voice getting hallow and light as her fingers pushed up against her clit. He was mesmerized, and she's slightly exhausted.
"God, you're so fucking pretty," While currently spent, Isa smiles at him. It was heartwarming to hear him say that, for some reason, her legs quickly closed.
"No, keep 'em open.." That made her pout, which he found to be adorable.
"But-" She started to protest, Billy only endind up shutting her down once again.
"You can either touch yourself, or you can let me touch you.." He'd demand, sitting up slightly. He really was considering getting out of his stuffy ass pants.
"But.. what about you?" She asked him, her head slightly tilting to the side. She got on her knees, resting her soaked fingers on her broadness of them.
"What about me? I'm not the virgin here.." She hits his thigh, pouting even more. That caused him to laugh.
"Billy!" She huffed, her eyes furrowed as she looked at him with that cute embarrassed expression that made his broken heart mend and melt little by little.
"Which one will it be, sweet girl?" Isa would think about it, but she'd also think about what he's looking like right now. She had only gotten glimpses of her boyfriend because she refused to look every time he was bare to the nines... which means any images in her head are blurry as hell.
"...can I at least see you first?" The timid gal gulped, really thinking about what she just asked him. Billy himself seemed slightly confused by that question. His eyebrows even raised at the request.
"Haven't you seen my dick before?" He was now seated up completely, his strong arms keeping him up while he eyed is girlfriend with a steady amount of perplexity. Her hands seemed to fiddle with themselves as she thought how to respond. Her head shook slightly, her eyes shifting to the mattress.
"Not really.." She even shrugged before her does eyes shifted back to his in their full form. At the sight, his own expression softened..
"God, this girl is so cute," he thought to himself while responding back.
"But I've-"
"You know I look away as quick as possible.." This time she cut him off, the small pout he enjoyed so much persisting.
He rolls his eyes, that smirk coming back to his face as he gets off the now damp sheets. He starts unbuttoned his jeans and pulling them done. He wasn't even wearing underwear, his peen flipping as if it was trying to strike her. She peeped, covering her mouth. Goodness was he hung as all hell. He had to be 8.5, maybe even 9 inches and pulsing with a curve? He looked at her with a concerning look, knowing she'd be freaking out about his size... which she was. It was like the tip, leaking pre, was boring into her very soul..
"..I can't take-- there's no way.." Isa's spoke softky, hrer voice muffled in her own hands that hovered over her mouth.
"I know.."Billy nodded, accepting her expected reluctance at his length. He didn't blame her either.
"Why me..?"
"Why- it's not gonna kill you, Isa,"Isa knew that of course, but even so, she was still nervous about it, although her cheeks were burning from how wild her imagination was going just from ogling at the monstrosity that was Billy Hargrove's manhood.
"Well, I don't know that! It's long and fat and curved and veiny, and it's staring at me. It's like a snake- it can smell fear." Okay now she was being a little silly, a smile even pulling at Billy's lips before he shook his head to resort back to his perplexed offense.
"That's not funny, babe,"
"..it's a little funny." Isa smiled at him, Billy stepping closer, which immediately had her lightly freaking out again. He brings her closer, serving her loving kisses to her lips and nose... until he's fighting her for her own breath again. His firm grip finds its way to her dainty little wrists, slowly pulling her soft hands to his abdomen.
"Y'know you want to.." He says in a lower register than normal, her torso shivering as Billy continues teasing her bottom lip with his teeth and guiding one of her hands down to his length. Her dainty little hands flutter over it, which causes his breathing hitch, and then she'd slowly massage at his tip, which has him moaning into her mouth.
Soon, her boyfriend got greedy, surprising Isa by laying her down and spreading her legs, only to bend down and devour what he was supposed to about 45 minutes ago. He was lickin' and suckin, sucking and licking at her petals and flower bud until she was puddy in his hands, all the while massaging her thighs for more pleasure.
"¡Qué bien se siente, amor! Por favor.. no pares♡" Billy lost it at that point, fawning at the Spanish whining she was doing as she shivered from his grasp. One of his free hands grasp his cock, stroking it with the equal precision while he tended lovingly to young Latina who was currently soaked puddy in his hands.
With her struggling against his grasp to close her legs soaking his mouth and chin, he continued his feast and ate her up effortlessly. He drowned himself to the sound of her moans and whimpers, and whatever else she let escape her tasty lips. When she started to tremble again, he knew she eas getting close. Billy stood back up rubbing her sensitive little clit before tapping himself against her, slapping her slit with his own essence until he saw and felt her juices starting to gush. He chuckled and she squealed, his breathing getting heavier as his lean blue eyes glared at his sensitive latina come undone once again.
Leaning forward, Billy would place his hands back on the prosterior compartment and pushing it back until her knees were near her underarms. He'd then begin grinding himself against her and letting her feel the overwhelming friction of being over the edge, letting out his own moans for Isa to hear while continuing his over stimulating until he felt his own climax.
"Holy shit, Sweetness.." Billy would mutter under his breath, the delinquent placing his head against hers. Next he locked lips with her in a deep embrace, letting a grunt out into her mouth while his semen landed on her stomach again against the silk of her nighty. He kept kissing and grinding, feeling the flutter of her sweet little flower and it driving him insane. It was also overwhelming poor Isa who couldn't differentiate overwhelming pleasure from a harsh orgasm. It also didnt help thay with each stroke his cock fave to her clit, Billy was rewarder with more and more squirt.
Her legs shook, releasing a weak whine for Billy to hear and react on. He heard it, takimg the intiative to stop some time after she had herself another harsher climax, kissing her nose and cheek and leaning back to see the damage he's done. He smiled, his eyes focusing on everything from how her was gorgeously displayed under her, to her night gown was hiked up, and how blushed her body was near the end of her torso. Her ass, her addictive blooming flower, and her God her soft inner thighs.
"Can't wait to fuck that pretty pussy" Billy spoke breathlessly, slowly letting go of her legs and caressing her petal like folds. She winced, still reeling from the intensity she had just experienced.
"Billy!" She loudly whispered once more, slowly sitting up to begin cleaning up. His brows furrowed, confusion and satisfaction on his face.
"What? I can't say 'pussy'?" Billy asked rhetorically, his shit eating grin becoming even more prominent. When he said it again, her cheeks seemed to burn. Isa continued her protest and shook her head in disagreement.
"It's a gross word,"
"It really isn't.." Isa rolled her eyes at his nonchalance. Sure, Billy was a vulgar person, although he was courteous enough to tone it down around with how flustered it made, but right now was different. While, she knew that Isabela still wasn't used to hearing him be extremely blunt.
"Is so!" She says sheeplish as she moved herself up a little more.
"Oh, but I can say 'dick'?" He objects, letting out a slight scoff as he let her go, going to grab his pants.
"Please stop," She's snorting as she's getting up slowly pulling off her sheets, but not her comforter since that was still clean. He stops her, picks her up, and sits her back onto the bed. And while she was perplexed, Isa soon understood when Billy came back with a clean towel from her bathroom closet. While plugging her blow dryer so he can start drying his pants, Billy watched as his now slightly experienced girlfriend got up to light a few candles around the room, as well as grab a few wips to wipe herself off.
He was staring a bit too long that she caught him, only giving him a sweet, timid smile and flip him the bird. He chuckled, nodding as he turned back to his still damp pants. It took him a while but he got them to be dry once again. He walked over to Isa who was fixing up her bed, and neatly tending to her desk.
"Babe, can you hand me one of those wipes?" Billy stood fairly behind her, Isa turning to face him only to hand him a few wipes and planting a kiss to his nose before she wearily returned back to cleaning her room. It didn't take him long to freshen up and be done, his pants were back on and not causing him any more trouble, as well as his white tee.
On the other end, Isa was still working, brushing her hair back in a slick bun so she could sleep, perfecting the bun while she felt the familar sentiment of her boyfriend's calloused hands snaking around her thin waist. Isabela glanced back at Billy, giving him the perfect opportunity for a sweet kiss. She gladly kissed him back, those soft, heart warming peeps returning with each peck to the lips he gave.
"Thanks.." He mutters, his girl setting down her animal printed hair brush while directing her attention to him.
"For what?" Isa blinked, her smile becoming a little brighter, already know the answer to her question.
"For trusting me, I guess. I know I can't be in all aspects.. and I'm working on it.. but you can trust me to please you the you want to be pleased? You know that, yeah?" He eyes softened while hers beamed. She nodded, turning all the way around to embrace him.
"Of course I know that, Billy.. thank you for not being a dick," The Latina girl's arms would tighten themselves around her boyfriend's waist, feeling the stroke of his hands on the back of her head and shoulder.
"Ah, so I can say 'dick'?" His smirk was back, Isa looking up at him with a stern expression. She sighed, and shook her head.
"Billy," He grinned at the monotone call his girlfriend said of his name.
"Isabela," Billy mocked her in return with a similar tone, except when he said her name, it had her melting, he eyes fixed on his as she was silently cradled by the guy who thought pushing her up against the locks this morning was a good idea.
Thank you for reading! If you guys have any suggestions, I would love to know! Since this is my first time writing and publishing smut for other people to read, I wouldn't mind any feed. Once again thank you so much and enjoyyy♡
And thanks to @buckysgrace for helping me put with this ;;♡
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : SECRETS AND REUNIONS
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At age ten your parents had taken a job offer that paid more than what they were used to seeing. That offer resulted in moving from your hometown and to Louisville.
Starting school in the middle of the year was never fun, kids were always mean but a certain curly boy with blue eyes had stepped in and taken you under his wing.
It was a beautiful friendship that blossomed into a high school love.
A love with so many first evers.
Jack was the first boy you held hands with.
He was your first kiss.
He was your first everything.
You were there besides him through everything. You supported his dreams, and his drive to get out there and get noticed with his music.
Him, alongside his friends- they were hustling to get their music out and be something. Of course being the supportive friend and girlfriend, you were there at every little show, every little project they had around town, until eventually it meant traveling back and forth from Louisville and Atlanta.
Everything was going well, everything Jack had dreamed for, he was making it come true and you couldn’t be more proud.
You had moved with him to Atlanta, and that’s when he started getting noticed. His song What’s Poppin had been a hit and that just opened up more opportunities for him.
You were happy for him, you really were. But as he got bigger, that meant getting the attention of girls all over the world.
He never made you feel unloved or unhappy, but you just couldn’t understand the need for him to be too friendly with women.
You’d fight more, more often than usual and it was driving you both crazy. You knew he wouldn’t end things, too afraid to lose someone he’s familiar with. But you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I- I don’t understand babe.”
“You don’t have to.” You shrug, “It’s what’s best for both of us.”
“How is leaving me best for both of us? What happened?.”
“Jack, look around.” You lift your arms, gesture around you. “This isn’t a home, it hasn’t been for a while.”
“So we try, you don’t give up.” He yells.
“I can’t, that’s the problem.” You whisper out.
“Y/N, please don’t do this.”
“This is for our own good. You can focus one hundred percent on your music and your career. I could start focusing on what I actually want to do. I can't follow you around all my life.”
“So that’s it?” He asks, glaring at you, his chest puffing in and out. “You’ve given up on us, on me?”
“It’s not that I gave up, Jack.”
“That is exactly what it sounds like.” He yells, making you jump. “If I walk out that door right now, I’m not coming back.”
“Are you done then?”
You nod. “Y-yeah, I think I am.”
He scoffs, grabs his keys and heads to the front door. “I love you, I loved you since the first day you walked in school rocking pigtails and braces. You broke us, not me.” With those final words he walks out, slamming the door behind him.
With a broken heart you continue to pack your stuff. You honestly thought this would’ve gone better since it felt like Jack had already checked out from the relationship.
You weren’t just moving out from your shared apartment, you were actually moving away from Louisville. You were going to leave without letting anyone know, and it was bittersweet but you knew Urban, Clay, even Maggie would try to convince you to stay and you’d give in.
That’s why you packed in silence, a few tears running down your face and having second thoughts about your rash decision.
When you moved away four years ago you didn’t think you’d be back here. But here you were and you wore more nervous than excited for so many reasons.
Throughout the four years Jack was very well known now. He's been accomplishing everything he once dreamed about and you were always happy and proud of him.
You’ve had no contact with him or anyone in his circle whatsoever. You know coming back will be the talk of the town and you were not ready for all of that.
You were taking down boxes from your car when you heard someone calling you. “Y/N?” A voice comes behind you. “Is that you?”
You close your eyes and mutter a quick “fuck” and turn around. “Clay, hi.”
“Oh shit it really is you.” He comes up to hug you. “What are you doing back?”
“I came to spend some time with my grandpa.” You tilt your head to the side “What are you doing here?” You notice that he’s carrying a few bags.
“Oh, we always bring him groceries and we try to have lunch with him.”
“We?” You asked confused, but deep down you have a feeling you know who he’s referring to.
You nod, “Since when?”
“We’ve been doing it since you left.”
You nod, “I appreciate it, thank you.” You close the door to your car and smile at Clay. “I can take the bags in.”
“Na it’s okay, we have a game of cards to continue.” He shrugs.
“I don’t think that-“
Clay nods, understanding. “Okay fine, I’ll give you the weekend to settle in and get your story right. After that, I’m resuming my schedule with your grandpa and telling my brother.”
You smile, “Thank you Clayborn.”
“You can’t open the door, you have to wait for me to come.” You tell him.
“It’s okay.” You open the door and freeze on your spot. You can’t believe he’s here in front of you.
You knew it was only a matter of time the news of you coming back would reach him. But you thought since he just had an album release and a movie, that he’d be busy and it’ll give you enough time to settle in.
“Who that momma?”
Jack furrows his eyebrows and looks behind your legs, then looks back at you. “He yours?”
You nod, “Y-yeah”
He kneels down. “I’m Jack, what’s your name?”
Jack smiles at him, stares at him, studying him, looking at his face and his entire body.
“A-Anthony.” He answers behind your legs.
“Toni, go see if grandpa finished building your fire truck papi.” You push your son inside the house and close the door.
“What are you doing here?” You’re both standing outside on the porch now.
“Clay told me he saw you moving in and your grandpa told me to come over.” He answers you, confused as ever. “He said you’ve been wanting to talk to me.”
“Viejo metiche.” You mumble. “Look I don’t know why he’d tell you that.”
“He’s mine isn’t he?”
“Anthony” he points behind you, “That boy inside is my son huh?”
You shake your head, “N- he’s mine.”
“Y/N, you left four years ago and he looks around that age.”
“Jack, don’t do this.” You shake your head
“You left and didn’t even bother to tell me I have a son? How could you do that to me?.” He raises his voice. “Wait, is that why you left?”
“N-no of course not, I found out a few weeks later after I left.”
“You didn’t think to tell me? To pick up the phone and let me know?”
“Honestly? No, you were busy with your career and I wasn’t going to be the reason why you stopped chasing your dreams.”
He laughs, nodding his head. “You’re something else.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I knew it was wrong but I just didn’t know how to tell you.” You wrap your arms around yourself, you can feel a wave of emotions flowing through you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry too.” He pulls out his phone, types something quickly and places it back in his pocket. “You’ll hear from my manager soon, she’ll contact you with my lawyer.”
“J-Jack, what do you mean lawyer?”
“I’m never going to forgive you for keeping him away from me.” He heads down the steps, into the lawn and you’re quick to follow him.
“Please don’t, don’t take him away from me.” You’re sobbing now.
He turns around to glare at you, his nose flaring “I would never.” Pointing a finger to your chest “I’m not like you.”
With those final words, he makes it into his jeep and speeds away. Leaving you a crying, worried mess.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter
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Pool Day
Summary- You, Jack, Paisley, Olive, and Hayden spend a day in the pool.
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One of Paisley and Olive’s favorite things about your home was the backyard, they loved playing on their playset and running around. It was the main reason you and Jack chose the home, so that your kids could have a large backyard to play in. Specifically though, their favorite part of the backyard was the pool you and Jack had built. With Jack traveling less over the summer, that meant alot of your days were spent out in the pool. Both girls had been begging to go swimming since they woke up and you told them as soon as Hayden woke up from his first nap of the day. 
As soon as Hayden woke up, Paisley and Olive reminded you of your promise, so while you fed and got Hayden changed, Paisley and Olive chose matching pink floral swimsuits, Paisley getting changed herself while Jack helped Olive get her swimsuit on. Jack then took Hayden so you could get changed, you changed and tied your hair up before taking Hayden and the girls into the backyard while Jack got changed.
“Mommy, can we get in the pool now?” Paisley asked. 
“Wait for Daddy to finish changing and come out okay? One of us still needs to hold Hayden because he’s too little to swim by himself.” You explained, and Paisley nodded. Hayden was only two months old, and while you didn’t let him in the pool for long, only a few minutes at a time, he loved it. You and Jack only felt comfortable if both of you were in the pool with all the kids though, one holding Hayden and the other focused on the girls. 
Jack came out of the house a couple minutes later, and it didn’t take long until you were all in the pool. Olive had put her floaties on while she was waiting, even though both girls had taken swim lessons and she could swim, she still preferred to use her floaties most of the time, and since she was only four years old, you and Jack felt more comfortable with her having them on too. Paisley preferred to swim without them since she was a stronger swimmer and older.
Jack took Hayden from you, bouncing him so his feet would splash in the water, making him kick his legs, splashing the water even more, making cooing sounds as he smiled. 
Olive swam over to where Jack was holding Hayden.
“Daddy?” She asked.
“Yes Olive?” Jack asked, looking over at her.
“He likes it?” Olive asked and Jack nodded.
“Yeah, Hayden loves swimming with us.” Jack said as Jack continued to splash his legs into the water.
“Sadie swim with us?” Olive asked, if there was anyone who liked swimming more than the girls, it was your dog sadie.
“When Hayden gets out Mommy or I will let Sadie out okay?” Jack said.
“Okay.” Olive said before swimming back over to Paisley. Olive and Paisley wanted to play mermaids, so that’s what they did for a while until Hayden started to get fussy. Once Hayden got fussy, you took Hayden from Jack and got out of the pool, immediately wrapping him in a towel and holding him extra close so he didn’t get cold.
“Mommy, let Sadie out!!” Paisley yelled from the pool.
You got up from the pool chair and went to the back door, and as soon as you opened it, Sadie ran out of the door. Once Sadie saw Jack, Paisley, and Olive in the pool, she ran up to the edge, wagging her tail, waiting to jump into the pool. As soon as Jack gave Sadie permission to jump into the pool, she did, splashing the water, making both girls shriek as the water splashed them. 
They convinced Jack to play mermaids with them, Sadie being the shark they had to swim away from. You threw one of Sadie’s toys into the pool for her to chase before continuing to calm Hayden down. He just didn’t want to be in the water anymore and he was getting hungry so after you fed him he calmed down.
After a while of playing mermaids, they got bored of that, and decided to play with Sadie, taking turns throwing her toy while the other tried to swim faster than Sadie to the toy. Luckily Sadie wasn’t protective of her toys, so she found the game just as fun. 
Jack sat on the edge of the pool, close enough that he was there if he was needed. You joined him, sitting with your legs in the pool, Hayden, who was now asleep, in your arms.
“I always dreamed of this.” Jack said.
“Not your rap career?” You teased and Jack laughed.
“Well, that too. But I always wanted this. A wife, kids, a dog, my own family to spend my time off with. My time off would be boring without you and the kids, hell, even my time spent working would be boring if it wasn’t for all of you.” Jack said.
“I always wanted this too. It just makes it better that it’s with you.” You said, leaning over slightly to kiss Jack.
“I’m the lucky one. Anyone who thought you might be trapping me with a baby when you got pregnant were wrong, I was the one trapping you” Jack joked, making you laugh.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Jack said, this time he leaned over to kiss you.
“Daddy, come play fish with us!” Paisley said, her and Olive swimming over to you too.
“How fish and mermaids can be two separate games, I’ll never understand.” Jack whispered to you, you laughed as Jack got back into the pool to play with Paisley and Olive again.
Tag list @jackharloww @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @hoodharlow @itsyagirljaz @heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @awhore4moree @harlowslefttoe @twerkforambrose @jackmans-poison @ilovenudy @taniapri @killatravtramp @easternparkway @macey234 @toocriticalharlow @lightsoutstyles @rachxc13 @iknowdatsrightbih @idktbh101 @blossomluvv @middlechild404
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bixels · 10 months
*raises hand*
so AJ is short for something different in the au, and Rarity seems to be implied to be a stage name/chosen name rather than her legal name- what about the others? do they have changed names as well
Yeah, so for folks who didn't see the post with the character blurbs here, AJ's full name is April-Jacqueline Applegate (April-Jacqueline – April-Jac – Applejack). Rarity is just a pseudonym/alias. Her parents are immigrants from Shanghai, so her real name (which very few people in Ponyville actually know) is Chinese. She changed it because it was too difficult for non-Chinese people to pronounce and to reinvent herself when traveling abroad in Europe to apprentice under fashion designers.
The others, I'm genuinely not sure. I'll probably give them normal names and leave their horse names as nicknames? Some sound more realistic as nicknames than others, like Dashie or Pinkie. I know Tulli and I are coming up with real names for Starlight and Trixie. Starlight's real name is Stella Luciani (literally 'Star' 'Light', and a reference to the jazz song/film theme "Stella by Starlight").
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just-a-tiny-bun · 7 months
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Jac is a renowned Fairy World Detective whose job is to travel through time to document the fairy tales as they were truly meant to be told, as well as to fix the messes caused by time warpers who's intentions are to cause mischief by disrupting fairy world history.
Richard is a giant from the Beanstalk Kingdom (which is the realm where Jack and the Beanstalk takes place). He is a Baker as well as a powerful mage who happened to meet Jac by chance when she accidentally wounded up being trapped in his world. They had a fairly rocky start, but with enough time together they would gradually get along, and eventually become friends.
This scene depicts a time when they were just starting to know each other, where Jac recalls about her time traveling adventures while the giant listens intently. In the present day, with the help of the giant's magic and his size, the two make a great team and are nearly inseparable both in their job and out.
(I love this AU and I hope to do more with it soon x3)
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 4
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1750 – France Bruno Lenoir and Jean Diot are caught having sex in public for which they are arrested. A year later they were executed. There was general surprise in France at the severity of their sentence. Their execution was the last in France for consensual sodomy.
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1877 – Marsden Hartley (d.1943) was an American Modernist painter, poet, and essayist. Hartley was born in Lewiston, Maine, where his English parents had settled.
In 1898, at age 22, Hartley moved to New York City to study painting at the New York School of Art. Hartley was a great admirer of Albert Pinkham Ryder and visited his studio in Greenwich Village as often as possible. His friendship with Ryder inspired Hartley to view art as a spiritual quest.
Hartley first traveled to Europe in April 1912, and he became acquainted with Gertude Stein's circle of avante-garde writers and artists in Paris. Stein, along with Hart Crane and Sherwood Anderson, encouraged Hartley to write as well as paint.
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Finnish-Yankee sauna
In 1913, Hartley moved to Berlin, where he continued to paint. Many of Hartley's Berlin paintings were further inspired by the German military pageantry then on display, though his view of this subject changed after the outbreak of World War I, once war was no longer "a romantic but a real reality." The earliest of his Berlin paintings were shown in the landmark 1913 Armory Show in New York.
In Berlin, Hartley developed a close relationship with a Prussian lieutenant, Karl von Freyburg, who was the cousin of Hartley's friend Arnold Ronnebeck. References to Freyburg were a recurring motif in Hartley's work, most notably in Portrait of a German Officer (1914). Freyburg's subsequent death during the war hit Hartley hard, and he afterward idealized their relationship. Many scholars believe Hartley to have been gay, and have interpreted his work regarding Freyburg as embodying his homosexual feelings for him.
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In addition to being considered one of the foremost American painters of the first half of the 20th century, Hartley also wrote poems, essays, and stories.
Cleophas and His Own: A North Atlantic Tragedy is a story based on two periods he spent in 1935 and 1936 with the Mason family in the Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, fishing community of East Point Island. Hartley, then in his late 50s, found there both an innocent, unrestrained love and the sense of family he had been seeking since his unhappy childhood in Maine. The impact of this experience lasted until his death in 1943 and helped widen the scope of his mature works, which included numerous portrayals of the Masons.
He wrote of the Masons, "Five magnificent chapters out of an amazing, human book, these beautiful human beings, loving, tender, strong, courageous, dutiful, kind, so like the salt of the sea, the grit of the earth, the sheer face of the cliff." In Cleophas and His Own, written in Nova Scotia in the fall of 1936, Hartley expresses his immense grief at the tragic drowning of the Mason sons. The independent filmmaker Michael Maglaras has created a feature film Cleophas and His Own, released in 2005, which uses a personal testament by Hartley as its screenplay.
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1946 – Arthur Conley aka Lee Roberts (d.2003) was a U.S. soul singer, best known for the 1967 hit "Sweet Soul Music".
Conley was born in McIntosh County, Georgia, U.S., and grew up in Atlanta. He first recorded in 1959 as the lead singer of Arthur & the Corvets. With this group, he released three singles in 1963 and 1964 – "Poor Girl", "I Believe", and "Flossie Mae" – on the Atlanta based record label, National Recording Company.
In 1964, he moved to a new label (Baltimore's Ru-Jac Records) and released "I'm a Lonely Stranger". When Otis Redding heard this, he asked Conley to record a new version, which was released on Redding's own fledgling label Jotis Records, as only its second release. Conley met Redding in 1967. Together they rewrote the Sam Cooke song "Yeah Man" into "Sweet Soul Music", which, at Redding's insistence, was released on the Atco-distributed label Fame Records, and was recorded at FAME studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. It proved to be a massive hit, going to the number two position on the U.S. charts and the Top Ten across much of Europe. "Sweet Soul Music" sold over one million copies, and was awarded a gold disc.
After several years of hits singles in the early 1970s, he relocated to England in 1975, and spent several years in Belgium, settling in Amsterdam (Netherlands) in spring 1977. At the beginning of 1980 he had some major performances as Lee Roberts and the Sweaters in the Ganzenhoef, Paradiso, De Melkweg and the Concertgebouw, and was highly successful. At the end of 1980 he moved to the Dutch village of Ruurlo, legally changing his name to Lee Roberts — his middle name and his mother's maiden name. He promoted new music via his Art-Con Productions company. Amongst the bands he promoted was the heavy metal band Shockwave from The Hague. A live performance on January 8, 1980, featuring Lee Roberts & the Sweaters, was released as an album entitled Soulin' in 1988.
Conley was gay, and several music writers have said that his homosexuality was a bar to greater success in the United States and one of the reasons behind his move to Europe and his eventual name change. In 2014, rock historian Ed Ward wrote, "[Conley] headed to Amsterdam and changed his name to Lee Roberts. Nobody knew 'Lee Roberts,' and at last Conley was able to live in peace with a secret he had hidden – or thought he had – for his entire career: he was gay. But nobody in Holland cared."
Conley died from intestinal cancer in Ruurlo, Netherlands aged 57 in November 2003. He was buried in Vorden.
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1962 – Peter Steele , formerly Lord Petrus Steele , actually Petrus Thomas Ratajczyk , born in Brooklyn , New York, was an American musician . Steele was the singer , bassist and songwriter for the metal bands Carnivore and Type O Negative.
Known above all for his powerful bass-baritone voice, Steele first worked as a singer and bassist with the heavy metal group Fallout and then with the thrash metal band Carnivore. After Carnivore had disbanded for the time being, Steele, who was still working for the New York Park Authority at the time, founded the music group Type O Negative together with Sal Abruscato, Kenny Hickey and Josh Silver. Steele was particularly controversial in the early years of the band due to supposedly right-wing extremist ideas in the public. He himself always denied such allegations. He later created the Vinland flag , inspired by the Nordic flags and his own Scandinavian ancestors , which was henceforth to be found on the band's releases.
In August 1995, Steele, who was an imposing figure with his stature and height of 2.03 m, posed naked for the US edition of Playgirl. However, when he learned that around 75% of the readership are homosexual men, some of whom would now make advances to him and he was then exposed to the malice of the other band members and fans, he wrote the song I Like Goils (dt. I like girls ).
Peter Steele died on April 14, 2010 of complications from an aortic aneurysm . Steele's companion Sal Abruscato (formerly Type O Negative drummer) said they were in the process of getting Steele into an ambulance when he passed away before leaving the house. Before his death, Steele had been drug free for nine months and was in the process of making plans for a new Type O Negative album.
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1969 – Richard Hake (d.2020) was a journalist and reporter for WNYC, where he was one of the hosts of the weekly morning program, Morning Edition.
Richard Scott Hake was born in the Bronx to Richard James Hake, a New York City police detective, and Joy Mekland, a clerical worker and secretary. He graduated from Carmel High School in 1987, then from Fordham University in 1991, and began working at NPR in 1991 while still at Fordham. He became a news host and reporter at WNYC in 1992. He was openly gay.
He spent 28 years working as a radio news host, reporter, and producer. He featured on several local and national NPR programs, such as Morning Edition (which he hosted), Weekend Edition, All Things Considered, and On the Media. He also broadcast on MTV, the BBC, WCBS, WBGO, WOR, and WFUV radio. Hake hosted for MTV's Logo Network's The Advocate News magazine program. His documentary work includes "The Perfume of the Bronx" and the "Coney Island Cyclone Anniversary."
For his reporting, Hake was awarded accolades from the Associated Press Broadcasters Association and the Society of Professional Journalists. Hake made his Broadway debut as a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins.
In his Twitter profile, Hake noted his unique role in the bustling Big Apple, writing: "I wake people up and tell them stories on the alarm clock, the app, streaming, in the shower, in the car, etc."
As coronavirus cases surged in the city and officials told office workers to stay home, Hake set up a makeshift studio in his one-bedroom apartment, complete with an art deco "on air" light and various microphone flags bearing the station's logos over the years.
Hake died on April 24, 2020, at age 51, in his Upper East Side home. His manner of death was ruled to be a result of an accident, according to the City's Medical Examiner.
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1970 – Christopher Klucsarits, better known as Chris Kanyon (d.2010), US Professional wrestler, best known for his work in World Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation, under the ring names Kanyon and Mortis.
In 2006, after Kanyon's release from WWE, he began a gimmick in which he was an openly homosexual pro wrestler. This included a publicity stunt wherein he stated that WWE released him from his contract because of his sexuality. Kanyon later told reporters and even stated on a number of radio interviews, that this was just a publicity stunt and he was heterosexual. However, he later retracted these statements and acknowledged that he was in fact homosexual.
Before his death Kanyon was working on a book, Wrestling Reality, with Ryan Clark. The book was released November 1, 2011, and it features Kanyon's struggles as a closeted gay man as a prominent theme.
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1984 – Illinois repeals its "lewd fondling or caress" law, more than two decades after repealing its sodomy law.
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lazysailor · 1 month
39 Avery
Avery wandered down the streets of some town he ended up in. Lately he hasn't left Arkansas at all even though he's been trying hitchhiking around so he could have some more luck finding Kayden. But everyone he has traveled with has just stuck around Arkansas.
He comes across a small local coffee shop, he had some money on him that could probably afford a simple drink, plus he was a bit thirsty. He walked towards the coffee shop and opened the door. He was hit with the smell of coffee being made immediately and there were very few people in the cafe despite it being the middle of the day.
“Hi! How may I help you today sir?” The girl at the front counter asks him.
“Oh uh..I’ll just get a simple coffee.” Avery tells her.
“So what flavor and size?” She asks.
‘Great, I forgot the workers here always want you to be specific.’ He thought.
“Just give me whatever is your normal coffee.”
“Alright! I’ll let you know when it's ready!” The worker says to him.
“Alright, thank you.” He thanks her while giving her a smile.
Avery went towards the back of the coffee shop after he got his coffee. He has been feeling more tired lately, probably due to the lack of sleep he has been getting and the stress he has been feeling. He's been trying to find any clues on where Kayden could be, but he has had no luck finding anything.
“On this afternoon's news we'll cover the raids that have been happening at harvest camps across America.” A man's voice said in the distance.
Avery looked up and saw on one of the TV's in the coffee shop the news was on.
“Over the past couple months we have faced two raids that seem to be caused by a group of feral AWOLs.” 
“The latest raid that happened at Moon Crater harvest camp had numerous injurys and deaths like the one at Cold Springs.”
‘Cold Springs.? That's where I was.’ He thought.
The tv reporter's words started to become gibberish in his mind as he started to realize something.
‘I remember back at Cold Springs before I passed out there was a raid happening and that Kayden ran over to me.’
‘Wait, that would mean Kayden ended up in that AWOL group! I mean how else could she have found me?’
Avery grabbed his coffee and got out of his seat.
‘If I want to find any more clues about Kayden, then I need to learn more about that group.!’
Avery approached a local library he happened to pass by earlier, this was one of the only places he could think of that could help him learn more about the AWOL group.
He opened the door to the library and it was perfectly quiet, nobody really goes to librarys anymore so he would basically have the whole place to himself. He looked around to see if their were any kind of computer stations, it was uncommon to find them still but this town seemed to be on the more older side. Luck seemed to be on his side today after wandering around a bit he found an empty computer station.
He sat down on the hard cold chair as he booted up the computer, hoping to find more information around them.
It was around sunset now..He had zero luck finding any other information around the group called the Stork Brigade. All he got was the information he got from the news report back at the coffee shop and just how with each camp the brigade raided more people would join.
He put his head in his hands and looked down at the ground feeling defeated, he groaned in frustration.
‘The only luck I’ll ever have finding her is if I ever see a huge group of kids.’ He thought.
‘But that's almost impossible, I don't even know where the brigade is right now!’
Avery felt himself start to become further stressed than he already was.
‘I could call my dad and see if he can help me.’
‘But what if that group is able to track him down, I don't wanna put him at risk after I just met him.’
He got out of his seat and tried to take deep breaths to call himself down.
‘Maybe I just need a small break..Yeah that would be nice.’ 
Avery makes it back to the hotel room he had been squatting in for a bit unnoticed. He took his jacket and shoes off then walked towards the bathroom.
The shower water felt nice against his skin, it was a good way to get rid of his stress. Even with the scar and prosthetic arm, it still felt the same. It had been awhile since he took a nice shower, of course the harvest camp had you shower, but it didn't feel the same back then.
As he showered, he thought back to the past two years.
‘I remember meeting Kayden around November or so, then we went on the run for a while..’
‘..Then when she almost died from hypothermia we met Miles and stayed at him safe house for a bit, then I hung out with Ryder for a while.’
‘After that I saw Kayden again and we made it to the graveyard, that raid there happened but after that everything seemed normal even though we both were still considered AWOLS..’
‘..But what norm got ruined when that other raid happened and I had to go to Cold Springs..with Ryder.’
‘If he was still here we probably could've been dating right now or plan on living together once he also turned seventeen..But that'll never happen since he rejected me..’
‘..Things will get better though eventually and me searching for Kayden will be worth it.’
‘I’ll live with my dad and if he's nice enough, he’ll probably allow Kayden to live with us too.’
Avery turned the shower off and got out of there while he wrapped a towel around his waist.
He went up to the bathroom mirror and wiped the fog covering the mirror, looking at himself. He felt the skin that covered the right side of his face, rough and dry, but maybe one day he could try to find a way to get his old skin and eye back, that isn't from an unwind. 
‘It would be nice if I got that side of my face back..’ he thought.
He looked down at his prosthetic arm, it was modern and sleek along with it being easy to use. He flexed his arm and moved his fingers some, he then put both of his arms side-by-side.
‘..I like my prosthetic and all, but I wouldn't mind if I got an actual arm like mine soon.’
He put his arms down and grabbed a nearby robe to cover himself in, he didn't want to walk around in a towel all night.
Avery turned off the bathroom light and walked out of the bathroom. He then laid down on the hotel bed, it was a bit stiff but it was still able to be comfy.
‘Tomorrow will be another chance for me to find Kayden, or at least learn where she could be.’
‘I just hope I find her soon..’
He closed his eyes and started drifting off into Dreamland, he didn't know how long it would take for him to find Kayden.
But he knew it would be worth it in the end..
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fanaticsnail · 6 months
Shimmy - Part 4 (Conclusion) SMUT
This is part 4 to the dance series between the acrobatic reader, Mihawk and Buggy. I tweaked it after my earlier apprehension and nearly doubled the word count to do so.
(Thank you @sordidmusings for being an absolute sunshine of an individual, always: especially with coaxing the plot out of me)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Masterlist.
Word count: 4,097
Warnings: smut, throuple dynamics, threesome, porn with plot, balancing act of two very different individuals.
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You relinquished your grasp on the two hands of the men by your side, choosing to instead lace your arms within the crook of Mihawk’s elbow, resting your head on his shoulder while circling your arm around the waist of your captain and pull him flush against your side.
You all walked perfectly in tow towards your crew quarters; your brows furrowing at the thought that; you had no prior dalliances with either men within your bedroom. You would always travel to one or the other’s base to share a night with them, but never in your own space. They both respected your boundary in that sense, which you appreciated whole-heartedly.
Having a sense of minor apprehension and a giddy anxiety fall over you; you shook the thoughts of breaking away from your commitment to the joining with both of them just by exhaling deeply through your lips after feeling truly comforted by their willingness to be all together.
Mihawk trailed his eyes down to your body, gaze focussing on the top of your head as he began to feel as anxious as you did earlier. He had been in prior entanglements with more than one individual prior; but none he truly felt anything other than lust for. This was you, the prized acrobat in Buggy’s troop of miscellaneous outcasts. You, his lover: with your spouse cradled against you beneath your other arm.
The three of you had red smeared lips, glitter clinging to your faces and hair as from your prior affectionate embrace after your intervention with your acrobatic partner, Jac. He was surprised at the clown’s willingness to share you with him privately; but now to share you publicly between the two of you: completely untested waters.
Buggy closed his eyes as he inhaled your perfumed neck, finding comfort in your warm touch while feeling waves of anticipation shrouding his lust for you. He wanted you, and he knew the broody warlord also harboured a piece of your heart. This was never primarily lust for him, this was you. His acrobat, his spotlight and his spouse whom he truly loved. You, who had enough room within your heart for two gentlemen privately; now willing to expose your lust for them both in the same room together.
This little dance had all but drawn to a close, the curtain falling after a successful and well executed performance. Could you truly handle an encore of greater refrain; a juggling act of push and pull to navigate two bodies in a dalliance together?
Buggy reached for the door handle to your bedroom, meeting the tips of his fingers against Mihawk’s who had also descended to the brass knob. An air of awkwardness falling between you, you sighed and broke away from the embrace and stepped forward to open your door with a small giggle.
“I think we might all need a drink,” you suggested to the gentlemen as you ushered them both into your room after you; tugging first Buggy within your chambers before lacing your fingertips with Mihawk’s and remaining joined to the dark-haired warlord.
“I think,” Mihawk drew his face into your own and held his lips a small distance away from your lips, “we should wait until afterwards.”
You smiled as you pressed your lips once more against Mihawk’s, closing your eyes and truly leaning into his body affectionately. It was always playing in the peripherals of your mind that your captain was standing by and watching you engage in open mouthed affection with your warlord.
As you attempted to reach for your spouse, you found Mihawk’s arm already approaching him to bring him closer into you. Mihawk reached his hands down to clasp Buggy’s wrist and pull it to surround your waist; his other joining it to circle you and hold you flush against him from behind.
Mihawk broke his lips away from yours, leaning up to kiss beneath your left ear.
“What now?” you asked him breathily, noting he took more of the leadership role in this liaison. Mihawk smiled against your neck, breaking himself away from you to look to his two bedroom partners.
“Now,” he began, reaching for your hand and leading you both towards your bed, “you are both going to shred yourself from your attire-,” he arched his chin to Buggy in indication that he, too, will be joining in receiving instruction from him, “-and then-,” he tilted your chin upwards to meet his lusting gaze, “-I’m going to claim your beautiful lips with my cock.”
You felt a wave of arousal began to weave through your chest, peaking your nipples and falling down to your lower stomach. A small moment of doubt began to form, your lips almost wrapping themselves around the words you were thinking before Buggy spoke.
“And I’m going to be there for every-,” he kissed your neck, “-single-,” he licked a small stripe with his tongue at the back of your neck beneath your hair, “-second of it.”
Breathing out a sigh of relief, you turned your face to meet your lips with Buggy’s as Mihawk relinquished his hold on your chin and begin to rid himself of his boots, leather pants, greatcoat and undergarments; choosing to keep his hat firmly pressed atop his hat.
“Are you certain, my love?” you asked Buggy one final time, while shimmying yourself from your clothes, the items pooling by your feet to make yourself bare in front of your lovers. Buggy’s smile softened, him also removing his vest, pants, boots and hat; choosing to leave his bandana and cravat firmly attached to his neck and hair.
“Of course I am, pumpkin. You are my favourite, my star, and you have my whole heart,” he confirmed with you, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek before quickly pulling away with his eyes holding a seriousness within the playful teal colour; “now be a good girl and let the spooky bastard fuck your face.”
Your eyes widened at his comment, the tingle returning to your naked body as Buggy reached you towards him; his knees knocking with the back of the mattress, causing him to fall back and pull you alongside him. You felt the warm heat radiating from his flesh against your own, the tufts of navy and bright blue hair of his chest feeling coarse against your breasts.
Placing your knees beside his thigh, you turned to face Dracule Mihawk; his cock twitching in anticipation as you knelt in front of him and smiled up at him. He pumped his shaft within his firm grip and ushered for you to come closer to him.
“You,” he directed Buggy, who seemed shocked by his command but frowned as he actively listened, “get behind her and embrace her. She’s your lover, not some random whore.”
Buggy felt heat pooling within his chest as his heart began to rapidly pound against it at Mihawk’s command. He scuttled to his knees and messily crawled to sit himself behind you as he laced his fingers over your hips and hold his forearms, pressing his forehead against your right shoulder blade. He removed his painted head and pressed a kiss against your neck as you began paying undivided attention to the warlord above you with your lips.
You swirled your tongue over the throbbing tip of Mihawk’s cock as he hissed out a quivered sigh of relief as you began to take him further and further into the chasms of your throat; swallowing his shaft as he began to rock his hips into you.
The feathered broad-hat shrouded his eyes as he threw his head back in pleasure, messily thrusting his hips against your parted lips; your tongue lying flat to shield his sensitive knob from your bottom teeth as he filled your throat with his lengthy shaft.
He hands raked through your hair, fisting it in balls at the back of your head as he plunged his cock deep within your throat. Your tonsils ached and your lungs screamed out for a semblance of air as his pace quickened to chase his end. Your eyes pricked at the corners with tears, your lips smiling around his cock briefly as he continued to fuck your face. You closed your eyes, relishing the feeling of your face being completely used in such a relentless way; drowning under his unforgiving pace.
Your knees strained against the dipping mattress beneath them, arching your back up into the torso situated firmly behind you, a gloved right hand finding its way to clasp your throat within his firm grasp. His left arm hooked over your chest to hold you closer against himself as Buggy moved his body to the rhythm Mihawk had chosen to maintain. You felt the tip of Buggy’s knob twitch as it lie painfully neglected, resting between the cheeks of your ass.
Mihawk’s rhythm and grip had become firmer, thrusting harshly into the back of your throat; his trail of dark curls scraping against your nose as he panted through his lips. You opened your eyes to look up at him, watching as his face contorted in pleasure as he warned you of his release.
“I-I’m going to-,” he began, looking down at you as you took him completely within your throat; hollowing it out expertly. He began to retreat from you to empty his balls away from your face and into his palm; only for you to chase his retreat and suck harshly against him, the trails of saliva collected within your cheeks bewitching him as he felt possessed by your eagerness.
You steadied yourself against his hips as he groaned a low panted moan, filling your cheeks and throat with a mixture of saliva with his waves of salty and bitter cum pouring into them. Buggy’s grip lessened itself against your neck, feeling the bob of your throat as you swallowed all of the contents readily falling from the slit of Mihawk’s cock and into your lips. The clown-captain’s jaw protruded forward in empathetic pleasure, truly grasping how amazing it felt to empty his own balls into your mouth from your earlier and solitary entanglements. His eyes glazed over as he watched you pull away from the cock of the mighty warlord of the sea, a string of saliva maintaining the connection from your parted lips and tongue to his knob.
Without truly thinking his actions threw and completely overtaken by lust, Buggy turned your face towards him over your righthand shoulder with his hand grasping your neck; pulling you into his face as he claimed your bruised lips against his own. He moaned into your mouth as his cock again twitched again on your back at the sensation of exploring your mouth with his lips and tongue; tasting the remnants of Mihawk’s release within it.
Gasping at the unbridled attention, you released Mihawk’s hip from your left hand and brought it to Buggy’s right cheek; your right hand remaining against the dark-haired swordsman’s left hip to hold him firmly in place. You trailed your fingers and thumb over his jaw, feeling the grease-paint atop his navy stubble, pushing him to lie firmly back against the cool floor below you while turning to face him.
You collected the right hand of the warlord who was gasping for breath to steady his heart rate after relinquishing his cum into your mouth; while attempting to rid himself of the lusting feeling he felt regarding Buggy’s eagerness to taste his release within his lover’s mouth.
Crawling onto his reclined body, it was Buggy’s turn to feel slightly uneasy at your overzealous attention under the ever watchful amber eyes of your broody lover above you. He hesitated as you steadied your slick cunt over the tip of his cock, grasping at the base of it with your left hand while holding Mihawk’s right.
“W-wait-,” Buggy’s voice called out in apprehension, his eyes floating between Mihawk’s before falling back to rest on your own two orbs. You halted sheathing yourself on Buggy’s cock from your position on his lap, looking into his franticly wide teal eyes as your legs began to tremble from the weight of your body; after your position kneeling for an extended length of time earlier.
“Are you okay, my love?” you asked him, apprehension falling to your own face at his panic.
“I am-,” he affirmed hastily before turning his eyes towards Mihawk’s and speaking directly to him, “-I am if you are,” his eyes darkened, ensuring the warlord’s comfort in sharing your body so openly with him.
In response, Mihawk gracefully drew his body to rest between Buggy’s knees behind you. He knelt while clasping your thighs within his firm grip, a sigh of relief falling from your lips as he now held the brunt of your weight. He pressed a kiss on your shoulder, maintaining eye contact with the genius jester before sinking your aching cunt downwards onto Buggy’s painfully hard cock in a single thrust. The three of you released a moan of complete harmony as you met the navy-haired pelvis of your spouse, succumbing to the thralls of pleasure you were all experiencing.
Although Mihawk had only just depleted his arousal through his ribbons of cum shooting back into your mouth, he couldn’t help but become aroused through empathetically experiencing the way your cunt squeezed and trembled around Buggy’s incredibly hard shaft.
The swordsman was wielding you. He was wielding you against falling your slick opening to claim your spouse’s cock between your legs and thrusting you by your hips and thighs to set the pace of the encounter falling between the two of you.
You were his sword, his weapon against his formidable adversary. Instead of hunting to claim the life of his enemy; he wielded your body as he chased instead the mutual pleasure of his two partners as they met their pelvises together in the same bruising pace he set earlier as he rutted his cock against your lips.
Buggy cried out as he continued to hold his teal gaze against the half-lidded honey-coloured eyes of the warlord as he gyrated himself upwards to match the relentless pace Mihawk had set between the two of you.
Mihawk nudged your jaw with his chin, pulling his gaze from Buggy’s eyes to meet with you; his lover. Your lips were swollen from choking on his cock, your neck bruised slightly under Buggy’s firm grip as your body was littered with blue and silver glitter from the clown-captain’s face and body paint. His yellow eyes raked over your body as you whimpered against the approaching pleasure pooling within your lower abdomen.
Buggy’s eyes held firmly to the attention Mihawk was giving you; himself falling under the dominating aura of the talented swordsmen as he watched him pull you into a passionate kiss. Buggy’s eyes first widened in shock at how truly loving the kiss felt between the two of you, before a small whimper fell from his lips at the arrival of his apprehension once more.
Feeling the tension from the man below you, you immediately broke away from the affectionate lips of Mihawk and drew you right hand to collect your captain from below you and rise his torso upwards by the scruff of his neck to meet with your own. You brought your face down to claim the red-stained lips of your captain while drawing him up into yourself, Mihawk’s lips drawing themselves instead to your shoulder and neck as he trailed a series of open mouthed kisses against your skin.
Mihawk placed his torso firmly against you, fully pulling you to hold your body flush against himself as he removed his left hand from your thigh and rake itself to meet with your swollen clit. You shrieked into Buggy’s mouth as Mihawk now wielded every aspect of pleasure falling to your body. He expertly pressed his skilled digits against your bud; swirling the organ between his fingers under the pool of slick arousal falling from your walls onto Buggy’s pelvis.
Buggy, never being one to shy away from the spotlight, claimed the back of your head within his gloved fingertips as he anchored your neck backwards to arch it into the warlord behind you. He trailed his reckless and frantic kisses against your skin; his brows furrowing upwards as his release approached you.
“I-I need,” you gasped out, your own orgasm approaching but holding back to match with Buggy’s.
“What do you need, princess?” Mihawk asked you, his eyes glazing over as he continued to thrust you downwards to meet with Buggy’s pace.
“Please-,” you called with both desperation and commanding presence, “-someone kiss me.”
Immediately the two men fell their faces upwards towards you; Buggy first claiming your lips with his own before nudging your cheek with his red nose to fall your lips atop of Mihawk’s as he furrowed his brows in pleasure. Buggy again extended his bottom jaw as his eyes fell open widely at the exchange.
The warlord broke away from your lips and shoved your face back towards your captain with his forehead, his eyes gawking at the connection you had between you. You creased your brows as you held the back of the head of your captain and tilted your head to claim him further into yourself.
Mihawk immediately pressed his lips against the corner of your mouth, you maintaining the contact with the clown beneath you as your release was reaching its peak. Buggy retreated partially from your lips, choosing to fall his own to your righthand side as he ushered for Mihawk to draw his lips against your own to both experience you release crying against their lips.
Immediately, your orgasm ruptured in unison with the clown below you; his ribbons of cum splashing against the walls of your cervix and encumbering you with his release painting you. The intensity of the rupture was nothing you had experienced before: vision falling in white as your toes curled and lips screamed against your two lovers.
Being completely caged both above and beneath your two partners was overwhelming you in the best way. Your senses were eclipsed by their hold, your senses stunned by your bodies all becoming one with each other. Mihawk aided you both to ride through your high as he thrust you down against the pelvis of the clown to steady your body against him.
Buggy’s arms wrapped around your waist, while Mihawk circled his arms to cage you both in tighter; his grip falling against the back of Buggy’s shoulders and drawing the two of you closer together while your arms fell behind your captain.
You all breathed out a sigh of relief at the feeling; Mihawk the first to recover from the encounter considering his earlier release, withdrew himself away from your bodies as you remained embraced together.
Mihawk retrieved an assortment of items within his grip; towels, a bucket of warm water and a bottle of what appeared to be some form of champagne with three flutes. Buggy’s arms withdrew from your waist, your arms falling from its grip around his shoulders as you both brought your attention to the warlord approaching you.
Buggy apprehensively withdrew his deflated cock from your opening, his cum pooling atop his pelvis from your vagina; prompting Mihawk to click his tongue to chastise you both.
“And here I thought we were going to remain civilised about this,” he reprimanded in a snarky tone, “yet you’ve gone ahead and made a further mess of things.”
A warm blush rose against your cheeks as you watched Buggy’s cheeks redden in fury at the comment from your lover. Immediately, you drew your lips against your captain’s to stifle any words of aggression; immediately soothing him as you uttered: “I don’t mind a little mess, captain.”
Buggy immediately softened his eyes as they met with yours, his hand caressing your cheek lovingly before trailing his fingertips down towards your chin.
“Lie back, dear,” Mihawk commanded you, prompting you to hook your legs over Buggy’s waist and place yourself back against the plush mattress of the room. You sighed in relief as Mihawk began cleansing your body with the water and towel, relishing in the attention he paid to your aching flesh from the earlier attack.
You fluttered your eyes shut as you felt more hands, limbs and lips trail their way over your body; whispering praising utterances to you for your attuned balance to navigate untested waters successfully.
You heard the cork relinquish from the glass neck of the bottle, your eyes snapping open to reveal the strong forearms of your sword-master brandishing the bottle to skilfully rid its seal from the cork before crouching atop the mattress and joining you both in your recline against the pillows. You reached your arms forward to claim the crystal flutes from his fingertips and holding them out as he filled the liquid to the brim of each glass.
Buggy sat upwards with the bed dipping a little at his rise before falling back against the pillows once more. Mihawk held his glass upwards in indication for you to press your own against it in celebration; Buggy joining you in the notion before you all rose the tart and finely beaded liquid to your lips.
“So,” you began, looking between the two men with a small apprehensive smile; prompting them to both look to your position between them in the middle, “what now?”
“Now,” Buggy spoke this time, reclining with one arm lying behind his neck to support his comfort, “all we’re gonna do is drink-,” he brought the flute up to his lips and downed the liquid in a quick gulp, much to the disdain of Mihawk, “-and then I’d like to take a nap. That really took it out of me.”
Mihawk’s eyes widened partially due to the knowledge that he and you did the majority of the work for this particular encounter, and also at the fact that he felt comfortable enough to fall himself under the vulnerability of succumbing to unconsciousness in front of him. You turned to Mihawk and silenced his rage with a quick peck of his lips and a knowing look from your eyes, immediately soothing him with your playful grin.
“And where do you propose to take said nap, captain?” you asked him with a coy tone, cooing your question down at him.
“Why, right here of course,” he confirmed, reflecting the same tone back up at you. You laughed at him, throwing your head back to meet with the shoulder of Mihawk, who caught your body within his firm grasp. You had half a mind to kick them both out of your chambers so you could properly clean yourself and rest, but you also really enjoyed the time you were currently spending with the two of them.
Following suit, you finished your wine and collected both your and Buggy’s flute stems and reached your body over Buggy’s to place them on your bedside table. Buggy, ever the opportunist, couldn’t help but press a long and drawn out kiss atop your breast as you retreated from him and settle back between the two men.
“Would you also desire to rest, my lord?” you looked up at the dark-haired warlord at the side of you, a warm smile rising to your lips as he drank the remainder of his sparkling wine.
“So long as I remain welcome, yes,” he raised his hand to rake over your hair, apologetically while floating his eyes around your face circularly.
“You’re always welcome,” you whispered, floating your eyes shut and leaning towards his affectionate caress, “both of you. For a dance or otherwise.”
Settling back beneath the sheets of your bed, you lie your head into Mihawk’s left arm as he circled your shoulder in a comforting embrace while Buggy rolled onto his side and laced his arm over your waist and pressed his nose and forehead against your own left arm. You rose your arm to cradle Buggy against yourself and pressed a loving kiss atop his bandana-clad head before leaning your face towards Mihawk and receiving a similar caress from the warlord against your forehead.
You felt complete, your two partners lying together within your bedsheets; holding them and being held after the first night you shared together as one complete unit. The three of you released a collective sigh of contentment, all feeling the afterglow of your encounter while feeling an uprising giddiness in anticipation on what more is to come. But that was a thought for tomorrow.
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@feral-artistry picture source (she's amazing, check her out!) Mihawk & Buggy
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