#iwrite words
icanbeyourero · 4 months
Six-word poetry
idk why i had this obsession with six-word poetry 8 years ago
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danielleelizabethhh · 9 months
I dreamt of you again last night -
Crisp air filled with dark skies, lost in a city looking to be found.
Your scent is what brought me to you, the smell of home is what always brings me back.
I was blind to a world filled with sight, you were the one I could see. My thin fingers runs down your arms and traces over war scars, I knew without you saying you were at war with your self.
After years of being torn apart, you welcomed me with open arms and forgot of our haunted past.
Your energy kick started my heart all over again
And before I knew it, I woke up and realized it was all a dream.
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monriatitans · 2 years
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WORD OF THE DAY Sunday, July 17, 2022 OED Word of the Day: i-writ, n. Something written; a book, a document, a letter, etc.
SENTENCE EXAMPLE "Þe mon þe on his youhþe yeorne leorneþ wit and wisdom and i-writen reden, he may beon on elde wenliche lorþeu." - a1300 (▸?c1200), Prov. Alfred (Jesus Oxf.) (1955) 81 (MED)
Shared via the Word of the Day App. See the original post on Instagram! Watch WGS on Twitch and YouTube!
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fragileizywriting · 4 months
just took a decongestionant. is that the word for it. the thing that makes your nose not stuffy. i took it and now it is a race against the clock for me to not fall asleep because it claims to be nondrowsy but i am already a sleepy boy. how many words can iwrite before i succumb... the goal is to write 1k words. i hope i can make it :)
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aceleeticklish · 1 year
Have you ever wanted to be tickle interrogated?
The literal DREAM. Iwrite so many t word interrorgations🙈 there’s so many options and if the ler has fun doing the ‘interrogating’ they seem to really get into the role, which makes it more evil🙈😜
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hero-in-waiting · 1 year
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
None tbh, they're nice to see for sure. But if they don't get hits I don't really mind. iwrite stories I wanna see, and so I enjoy them.
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
I woudln't mind doing another Teen Wolf or Daredevil story bc I have fun with them for sure.
🎃 Do you plan on writing any seasonal fics?
I kinda half assed a twelve days of xmas in 2022, and I wanna do it 100% this year bc I had some cute ideas I just ran out of time. Maybe a fic here and there. I might do the fictober again bc that was fun.
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littlewalken · 7 days
may 27
That Jenny Stardust arms song is still in my brain so I'm going to have to get a copy of it. So far the only other song of that type that I like is I wish I knew what a v****a looked like.
I self sensor some words so I don't attract bots. Around here you play a little game of where's the bot or the subject you don't personally agree with every time you check out someone's blog.
Everyone who's not a bot has the right to post their subject I don't personally agree with and I'm not going to report it or nothing so respect my choices to disagree with it.
As for the Simon Gallup being compared to an ocean sunfish thing, in looking at the pictures of a sunfish being eaten possibly alive by a sea lion the fish's expression reminded me of a few looks I've seen on Simon's face. Do either have the sensory awareness to know they're being eaten?
Saw a pic of Robert Smith with Reeves Gabrels that cemented in my mind he's a weirdo like the other long term Cure members, except Roger who I assume is the score keeper or something in their little weirdness war. And someone somewhere said that girls who want a horse are batshit insane which would explain Perry's marriage and why he wanted to sell his house to buy one with a bigger yard so his wife could have more horses. It's been his job to look after batshit people since 1984.
Starting to wonder if part of my back is the chair I have, a used gamer chair we got for $20 because like hell I'll ever pay $$$ for a fucking chair, so I might switch it for one of the others in the house.
I used my back yesterday around 6am and it was hit or miss for the rest of the day if it wanted to cooperate or not but the room does look bigger and more inviting now.
Taking it easy today, back wise, incase I have to go out and real life tomorrow. But it does look like it's getting time to start going thru the fabric to pick out which bits will be in the use it up pile.
If I didn't say before I combined a sale and coupons to get a rotary cutter and one of those templates with slits in it to square things up. The price and the need to cut squares quickly finally collided.
Also have a writing idea I might free write on in the iWrite book. Remind me to look in there and see what I can do with the suddenly appeared Cardassian and Vorta idea. Didn't even get to naming them but I think I was on to fleshing out a plot bunny worth posting.
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zentechia · 3 months
What Sites Actually Pay for Online Typing and Writing Jobs?
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In today's digital age, the demand for online content creation is skyrocketing, opening up a plethora of opportunities for individuals looking to make money through typing and writing. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just dipping your toes into the world of online work, there are numerous platforms willing to compensate you for your skills. But with the vast array of options available, it can be overwhelming to discern which sites actually pay for online typing and writing jobs. Let's delve into this topic and uncover the best avenues for earning money through your writing prowess.
Introduction to Online Typing and Writing Jobs
Online typing and writing jobs encompass a wide range of opportunities, including content creation, copywriting, transcription, and more. These jobs offer flexibility, allowing individuals to work from the comfort of their own homes and set their own schedules. However, not all online platforms offering typing and writing gigs are created equal. It's crucial to distinguish between legitimate opportunities and scams to ensure you're not wasting your time and effort.
Types of Sites That Pay for Online Typing and Writing Jobs
When it comes to finding paid typing and writing jobs online, there are several types of platforms to consider:
Freelance Platforms
Freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect freelancers with clients seeking various services, including writing and typing. These platforms allow freelancers to create profiles showcasing their skills and expertise, bid on projects, and negotiate rates directly with clients.
Content Mills
Content mills are websites that produce large amounts of content for clients at a rapid pace. While the pay rates may be lower compared to freelance platforms, content mills offer a steady stream of work for writers looking to build their portfolios and earn consistent income.
Blogging Platforms
Some blogging platforms, such as Medium and WordPress, offer opportunities for writers to monetize their content through ad revenue, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts. By publishing high-quality articles on these platforms, writers can attract a loyal readership and earn passive income over time.
How to Find Legitimate Sites
With the proliferation of online job opportunities, it's essential to exercise caution and due diligence when searching for legitimate sites that pay for typing and writing jobs. Here are some tips to help you find reputable platforms:
Research and Reviews: Take the time to research different platforms and read reviews from other freelancers to gauge their reputation and reliability.
Avoiding Scams: Be wary of platforms that promise high pay for minimal work or ask for upfront fees. Legitimate sites will never ask you to pay to join or access job listings.
Top Sites That Pay for Online Typing and Writing Jobs
Now, let's explore some of the top sites that actually pay for online typing and writing jobs:
Upwork is one of the largest freelance platforms, offering a wide range of writing and typing gigs across various industries. Freelancers can create profiles, showcase their skills, and bid on projects ranging from blog posts to technical writing.
Fiverr is a popular marketplace for freelancers offering services in diverse categories, including writing and translation. Freelancers create "gigs" outlining the services they provide, and clients can hire them directly based on their requirements.
Textbroker is a content mill that connects writers with clients needing high-quality content for websites, blogs, and other digital platforms. Writers are assigned projects based on their expertise level and can earn higher pay rates as they gain experience.
iWriter is another content mill where writers can find writing assignments in various niches, such as business, health, and lifestyle. Writers are paid per word based on the quality of their content and their star rating on the platform.
Freelancer operates similarly to Upwork, allowing freelancers to bid on writing and typing projects posted by clients. With millions of projects posted annually, Freelancer offers ample opportunities for writers to find paid work.
Tips for Success in Online Typing and Writing Jobs
While finding paid typing and writing jobs online is a great way to earn income, success in this field requires more than just writing skills. Here are some tips to help you thrive:
Building a Portfolio: Create a portfolio showcasing your best work to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.
Networking: Connect with other freelancers and potential clients through social media, online forums, and networking events to expand your opportunities.
Time Management: Set aside dedicated time for work and establish a routine to ensure you meet deadlines and deliver high-quality work consistently.
Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends, hone your writing skills, and explore new opportunities for growth and development.
In conclusion, there are numerous sites that actually pay for online typing and writing jobs, providing ample opportunities for freelancers to earn income from their writing skills. By leveraging legitimate platforms, conducting thorough research, and implementing effective strategies for success, freelancers can turn their passion for writing into a lucrative career.
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mercysstray · 3 months
typing glozaga doesnt really put the emphasis screaming it irl whatever ewhatver hat the fuck am iwriting do any of hese words maek sense to you
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@a3hl3y Sooomething tells me you used the blue feather sticker for this one, because I'm getting absolute blue jay vibes 👀
Sorry! I replied in the post but then wanted to add more so-
Micha's sticker is the butterfly🦋actually!😂Blue butterflies specifically but butterflies non the less! I am sad that you can't change sticker colours in the game, because I really do love the blue of that feather so much, but the meaning behind the butterfly meant much more to me than the colour itself when I could just stick the colour on his person a whole bunch, like you've seen lol. So good guess!
The thing is, Michael is actually based off a very old oc of mine from.. before my highschool days even! So a lot of his little nuances have been parented down from that original character design and personality - which means I'm more adapting him to the game than actually letting the game shape him. I chose the butterfly for a lot of reasons; from it's associations with mental health, love, dreams, beauty, transformation, and rebirth to the specific exotic-ness and rareness of the blue butterfly itself. It's also why his last name ended up being Hope, actually! For the luck of blue and the promise of a joyful future.
I did go and look up blue jays though! You mentioning it made me really curious, because I do actually really love blue jays but had never considered relating them to Micha in particular. There's definitely some crossover in some themes! Specifically with Steller's Jay (which just so happen to be my favourite jay even!)
The one quote in particular that I really liked was:
“He is the message of hope in disrepair and the will to live. The jay is willing to teach you fearlessness, adaptability and survival but you must be willing to follow its lead.”
It's a very nice quote, and really fits Michael's personality, as a character that often takes the lead and doesn't shy away from a challenge, as one who is willing to learn and adapt and help others also succeed. The 'will to live' bit also really struck me, as Michael is supposed to have a chronic illness, but he's very stubborn about pushing past it and not letting it stop him from all that he wants to achieve. When I first started fleshing out Micha, I instantly knew he was a guardian type - that he was going to be protective of his sister, China, even if she was the older one!😂That quickly translated to being protective of Tamarack too💕He's a very sweet boy, even if he is kind of intimidating to people he's just met!
Anyways, I'm getting rambly! Let's just boil it down to: I might start interchanging the blue feather and the butterfly a little bit! You've convinced me of the merits to the association, so thank you!
I know Micha will always be my Beautiful Butterfly Boy, but he may also sometimes be my Brave Blue Jay Boy now too 💖
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Best Freelancing Sites for Writers
Freelancing has become a popular and flexible career option for writers seeking creative independence and financial stability. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting out, there are various online platforms that connect writers with clients looking for their skills. In this article, we'll explore some of the best freelancing sites for writers, offering opportunities to showcase your talents and generate income from your passion for writing.
1. Upwork
Upwork is one of the largest freelancing platforms that connects writers with clients seeking various types of content, from blog posts and articles to copywriting and technical writing. It provides a user-friendly interface for job searches and proposals, allowing you to build your freelance writing career.
2. Freelancer
Freelancer is a global platform that offers a vast array of writing projects. It operates on a bidding system where freelancers can bid on projects that match their skills and interests. Freelancer is suitable for both entry-level and experienced writers.
3. Fiverr
Fiverr is a unique freelancing platform that allows writers to create "gigs" offering specific writing services, such as blog posts, product descriptions, or SEO content. Clients can browse through these gigs and hire freelancers directly. Fiverr is an excellent choice if you want to showcase your niche expertise.
4. Guru
Guru offers a wide range of writing opportunities, from creative writing to technical content. The platform allows writers to create profiles and portfolios, making it easier for clients to find and hire writers with the right skills and experience.
5. WriterAccess
WriterAccess specializes in connecting writers with clients looking for high-quality content. Writers are ranked based on their expertise and can find projects that match their skill levels. This platform is ideal for writers who want to work on long-term projects and build client relationships.
6. Textbroker
Textbroker is a content marketplace where writers can find assignments based on their writing level. Clients provide detailed instructions for content creation, and writers are paid based on the word count and their quality ratings. It's a great platform for writers of all experience levels.
7. iWriter
iWriter offers a simple and straightforward platform for both clients and writers. Writers can choose from a variety of writing projects, from blog posts to eBooks, and get paid based on their quality and experience. It's an excellent platform for building your writing portfolio.
8. Constant Content
Constant Content is a platform that allows writers to create and submit articles for sale in the content marketplace. Clients can browse and purchase articles, or they can request custom content from writers. It's a great platform for writers looking to sell their pre-written content.
9. ProBlogger Job Board
ProBlogger Job Board is a niche platform that connects writers with blogging and content creation opportunities. It's an excellent resource for bloggers and content creators looking for freelance writing gigs related to their interests.
10. Contena
Contena is a subscription-based service that provides a curated list of high-paying writing gigs and opportunities. While it requires a subscription fee, it offers a more organized and exclusive way to access well-paying writing jobs.
11. ClearVoice
ClearVoice is a platform that connects writers with businesses and brands looking for content marketing solutions. It offers a Content Studio where writers can collaborate with clients and create content that aligns with their brand and objectives.
12. LinkedIn ProFinder
LinkedIn ProFinder is a platform where writers can find freelance opportunities based on their profiles and skills. It's a great way to leverage your professional network and connect with clients seeking writing services.
13. SimplyHired
SimplyHired is a job search engine that includes freelance writing opportunities from various sources. It allows writers to search for freelance writing gigs in their desired locations or industries.
14. Media Bistro
Media Bistro offers a job board specifically for writers and media professionals. It includes a range of writing opportunities, including journalism, content creation, and copywriting.
15. Remote.co
Remote.co is a job board that specializes in remote and telecommute opportunities. Writers can find remote freelance writing jobs, allowing them to work from anywhere in the world.
The world of freelance writing is vast and full of opportunities for writers of all levels of experience. These freelancing platforms can serve as a valuable springboard to launch or further your writing career, providing a diverse range of projects and clients. Whether you're looking for short-term assignments, long-term collaborations, or a platform to showcase your niche expertise, there's a freelancing site tailored to your needs. Explore these options, create a compelling writer profile, and start your journey towards financial stability and creative fulfillment through freelance writing.
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x-b-s · 8 months
iWrite goes after household name status - Jamaica Observer
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babylights · 9 months
if i put all my words onto the page then i will be okay right?
i write
i write
i write
i write
i write
and still
nothing ever change
my parents still dont talk to me
and theyre the ones who did wrong
and my boyfriend doesnt even look at me, even tho i have done nothing but love and support him through everything that he has ever been through. i think i just wanna feel loved again. i love to word vomit. i love to love. i love to tell everyone everything so that no one ever feels left out, but it seems that people still feel that way. or they feel like im annoying. i try. i try really hard. im alwyas tired, but i am never to tired to try. he doesnt know but i always restart his laundry to make sure his work clothes are dry. he doesnt know but i always make sure that the cup that he likes to use is washed and dried before he comes home from work because i know that he wont wash it and i dont want him to drink out of a dirty cup. he doesnt know that i always want to clean his room but dont want him to feel like i am bossing him around. he doesnt know that i want to help him so much but he just want let me. he doesnt give me a chance. he doesnt let me show him what i can do for him. i just want to be appreciated. i come home and immediately get to cleaning. taking out the trash, washing dishes, cleaning up the table where he sits for hours getting drunk. wow. this was alot. thanks yall.
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statisticalsite · 2 years
Bolt Publisher Review { 100% Legit } - Should I Get it ?
Cash In Big Promoting A Completely New Software To The Marketplace. This Is An Easy To Use Professional Software Your Customers Are Guaranteed To Love! Expect high epcs and a complete funnel. We will work hard to ensure your emails make the most money possible and your customers are thrilled they got access. WHAT IS Bolt Publisher? Bolt Publisher is a brand new software that’s going to help you to easily within minutes publish profitable content to Social Media. This is a brand new software the market has never seen before that solves a big problem for marketers and businesses using Facebook. This is one of the best ways right now to generate exposure over Facebook as well as leads and sales. Use our multimedia builder to build an intuitive experience Go beyond the words on a page. With bolt publisher you have the ability to add elements such as videos, slideshows, tweets, instagram posts, audio, maps and so much more. Tell an engaging story to users across the world. Share your article to the world’s most high quality sites. Publish your media rich article to Facebook Instant Articles, Apple News, And Linked In Pulse. Schedule your articles to get published at a later date. BoltPublisher shares your content at the best possible times throughout the day so that you schedule your post. Intuitive analytics that show you the whole picture. Want to know how your story or article is performing? Use Our Intuitive Analytics to see how users are engaging with your content. Need to get your stories professionally written? We’ve integrated with two of the world’s leading article sites to help you get your content written. We integrate directly with Iwriter and TextBroker. BoltPublisher Has You Covered And Will Get You! +) To The Traffic At Warp Speed! +) Fully FB-approved +) Seamless API integration +) Easy to use editor to create articles FB loves +) Complete, step-by-step video training on how to use the software to maximum effect +) The fastest, easiest way to start driving mobile traffic using Instant Articles
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americapiner · 2 years
Iwriter com login
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#Iwriter com login full
#Iwriter com login free
In some cases the pay might be higher e.g. NOTE: The above figures represent the basic iWriter pay. PAY PER ARTICLE-FOR THE NUMBER OF WORDS ($) iWriter Pay Structure-How You Can Write For Money //////////// It’s important to also note that clients are the ones who rate writers in iWriter so you better make sure to give it your best if you want to rise from a standard writer to an elite writer. In the table below, you’ll see the BASIC earnings for each type of writer. Currently, there are 3 types of writers in iWriter namely: These are people who have the ability to write and want to make money writing articles. If my memory serves me right, clients are required to deposit a minimum of $3 into their iWriter account before ordering articles. This comprises of both businesses and individuals who want articles for their various sites. Let’s now look at how iWriter works in more detail. Giving writers a platform through which they can write articles and get paid.Giving clients a platform through which they can order for articles.The primary goal of iWriter is to bridge the gap between clients and writers by: You can think of it as a riskless money making venture where the only cost is a few minutes of your time 🙂
#Iwriter com login free
(Before I get into the nitty gritty of using iWriter to make money writing articles online, let me first make it clear that iWriter is COMPLETELY FREE TO JOIN for both writers and clients- YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY ANYONE A SINGLE DIME! How iWriter Works-Make Money Writing Articles I’ve used it in the past and still do once in a while so rest assured this iWriter review is from one of its members and not from someone who just wants to drive traffic to their blog. In case you might be wondering why I settled on writing a post about iWriter, the answer is quite simple: iWriter has a total of 83,659 writers who hail from different parts of the globe.
#Iwriter com login full
IWriter has revolutionized and brought an entirely new meaning to the term “writing to make money” by literally helping thousands of people make either part time or full time income just by writing articles online.Īt the time of writing this article, there have been a total of 2,739,559 articles written on iWriter and among them, 189,843 have been written in the past 30 days. If you want to make money writing articles, then iWriter is definitely a must have in your writing arsenal and today I’ll be sharing with you on how you can make your first $100 online by writing articles for iWriter. IWriter happens to be one of the very few reputable article writing services on the net that really helps writers to make money writing articles from various niches such as health, home business, nutrition, relationships etc.
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pinerwash · 2 years
Iwriter writer application tips
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Iwriter writer application tips pro#
Iwriter writer application tips free#
In these instances, I’ve categorized them based on what they do best. Note that many sites offer multiple ways for employers to connect with freelance writers.
Iwriter writer application tips free#
It offers an easy sign-up process just make a free account and choose the. These sites typically don’t require any previous experience. This website (iWriter) offers a fixed payout of 80 for an article of 500 words. Once approved, you can choose your writing assignments based on the type of article, topic, required word. You can register an account, specify the type of work you do/that you’re looking for, and start applying for jobs. For Writers: Applying is straightforward and free. These sites connect freelancers of all kinds with work, not just freelance writers. The jobs posted on these sites often require more experience than content networks. Automatic number/bullet list continuations. Minimalistic distraction-free interface. But the truth is that cheap costs are often a trap for those striving to save their budget. This service offers high quality and incredibly low prices. Employers post jobs on these sites and writers can apply through them either by using online forms or through email. Simple and elegant text editor if you want to write an article or take a note. When searching for a writing service to complete one of your assignments, you can be attracted by the iWriter platform. According to iWriter (image below), you can earn up to 80 for a 500-word article. Get paid upon approval (you wont get paid if your work is rejected). Choose an article or topic to write about. These sites are often more friendly to new writers, since they typically only require a skills test, not previous experience. A quick overview of how iWriter works for writers is 1. Writers set up profiles and the networks recommend them to potential employers.
Iwriter writer application tips pro#
iWriter Pro automatically highlights text as you type. Markdown is a good way to format your text, apply styles, insert lists and block quotes. It provides distraction-free writing experience with a bunch of handy features. These are sites that act like online agencies. iWriter Pro is designed to be easy yet powerful text editing app. The pay is about 7-8 per hour, and that is if you slam out a 3.90 500 word article back to back. This list includes three main types of websites for freelance writers: Very little pros, besides usually a variety of assignments to choose from daily (requesters often wont even accept the article. Looking for freelance writers to work on your blog? Interested in becoming a freelance writer yourself? Look no further than this list of the best freelance writing websites of 2022. Freelance Relationship & Dating Advice YouTube Video Creation Dalexa Limited. When you purchase through referral links on our site, we earn a commission. Freelance Writer for Articles and Blog Posts ShoutVox.
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