#ive told a few people about it but for now its a secret ;)
kayak-lmao · 2 months
frank dying in glue trap
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boygirlctommy · 3 months
gazes off into the distance. maybe i should work on monster band again...
#my post#the wondrous oc tag#monster band#the lore is stored in the tags#shakes them (my ocs). i dont know what this story is About yet and i need to decide that before i really go anywhere else with it#idk idk i think its about balance#i dont think ive ever explained much about this story. so theres these 2 magical deer that are like. gods i think maybe#and one represents truth and knowledge and light#and the other is lies and secrets and darkness#and the light deer reveals itself to a group of people its decided have proved themselves Curious enough#and basically makes it their mission to. expose every secret. personal or cruel or even like magic shit#and they think 'yippee were doing the right thing :]' bcus the dark deer (which the light deer told them is evil) is getting weaker and the#light deer stronger !! but um as they continue exposing all these local secrets eventually they get caught in the crossfire and a few of em#are like 'wait thissucks actually' but its not until one of em exposes the secrets of the other members of the groups that the others are#like. wait this is fucked up you cant just do that. bro you cant out me to my mom wtf is wrong with you.#and and um that one guy is kinda far gone and practically controlled by the light deer and the others are like 'Hey Maybe These Twin Gods#Were Originally Equal In Power For A Reason'#and now they have to try to fix everything. but yknow you cant just un-tell someones secrets man so idk how they do all that#smiles. idk how to write endings#SMILES and they all even have names#zenith is light deer and nadir is dark deer#the sorta controlled guy is aster james (or just aj idk he goes by both)#and the others are nerris kal and day!!#kals full first name is kalideoscope :] and day's is yesterday :]!!#idk i like sillay names#fun fact i named aj Aster (latin for star) over a year before i added Astronomically named deer representing light and dark#it was his destiny to get possessed by the light deer....
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ninas-tearsofrain · 5 months
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Pairing: Jake x Kallie
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Kallie has been friends with the boys since they were in highschool. Their friendship always turbulent with many twist and surprises. Things change when people grow up, but can Jake and Kallie ever be, what they were before?
A/N: This was supposed to be a short christmas themed fic, i wrote as a secret snata gift, but i got carried away and i built a whole storyline since highschool age and it will develop into their adulthood. I´m going to continue as much as i can over christmas break, but if i dont get it done in these two weeks, i´ll probably update every week after that, so, Kallie, bare with me :,) (and its barely edited)
If anyone would like to help a beginner writer out, to edit, give ideas or to spice things up a bit, anything would be appreciated
For anyone else reading this, you can just imagine this as an original female character if you want.
This is my first story im sharing on here (and first ever actual fanfic ive written), so please be nice :)
It was warm, despite the angry snowstorm and the merciless wind outside. The fireplace was lit, which engulfed the room in a comfortable heat and a soft orange glow. The lights on the Christmas tree were twinkling like the stars, that weren’t even visible tonight, due to the constant onslaught of fresh snow. You liked it this way, sipping your mint hot chocolate on the couch while Howls Moving Castle was playing on the tv.
You couldn’t focus though. It had been so long since you had spent Christmas with the boys. You were a bit nervous about seeing Jake again. Last time you saw him, you left things on a bit of an awkward note. Josh is your best and oldest friend, knowing him since high school, with that came the friendship with his brothers, it just happened automatically. But with Jake, it never felt like the friendship you had with the other Kiszka’s or Danny. It was always a bit different and felt more complicated.
One day you were hanging out at Josh´s house, when Sam barged into the room, Danny following closely behind, yelling at Josh for taking his charger without asking. “Can you just please stop taking my stuff?! It’s like this every time. If I were to take your stuff without asking, you would literally tackle me to the floor right now” He was fuming, ripping through the room looking for the charger, while Josh was yelling at him not to mess up his room.
You looked to the door, to see Danny still standing at there with an amused smirk on his face, watching his best friend be his usual self. When he saw you, he smiled, it was a “I’m sorry that this is what you’re getting yourself into smile” and gave a little wave, while Sam was so distracted with finding his charger, that he didn’t notice you at first, but when he realized, his mood immediately changed, and he greeted you with his typical Sam grin and introduced himself and Danny. You didn’t know back then, what that mischievous Sam grin meant, when he looked at Josh and asked if he had introduced you to Jake yet. Josh simply replied that he wasn’t home yet.
When you met Jake, it was when Josh had invited you to watch them play in their garage. Josh had told you before, that they were in a band with one of their friends, Kyle, but you would have never anticipated that they were already that good. Josh had just always made it out to be just this casual thing they did sometimes, but they sounded professional. You´d known that he liked to sing but hearing him belt out a cover of rolling in the deep, making it his own and giving you goosebumps, you were blown away.
Then you saw him. Jake. He opened the garage door with some drinks in hand. He was looking at Josh annoyed “Next time just wait a few minutes until I’m here before playing. It’s not like you had to wait that long, last week you were an hour late Josh”. Josh just rolled his eyes. Jake was struggling to push open the door while also trying to balance the drinks in hand, when Josh spoke up “Kallie, would you be a sweetheart and help Jake out? I have to set up the microphone again, since someone just tore the cord out of the wall” he gave a pointed look at Jake.
You could barely see Jake, since the door was facing your way, on the little beat-up sofa, they had in their garage. You pushed yourself off the clearly well used red thing and walked to the door, pulling it open a bit further so that Jake could walk in. “Thanks” he murmured. The first thing you noticed, was his long wavy hair. It fell below his shoulders like a shimmery waterfall. As you met his eyes, your breath caught in your throat. They were the warmest shade of golden brown you had ever seen.
You ripped yourself out of your thoughts, feeling like you were staring into his eyes for an awkwardly long time. “Here, let me help you” you said, while taking some of the bottles out of his hands, as to not look like a complete fool. Your fingers brushed his for a tiny moment, sending sparks through your body and making your fingertips, where they´d touched, feel hot in spite of the air conditioning which had made the garage a bit chilly. You didn’t know, if the goosebumps on your skin were because of the temperature or because of the slight feeling of an impending crush on this beautiful boy in front of you.
Feeling like you´d made enough of a clown of yourself you moved to let him through. You heard Sam snicker behind you as Jake walked to his cherry red Les Paul. He kept glancing at you, throughout the entire time he was playing. You were truly captivated by him since that day.
That tiny little crush grew and grew over the next week, catching him often looking at you on your now almost daily visits to their garage jam sessions, which made it even worse, but he never actually talked to you a lot, he would always just constantly sneak a look at you and continue with whatever he was doing. As time went on, you felt like he just had no interest in talking with you, since he seemed to chat it up just fine with his brothers and friends.
Once, while chilling on the floor with Josh in his room, you mustered up the courage to bring it up. “Josh?” your voice gave away your nervousness, despite your effort to sound as casual as possible. To your relief, he didn’t even seem to notice as he gave a little “Hm?” without even looking up from his notebook, which he had been feverishly writing in for the past few weeks, writing down any lyric idea that popped into his head. They had started writing some original songs, which was exciting.
“Do you think Jake hates me?” Now he looked up at you, with both an amused and a confused expression on his face “What makes you think that?” he asked, bewildered. Now there was no backing out of being vulnerable anymore, but it’s not like you felt like you had to anyway, Josh always made you feel so comfortable telling him your deepest darkest secrets, you didn’t need to feel stupid talking to him about this.
“Well, he doesn’t seem to want to talk to me much.” you sigh, frustrated with him and yourself about caring so much if Jake talked to you or not. “You know how he is; he just doesn’t talk much. He’s a quiet guy, I promise you, he has no reason to hate you, you’re too sweet, silly” he attacked you with a tight hug and a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You were both giggling now, lying on the floor. He always knew how to make you feel better.
After calming down a bit and sitting upright again, you got serious again “I guess you’re right, but none of you act that way around me, not even Danny and he’s also a quiet guy” you said making air quotes “He’s also the shyest out of all of you, but he still talks to me. It´s not like Jake is completely mute, he talks to you guys and all his other friends, so what’s wrong with me? Why doesn’t he like me?”
Josh was looking at you with slightly squinted eyes as if he could see right through you “Are you really that upset that you’re not friends with Jake or is this something else?” he asked, grinning. “What? No, what are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re implying, pfff” you were so flustered, you didn’t know what to say.
You should’ve known, with how much time you spent together and how he knew you so well, that he would indeed see right through you. “I think sweet little Kallie has a cru-u-ush” he sing-songed. “Oh my god Josh, no I don’t” your cheeks were hot and even if you would have been able to lie to Josh, your beet red face would have been a dead giveaway. “Oh, but I think you do. Nothing to be ashamed of, I mean I get it, we are identical twins, he looks just like me, so what’s not to like” he flicked his hair back with a shit-eating grin while laughing.
You pushed his shoulder playfully “Stop, you’re so annoying”, but even you couldn’t stop the small smile from creeping onto your face. He stopped laughing but still had a calm smile when he looked into your eyes “Kallie, you’re the most beautiful, smart, talented girl I know, Jake would be lucky if someone like you had even the slightest interest in him, trust me. His current ´girlfriend´, if you can even call her that, barely seems to like him. I just don’t want my brother to get hurt, but it’s not like I can do much about it except for talk to him.”
You hadn’t even known, he had a girlfriend until now, only proving your point on how Jake never talks to you. Even more the reason to bottle up your feelings.
This went on for a while. You were now a near constant presence at the Kiszka house, but Jake still seemed to be able to avoid you, not like you were looking for him or anything. Even though Karen and Kelly were even starting to treat you like one of theirs and their guest room constantly having some of your stuff left in it, you barely saw him. Until one day.
Josh had invited you over for a hangout, as per usual. You were in the backyard on some lounge chairs, Josh was getting philosophical again, when he stopped “Its hot out and I’m dying of thirst. Would you please be a dear and get us some drinks out of the fridge in the garage. I would, but I’m too busy thinking about the absurdity of our human existence” You laughed, seeing his attempt at puppy dog eyes. You gave in and got off the lounge chair, walking inside and to the door leading to the garage. As you got closer, you heard music flowing through the cracked door, a guitar. Jake was in there.
 You stood infront of the slightly opened door, listening to the fast, angry growls of jakes electric guitar. You could barely see him and his accelerated movements through the gap, his fingers moving swiftly along the fretboard with his head thrown back, eyebrows knitted together and sweat glistening on his forehead. You missed seeing him, even if you never talked. He had his hair pulled into a bun low on his head and he looked… angry. You really didn’t want to go in there. Why did he make you feel this way.
You wished you could just walk back and steer clear of being in a room alone with Jake, after he had seemingly avoided you for so long now. But what would you tell Josh? ´Sorry I didn’t get our drinks, your brother was in the garage, and I was too nervous to just go in there, get our drinks and go, because he makes me nervous to be around him´? That wouldn’t work. You were ripped out of your thoughts, when you noticed that the music stopped, and a voice spoke up.
“You don’t have to stand there gaping, you can come in”. You were caught and now you felt embarrassed, but walking away without saying anything, would be even worse so you pushed the door open and stepped in “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I was just getting some drinks for me and Josh. That sounded amazing though, are you working on something new?” you tried to keep the conversation going, ignoring the tension in your belly.
“Not really.” his voice was monotone, but you could make out an unsteadiness in it, you knew came from holding back emotion. “I just like to play when I don’t know what else to do with myself.” He was looking at you now, his eyes glassy and filled with something, you couldn’t quite make out. Wow, this was the longest he had ever talked to you. Normally he´d give one-word answers and that was it.
He seemed sad and angry though and despite your anxiousness around him, you continued “Everything alright? You seem upset. I know, I’m probably one of the last people you want to talk about personal stuff about, but you don’t have to suppress your emotions. I can get Josh, if you’d like.” He looked distressed by that idea
“No, please don’t, I love him, but I don’t want wise advice right now, I just want to be furious right now and if I had listened to his advice in the first place, none of this, would have happened.” he was tense and you were starting to feel nervous under his unwavering gaze “What do you mean Jake? What happened” “She cheated on me. My girlfriend cheated on me, with Kyle. Guess we have to find a new drummer now, but he’s been an asshole for a while now anyway, this just cemented it”.
A/N: Of course this story isnt done yet. the next chapter, we´ll find out how Kallie reacts and if they can finally keep a conversation going and why Jake has been avoiding Kallie
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josiedoe · 7 months
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funny weird fursona from ages past hours while i wanna take this opportunity to share my art, i kinda also wanna reach out to everybody who had cringy neon old fursonas and oc's that they're embarrassed of or feel like they need to shittalk every time they mention them bc "theyre totally better at making characters now i swear!" this is my fursona splash. i've changed sonas a few times, but none of them will be as important to me as her. she's not there yet, but next year in february, on my birthday, she will be 9 years old. i made her feb 22nd of 2015, my 9th birthday. i stopped using her eventually, because i thought i'd grown out of her. i used to show her to people and laugh about how stereotypical of a mary sue she was, how she had a demon AND angel form, how i'd ship her with characters from whatever media i was interested in at the time, how she had super secret sparkle powers that could do anything and how she's "not me anymore" then i remembered how crushed i felt when my friends at the time first started calling her one. i was knee deep at that point in thinking mary sues were dumb, and felt really bad about it when a friend said she was a huge mary sue and how i should probably change her. they even got mad when i said i didnt want to and told me i "couldn't take criticism". ive tried so hard over the years to distance myself from her while trying not to be too hard on her, to enjoy her in an "ironic, more experienced way" and regard her as what NOT to do.
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this is the first ever drawing i did of her. another oc of mine turns 9 on my bday, and ill do art of her too, but this is where i made her. she was a drawing of firestar that i got bored drawing and decided to slap some neons on from the ms paint advanced preset colors. as you can see, she hasn't really changed much. her name used to be colordrop, because i had a stuffed bunny around that time with the same name. i think i renamed her to splash because i liked splashkittyartist. is the art good? no. did i really care? not really! i didnt even know it was bad at the time, because it honestly wasn't. i just wasn't as far in my art journey as i am now. im glad i never deleted my deviantart account, and i plan at some point to go through and save the images that are important to me on a google drive of some kind. aslong as im able to remember and keep her, she's an important part of myself. she's still me, just from a different time, and also so much more than that. im not sad about her, not in a nostalgic "i wish i could go back way". im happy, if anything, because i only recently realized we shared a birthday. isn't that cool? to not only have an oc that was made on your birthday, but reaches milestones with you? when she turns 18, i'll be 27. when she's 27, i'll be 36. i think that's pretty neat. i think it's important for every artist, if they struggle with this, to look for their old oc's and fursonas and whatnot from when they were kids and instead of looking at them through a lens of "im better now, do you see how bad i used to be at this whole character making thing though? its funny.", instead be kind to your old creations and go "wow, i had alot of fun with you. i wonder if i can have even more." if you're able to, start using them again. write with them again, even if its small and silly and more out of whimsy and joy than actual plot development. i implore you to be kinder to kid you. even if kid you wasn't very kind themselves. if you would look at another kids drawing and oc and go "wow thats amazing! you're so creative!", then you should regard what you made then with the same enthusiasm. put your own work on the fridge if nobody else did. anyways, ramble over. i'm very passionate about this subject because i lived it, and i deeply enjoy reclaiming what i was made to feel embarrassed of. so moon darkraven, demon wolf with an anime scythe and scene bangs and red eyes and neon colors that don't mix, i think you're doing great. i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and that so is the person who made you. happy early birthday to me and my special little gal
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aquariumgirls · 10 months
vei lorepost. (tldr at the end before the cat picture. also this is a huge vent about how being on the internet so young (i was seven) damaged me as a person in a way that i fear may never be truly fixable and also i hate myself)
when i was young (like seven. i was on the internet too young) it was the ship and let ship/dont like dont read era of the internet. being a small child with autism i wanted to consume as much content related to the things i liked as possible, and ended up stumbling upon spaces i should not have been in nor been able to access at my age.
most of them were pertaining to things that i know understand are problematic. it damaged me fundamentally, as i only exited those spaces and realized all the things that i thought were normal were wrong, when i was 13 years old. it was traumatizing for me. it desensitized me to things that i should not be desensitized to. things that are disgusting to me now. and it fucking sucks when people say that fiction doesn't affect reality, because it absolutely fucking does. i am literal proof of that.
when i was eleven, i got my friend into undertale. it was the early days of the fandom, and i liked it because i had watched a youtuber play the demo of the game a few years prior. certain ships were popular. because i was eleven, i thought certain things were normal, and i was in nsfw spaces despite being so young, because it was practically everywhere.
when my friend got into it, she also got into one of the most popular problematic ships. she gave me a nickname pertaining to it, and despite me not knowing why, i was ashamed and embarrassed when she would call me that.
i (obviously) am not pr*ship. i am not neutral, either. i resent pr*shippers because people like them normalized things for me and exposed me to things that i should not have seen, and that should not have been normalized. i still get intrusive thoughts about it. i still feel ashamed of who i used to be. i still feel disgusted with myself when i have said intrusive thoughts. i am in therapy, and it took me a while to realize that it was traumatizing. i didn't just see gross fictional content, i saw real gore, shock videos that made me nauseous, videos from depraved people that i watched on a dare, among other things.
my first anime was hetalia, which im very much NOT proud of. you can imagine the shit i saw in 2011/2012/2013. i also had homestuck as a special interest until i was around sixteen, and by then i had been actively trying to avoid it for about a year.
basically: fiction affects reality and i am legitimately traumatized because of it. to be real i havent told anyone this. im afraid of being judged. i dont want people to think im like the people who exposed me to traumatizing and damaging content when i was little. these things make me physically nauseous with shame. you obviously dont have to read this post because its long as hell but i know that some people my age have probably had similar experiences. i dont call myself an anti anymore because im nineteen years old, but i deeply DEEPLY resent and hate pr*shippers. i also know that some of them are coping in unhealthy ways. but it doesn't change the fact that they exposed me to things i shouldnt have seen when i was a young, impressionable child, and it doesn't change the fact that they're still doing it now.
i am in therapy. i avoid and block every pr*shipper i see and religiously scour blogs to make SURE they aren't one. anytime a blog i like gets exposed for being one in secret, i feel sick.
i was in those damaging spaces longer than ive been out of them and sometimes i think that ill be damaged like this forever. ive done things im not proud of. things that make me so ashamed that i throw up. sometimes i wish i could wipe my memory from up until i was 13. i dont think ill keep this post up very long because frankly i dont want people to think im some sort of freak or whatever, but ive been thinking about this recently and i need to say it to SOMEONE before i go fucking crazy.
tldr: i was in pr*ship spaces until i figured out that shit was wrong and by then i was already 13 (in eighth grade) and by then the damage was already done and now im left with trauma, intrusive thoughts that make me physically nauseous, and a fear that im actually secretly like the people who exposed me to those traumatizing things.
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cat photo to thank you for reading.
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samwearsreebok · 2 years
Sam x Leah
Forewarning: I wrote this while drunk and in my feels about Sam and leahs breakup. Its pretty much gibberish
I was still trying to sort out what to do when I heard the most beautiful voice ever, "sir, are you ok?"
I turned around to see my gorgeous girl staring at me with concern in her eyes, as if she'd never seen anyone so torn apart before. She probably hadn't. In fact, I bet no one had ever looked like this to her before. Her long dark hair flowed down past her shoulders and covered half of her face. She was so beautiful. The way the light caught in her locks made them look almost luminescent. She wore a white dress shirt, tie, slacks, and high heels that matched the occasion perfectly. I almost forgot this was my engagement party. Leah could hold a candle to any woman's beauty.
"Hey honey" leah said as she walked over to us.
"Hi" I managed between breaths. I gave her a weak smile.
She smiled back, but it wasn't quite genuine.
"Let me help you up sir," emily but in putting her hand under my arm. "So you must be Sam, leah wasn't exaggeration, you are beutiful!" She enthused.
"Thanks, you're pretty cute yourself," I muttered as I got to my feet. My knees were still shaking from the shock. I took a deep breath and tried to get myself together.
"Are you okay, Sammy?" Leah asked it must be obvious how weird I felt. Like my whole world just turned inside out. I couldn't figure out why.
It was like when I'd first seen Leah and she was dressed up for the prom. Except then I knew her and was interested, or at least attracted to her. But now...now I didn't know what to think anymore. I think this officially made me worse than my father.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, uhm...thanks." I replied nervously. Leah just stared at me, not sure what to say. I'd been acting really strange since i first turned, i knew that much. Becoming a werewolf then keeping it a secret from everyone isn't the easiest thing. Especially not when everyone is watching you, waiting for you to go crazy again and need to be but away. So I could understand her confusion. I hoped emily wouldnynpick up on her confusion.
Emily broke the silence finally, "i hope we can be friends"
"Sure," I replied, trying my best to sound normal. It wasn't easy. "I don't have many friends in this town. I feel kinda left out at the moment."
"That's sad," she said sadly as she looked into my eyes.
I turned and started walking towards the kitchen, hoping they'd make me some food. My stomach was growling loudly. I'd not eaten anything all day. All morning I'd been too nervous, then I'd gotten sick. I wasn't sure I could eat at all right now.
Leah grabbed my arm, stopping me before I got far. "Sam, are you sure you're alright? You seem kind of..." I watched as her words trailed off.
"What?" I asked.
"You know," she said hesitantly, "a little bit, um...well, different."
"Oh, I'm sorry, did i scare you?" I asked outraged.
"No! No, Sam, not at all. It's just...well you know," she stammered.
I sighed, "yes, I do know. I thought we were supposed to be moving on from this." I rushed. "Every time I have to talk about this I go back to square one." I could feel the tears forming. Just talking about it made me want to cry.
"I know, I'm sorry," she said sympathetically. "But it's good to have someone to talk to who knows what you're going through."
"Thanks," I said with a nod. "Sorry I lashed out, it's just,"
"Hard." She finished for me. "We all have to deal with it in our own ways, Sam. If it helps I'll tell you the truth, ive never seen someone phase before, " she paused, "but I wish I had been with you, it would make things easier."
"You know I'm a werewolf?" I couldn't believe she knew. I thought we were talking about my mental health.
"Yes, I've known since last year," she said calmly. "My mother told me about the story's."
"Your mother knew?" I blurted out, shocked.
"Of course she did," she nodded. "It's the tribs history, only a few people go though it. We keep it quiet, we don't want to risk your safety."
"You mean I could have talked to you about it?" I gasped.
"Maybe, if you wanted to," she shrugged. "But I'm not sure you would have."
"True, I might not have," I admitted. "I just didn't know you knew."
"How did you find out?" she asked curiously.
"Only once a changed did I believe it." I answered honestly. "I spent a week in the woods alone after I first became a werewolf. Then I came back and people started treating me differently. I was paranoid, terrified someone would see me change and think I'd lost it like the rest of my family. So I kept it a secret. Obviously the elders knew and told me I had to protect our people. So I did."
"I can understand that," she said sympathetically. "I'm glad my mom told me, it makes everything easier. I feel like less of an outsider knowing I'm part of something bigger. I just hope it doesn't get you in trouble."
"Hopefully not," I agreed. "Do you mind if we keep this between us?"
"Not at all," she smiled reassuringly. "I promise."
"Thank you," I said gratefully. "I've been hiding it from everyone."
"Like you said, it's hard for everyone to talk about," she nodded. "But I think it's important to know you're still human."
I sighed, "you might be right."
"So, you've been seeing each other a while now?" Emily asked as she enteredthe room. I was happy to talk about Leah. "I haven't seen her since the prom. Have you been dating long?"
"A couple months," I said with a shrug.
"That's not bad," she said. "You've been through a lot in a short amount of time. I'm glad you've found someone who cares about you. Do you two always stay together during these changes?"
"Most of the time," I said vaguely. I didn't want to get into it. "I'm going to go get some food. See if i can convince my stomach to eat."
"Alright, well, if you need anything let me know," she told me.
"I will," I replied as I headed for the kitchen.
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cunttom · 2 years
this sucks and nevermind the comics or whatever ill just say whatever. its stupid but ive had this in my head since april
The end is. Different. Tord pitches his world domination plot only to be told it wont work. Instead, each member of the group posits their own thoroughly-structured schemes, and end up seni-collaborating/fighting to executing their plans before each other. Includes: tord and tom madmen chaos violence together.
Finally, sick of being smothered, and at a moment of Argument, tord unleashes his secret weapon: tordbot!
Eventually he seems like he's expressed all his inner rage and how he feels like no one is really his friend because he doesnt deserve it. Edd talks him down (maybe kaiju battle?) and tom and matt were sitting there cheering and sharing popcorn while tord threw his fit. All their new good moods are spoiled, however, when tords robot slips on the grass in the front lawn and wipes out the entire house.
Whoops! All homeless
COUCH SURFING!!! they're not as mad at each other as they were. A little resentment to tord for destroying the house but theres some good catharsis in getting in a giant fistfight. But theyre also couch surfing. As a group of four.
Desperately, in a more organized effort, they try to put their world domination plot under way. Combining each of their powers, they can do anything!
They can't. But, since tom struck a deal with bing and larry to make more clones as his part of the plan, uh, now there's tons of those. And tords brute force + underground logistical strats have very much destabilized a few world powers. And matt has this super cute zombie army. And edd now has this monopoly over meat packing, which hes the boss of in name only. So 
edd gets bored of it in a week. Tom, matt, and tord are very into it, but. Uh. Aren't. Good at it.
in the midst of potential onset of nuclear armageddon, tom and matt (and tord, extremely unwillingly) retire to their new house: an exact replica of their old house. There's still clones overrunning the streets, so they're like, technically in witness protection, but #girl
tord voice eh i guess in my retirement as god of earth im gonna, uh, do mad science
tord is a mad scientist, world domination optional. he operates from his secret lab in edds house, to whom he pays “rent” (halfassedly doing all the cleaning in a maid halloween costume bought ten years prior).
They all live there still because theyre unemployed slacker losers with nothing better to do. also they have to live in hiding. so.
tord did the body mods on tom (lifesaving) and matt (claims it’s cosmetic but his body was rotting apart).
Figuring tom and matt were now indebted to him, tord gave them a prototype time machine. Their assigned purpose is to generally carry out his bidding, including preventing people who inconvenience him from being born, preventing major inventions and world events so he can create or cause them, and harvesting extinct creatures’ organs.
Tom and matt agree but instead they use the time machine to steal historical relics and then alter history so tord doesnt realize theyre misusing his invention. they pay rent thru stacks of stolen gold bars
they used Time Paradoxes to clone the time machine prototype to get one for edd. Theyre working on making tord forget he gave them a time machine at all, but he keeps reinventing it. He’ll probably forget about it eventually, hes been self experimenting and acting a little weird lately.
matts like okay don't commit quantum suicide and edd is like i wont :3 and matts like ok and walks away and he peeks over his shoulder and edds still standing there holding his time machine so matt turns back around and walks out of the room. And then he peeks back in as edd goes MUAHAHAHAHHAAAAA LITTLE DOES HE KNOW IM GOING TO COMMIT QUANTUM SUICIDE!!!!! and travels to the past. And matt sighs
edd and tord are slightly gay. Thats all Thats all i wanted to say :3
The clones still exist, and . That’s why cokes outlawed btw. Trying desperately to kill off the edds. (Matts are easy to kill for obvious reasons.  Toms can be more strategic in combat, and tords are dangerous, but theyve been stopped from overrunning the planet. Edds, however, are impossibly powerful, and satisfying them has become a national problem. depriving them of their main source of survival is the only way to stop them.)
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weirdbabs · 9 months
i had a dream that guillermo had been approached by a legendary vampire (like. the actual dracula or something like that) who told him that he could fix his problem and make him a full vampire. so guillermo ends up doing everything he says, which includes roping derek into it, and at the cumulation of it all the vampire had him kill derek which guillermo, whos so desperate to finally become a full vampire, does. and it does work, guillermo gets everything he wants from dereks death and thanks the vampire, only for the vampire to tell him that its just the start bc next theyre going to kill the house vamps (to somehow become more powerful thru their deaths?) which guillermo is opposed to
the vamp insults guillermo, telling him that hes too weak to seek real power and that he had no issues killing the vampire that turned him whats the difference with these four, and guillermo gets defensive but struggles to answer bc holy shit hes right i killed derek, who up till this point ive defended against even my vampire family, was it even worth it?? while hes dealing with that personal crisis, the vampire tells him that hes going to kills them with or without his help and then begone
guillermo sneaks into the vamps estate later intent on killing him before he could hurt his family, and sees that he has guests. he wants to be a vampire now, not a hunter, so he wants to keep the killings to a minimum and resolves to kill the vamp when hes alone. (we get to see a shot of the guests as guillermo sees it, the majority of the shot blocked but the vamps faces still clear as day and its the house vamps but guillermo couldnt recognize them bc nandor had his back to him, laszlo had a fake beard over his beard, nadja had her hair done like the bride of frakenstein and w as wearing the most modern clothes ive seen her in, (still matching with laszlo), and colin robinson was dressed like a fedora guy. guillermo for some reason said, outloud, to himself, that the vampires guests were really attractive??)
anyway guillermo tracks down the vamp when hes alone and confronts him, the house vamps enter in mid fight, guillermos secret is revealed by the vamp, everyones hurt (nandor bc guillermo was turned by someone else, laszlo/nadja bc he became a full vamp and didnt tell them). the vampire somehow revokes guillermos vampiric powers, making him human again, and guillermo manages to kill the vamp right before he could kill nandor, and everything is back to the status quo, except that now the vamps dont trust guillermo and he was left with the knowledge that he had tasted his childhood dream and now he may never be able to achieve it again. guillermo stares out a window looking at the freshly risen sun hitting the trees and sighs. he heads towards the front door, for some reason princess carrying a tarp covered nandor, who has his arms wrapped around his neck and is instructing him on what to do to make the ride comfortable and not mess up his hair. he steps outside, pausing when the sun hit his skin, takes a deep breath before descending down the stairs and the episode ends
most of the fandom was losing their minds over nandermo, quite a few people were talking about how fucked up dereks treatment was, a lot of people were complaining about the return to normal and how nothing can ever change in a sitcom, and meanwhile i was so upset that the only thing i had to say was:
“guillermo when he cant recognize laszlo: holy shit that man is attractive
#yeah. that episode was. not my favorite #im gonna try to take whatever i can from it. even if i have to remove all context #i can play with the shit and fart show scenes like dolls. if i want”
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thesilentlands · 9 months
Chapter 7: The Copper City (part 2-2)
As Volt finished setting up the admin comands for Micheal a sudent door creak meet him, it was Vanessa and she was confused and terrified at the sight of Volt, volt slowly aproched her and she just stod where she was, motionless
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-Hello there! -w-what are you?? -oh please excuse my aplerance - Volt went back on standing on four legs - im Michaels companion, i was named Volt -he didnt mention he had a dog, where is he? -The atmospher got to him, he finaly asleep -what do you mean by that? -oh um, im not supoust to say where Michael comes from -why not? -hes sensitive about it -really? -yes! He dosent trust humans ive notised -why? -i dont know, can i trust you? -you can trust me if i trust you -how can i earn it? -i hate to say it but maybe you can show or tell something about yourself or Michael -Are you able to hold my and Michaels secret? -i mean yeah, i dont like sniching on people - good, maybe this will enlighten your mind a bit.- Volt opened his mouth to show a single slot where a power lens once was.
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-is this... -yes it is -so that must mean that you and Michael come from a bunker -how can you tell that HE comes from one -so where he somes from? -well... A bunker.. -are you guys like evil? -why would you say that? -arent bunker people like, evil and crazy over power? -ive escaped from one, i was almoust dead when i came to another bunker opening, there ive meet Michael, he helped me, hes a good guy -huh, so you guys are fine? -you can say that, we wont cause no harm -alright then, i will hold your secret -good, otherwise i will bit your face off -WHAT?! -just kidding! HaHa, but seriously dont tell anyone, michael isnt used to human interaction, he told me that -alright alright! But i have one more question -what is it? -since Michael is with you, does that mean that he has a power lens? -... He does, do you know about them? - a little, but still -what do you think -im yet disturbed about the sudent burst of information but im also exited! -exited? -think about it, lens holders are really rare to see, but there is one inside your room, and one that your gonna live with -i cant think about that, what can i do for now -well you can come down stairs and go meet everyone, just remember to not tell about anything -of course i remember -alright lets go! - they both walk out of the room and shut the door.
9 hours later
Michael finaly wakes up, a bit puzzled on how he have fallen asleep but still happy that he finaly did, he notised something tho, he felt diffrent, not only refreshed but more weard in a seanse, he sat down and little bit unraveled his bandages that covered his power lens and he notised something. The lens glowed brighter and something strange happend once he activeted it, previously there was only an orb but now the orb had an closed eye, Michael poked the eye and it opened up.
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-Welcome [A_Michael]! -w-what? What are you? -i am your lens guide! Please allow me to introduce your new system logs, you mech has allowed you to acces about 50% more of your systems! -what is happening, why werent you awake the first time? -i wasnt active silly! Would you like to how whats avaiable now? -i mean.. sure, show me - Michaels guide created a few pop up windows -your first new attachment is that you can recall your orb when its launched somewhere far away from you! -arent you the orb? -i can take it for a short period guide you are tell you new things! -intresting. -continue? -yeah go ahed -your next thing is to create power liquid extenstions from your previous wonds! - w- how do you know about them? -im in your body silly! I tho i got to say, dont you think theres too much on them? -i dont wanne talk about it - Michael said in a little agresive voice, the Guide covered his eye and scuried a bit away from Michael, Michael then looked a bit worried and he was saying again in a calm voice -whats wrong? -...y- you arent hitting me? -why would i? You where just curious -well yeah, but we arent allowed to be curious -what do you mean "we"?, Are you connected to other lenes? -we are.. in a sort of hive mind, we can comunicate with eath other, but they disconected everyone, only few are still online but they chose to be quiet, but i can still seanse the distress calls from everyone bellow... -im sorry, it just im not used to talk about them -can you tell me something? -what is it? -are all bunkers that terrable that you have so many wonds? -i guess so, they all are mad, they hurt you mentaly and phisicly, but how can you remember it? -the mech that they put me in gave me vision, they created something that looked like a hive of sadness and pain, and also seam to be digging for something.. -maybe materials -maybe, im sorry its just i thot that youd be bad and... -hey its ok, at lest we arent in thos hell holes anymore -yeah OH! -whats that? -youve got a message from your mech! -his name is Volt if you must know -ill make sure to note that, opening the message now - Guide opened a screan that looked like a group chat room.
-Michael is awake? -how do i.. interact with this pad? -you can ither say it or type it down hire -oh -yes, where are you? -downstairs, everyone hire, they dont see me now, chatting with you. -well im going there.. -wait you must know something -what? -Vanessa knows. -what? -OP cant speak no more! They getting suspisious. -what do you mean she know? -... -hello??
-he disconected -great, well thanks for your guidance but youll need to hide -right, have a good day! -bye.. - Michael puts back the bandages back in theier place, to hide the lens and then he gets up, he still wonders what Volt could mean by that? But he shrugs it off for now, he walks to the door and opens it.
After exiting and closing the door behind he hears a some people talking downstairs, he also hears disfigured dog barks, he slowly walks down stairs, to be unexpected meet with a suprise from the cealing.
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-Boo! -Hello? -ugh your no fun -what are.. thos things? -oh yeah, meet my forever friends! One with the lashes is called thorns and the other one is petels -weard names but alright -rude.. HEY EVERYONE, THIS DUDE IS UP - after screaming that Rose abd her pals returned to the void hole.
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Everyone was hire, they looked at Michael and happily welcomed him.
-you had a good night - Frank said -yeah, how long was i out? -9? 10 hour something like that, alright since everyone, whos not on a expedition, is hire why dont we introduce our selfs fully -alright! - Niko happily said -but youll go first Frank!
-fine. Well mine name is Frank Dagger im stuck at 37 years, before all the time substance stuff i worked in a blacksmith with my father and mother, but when the time stuff roled into exsistinc, it made us live forever, after that the black smith bisness has fallen and my parents where never sean, again, they severed contact with me almoust imidietly, but also that im a pretty lucky war veteran, that should explain mine mechanical body parts -do you work somewhere? -of course! We all work in the adventurer guild, you know where they send you out on expedition and stuff like that, i also know a lot about building mechs, my mechanical limbs are all mine work! - i see.
-Guess ill go next, my name is Vanessa Goldleaf, age is stuck at 26, before i was still in collage, but after im now a wildlife biologist, plant biologist and i partly work at the adventurer guild, you know to explore the odd wild life that was created -i see, and whats your story?
-mine turn! Im Nico Clocktick, im 13 years old!, i come from really far, my legs are made from blades, my far away friend made thos for me, he sometimes even visits! Oh got a little too over my self, i do the work around the house, ans i also go on advetures sometime! -arent you too young to do that? - im doing the best of you friend! -hes a pretty energetic kid - frank said -i see, so i guess its my turn, im Michael Walker, mine age is stuck at 24, i.. come also from a far, i worked as a.. i mean i also worked as someone who goes and adventures, and i came hire because i got kicked out from the previous city -what did you do that you got kicked out -em.. its weard, i feel like i been set up -i see, it happends all the time, but why wouldnt you fight back to stay there -they set me up good, i couldnt fight back -like i said it happends, alright i conclude... Oh yeah Rose havent introduce her self -Hissssss -fine then dont -soo what do we do now? -its sunday so we just do what ever -hey.. maybe i can take Michael out and show him around town - Vanessa said -you know, hes new -thats a great idea what do you say Michael -i mean... Sure, why not -Alright! Just let me change my outfit -Vanessa got up and walked upstairs -Volt -oh! Its you! Your awake! -yeah how are you doing? -Great! Frank is a great guy, Niko is a bit weard but well get along eventually - Michael got closer and whispered -what did you mean by that text of yours -youll find out soon -what? -Im ready! Lets go -oh yeah, lets go - Michael and Vanessa walk outside and imidietly as the door closes Vanessa starts a small, quiet chat -so your from a bunker huh? -WHA. Um yeah?? -its.. Really cool! How was there? -you arent disguasted? -why would i be? You seam like a really nice guy! I thot only assholes and people who think they are the highes come from there -i mean.. your right there are only assholes how there -oh, so everyone is right about bunkers, how did you got out - i found the last master key, and just left -nobody nosided you? -nope -left just like that -heh, so you know nothing about the outside? -i know nothing -oh boy you got a lot to learn.
Then Michael and Vanessa chatted about how diffrent theier lifes where, it was no suprise to Vanessa that life in the bunker can and is difficult, but to Michael life outside was a pretty big suprise.
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-so, what do you think of this place? -its fine, better then a bunker -yeah, your probobly right. Say you straight went from your bunker to this city? -we first tryed to went to a bigger city, but someone told us that it dosent exsist anymore and that there was only "man eatting grass"? -oh, you went a little too far, what did you did then? -the guy gave us a lift to a vault, and it showed us where to go, and hire i am -intresting, ive been hire almoust all my life, its a pretty nice city for the most part -im still pretty new to the world you can say -yeah you are, you can also say that you where in a whole other world -heh, yeah... Are we like, friends now? - i guess so, a little bit forced because Volt told your whole bunker stuff, and the lens stuff too, but dont worry about it -HE EVEN TOLD YOU ABOUT THE LENS?! -Hush! People can hear -oh yeah, im just a little mad that it had to come out this way -at least you can trust me, cuz now your friend -im still not sure, in the bunker people would lie, tell behind your back and do a bunch of other stuff -hey, its not the bunker anymore, i know what i say is going to sound weard to you, but you need to let go of what happend -i know, but its difficult, it will take some time for me to forget -i know, but im sure that it will make you feel better -thanks.. -wanne grab some ice cream? -sure! I havent tasted them in ages -REALLY? Thats a crime! -haha.
They both went near a park to buy the ice cream and to sit down, Vanessa treated Michael to some lemon and blueberry scoops wail she got a vanila with too many cheries.
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-soo should i know anything else about living hire? -do you know about the titan threats, by any chance? -Wh. Of course not! What are thos?? -well, one titan that you can see from time to time is the one thats carrying the sun -so the sun is fake now? -well, since we are hire forever and i guess the world is infinite something has to shine light, a normal sun couldnt exsist. Oh and it somehow disapered, i dont know why -weard... So what are the other titans? -well there is one in the ocean, it resembes like a gigant worm thats made from flesh, gives me the creeps when i think about it -has it been hire? -a few times, our defances always scare it off, but its been silent for the past 12 years now -maybe it died -i dout it, they are few of the creatures that where given imortality by the time substance -dam, are there any others? -well there are about 13 more but they are beyond the grass -there is something past it? -yeah a whole other world, many metal citys are there. Not gonna lie, its pretty easy to just fly over it -i figuret.
-have you consideret what you wanne do? -what do you mean now? -well, like a job, you know? -i havent thinked about it, hmm -have you consideret working at the adventurer guild -a little, but i wanne get used to the new place first, you know, nothing too fast -oh yeah. Also its getting kinda late -oh yeah, we should get back -yeah, and as i promised i wont tell no one that your from a bunker, or that you have a lens -yeah, again thanks for keeping my secrets -no problemo!
They both started walking back to theier house, Michael, despite his past experiance, really enjoyed company of Vanessa. He feels somewhat safe around her. Vanessa also enjoyed todays day, she Was going to show more but since the darkness aproched, she wouldnt risk it.
-hello everyone, we are back! -good, you both had a nice day? -yeah been around town, showing Michael stuff -oh ok, i wont boder you for now -where is Volt? -oh, he desided to stay with me for some time,hope you dont mind that -oh, no its alright -we gonna go now -alright, bye.
Vanessa and Michael both enter theier room -emm, where is the bathroom? -oh! Door to the left at the beguining of the hallway -thanks -ill go change, it wont be long -alright - Michaels enters the bathroom and looks at him self in the mirror, the thouth to him self, that hes gonna be finaly happy hire
-Hello Michael, i hope i dont bother you with anything but Volt whats to chat -alright give it hire.
-arent you worried? -i mean dudes a mechanic so i guess its good -as you say,ill be going now -goodbye -see ya!
-MICHAEL. -yeah? -HELP. -whats going on? -THIS DUDE WHATS TO UPDATE ME -so whats wrong with that? -WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT. -... then we are gonna live with it i guess -HELP I DONT WANNE. -Volt listen i know that your scared, but think about this,you probobly been in a bunker for many many years, and your software Must be upgraded -I KNOW. -then why are you afraid? -IVE NEVER HAD AN UPDATE. -dont worry, if he does anything bad to you let me know -OK.
*from behind the door* -Michael who are you talking to? -eee *whisper* should i tell her? -do what you think is best -*sigh* fine. You wanne know? -if you what you. can tell me -go to the living room, ill go there soon -alright? - he hears her foot steps walking away before hearing her sit on the bed.
Michael then changes too, into much conftable clouthing and walks in to the loving room
-hi im back -so what you wanted to show me -well -he sits on the floor, next to the bed -since i have a lens, why not show you some stuff -oh, i didnt thing it will looks so... Weard -well it is just a yellow glass thats in my skin -but whats with the yellow veins -still not sure why they are this way.. -any why are they going up to your pathed eye? - oh um UM -hold on, dont move -hey what are you doing - Vanessa gently removez the eyepath to reavel the lens eye -oh -you think its disguasting, dont you? -well, it is a bit weard to look at someone with a weard eye like that, but if your not conftable i can put it again -no it fine, we are alone so yeah, i dont have to wear it for now -yeah your right.
-huh -what? -ive just notised you dont have that mask on your head anymore -yeah i should come clear of something. I have a SLIGHT hair loss in that arena, but im treating it -well good for you -im curious about something -what is it? -why do you have soo many bandages? -i... Dont wanne talk about it right now -alright. now about that lens -oh yeah, have a look.
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Michael opened his hand and the orb flew from inside the lens, then the orb transformed in to the guide
-Hello again -who is this little fella? -hes mine guide, hes pretty nice -thanks.. -heh -so what can you show me -oh yeah, what can i do right now guide? -well you can chose the information,holografic or modefication tab, chose! -what does the holografic tab do? -i can show you a place, a thing or what ever you like as a hologram! Ill even gave you a breaf discription of the thing, but if you wanne know more refer to the information tab -you have any recuests? -can you show me the Great Deer Beetle? -of course! *Loading* -thats a weard recuest -well im not going up close to thos things, but i wanne know some stuff about them for my reserch, oh i see -done- the hologram portrated a gigant beetle that had very long limbs, the beetle had huge dear horns and big wings -The Great Deer Beetle, is a species of a meat eating gigant insect that dosent apper in this arena, theier habitas are usually dark forsets. now, what would you like to know? -i have a few questions, can they be tamed, are theier posionous and can they spit stuff - the Guide then explained to her about when and how to tame them and denyed some things -thanks a lot! Hold on let me note it all -my plesuere, take good care of Michael, ill be going now! -GUIDE -heh! -dont laught at that! -fine, but you really helped me, otherwise i wouldnt know that they kill humans -yeah *yawn* getting tired again -you need to explain to me how it was in there someday -someday, right now i wanne sleep -you arent sleeping on the bed? I could make a barrier with the pillows between us -i havent showered, i dont what to get the sheets dirty, also im used to sleep on the floor -fine as you say.
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intersex-support · 2 years
hi! im sure you get sick of getting this but i need some help as im questioning intersex after many years and lots of research. specifically im question if i have swcah. ive had pots symptoms for as long as i can accurately recall and am close to constantly in some level of adrenal fatigue, im always craving salt and having electrolyte imbalances as well as feeling dehydrayed easily and having awful circulation.
physically, i had a lot of early growth spurts and was one of my tallest classmates, but now as an adult im barely average, about as tall as my dad who is kind of short for his circumstances. ive been growing facial hair since middle school, and now that i identify as some? flavor of trans masc? almost everyone ive met in recent years asks me how long ive been on T, based on my voice and amount of face and body hair. ive never in my life had access to T, i havent started it, and people are genuinely shocked by it.
[possibly tmi trying to be medical]
i also absolutely have clitoromegaly, thats another reason partners as well have asked before if i have been on T, as well even growing up and before i had any concept of what intersex conditions were, i knew there was something off there and i would awkwardly (like a very small child) tell people i *actually* had, um, "both" when i was gendered as a kid, until i got told by my parents to stop because i was wrong.
final thing probably: i had to get a full physical at 11, including genital physical, and there was a point that my mother was pulled aside and whispered something that she never told me no matter how much i asked. ive been growing increasingly worried lately that it was related to an intersex condition in someway, even if not using those terms, but since im no contact i cant ask now. sorry, i know that one is anecdotal, so feel free to ignore it.
i just want to know why i am the way i am
hi! again! i forgot to mention that i started puberty around 10-11 and ive never had a very normal cycle, sometimes it would be almost normal for a few months then i would go months without anything again, and eventually a really short but really intense, painful, heavy cycle after so long of nothing, its always been like this for me. 2/2
Hey anon!
So, I've done some research to answer this question but I am not an expert on salt wasting CAH and def would reccomend checking things with a doctor if possible. It defintely sounds like you have a lot of symptoms of CAH. Having clitoromegaly, growth spurts but now mostly average, having body hair, the irregular periods--all of those things really stand out to me as symptoms of CAH, and also especially the doctor keeping something secret from you, cause that happens to so many intersex kids.
What I'm less certain about is if you could have gone this far into life without being diagnosed with salt wasting CAH. I know that newborn screening for salt wasting CAH started in the 1980s, but I entirely believe it's possible that it could have been missed, or wherever you were born didn't screen you, or something like that. My understanding, however, is that salt wasting CAH is life threatening if not treated and I'm wondering if it is possible that you could have gotten into adulthood without ever going into adrenal crisis. From everything I've read, it seems like salt wasting CAH is usually diagnosed in childhood because people with salt wasting CAH will go into adrenal crisis without treatment. Honestly, the only way I really think that you could have salt wasting CAH is if you had gone into a salt wasting crisis while you were a newborn but it was treated, and it was hidden from you. It sounds like there's a complicated relationship with your mother and already a pattern of hiding some medical info from you, so I suppose it could be possible that it happened but the info is not in your medical records. Have you ever been on hydrocortisone, prednisone, or dexamethasone long term, as well fludrocortisone? I'd say only if you have been on those medicines long term and had salt wasting crises, that you could possible have salt wasting CAH.
However, what I think is more likely is that you have a variation of CAH that is not salt wasing and also not NCAH. My first guess would be that you have simple virilizing CAH, which is still considered "classical CAH" but is without salt wasting crises. With SV CAH, people usually have a less severe aldosterone deficiency. This means that you might still have symptoms like hyponatremia (low sodium), hyperkalemia (high potassium), hypoglycemia, dehydration, and could also maybe even cause your poor circulation. Usually, this doesn't progress to the point of salt wasting crisis and is more mild than swCAH, but is generally more severe than NCAH. Besides sv classical CAH, there are also rare forms of CAH caused by defienciencies in other enzymes, which have a wide variety in presentations of symptoms.
Another thing that I just learned about is CAH X, which is a variation of CAH that's comorbid with EDS. If you also have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, it might be worth looking into. With CAH X, there's a specific genetic cause that causes EDS, CAH, and most people are also comorbid with POTS.
Also, there is a chance that you could just have more severe symptoms of NCAH. I just read a study that says 1/3 of people with NCAH have a cortisol insufficency. Cortisol insufficency can also cause weakness, fatigue, dizziness, electrolyte imbalance, low sodium--so there may be a chance that you have NCAH and a more severe cortisol insufficency. Anecdotally, a lot of people with NCAH have POTS comorbid (I do as well!) and there really hasn't been a lot of research on NCAH and POTS. It looks like there might be more of a connection between NCAH and adrenal insufficency then previously thought, but there isn't a lot of research done on NCAH. I read another study talking about how a lot of research papers do not specify whether they include NCAH in their numbers of people with CAH.
Basically, I think that it is unlikely that you've made it to adulthood without getting diagnosed with salt wasting CAH, because salt wasting CAH is basically life threatening if untreated. It is more likely that you have classical simple virilization CAH, a rarer subtype of CAH, or NCAH with severe symptoms.
Please feel free to ask if you have any other questions, and good luck!
-Mod E
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tangleweave · 2 years
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Deal With The Devil
Fictober 2022 - [ Prompt 26 ]
{ Fanfiction: Spider-Verse }
Lying in the hospital bed, Norman Osborn appears little more than a shell of himself. Where once there had been a hale and vital man of curiously youthful vigor and well-defined muscle for an American male in his late fifties, there is now a man whose cheeks are sallow, whose skin has wrinkled, whose hair has thinned and begun to gray… and whose hospital gown is far too baggy for his thin, limp frame.
Logically, Eddie Brock knows that what he’s looking at now is only bodily atrophy, and in no way reflects stagnation of the brilliant and dangerous mind housed within its decaying prison. There is still much to justifiably fear and revile here. Osborn’s secret has been out for some time now… the Green Goblin, the bane of Spider-Man’s existence, as well as more than a few average citizens of New York whose lives were unjustly afflicted by the evils wrought via the OZ Formula’s effects.
But for just a moment, to see Norman’s eyes slide lazily open and make contact with him… he doesn’t quite know what there is left to fear from the man. There’s an intravenous drip attached to his left arm which offers him a consistent feed of the antidote – to hear him tell the tale, he’s been on it now for seven weeks, even though the initial injection had appeared to banish the Goblin persona almost instantaneously.
Norman’s lips tug back in a smile that is both slight and wry. “And here I was,” he murmurs, “foolishly thinking Peter would come.”
“He wanted to,” Eddie admits. “I told him it was a bad idea.”
“To visit a family friend on his deathbed?”
Eddie scoffs. If there’s anyone other than Peter Parker who understands just what a load that article of bait is, it’s him. A leftover gift from the symbiote they’ve both shared… even if the personality within has since been destroyed. Memories without attachment. Facts without feeling. He doesn’t offer any other response, but instead tucks his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie and continues to stare at Osborn.
Norman allows the pregnant swell in the silence before changing the subject. “So, tell me, Mr. Brock… how is San Francisco treating its lethal protector?”
Eddie’s icy eyes don’t blink, but he tamps down an urge to squirm in place. He doesn’t wonder anymore what’s left to fear. This encounter would set Pete’s spider-sense buzzing for the rest of the week. “Accordingly.”
“And no spiders to give you a hard time over cashing in on their franchise?” Norman’s smirk widens, deepening the crags in his cheeks. “You still wear their flag like it was your idea. They can’t be thrilled with your code of ethics.”
“They seem to mind it less’n yours.” Eddie rocks his head to one side. “An’ doesn’t look like you’re in a position to vamp like this for too long, so how about you come out with it an’ tell me why you flew me up here.”
Norman’s hand flexes by his side. His fingernails haven’t been trimmed and they make his digits look like broken talons. He draws a raspy breath. “I despise wasting time,” he replies. “But it seems to be all I can do now, as I watch myself waste away. I’m caught, you see, between a rock and a hard place. This… antidote…” He lifts his other arm, showing the IV drip taped into the crook of his elbow. “…isn’t, really. I’ve learned it needs to be a continuous dose if I’ve any hope of avoiding the Goblin’s influence. And you’re here… because I’m willing to bet all the money in my pockets you’re sitting on something better.”
“Well, one, you’re wearin’ a smock, so you got no pockets to speak of, an’ I’m bettin’ all the cash I got on me your ass hangs out the moment you get up off that bed.” Eddie’s voice is as sharply edged as any of the bio-blades his suit can conjure at his whim. “An’ two… what the hell makes you think I’d share any solution I might have with you, of all people?”
Norman tilts his head askance. The light in his eye is not vindictive, but curious. “Whatever happened to ‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend’?”
Eddie scoffs again. “Never worked out, did it. No matter who was on top. Could’a been you, or Octavius, or Dillon, or Toomes, even Fisk… it didn’t matter. Put us all together for a common goal we’d never reach ‘cause we were too busy clawing at each other’s throats by the end. These days, you an’ me? We got different enemies. He’s not my friend, but I’m done goin’ toe-to-toe with him.”
Norman shifts and sits a little straighter in his bed. “That’s your prerogative,” he says, eyeing Eddie shrewdly, “but I haven’t asked you here to discuss the nuances of your relationship with Spider-Man… or with Peter. I only need your help… to figure out how to clean the Goblin out of me for good.”
Eddie’s shoulders rise to bunch up beside his ears. “An’ I’m just standin’ here wonderin’ what the incentive is, honestly,” he returns. “Dunno if you noticed but most’uh New York isn’t exactly in love with Norman Osborn ever since your secret came out. There’s more folks lookin’ forward to you kickin’ the bucket than not. Besides, all the money an’ science in the world isn’t doin’ the trick for you, what makes you think I can?”
Despite the journalist’s scathing remarks, Norman’s quirky smile returns to the fore. “Come on, Brock. You’ve made no secret of what Anti-Venom can do… you’ve been crusading against cartels, trafficking, cleaning up junkies, clearing out entire hospital wards of terminally ill patients with cancer after disorder after syndrome… surely my formula can’t outpace your capabilities.”
Eddie narrows his eyes. “Yeah, you know the difference? Those people didn’t deserve what they had… they deserved a happy ending.”
“Oh, and I don’t, is that it? I brought this on myself and I deserve a slow, agonizing death from the very serum that keeps me from going insane?”
Eddie is silent for a long moment. When he speaks again, it’s with a chastened voice. “I know what it’s like to look death in the face. To rot away slowly, an’ know it’s what I had comin’. In a way, it’s what made me see what really mattered… an’ what was worth applyin’ myself to, with what I had left. So maybe you’ll figure out how to make the rest’uh your life really matter in a good way.”
He turns away from the dying billionaire, and takes two steps towards the door.
“Like raising your son?”
Eddie stops in place. Casts a glance over his shoulder.
“It’s something we have in common, Brock. Sons that never really knew their fathers. Missed opportunities.”
Eddie narrows his eyes and half-turns. “You got a son. I don’t.”
“Is that so? I’m sure Anne would be disappointed to hear you say that. And your father might actually admire you for sounding so much like himself.”
A chalk-white tentacle spears from Eddie’s palm and thrashes across the distance between them, wrapping about Norman’s neck. Eddie’s face is subsumed with unholy fury, the pupils of his eyes gleaming red. “I don’t have a kid, Osborn… but yours is about to not have a dad, an’ he’ll thank God the moment finally came. Him an’ half’uh the U.S.”
Norman’s teeth are clenched, the tendons of his neck popping out in defiance of the tendril attempting to throttle him, but the gleam in his eyes doesn’t fade or even diminish, nor does his smirk. “You do have a son, Brock,” he hisses, “but Anne didn’t tell you before she died.”
The tentacle squeezes more tightly. Eddie’s face disappears, wrapped up in the mottled black-and-white of his phantasmal alter ego.
But even with his throat nearly closed, Norman doesn’t stop talking. “I know his name… and where he is… and I’ll tell you… if you help me.”
The glowing red eyes set in the center of the living mask narrow to slits, and the wicked orange glow of Anti-Venom’s mouth shines on Norman’s face with vengeful light. “What makes you think I would ever believe you?”
Norman gasps out his response. “Because… I wouldn’t… have brought you… this far… without… an ace… in the hole.”
Rows of jet-black needle-like teeth clench together and a snarl ejects through them as Anti-Venom shoves his face to within an inch of Osborn’s. There’s little use in the move, though – while it might be a show of intimidation to random street mooks, Norman Osborn doesn’t frighten easily, not even for the likes of a Darkforce-branded polymorphic alien. And a dying Norman Osborn frightens even less.
An eternity passes between them. Followed by another. Spots dance at the edges of Norman’s vision.
And then… the tentacle releases from around his throat, permitting him to gasp lungfuls of stale hospital air into his atrophied body. There is a singular moment of relief and even elation at having his breath and blood flow restored—
Spoiled almost immediately by the abrupt sight and sensation of five enormous ghostly white talons spearing through his chest and into his torso as though he was made of Jell-O.
Norman feels a hideous contortion amidst his organs and a thickening of his blood, and he looks up at Anti-Venom, his expression suddenly trapped somewhere between confusion and horror. Had he misjudged?
“What are you…?”
The hulking outline of Anti-Venom fills his vision, towering over him, looking for all the world like an overgrown, impetuous fiend come to steal him away directly to Hell for his transgressions against humanity. And for this singular moment, he almost begins to believe that was exactly what the chalk-hued creature is doing.
Until his baritone voice issues an irritated reply.
“I’m doing it, shut up.”
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mika-meowz · 2 years
-As far as I can tell, Mondo didn't hate crime Chihiro??? Although Chihiro's character can definetly be read as such and I do personally agree with the theory, I don't think she's stated to be trans in game- but hey! Maybe I should trust the subtext especially with the new Summer camp game thing that came out recently!! (Where I'd like to point out- Mondo is accepting of Chihiros secret) BUT ILL TRY TO KEEP THIS ABOUT THE FORST GAME
I thought Mondo killed Chihiro because she called herself weak for keeping a secret for so long. Mondo felt like he was indirectly being called weak for keeping a secret for so long too and snapped under the weight of potentially losing the gang and being called weak after his weakness is what he believes got his brother killed- plus, yknow, the whole stress of being stuck in a killing game
Plus didn't he make the extra effort to keep her secret even after she died?
Does that make murdering alright? No! But I don't think it was a hate crime like I keep seeing people say? Feel free to share your opinion tho because this is just what I think
-Apparently its mentioned that Sonia takes care of the Devas after Gundham dies
-I just generally love Gundham. So much/p
-Did you know there's a theory that Ibuki and Gundham are siblings? I really like it
-The anime's pretty good! (Well, the Despair Arc is at least, I haven't seen the rest shdgdhgd) VERY GOREY THO BE CAFEFUL. LIKE ITS MORE THAN JUST DEAD BODIES THERES LIKE TORTURE N CHAINSAES IN SHIT
-The way Toko is written did not agr well at ALL in my opinion
-Im so on the fence about how to feel about Mikan, though I do feel bad for all of yhe trip scenes she has. Just. Whyd they do her like that
-Did you know that during Mondo's execution, Taka was crying and screaming to stop the execution, but we just didn't hear it because of the music??? :>>>> it hurts me so bad
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ginnsbaker · 24 days
Ive been so sick the past few days stuck in bed and just generally dying so imagine my excitement when i saw a new chapter (in my fever ive been very delusional and remembering the date has been the least of my concerns 💀)
no but in all seriousness the chapter was perfect first thing i wanna say mama reader is awesome her advice is so good and i love her i want one but her advice is gonna bite readers ass so hard cos like she said you’ve made your choice and im getting the impression reader’s decision is give it a chance but with Danny opening his big mouth its gonna make leigh unhappy so basically roles reversed 💀(i know ive been wanting him to and i’ll come back to this)
I liked the interaction with jules and leigh they’re not always on the same side but they’re still siblings who obviously care a lot for each other so it was cute especially jules remembering leighs comfort snack - i wonder if later for whatever reason leigh is sad or something and reader brings it to her and it just gets to her a bit that reader took the timt to learn the little things about her 🤔
I thought that reader knew leigh worked at the advice column cos originally i was like how are you this mad you knew she worked there and your submissions are very specific so it was obvious and easy to figure out so why you so mad but im guessing i just misunderstood (which in my current state seems about right) i do like how reader called leigh out on her hot and cold tho and while i do understand her reasons and okay maybe it tugged on my heartstrings just a little bit she did need to hear it not to hurt or upset her but so she can grow from it
HOWEVER can the two of you just call it even you both kept something from the other so call it a tie and start fresh cos you both want each other so kiss and make up cos when danny starts running his mouth i know miss shaw is gonna be mad a small deluded part of me is like maybe she will see the fact that it wasn’t readers thing to tell cos danny should’ve come clean about it but in those moments anger comes much quicker than any rational thought and especially after reader got mad at her for her secret if i was leigh i would get mad too (slight double standards) EVEN THO I WOULD NEVER BE IN THIS SITUATION COS I WOULDVE TOLD DANNY TO FUCK HIMSELF WHEN HE ASKED READER TO KEEP QUIET and i know i said i want danny to come clean but i didn’t mean like this 😭 not when reader was about to make things better (im assuming thats the decision they came to) its literally gonna be reader being all happy and excited and leigh pissed complete role reversal of the fight they just had and im scared
Also i was so worried danny was gonna hit her i was reader to beat his ass
I love your brain for coming up with this stuff but it hurts hopefully not forever tho (i swear im gonna need to reread your other more fluffy stuff to cope)
Actually, on that bit about Leigh working at the website part-time... Reader didn't know about that, just that Leigh used to work at the Beautiful Beast and then quit recently for another job.
Yeah, at first R was upset because Leigh pretended not to know about her feelings for her, but then that fact highlighted Leigh's treatment of her looking back. So she's more pissed about that, the inconsistencies, the hot and cold treatment.. but at the same time, she also remembers now what she went through herself losing her dad and brother. So R's mom encouraged R to extend her patience and understanding.
Yeah, Danny used the secret for his own benefit--again. I mean, he needs to do a lot of growing up, I guess. Or, I don't know. People do stupid stuff when they're heartbroken.
The second season of Sorry for Your loss kinda ended their relationship when Danny punched a wall :) So I kinda borrowed that scene :)
Whew! That was long, and I'm not complaining :D I love discussing the story with you as always :P Thanks for reading my dear!
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neckofjewels · 5 months
my knuckles are bruised with the mirror,
i shadowbox my visions of peace in a bathroom before leaving,
a tree collapses silently in a forest of nobody,
i speak of these words which i have no definitions,
like a man, or god, or myself, or love
i mean truly, what is love?
is it cannibalism you feel when you realize blood is a turn on?
that you think nothing is hotter than a knife pressed to your throat?
or is that too uncomfortable to speak outloud?
how many truths can i say until its decided i talk too much,
i think art is meant to comfort those that cant find it in reality,
thats why people wish for others to share these secrets with.
i remember smoking weed on the rooftop of walkersville,
and my late friend told me that she hated being on her period.
i felt gross, like my body felt weird from that.
or that time i was thirteen and my friend told me he kissed a boy,
i felt a knot tie in my stomach and tangle my tongue.
but i grew now, and look back at those moments and wonder why?
because i was never conditioned to hate people,
but i felt uncomfortable when people got too honest.
like that is even a thing you can be.
i realized how stupid it was for me to react that way,
i look up to the courage people have when being so everlovingly pure,
so willing to share every moment of their life to leave an impact.
i think we are so self-centered when it comes to pain and lust,
that we become forming these generational hatreds to others.
i remember a few years ago i was confused about my gender,
i still am, but back then it was like, ive seen nothing but bad men
and i sort of hated being associated with that,
of course it ran much deeper than that, i felt better seeing myself
how i was, but my guy friends were so bad.
there was this boy that was gay, and they made fun of him
it was too the point where he disactivated his account
because the comments were just flooded with these words,
these words we are taught not to say because they hurt,
but when you read them as letters you dont understand the pain.
so you sort of just grow immature.
i always just nervously laughed, knowing i felt similar to him.
and thats who i want to disconnect with now.
i dont wanna bystand the badness of life and humanity,
i want to use my words to reach out and help.
and ive built this guilty conscience from days i stayed quiet.
thats why i now question how deep you are allowed to get in poems.
am i allowed to say im scared of sex because ive never been -
that close to someone before and i hate my body.
or is that not manly enough to offer a problem for.
theres so much i am afraid to bring up or say in front of crowds
because how will i be seen if seeing me involves vomit.
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blackvail22 · 7 months
i think this is the worst shift of all time. she wasnt lying LMFAO
i mean 30 minutes of nothing because of opening, 1.5hrs register, 15 minute break, 2 hours of register, 30 minute break, 2.5 hours ofnregister. doesnt sound bad when you break it down, but its SLOW. I've already done everythint on the chore list and ive only made it to my 15 minute break. GIVE ME SMTH TO DO PLEASE IM GOING FERAL 😭😭😭😭
edit: the 2 hours before my 30minute break went fast. after my break, though, all of the rude ppl came in and it was a loy busier in general. im off work now, but im feel so overwhelmed and angry because of the way i was treated today. i know its going to happen in customer service, but bro?
and when i came home, i was doing things around the house to make me feel productive and so i dont feel stuck in the emotions im in. i gave my mom the mail, and she said "ew, why are being a cunt right now" i took a deep breath, and i said "im sorry." she asked me to get her glasses off of her dresser (as shes sitting on her bed) i told her "yes" in the best neutral tone i could. she said "thank you" and in the same tone, i said "no problem". she snapped "oh, so we're gonna be sarcastic now?" i apologized and said, "i had a bad day. im not trying to take it out on you" and she yelled at me abt how its not her fault and how she doesnt yell at me unless im being a "lazy-fuck" (which totally contradicts because she was yelling at me when she said it).
i had a bad day.
i want to cry, but i dont want to look like a sensitive baby that takes everything to heart.
i just really didnt need this day to go like this.
even in the beginning when my mom yelled at me before i went to work, i thought positively. "theres 80000 seconds in a day. why throw away the whole day when someone ruins just 10 seconds" but the 10 seconds kept adding up.... its hurting now.
ill get through it. ill be fine.
edit 2: i cleaned for about 30 minutes after my last update, and then i played a game with my boyfriend. i was afraid i would bring him down because just talking make me emotional, but i had a lot of fun! he actually asked to play first which is pretty rare but ill take it! he ended up having to leave after abt an hour, but it still made me feel better.
its about 6 hours after that. i was feeling fine until now. i feel like i need to cry again.... its probably because i wouldnt let myself do it before.
i keep forgetting only you and a few people at my job know i have a boyfriend. i like keeping things private and not being explicit abt personal things. its like a breath of fresh air since i dont know how to not overshare...
i mean, look at this whole blog!!! i dont think there is one secret i havent told at least one person... which js true, because the only one i remember having i told my friend when we went to the movies last week.
thats depressing
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liltiffy777 · 1 year
So my life and before i go into all of it YES i know only I can change it and OnLy I can make things better and walk away but what fun is that and what does that really accomplish i guess me myself i look at relationships as a challenge its a big battle that the both sides try to learn and adapt to one another's ways and stupid things they do....but ive met my match with this one we are 2 peas in a pod and i say that because im noy sure who believes in astorology or what not but my bday is may 22nd his ...may 18th so we're both on the cusp of gemini and taurus so SUPER HEAD STRUNG BULLHEADED A**H**** PRETTY MUCH in a nutshell so we are way to alike in alot of the bad traits we both dont know when to quit and stop he thinks im trying to be dominant and feels i need to be with a girl but lemme ask yall something here when a man is sitting there and talking crap all about you and your people are you just going to sit there and shut up like a good girl and let it go? I bet not i tell this man daily its 2023 not the 20s no more i dont have to do as you say and what not im not a puppet and no i dont wana be the man i just was raised by a very head strung women that told me there aint nothing you can't do that a man can and im sorry i look at girls and men as equal thats all i ever expect but no im dominant and i wana be the man and i need a girlfriend like then i say its his ego and pride that im stepping on nope instantly flips it on me and makes it all me me me me me all the things i said the pride and ego yeah its me kuz my mom raised me wrong she raised me to feel i was above everyone and can do no wrong and thats false i was raised with dont ever feel there is nothing you cant do and noone is better then the next and yeah but this one is a challange for me he well lemme rewind a bit in the beginning we had some trials and tribulations we have been together 4 years now and its at the end weve beaten on each other physically and mentally because of how much alike we are and i made a few mistakes that he uses against me daily i lied about having a pen pal Still when i got outa prison is when i met him the one im with now and i didnt think nothing of it because pen pals are a thing to just waste time and something to keep your mind at bay when ur locked up and i felt bad because i was in a relationship when i went down and he left me for dead and it killed me and it took a long long time actually i still not over it and funny story my ex lives in my apartment building yeah i said god you got jokes mind you no i havent talked to my ex at all and bet me and my dude got into it because i had to say something just in case he found out himself then oh man but it still didn't matter we fight about it daily that i had him move in here and blah. Blah blah blah no i didnt but anyways yea my ex is the one i say that got away kuz of my ignorance of messing up things going to prison messed the best relationship ive had ever up and here iam miserable but to stubborn to walk away theres more but im tierd of typing i can type for days seriosuly so any thoughts or suggestions let me in on some secrets to sucess here...
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