#ive thought this since like 2019
lesbianambulon · 1 year
not to be a simp before the sun goes down but I'd let tfp wheeljack run me over
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doodlebloo · 1 year
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Oh Charlie Slimecicle we're really in it now
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kateis-cakeis · 10 months
What's really wild about the kiss right is like, the entire scene I could feel it all building up to a kiss, but like in the back of my head I was like nahhhh a kiss won't happen! They don't need a kiss at all, who needs a kiss, it's just not them. It's not something Neil Gaiman would do, after all I had some distant memory of an ask bouncing around in my brain. I have no idea what ask, but idk something.
So yeah I was like shhhh to my brain that was like oh my god are they gonna like it feels like it might be time for a desperate plea kiss! And then it happened????????????????? And my partner looked at me for my reaction (because she got spoilt sad :() and I know what I was expressing.
As in, I wasn't expressing at all. And I'm very expressive. I was just staring like is this real, is this actually real right now. And of course I was experiencing the utter shock of the scene, the utter like anger on Crowley's behalf (look, look okay after I calmed down it was fine but like what can I say I'm a redhead, I have to be on Crowley's side by law okay) But I just wasn't expressing, I was just staring at them. Blank.
And just! It was so unexpectedly expected? The scene very much was like screaming at them to kiss, with the music and all. It's the payoff right, ultimately, we were waiting all season for a kiss between Nina and Maggie, right, and instead we get their parallels kissing instead. In the world's most static kiss ever but like you know... desperate times and all that, can't really kiss well when you know ya barely know how humans do it, it seems.
And I'm still in shock when I rewatch what is about an 11 second give or take a second (I counted) kiss. And it happened, and it was real, and not in a million years would I have seen it coming, nor would I have imagined it would happen like that either.
But we got a kiss, and I don't know, it would be cruel and funny if it was the only one. After all, they don't need to kiss (or maybe they do with how Aziraphale pressed his fingers into his lips). But, I don't know... I think they need a redemption kiss, you know... some practice. Something because oh my god, it's a cool kiss to watch but that was a harddd press of the lips and that's just it.
Still, the point is, sometimes you can feel as the audience that something is coming even if your brain is telling you it's impossible. And that's good writing, it's good acting.
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bethiewhimsy · 6 months
my beloved friends. if i were to post something so incredibly horrifically silly. would y’all still love me.
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disastercit · 1 year
yeah yeah you know the drill. funny barbie meme send post
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dont go to woodscout parties, worst mistake of my life
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sirompp · 5 months
im. animating something 😁
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
last night i started rereading david copperfield. i've read so much new literature this year, i wouldn't say im "burnt out" but i feel like im cycling through things so fast that i... i dont know. i dont feel like i get to have them melt into me as satisfyingly as they used to although that might also be a product of how i feel about my overall *life* right now, idk. deep stuff but anyway.
i havent read a novel in almost four years. i have been too ashamed to pick them back up and i left off in the middle of the professor by charlotte bronte, which i always felt ashamed for being unable to finish. someday ill reread the beginning and finish it, but yadda yadda yadda i hate that nagging feeling that i HAVE to do something. reading should not feel like a chore. which is also how ive felt about my reading plays at such a quick rate this year. not that its a CHORE, like im not enjoying it, but like it's a daily task im distracting myself with to get some temporary pleasure and im cycling from one to the next at an almost monotonous rate. i can't keep living in my imagination like this. hiding from the world and pouring myself into new ones.
i always figured id want to reread david copperfield someday, too. it's one of my three favorite novels ive ever read (not that ive read SO many novels, but still). i think of it often. and i dont think of it like it's a highly literary or intellectual novel. i think of it like an old sitcom or a newspaper strip. like a victorian peanuts or full house. i've never forgotten a bunch of the characters' catchphrases and i've continued to slip them into conversation with people who don't understand them just to overly-explain a joke that only i'm really going to find funny. because that IS the kind of person i am.
ive only read the first four chapters so far. i just cant wait to get to aunt betsey's place, to be honest. i didn't even think about this part... this is the first novel i'm reading since i became an aunt. i never had a character in the book i related to *too* much; i had certain things in common with dora and i loved her, but we weren't one and the same. but my niece is only two and a half months old and i already feel like oh yeah. oh yeah i'd take this little girl in after she ran away from her abusive boarding school. i'd provide for this girl. i'd raise her with my neurodivergent friend that i live with. i would do ANYTHING for her.
#tales from diana#diana rereads david copperfield#may as well make that a tag now#two reasons i thought to reread david copperfield now:#besides as i mentioned i wanted to re-enjoy an old favorite bc ive been cycling through new things so much im getting tired#1) i was going through my old tag from when i reread sense and sensibility like two months after i read it the first time#(after i already went through my tagged/david-copperfield and relived my posts i made from when i first read it)#and i was like gosh it's really been five years EXACTLY since i first read it#i started it in november 2018 and finished in january 2019#wow. like wow#and 2) ive mentioned it on here before but i keep thinking about mr. dick's affinity with king charles i#how i understand what he means now when he said all of king charles' sorrows were poured into his head#when charles was beheaded in 1649#yeah it really is one of my favorite little novels of all time. so much charm and so many ppl in it to love#i told dan when i read it the first time 'i laughed. i cried. i got thrown into debtors prison'#he liked that#also after i read david copperfield the first time i started calling him dan'el. like dan'el peggotty is called#i never stopped doing that lol.#dan doesn't understand that i contain all of mary queen of scots' sorrows but thats ok#i didnt even think about it before reading it but yeah i am absolutely going to be my niece's aunt betsey#your sister betsey trotwood who disappointed me on the night of your birth
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searidings · 2 years
What season was current when you started watching SG?
i was waaaaay late to this clown convention bro 5a was airing as i was catching up on five years of lesbians!!!
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I love making new blog themes and refusing to change my pfp
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
☕️ bway hadestown updates
female hermes cool as hell. do orpheus next. #girl
other than that i dont really follow bway ht updates much
[ask meme]
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torturedpoetdean · 2 years
thought i just had a migraine but it’s turned into full on covid symptoms covid really won’t let me rest til it takes me out huh
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orbdog · 2 years
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just inch resting to see
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himejoshiangels · 5 months
I think it's just frustrating, a lineup of characters and none of them ever look like me idk
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 months
Since you already drawn Ink and Error as human, did you ever wondered how PJ would look like too??/gen
yes!! here's a quick doodle of what ive thought of:
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there's an older design ive made before similar to this (under the cut)
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if you can't tell, this was made in around 2019 HAHAHA
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senxitive · 2 years
I am thinking about her (christmas)
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charmedreincarnation · 9 months
ive known abt the void since 2019! yup, it's been 4 years lol. i was feeling mad depressed abt this but during that time, i have honestly grown spiritually and a week ago, i just sat down and wrote a post explaining the law from my pov and how i think people should apply it. as I was writing it, i realized what I believed to be the law and what i was doing in my void state journey were damn near opposites. lemme explain. if i truly believed the void was within me and i could enter easily, wtf was i meditating for it. i could just wake up in it right? but i was meditating damn near 2 hours everyday. so i honestly took a step back. away from me and just thought abt the void on its own? what is the easiest way to enter the void? wake up in it. all you gotta do is sleep and boom you're in when you gain conciousness. then why wasn't i trying this? because i didn't believe it was possible. i kept thinking of the void as a meditative state but it's not. so i went and read @gorgeouslypink doubts post and found all the success stories of people waking up in the void (ty to @voidarchivefiles for making that a billion times easier) and i searched reddit, and amino, and youtube. once i really believed that, i thought abt how to use this method. so i just listened to this subliminalevery night i fell asleep and every morning after I woke up and anytime I felt like it just for like 5 minutes and just affirming that i am going to wake up in the void state tonight and stuff like that. I somewhat detached bc to me it was something that would happen in the night so I'd just live my life for the rest. I started practicing your intention method. I would be like subconcious mind, I am going to drink this water and I would and shit like that. And I did listen to kottie's subliminal that @gorgeouslypink shared and I woke up in the void state and I manifested my desired face and acceptance to my desired university. I am going to UCLA now!!! I am honestly so happy and I just wanted to share. This took me 5 days, it was just releasing doubts (like genuinely) and intending to enter. I hope this helps other and thank you so much.
Im so happy for you <3 this also reminds me of my journey. I tried every method under the sun…. literally every single method. It seriously burned me out and made me hate my life and shifting/manifesting.
Honestly making the law feel natural and doing things you would only be doing whether you were trying to manifest something or not really took a lot of the weight of my shoulders and made it 1000x easier. I’m so glad you really took the time to find what you wanted to do and not what others were doing and stuck with it <3!
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