#its not perfectly looped because im tired and if you ask how much time i spent on this i will cry /lh
fluffydancer618 · 1 year
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New item acquired! You found: [Horny Mug]
Item description: There is so much "One Certain Cup With His Tits Out" content, that you could make a separate cup out of it. The only mug in the world, that makes you only more thirsty, when you drink from it.
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alygatorwrites · 3 years
can I request a lil something? during the end of the manga or after the timeskip if you haven't read it yet, reiner still has feelings for historia and reader has one-sided feelings for him.
pieck gives reiner a small hint, saying he's wasting time while there's someone close to him that cares for him and points to you. he doesn't understand at first and maybe is conflicted about his feelings for you because of historia. reader is cool about it as she doesn't expect him to reciprocate her feelings.
a rollercoaster of emotions later, maybe there is a happy ending tho? i am curious to see what you can come up with 😭😭 i have dreaming of this scenario before bed and i can't help but get jealous of his crush on historia abjdsndks maybe you can help reiner reciprocate reader-chan's feelings or not
thank u so much aly 💖🥺
pairing: reiner braun x reader
a/n: OMG yesss! honestly, i was kinda annoyed at how reiner still had a crush on historia. i know that isayama wanted to show how everything went back to normal, but i was hoping that reiner would have a bigger role in the allied nations instead of being "dumbed down" to having an obsession with her. MAYBE THATS JUST THE JEALOUSY SPEAKING LMAO 😭 i was hoping this would be longer, although school has been killing me so im really sorry!! i hope its okay 💗💕 thank you honey!
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as reiner is handed historia’s letter, you fold your hands on the table and watch him without a word. when he reads the lines and smells the parchment - jean saying something snarky afterward - you say nothing.
you want reiner to be happy: you want to see him at ease like this more, face soft as the leaf of the page flits from his pinched fingers.
and so you let the man speak about historia like she’s a damn goddess, gushing over her handwriting, and keep your goddamn mouth shut. ignore your jealousy. your feelings.
the truth is, you’re in love with reiner.
you can’t even remember how it happened, but you can remember the first time you looked into those hazel eyes, and how you knew that they were going to stick with you for eternity.
you’ve come to accept his crush on the queen, though. reciprocation was never an option in your mind.
when jean begins to chew reiner out for lusting after a married woman, and reiner says something about jean being a horse, pieck’s gaze lands on you. “you’re rather quiet,” she says softly, resting her head on her palm.
you shrug, turning away from her. “i’m just tired.”
pieck catches your chin between her lithe fingers, and turns you to face her with a tiny smile. the young woman is very perceptive, and you’ve known her long enough. 
that’s when you notice the twinkle in her eye. she’s planning something.
pieck releases your jaw then, sitting up in her chair. “you’re wasting your time, reiner,” she says suddenly. “there’s already someone you know who cares for you.”
you pretend to not hear pieck - and definitely pretend you don’t see her faintly point at you through your peripheral. the movement of her fingers is barely there, but you catch it.
damn you, pieck.
the way you’re now pinned underneath armin, jean, connie, and reiner’s stares makes your stomach tie itself into knots with bubbling reluctance. shit, this is awkward. you want to run away.
still, you peer over to study reiner’s reaction. he looks confused at first, the contours of his face unreadable. you swear you see connie facepalm at the man’s cluelessness.
then reiner’s expression slowly changes: his eyes widen in awe, lips parting slightly, and brows knitting together. he seems genuinely surprised - and conflicted.
conflicted? why?
there’s no time to explain yourself though, because the door creaks open and annie steps in. her words fall on your deaf ears, and when everyone stands up to leave, you’re the first one out of the room. work beckons you as always.
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two days pass.
you’ve been busy filling out tons of paperwork pertaining to the allied nations, so when you’re finally given a day off, you take it with open arms. 
freedom at last.
you lean against a bench outside of headquarters, enjoying the salty breeze that flutters along your skin. it’s dusk, the sky covered in a gradient of neon colors as the sun dips below the horizon.
you haven’t seen reiner since that day in the conference room. you wonder how he’s doing, what he’s thinking, how he’s holding up -
speak of the devil. you glance over your shoulder toward the voice, low and familiar.
reiner approaches you, clad in his uniform: the suit hugs his large frame perfectly, showing every flex of his muscles, and his blonde hair is neatly parted. the black tie looped around his neck just pulls it all together. it has you weak at the knees every. single. time.
“hey,” you answer, giving reiner a smile as he stops beside you.
and that’s when your heart lurches at the sight of him.
the sunset highlights reiner’s profile in gold, a heavenly shine that settles upon his blonde lashes and the flawless slope of his nose. the flecks in his irises sparkle – a beautiful mixture of soft browns and muted greens. the only thing you can do right now is admire the man. 
his words are what breaks you out of your daydream.
“work has been crazy lately, huh?” reiner says, focused on the candy-floss clouds and their fluffy shapes.
“well - yeah, pretty much. i don’t want to look at a pen or a piece of paper ever again.”
“that bad?”
“you have no idea. i almost regret marley and paradis reconciling.”
reiner chuckles gently at the joke, but it’s strained. his forehead remains creased, and he’s not really smiling. the emotion there is more … doubtful. it’s like he’s having some sort of inner conflict.
hopefully reiner’s not acting cautious because of the other day. you know he doesn’t return your feelings, and that’s totally okay. you’re happy enough being with him like this. “i’m not mad or anything, y’know.”
reiner stiffens at that. there’s a white flash of teeth when he chews on his lower lip. “i know.”
“good,” you hum, breathing out a sigh of relief. your core twists with envy when you force a grin. bite it back. tease him like always. “so about historia … ”
reiner’s eyes go wide almost comically, and you hear the breath in his lungs leave his firm chest in one exhale. there’s a light blush staining his cheeks now. it’s funny; he’s so goddamn big, yet he’s such a teddy bear.
“y-yeah,” reiner mutters. you observe the way his brows pinch together as he awkwardly shifts in place. it takes a while before the man composes himself again, which is strange.
is he scared or something? what the hell?
“pieck,” reiner hesitates for a moment. the golden strands of his hair ruffle in the wind and he appears ... well, lost. “was she being serious?”
the question is a shocker - jeez, he could have at least let you prepare yourself. a firm ‘no’ almost slips out, but you’ve never been much of a liar. not to reiner, anyway. crossing your arms against your chest, you inhale sharply and nod. avoid staring at him face-to-face. “yep.”
“ … why me?”
reiner says the words with a mixture of spite and anguish, a casual and rumbling voice. you immediately turn your head, frowning. “what?”
“i’ve done so many horrible things.” reiner exhales heavily and stares down at his hands; perhaps he’s imagining all the blood they’ve been stained with. “i betrayed everyone. i killed innocent people - all because i was selfish.”
it’s no surprise that reiner is broken after everything he’s been through, but it pains you to know that he continues to suffer in silence. whatever war is raging inside his ribcage tears him apart piece by piece, and you wish you could carry the burden. 
there’s probably nothing you can say to convince reiner that he was just a kid, a victim of circumstance. there’s nothing that can persuade him to see himself the way you do.
so you decide to tell reiner why you love him. 
you explain the amount of admiration you hold for him. tell him that you love the way he just wants to be someone his comrades can lean on, like a big brother. tell him that you think he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever seen and how you think he deserves the world.
the way you spill your guts out snaps every nerve in your body. you don’t say everything you want to – but you tell him enough. a dark flush spreading across your face, you find the courage to look at him.
the world seems to stop on its axis when you find reiner staring right on back. the intensity of his eyes is stunning; they’re lit up with astonishment and affection.
god, the affection. you see it clear as day. maybe one of the greatest regrets in his life is how he forced himself to see you only as a friend.
that’s when he reaches out to you.
reiner retracts his hand twice, unsure, before slowly brushing his fingertips against yours. the touch is so feather-light that you almost can’t feel it. it’s a test - he’s waiting to see if you pull away. you can’t even move if you wanted to, because his fond gaze keeps you rooted to the spot before him. 
when you don’t recoil, reiner finally moves to gently hold your hand; his palm is so much bigger than yours, and your fingers slot together perfectly, like a jigsaw puzzle’s final piece. 
heart thrumming like a hummingbird has been stuffed into your chest, you’re almost at a loss for words and come to a realization.
this utterly amazing man likes you. always has. 
but reiner shoved away the feelings for one simple reason; you deserved ‘better.’ focusing on the old crush he had on historia was a distraction - an attempt to convince himself to stop thinking about you.
because looking at you everyday and not being able to act upon his feelings was too painful.
“is this okay?” reiner asks lowly. there’s a slight pinkness to his cheeks, the color of a selfless love.
by some miracle, you manage to nod dumbly. “yeah, of course. it’s fine.” it’s amazing is what you actually want to say.  
reiner squeezes your hand at the reassurance, a sigh escaping from his throat. “i really—”
you wait for him to finish, but he doesn’t. reiner just searches your profile for signs of discomfort, and then untwines your hands to bravely swipe a thumb along the length of your cheekbone. 
there’s no time to speak because he’s already leaning down.  
the sensation of reiner’s lips pressing against yours lights your skin ablaze; you can feel the curling flames of passion sear your soul, made even more intense by the warmth of the sunlight on your back.
it’s natural, it’s tender, it’s warm.
reiner’s breath rattles into your mouth when you rest both palms against his solid chest and deepen the kiss. the musky smell of his aftershave and cologne envelops you completely, and fuck, it’s so good. your arms wrap around him, fingers passing over the sharp slopes of his shoulder blades.
as much as you wish the kiss could go on endlessly, there are people gathering outside. avoiding any unwanted attention from nosy strangers is very much appreciated.
you pull away to nuzzle your nose into reiner, and he rests his chin on your shoulder, protective arms moving to loop around your waist. it’s such an intimate caress that it sparks your brain into overdrive.
as the rushing sound of the breeze comes back to your ears through the quiet, you tuck the kiss away to be remembered forever. that’s all there is to it. being close to reiner like this - swaying together like wildflowers in the wind - is more important than anything else.
“i like you,” reiner murmurs.
the suddenness of it makes you laugh, and you can feel the upward quirk of reiner’s lips - a whisper of a peaceful smile and a sweet, sweet promise.
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elysianslove · 3 years
hi eli bby !! its me vio again shhshf
i loved ur vball player crush hcs w miya twins && suna and can i have that too w sakusa, semi && shirabu ? MY UNDERRATED BOYS CRIES SM <//3 thank u sm <33
hiiiii my love!!! tysm for requesting these boys i love them so much. i hope you like this lysm <3
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sakusa kiyoomi 
considering what i’ve seen in the anime, and some manga panels, i really don’t think omi’s a peoples person. so even in school, i doubt he was very involved with other students, and probably kept to himself 
he’s also hyper-aware of his surroundings constantly, including the people around him, so the fact that he noticed you wasn’t a shock
it’s that he noticed you, and then he couldn’t stop thinking about you
probably had some dream about you that same night that cursed him with a crush on you yk the dreams i’m talking about right? 
he still continues to keep to himself, and whenever he spots you from his peripheral vision he just dashes out of there. he realizes that forcing himself to act normally around you might actually improve his situation and help him get over whatever this stupid crush was but he was not taking any chances
he also knew nothing about you, just your last name! 
so anyways both the boys and girls vbc’s are heading the same school, so they got one bus for the both of you and combined them. 
because his general dislike for crowds, omi usually sits out in the front, especially because the door to the bus is right next to him. idk he just seems like the kind to map out an escape plan for every room/vehicle he enters i don’t have a reason why i think so
the game was happening on a weekend, really early, like way too early, so it wasn’t a surprise that you were tired. it’s an unspoken rule that those who sit in the back make a lotta noise and all that, so you opted for the front seats instead to at least try and rest a bit before the game
you don’t sit directly next to him, but there’s only an aisle separating the two of you
because, yk, manners, you give him a small smile before saying, “good morning!” and settling in your seat, your bag between your legs
omi on god freezes up lmfao
he doesn’t mean to sound so rude but it just comes out that way! he says something along the lines of “what are you doing here?” and immediately regrets it after it leaves his lips. he visibly cringes 
but instead of being thrown off, you just laugh, and sakusa curses everything behind his mask because holy shit were you gorgeous and wow was his stomach just somersaulting 
not a nice feeling 
you explain to him briefly that you’re on the vbc and you were heading to play the girls of the same school he was gonna play against and all that, and he just hums and nods and tries to ignore the thump thump thump of his heart 
you don’t really interact during the bus ride going to, it’s coming back that you do 
you tell him that you managed to glimpse the last bit of his game, where he was landing a spike, and you complimented his skills and pointed out his freakish wrist move 
he noted that he didn’t get to see you play and your brain went opportunity! 
you go “well maybe you should come to one of my dates” like the absolute smooth talker you are 
omi just hums and goes “i’ll see” 
absolutely is there lol
the development into a relationship is more implicit than explicit. the two of you don’t announce to the world, but honestly, neither do you do it to yourselves. like you’d been on a coffee date with him at some point and your parent or sibling texted something you found funny and mentioned him as your boyfriend and you showed it to him and he was like
am i your boyfriend 
like idk am i your girlfriend 
he said yeah obviously 
i love this boy so fucking much pleaseeeee
but yes just as your development into a couple is subtle, so is your overall relationship. and honestly? you wouldn’t have it any other way
semi eita
omg pretty setter semi eeee
so yk how shiratorizawa students live in dorms? there’s no way semi hasn’t noticed you before, even if it’s separate dorms for different genders. like you two probably come across each other every once in a while at a vending machine or something, and exchange a word or two 
it’s not until when semi starts to look forward to seeing you, or when he gets disappointed every time you don’t make an appearance, that he realizes, you know, he’s kinda developed a liking to you
he doesn’t really know much about you, aside your name and your favorite go-to snack from the vending machine, so he’s left a little frustrated at the lack of interactions you two have. like he’s just living off that small laugh of acknowledgment and the hi, hope you sleep well! you know? like he wants more from you. he wants to get to know you
he can’t seem to ever see you in school either, because the stars hate him that much and don’t wanna align for the two of you, not even a little to share one class with him. just one
it’s just his luck, though, when a busy weekend for all the sports teams comes along, and each sport is sectioned off to a bus. volleyball boys and girls in one bus, swimming boys and girls in one bus, etc. 
he really doesn’t expect it when you get on the bus, because what the fuck you play volleyball??? and then he really doesn’t expect it when you recognize him, gasp and grin, and wave at him, and go over to sit by him
his brain’s short-circuiting 
you immediately start conversation as you’re setting your bag down like “i didn’t know you played volleyball!”
and he laughs and nods like “i didn’t know you did either” 
it’s honestly a really cute and satisfying moment like okay maybe the stars were just taking their time aligning thank you universe 
the two of you click immediately. like annoyingly so. you have so much in common, and you spend the entire ride chatting excitedly about everything and semi’s wishing he’d just asked you to hang out way sooner, like as early as the first time you’d met at that vending machine 
the girls’ games finish a lot later than the boys, so he comes and watches you play, and is enamored by you, completely. in his head he’s just ‘this girl just keeps growing more perfect.’
he walks back with you to the bus, and sits next to you as well. when you arrive back at the school, you don’t immediately go to your dorms, and he suggests grabbing a refreshing drink from somewhere nearby
it’s incredible how you still have so much to talk about 
the time passes really quick with him
it’s while you’re having that drink with him, probably iced tea or boba or something, he tells you about his small passion for music, and you make him promise to play you something at some point. he loops his pinky with yours :)
he also confides in you about having been replaced on his last year, and how he tries not to let it affect him but he really can’t help him. from then on, after each of your practices, you invite him in your gym, and have him set to you, just so you both have an excuse to spend time with each other, and so that he gets to practice and play the way he really wants to, without any restrictions placed upon him and no one waiting to take his place
i think as a couple you’d probably really bring out the best in each other, and you’re constantly always, always there for each other. really, really reliant and supportive as partners, you know? 
you go to all his games, and whenever he’s pitched in, you scream his name the loudest and cheer him on so much. one look at your face, and he’s reminded of who he is and why he does what he does, and he’s immediately grounded aw <3
shirabu kenjirō
omg shirabu with a crush 🥺🤲🏼 i love it when characters seem so cold and standoffish but as soon as they’re around the people they care about they do a 180. that’s shirabu 100%
he really, really, really liked you. like it was embarrassing at this point. he totally denied it every time anyone even thought it, and he really tried his hardest not to be obvious around you
i like to think he saw you around school and that’s how it developed a little, but maybe you were friends with some of the vbc boys because of your shared interest in the sport, and you come to play with them sometimes after practice, he’d just never be there
but one time you walked in and he was like guess im not leaving 
he was a little starstruck at the fact that you played volleyball. he honestly wouldn’t care, but it sorta felt nice that there really was something that you two had in common
and you were good. at everything. you received semi and ushijima’s serves, and goshiki’s and ōhira’s spikes, perfectly, and reacted to tendō’s blocks so well, and hit his tosses just right. you were incredible. maybe your skills were magnified from his specific lens, but there really was no denying you were skilled 
damn this. all this. 
especially any time you’d spike his toss and give him a really wide smile and say, “nice toss!” like seriously the way his heart’s spasming cannot be healthy what the fuck 
and then he finds out the girls are sharing a bus with them, and then you walk in
and then you walk towards him
obviously, outwardly he looks unimpressed and unfazed but trust, his palms are sweaty as fuck 
before the bus moves, you stand by his seat and make small talk with him about volleyball, before you realize the bus is moving and you have to sit down, but you’re still in the middle of a conversation with him, so you just sit next to him and continue like nothing happened
he just. allows it. 
the school you’d been going to had a really big court where both the girls and boys were playing in the same gymnasium on opposite sides of the court, so when you arrived and changed and all, you were like “wanna warm up together” couple goals <3
pls semi, taichi and tendō would probably tease the fuck out of him lmfao. he’d just glare at them but he has such a big blush on his cheeks as he stretches and warms up with you that the glare is completely ineffective 
you go to sit next to him on the bus ride home, but the day’s exhaustion catches up to you, plus the bus’s movements are lulling you, so you end up falling asleep on his shoulder, and when shirabu first notices that you’d actually fallen asleep, he looks down at you with such a dreamy and awestruck face. goshiki took a picture and likes to torment him with it. shirabu has it as his lockscreen now lol 
as your boyfriend, he’s the exact same. very standoffish to everyone outwardly but to you? it’s a different story. 
nonetheless it’s not very obvious. so yes, he will have a scowl on his face as he tells you off, but his lips are slightly upturned and there’s a little pink shade on his cheeks that show just how endearing he thinks you are 
really loves to practice with you because he loves seeing you in your zone like that. also you look hot
anyways yes he’s such a cutie i will not take criticism 
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alyasgf · 3 years
Teenage Rebellion -Adrinette April Day 2-5
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Summary- Marinette convinces Adrien to sneak out! Featuring a daring escape, Jagged Stone concert, André’s ice cream, game night, and cuddling!
Notes- knocking out 5 prompts in 1 because I’m late! Featuring prompts 2-5 rebellion, game night, best friends, and jagged stone! I decided to skip the commission prompt, at least for right now, which is why this was made :)
Side note! they know each others secret identities identity but Chat never officially said he had a crush on Ladybug. Therefore Marinette is fully aware of Adrien’s crush on her and is a huge flirt about it.
She had been trying to convince Adrien all day and if she kept using those faces he just knew he’d cave soon.
“I told you I can’t! I have a photoshoot and fencing practice Mari.” He said, avoiding her eyes.
“I barely got Jagged to give us these tickets last minute! And they’re backstage passes. Backstage Adrien. Picture it with me.” She pulled him in my his shoulders, looping her arm around him.
Adrien tried to suppress a chill and conserve his nerves. Her arm was around him. No big deal.
“Just you, me, the biggest rockstar in the world, and his huge pet alligator! Tell me its not worth your fathers wrath. You could even hide out at my place and spend the night! You wouldn’t have to deal with him until the next day.” She then turned to him, holding his shoulders and staring into his eyes.
“You have got to live a little Adrien. What’s the worst that could happen?”
And with that he caved.
“Fine what time is the concert.” He said, signing defeatedly.
“Yes!” Marinette pumped her first in the air and excitedly told him her plan.
At exactly 3:01 pm the next day he heard tapping at his window.
“You’re late.” He said to the girl two stories down outside his window.
“By a minute, I think you’ll live. Now throw down your bag.”
“Nathalie will be coming to get me in 30 minutes. I need to be long gone.” He explained, throwing his tied lined of curtains down for her to hold still as he climbed.
“Be careful, we don’t have time to stop at a hospital due to a broken leg and I don’t need you getting rope burn or messing up that pretty face.” She teased.
“Oh shut up I’m trying to focus over here.” He struggled to get down without accidentally sliding.
“You’re taking too long! You’re more than halfway just jump I’ll catch you I promise.” She said, and when Adrien looked down she was tapping her watch.
“Are you insane? I don’t have a death wish Mari, just wait a second.”
It was at this moment she chose to start silently chanting jump.
“This is peer pressure you know!”
“Shut up and jump already.”
He jumped.
As he braced himself for the short fall he felt himself feel in soft, unsteady arms.
They both toppled to the ground laughing with the rush of adrenaline.
“You’d catch me huh.” He said once they calmed down.
They laid shoulder to shoulder in the grass heads turned to one another.
Before Marinette could come up with a witty reply they heard something that made them freeze.
“Adrien I heard noise whats going on in her-“
They turned up to see Nathalie’s head sticking out the window, a look of surprise in her eyes.
Adrien knew he was doomed. Still stood up and gave her pleading eyes with his hands formed in a prayer form.
“I didn’t see this. As far as I know you said you weren’t feeling good and I had to cancel your appointments. Understood?”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” Adrien said, beaming brighter than the sun.
“Does this mean we can go through the front gate?” Marinette asked sheepishly.
“What was your plan if you couldn’t?” Nathalie asked with a disappointed look.
“Sneak through unnoticed?” Marinette offered.
“Mari! You said you had a plan.” Adrien said turning to her with his arms crossed.
“I never said it was a good one.” She said shrugging.
Nathalie nodded and they went on their way.
Outside of the gate was Marinette’s bike and two helmets.
“Where am I supposed to get on?” Adrien asked, confused.
Then he saw Marinette eye the handlebars.
“No no no! Absolutely not!” He protested.
“Do you wanna see Jagged or not?”
Adrien rode on the handlebars.
“Marinette would you slow down! I don’t wanna fall off!”
“Watch your sharp turns!”
“Sidewalk! Sidewalk! Sidewalk!”
“Adrien, lean left I can’t see!”
“If I lean we’re gonna fall Mari!”
“Have a little faith in me!”
“Dear god help us.”
“Would you calm down drama queen!”
They rode with his small suitcase on wheels dragging behind them, tied with a single rope Marinette had brought.
By the time they got to Marinette’s house Adrien had lost count of the near death experiences he had on that bike.
“Never again Marinette.” He huffed as he got off the bike with shaking legs.
“Bonding experience!” She said with a smirk.
She pulled him into the bakery. He said a quick hi to her parents before he was yanked over to the trapdoor.
“Hurry and put your stuff in my room. If we start running late we won’t have time to walk which would mean another fun bike ride Sunshine.”
“Marinette I would really like to see Jagged Stone in one piece if thats not to much to ask.” He huffed, climbing the trapdoor, throwing his suitcase in, and coming back down.
“Are we going or what?”
“Get ready for the time of your life Agreste.” She said in a way that lit Adrien’s heart on fire.
Adrien could get used to that tone.
By the time they left the concert Adrien wasn’t sure anything ever could top that day.
He and Marinette had spent the last 5 hours singing at the tops of their lungs front row at a Jagged Stone concert. They danced together and Adrien had never felt more alive.
Adrien bought them matching t-shirts (as a thank you to Marinette for getting the tickets, not because he thought they looked like a couple when they matched or anything.) When they went backstage to meet Jagged, he signed their shirts and gave them signed CDs and posters.
Needless to say they were on top of the world.
Marinette suggested they take the long way home because it was such a beautiful night, and who was Adrien to disagree?
Their luck led them to André and his magical ice cream.
“Oh I don’t know Adrien I don’t think i can finish an ice cream right now.” Marinette said, trying to pull them along.
“Then maybe we can share?” Adrien suggested nervously.
Marinette shrugged and Adrien took it as a yes. She decided to sit on a bench as Adrien went to get the ice cream.
“Hey André.” He greeted.
“Ah yes Adrien! I see you brought a girl! Would you like one to share with the lucky lady?” He asked while preparing his scoops.
“Yes please.” Adrien was curious what flavors he would get. He hoped it’d be something Marinette would like.
“Hmm... blackberry and peppermint. An explosive mix and thats a fact! But oftentimes it’s the opposites that attract." He said adding the flavors onto a cone. “What do you think?” He handed Adrien the ice cream.
“Perfect.” Adrien said, almost breathless. “Thank you so much André have a good night.” After paying him Adrien turned to Marinette.
She was sitting on a bench looking at some birds fight over bread. The sun was setting right behind her and it lit her up in the most beautiful way.
Adrien took out his phone to take a picture and just as he clicked it Marinette turned toward him. She had a soft look in her eyes that made the picture come out perfectly.
“Bring the ice cream over stalker.” She said with a giggle.
“Oh I thought you didn’t want it.” Adrien said teasingly as he took a large bite while the ice cream was still out of her grasps.
“Adriennnn.” She whined, and again Adrien caved.
“Oh fine.”
And they shared the ice cream walking home. And although both got sticky fingers and mouths from the melting mess, they wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“So what’s the plan now?” Adrien asked as they entered Marinette’s room. “I’ve never been to any sleepovers before so you’ll have to guide me.” He walked over to the chaise and sat down.
“Hold on I’m gonna grab some things.” She said rifling through the trunk at the foot of the lounge.
She ended up grabbing out a deck of Uno cards and Monopoly.
“The biggest tests of friendship known to mankind.” She brandished the boxes with a smirk. “So which one first?”
Marinette spent almost an hour trying to get a smooth game of Uno going but Adrien was pitiful. She almost felt bad for how hard he was getting beat. Almost.
After about 5 minutes of explaining Monopoly she gave up.
“You know what? Maybe this is for another time when we aren’t so tired from a day of excitement.” She said packing up the games. “Ultimate Mega Strike?”
“Oh I thought you’d never ask.” Adrien replied, bouncing up and down with anticipation.
“Wow I’ve never seen someone so excited to meet their doom.” Marinette smirked while turning on the TV and game.
“I could play circles around you any day, bug.”
“Then lets test it.” She challenged. “First to 10 wins picks the movie or show we watch after.”
“You’re so on.”
Adrien lost. Adrien lost bad.
Turns out what Marinette wants, Marinette gets. And what she really wanted was to rub that smug smile off of Adrien’s face.
Now there he sat with his jaw dropped.
“No way I only won one.” He stared in shock at the losing screen.
“Aww its okay Adrien.” She said condescendingly. “Since its your first sleepover you can still pick. Its only right.”
“I’m going to choose because I want to not only because you said I can you know.” Adrien said with scowl on his face and his arms crossed.
“Right.” Marinette let out a small fond laugh. “Im going to grab some blankets and change into my pjs downstairs. You change in here and I’ll knock before I come back. Cool?”
“Mari can we build a fort?” Adrien asked with childlike innocence just radiating off of him.
“Of course we can kitty.”
They stayed up until the early morning hours that night, building forts, watching anime, and talking.
Adrien took dozens of pictures to remember the moments because he swears its the most magical think he has ever experienced.
The next morning, Adrien awoke with a sleeping Marinette across from him. Her hair was sticking out in odd places. He could see her rise and fall with each breathe. He could hear her soft snores.
As he admired her, she opened her eyes and looked into his. He blushed, embarrassed for being caught staring.
Then in a whisper she said, “Are you a cuddler?”
Adrien nodded with wide eyes and a red face.
She then proceeded to move closer and lay her head on her chest. Adrien instinctively put his arms around her.
“Can we stay here a while longer?” She asked in the same whispered voice.
“Please.” Adrien whispered back.
If teenage rebellion always felt this good, he never wanted to stop.
End notes- Thinking of making a second part where Adrien tells Mari how he feels or where I actually write out the fort scene. Let me know which one you’d prefer and what you thought of the fic in the replies!
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hey hey! im sorry you’re not feeling the best right now but is it ok if i request shuichi and his s/o going on a carnival date maybe? OOH and maybe his s/o plays a ton of the games to win shuichi the prizes? aah thank you in advance! i hope your taking good care of yourself >.<
Me likey! I’ll gladly do this request!
Good news guys, I’m feeling much much better. Things are looking up and hopefully won’t go downhill for a very very long time. Thank you all so much!
Carnival date with Shuichi Saihara
Summary: the request, I did a fem!reader for this cause I’m a girl and felt like writing a bit more close to home if that’s ok, if you really want gender neutral then I can reupload it with changed pronouns
Triggers: none I think
Writing style and genre: fluffy oneshot!
Y/N= your name
N/N= nickname
F/C= favorite color
You know the drill, it’s under the cut!
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“Hey, Shu! You can come on in I’m just finishing up a bit!” You picked up your phone as you ran around your room, trying to gather the last few things you needed before going on your date with your boyfriend.
“Alright, Y/N. Is your door unlocked?”
“Yes but you also have a key, dork.”
“Right. Sorry. Be right in!” You hung up and chucked your phone onto you bed once more as you rushed around, hoping to be ready by the time he entered your room.
“Come on... come on.... where did I put-“
“Your bag in handing on your door.”
“WHAT THE- oh,” you breathed, covering your heart, “dang it Shuichi... you scared me!”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he laughed, grabbing you bag and walking over to you, “I didn’t mean to.”
“Well yeah I figured,” you smiled and took it from him, wrapping it around you, “how on earth do you manage to move around so quietly?”
“Dunno, I just do I guess. You ready to go? You look great, by the way.” He looked you up and down, admiring your pastel F/C dress and how it perfectly fit you.
“Aww, thanks! Give me just one second,” you ran to you bed and grabbed your phone, shoving it into your bag and slipping on your shoes, “ok! Let’s go!”
He nodded and led you out to his car, opening the passenger seat for you before getting into the drivers. Shuichi started the car and pulled into the road, heading to the local carnival that was in your city for a few weeks.
He wasn’t a fan of traveling carnivals, mainly because the rides seemed super sketchy. But you begged and begged to go with him, and he couldn’t say no to his girlfriend, so he caved bought you day pass tickets. He was excited, because he always loved dates with you, he just wasn’t too excited for the rides you no doubt would ask to go on with him.
As long as it didn’t go upside down, he’d be fine.
When you finally got to the carnival he gave the front desk the tickets, and you both got wristbands that said you could go on any ride as many times as you wanted, since that came with the tickets he bought.
“Shu, come on!! I wanna go ride rides first!!” You eagerly pulled him towards the first coaster you saw, as he expected you’d do. What he didn’t expect was that the first ride had two loops, one right after the other.
“Y-Y/N... I don’t like going upside down.... it makes me sick, remember?” He felt bad reminding you because of how excited you looked, but he knew he wouldn’t last on that ride and he didn’t want to ruin the date right off the bat.
“Oh, I’m not making you ride it, silly! I want you to try and get a picture of me upside down!!”
“Oh... I can do that, y-yeah!!” He took your bag (and your glasses if you wear them so they wouldn’t fall off on the ride) and watched you get into the line. When he saw your ride going around, he did his best to take the picture to get it upside down. It’s up to you to decide if it was good or not.
“Did you have fun?” He asked as you came back and handed you your bag(once again and glasses if you have them).
“Yeah! It’s a shame you get sick, I would have seriously enjoyed doing it with you! But the girl I had to sit with was super nice and we talked a lot in the line so it’s fine!”
You avoided rides that went upside down after that, really wanting to go with him on most of the ones you did. Shuichi was never a fan of roller coasters, but he was a fan of seeing your excited face every time the ride had a drop.
Eventually you both got tired from the rides, walking around and looking at the other festivities. While Shuichi was buying you both caramel apples, you noticed a claw machine.
It was an infamous game that stole your money, yes, but you had money on you and the prizes in there were so. Cute. Especially one, that really caught your eye.
A big detective pikachu plush.
One look at it and you knew you HAD to get it for your boyfriend. He was a detective in training, after all.
Since it wasn’t too far away from where Shuichi was getting you snacks, you decided it would be safe to go without telling him where. He’d see you after looking around for a second.
You got to the machine and pulled out your wallet. One use of the claw was 50 cents(I’m sorry if you don’t live in America you can translate how much 50 cents is in your currency), and you had $10. You went to a coin machine nearby and traded in your dollar bills for coins. You had 20 chances to get the pikachu, and you were determined.
As expected, the game was extremely hard and definitely probably rigged. But you had your mind set on that plushie and you wouldn’t stop until you got it.
While you didn’t get the pikachu right away, you got a LOT of other prizes. The line Shuichi was in was decently long, so it wasn’t a surprise that it took him a little bit to get back to you. Luckily for you, because you wanted to surprise him.
You got the pikachu on your 19th try, a sigh of relief washing over you. You were left with only 50 cents, a detective pikachu plush, a small rubber duck that was dressed like a clown, a small bag of bubblegum balls, a Paw Patrol lunch box that you were totally giving him as a joke, and a foam pair of dice you’d probably give to Kokichi. You shoved the smaller items into your bag, triumphantly carrying the decently sized pikachu to your boyfriend who had just finished buying your treats. He gave you a questioning look, jumping as you held it out to him.
“Um... N/N? Where’d you get that?”
“In the claw machine!”
“The claw machine? You actually got something out of it?”
“I got a lot of things, this is just the thing that I actually wanted!”
“You wanted a detective pikachu plush...?”
“Yes!! For you!” You dragged him to a bench to sit down, taking the apples from him and giving him the plush in return.
“Wait, you got this for me,” he paused, looking at you with a deadpan expression, “this is because I’m a detective, isn’t it.”
“.....maybe.... but I also got you these!!” You handed him the other prizes from your bag, making him blush.
“Y-Y/N! You didn’t have to-“
“I wanted to! This is also for you because I know you forget to eat at work sometimes.” You handed him the children’s lunch box with a childish grin on your face, making him frown.
“I hate you.”
“No, you love me.”
“....yeah, I do...”
He was slightly embarrassed, having to carry around a pikachu plush everywhere after that, but he did enjoy it. After he dropped you off back home and kissed you goodbye, he went to his own home and set up the plush on his bed.
Placing the rubber duck beside his computer, he popped one of the gums into his mouth and looked at the lunchbox one more time. It was ridiculous. An item for children. But you gave it to him. Albeit, as a joke, but you still gave it to him. And he treasured anything you gave him.
He picked up the duck and set the lunchbox in its place, now setting the duck on top of that. Maybe he’d keep the lunchbox around a bit. To remind him of the amazing date you both had had that night.
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I hope I did good, Anon! Luv u bb
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Thank you for coming to my TED Talk,
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markley · 5 years
amortentia — wjh
summary — where complicated feelings are so easily revealed with a simple potion
genre — hogwarts au, fantasy, fluff, comedy
warnings — n/a
word count — 2.5k
a/n — my first harry potter au! if u arent a slytherin im sorry :(
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“hello class,” your potions proffesor says, looking out to the rest of the tired morning class. “for the next few days we are learning about amortentia. can anyone tell me what it is?”
many hands raise, not including your own. you knew, but didnt really care enough to answer the question, opting to read the section on the strong love potion in the textbook in front of you. suddenly, something hits the back of your head, and you turn to face wen junhui, or jun, balling up another piece of small parchment in his hands.
if there is one word to describe jun, it’s infuriating. normally, students from the same house tend to get along, but that definitely did not occur between you and jun, both headstrong slytherins with a need to be right— not traits for a good friendship.
it started when junhui questioned whether you were talented or not, as you were always so quiet and never showed any particular skill in wizadry. he challenged you to a duel, and lost. ever since then he has made it his duty to bother and annoy you until school ends, while you make sure to never give him the last laugh.
honestly, the bickering has just become a game of cat and mouse, and although its tiring, you wont lose. besides, what’s the fun in that?
“uh,” you start awkwardly, fully aware of jun’s silent laugh behind you. “a strong love potion that causes obsession rather than actual love? i believe it also varies in smell.”
“uh,” you start awkwardly, fully aware of jun’s silent laugh behind you. “a strong love potion that causes obsession rather than actual love? i believe it also varies in smell.”
“uh,” you start awkwardly, fully aware of jun’s silent laugh behind you. “a strong love potion that causes obsession rather than actual love? i believe it also varies in smell.”
mr. min looks satisfied, shaking through his dark hair with a hand. “correct, but don’t think i won’t notice you not paying attention ms. kwon.” he continues on explaining the properties of the tonic. you turn around slightly to glare at a smirking junhui, clearly proud. you shake your head, already thinking of ways to get him back.
the rest of the class period consisted of you taking notes on both the actual subject and mental notes on ways to make jun’s life absolutely miserable. the bell finally rings, signaling the end of class, and you jump up before jun is able to talk to you like he always insists.
you hear his annoying—albeit nice—voice from behind you, a teasing pout. with a roll of your eyes, you walk away to find your brother, soonyoung, knowing he’s somewhere in the hallways near you. although he is a hufflepuff, and an annoying as hell brother, you found him much easier to get along with than those of your own house— example? jun. obviously. 
soonyoung giggles as you approach him, a teasing smile playing along his lips. “aw, look at that. mr. slytherin is sad you’re avoiding him.” he says. you punch the redhead’s arm, not even needing to look back to know he’s right. jun always pouts. soonyoung insists he really likes you, but you know better—if the constant teasing and pranking is anything to go by. besides, you hated the boy anyway, even though soonyoung disagrees with that as well.
mr. min yells out a small “remember to be prepared tomorrow” throughout the dungeon hall. you turn to the professor, allowing junhui to finally catch up to you, putting an arm around your shoulder, with soonyoung long gone. “hey babe,” jun says, grinning, “good job on that thing today. fucking hilarious.” rolling your eyes, you shrug his arm off.
“off!” you correct, groaning internally at his constant teasing. he just smiles that same crooked grin before walking away with a mumble you didn't quite catch but sounded something like ‘you would.’ oh, how you hate him. or at least that’s what you tell yourself. 
whether you hated the guy or not, he was undeniably gorgeous and sometimes— only sometimes— kind of funny. but you still hated him. never have you been so easily annoyed with a human being before. 
with a small shake of your head, you walk back to your dorm to think of a way to embarrass junhui after potions today. you get there quickly as its right by potions class, but even by this time you had an idea, and not a pretty one. 
if there was one thing junhui prided himself on, it was his skillset. whether that was charms or potions, he was cocky about succeeding in it all. using this, you think of a great way to embarrass him the way you were embarrassed earlier— making a fool out of himself under mr min’s eye. oh how very fun this will be. 
on the other side of school, jun was bribing soonyoung for information on you, already knowing you were attempting to get back at him. you were known for needing the last word, after all. soonyoung being the kind hufflepuff brother he is, at least tried to avoid jun, but eventually gave up at jun’s offer of endless sweets. can you blame him? well yes, and you do the next day before potions when he lets it slip that he told junhui the name of your old crush— not that junhui knows its old. 
how you and soonyoung are siblings? you will never know.
the only thing giving you solace from punching soonyoung in the face is knowing the prank you are about to pull on junhui. the prank in question is completely fucking up his potion, a prank soonyoung called “absolute evil.”
in class, you were to make your own batch of amortentia, a difficult feat on its own, although quite easy for you and jun. the best part is to soon come, when you throw in something most definitely not in the potion. specifically something to make it explode.
maybe soonyoung was right. mr. min was not an easy teacher to impress but was definitely an easy teacher to disappoint—and jun hates disappointing professors.
you were evil. guess thats why you fit perfectly in slytherin—or atleast according to the rest of the school.
when class starts, mr. min is already talking about failure. “don’t worry,” he says, “i already know most of you will fail.” with that last piece of what was probably meant to be encouragement, everyone begins to work on the difficult potion.
soon after everyone barely makes it to the middle of the workload, you have already finished, and jun is right behind you. he moved away from his cauldron to fetch the last ingredient, and you take it as your time to throw in a little bit of porcupine quills quickly, an easy way to make his potion turn into something not made for love.
with a small smile at no one noticing, you return to your own finished product, mr. min looking at it in satisfaction. suddenly, a small pop is heard from behind you where jun is standing in front of a bright green potion— well, more like covered in it.
you burst into silent giggles at his predicament, mr. min having an opposite reaction, instead glaring at the failure. junhui himself glares too, but instead at you, with eyes full of hatred. you can’t help the feeling of pride spreading across your chest, which then drops at mr. mins snarl.
“who did it?” he asks, looking around and then stopping at you. you throw your hands up in the air with an exclamation of ‘it wasn’t me!’. the professor doesn’t seem convinced, raising an eyebrow. he then plucks a porcupine quill off your robes, and you give up. “that’s what i thought.”
you look over to jun, standing still in the green mess, but with an obvious smirk on his face. you mentally face palm at yourself for failing at making jun an embarrassment. fuck the little shithead...
“the both of you,” mr. min speaks, pointing to a downtrodden and no longer smiling junhui, “are to clean this mess up, as well as the entire class. oh, and the storage while you are at it. don’t break anything.” and with a small groan of protest from jun, the class is dismissed. mr. min struts out of the dungeon classroom, but not before flicking his wand towards jun’s robes, now spotless.
with a slam of the dungeon door, you and junhui are left alone. “this is your fault,” junhui snarls, pointing a perfectly manicured finger in your direction. “why do i always get looped in with you?!”
“because you started it. and you always retaliate.” you say with ever growing frustration. jun groans in irritation, looking as if ready to stab you at any given moment.
“how the hell are you and soonyoung siblings?” he asks, shaking his head while walking to the corner to begin cleaning.
“i ask myself that question everyday.”
after that small conversation, the two of you start cleaning up the green mess and then the rest of the dungeon classroom. it took a good hour or two, and you still hadnt even organized the messy storage yet. the entire time while cleaning you and junhui hadnt talked to each other, only sparing a few hate-filled glances and eye rolls.
the storage closet was a mess of premade potions and ingredients. it was so chaotic you feel the need to ask mr. min the last time he even thought about organizing it. shelves upon shelves held bottles of colors: red to black to clear. almost every potion in existence was held in this small closet.
you can’t help but find your fingertips brushing across the bottles of pretty tonics. jun follows you into the small space to clean after seeing you ogling instead of doing your job. “get to cleaning.” he says, already starting his organization process of what seems to be putting the potions in rainbow order.
rolling your eyes, you begin to help, grabbing the bottles of liquid. a small bright pink vial grabs your attention as you brush through the bottled ingredients. you pick it up, swishing the thick potion within the glass. with a cock of your head, you open it to be met with a strong fume of what seems to smell like... junhui? the boy in question is still diligently cleaning the small closet behind you, unknowingly to you, staring at you from his peripheral vison.
you take another sniff, hoping to be wrong—but no. that smell is distinctly jun; musky yet sweet. a hand grabs the bottle from you, peering at the label. “what does it smell like?” jun asks, raising an eyebrow at your extremely confused expression. “it’s amortentia, dumbass.”
at this, you grab the potion back, not believing him. there is no way in hell amortentia would smell like jun. however, the infuriating guy was right. the bottle was in fact labeled amortentia. your breathing hitches, and you can’t seem to come up with any words— or even look up at the boy in front of you.
jun seems to get more confused every second you dont answer him. “um, y/n? you alive there?” you finally look up, coughing awkwardly and handing him the vial back.
“yeah, im fine dork.”
“ouch. dork? im a nerd at best.”
“shut up, you nerd.” he smiles at your unconscious correction, turning back to the amortentia bottle unaware to the racing thoughts and heart you are currently dealing with internally. why, why would amortentia smell like the one person you hate the most behind soonyoung?!
“i bet it smells like minghao.” at this blunt statement you snap your head to a smirking jun. “i mean, you do like him right?” you remember soonyoung saying how jun bribed him with chocolate for this information and you write a mental note to kill your brother later.
“liked,” you mumble, walking as far away from the grinning asshole in front of you. the last thing you need is junhui teasing you about a crush while the strongest love potion ever smells like him. “as in no longer. over. done with. blah blah blah.”
“anyway, are you almost done with the rest of the potions?” you quickly change the subject of your old crush and the potion that reeks of your number one enemy. the questions in your head still wont end and you want to leave as soon as possible.
“wait wait wait,” jun says, very insistent. “if you dont like minghao anymore, who does it smell like?”
“why the fuck do you care, junhui?”
“i dont,” he says, twidling his thumbs awkwardly, but still staring you down with his dark eyes. “im just... curious.” that isnt entirely true and you can hear it in his hesitant voice.
you groan and glare at the brunet boy. you take the bottle, and pretend to smell it again, but already know your answer. it smells like the forest you found him in one night after curfew, that you just happened to be sneaking out to as well—that was the first time you two ever got along, agreeing to not turn each other in. the potion also smells of the fruity shampoo jun uses, and the mint gum he always chews. you hate to admit it, but the potion smells exactly like how you envision jun. and whatever that may mean, its true.
“the forbidden forest at midnight, mint gum and lemon-y shampoo.” you finally answer after a lot of internal debate of whether to be honest or not. pushing the bottle back to him, you begin to leave the small closet like space. jun reaches out an arm quickly, grabbing on to your wrist.
“that,” he starts, recognizing the scents as his own. “smells like-“
“i know,” you whisper, pulling your arm away. not ready to take his reaction, you start to run away and jun’s next words are the only thing that stop you.
“do you want to know what it smells like to me?” junhui says hopefully, but entirely expecting you to walk away. “hair dye and strawberries.” stopping, you turn back to jun. he had moved closer, now nose to nose with you. your breath hitches, and you almost think you arent breathing. “just like the purple hair dye you put in my shampoo and the strawberries i always see you eat every. single. meal.”
you look up to meet his piercing eyes that bore into yours with such intensity it takes your breath away. you look away for him to softly grab your chin. “look at me, please.” his voice is the softest you’ve ever heard it, just a whisper.
“what does that mean, jun?”
“it means look at me.” you glare up at him, him chuckling in return. he places his forehead against yours, and the exact mint gum scent that you smelled in the love tonic hits your nose. “it means i like you, dork.” jun’s lips move closer to yours every word he speaks until they are just barely touching
“im a nerd at best.” you mumble before pushing your mouth against what you believed to be your enemy’s. mental note: kill soonyoung later, for being right
maybe there really is a thin line between love and hate.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
14x10 Commentary
Zeta and Giuls scream together, and then die.
Me & Zeta will watch together season 14′s episodes as they come out and we’ll do our commentary while watching.
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
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14x10 Nihilism 
-I did not want to see Jack like that again thanks
Zeta: true
- And there was a need for some wings there honestly .
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[ comes back crawling]
Zeta:  the bar sceeeene
-.....THAT’S A DAMN SQUIRREL WITH A AVIATOR CAP ON ( also I re wrote squirrel four times before getting it right) 
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- MOOSE!!! 
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-......The Moose has a tag with “FAMILY BUSINESS” written on it----lol Jensen
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Zeta: What’s her name
- PAMELAAAAAAAA . Damn woman I went a bit Bi there
Zeta: OH YES.
- [Music: and I’m searching for a rainbow] .....WOW
-[on the counter] Daphne loves Fred.
 my monkey dirty brain: Daddy loves tips. 
-hot. want that.
Zeta: the tequila or the bartender?
Bitch please . both.
- D: “ What are we, savages?”
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Zeta: Oh the lips
-Cosmic Cowboy. *chokes*
-why is it always a ghoul case?
-Lol but who’s the drunk guy tho
Zeta: Bitch, look at her biceps
- some Bi slippage there too I see. FOCUS
Zeta: also indeed. Who is he?
-D:”I’ve never had anything this nice”
Also....I would be like Dean if I had a bar. One for the costumer and one for me! woohoo .
- D: “How come you always have a boyfriend?”
  P: “How come you always want what you can’t have?”
[looks into the camera like in the office]
- D: “This is my dream” 
I kinda see it tho....old grumpy Dean Winchester being the Bobby while running a bar like that. Yes....I like it.
- I knew it . I wanna see someone closed behind that “closet” *wink wink*
Zeta: Oh oh
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Zeta: the slo mo.
-NICE .You are welcome for this gif where I let you enjoy the full over the count jump. Nice healthy middle age man over the fence jump ( nevermind this is an italian oil ad ).
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-The blood. So cute
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Zeta: I’m famous
- mmm
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Zeta: shit
-Hello M boi, I missed you fam
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Zeta: Changed clothes
- OMFG are you saying that the Archangel Michael macVanity von DramaQueen really just angel mojo changed into his Peaky Blinder wanna be in front of them?
He’s so flamboyant , I love him .
Zeta: The close up
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- M making three men kneel with so much as lift his hands.  WHAT A MOOD. WHERE CAN I GET THAT? I WANT 10.
- M : “ I saw everything”  Yeah no shit we kinda see that coming too
-DoN ‘T IntERrUPt mE 
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Zeta: Don’t interrupt me
I’m so bothered right now. Dom Michael for the win
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- Sam just “assbutted” Michael lol.
Castiel : Sam....did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?
Sam: uh ....No?
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- Dean’s not home right now...
Zeta: Please leave a message
*giggling* I love him
Zeta: His voice GOD DAMN
- Castiel hair tho.
Zeta: Do you? Cocky much
-but needs to play it cool. Can’t risk to mess up the pomaded hair.
- S:” We the angel cuffs on , Michael is under control”
 M: “Keep telling yourself that “  ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
I *clap* LOVE *clap* HIM *clap*
- S: “Dump him in the trunk of the Impala” ... DUMP HIM .ahahahahaah
-Garth is in the trunk
Zeta: it’s a big trunk
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-M: “ It’s a party!”
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- J: “ It’s not like any of us can fly”
 M : “ Well one of us can”
 S: “ STFU”
- J:” Sam, are we gonna die here?” ... wow Jack...babe...stfu
-Yes OMG I forgot about the stalky reaper
Zeta: You mess up so many things
- it ain’t wrong
- [in john Mulaney’s Trump voice] we locked Death away and enslaved the reapers
Zeta: Poor Cas
- ok but WHO....death? Michael is asking himself that too.
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-Yes , put him in the dungeon. HOT
Zeta: shit
-I can hear you
Zeta: Shit
Zeta: SHIT
-I’m loving this
Zeta: Bring back Crowley.
Zeta: We left Garth in the trunk looool
- that....everytime we don’t see a character for long that’s it...they are in the trunk.
Zeta: Castiel
-CASTIEL . so strange, I love him, he’s such a sarcastic asshole.
- M: “Yes, uh, put a chair against the door”
Zeta: This pretty smile as I rip you apart
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Zeta: Control yourself
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- S: “Cass this is all we’ve got”
Zeta: Again?
- well it is a loop.
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-MORE SHOTS.  (me)
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Zeta: The only thing missing is “heat of the moment”
- what if the woman is his conscience trying to get him out and if he sign he’s out? ...like....testing his resolution?
-Little insulting
Zeta: you’re nothing
Zeta: Why is he so perfect in this?
- J: “Dean---is strong”
  M *disgusted face*: “ Is a gnat “ . WOW
Zeta: Emotional abuse.
- M: “ he was not happy, but he didn’t care-- Cause you are not Sam, you are not Cass.” 
[ me looking smiling to the Castiel/Misha hateclub]
-M: “You are a weak helpless thing”
- Jack , babe ....get away tho 
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- M: “no I’m not and I can still hear you”
Zeta: Prick
- Love that prick..... literally 
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- I care so little for the others I swear
- M: “Look at you, play nursemaind for a nephilim”
-C: “You are confusing loyalty and compassion for weakness”
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Zeta: Damn what am I watching?
- [looks into the camera like in the office] Sexual tension
Zeta: so done. this. Close up
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- M “and now...that I’m in here, I know why” 
Zeta: He churn our draft after draft
- M speaks like he’s singing and mocking you at the same time. He has this musicality in his speak and I love it
- C: “Why would he do that?”
- good lord I swear all the angels are just brats throwing temper tantrum because they have a trash dad.
- M: “But now , I just want to burn every one of his little worlds until I catch up to the Old man”
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Zeta: Even god can die.
- oh ok....overachiever much
Zeta: Hurt Jack
- No no Jack babe...keep your fucking soul .
Zeta: Cool science project
- Michael’s mind: if you mess up my perfectly combed hair Cass I swear-
- M: “ I give it a solid B- .....uh oooh”
 me nervously: .....wtf lol 
- M: *snorts* Oh Cass, I believe in you.
So rude...so nasty 
- j: “ What should I do?”
Zeta: Pray
-Thanks Cas, that’s-......that’s great
Zeta: You are all mine
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Zeta: Dean’s mind.
- ..... if it was a funny episode they could have made so many jokes about being empty lol.
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- me looking around haters mind ^
Zeta: This is what you are gonna become
- Dean’ “NOOOO “ at Castiel death is vibrating into my bones.
- S: “Dean is strong”
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- C: “Sam, we’ve been through a lot and Dean is more than strong”
- S: “Dean thrive on trauma.” 
Zeta: Smart moose
- Somebody has been reading some meta tumblr posts
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- P: “You really know how to talk to a lady don’t you?”
 me already at Castiel’s feet : wha
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- That’s us fans watching 14 seasons of supernatural ^
-Bloody Cass is 100. *licks lips*
- P: “get me a shot. With your braaaain”
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Zeta: Well hello.
- C:” That was- that....DeAN ThAt WaS An ACcidENT”
Zeta: Babyyyy
- them baby faces
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- Dean’s mind : [ old modem sounds]
-M [Slow clap it out.] : Hey Fellas
Zeta: I’m you
Zeta: He gripped you tight and raised you from perdition
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-but also....but the fuck is Mary at?... like wow.
- also....everything that Micheal is saying right now is causing me actual fucking pain.
- Ok and both Sam and Cas faces? well thanks
Zeta: He’s buying time
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-WOW. Slow smile, oooooH
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-S: “So in here, you are all talk”
- oh that’s why he doesn’t use his powers. Serviceable .
Zeta: So happy. Fuck
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Zeta: Prove it
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- Um...yes hello 911? 
Michael getting his hands dirty is too hot for me.
-Fucking Tiger man.
-Come on baby 
Zeta: Jack will do something “stupid”
- Well he is his parents’ son *shrug*
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Zeta: that
- D:” Then we don’t kick him out, we keep him in”
-oooooh M goes in the closet, lol
Zeta: Oh my god.
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- ....Well that was stupid AHAHAHAAH 
- I can’t stop laughing .
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- M [ROAR] 
  me: ....
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Zeta: I’m the cage.
-HE IS THE CAGE. That doesn’t seem right tho...come on.
Zeta: So now Dean has Michael locked up
-ooooh the magic hurt him. Forgot about that. My baby.
Zeta: Concerned Dad.
- The way Cass say : “you understand?” killed me....so soft...so worried...
- The little smile! Kill me now.
Zeta: He’s not ok.
-Dean is not ok.
Zeta: [henley alert]
-He’s like....naked. ( still has another tshirt under it tho)
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-Oh he’s mad 
( Sorry for the not that clear gifs but I wanted to cut and past all the bits of that because it’s amazing)
Zeta: He’s suffering so much.
-That troat
- That door is not that sturdy tho
Zeta: Oh hell no
- oh hello death . 
-Aw hell naw.
- Death :” Except one”
Zeta: Which one?
Zeta: No
Zeta: NOOO so much hurt
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Zeta: Actual literal pain in my chest
- lol I don’t even wanna look at tumblr now
Zeta: well you know me....I have
- of course you did
post gifs comment: I didn’t do my crack gifs for now, but they will be done in a separate post.
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @supernatural-teamfreewillpage  @destiel-honeypie   @mariekoukie6661   @dragontamerm    @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @mattiecat   @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee @jacks-word-of-the-day @4evamc
84 notes · View notes
paig · 5 years
Album Analysis: Neotheater
neotheater is possibly one of my favorite albums of all time. i love the way the album opens and closes, it really reminds me of a show and almost like an overture while also being a unique song. the sentimental value each song obviously holds made me want to cry and smile at the same time. in my opinion, the click’s theme or message was about balancing what you want to be and what other people want you to be, and i think that this album is about the ‘human experience’ and things everyone goes through but never talks about (like the Peter Pan factor, which is explained later). I loved the messages of 100 Bad Days and Birthday Party when they dropped, and Dear Winter brought me to tears.
But it’s always better to go in order, so starting from the beginning, Next Up Forever: wanting to never actually peak because then it means you’re never going to be better/or as good as you were at one point or another. this song also pushes into motion the Peter Pan factor that reoccurs throughout the album, not wanting to grow up. but then the flip side shown in the song is not wanting to be left behind. “I know i have to grow up sometime, but i don’t think im ready yet” is the line that really drove it home for me. This song is also musically beautiful and i love love LOVE the chorus.
Next, Birthday Party: Firstly, i love the transition between the songs. i also love the little “wow”s! This song also captures the ‘human experience’ in my opinion because it mentions thoughts everyone has, but doesn’t ever really say out loud (with a few exceptions). Not to mention the upbeat music that for me represented the outlook that the song has, even if it is in a sarcastic way.
My personal favorite to get hype to, 100 Bad Days: this one i feel contributes the most to the theme of ‘the human experience’. the song is about surviving what hurts, and becoming more interesting because of it. it also talks about coping with failure and everything going wrong, which is something that everyone ever can relate to. “i aint scared of you no more” is such a powerful line, saying ‘hey yknow what? im not going to let this keep me down’ which is also something everyone can relate to. This song holds a special place in my heart because it has helped me through a lot even though it hasn’t been out for very long.
Don’t Throw Out My Legos: holy. crap. i heard this song first when i listened to clips from people on The Click tour, but hearing it produced and really complete is an entirely different experience. This song contributes to ‘the human experience’ because it’s about being stuck in this feedback loop of having to let go but not being able to. it also represents a first step to me, because moving out but not moving on is the first step towards being really independent. this song may have the most peter pan feel to it of all!
Break My Face: the way this song starts is my favorite thing ever omg. this song is kinda like realism, cause it gives the pros and cons to every situation in an unbiased way, but also makes a little joke out of it. human experience shows in this one through how it almost sounds tired of life’s crap. “life gives you lemons, at least it gave you something” is an iconic line, and the little callback to Birthday Party with “everything is going great” is super sneaky cause it sounds perfect.
Turning Out Pt.ii: wow. this song is really raw, and it honestly makes me feel so aware of everything. the universal shared experience of being in love with the idea of someone is already near heartbreaking, but then the way it is compared to growing up and, well, turning out and loving how you turn out really drives it home. not being able to actually tell someone and instead having to indirectly imply it is also something people can relate to.
The Entertainment’s Here: if someone were to ask me what song i feel embodies who i am, it would be this song. the alarm part really called me out to be honest. being someone who hyperfixates on things alot, this song is about being bored and starting to think about things way too much and getting bored but then content (in this case, entertainment) is available and i use it as a distraction. “you don’t even gotta use your brain from here” is the most hard hitting line for me. this song embodies the human experience, because it’s about needing to be distracted constantly which is how life is now.
Karma: This song is just.... beautiful. i love how the song is from the point of view of someone at a therapy appointment, because that is something alot of people will be able to latch on to and feel really close to home. another thing people will relate to is doing your best for as long as you can, but not getting any good karma in return and getting gradually frustrated. The callback to 100 Bad Days really hit hard, because it ties the songs together. One, about pushing through everything life throws at you, and the other, about being wound so tightly and straining from said pushing through and never getting a break. The outro of the song is another thing that is going to resonate with so many people. “the universe works in mysterious ways but im starting to think its not working for me” is the summary of it.
Beats: This song reminds me of Im Not Famous, cause it’s about the moral argument of selling out/not selling out. this song is very human to me because it has the recurring theme of being afraid of being forgotten/left behind/fading away. It also gives me Come Hang Out vibes cause of the end.
Wow, Im Not Crazy: This is another song that i think its the epitome of the ‘human experience’ because hearing someone else confirm that youre not alone in something you think is weird about yourself is such an amazing feeling that i feel was captured perfectly in this song. the tone is perfectly reflective of the feeling you get when you hear someone say something you’ve been thinking about forever.
Dear Winter: I have almost no words for this song. The first time i heard this song, i was having a really bad day, some of friends were out together without me, but i watched the video and listened to the song on repeat and things were a little better. The idea of planning your life and skipping over certain parts you can’t actually plan is so relatable, and i think that it says alot about us as humans. It’s in our heads from the beginning that we have to have a plan and we have to know what to do, but sometimes thats impossible and we can’t, so we don’t, and we hope instead. and i think this song reflects that beautifully.
Finale (I Cant Wait To See What You Do Next): The way this song echoes the first track but is still it’s own song is so beautiful. I also love how both songs are reminiscent of old movies or old shows that you would go and see in a theater, but theyre still new (hence neotheater!!!) “They wanted heaven from me, i gave them hell” is so powerful on it’s own, because it is about expectations piling up and just exploding and throwing them off. this song really does a good job of communicating that message. There’s also that little feeling of being behind and overwhelmed after such intense expectations that the song does a perfect job of putting into words and music. It also brings a little of the Peter Pan factor back, talking about not wanting to be forgotten or left behind. being welcomed to the neotheater at the beginning and the end was my favorite little detail in this album.
Overall, this album is an emotional rollercoaster. there are songs that make you think “hey, how did you get into my head?” Theres songs that you listen to get pumped up, songs you listen to to cry, songs you listen to to smile, and much much more inbetween. Overall, this album is about the Human Experience and the things we don’t talk about but always think. Congratulations on your bit of success! welcome to the neotheater, we can’t wait to see what you do next.
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lacyjaybird · 6 years
Finals Suck (But Drinking Games Don’t)
Sorry I haven’t posted anything for Inukag week. Maybe because im a lazy piece of shit  I really haven’t been motivated to write... but w/e. Here is day 1... like 5 days late..
But here’s something! (here it is @mustardyellowsunshine ... ya happy??)
Day 1: Team Work / Yellow
Finals Suck! (But Drinking Games Don’t)
Word count: 1507 (Where is this when i need it for my WIPs??)
Rating: T
“Okay. This is enough.” Miroku declared, standing up briskly from his former seat on Inuyasha and Kagome’s navy blue sectional. “I refuse to allow these final exams to continue to spoil perfectly good moods!”
Sango, who had been seated beside him, looked up from her riveting copy of “Textbook of Sports Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects of Sports Injury and Physical Activity”  translated into Japanese. “And how do you expect Kagome and I to do that? Hmm? We have exams early tomorrow. So no drinking for us.” She had bookmarked her place and sat the hefty book on the floor, taking off her reading glasses and rubbing her tired eyes.
“My gallant companion, Inuyasha, and I will be drinking in your stead, my lady.” Miroku smirked, pushing up the sleeves of his purple hoodie before turning to face the group.
Inuyasha was seated on the floor, his head leaned back as Kagome had been taking notes from an audio book with one hand and gently massaging his ears with the other. He had a bag of potato chips in between his folded legs and a textbook held over his face, grumbling.
Both were now paying him full attention. “Listen here, shit-for-brains. I ain’t got the smarts yall do. So i gotta cram this shit in if i stand any chance of getting my degree.” The hanyou snarled, making a move to lean forward, his free hand rolling up the sleeve to his baseball style tee, the textbook now being wielded as a weapon.
But before another move could be made, by either the brunette brandishing a backpack as a shield or the ivory haired brute threatening bludgeoning, Kagome stood, stretching her arms over her head. This allowed for the hem on her mustard yellow “SHAM” sweater to ride up her midsection, showing right beneath her belly button. “I say let's do it!” She smiled, her arms dropping down into two thumbs up.
“I guess.” Sango sighed, straightening the pants to her jumpsuit as she stood to stretch as well.
“How about flip cup?” Miroku asked, gently using the backpack to thump the book out of Inuyasha’s grasp. “I don't know any drinking games, but I’m willing to learn!” Kagome smiled, tying her raven hair up in to a bun. She then ducked quickly into her and Inuyasha’s room to change into some sweat pants rather than the pencil skirt she had been sporting. She didn't know how intense these things got.
Once she returned, the girl noted how quickly the set had changed. The dinner table of their humble little apartment had been cleared of all textbooks and lined on its two longest sides with solo cups. Sango was in the process of filling each cup to the indented line on the inside with beer when Kagome had shuffled over, wrinkling her nose at the twangy scent.
“Here are the rules.” Miroku beamed, obviously proud of himself. Inuyasha’s ears perked as he pulled his long hair into a loose bun, listening carefully. Sometimes Miroku changed the rules to things for his favor if he knew that one or more of the people playing were new to the game, and he simply didn't want to be bested because Kagome wasn't properly informed.
“Two teams. On each team you have the drinkers and the flippers. Usually that's not how it's played, but we will make exception for tonight. The drinkers will start at one end and down each cup of beer, setting the empty cup on the edge of the table so a small corner sticks off. Once they have completed the 10 cups, they tag their partner who must take a sake shot and be spun around 3 times before they have to use only one finger to flip the cups upright onto the table. “ Sango made a move to protest the sake, but the Religious Studies major listed a finger to halt her, the glass of sake pouring gently into the small ceramic cups.
“It's a single shot, my love. And it's only to disorient you while you flip.”
Sango rolled her eyes and pulled her long, loose russet hair into a high ponytail and arched a brow at Miroku. “If you think just because I'm on your team means that you get some sort of award from this if we win, then you're wrong, perv,” she grumbled.
Miroku had been trying for months to win over the heart of the athlete, but to no visible avail.
“Okay! Let's do this! We need team names!” Kagome cheered, her mood lifting visibly the more she thought about the activity. Inuyasha, on the other hand, was looking at all the beer in the cups and thinking about the meager amount of food in his stomach. Hopefully his metabolism would burn through it before it had any negative repercussions.
“How about���” Kagome began, tapping a delicate finger against her chin. She had rolled up the sleeves to her sweater for more freedom. “How about InuKag for us,” she continued, pointing to herself and Inuyasha, “And MirSan for you guys!”
“What?” Inuyasha questioned, cocking an eyebrow as he picked something out of his canine ear with a clawed pinkie.
“You know! Like with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? Brangalina!”
Inuyasha sighed and made his way to the other side of the table, shaking his head. HIs girlfriend had always been silly, but this was ridiculous.
Miroku laughed at his friend’s antics and rolled his eyes, removing his hoodie to show only a sleeveless black workout shirt, the tattoo half sleeve on his right arm catching Sango’s attention. How had she known him for so long and never seen his bare arms?
As Inuyasha and Miroku sat on on their side of the table, Sango leaned over to her friend, a question in her set shoulders as she eyed Miroku’s ink. A buddhist temple, that she recognized as Kenninji Temple, capped the shoulder and lead down to a zen garden and the Garden of the Sound of the Tide located at that temple. The scene dissolved into blue prayer beads that looped around his elbow and stopped at the top of his forearm.
“So i didn't know that Miroku had tattoos..” She whispered, admiring the photo-realistic ink.
“Yeah, He got those shortly after moving here. He was raised out by Kyoto and apparently that temple is really important to his family,“ Kagome offered, moving over to mirror Inuyasha.
Before Sango could say anything else, Miroku spoke up. “Alright, my comrades! Are you ready?” Inuyasha and Kagome locked eyes, a smirk on his lips as the competition aspect began to catch in his bones. He shook his arms out in anticipation. “On the count of three. One.. two… THREE!”
As soon as the word was uttered, both males were off, downing cup upon cup of beer and placing them on the edge of the table. They were nearly neck and neck, Inuyasha having a slight lead. The apartment had erupted in cheers from the start, Sango and Kagome both shouting encouragements to their teammates
As soon as he finished the last cup on their side, Inuyasha tagged Kagome, who immediately took the sake shot and allowed herself to be spun around. Seconds later, Sango caught up with her. Kagome fumbled on the first cup, but soon she was off like a bullet, righting the cups one after another. Inuyasha erupted in howling chants, a smile plastered across his face as Kagome breezed through the cups. She delicately placed her middle finger in the exposed rim of the cup and flicked her wrist expertly, righting the last cup. Throwing her arms up in the air, Kagome cheered as Inuyasha whooped, scooping her up into his arms, her bellybutton up by his nose, his left arm holding her up beneath her butt as the other pumped in the air.
Sango and Miroku were left staring blankly as Inuyasha began laughing loudly, Kagome letting out a loud,”Whooo!!!”. The couple gloated loudly as their friends watched, jaws slack.
Miroku shook his head in disbelief, chuckling as he began to pick up the cups, Sango wiping up residual liquids on the table. As he began to ask Kagome how she had the skills to smoke them, he noticed the couple smiling to each other, lost in the moment. He decided to nod his head to Sango, suggesting they leave their friends alone. Inuyasha captured Kagome’s lips in between his smiling ones, still holding her over his head. Her small hands framed his face as she laughed against him, her stress melting away with every peck of the lips.
After the cups were thrown away and bags were packed, the two brunettes said quick goodbyes to their friends and headed out the door, leaving the still smiling couple in the small apartment to laugh. Their night much lighter than it had begun, wrapped in each others arms as the threat of the upcoming exams faded in to the back of their minds for another time.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
September 13th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on September 13th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Gemini Journey  by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Gemini Journey by Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero~! (http://geminijourney.com/) Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked when she was getting ready for interviews and she messed up her makeup and her buttons popped 100% relatable
Tenor | Shinavar
Hi Hi! Q1: TOO MANY. But specifically I really enjoyed Veil's anger he morning after Gemini went missing. I just really appreciated getting to see someone actually care someone just wandered off, and him still having lingering emotions about the whole incident of her returning home.
Oh gosh, that one was such a BIG MOOD!!!
whoo-hoo! Thanks @RebelVampire for putting on CTP. And hey all, thanks for coming :)!
Oh, boy, this is a hard one to answer, to be honest! I really liked the first chapter, where Gemini and Veil were going up against the Dragon-Roach... I was like "WAIT HOW CAN YOU HATE DRA--- Oh." Also, this scene: http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=69 Veil. You are the best.
It was fantastic handling of that... Creeper Kappa? Is the flasher a Kappa?
i just give 100% of my heart to Veil he works so hard hes so tired let him rest
Tenor | Shinavar
Flasher, I'd say
Gosh, yeah, the dragon cockroach was really creative and I'm SO HAPPY there's a Kappa and they had to do the "bow" move to "defeat him"
Tenor | Shinavar
But yeah I love how 'street smart' he is about like, everything going on.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
a book nerd with street smarts
Veil has no time for any of these Shenanigans
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
he's amazing
I really love Gemini's "guilt" expression in one of the interviews
yeah i think veil is also a great character balance to gemini. cause when you have someone who is into the shenanigans, you need someone to be a grounding influence
Tenor | Shinavar
I also really like that though because he shows a level of attentiveness and perception to the world around him. <3
yess! It's a flasher Kappa! Glad you liked that scene.
yeah sometimes the "straight man" character can come off as a wet blanket but he genuinely cares for Gemini. i'd like to see more of that, like how they mnet or something one day in the future
Yeah! Veil and Gemini are such a dynamic complimentary duo, from personality, body shapes, and orange and blue colors!
EXCELLENt design
Oh yea, huge props for how polar opposites Gemini and Veil are
OH!!! One of my favorite scenes is when Gemini firsts visits the creepy circus and the scene transitions to her perfectly waking up in bed. That was such a cool transition!
Yes, I agree, the two play off each other well.
It was!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=198 Also, I like this scene, in part cause it reminds me very well of what happens to me some days
I'm really eager to see how the circus devolves and how Veil and Gemini will handle it. Also those rad fox twins!
(I may have to leave at a moment's notice when the baby awakens, if I suddenly go silent.)
You guys are so nice. I don’t know if I can add smilies fast enough haha
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=55 Also, the lighting on this page was woooonderful. I wasn't sure how to read Veil's expression though. It was kind of like... "wait. Do you not want her to move out? Or... Are you just... ....caught off guard by dog fire?" ....Then the next panel is like "Back to reality."
Yeah the scene where it transitions from her as a circus performer to her in the bed was one of my favorites. @saetje really owned that scene
Tenor | Shinavar
I read it as he's a bit hurt at the "You can finally be alone!" more than her moving out
wow that is some really good lgithing
I think that was the first time that I didn’t second guess the panel format
to repeat something already said, i loved the dragon bug. that was such an immensely creative idea, and i think it was a great way to open the comic. we get a great way to get not only the impression of what the world is like, but we get to get a great feel for the personalities of the characters.
I gotta say though, my favourite was apparently Death owning a flower shop that has the slogan "You Don't Gno-me". Gotta love those little details.
Tenor | Shinavar
yeah i give death's appearance an A+. that and gemini's confusion about why death asked about her immortal soul
I looove all the mythology monsters at play in the background!
A lot of those details are thanks to @Jess who does final rendering/lettering. Flower-shop Wraith/Death will actually be showing up again I think next update, haha.
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=45 although i was also distracted by the page right after. this feels so true for getting a job.
It's the Wraith of Khan.
LOL Gemini's entire job ordeal is so relatable. "i workeds hard on this one application im gonna go get a treat" girl, same
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=157 Veil's distress :<
Tenor | Shinavar
Gemini sets off my inner Veil tho bc I know so many friends who do like
1 app a week
UGH hes so cute when hes sad XD
Tenor | Shinavar
Back to what Rebel said though, I agree the dragon as a bug was hugely creative, and a good way to see the main characters play off each other.
Tenor | Shinavar
istg I relate to Veil the entire job process lmao
I love the expressiveness of both Veil and Gemini, but yeah, I really really feel for Veil
I love how much Veil cares! He cares SO MUCH!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Did anyone else notice in he dragon roach scene Veil has Gemini's shoe the whole time as the weapon?
i love that page, @Kabocha like the lighting plus that expression made my heart weep
I like that Gemini did start to take it more seriously for Veil, or at least seems to have been at interviews.
weep so dang much
Tenor: I don't think I picked up on that.
Although, how much is Gemini caring vs the Circus influence infecting her with confidence?
Tenor | Shinavar
I realized it after I noticed Gemini running around without a shoe and had to go back to see where I missed it lmao
@Tenor | Shinavar AH! Someone noticed that!
(I'm gonna go AFK for a bit, got some things I have to do but I'll hopefully be back later!)(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, Veil took Gemini's shoe despite having larger feet than her. I could jsut imagine the behind-the-scenes squabbling about it
OOOH Good point about the influence! I'm really intrigued by the hypnotic circus
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Caring about what, specifically? Like, about the circus, trying to get a job...?
(Sorry if I'm slow on the draw, got kids here )
On our world dragons: Yeah. It came from a conversation that dragons are the pests of the magical/mythical world. To the roach/dragon thing just kinda took form from that Ahahaha
yes i noticed the shoe and thought that was a great art touch of continuity
Ahaha yeah!!! I mean. My boi got nice shoes. He can’t be using them for that
I'm really glad dragons have the roach aesthetic, too! As someone who loves all dragons, I draw the lines at cockroaches XD
yeah that poster at the end threw me for a loop i thought it was a legit magic look-alike so when i saw the poster i was like "whoaaa no way" haha makes me VERY interested to read more
Veil is so clean haha!
@Tenor | Shinavar -- Just in general honestly. Gemini started putting more effort into things, but it didn't feel like she actually really gave a damn more than she had gained some level of confidence.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
i really liked gemini's haunted mascara
I'm glad you all like the Dragon Roach opening/idea too. It's also the idea...trying to imagine how mythical things might have 'evolved' along with our modern world, and yeah. Dragons are pretty much pests you always have to exterminate, yeah?(edited)
Although maybe that's the magic of the circus
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
or maSCAREa
I grinned at it being one of the flying types.
Tenor | Shinavar
Ooooh that's fair, and a good point.
Made me think of ants. I hate the flying ones.
@mathtans directly related to past experience with real life 'flying ones'. Nothing makes a roach worse than realizing it's one of those
omg ants too
Tenor | Shinavar
Saetje: So would this modern world have those 'fortune cat' memes but with the dragons instead? Reblog for good fortune?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
god i related to that line so much bcus of how often i had to deal with flying roaches as a young childe
hmm, fortune cat memes? Like on tumblr when someone reblogs a picture of a cat with money on its head? XD
Tenor | Shinavar
I could do without the flying insects aaaaaaaa
gEmini and Veil on social media haha!
i bet Gemini is a memelord
Yeah!! For the circus - we’re at the point not where we can start unraveling some of the mystery. Throughout the story so far we wanted it to be sorta ambiguous about if that Gemini in the circus was the same one. In the next oncoming scenes you’ll see what’s real and what’s not. But hopefully the way it’s being read is that the readers (y’all) are realizing it might actually be Gem
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd collect flying insects if they were smol dragons justsayin
She is definitely a memelord Hahahah I love that
I doubt about dragons being seen as fortune memes since dragons are seen as pests and they tend to keep you from your money (ala sitting on the horde and breathing fire) or take loose items into their hidey holes-- so they're not seen the same as lucky. But that might just be for Gem and Veil's part of their world
I'm so excited for the Circus to "unravel"
i bet she texts memes to Veil from across the room and then just waits for him to look at her in disapproval =3
Tenor | Shinavar
I've been under the impression the circus might not be entirely real and the performers there are stuck against their will - kinda fae-style. <_< So either she's performing against her will and is not yet fully bound or it's been an illusion to GET her there
is veil thus the type to post all the old timey book quotes then? XD
in regards to the social media thing
Yeah, at first I thought maybe Gemini was just seeing herself in place of who was actually up there, but with the poster it seemed likely that they were actually making her do the things.
Oooh, I think it could go either way with trapped souls and she's not bound yet, or it's all an illusion to trap her.
Also, Veil posts moody aesthetic boards
"Juggling is not a garbage job" :V
yeah we're getting into I guess the third act and I hope it comes together and makes sense. as we unravel some mystery. There's more stories we want to tell after "Barley & Bay-Lily" that all follow continuity, so I want to wrap Barley & Bay-Lily where you all know what's going on but there's more overarching questions than answered in some ways.
I'm loving these thoughts on it!
Clever play on Barnum & Bailey, by the way.
i want to say i loved the juggler. that was a great design and gemini's reaction to it made me laugh. although i do wonder now if the juggler is part of the circus conspiracy
I wonder if it's significant that they seem to be foxes.
Foxes are tricksters, so I mean
Tenor | Shinavar
My fear about the poster though, and why I hink it's a trap, is it said her "final act"
'Tis true.
Also I don’t know if anyone noticed but the juggler was only juggling 2 balls with 4 arms
Very fitting to make them foxes! Cute and mischevious and devllish
Tenor | Shinavar
So lots of talent going on in the streets of New Olympia hahaha
Jess: I caught the four arms. Guess I didn't count the balls. Seems like less of a challenge there.
"mysterious circus ive never heard of down a dark alley? sounds like a great time and not at all suspicious!"
yes, what @Kabocha said. The idea for GJ is this is HER story/myth/hero's journey. Foxes are pretty archetypal to suspect characters in folklore and fairy tale. WHAT they are exactly, well. More to be revealed :' D you guys have some awesome theories.
Maybe there was a chainsaw off panel.
This'll be really cool to see as it approaches the end
(of the chapter, anyway)
Tenor | Shinavar
That’s true! Whether she was a good juggler or not is the true mystery
The foxes are actually out of work actors.
oh god.
Mathtan you figured it out
I misread that as "work out" actors LOL
Tenor | Shinavar
oh even better
Tenor | Shinavar
Explains why they are trying to start their own circus
Appearing next in the Big Top - Jazzercize.
Tenor | Shinavar
Possessed Scary Circus Zumba
Crossfit but its clowns
That’s terrifying
Tenor | Shinavar
I h8 u all bc I can't draw this right now
i would pay to see clowns doing crossfit
now tHAT'S a million dollar comic idea, Shen
or idea in general, yes
I know it's probably way off in the future, but I'm curious about plans for Veil-focused arc in the future
yeah same, im sure its planned but im interested
QUESTION 2. While searching for a job, Gemini clearly has gotten wrapped up in a dangerous situation involving a circus. What do you think the circus’ goal is in general for the people it entraps? Who exactly are the fox ringmasters running the show? Why was Gemini in particular targeted as opposed to other people in the audience? Why did Gemini seemingly come home in a trance, and what do you think it means for whatever is happening to Gemini? How do you feel the performer who represents Gemini’s ideals fits into all of this? Do Gemini’s anxieties have something to do with all this do you think? Lastly, how do you think Gemini will get out of this mess (or is she just doomed)?
i wanna know why he puts up with her tbh ^^; seems like she can be a bit self interested
Also that it's confirmed he has friends cuz of that phone call. I'm sorry, I keep assuming he's a Sad Books lonely boy
no friends its just his mom
yeah you guys don't know if he's just sadly talking to a dial tone
The circus' goal is to... Basically steal her life energy! Somehow. But we'll see. Or enchant her and spirit her away~ Once she becomes part of the spirit world she won't really be albe to retuuuuuurn~
well now you made it sad. XD
@saetje oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
LOL! As for Question 2: Like most shifty magic things, steal her soul! Trap her in the circus
What about Gemini's mom? I'm sure he's probably got her on speed dial
i assume soul stealing. i mean thats pretty standard evil fair. and who doesn't need a good soul
i dont think they targetted Gemini specifically as much as they laid out a trap and waited to see who stumbled in, and she did so they ensnared her
Veil seems too organized to talk to a dial tone. It'd at least be the official time signal.
I think the Circus targets ppl who are down on their luck or confidence or don't have a quote "real job" atm? Like job hunting is really stressful and feels hopeless a ton of times
so it looks for vulnerable ppl imo
Gemini came home in a trance because the cab was too expensive.
That’s how I do too
BRB faking trance to get out of cab faire
To heck with fantasy Uber and Lyft!
It shows them something akin to their best selves, maybe?
what if this is a known phenomenon in their world so when someone says "they ran away to the circus" they mean that whoops, got that soul life energy sucked out
Yeah! The play of "UGH I should just run away and join the circus" it's so cool!
i once saw a video of a woman pretending to be a ghost to get out of paying a toll
Tenor | Shinavar
Q2: The specific part I havenb't already kinda answered is: I feel she is part of Gemini's subconciousness in the sense of having her "act" together. Her life wouldn't be too chaotic, she's able to balance all that is expected of her without being a 'clutz' or anything she seems to think at least minimally negatively on. (seen by her admiring the grace and such)
She's a representation of everything Gemini wants to be?
Tenor | Shinavar
Not exactly but def a bait, in some way
Except moving more toward that ideal means that Gemini gets trapped...
Well, representations don't have to be literal >_>
<_< I figured it was all pretty figurative
Tenor | Shinavar
True true
the thing i cant figure out is why the trance thing. like gemini was in the circus, just suck out her soul. why give her the chance to escape?
Since we see Gemini specifically, I'm assuming the audience members are just an illusion
Maybe these foxes like playing with their "prey" and make it a slow burn
It could be through the music that the circus gets you. That alley cat seemed real scared of it, while Gemini was drawn in.
Alice: Oh, I like that.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rebel: If i works like fae magic, you gota get them to agree to it
Yeah, why play if there's no risk involved?
Rebel: To recharge?
Tenor | Shinavar
You also can avoid like - all legal repercussions if it's "willing" >_>
Ahahaha consensual death is the best ... death?
For lawyers, yES!
Now waiting for the scene where Veil rules-lawyers the foxes.
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
thats how it be sometimes
Law & Order with VEIL
Tenor | Shinavar
Also it hurt a lil bit I couldnt resist. Crossfit clown from geminis world lol
omg @tenor hahaha
That's a garbage job. ^.-(edited)
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Just like, pops on some glasses and busts out a book from no where
That's Veil's magic power -- BOOK LEARNIN'
Tenor | Shinavar
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
magic is a thing, he probably just pulls out outta his pocket dimension- which is in his pocket
Tenor | Shinavar
He has a pocket just for his books
I love all the art you guys do of Veil with his book beasts! They're the best!
Tenor | Shinavar
all 2k of them
haha,t hat's actually a joke we've been wanting to use somewhere-- "I love your dress" "Thanks it has pocket dimensions"
Omg I love it. All pockets are pocket dimensions from now on
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
pockets are THE BEST
imagine a pocket dimension!
This world gets better and better! Minus the creepy circuses
"My pocket dimension is full of clowns...."
Nooooo worst dimension
I saw a few other people ask it, but... Why is Veil so tolerant of Gemini's shenanigannery? I mean, I am a far less patient roommate than he is...
I figure a pocket dimension dress would have to be some kind of plot device though for a future arc. i mean, HAVE to be.
Tenor | Shinavar
New def to clown car
matth whyyy
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: My shipping side if he finds it endearing
Exhausting but endearing
wellp, clowns ruined it
i do applaud veil's sheer patience
but i do assume the blushing is more than just blushing
Tenor | Shinavar
Ah. Well be answering that soon. I think so far we’ve been focusing on Gem and some of her worst traits - her selfishness, but
Kabocha: Because I can. As to why Veil's tolerant, maybe he knows someone like Gemini in his family or his past.
I figured Veil was kind of perpetually blushing unless otherwise upset.
i am absolute ship trash and i am waiting for this to sail but i am patient
And we’ve focused on veils best - his smarts and his loyalty
Tenor | Shinavar
I keep getting little hints Veil at least Likes her.
Hm. So he knows Gemini could be Amazing if she'd try?
i think there is some of that yes
Tenor | Shinavar
But doesn't push it
wait veil has bad traits?
i dont accept this
Tenor | Shinavar
No he doesn't
don't listen to them
no, veil is perfect
Veil's afraid of bugs....
Veil just likes Gemini for her shoes. Much shoe blushing, wants to wear them.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'm sure Veil totally finds Gemini charming and really.. pr-pretty BLUSH
being afraid of bugs is a good trait
It’s true. And he won’t dirty his own shoes
bugs carry disease
Tenor | Shinavar
But is he afraid of bugs
or the fact they can catch shit on fire
Veil is very much a neat freak which is a double-edged sword
Tenor | Shinavar
like his books
and not very impulsive, so Gemini helps liven things up for him
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
tenor raises a good point
thats more "quirky" than a character flaw lol
like "clumsy" girls XD
They're foils for one another, you say? That's how these sorts of friendships balance each other? NEVAAAAAAR! ....I ship them unless there is a reason I should not.
these ship goggles dont come off
Several people are typing...
Yeah, this arc is very Gemini focused and how she needs to grow as a character
I'm excited to see how Veil needs to grow as a character in the future
Gotta take turns!
admittedly i do think veil kind of needs to learn to have fun probably
as a character arc
Tenor | Shinavar
But books are fun
Work is fun
well but organization is fun
although i do wanna know now who veil is calling
and what he does with his not gemini friends
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah, that's definitely something I see with Veil
Tenor | Shinavar
Just what the dr ordered
i agree with organization and books but i meant more in how he carries himself
Oh! It’s a dial tone
gotta learn to tweet those memes back
Tenor | Shinavar
thats fair he could stand to lighten up lol they both need to learn a bit from each other. hes not got time for fun if he has to always be the "responsible" one because someone else took up all the "fun" XD
Yeah! Guy needs to party and have an impulsive time for once rather than strictly schedule
They need to work together
Tenor | Shinavar
I do agree tho, with how in the know he seems to be, I'd like to know who all he's got, esp depending how they'll influence stuff in the future.
bc it seems he's from here whereas Gemini isn't soooo <_<;
Veil can be fun. Veil can't be impulsive.
yeah i do hope this circus experience teaches gemini more responsibility. in that maybe she should fill out more than a few apps XD
Does Veil have a hard time making decisions?
"look how impulsively i filled out your applications for you isnt that fun?"
Alice: Not if blueberries are involved.
And yeah, Gemini certainly learning more responsibility and also, to trust in herself if she applies herself and focuses
Tenor | Shinavar
I think Gemini jus needs to get to the point she doesn't need a child leash
Well and for me - I think when people are going through hardships, like Gem not being able to land a job, sometimes the worst parts of themselves show up. And while I love the character - (and hopefully) she’s shown to be kinda funny and not overly mean - I thought it was important to show her bad side early on
I don't see her as mean, just easily distracted.
Tenor | Shinavar
She's irresponsible but not in a malicious way
Like if she hurt someone I'd be dead up surprised if it was intentional
Yeah, that's definitely it ^^
Tenor: She killed a dragon.
I never thought of her as "mean"
Tenor | Shinavar
she is a sweet widdle cinnimon bun who needs protected from circuses and flashers
I said someone
Not thing
Gemini is Dovahkiin now lol
I'm sorry, Mat, but they're pests in this universe. Cockroaches uugh
Tenor | Shinavar
Difference ;)
oh yeah gemini is still super likeable. its more shes that adult who hasnt quite grown up yet. and youre kind of hand waving her to make stop being a kid 100% of the time.
Yeah! She's like a kid fresh out of college
Oh good! Was kinda worried. But she’s definite selfish and flighty and I’m happy to see that it’s coming through
Without making her irredeemable
Draco Plato
yeah she's definitely still likeable
Open to the free adult world, but still needs to learn how to adult cuz lord knows school prepares us for THAT
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah nah there's not a mean bone in that child's body
Free spirit, I think is a good desc?
The foxes are also spirits, but they're not free.
I'm glad! That's what we're going for- she's not intentionally harmful but has a lot of growing up to do. I don't think she realizes when her actions can hurt someone else.
She's selfish and irresponsible, but there's still potential to be redeemed. She's a well-rounded character that's set up to evolve from this story and that's what makes sticking with this story so worth it!
no one's free when they teach Clown Jazzercise
those poor foxes. gemini is actually doing them a service
I wonder if this world has the Zodiac? Is Gemini's name at all related to that?
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh. <.< Good q
Like, Veil is obviously responsible and an adult, so Gemini doesn't seem to think she has to think about Veil's feelings or words on some matters? He's got it all figured out! Me though? I need help. Veil, veil help me! What applications?! Not boring help ;; That's how I see Gemini
Gemini's the twins, yeah? Does Gemini have a sister, or a hidden second side where she's actually really competent?
Maybe she's the good twin, and the evil one is in the circus.
OOH, I'm curious about that, too, Math. I'm a Scorpio!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
that means you have a scorpion in the circus
"the twins" the foxes...
Ahahaha yesssss
Can't really reveal the Gemini connection yeeet buuut, duality and twins have some play in the overarching story yes!
PS im a Gemini~
Me tooooo!! Yesssss
Are you also plagued by fox clowns out of work
Gemini probably hasn't really taken time to consider other people's feelings long-term. I don't think she's quite there emotionally, but when she actually like.... really has it sink in that she worried Veil, that'll be interesting. Although she did acknolwedge she scared him, so I mean
Secret revealed, Gemini is called Gemini cuz Jess is a Gemini
Tenor | Shinavar
Naaaice ~ Also omg the fox twins ffft- Makes me think
Kabo: Yeah, I don't think she fully got how bad the scare was?
sweet im gonna name my next character Sagittarius
Yeah, it's the depth that I think she lacks
Tenor | Shinavar
Like "I'm sorry for scaring you but not sorry I did the action to cause it :D" levels of immaturity
@saetje What's your zodiac sign if you don't mind sharing?
Plot twist, Gemini sells her soul to the Flower Wraith Shop, and the foxes have to buy it back to keep their shenanigans going.
Tenor | Shinavar
When she gets more insight it'll be awesome as she grows
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeeeeees
She’s two fishes
Yeah, Gemini maturing as an adult is really exciting to wait for
My sister's two fish, too XD
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
twins............. two fish..............................
i see a theme here
Tenor | Shinavar
I really wanna see Gemini work for Death now hhh-
Yes haha!
Maybe a temp job that doesn't work out somehow
Twist: Death only claims dead plants
Tenor | Shinavar
Mostly bc I'm stuck with Death having the VA as the Death from Conker's bad fur day and I just. Can't.
"You should probably hold the scythe the other way."
"You're going to hurt yourself if you trim the shrubberies this way."
Tenor | Shinavar
"Why are you wearing all black it's hot af out go change, child"
i hope death only claims dead plants cause otherwise gemini is basically going from one soul threatening adventure to another
haha so true
Tenor | Shinavar
she just have to give death her soul
it's never said when
Does it have to be her soul, or just a soul? Or maybe soul music?
Tenor | Shinavar
oh god
Just a soul can be how we find out Death accepts plants
death better be a fan of soul music
you've split this concept wide open Maths
the sole of this shoe
Tenor | Shinavar
Shen NO
Another note about this story, is that I think it's a really good Young Adult story, cuz I feel myself and a bunch of other adults or kids coming out of college can relate to Gemini's story of trying to find work after moving out to live on their own
Tenor | Shinavar
That's Death's brother, Reaper.
Veil: "Your spell checker has done you in. Gemini only has to give you her shoe sole."
Awwww!! Thanks so much
Tenor | Shinavar
Alice: Yeees. Tho I think this first big arc is good for younger children too
the shoe in the dragon part was foreshadowing
Tenor | Shinavar
Like my kiddo would love the art and atm if it goes where I suspect it might, it's a great lesson to learn young
Thanks @aliceapproved !! that makes me happy to hear because that's also what we're going for
Yeah actually when whenever we show Gem getting rejected I get real sad. Since some of it draws from our experiences
You guys nailed it
Yeah, it was a big mood for me this year, so this story has been helping
Tenor | Shinavar
Rejeced? D:
Younger out of college Jess applied to be the new death - and I got turned down
QUESTION 3. Though we certainly know Gemini and Veil a bit, much of their past history has yet to have been discussed. Why do you think Gemini has struck out on her own? Do you think it’s just to embrace adulthood, or is there something specific she’s seeking? Was there anything about Gemini’s journey into adulthood that you connected with? What about Veil? What do you think Veil’s backstory is? How do you think Veil and Gemini even know each other? Do you think Veil’s overprotectiveness of Gemini exists for a reason, or do you think it’s just part of Veil’s personality? In regards to their future, do you think that the two will be able to remain friends, or will their differing personalities get in the way of peaceful cohabitation? Do you think Gemini will be able to successfully get a job? Finally, will Gemini move out once she gets a job, or will Veil potentially actively sabotage it?
I guess now that we're getting more shows like "Aggretsuko" I'd say we'd like to hit around that target. Like, we're sort-of 'mature' only because of some of the (not-NSFW) themes resonates more with older folks. But hopefully there's still more to be enjoyed from a slightly younger YA/teen audience.
Interesting last question there - I don't think Veil would actively sabotage, but might passively, without really thinking about it. "You can't move out next week, it's supposed to rain."
i think Gemini's irresponsibility combined with the double life (???????) shes got going on now is leading to a big fight with Veil. I dread it though
A big confrontation scene!
I can feel it coming
Veil finally calling out Gemini
I can only imagine the emotions!
...Can Veil handle confrontation where he gets pushback?
like, he can handle snark, but, an actual argument?
yeah. veil might be the type who cant really deal with confrontation like that
Tenor | Shinavar
3: Gemini is homeschooled. If she's trying to branch out there's a chance she might either feel shackled a bit, or she's been encouraged by her parents to stretch her wings. Gemini ran into Veil lost puppy style, trufax. Brought her in from the rain and cold Veil's personality is probably tied to sorta trying to guide Gemini in the sense of law and order. Everything has a place, so you gotta do it- where you going coME BACK OMG I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU. I do believe here is going to be some strife at some point because Gemini has shown a lack of communication and emotional skill and Veil has shown a lack of willingness to bend. BUT I do believe this will clear up after some resolution from some juicy content So yes I believe they'll stay friends.
although i think the confrontation is coming
That's a really great question, Kabocha. We haven't shown that yet :)c
Tenor | Shinavar
Maybe at worse a temporary not friends moment to crush our hopes and dreams
Or maybe "not speaking" terms atm
actually ya know what i could see as veil's big character arc is addressing change. cause the moving out thing may be more than veil just doesnt want gemini to go. it may be that veil is the sort that completely shuts down when there is change
y'all you guys have such insight, I'm loving your thoughts here. It's a relief to know you guys are getting a lot of what we're trying to put out and I love hearing your concepts, and concerns, for the characters!
I dunno that Veil realizes how overbearing he can be, to be honest. So.. Gemini's gonna get pushed to the edge and push back against him.
Tenor | Shinavar
Rbeel: Oooooh, that can be true too
I think Gemini might resolve to move back in with her mom (which is LEAST wanted thing for her cuz I think she loves being out on her own), but Veil offers that she could still say with him, granted now that she has a proper not circus cursed job
Tenor | Shinavar
SOME chaos is good but what is his limit.
RebelVampire, that's a really good note on Veil!
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: Yeah I get that. He seems so happy to 'help' but because he knows what you NEED to do to get done, he doesn't seem to fully 'get' that it's a lot for Gemini
Veil's very much overprotective
Tenor | Shinavar
A bit of lack of empathy for the situation in the face of necessity?
Yeah, like filling out applications is FuN???
He also doesn't understand how to break things down into smaller more completable tasks
Gemini needs a source of income, maybe Veil's letting her stay for cheap?
he can handle a long list, but.... honestly, Gemini needs to feel accomplished at each step of the way and realize how much progress she's made
Yeah, Gemini is a person that needs to be eased and break down steps, not all dumped at once
@Kabocha exactly- one of the flaws we've hopefully seen in Veil is that he can be pushy (literally physically pushing her around town int he beginning arc) and then tends to put too much on Gemini than what she's ready for at times.
Tenor | Shinavar
I got pushy though I didn' know the physical part was part of it
Yeah! That page with her smushed with all his word bubbles was a great representation of that!
Tenor | Shinavar
I figured him grabbing her was because it was liTERALLY UNSAFE LOL
Veil isn't as observant as Gemini, maybe because she's so distractible. He didn't realize she knew his fave berries and such.
Well I might've misspoke- it was more of a visual analogy for being emotionally pushy than, like, physically harmful or abusive.
He's basically trying to herd her lol
yes like a little sheep dog lol
Tenor | Shinavar
I getcha now lol
Veil is honestly a toothpick and I bet a small breeze could push him over
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
Don't insult my son like that
just bc he can takje flight with those ears don't mean nuttin
He's a GOOD SON!
oommg haha
I love him!
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
veil is a good boi
Boy ain't gonna win a bar fight is all haha!
Bless this sensitive boy!
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=178 "You are in my personal space"
Tenor | Shinavar
Nah legit tho being the tiny I'm surprised he CAN push her, or at least shows she's willing somewhat to be guided
Guys. It’s the nose isn’t it
Tenor | Shinavar
omg someone draw me Veil getting carried off by gemini plz
He can do no wrong with a face so right
Veil has a large picture of Spock in his room. Big fan.
Tenor | Shinavar
That's exactly it Jess
Honestly Gem could just pick him up and swing him around like a baseball bat if she wanted, I think.
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean he is such a stiff
@mathtans definitely a huge Spock influence!
veil's number one advice to gemini is to just think of what would spock do
then gemini asks who spock is
http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=186 < a M O O D
Gemini to Wraith: "Dammit Bones!"
oh i loved that page with the giant to-do list
it was a great visual gag
I definitely "treat myself" for small tasks when there are still more or bigger tasks to do haha!
Lol me too
I was REALLY into Star Trek a while back and almost did some 4-panel Star Trek Gemini Journey AU comics...I don't know if I have the sketches anymore though. Kind of psyched myself out of them
I think everyone works differently. You gotta treat yourself once in a while though!
Tenor | Shinavar
But going back to the characters - we hope to focus on their dynamic more and more. We love all y’all insight tho!
Tenor | Shinavar
reating yourself is importaaant
Their dynamic is mezzoforte.
yeah I'm loving hearing all your thoughts and getting some insight into how you all are reading the comic. It can be tough when you're so close to something to really 'see' it anymore
I appreciate your thoughts!
Yes! They're a great duo!
I'm always excited when there's an update and Veil and Gemini are interacting
And yeah! Ofc dude! Lots of pairs of eyes help
Just want to say the style of the comic is really interesting... I don't think I've ever really seen it before, just having the one panel. Most trend to pages or 4-panel or whatever. But one panel can really speak volumes, even if it's just a reaction shot, done in this way.
That means so much to hear!
Tenor | Shinavar
As someone with a messed up wrist I appreciate it too bc scrolling hurts so this worked great
I think the webtoons layout for it works really well for scrolling! I love reading updates before bed It fits so well!
Thanks! Honestly it's how I've always 'seen' it and I'm glad you all like that-- It's been a bit of a point of uncertainty for us. I'm hoping in the future we can get some sort of swiping option for mobile devices to swipe between panels on full-screen instead of always clicking
and yes! Webtoons has done well for us too
Yeah, I'll agree - carpal tunnel makes scrolling format hard, but your website is perfectly suited
thank you for having both options!
I gotta be honest when we made the decision to do it this way - we were so conflicted. We wanted to do this format becuase we envisioned it with simple panels and @saetje really works hard to make things look cinematic
Tenor | Shinavar
omg if you get swipe in I'd be so happy bc I do like 90% of my reading on my phone ;u;
Yeah, I would definitely love that as a feature in the future. Clicking is fine, but it can be difficult going back and forth and waiting for a website to load
Oh yeah! This story really reads well as a show or film! The storyboard format
yeah i was skeptical of the one panel thing at first but once i got used to it i thought it was really nice. especially for how much it allows to be fit on any one "page"
yeah! Tenor, we always wanted it to be REALLY mobile friendly. Like my ideal is to just let the panels fill a mobile screen and swipe to read. We just....aren't really programmers so we haven't figured that out so much yet XD BUT- I'm really happy to hear the one-panel tapping is easy on wrists! I've heard other people call us 'accessible' for that and that was an uninentional side effect but I'm happy to hear it.
Yeah! Plus, you get cool scenes like the circus sequence back to Gem waking up in bed in the same pose as the juggler
Tenor | Shinavar
It's muchly appreciated too <33
on a different note, im really intrigued by the fact that gemini's savings are in the form of like actual treasure. and im really curious if thats literally their hard currency, and if not, where did gemini get all that treasure.
Tenor | Shinavar
I think it is bc she says the coffee was a gold coin + a virgin's tear
I'm back!
"a gold coin AND a virgin tear what a rip off"
They're paste gems.
I think it's Mom's allowance to her before she moved
And glad you're aiming for a smooth mobile experience with the comic.
Tenor | Shinavar
So I'm curious, if you two are willing to answer this (and it's cool if not!) But what's inspired you guys to tackle this story? :D
I have to admit, sticking to one panel per page helps a lot
Yeah, maybe Gemini should store up her tears and sell them on the street?
Tenor | Shinavar
omg math
Tear-able idea, I know.
It’s probably a bit different for both of us: We’re huge myth nerds but we felt like there wasn’t a story that really talked about what ppl just starting their journey was like.(edited)
@Tenor | Shinavar no problem at all! Honestly GJ has been through many iterations including an animated series pitch in 20...12?? It was my and @Jess 's senior project! It was always very heavily myth-inspired because we're really into that. It's a modern hero's journey
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh~! <3
but basically what @Jess said
Did someone say, animated series?
Like the feeling of being unprepared to adult and the lack of jobs. The scariness of being on your own. Finding love, and losing it. And the fear of letting people down.
That's a really good point, a Journey!
It’s why Gemini’s full name is Gemini Journey
Also mythology is SO GOSH DANG GOOD
I thought that was a clever play on words.
I love all the mythical creature references!
And plus—- all this myth jokes Hahahaha
Yeah. What can we say--- we were starry-eyed animation students once (well, @Jess was a graphic design major)
Seconding mythology
and wow, that's quite impressive!
Wouldn't want to myth out.
yes! I'm REALLY into myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Bookshelves are lined with them, and I still don't know everything. It's a really rich topic.
I was not a animator hahah but I like them. They are awesome
World Mythology class was one of my all time favorite classes in college haha!
Me too!!
and your animated ad was BEAUTIFUL
same @aliceapproved !
and thank you!
Seeing Gem and Veil move is gorgeous and I could see little gifs of them interacting
As for the question of the half hour, I'm thinking Gemini answered a "want ad" from Veil, looking for a roommate, and she was the only one willing to take the place. Everyone else thought he was too strict, would get upset if they left the milk out.
oh thats good to know. i did wonder what the significance was in that her name was gemini journey
when time allows to work on those kinds of things haha!
I think myths in general tell important truths about people while still being entertaining. I hope our story gives them justice
You guys totally do!
veil does seem like the type whod make horrified faces at the milk being left out XD
Yeah. It’s a play on the Hero’s Journey
I wonder if Griffins will make an appearance. I love that Teacup manticores exist haha!
Definitely lots of fights about how to load the dishwasher correctly (if they even have one)
Tenor | Shinavar
I believe you guys give them great justice! I's def creative and fun for sure! :D
"You bought the powdered soap again...."
posting a bit early but i feel we are segueing into the next question already
QUESTION 4. Although the world has present-day elements, there are also a slew of magical things. What aspect of the world intrigued you the most and why? Are there tidbits mentioned that you’d love to know more about in the future? Alternatively, is there any magical related creature or being that you’re hoping to see make an appearance in the comic? In regards to actual story canon, do you feel Gemini is familiar with this magical world or that she still has a lot to learn? In what ways do you think magical elements might come into play and make trouble for Gemini? Regardless of magic, what sorts of other conflicts are you hoping to see/do you think we’ll see, especially in regards to Gemini learning to be an adult?
@aliceapproved honestly one of our downfalls is @Jess and I want to showcase TOO MANY mythological animals b/c we love so many of them and have a lot of ideas for how they'd work in our world. But, to what cost to plot, ugh.
and yeah griffins are like on that list b/c GRIFFINS
give me werewolves
ill give you a dollar
Tenor | Shinavar
Magical dishwasher.
Do they have flying cars?
have we seen a minotaur yet? need some minotaurs up in this joint.
and unicorns
What I'm interested is the fact that Gemini is an Antlantean and I wonder how that factors into future story elements if any
And yes, PLEASE griffins, unicorns, and minotaurs
WELL, here's something I think I can give away that hasn't exactly been pointed out a lot of times in our story yet (we are getting to it): there aren't any humans in the GJ universe (http://geminijourney.com/index.php?c=74) so a concept of a werewolf to them would really be a "werehuman", haha. But there are other wolfed-figured beings like Wulvers from Irish myth.(edited)
Unicorns, you say?
~~suddenly thinking about centaurs~
YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! I remember giggling at that "HUMAN TALE"
Human tale must be so boring to them XD
It's like OUR world, but NO MAGIC
oh wait, they're horror stories
^^ yes
Is Gemini actually a magical girl?
I MEAN, there are some strong "Princess Tutu" influences already and even more so coming up
magical girls are my jaaaaaaaaaaam
did notice gemini was an antlantean, didnt realize there were no humans
i actually hope the gemini veil fight happens
What does the transformation sequence look like
so we can see gemini's home
that sounds amazing
I must know
Gemini is a duck?
how did you know?
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Nooooo you figured it out
I wanna meet Gemini's mom haha!
I've seen the art but gosh
or Veil interacting with them
Honestly, Veil and Gemini meet the other's parent(s)
Waiting for the episode where Cupid accidentally shoots Veil with an arrow.
Yeah admittedly - the character designs for gems mom @saetje has done I’m really digging. I can’t wait for her appearance
Veil falls in love with a dial tone. Very embarassing.
I love that
We need to rewrite the next episode stat
He meant to shoot Gemini but Veil protected her.
um YEAH Math is going to be our new head writer
Math, you should re-write all our comics/stories
omg agree
I think you guys have a great Valentine's idea strip coming!
mind blown from the idea of a Math/SJB production
puns and jokes and visual gags everywhere
i hope gemini's mom is super awesome. i feel like she must be and gemini wants to be awesome like her
Let me try to get to 10 people reading my own comic first, maybe.
I read your stuff and it's pretty rad @mathtans
Would Gemini's dad still be in the picture, I wonder?
Gemini's uncle?
Gemini's grunkle?
My dad? your dad?
hahaha, Uncle Saggitarius, Auntie Pisces...
All dads
HAHA!!! Great idea!
I dunno why but i always caught onto the name Saggitarius
in a shocking twist, veil isn't Gemini's love interest hes her dad
Gemini could have two moms for all we know.
and it's totally not because I love centaurs
(I now ship Gemini's parents, I guess...?)
For Halloween, there probably should be a "Scary Human Tale" and it's filing taxes
well to be fair, dont need to be blood related for him to be her dad in a way. i mean he is basically pushing for her to succeed, teaching her stuff, and generally being the responsible adult
Veil is her dad confirmed
he loves and supports her and wants the best for her even when shes at her worst
ps saetje and Jess i hope you guys are in DMs with each other just screaming about all the dumb shit we're saying XD
Are... you here with us
I never thought of CTP's featured creators ever doing that
Repeating what a previous comment mentioned, it'll be fun to see how Veil falls for Gemini, like the spark that ignited his feelings for her and hopefully for Gemini in turn
Veil is actually a magic clone of her dad that was sent by the ghost of her grandfather, Thor?
oh, @Jess is my S/O so we're just chatting in our living room together and loving everything y'all say
But honestly this has been so inspiring
oh even better!
Tenor | Shinavar
BACK. #4: THe aspect that inrigues me the most is how diverse the world is and how it just is all one big melting pot. It's colorful and you've no idea what's around the corner. :D I'm curious if something like a Wendigo might get seen! :D
Daww, that's cute! (edited)
also WB!
Tenor | Shinavar
brb for a sec
Wendigos is scary stuff. O.o
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes they are
I LOVE the myth of Wendigo! No plans, esp. because they start out as human, but. I enjoy that one a lot
Tenor | Shinavar
But also like, one of my favorites so-
That's fair!
can never see wendigo in a positive light. 2spooky.
that eliminates vampires, too....
i hope there are phoenixes. and i hope gemini doesnt know them offhand and freaks out when one bursts into flames.
Would aliens fall into the category or is that too sci-fi?
Lol a fantasy world that has stories that are sci-fi
But what if we made a chain. And it’s a reheaded wendigo that sells burgers with square patties
Tenor | Shinavar
I mean —-
Oh, phoenixes are fun.
Phoenix chicks!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
"We sell Hyumahn meat"
Little baby Phoenixes pls haha!
phoenix lady dating a merman
Fresh from death!
I mean Rebirth!
Jess: I got that.
Sassy twitter extra.
We've been throwing around a phoenix story idea! They're also a personal favorite
again: too many great myth/fairy tale creatures we love, guuh.
Again as said earlier, I'm really happy that Kappas made an appearance, too! I love it when mythical creatures from all over the world are in one place together
i just love how he knew how defeat the kappa lol
"Why's that bird hanging around the Vietnamese shop?" "It's a Pho Enix."
IE: we thought of Veil and Gem "babysitting" a sphinx and Gem keeps feeding it puns and popsicle riddles (junk food) when it needs, like, existential riddles for nutrients, ha.
yes i do think theres a great mixture of things from tons of diff cultures. it really makes the world extra super colorful.
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes plz sphinx bby
i bet veil has some great existential riddles
Aw, those are cute drawings.
Tenor | Shinavar
I'll hate it because the puns will hurt so much but UGGGH IT'D BE SO CUTE I'LL DIE FROM IT
Beyonce - Don’t Hurt Yourself
Awww, Veil, that is just way too cute ^_^
Your sketches are SO GOOD
(Speaking of, when do we get the pastries that I saw on Veil's plate for the CTP today?)
Your guys' ideas are SO GOOD
older concepts BUT. Again. there are SO MANY potential for fun-myth-animal stories we tend to get lost in them, haha. I don't know how much/if any will make it into the comic
I'll mail them out Math!
The pastries were there all along. In your heart
Do you guys plan to do little intermission stories before doing a big arc like this one?
yes! Just like the roach comic
Like the dragon cockroach felt like a good mini-story before we got a meaty story
we plan to do little minis between bigger arcs
Tenor | Shinavar
Sweet! :D
We want to alternate between large stories and smaller world building stuff
Tenor | Shinavar
Anyway, gtg, baby needs me. Best with the comic!
good luck math~!
Best!! And thanks for stopping by!!
thanks for coming Math! Best wishes
Bye, Math!!!
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh more queestions~ Due to how your comic is constructed, do you find you have more time to work on it, and/or you got a good healthy buffer?
oh that's a really good question Tenor!
Originally, for like the last two years we've had almost a 6 mo queue, because also only update bi-weekly. But we recently ran out of that queue because LIFE and freelance hit us hard XDD so we've been trying to catch up somewhat successfully. As far as page-speed creation, I think it can vary widely but both @Jess and I have gotten a lot faster than we used to be. When we're really able to focus after-work hours (no life and freelance jams getting too much in the way) we can do about 4-6 panels in a single week, about 10-20 hours between us
The thing is though, one of the draw-backs of single panel shots is you DO have to show a lot more, I think, than just a page-layout comic.
That's interesting~
also bye Math
like, if we took those panels and made them into a page layout we would get away with showing less, I think, and possibly saving some time? But it's hard to gauge because also there's panel layout and flow and page composition to consider that we don;t have to worry as much about
Yeah I was gonna say the same thing. Actually the full panels largest drawback is that you have to draw sooooo much. In a comic with many panels you could cut to a talking head suddenly - in ours, because of the layout we have to be very careful not to take them out of context too quickly and too frequently
yeah good point Jess
Tenor | Shinavar
That's a good point. It's such an interesting thing o consider because - I guess the easiest way I can describe it is like the illustrations in children's books. They can be just so world building and easter-eggy so it's interesting to consider the differences!
So it’s a mixed bag. On one hand you are making only one image at a time. Sometimes even usi a lot of the same assets. But on the other - it’s a full color illustration and having to show minute changes in expression to keep the pace from seeming too quick can be a challenge too
Yeah that too!!
im curious if you took printing into consideration. idk if youve printed the comic before or ever intended too. just wondering how a single panel per page comic would work in that case.
Yeah, I see what you're saying, do one-panel updates but fill them with lots and lots of detail?
or if the pacing reads too slow too- panel comics (or comics made by animators in general) can also be too slow b/c us animators LOVE showing those minute pose/expression changes, which can sometimes read slow. I'm always stressed about the pace, ha.
Hi! Love the comic
Tenor | Shinavar
I could see, in print form, largely remaining single panel per page, or for the more fast paced ones tweak to 2-3 on the page
@Jess and I always imagined the comic a digital-first production, but if we were to go to print it'd likely be something along the lines of what Ava's Demon did. Just, single panels-per-page. But @Jess being the graphic designer who often works in print too might have some other ideas on that
Hi @whitneyandcompany thank yoouu
So when creating one of the things we did as a priority is consider the mobile screen first. Which is the opposite of what is the norm. If we were to do a book it would be handled where we put a very limited amount of images on a page. Maybe 1-2 similar to Ava’s demon
Yeah, the drawback of single-paged stuff is exactly that. Focusing more on some things, like a character going through emotions can read more slowly even tho it's important to the story
Tenor | Shinavar
ugh ilu for the mobile love lol
Just thought I'd say before the CTP ends- good luck with the rest of Gemini Journey, @saetje and @Jess. It's really coming along well and you're definitely got a good story here to tell as well.
But it works so well for mobile scrolling, it's so friendly!
Tenor | Shinavar
Like I can't express how frusrating it is for me bc there's SO many people who own their own sites and it's not mobile friendly
thanks @Superjustinbros have a good night!
Maybe you could have 3 panels per page if printed?
Tenor | Shinavar
I live on the go I NEED THAT MOBILITY ;n;
You too, and thanks for being here, @saetje!
@Tenor | Shinavar I got to be honest with you- as a webcomic fan and reader for MANY years I feel that
I really look forward to reading this in the future. It's enjoyable and to be honest, I wasn't entirely sure what I was in for at first... BUT it is a pleasure to read!
And cya to you as well, @Jess.
Awwww thanks!!
Thank you for creating an amazing comic. :3
yeah im glad priority was placed on mobile because it is basically the way thing are going, whether ppl want that or not.
Tenor | Shinavar
YES it was a fun surprise! (And def last minute for me bc I didn't realize it was something I could read lmao OTL)
Thank you @Kabocha for your wonderful insights and kind comments! Thanks for coming
and its definitely a beautiful comic. i think the pacing works out great as well~!
You guys are the reason I downloaded the web toon app, I look forward to every update
Thank you for making such an inspirational and gorgeous comic!
Awww well it means so much to hear you guys say that
I always look forward to your updates!
In that case, cya everyone!
And yes, you're the reason I downloaded the web toon app, too!
oommmg @whitneyandcompany , thank you
im glad i got to read this story its so good so far and i cant wait to read more~
It’s been really humbling for us to put our work out there. But I am so incredibly touched right now
Glad to hear~
Thank you @Shen! I look forward to more of your comic as well! I'm glad you like it.
Yeah everyone, thank you for coming and letting us know you thoughts It has meant the WORLD to us
You guys are amazing and I love your work
Tenor | Shinavar
Thank you for signing up so we could disect it /shot
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero, as well, for making Gemini Journey. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Tracy MacLauchlan & Yesenia Carrero’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://geminijourney.com/
Donate via Paypal.me: https://www.paypal.me/YeseniaCarrero
Tracy’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/saetje
Yesenia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Demongemini6
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about The Hunter of Fenaur by CalimonGraal. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, September 20th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://hunter.fenauriverse.moe/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/the-hunter-of-fenaur
1 note · View note
rahitwocents · 6 years
Rahi Rambles - 2017
Well...the one and only time I used to the Tumblr machine to ramble on about random shit, otherwise known as my year-end blog. Mostly because I have A LOT to get off my chest. So lets get into this.
Firstly absence from the Youtube side of things, well this is mostly due to me being busy the past couple of years with my jobs...all 2 of them. In addition the videos that I like to make take a looong time to make and fighting Adobe Premiere and the lack of resources and it was honestly disheartening to put all of my time and effort into a video and no-one seeing it and it not getting any views...except for the Loot Crate videos, fuck those. The landscape has also changed and unless you're an attractive squeaky clean Youtuber or a former viner its the worst time to be a "Youtuber" with the Adpocalypse and shit. Trust me just see Youtube Rewind 2017 That's not to say I've completely given up, once I have some space and better resources, ill definitely get back into it. Just that my priorities are elsewhere right now.
Besides I had my own stuff to focus on, that's not to say I've been completely out of the loop I always keep my ear the ground and there are things about it, I still love and certain Youtubers that I still love. but honestly if 2017 is known for any one thing its that well...it pretty much sucks to be a celebrity right now as well. But lets leave that at that.
So yeah for the life stuff that the 3/4 of you are here for.
At the end of 2015 I got my first real adult job, only a few months after graduating, now sure the job was definitely nothing to write home about and it was on a temporary contract that was flaccid as fuck yet they just kept on jerking off and jerking off and jerking off and extending instead of just giving me something more solid. But I can't lie that job did turn my life around in a lot of ways, I was sleeping and waking up normally, I made a bunch of new friends and I was hungry, motivated and eager to please even if the job was basic admin stuff, I loved it...for the most part. In addition to dangling carrots in front of me, every time I asked about a new contract and I was told I had to work up to it, they don't hand them out or whatever the fuck. Long story, short It was a massive lie perfectly corporate. While I did love the job, I always knew I never wanted to be there for longer than necessary, 1 or 2 years at the most. I became more and more frustrated when the writing was on the wall and I became pigeon holed...pigeon holed with someone who hated my fucking guts but you know you acquiesce right? especially when I was finally promised a fixed term contract(never happened). I then get moved to a different section of the office, a way from pretty much everyone and forced to work with someone who hated my guts lets call her...hmmmm...Satan or Miss Claridge whatever. So yeah im forced to work with Satan and pretending to get a long for the sake of my position. Eventually we get moved to a new team with new people as in completely new people who had just joined the company where as me and Satan had been there for 6 months to a year and WE all got promised Permanent Contract yay!! except wait...I thought we all had to earn it? and they don't just get handed out?...okay you just flat out lied to me for over a year. Thanx...but whatever I acquiesce even if I hadn't planned on being there much longer.
Fast forward about oh...I dunno 3 weeks give or take and I get fired over the phone...my permanent contract hadn't materialised...not that it was ever in progress to begin with, by the dude from the agency.
What's bizarre is how it all went down. On Friday, I get the call but I missed it because this dude decides to ring me after hours at like 6 so I missed his call, I ring back and he misses my calls so i'm like whatever and I leave it for the weekend. I go into work on Monday, no-one says a thing to me and everyone acts like its a normal day. but I call the dude and he says he'll call after work and I ask 'if theres a problem and he say's no' another lie. I get the call and I get fired rather unceremoniously. The reasons were because I said 'it is what it is' about the training we were in and I apparently I wasn't getting on well with the new team even though it was a new team and we'd only been together for...2 weeks? and in general i'm pretty shy, something that I told my manager but...whatever. oh and I said that training wasn't the same without my friend...on MY Facebook.
So I went back the next day to get my stuff and I'm not allowed to say bye to anyone or anything. So yeah that was shitty but...IT IS WHAT IT IS right?
So yeah I was devastated and felt crushed that all of my work over the year had gone to waste and i'm back to square 1. I was scared, confused and didn't think i'd get hired again. Especially when people had asked why I left my last job I had to make something up, I was THAT embarrassed.
I bounced around for a bit applying here, there and everywhere. Signing up to agencies, going for interviews etc.
So i'm driving one day and when I had lost all hope, I get a call about a job going in Hertford, real basic data entry on a 2 week contract. I took it, of course even if it was just to ease my conscience. Little did I know it would become the best job in the world, 8 months later and I feel better about myself and more valued than ive ever been.
And a lot of that has to go to my manager who has helped get rid of the massive chip on my shoulder. You see when I did lose my job, I lost a lot if not all of the confidence in myself and I was extremely cynical and negative despite all of the awesome stuff that was happening, went from temporary to fixed term within like 2 months, which was huge fro me. I always kept my cynicism to myself but my manager Terrance(I'll call her that because I got South Park on the brain) has helped me restore my confidence in myself and made me realise how awesome I am and I cant thank her enough for that. I know i'm aloof to all the nice things she says and does for me but hopefully that I always appreciate it, im just working on expressing it better. But yeah, thanks to her ive gotten back the confidence in myself and im ready to keep slayin em.  Thanks Terrance :) I'm in your debt.
As for 2018...well I dunno, there are things that I wanna do but im also enjoying not knowing whats gonna happen next.
Anyways im pretty tired...so yeah have a good one, yo!
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oh-my-fandom-heart · 7 years
Going to Disneyland with Inner circle
I didn’t want to go to Disneyland. Really. I knew Cassian was an adrenaline maniac, yet I wasn’t. I rather found flying with him too lively. But a promise is a promise. I promised him I would go with him wherever he wanted because we were celebrating me joining the squad , as Mor called this, and I didn’t want to go anywhere, however he was the one who insisted on going somewhere so I said he could pick a place and I would go. When the sun finally took over the sky, which was around six in the morning, we had already begun to drive to our destination. Azriel, Mor, Amren, Feyre and Rhys were also with us as and the car was a little tight for three pairs of wings. Rhysand was already exicted because he was silently a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean and Feyre was a fangirl too, Amren and Mor loved being dressed as Snow White and Cinderella, though I have to admit that Amren is the scariest Snow White I have ever seen. And Azriel well, Azriel went just because we were there, which was enough for him. In time we reached Disneyland, we were fully awake. Cassian and Rhys were singing off tune to some rather not famous song and they claimed they knew lyrics by heart. I was very nervous about my soon-to-be future. Maybe I was shaking because there was an arm on my shoulder, slowly rubbing it as the voice from behind said :“You needn’t to worry about it, June, it’ll be perfectly fine.” Feyre. As she said it, I may believe it. Until I saw one of roller coasters. This thing was huge, with way too many loops for my stomach. Why vomit on the ride, when you can vomit now? I turned around and as I saw a spark in Cassian’s eyes I just knew, he will make me take this ride. I started thinking about all the things I could had done and how young sixteen was to die. What did Feyre say before? It’ll be perfectly fine. It will be, I thought too myself, and felt a grin rising on my face. Cass saw it and if you asked me a day before, I wouldn’t say he was that enthusiastic about one roller coaster, because he ran faster than ever to it. I looked back to our friends and as Rhys was carelessly waving, Azriel gave me the I-understand-you-too-well look of his. If I knew how to pray, I would. But I didn’t and it would be what would be. As we waited in queue, I thought about how many things I could see in Velaris because the city was truly magical and I guessed I hadn’t even seen a library because Cassian was too afraid to go there, gods know why. “What are you thinking about?” Cass said, while giving me one of his special smirks. With it, I felt courageous. “Of how much fun we will have, of course,” my fading smile appeared as a next facial exprection. “Are you afraid?” The voice behind me was cold and familiar. “How did you come here so fast?” said Cassian to Amren who stared at us expressionless. “I am full of surprises,” breathed Amren and Cassian bursted out laughing. His laugh is magnificent and I couldn’t help laughing because of it. Because the line was longer than Sidra river (okay, maybe not that long) and the pressure was getting bigger. I started nervously stepping around. Cassian noticed it. He stepped closer and hugged me tightly. His smell of wet soil hit my nostrils. Besides I am sure I smelled a hint of an orange he ate earlier and my lavender shampoo. Was that my smell, I thought, yet I didn’t remember washing my hair yesterday. “We are about to go,” he whispered and my stomach groaned. Or maybe that was me. I don’t reckon it now. Why my luck was on its bottom at the moment, it went a little more down as we sat in the first row. I hoped I will see Mor in her dresses and a picture of Feyre with Jack Sparrow after this. The coaster slowly began to move. Slowly was just the firs impression of this amusment device. I screamed my way with terror and Cassian with priceless joy. Amusement, regretable choice of words.We started to climb on the track upon the hill and this time it was really slow. Its speed surprised me for a moment, but then I remembered what usually happens after the train gets slower. We were starting to reach the top of a hill. My hand automatically searched for the one my right. I felt his stare on me. “What?” I asked while the coaster completly stopped. “I love you, Juniper,” and a small “Finally,” from the back were the last words I heard before we smashed down. And I didn’t scream. I was too surprised. I felt the same since his performance of the infamous “National Illyrian hymn” Azriel wrote yet Cass composed the melody. I immediately fell for him. I shut my eyes as the wind blew faster than we. Did I really smell sugar in the air? My heart beat, not in the usual rhythm. The grip on my palm tightened and it was in this moment when I knew what was I about too do after the ride. (im gonna strip him with my strength). As the coaster stopped I turned around to face him, my face was cupped in his hands and I felt we were thinking the same thought. I leaned forward and our lips touched. Not too fiercely, not too gently. His wings slightly flapped. Eyelids covered my eyes again and the world around me, his face, went dark, though I could claim I saw tiny stars. He tasted of oranges and his lips were sweet as sugar, if not sweeter. Did I smell his lips in the air? We had to leave the roller coaster (and apparently, Amren) behind and Cass was still holding my hand. I let myself feel careless while he led me gods-know-where. He was an expert warrior, not like me, and he knew how to hide in the shadow, because Azriel probably taught him that with a reason. And he started kissing me again and again and again as he sometimes whispered my name and I made him shut up with more kisses and I-love-yous. After a while, he backed up and my lips felt more tired than me from the early morning. He grinned. “You started to taste like me.” “And how do you know your own taste?” I raised my eyebrows and he kissed the end of one of them. “I practised in the morning with the mirror, of course.” “And you surely licked it afterward?” “Exactly what I did.” His sarcasm have always made me laugh, so I couldn’t force myself into staying calm this time. After some more kissing and some more laughing we went on a walk around the park. Afterwards, Cass took me to some show, which I actaully don’t remember, because I am pretty sure I felt asleep on his shoulder with his smell deeply inhaled in my body, and taste still rolling on my lips. … I woke up next day in my bed in House of Wind, assuming Cassian brought me there. I got up and went to the kitchen, where everyone was already eating pancakes. I gave my friends a morning smile, which was probably some weird grimace, as Rhys grinned back. “Morning, Sleepyhead,” he said and I replied. At that time Cassian turned from the stove and found my gaze, his full of love. At this moment I knew my life will be amazing and full of love with these people in it.
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fluffi · 3 years
i think it was because god's menu was released around the same bp and svt made their comebacks. same thoughts tho on gm > bd and i was also glad that bd got the wins gm didn't. and same with the streaming mvs while studying : ] ahh, the easily distracted people we are. (reading cut and litol font bc poor ppl who see this on the dash TT)
i've heard chinese ballads (usually osts of films and from a chinese friend) and their songs really tend to tug on my heartstrings. i hope sm gives shotaro more stuff to do soon :[ with some of the units being active and sungchan being an mc on a weekly show, it makes me wonder what he's doing. do you think nct will form a new subunit?
no, i'm not lactose intolerant so it really took me by surprise. it was a one-time thing. hopefully it doesn't happen again. i can't really say i'm a big fan of ice cream but it's good occasionally yk as a treat to yourself. and ahhh, i miss drinking smoothies. my favorite stall has been closed for nearly two years now, idk if they ever re-opened since our city mall burned down :[
i think it's an nct thing? it's why i never get tired of them bc they're always active in a way. you should've seen how things went down last year! march 127 album, april dream mini-album, may 127 repackage, june wayv album and the whole nct 2020 thing. it was a wild year. about the track, i listened to it once and forgot about it. might give it a few more listens but it might not grow on me at all. yes! wasn't a big fan of hot sauce at first too bc i thought the intro was weird (not jaemin's part, like the first thing that plays). and yes, that hook loops in my head 24/7. i even made it my instagram bio.
stray kids world domination indeed! and i agree that their performances were really impressive (specially the deadpool one, best one yet) but sometimes i would fancy ateez' more. i didn't watch kingdom too bc it stressed me out as a multi. always caught between being happy for one group and being sad for the others. and atz and tbz! you're still getting into nct and you're thinking of adding 19 more boys! judging from what i know your taste in music is, i think you'll like tbz's music better since there are a lot more soft songs there than in atz. but do give both discographies a listen in the future!
oh izone! i've only heard of them at music shows and dance choreo compilations bc of them being in sync. they're really satisfying to watch! i thought their title tracks were catchy as well! quite unfortunate that i never got into them really. but again, i dont think i can handle stanning temporary groups.
i'm starting to see a pattern in your biases :D i wouldn't be too surprised if you'll be drawn to jeno at some point in your dream venture. dream is soooo easy to love so if you really end up ulting them, i would understand why. and also, YES PLEASE WRITE FOR DREAM AND TAG ME IF YOU WILL. THANK YOU ><
thank you! :c don't get your hopes up tho, the masterlist must've been interesting to browse but are the fics truly worth it? XD i think not. since you already know koe, i'm reccing users @/rouiyan, @/nsheetee and @/loonacitys. i don't have that much fluff in my ficrecs blog. i think, i've heard of lvdsc before (maybe even read a fic or two) but i can't find their blog now. be careful in privating your works, you might end up losing them forever if you don't keep track of their links...(?) that's what happened to the works that i privated :/ take me with you if you move blogs ;n;
seungmin frequently left updates abt what he was doing, left good nights and good mornings, the occasional i miss you. he called fans 'baby' once. not sure if it was a mistranslation, or really just a one-time endearment. other than that, nothing beyond the usual. seung vlives always make me cry ;n; he always look so adorable and precious. also the gif, the fic was more on fake head-butting really but yes you could say it was also a fake nose boop bc it sounds cuter. i'll make sure to tag you on future seung content on the dash. (time to officially claim him as your ult, yes. dont make him secret anymore :3)
sorry it took me a while. tumblr went batshit. the ' werkl;' stopped working midway and i got busy with school yesterday. also haechan birth today and i'm so emo abt it. it's literally just a boy turning 21.
little font and cut saga lets go!!
(just kidding, i cant do little font typing for long periods of time, makes my eyes go beserk haha.)
true true, im afraid for txt on music shows now because theyre going against some big names (literally bts like whatj jsdf what was hybe thinking). yeah, streaming mvs while studying aka watching mvs on loop lmao. i still want to stream skzs final kingdom performance on instinct but i remember that theyve already won!! hehe
ah chinese ballads always make me emo, i like to scream out lyrics to the songs at the top of my lungs and sit there on the verge of tears. its a cultural thing maybe *sobs*. ooh, what show is sungchan mc-ing in? ill check it out. i thought sm would make nct japan for sungtaro (i heard sungchan speaks japanese) so it was a shocker when they made...nct hollywood lmao. given the current circumstances we're probably not going to get a new subunit anytime soon :( hopefully taro will have stuff to showcase during that period of time.
burned down?? oh my, what happened to your mall? that sounds terrifying. i remember when the front of my school caught on fire and we were all ushered out but we thought it was a drill and didnt find out till years later lmao.
oh true, since theyre such a big pack too. constant comebacks and promotions haha, nctzens never catch a break with 23 members. i listened to the new track again (ive forgotten the name already) but i cant- i cant do it. its just not my style hhh. i rewatched the mv for the godly visuals though. i dont know if youre talking about that 'bibididibibidiododo' part by that female morphed voice at the beginning of the song, because i wasnt a fan of that too. it grew on me though.
same, actually! im not an atiny and dont stan any other group in the show besides skz but i watched each groups performance and ranked them haha. at times ateez would rank over skz, it was wild. also yeah, my other multi friend was freaking out about kingdom and ended up abandoning the show because she was so scared of the fanwars and having to deal with her 'conflicting feelings'. about the stanning thing, in my defense, i have a list of groups i want to stan and ive recently added tbz and atz. the list is long, i have a long way to go! also yeah, i dont prefer ateez's songs and i have a bunch of tbz title tracks in my playlist but if i approach their discography like i did with nct then i think i would like at least five songs.
izone are my queens. theres a reason why theyre the only girl group who made it to my ult list haha! super talented and filled with variety and visuals, a perfectly concocted group (literally, sobs in pd48 scandal). ah, temporary groups. yeah i cried about their disbandment for like 3 days straight, it was bad.
a pATTERN?? INTERESTING. DO ELABORATE. jeno, oh my gosh hes like bang chan. an intimidating-looking bear whos actually filled with love and softness on the inside. im currently having a jaemin run though, his make a wish fancam is doing some wacky things. also yeah, dream is really easy to love. i fell for them so hard, theyre all talented and cute and adorable and the team ambiance is so nice. really rising up my stan list now. i mightt write for dream! ill have to see, hehe.
personally i think the fics are going to be worth it. i can feel it in my boOOnes. ooh, recommendations! fun :D ill check them (and yours) out after i finish this 30k jisung fic. ive been trying to finish it since yesterday but i keep getting sidetracked. also, i made a mistake. its luvdsc with a 'u', maybe thats why you couldnt find it? ahh. thank you for the privating tip though! will keep in mind. and of course ill take you with me if/when i move blogs. we're friends now! <3
SEUNGMIN CALLED STAYS 'BABY'???!!@)(@#*()! I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE ASKDFJDF. im exciting for the fake nose boop drabble!! i love soft couple moments hehe. also yeah maybe its time to make him my ult...hes going to have to compete against jake my beloved ope.
dont worry about being 'late' or anything! we all have our own stuff to do. also yeah tumblr is weird asf sometimes. if you havent realized i typically answer longer asks around the same time everyday, when i get to sit in front of my computer and pull out my clickity-clackity keyboard. super relaxing.
AND YES HYUCKIE DAY!!! HES SO ADORABLE HONESTLY. im in love with all seven members of dream, my fic rec blog is currently filled with fics for them haha.
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healthimind · 7 years
God, I feel like the only time I ever write in my life is when the shit hits the fan. In part, I believe its because I use writing as a way to express how I’m feeling, it helps me to put all my negative emotions into something and vent without having to necessarily feel bad that I have just word vomited all my feelings and thoughts onto someone. Writing has always been my way of dealing and coping with the things going on around me. Whether that’s related to family, friends, a breakup, my personal struggles - I can’t say I have a great way with words...but that’s not what my writing is about, nor is that why I write. It’s generally quite simple and straight to the point. 
Its about freeing space in my head and knowing that I’ve put all that’s inside in a safe place on a page, or screen. 
But i’ve also realised that i’d like to write about the good things and the positive. I would like to remember the things I did, and more than that I want to remember what I thought in those particular moments, how I felt. I don’t think i do enough of that. As a matter of fact, I know I don’t do enough of that because if I was to scroll through any of the numerous posts I have made throughout my presence here - they would undoubtedly all be about negative emotions. 
But, like I said before - I vent when i write. i write everything I cannot say to anyone. Not because I’m afraid of any judgement that might be passed my way. No. I believe its primarily because I don’t want to pass on MY negativity onto other people. It’s my, personal, negativity and they have nothing to do with it. Nor are they the responsible ones to listen to me vent every so often. And that’s why I love writing. It’s not about seeking advice about a particular problem - what I reach that point, im more than happy to talk to people and brainstorm the possible solutions. But that’s not where I am at the moment. 
I’ve felt this distance from family. From mum and dad. I feel like no matter what they do I get frustrated and irritated. I think a large part of the way I feel about them comes form the shit that they have going on between them. I’m seeing the neverending loop that they’ve created for themselves where they are unhappy, they argue, its a matter of a millisecond when a conversation can go from being perfectly normal (normal is a relative term in my family), but lets say being calm to being a volcanic eruption.  Seriously, I often wonder how I never learned to adapt to this over the years? How have I not found a better way of dealing with their shit? How am I still so affected by their arguments, mood swings, mine-fucking-fields? 
And yet everytime I write about things like this, I don’t seem to be any closer to figuring it out. Maybe i’m doing something wrong? Maybe I need to change the way I write and the way I explore this head and heart of mine. 
I know one thing - I bite my nails out of frustration. I’ve realised that much. and it also only stems from them. I don’t want to blame them for my habit that I can break, but relapse every time things get too overwheling. There is nothing about biting my nails that is soothing of calming; if anything, its even more frustraing because half way through doing the behaviour I realise that I’m doing it and that half of my nail of eaten off and well that just perpetuates the cycle of frustration. 
And I feel like in this writing I have covered five different topics, neither one particularly related or relevant to the other - but that’s OK. At least i’m getting things off my chest - and I will, hopefully, be able to leave it all here, go to bed and start tomorrow fresh. 
I don’t want to let these feeligns govern my days and cloud how i’m feeling. And the thing is - that is exactly what they’re doing. And it’s in part becasue when I come home from work - I am in exactly the same environment as I was when I left - nothing has changed. And its not that nothing has changed from yesterday to today - its that nothing has changed for years. I’m also struggling to grasp how people live like that. I often think about this and I only ever hope to have the courage and strength to leave and get out of any situation that is making me this misrable. And it is, it’s making them both incredibly misrable. Neither one is happy with the current situation. Neither one wants to be in this relationship and yet neither one of them is doing anything about it. And i’m not advocating for divorce, separation or anything drastic like that - but doing something, anything - trying to make things better. Nope. I don’t know how they expect to see a difference in their relationsihp when NOTHING is changin. NOTHING. NOT. ONE. THING. and I know this because I’ve been the witness of their relationship for the past...27 years. Ok maybe give it the last 15 that I can say counts and I can (not fondly) remember. 
I think i’m also tired of going around in circles. Having the same discussions, talks, plans. Yes, lets discuss the trees you want to plant in the garden (the 5 lemons, 3 lime, 4 mandarin trees, 2-3 figs, peaches etc). Oh but no, lets not do anything about this for months - just talk about it. and confirm after every conversation that those are the plants you want to get. Lets confirm, for the 100th time the place where you would like to plant those trees. And then lets not do anything about them. They are YOUR plants. It is YOUR project. Am I the only one here that thinks its OK to have your own projects that the whole family doesn’t need to be a part of? Like, its OK that you want to plant those trees - go and do your research, buy them, plant them, water them...do what ever you want with them, but just DO SOMETHING. 
Same thing with buying a phone. For the love of God, I cannot have another discussion about that. Its like he doesn’t want to buy a phone...and he prides himself if having the money to buy the phone but not doing it. And I dont get it. WHAT AM I MISSING??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! And how do I know he doesn’t want to buy a phone? because everything he does suggests so. He says he wants to buy a phone - asks me to do the research behind it and then, changes the battery to a new one becuase his one is like every other iphone battery - crap. The lock button stops working as does the headphone jack and what does he do? he spends $100 to fix it all. Now its not about the money and spending $130 to fix the little bits to make the phone (which he has memory and internet issues with) last longer. I dont get it. It’s not like he bought a brand new phone a month ago and now iphon 8 has come out and he wants it. No, he has the iphone 4s....and its giving in, one piece of hardware at a time. So, then there we are again - talking about him getting the new phone, but then not really beacuse he’s just spent $100 fixing this one and he doesn’t want to be one of the first ones to have the new phone...because, god knows why. Don’t worry - you wont be. There are about 342974023 other people in the world who have pre-ordered them. But then I think i’m being an absolute asshole who instead of appreaciating this quality and seeing it in a positive way - is putting a negative spin on it and looking at it through the negative lense. Why? Is it because I feel like my time is wasted having talked about the same thing, AGAIN, or is it because I’m sick of my parents not being able to make a decision and stick to it. You’re buying a phone - just make up your mind and do it. The world is not going to fall if you make and execute a decision. Trust me. I feel bored and frustrated having to have these same disussions. The same goes for renovating the kitched...painting the interior of the house - i cannot count the number of times we’ve talked about doing this - at least 20...and yet - absolutely nothing is being done. NOTHING. We havent even moved a milimeter. No dad, bringing home a prospectus of some company X that will charge an arm and a leg and then asking me to go onto their website to have a look at everything - no, thant is not making progress. That is you superficially finding something and then delegating and passing on the task to me. To do all the time-wasting research which wont result in anything other than - it’s too expensive. Should we invest in this kitchen - are we even going to stay here? Are we selling the house? What are we doing with our lives? Aaagh. and we are back to square one. But no, you can do that research too. You are more than competent to research your news paper online - you can google this. Ooooh but no, the language is a barrier, not knowing how to use the app, the phone, the ipad. You know what, that’s another thing that gets on my nerves. This constant need to be shown how to do thigs on the iphone, ipad. CMON people! These devices were designed for idiots! Kids under the age of 5 use them!!! KIDS. Yeah, the little people that cant count to 20. They use them with ease. So why cant you? And the most common response I get is, well just think about all the things we had to teach you and ha ha ha oh look how its all coming back. Yeah, the only difference is that when you were teaching me you had the expectation that I would LEARN and we wouldn’t be going over the same things over and over and over again - 5 years down the line. The only difference is that I learned. I had to. and you, for some reason, dont feel like you have to. And that “some reason” being your dependency on me always being here. Here to fix the phone, here to fix the ipad, here to call vodafone, here to call tower...enough. ENOUGH PLEASE. You’ve used your immigration status as an excuse to not learn anything new, to boycot technology - which is the driving force of the time we live in. Do I love it - no. Do I need it - yes. and that’s where the story end. I need it and therefore I will learn what I need to. You talk about being sick that you have to depend on me, or someone to help you with things. Do you know how you overcome that? BY LEARNING. By WANTING TO KNOW. By being interested. You have to WANT TO be independent, self-reliant in order to be it. and don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean that I am never there to help and i just tell you to google things that you dont know. Absolutely not, but for the love of God, show some initiative. Show me that you’ve tried - that you’ve gone - hey, i’ve done this this and this and its still not working. What am I doing wrong - and then we’ll look at it together. but dont just come to me after hte first hiccup with your hands up in the air holding a white flag. 
Oh and while I am on the topic of doing something after the first hiccup - what is your deal with coming and waking me up in the morning to tell me ridiculously UNIMPORTANT things? No dont wake me up. Respect that i’m sleeping and if what you have to tell me isn’t a matter of life or death - please, realise that it can wait an hour or two while I wake up and then we can talk about it. I dont want to be jumped before having even opened my eyes, with something that is so minor and irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. How do I put all this nicely? How do I say this in a way that is encompased in love, care, compassion, and understanding? 
I am sick of being told I am harsh and judgemental and unreasonable. I’m that way becuase I can’t handle all the things that are constantly thrown at me. I am sick of seeing what the problem is and knowing that nothing will ever be done about it. How do you not understand that that’s extremly difficult to deal with and handle? How is that such a foreign concept to you? Anyway - I know that I need to be more compassionate and kind - but I struggle to find those feelings and reserves of understanding for you. And that, in general, makes me incredibly sad. To think that I have the capacity to be that for everyone else, but you. Even though I know that those people are the same as you. They are probably running around in their own circles and neverending loops. 
0 notes
Episode 4 - “I’d rather get spanked in the ass by karma herself” - Emmon
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Oh my god! That tribal could not have gone any better than it did. It proves how strong trust can be, and that people can trust you back if you give them the chance to. Some of the Odawa members were just too social, and that was their downfall tonight.
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BLESS. I am back to my tribe. Also literally went to exile for NOTHING since someone else found the super idol first, but whatever. I think i'm in a good spot now because of Queen Luke. ALSO BYE KAGE.
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HAHAHAHAHA IM CACKLING FUCKKKK!!! All the lies I told Kage made him paranoid and then he went crazy. THEN I told all the people I trust that he's a crazy player and they believed me and now he's here in Redotion lake and I literally get to end his game omg. Poetic justice at its finest
Okay i bet all the records and I can die now.I didnt give 100% in the challenge because why huh ??? Kage is so ugly like his game is messy af.
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I'm legit ecstatic lol.  An idol was used to send out someone I didn't trust, my whole former tribe is not looking to be in the best spot, and I'm about to go take me a little vacation at exile :D
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AHHH! Tribe swaps are never fun, especially when it's 4-4-1. But hey, we just have to keep winning at this point. This next week is the week i went home the last time i played, so i'm praying history doesn't repeat itself. I'd rather get spanked in the ass by karma herself than get out 3rd again.
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Hi! I'm Luke and I just did THAT. The plan worked perfectly and Kage was taken out thanks to me. I was not ready for the fuckery of rocks this early in the game because I could have been rocked out and I ain't no Paschal English, Katie Collins or Jessica Lewis! I also think it's extremely fitting that the Oscars are happening tonight when my alliance is talking about the super idol because the Oscar should go to ME for acting shocked that it exists when I have it in my pocket ready to use for when I get voted out. Hopefully I won't have to use it until merge if I make it but (:
So Matt is telling me whilst at The Shoreline there is a new idol combination that's longer the previous one and I sWEAR TO GOD! IF Y'ALL! MADE MY SUPER IDOL FAKE! IN EXCHANGE FOR A NEWER HARDER TO FIND ONE! I'LL CHOKE!
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I love the fact that the swap has forced me onto such a weird position, I'm not the one being pagonged but Meskwaki members that stayed on their tribe might be completely Anti-Odawa which could be bad for me. I wish Kage luck but he might get eaten up by Andreas so ehh, I hope the other 4 Odawa can stick it out. About the abduction it was most likely someone on NuMeskwaki but it definitely could be someone here as well, either way Odawa is screwed and whoever it was just did this in an attempt to get Adam safe and now the tribe is 5-4-1 :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] why is everyone doing this to me i don't know how to be an underdog
i'm tired and every time i go to the shoreline i regret it and i always forget to search FUCK
I'm not gonna lie I was pretty sad to see that I was separated from literally every Odawa member and I might not see them until the reunion call which is pretty grim but probably true unless there's another swap. I really don't know the dynamic of this tribe but I'm really glad we keep winning and winning because I don't want to deal with tribal and not live up to the underdog role the game is practically forcing on me. The way I see it Meskawaki 2.0 is pretty much full-on boner assault on Anti-Odawa which has me concerned but my weak ass can't do anything about it so whatever.
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i was bored so i started drama with andreas. i really have no idea what kind of game i want to play so far.... adam being added is extremely interesting because meskwaki now has majority 5-4-1. I feel like i can convince people to vote on my side for a game-changing vote. :D i wanna get some threats out while andreas aka the comp master iss till in redemption
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This is fantastic. People are LITERALLY THANKING US FOR TAKING KAGE OUT. I feel kinda bad, but he did it to himself. He didn't keep his mouth shut WHATSOEVER and he threw people's names around, especially mine, so that's grounds for elimination. Talk shit, get hit. I'm currently talking to Bodhi about the tribal council and he's asking for "reassurance we're still working together" and of course I say yes, but something doesnt feel right about it. He's using those petty ass cheeky emojis and it makes me not want to trust him. ESPECIALLY SINCE HE TOLD ADAM TO VOTE FOR ME! I'm leading him to believe I'm still on his side, but I can't say at this point if I want to or not yet. This is going to cause me to have to choose between allies, which I really don't want to do this early in the game. On one end, I have Luke and Eric, with Luke ready to flip on Eric whenever I flip the switch. I'm pretty close to Luke at this point, and to flip on him would be chaos. And then Bodhi, who comes as a package deal with Aidan and Christian. Hopefully, if worst comes to worst, I try to get Bodhi to vote Christian or Aidan since they're rarely around. Dana is in the middle with me, so we're going to have to choose if we have to go to tribal again. I plan on winning today though, because this is a challenge I'm actually good at.
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Pet Peeve #1 = Attempting to correct me on the rules when you, yourself do not understand them......I love Matt but yikes, that's how you get on my bad side.
I knew Kage would try and slander my name once he got voted out. Sucks that I just pinned it on Eric and evaded attack...I mean, Eric did lie about the Super Idol saying it was just a regular one.....
Crow caws onward! Shook that we won that tribal immunity, but we did it! I've secured a spot in the final 17 without attending TC yet....good and bad, but still mostly good ;) Scott is clearly wary of me after my incident with Kage at Shoreline, but I actually don't need him :X I have a good relationship with both Kyle and Stoner so if the vote goes Anti-Meskwaki I should be in the loop....so Scott better not keep up this sort of untrustworthy attitude towards me or we're gunna have some issues....jeepers!
YYYYAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I got invited into an alliance and its not by tribal lines! Me, Julia, Augusto, Scott, and Kyle.....it's perfect. 2 from both Meskwaki and Wyandot - 1 from Odawa (so no tribe has majority within the alliance) and we all get along! This will definitely ensure all of our safety at this upcoming tribal considering the others will assume it's Old Meskwaki vs. Old Wyandot.... And I'm also glad that I wasn't the founder of the alliance so that if it does get exposed, I won't take the (full) fall for it and can recover.....this is amazing!
And now I find out that it's because of Kyle....I KNEW THAT BOND WOULD COME IN HANDY! Hey, I might be at the bottom of this alliance, but I'm in it! Like Jeff Varner once said, the answer is yes! This ship is sailing, and I don't know where it's going but I'm ON IT! >:)
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Things have certainly shaken up here in the Great Lakes! Firstly, Wyandot won immunity last round which was amazing cause who knew what would've happened if we did. Meskwaki went to tribal and everything went perfectly, Dana and Carson stayed and Kage went... thankfully. After that dramatic tribal, Emmon told me he found an Amulet of Abduction and asked who we should take. He eventually decided Adam, which I wasn't opposed to as he is someone we could swing on over to our side. Emmon, being the lovely person he is, had me in his thoughts when he made that decision which I appreciate. Adam came to our tribe and everything was fine and dandy. Everyone decided to have a sex party or whatever at the Shoreline and it was REVEALED by Andreas that a super idol had been found. First of all, why is everyone but me finding advantages? Secondly, HE DID THAT!! It jumbled things up a bit and because I'm a messy bitch that lives for drama, I certainly didn't mind that. Whoever has it is lucky af!! Back at Wyandot, I decided to create a lovely alliance with Kyle and Scott. My thought process regarding that was the simple fact that we all were on different starting tribes and could spill all sorts of tea to each other. I also want to save myself by any means neccessary to get to the merge, so this is somewhat beneficial. If the alliance will be successful, I'm not sure. All I know is that we have to put rubber to road and see how things pan out.
For whatever reason, I am looking in all the wrong places! The Shoreline doesn't mesh well with me apparently, so yay for that! I do appreciate the fact that the other tribe gets to see me, so it could build up bonds and whatnot... which is the plan! My intuition is on-point because I totally suspected something would happen this round and surely enough, it's a double tribal council! Now we have to break down what we've built here on NuWyandot and it sucks, honestly. I wanted to escape tribal for a few more days to make sure I didn't go home. ;-; Now we just have to wait for the free-for-all to begin and for the bloodbath to commence. I was complaining about not playing the game, but I guess you truly get what you wish for out here. What I'm trying to do is build good relationships with everyone here and make side alliances if I need to. An alliance that is in the works is myself, Roxy, Kyle, Crow, and Scott which I'm fine with because I had made an alliance with Kyle and Scott a few days prior to that. The old Wyandot tribe wants to stick together, which is lovely! Honestly, it would be the best if maybe Dan went home cause it'd be easier for people to flip on him... especially due to the fact that he probably hasn't connected with everyone, at least in my eyes. My best bet would be him or maybe Adam? We'll see, but I really hope I can win immunity or something cause it's crucial that I make it through this round... I don't wanna flop again ;-;
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I've been weighing out my options for this vote. I could either A) vote for Eric, stick with Aidan, and have Aidan be voted out 4-2. Or I could B) vote for Aidan, my closest ally from day 1, and have him go in a 5-1 vote. If I pick A, then I feel good about myself, but then Eric might not trust me. If I pick B, then I'll feel like shit for voting out my closest ally, but Eric might trust me. I want Eric, Luke, Carson, and Dana to all want to stick with me because Odawa is very dead now. If I can line up these targets correctly, I'll just ride it out until the end. But fuck, it hurts me very hard to vote out someone as close as Aidan.
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travelinghermit · 7 years
Whatta Day.
Yesterday on the morning of my final day of riding my big loop of Western Ecuador I recall wondering to myself "How do I always have something to write about after each day when im doing nothing but riding my motorbike?" I thought it was a funny question but knew deep down theres always something to say. The landscapes I pass, the times I get lost, what I ate, etc. Well what I didnt realise as I thought this early yesterday morning was that this day in particular would be one that I would have much to write about. I didnt write this yesterday night so that may be an indicator on the day I had. I began my day in Babahoyo at around 845-9ish am. I had eaten my normal breakfast of 2 yogurts with tiny packs of cornflakes, and apples. I wheeled my motorbike out from storage beside the hotel and just like that I was on the road again. I had planned my route perfectly I was going to take a secondary road North which would arch and connect with Latacunga where I am now so then when I leave I would take the primary road south which connects to my next destination Banos. Everything was perfectly set and so total I believe I was going the right way for a total of three minutes. My phone wanted me to cross a bridge and I didnt know where that was so I mustve reconnected the route and then it changed my course for that primary road. I never did realise I was going that way until I was practically at my destination. Now thats not so bad but that was just the beginning of what was to come. When I as driving into Babahoyo the day before and also the morning as I was driving out., just beautiful, hot, humid weather. As I wrote the day before I got two fairly impressive sun burns on my neck and arms which have now since healed. Yesterday could not be more opposite. If we in Vancouver think our weather is f#cked than Ecuador is on an entire new level. Its the only place I have ever been to where I see the darkest, black, most miserable looking clouds ahead of me that only stir fear in my heart then ill look in my rear view mirrors and its beautiful blue skys. Its a trip. So I was finally glad to get away from the humidity yet I knew I would be sacrificing the beautiful weather with it. As time went on the clouds built up more and more as I was going higher into the mountains. Which was very welcome but it was getting colder. I pulled over and got on my fleece which did the trick some what. I then pulled into the gas station and thats when things got squirlly. Apparently I have been putting the wrong gas in my motorbike for who knows how long. I cannot be blamed though as theres no way of knowing which gas to put in in Ecuador. Theres only two options "Extra" and "Super", Uuh ok. Extra was the cheapest so obviously thats what I went with. Then out of no where with no reason at all Extra gets replaced with this "Ecopais" at the Gas Stations. Ya no idea. My bike had been acting weird for a while making these jerky motions while at top gear I just thought there might have been water in the gas tank. I get the gas at around eleven and so suddenly my bike isnt liking this one bit. I have used the same gas all throughout Ecuador and its weird that my bike started acting weird now all of a sudden. The jerking motions increased heavily and now my bike wouldnt accelerate more than 50 or 60km. I knew right away it was the gas. Worst of all I was climbing higher up the mountain entering dense fog cover. Absolutley the worst time for this to happen. What could I do? I just rode on with my jerky slow moving bike as far to the side of the road as possible allowing everyone to pass me. It got really cold and the rain decided to show. It was actually kind of funny I thought as I was riding because when I ascented as high as possible I entered this beautiful landscape it was like a valley on top of a mountain with wild Elpacas roaming around, first time seeing them too, I saw a bit of snow , and worst of all I knew this road would have made for superb riding. Yet here I was crawling along. My kilometer gage was nearing 1000 so I knew I had to get an oil change soon and I thought lets have the mechanic check it out while im there, yet I knew what was wrong. Got the oil change but had to go to another guy for the tune up in another village. He was great. He took something off the buke and cleaned it out and then tightened my breaks and applied oil to my chain which has been forever. All for $3.00. I then rode to Lacagunga where my bike was still making those jerky motions but as soon as I put the Super gas in the tank it was all smooth. I was tired so I got in the first hotel saw. I asked the price of a room to the lady I heard "diaz" ten. I asked again and I heard "seis Six. Alright! I thought great deal. I unpacked all my gear, parked my bike in the hotel parking and then I find out she said "diaz y seis" Sixteen. Completely my fault I knew that number but I guess I was tired and heard only what I wanted to hear. I reluctantly accepted but when I was laying on my bed it just didnt feel right. So I get all my stuff and get back on my bike because I am a total cheapscape. I then proceed to spend an hour and a half circling through the city looking for a room for $10. Nothing, all $15 or so and they werent even as nice as the first hotel and most importantly have no parking for my bike. After all that time I limp back into the first hotel and ask for another room. I think I was just exhausted because I swear they were messing with me. I had a ground floor room the first time now I was put 3 levels above with no wifi but then I found out people took the room after me. At this time it was around 6:10pm at night I had been on the go since 845am and I was starving and tired. Two things that arent pleasurable together. I immediatley went and get some dinner of Chicken, beans, rice, tomatoes, and avocado. The perfect dinner in my view. Then I went to the neighbouring supermarket got myself a huge CRUNCH bar, some snacks, and breakfast for today. Then I went back to my room and relaxed, watched some shows on my phone, and that was the cap to my day. It really wasnt that bad cause I think I handled it all perfectly, stayed calm throughout and now im taking it easy today in Lacagunga, sitting in a cafe on my second cappucino writing this. I am preparing a three to five day trek around the Quilota crater a couple kilometers from town. Its my solution on whether to spend the big bucks to climb Cotopaxi Volcano so I found this trek you can do by yourself for a few days and its incredibly inexpensive. So ill either do that tomorrow or the next day. After this I am going to try to find some base layers or just another warm layer for myself. Its absolutley insane how there is no store in town that sells good quality climbing gear. I found a cafe where im at now that also organizes tours so I asked the guy where I can buy good gear and he gave me a place. So if you dont hear from me in the next three to five days im out trekking.
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